ttj t fthsd cora s frtun r hosiery news...

r i r T TT J T T ry or r rr t rHE FENSACOLA JOtTKETAt TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 30 1909 7 t J n Weather F Prediction- sMakdhfo t 6 < Difference to tfierhan clad in one of our very handsome and stylish CRAVE J NETTE COATS so far l as his own personal com- fort ¬ is concerned Rain- or fair weather cold or moderate a good Crave nette Coat renders the same useful service Un- equalled ¬ for an allround every day wear and per- fect overgarment for all occasions 1350 to 2350- QTANDARD v CLOTHINGCOThl- eMn Bide niacola Fla Every Advertis ¬ edinTMsPaperForSlle- at CRYSTAL PHAR- MACYDIRECTORY DR L CURTIS PHftUiPS Special attention given to diseases of children in connection general ¬ Use Office 309 Blount Building Hours D to 11 a m 1to 6 p TO Phone 65 Jr Mallory Kennedy Office311313 Blount Bldg Hours 10 a m to 12 and 3 to 8 pmP- hone Qenlto Diseases a Spe- cialty ¬ T J WELCH Dentist Old Office Phone 1078 FIsher Building JOHN S BEARD J31CWNIEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW O8fe jrr301 Srid ThresenTBarhtliTg r Practice In all Courts State and Federal REMOVAL NOTICE- I have moved my Jewelry store and repair shop 23 South Palafox to J No4 East Garden Street prices will ba made on all goods I till December J F DAVIS Jeweler MISS A CARLEN Naturopath Freckle and Wrinkles re- moved Massage a specialty Suite 388 890 Brent Building Phone 333 DR JB TILLER 310 Blount Building Office Phone 80 Residence Phone 41 DR L H D PIERCE Room 30002 Building Phone 6C3 Practice limitedto diseases of Eye Ear Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 L inito43m- T Q YATES M D Optician 410 Blount Building Twenty years experience as an Eye Specialist Examination free KODAKERS- Try the celebrated French film for sale by and get better results than you have ever gotten before All sues kept In stock GEO T MORGAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 100- 0Telephone 354 SOUTHERN BRICK CO Manufacturer of BUILDING AND FIRE BRICK Office 412 Thlesen Building Phone 1 69 Pensscola ria SECRET SOCIETIES F A A M Stated communication of Pensa cola Lodgo No 42 F A M Tfursday December 2nd at 730 oclo li Visiting brothers frater- nally ¬ Invited W A GAHLEXBECK BRUCE S WEEKS IV M P T Secretary Junior Order United American Mechanics Council No 12 of TJJied American Mechanics meets flrat and third Friday nights at 730 e ° cleek at K of Pnall Vest Garden trt Vlslttns members Invited C MEYER AL SyJEDEVANT CouaclUor P iWC Ui Lag f fo 1 O O F- Ledge Pensnffil NoC L 0 O F- aNt every Thursday night at 730 their fcll center Barton and BelmoA- tatreea Visitor COJ1I1al17 P J N Q LAlBRECHT N Q Secretary VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMEN Vetamtwr Veteran FIremen Associa- tions ¬ meets at Knights of Columbus Hall the first Friday in eaoh momtu at 8M 9 m J N ANDREWS- DAN MURPHY President Beeretan KNOWLES BROS InsuranceF- IRE LIFE ACCIDENT MARINE Agents of The EquitableL- IFESSURANSOCIETy OF NEW YORK aMS39 Brent Blda Second Fleer Not Best Because Largest But Largest Because B- estMEYERS HOSIERY L NEWS We have some very fancy mens hose that we intend to discontinue All lisle thread and weaves that are new The colors are absolutely fast and the designs are all woveii into the hose 50c hose wherever yo may go but we are going to sell them- at 35c or 3 pair for 100 MEYER SHOE CO FEET FURNISHERS FOR FOLKS 102 South Pal fox tIolChDJs Fever and Ma- c Isris Colds and LJL Grippe takea Planks Chill Tonic- Its Kuanatsod to er- S onaea bottle 25e ounce bottle COc Ask the Cxug deL New and Relay Rails We make a specialty of bath and are prepared te Iy your rewIre nitrite promptly Metzger Brothers MOBILE ALA TERSELY TOLD J 500 REWARDT- he Journal will pay 9609 reward for evidence sufficient to convict any boy or person found stealing subscribers papers after delivery of same by carrier S L M Rhoda of Milton is in the city haying been selected to do grand Jury service in the federal court Mr Rhoda says things are moving along finely in Santa Rosa county S Fred Bennett charged with selling whiskey without a license at one of- f the stations between here ant Floma- ton pleaded guilty before Judge- B ggs of the criminal court yester- day and was fined 250 and costs and an additional thirty days Ben ¬ nett was said to have ed of many drinks to turpeatlae negroes In the vicinity WaIter Ldndsay a collector for a NeW York publication wfco makes Jnoathly trIh th14me accompanied by his bride whoiahe wedded during the month at Mont- gomery ¬ Mrs Lindsay Is a Meridian lady and tfes younj man who Is wellknown here is being congratulat- ed ¬ by his many local friends- In a game of baseball at Barrancas Sunady between the 77th company team and a team from the cruiser Montgomery the latter were badly defeated having had no practice An ¬ other game will shortly he played at the same Place between the same teams a Isom Vann colored employed on a farm of F c Brent at Brentwood was brought to the city from that place yesterday and placed in the sani- tarium ¬ for treatment Vann was working In a barn when he fell to the floor breaking a hole in his head He was said to have sustained very serious injuries- A J Allen and L Redenback charged with violating the stock law by allowing stock to run at large In the city limits wore arrested yes- terday ¬ but their cases were continued until today D Campbell who was rhown to have allowed stock to run at large was fined 5 and costs 2 of which wero remitted S Fiftysix cases In the city court made up the Gfonday morning docket Five defendants were discharged 4lne cases were continued and one pas transferred to the county courts limes amounted to 185 Lieut and Mrs Crawford of For- tes Monroe arrived yesterday and nrje the guests of Mrs Crawfords par- ents Capt and Mrs J E Turtle of Fut Barrancas t S S S Malcolm Yonge returned yesterday tram a visit to Montgomery and Au l irn At the former city he witnessed too football game Saturday In which Urn was victorious Later he vis- ited ¬ his brother who is attending co- lIta at Auburn and there renewed ac- quaintances ¬ with some of his old col ¬ lege chums S V S Sam Anderson colored made an assault upon his wife near the corner- of DeScto and Palafox streets yester- day afternoon and created intense ex- citement ¬ Citizens interfered and Anderson was detained until an out cer arrived After ibeing taken to the station Anderson made an at ¬ tempt to grab an open knife presum State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County ss Frank J Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner ofthe firm of F J Cheney Co doing business In the city of To- ledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh FRANK CHEXET- Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this 6th day of December- A D 1SS6 Seal > A W GLEASOX Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces ot the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by all DrucKlsts 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipa- tion ¬ BABIES BENEFIT BY NEW SKIN DISCOVERY Stops Itching Immediately Soothes and Comforts the Little Ones- A demonstration the efficacy and entire harmlessness of poslam the new skin discovery is afforded when- It is applied to the tender skin of In ¬ fants who are tortured with rashes chafings scaly and crusted humors and other skin aggravations Its effect Is soothing the Itching stops at once the skin heals and is quickly restored to normal condition- In the various forms of skin troubles in both Infants and adults poslam produces beneficial results from the first application Eczema none herpes rash tetter etp yield readily to its remarkable curative properties Occasional applications- will quickly banish ptmples blotches and complexion blemishes and will relieve and cure Itching feet scaly scalp humors etc Poslam can be had for fifty cents- at any reliable druggists particularly- the Crystal Pharmacy who make a specialty of it Or the Emergency laboratories No 32 West 25th Street New York City will send a trial sup ¬ ply free by man to any one who will write for it This is sufficient to show results in 24 hours ably to fight his way to liberty tmt was promptly floored by the turnkey- who was searching him at the time His bond was at 250 and he remained in jail aU day His police record Is bad the negro having late ¬ ly returned from a term on the county road S S S Parade review and muster will oc ¬ cur at Fort Barrancas this morning commencing at 830 oclock and it Is probable > that a number will go down from the city to witness the review which occurs once each month- A S S revival service is in progress this week at the Holy Baptist church on East Garden streht Services are being conducted every night at 736- clook o t S S DDow an aged white stranger Was sent to the Charity hospital at NewOrleans last night through the influence and by the aid of the Asso- ciated ¬ Charities Society The old man who wore long white Whiskers was an object of pity at the police station where he has been for sev- eral days pending arrangements for his transportation and care in the Crescent City He said he had no home no relatives and no friends His case was repSrted by the depart- ment ¬ to the secretary of the society fc Pensacola has a new citizen in the journalist Hon T J Appleyard of Tallahassee who is now associated with the OwenClark company In the real estate business in this city He is the son of the wellknown Florida Journalist Hon T J Appleyard of Lake City and Tallahassee and while not as extensively known as his lather lie has even this early attained prom- inence ¬ as a specialist in the real estate business Mr Appleyard is ac- companied by his wife and they are now located at the Escambla FACT WORHKWG Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract is made from the finest Vanilla beans absolutely pure goes twice as far and the flavor is perfect A COLORED GIRL- IS BADLY INJURED Johnnlo Lee a colored girl about 10 years of age residing with nor par- ents at 309 East Aragon street was badly hurt late yesterday afternoon by being run down by a horse which was ridden by someone at present un ¬ known to the police The child was trampled under the horse and one or two abrasions wore made on face and legs She could not walk and it was believed that one of her ankles had been broken Capt Wilde who was in charge of the police watch at the hour of the accident which was 540 p m said that he believed he knew who the rider was and that he would investi- gate ¬ further If proof could be ob- tained ¬ the man he had in viow would- be arrested for fast and reckless rid ing The child however is said to have become confused when ono car- riage ¬ after another and a fow auto ¬ mobiles had passed her She was carried home after the accident NOT NOTIFIED OF THEMERGERGE- NERAL SUPT OF THE AMER- ICAN ¬ TELEPHONE CO AT NASH VILLE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT EFFECT CONSOLIDATION WILL HAVE Bv Aocrated Press Nashville Tenn Nov 29Yhen seen today regarding the effect locally regarding the merger of the Western Union Telegraph company with the American Telephone and Telegraph company General Supt Hume of the Cumberland Telegraph and Telephone company said As yet the Cumberland Telephone company has received no official noti- fication ¬ of the merger and what this relation between the two companies wlllmean locally I cannot say f think however that the effect- on both of the telephones will be in ¬ creased accommodation to the public The joint use of the poles and wires will mean a great saving of ex ¬ penses to both companies making it possible to have both telephone and telegraphcompanles over the same wires at the same time As to whether there will be any change in the force and the management of our company I cannot say as that is a matter for w e directors of the com- pany ¬ to decide J- YCOME TO BE- AT U1 SI COURT NUMBER OF OFFICIALS OFSTATE- AND NAlIONAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE HERE TO ATTEND PRESENT FEDERAL COURT TERM All tho hotel registers this morning contain the names or one or more federal or state official who is here for the purpose of attending the present court session of the United States At the Escambla officials of the lahd office at Gainesville are H S Chubb Antonio Paul W D Hill and- T J Parker Amos Lewis of Marianna who is now practicing law is also registered ai the Escambia This young man possesses the distinction of having been private secretary to three differ- ent United States senators first serv- ing ¬ the lamented S R Mallory then AV J Bryan and last W H Milton- He has legal business at the present term cf the federal court Hon John Thos Porter until re cently United States commissioner at Grand Ridge is also at the hotel- A Hollowel a revenue officer who has been doing some active work dur- ing ¬ vacation time is at the Escambla Fred Rcege postoffice inspector- came in last night from Tallahassee- and It is at the Merchants He has a case in the present tern of the fed- eral court Another inspector is also in the same case The assistant attorney Mr Wilson has arrived home and is on hand with the district attorney Mr Cubberly who recently arrived from Cedar Keys Fla his home Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and expels colds Get the genuine in a yellow package W A DAlem berte druggist and apothecary 121 South Palafox Street American Consul at Managua Threatened By President Zelaya Continued From First Page ful The Nicaraguan captain is in prison for having refused to carry out Zelayas sentence that the Americans be shot CONSUL IS THREATENED- The consul stats that he has once more been threatened by President Ze ¬ laya indicating that other threats had been made but on this point no infor- mation ¬ is available here Another telegram from the consul at Managua states that on Nov 24 placards ap- peared ¬ on the walls in Managua favor ¬ ing the revolution and denouncing President Zelaya One of the other consuls had information that Presi- dent ¬ Zelaya will tryto leavethe coun ¬ try by night Anarchy he states may ensue The consul asked permission- to occupy the legation premises as being more secure against possible vandalism and this has been granted himA later telegram from the consul at Blueflelds states that Cannon and his engineers in the revolutionary army were regularly enlisted under the command of Chammaoro The highest revolutionary leaders declare that Grace acting in the line of duty with an outpost of ten men beyond the camp of General Chamorro and Can ¬ non where he had been sent beyond- to survey a new position The out ¬ posts were surprised by the forces of General Toledo and both officers were captured General Chammoro it was learned from an official that he had been pqt to death by order of Presi ¬ dent Zelaya A dispatch from Corinto states that- it is reported there that 1200 troops- of the revolutionary army are in Chinagan and there Is a rumor of a rising in the west in favor of Irias OPPOSITION TO ZELAYA A later dispatch from Managua states that much excitement prevails there and that the position of Presi ¬ dent Zelaya has become precarious- The city of Leon is said to favor Irias for president Important developments- the consul states are expected- The latest dispatch received by the department comes from the United States consul at Tegucigalpa and that there are rumors of a rising in Hon- duras ¬ beaded by Manuel Bonilla- A dispatch received from Com- mander ¬ Halstead In command of the Vlcksburg at Corinto informs the secretary of the navy that ther are persistent rumors there that fhinaga will revolt on Dee 1 in favor of Irias Foreigners engaged in business he said are very apprehensive and re ¬ ports are in circulation that Zelaya is preparing to leave the country via the Pacific coast Heavy recruiting is going on everywhere It Is assumed that this recruiting is for the revolu- tionary ¬ army Travelers are compelled to procure passports and the situa tion is declared to be tense but up to this time no disorder has occurred at Corinto DENIAL THAT ZELAYA MAY ATTEMPT TO LEAVE COUNTRY Washington Nov 9Denial by the Nicaraguan legation here that Presi ¬ dent Zelaya Is about to leave the country us a result of the revolution- he faces The legation claims to be in dally communication with Managua- and asserts that the reports about Ze ¬ laya leaving is absolutely lse It is now quite plain to the im ¬ partial public said Charge dAffaires Rodriguez today that the reports given to the press by the revolutionist agents are to say the least gross exaggerations The legation has been- in constant communication with Ma- nagua ¬ by cable and there is no truth whatsoever in the report that lines have been cut in the interior of Nica ¬ raguThere is no truth in the news con cerning capture by the rebels of El iYiedo and the reports of executions FthSD Cora S M ISIJ r 1 Gives A Frtun She Will Spend 509000 In Giving Medical Treatment Absolutely Free to Suffering Women0- WHI p < I Be Sent To Every Woman Who Is Airing Y A iYiiiiion Women Bless Her NameG- rateful Letters From All Over the World Tell of Wonderful Cures With Mrs Millers Mild Home Treatment- Over a million women have already ac- cepted ¬ Mrs Millers generous offer to give free to every sufferer a regular treatment of her mild h6mo remedy From every civilized country come thousands upon thousands of kind grateful letters from lathes whose hearts overflow with gratl- tule because this pleasant vegetable rem edv has restored them to oldtime health and strength Mrs Francis M Harris of Dover La writes I feel like a new woman and can do my work without having that old tired feeling I am happy to know that- I am wellagain It has relieved me of my constant suf- fering ¬ and I have not words to express- my gladness It was surely a Godsend to me and I thank Him that there Is such a wonderful medicine on earth for suffering womenMrS Carrie Bailey Pickney vllle Ala Mrs Millers remedy Is the surest In the world She asks no one to take her word but only wants to prove It to any sufferer Mail the coupon if you ore a sufferer from any female complaint to Mrs Cora B Miller Kokomo Ind Prove for yourself at Mrs Millers expense that this marvelous remedy should cure you Do not delay send the coupon now TKerlriVSomeOne Near T You Cured By Mrs Miller There is hardly a country city town- or village in which there dos not reside some grateful lady who has bern relieved after years of smrenng and permanently cured bv Mrs Millers mild home treat- ment ¬ even after doctors and physicians failed No matter where von live she can I refer you to ladles in your own locality who can and will tell any sufferer that I this marvelous remedy really cures women Only bear this in mind Tier offer rill not last long for thousands and thou- sands ¬ of women who are suffering will take advantage of this generous means of getting cured So if you are ailing do not suffer another day but send the free coupon to Mrs Miller without another days delay I I and imprisonments in Managua is ab- solutely without foundation On the contrary the capital is as calm as can be possible under the circumstances- the congress is holding its ordinary sessions and herc is no reason to fear disturbance from Zelaya Senor Rodriguez says that the revo- lution ¬ is at a standstill Estrada has in his power the towns of Bluefields Guyama and Cubo Greytown Is put down as in dispute Denial is made that the revolutionists have galn ° d a footing on the Pacific slope It is false that Zelaya is not friendly to ¬ ward the Americans residing Nica- ragua said Senor Rodriguez Amer- icans ¬ hold the best concessions in Nicaragua- He added that the documents relat- ing ¬ to the eSecutions cf Grace and Cannon the two Americans were on their way to the legation and that they would show that they had been exe- cuted ¬ in an entirely legal way Landslide Against the Amendment in Alabama Continued from First Page ment is widespread in the rural dis- tricts ¬ Small towns and cities alike I for the most part gave substantial majorities on the winning side STATEMENT BY LONG Chairrrnn T Lee Long of the State Alabama AntiAmendment committee tonight issued the following state- ment ¬ I want to congratulate the people- of Alabama on their great victory- won through the efforts of the press This will serve notice on future gen ¬ erations that the people of Alabama will not allow any of their personal liberties abridged I hope that the gentlemen of the other side will strike hands with us as we have ma- lice ¬ towards none and join us in a forward stride so that we can go on and make Alabama the greatest state in the Union MANY WOMEN ABOUT POLLING PLACES Montgomery Nov 29Many wo ¬ men and children were at the polls here today but their presence did not affect the vote There were no disorders here although the voting- was slow on account of many chal- lenges ¬ Oscar Hall tax commission- er ¬ of Baldwin county dropped dead there a few minutes after voting His death is attributed to heart failure Send No Money Just Your Name arid Address If You Are A Sufferer From Any Womans Disease or Piles In tho past few years Mrs Miller has given 12500000 in sending medicine to suffering women Several years ago Mrs Miller learned- of 0 mud and simple preparation tht cured herself and several friends of fe = U = Mrs Millers Home From Here She Directs the Distri- bution ¬ of Her Medicine to Those Who Suffer male weakncss arid plies She was be- sieged ¬ by so many women needing treat ¬ ment that she to furnish It to those who might call for it She started with only a few dollars capital and the remedy possessing true and wonderful merit producing many cures when doc- tors ¬ and other medicines failed the de- mand ¬ grew so rapidly she several times compelled to seek larger quarters- She nowoccuples of the citys largest office buildings she owns and al ¬ most one hundred lady Clerks and ste- nographers ¬ are required to assist In this great business Some time ago it was announced that she would give to wo nen WHO suffered tram I worth of her mAdklne She has lu1l1Ilhfi this promise but as she Is still requests from thousands upon thousands of women from all part of the worM who haxv not yet used her remedy sh > has dfid < l to give away 55000000 more Miller How To Cure Any Case Piles flatly cured bases that woman rltlT that Mnls socalled matter suffers from country place their faith absolutely remedy They disappoint- ed torture intended pUtS smarting stop women heals right membrane matter treatment where believe for yourself excitement Montgomery countys complete official count gives 171J majority against amendment The total vote 3896 MOBILE CELEBRATES WITH- MONSTIR PARADE Mobile Nov 9The election in this county passed quietly Many women were at polls day serv- ing coffee and sandwiches often stopped voters and pinned whit ribbon on them Not single arrest was made connection with election today The city majority against amendment was 2356 and twentyfour country districts adds to this ma- jority It looks county majority will exceed three thousand Tonight city is wild with joy election and never the history- of city has such and enthusiastic parade been teen Men marched through city with bands playing Dixie and patriotic airs and thousands of Roman candles were discharged while crowd called speeches from number of ora- tors opposed to amendment The calls were responded to and speakers lifted shoulders ot the crowd and carried away in tri- umph AMERICAN MILLIONAIRES- ARE ARRESTED PARIS- By Aeaocisted Press Nov 29Four men woman who have posed here as Amer ican millionaires who are believed compose gang of international swindlers were today charged with extensive stealing and dr frau ing of jewelers Jewels valued- at 15000 were found their home The police assert that these were stolen from European houses Two or gave their names as John Farncks of New York who is said to have once been expelled from France Jacob Hymen of Philadelphia KING EDWARD ASKED Nov 29Klng Edward- was requested both United States and Chile today arbitrate- the claim and is believed will accept as foreign office is known to antagonistic acceptance Read The Journals Want Columns for bargains to those are suffering unable to relief Millers remedy Is espe- cially ¬ prepared fur tbo per- manent cure of leiicorrlioea or whitish dis- charges ¬ uiotratlon displacements or fail I was one of the womb profuse scanty or pain- ful ¬ periods uterine or ovarian tumors or growths pains in the head back and bowels bearing down feelings nervous- ness ¬ creeping feeling up the spine melan- choly ¬ desire to cry hot hashes weari- ness ¬ and piles any or no ¬ ter of how long Standing Every woman sufferer unable to relief will write now without delay will receive liy mall of charge a 50cent box of slnrple home remedy her book with explana- tory Illustrations showing why w men suffer and how they can easily Cure them- selves at horn without the aid physician t1s is to lb coupon W the Bottom flt Uti < 1 address and s MIS Miller Kakotno Ind medicine- ard bock will be to you at Stnit now tufore thp 3000 worth Is all Of I want to tell you and plainly remedy has more had of piles my or man for of all tan all the who any form of < irs and dxt rs in the A pUts may in ei 11 with my is sjHfdy Its safe my treatment wont be ¬ and ifv lasting intense th Its for as well as the burning and Itching at diKaB peculiar te It dis- eased ¬ once and you fel bettor from the surfaces no start Send for free at- one located and I verily that this and see and and the was the all ¬ aria a a in the the ¬ 458 now as if the the over the in the a monster the other the for a ¬ the the on the ¬ FAKE IN Paris and a ¬ but to a arrested the at the men and London by the to Alsop it he the not be to hid J who and find Mrs wonderful speedy and Ing also from cause mat find who Mrs free her alsp ¬ ¬ m a t < 11 your name and t The ScOt once gone The MONETARY COMMISSION WILL NOT REPORT TO CONGRESS Washington Nov 28Recent con ¬ ferences at the White House have pretty definitely developed two facts- in connection with the legislative pro- gram ¬ of the administration at the coming session of congress The first of these is that there Is no probability of the monetary com- mission ¬ report being considered at this session The second is that leg ¬ islation looking toward the establish- ment ¬ of a system of pestal savings banks will have to wait until the monetary commissions report is made and another currency law en Why Men Desert Their Wives Eighty Per cent of the Wife Desaj tions and Divorce Due to Female Weakness I should have taken better eare of my lf I suppoee I was slcJf and suffering 7< o one bIt a woman can ever know how suffered I was irritable I wouldnt be- o my husband the wife that I ought to have been He a man couldnt understand We drifted apart He sought its pleasures elsewhere Finally there was nothing but the divorce court that could settle our afflforenc- aTliats the sad story that eight out of every ten women who have paBaed Through the ordeal of the divorce court an well as the countless thousand of do ¬ wnted wives who are not divorced know deep down in her heart was the real cause of her trouble- A sick wife a neglected home and the publicity and disgrace of the court room to < nd it all There wouldnt be half as much talk of the divorce evil in the wond it only every wife and mother would realize her duty to preserve her health and strength- No woman has the right to expect her husband to devote his leisure hours to his horce uid her when she is leading a draggedout hopeless downinthernouth existence that would discourage the greatest optimist on earth Mrs d ra B Millers marvelous home remedy has done more to prevent divorce than all the messages to congress and conventions in the world The woman who is briht and cheerful and well has a rOme that reflects her own good feeling and discontent finds no place therein Mrs Minors aid and advice is aa freo to you aa Gods sunahtne or the air you breathe She wants to prove to you commonsense homo treatment will cure you Just as surely as it cured her years nffo in her humble cottage If you are a any female trouble no matter what It Is send the coupon below to Mrs Cora B Miller at once Put Your Fath in Mrs Miller My word that my home treatment should unfailingly relieve you of female diseases or piles doesnt necessarily mean anytUlnjf But when mr word and medi- cine to barked up by over a million ladies thats evidence you cannot doubt Them Is hardly a coun or small village in the lan that does pot number some pout sufferer cured I them to use my medicine They took It of their own free will and It cured them You can put your faith in that sort of a remedy every time Just cut out the coupon send it today and prove what this marVelous treatment will do for you This Noted Divine Says I am personally acquainted 1th Mrs Cork R Miller I moot cheerfully and voluntarily testify Ite and tam ¬ fly have bcm Ifrea LW IxmeHtted by tts ue ft ytmdJHJUefirTMmsi remertteB nml barnltsead tbe to the general O O = > 1 > iJYterl r Do not dtlay send the cetfJfJft Imar I FREE TREATMENT COUPON I This Coupon Is good for a full sized regular TiOcent pack e of Mrs ilillfrH Mild Home Treat- ment ¬ I hint nil In your name and address on dotted line below anti I man at once tO Mrs Cora B Miller 7432 MIller Building Kokomo Ind and you will receive the remedy In plain package at once I acted Representative Weeks of Massa- chusetts ¬ chairman of the house com mitt e on poetofficeg and pofltroads and Senator Lodge of Massachusetts- were with the president for halt an hour or more today and when he left the White House Mr Weeks said that- it practically had been determined- that postal savings banks would not be considered at the coming sfsaion This does not mean that Pre iden1 Taft will not recommend such a aye tern of banks in his message but It is said now that the chances are that hf will agree to a postponement of tup consideration of this subject until npxt year I T cu1 = TH a disease so painful as Rheumatism medicines containing opiates and nervoquloting drugs are often used Such treatment Is dangerous not only because it frequently causes the sufferer to become addicted to the drug habit but medicines of this nature are always injurious to the syatatoi r Rheumatism iso disease of tho blood and its cure depends entirely upon a thorough purification of the circulation As long as the blood remains saturated with uric acid an inflammatory condition of the nerves muscles and tendons of the body t ili exist and the pains aches soreness and hot feverish flesh of Rheumatism will continue The one safe and sure euro for Rheumatism IS SSS It is natures remedy for this disease made entirely- of the healing cleansing juices and extracts of roots herbs and barks from the natural forests S SS does not contain anything that is in the slightest way injurious to tho system JEt Is absolutely and purely vegetable and free from opiates or sedatives of any kind S SS cures Rheumatism by removing the uric acid from the circulation it makes the blood pure rich and heaalthy so that instead of depositing aharp uratic impurities into tho muscles nerves joints and bones it nourishes every portion of the bodv- ith natural hoalthful properties Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who writb and request it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA I Shad ProtetionBe- autyF3L4 I Trees planted about the home serve a triple beautyand add to the if sold We years to th production of trees and plants and are glad to 2 offer mggtutions as to selecting and planting i- t Glen Saint Mary Trees and Plants az OTO ut all over the Souththe bans of hundreds of mri- ri i1t ccharciji aal the setting of meatless banUf homes They m ore t e jwxlu ot rfsornblr soil and cirnateand our thirty f 3 yesrs of fc on ing how M> test all OUT rtock we know that 7 evything n tnf lo nrmt and raruty bore it Jev e us- Thii is reNarser Service if it to YcIkOrco- ters our new omrir Ourw bwu color interesting throughout tree Glen Saint Mar Nurseries C Glen Saint Mary Florida

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Page 1: TTJ T FthSD Cora S Frtun r HOSIERY NEWS · 2009-05-15 · by and get better results than you have ever gotten before All

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I till DecemberJ F DAVIS JewelerMISS A CARLEN

Naturopath Freckle and Wrinkles re-

moved Massage a specialty Suite 388890 Brent Building Phone 333

DR JB TILLER310 Blount Building

Office Phone 80 Residence Phone 41

DR L H D PIERCERoom 30002 Building Phone

6C3 Practice limitedto diseases of EyeEar Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 Linito43m-

T Q YATES M DOptician

410 Blount BuildingTwenty years experience as an Eye

Specialist Examination free

KODAKERS-Try the celebrated French film for sale

by and get better resultsthan you have ever gotten before Allsues kept In stock


Room 100-0Telephone 354

SOUTHERN BRICK COManufacturer of

BUILDING AND FIRE BRICKOffice 412 Thlesen Building

Phone 1 69 Pensscola ria


Stated communication of Pensacola Lodgo No 42 F A MTfursday December 2nd at 730oclo li Visiting brothers frater-nally



Junior Order United American MechanicsCouncil No 12 of

TJJied American Mechanics meetsflrat and third Friday nights at 730e°cleek at K of Pnall Vest Gardentrt Vlslttns members Invited


P iWC Ui Lag f fo 1 O O F-LedgePensnffil NoC L 0 O F-

aNt every Thursday night at 730their fcll center Barton and BelmoA-tatreea Visitor COJ1I1al17



Vetamtwr Veteran FIremen Associa-tions


meets at Knights of ColumbusHall the first Friday in eaoh momtuat 8M 9 m






Not Best Because Largest But LargestBecause B-


L NEWSWe have some very fancy

mens hose that we intend todiscontinue All lisle threadand weaves that are new Thecolors are absolutely fast andthe designs are all woveiiinto the hose

50chose wherever yo may go

but we are going to sell them-at


102 South Pal fox

tIolChDJs Fever and Ma-c Isris Colds and LJL Grippe

takeaPlanks Chill Tonic-

Its Kuanatsod to er-S onaea bottle 25e ouncebottle COc Ask the CxugdeL

New and Relay RailsWe make a specialty ofbath and are preparedte Iy your rewIrenitrite promptly

Metzger BrothersMOBILE ALA


he Journal will pay 9609 reward forevidence sufficient to convict any boy orperson found stealing subscribers papersafter delivery of same by carrier


L M Rhoda of Milton is in thecity haying been selected to do grandJury service in the federal court MrRhoda says things are moving alongfinely in Santa Rosa county


Fred Bennett charged with sellingwhiskey without a license at one of-

f the stations between here ant Floma-ton pleaded guilty before Judge-B ggs of the criminal court yester-day and was fined 250 and costsand an additional thirty days Ben¬

nett was said to have ed ofmany drinks to turpeatlae negroes Inthe vicinity

WaIter Ldndsay a collector for aNeW York publication wfco makes

Jnoathly trIh th14meaccompanied by his bride whoiahewedded during the month at Mont-gomery


Mrs Lindsay Is a Meridianlady and tfes younj man who Iswellknown here is being congratulat-ed


by his many local friends-

In a game of baseball at BarrancasSunady between the 77th companyteam and a team from the cruiserMontgomery the latter were badlydefeated having had no practice An ¬

other game will shortly he played atthe same Place between the sameteams

aIsom Vann colored employed on a

farm of F c Brent at Brentwood wasbrought to the city from that placeyesterday and placed in the sani-tarium


for treatment Vann wasworking In a barn when he fell tothe floor breaking a hole in his headHe was said to have sustained veryserious injuries-

A J Allen and L Redenbackcharged with violating the stock lawby allowing stock to run at large Inthe city limits wore arrested yes-terday


but their cases were continueduntil today D Campbell who wasrhown to have allowed stock to runat large was fined 5 and costs 2of which wero remitted


Fiftysix cases In the city courtmade up the Gfonday morning docketFive defendants were discharged4lne cases were continued and onepas transferred to the county courtslimes amounted to 185

Lieut and Mrs Crawford of For-tes Monroe arrived yesterday and

nrje the guests of Mrs Crawfords par-ents Capt and Mrs J E Turtle ofFut Barrancas

t S S S

Malcolm Yonge returned yesterdaytram a visit to Montgomery and Aul irn At the former city he witnessedtoo football game Saturday In which

Urn was victorious Later he vis-ited


his brother who is attending co-lIta at Auburn and there renewed ac-quaintances


with some of his old col ¬

lege chumsS V S

Sam Anderson colored made anassault upon his wife near the corner-of DeScto and Palafox streets yester-day afternoon and created intense ex-citement


Citizens interfered andAnderson was detained until an outcer arrived After ibeing taken tothe station Anderson made an at¬

tempt to grab an open knife presum

State of Ohio City of Toledo LucasCounty ssFrank J Cheney makes oath that be Is

senior partner ofthe firm of F J CheneyCo doing business In the city of To-

ledo County and State aforesaid andthat said firm will pay the sum of ONEHUNDRED DOLLARS for each andevery case of Catarrh that cannot becured by the use of Halls CatarrhFRANK CHEXET-

Sworn to before me and subscribed Inmy presence this 6th day of December-A D 1SS6

Seal > A W GLEASOXNotary PublicHalls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally

and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system Send fortestimonials free

F J CHENEY CO Toledo OSold by all DrucKlsts 75cTake Halls Family Pills for constipa-




Stops Itching Immediately Soothesand Comforts the Little Ones-

A demonstration the efficacy andentire harmlessness of poslam thenew skin discovery is afforded when-It is applied to the tender skin of In ¬

fants who are tortured with rasheschafings scaly and crusted humorsand other skin aggravations Itseffect Is soothing the Itching stops atonce the skin heals and is quicklyrestored to normal condition-

In the various forms of skintroubles in both Infants and adultsposlam produces beneficial resultsfrom the first application Eczemanone herpes rash tetter etp yieldreadily to its remarkable curativeproperties Occasional applications-will quickly banish ptmples blotchesand complexion blemishes and willrelieve and cure Itching feet scalyscalp humors etc

Poslam can be had for fifty cents-at any reliable druggists particularly-the Crystal Pharmacy who make aspecialty of it Or the Emergencylaboratories No 32 West 25th StreetNew York City will send a trial sup ¬

ply free by man to any one who willwrite for it This is sufficient to showresults in 24 hours

ably to fight his way to liberty tmtwas promptly floored by the turnkey-who was searching him at the timeHis bond was at 250 and heremained in jail aU day His policerecord Is bad the negro having late ¬

ly returned from a term on the countyroad


Parade review and muster will oc¬

cur at Fort Barrancas this morningcommencing at 830 oclock and it Isprobable >that a number will go downfrom the city to witness the reviewwhich occurs once each month-


revival service is in progress thisweek at the Holy Baptist church onEast Garden streht Services arebeing conducted every night at 736-

clooko tS S

DDow an aged white strangerWas sent to the Charity hospital atNewOrleans last night through theinfluence and by the aid of the Asso-ciated


Charities Society The oldman who wore long white Whiskerswas an object of pity at the policestation where he has been for sev-eral days pending arrangements forhis transportation and care in theCrescent City He said he had nohome no relatives and no friendsHis case was repSrted by the depart-ment


to the secretary of the societyfc

Pensacola has a new citizen in thejournalist Hon T J Appleyard ofTallahassee who is now associatedwith the OwenClark company In thereal estate business in this city Heis the son of the wellknown FloridaJournalist Hon T J Appleyard ofLake City and Tallahassee and whilenot as extensively known as his latherlie has even this early attained prom-inence


as a specialist in the realestate business Mr Appleyard is ac-companied by his wife and they arenow located at the Escambla

FACT WORHKWGBlue Ribbon Vanilla Extract is

made from the finest Vanilla beansabsolutely pure goes twice as far andthe flavor is perfect


Johnnlo Lee a colored girl about 10years of age residing with nor par-ents at 309 East Aragon street wasbadly hurt late yesterday afternoon bybeing run down by a horse which wasridden by someone at present un ¬

known to the police The child wastrampled under the horse and one ortwo abrasions wore made on face andlegs She could not walk and it wasbelieved that one of her ankles hadbeen broken

Capt Wilde who was in charge ofthe police watch at the hour of theaccident which was 540 p m saidthat he believed he knew who therider was and that he would investi-gate


further If proof could be ob-


the man he had in viow would-be arrested for fast and reckless riding The child however is said tohave become confused when ono car-riage


after another and a fow auto ¬

mobiles had passed her She wascarried home after the accident









Bv Aocrated PressNashville Tenn Nov 29Yhen

seen today regarding the effect locallyregarding the merger of the WesternUnion Telegraph company with theAmerican Telephone and Telegraphcompany General Supt Hume of theCumberland Telegraph and Telephonecompany said

As yet the Cumberland Telephonecompany has received no official noti-fication


of the merger and what thisrelation between the two companieswlllmean locally I cannot say

f think however that the effect-on both of the telephones will be in¬

creased accommodation to the publicThe joint use of the poles and

wires will mean a great saving of ex ¬

penses to both companies making itpossible to have both telephone andtelegraphcompanles over the samewires at the same time As towhether there will be any change inthe force and the management of ourcompany I cannot say as that is amatter for w e directors of the com-pany


to decide









All tho hotel registers this morningcontain the names or one or morefederal or state official who is herefor the purpose of attending thepresentcourt

session of the United States

At the Escambla officials of thelahd office at Gainesville are H SChubb Antonio Paul W D Hill and-T J Parker

Amos Lewis of Marianna who isnow practicing law is also registeredai the Escambia This young manpossesses the distinction of havingbeen private secretary to three differ-ent United States senators first serv-ing


the lamented S R Mallory thenAV J Bryan and last W H Milton-He has legal business at the presentterm cf the federal court

Hon John Thos Porter until recently United States commissioner atGrand Ridge is also at the hotel-

A Hollowel a revenue officer whohas been doing some active work dur-ing


vacation time is at the EscamblaFred Rcege postoffice inspector-

came in last night from Tallahassee-and It is at the Merchants He has acase in the present tern of the fed-eral court Another inspector is alsoin the same case

The assistant attorney Mr Wilsonhas arrived home and is on hand withthe district attorney Mr Cubberlywho recently arrived from Cedar KeysFla his home

Foleys Honey and Tar curescoughs quickly strengthens the lungsand expels colds Get the genuine ina yellow package W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121South Palafox Street

American Consul atManagua Threatened

By President ZelayaContinued From First Page

ful The Nicaraguan captain is inprison for having refused to carry outZelayas sentence that the Americansbe shot

CONSUL IS THREATENED-The consul stats that he has once

more been threatened by President Ze ¬

laya indicating that other threats hadbeen made but on this point no infor-mation


is available here Anothertelegram from the consul at Managuastates that on Nov 24 placards ap-peared


on the walls in Managua favor ¬

ing the revolution and denouncingPresident Zelaya One of the otherconsuls had information that Presi-dent


Zelaya will tryto leavethe coun ¬

try by night Anarchy he states mayensue The consul asked permission-to occupy the legation premises asbeing more secure against possiblevandalism and this has been grantedhimA later telegram from the consul atBlueflelds states that Cannon and hisengineers in the revolutionary armywere regularly enlisted under thecommand of Chammaoro The highestrevolutionary leaders declare thatGrace acting in the line of duty withan outpost of ten men beyond thecamp of General Chamorro and Can ¬

non where he had been sent beyond-to survey a new position The out¬

posts were surprised by the forces ofGeneral Toledo and both officers werecaptured General Chammoro it waslearned from an official that he hadbeen pqt to death by order of Presi ¬

dent ZelayaA dispatch from Corinto states that-

it is reported there that 1200 troops-of the revolutionary army are inChinagan and there Is a rumor of arising in the west in favor of Irias

OPPOSITION TO ZELAYAA later dispatch from Managua

states that much excitement prevailsthere and that the position of Presi ¬

dent Zelaya has become precarious-The city of Leon is said to favor Iriasfor president Important developments-the consul states are expected-

The latest dispatch received by thedepartment comes from the UnitedStates consul at Tegucigalpa and thatthere are rumors of a rising in Hon-duras


beaded by Manuel Bonilla-A dispatch received from Com-


Halstead In command of theVlcksburg at Corinto informs thesecretary of the navy that ther arepersistent rumors there that fhinagawill revolt on Dee 1 in favor of IriasForeigners engaged in business hesaid are very apprehensive and re¬

ports are in circulation that Zelaya ispreparing to leave the country via thePacific coast Heavy recruiting isgoing on everywhere It Is assumedthat this recruiting is for the revolu-tionary


army Travelers are compelledto procure passports and the situation is declared to be tense but up tothis time no disorder has occurred atCorinto


Washington Nov 9Denial by theNicaraguan legation here that Presi¬

dent Zelaya Is about to leave thecountry us a result of the revolution-he faces The legation claims to bein dally communication with Managua-and asserts that the reports about Ze ¬

laya leaving is absolutely lseIt is now quite plain to the im ¬

partial public said Charge dAffairesRodriguez today that the reportsgiven to the press by the revolutionistagents are to say the least grossexaggerations The legation has been-in constant communication with Ma-nagua


by cable and there is no truthwhatsoever in the report that lineshave been cut in the interior of Nica¬

raguThere is no truth in the news concerning capture by the rebels of EliYiedo and the reports of executions

FthSD Cora S MISIJ r 1

Gives A FrtunShe Will Spend 509000 In Giving Medical Treatment

Absolutely Free to Suffering Women0-


< I

Be Sent To Every Woman Who Is Airing Y

A iYiiiiion WomenBless Her NameG-

rateful Letters From All Over theWorld Tell of Wonderful Cures

With Mrs Millers MildHome Treatment-

Over a million women have already ac-cepted

¬Mrs Millers generous offer to give

free to every sufferer a regular treatmentof her mild h6mo remedy From everycivilized country come thousands uponthousands of kind grateful letters fromlathes whose hearts overflow with gratl-tule because this pleasant vegetable remedv has restored them to oldtime healthand strength

Mrs Francis M Harris of Dover Lawrites I feel like a new woman andcan do my work without having that oldtired feeling I am happy to know that-I am wellagain

It has relieved me of my constant suf-fering


and I have not words to express-my gladness It was surely a Godsend tome and I thank Him that there Is such awonderful medicine on earth for sufferingwomenMrS Carrie Bailey Pickneyvllle Ala

Mrs Millers remedy Is the surest Inthe world She asks no one to take herword but only wants to prove It to anysufferer Mail the coupon if you ore asufferer from any female complaint toMrs Cora B Miller Kokomo Ind Provefor yourself at Mrs Millers expense thatthis marvelous remedy should cure youDo not delay send the coupon now

TKerlriVSomeOne Near T

You Cured By Mrs MillerThere is hardly a country city town-

or village in which there dos not residesome grateful lady who has bern relievedafter years of smrenng and permanentlycured bv Mrs Millers mild home treat-ment


even after doctors and physiciansfailed No matter where von live she can

I refer you to ladles in your own localitywho can and will tell any sufferer that

I this marvelous remedy really cureswomen

Only bear this in mind Tier offer rillnot last long for thousands and thou-sands


of women who are suffering willtake advantage of this generous means ofgetting cured So if you are ailing donot suffer another day but send the freecoupon to Mrs Miller without anotherdays delay



and imprisonments in Managua is ab-solutely without foundation On thecontrary the capital is as calm as canbe possible under the circumstances-the congress is holding its ordinarysessions and herc is no reason to feardisturbance from Zelaya

Senor Rodriguez says that the revo-lution


is at a standstill Estrada hasin his power the towns of BluefieldsGuyama and Cubo Greytown Is putdown as in dispute Denial is madethat the revolutionists have galn ° d afooting on the Pacific slope It isfalse that Zelaya is not friendly to¬

ward the Americans residing Nica-ragua said Senor Rodriguez Amer-icans


hold the best concessions inNicaragua-

He added that the documents relat-ing


to the eSecutions cf Grace andCannon the two Americans were ontheir way to the legation and that theywould show that they had been exe-cuted


in an entirely legal way

Landslide Against theAmendment in Alabama

Continued from First Page

ment is widespread in the rural dis-


Small towns and cities alikeI

for the most part gave substantialmajorities on the winning side

STATEMENT BY LONGChairrrnn T Lee Long of the State

Alabama AntiAmendment committeetonight issued the following state-ment


I want to congratulate the people-of Alabama on their great victory-won through the efforts of the pressThis will serve notice on future gen ¬

erations that the people of Alabamawill not allow any of their personalliberties abridged I hope that thegentlemen of the other side willstrike hands with us as we have ma-


towards none and join us in aforward stride so that we can goon and make Alabama the greateststate in the Union


Montgomery Nov 29Many wo ¬

men and children were at the pollshere today but their presence didnot affect the vote There were nodisorders here although the voting-was slow on account of many chal-lenges


Oscar Hall tax commission-er


of Baldwin county dropped deadthere a few minutes after voting Hisdeath is attributed to heart failure

Send No Money Just Your Name arid AddressIf You Are A Sufferer From Any

Womans Disease or PilesIn tho past few years Mrs Miller has

given 12500000 in sending medicine tosuffering women

Several years ago Mrs Miller learned-of 0 mud and simple preparation thtcured herself and several friends of fe

= U =

Mrs Millers Home From Here She Directs the Distri-bution


of Her Medicine to Those Who Suffermale weakncss arid plies She was be-


by so many women needing treat ¬

ment that she to furnish It tothose who might call for it She startedwith only a few dollars capital and theremedy possessing true and wonderfulmerit producing many cures when doc-tors


and other medicines failed the de-mand


grew so rapidly she severaltimes compelled to seek larger quarters-She nowoccuples of the citys largestoffice buildings she owns and al ¬

most one hundred lady Clerks and ste-nographers


are required to assist In thisgreat business

Some time ago it was announced thatshe would give to wo nen WHO sufferedtram I

worth of her mAdklne She has lu1l1Ilhfithis promise but as she Is stillrequests from thousands upon thousandsof women from all part of the worMwho haxv not yet used her remedy sh >

has dfid < l to give away 55000000 more


How To Cure Any Case Pilesflatly cured bases

that woman rltlT that Mnls socalledmatter suffers from country

place their faith absolutely remedyThey disappoint-


intended pUtS smarting stopwomen heals right

membrane matter treatmentwhere believe for yourself

excitementMontgomery countys complete

official count gives 171J majorityagainst amendment The totalvote 3896


Mobile Nov 9The election inthis county passed quietly Manywomen were at polls day serv-ing coffee and sandwiches oftenstopped voters and pinned whitribbon on them Not single arrestwas made connection withelection today

The city majority againstamendment was 2356 and twentyfourcountry districts adds to this ma-jority It lookscounty majority will exceed threethousand

Tonight city is wild with joyelection and never the history-

of city has such andenthusiastic parade been teen Menmarched through city with bandsplaying Dixie and patriotic airsand thousands of Roman candles weredischarged while crowd called

speeches from number of ora-tors opposed to amendment Thecalls were responded to andspeakers lifted shoulders otthe crowd and carried away in tri-umph


By Aeaocisted PressNov 29Four men

woman who have posed here as American millionaires who are believed

compose gang of internationalswindlers were today chargedwith extensive stealing and drfrau ing of jewelers Jewels valued-at 15000 were found their homeThe police assert that these werestolen from European houses Twoor gave their names as JohnFarncks of New York who is said tohave once been expelled from France

Jacob Hymen of Philadelphia


was requested both UnitedStates and Chile today arbitrate-the claim and is believedwill accept as foreign office isknown to antagonisticacceptance

Read The Journals WantColumns for bargains

to those are suffering unable torelief

Millers remedy Is espe-cially


prepared fur tbo per-manent cure of leiicorrlioea or whitish dis-charges


uiotratlon displacements or fail




of the womb profuse scanty or pain-ful


periods uterine or ovarian tumors orgrowths pains in the head back andbowels bearing down feelings nervous-ness


creeping feeling up the spine melan-choly


desire to cry hot hashes weari-ness


and piles any or no ¬

ter of how long StandingEvery woman sufferer unable to

relief will write nowwithout delay will receive liy mallof charge a 50cent box of slnrplehome remedy her book with explana-tory Illustrations showing why w mensuffer and how they can easily Cure them-selves at horn without the aidphysician

t1s is to lbcoupon W the Bottom flt Uti < 1

address and sMIS Miller Kakotno Ind medicine-ard bock will be to you atStnit now tufore thp 3000 worth Isall


I want to tell you and plainly remedy has more had of pilesmy or man for of all tan all the

who any form of < irs and dxt rs in the ApUts may in ei 11 with my is sjHfdy Its safemy treatment wont be ¬ and ifv lasting intense th

Its for as well as the burning and Itching atdiKaB peculiar te It dis-eased

¬ once and you fel bettor from thesurfaces no start Send for free at-

onelocated and I verily that this and see



the all ¬


ain the



458 now as if the

the overthe in

the a monster


thefor a ¬


on the¬


Paris and a¬

butto a



the men


Londonby the

toAlsop it he

thenot be to hid


who andfind

Mrs wonderfulspeedy and



from cause mat

findwho Mrs


alsp ¬


m at

< 11

your name and tThe

ScOt once




Washington Nov 28Recent con ¬

ferences at the White House havepretty definitely developed two facts-in connection with the legislative pro-gram


of the administration at thecoming session of congress

The first of these is that there Isno probability of the monetary com-mission


report being considered atthis session The second is that leg ¬

islation looking toward the establish-ment


of a system of pestal savingsbanks will have to wait until themonetary commissions report ismade and another currency law en

Why Men Desert Their Wives

Eighty Per cent of the Wife Desajtions and Divorce Due to Female

WeaknessI should have taken better eare of mylf I suppoee I was slcJf and suffering

7<o one bIt a woman can ever know howsuffered I was irritable I wouldnt be-

o my husband the wife that I ought tohave been He a man couldntunderstand We drifted apart He soughtits pleasures elsewhere Finally therewas nothing but the divorce court thatcould settle our afflforenc-

aTliats the sad story that eight out ofevery ten women who have paBaedThrough the ordeal of the divorce courtan well as the countless thousand of do¬wnted wives who are not divorced knowdeep down in her heart was the realcause of her trouble-

A sick wife a neglected home and thepublicity and disgrace of the court roomto < nd it all There wouldnt be half asmuch talk of the divorce evil in thewond it only every wife and motherwould realize her duty to preserve herhealth and strength-

No woman has the right to expect herhusband to devote his leisure hours to hishorce uid her when she is leading adraggedout hopeless downinthernouthexistence that would discourage thegreatest optimist on earth

Mrs d ra B Millers marvelous homeremedy has done more to prevent divorcethan all the messages to congress andconventions in the world The womanwho is briht and cheerful and well has arOme that reflects her own good feelingand discontent finds no place therein

Mrs Minors aid and advice is aa freoto you aa Gods sunahtne or the air youbreathe She wants to prove to youcommonsense homo treatment will cureyou Just as surely as it cured her yearsnffo in her humble cottage

If you are a any femaletrouble no matter what It Is send thecoupon below to Mrs Cora B Miller atonce

Put Your Fath in Mrs MillerMy word that my home treatment

should unfailingly relieve you of femalediseases or piles doesnt necessarily meananytUlnjf But when mr word and medi-cine to barked up by over a million ladiesthats evidence you cannot doubt ThemIs hardly a coun or small village in thelan that does pot number some poutsufferer cured I them to usemy medicine They took It of their ownfree will and It cured them You can putyour faith in that sort of a remedy everytime Just cut out the coupon send ittoday and prove what this marVeloustreatment will do for you

This Noted Divine SaysI am personally acquainted 1th Mrs

Cork R Miller I moot cheerfully andvoluntarily testify Ite and tam ¬

fly have bcm IfreaLW IxmeHtted by ttsue ft ytmdJHJUefirTMmsi remertteB nmlbarnltsead tbe to the generalO O

= > 1 >

iJYterl rDo not dtlay send the cetfJfJft Imar

I FREE TREATMENT COUPONI This Coupon Is good for a full

sized regular TiOcent pack e ofMrs ilillfrH Mild Home Treat-ment

¬I hint nil In your name and

address on dotted line below antiI man at once tO Mrs Cora B Miller

7432 MIller Building Kokomo Indand you will receive the remedy Inplain package at once


actedRepresentative Weeks of Massa-


chairman of the house committ e on poetofficeg and pofltroadsand Senator Lodge of Massachusetts-were with the president for halt anhour or more today and when he leftthe White House Mr Weeks said that-it practically had been determined-that postal savings banks would notbe considered at the coming sfsaionThis does not mean that Pre iden1Taft will not recommend such a ayetern of banks in his message but Itis said now that the chances arethat hf will agree to a postponementof tup consideration of this subjectuntil npxt year


T cu1=TH a disease so painful as Rheumatism medicines containing opiates

and nervoquloting drugs are often used Such treatment Is dangerous notonly because it frequently causes the sufferer to become addicted to thedrug habit but medicines of this nature are always injurious to the syatatoi rRheumatism iso disease of tho blood and its cure depends entirely upon athorough purification of the circulation As long as the blood remainssaturated with uric acid an inflammatory condition of the nerves musclesand tendons of the body t ili exist and the pains aches soreness and hotfeverish flesh of Rheumatism will continue The one safe and sure euro forRheumatism IS S S S It is natures remedy for this disease made entirely-of the healing cleansing juices and extracts of roots herbs and barks fromthe natural forests S S S does not contain anything that is in the slightestway injurious to tho system JEt Is absolutely and purely vegetable andfree from opiates or sedatives of any kind S S S cures Rheumatism byremoving the uric acid from the circulation it makes the blood pure richand heaalthy so that instead of depositing aharp uratic impurities into thomuscles nerves joints and bones it nourishes every portion of the bodv-

ith natural hoalthful properties Book on Rheumatism and any medicaladvice free to all who writb and request it



Shad ProtetionBe-autyF3L4


Trees planted about the home serve a triplebeautyand add

to the if soldWe years to th

production of trees and plants and are glad to2 offer mggtutions as to selecting and planting i-

tGlen Saint Mary Trees and Plants a z

OTO ut all over the Souththe bans of hundreds of mri-

ri i1t ccharciji aal the setting of meatless banUf homes Theym ore t e jwxlu ot rfsornblr soil and cirnateand our thirtyf 3 yesrs of fc on ing how M> test all OUT rtock we know that

7 evything n tnf lo nrmt and raruty bore it Jev e us-

Thii is reNarserService if it to YcIkOrco-

tersour new omrir Ourw bwu color

interesting throughout tree

Glen Saint MarNurseries C Glen Saint Mary Florida