tu 'vlnl1h 0 if · 2012. 12. 17. · wholesalor lj help aiong tbe "marlo· in.canada" j1io\'oment,...

-, o " " •• 0 \ , -, , r, " < " , , o ., , If Auctioneer 10 hautlle or small nntl \\'ill sell satil'£act iClIl. - Ratl,woll <>, :-;. .. , , ., , " , . FOR PART PLAYED IN TERRIFIC At LmCJcmarck,-Casualty Li3t Still Incomplete, o Heavy Toll of Life. But Buttle Take3 Tho b clI1clIdous bnLllc, begull loy \ Pl'Itiso for tho C,lllnllhlll II'OOr Hl -Lhe OOl'llUt11A OJI tho nllicrl froJlt ill Lhc I'ccollL lighting ill l\1'ound YpI'('S, ill Lho plnins 01' is contflincr\ in most 01' lhe Fhtll.lc:ra ill, 1'01' the timo l;Qjllg, at jO\1l'IlI!ls--nl1ll Lcndon is snid lo htl .Ieust, nt n)1 cnd, 'V hiLo tho-mlljo' nrtn.mc with tho recOl lis or OlllH\- l'ily 01' Lhoso cl\pablo of forming lin dinn wdlnlll1'y, Tho fallowillg il,; opinion uolio\'o lItnL lho GOl'llllUHl from the London Obs('l'\'cl'- " hy tho sll'ako thoy hl\\'e !Iu1i\'ol'u.1 "rho IllOII of- lho Mnplo Lcar flO I ngninoL lho British, ulld' theh' leoth to citu'e 1\\1 Ly Lheolial'ge Bclgians, lire OIlCO IIgnill nimillg llt which, us a I'e It ul Dnnkirk nud OlliHia, tIlcro 1\10 m'IIlS, will sl/\JI!I out ill nil tho 1\1,' olhel's who boliovo it is ollly 0. nllls of this wtW, 110 IllIILLcl' wll feint in fUl'ce Lo rlmw tho nLlios 1'0, iL may IJl'ing, The ClllI'ntlillns IIl- 80l'\'OS, \Vlm[el'or tho ill Lon- tacked tho GCl'Iilnn9, 1'0111011 \.Ill' t.iolls of tho Gcrmans thoy ocrtain- ollemy nm] cnptured llll\ny lwiHoll. Iy 1110.1.10 1\ succossfnl coup. Tho ors nll(l won bnck Lllo gilliS, Thcy Even In Recent Times CIUlo.tiiuIIS, it seoms, \\'01'0 tho Ih'st hn\'o gh'oll lhoiL'lll'1tl:o blood ill Had. _ Fouoht W<:." M 10 lhclllsoh,cs, nnd in It meMllre, thoy the 801- cOllulcr atlllck, tho lJ1'o.isos of which diel"s l'eCOIl,lpansc, fOl' by shcer YU- nlo I'inging tllronp;hout Lhll Em- 1m' nt tho criticnl moment tlley pirc, rcclI pLlll oll tho gl'OUllrl thoy I burnod tho ,GOl'II11\119 nud \ hoir hnt! been c()mpellcr! lo girc up, nud nsphyxinLing bombs I lind .pl'n'.'f'li sill co LItOll, wiLli Lhoil' comrndos, holV Lho Iltm6sCllcspisnbio Itn \'0 wiLhsLood most of the Gor- do\'i\t,I'Y goes dOWll 11efol'o ,tho jll- lllUII IlRSUlliLs, though thoy hnro domitnblo he/lr[s of 1'-:,,; ;-"Cll. 'rhey IJoolI olJligodlo yiold St, Julicll to hn\'o siwet! tho Sitlllltioll, Denll till' CIIOlllY; Ii\'ing, thoy hn\'o \\'011 tho LitH 'rlto list of Cnlladinn Ollsunlties thnt wither, Tlu'ouglt Lholl1. Cnnada is oontilltlcs to gl'OW and may roacl " .. ".' , APRH, HOi'll, 1915, AUCTIONEERING I A. [huvo moved rrom Trouot'lHJ tu 'Vlnl1h 0 hut. Intozul cnrt) lug un my ,\ .:ctlon thn.l1.:h tho Cnnntrr, CUlllOi. Jrs 'rill rcct'iv n 1'romll\ U) rno nt IU)' IItUtiOn\ nelt! rosti or 1"'ln.Hlo Shorhro("lV un fin OrMO chot! l: I Pricos 1\11 Usunl !:iIiLtBfnctlon (JunrnuloCtl. N. WILSON. M.A.A., 169 Lallgsldo SI_. Wlnnlpog. No, :32 BRICKS THAT BELONG AT HOME '-, I ilt fOA fAHM[HS I{ccp Off tho "Pure which 'Is Cl '1"1.0 mail·onlcl' pall'oll rloes lIuL !lick so Illut'h It; he laekH r Jl'csigli t. Ho l)l'olnLly hll:'! lIU\'l'I' tllollght,. 111I1Uh abollt. it. lIe liaH Lhonght of his iJlIll\ idnal C'asl', J t did,n'L seel1\ 10 IlIa1.e \ I.lI Y nllll.lh dtll'el'llllCC to hilll il ho spelll len dul1l11S, Ill' tl llllll'!rc.! dull'lIH, 01' L\\'o 11IInr1rcd dOll1l1 4 , 1l\\:IY fJ'oUI Itollll', BuL [en L\\'(I h11l1(11 eels :\, e \,\\'0 Lholl'JIIII(l ; and It lntl1dlll! 1,1 <J Itl1lHhedll nl e I \\'cllly lhouslIlIll;,\J1t! $20,000 tlll,cn out of thc poek"ls 01 Itis lown \\0uld hit it t"tidy h,ll'd Tho 11lltil'l)rdt'r patron 1-110\\ SIt h" will look tiL tho I'lolIL page or llis (JlllalogIH.' lh.tI glcnt l)uilding'1 1l1(' bllilL in CltiC;lgo and elsol\ hl'rc 0111 of- dIU great prolits uf Ulesc con- ocrns, He kllmys, also, il' he \\ ilL sLop to Lhink, lltnt e\'I)1',V ll1'ick in Lhoso slrueLlI1'cs is 1\ IJI iC'k lltl,PII out or Iho npbuil.lillg or his \11\\ n and 01 hl'l' lowns like it. Tlu)se gl'l'aL bllildings \\'l'le IHlt. built hy scllillg h"lr,\\' eost. Tit. \' \IOIC hnilt by Sl:!.lling lit. 1\ g'ltJ<\ l'ouml plolit, They \\ CI 0 huilL 11"\, nt lito ('xp!JIlse or 1I1l' mell 1\ 11/1 l.lIill, tholll bill, III. I hc cxpellsc "I' tl,o sll1all lowns or lhis COlllltl'Y, '1'111'), \\en! pairL fot' \1 ilh 1ll01li'Y lhnt otllol'wiso 1I1ighL hn \'0 bl:f'n 1I11- ploye.L in lJllildillg liP tho ill his 0\\,11 lO\\'lI"-"\III' liullI 1,111111 WI'IIl all. YOUR PRIDE IN THE HOME TOWN YUill' pl'itlo ill yOll\, lo\\'n is nbollL \ 1'IIIJII, nlld lIot I ill LJtt'II, \\ ill 1\ till' hl':)t, I:ind or pl'idu ,\,011 uall\ cilbwlI Ita\c 1\ relll I'ighL Itl H[lud;: lIa\ p, 1L is nn ptide, Jl of lO\I II \lith pride, ] t \\111 I,,, is pddu III yOlll' Iwigld'nIH alld it LUI\ II ill lito lI1aking ur whit.:ll I"l wlHlt Lhey 11[\\'0 done, l.<'u1' 1lll'Y ltlhla \IIlI'L Not only will Itll I,u Illude Ihu lown-not paid 1'01' III (hl,1 or thc to\\ n hilt lho tlJ\1 n Lito pn.\ cnll'1I19 alltl built tlto Hcltool· will bLl pJ'olld or hilll, It'JUSO Lilt phwlc(1 tltc \J'COS alld [llIlil tho illtlh'itlllnL p:u'ellL If; ,howcd Lheir I'nil1l ill Lito Vlllco by lIut olily \\'illing ImL insistellt IhnL lllr.1dng it lheir homC', his 0\111 boy and gid shn.1l ho odll· DOCll tilo bleedlDe; Ilnd fecdlll!; of IJ. pll1'o.1)red dniry 1:01 d pu)'? 'Phis cuch must consldol' uccortling to hiD tho capital that he lius lo In' his genernl know led go o.ud of tho buulueEs, puro-bred lJUslness Is a spcelnl, bunlncss. It requlrcs U watchful lilIDr(lU[(h Imowledge or tile here' But pI ide in yOlll' h011l0 to\\ n I'e· cater! 1'01' USCl'UIIlCSH a III I not f')l' tllit'cs - ,qomclhing III!sitle.. Iwide, pm'llsiLislI1, lIlld until ho is \\'illillg '{Oil lllqht, It) help iL gl'O\I' allcL ta to pay 1'01' it, thc Pllhlic sehoul" III1PI'O\'C', YUll oughL to lin YOlll' oallnot rio theil' \\ hoLo tllILy hy Ihu ;hul'c I;y nicling ill lI1o\,CI11UIIIH 1'01' chiltll'oJ! 01' hy lite \\ UI'ld Ul('Y al U Lltc to\\'ll'H good and by Lo IltJl'\'C, whlltO\'CI' I ho fm'm of (lJ'- goodmen illlo oJllce \\'110 wilL hlleL guniznLion,-Dcun Daw'npol'l, 11li- look :dlel' its inlcl"esls, 1I0is. b 01'. cnttlo in your hertl, con,' Ottn.WIt, Apl'il 25-=-Sil' no 01'1, 'I1tlirlv in 0. better under, 2000 mCII, itll HOW TO KEEP , THE MONtY A 1 HOMt N DOLLARS AT HOfv1E Bordon today ROllt GOl1oml A 1\101'- •. the wnnls of tho commUu' BOn, I ho COll1llll\llthmL of Lho'TJlll1l\. you nl'e localall and Compnny's Advice to fu6 .. OT.: wan, , Hopod of Lho splondid gltllltlltJ'y , Ilnd elfiuiency of division under comlllnllll hLls lhriller! ull Callatln \\ i tit pi idl', \VnrlllcsL tions, " In reply Lo 1\ hrief cablo of C01\- gl'nLulnLioll reooh'cd fl'om Eall Grey, rOl'lll!!l' Go\,ol'nor.go1\ornl 01 Cnl\!ldu, Sir Robert flonL tho folio\\'- iug mcssago :- - With tho rapid devolopment of In dustrlul oon tres Ill' Saskatchewun und Western Provinces, the tlmo coming when tile \Vcstel'lI [lIrmor will have un he cun do to cuter to the Ilome marltOt demand, "A great opportun Ity is here lIud \\'0 truRt you w\l1 multo yoU\' besl _,, __ , to nloot It," says tho Suskutc\1c wnn Creumory COlUpallYv I .. lmlled, In tf' tho furmers of Sas Kcoplng Lhc Callutlilln dol it\!' at bOlUe Is vcrv much n of 1 hI U.uVHJP"'&'U "uU U\.IJ ua. lots. No mattcr wbut I'ctallers an:! hldl v\(lual consumers lUay decide tn lh liS n national seH,lntorcst cump:tl n, Lhe jobbcr is tho Jl1l1n \\1\0 vcry often controls tho sltunllon The II hole· BlIlo denlor 1m3 1\ '{:sJOn, He I1I1s customers fu.r ur.d wide; not In one provlnco, but In ml\ny, II:! pnrish Is often ns large ns t!tat or IhJ manufacturer, His buslncss iM'! 11 nntlonal GCOllO, ,To tho the genoral wolfarc of Cnr,alla is 01 more (lirect Importnne ;l·ll1an it 18 to tho retailer or the individual, ,L .. ' "Deoply Itpprccinlo youI' message ill A \,CI'y "l'ond that hoI' SOilS ImYQ upholrl so worthily thl' tl'lLd i lions 01' O\ll' grout Naturally this cOlin try loolen to tho wholesalor LJ help aiong tbe "Marlo· In.Canada" J1Io\'oment, uecnusQ it Is going to bo in Ilis host Iplerosta to of Cur the relallcl' Lho gor!!s h:R custo- mers aro (lemnmllng, nll!' In bls post· lion o[ huylug In carloa(l lots he can do n grellt deal te> help or 1'I)Oll le In curryinl! Ule "!IIade·ln, Canada'" BOlltimont. - \ '-- . , . . • • , , .' It , ' , iii ,e @ . ...: . , , " : .,'. . .".' l'IlCCS, " " ' ;: " ., .. . , , , . . ' .. ' , , , , . , ... . ' , '. , , <1> , . .' '. , . , '. '. , , '. , , 0 @, , . . . . . , ',. <If .. , , .. , . ' .0 " , '" , . . ' .. 00 , . . , , . . .. , , '" , .'. a. ,. . , '1'ho \Vholesuler who buys his goods Crom n country Is latting rcservolr lealt \,lthout pumping Into It, Every ,cllrload 0' goo(ls bou!lh t oulsldo o[ Cl1nudu meUIIA lho vuluo or u curloa(l tnl,en away from tho purchasing of lhe (Janadian peoplo, whIch dl'Pcncls .. on tho businc2s clone by Callndlan fnolol'ies quito nij l11l:ch I\S on the' of Canadlun f:lll11s lim! mines a"d fisherics, "'c all r,I\1!10 the Insanity of kl11h'g tbo C0080 U:l\t Il\Y3 lht! golelon 0);;, Tho goldcn <g; In lh's cn€o Is 1 bQ \ ability of tho Cunudillt. 11COpio to bny , gootls, ahd tho ability of tho Cllnlldlnn mr.nufnCturer lo SUpply them, as WAll If not bottp.r, as clloal)I,¥ \[ not mcrA oheaply, lhan allY other nillion now • ',® f/) . , fnr uusinCBS. , ., " , , . , '0 , ,'0 .... , " ", ( 'lI' , ,

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Post on 28-Jan-2021




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    If Auctioneer pTt~pared 10 hautlle or small nntl ~olicit

    \\'ill sell rea~oll' satil'£act iClIl.

    - Ratl,woll

    • , :-;. .. , , ., , " , .


    At LmCJcmarck,-Casualty Li3t Still Incomplete, o Heavy Toll of Life.

    But Buttle Take3

    Tho b clI1clIdous bnLllc, begull loy \ Pl'Itiso for tho C,lllnllhlll II'OOrHl

    -Lhe OOl'llUt11A OJI tho nllicrl froJlt ill Lhc I'ccollL lighting ill llelgiul~1 l\1'ound YpI'('S, ill Lho plnins 01' is contflincr\ in most 01' lhe 1~ngli3h Fhtll.lc:ra ill, 1'01' the timo l;Qjllg, at jO\1l'IlI!ls--nl1ll Lcndon is snid lo htl

    .Ieust, nt n)1 cnd, 'V hiLo tho-mlljo' nrtn.mc with tho recOl lis or OlllH\-l'ily 01' Lhoso cl\pablo of forming lin dinn wdlnlll1'y, Tho fallowillg il,; opinion uolio\'o lItnL lho GOl'llllUHl from the London Obs('l'\'cl'-


    hy tho sll'ako thoy hl\\'e !Iu1i\'ol'u.1 "rho IllOII of- lho Mnplo Lcar flO I ngninoL lho British, I~ronch ulld' theh' leoth to citu'e 1\\1 Ly Lheolial'ge Bclgians, lire OIlCO IIgnill nimillg llt which, us a nm:~l\ifjccuL I'e It ul Dnnkirk nud OlliHia, tIlcro 1\10 m'IIlS, will sl/\JI!I out ill nil tho 1\1,' olhel's who boliovo tlll\~ it is ollly 0. nllls of this wtW, 110 IllIILLcl' wll feint in fUl'ce Lo rlmw tho nLlios 1'0, iL may IJl'ing, The ClllI'ntlillns IIl-80l'\'OS, \Vlm[el'or WOI'~ tho ill Lon- tacked tho GCl'Iilnn9, 1'0111011 \.Ill' t.iolls of tho Gcrmans thoy ocrtain- ollemy nm] cnptured llll\ny lwiHoll. Iy 1110.1.10 1\ succossfnl coup. Tho ors nll(l won bnck Lllo gilliS, Thcy Even In Recent Times CIUlo.tiiuIIS, it seoms, \\'01'0 tho Ih'st hn\'o gh'oll lhoiL'lll'1tl:o blood ill Had. _ Fouoht W

  • I lid a pauso the burghu s rushed

    tlfrougb, whereon the gate S1'. ung to anel banged in Hugh's face; nnd In

    e gloom he saw the 1I0wer girl ap-and stoop, anel turn something in

    and then glide silontly nll.IY, giving just one Ilnclm arll glance that sho\~ed her rnco, stlll lovely, but many limes more pale lind sll allge thnn before lIugh tried the gate but

    II'_ It wns fnst; he shook It with lIll his l's Coreo liS \[ ho "oultl have lorn It ns down, but It resisted nil his CffOI-ls, st lIlId then Lord AlUhrose cnme IJant-

    ing tip


    Ie "\\,o 1110 done," snid Hugh, 'they I'd hnlo got through the goto nud Iccl,eCl '11- \I on us"

    "IJocked? NonHense I 1 locker! It," n. cried Lord Ambrose shaking U In his id turn, 11I1l1 then Ilrnl\ Ing out his Itey to "By ,Jove' HOIl Illd lhey do It"" 1e "They must hn\ e IHovidqd lhem-

    dcll cs "lUI ,I dupllc.lte key," said HI "it woulr! be cnsy ellough to tlll[e nil .1- impression or the lock nny timo I h e II strcet II liS ('\ellr, , A fter a plluse he d, ndded, "Thoy Illust havo hnd all nc-n- compllco to open lho gnto uud 10 shut

    It behind them" Ig "That 1I0wer-glrl, I'll bo hound," II sahl LOl fl A mbr oso II \th all outh

    "They "ere n hral (' of. nlggers, I'll n- hl1.\ 0 o~ el'Y nl~l;ol' In tall n se.lrched

    tonlorrow." I IC .. A 1'0 ) ou stlre hoth II ero 1IIggera?" )1 asked lIugh "I HIIW tho Cnco or ollly )1' one of. thum, nIHI then ollly tor the

    moment ns I rf!i1 on top of him," Iy "Oh, the) I\(!I e holh nlggers," IIIlS-k l'Oeroll Lord Ambrose; "bolh had Cncea rs liS hlnclt nnll shiny liS night One good

    thing, we Intel'lllptetl thcm so lhllt Ig thoy got nothing lor tholr pnlnll" II "Jlow tlo 'Oll knOll thnt?" Rolill

    10 I fllgh "Why the RIll el' h,IK not been tllke,l,

    B- lind thero III noll,lng I'lsc or .ln~ o Yllltle"

    "They lID not sel!m 10 IInl (l lool,cr! \ lit the 11111 CI'," slIld Hugh, "nn/l yet,

    It unless thLY wct 0 lifter something or d Ilnother, 1\ h~ did thov slop so 10llg n nfter lhe thst IIll1rm' Let 11M go hllcle g- to the hOllso IIntl II1lllm Sill (\ nolhfng .;, 18 mlssfng"


    " A Row of Figures

    Lord AlUbrose hl\ uill~' lust aa 11011 till II alit III tile IIrst Illlle') and gct 801110 Ilhoo~

    n consolation III ,llhunco 101


    , • o • "

    • o

    • • • o

    Chanlpion Wheat GrO\Vel-

    Se~ger Wheeler at Work on H J~or tho lhird limo lhe II hont oC

    engel' Whoeler hns bl'ollgllt dlstlnc lion to tho IUtle lOll n or Ilnsthorn, located on lh~ C,lnndlan NOI thl'l'll 1t,IIlII n) hot, eon lhe !'lUes of Sasl,lI-toon nud Pllnco Albo! t III SaRi,ull he-"nil At tho lntcrnlilionni Soil Pro Ilucls l~);lllb':lon, holtl ill Wlchlt,l, I\Iln6ns, I or~J 10ccnO, he snllsncd the I,-ges thut IllS 1'.1IS 010 hesl IIho,lt,

    lind to him III1S 1lIIIIl'tletl, ,Iccollllngll, tho Ilrl~e 1\ IIlch l'nllil's II ItI' It : ho 1I0nOl' oC ,l II olld a Clllllllplonslll[l ,\ telegrnlll \\,15 sent III ollce to the lion llobCHt Itol;0I8, nctlng ministci or Ihe InterIOr; anti gOI erl1ll1cnt cllcleR In Clltn" ,t l'xhlhllod IL great Ile.tl of 1)11' lH 111001t'1 lhe IlJJ110IllHemOllt

    Sengel' \\ heolcl' "hI( '-'lIs' "hen I [Jo stUdies lllo gl aln a8 cnrefully IlOd liS SCi(!'ltlflc!lll~", us lillY alullent o[ lin stocl, ]Jls fill Ill, "ell" 01 Ihy II 1181t, Is situatoll ouh n nhol t 'lIS-tlln~e ,t\\ n)' II om thl' C'all'lIl1lll NOllh

    Is Trial Plot, Selecting Seed elll lI11e. ,"ilL oXlPrls twnl Ih" I nIL"11 Stutes 11110 h,LI Il IIlspectell lib pluce leslcil his ground, hal e gone Oil I ec cld clussll) ing the Innt! us qunl to the highest III leoti ,IleUS In Ihe He puhllc 10 tho south In constant, lie nnd I'xperlment,ltion lies the HI'I ret of IllS sllc~ess lie ta"o, 1111 I lIew I.lrloty or grain, 01' llie best DC Ills pust Honson s (I ~l), uull sets It out III tliltl plols lIud lI\lh the llJu!tll1l1cu tlon of hil;h ('\rISS II hent bellies lhu~ 11I0lillcell he extends the scope M ,,!~ II mI. until n field oC tile SOl t of grain

    .fclt ~i(!ldcI' him the honotti 01' this senson IH sf'!curell 'L'he Illg m~n of. Ills IJlOllnco h.llP \lIlIled in tho pnst to cJo htnor to th s mOllcst Suskuto hl II nil l'llrme .. ,, I1I1IL thoso (lelllOnslllt l.OIlS, coup'ell 1\ Ith tho PI I Ie I p t"I,e, III his OIl II al'l1l01 enlP.nts, (1.1'(l I p:::~rt! Oil h) 11I::u ,IS sufl'lelollt 1'0" 'llll I, I' tho r~aJJ," ITI c.ll "ork he Is d )II,~ 101 the Dominion

    ~rhe I-louse 117jthout

    -A Gold Spot

    A Perfection IS lJght and can be carrkd easily from room to room --~nywhere

    I~"'-.""""--"~~'.' ....... -1. __ ~_ ... _~_1,-- ... _- ---- - -- •

    • • • • 00 .' o • , ••• ••• , , •

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    • • • ••

    . , . • ~ ..

    • • • •

    " 0 • • • • • • o '"

    • . • • • • • • o • • • •• , o • •

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    • • • • •• II

    .' . . .-. •• " III

    • • • • :

    • •


    B) F,u,Slghll:d 1>la

    '('r.lp flf lit J

    \\h,lllel 01 "" [h~ i)rlt IIIl 1111.1 I I Illeo knoll 11'.1g-., 01 I h. III II I till' \\mlll nH 1,111">' n nelL'l h(ll1 SII»»I" II re,HWIl lot lhe '-IlId, lin

  • --


    • 0

    • I • • • •


    • •



    Wonderful InBtrument Thal '8 Uaed to Obtain the Exact Range

    \J\Olle \lho has IIrelll "e )0I111t (UHtllllt rlnl"l11 \Jecome grcntci but tllo mellsurement of th III In len n I "ould IJe ,er~ lliffl cult (0 errect ,,!til sul[lelent )Iroclsloll \11(\ It \\ 011111 be illlJlOSRlhlc (I ohlllll1 Il C\ en lIPPlOxlmlltel v if thn Instru mOllt 01 the o\Jject \\Cle III moUoH

    '] h!!1 Is \\h) OJltlcn1 or mechanical do, I( os lUll 0 hu 11 I1tloJlted b' mcalls

    ___ of ,,1I101t 1110 lrnjoclry of 0110 or other llgl1llll) lu the Il1tCllor ot tllo III

    ilNG sltlllncut IS 1lI011flcd B( US to bring tho lwo )1[11 tlnl lUnges lIuc1 Into Incldcnce AU 1\ 01) scule 1llCIISUI e8 tllC [l1I10111 I or motion nece5fll1l> to do

    W'S thlH nnd thus gil es lhe lHslnuce Rlll1gh t


    IUP Jt is e\tdcnt lhul tllC ICll th of the 'RCO rtc [lIlSO CIU,1 o~ c(\ Is lin Important cle

    mont ou "h cll (I pends In great lllirt _ -- lht) )11 cr.lslol1 of the lolelllc CI On HERS tho lrldgCl of a sllit lbe length of tho

    Instl\l\ucnl Is J\I1111ctl '1 he J rcnc:t -1IUV y IIOW IISel tclelllctel II\)OUt six oet long

    10 retlllce tho chllnco or CI ror to Cl mllllmuUl tho lllellS11lemcnt-tnl(en b, II slgulc telemetUl Is 1I0t ncceJlto-IS COli oct Several instillments l1so

  • '.. 0 " ~. • •• ,. .. .. , . ! ," .. , . '~":;' " !to. '" 0 " • 0" "

    . . ," ~. , '

    ,; " . '" ":'._~ .. ': '~:~'~:'r' 0, ',$1 ," •• : ~·t"·:··· .. ''I' ",:"~'l'" & 0 0 '" '". i' ",'., It' " •• " '.~ 0"" e

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    ]'UIII,ISII gIl' - HCl'r,,",,"lnll\'e orth? r LICENSED ,A fli'st.clns5 LiI'cry and 1f'".b.:.... lt ..a._-.:l !~ ~ 1 ~ ... ~ W, K GIlw\ 1m, Ennon Oom,lmmigration Labor Bureau 'EMBALMER FOR MANITOBA F~ed Bu~incss; good "[';"'1

    ' Rella ble J:or£es; b1 y- r,-l ,~'lI "'. ~_\(' SlJJl!-l(:I:J IvrlOK I:,\'I'E:·-OIIO )"'1\1', III ,,,I· , , f I I FUtlERAL DIRECTOR - " II ' J:l. I!o.I ~~ ,

    '"II('C, $I,'~J:

  • . .. ... . •• • •••• : ::~.:":': .:." ::.' ',.f!) ' .

    ... 6'.' •• ' •• 1. M: ,::G .:.; :,:. • •..•••. :.~ '61".:'. ":~'.: '!.: .: ••••• :\ :"'''.' ." '0 O. 0.'0.' 1:',· .M, '3 • ' '0'.' :.: '" ': ", .":." • .I;)~ ••••• :. ¢l\-" ........ ", ". ,;:,.r\~'. '" ,m ':":

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    . . .'

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    , I~cms of Special Locallntcrcsi Iq Trchcrnc nnd District I '

    For bu,inIJ.u and olh~r "nnouncemcnl.s~9mina wilhin the catc!:cTY or ,I ac/verd.Jinl/ aPiJC::arinu under this heading a charac of

    Ten Ccnt:J ·pcr count {Inc i~ macilJ

    -Mr. Gnd MIS, J, R. Scolt relnrtJ-t!d . ·home . on Friday la~t after lIpe;iuing"n few,dil)'s ill the city.

    • . E" N: Ttlrnbull \I'a~ a' IHs,cngcr

    to, Winnipeg' 011 Wcdnesdny., . "

    Jim Tnrnblllhuo\'cd iuto Harn' , ;

    I{ickert'll hOll~C )'~stHd,w.

    l\1 iss Lola George I't!turnccl from Winnipeg on Frilln)' last.

    J;o. 1'011011 lIludc a business trip to the city last w~ek, rr.Lurlling Frida y.

    Clctlltnl Staplcs and son to\\,11 011 Thursda\'.

    was in

    _ Dr. A. W. 1I1\'lc5 was a \'isitor to Glen boro' en \V cd nesday, rc· IIljjilJ!{ 'l'hnrsdoy,

    -1I1r. and Mrs. C. IIeltling~,

    hal'c been ."biting Mr. and D. C. Cameroll, Te:tnrtlcd tu tlH}1l 011 Thursday.

    who 1Ilrs Cnr·

    r\ mceting of Ihose interested ill b~~ebn(1 will bc held in tbc n'lnk

    ) I Dert Stapl,~5 returned to .WiI,u:-1

    peg 011 Flidar nfkr fI. b;l.f ~la)' i with his P?rCnls. :

    I Mrs. Ed. P.lrker. who hns b('( n

    visiting l\Ir~. Bowles, rcllln:ed to I \\,illnip~~ on Friday.

    . ~rrs. II. L. Wellle.," wcnl to the I city Oll Saturday where sh!! will rota), ulltll :juincc1 Ly ~Ir, \\'/:[11,-)'.

    Allan I.lyle!J :1rri\'ell here 011' Tllcsday frl11ll Toronto. lIe \I':lS n little ahc£\d of bchednle amI his

    I Ul1cxl ttltt! E1l'pearnm:e IIlmt lIa...:e' gircn his fli~ll(ls" niighl j()It. , , .

    C. Wiechlll.\n was a I'a~scllger to Willllipeg 011 \\'ec1msclay.

    '1'. C. Fur1:cs, thc Rath\\'ell pc)'1 IIIt,fiter was ill (011'11 011 \\'l!(!:I(':;l!J\ nllclI(liCl!; the lIIunit:ipal Cl)t)lt of r~~1'i5:011 ,

    Capt'uin C. Ii. 110s~, of til'; 79 th •

    Came rOll IJighlandll's, and a con· / ~ili of ~115 Geo. Graham'Hnt! And Rc!'~:, is I cportcd ~cnol:sly WUUDt!·

    of Hamiltoll on ilionJ.1Y night eighL,o'doek. L:l!;L call.

    at ed i,; lhc lCyent h~a\'y righlillg- at

    A b!ls~ball gnmc will be played tonigl.iJ 011 Ihe sports grouud bet-ween High School and Shamrocks.

    Mrs. A. It. Smith has just had a large lIew show c~~e installed in hcr:store, Il is an excellent 11iecc of wot'k allu·I,:r.f1ects g'rent credit 011 thc maker:-;\:'. Robson.

    Much inCOlll'cilieilcc hos bcen cansed this spring owing Lo Lhe lowness of the wnter and sbifting sandbars at Hird's fcr;:)'. At the requcst of COlllmissiOI1('r C. II. HazlelVood, 't1~e Council BoarU mo-

    'I .~.

    ed ,t·) .the ferry yesterday· amI . ' ftcr clu,c consideration d~cidcd' 011

    the building of n permanent ap-on thc far side of t be river.

    Mr, R. P. M6:risoll) who ardvctl 011 Monc!a). lo ·tnk mamig'el ship 'o('the' "",""'.'" merce; coines froDl where he has had

    the fron t.

    Mrs. Ildl, of Ru,sel IIIml" \\ ho hus becll visiting her p:trCIJ ts, !III', nnd 1111';;. It. Ill. Fcrri!;;, lettITllcd home 011 'l'ucstlny. '

    IIIrs., Trotter nnd daughler ar visiting Mr. aud Mrs, ROIH!\·. - .

    i>.ll~, Parker, of St. Clalllle, wJ.u was vi..,it in g her si~t cr. l\J I'!', IT. J. llalkwell, !dulncc1 !Ir>:lIe 011 T('ts-clny.

    !III'S. Tho;;, Scott, of Winnipeg, an:i\'ctl (HI 1'htllsday 011 a I'isit 10 her parcnL.; ('{)I'I'('('(

    This lie\\, IIll1dd (·Iillg.; II) tho 1',,01, d"", lIul g:1l' "t t h(' sid",; 01' bli Jl n" I he her'l, llln;; it, 1'/,:111.1' fillfils the 1'(''llliI'u-InPllt!'; PI' g pel'l','('t [1111111'.

    Step intn 0111' ',lIJ!'t' :\lHl !iCC 1I,'! 8hn(l~:;


    0111' Sit,,,· n,II'gailis ill t hi' In~~ '11I()llllt hH\'(' 11l"'11 all "I'P()Jtllllit:i' til ~

    I It· I'! .r [' (, 1'''1' S 1. n=;. \VI.l ha\'(.' a 1'1111 Imppiy of 8illgli1 ][:\I·II('l,,;. \\'hil'H 1\11

  • • • • 0 . • •

    • , •

    " . III- ." ... . .'

    • o

    • • I . ~ " .... eo· • 00

    .< . .

    • .. ... . " .:


    ~ • • • •

    . , - " . " • . , • • , , . , .

    • • ~ ,

    • __ ..... 1

    THE TI:MES, '['nEHEllXE" :,\L.\~,I ronA

    , I TH:=!ILLING B,,'rONET CHARGE I '. --

    Irish Guards Make a Hot Quarter In In ~he Battle Line

    VI\ iu. eXIl! csslous o[ the lighting Iincs .u'e gll'

  • • .,

    .. e o

    • • • • • •

    • • • • • • • • • • •

    "'BE {rUiES. TREIIERNE.· UANlrOB.& •

    JOVE BY Kills Everything across n. bus\ street 1 home III Lhe course of Lhe Cour dills retrelt Clom ~Ions the number of BrlUsh returned ... , .. 1 Eye Witness Tells of Frightful Execu hit Vias 80m9thlng under 1,000

    THE WAR AND EUGENICS COMMANDER-IN tlon Wrougnt In Preliminary MEN LOST TO THE NATION "",IUl,st our forccs were 200000 Gcr !"lLUS, all rmed with ritles and mach Tests Ine guUS Vihlle the enem~ s artlllerl

    Whether the French are really us Is a Moot Question as to Whether erntlnually harassed the retreat leav

    OUI·WIITE D Ing ears und en orc ng Ie' ctory oC the H rang tiley certainly gl~ 13 no sanction to lhe Conll)\cgne lind "ho Is generally wel! Informed )ms ovcr the "eal or us they ,",ould sny i th t It \

    Itt of lhe belter o~ er the ,vorst In tho ,ew a will beroa, 0 us nat on Ha~ Jl wr en ns folio" Ing concerning tur I f Ilk I I r n It) on such a scnlo illat "0 shnll J 'Ilpntl~ It ,"tS the Brlllsll com penlto v ew 0 mon e Bern lardl it s u au dlsastlously enfeebled and relldere

    mllnders belief that the UDle lind Tho new oxploshe "as imentetl '''''''!'" justillcollOl of "or thut It ellm Incapable of the high tasks to IIhlch t aUle to mnlm 11 !l~aml and that IH) yonrs ago I)y 1\1 TIlrpln tIle pnr Inlltes not only such a culture \15 tile rest r tl [ ill II

    1 l t I 1 " that oC lhe Aztecs-" hlell appears to 0 a on 0 pence w ca s yi II I Ion ~ to B ra eg Jen... rell\Vsol nSt eut 1m onlor oC Ulellnite and I) dtllte hM e heen In 1)11'· a shade -Glasgow Herald III 01 oun< e1 by General O'Lre In the most terrlflc and most widely •

    nCInI Sh atter ntI

    were tho e ruasons? App lrqnU'y d 1I d Ii I I I d I I more Ilagltfous thnn "hleh the ------tll ~"C Lilat "'bile llie Sixth French ea I ea ng I g I powere exp os ve de, out npos(Jcs of d outrnge ,r 1 f Ir t cn.. known So lethal in Its effect Is a ue 0 riga Ion

    \Imy on the nrltlsh left might be new shell on explosion that should I are propagating In an)

    lo the I then l 11 l en em) s Ingly I ur

    f enl (t.rw\\rd against the derman usc become wltll:spread whole armies culture whatever thnt "Ith Huc ami so possibly bring an end Indeee) entire nations woultl be com nmbllions oC 0. ..t,.f" lo Iho rclroa.t It was more prolll I tit I d I I 1""'1U"'!; to make its 'n~, .. "

    rmers of Southern Alberta Petition

    allie to 110lel this "rIllY back nnll! pc c y ex erm nate n tie course of the It Is thus tbe Prusslan inler n a. (ew woells ~ or this reason Its use

    the C 1111 WC, 01 do ire oC 118 I to tho \! of tho

    the German ndvnnce hud come so Is p obnbly Jllohlblted by Ilrtlcles oC prets the doctrlr.e or the sun Ivai of fnl soulh that Ihls J; I ench army war 11Y the International Hague con the fittest simplifying it-and colncld Instend l)~ helng sent against the ventlon thol1gl1 M Turpin holdly snlly brutalizing it-by disengaging It Germnn Cront cOl1ld be th elnlms this Is not Lho case [rom m cry aspect of 11101 allty Clear agn Inst lhe enemy s IInnk Genernl A fler telling of M Turpin Il ,1Isllke howevel any negath e answer "13 Toffl e a I easons Ulust have been can of tho ~ rench war orrico methods nnd Illny gh 0 based on repugnance to \ Inclng because we 111H1 thnt not onll his grlovance after the gOvernUlent s Bernlulrdl s af(!rmatlons does not

    I l11uch in Ifd General J< rench consent 10 make acceptance of mellnlte and Il ddlto meet the !Iuestlon whellnr gootl or I lOire It a Hhort rclfrement townr I tho line the informant Of tile Express tells mills tbe Immetllate outcome of such

    of the hetween Complegne nntl Solssons how Turpin act to worlc upon a n a \\or as that no\\ being wllged or fl of: U 0 bllt thot In lho course of the following explQLhe Which he endealored to '11th whllt preponderance of one o~el ( cnor" "eek ho t II bacl, IIfty miles further Ceot so that as compared to It melln tile other wo DlUSt lay OUI account

    C Hldo of south to below the lIfarne and Iyddlte would 110 perCectly useless All "ars '10 mu&t belle~e are I art ot 0\ enlont It thus Collo" s that Gell Joffre He II orkOl for years had n gun mild l the dh:iner plan fOr the advancement lill 1ll0~ e III n Gen 1 rench recognized thnt tho parts being constructed nt differ of humanity and "hen this struggle or I Ollie UlC German advanco ngnlnsC 1 arls ent points lind then assembled and ended we ahall be prepnred to ae

    of '011 hn I r dIet! hy the end of August II t d tl kl • l cept It as mllrlclng one more stage In II I renell lliit lhat Gnll ToCCre foresaw what I rec e Ie ma ng OL he shells the tOilsome ascent But whethel we ' " The merest ehnneo onabled me to ho vcr G en ~ rOil II lid not that von Kluck witness one of the enrly trlnls oC ille shnll he ~ blo to rosume the WOlle of ng I dare Rhut orr flOlll Paris woultl s"orve to new oxploshe the ,\fILer continues progress TIlth a Vlgolll equal to our tl to by tho east anti so expose bls IInllJc to On a stretch of sand GOO lards from \lOpes or "hether 'I'Ie must pnnse ex

    tho ex th~ ncw f lench nrmy It wnR a boltl high wate t I Id hausted to regain OUI breath nnd ne Ihen lIlOI e to nntlclllllie 011 tho part of the r IL empol'llry s wopfo tile slow return of health Is n had beon ereetod nbout 400 ) ards I xplnlno I enemy "h~ should von hluek sheer square and railed orr With woodell w hie I some cllt\cs of the ng In his to t1 e southeast and mnlcl! with his hurdles In this space "ore a dozen nre Inclined to nnswcl In a 001 lour r\ght IIlmk ILC ross the enem~ a flont? sbeep and con pie of nged and II orn douhtCui spirit oslng the 11e1 0 the prollnble nllS\\ et Is that out horscs It Is stated for example hy L wrltel 1ft von Kluck know "hilt Gen Joffre III the jMugenlcs lle~ lew that "hat t ~9 tho knew lhnt on the left of the Ger One of ille horses" as coutente By e~ er 'nlue Mrnr may bavu possessed

    ~ ~tt but mln line things wG\,e not going well ).!1'hlllChlng away at som!) hal nntl the eugenic age It In the ealller bls .rmy e Crol\ll PrlncG "as being ot er "as rubblr..:; hlmsolf against one of the mce It IS

    I Ilosl I. r"~~'",1 bat k or at lenst hehl In of tile hurdles wlillo tilll sheel1 wer'! modem of Clf Ul up un i that It was worth .JVhlle haddlod together In one, cornor This and mObll.~lt~Yc.~~~~tZ~~;~.~~~

    to tho taldng the rlslr of a flank attaclt Is what I aa '{ through my glassos It Is not ~1;~~~r~J,~~ji~ I by Von the French 011 the chance of when from t1 rid go some 2 GOO yareis v I,e In I pro vi do through tho allied centle or a"ay there came a sharp loud thud day The ;'ollnl;est: 10 south ",,,,rv least relle,lng Ule and the shrieking sou nIl of a small the race" Cll""'IllIY .. III11Iu_n'8~116U J.lIIO Rav 1l!iIU"H the German leCt sholl just as though somebody hatl numbers; \I allow llllce may havo Indncetl talcanta piece of silk and rapidly torn sltrvh 0.1 "alille' n hluol, believe thnt a heav~ It ~J "0 sense as his Imth bo KulTlclollt to keop lere "as nn explosion In the little regards

    Army bllck from hIs nanlr open space In the middle of the Impro l!rn.ntl main force jolllctl with von ~ Isetl sh

    hud broken thlougll the ~ rench huddled In a corner aile or Lhe oM '~~~;:~.~~~~,ii:~~mi t horses \\ ns nppa enlly leaning up 1.-···.-- ~u'~~r'l-'u'. r';,on Klue, toolt Lhe chalice nnd against the raUlnt; '1 he one that had

    lost Gen Jollie took the chance and boon munching ha~ lay on ) Is side

    • • •

    '"'011 It mutt hln 0 requlret! courage mlnutos Inter I reache 1 the of n vur~ high kind on tile part oC the sheep 1001 eel for all tho 1 reuch commander III chief to fnll If they had been bnck ngaln nllt! again while keeping most" IItuudJ unemplo)etl all arm~ which might the othor 'J hr~o 01 have been brought In to chock the t 111 cnemy But what Gun Joffre aimed at ,\as not tho mero haltiag of Lho Ger mon nd, alice but Lhe assumption of :lL~'!!,-IUII', a vigorous counler 0 tcnslve '1 a ha~ 0 'U

  • ... --

    • : .

    • • • • • ....

    • 1/1 @ .,

    .' • • ..



    - .-- ........... Just Received~New Stock of Boots .& Shoes They :t I'e !~ Ii Ill! lut - -- C0111 pare 0111' pl'ice, heroN hen l ling H \\ H)".

    New assortment of D. & A. Cors~ts just in Titer :Il'1~ Illle'lIl.t1I'·ll ill CJ\1alitr !llHl prices Hl"\' gll!\l"!tlltccd Hight

    Garden Seeds ~f all hinds "". Seeds that will Stand the Test

    1'.11 t of (1111' Spring Nltil,IIH'llL ill( lilli,,,; Latlie~' Whitewcar, Waists ilOllse~resses, Aprons, and Children's Dresses, -

    Linoleum in 12 feet lengths

    full Line of Groceries "Always Fresh-

    StlCCeS501~h to D. G. r"'cGownn.

    Telephone No. 39. g Rathwcll, lV1an.

    .-------~--------- --------~------~.~~--------.~~--~~ J.-....-... ___ ~.~O,~ ... ~j=---•. ----== .... """'-=..-- ...... ,. TI-llE I\llASSE'1{ a I-IJ\RRliS CO'Y NEvV STEEL rrKOPPER DRIlL The LateBt Out • __ ,Nothing To VI rJ.:rl') ,

    The BuH Dog Fanning Min \Vlld Oal CI":IIl('I' -- ntlft1'nlll('~d to laka 'Vil,1 Oltt'l Ollt oE

    Bal'lc'Y, (laLH alld -\Vlte;lt

    w. o. BARK.,\lVELL AND SON Trehel'ne, lWan.


    BARGAIN IN FARM LAND ----------- --



    9~~l\ ACRES, being the East Half of )'iU Section 25, Tp. 5, Rg. 12, in Swan ~ ~~ Lake district, 4 mile,s from -rniiway stalion, 90 miles from \Vinnipeg. Excellent, rich, loililg land, . well wooded, good water. All good farms surrounding. '


    . ,

    • • • •


    . APPLY-


    * • • • • • •

    * . . . :." . ' .. . . . .'


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    g .": • ", ~ /-; 0 :.::--:: :,::.; ,(;;~ ':.:'';: • _ e ., • ¢I i""" ... 0: t •• , .'.. !

    O. • 0 0 ..•..••• ~ 0: ••• ' •• {j .;;-. .. :" .: ~ ,... " . o. :.:o,!'

    , ... • •


    • •

    .... ~ .. , .'" .' ," "

    " ' ..



    • •

    RATH\VEtt -. Mrs. Windrem Passes Away at ___ ._. lhe Age of 73

    CapItal Authorl,.d $5.000.000 C41pltnl Palu up • - t'oJ,OOO,OOO 6urpllts - ••••• $3.7;0.000

    AHE-AD Security? or Uncertainty? Every man can feel a sense of safety for his family, if he will make small regular sav-ings. Open a Bank Account in om" Savings Department,

    Fillu gl'0wing \I·clIlIICI'.

    Jlt~. Gill h:u(lhe Iltl1lhol' on lhe gl'OnIHl 1'01' I'c-bnilding Itis hlll·n.

    \Ym. Shephorrl l'i!llll'Jlccl 1'1'0111 Lho C(J:lS~ on Monlln\", .

    J),L\'O C.unorol1 CHl1\c' in 011 Tnl!s, Ila'y'f; I.mill i'I'OIl1 thc Ea~lt alHl ifl flpcl1(ling a few dnys with II is bro· thel', J. ,\. Cameroll.

    011 SaLl1rdny nftcrnooll, April 2.lth, 00011\'I'c(1 tho !leath or 1\ll·s. \Vintlrem, ill heL' -7:3rrl YCIlI'.

    1\lrs. \Villllrcm h(L~lnot becn \\'01 all wintcl', nmlltuont It, wcck pro-"iol1s 10 her dlJlllh was takon se-riol1sly l}l ami snfferec\ groat pai'n nnlil Lho cnd cllmc.


    . G. V. IiANNAH, Manager Treherne, Man'toba



    PIWFESsroNAL CAlms

    Tltc allnllltlllleeiing of Lito Hal h-\\".\1 CriukcL CIII b will ho held ill Lhe D. It-Co.'s conrcctiolle;y slore 011 TlIesday OI'Cllillg, 1\1 ay 'Ilh. ilL s.all p.m. 1~lnotioll or l'lTicCl'S aIlll olhel' busiIwss. L\l1 ill Lcil'l'ste ~:Jlll (1"\' tlf A llrH A. n. 100.i, 1----------------(lE~llln" IIIUOIlY.l·ItLlnLlIF" flollellnr.



    --,-- -Electoral Division of Cypress

    Notleo is hOlch), l(i'~11 lhnl.lllIl'kllnllt 10

    l'l'OVho\lul1S or U'1'IIO;\1 nllll01ln. l":IUl't lem \1\ ... beem 11t'tCl'tIltm'ti nUll tUI "0\'1'0 Iho J.I.I" of 0 tllC' "''''ernl I~tuctoral Dh hdollH tn Oil 1\111\ tho Ilhv:oti at, 1 c:c1stt,\UOIl, tor Ht1 iltil1g' I1ILlI\CS Jo:tcctOI~, uml Cot' lho cOlluction lJc l'Cf!cl\ cd nfC n~ fullows:

    On 'l'uo,,1