tst edge - july 2014 issue

July 2014 Issue TST Edge Giving Circle Kers the edge on the latest TST happenings!

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The official newsletter of The Southern Tier Division of the New York District of Circle K International! Giving Circle Kers the edge on the latest TST happenings!


July 2014 Issue

TST Edge Giving Circle Kers the edge on the latest TST happenings!

In this issue:

LTG’s Greeting 1

Meet Your EA 2

CKIx Nashville 3-6

Key Club Counterpart 7

Service Spotlight 7

Elmira Circle K 8

Contact Information 9

Lt. Governor’s Greeting

Hello TST!

I hope you are all having a fabulous summer! Whether

you are traveling, working, taking classes, or just

hanging out by the pool, I appreciate that you are

taking the time to stay up to date with The Southern

Tier! Circle K does not end in the summer, but rather

there is more time to participate in exciting service

projects! Make sure to take part in NYCKI’s “Service

Doesn’t Stop in the Summer” campaign by reporting

your summer service hours to your club secretaries.

I hope you enjoy the rest of this newsletter which

highlights some of the great service projects TST

members are taking part in this summer, such as the

water balloons on the cover that I made at the YMCA

in Nashville during CKIx!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Yours in Service,

Becky Hopkins

Southern Tier Lt. Governor

(516) 640-9384 | [email protected]

Meet Your EA!

Hello everyone! My name is Jessica Wolfe, and I am the new

Executive Assistant of our passionate new Lieutenant Governor of

the Southern Tier, Becky Hopkins! I am currently a sophomore at

Ithaca College where I am studying Speech-Language

Pathology and Audiology. Service and volunteering have always

been important aspects of my life. I still remember the first time I

did service in my community- on Thanksgiving Day, 2001, my

family and I went with our church to pick up trash and

recyclables throughout local neighborhoods to help make our

town a cleaner place. Ever since then, I knew I wanted to give

back to my community and try to make a difference. Upon my

arrival at Ithaca, I knew I had to find a club that promoted just

that. Circle K has become such a significant part of my life since I

joined last year, and I have had many amazing opportunities and

experiences because of it. I was fortunate enough to represent

my college at both New York Speaking in November, and at the

52nd Annual District Convention for NY District Circle K this past

March. (I am looking forward to seeing all of you at future

events!) Service and giving back to our communities are two

things that we all care a great deal about, and it is my goal to

help make this the best year the Southern Tier has seen so far!

From June 17th to 22nd Circle Kers from all over the

world gathered in Nashville, Tennessee for CKIx, a

combination of Large Scale Service Project and

International Convention. Members of the New York

District had the opportunity to meet Circle Kers from

other districts and subregions, and also participated in

various service projects such as cleaning the Harpeth

River, volunteering at the YMCA, and even the

Nashville Zoo! Over just two days Circle Kers

completed over 4,500 hours of service, making Large

Scale Service Project extremely successful!

At CKIx New York was named a Distinguished District

and was recognized as the district that raised the most

for Eliminate. Raising over $12,000 for Eliminate last

year, the New York District donated 25% of Circle K

Internationals total amount for Eliminate for the 2013-

2014 service year.

Congrats to the many NYCKI members and officers

who were recognized for their achievements and took

home awards from CKIx! Special congratulations to

New York Kiwanis Governor Eric Paul who received the

Outstanding Alumni Award, and New York Circle K

Assistant District Administrator and Elmira Circle K

Advisor Alison Mandel who received the Circle of

Service Award!

Subregion F is in good hands this year because

Immediate Past Governor Kelly Chan was elected as

Subregion F Trustee! F-Yeah! Kathy Lee was elected

Circle K International President and Clara Oh was

elected International Vice President!

Through service we give the gift of the right to be


Left: The Mighty New York District!

Above: Alison Mandel with Eric Paul

and Johnny K after receiving the

Circle of Service Award!

Right: Eric Paul receiving the

Outstanding Alumni Award from IP

International President Daniel Tsang!

Service Spotlight: Cornell Circle K

Cornell Circle K had a strong

start to the 2014 service year

with several successful events

such as a bowling fundraiser for

Eliminate, Yogurtland fundraiser

for Eliminate, bake sale, and

helping at Mulchfest which is

the annual fundraiser for the

Ithaca-Cayuga Kiwanis Club!

Left: Governor Renée and LTG Becky

attend Cornell Circle K’s fundraiser for

Eliminate at Yogurtland!

Right: Cornell Circle Kers baking for

their bake sale!



Elmira College Circle K’s Eliminate Dinner

By Natalie Grigoli

Every year Elmira College hosts an Eliminate Dinner to help raise awareness and

money for the fight against neo-natal tetanus. This year, the Circle K members

alone raised almost $500, and additional donations were made by the Elmira

Kiwanis family as well.

At every dinner, Circle K members read off facts about neo-natal tetanus and our

efforts against it, donate money/support fundraisers, and simply enjoy one

another’s company and shared desire to overcome this affliction.

A wonderful meal is served, a great deal of information and knowledge is brought

to the table, and it helps to unite everyone and keep members from different

levels of CKI in the loop with one another. Our lieutenant governor was able to

attend and all other Circle K groups are always welcome to join!

We’re looking forward to another successful Eliminate Dinner next year and hope

to see more supportive and excited faces there!

Contact Information

District Administrator John Keegan:

[email protected]

District Governor Renée Girard:

[email protected]

District Secretary Brian Kenny:

[email protected]

District Treasurer Walaa Ahmed:

[email protected]

Southern Tier Lt. Governor Becky Hopkins:

[email protected]

(516) 640-9384

“Through service we

give the gift of the

right to be loved.”