tstfl hibernians fifty years it itectjpmthat she 'was at ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone...

UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT . Silver ' *. WlllUm F. WebeiC , Following a paralytic ^etroVe tered early yesterday morning liam F. Weber, father ot tormery Chief William T. Weber, of 7 Ch * street, passed away at the home _, his son where he had made hfirhome during his declining years.' Had Mr Weber lived until to,day *he/ Woulc have been 86 years old. Besides for xner Fire Chief Weber the/ deceased leaves another son, ponry/Weber, of Brooklyn, and one 'daugb/ter, Mrs Jpseph Ruddy, of S/Seminary avenue; eighteen - grandchildren; /and elgh.1 great grandchildren. Tho dcceasec was the last of his generation. Mr.' Weber was born In Hanover, Gel-many* and had lived in this coun- try fifty-four years, all of which were spent In- llahway, For many years ho conducted a cobbler shop an thirty- years -Mr^-Weber_liacl. be'ei lk—oj_ the German Fresbytorjan T3E G church."and Was one. of"tKo~toosTTa3tE- wheel" the pastor was 111 Or called aWay Mr. "Weber would often step dl sermon mj-dclivgr as full of. spiritual vitality as If tho " talnistry'had been fal3 chosea-pro£es=- -^aloru—Throughout -the. more^than^a^ halt century that he lived in Rahway he Was beloved and highly i^s»£ec J * by all who knew htm and during his active days there Were but'few 1 who did not know him. His death removes one of the inost . substantial . native Germans and brings grief to a wide /.circle' ~of friends. ».,''" WHY 2—I 3—No 4 —Brings "out recon" ton records tones of GS-AWX- YER PIANOS RECORDS AND sie-itous MUSIC SHOP 244 N. Broad St. (at the Arch) Phone Elizabeth 1050 ELIZABETH, N.J, y 1 ff j ^ son, 7 Chprty street, the ReT. Q. former pastor or the German Preaby terlan' church in this city, wiU offi- ciate. Interment will be in tho + «' plot In Rahway cemetery . PROPERTY TRANSFERS Among the . property transfers re- corded in the pffst few days at the office of the county register in Eliza- beth, are the following: E. R. A. Realty Co. to Stephen A. Roak etui.,: lots 13-14,; block 431. map of Suburban Homes.& Realty Co., Rahway *_-"-i>-".* * - r -•*-•••••• .J100 Charles 6. Tingloy et al. to Beecher M. Cowles ot nx.. southwesterly side Linden avenue. 2S0 feet southeasterly St. GeorEo street. Rahway. *. ; . . , .?! WQw—uu " fcrr- •^" - n r - Leaf dab ot Ebeneier A. M. B. church [AimiauijBntertalnmenljWM held In Morning Star hall last eveningnt" was a red, white, and blue social 1 and the various teams were captained as fol- lows: Reds, Mrs. Kate Van 1 Dyke; Whites, Mrs;' Mary Taylor; Bines, Mrs. Josephine Randolph. A novel bean contest was. held. This was in charge of Miss Pearl Marshall. Refresh- ments were served. Music and vari- ous social diversions added to the en- ] joytnent. ' The committee consisted of President C. V. Aaron. Vice-president Mrs. Katlierlne .'Holmes, Secretary Mrs. Bessie Pyatt and Treasurer Mrs- j Josephine Randolph. I Itching, bleeding. . protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 69c at all drug stores. "Burned Who Pell Sailors Home. 1 Husband," Fnta batel;—HalS~GirI.- X: rick; "Soul Scar." Reeve; Bridgefcsinclalr; "Man Through, the Earth." Wells; "Rainbow Valley." Montgomery: "Box With the Broken; eSals," Oppenheim; "Marjorle at SeacoteV- Well*: "Boy Scouts Year Boot" Mathlews, «d. TOO LATE FOR CLA! ICATION. J-OR RENT—: . room; convex provementa urnlshed front I hath: all im- ng, street. Display FRONT ROOM—Bui: tlemen; all lijpro' heat; -block merce street. two son- tents, steam 3? Com- U Nf/flCE Some one rumor that *|i8y they are day twlc/aa mneh needs retailing <$W|nUng wtcu do it at |L>(&)||1 tof£ also carriage ^^ you—Watt; aeral Repair Shop, dB-St WANTED—Foi riaso and price. . Add," oDlco. girt—doll; car- ReaaonablB )U, care Record ^^- It FOB. RENT— "' -ao'njan. 9 W ,started a; If: stop before I rer in court. | MORTON. I It room for gon avenue. •. U FOR SALE—GenUem ": eood condition/ i Grand street, jl FOR fUTiTTI Om parlor i comp OUw iu Cfl. M-_ mew 3crscv HUvocatc Absorbing Tha Rahway Nsws-Harald, the Saeuwr of the Union Democrat. Established 1840. PRICE THREE CENTS RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9 t 1919 VOL. IX. SERIAL NO. *Q57. ELKSMEMORIAL (MNIZE GIRL KIDNAPPED BY >F.W RVKNINGS UNTIL CHRISTM, P ^ YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Ladies up-to-date SilkVel Ladies all wool Skirts in the Girls 6 to 14 yrs., Winter Coats Boys all waal Chmctolja, waal A Few Gift Suggestions at Special Prices Children's .blanket bath robes for uiTTflrls at— up l-adlos* blanket bath robes; trimmed, heavy roj>o Birdie ; \ all colors and sixes at—• $4,98 np Men's hath robes mode of a whole haacon blanket; desirable patterns at—• $6.98 up ats, all stylesr»t 2 98 1 t plaids and pUin cloth, at 5 5 0 test models and materials, at 9.S8 Overcoats, sizes 2Jo 10, at 7.5ft CHRISTMAS „.__..._. ^ ILadles* long flanelette or. crepe dmonos; very pretty styles, aintily xraamea with satin; all rs at— >' irkish towel _se.tSi_<MixsistitLg of 3 towels and wash doth; Very etty colored borders In blue, pink, ender and. gold al— Set $1,50 up- Bedroom slippers for Iadle3 -and children; all Wool knit onIamb's wool soles; In all colors at—~ \^j 98c up Fancy, boxed ladies embroidered, handkerchiefs; In white and col- ored embroiders-; boi ot 3 or 6. at— ' ' . II s Box up PoslUveay tha largest and best line of ln^fog hxsd bags and parses to be taand her>> from— TOO "MOLOO Ladies' or mous storm-proof um- brellas, finished 'wJth neat and pretty handles at—• BOCHHiETS- tolOc SAB weiif ' ~ Silk Camlsols Kid Gloves Lejohorette Gloves Wool Gloves Silk Waists [I VdUo Watching Spring Water,6 ""^ 60c A High Class Store pealing Only in the Best Goods Is, .December:J>, 6 Tomorrow At ROTH?tCO. Market NOTE OUR PRICES-Largest Dealer j of Meats in the State Specials Sausage Meat Rump Veal, 1b 24c Hatns 'SHoulders Pork ETfSaicefboit. Fresh Calves L^iver, lb 35c ^ 36c Veal e Coro^pund Lard, lb 31c Cbrned Spare pkg30c Real Cuffee without the Caffeine Kaffe freS CORNED PLATE or ^—^ BRISKET, n £™ Safeage, ll> 38c Corned Beefjbjg; Rib Lamb - Chops v Small Legs Spring Rib Roast B1 £^ d trentoir Scrapple; 1ft 18c Pot Roast of Bee SolidlVIeat JBestCuts Sirloin Steak Chopped Steak t Blade Rib Suitable FOR LADIES SUtHoslery --— - Corsets——y— SUk XJndorwoar •White Aprons Sweaters Boudoir Ca!»s_ Neckwear Box Bandkerchleli Leather Baes Velvet Bais Ribbons Toilet Sets Manicure Sets . Knit Underwear Scarf SoU Bath Bobea „, SllkJJettieoaUL EAR£Y) nspirin^ Address by 0. S Commissioner Nat- thews a Feature Pretty Eighteen Year Old Italian Girl is HOLLY" BOXES, all jiiail .Holly Paper Htc Manilla Pa 5r Christmas Packages j FOR CHIC Muslin Wear GIOTOS Cloth Gloves aol M1U» LEND1D _GRAM-«ABKSOCCASIML ITS Bloosas House UTB3SK3 Pin Cuahions. Rompers Children's Dressn Chinchilla Coats BOT'S Hats Handkerchiefs Holly Boies Purses Velvet Hits Farts Garter Boned Neckties Umbrellas ' Card Cases Military Brash Knit Underwear Shirts Pajamas Bath LINENS -Towel Table Cloth Sets Centre Piece* ; Scarf and Shams Bed Spreads LaceCortaias Table~Ctothi ~ "~ FOR INFANTS Mitts Short Dresses Comb asd Brass S«s "Immortality of the"ooul Is one ol ibe creotest preachments of £Ukdom u salJ United States Commlssloaer John A Matthews: in an able and Inspirrsc addreis at the nnnnnl. memorial ser- vice ot Railway Lodge. No. 1.O7S B«nuvbleht and Protective Order o Mkj, at^the Empire Theatre Sondas ovuam^ to theTpresence-ofa^capacit j'4dlenc«. - It Is not tho ract that th body ol a Cailuu. liioUmr UcS herv—or UieJ-e, but that bis soal tests in peace i" Carried off in Automobile as Nearing Her Home in Clark Township MAKES PLEA FOU BETTERAMERICA John Leonard Mtrritl Delivtrs MERCK CO. EMPLOYEES HAVE SOCIAL GATHERING 4.<ldtess Before Daughters of Revolution movie or dime novel plot more brutal r,i forro than the alleged kitlaapptnt; oaj-ly Friday even- ing of Miss llois ICsposlto, daughter p( Mr. and Mrs.- Anlullo Espoalto. ot Madison HIK Koid, Clark Township, Saturday I«I uih.siuu u morning who was give: .Klcpauiic lo t' Company ^Cooperates to Makejhe Affair ^lyaticttig' UNION COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK Benefits to City 'and Coantf and-Refreshments are Enjdyed Before Civic Clnb "UNIEBESTING MEETING AT I' ftRS.F. W. LANGSTlgTffS "Just over the city lino. The deed Is sold to hav« been committed by a rejected suitor. Tony Madura, of Mala- wan. in order lo prevent the girl's marriage with Alfonuo &lscardl, ot 6? East" Grand slniot. this city, which was scheduled for Sunday, Doc. 21. -With- the aM—of —lour—fttij© from her home and send a message ^ _^_ To her parents thatsho was alive "and.1 TBring America lo God, tu Ihe^sanity all right. She took advantage at the j0£ our fathers and to a toleration ot vory outset of the conversation to teli i the rights ot .others were tho points —: : : 7 T ^—gy _ — '_'3— ,„ 1 1 L_.J__J ^..^nlav—ITO I7TTTO—I .flAli - Purthcr evidence of the Interest nnd -round> o.f fostivltiea that tho capable offortii o( Merck Company hi tho committee arranged. Miss Waters wolfaro- of tiiolr empVoyc3*^waB~Erivtsn—wati-abl^-asaistcd-by-ji-Commlttott con- -mr-i-vldav-swonlnz-iidiftn tho first of a slating of Mlsa Van- Slyko, Miss Mao sorles of social gatherings was held Novins, Miss Sadlt) SE-anson7~r-Mlss ACTION TAKEN TO AD- \LANCELTHE PROJECT ol ill tho big Warehouse VocYeatTori hall tottlo Piekarski, Miss Agnes Stewart Si H Flus' Joseph und wa u by about 450 Harry Suiter, Hans Flues, ; us consolation-** Madura, it is said, lay in "wait for tho ebautiful young Italian gixL who that she 'was at Ma.ta"wan and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately snatch- ed hereaway Irom the "phone. Knowing tho Information hadbeen given they left the girl and disappear- .rescued by her parents emphas yesterday atriotic tooc e of the speaker wheri he quoted i "R Washington q saying. "Re' Knit Sets Knit Drawer ^-*rirt"r* Knit I3nderw«r" -Sweattr-Sa!t»— Ball* Hobes" ft-Snort gmis _^ Knit CarrUte Cortni Babies BlukeU PUSo» and morality are the backbone nation." This showed that >* Wash I net on Was an Elk In All the lams rampant In the -cannot—oc—dealth—xtith. ^ t' and"cffectiTely. than on the 1 doctrines of WaabJneton .Lincoln, Jefferson and^.others, 3tho\ laid. _tH« toimdation of this jrreat nation on their belief In Cod. Those who arro- ; to themselves the-powei* of £ov- I ne from her work iu this city. Thtuat Into a bltf touring, car "with hands held over h«r mouth to prevent her outcried, bound-with rope BO she could not use hi^r arms and Iocs. »he was hurried Ut Maiawajn where she was h and relatives shortly afterward and" brought to her home In Clark Town- suffering iorribly from the ner- ard Merrill* vice-governor general oi the Society of Colonial Ward, at the meeting o£ the aebecca, Cornell Chap- ter; tkaughters of the American. Revo- lution, held at the home of Kegent Sirs, S*. W. Langstroth. of 114 West Milton avenge. " Every American, and Teddy Blanket* Crib Spread* foot the imeni. anrl law and forced to accept Madura's at- tentions Friday ni^ht at the point of a s ntraln and shock and more marks on h^r fate andMock and other' evi- dence of rough treatment- -She In now utcer" the care of I>r. J. S. Young, of this city. Ort Friday evening Miss Esposlto her wory at 5.30 o'clock at particularly thoae connected with p trlotlc organizations should insist on the upholding the constitution ot the ments w^re represented in the gather- Ing, Including thjjyNow York ^office Btalf staff. All the department heads 1 . •were present and took an active part •fwnrUpn one of enjoy - revolver. -j the garment shop operated hy her lover, Alfonso BIscardI, corner of (Continued on Paoo *m—M|~>-™-B ~- -. United States and those who do not agree with the constitution should Eet oat of the country. "Are Patri- otic Societies Worth While" Was tho Bpeaker*s theme. That -b.6 beHeved they arc is shown by tho fact that he is identified with id tirely by the employes after having *. u. vuTv . readily secured permission from the A. vury cordial address of welcome officers of tho concerju All depart- . was made byJohn. Fischer, warehouse * " ' J * - i<l 'manager, who made all feel at homo with his hearty grGofixig. lowed a series of social that kept everybody busy and inter- ested. There wore games for all ages ment for all- Miss Mildred Waters, of 15 Elm ave- mover in the event and all tasfelT A spIeBdld pg Was also given, including plane* selec tions. Miss Eleanor Ryno; recitation. After hearing tho comprolienalve Josophj description of tho Union County Me- morial Park project, its benefits to "the couiity~~~gml~lu Raliway-by—Ajthnr— U. Wendoll, the women of tho feder- ated clubs of Rahway present at the monthly meeting of the Civic Club hold Friday afternoon at the- high, school auditorium decided to make s determined campaign to promote the [ county parTr~ByHtBmT—Tbo~n rst~toov«— will be tho drafting of a sot of resolur- tioiis by the Legislative Committee^ Then fol- diversions Biancuo TSTfl HIBERNIANS Jlfty Pants Babies Balh S«i Joo To AlmLchty from oar . Christ ^-ont over the . u ^ with oar boys in Flan dors fields unJ took fiO.OOO of *bota wjch Him. HaJ It not been, so the itcrpexit of W1RIM Sons of American Revolution, *lcm and Patriots* Society, Society .of War_o« 1S1V- Men- of Continental Kavy, Huguenot Society"" aE3 the or- ganisation mentioned above. ~ He wanted to know if people joined pa- r rlotic societies because their nelgh- Ufil and when it was first broached to Slisij _ George Merck, head of the big coa [ dance. Miss Josmlo O'Keefo and Miss cern, ho jwas delighted with tho plan j Gladys Somerjndyke, Miss O'JCoefo and aided In every way possible toi appearing In dress suit and admirably make tho affair a success. | enacting tho HmscuUn© role. One of Prom every viewpoint it was a the very creditable features was tho Ll^_democratic affair, officers of tho singing of "Carolina Sunshine" by ^acern, heads of the departments^nd^ohn'T>w7oiT~who-ai>tyeared-in-^veaiiiK employes mingled joyously la tho {Oohtlnued on Page Four) L Laii&Iotz FIFTY YEARS it |d Bayo Won. looked upon VellS". BED BLANKETS BE0 COMFORTABLES j at S^^nu—Saturdays, at KL34 "America Id looked Upon ss th^ j -..^r of the world in social, oconbml- j j^ajid poUUcal matters and America j tvu^ioua auuM-, . v do this We tmist ' battlah iocUbnalisnirijl£otry and bar-} —rownestf and. «4tabUsh the brother* ' hood ot knan,. an ttkj" said the bpeakof, "and 16VO of Cod and of oar fellow men Is tho v<*ry cornerstone of Elkdom.'* : His. Kardos oi 61 Oliver Street Slashes HerThroat With itECTJpM Fred Boyne Chosen President, a Kazor IN POOR HEALTH, WILL PROBABLY LIVE and Other OHfciTFilled Foi Ensuing Term to-do so~by—angeatry—or because_they^ wautod to make America bettor. The latter reason was.stressed as the only ono worth while. Mr. Merrill em- ^^,?^^ IS Z constitution* "dTT'.the TJiiitcd "States, banish discord, strike against strikes -*.Y*ri. ^yiv., v^^^f^^p; -who a r c against our form - of government out of the SuM< j rinc from ill healtl. Mrs. Jen- M# about 30 yeaK old. wifo I ttuler Samuel H. A ^plondld musical was also carried out. After the mem- bora of the lodge had marched into tfa*? theatre and occripled fcoaU re- Served for them front of the aL**<* th.? Io4fi« ceremoutoti Wor»> carried PLAN FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY ENTERTAINMENT Rev. Father Rhabanus Pleas antly Surprised by Parisli- ioners in Honor of Event T^U QU I.T y - ^—•— The address was ably presented and mado a Heap improssion. State Re- gont Mrs. James Pioldef was unabla to bo present. There wore some ox ,.A»iin»^llv fine vocal- gclectlona by aooti ia order to roHeye her sulfor- Irigs. She slashed hor throat with a riiior. Bcvoring the windpipe and In- tilctlug a terrible gash. She was found uaoti after the dcWd- had been committed by Mrs. Margaret WaUen- Klilet, 1&4 West Grand street, a nelgh- in a Sioml-clrc vat-iint chair. ; one A aiiartet composed of Much activity was shown last night at the monthly session of Division •__Z.. Ancient Order ot Hibernians. for the ensi ~~*" TeCied as follow^: President, Fred TU Boyaie; vice-president, James vf-arney. Sr.; rocordlnB secretary, Leo Murphy; financial secretary, Ed- ward J. Best; treasurer, Patrick Mc- Cms, Jr.; chairmanj>f standing com- ROLL AT •resented to tho Board of Freeholders;, mu a committee was also appointed -•onsisting of Mrs. Mary C. Cloke and.* Mrs. Aaron Dean, members of the original local park commission, to lay *" the matter before the women's clnbs- if-tfacr-counfcy- an d-socuro-their- co^opfir>. :tion iu having the park system car- ried to 5uecoBsfui"~achievemo)!it. The . luu by Mr. tVendelL -covered tbo proposition most thoroughly- and-eUcJ^- id many favorable comments. President Mrs. William F. Littler |$~ hi rhnrfp of tho meeting. Seventy-five Pupils Attain the | Coveted Distincticn fot-ihe : Month oi November OBSERVED ALSO Al si. NAM In the rQpprt of Mru. A. D. Brearloy, chairman ol the Visiting Nursts Com-- tnlttoe, it was ntatod that Mlas Mar- garet Whltcraft. registered nurse, wilt succeed Mrs. R. E. Pearson, who ro- Biijns to continue her training In a hos- "Sllan 5Jrsn3roarley'-pn,id high-tribute- to tho «plondid work done by Mrs. Poaraon. Miss Whltcraft has boon ou- Poaraon. M gaged io- Child Hygiene W&Vk tor thw and has a wide oxperioace. It" with her taking nv TARV'S ABBEY NEWARK ONES IN VARIOUS GRADES 1 ,- £•"=- - * « Jtt « J!1 new ptan James T. Banios, ot Jersey City, a brother of Mrs. Langstroth. Tho business of tho mooting postponed, with tho exception of sub and roceiviuE Miss ^tarlon fritter in- to tnemberGhli>. X peasant social time and l-efreahmonts followed, fto- Eent Mrs. F. W. Y>nYtgstroth was in charge of the meeting. V.Vbi:r :>«<!• Goorec Cnlttendoo. "Tho Vacant Chair." after which 'j n ~ Flnr >r. Mrs. Kardna was hurried to ahway Hospital and dosplte o"und"-Kntl-^w»at. loss. of. blood liald to have Kftod t-hanctss o^ *- v-has^one- -chlld-^oVeral f-r huabancl Ta~etot»loyocl Michael Miller, H.mry J. Miller. H is oipoctod that tho Installation of these oJ*lcers will 12. by will be adopted whereby the nurao work will be obtainable by the hour. Informal celebration ot "fifty years : m t T Jh, rr1P ii^ u >^ii,^,n fm j anlde from the general work horoto- as a member of the Benedictine Or-' enulo attained oiEhty per cent, o r > r e carried on. Mtea Whltcraft cornea- " • , . , , „„_„„„ ' better in their studies at St. Mary's highly recommended, der -waB-held at St. Mark s German lmroch)al Bchoo , duHne Novcmber ac . I A ro(lueB t was received from Georco ~ "iolte Church in ^ qi^'^^^fl^apiltLE^I^thj^h^nor roll announced W. MinBUs in charge of the Red Cross morning '"Tor tho Rov. Rha- Sunday by the R"ev. C~.~X"i£ane~. Tu~6^'<3ttrtBtn^aa-Seala-dr4vo-l&-th]g frjty—thai— banus M. Gutmarin. pastor. Father slith grade had seventeen and the the members of the women's clubs aid Rhabanus as he Is generally known commercial class Tiftoon on tho list. In the sale of those seals. It was de- was pleasantly surprised following the This surpasses the record mado by tho, elded that the federated clubs. In- | High mass Sunday morning with a school In tho preceding month. The| eluding the Civic. Home Roadlng and series of ontortalnment foaturos In Hut of honor pupils in the various Athonlan. would each take charge for ' •" - 1 -- «~#.-i.i« ..vtiwv^r- trades include the fol U-W<WiS rbyH»rtfy W. Dodd. "XVB Maria" | M a , ol . aI ra!mufacturlnK plant. Schubert-Marcosson/ waa iplayed by I _— WIIIUU Todd Vanles on thi. vloliB In] SALMAGUNDI Conn-v and staff, of Elizabeth. Preliminary : = plans ,nt«rtalnmont—on_St uunidT~ _ ' prano. Sondorcd "FaceTo Mfihiy^-CTCditabIe"WBy--*^-TlJe Uy Mr. Matthews followed. . Woluohcroft. buritone. sanB "Boautlful 1 erB o( tho Patrick's Day, March 17, and the fol- lowing committee was^_jipjpolntod^ James Kearney, Sr.. fifaiti Xluiw.-R.- Oaly^.H'iury . Thomas Stacy, PntfTcTr"Mc~Cu5; Father C. J. Kane, Edward J. irv Thoso present were: Mrs. Thomas j harmony with tho notable anlnver- grades include the following: ( one day of the seal stations at the post (. Bakor. Mrs. W. K. Serry, tho sary. With Rudolph J. Sauor acting Commercial Class—James Klnnoal- ofllce and railroad station. •• —ts car- ly, Mabel Kilaby, Grace Dunn. William, (Continued on l»ao« 3) 1 Ttod^tTn thTpa^iBh hall to which the Dommlncy, John CbHey. TSiTward . MOOSE W , L| _HAVE CLASS . .. .. . . ,„ v Dn »l, n « Murimret INITIATION DEC. 22. Soven appllcttflons w«ro ballQtp,4, "' James T. Barnes, Mrs. James McKen lie, Mrs. Frank Moore. Miss Jane Rol-j J J. Vail. Mrs. C. EJ" LCO at- tliti-msotinE^Jfttn. 12^ by j llnuon, Mrs. J J. Vail, Mrs. *J. ti* service. , l'rosident Michael 3. MahtraoyJijSrniarin^-^MRr. Ft. W^E.lliott, .Mrs. j _ Jo.sopn Rack recited a attlng poem. Sauors, Graco Best, Cutherii If. of Elizabeth. lw. F. Little. Miss Marlon "Baker;iwiW i teiS|iB<iriiomaBu153, Jlphttoli tn^hebalf of Florence McCue, Kathryn Tn-!narV:= ulans were madoB.IoriJjtfarion-iJRlUer, Mlsa^.A^S_-WpodruCf.[tho-chur.ch-Brcsented~ggthe?r&^VaMnsj^atliat'ino.MilleJ.. . .. -- - • - ' - .T::_: ; , „ „ „ x , lM ^li-hth"Grauo^aarl|3rott- riod out intho parish hall to which tho Dommlney, John CoTfoy^ EiTward. veuorable :| prlost was invited after the O'Connor Loretta Keoshan, Marguret m»j«..,. mhiMh Zrvnnv. Clare , dow,- Blizabotli Zrynny, Clare . Rack recited a flttlng poem. Sauors, Graco Best, Catherine Franks,' Conway. Overton, Goorda T. a substantial purso of ^and Mrs. F. w . Langstroth. SjQLV. COMFORTER CHURCH - - H A S MOST SUGCESSPTJCVEXR Woluoncrtft. baritone. « "Beautiful jerB o( tho various ^~"c'd for the!" During the meotinB some e x c e l l e n t ' Bd throuBh mannerT ,! R=»" ea ot ' h * ,, T^'l „„„„„. Six' me held Sunday nt According lo tho repocts prosonted ivenlng a\._tho rally hold in th» rooms of the Church of EHe' Holy Comforter the church has just last evening at the meeting of Rahway raUu S I*aiiarino.,Mil!<sr. - , LodB °' No ' l ' 3G3 ' Loyal Order ot >«SrEgKh"arodt^MS^ra^aii*ttm^-^» 8 ^ ""d-Uiree applicatloUB were of" 8 years, presented Father ttba- na Nolan, Marie Nolan, Loretta Allen. t" oto r o r t he Initiation or a large banus a beautiful bouquet and basket George Walker. , nn Monday evening. Dec. 22. U^tralte- : Seventh Gradc-Allan_.Hamtll, Alice Theh< "<" nt P lctur * show »"dor _tho ,^-l^witvn-wi>ll WIHIICH RY- anlna. Edmund JMItchell, ' <j 0r trude sttsI> _ le<! *- :;o ^ th f7 lod B0 pressed , O'Conno,' ^ ^nn^A by Man-1 1MH*PI> wore awarded, throo for auuiu. m °V. lyoar In its Audi-1 , , -__ ti ing held Sunday nt Kreugor Audi- j j ^ f o r l l ) c tuInre . A budget , lorium. Newark, which was attended j - , ^ ^ provi,linK for a greatly en- p" 111 ™"^ Chairman Sauer and thn Bast, Anna Elsolt, Robert -t>a-rttelpimt»—I=ather-JRhabanniL^JohnJHorne>vJttuBselLa'.Connui:.^uiu Innatelv told of his appreciation, thy Hummell, Josephine McCarthy the church has W«|^™-' O p riato remarks were also sixth Grade-Catherine Enuis. Elea , tho.moat successful, will ° "PP r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Rpbort Leary Edwln O - Co ,, history with aTBrTelft out-|-™ a «« »r _ ,„„,„„„ Mmll of Pat lier nor. Miriam Bolco. Eleanor Leahy. -tfe ,1 he held at ^ 1 tonla, Ky.. a lifelong friend of Father nor, Miriam habanus. Annu Walsh, Gertrude Loughlin. A more imposing observance of thu Helen Bolce, Grace Schmaoling, Mnde- ^* "' " ' ' * »-»... Doyle, Albert nesdliy ajld Thursday evenings, Jan. T and~S: A"h atrractive^proeramts "betnc arranged. Despite the unfavorable weather ther*;—wtiH -a large aXtenflnncc. and much enthusiasm was shown. HAROLD WRIGHT PROMOTED Tire N'avy Recruiting oHice at mor pupils of Father Rhabanun tlouolly l carrled out. Father Xllmbauus voceivod made doubly Impressive by the* <act that Past, HSttltodRirter-FTank C. Kn- Blohart. ono of the organizers of the lodge, passed away only the day preVl- OUB. . . Ulss Lillian Porrlno oiriclatod at the piano In a way that was very com- mendable. bring a| Do valora; tormor Congressman Eu- t'ono F. Kinkoad. Frank P. Walsh and others, concluding with Mr. Do Valera. Tho plan of action suguoatod by tho latter waa organisation ao that the ROWLEY WINS APPEAL The appeal of Goorgo Rowloy, of 28 Kast Hazolwood avonuo, to tho State p latter was organisation BOthat tho Kast Hazolwood a e , American supporters of Irish freedom Board of Taxation for allowance of concentrate their forces and $S00 exemption in taxes aa he is a votoran of tho Spanish-American war, of tho lodge In whoso -momory-tha uorylfio waa hold Include the tollow- odKOS. Chino, Charlos B. JHtolmoa, ._Alo' :^::JiiSborii;~-;<ajf^-"W7;=I«!=«;l»o^ Rowland, tell -F. Wilson. Charloa _'JMiae.! M< McCarthy, Morton;" oale^mod roaaWB » »» 01 h LaM,l, loa r may waste no onorgy At tho mooting gilcatlons worp rocolyed_an: dldato's"'' ''•'•"-*—• ' n r y p Adolph .Orphmari,^ S it*; Wlllian.-D. Fonton. MoNully. Charle. H. Schlmult \<s' mldt: oaautro". Frort W. WilUnni F Uyno: crantod yeatorday. Acting on ad- ^ t tho local antod yeay Attorney Armstrong tho local aUow . tno oyem p- n p. w7ftD~eNS INCREASE oyo^Btton Tl n decision raacliod at hofoyo •of tho Fir uuti. «««•. w.icir~stlrvlci after will bo sixty- cents an hour Jn carried out. Father KnaDuuub r^uivuu uiucu. ^uum, *v*...^ ...^ many valuablo glftB from friends, for- nonhino Luckhurst, Henrietta Bergen mer pupils and parishioners. Arthur nollly. ProvldlnB ho lsv. (spared until Christ- ; mns tUroo years honco Rov. Father HAD INFORMATION ' . :, ASOUT ANARCHIST: Claiming that ho had information I about a "bunch .of anarchists" John la^-dfaTSni.i^fciaiiNattltBrpad^lxnot, -- TT»n^i,i^ v.,^r, l^,?pA,i nn nt nnllco"hea'd~ Rhabanue will colobr'iito hts golden •lost. Ho has now boon Hi^Si^jsg^OtL.y.Ciaira. John j Qu»- C Englehnrt. - - ~- •; -The<;ominl [rmftnj—Al IT'S "FAIF f —rTHE u:|s. DAY AN t«o'lir cl i stpad of tliivtyjis heretofore. „,.„„..,„, chttriofl P. Ilyno: j tlon of the proportion tn.tlioUro limits i Iiccopto( , PrTc ' V OQbbin.. Honry o , th0 city was started, S a t u r d a y ^ 1 ^ , FrWltL. Foil""' A' blirt will be contluued from time to time TT,T-t.VSU C-Hii«roli«i'l'. iwst .,.„„mcMne wua called by-Flro Clilot - } _'r{> iu.ioti.•.T,-\Vllllnn.-W..d... K«mlt: ANDL^AT,MER" ATiUl^l^ WlUtor_ a Juclc-o, V. DobbluH. iViUInm ; William Godfro^r- UHICOTO -^IUWUII X \yil--j-a^.r-•-••Koi-nraunYJToliu-.J.'Nn^T;~nocx$:: TO- '._AdV. Kni No. t*:lV, hSfa-^ai\\V(1 ftV'a&yfotillK* I two c(ittdl(!ata» wowCUiUlAtbtlj ouo np- inupoc- |jpyCatlqA rqcolvod* and two" tranntora from PlvUiiilolplifii ami At- •«...^t, Ga. At tlio noxt'Tftiootinp: bntlfieH •wrlH bo awanlotl to tho»*mejiibev»v" o L tlio Unlou in miUttiry fiorvtco. Tho \mloti attondi'd Ujo Flritt %totliocli»t .ch^ivc 1L : ' Su n (1 a y " 'r|ltpq^^aHtor~'Pf~Str-Hftrtc ! a— >oluirJ.h—in- Hiniinn. nuia.^Mmv!;.vL iu» u^ tJ v...w^ . ** dll his knowledEO to a doto TRAP CRAP SHOOTERS Six boys whose agett raugo from 1G to 20 years wore traftpod la tho mltlm of a crap game by tho Ingenuity of OUlcer Prank C. Ro'mer and Mai CioKe Sunday night shortly before 9 o'clock. They were having a K^incr in tho Meadow avenue tiranel undor the *allrond when the oiUcere suddenly xuado thoir appoarance from opposite directions. The boy« w^re arraigriod [:thia.. afternoon boforo JudKo O. H. inTpaffod: J _»___. m IT'S^TAIR INO feRMER^ At THE (J. S.I L y O c THEATRE To- DAY AND TP^ORROW.— walfnro oC the'"pnriah. . Captain .Honry *Dcqker, locul_ weather prophets' siayH that this winter I;i Koinu "To""fool "sbnio 6T~"fhp weather-wlners, as It will not bo an open one,**nnd wllllhavd novoro cold Ho nrodlcts flfteon «m.t, v his Itnowledgo to a dotoctivo. Ho waa -ttilccn homo yesterday by hia ono of the ' father. Plana *foi* u boefHteaU dinner nt narly- data-.wore. uLarltitl Friday nvon- inp: at tho ruoetine of tho IO In $GG.0O0 POH CHRISTMAS That tho Christmas Club at the Railway National Bank in talton ad- vantage ot by a larfyy uumhor of J^tht ?G(>,000 will ho distributed .todjiy and tomorrow innoiiK those* -\vlio-i.<K>k'' canlii In *this clul) plan. .TMSfe nutii local Joo .Frank Grolnor dinl Goorgo Uiiibor

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Page 1: TSTfl HIBERNIANS FIFTY YEARS it itECTJpMthat she 'was at Ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately


' *. WlllUm F. WebeiC ,Following a paralytic ^etroVe

tered early yesterday morningliam F. Weber, father ot tormeryChief William T. Weber, of 7 Ch

* street, passed away at the home _,his son where he had made hfirhomeduring his declining years.' Had MrWeber lived until to,day *he/ Woulchave been 86 years old. Besides forxner Fire Chief Weber the/ deceasedleaves another son, ponry/Weber, ofBrooklyn, and one 'daugb/ter, MrsJpseph Ruddy, of S/Seminary avenue;eighteen - grandchildren; /and elgh.1great grandchildren. Tho dcceasecwas the last of his generation.

Mr.' Weber was born In Hanover,Gel-many* and had lived in this coun-try fifty-four years, all of which werespent In- llahway, For many yearsho conducted a cobbler shop an

thirty- years -Mr^-Weber_liacl. be'eilk—oj_ the German Fresbytorjan

T 3 EG

church."and Was one. of"tKo~toosTTa3tE-

wheel" the pastor was 111 Or calledaWay Mr. "Weber would often step

d l sermonmj-dclivgras full of. spiritual vitality as If tho

" talnistry'had been fal3 chosea-pro£es=--^aloru—Throughout -the. more^than^a^

halt century that he lived in Rahwayhe Was beloved and highly i sȣecJ *by all who knew htm and during hisactive days there Were but'few1 whodid not know him. His death removesone of the inost . substantial . nativeGermans and brings grief to a wide

/.circle' ~of friends. » . , ' ' "


2—I3—No4 —Brings "out


ton recordstones of


RECORDS ANDsie-itous

MUSIC SHOP244 N. Broad St. (at the Arch)

Phone Elizabeth 1050


y 1 ff j ^son, 7 Chprty street, the ReT. Q.

former pastor or the German Preabyterlan' church in this city, wiU offi-ciate. Interment will be in tho + « 'plot In Rahway cemetery .

PROPERTY TRANSFERSAmong the . property transfers re-

corded in the pffst few days at theoffice of the county register in Eliza-beth, are the following:

E. R. A. Realty Co. to Stephen A.Roak etui. , : lots 13-14,; block 431. mapof Suburban Homes.& Realty Co.,Rahway *_-"-i>-".* * • - r - •* - • • • • • • .J100

Charles 6. Tingloy et al. to BeecherM. Cowles ot nx.. southwesterly sideLinden avenue. 2S0 feet southeasterlySt. GeorEo street. Rahway. *. ; . . , . ? !

• WQw—uu " fcrr- •^" - n r -

Leaf d a b ot Ebeneier A. M. B. church[AimiauijBntertalnmenljWM held InMorning Star hall last eveningnt" wasa red, white, and blue social1 and thevarious teams were captained as fol-lows: Reds, Mrs. Kate Van1 Dyke;Whites, Mrs;' Mary Taylor; Bines, Mrs.Josephine Randolph. A novel beancontest was. held. This was in chargeof Miss Pearl Marshall. Refresh-

ments were served. Music and vari-ous social diversions added to the en-

] joytnent. ' The committee consisted ofPresident C. V. Aaron. Vice-presidentMrs. Katlierlne .'Holmes, SecretaryMrs. Bessie Pyatt and Treasurer Mrs-

j Josephine Randolph.

I Itching, bleeding. . protruding orblind piles have yielded to Doan'sOintment. 69c at all drug stores.

"BurnedWho Pell

Sailors Home.1

Husband," Fntabatel;—HalS~GirI.- X:rick; "Soul Scar." Reeve;Bridgefcsinclalr; "ManThrough, the Earth." Wells; "RainbowValley." Montgomery: "Box With theBroken; eSals," Oppenheim; "Marjorleat SeacoteV- Well*: "Boy Scouts YearBoot" Mathlews, «d.


J-OR RENT—:. room; convexprovementa

urnlshed frontI hath: all im-

ng, street.


FRONT ROOM—Bui:tlemen; all lijpro'heat; -blockmerce street.

two son-tents, steam

3? Com-U

Nf/flCESome one

rumor that *|i8ythey are

day twlc/aa mneh

needs retailing <$W|nUng w t c udo it at |L>(&)||1 tof£ also carriage

^ ^ you—Watt;aeral Repair Shop,


WANTED—Foiriaso andprice. . Add,"oDlco.

girt—doll; car-ReaaonablB

)U, care Record^^- It

FOB. RENT—"' -ao'njan. 9 W

,started a;If: stop before Irer in court. |


room for gonavenue.

•. U

FOR SALE—GenUem": eood condition/ i

Grand street, jl

FOR fUTiTTI Omparlor icompOUw iu

Cfl. M-_

mew 3crscv HUvocatcAbsorbing Tha Rahway Nsws-Harald, the S a e u w r of the Union Democrat. Established 1840.





Ladies up-to-date Silk VelLadies all wool Skirts in theGirls 6 to 14 yrs., Winter CoatsBoys all waal Chmctolja, waal

A Few Gift Suggestions at Special Prices

Children's .blanket bath robes foruiTTflrls at—

upl-adlos* blanket bath robes;

trimmed, heavy roj>o Birdie ; \ all

colors and sixes at—•

$4,98 npMen's hath robes mode of a

whole haacon blanket; desirablepatterns at—•

$6.98 up

ats, all stylesr»t 2 98 1t plaids and pUin cloth, at 5 50

test models and materials, at 9 .S8Overcoats, sizes 2Jo 10, at 7.5ft



ILadles* long flanelette or. crepedmonos; very pretty styles,aintily xraamea with satin; all

rs at— >'

irkish towel _se.tSi_<MixsistitLg of3 towels and wash doth; Very

etty colored borders In blue, pink,ender and. gold al—

Set$1,50 u p -

Bedroom slippers for Iadle3 -andchildren; all Wool knit on Iamb'swool soles; In all colors at—~ \^j

98c up

Fancy, boxed ladies embroidered,handkerchiefs; In white and col-ored embroiders-; boi ot 3 or 6.at— ' ' . IIs

Boxu p

PoslUveay tha largest and bestline of ln^fog hxsd bags and parsesto be taand her>> from—

TOO "MOLOOLadies' or mous storm-proof um-

brellas, finished 'wJth neat andpretty handles at—•




weiif ' ~Silk CamlsolsKid GlovesLejohorette GlovesWool GlovesSilk Waists

[I VdUo

Watching Spring Water,6 "" 60cA High Class Store pealing Only in the Best Goods

Is, .December:J>, 6

Tomorrow At ROTH?tCO. MarketNOTE OUR PRICES-Largest Dealer j of Meats in the State


Sausage Meat Rump Veal, 1b 2 4 cHatns

'SHoulders Pork ETfSaicefboit.Fresh Calves L iver, lb 3 5 c

^ 36cVeal eCoro^pund Lard, lb 31c

CbrnedSpare pkg30cReal Cuffee without the



n£™ Safeage, ll> 38cCorned Beefjbjg;Rib Lamb

- Chops vSmall Legs Spring Rib Roast B 1 £ ^ d

trentoir Scrapple; 1ft 18cPot Roast of Bee


Sirloin Steak Chopped Steakt

Blade Rib


SUtHoslery --— -


SUk XJndorwoar

•White Aprons

SweatersBoudoir Ca!»s_NeckwearBox BandkerchleliLeather BaesVelvet Bais

RibbonsToilet SetsManicure Sets .Knit UnderwearScarf SoUBath Bobea

„, SllkJJettieoaUL


nspirin^ Address by

0. S Commissioner Nat-

thews a Feature

Pretty Eighteen Year Old Italian Girl is

HOLLY" BOXES, all jiiail

.Holly PaperHtc Manilla Pa

5r Christmas Packages j


Muslin WearGIOTOS

Cloth Glovesaol M1U»


ITS Bloosas

House UTB3SK3

Pin Cuahions.

RompersChildren's DressnChinchilla CoatsBOT'S Hats

Handkerchiefst° Holly Boies


Velvet Hits

Farts GarterBoned NecktiesUmbrellas 'Card CasesMilitary BrashKnit UnderwearShirts



-TowelTable Cloth SetsCentre Piece* ;Scarf and ShamsBed SpreadsLaceCortaiasTable~Ctothi ~ " ~


MittsShort Dresses

Comb asd Brass S«s

"Immortality of the"ooul Is one olibe creotest preachments of £Ukdomu

salJ United States Commlssloaer JohnA Matthews: in an able and Inspirrscaddreis at the nnnnnl. memorial ser-vice ot Railway Lodge. No. 1.O7SB«nuvbleht and Protective Order oMkj, at^the Empire Theatre Sondasovuam^ to theTpresence-ofa^capacitj'4dlenc«. - It Is not tho ract that thbody ol a Cailuu. liioUmr UcS herv—orUieJ-e, but that bis soal tests in peace

i "

Carried off in Automobile as Nearing HerHome in Clark Township


John Leonard Mtrritl Delivtrs


4.<ldtess Before Daughters

of Revolution

movie or dime novel plot

more brutal r,i forro than the

alleged kitlaapptnt; oaj-ly Friday even-ing of Miss llois ICsposlto, daughterp( Mr. and Mrs.- Anlullo Espoalto. otMadison HIK Koid, Clark Township,


I«I uih.siuu u

morning who was give:

.Klcpauiic lo t'

Company ^Cooperates to Makejhe Affair^lyaticttig'


Benefits to City 'and Coantf

and-Refreshments are Enjdyed Before Civic Clnb


I ' ftRS.F. W. LANGSTlgTffS

"Just over the city lino. The deed Issold to hav« been committed by arejected suitor. Tony Madura, of Mala-wan. in order lo prevent the girl'smarriage with Alfonuo &lscardl, ot 6?East" Grand slniot. this city, whichwas scheduled for Sunday, Doc. 21.

-With- the aM—of—lour—fttij©

from her home and send a message ^ • _^_To her parents thatsho was alive "and.1 TBring America lo God, tu Ihe^sanityall right. She took advantage at the j 0£ our fathers and to a toleration otvory outset of the conversation to teli i the rights ot .others were tho points

— : : : 7 T ^—gy _ „ — '_'3— , „ 1 1 L _ . J _ _ J ^..^nlav—ITO I7TTTO—I .flAli -

Purthcr evidence of the Interest nnd -round> o.f fostivltiea that tho capableoffortii o( Merck Company hi tho committee arranged. Miss Waterswolfaro- of tiiolr empVoyc3*^waB~Erivtsn—wati-abl -asaistcd-by-ji-Commlttott con--mr-i-vldav-swonlnz-iidiftn tho first of a slating of Mlsa Van- Slyko, Miss Maosorles of social gatherings was held Novins, Miss Sadlt) SE-anson7~r-Mlss


o lill tho big Warehouse

VocYeatTori hall tottlo Piekarski, Miss Agnes StewartS i H Flus ' Joseph

und wauby about 450

Harry Suiter, Hans Flues,

; us consolation-**Madura, it is said, lay in "wait fortho ebautiful young Italian gixL who

that she 'was at Ma.ta"wan and gatihtf telephone number ot the placefrom "where sho 'was sending the Tnes"sage. Her captors Immediately snatch-ed hereaway Irom the "phone.

Knowing tho Information had beengiven they left the girl and disappear-

.rescued by her parents

emphas yesterday

atriotic tooc eof the speaker wheri he quoted

i "RWashingtonq

saying. "Re'

Knit SetsKnit Drawer -*rirt"r*Knit I3nderw«r"-Sweattr-Sa!t»—

Ball* Hobes"

ft-Snort gmis _Knit CarrUte Cortni

Babies BlukeUPUSo»

and morality are the backbonenation." This showed that

>* Wash I net on Was an Elk InAll the lams rampant In the

-cannot—oc—dealth—xtith.^ t' and"cffectiTely. than onthe1 doctrines of WaabJneton .Lincoln,Jefferson and^.others, 3tho\ laid. _tH«toimdation of this jrreat nation ontheir belief In Cod. Those who arro-

; to themselves the-powei* of £ov-I ne

from her work iu this city. ThtuatInto a bltf touring, car "with handsheld over h«r mouth to prevent heroutcried, bound-with rope BO she couldnot use hi r arms and Iocs. »he washurried Ut Maiawajn where she was


and relatives shortly afterward and"brought to her home In Clark Town-

suffering iorribly from the ner-

ard Merrill* vice-governor general oithe Society of Colonial Ward, at themeeting o£ the aebecca, Cornell Chap-ter; tkaughters of the American. Revo-lution, held at the home of KegentSirs, S*. W. Langstroth. of 114 WestMilton avenge. " Every American, and

Teddy Blanket*Crib Spread*



anrllaw and forced to accept Madura's at-tentions Friday ni^ht at the point of a

s ntraln and shock and more markson h^r fate and Mock and other' evi-dence of rough treatment- -She In nowutcer" the care of I>r. J. S. Young, ofthis city.

Ort Friday evening Miss Esposltoher wory at 5.30 o'clock at

particularly thoae connected with ptrlotlc organizations should insist onthe upholding the constitution ot the

ments w^re represented in the gather-Ing, Including thjjyNow York officeBtalf staff. All the department heads1.•were present and took an active part

•fwnrUpn one of enjoy -

revolver. -j

the garment shop operated hy herlover, Alfonso BIscardI, corner of

(Continued on Paoo

—*m—M|~>-™-B ~ - -.

United States and those who do notagree with the constitution shouldEet oat of the country. "Are Patri-otic Societies Worth While" Was thoBpeaker*s theme.

That -b.6 beHeved they arc is shownby tho fact that he is identified with

i dtirely by the employes after having * . u. vuTv .readily secured permission from the A. vury cordial address of welcomeofficers of tho concerju All depart- . was made by John. Fischer, warehouse

* " ' J* - —i<l 'manager, who made all feel at homowith his hearty grGofixig.lowed a series of socialthat kept everybody busy and inter-ested. There wore games for all ages

ment for all-Miss Mildred Waters, of 15 Elm ave-

mover in the event

and all tasfelT A spIeBdld p gWas also given, including plane* selections. Miss Eleanor Ryno; recitation.

After hearing tho comprolienalveJosophj description of tho Union County Me-

morial Park project, its benefits to"the couiity~~~gml~lu Raliway-by—Ajthnr—U. Wendoll, the women of tho feder-ated clubs of Rahway present at themonthly meeting of the Civic Clubhold Friday afternoon at the- high,school auditorium decided to make s

• determined campaign to promote the[ county parTr~ByHtBmT—Tbo~n rst~toov«—will be tho drafting of a sot of resolur-tioiis by the Legislative Committee^

Then fol-diversions



Jlfty PantsBabies Balh S«i

Joo To

AlmLchty from oar.» . Christ ^-ont over the

. u ^ with oar boys in Flan dors fieldsunJ took fiO.OOO of *bota wjch Him.HaJ It not been, so the itcrpexit of


Sons of American Revolution,*lcm and Patriots* Society, Society .ofWar_o« 1S1V- Men- of ContinentalKavy, Huguenot Society"" aE3 the or-ganisation mentioned above. ~ Hewanted to know if people joined pa-rrlotic societies because their nelgh-

U f i l

and when it was first broached to Slisij _George Merck, head of the big coa [ dance. Miss Josmlo O'Keefo and Misscern, ho jwas delighted with tho plan j Gladys Somerjndyke, Miss O'JCoefoand aided In every way possible to i appearing In dress suit and admirablymake tho affair a success. | enacting tho HmscuUn© role. One of

Prom every viewpoint it was a the very creditable features was thoLl^_democratic affair, officers of tho singing of "Carolina Sunshine" by

^ a c e r n , heads of the departments^nd^ohn'T>w7oiT~who-ai>tyeared-in-^veaiiiKemployes mingled joyously la tho {Oohtlnued on Page Four)

L Laii&Iotz


|d Bayo Won.

looked upon



at S^^nu—Saturdays, at KL34

"America Id looked Upon s s th^ j-..^r of the world in social, oconbml- jj^ajid poUUcal matters and America j

tvu^ioua auuM-, . v do this We tmist 'battlah iocUbnalisnirijl£otry and bar-}

—rownestf and. «4tabUsh the brother* 'hood ot knan,.

an t t k j " said the bpeakof, "and 16VOof Cod and of oar fellow men Is thov<*ry cornerstone of Elkdom.'*

: His. Kardos oi 61 Oliver Street

Slashes HerThroat With

itECTJpMFred Boyne Chosen President,

a Kazor


and Other OHfciTFilledFoi Ensuing Term

to-do so~by—angeatry—or because_they^wautod to make America bettor. Thelatter reason was.stressed as the onlyono worth while. Mr. Merrill em-

^ ^ , ? ^ ^ IS Zconstitution* "dTT'.the TJiiitcd "States,banish discord, strike against strikes-*.Y*ri... yiv., v^^^f^^p; -who a r c aga ins t

our form - of government out of the

S u M < j r i n c from ill healtl. Mrs. Jen-

M # a b o u t 3 0 y e a K old. wifo

I ttuler Samuel H.A ^plondld musical

was also carried out. After the mem-bora of the lodge had marched intotfa*? theatre and occripled fcoaU re-

Served for them I« front of the aL**<*th.? Io4fi« ceremoutoti Wor»> carried


Rev. Father Rhabanus Pleasantly Surprised by Parisli-ioners in Honor of Event

T^U Q U I.T y - • —•— —

The address was ably presented andmado a Heap improssion. State Re-gont Mrs. James • Pioldef was unablato bo present. There wore some ox,.A»iin»^llv fine vocal- gclectlona by

aooti ia order to roHeye her sulfor-Irigs. She slashed hor throat with ariiior. Bcvoring the windpipe and In-tilctlug a terrible gash. She wasfound uaoti after the dcWd- had beencommitted by Mrs. Margaret WaUen-Klilet, 1&4 West Grand street, a nelgh-

in a Sioml-clrc

vat-iint chair.

; oneA aiiartet composed of

Much activity was shown last night

at the monthly session of Division

•__Z.. Ancient Order ot Hibernians.

for the ensi ~~*"

TeCied as follow^: President, Fred

TU Boyaie; vice-president, James

vf-arney. Sr.; rocordlnB secretary,

Leo Murphy; financial secretary, Ed-

ward J. Best; treasurer, Patrick Mc-

Cms, Jr.; chairmanj>f standing com-


•resented to tho Board of Freeholders;,mu a committee was also appointed-•onsisting of Mrs. Mary C. Cloke and.*Mrs. Aaron Dean, members of theoriginal local park commission, to lay *"the matter before the women's clnbs-if-tfacr-counfcy- an d-socuro-their- co^opfir>.:tion iu having the park system car-ried to 5uecoBsfui"~achievemo)!it. The. l u u by Mr. tVendelL -covered tboproposition most thoroughly- and-eUcJ^- —

id many favorable comments.President Mrs. William F. Littler |$~

hi rhnrfp of tho meeting.

Seventy-five Pupils Attain the| Coveted Distincticn fot-ihe: Month oi November


In the rQpprt of Mru. A. D. Brearloy,chairman ol the Visiting Nursts Com--tnlttoe, it was ntatod that Mlas Mar-garet Whltcraft. registered nurse, wiltsucceed Mrs. R. E. Pearson, who ro-Biijns to continue her training In a hos-"Sllan 5Jrsn3roarley'-pn,id high-tribute-to tho «plondid work done by Mrs.Poaraon. Miss Whltcraft has boon ou-Poaraon. Mgaged io- Child Hygiene W&Vk tor thw

and has a wide oxperioace. It"with her taking nv

T A R V ' S ABBEY NEWARK ONES IN VARIOUS GRADES1,- £ • " = - - * « Jtt« J !1 new ptan

James T. Banios, ot Jersey City, abrother of Mrs. Langstroth.

Tho business of tho mootingpostponed, with tho exception of sub

and roceiviuE Miss ^tarlon fritter in-to tnemberGhli>. X peasant socialtime and l-efreahmonts followed, fto-Eent Mrs. F. W. Y>nYtgstroth was incharge of the meeting.

V.Vbi:r :>«<!• Goorec Cnlttendoo."Tho Vacant Chair." after which

' j n ~ Flnr

>r.Mrs. Kardna was hurried toahway Hospital and dosplteo"und"-Kntl- w»at. loss. of. blood

liald • to have Kftod t-hanctss o*- v-has^one- -chlld-^oVeral

f-r huabancl Ta~etot»loyocl

Michael Miller,H.mry J. Miller. H is oipoctod thattho Installation of these oJ*lcers will

12. by

will be adopted whereby the nuraowork will be obtainable by the hour.

Informal celebration ot "fifty years : m » m t T J h , r r 1 P i i ^ u > ^ i i , ^ , n f m j anlde from the general work horoto-as a member of the Benedictine Or-' enulo attained oiEhty per cent, o r > r e carried on. Mtea Whltcraft cornea-• " • , . , , „„_„„„ ' better in their studies at St. Mary's highly recommended,der -waB-held at St. Mark s German l m r o c h ) a l B c h o o , d u H n e N o v c m b e r a c . I A r o ( l u e B t was received from Georco

~ "iolte Church in q i ^ ' ^ ^ ^ f l ^ a p i l t L E ^ I ^ t h j ^ h ^ n o r roll announced W. MinBUs in charge of the Red Crossmorning '"Tor tho • Rov. Rha- Sunday by the R"ev. C~.~X"i£ane~. Tu~6 '<3ttrtBtn^aa-Seala-dr4vo-l&-th]g frjty—thai—

banus M. Gutmarin. pastor. Father slith grade had seventeen and the the members of the women's clubs aidRhabanus as he Is generally known commercial class Tiftoon on tho list. In the sale of those seals. It was de-was pleasantly surprised following the This surpasses the record mado by tho, elded that the federated clubs. In-

| High mass Sunday morning with a school In tho preceding month. The | eluding the Civic. Home Roadlng andseries of ontortalnment foaturos In Hut of honor pupils in the various Athonlan. would each take charge for

' • " - 1 - - «~#.-i.i« ..vtiwv^r- trades include the fol

U-W<WiSrbyH»rtfy W. Dodd. "XVB Maria" | M a , o l . a I ra!mufacturlnK plant.

Schubert-Marcosson/ waa iplayed by I _ —WIIIUU Todd Vanles on thi. vloliB In] SALMAGUNDI

Conn-vand staff, of Elizabeth.

Preliminary := plans,nt«rtalnmont—on_St

uunidT~ _' prano. Sondorcd "FaceToMfihiy^-CTCditabIe"WBy--*^-TlJeUy Mr. Matthews followed. .Woluohcroft. buritone. sanB "Boautlful 1 e r B o( tho

Patrick's Day, March 17, and the fol-lowing committee was^_jipjpolntod^James Kearney, Sr.. fifaitiXluiw.-R.- Oaly^.H'iury

. Thomas Stacy, PntfTcTr"Mc~Cu5;Father C. J. Kane, Edward J.


Thoso present were: Mrs. Thomas j harmony with tho notable anlnver- grades include the following: ( one day of the seal stations at the post(. Bakor. Mrs. W. K. Serry, tho sary. With Rudolph J. Sauor acting Commercial Class—James Klnnoal- ofllce and railroad station.

• •• — —ts car- ly, Mabel Kilaby, Grace Dunn. Wi l l i am, (Cont inued on l»ao« 3)1

T t o d ^ t T n thTpa^iBh ha l l t o which the Dommlncy, John CbHey. TSiTward . M O O S E W , L | _ H A V E C L A S S

. . . . . . . , „ v D n » l , n « Murimret INITIATION DEC. 22.

Soven appllcttflons w«ro ballQtp,4, " '

James T. Barnes, Mrs. James McKenlie, Mrs. Frank Moore. Miss Jane Rol-j

J J. Vail. Mrs. C. EJ"LCO at- tliti-msotinE^Jfttn. 12^ by j llnuon, Mrs. J J. Vail, Mrs. *J. ti* service. ,l'rosident Michael 3. MahtraoyJijSrniarin^-^MRr. Ft. W^E.lliott, .Mrs. j _ Jo.sopn Rack recited a attlng poem. Sauors, Graco Best, CutheriiIf. of Elizabeth. lw. F. Little. Miss Marlon "Baker;iwiWiteiS|iB<iriiomaBu153, Jlphttoli tn^hebalf of Florence McCue, KathrynTn-!narV:= ulans were madoB.IoriJjtfarion-iJRlUer, Mlsa^.A^S_-WpodruCf.[tho-chur.ch-Brcsented~ggthe?r&^VaMnsj^atliat'ino.MilleJ.. . ..

-- - • - ' - . T : : _ : ; , „ „ „ x , l M ^li-hth"Grauo^aarl|3rott-

riod out in tho parish hall to which tho Dommlney, John CoTfoy EiTward.veuorable:|prlost was invited after the O'Connor Loretta Keoshan, Marguret

m»j«..,. m h i M h Zrvnnv. Clare, dow,- Blizabotli Zrynny, Clare. Rack recited a flttlng poem. Sauors, Graco Best, Catherine Franks, '


Overton, Goorda T. a substantial purso of

^and Mrs. F. w . Langstroth.


Woluoncrtft. baritone. « "Beautiful j e r B o ( tho various ^~"c'd for t h e ! " During the meotinB some e x c e l l e n t ' B d t h r o u B h

mannerT , ! R=»"ea ot ' h * ,, T^'l „ „ „ „ „ . Six' me held Sunday nt

According lo tho repocts prosontedivenlng a\._ tho rally hold in th»rooms of the Church of EHe'

Holy Comforter the church has just

last evening at the meeting of Rahway

raUuSI*aiiarino.,Mil!<sr. - , L o d B ° ' No' l'3G3' L o y a l O r d e r o t

>«SrEgKh"arodt^MS^ra^ai i* t tm^-^» 8 ^ • ""d-Uiree applicatloUB were

of" 8 years, presented Father ttba- na Nolan, Marie Nolan, Loretta Allen. t"oto r o r t h e Initiation or a largebanus a beautiful bouquet and basket George Walker. , n n Monday evening. Dec. 22.U^tralte- : Seventh Gradc-Allan_.Hamtll, Alice T h e h<"<"nt P l c t u r * s h o w »"dor _tho

,^-l^witvn-wi>ll WIHIICH RY- anlna. Edmund JMItchell, ' <j0rtrudesttsI>_le<!*-:;o^thf7lodB0


^ ^nn^A by Man-1 1MH*PI> wore awarded, throo for auuiu.

m°V. lyoar In itsAudi-1 , , -__ tiing held Sunday nt Kreugor Audi- j j ^ f o r l l ) c t u I n r e . A budget ,

lorium. Newark, which was attended j - , ^ ^ provi,linK for a greatly en- p"1 1 1™"^

Chairman Sauer and thn Bast, Anna Elsolt, Robert-t>a-rttelpimt»—I=ather-JRhabanniL^JohnJHorne>vJttuBselLa'.Connui:.^uiuInnatelv told of his appreciation, thy Hummell, Josephine McCarthy

the church has W « | ^ ™ - ' O p r i a t o remarks were also sixth Grade-Catherine Enuis. Elea, tho.moat successful, will ° " P P r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R p b o r t L e a r y E d w l n O - C o , ,

history with aTBrTelft out-|-™a«« »r _ ,„„,„„„ M m l l o f P a t l ier nor. Miriam Bolco. Eleanor Leahy.


,1 he held at

^ 1 tonla, Ky.. a lifelong friend of Father nor, Miriamhabanus. Annu Walsh, Gertrude Loughlin.A more imposing observance of thu Helen Bolce, Grace Schmaoling, Mnde-

^* "' " ' ' * »-»... Doyle, Albert

nesdliy ajld Thursday evenings, Jan. Tand~S: A"h atrractive^proeramts "betncarranged.

Despite the unfavorable weatherther*;—wtiH -a large aXtenflnncc. andmuch enthusiasm was shown.

HAROLD WRIGHT PROMOTEDTire N'avy Recruiting oHice at

mor pupils of Father Rhabanun

tlouolly lcarrled out. Father Xllmbauus voceivod

made doubly Impressive by the* <actthat Past, HSttltodRirter-FTank C. Kn-Blohart. ono of the organizers of thelodge, passed away only the day preVl-OUB. . .

Ulss Lillian Porrlno oiriclatod at thepiano In a way that was very com-mendable.

bring a | D o valora; tormor Congressman Eu-t'ono F. Kinkoad. Frank P. Walsh andothers, concluding with Mr. Do Valera.Tho plan of action suguoatod by tholatter waa organisation ao that the

ROWLEY WINS APPEALThe appeal of Goorgo Rowloy, of 28

Kast Hazolwood avonuo, to tho Stateplatter was organisation BO that tho Kast Hazolwood a e ,American supporters of Irish freedom Board of Taxation for allowance of

concentrate their forces and $S00 exemption in taxes aa he is avotoran of tho Spanish-American war,

of tho lodge In whoso -momory-thauorylfio waa hold Include the tollow-


Chino, Charlos B. JHtolmoa, ._Alo':^::JiiSborii;~-;<ajf^-"W7;=I«!=«;l»o^

Rowland, tell -F . Wilson. Charloa

_'JMiae.! M<


Morton;" oale^mod roaaWB» »»01

h L a M , l , l o a r

maywaste no onorgy

At tho mootinggilcatlons worp rocolyed_an:dldato 's" ' ' ''•'•"-*—• '

n r y pAdolph .Orphmari,^ S

it*; Wlllian.-D. Fonton.MoNully. Charle. H. Schlmult

\<s'mldt: oaautro". Frort W.

WilUnni FUyno:

crantod yeatorday. Acting on ad-^ t tho localantod y e a y

Attorney Armstrong tho locala U o w . t n o o y e m p -

np. w7ftD~eNS INCREASE oyo^BttonT l n decision raacliod at hofoyo

•of tho Fir

uuti. «««•. w.icir~stlrvlciafter will bo sixty- cents an hour Jn

carried out. Father KnaDuuub r^uivuu uiucu. ^uum, *v*... ...^many valuablo glftB from friends, for- nonhino Luckhurst, Henrietta Bergenmer pupils and parishioners. Arthur nollly.

ProvldlnB ho lsv. (spared until Christ- ;mns tUroo years honco Rov. Father HAD INFORMATION

' . :, ASOUT ANARCHIST:Claiming that ho had information

I about a "bunch .of anarchists" Johnla^-dfaTSni.i^fciaiiNattltBrpad^lxnot,

• -- TT»n i,i v.,^r, l^,?pA,i nn nt nnllco"hea'd~

Rhabanue will colobr'iito hts golden•lost. Ho has now boon


John jQu»-

C Englehnrt.- - — ~- •; -The<;ominl


IT'S "FAIFf —rTHE u:|s.


t«o'lir cl

i stpad of tliivtyjis heretofore.„,.„„..,„, chttriofl P. Ilyno: j t l o n of the proportion tn.tlioUro limits i I i c c o p t o ( ,P r T c ' V OQbbin.. Honry o , t h 0 city was started, S a t u r d a y ^ 1 ^ ,

FrWltL. Foi l"" ' A'b l i r t will be contluued from time to timeTT,T-t.VSU C-Hii«roli«i'l'. iwst .,.„„ mcMne wua called by-Flro Clilot

- } _ ' r { > iu.ioti.•.T,-\Vllllnn.-W..d... K«mlt:ANDL^AT,MER" A T i U l ^ l ^ WlUtor_ a Juclc-o,

V. DobbluH.

iViUInm ; William Godfro^r- UHICOTO -^IUWUIIX \yil--j-a^.r-•-••Koi-nraunYJToliu-.J.'Nn^T;~nocx$::


'._AdV. Kni

No. t*:lV, hSfa-^ai\\V(1 ftV'a&yfotillK*I two c(ittdl(!ata» wowCUiUlAtbtlj ouo np-

inupoc- |jpyCatlqA rqcolvod* and two" tranntorafrom PlvUiiilolplifii ami At-

•«...^t, Ga. At tlio noxt'Tftiootinp: bntlfieH•wrlH bo awanlotl to tho»*mejiibev»v"oLtlio Unlou in miUttiry fiorvtco. Tho\mloti attondi'd Ujo Flritt %totliocli»t.ch^ivc 1L:' Su n (1 a y

" 'r|ltpq^^aHtor~'Pf~Str-Hftrtc!a— >oluirJ.h—in- Hiniinn. nuia. Mmv!;.vL iu» u^ tJv...w^ .

** d l l his knowledEO to a doto

TRAP CRAP SHOOTERSSix boys whose agett raugo from

1G to 20 years wore traftpod la thomltlm of a crap game by tho Ingenuityof OUlcer Prank C. Ro'mer and M a iCioKe Sunday night shortly before9 o'clock. They were having a K incrin tho Meadow avenue tiranel undorthe *allrond when the oiUcere suddenlyxuado thoir appoarance from oppositedirections. The boy« w^re arraigriod

[:thia.. afternoon boforo JudKo O. H.

inTpaffod: J _»___.



walfnro oC the'"pnriah.

. Captain .Honry *Dcqker,locul_ weather prophets' siayH that thiswinter I;i Koinu "To""fool "sbnio 6T~"fhpweather-wlners, as It will not bo anopen one,**nnd wllllhavd novoro cold

Ho nrodlcts flfteon

«m.t , v his Itnowledgo to a dotoctivo.Ho waa -ttilccn homo yesterday by hia

ono of the ' father.

Plana *foi* u boefHteaU dinner ntnarly- data-.wore. uLarltitl Friday nvon-inp: at tho ruoetine of tho


$GG.0O0 POH CHRISTMASThat tho Christmas Club at the

Railway National Bank in talton ad-vantage ot by a larfyy uumhor of

J ^ t h t

?G(>,000 will ho distributed .todjiy andtomorrow innoiiK those* -\vlio-i.<K>k''canlii In * this clul) plan. .TMSfe nutii


Joo.Frank Grolnor dinl Goorgo Uiiibor

Page 2: TSTfl HIBERNIANS FIFTY YEARS it itECTJpMthat she 'was at Ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately

t Tue»aav Anernooa, December 9.river, convolved the idea and broachedtTn the colnmns oflhe Cranford Citi-

zen, but not until last spring did then Mr. ColThe , Parity, Soitnesa-jomt^teH

Mb •


Excellent Wor& Accomplish-ed \he Past Year TowardExtermination of Pests

The report of tho Uniou CountyAioaquito Externilnutiou Comtutsalouto the Board of <?hosen Freeholders

. of the county, and the Now. JerseyState Experiment Station has justbocu Issued and shows much workdonu during he past yoar. In part itreada as follows:

This report will be made * alongmuch tho same lines as iu previousVears, tho reason for this being thatthe Commission has made no radical

in. policy, but Js still following

ut when, it was organised—that is a

amount which must be sot aside formaintenance of ditching must be' in-croaaed Wherever posslble> ourditches have b^en made permanent by

p but as this Is, expensive workof necessity the great bulk of thoditching is of the opan variety," whichlitieds cleaning out every second year.Tharo are also about 250 miles ofnatural wator ways and brooka in thocouuty which nood maintenance bythis commission, us tho only agencyiu the county which ja directly Inter-ested in aeoing that tho.ro is a treeHo wage of water in those streamsand brooks, so as to get the best pos-sible drainage conditions throughouttho county.

Reviewing tho past season,'the com-mission had to contend with probablytha rainiest season since it "was 6r-jjauised. The ton-inch rain fall fromJuly 15th to July 24th was only theoutstanding storm of a long series ofrainy, humid days throughout thesummer which kept the low placesthroughout tha county (.which in hor-maT~aumTnarsr~artr-dry->—filled with-,water tHrougSautf tiftrbreedtog~Beaaonrf;Xt was cloudy or rainy for aomo part '


mm by draining or filling, as the fundseach season will~ permit, to maintainthe • drainage work which has boonput in. in previous years at a highstandard ol efficiency, and to controltemporary broedlhg by t i e usa ot oil.The word permanent used In this re-port, means places of auch sise andcTIa7aTTi ~~t!nrc~ThBy^mM?d-continuously all season as contrasted•with tho temporary or emergencyplaces which breed mosqui^oos onlydurinp; the early spring, or followingheavy rains.

There have been several changest*1 r.r>Yywr>1 nf t h r*

dav for weoks at a Uma, aothat not only the low places remainefull of water, but the work of our jmen was handicapped by tho in- \clement weather. ,

Our oiling equipment was increasedand the two regular oil trucks of -thecommission were in constant usethroughout the summer; as a result

thanwas>HJ1iTTvnE yvrp trrt __ticipatod on account of the extremelyrainy weather. Tho easterly andnortheasterly sections of Elizabethhad tho most mosquitoes of any partof tho county, due to its close prox-imity to large marshes inland and tothp Oront Inland section of the North.


A HOMf TO-DAY?Follow the plan offered you by the U. S. MousingCorp. and this very thing you will be able to do.


You .select a $3,000.00 home, pay 10% down at time of purchase and 1% of balance, or S27.G6x^nthiy. $13.50 of this amount is for interest and $13.50 goes to reduction of mortgage. Interestcharges become less each montlTaod balance~bf paymentS"are~credited-to-pTincipalir—- -

Can you,^h^fefore,"laribl^lo~pliy^en<r?~~""~~:r~"' ••" ~~ . ~~ \ ' ~ ~ ~~~~ ' " ™"Act now ; the opportunity is yours. Get into your own home before the Big Business Boom that

i:"WatcHas • Caused Physi


•ringEverywhere UfRecommend It For:, Indigejgtion, Kidney and

Blood Diseases.out,

a'tchunjf Spring WaterPurest of Spring ytaters^ Bottled and Sealed at the Springs by

chung Springs Co., Plainfield, N. J.Sold in Rahway by

Lehmaw and CQ.

Una and ho suggested that the beatform of a Memorial to the soldierswho went forth from Union County toserve our Country inthe "World Warwould be the creation of. a UnionCounty Memorial Parlif along the Rah-way River waterway, which wouldbenefit the present generation as wellas succeeding ones.

Jt seems beyond dispute that noform of memorial could elvo so muchpleasure to so. many people. . Nomemorial could afford such opportuni-ties for health- and recreation. "No^reat memorial could bo aocured withso little effort and so little expense,

"Tho plan. Itself i« ~a simple one,1. -e. to have tho county purchasefrom the'owners a strip of land ovarying widths on each side of tbjriver, to remove .such debris as mayhave accumulated in lire rivor bed o:on Its banks and then to construct s

KEEPSSICKNESSPacked 6 Bottles to the Case, Sold at 6O Cents a Case.

j I roatfway_i.r-1 ^ ^ - ^ l o the'othof-by auch Tiridgei

i It-is-lfeought-f


an maythat thu stream should be loft as near jits natural state '.aT pnssiEle aiiil—iio±=

i»«UUUL . , ^ - — _ ^ ^ . Brunswick? putsRealrEItate outoi yoar' reacfif=Tr6caI newapapwra fell yondaily of the newt business enterprises that are going to locate tn rseWBiuuawick;.—This-means a big

for labor. Labor "will demand homes. . -----—---•;'.-•-— —Get your home in Lincoln Gardens at present prices and terms. ; ,/

W e hayeSC^ >lock of

wore about even.Several new members were received

Including Mrs. John Housmau; "Mr«.Seymour BUBfa, Mrs. J. W. Dunning,Mrs. William H. Wright and Mrs. W.B. DaRie, Jr.

The social features were in chargeof Mrs. George E. GallaWay and Mrs.E. B. Slater. Some highly praise-worthy piano selections were provided

artificial park effect should, bo at-tempted. This la a simple program, Ithe only difficult features of the planbfainc rtrst to" get" the inhabitants oi jUnion County to see the possibilities

} and secondly to raise the funds topurchase tb.& property required. Atthe present time the property alongTEo~vlv6r~banks~is~for the most iwtrtundeveloped so that now Is the logicaltime jfor the purchase, before It is builtupofiH?j" Otherwise improved-

•To overcome the firat difficulty Unot so haTd-Jtter-alL By agitating andexplaining the project so that people

understand it will prove helpful.

_ . . ^ , rth^fnattonaljy smokeakes a whalea cigarette!

rolled cigarette when ifa P. A- for the

F'O XJ certain^ && yotrr& when you lay youf amokecarda on the table,call for a ticlJ r^5 tin or \ t oppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a

* cigarette!/ You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep countof your smokest Bnts! Whyj^yoii never dreamed of the sport that liesawaiting your c^n. in a hi *""packing I

Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half yoursmbkecareer until you know what rolling "em with P. A, can do for yourcontentment! And, back of P . A/s. flavor, and rare fragrance^—proofs ofPrince \AJbcri*3 quality—stands our exclusive patented process thatcuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smokesong in st maBTn'- —--•

record you ever heard !ga*

Prince Albertis a cinch to roll- It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pal!

Prince "Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful i £jimmy pipe can be! It is the tobacco that has made three men smokt.pipes where one was smoked V fore. I: has won men all over the nationto the joys of smokins-. Jl REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winston-Salem, N. C

•during the year—Dr. Wllllum J. Lam-son, of Summit, reuigned on January

-mid- Kd-

Elizaboth meadow which Is as yot in-completely drained. Rahway and IJn-

to ;i mnnh less

5 '


mil. was apiK>inted to tuko hlu placoas a member of tha com mis si on.ChurleB W. Low, of Rosollo, died just jafter qualifyitig us a momber of thocommission, and Carl H. Flemor, ofSpriagiield, was appointed and quail-tied in January, 1919, as a momber ofthe commisaiou to take Mr. Low'splace. William H. Rttntlolph, of Rah-way, waa appointed a mombor Lo sue-ceud-JQr. Frederick, W. SolU a tormerproaidont of tho commission, who re-signed to enter the Modlcal Corps olthe United States Army. Captain

tent, these mosquitoes being chieflyfrom the Carteret meadow. In Middlosex County' which turned out sevoral broods during the summer. Theadditional drainage work on this

iciidow which had been planned bythe Middlesex County Mosquito Exter-mination CouTmiaalon no Us to be carrled out early in 1919 was delayed bytho government using the power ditchIng machine belonging to the Mid-dieses: County Mosquito Commissionwhich was to be used lor ditchingthis meadow, to drain the marahe:

Russell W. G ies. Sanitary Corps,United States Arpiyj returned afteia year and a half of service In thojirmy aa superintendent of the commission on January 15, 1919. Theservices of L. J. Richards, actingexecutive officer during the war, werealso retained as secretary and con-wtiiHug «»nffjnftf*r during the year.

alongrhis chi chin

t I.All but one of the inspectors wore

^experienced men, several having been

wus returned lute In the neiujou to T3S3"Middlesex County authorities, so thatthe work can be done In all probabil-ity before next breeding season. Westol the easterly edge of the county,through the Rosolles, Cranford, UnionTownship. Springfield, Weatfleld,Pluinncld and Summit and" tHe~otEoirmunicipalities of the county, very few

recently discharged from service in I inoaquitoes were in evidence in spitethe army or navy. It ia interesting to i erf the nxtreinoly rainy season, which.

note in this connection that the com without the work of the commission

bus furnished a large number ] would havo produced a tremendouslyot trained men for service during the j large brood at" mosquitoes. In West-war. There are at ieaat 33 present j tielu. lor instance, typical of three-zind pant members or employees of i quarters ofthe Commission who were in the aer-'tremely freivice, 23 of them as commissioned oil! inosquii-oes

comitj. which was ei*of mosquitoes—only two

were caught in 54 nfteen-

one shares & Com-

You are cordially invited to inspectJ-tfce U. S. Government HousingDevelopments in the suburbsof New jBrunswick, N. J.

— .: -i—_Y—Z&L^^/ - - -- ~ : "'—^:

pr^terred st<Dck which we"$lO2j/per share, they

last longyfettter put in yourt oncfc,

Mo^t desirable location; p 5 ^f&nutes from Rahway;^ 0 m i n u t e s J r Q " ! T S J ^ ^ Q f S f f f r n n i ^ f e ^

ork City^ Gome ou^and see what the GoveTn-ti^, r^aeiit has erected tei2<e, regSf3ed By experts as the


» ' ' I " .iv

•wounded during thf war *and—in the service.

The commission has been handi- we:capped durinp th^ year by :!s short ;i:•.:age of funds; th^ budget calling fr- 'ail. esptMiditure of $26.500.00,

Ly.-i'ii'yin*.': that the mosquitoesh were able to K>-t on the wing

largely of varieties that would ;.nil'1 indoors from preference; ivery tew oi' the toniDon house :

less i mosquitoes which annoy residents atthan tho coniimssion had allotted in I night indurrs being in evidence '•3!>12. when it was organized Th'1 •'•••;r,i himl tin- county. jwork ha-b been curried uu during tlii?, iloaiimLu uliniillation, work Li. being r

year with a greatly iiiiTvased labor | carried on mort- and more throughoutcost, chiefly for unskilled ditching • the country at large. Not mily has the

"7r-r.. HOI)SE HUNTING, trembles to-day.^ Mmmntinp;#om Newark and New York.

\ \ • • • • • • • " " • : •

visor of music in the public schools.The address by Arthur R. Wendell

"uboii tna T7nTgir CDairty~Memorial ParkSystem Is given in full as follows:

'Somo twelve tdiles away ifrom hcraas tlio crow flies, la the high groundnear Went Orange,, or more partlcularly Pleasant dale, between the firstand second Watchung Mountains, isthe souroo of a Uttle-river. From thereit mtiandera slowly down the hlllBidcs,

!ra luroaEh"^wt>od and Sold, pasthamlet and city, receiving here a littlarivulet, there a brook, till in this cityIt meets two other streams and theirbulnlng with the tides ebb-and flowempties into Arthur Kill or Staten

but a ten minutes walk up streamstarting at tho puntping station ol theRahway Water Works, with a view ofthe present beauties of tho stream,banks and woodland will, I~am sure,convince the most sceptical thaj thepossibilities are tremendous and thatno effort Khould be spared to renderthe accomplishment of the project pos-

8lblible-"To raUe thV-~tfunds is a. ma t to r

which properly comes to the attentionof the Freeholder^, Who must first ofall be convinced that the citizens oftha county want such a park. Thocost thereof would probably be borne


|-k*J61>lKg gorin. poaway from our drinking water . It Iscertainly be t te r to prevent the germsfrom gett ing In the water than to lotthem in and then try to get them out!


Open S 5*Ti*7Monday Evenings 5- to BJ50 o'clock



This Is• our

~Th7 Hah way

M—fc« . - . __- ,--„ inwas cailiid aiter ~RaBw"aEK~itn~

dian chluf of Ipng. afio."The stream in a short onc-

litlle fall. It

"The question has boon often raised

by'It tan'iTtasui which or courso would i a» t o t h o v ^ ° ot °~ur P^Bont water' supply and whether It is the part .ot

c o u n t y Bnt - . th*.

municipalities in the County and the

tn a aiiort one. It has payments could-be-Sprmtd over a long^little fall, it passes through much tioriod of years and as almost hivari-low ground and is Inconnplcuous, You ably in the past great public boautifl-aro conscious of it. perhaps, only when cation Increases the valuation of adja-you to through the Essex Couoity Res- cent .property such increaued valua-crvatlon or Cranford or if you pass tions would roturn increased taxes

wisdom to spend money Inor developing It, NoJ doubt aa years

^o on othickly populated and the watercbmlug therefrom will ho moro andmore impure, thus greatly Increasingthe difficulties of altering it properly.There la the certainty that in tho


. juugly tucked uway. bidden by aI fringe of troos and to ma,ny a citl-I sen of Union County the uatne meansi nothing except ' to denote \ crookedland winding lino on the map. Yot It

.NEW, TVfOTWftM HOM^S of 4 5-6 Rooms and Bath.

-fcrtrrn, uliluh i m u - a s d i^u u, i l n^ ! Wtli n^.aui .u m ami N'uv> n.wvvt-_ tinier uvcr tho wimes paiti Ui 191ii. • metu of thp VnitPd States government

Supplies, oil. tools, etc. nil cost con , i:uni inui'tl \o do mosquito control worksiderably more than in past yt?:Lrs; i un ;i large scale, but the Treasury De

~^TiriiT~^TTttr-T>r^rt-i4i ---mrrt*a-M« -Hi-tlte—pnTrmMrt—tht*«uiHi--44i*-—t-uit-wl—-Statoft-cost of carrying on our work, similar | Public HeaHh Service hits been able

?iiiu:-*tr»&^U^c^stt_jjrt carrying on , u> seiuiv the cooperation ot manyother kind of DUslnJ^pfrthe r^fl^Tluh^-hVulun^JiJ makiiiU•u has lulliUeil the programrae! tion to conflnue -war time ant I

begitu^TSp of HjeluuiuT """ '

Gas, Electric llgpts. Stationary Wash Tubs, ModernPlumbing, arid excellent Heating System.

Exceedinglylow prices and easy terms. ™


j plane are under way Tor""anuary. T!u» January in&otlng will

he held on Thursday. Jan. 8, BO as cotU V t hLo Intcrfcr« with the ucuUkts^ot'tboj «tacles in UIB way nuu w^»»«, »

other clubfi. Owing to the tact that i t 0 t h ^ «*>a treoa, fences, buildings and

th*> schools are closed on the first Fri-

day of that mouth it raado



,out at Uyeai" KAqtlsH'<» -impxQVfbeen made to the salt marshBVBlem; th

feet of ditching Inland \vajil the upland drainaKedeveloped as far as fund

wolli. l&fcuii as an aid T i i T I B "ha sj health of our soldiurs am' sailors In';

nage j iUmy Vinil lurvy vamps, -ami th« UniteiKStatus ShippliiK Board which carried

The commission

_ completed ;„„ «-ork of controlling mosquitoes atwas further j an shipyards duriiiH the war. has con

would l>fr- | tiuued its work during 1919 and willj continue to ilo so. It is being more

would caJl atleu-j a,,d , l l o n . ,-ealizei! that money spent

cmiuniir stand

% down and 1% a month, which covers interest and

is dangerous to disregard Its existenceand. to build to tho very edge of its

i banks for every once in u. while tho

C*ntlnu*d From 1

C. K. Porrest. chairmasi f tho

tho projec-t would' j>>siAleally pay fortseU without nutting a heavy burdenin the general public. • -

"The Rahwuy River practically bi-;ect9 the County of Union KO that the

memorial Coanty—Pa rkproposed

•pCHrtire~fxn-th—tire—vial&-of- iyrp tTi

hie bounds, submerges bishanks, sweeps before him the ob-stacles in his way and washes down

tat? posiiiouum of tlie meeting to th.efollowing week. In February tho thrt>VttHlerated clubs will unite In entertalnlnK State President Mrs. J

sometimes even bridges.there though submissive

A giant Isand sleepy

most of tho time."To Rabway, however, the Ruhway

JUver means much more than a lino outho first place it ishe map.

bo abest

Ther acourse of time it will cease topotable water; oven with the•means of filtration but when that daycomoB and it will probably b~e~Tong~Ihtho future, the water will still be use-ful for commercial purposes. • ,

"At any rate it is impossible to getan additional water supply at tho prea

would be accessible from all parts of'tho county.would not brij\f£_ y

Although tho present planbring the park an close


eut time without tremendous^nd long: delay. Driven wolls might J

some water in an emergency

other cities not very far from I) m - f ^ ^ w n ^ t p ^ f t)}t* \gntPV |hftt WOnld

them and with modem methods o f j thus bo: secured or its quality,conveyance distance Is not the ob-1 "A conference was culled in Eliza-

Btaelo It was once. Provide the parkI am sure thut tho people In their

and health willsearch offind the

pleasurev tn it

President Mrs. J. R. I — - — -The date has not boon i omulprosent for you can walk hardly

set.Tho Ways anil Moans Committee, i —•

Mrs. G U Orion, chairman, announced] cross ono of its tbroo

that plans aro under way for a rumnincefor a ot U'ct which free

direction without beVng oblic&d to

Though in iu natural stuto It is a-ealtv hoauttful Btream-^re-havo shut

r_ i Uowe.thaL the. aim of the cururnibsion = luvtistuieut Hum u

in spendiuy as much money on per j pointmanent . elimination ol the larger, Tin' members of thih i ommiasloiibreeding areas as possible lius been! moai thoroughly believe in -the valuefollowed oiii. Seventy live per cent j uf thia work that iA being curried on jof our total appropriation hua been


' «


cont, for permanent drainage "of thelarger breeding areas and the maintenance work done on such drainage inprevious years, and to this must be:uldod the largo .sums of money whichIio-vo boon spent for draluace and 1111-ing-by pj-ivato individuals or corpora-tions throughout the county—perhapsnot primarily with mosquito elimina-tion iu mind, but with a reduction ofstagnant "water, and the correspondingreduction of the breeding of mooriui-toGii as an Indirect result of the work.

T b r o u t - this policy of steady and perslstcnt drainage ot the taj^cr brccd-

-Sng; placer, hi Lht* county, an funds

and are trying to get the moat effec-tor the money that is being Itive valut

evxiHMi'S'ed* Tn "ili'c'** wor\C~""THfr"^ranrnfta''•"'|lysion believes that Union County will IIIincrease tremendously in population J | |and wealth as It become increasingly ] 'more attractive an a living place forresidents, aa the mosquitoes are grad-ually eliminated, and most heartilythanks the municipal olncors and citi-zens of the county for the fine cooper-ation which has been shown during*the worlc BO tar am* will carry on Itswork BO an to continue to merit this

conQdence and ca-operation.In Rahway 330 ' luepeciioim were !

made and 31C Bwatnim and poo^s found t] -holding -water from- time to timi*. Thu I

|1 »tho larger pormanont swamps nndpooln of tlie county drainod or DUod.To maintain this drainage .work withIts approximately throc-Quarlortt of a

iiiiIt's approximately ouG-ttilllicmJout- ofdrtcliinjc, 17 tide gatoa and nillo nndhalf of dike on tho salt ttnirt;h; no that

:,apd J3f-inot;<iUii<•cur again, --beckmio's-'"«n"(

3*ti>ifti3c(l'V'tjiii;Jini uVot'QiXc 'ufc.-cv.cx'y -ten-days during the summer nuHiihs. l>ur-hiB the yon.r 1270 feet of ditching was!celnned and 1,020 fei-t of now drain-ago im-itnllod, including work tlono to

pany property : i \ Scott avenue andndgar Itop-rl. In addition Comrais-Rionnr Farrell, in charge of streets and

-diKDPRal-of'-was-tn, lino arranged to be-_1Kiu..-tho Jlljlun .otfcitho_ .Gwanitp._pn thq.

"as now drainage /work *s done thod i r :

(Continued on


Five Minutes from=Renaav^ R.-R^-Station by—Bus—Line-and from Lincoln Gardens

A N D M I T C H E L L • ^1 ^

TelegrapHpcali d tmswick 967 n

Office Open Daily and Sundays^ Also Eveirtngs By Appointmcnir



ZO CKarry


* -

our eyes to its beauty and~have do-

{ tih-.a.-beyottd_doficrlption_both tho

1 Ktr»*ttia-ItH£

"It would uot.\howcvor, bo a dililcultaiattcr to extent! lateral wings tromthe Rahway Valley Park Syijtcru alongRobinson's Branch and the Elizabeth

_and Elizabeth-Ui«=ar—

sp) UicJ^mika which'

respectively so that those cities too*..«*.i,] >,„ ai t iu . gateways of a Park


•ould favor thin and

sooner or iaii;r ftrfl project—should

ho ftxtooded in those iHroctlons.

A cone r' both some mouths ago which our cityofficials attended and It was therebrought out that if this district con-tinued to grow in population tho situ-ation would in a tew years becomevery serious—and thereforo Intelligentplanning ahould begin with a viewto remedying the trouble by a survey jof\the problem as a whole for the en-1


[elps "tfahwayyand helps yrit

Try it/this Year


System. The natural—topographylay of tho In ml ld f o this

lU-ctuul nature auu sshould iun Intellectual stimulust to jIt WIIK reported thnt the ler \

•'i'urrt'^i Events" by Miss ;

"yet.omplacently an. usluB liltle oreffort lo Improve condition*!.

From n mllltuii'i:iye uyed5t7

all should be done wtlmo we cannot afford to nesTect~

"Letmant that theable, that tin-and tliat the

standpoint, bow-1 through. • Wh>river to a v e o ' jticularly fuvi

thaso iliretor"~tgc~iriiyg^Qf riffBu-

. liolo county wants itlilan can bo carriedshould Rahway par

i f Wliyaiiouia^vo inIhl

! y

Could Not

t ireTShopTube Re

e Uavo tie voted it to two pur-OUCHone highly desirable and profi-

table, tho other ba»e and ignoble.

j 1 WQUI'I oxplala- thavtrom tlie Rahway

JttalUjrOiUKO t" u iy particular uuun.u . - - - - _ .cr oHort?"wj,y no! Temra-Dther-plucoa4JjUkJ.n_ll\e meantinje. guard wha

— v -'-" ••-« nwxri I have, conserve itr^niprove-ifc-de

tht needs *of each municipality BO farus i>os*iible.\ That, however, will prob-

y yeara: and if done atall should be done well. In the men

Success in life is mefcjs red by Industry,Thrift and goad jLdfement. \ ^

-^Comfort wiJ^be your/ou prove/up on theseopening^an account in

.' •..-•!

I trou]Brft right- and thonl

Prosperity aireward! if«uafliti«ss bi

Ueop it right."Let Ruhway and its sister eiiiea

look forward to the future. Let themplan, as ther should for an ultimatesolution of the. water—

at wo !

\ "The EWnk of Strength"!

do H7 Why should wo"The anuu.fi it easy. Tn w ' tt\»n :i nieasure Klfl1

rhe Park laumKto Rah-

have, conserveIt. And when

, Ilivcr aI Township line, tho city takesi ins water, and after a process of

•;, It Uiiuut.li ti '

~ « , . .."I5TT liimnnir-tn-its-itcttHJiJJonflo that tew realize. it i« Botno-thiiigTEar^la V'l-yonuLLaltjixice—of uvnluo boyond all calculation

•'^Irnt un-l '••romnqt. tlie, proposed

the time conjee toIt. Andabandon it a« drinking water we shall

9 j . .Start NO\^ and build up hy persistent weekly

s or monthly deposits.Interest wif}>££ied'»teJ at the rate of four per centper "annurJ^nO be cO T a p o i mded semi aqnually.


This la, or c'ouroo, a I park will cover both bauks ot tho Kah-tlvor from our-pumping stat ion

lto tho housea. T l ,proper utilization ot a natural resource j wayflowlnK through our raldtjt. B t b l o w

u p Mlllburn. This moanswator_eupply. It

irnoBos—u-at*r--wli1eli—can bo "cold a tgood price which will prove a mostflutibl-e- BQuriie oi revenue to tup city.

and which ttj, would be criminal tabandon or alkrogard.

"I realisecrticteHi dir

La.t there has boon mucheted nt our water supply.

ublic nd pri>«t«

But ask those who criticise it, if ihoy

cloanso of ull impurities thus pollution of thethoroin! " by ONE factory. You romombor how

few words- portals the tho pouslbility of futUKLPfillutlon «™mour cltlzons • ami those that particular source wan stocced -

lay have in the sibandopmont or Rah-/ay's present supply.

"Tho socond reason why Rahway.hould champion the proposed Mo-

Park Is llnkod to our vrntori^as woll. It lirto provldo a-rlght

1 the :prapoaed•' the Bowaeo" from awhich

tiro o t \ b i i t.r.ouliK* imtl (>n»v-

JOIIN U'. WILSON, i"Men fret and worry." Tliat'a why

they overwork, Ket nervous, all rundown, have no appetite, and can "hardlyjf;-.-m--rm,,n<l;^—VinaLcrcitea a hearty

induces cound Bleep7~uw'B0Tr

nei-vcs, creates fitrenfeth and

seem Incrctfitfie to tliem*.•To Sheriff .lamra 13. Warnor and Mr.

D. C. N. Colllna. both ot Cranford, ian.n t.Jon of maktnn tho Rahway

_„„..„. ..„„. « ^ ^ , , the municipalitios In tho Rahway Val-

" ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ U S S ^ t ^ r o T j c ^ o m r - 1 yow~mif city: Pire -Park would wov"

wk. \ •..[•:. fortessssa.sa^> ft

iri*':tlu^M'0'o«i-«i pTTrt*ftL one ptlon nnd then think' of what would ,happen if two or throe or four or moru.f rnr this sower nt Usimilar ontaJ»U'rthmonts located -alonp

n ii wnnit^lin tm^OHslblc toMlllburn down through SprlnCnold. | overcome such pollution even with thn

to tnhyt'uy Water Wor:^y?iL^iu. y p ^ —

Warnpr, an nrdont flithm

cvorcome su p- .bout-nitration methods..

"How m u d . bettor to havo greenl " l t t O [ u l o ' l a e t o r " "

ut prnctlcaUy no coat'tho^riKht of wumost logic:

'JH- nu'iiuco of the aowaRo effluent h<ing tUirapetl in our-Htream hy

Unltiit tlio "~Bunk"3j|11Uii~

.ml niotniclpalltlea uU along tlie rivi1

from South QranRo to Cranford. Such:\ practice, which has actually been

i^Vropo'sbliTrwoiittnb6 ibathosOmcr~-rItd*._! inconcolvablo that \v'o*^ould permit !t


done and It 1B certain

plant of each city In ' tho valley wentrlv-nr that the task a n d o g

•Leading, Largest,

'j nnil Evening Scttoal

* .

Page 3: TSTfl HIBERNIANS FIFTY YEARS it itECTJpMthat she 'was at Ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately

Tuesday Afternonn. December 9energetic committee, who accoinpllahed the task.OBITUARY from a roof in East Milton avenue on way, this city, today

which ho h»i< h«»ti w n r M M M a ' yearn old ' •IMERCK tMPLDYEESTh<» Rahwav Record Your Money Back J1A liat-tDoesnt Come upyto TrnjttlClaimaRAT-SNAP ia aBsotatelyguaranteed

to kill rats and vfiee\ Cremates them.Rodents killed J<Hth RAT-SNAP leave

p aU food


mason. ,&_had a badly broken ankle | one eon, Richard H.l t t i t t i ldI Frank C. Enflolhart.

Following a/rapid declineJersey Advocate West Grand

"treet., student of New York Univer-sity, was honored-Friday by being1

chosen as one o£ the guard of honorof twelve under Contain.

the Firestone Tire Company and was necessltatine amputation. years old, and ismother, Mrs. j ents, Mr. and Mrs.Selling carloads

ono ofiieo* and thonIn order to give hall1

a profit before th-to the public was n renllllH


SEBIAI, NO. 1037. cancur\of the'flver former Councilman shortly before his final illness. Previ-j

Mary Miller, and three brothers, Eow- Broadway. no smelLat HAT-thelr last.No mixit. Threand ~ guarihteeHardware Store.

tofirst meal is

comes hi cakes,gs won't touch

60c $1.00. Soldy T." IT. * Robert's

Frank )cr~Englobart, aged 42 ofously he had boeo with ard J.. William U, and Elmer A. Mil &-passengerrautojaobUerTwIth Peer-

less •wmter'fop^^rs^dlass conditionPrice 5600. G/>etz. feramhalr Road.Tel 236-R. / V- - - — £»-:

The funeral service will the Eahwayprompt and

Friday after-gnlahlng^a nre

the destruction of the

Clinton street, died Saturday morning..morrow,morning at

h(Continual l*ron>***0« and Saturday.

...prac«j Al,bott... of. llaadale.Was tlie week-end guest of Mr.Mra. I. H. ilagut, ot M

Items of Local InterestSince thothe feminine part j both on Oct. <

uch a realistic way that ho oveu ly shaken he has sucn a ™ i . . . T h f l d o c e : i a o d i5 survived by

widow, one b'rother, Charles Engle-

tenslvely in South America.ublished Tuesdays and Fridaysa -member ot-SinUary'a church and L/Hommedleu. t of the

Heart disease caused the death of elating. For Qokk Perusalhighly respected by all. lather seatoakr'arm'Jchair/$4.0QC Oak" rockerS-i.CO. mtfeaf. $5.0^1 Wash stand$3.00. Tablc/S2.SIV>/lUsIc *^

$3.00. Inquire Hecordofllce. • I t

disposition and many admirable traits clubhouse and boats of seers. s '


Leroy L'Hommedlen. of Broad FATAL LACK OF ENTERPRISEwon him a wide circle of friends who Owlnj; to tho fact thaV. Y. I Graham wont to Phlla-Saturday to attend the runcral

0( Mra. Saralj Dodworth. hia formerof tho city, arc so busily en-

Seeni to ForgetHow Vital Are Buslrjess Enter-

prises to Clay's growth.hoolVteacher and ono of the tliu .community chorus plnu of


local Y. M. C. A. has boon abandoned.nU Sunday school workers In that

Rahway Publishing Corporation15S Irvlna Streot. Rahway, 'N. J.






Subscription rat« $2.50 per year, pay-able In advance. Single copy 3 cants-

PRAISE AND BLAME.Personal prals*-* or personal abus«

»etiiiii, to be ilit: si Lock in trade of near-ly all dlspu ta n ts these days. Andwhether praise or blame. It amounts toHearty the same iiilu£. People aivabused raost furiously because tliey«3on't stand lo with some people'swhfni^, while on the other baud, theremre more haroea than there Is room

A n o t h e r roiison why thnt lon Is mur!;y in thJ s county In batha mora l and sp i r i tua l ~.•:>..• i>. lhe relire i-ulirely ti">lu<-e tas tes whori.tiKii rumV in<-

i J i i . l . l K ' . -



The;al>l.- tctainlyg r a p hpro tit.'


. Unit

iititlc nit'ii have beon.,1 j t!,,,uj;!:t>.. XV,- .-;'re of ihein will ph.iro-• think nf the j-i-nb

ur pas to r can st-*- It.

There have been fow school com-missioners who have given tho schoolsystem such thorough scrutiny assysCommissioner Harold S. Buckley has


nhi. closest friends. The re- decline.wig and change from sopranoJ duced

pZbJLJtn the encore produced hart, of 3S X*ko avenue and onemuch amazement in the audience, who sister. Mrs, Walter voa Todenwarth.T it f \ f Tronton B» was the son of FrankB» was the son. of Frankhad been commenting on the merits of, of Trenton.tho young woman's voice. I and Dora Englehart.

Miss Mae Novins sang a line sol- Mr. Euglohart was a native of NowEdward Erdle made a big hit with aoriginal poem which brought in -thnames of various departmentsemployes as well as the strenuous el(orts required to regulato the heat ortho big establishment in a mannersatisfactory to all. Herman Gravossang a praiseworthy solo, while thoMisses Leona and Lottie Piokarski



The funeral service Was held this•MiiMg at St. Mary's church, the

York City and had lived 111 Railway ; UcV> M" J' B ° y ' a n officiating. Inter-ior twenty years He was one of thecharter members and organizers ofRailway Lodge of Elks, of which hewas a past exalted ruler.

n u ' " 1 w u s S ' " s t - M a r y ' 3 comotory. The^ " " ^ W>i™ E l k 3 - i^^dins Exalted

hich he, U u I o r faaU1Uel R ' M o r t o n - M- p-<Ju lnn-He had Postmaster George X,. Klrchgasner.

served tho city as excise coininiEslon-or andetflclency.

MissesRave an exceptionally lino piano and

tdduring tho past few weoks. He ovl- v , o H n d u o t L o o n s a u o r s captureddg pdently believus successful administra-tion of municipal affairs depends upontho accuracy and extent of the know-ledge of his department possessed "byan official. This attitude is commend-able In any official and worthy of

niaindor-o£- the-danclng, splendid music being furnish-ed by O'Brlon's jass orchestra from

for. It is never a pood thing to so offthe handle In praising or hating a per-son these days , and yet it is doue allthe time. Many are the people who arelittle gods and many are little devilsIn the estimation ot tile majority ofthe peopl llu-si- daisly given to the .'xa^gerfor some passing .-vent.Is praised too [iiUili ilu'reaction on the populactheir appreciation of tioer llian it was belure, s

arjon of h.'timWhen u IRTO

re is a certain, which leavesd Ihiufr* weak-ays tHiln Suite

LINDEN NOW HAS BANKAdditional evidence of tho growth,

and development of our noar neighborLinden, is shown in the announce-ment of the organisation of tho Lln-don National Bank. At a specialmooting of tho shareholders held InBorough Hall the following officers*

-chosen-:President, H. B. Hardeuburgh; vice

presidents. Harold Depew and HymanFriedman; cashier. Isaac Alporn; di-rector. H. B. Hardenburgh, Joseph L.Xeubauer. Joseph B. McDonagh, Johnp TOiMin John Eednt Harald.

the. gathering by .storm with his ex-hibition of the Frisco dance. Tho ro-

was spent In

Mra. Blako, tho ableplant, aorvod~~thoNew York officMew Yorkersnight by Mr.Mr. and Mra.

a tine flsh supper. Thowere entertained overand Mrs. PeterRobert Langtats and

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Erdlo. Refresh-ments wore served throughout theevening-for all guests. Besides MissWntcw and tho membura of the com*

Journal. We lire so apt to belittle our-»uilves in our adulations of others, whomay not have any more merit than ourme*t door neij^tbora. except for s )nwlittle fortunate circumstance into•which they have stumbled. Too muchpraise is apt to read upon the pralser

—and thy primbut the exees

sutler ottr- -4ag—to—^^S;H^




t *—


to whut ln> uttrihutt'U the•flgtUini; qualities of the American sol-dier, he replied : "I presume It Is theway the Amerlcun boy is reared. Heis brought up on independence unil in-itiative, foollUK fi*otii the wrurr rhut ht-is owster of liiy own destiny." Some-times we are upt to ihiuU Lh«* Americanlx>y does uot cure in uch ultuui hi^ Ues»-tlny. But in tlie war he showed themtuft that was lu liiui. nays I'iii'innuiiTimes-Star. As » "douchbov" hf wasfaithful, everlastingly temi<i«u«s andreotless of danger. (Jeiieral Perahlu^'i,tribute tt> him is a tribute from one

In chief of the A. K. K. asked u tfreni

for, and more.

Depew, John Szlaboda, Frank Ander-son. Abe J. David. Henry L. Blancke,Frederick G. Blanke, Julius F. Jahu.Isaac Alpern, Hyman Friedman.

The new bank starts wit.h a capitalof 525,000 and surplus of 56.250. stockall fully subscribed and paid for. Mr.Alpern, who was chosen cashier. Isat present the president of tho PerthAmboy Trust Co,, .aad will fill tho po-sition only temporarily, until a per-manent appointment is made.

The Board of Directors are expect-

niittee nieutionod above much creditdue Mr. Lipp for the untiring ef-

forts bo made to have tho affair asuccess.

Owing to the kindness of Mr.^erckin generously opening the larEe'*I*3cre-ution room to the employes at anytimo for a daneo or ontertalnmout itin expected that theso affalini willprobably take place once a month andhat the different departments willake turns in arranging the proeram-3uch a good time was had by every-body Friday night all are anxiously-awaiting the next function of thiskind. Much favorable comment washeard regarding the interest of "thefirm in their employes.


perienced man. now connected with alarg« bank in New York City ascashier TDe location of the bank hasbeen decided upon, aTu] ^ equlpnifentand other details are bcinb--wrttliEedfor. in order to open for business asquickly as possible.

The need for banking facilities iuLinden hus been felt for a long tlnieand with the rapid growth in popu-lation, there would seem to bo nlquestion but the bank will be a suecesa from the start.


Reports presented Thursdaythe monthly business meeting of theChristian Endoavor Society of the


councilman-a t-large :withIdentically, ha Wasone of

tho leading Democrats of the city,During the 'successful seasons of theRahway Baseball Club three or fouryears ago he was ono of the primemovers in securing the team and push'lag the sport. Whoa the soldiers'monument was erected In the centralpart of the city ha was one of the stitutlon since Oct. 22,"whoa

Thomas A, Roarke, Frank 3L. Foulka.and Henry 3L Lamphear.

Last night over 250 Elks attendedthe lodge rites held for the deceasedat his late home.

Frank Mltlor.Frank Miller, aged 5X* of X

place, died ai the Rah'aray-Hoapltajthis morning, after fy,lng at that lii:


Main St.Railway

-H. \Matinee 3.3

Evenings,aud 5t

School Friday were 532.42. The salesthis year average about 530. but in

ubout 5100 a week.Tho 2Sth annual coaicrance of tho

Y. M. C. A. older boys was hold atMontclair this year. Over 600 boys at-tondod this cbarorence and it wasprobably the Jargest In uumbcra thathas ever been hold. Tho time was jtaken up mostly by speeches by Sdchprominent men as E. G. Petty, NowYork; Kt^G^Wells. Bordoutown. Thoaowho represented'Rahway were: HarryKennedy '19, Prod Crowoll '2a, CUf- jford Ludlum "21. Gordon Mulchahey !•20. Stanley Bliss '20. Preabrey Bliss, :John Rand, Chester Buckley and E. A. i

Tuesday and Wednesday^Two Big Days!The greatest Comedy Farce of the Season

—'—-You uovar laualittd ^o aiuoli lU-yotit- ii<o if ~rc>i '



DEBATEON' • • ' . , ' W

Live, iniel

Thui sdayFii st Baptist

No adjniesion


11thfrrch, Rahway

r S ? ^ ' ~ • • •

cordially invited, by the Brotherhood ofdJEhilip, to-aojoy_the_«s '

meot8 and Social time.*

city 'or l h e P2"1*- fl*ty..yeani.Privato Albert W." January, ot

philomath. Oregon, who has been thouueat ot Mrs. Edna Frazar and Mrs.0t«lli Janaen. oi 168 Seminary avenue.Uii Wednefiday^wlth the Ninth En*

Blnoors tor El. Paso. Texas, where he

wu» utationed baforo his nineteenmonths" overseas service.

Harry Hedrlck. of Ambler, Pa.,visit-id recently with his wife. Mrs.Harry Hedrlck. and her parents . Mr.snd Mrs. John Bar t i . -16-Whittier-

s i r e a t . _ . •_ • _ • _ • _ •

Landlord and Mrs. H. O. Nute." ofthe Cross Keya"ISiC~ElessanUy~c«U

their thirty-third wedding annl

May Allisoni lu tier ver<l>tt'st screeli liit


d"s most Hilarious f arcancl liottdon hysterical

\ta itHcker to nickerand a Bnicker;

or a. gl^sle or grta.

:'a certain;y! B« sure toi

Also BiglHe

unshint W

A play thatth latichteT.


Goinedy and

Thursday Only—AOur. hcautlfnl, trc

fcet Picture^7 Reels

Kimball Young

T h e cl-ejipeyL ><Uglon It, tlmi ofline uruei- wlmman's son or Sinn•cliurch member licriminal oliurjie.

Of lUJVHfS Si I!l| il \

©XU hy cunt nisi, LJority of cuscs inItself to huve a iv

[trftl—ttt-the- ^neTBiSrT^Boy^"Secretary"dome of Miss Grace Hoffman, 55 Sena- ^

showed" ""m"ncrh~acttvity~f—^;"?t^ow"prJ11:ommittee had sent flow

i;rb tu the aged and sick, decoratedchurch regularly and placed 150 car-natio! s on :iltar in memory' of HenryW Cleary. Miss- Helen Squier ro- jported election of Junior Christian |Endeavor olTict-rs. ten meetings and ,one soruil m October and membership ji .i!Hi''M in pn^n ' s s . Report showed jeight baskets oi delicacies distributed^tit Thanksgiving, on.' being provided 'by MNs Mildred Ludlow'a Phllaihea Ifciass. !

A priming pii-^s will be installed 'and the Sunday church bulletins ,prim ed n-gularly. Gi.-or^e Fair weather iand I*1 ran It Howard were added to the Jnn-mtifV^i''I» ' M I N I fnr T<*n n " throi! -w-t •

The ilrst basketbuil practice washeld Friday afternoon. The team willplay Doc. 19. Those- out for practice ;

were George Mantlow, William How- •ard. Harold Meier. Merrill Huber, 'Bertram Berry Much promising ma- (

tf-rial is at hand and a fast team :should be developed.

THE LIFE OF A COP. I(Aflaiigies to Walt Mason) !

The ii(«j of a C_QP_ is. alLTQaes. :The way you hear people talk. '>He's out in the rain the hail and the

snnw, L_: •

Commonauthor, Sobett W Clju_ilbei*: tldz

for the jini-t two woniLs- iu New

more than l.QbO,000It wipes oatgreatest isset

'T^UBERCULOBI•*• dies bctv^ce^jfcc ages

f fourth person who2O1-aj_id 50. It makes

sgrionsly ill each year.producers—the- nation's

TUBER€ULa«IS€A» BE COREDEveryone most-

know it.

The whole nationm u s t • • * • « • * •

Encourage ito meet its

rr ^" ?

Xcr feed upmi suclines, while the ><la furnisht-d a i\<-\\c a y s 1 , 4 - s M f ' s \ \ " > i '


l ' -> : i f o r h i > H :

Aud he-'h *Hut whatSo if soni


ds of thVorTv df

^u !;.

• - + i- — -=]

comedy will he presented, I)<• Mi^s Kdiili Story gave an interesting; revirvr of missionary book. "New Life("urit-nls hi (.'hiiia.' A vute of thankswas tendered Miss Hoffman for her i

t liosinlSlIty. "DeTIclou's~'VeTre'sn»'nlGrtt"S~r\roulcI' put" 6v.. and sociability followed the meeting. I xhey vvoul-d L

Those present were: President Miss \ y.—^ -Mildred Ludlow. tho iUssea Ella Mil-1 - - - e c p l l i i -ler, Helen Squier. Ada Smith, Irene-

ut in good weather na well,a lonesome job he has;

1 of Hit' people who always

h F

MO filmj* that the w <;u.-a s "ti linos I nude." \\"o n e more s t ep and [Inh a v e heen r ead i ed . II;mpdi.stos will have-Uill,-


a w i y - a r e --HOW-'S lire desci-ib.-ae Mippuse th:ii• objective will<;n the TarUi;ii i h o j x

[TjaTTTnrrrnTMinKus7"Kditl. -Lena Saling. Hrraa Whitehead,or LaFori;**, Grace Hoffman, Mra.Thomas Urmston. William Hagamau,

. m Russell Ludlow, Harold Borden and '

i a pleasant Good evening.Htplvt- nn ^Tir- i

hK the y«.lden euir

-1± One of theteachers, to usi

-«ain eay that tluattenrlfMl l>y s

our ;i-nf.-ssurs advistmodern methods. Wejld-iime uiethods were^A—iiumii—aiiti—40.

but they certainly loosened up a. fel-

AT LYRIC THEATREe ladies, we fear, are prone to

• bttlieve that men are as full of faultsi as~shoea are fuir~bTTeetV~".iBut ~lti~thc

'V^' i extraordinary and hilarious farce that

—low's hide ami—tiarjfida^«>lilir'-mjnd1•"Pants had to be panty lu Uiein days." *

Nobody hns ever contended that the—-value -of-a-pol ire -nfui


hown tit tho_Jjyrlc Thoatro to-,nd tomorrow there la a husband


mutierutlon. However, many men lo.odentlllc, literary and urtlstlc puryults

I IJjar discrepancy.

Although the masnuvox miiy cnnblospeaker to make his voice hont-d by

persons, it

fairly frantic be-lt ia u sunnyof lau

known nR "Fnir nnd Wartnor." with

whose wifecause he is BO'"perfect.comoflv with showerH

'Slay^Hhiatho play that made tho weatherfamous. .-Ao a whole it Is ono of tho

jAt Hn3" TufinTest farWa overbriglitfconceived. There will also bo S^inshinocomedy and tho Hearst world

OSN. all Dim productions none has-pro-veuv a greater favorite amonc tho

We never know how we are coining .back, - I

[•'or our llvea are at stake every night, i

-to look-watch, '

rn<l ko.op_jx look_Qut for thievesF*or a thief we all know, shoots to kill.If his aim is only true.When a-robbery occura tho people say

the conLittlo they know how much ground\ho covers,FVr ift they did they wouldn't hollor,Tbke it in cities where there's ono

eve^ry block

yp^ \x*o T ovoy so0—iYI thQ tia\^or \t o ro^tlI^lf^ie1tT"™^nlat^opn^wSo take- Jt nil t ho way through and


by the worldHtorv l i i " lietjn

York's Ur£<__tt


ho are selling and

Use Red Cross Christmas Seals


Vtiroary ThuJra'toy^'rttlr an lumlv erearyainher- They r^i«lv«! lte~&oarty^Hnx-^graiulatioas and best wishes of a widecircle of friends.

iir. and Mra. Jqhn B. Thompson+»A family of 35 Thorn atroet. DATO

L entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Prank'Lillian* of Brooklyn, Mrs. B- Wlttne*bert ahd daafihter, Grace, of Metuchen

Howlctt-Wrlghu flcidOtlicers wore nominated Thursdayvvt!iiliii£ at the meeUnfi of the JuniorClub. JEl.tsction will take place t>ec, IS-.V new plnocijle.taaxney. WUl be atarted j t^eriim church tomorrowyjtur Jfaiii-1* Open house will b<) maid- i -iilr.*:-J S"o« Year's eve.

Tho Cheerful Workers of the FirstPresbyterian church will hold a rnm-niago said Friday aud.Saturday In thoUusso butldluK. corner Central aveuuound Irving street.

The County Board of Taxation willvisit this city th'a afternoon to lookovortho local property situation andValuations.

The Ladies' Aid Society of TrinityMethodist church will moot Thursdayarternoon at 3 o'clock at tho homo ofMrs. Walter S. Ganoag,_of 122 Jaqued

_ "An Eveniuji of Plantation Storiesand Songs" wUl bo given by LouisaAlice Williams.

Ing. -Don't miss ILThe First Mothodiat Epworth

League will have a bazaar and enter-tainment at the church Thursdayevening,

year Should advantage of thoKeep-Well station in the post officebuilding Thursday afternoon between

Mrs. StancesMcretnry Of the Florence Crittendon

will speak at the first Pres-

ACCIDENTS-viiriiitf hai* been at Aabury Fark ;OL

« v t i i > ' s . . -" """"•" " ~ " ' •

lu thd competition W'cdiicuday cVoti-L£ at the Y. M. C. A. bcLween ih«i ai-tniooii iiiid oTuniUfi basineaa tnea'sliiii-^j ib« aftornooa class won lh»ji.u> volloy ball matches and the ovea-i«^ chaiM tb«* baakotball JJOAJJ la twocut oi thr©«j Eame*. The

Little Girl Injured.White (jOinii over the milk route

with her littk' broihur hiyt uight MissGuirtiTtde Whitconl*. 11 yuan* bid,Ziiti Klwiu plai-#. was stmek byutitooioblie in UVit Grand stroot nearthtf residence of WUIiatu J. ' Ainu


! Joseph Simon. Adoiph XJtbrich, M.RtiAhmorw, \V. W.

K'ollum;H. R. Monws; ovcnkig dasd, | totlk Hi tli

rtn^a Gravcji. L- St. Rttshmbrw, A-Buckley. W. Chose. H. Smith. Now

.mh+T+ toininif the oVeniag daii^

curb. The driverniel Sllverman. of

^ the auto waElizabeth ave

Contrast ihe intolllcent employmentf present opportunities in certain

communities with the luck-of-plan situ-ntlon In most cities.

Contrast It, If you will, with thaattitude of an Indiana city -whichfound not loond

that one chief in-n z . that one chief industry of tha community, a glass fac-tory, would likely move because the

l fy

supply of Mutunil which had at-tracted the factory in the first place,was about to fall.

In the ea»-booii) duya the commu-nity had sunk jEus__wei!s_ and-hfid-In-i tedthisfactdry to come. But the

old spirit soon died, and no .effort wasmade ta cet additional tow or the ad-

-factorUs—wh l*?h—wooid—isa ve-

Labor-Savlnfl Appliances Are oi Valueon Poultry Farm—Orchard Fur-

nishes Range.

(Prepared by the United Htatca Eepart-mebt ot Aarieulluro.)

In general the simplest -tnetnods ofhandling poultry are best, especiallyon general farms, where poultry is aside lssne, though such farms furnishthe bulk of the poultry production.Labor-saving appliances are o£ valueon poultry farms, but nro not alwayspractical on general farms. W


?onnd~the. Supply falling, two or threeago. he appeared to be about

the only person In the community whowas particularly concerned. ThereWai some Vagrant talk of the possi-bility of finding Home additional nat-

-ural-gaa.—•But-nothing'wa undone "aboutIt until the manufacturer himself de-cided thfit rather than move his home.he would take a chance on a new well.He found gas nnd U still there, thoughnoT'througli the enterprise of the city,which would apparently have allowedhim to move rathor than bestir itself.

And evfen_now there la no movementfor sinking addltlannl wella, thauihthis experience Indicates that such•welly might reasonably be expected


No Greater Mistake Than NeglectingAttention to the Needed F»-athway»

Between buildings.

Walks between building udti u trotw!deal to tile1 euye uud comfort withwhich the chorea can be tlooe, und ro-

can ^o want of the poul-try Work on. a general farm nnd there-by release the labor of the men forother farm work. On u*moral farms,

the dwelllng~nmise In order to "save

hens can be used to advantage, allow-ing the bens free .ranee all the time.An excellent arrangement Is to havethe house near an-orchard, which fur-^lshes_a-gaod.rance for the hens<_ By_

illowing free range"" the ncn's will "pickup all the necessary green feed andwill also get a considerable amountof their grain feed- • Keep large hop--»ers—contalnlng-dry—inash—before—the-hens constantly, so that it will be neces-sary to feed the scratch grains onlyonce or twice dally. Very little morelabor Is required in carlne for a flockcontaining from 100 to iso hens than13 required for from HO to 100 hens,"t>»-n<.l,l/.yl .ill t-ho IIPIW lire l-i-pf In

house and hax'e a large free range.A H^naraio shed or u room In tho

layin,, hnust cnti ho utilui d to nd\aiitagc for hmhlng ctalct ( us with

ii-Cn rr ledInto ih*? houso. Concrete Is one of th*.besftL Biateriala^for making walks, audwhen they ure proporly made the con-Vtruction Is pi-rwiauent, says the stai*college of agriculture at Ithaca, N.

In tuaklbg the walks it Is wise to

xr* X. V. Corkhuff, iWWitt. H. TredlnnJck; EL KTTna:icobiiit h-hd Jtoaeph BolasTh^rc will b« -a donkey

: Ih.' r^iidenco of Mrs. Mildred Als-toe. TO \Va*htn£toa slrwet tViday oven-

~i&i uaJoi*' ihtr auspice* or~~lhe~~BusyIkvs Club, of thri Second Baptistchurch for ih*i beii»ifli_of thcr buildingfund. Tht? piibild Is cordially invited.lUlrcihmdhts WiUUo for sale.

A miraculous ^vacajw from nt«iiijiirv was wxtwf'rieiic^d by Mr.ith. Walter' Iltaiion and two chiltIvvlyu and tlliotf, of 16T East

a n d

—JJatnTday—wvenlnR, wLieu i xtie

Id with from 4 to 0 laches of cinders,or similar nmterlul, well tamped

- Uake a £ood hax*. On top of thisI place 3^3 inches of concrete tamped

In plac« and a top coat of V% Inch ofcenienfc mixed In the proportions ofone _part of cement to two of sand

Uibor—\VbJch UW ob C;Correct r

thtir automobile overturned In Wood-

dgo road. They wereulowly when they cainc* upon it loadof hay In tild middle of tht* road withUd Hijhts on thw wafion and to avoidcrumbing Into tht) waj;on~Mr. Reasonturned ay quickly aa possible*, clear-ing thJ wagon with tho exception oi

for concrete should be weltin sizes from *4 Inch to 1 Inch

and for thUf material the proportionsmay well be One jvort cement, threeof sand and six of travel. Poorer ma-tertals iih&uld have a richer mixture.The tfip coat should, be troweled todrive It Into tlie concrete ba«c but notbecc&sartly to tuuko It sraooth.

A roush-surface wallT may be ad-

: ehiirch.t.iid*ir th«

Bruthorhcwi*! oiebat«ird h^

T h a iiifilr U biiloe] trolley track. The combination upaeti ttusplcori o( tii« j~tlxv? uiiichine on the Mmiia.uitmtifitl 3d!Atidn^w and Philip, j of the class In tho machine was

ittr chonirn from that.1 broken but forlunatoly no one was

gravel may be usetl In the concreteTrtrd-tfamaterial.

XHRISTOOne carload of j/eesto( all izes, nijg^shapcd, suitable

The lifi•o^Ji a cop Is hell,

doesn't oiKiblo the speaker to hear the ,edifying -s of the hecklers, who

Vho oiiti:!;lrtH -Of—tli©

millions of motion picture "fans than'the presentation of that beautiful and"

(tremendously popular star, Clara -lymi]baU-YouriE, in aGeven-rccl adaptatibn^

•4 --|x»f-.-JJ,oljartfAV. -Chambers' worltl-fanioua, J jnpvtol,. -,;! ;TJjo. T Qqm.ti^on.-.L;a.\

lCil'\ will" to"*GOeh" at tlie Lyric Theatre,

For ho'j never off duty as wo all knowIn case of a riot, a strike or a ii ox^

plosion,If the cops are needed, they caU them

out.UUL, j .

No matter \\dv; little we've been home.So pqopie be ploasant to-tue man In-"""bluoT ' *~~ • " "" ~~ t "~~For he's your only frlonp at. .nicjit

•^.1~.:w.liU'G_you :iVe"sleoiiinKi "~ "



• O u Wiir liontoratfd.- Ami fr

-- - - - i,ad -' n^vt'.-mie—»

:s -fire still boln^ doc-

ni the number, we nro Chr-ia,that though HI!

Mountain," Bessie Lo•'GnTu'tm ^'ITIIT" irnticomedy.'


g— to—orova ~n%.CtQcery. Btoro. at thC-corncr_ of East

ra'uu^raml^lCbnnlnKton idtvecte.

How BiQ New York Grocery Firm

it by ihelrcrosB, wouliIt." Fanners use

says: . "Wocellar all tii'n

ratn. Wo buy;ot bo withoutSNAP because

$1.00. 1Soltl andlby

Milltohi) tit liodpli* h*vo tnatX • tfi»» CUmrtb«ir'** _sN]oytul dtidbuun turjllud with sympitttuntle Kollcltuda fat It* heroin*1. Astory produc«d by itrvat Frtineh ucroota dltootor. i l b « r t Cttpttand our grout s tar Clat-d Khnbull Yot iud eui>i>prUd by a iirouof urtUts, incluiUiiir Conwfiy 'JVurle, Kd ward Mortliuor, ICdKlinbull, Lydl» Kiibtt—UM nil utar eatit.

TtotVt "Mian *i*tilt* out'!Also


Snub Pollardlittlo follow with a big

Fxiday :-^Bessie"tloHre xii

Last Episode tit "Perils-of Thunder Mountain"antTTefFComedy


Aiw it;-iir.w

2 ^ UR ardsscartft: this year.

early, s^r as not to left !

3 3 Main Street, Rahway- (Formerly Pfistcrs Bakery)

..Mr and Mc>. itwcl G^nsiugec oi 3i

cra".ii:>tioDK ou the arrival of a dautbt.-r Kl:zluuth Mark*. laul Tuesday.

erv Trlduy tvvouing lit thK.'M \ County. Li

In a !nlaii. I Owners of elm uml maple troos who 1\ llnd smnll rt-'ddish or llcbt-colorcd

Woman Struck by Auto.


1 bunclieii OH the leaves will have to rest• as easily ay possible for a while, says

While drlvltiK his auto aloila Wood ; c u F l u l ; < ,_ c m o n l o , O K l s I a t U l c W I B -bridKc road Saturday cvfuinc former • w > n s . | n ,.s.-perinient station, Tor no eon-

? SOiislon of, Councilman Mui',li W. Hoarke. of K3- ' t r ui measures for this particularKo. i t . I. O. O.; Mo:HKomery s'.rv^t't. struck a woman ^trcuhlf have yet

• whom lie said sti-pped from bshind^-bunohos are pill:Mr9.-l»lt.Sh,,) Tliey live within tho palls and thus

not t>o reached hy sprays. Undoubt-

been found. Thecaused by small

}'\.::\- for Several baKketbail itanie.4; u wa ;m». ^v.~ [rnxciicrTOurii-.i: lh.> holiday Wdtsk Wtvcoiin; A. Salvla. of Wood.bri.iK.rhr:-:mas ami NVw Year's we.ro ina.de; iw-ehed two p:unful cuts

road.on the for,.

Kriiiav .•v.-siuig at l\u- moot i uK oi head and arrTru.;, ::. Boy Scoutt. Among thei'a:r _- wilL b.'_5b&Juiiliil- JloVjj-Ql-.lhfl

.lfl.ai V.-.M t«.--A:.-;ih.S"--t*rtt»if<J-rd-Boy

the nosh:

Crashes Intc^Motor 3"r.u? . . .v- :-

-Becaiise ih-" tan ligiil was allei;>Hl

uKx«r.v of tin? mites where eoliirolmeasures can be used, says Mr, Fluke,

and this pointK HHnrv to

stujy"of""the-.e insectsi l

Hood J^overa

Anto Raldiators aU Glraje"JJeverXtaft" •—

Brake'Lininjfa: At

Broad Sf*aod WiMiltoa/TC, Rahway, N.


ampionDependable Spark Plug*

^i7:*/•:*•*""*•'.•=?<•* » " S i ^ l ' ^ - -


n. Thf caudldtatoB for UlJ Seouli, ir.-: StuiiH. Crowall and Hall.».ird»: Watiibur conier: HowaTdT

AW.!: and Scaff. toial-ds. DurlaB thoIK Jess.; QvurtQB trvoV a flrnt uld

i=l> roiitlue mattori! wow tranaae-\Friday evening at the triectlag otHoard of HdpresOntnilVcS

1'ommlsslotu-r James n. *u rbor . of So ;Maiili*^Ph-iiU'-. crashed into tho rear :of a biK motor truck of the SnyderTransportat.on rompauy, of Phila |delphla. In St GeorK>' nvenuo. Mr. |

rt^^Jurcil. hnt his auto lwaa "damaged The StiyclL-r CobiiiimTIaBrood to pay the damages. Albert j

lor.'d. was driver of the •

elms is In the form of small. HRIH-colored globular bim.-hes. Theoa the maple leaf are red or hlacU,an.t lhere are sometimes as many usa hundred on one leaf. Maples arealso subject to blister £alls, caused by-u.n_]<. rjrnT. firrHc Hies called gall mldg-

Thn-•• • — ~


es." Tiicsf Kails iiri> In the form ofspots lmvinc a t rera center surround-ed by rlncs of yellow und deep red.

h0 *° Ous

Ctiffor 3. 1'rleo has rithlriied to I?aix. Mi., aftur visiting relatives In IDnlon Btroot. Ho -is stationed at tho'IT. a. c^f, xtny Avlatioo_JStatioH.

Capdidatos received the Urst awtsecoiul degree last evening at thottcoUnc of Wnlon Council, No. SI,Junior O. TJ. A. M. Plrat uomlnatlontif olucers wiij tako ckca Beact meet-

A number o( Candidates rocMvoddcerooa last evening at the mooting ofLafayette Lodge* No. 27, F . and A. M.

—At a stsocittl-seastott Saturday evenlns!other ctimjldates. Wefo received. NextSaturday another special mooting will!>o hold.

Tho members of the Rahway HIKII• School football tjlovon of 1016 aro on-

rlnc to hold a danda at tho high1 auditorium In tho near future

nhle that It

Ht. but -whfeh-tiigT:3IC-toa-m-|-fa'nnd t'hr



d l d UOt rocolvo.A vory succoaatul BalmaKundl party

^ s hold last ovonlnB a t . St( faul'nJiarlsh footng' under, tho auaplcos of!' Lfefia,!,, . Mas


Homo of the classiest silent stagetap this

ook at the popular Empire Thoatro.Irving street Tho program Includestho followln,;: Today, Bvolyu Grooloy

Is a market for a certain productdoes not abandon that and turn tosomethlnc which his facilities lire notcapable of making. He multiplies theproduct for the manufacture of whichho has -equipped himself. By thetoken, the business WEITwlio Is iuiei"eutod In community development needsto look about him, analyze what hosees, and while undertaking the 1m-provomont-and fiirthCE-ntomotlon nwl

OasBlnelli In "The VlrKFriday—Dorothy Dalton, Loulao

Glaum and rharlos Ray in "TheWoaUcr Sex."" Besides there loading features therearo many other Eood things oncn dayto Instruct and entertain.

line, If It nppears that there Is roomfor them—and there usually is.— KY-chance.

The ;.nmini in V.

Freni-h Orinin.l ir- (Hi,- s,,n of), so com-.,.,,1 u .nupose.l to luivr

Sho Was Optimistic"My dear." monn.-rt the patient, ns

lie tossed restlessly on his bed, "it's thedoctor I'm thinking of. His bill will beterrtl>le I"

"Never mind, Jnwnli." salrl his wife,consolingly. "You Unow there's the lu-

ll ce;:mo".''y;'.W.-.—..;^

i . l HI1 iliat c imntry, It " ^ Jiirlaml l .y . t l i . - Normana

Hi.- . i ' . i : i i | U i T t i r .


-lit. GrlpKs. licroro 1 hPEin to pnlntthis portrait, 1 would like to make aPtudy of your wife's faeojn repose."

••Then, my" dear sir. you will neverp>t n speaklilK lilii'noss."

Kind Conjecture.

ilnudes. Where did slie"i;et sir,-n olaclr-

•v;,.!!—i trtioss her hushaud ^ave

I • thrm-tn-ln1!*. —

vSPECIALS3derslgned wisif' tfo ex-

ore thanks iojbr. CladekA. It. Sadtle/aad to our

tho kindness

Wednesday and.Thursday


WANTED—Afreali oggs; do'Phono 1S9-M.;

eggs for sale.Colonia, N. J.

/ d5-tf

the death of» i



parlor !compleiOliver

JS- Stag Oakass condition;J1B.00. 23 N.


H. Greenspan, Prop.Successor ta

Greenspan Bros.l


Mr. Fred White Saya,"Bee-en I found my cellarpotatoes. After Shoulders oi

Canada Lamb, lbpass up^Uie po7

tt there

FOB SALB^Tvijo teiT Door?*ablea Infirst class conJitl/jj Inauire Wlnk-ler—137 Irvinrf^f&fet.—

Small FreshPork T


Glasrsrrfterdreast-of-Lafebfor Stew,



of flvo roomsISfi West Scott

tlROCHBTEHS—KstDorieiWed on In-fanty beAtjMar ajsd^^ciiues. Steadywork. fGodtl fayj Write HogalKnittinK Ci.. 97 5|fi Ave., New York.


FOK 3A T ,V,—JHouBe.i flvo rooms.s;! tafffliediate

sion. 3S H £

POR SAU3-Hdosirabl#_minutes to

tmproTementfl>snt 2 acres, S

Rib Veal Chops, IbBoynton—Bortb


ftoal' estate—ancr~a^Bnts- ^^UabUityJasuranco

ntinental, Hartford,Comnerjlal u£ion, Sprlnisflold. Na-tlo

WANTED—Syveril girls. Some for—cl^riclfr •nj rje. Othors—forssemh»—wl«fc Apply—Th

Roglna Co., Rabrwny. NT. J. d9-2tUilon.^SprtaEflold

Hariforffs National UnionlUBUr-

sj Lilberty.Company, Aetna

and Liability Coinnaay.Ocean Accident

EL Chamber-it, Hallway.


family of-four,lain, 107


2 lbs Pickled Pig's Feet

GIRLS AND BOYSexperience nocess

_ . steawook tohouryear


pleasant sur-work J9.00 per

(0} learning; iSSaturday all

Jy Kaiiway Purso Co., -15

Guarantee Corporation

Hoal Estate,Automobileance; ropro

~m C


Poultry OH Range Requires Leas Care.

settinE as many hens rfas possible a 3 lbs Sauerkraut7 Dill or Sour Pickles2 lbs Fresh Tripe2 lbs Pork Kidneys2 lbs Beef Kidneys

one tiiue; this saves labor, as it-takeSonly a little while Konger to care fora number of setting-,hens-than for on<hen. Confine the setting hena to theli

"bests and nlim^jfrfmi nit if* come off

WANTED—Woman for

orlfcjgBderwrltera and

be tised for hatching- the eggd and th

>n—bond—and&. Armstrong,

*nk Blflg.. Rab-

brooding, especially earty lu the secson, when It Is difficult to eet hens t

as nrly as 1* desirable to produemortgage.Rahwuy N

MISCELLANEOUS N. Y. State, Full CreamSharp Cheese

Special, lbWOMAN WANraS W ^ S K at general

housework. mfiVgnA GO West Grandstreet. / n^s

Kalse the diiclcens under liens, puts from 15 to l fi chickens with each

hen, nnd confine the hens to smallcoops placed on :i irood green sod, or» fleld of same u-n>\vlng Crop wherebythe youni; I-IIII-UI'IK will have freerange on fresh Intnl. A considerablenumber of liens with broods of chick-ens can l)e Uept in n limited space -

table board-chweitzer, G

110 fryingd2 It

WANTED—Boaiilersera. Mrs. EllzaheCentral aventfc. forstreet. Viola Sliced Peaches

"Very Special, Wednesday Onlyuro ennllnai—to- thn- ^Eft-REN-T—Sing

from station, S-block

rioath. Inqulrostreet. o2Stf

Stato descriKurtz, 35

commerclul hatch

RnnM<; Til tVTand tin's an^e the ,the chicks. These

e J r K S hatched tholnbor of Imtclilir.-

or a Ktm-o I"..frntn

nUUMj IU \fn CARPENTER wjfnts Afy work or conRENT—Larit> fu/nlshed room- t r a c t - p- °- 9 " x l*2JAvonel, N. J.

ircouvnetenceJ \Bdrt-ss "C L " ! I *£? . '_ .-4O.-i!t

Sardines in Pure Salad Oil_ . ... --—-.-.—3-ca-as^ i"<-' f^«¥ T '" '1 = l ' t^'

by saving labor• ML: for the chicks •i h«- younjx chickens ;

[<• use of those com- ,nil tlie chickens canttrae and tho clilck-

lit out early la theDt

;e- cltlcfceh^

ina n d Btill tillimi'.-jfree- ruliKo. r.\ ilmerclnl luiH-horl.-sbe Imtched at oneens eaa be hrou;;

eral housewo/k. ^Address "Houswork." caro Ao<i2S^ d9-2t

Krysta lakDry Milk, lb pkg

LOST—Pockotbook containing papers,puotocraphw-^ajMl monoy, Friday af-

, at whichable to hatch and Irovomenta;

^rol locationWATCH-POfU-lCEJJM-GHlCKS

Fouhd-Makd—Appll=cation ofismall "ATniiUhfof t a

Provide Shade.

WANTTHTH — (Vtrppnter

ully fur-rtablo; ail

at•ates, $3.00 per

ROOMS. FQnlshcd, clo.Watch~for head llco on chicks; If

found grense the bead of each chick•with.nrjsnmll ninmiui o{ lard. Do-notnso~saU~'wlth I k

WANTED—Jin do3iraM«rloc4iUon only-;-4-four rocAfi ooatodrfapartmont Includ- Chas. Rowlakdh.. Address

octor atroot,or Tolophono

vl?ed. Allow plenty oX shade, ns tliohot sun's rays nre oftei. fatal to fresh-ly greased chicks.

f)R SALE—FouJ BpojrifBod tlroa .for

dross 'H' caro^loyC^/ It MOTHERS—Babv^&rrlacoday twlco as J^uch nsyou havo a. o&rrlaeo o

at to-r; itthatcan

t.\also carrlago111 you wait.

Ropalr Shop,thty EmpIriL


Not Advisable to Give Too Rich PoodDuring Extremely Mot Days—Not

Easily Handled.FOR SALE—§fl)<d oa

suit oiBlVrimfcCBTMartin. >l4^njiue

nmg room:—Mra-.-W.-9.

dfltf an


It is best not to feed too heavily, orof too rich food, during the extremelyhot daya which are experlencciT oc-casionally In pumm-r because over-loaded digestive systems ennnot bundlethe food ns well in the cxtromo heat.

TWO WOMENJ3ONVBRS1NG —"Thoso peoplojrtirOQQ tho stroot mustbo warm-blrffjaed." "Why so?" "Theyhave their Avlndowa ^open most of tho jtime ovenMhpso tfBlfc) days." "Don't p^ILY AUTO

thoi-anks,'^^aid lha Judge.;-?fci- tlra\it;ht from I'aircr -hand—" md'!nnuj Perth Amboy.

befiirti/10 a. m. at A.anTr—cuey will bo d&-

o day. Tolaphono 2G1-«9-tf


Residence 53 WillianiE. Redman, 24 Irving street, puta In."—DcO -ItIng him wlili a e l d look; "but before

you "ride fiwnj- nu-n-inluM- .here's ft oue-cent.wtir tax on ilint

Difrcrcnt Then.I*.- T. Bni-imm rtiW the public liked Loitvo c-rdom at Chntkis Kllntol

wns doin^ sums In arithmetic. ''But Itcost 86 much less to be humbugged

Page 4: TSTfl HIBERNIANS FIFTY YEARS it itECTJpMthat she 'was at Ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately

rtiejttay Attcrooon, December9.

^ ?



opyrl«hi. 191a. hf George £L Doraa CttT


With &o decisionaction.

i "But~what strength LAVhat power,te said admiringly, clench-

ing his hand over the muscles ofHilary's arm. "Do you know^ tnon-ileur,** he -continued, thoushtfu^yi "I

iiavo often thought that a priest 111such a district as this needs the mus-mlarlty almost as much as the good-

! Ah. Motisleur Ask«w, It Iver-e your nsc. mid of your atrenc+h.-hat would I not do VTo Hilary his convalescence wag a

'oretaste of purtullN*?. Kdmond Rosnycame In only for formal visits now.twice or throe times a. day; but It wawwonderful to see Madeleine, whom heknew that he loved with all his heart,about his bedsldi? all day Ions, andhennhour his rh»ir, wuit!njr on him.

anticipating his wishes, until he feltashamed to be so helpless, hor pridegone, he**-scorn jroue, her enmity as

Whon Hilnry learned of theiiycdinhtsatefully, she could

Ifeg?-:- sits It. and Suds Morris U>»

OHA3PTEXI It—Sf&C &y~~J£*Kve

fcew reallxos tta« extent o f t n ap*r%*rtHc*ftd oil hlfl *ft / t t

CBJtPTES-t TH.—Xako-w leai-n* tha t Mo*"-lia, while manacs r ot hLs (Askew*-*) Iprop-

•dompany, ar~rival concern, OI WnTcliTEa-Qomsii Bi-ouaa«&au IS tiie ownar, Hilary '-**Morris s o and makes Connell

CSAJPTEK IV Aakew discovers _ „•Of Sroussea-ti'ii men cuttintf timber OQ hisproperty, JUCtor *m aitercaHon he !a com-pelled to «Uff3Lg« tn a Oado battle witb

C H A I T K R V.—prom Fa ther Lwcl-anJLmlcew l-e&rns tha story of M*rl* Dut>oat,d&Uffbtel- of the captain o£ a lumber•ch<>oner, Tbe gliT* mother, how dead,had b«*n betrayed, and aha her«»lf lalooked on uk&nco and hn-s few friends.Mario knows the name of her mother 's

, but

w u u * *i.*v VI.—JV-Kltew and Conn«ll VisitBlmeon Duval'a danc* hall In St«. Maxle."WliU-o-thoy ajr-*- thet-a.j-ovenu^ ofneer* raidthe plac*. In tho ensuing panic Hilaryand Lafe find MaHe Dopont halpl< -- lL-tins crowd and t ake her IIOOM.

CHJUPTER VT1.-A "dr ive" otlo-w which.Hilary la brineing to his mill Jama andb&B to be released by the U M of dynamite.Hilary has had a boom Btr-ensjthened tohold thara. Just us tho dynamite la ex

Soded Madalalne R*J*ny rides by. Hr->r»« runs away and but for HUary

mulck action tho clrj_ would have b*jklUed. Sha -otters the 'raySierlbiSt-r "warto*f. 'TLook to your boom. Before Hilarypathera hor manning he h«ars the boombmai . and. realises his lat&t BJT* loat.

CHAPTER Vni.—Baptiste -quarrels wiiHUary and leaves hla employ. A strike •tnUl hands, engineer-ed by Brousaeau, In..

' ' A«kow s.nd he r«Cusoa their d«-Connoll would compromise withbut Hilary Is obstinate and th&:

bl&nned to open tt U-auor tstoro In _taca tha t night Hi lary determines to stoMm, and on his way to tho village ma«fMadeleine, who bec£ him not to so,

CHAPTER IX-—At the vlllac« HllaJ" os Louis DUVIII'B liquor bottlos an1

a u.n-3 chas'aa film Into an adjolnin. There ho la confronted by Blue

jnrt thjit shcPliatiand tbauked her gralot moot his eyos.Then dime the first day an which

10 was --permitted- ta_leayo^ _his_ o°fcQ^aninjx ou Mndelolno'a arm, he had

& * t l O ^ v n n d P

no asKoo, -except .MJ ^-T—Dtrees? And, as tor that; a man whosells his property, or rights over It,

•cao never justify himself In

„ ^-, seemed useless. Only o m!radecould save the seigniory from Brous.

from him.*'"It Is not that, Hilary.

It Is be-catiso—well, first, because you are «n

H i t l ^a bot love the EnK-American.

, first,H*i tlo^a bot love the

isAmllsh, bat h8

t t

tlo^a bot l vhates Americans. Ha

d C d inllsh, bui no uuiv - -thinks that they betrayed Canada In1783. And because the people are sat-isfied under English rule, and loyal,ho resents it and Jjrooda over It-"

"But that Is all ancient history,"said Hilary, laughing at the absurdityof the Idea. As a key to conduct, theSeigneur's antiquarian motives ap-.peared impossible.

She smiled. "He is vory good andvery juwt," she said tenderly, "hut hehas \Qt his dreams take hold of himtoo much. And they are bound upwith hiy erase for thii land. He wantsthe seigniory to remain undivided for

-eve t,—ho—wants the___foudul__Jenu reback, with the serfs of hls~~boyKo£HTjfaya; he loves his land far better than

•he—|o\-«M! mo—at least, 1 liiUlexii_Ji«in~u7Lr~aS~JnrivrcrKTmrTr -of—*itr11 —

She hesitated. "Hilary." she i-on

seau's grasping hands.There wfis one thing that hnd .pus-

2lea^Ullary__for a lo»t: time, and nowIt stayed to-:hi3 th.mithtK and ! wouldnot leave him. Why-was Brousseuuonl ine to spend unlimited money tooust him rrom Ills i lml^r rights?-\Vhydid he firtt h a l k u t mmxlef?* He branched this subject with Ma-deleine, who looked at him In Wonder.

"I never thought of « In that way."ah« answeted slowly. "1 fhougbt i twas just—just bccAU^ l lG sensed tha twu were going..to cure fof each other.und so wanted"yon away,"

'•It may be so,"- mused Hilary. "Butsomehow I 'fancy thoro must b e ^ adeeper reason." ~ -'

A.s he concinded lladolelne stoppedsuddenly and clutcluMl hlst'utm in agi-tation. Thvy had vouched the side ofthe Chateim. From where they stoodthe Inmt uC i h e builain- was visible.V bu«n.v \v:r; :it tin' iloor, and Hilary

~re-co K ut=«r- t4H- lw 1 -^ i s^-^u S

Ue was f-.a»dinu in tho living-roomwhen thoy wi-nt i". fiu-Uij: the S e l p -mir acmss tho- tahlo. His vase, which

| he IUU'TO 1U>'" *><Toft to hide, "\vas~pat-'ant. It \v:n= pitifully clour that be w a s

nexplicable ^ense of having comeme.''Mademoiselle Rosjiy," he said, "wee uoltijr to ho c«od friends in future,

aren't we? The j^vad-will coes witht-in::- Uin<tn*»s-;. oven it It do*»s not £:<*

itli ihe trt'os. 'She broke iimvn. "What must you

hint of mi1!" she cried.I think—" hi'gan Hilary.hti—vnrvmi* tf, ]^r ftM't. facing him.

That I kn«nv of thf plan to cut yourboom! Yes, I did know, but only aIttle while before it happened. And—listen!—I was on ray wny to yon, t *warn you, when tho horse bolted. Andhe shock nf the fall made me forgetor a IVw moment&- ufierwnrd. But

then it wn« too latu !" H**r words Hunt: a -^reat burden

from Hilarys mind. Ho had never

mhiii-.o-.-p Cunu-

**\Vhen—he—was a i»oy.for my father here, he haddreams, like so many youdiany. My father becamein him, save him an educiihelped him. £!«> repnilU it hy s»^

-COUK1 in. Muilolcino." ^aldthestneu-r. furiiinc - to her. "You wiltcuse us. I :im "surv. Monsieur Askhe ndd^l Ui llllary. v

'•Ko^*^^tiTn0tvd"Br-ous.4^a^U—*^It >vilh*» jn^i as w-ell that your friend theAinoiicm chilli \iiidorstuiid the sltna-lion. I an; "a liJ^lu man, andwithtmt •ctmct^atuiont to any on*? wh«»

to listen. So you have he-en Im-

par t when I am welt I am well enough'to depart now. Bat I shall return, tosee her and to plead oar cause f*&nj>ly with : you. There exists now m>reason, no* valid reason—"™*VYoli. Shall T» oyerjeome; here !" thun-dered the Seigneur, losing oil self-con-trol. **The day when I sold your u n d othe Umber rights over my land-was themost evil day of my life. Go—If youare well, go 1 -My caleche Is ready foryou. Go, monsieur. In God*s name, andtrouble me no looser!"

nry, naving scrapeo tne mat m m , _blade, watched her In admiral™, ither «eU-posaeSBlon as she went to amifiro. Intent upon her task. Wuiett*water was boiling the two men managed to set Hosnyto bed. "

THtho-wator waa boiledth l t Rbl

iled BlUr»sterillied the lancet, Robltalllc l o t f^on without comprehension. BnthbshnWng flnsers grew firm as ho oa-formed the Jlttle operation. When It

Prom some place in the recesses oftho Chatueau a feeblfc, Quavering cryanswered him. And through the door-way Hilary saw the ajDclent servingman come shulfling to obey bis master. I

Madeleine Was as Palo aa Death, but[ Bravely-'

at the drop of--the

.taileSrBESSiKCBiaatSSCteiow* IIS BrousseaP jhoogfat*

H d hiHis face was atlame. Hc_opened hismouth, stuttered.- and pointed towardthe door. . . "

"Yon can go. Yon can .go. MonsieurBronsseau/* he stammered. "Custom

And; as'he looked at him. his re-sentment died. The two old men—Rosny in hts brown swallow-tails undthe tight trousers strapped under hisboots. Boultuitlc. in the faded butler'suniform, seenied play Ins a part- actingln_somo sce'nc laid In tbe long past.Or. rather. $hey"'were" tiw past They

h d ld

the >

nent m Xloia^B condT.tlon seemed already manifest.

I They sat beside him all through theday, while tho heavy breathing gradt*.

.ally grew lighter, and the stuporseemed to be passing Into sleep. To-

, ward eyenlnc Rosny opened hls_eyeair a moment and looked about him.•*! should like to stay. If I tun be of

help." -said Hilary."I think you had better go, dear. If

ygn ar« strone enooeh,4' said Made-leine. "You will he very careful ofyourself, and make your friend, Mr.Connell, take care of you? And notgo to work In the woods till yoa are

Bowling in Great FormLocals Defeat Washingtons

of Elizabeth 3 Games

Tipuimt tho timber \,n great form-vuyotto Lodge, of this cityi won all

throo ipi

had no plaC«p

modern world,those ancient figures In their ancientdress, nnd" with - their -andent-ways^^hey~cumbered~ln6~s^aeo -uflUerH-te-

-.z-gering—there- -When .their

strorigT*~She put her arms about hla Deck.

**And I love you with all iny heartyw^Isnered. an" KI '"" ~~


iong-flgflr-psi glimpsed In a wild

courtesyr»fiuv T forget myself."

shouted Brousseau.

ed him. H«» ropmti IT ny s^^em- V...W »- _to g*t holt! <ii the Itosny inherit- pllcttUng sue In . your troubles with

i f your meo eb Mouslotir Askew? Be-

war<| the door. "You've

ance. He set to won*, won my fa-ther's ronfid**n*N\ iiiu] ^ot him to pothis money in worthless comnThen he hi-ciiiiit' Ills rr-wltfor. I knewnothing of all this, bt -causo I vras atschool in Paris. Tftut whon I catihome, after my mother's death, myfather was in his power.

""lie tried to 1*ree •hitosWf-by -s r-UIyour uncle the timber Huhts.could only brin^ himself to do this be-

your men, eb. Monsieur Askew? Be-fuuse one of the workmen whom youhave assaulted a t various times tlruws

e on yon and cuts yon slightly,half unconscious from ..your

—••J.>i*-f.Hrtrrn •» yift-j- rtw m y y ^ t i ^

and •W«*VVNhad yrtur '"b:i>uss Once more. Is showilling to \w *\Ms.«uWe? I keep my..ord. in friendship or enmity. Willshe keep hersi ' If so TU forget. TV.call U a wnlnx, I—*•

"No. X shall never he your wife."tid Madeleine ouWtly, . '. •' •Brousseatt swung upon Hilary.

to tnurderWithout

ouT~out answeriuj; him. Hilaryto the Sel£iu*ur. "If Monsieur

a ( J u b t and Madcmolselte

d Brous-

h e rahlc tu T-<»c

cuHt in

thought oft he ronsplnicy wi t h hisT her. hl« ronooption

which wny ulnumt knowledjre."1 wns sure you could not huve

known—1 tried, at least, to make my-self believe you did not know, in spiteof ynur words," ho -aid.

cause ho knew that some day the t r ^ s ***"would he cut d.m-tt. iiud th*.- mill would "lt aWt ^ ^ 5r°u- ^

' o a u - scowling- "X \x-aa Just telling you' pinion of you. the same as t d

co. uud we should have our aucieatsolitude aguta. But he necd«l QSOK



money to help a relative In Quebec Iwho had lost hts~fb~rtune~Qj'rou^Ji~tnlS;]ing liia advice to Invest In onecompanies. My father felt obligated jto him. So—he—-cot the m o r t i c e ,it expires in December, and—that's allHilary, tlear. except to say thut. al-though It WHS expected I was to marry

Jllm. 1 never In my heart expected to-

taal?<luuttor who he was .

ie •continued'^t h e

le ItSeijrnenr

ain't private. iMvatet.** public I I t ' s made m e tstock of St. Bonifaco, au<l Ste. MarioTOO. '" Every one's swn MademoiselleUosny Hdins and

stable. There ho la coniromoa oy uiin-n, i ••••-^i*rr«,—l^Ula»c-aJid-SittaiuiiiJDi!VQJ1__a^in'?cl I ,nrolm.bjv_ f rom S t e . M a r i e . AndWith kttlvc: " —'•«.—»-.»..«*•«<! nw^l 1 _ • •• ~_— —- — _.

. Hilary la ovarpoiverciT and'utnbbed.

CHAPTER. X.—Connoll's oncor iwiBalnc.ht acts out for St. Boniface to E«O howHlUu-y has fared. .Ho mo«tH Father Lu-cloji and Madoluin«" on the aamThey llnd Hilary vineonsclou:tncly near death. &tn,del<slutaktnE him to tho Chateau.




Dreams and Dangers.Thanks m a constitution. inured by

hard work und hcnlthy livinp. Hilury\ T l l i V '

nursinjj, aided by her father's skilledtreiitniont of the wound. On th«-ond c>ay Hilary wns conscious.



~tli:U -i-hc- •t-riKiH was past ; upon the ninth thepatient was sittinj; up in bt><] und de-manding solid food.

Lnfe was the hupplfst nmn in theworld when, at last admitted to thebedside, he asked and received abso-lution for his desertion.

"Now I've got some good news," hesaid, when Hilary persisted Sn askingabout the work. "Wt-'vo not thatshipment off, and Dupont will haveboth vessels hack in a fc.v days for

orlitn;; nviT-

was not Boptlsti1?"".T«»nn HapTis;te? Hp is: incapnble

of *urh UH'rinie! Monsieur Askew, I<lo not know who it was, suvt? that Itwas some man i-'inployed by—by him.

lie-v«u... 1 lunl known—that was wliy Xtold you ilmt it wus too late for the—the good-will. That waa why I wasunhappy, and seemed in trouble, onthe day when you met me riding, aft-erward." She raised her head andmet his eyes at last. "And I went toyou ihat nlcht and asked you to leave |St. Boniface because 1 knew thatKdouard Brous>eau"—she hesitated atthe name—"meant to kill you. Hehad hinted as raurh to me."

i "I JmssTHnrU—nncrf—bcCTH—Hrllary-qulotly. though his heart had audden-iy begun to hammer, "to ask you aau*.'stion_ .about Mousieur Brousseau

y LSow slje says sh

And I wouldn't let him—kiss me.my cheek—once or twlee. It ustnl temake him so an^ry. He hates you somuch, Hilary, and once he was jealous—he seemed to divine—and he uccusodme of curioc for you. That was whatm~afle~ml;~unl:ry~wiTlr"yo'u: l^niecr^tehate you more, and all the time X—used to think about you, dear—I watrashamed—I am still ashamed—"

"I think we musH both have knownthat we were meuut to love each other,as soon as we met." Hilary said-

"I tliinU I did know," she answeredsoftly.

"Does he know your dot-isiou?'asked Hilary.

Sh^ aoddeuV - "I -tflld- -him when_h£- " • " ' • " " ' ' " "•»l«r«'iinil| his wlrked di>

drivitig with toe.won't have a

mv Wliv? Have Iuausodi! Ain't I the man I _

.vas? When. I tuake a barualn I sticiro It."

"Mcmsleiir -Brousseau.5^lKneur, *ivce lio-^uys do liOt'fartak our%l<vlff. , Whntever my .daughter'Mntrncted to 'do will h^ done. fiu*t~tJiI*T"j

hardly the <>ccasion, or the

Aw-Jnb."time and ihe trnnK's hack on th

"You jjaid i l i t in two dol la r s?"" N o r - : i '.'OIK -tnttr^." 4;;i!il l.nfe trl-

..Umphantly. "They askod to ;rn backto "worje. andvy^>u nut:hi to set- themwork lnp ! T jrucss tliey-fuel ..that t hevhaven ' t jzlven you :t -tiuurt- ih-al. amiMr. Kosny ' s b<*en h;ivinc a few wordswith tlt.-m, I tu-;ir Atiywuy. tlii-yknow IIIAV u ' s Mori-is whn t ip in ' l n!Yt h e n-venut- pt-opliv in orik-r to uiiik--t rouhi ' 1 for y-oit. IHM! (In- rc^ulL-ls—tlli^nnr* (,f l l .e rull l i lry h: 's grown !<n» li'>1

fast. She ~km*\v • that if she lookciishe would be nnabli? to resist him;but ;ilri';n]y he had drawn h»T into hisarms."""TVnvc" you, ^ruilt'loTne.**

aguinst you that I could never hi; to him. I had not Eauge<l him

rather, I had been hypno-

in u Masoafc Leaguematch ugainst WaahlnEtou Lodge,Ktaaboth. at-tho local Y. M. C. A. al-lays Friday night. In the first.game

l ! w locals iod by 58 and In tha secondhud an advantage of. 246 and 64 In thothird- Tho high team mark was 963

• ,,mi tho Lafayetto team average was'•SOL*, while Washington had 779.

I Miller had high single with

i, j and best arerage wltB^ZUrSTXr^tbur Van Sant waa a close second with

'"» hie score of 219 and an arerageofj93.;~ WlUSam~E;~Hoouiseu naa~a

[•me and' *«n aTerajra at

132.1. Clinord Lndlow averaged 168.1;

31 to 15.

i—Burner and Snydur did the bestWnrk—for—Phiinjtutl. TE5~Titfef~re-ceived q cut on the head and waa

Some day I'USome day IU ii i - ^ sdoff!" he » ; o » and tnlsed his handhreatenlnely.

dream. Pity for the two futile oldnien choked Hilary's throat. He couldfeel nothlne • " " that as be watchedbobltalllc come to tho door, bobbins.aod_shuffllnp._wlth stiffened Joints thatmade him more like a marionette.

But he felt." too, the ursency of tnk-Ins Madeleine awny. Into a world ofreality, before the samo dream In-fected her. "••-—

She camo up to Hilary softly andplaced her angers on his orm. loolrlnB {Into his face wistfully. • " C» ,

-You mus t CO. dea r , a n d no t t r y t o I OUT O F T H E ORDINARY CHICKEDconvince him now.- she said- " I t h a s r~. DISHES.been a terHblo blow to nlm. H e looks .< • ^-—

'{so lit I am afraia for him. I shall! On* tlr»s of th* u.ual all,i ,,„!(.

_ Ilk* » «»ywarj! bit oflloXb«r S&rtB to g n p lh* biiir^a t«%r«DOtiunc tut* m wild w««4 SMt<:b! It Um. xnmxamt. swlns lns iai *M iV\juh<J lab,

. UB* Ilk* Iron BMns*. U tin't ^ tus- L

Iloo. U's U . c«U <..' i wi!a

for Washington Lodge with 183.1. Rehad two doable centuries with S13 andUt. Faulks ranked, second on theElizabeth team. The scores:

tAFAYSTTTE LODGE - ~IloblltiaU . . : . . . 1 8 1 JOT J69Van SaM . . . . . : . 219 188 i74Ludlow . . . . . . . ^_J17O 1S8 177

\'...'...'.. 141chmidt 178 US199 2SI 174

coward!" she cried. *-VoO cow-ard, to threaten a wounded man. whomyou do dare not look to the face toanger when he Ss well l " i _ _

Bronsseau shru2E«l his shouldersand turned toward ihi* door. The ma-lignant smite upon Ws face. Seemediroron^hvrT-.-slvlhe-alm-liie-aspect-ota satyr's mask. Hilary came forwardand tried to draw Madeleine aside.

come to you tomorrow ana wu you—"••aobltaiUc.'* "said the' Selcnenr.

-Monsieur Askew has decided, muchto-my-^crief.r»-Wove-tbl*- afternoon.You will have tho coodness to packhis things and to J>reDarc the calechefor him. You win drive taini to the

Toluii : ' . . 910 363 833WASHINGTON LOPtjE

«„)( ••• •••• 1-49'•'123 119i lnl l . . , . . . • 1 4 S 1 4 0 •

Fnt shwith blaslnc eyes. But it was

f d ht h ewith basnc y

Seigneur's look of agony and shamethat was the most- vivid part of thepicture.—K

The old man muttered.acquiescenceand shuffled nway. Hilary turned to-ward feosny. "frankly he held out his•fia^d7~T^S~^OTo^^nlB'ltr1lir«il-be«J-ai^time<t but It responded to his deep-Keated feeling. But Hosny did not seemto see the s»'st"urc Ho slboarslar tnc]across the room, one hand clutchtoj!his spreading collar, and bis face.Which had bc«n white and red. was

I>res«ni lh.>Krvrich *s>,

tt-rs. ofprinini

"Tar. yet


—ins*. • iflourinc 1


i>ii al.i-l


f>mll!>r.C> sr^taA*.;:r: .if vuf-

'! ' • fu=il-* U l>ii tl.

•IUh lo W



. . . . . 157

159 183 Ui:iY 135 2d3

SSI 717 7ti8

K g s n y t odoor. xtaichtnii Brpussean make hUway along the corridor toward the en-trance. Hilary put his arm* aboutMadeleine, supportln- her. Her coor-«ce was cone, and ahe Was wecpiiij!

i the door when h« heard a sound ttat Ifhis throat* Tbea

cried odt In 'tear1, Hilary

.Of Ulrrtt ur-bj!-as theiv is »I.K-L-.canapes which taMlJ-olt!i:^-Chicken a laIs said . to haveKapoivoo Aftrr tSinge aud ctt^aoand <-ni It \:p vn-.

ATHLETIC LEAGUE MATCHESAll of tk<* ten teams iii the Athleticw Uni; Leacue are slated to roll to-

tat' of

tiv.-[w*iir.t! cb!ct«i

ow (Wedn«»dajr.) evening. Thenuii will oppose Hobokun od IhdrV < hm«?»i.~ Bayonne at K^jn Ciub. ot Huliit?rford. at.L'*'. JIer=u»y City at \*o* York.vlllf* at ' iPajtsaie. Th«( tlrsl

ch*-ii 0/ the

"I knftw it aln't/ '-saWBrtUsw-'ftti.mbsUlliir: abd Hilary Mx MjliIeU*I&e's\aud. which had nripi«Hl hU arm Uzbi-y to rcstraiii h i m , . ^ U x Us tension.Maybe I forgot myself. X dou t wanto be auythluc l»ut a sintlemau In th*nresuncti- of ladies. but it'a hatxL

;ood ass


r lKemci t in? rT« t7McaBBSyileur Askew!" he continued, Kileerias:nto Hilary 's face. '-That's where you

hi \ \^hn peoplei l a rys f a c . h

Into this husineiii, \\^ht>n people

TTh-e frant.dobr slammed iitid RosnytxirO«>d_ V 'ck *»*!•> tho room. He bursti>Ut-irt jUi^siauat^:>voftr**r_

**It Id uli p m e ! " hi? cried, *-Eyery->thiiiic:—KiOiiu>, intidS, Inheritaiice- AndIt U well "One."" t h e Kosny silfiuloryIs ut-arty t-vcrythlni? to tu»», hot you a t«mure, Mad<*k-lni*. Our n":uiit? nivansUttU1- •i-noujrh iiotf, but It Rha\l beveT

ulHod \vltis~ttiat o i th»*. HCOUIVtae -of cverytfalhS

first an<

tabl«M»i>ooafuls of" UuiH*-/ in a Ciaoi-piSn n d meld thii.-*' tab!ir*>t--.viii?uU c! ihii ^ t o l l v r olL Wh.-n U U \.<H i*!J tt*t la rk u i ca t of ih«- *-htri.i-n ativJ tookflvv mliiulc*- Thcrt u*i.i !h«- wlilt^bwaiWlih Kail a n d txrjs*-1*'* iiiu! a I1)'- <>! £••*?•

cook 2t> knlnili-eili. MnVA *»::ch-^*«* 1*Coldt"si' hrwwrxi. Slav,* zv^'iy a !.w

Shook It Is the Hit withdramatic sresturtf, tt to register hi*

toottlc<twith tvd n&<l 'white, and htf scenic*! tohav<* agtd- ten ycntd vcithln ten toln-utes. . " " • . •

" I otfer yotX toy humblest tecrefcs forwhat hua <occurretl this irt6rnlntf* taon-sl*nr.M he Said tb Hilary- SiThcrc >amtfu tlnie when X should have exactedpersonal rc<iaItaL Svbu% a l a ^ i can*Wit t ~t can only bear-lb^blaine^us for you^monslcur, yoa who.hor^s In an evil dny to cut my .treesf.you xeh& a rc imy Etiest, what have youir, *^y w>irt h»ve brongbt this taUt


4nr.hlm—Ho^lii-'i^goKeL.uw.uy_. iJj_eii_i\lio lincl :\ qunrr . ' l w n h Rron^st :m n v rthe shnro of the i r p lunder . tiu<i th*'v~

____jilmosL-!: ;unt; . to_ J)ln.wn_.ov±'r - it __\YfJL.t h a t ' s tho iirs**t of tl.e Earn out Ai'MMiifWit*r>*«n lti>« liii-ti-^l *»ut n trimi|»,work ing nvcri inio .m<l mulilnj; t lw1t:inrts worl; . ami it lie-ins, tu l<>uk toni«* us if w^'ll win mil uftt-r a l l ."

ThiK wns cnml utiws l l wnsSoptcni!ier. :iii<1 in lilt U> run re tl

el l ' , >Uo w a s 1ot sc> li.-r tne

••Miifl.-l.-iiu*!11«' w a s rnns f im

i-ar , all t hp furui i t iui i t . a n d trLill s.

" W o n t you look

uL1. ; i n ht* could

of a stupendousIUIUK upon that

t me, Madeleine?

At that she raisi>It hiuU with

heuil, andll tl KO»tU

She was crying Softly. Ti'er cljoolagainst his shoulder. Hilary took heiin his arms. **Deur, X am Kolng to teljour fatht'r/_'_ he said. _ ^

She stnrtci out of his anns- Mi3M.^ T n l i

to know.""Bxit he must know, Madeleine

Don't you see, nothing la to be gutne<by deluy. It \a rlcht that he sboulcknow."


—^teWFT^nsiTHorbVbls: "What linracan he do we t "

"Listen, tirBt,*' she said, as they be


i t n ' i r > i i t l i i i i . '

tln»y i h .


; ; V ' ; . "•

.'v.'vl• < • : . ; • -

• t*: l t - . m

• M• i r

! ' •



a wny. llihirv wmilM not »sk himunout his as>:iUaiiis. and Lufe wnsj:lad to avoid the subject. It wusFather Luelen who tonic it up Utter,when Hilnry was oonvnloscent.

KP hummed and lwiwt'd n pond denl,and finally the truth came out. Itwould be easy enough to pet the po-lice tip from Quebec, but the quar-terffc would have to he laid by thohctgfe—before the advent of winter

4months. Of the four, Pierre hnd tllu-

Lchlonc .waasaUl. to. hnvowinter to

h > "> U

_irai _ _pretense of a Subploasc onMiirle limits. Simeon fouvnl .wnsnlncr his saloon wide open, nnil nwenf-Ini; that, Hilary having HBB:IU1I:C(J him,ho hurt strucl: wltli lila lcrilfo In "' ""

'dcfonKe, while In u lialf-stimnod can*rtltlon. Little Louis, his brother,scared out of l\ls wltii, lind boon to

•micmhiT, Monsieurle is my quest. my dear.Is my nuest.

suggest that you and EUloUiit-d have

lne* or list wuek and tls«i

wnway Record, Tuesday


Gain Victory in Last 4

Miuutes of Game—Locals

Make a Great Rally

With rialiillL.1,1 iu!1dinE 24 to 23 andwith only four miiiut*c4 to ijlay thuHahway Y. M. c. A. hMkjtDall tuam•voc a rotsiblti vil;'ory Sa.uruay nigliton the. WainiiuH y. M. C. A. court bya groat rally. At tho cud of tbo flrsthair Uahway had a slight load o( 19 to1G. Soon uftor play started in thosuooud porlod thu Plalnnold teamforged up to oveu turma and tbert onepoint ahead. It waa then a neck andnaclc race to the flnlsh. in the final

Semer. C. Gibbons also out

Tor Kahway, the work of Arthur Arm-strong waa exceptionally fast and

brilliant.-while Percy MiUer also heldup hl4 end In royal utyle. Husso didiiome--ereat cuat'dinj, being an im-portant factor In keeping the Pialn-TleUt score down. Eddie Durand. Wig-cinton and Huddy played well, the lat-ter going In during tho final ten tnln-Uteri. The Score:

RAHWAY V. M. C. A.0. P. P.

Arnuitroug. f G 6 16Miller, r. 4 0 S

>» i- o—a—a


Make Fine Rally in ta3tHalf and Win Contest '

By 44-32 Score

Outplayed In tlio first halt by thoOrioloa. of BayoBHO, at tho local Y.M. C. A. court Saturday night Itlooked aa 1J the Oriole A. C, of tiilscity, was duo tor a- beating, but duringthe last few tnlnutea" of the secondhalf they pulled the gamo from tholire ant! won 44 --to- 33-wore lighter than the local team andshowed great speed, playing ringsaround tho local Orioles In the firsthalf. The splendid shooting and fast

l i work ot Walter 'put thehome team In tho lead and with, somegood ahots by Early, Wraigbt andWalker ihe Rahway flvo obtained acomfortaMt. lead.


(Continued from rags 2)River with city ashes. Several dozenloads~o£' ashes- 1£a.ve""-ilr"efirJy^lo3Ondumped in this low area, which lapractically a t the. samo .grade, as theriver. This was a had breeding placeduring, the entire sunimor and it Isexpected that enough ashes will bo•available so that moat of this can befllled-'in this winter. Some dumpinghas also been .done ou East Miltonavonuo and tho swampy ground alongLawrence street.

William H. Randolph, of JaQUesavenue, is a member of tho Unionlounty Mosquito Extermination Com-

mission and Edwin M. Durand is thedistrict Inspector, H. Harrison Chase

nfr Tni'otaTit inspector o{ the dia-trlct.

In Linden Township 231 Inspectionswere made and 144 swamps and poolsfound holding water. Tho placesfound breeding were oiled as often as

Voss and Kagennast did some ofplaying seen on the local

court this season, while Sonic gavea very creditable exhibition of scoringon free tries. Tho former pair wereall over the floor, and. Walter^seemedto be the only "Rahwayan "whb couldkeep up with them in speed and wind.£arly had a formidable opponent atcenter, but in the latter period clearlyhad the advantage. Walker and KIoseeker did some excellent guardingduring the socond half. The score:


G. F. P.Smith, f.

u 2

00 0

- t -

Early, c. . . .Klosecker, g.Walker, g- --

I Wralght. f. . .11 9 31


Suydor, f.C. Gibbons. (

-S»m*ri—If.- . « -.Burner, c.DavldiOQ. eO. Glbbond. t:

A.G. P. P.3 3 93 0 t0 0 0o 0 100 0 0D U O

Totals 11 3 25About Ihlrtv roo-orii accomuauied

hf Rsliway ''-..m lo Platiinolil. .


VToaK, f

Von Scbaumberg, f.Seuic. cKlely. gHagennast. g

-accessary during the summer mont—During the year 8^34 foot of ditchingwas cleaned^_Including the gutters

.Elizabeth—Brook.-and Peunh OrchardBrook.

In Clark Township 156 inspectionswere made and 138 swumpa and poolsfound holding water. All the breeding

^e« were oiled regularly.


With the time drawing uear for thousual deluge of parcels and lettersthat accompanies the Christmas sea-sou. Postmaster George L. Kirchgas-nor is prepared to meet It with hisefficient force of employees). Addition-al help will be brought mto service as

rintl lncroasos and auto-

grtjre 3 revelation 1

mobile service.. .WJal_be used for thodelivery of parcel poat matter.

Notice haii been received from thoPost Otfice Departinimt advlamgpatrons; to mail Christmas parcelsearly to avoid disappointment as thocoal strike has caused a reduction oftrain service on sonic railroads andfurther curtailment will doubtless bonPcoHBtiry us the flfriV" ''"ptj"ngs. Thtecondltloti makes: the early mailing ofChristmas; parcels this .war more thanusually Important.

Totals 14 4 3:Oscar B. Garthwaite. Jr.;

UNITED FARMERS' ASSOCIATIONUtifiuhir monthly meeting of -tlu>

Uuiied Karui.jr>.' AhHOclutlon of Unionum! MI.IdI.-,.-x Countlos will h.i held



achoolhouii*-' "Wi'dtK'S-

*c V>. ai 9 o'clock.t th« *'V*>ninK topic. "The

for a co-oi>«r-itive carloa*f~o"rfeodu af bleh quality, tiuy^ns

^ eir orders with them profor

MASONIC BOWLINGLafayette Lodfio, of thts city, will

bowl Its finaJ match in the flrat halfthe MnrwAYilf T^nguo KorlftS at tha

local V. M. C. A. alleys noxt SYidaynight against Orient Lodge, of Eliza-beth. Lafayette Lodge is second in

l-tiie-!'l!tsr\it! standing. Essex Lodge, of



spot for* training* and recreation, i "As 1 understand il Huch u coaimia

PftRK Hud anNa.tur«»

untocctjUed oportuiiity lo «&ebeautiful tmlure—at its boat

uponstarted forward uS" if to


protest, but he silenced her with it Eci»-.turjMtjf his opert fatj

I our Word." j riionxlcuri'" "he iepeyvST^^t'itiSi'^i/^a:Madeleine wns tus'lutie-as death, but | bttw you justify yourself, jrtii wht* archave held'

ihe stood forward bravely. "1 neverpledged toy word to you. iloosleu*Biousseau," Klie said In a low tone.Toi-r-kuow—Itv -You—asked we to ft*-pertn- u;lju~good tloal for cron'teiir Ton toofc'inarj

and haves pro-KUUUXI upori thu» fact to t-orti mydaughter from m«5"

"I love her," answered Hilary Sim-

Hi* Ey«* C!6»«<J, Hl l Arin« DroopedOu**- the Side*; H»» Mead Fell on

la bis thalr. HU eyes dosed, his annadrc6p*d over the xldw: Us head

icpn jsclouii, and 'biroiithln-S- bcavTly. "Hilarytried to rals<- Kltu, to carry him to the

tu*eixtcd made of iroa

^ Words -

for granted. made n mistake.1 -tp.

cemc<r~ta,s£lnc_ llosny, u'Yon nrc presumptuous.

a s be lay. a dead welfihi. in Hilalry'*

~ ^ I gun wolbhig elowly~back toward th*Cliatoau. _'Xhc .otneC-dHy. us soon ui!^bur recovorjT was assured, futheiwent down to the mill and tiilkcd wltlyour hands. He cave them u terrlbliscolding. He told them that they oweca s much duty toward tholr employe*ua toward^hlm. It wna not because hiloved you, Hilary, but bccnuse of hlisense of duty. He thinks It Is my iluRto Riicrlnee myself for the seignioryThere will be »« ruoru trouble jvitJ

cut Monsieur Askcw's boom, wheu youIIIM des-th. yon lost whatever'

yyou are our friend. But, Hilary, 1can*t bear to huve the old, bad feellnfbacU again. Give me up, deiir!"

He laughed and put hl« nriu aboulher. "I can't believe he will hute ra*forovermore, Just becnuso I want tctako yQU awny from him. No, dear, 1shall tell hlta, but uot today perhapsYou see, with less than three month!

-fore^ip. we cnn!±_(lcl£t any longer^'She sighed. "I suppose you ar*

right, Hilary." she snlfl.what will happen to us?"

"IB the Ittt-eyGak very m


"I love you,-}. answered, with prid^

that tornado denial or coquetry. AndHilary foaml no Innper. . EvorythinKwns chnn^i'tl to jny that, seemed to

the principal. Hilary, it Is n hundre.and ilfty thousand dollars."

Hilnry looked pluni. There wns n-

monsieur!' ' he crieiL. "Pct-bnhs Sou.'toorthoughtrthatrthe:hclress^1w'cnt'witJb-

Injj in t h t c b a l r he bccaB to ut ter wild.WhlnipeTirie-CTJes.

chance-yon'had ever had. I shall nevermnnry you." .

Broussenu stacsered backward, camonp ncalnst the table, and stood star-inc »t her In Incredulity, In fear. Infury, bis own fncc-whlteif-than-hers.-|The Seluneur sut"down~ln^hl!T-cbalrheavily. scemlnK to coltnpso there.

Then BrouuKenu flung bis fear nsldoanil laughed, and 'iLsoiaJhcJinossLsftilL

augh tha t Hilary had eaddresKed Unsny:and as bo spoke hocontinued m ailvanee toward him. un-til he wns s-haUinji his (1st in the oldSelKneur*s fat'o. — —• ^

"I understand now,"—life -Sneered."This One American has been at. workIn this matter. It is he who has tTeeiisiprendlHK these lying stories ahaatme. X j l n n ' t - blame, -your - douRbtciVKosny; A vonlim la eastly Inlluencedby it new fnco. f t h t

(Continued from P«o» Throt)

ctti.T w t t a In ih.> vaik-y have esdsied:--:iv-u[ a yi.u-age dUl>o»al jtlaiU the*'-'

U M yi'an: t i n t w i i"iin i d«dit<3 the;.*-...• n-ganliui: lal-^ tiroblom muchto!.f.- Somt-lbing mUkl'bJ dono andsi itumM bo diinc wall. W« can bj

;' So fur as 1 biivw bi;«ii able lo SL*V:t:<- only proper Holutlou, of tha diltli-uiiy i» lo joi i iwllb lh>j othor niunicliLilnu->. jvut _ifiJ! tllstvoei:

"7cw .-iirf^-ity^wberc^il^iiouJtl^tiff^ujior:,n,ivL. to UK and k(HJii the siiv-inis)i"w- atiii through, pur city cleaii andPur" without deliiemoni. Vorlunatuly

U-UXpr*^^1! -iii" tin;

both health und] "Before'the war the ylsltor to Paris• would eoo a sKonoral'oscodua of Paris-j lana ev*'ry Sunday nlorning. Trams.{ buiiKes taxk-abn. subway and railroadj trstins jammed and overflowing

emiitU'ti Paris on a Sunday morning.M you followed tlie crowd you would'see that Us oijjoettv.' was the Bois di- ••

( Bouloum1, tin- Bois de Vlncennes. thex—„... _. . ....,jnebK\U'. or that of St.

! holiday, h<- wanterl to get away from

ing a*, it might condemnation of theproperty noeded for the purpose.

-- -Laiiiei-.-you-earulo much. -You-calurpe the men to get Interested. Builou'l let them forget about tt. Keepihf project continually before theirt-y«>s until it is consummated Get peo-pie in other cities of the county in-

COUNTY LEAGUE SERIESVS^El Mora Country Club will bd

the dpi*oneats of the llderans in theld

alloys tonight. ^Plalnflcld Elks will jbowl at Roselle, Columbian Club and !the Elizabeth Town 'and Country ClubJunior O. 0 . A. M. a t Elhrgbeth .'Elks.


Buy "Over thFurniture PO'**H HI

———«Y~ppIjr cigarette corTWJLiilt:,,i Wymui anyi

you eveX experienced! J£*->u~ never tasted such IILU-

bodied niellow-mSidneys ; stich refreshing, appetizing

flavor—and coolness. TJffi more Camels you amoke the

reater becomes —L.Gm<zIs a r e such &~< S 2

j Kvtirything abo*A Camels you find so fascinating is due to »JS5^S their quality—to the expert blend of choice Turkish and & r ^ §

You'll say Camels are in a^class by themselves^—they seem

&> meet your own personal taste in so many ways I

alter-taste or un-

most fastidious snookers. And, you smolce Camels as

as .meets your own wishes, for they nev«-r \ tee your

taste ! You are always'Ven for the

C3£ai"*itte~"satisfaction 'that™m^ices"

Camels so attractive. Smokers rt^il-

ize that the value is in the cigarettes

and do not expect premiums or cou-

pons !

Compare Camels with any ciga-rette in the world at any price !

flin-a/j* mre noiii *vmry*rh*r* in mimnti&cMlly

r— looo i

tft* hom* or office pply



Tbo roKBOn, la we ijtvSffTatent etli^fi o^gpn, which CIVB a flavorthat pau beatod 0V6US c-fanc^p elve.

Oqr ^yiontig ftnd * r o o ^ Bread ^w|ffoh gooii Into ovory family ID, boody n£ inlriiii^tlon bcc^Swe tt s p e a t s for i€s^If I ~WT£jrT~

Itesidence 'Phone G9-W.

"\*o tiuu- should bt-_ lost. The oil- JHirlunity i« JCOW. In a little u'hlleiouio Tana development may come \'tout sonn*whore alone the river and '....'H it will b« exceedingly dililcult to i

• brit'Us mid mortar and pavod str»"iits i ,I and he rusln-ti fur the country. ,-.,

'. an hunt*H1 tli^cuHsiou with hhPnotglUTS"Ptl'v'1i llure mother would rest, here the ehil ,; ilreii would play and romp to tln-lrI hearts,, t'oiiiuni uudt»r_ tile BIKULC ..of.

riim with ,

,-ds ih.' park and it needs It now.

• i s si*** ii accomplished. Let's see

is splendid conception of beauty a

.,-^v ]\u\, Hn nni it*! us lir^•j-on.tentpd

o A/ahway Ho-^ital



Otl»cr Property itActual Cost, t

Staam caolsturt> m our oven* IOur Now I^parturo ir^^ench puutry lu ulvlnB ro«ult« boyond

oxpootation ICome earlytrid i;ot the best

RAHWAY BAKERY<S> Main S t r e e t , ^ Tel. 3<S<S




New Jerseyover

INVESNo ontranco

For turtherStroot any



fcaGEaborflhlp^ifattBffer or withdrawal fees tfnd no charsofor pHBS-book? or cortlflcateia.

ptormatlon call at pur oflicp In Bauore Store, 125 Irvingduos day trottiB— i "P. ' i l . or Visa last buslnean day of th»

month Irom C—10 P. M.

uh .wurds alono Let us work until•fs .uc.orailimieU^iiiVd b> uni>as£"ail£y'

1 it i> Kach and vvvrytmyot us hastluly ami responsibility injthe mutter

ml if ^ach doot^ hip or-hor part. \vuI...II have tin; mirk." • - - |


~~^Sfr—^-'•Ta It Mq'mirjo: ,B)u ihut Kaliwuv

i camo a u-ell lilted hamper wa-s pro- \ ^.uvjdMTith a emtibli' luncheon. Wuer- ; l•vor you lookod you saw linppy people,' ,

r\TB or (SKOKCK -1ft. sfcj^lFILING.

v ' t " r THu PuVk will benuflt ua by ilia Ilr"«- . ' 'QM>--.r,u«UlOi. if offer* (or « » « ! , • "At lwihK la Lack to the cuy would

* i : . U h ami V.croat ion. I l will pl«.»»e ' tlock a j.-you. tl,ronK. tired but , ;>'•.• ..y., W t t W,U be b_.,Her d t t o n - . ! h c - r t . .eady to tako up tho toil on ,«»I. »«el. a boau ly . spo t ut our very I tho morrow with renewed hoait and ,


of Kiil

to your mill. Aud hencc/orwurd, uncsa-yott" ' i l ' ' l 'n^'n t !~'o* i t~ l n c h~< > r~ : y o u r


.11(1 laid liln) on Hilary".; bed.llllil—in

ivhlcli I do not think yon will" ho add-ed vwltfa reluctant justice;—**Iot tirf eooyou nn more.

BBgfgrstrained on hl« W«si. Ilihiry wn»loosening lil« collar and th>- upiier par tof h l i clolhlnu." KftliiiSIHc hu<l s<huf-X o U a r o u n J u U c e _

|-MWcjQyjs_<-flch_othpr. There exists noreason why o should not l o v e . Mkleur A^kew In aa good n&r uny

"An A«ju--rlcau 1" cried llo&ny hotly.d

matter. ;V"I don't hlrtnio her.

n roan, for that

I expect my

chaacc p( .WIKMV.epnir.

thut amount nny-

rlctl—no nioro Hn<rno'~le^s" 'TtCthi tcenre of the love. -I»Un!t a Sinrd mitti.I caa niuUe allowances fof lmiiimi na-

:l iure . I oxpect. to mold tier, and to

are'not'hlu. "iie'is'notr*'Yet you \vere not too proud to

S h t h W ^ ^Dot one of US •cither,except by remote

Ami It was hl.s turn to ilc

you ^uro," he asUeil, "that tiltworth your-.-wliiie? I feel

ITm'T, to rob your fatUor-andyon, unless you are sure ' "

t e o p wnti 'h-"nwr hor. Muybe- sho'dtlo the snme with me.

"But this i.i tlinVront, Hosny," hoshouted furiously. " I lu ' s been tclllnji

*.—llo'cnmtr'itp—riertrKtnrtotl in to i:ri»«li, "ii». Ho wnntx

ISJlfiV°- J11C <>>'f:'1f^Kto.JI:'^_aiJ^m.iu»t;oii*

l; To\v \vliiiiTjinean. I'll tlful wttli him

knowledge.**"Enouijljii*! cried HoSriy. " I t I s a\l

p a s t l " ' ' . ' . . . • ' :."The nienlorj; la fiot piifet. Xc«. JoU

plcdKOd >nu to lilril anil placed tl)>' -firstMIIUJK i\t tti« eiiiiln iibmit m y finely luip-inK'.that the midiirxtiinilln!";. lo whichI \V;IM HO party, would tjrnduullymesh ino, ciiptiirc tne, that I ninmlicome. hl« wlfc nnd H'iy<-. y«V'•'-'""'Li'ov

In pnth.'lle i-rlef. "t have klll.HlHilary could do nothing. She si

dlBtruutht. imd the Sclsneui* layt i b

jblended with the ulrl'x subs; and thereWQd lift other Kound In* the room. ,

But-iiaQa_K_ol>Uiillle came KhuflllnKbiieli. In oiii! hand he cnrrleinr-bnsJnr

S w e S asbinethlnii to iliuieleinii. who rose fromher lateis; unit lool:t-d ut Hilary with ubrave effort ill self-conti>o.sure. "HeVitutu .to' hli'ed lihll." she said. . "Hesays! that, wheu hi? was hyOiinir ma"iliey u«eil to:Blcc(t2iiieji fiiws iitwl'ih.'yBot wi>ll._]..Hq .snya It l« the «nly

' or*—hiimfl»!tio»-<*H'H=£l°'!='*v;Wfc!ifii K.'i'iii.'d Kl«(n>tli<(l iiy

nrmi"irii>-nit>pv^nr;^«>iKTi;ia--p, ^.vr^'iVfiiinVr'S^tt^-WSsF'Sn*^'1"'cnlmljv '•Hut T r..ii>l-/.e your feellnus.and I understand how Krea.1. a sdiock t h ( i ranm imd

a ) c o l l 0 l s t o v e

^ n u L i i a w I t h . n .Mm ( I „ „,„, ,•,{ wilier. II»-

H B h a « b 6 h t t p p y piizoas. And It win save the city

Money by guarding our viator supplymid affording the right of way for tho

.^gmlMMmBfcUl^.Cieu^, ^$JWLm;- w•••••Jown rrora the OraliBO hills. ThTn~ «.clear wator piirllnir ovor Ktonoa anderavol, boautltul troos bondlnu ovor

-this 'BliafkllH^wHCorrBfooti " "Croon uelda-^witif—ahrabs-

brliiKlng Nature—risht " boforo"rod oyoa. Horo a»d thoro a bridge

"This trip to the country on Sundnywas more thun a pleasure trip. It wasa restorer of Health. It eovc one the j iC

UbllUy_lo »•!•-• ' " ' " g " r 'eht and It wasforms of life Insur- | —IUE I 01V0 Of tile I)

[ 1)O\YEN. ._Executor.

ULBUIca. Proctur.nolni'ny. N. J. ,

-| _ .

"WhatHpoct. certalnl

foadways load ono'goiitly along sottat whelhor you com'o- by taotorrat' caiTiafto, bioyclo or on fopt .you'

h.'. s done in this re- j... we can do and any

"thlW-timt will bring- silmultaneoualy-iiedllli nml ploaaure should hnve our!undivided tind enthusiastic support.

"nut this beautiful Park with all Us.itt.j.,,^^..... . . - i will "not be civ-

atod w'ltiiout'T'ffavt on our pai't.L To-day It la nothing moro than an Idoa. apfojoct, a possibility. Unloan n large

. -.. t ..,i,o

""—"ftici—wfcich—Uruudonine into—<rshallow lalto ariqrda aniplo opportunity'or boatlne or skating according to thasoaijon. ' •• • - . • • - . • . ; « .

• ">n tho XInton _ Cbuntj1- K Memorial1 ark tlibro aro no signs "Koop. ott thoGrass." It is not a Park for formal

usoil. Horojiio folk who goon picnic

» mtido wolcomo—that Is if ho will

Hcout- lor that matter tinds tho?


•IMio*i?«* N . Of.

. AiAyou bujfftlinfi up your houlthfortltldi|tionH? Tin1 way to fortifyyouv i \n l th is with pure foods.T h e k i i \ oi in•••..!» w e woll will

•Help for t t" your sySleto:'"Watrh \ r * M r Happy Party.

holtlors will do nothing. Thoy miitTtha shown that It is nocosanry anil thuttt-cau hi1 earriiMl out. To accomplish.thlsi rosult intorost youriiolvos in tho

nml become onthualnstlc. ThatUs enoy for sxn I iinld ho.tor.o just tnko

th,, iin-ndnB atatio.i_<vt..tho^Rahway

thanTnlum^-o^oxplauat lon ( . n i ^ ;man j . lutorQstcd.

ERO .Hanger

lisa £)o Picture Framing""•"'"' T~\j$tazing~bbne-to~Order. •

1djg~:,~Corner Main and Monroe-Si

i 3-j "

Solve thewith


Easy to Prepare

"e no complaints of that "all gone"eling several hours later.

Your grocer sells Wheabpna.-= »Buy a--.b.oae^te-day^'•— - .....




Page 5: TSTfl HIBERNIANS FIFTY YEARS it itECTJpMthat she 'was at Ma.ta"wa n and gat ihtf telephone number ot the place from "where sho 'was sending the Tnes" sage. Her captors Immediately

j . . . ^ . ^ . . . ! ^ . , . . . ^ . , . . . ____..-„_,.._;...,... . .^^. . . . . - - . . . . . . . j .^ . . , . . . . ,^ . . . . ,^ , . . . . - ,^- , . . ! ..„„.„......



Tuesday <uternoon.- December 9.

Take First Game of CityBasketball League—A Surprise for the Young Chaps

In the flrst game of tho-J2ity--Bas-ketball League played ut tho Y. M. C.A. last night the "old follows" put

rCTittg-~ekfipa" whan.tho

~UUU UVU1 UI1tho Seminary Club won fromOrlolo A. C. 31 to 21. Figuring thatage, wind and speed were in thoirfavor the Orioles had visions of start-

- Ing off with a victory, but the Semin-ary team surprised them.

It was a hot contest throughout-aiid-^T.ho OrlQlea pushed the_"old follows"

hard at all times. Walter and Kie--seckor mado some sensational loug-distuueei shots for tho Orioles whileYoung tfntl Orr showod they had lostnone of their cunning despite thoirbeing out of tho gamo for a long time.Some exceptional guarding was doneby Flero.

Games in the City Loaguo will beplayed every Monday evening and willcontinue until each team has playedsixteen games, or two contests againstevery toam.


Q. V. P.

WiEgtnton. f 2 3 SOrr, c 4 1 9R. Miller E 1 0 2Flero. g 1 0 2

Totals 14 3 31+-.1

Tuberculosis Kills 150,000 AMERICANS every


And yet. Tuberculosis T3~"Preventnb 1 o—a&d—

Curable. ^Tho National Tuberculosis Association is con*

ducting a sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals, begin-ning December 1. """ - '" ._ _

TWproceeciS" Ot 1±ris-sa-le-wiH-be^4Jscd-to_c0ialiat__Humanity's 'morf-deadly-«neiny-=:Tbe_ White Plague—in every community in the United States"

Approximately 92 per cent of the moliey raised

This Campaign to save AMERICAN iives willsucceed if you do your part.

Get in touch with your state or local Tubercu-

losis Association.

Buy Red Cross Christmas Seals, or ETeaJih

Bonds.Don't wait for the Seals to come to you.


ponents of the Rahway E&s in anElks' League match at iJfcCartney'salleys on Thursday night.

Schedule of City League*toStart January 5—KeenCompetition Promised

Bowliug teams Iu thia city who areplanning to partlctpato in the CityBowling League schedule to start atthe Y. M. C* A. on Monday* Jan. 6.

-ii,i «!» fhoir ontrlos at once



Wraighl. !•

Smith, f. . -Walter, f. -Early, c. . .Kieaecker.Walker, g.

TotalsC. I.. Buckley;

3 5 21timer. Cltf-

ferd Wooater;strong.

scorer, Arthur Arm

(Continued Pron Pao> Ow)

Main and Poplar streets, this city. Mr.Biacardi followed his usual plan ofwalking home with hor. Thoy hadreached the corner of Westflold andSt, Georgo avenues when Mr. and Mrs.Andrew B. Ryan, neighbors of tho Es-positos, canio along In their auto. They


p ,askecTBie yougto ride and as Miss Esposlto is wellacquainted with them she acceptedthe offer after consulting with Bls-

the pretty Rosa, goes back severalyearn, to the time "when the SSspositofamily lived in Matawan. Miss Esposit o repulsed Madura's attentions as,he grew older and told hltn she wouldnot marry him. Two yoars ago th«Esposito family moved to Clark Township. Last fall Madura secured a positlon at a plant In this city and wa;given board by Mr. and Mrs.—£sposito.Tho pirl still refused to accept hima suitor. He became so perslstouthat the parents of tho girl onhitu from the house last spring.

Wednesday he went to the £sJS

GAME FROMOutplaying thoir opponents in all

departments ot the game St. Mary'sparochial achool football cloven, ofthia city, walloped St. Mary's of Eliza-beth, 10 to 0 at Riverside Park yester-day afternoon. Tho Hallway Uno-upincluded: J. L-odden, loft end; K.O'Connor, left tackle; A. Gallagher,left guard; Miller, conter; J. Ryan,right guard; F1. Schwlndln£er, right


"The Theatre of Bir Events."

Irving StreetMATINEE, Dally fc.30 p.

ADMI8SIOAll Scats xzc


esday/ December 9thnrweeiyin

/Me and ptain Kid

and Thursday, December 10, 11

olores. Cassinelli—- Aslha Soulful Brown*Ey«l Heroin* In T \


Virtuous Model"FRIDAY, December 12th

Dorothy Dal ton, Loyise Glaum andCharles Ray in

"The Weaker Sex"

JRexo 3ersei> Hbvocate



RESIGNATIONS. C. TerrtU. chairman of the bowUnscommittee. It is planned to- haveeight teams in <h« league and runtlic schedule to April* 1. •

In past years the City League hasbeen one of tnn moat -attractive and

inter snorts and

His, Frances Hewlett*WrightTalks to Washington

Retires as Superintendent of

Rahwayjospital —- Miss

drawn good galleries wry_nlsh t -trains wiir^>irobably feowl-fow^w _a week. The --competition promisesbcv.keener than ever this yearidino~'eScfc*«=«' i ~y j

Toama should til;o as to be sura t;he


252 W. GpB, A. COOGAK.

gf.. Rahway, N. X

to Chrome to stay with irelatiTes un-til tho affair la settled. Mr. Eapositoand hid brother remain a t the house.Tho girl Is-kept In a place of safetyfor a while.

County Chief Galatiau had assignedCounty betectivc Joseph Buckley totha case and tho arrest of^he gang isexpected" a t anyesterday that the girl h^dcaptive in the Holtadel •section

ran. Otherobtained.

ipular a drink'. in onras it is in China and

:st reason of all is>yk's QualirTcas,

being the nationalgreatest nation.

>alto home to got a raincoat ho had j why Mr. Jca Armstrong. Celebrated

Q u a K - T e a 3 \b. 51.45 5 6 c l b

near! V i c t o r y "Tea 3 i*»«t.oo 35c l b:Su*a|-- •- • ,r * . - M * » * ' 3 5 c

TV* " kl " 45cGold

left behind. The girl was at work atthe time and did not sec -hint. Thoutjxt move was the kidnapping on Fri-day night. He told Miss Espoaito

having h _; take cnarnthree

ime in East Grand street.Miss Esposito loft llio Ryans at

their home and proceeded across lots'to her home, which is next to the Ryanprerpises a abort distance beyond thoMiddlesex

right g u a r ;•-••tackl&; Ahimovic, righl e_n_d_i Walker^

D l d Wquarterback; J. Dommlnoy and W."Cuckhurat. halfbacks; G. Schwlndin-ger, fullback.

Tho Elizabeth line-up comprised:Ttrcruipsoir;—left—trtiiH £tGttiatT Icit.tackle; Byrne, left guard; Lloyd, ceu-

t tor; Hughes, right feuard; Loughlln,right tackle; Dohoney. right end;Byrnos. quarterback; Rabig and Davishalfbacks; DoRaismos, fullback.

way of tho lano running from MadisonHill Road to the Eaposito homo be-neath tbo trees wsis atationed tbo auto-mobile. A.s Miss Esposlto reached apoint about equally distant from theroad and her home the five menpounced upon her. Mr. Ryan in themeantime had gone Into his own home

nd having forgotten a paper which 1 miensLUtotnabilo—roturncd—tQ-L,.

While on his way to the ma- j „..chine he beard a scream from the

LONE STARS WIN.Iu a lively basketball scrap at the

Y. M. C. A. court Saturday night theLone Star A. C. defeated the "Treat-em Rough" live 18 to 8. The score:


"""• '" .• . j i ^j-V- ' . "" 'T^

j j • * >\ . - •___ ._

. : ; - ' ; t , V . . , . : ' • ' . : •

T"/~p;V• y _V . ^ .

i / • •

' • - " Y : : . ' • "•


Abbott. !'. . .'AndelilnKer. f-SulUvu.il,-i^ . . -,'Mucitle. eE. Schweitzer, g .

- -" Totals

Hercr. f^ . ^ ^ E. Mllinier, f

C o v e f c~. r:".-..::.: rMills, E

- "^ Muntlow, pc

TotalsReferee—E. H. t*

G. F. P.




0 18G. P. P.

. . 1 0 2

. . ^ 0 4...v u_ 0—2. . 0 0 0

gottinj; her no matter what obstaclesrere iu his path and_ that it he had

l'ot cuught her on the way home howould have taken hor from her homoby force, shooting her parents ifnecessary Co carry out uTa~plans: Mffwas bound that Biscardi should notmarry the tjirl.

i Wheu he-3iitentative rnthat—he—diil-igirl in view of what hasdespite the fact th::t tbo license hadalready beun la Ken out and prewar-

by TheSunday

Record repro-Biscaxdi sarO"

nearaboutrodent — «Throe sixel 25c i_guaranteed Iby T.ware store.—Adv.

tny kenriehi.does couldn'tT-SMAP; Indisappeared.

my friendsthis sure

cake forrn^1.00. Sold andRobert's Hard-


Rahway fire Alarm Station_ 'Phono 209 for uiill »l»frw.^-Main

'luiioranee does not-make {or-JmrityU is knowledso «>«t makes and J>r»-»jr»ei parity." Bald Mrs. Prances Howtott-Wrfslit. field secretary ot theFlorence Crittenden Mission to an-other of her series of wonderful ad-ircs»a4 deUTexed In this city at tha<wlin< ot the Wsahlneion Schoolp^renl-Teachor Aasodation last erenlaj. "He or she that knows s. truth

tor personal ll




A, Nelson Reeves Given Farc-well Reception at Home of


Stttdy of" Christian Americanism" by Classand Its Application to Local Conditions

S^hinResolutions — -

30-BE-GdNE SIX-M0NI5&Aitor. ted weeks careful and ton-,

-Home Mli-urge


fnr iliffarences at opinions, thereby

slons-Icii- book. "Christian Aineri: _,.zatlon," by C, A. Brooks, we the |


Patent and Calf/Button f£d lace

TinTDySnCdT14"O Main Street

Street*. POINTS


ywere being made for tho u*ed-

14—M^ln and Commerce Streets.tS—Kew Brunswick, and Lake A*o»

-Haselwood and JaQuea AVcxmeAA—Maple and St. G«OT%G Av«nueau

direction of the Esposlto driveway. nd aaw an automobile\ daub out intoThe highway and off past bin house athigh spted.

Immet'iiite invPKtigation nhowodthat 'hi tjirl bad not reached homoand thut she evidently screamed whenfirst grabbed before anything couldbe thruat over her month. The Rab-way police were notified about 6.25 p.

Desk -Sergeant Jacob Reraer atonce notified Westfleld, EHznbeth andNew Brunswick, but as no on© bad the

-deacriiition-of-tho-auto the police bad little to work on.The parents of the girl, her uncle, Al-Jtonsb "EjRcardi and otlwcs ..liuntiidever>^j^H|re for the girl. ' ^

Qn Saturday mornlne the father, 1 hy Uadxira marryiMBr the B l r i ^ 5 .uncle and Joseph Biscardi. a brother j l u g a c c r l a i n a m 0 Unt of moneyof Alfonso, went to Newark in search T h e Bt o t h c r ttnd a e V c n c h l lof tb_e_.CirL While absent the tale- • ^ w Q r c t e r r I f l e A b y t h e g a a ^

Middlesex Water Work, from ^ « _ i ^ l h f t _ u ^ ^ ^ & | i ^ : i E ^ i ^

•inthoritieo of Union and Mon-c^uuties have taken up the case

and a determined seach ia being madefor the alleged kidnappers.

Yesturfluy afternoon—another" •aitempt waa made to tet the girl. Sevenmen, including iladuxa, drove up tothe* Esposita hotue*" in an automoblloand five entered th© house demandingto see tho Kit\. The leader carried.

-3—rnvnlwir _IIWH tho nthor m«rt k<their hands in their pockets as if theymight have weapons. > Two remainedwith tue~machine. The girl and herfather wore away at the time. They

|;\liye"aTeirod--to-klir"tbc entirc~£amily~if. the girl wnH not produced by "5 o cTocki whon thtiy^satd they' would return.

to'avoid court abtlon:-M

4 0Walter.

Espouito stating that she was IiTMatawan, but before sho could give

rther -Information she was snatched

BOXING PROGRAM THURSDAYManager Joseph McNulty, of the

Amboy Sporting Club, Perth Amboy,him sinned an attractive boxlug cordfor Thursday evening, which includestho Hollowing: 8 Rounds—Battling

""TleoTIy"" '6i~ TTerw" York, vs. BoT»Uy T.TPchaols of the Bronx.

Chrome, va, Lou Russell of NewBrunswick. 1

G'lloundB—\KlBTOuy\ot Perth Anl-boy, ,va. Artie EUBSQH of Now York.Thoro will also bo fast prollmiuiU'loB.

LEETOWNS WIN.In a hotly contented football gani'

Sajturday tho Young L»o&town5 do-

Taxpayers should boar in mind tha:. IGth, 1919, Is tho finsi

t at' tbo^T6ur£n~auart'oot Income taxea; I^ultdfrai to muko tin

i y/TXh itt'"il iao^wi ll^ro nulin ponaltlos and interest bolng im

Collector Chan. V. Duffy IK rcQuos1

Ing that all who can do no will j;routlthe. tlepftrtmont-by-UiiLlduE tho

in) d t.hu ti li nl p to rol 10 v 0 tli o con (ito V

hor atory and fainted. Tho Kahwa, , , police were notified and they nuickl

irthor information she was snatched * . . . ± , , i««*-"-*., „ called the county- authorities. Th

way from tho phono and sounds of a , , , « , . * * - .. . . . . . . latter aakod Chief Ramseyway from tho ph

rugglc could be heard over tho wire.latter askod Chief Ramsey to

^"" • --------- -— ••--- -— - . police to tho EspositGfhom«~at~nncGMrs. EBpoalto, accompanied by Jo- Detective Sor

icph Panfolio. of « Monroe rtrwt, aS n t ^ T h o m p g o n a l ) d O | BIntorprotor, •u-eiit to tho Rahway po-ice hendauartora and they woro ad-. d to EO to Matawan at onco after-ho girl and got tho aid of tho ofilcors.hore. Mrs. Esposito socured a taxifrom Joijoph P.1 Iluddy, 112 Irving

gcant Jtimes' Harry Orr heavily armed toi and thoy waited until 6 o. tho gang did not return forJ- -The" mothcr-nnd-childretrI —•

:i—-Camoboll and Ciiorry12—Qi-sBd Street and Si- Georce ! » .„ -Main Street and EUiaketh A»»35—Grand and Irrln£ Streets.IS—MlHon Av«. t a d Mmtioman ' S>IS—Qnuid. Bond and Mrmroa OUuuLi

El—Central A*».BS(—Caiurdt mud SS3—Grand and

_ _ _ _ A »86— h. J

fof records

od records


tf Streets



clock butthe girl.

rank DoStofauo, of 179 Main atroot.jand Alexander Mastrandrcii, of 3 t

In street, wont yto Matawan." thoy"!ound tlio girl iii ita'tawan '• sorao dls-ta'ncd from wliore sho had boon hold.vuptlvo.

According to her story the flvo mentook hor to the premises occupied by

brother and aistor-in-law of Ma-dura, whoro tho woman aided tho mon

Jii!i3_jholil prisoner and forced to ac-copt tU^^XeuXIon^5pf~^<luj'rt:;^t]7tUcipoint of a revolver. Tho" girl evidently*t ou gH trnjc Bpera" toly ~Ibr"e v 6 ry tliiu g"In"tho room waa topsy turvy. It IB jfcald.^Mi&s_EsiJoaitQ_sn.ya timt'Mmlurfl. pnitltho men $50 each for their part In tho

tho information of her whereaboutsover Uio 'phono, despite threats Ma-dura and hiii neeomplieog left Mata-

Tho nnr«>nt« of tbo girl upon ar-rivin^ iit Matuxvtm nought tlio• proper inrnTPf

to December 14i1r' - •iM>yn..1iilK ixvurtin:"In on Uio'.fTuill .Into, I ""H'WilUfe and HWom-out- a- xv.irral.t \ l O U e C e i f l b e r •'14111--..-,^Tr--H.Tr^. r—r-"^: ——===r.::^--.|.faiL:thg£arjai&':gfejaa^^

VVhon baby Kufforn with, crollp, ap- l.owiiurs ilior*) und t.h<(lr captlirrtply and Klvo Dr. Thomao Ecloctlo Oil I llf.yml to bo only h Iniittnr of llmout oncn. S:»fo for children. A ltttlo ^ t * , t t\ , e i i ( , v.Koos. a ions'w*y, "30c and G0o. at all ' . T*10 nim" °l »'° I>"nl»atlon of Ma-drug storaa. ' I dura, who is about 31 yoars old. for

116 IRVING STREETI'lionc 557-J

Mt 1* 11 t tT


179 West Jftlton AiRahway, N. J .




244 l i Broad St, (at the Arch)

Kid Top.ocs!

idths AAS-BORN



O. D. None on Approval

omplete. Line ofComfy/jnd House Slippers


ifShoe StoreOpen Evepinga

Phone Elizabeth 2616

it U either B- coward or a.iXAltbtVtt ,both." declared tho speaker in telltn^jot t}jts manner In which parent*

At the—to»*>U»if—&i— tiw—Board—of-Gpvernors .of the Raaway Hospitalheld Tuesday evening the reaisnationof Mis3 M. Etliulwyn Nlles, superin-tendent of tha hospital* which . waatendered Dec. 1, was accepted withregroL This resignation becomes ef-foctiTe next Monday, Dec. 15. &e»oln-iions were adopted expressing theboard'a genuine appreciation of MlsaNlles" Berried which have at all times

ibeen-slnce^B.eSicleqtand-oatiring Ux

Week: tor a -sea trip oj 22,000 miles,covering a period ol six monthdormore, A* Nelson lleeves, son of Mr.and Mrs- E..S. Reeves, o£ lSI Centralavenue, was tendered at brilliant fare-well reception at the home of Mr. andMr*. Walter M. Hall, Of 24 Maple ter-race last night.

The home was artistically and beau-tifully decorated for the event with

'PrestyterIaff~Church.—fcthwayr-givethe tollowins expression to some o<


tbtj manner la which parentpeobJiy should take tho boys and sbto Uioir confldouce and tell them thotMneii they should know to keep thoirtivtttf pare and hooorahle. Throoxhotitk loQg address In which she held thecWest attention of a largo audience*Mrt. \Vri«ht brought oat Vital

t d

.,.-™-. fuHh«r sot forth that MlaSNUes* departurt!) said the loss of hervaluable- serviced to the institution

ill be very koonly regretted.Many citizens remember the heroic

-with service flags

yeerrice rendered by Mlstf KUea duringtho/ torrtblo Influensi epidemic & yearaco, when she ruado great persoaalaacriflces to aid the city officials ini V d O h d i

?jiai. could not help*

her hearera.Various phag4*-H of' the relations of

tiui fcexes wens handled In the address.At ono point sho condemned, tho fdrid

^-iS3~^iiili^u .liu-muiv'Um- V ^ i i ^ .ba Ws. , T h « women will never geA,

'tHjrlty from men as lbag ait they dressiiid inVolda them and draw out thoir

wartime pennants and * other thingsBuggestive of military life* togetherwith a number of Japanese lanternsand fitting Christmas embellishments.Tfco latter were arranged about an

•n fireplace and the lighting effectsIV feti arranged afl to give a most

tu«iiKt?<! appearance to the scohe. Th©ineenuity dfthe decoration^- attracted,much attention and favorable com-

worklng* without sufficient.test«-io--*3d-&U *ihd could-—City—Ofi ^Were warm in their praise of her

at that time. At the-hospitalshe has not boaltaied to performduties not required of her tn Orderthat th* work of tho InatitutJonnot^bc hampered in any way. She

popular with the nurses at tho

iliv^ry cases whoro J>arUy for1 purityW tiatnajided.—The c^rla ar« not-taughtt*i2icU»ntly of ih<y Importance ofitr.?afiih of character. If thoy "woretiu^bt that the tnen Would alt up andtik« 'notice. Every girl shonld calln, tain arisen he bocomes too fAmillair.

should not allow a girl toi T "

ossurinL«_tt bolter_ understanding onboth sides of a question in which theh\iman element is involved". -

City Commissioners AuthorizeCLemical Company to Dls-



Tony Madora, Alleged Abductorof Pretty Italian Girl

—Anested-ittElizabeili :


"We confldontly faelthat Jm the flhal <ittaplor

s ^and methods,

wil. 8ain our['•We axe thankful for the opportun-

ity of living in a community so Ameri-baa in its Weals, so Christian in itsprinciples, so free from radicalism andstrife and chaos, and so actively In-terested In the welfare of its cltlxens.This conciusionrfa strengthened aftera study of conditions In communitiesleatf fortonate than bm1

"We are conVUUWd L ngtit~!might in the final analysis at the na-tion's as well .as the Individual's af-fairs and we stall endeavor to helpcreate right

rated in* ourthan we, therespect, friendship' and sympathy.^ . , . ..^submitting to reason andconsideration than through strikesand bloodshed.

"We believe the Board of Educa-tion's public school system in oarcity .is to be commended tot its lsxsdinfluence in Americanization, throughIts excellent-program ot instruction

e>oush our Interest injsrable legislation for

jrcatest bumof thehoiiest and hothe best Intcresber. _,

"Wo deplofe the\nirit of antagonIsin betweed~cia|>Ital~Tand labor and

meat. There was,,canc6-_to tho military IdecoraUoEis asMr, Reovos served in-the Navy during7'the war. while Reginald and LesterHall were in the Army.

A splondid program was carried outduring the evening. S"ive hundred was

wuu \r•—J— — -

Wai popular with the buraea at tho Marjorio Cook, Wilbur Rossell andInstitution and with the citizens in Miss Irene Harrlman- Other saniesfeonerat ;A boaus of & mohUTahd halt- and" dancing were enjoyed- During

Miss Irene H; feonerat ;A boaus of & mohUTahd halt- and" dancing were enjoyed-ta^alary >waj* voted Mios^Kiles bjr the- tho evening Mr. Reeved was prboard-tLii-ii-tokcit of.Jlheir ap^reciaiton- -a valuable pocket knifo. Anbf her serviced. • .

Miss iilary A- >Xtircan, of BroQidyii,had been secured to succeed - Miqs

'SUsm Morgan comes , highlyp r t

teacher association -In each gradeschool is certainly an organisation to

,f rbc Wnahington Ch^mP'~3ohiOcrGaIaticnrand-floonty-t)etecilTe-whlch for many! JosepTTBuciaeyrOntDnio-^.malnrar-31-

* was active and/prominent tal s ^ l a ' b e t t " , to°7 ^ ' J f, • • " , . . , Tony Madura, alleged to have Jdd-the affairs of the volunteer Ore ^ L , p « a U < &»> & t « « o , t l . [ re l i rDartment of the city, was Indicated I ig-year-old daughter of Mr. and tin.at the meeting" of the JJoard of City1 i-niaitr, "Pianoslto. of Madison HBlat the meeting of hCommissioners held Wednesday even-ing. At that meeting a letter was re-ceived from a committee o£ the com-

Aniello Eaposito. oRoad, Clark Township, was capturedin Sliixabeth yesterday. A clever rusewas used in trapping Amatura, It Issaid. ^ Through some channel not di

i L e r J * o y n 6 , j

•StJrt-'&aigjii,asking permission to sell the appar-atus to a prospective buyer for $700.

foster the American spirit of t r i end- , i " f l u * ""'•^ - - - - -ship, but possibly, could be used to a T h ' S ****<»>*•*'** 8™»ted.

. . , . , , . , _ i t _ | Tho chemical engine company was]

P&QO Thr»e)


lf-r Yoii

r^nt* shouK. herself « flvo and ten-ceniTcoun

kaow What these counter

KUe*- SUsm Morgan comes , highlyrecommended as an efficiency expertand urecistero*! nurse at exceptional

h h d i d i c a '

tlonally One colliition was served.Among those present "were: A-

UeLi^n It^eves, Mr. and Mrs. JeaseWraight j Bruce MacWhlnney, "Wllbuf

V L d l H l d

a.hllityandhaghttdvidEPxpIn hospital trork. Sho will bagin her

irv. Yofci co Into the siorcr. Tiandi on UJ5

tdst tiienl dou-Ti - ^^^

tei tho u m o thtte- A ieM o < U l U

klrd U not tho use «hil U wantedtor a wife. The iri-* uf fdialHarity

thould b j siirriiiJjrUr*. Wrisbt s»ald thit iuv»»tiEiti6ri

thovrod that there aro at least Soo.Ooolirl» ia the United Stales loading live*6! Khame. Thor* aro 7J Siorenco Crit

Tha trio^ting marked tie close blth« fiscal year of th<) hospital an ~~best -showing tiinco the InstitutionOpened WAS indicated in the repoThe totdl expetidituroa for the y"w rrr-JS^ W^—fes—*G&siJasr*d- srUh

1i\%t the previous year. The Income- - . . . . . . ^ ., . „„

Wraight j Bruce MacWhnney, WHoasoll. Clarence V. Ludlbw, HaroldScaff. William Cook, Roltford Ayors

-Howard-eharle^r-G«orge—W—HldguaReginald, Lester and Walter Hall, thoMiasuB Dorothy Marsh. Margaret andMario Gallagher. Beatrice Miller,

"Gussie'Scotfrlrtni'e-SfarrimaBr^Williams. Esther Plorson and Mar-

lall, Marjorle Cook, Mra. Melon. Sherwood Valentino Mr. and

•/Walter M. HalL ^ _ _Ir. Reeves was the guest of honor

Hold Brilliant Event inParish Hall Last Ni*ht


A brilliant annual reception for tbe>now inomboro of the S t Mary's Alumni

the pretty Rosa, who aaarepulsed all of his attentions* wonldi

^"'"*, *T" *"^r^--— . . 1 W B lCu,,VDl, „ marry him if he camo to Elisabeth-ship but t ^ b l y , could be used to a ^ h c c h o m I c a l ine* c o m t ) a n y w a 3 | W i t H this incentive Anmtura went to.greater extent in «**»«*«*«! -»J^j d i 3 b andcd by acUon o^Mayor-^avld'ElUabeth-and ^ a 3 quickly ^trapped''

speaking mother Vlth the life] H T r e m b l e y R o m e t l m e a g o . I t ta thtough tho efforts of Chief G a l a t i a i 'movers ° j understood thatXRosello Park officials and Detective Buckley. It Is said t h a t

I have made an offer for the apparatus. 1 Amatura admits his guilt. On MondayA meeting of tho.City Commissioners night John W. Trunato, chuffour, who-was hGld_Monday night with the com-1 drovo tho auto In which Amatura and'mittGO f rom t h o f^^Tn'S^aT'op'gipA'rnTTi-^ -fhi-^rt ni-liAr—yyiftYV-J'ruVk' t'hfT KJX\ 'tri\m.

pany at which the proposition to soil tho driveway leading to hor home,.waa thoroughly discussed and whon was arrested. Trannto admits receiv-the letter was laid bstoro the com- inK 550 for his part in tho^kldnapplng-missionors Mayor Trembley anuounc- j The girl was taken to Matawan anded that tho commlnsionets were hold captive last Friday night andstrongly in favor of granting the re- \ forced to accept A.matura'8 atteutiona

ilatlon to lowed by Amatura to telephone to her

the firo department, included the ap- j parents Saturday morning sho toldDllcutton of Henry Cornelius, 22 Union j where she was despite threats to killats-eot, for position of hosoman on the hor and way snatched away from tha .now motor-apparatus -jusi received for-!-'phoiie_as^_Hnon. as sho gavo the intor-tho uptown diatrict. This application matlon. Amatura at once fled and tinswxia referred to Mayor Trembley. Mr.' girl was rescued by parents andCornelius has been in the volunteer i frionda uccomiianiotj by Matawan ofll-Cro ucjjcriraeat for flftceii years. jeers Saturday morning. Tho captura

From Matthew ft. Daly, necrotaryl ot Tranto Monday by a shrewd bit <o£of Washington HOSG Company, a re-; work by Detective Buckley led ul-Quest was received tor the placing of i timately to the tvuppitiE^of Amatura.tho name or Jamas it- Steveun on tho | Amatura will go before tho January*ity—roil—as_iL—successor to John M. * Grand Jury. The crime of kidnapping

GREAT SUCCESSIS t Mary ' s M o m n i A s s o c i a t i o n ! w A b e " D u r s t W i n s S 1 0 0 P i i z e ' othor M a t t e r s h a v i n g , r f

I . , tho firo dtjpartment, include'~. HnM Rrilliant Event in j at Columbia Oarmsity T pupation of Henry cpmeiius.

Againsir500 Students


Association was EolcTlast ovenrathe parish hail. Tho members o[ thoclass of 1913 were formally receivedinto membership. A splendid banquet

Boy Your



^>m .oinsEYK

Whole or^i

mall LeanERSEY

No. 2 Main Street,Corner Irving Street

Phone 472-M

128 Main St.


idneysDare fttb^

Pure Pork


tSor.al Homo Inicp' fafnt In Virginia- "

•Iiiirin^ her uddrea* Mr*. Wrljthl..the audience that a ttahwiiy glri i«t

ZiAjti thts previous yoitr. Tho nicoma —Mr. aecn-B ™«. w* „..„— _.trpm operations, fete., during the year at a similar function held In Motuchenwda^$20,SS2.l9 ascotapared with 516*- on Wednesday evening.

yea*. This | Mr. Rooves will sail on bis notableey next week on the new steeller, SaUgerties. oporatod bymoro.. Daathoni_&_Cg., Inc., ofIndependent

Yorktcv€iJttndou Home in Now" Yor*..,.«., h» r t, .w.»f had Ca t her out•when ttbe'did wtanki-^** friend*osirxeisod her aiid «hofarthar down by such treatnionL

~*onai magnetism was alluded tp

not Include any funds raiaed, byltnitto.:. These fisurod^6r^~wor£^waa~donW

v ag-1^19 than la they*ar and that tn«i expenses

b ._.._. indicating a growingy In tho haiidllng ot: the af-


B te

the Indopondont Steamship Unea,Mow Vork, who already have abouttltlrty-flve or forty steamshlpi^jn sor*vice. The purpose of the trip T*t fortf«**nt*ral obafirvafclan and atndytng ot

•was Served. There Was a stirringdregs by TElev. Fathor C X iCane, andfitting remarks by M. Joseph Mc-Maiton and Prestclcnt John T» Browno,"w ij- served as toastmastor. Musicwas furnished by O*BrIen*B jasx or-^cHe¥tra~bf~~Perth *Vmboy aiid a fluedauccL program was enjoyed.

Tho committee of arrangements towhom much credit ia duo for tho groatsuccess of the affair, consisted of Jo*

4> l l a JLctraMc and traffic conditions

..to..-a force o as it can be

,i_.o.Evory indobtotinatia against the uuv, "-...— -pllal has been piid and the Institution J over the East India trade route.Ko&i into the new year with a balance j Ths captain of tho * steamship on

of ySOO. During th& yea* I which Mr. Rooves sails is Georgo H.*b.t«rdnB83: -- aTS^K^e^prat^^^booH handed down by th«! world war, commanding a fstoamer

who^ ^ who originally i h

i r t 0 t l w l l m ^asUed the facts shown by sta-

ttritlrs that fifty JMH4 cent, of giflii who-K» wrons ar« feeble-minded* lw*ttty-

the othei* twonty-nvo p*>r cent,•xmrair " • L.~ —homas.

Sho condemned thowltii girls to be;beW. tn Jail

r^&a*iuE his trigB. he sunki and the G r

Pmn, ^•Carthy^ Charlea Bader. John TBrowne, the Misses Uoretta McMahon,Hl-ixabeth Duff, Emma Keeshan, Mar

The nieiubers of the class of~~I9I3Treceived Into memberehio itldudos thofollowing:. The Miusoa Catherines Me-

t^. Eleanor I^eddoii.-tiatHerlne Con-

! V MCue Catherhs^ :PrankB tmitten mad»? u p^aslMo foV Jth'e""^OB"Tlma'n Covci^mpltal to start tho year with a clean head. ! TPloVonce McCue, C a t h e r h s ^ P r t

ui ^ *>rtiuv imDortaht factu In making tho trip, which -nearly I Clare SaneVs, EUiabotli Zrynny, Hildaf lh r th r j -^cCar theyT~Mar^Y€3^

TPloVonce McCue, Catherhs^Z

wisw> feftdefor-Iioldiug the anlation for inembor* of tho Board

tlat*?. All of th&ftO; important iCactu-J In waking the trip, which noariy i uiaro aau»>D, *-.—_^. „*6r6~lndlcatsd-by-ihe-v«p!ar-t-«»f-Treaa-4 oQuala the-clroumf«ronco ofHhe^eaTthTj^cCartney^MarKarotr-BodowT^Cather-nMr^JT\vr^ckIoy. i-_^ Luf Po<*Vtt» will po-bv way of Glbral- \ ino MlUar and Agnes Lodden, Messrs.

" "* meeting Tuoyd&y ^vouingl tar, Mediterranean Soa, through Suoa' James EnnlBT^^""4-M»wwl«HedteuttdGunat, Rod Sea aud Indian Ocoaw. v" **-—*" v „«,.


idg hftld ai* material witnesaotf-iall 1H a good place for some ofwoman to go and flnd out it aay *&

" your bet are there. It Is ft ffood placefer missionary work/*' She told her

4 Vhlte " l i W "

i l di n c l u d .

S \ j x JHe HatatU,-

J o h n A h 7ljiirkhur«t and EdwardGunal, Rod S a

will £o to tho Dutch East s ytouching at Messina. Sicily; Boirut,; Cithtiftt present lSyria; Singapore on the Malay iPewhi- mentioned wer

i d 8 t l a t l g n j s t o p - ' fcaret OottlngR,

| [ Tufts, dec<PTSlayor Tr

rcased. This was referred toTlOHOB and the subsequent

Watcf department ( committlnK ot rape uiakeB Amatura, tfIn tho monthly-roport ot Bactoriolo- convicted liable to a sontenco of Ute-

* ImpriaonmontiIn tho monthlyreprt ogtst H. B. Baldwin, ol Newark, It waKnown that during November 98.95

7TTrT^r~r?*por font, of nilmoved from the city water. The re-port also contained the following:

The average number of bactorla inthe river wator for November was

Tho crime was fully described iu -

^aABfe^'^P^^£&-Purthor ovidonco that Railway boye

can mako good anywnere and bold3fr^own^wlth_ the bcyt of them has


boldest and moat brutal in the annalsot this section. Tho county authori-ties aro to be commended for the

tho river wator xor «uvumu«« ™«- prompt inanett=in..which they captured'less than tor the month of October. I the alleged offenders.This accounts for the percentage ot | Miss Eaposito would not accept Am-Uactcria removed, .being, slightly lean i atura's atteutiona and when he learned:'Jh_au-*_lastL.mouth. My own tents con-rshe~waa- to marry .Alfonso Efiucardi. GYjflnuc"1 to show--a-smaller number of j East Grand utreot, this city, is a aid to:--HactoHa in the filtered samples than! have taken the means ndoptcd'to pro--*i- .,» jymuo a t the plant. 1 vent tho marriage. Although tbo 11-

: ~* —-w™_^_Jw^Hfi—iftKHad—and w.odfH»KCbomical analyses of rlvor and

filtered water takow by myself at tliofiltered water taken by niysou m mw, set (or Dec. 21, Biscardi now says hewator works on Nov, IS Indicated that} will not marry the Klrl.

^ \

achievement of Abriiliu,m"T3tirBt,of Mori-la Burst, ot 15G Malu^streoU

n'Aii^"~as~He"iflTfamlUaTy^known to^hismatiy Uahway friends, has just won a

4 ^ 4 ^ t f o K

sides those alreadyThe Misses Mar-

torowco in tho chemical quality of tho |

wator." i-.JFram Ji. _M. Pruden of the Rahway,

-Mtx^o r 0 anoraJ Hirrv^v Elilcott

Brown Garrlseon, No. 92, Army andNavy Union, hud an enjoyable social

•^ooalon last night at which membera

havo boon trying to flnU mount) oK2™ (.John -Eaton, -o£ -Nca f i n " f John

Bx-A8«8 mblyman

n d e r E d .

tho flow of wutor in one of, ^ sorL,^oh*. Quartermaster Louishut BO far re

frrtlftfifrwthwt™ifeasca prison sontence* had been

d on" the gyUty partlea thygwio co-oporaiion 01 mw r««*««— - -tonden Homes. Theso homos look M-tar tho delinquent girl, the taiherleaa

"child and the hUBbimdloea motttorr—It•was tha flrsi j>hlUnthroplc organic-Uon VocORnliod by an act of Congress,intedatlhg the Red Cross by six o»^Isht years,

Thoao are the principal points of th.^ddr (ja..i*^d Wiinv others deserve ' v

sehoal nurse, for use"in h«f w6«*Tri tor

Ing SIdnoy Harris. OrlaBdo H.

v y L. Lamplioair. S^anjk.,W.M. P. Quinu.


Jav&^Bumatrii and Borneo.Alllio and Grac lluim. Hoglna Mc-

Mr. Muhon, Gortrude Sullivan Grace K ^ r -

dlrodtors 6f~lKo Cbftstoir^ShlpbaUdisrCompany awd M&rcb.antB*"Shlpbu_iWlng-

I both a»d- Marlon-Bleauor-McCarUiy.

Bodow. Margaret HttmmeU.

.ti thp boot nvpriiRO In li!:* HtudicB.. hundred of i\u\ HtuiontH mado

,.v. Lul of torts tn win tills hont r andtho fact that Mr. Durst'w record Hur-

_____ th'.'in all uliou'.d bn particularly^ratlfyTTiK Lfo "ltta •lnrai-fri«ndKi —-

Ho in a n«:iv:« of Rahvytiy aud ol--waya did hnx*- a hnh.t ot winning firsthonors. In high Brhool he capturedbrutorirnl hon.oru and-, won otherwodala. AfJer Kimdi\a.tinK fronv high'

|_8Chopl ho entered a competitive con

-tht^ospltal^uilldingii, but so rar re- ) A V a U t o I ^ ^ [ 1 ^ 1 j u _ r ^ p 3 ^eultB are not all that you are trying, k ( , G e o r K e D o t y _ Q

to obtain." He expressed hopo that, r i u o n _ w u B c W o f c n t Q f f c

•*« «ff«rt« would be continued. Com-1 _ r t n t Anlittht, Soclubill

entered ft competitive cou uio c o u > ,two «choia«hip-HSnftutgo« road. State

sultB aretothe efforts would be 'continued.mission©*- Parroll etatod that a plumher 1B what Is really needed on tho job,

|-*The—letter—waB---i*cffcfrodr tO-_JiIr_ l^ir-

roll.Miscellaneous KTattet-*.

Two resolutions were ottered byCoiruni salon or Simmons. Ono pro-vided for tho paymout of $37,349.41 totlio county, the balance due on State

it tbo local gar-tuAi and gavo

groat dolight. Sociability and rotroish-monta followed. Mrs. A. S. Van Polt,Mrs. W. 1. Van Polt and MIBB Jonnio

Beotod by tho Targost numDer Tpenta jti*esent wont to tha socond grftdotaught by—Mlaa Bai-1© Schueldor. At

^ror^t^enontoMhea.soLtloa. Thirty-B6ven »6mbo™ and_,v vleitora wore pfosont. Ono nowmombor w- added. **?*»»£and it'.Mini « » * followed tho moot-

axtiSpclaV eosslon, _Tho_aaoUn8M'oaltoll.P.^J^^'y I*ro3idont Mrs

try at that institution for one year hodecided to^go t"6""Columbia UniversityIn Now York City. His year at K.ut-

conttdotttlal work in the oper-ating raanaKfcr'H dopartment o£JHo !»•

I open dent Stoam&Mp Linos, anotherif tho Harrlman jOntorpVIsos.

Hia^taaay frlomdg in thia. city atid/lelnity wlah htm boti voyage and a

llvau, John andaad others.

SiRST ANMUAL BALL- •.-..•_drat annual ball ot tho tinUway

- -hall,


aBsoctntkraaot $B to tho Florence Crituudon

of Klleabotli. Tua a-TiitiKoinoits. .iiiejudos Jolm

nttrachrrrnHSoclatlonntho htKh-«chool auditorium x

,nB next Woou. when Mrs.tusnlii n\ionk.

votiHl for (jso ot tonchors foruxu work- in-tl»o-iicUoola.^$r)_tp.

tiiry 'liowa'rd Ertcar. Vloor-Mimaceii.


^r. Turntirj

uml.to hiiBlnonu tiftnr an

LAWES1 AUXILIARY ELECTSLadlos" Auxiliary to Division No. S,

A. O. H., oloeted offlcors last night as<ya:—Prosldont,^Mlss_.Kathorl_no

^olly; VicfrnroBldent •' Miss -Knimi.Ryan': "rocordlng sbcrelaty,- MrS-li. K

i KnnlB; «hanctalJ0«otary,.MIss N^lljoraffil'oypEroSatt'ot'' Mrsr^Bdwaf«"~~

•• B^nHncl. Mrs. . Eroll Qlatt

l-vnm-cha-lrTnan-nf-stnn'Jm^-eommittewMrs. 'Joanna Fortl. Two candld.itoo

Avnro Inltlntccl anil onoetilV€Tcir~i?ialia \vB~ro

"tho books next month, tho auiytors b-.• — _ ^ :. r>,...V *(vn/irV,ftni!

bo given credit for it only onbasis of making up twority-nvo pointsin studios covered by that period. Honot only made, twonty-ftvo but securedforty.flvo and will graduate from Col-

L- next Juno. At Columbia ho on--:.tia-:I<aWji§chool:;.a;id that thft;o was BUccoBBfiU was tmitcaiotl

In his studios, buftook"

was naid In Juno. Tho othor resoln-vion offered by Mr. Simmons providedfor the transfer- of $8S6 from the sal-

^rova-uiu^u notos payments as., an Insufuclont appropriation had previously

der A. T. Crane was in charge of theraeetiuE.

New books at tho Rahwuy Free Pub-lic Library aro an followa: "Somo-tlllnE Doing," Vanartly; "Mrs. Mur-den," Hlcbons; "Rod and Black," Rlch-

"Tho BulTder8^v^S1as^owTt*s*^rti'McCutchoon; "Actor-Baanager,"rick; "Tho Raincoat Girl."

to Dorisf-THn



clotit a p p pbeen made for thia mtittor.

Owing, to tho fact that tho ordluancft vacating a. cottain atrip of landbotwobii. factory and Harrison HtroetBwaa paaaod at tho last.tnootlwg boforoTbT'f^tbd""t*C'tfl'day«'jUad alapsotliit

3 t t r y t o t i R ; a — g ocoa3 of adopting tho

ithall^•ounty '-clmiupUmnhip team



AOTOMOBILE FOR fyXVE—1918Maxwell Touring aaB wiliywlntiFour brand BOW ([jibs anIn perfect sh^po.

arranged. 15. Xiao-it

ntor top.Ties. Car M

Tlmo payaySnta a gClary, Estorbrook JLvo., Hahway.

A-i t

ot 1913.io,,.__o'rVL»u in

fcandiriG^ to .-

rcmly to" no ovovaonK wlicn thetU*o win; ttisHotl. .. Hiii rauny local frioiulB consratulato him mv-taAK now acliiovomotxt In


raniclpal wator plant .was approved;md acdoiHctl:/1 , ' ', "

nanciiil—roiHivta-^woro—-mado by_

Tiin receiptH for tho pant month wore'.10,-15-1.17 timV- •-;(IiHUuaaaxaciit2,— S"Q.-

.~Gr."-U. •rUo-liiilitnco vopm*tod..in. tho __,tW,..

(ContlriUed bn.lPaga: TW6lV«)_

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