tub america's' journal—village or ithaca, tompkins...

TUB AMERICA'S' JOURNAL—VILLAGE OR ITHACA, TOMPKINS COUNTY, N Y. S8PTEME.,,, l 19 BY vntue o ijiii execlUuplO to JiLejjiroet^ ctl and dehvoi e d ,l shall expose (o sale all the nglil and uUe ol H&rtiekiah Bone- ham to JLot IN 0 , 86 inUie to\yn_qt'_Lan- stne;., on Thnifsdaj the SQth fifty a f btp- lembei ne\t, at 2 o’eloi k P ftl, o f said Uaj, at the honbf ol IfarJoy. in Ludlow- ville. llalud Aug 7th, 1819 NILOLL HAtSEY, slid* nlOSH s , f "V "I' ' «>■ »■■ !.•«>'»*■ ~ BY vnitie ot sundiy exteutiops <0 me delivered, 1 shall expose to s’lle all the light and title of I utliet S. Jagg£t to LutUSo* 2, 15 and 33^ Ulyssis, and lot No 10, in Hector, together with his pei- sonal pt operty, on "7 v'i , j T vJE F A H Iij: fomjmg been made in tjje pnynmid of I Jr tin eehuhtfifed dollars, flndlilie tnterpsr-itfereon, securtdAo be'panl by a mortgage tlbftd $he twentieth pay of M ay one thoufapd eightf|}ttw»reji and tqxteerj, ■executed by William Dutton and Hoijiet Dutton, ot the toWn ot Drydep i luntV of t?nyiij«A Row county of Toinj km*,it» Benjnifiia Ldnyt ot the sum* place, on the lollowjng- piece ot lam), bpjng ajiaftof Ipt Wo forty-eight lh.faidtown ot*3)iyden apd itjbounde^M follow 9 beginning fifty rod* smith of tbfe* miitheqst corner of lot nfo foity eiDht aforesaid, thebefe westr sixteen rode, teepee north sixteen iqdtfj thencewa^t Iqiirteen rods, theme south seventy rods,Kfhenle en t thuty km)s-, (hem a north bfty four rods, to the ph ce ot beginning containing eleven acres am* one halt acre and fo«i-fcqua)e-rods-ot land—strfotfoneafore FAtJR! having beer made in the payment of XliTknkPjAb John Saxton, theo‘offre'h'Qh, in the ^ T Y I "Tf cctunTy“of''Cayngit7liow' ’p f' lansingy ah the—f-dt./"*.rertatn-sahi-ot—morriyr-setlH'eihiy-m<l^nlure-ef county of 1 oippkum, utidoitafoot New-Yotk, for se- J mortgage e^eeptpd by Moqbrny Otttn ot the tewn tuung the paymfefll o f a ceitannjum ofjUiopey nnd the lhtaroW#ie( f 0,ll*i< J,,h by deed, beeungdate theJdth day pfJune. eighteen bundled add twelve, mortgage unto dame! Brcun1then ofofhe same place, noWde- ceasfe! all that ceif in piec^obparcel of land, MAdato, iyirtg and being in th e to\Vn< Oouorty and staftf a lore- said, And known aqd ■tt,8tpi{,py,hp(l, by{ptti|tp( fo^ipim- ber sixty-peven, tn the Hte town ol firtton now Ge* nqq in the military tf act {now MVpdf Edosmg) pqd described a$ follows, tli^t;is tl> sdy^begitnfing at the1 Southwest corner of one Hundrtsu aoppS'trj smii lot, sold by Chailes Q BoyJ to Patrick fi9)d, and thence running west-op a rojad - 0|gh(y»niue md!LA!i_jfoBtftke_ etanduh? m said iaad, thence oqrtht so far that a Jtnp .... . 1 —alvtays teservnw the pi ivilege r f a dam aci osh Vn *’» y”* r 1 1 , 1 d Creel tq be, kept «p euftcienf to iurn the wptfcr 1 dpe east to run to the ueti |me ofcsanl Patuck Boyl a »ito Mill CrPPk or the Cieek that ittno from the lit, land ' tfiencc fquth on satd hue to the toad and p]acfe o f beeinrantr. fcontniiting:'^filty acres ,>t Jand, and tlie 18lli <ldj o f Ssep^ teitibci nest, at ^ o^clocU P. M. at Ins dwelling house m 1 1 uiiiiinsburg. Oaletl JolcSlsI, 4819. ~ s n52 M U )IX H \L S E Y , Sheriff , ...... 7| .--.r-c- .V ,, - 11 ] .Si . . . IS,— . yj \ 1rit1 e o l sevei al excoutions, io hi diiecied nnd dkltveiec^againht the good, h chattels, lands & tenements pf Lufbei S; Jagger, I shall expose to sale-all the light; an<AitJ« of the sanbjiother S. to lots no. 2, 15, and 33^ m Ulj sses, aip! no. JL0, in lie do I', together with ail his pei sonul piopeitv on the 16tli daj of SepternbtJ next, at 4 o’clock, !*. M. at Jus dwelling; l'ousc in rrumansbui g. Dated Jujy Sl^ 1818. for H. BLOOM, dee?d Sii*ff P H \G E R , 2d, under Sli’ff. 1(1 ,1 , li. J11 J J '■ L 1 *■ ....... I I JB\ vji tue of an execution to me deliver ed, agonist the real arid personHl pioperty of Ley* \Vi!lard,~ I siiall expose for stile about 38 aciAs of land on the noi theast eoi ntr of lot nt». 75»in Uhssesj On the hflh YVcdnesdaV of September next, at one o’clock iripihe alttTnohfu .it Tlic^ColunihT-^ an Ino, m the village ot ^thaca Dated 4ugpiS>tl}vi,8t9. ^^^JCOLT7TiALSEY,Srffl; by S. CfiAftY, Dep’y.’Sb’ff. ^Virtue of sevetal wilts ^f,test«(un 4 : ^ fie r ifa e i as, issued out of the supreme! ewF^ofyudieatttt irolthestatc -oY-New*' Yofk; to me directod and delivt the goods:and chattel, lands nients of Neheniiah JBcatd*>!([>, David More, andLlJNlrii^ •Even fSeaidslee, Benjriirijn . ^ad^edA:4rnnd-'jBe3.s^;.hw’;w|% Beafdslee, Solomtin Bogeips, ond Enijieri'. of^obn’Beat'ds- le e , dleiaeaf f ieyfc<I lipoli an<S talc^ii ahoVMaemioncd pcrsons. jis'guch heirs sihd devisefis, to,mne tidh.dnri<l and fifty acres d red ^ rier,e& on jo t No. 37 «» the iowk of public ventlue,; akthe housc of Ira Joy, innkeeper, v illage of -Ludlow Ville, on ( he first day o f Oetdhet-next. Dated August k2th, *8iC :M HAOEB, TJn^SW ^ , For H. BT.DOM, late sli’if, dec’d. Y vir^ue o f sundry exiMjulions t«i the the -lit tle lake, in cutnmdn low Water mark—-Notice is hereby giaen, that by Vntue ot a-power contentert m ««nt mortgage and in pursuance ot the statute in suub cnjte niade-and provided, Ahe aboVe described premises will he sold dt public veuduo, at the house of Houkei Bal lard, innkeeper inAb& towti of Dry den, on ther tenth day of January m xt, at ten o’clock in tbe- forbnoort of tliat day. Dated June 24th 18f9r — _ v BEA JAMINT.ATY. - - R cpcs 'TJb A ch Atty. nOO 6ih n the *s,». Ills TTTTHEItEAS David Ayers, of TTl^oses, in 1 * county of 1 ompkms did by indenture of mort gage, dated the fifteenth day of January, one thou- ^and eight hundred and nineteen, foi securing the payment Ilf fouuhundied dollars, in the mannm Ohste- * in apecihed,“release and copvey uqtj JVI|les Finch of tbe same place a>!l that certain lot of ground situate iri t-he village of Ithaca, in the county o( Iximpkins anAstatebf JSew-York^ and known and distingmsh ed os lot number sixty two in the said village, nni. bounded on the noith by Otvego-sfreet, east by l m a street,jsquth by Green-street, and west by tbt number sixty three being in length north and emith.twpjhun'il died and dxlylFi'x tpel, aniTiulbreedth ea taud west, sixtyrsix feet; .and wbereaB, the said mortgage has been duly assigned to Ferris Finch of the city of New-York, grocer, and whereas default has been made in tbe condition of the said mortgage— N O T IC E is, therefore, hereby given that by vir tue of n power, contained in said'mortgage, apd in pursdance of the statutes in such case made and pros _vided, (heeaid mortgaged premopsor some part thcis- of will be scrtd- at public Vendue, at the hdU«e of Jona than R . Beach. in thq.town ot Salma m*th& county of Onondaga, qn the twenty «GVD nth.da^ of Ja«,u^,,p( netct; ritibft #y*. *. 'JJaheii kdguSA 10th, 1819',; V ) , • .- F ^ R R I? FINOHj 'Adeignem '.;"Cik-CS,Pi^bW-AM^AAAy. ' , ' . / .. .^Y tifder brRichaR'Sffihh7-€sip fifflt-Jddge of the Jj> court of common pleas ih and for the coudty of ^ i d pfeIn|iv-i io.U(» te/lfaTeby; ^1»en?jtc t l i il>»CrthtHciia.-of : - Tkaaid^ptiitty, jiext, sar9 q’cIoch ii^ tltg forenooa qf that dny,' ivhy fijr Sfsl2a(ii5rit!<>fthe said Inspveftvs dsiate^ffiohiil hot beqaadeihd'hi^ pet8bn- Jih exempted from iuiprison- .:.Dihm, pursuant to the act, entitled ^;nir ftct(ti Ish- impriaoiajient for ileht in certain, cases, April Ttii. ifilJ. "Dated June Jst* t8 fk •» , *9T— Ipv?;: * JOEE BENJkMI^,Tii6olvent. .v ■;.vn; • 'Cig >- » . !■I* .I,.'nj— i;1 ' ---- -V. X order of Richard‘Smith, Esquire, first Judge of o f bbginrnpg fcontmninjg fifty whereas default has been nfade in the payment of the said sum of money so secured and erf interest the^e* qf— nptice is therefyi^hereby given, $h»t by vnfp^ of a power for that purpose m the Oaid mortgage con tained anlphrsniiiit th the statufe in stich case mads and provided,| the W d mortgaged yre(ni<.e«i will be sold at public vendue, a t tlieihouse now occupieiLhy IraJoy, loakccparm th&Yrilbgo pf Eucjiowvilte on t1ie~24tb- day~ of September next, a t ten o’clock i/i 'the - forenuon of that dfty DateiTMarcfiTStfiTA 819. / \ Ilf II LRB at<f< * -r>H4 o| Ulysses pud roiinty_o| lonijkm s ;nd Mary hifr Wife, to John C H»yt end Samuel 1 Pi own ot Mjj| same plafee^ h^aiirt.^ date tlie fhirlerntli day ot Maicli; in tl e year dt on) I md oi e ihounBpu eight *n n Ir^i; apd eig.hteen^of ull4that certain h t i pi ce ot la >d;, situate, and lyingm the t wnpf Utvs is ai d county o ff impkms bri tej-rdpal't ol lot number eif-ht\ r me, in said town of Ulysses, beem^inA, at the south l a ^ Corner ot Richard ^laniting’s land, bepig «t '■tmie or post fOPfr'Conifij, and luniupg tlencp cant ah the;. Jinc of Vmd JdtNo 89, Unity threc chums ami lot y- ( ope linhh^tdd white pine tmepiark^d y» a u f nei; thence nprth along the west line of .land ionuei ly owned by Annm O ven, I m tee. cl aihs and n ndty#; four liriksTtq a staKd Cr «ost ; thence ivekt thirty* three chains anf mrty one i nits, a s ahe <n pr t our tile east line of the tefoie mentioned Birhaid M in- rung’s fund, (hence south fytu (een chai s and ninety- tour links, to tfre place ol legimn ig ( contain mg hfty. aoes ot land--Notice is theiefore he ebygiym that m {Uisuanrd offhti S( tute in such case made end pLO- videif^aBd by virtue qf a .jajiwr'. hontameif- in •raidL^J moi tgage tBft/ihqve d m (I1 ed pr^nnFet- a ill be"sold at public auction, at the Hotfcl in the villaue of Ithaca , and county ot ToijipkinS on the twenty sovei tk day if JJfovcmhejrneXtratrten o’ciocknn tjre lorrtroop-oHhat” duy. Dated theTJth yiu-ycT^Mqy,71819 -v roHN c RAxr r^ R v tbeir Affnrnpy T> tw jJgitA-sox D kitkctetl fthd t!eltveretl, agRinst life f . all toe l ight 9rtd tit® oftlto sajd Etffyelitis to4«(s no. *62 mi # ®3vo*n D o ^ f t ^ p l o t mu kyUlioi Ok^^atill- Ithuea turnpike road, arid south hy lands' , pet*sdnal iiropbrty »tfi die . said EujfyeBus, on (lie afif ii jfayt'kf^fine nexfj at 2 o^eljoek F , M , ri^ said day, at die Hotel in I he ViI- je of fdiaea.' Diitcd . A - jf i* postponed (ill too gsdr^diQ? , a* (kk sawio place arid hour of die tlaVj . Dated J o no T lje akake prppej*^, is liipthert postponed till fhefilh day of^Jetober next, at. tlie saiae JiiaeO and fime ©f day* Da-*’ -7 - n l0 2 -< d s ' '; N .^ lA L S E t, Sh’fK - r . ~ ii¥ k ii:f « eot out of ofXomiikiaSyto inedii-eeted antldelivered' agriiiist Jlie i eai Jarid persortaT^in'Oportyiof on inXiiftisiri^, 4tp H ieiiilit day! oY^'pl^iiikek noxly'afr; (ben a^eiiriioritt^at die DkteF ikThri AilkHreiof- -fltaat-"'vDs#ep . - NlCDLL'-HALSEY, Sli‘E. / I^ B y :E'-G'UAJiY»'Dept^ ;sh’in ^ i v «To!v 28‘—fdu. * BY older of Bichard Smith, esq., fiist judge of tlie eoiii'l of eotnmoii pleas in and ibc flieeq»i‘i> of TrimpkmsytaoAkeiaiicro* by given jn all the creditors of Harvey Smith,'oft lie towrrof Ulysses, in said eoan- ty, aifinsoJveist debtor,toldieW%ause if any tiiey have, before the said judge, at his ofliee, in the (own of Hector, ip said coun ty. on Monday the 8th day of Noveiulier next, at 2 o'efoek in the afternoon^ Vfhy an assigfijjienl of the said insolvent’s cs- tate should not be made, and his person he exempted from imprisonment, pursuant ro the aet cntitled-^’an act to abolish im prisonment for debt in- certain’ eases,” passed April 7, 1819. Dated 3d day of August, 1819. * nlOfitflw ' ""A lfT k lN M ' ;HL'ANKSf.'for s«ie at the Journal Office. ----- . Jhq cdarA-of corBuaqn Dleag^ inand Jpp'ihe county of Tompkins, notice is hereby given to *11 the credit ors of Joseph TorriSy, att insolvent debtor, iathcsaid .countv. tliui they shew cause if any ihey have befdre thT1mdjytfeei.-oBLtbe thirtieth?day of November dbxt, ‘at ten o’cibck inrthd forimmitr-kfchlsjqfiicb in Hector, in aaid cbuoty^wBy rie';Sfsi6^wk.oR«i|[^#hnitS eRate slrbufdrnot bq iqad^lor'the BbugliAVpf afTHis ereditors, arid.the faid infolvent debtdr be'di*cha*rg(*d In d be fefeveV tliefDaftfir feXcmpt jrotif'sirfeist'And iiii- pnsonraent, cccorilihg. to .tHe prbvbipna of tfce-act of , the Legislature of the state of New York, entitled u an act to abolish imprisonment For debt,5* (ms’sed Apt 11 Ttb, 18l9^ Dated Sepfembef 7tb, 4|t9- ’ r • ' Y yirtufi irfseveral executionjl, jssberi out of' (he _ i supreme court of iheJifate^lSeMYbrfiy ageiosr ^Lewin Half«y and Nicoi). Halsey, I shall, expose, to tale all their personal pkoperfy'together With their right and titTe to lots Nb.-Si G, and 7, iu Uty»ses, and iot No. ibd, i-n-Co.yert, on the twenty-second;d ^ of September next„at.(en o^elocfc AiM> aA.'the dwcll- iogs.oftUa.BUid Habeys. DaJed AiifilistlOth, 1819. :» ; ' HENRY* BEGOBt, EbteSii’fi'. Dec'iL ^ By FETffiRr<HAGHR,-2d, Under:: Sheriff. 'FT rirtaf! rif » writ o f fieri fnriias-^irisu* thoricenorth«nglEl;haihs; f|he(W» Wbst-tblrty-ttffee j chains and seventy-fioe lirik lto ft ^tooa'for w-onifiiH-i thence .south one chain and Iwerity-fivej Hnks. tosa tonefor u cqjher jJijeni^lvest; one cbain.mriT five liitkir, tolheji|ac*s of* be'iitining ? cmntuiriitrg tihp ' hundred acres'heHhe samB niot'e o r iCB<—*iVbittce Y?(err- of the.Htate o f New-York,v(o nie directed, against' Ihe^-gOotis and chattels, land and . jtcn^mettts of Fe.ter I,. Duinond, and in iny iiailiwiekv I sliafl cxposetbr,sale,;at jfie nhpe f f J;Ohn, 3^rk^ct|| ftm village jif Ithactij^nnr rtlio. Sftili, day o f , Se^itnmhep ;next, fi fire r©al and Rcrso'iiai.properly of fiie said o f ^village l.OTS Nosi ll, according, to:Dc- • AViti^'jdof-andfiriiw©^ - cording to Siiiith^* sHrvey, rilso’ all his tight and title to Lots No. 99 arid IW iri Ulysses, itogeilicn wjtlu^ll Jili pfftsonat property Dated August 16th, 1819; -;■ fi HAUHER;.2di'tmdOr ^li’ff.■ w a"ti^.w »i|,sB W W dii: ' ’ hi property^^^>f ^NofforivLlhalt of land on August next, nt ^ o’ciOclviri the afternoon at It hacrirri Ha7 ted Junfc 22d, 1819. ( f j 0 The nbpve[sa!e is postponed until the 30th of September next," at 10 o’clock in the fiirenoon,Vt "tlie same place. Dat- S ihA agB S ilqirflir f ------ ~ r NI G( »LL H A faSEY, Sh’ff. by SPENUFR CR \RY. den’ty Sfi’ff. ■|J» Y virtue of an order *W‘L u th e i r F T b t e ~ * * tTcnSf esq- Surrogate of Seneca county, the undersigned, administrator^&e.?of.To- seph Locey, deceased, will -sell at puhiic vendue, to (he highest hidder, aT(lie house I of,widow Jane Losey, in the town of Go- 'Vert, on the ninth day of October next, at one o’elock in the afternoon, one hundred acres'of land.* (0 be laid out in n squarr form as nes^r ^as may.he, oqt of the north east comer of lot nuinber iiTfy-Two, in the township ol' Ovi(l, n ow tow n of Covert.__ Dated August 21,1S19. r ; *wl07 REUBfeN s. BROWN. t -aUTLiI liovmg^L6en made 111 the pdyuientfof a certw o snip of mOpey, secured by^u m irt^nge executed by Jolin Cpatterlon, ol the(o«in of Ulysses, m thecounty of 1'ompluns^. bearing date (he sixth day-of August* eighteen hundred and eighteen,>to JohiTJohpsun, of the same place, pt ill that certain piece oi parcel o.| [arid, situate in the (own orUlys- fqs. iti tlm county of DPompkms* Dod,.distinguished as. lotr number one Of the village of Ithacai botiml'ed on tbe north by Mill street, On the west by Aurora street, pn the south by lot number two, aqd^ xtepihng from Aurora-atreet easterly two' hundred atul fi^ty feet and being sixty six teet m breddth in front and reai —NoWrVherefore, notiqe is hereby given, (hat by virtue i f a-power contained in said lupitgage, and in pursuance of the statute insucb c«Be hiade and jirovid ed, tlie above described mortgaged premises will be sold at public vemlue, at (lie house of Jesse Grant, innkeeper in the yillage of"lthnc;t, oti tlife secoiid day of October next^at ten o^clock in th e for^noqn, Dat- - . -^ c h 30,-4819.,,. r„ ' , ' A;'8‘JfoH'ssbf, aIFYv'V;.' V* \ T ^ R f A U L 'I ’.^sylug bejpjgr.mad9;i^.t.iiC'^fi^ii)(h)q. J L /; a pertain sum o f money -sepured to pe pVid by a f^ili^n'qiorq^gljijet^dlmit^^ of June, 1818, exetm- ted'byjbnan \Valeiho(ife,’aQf;t|ie toWii df Chenango, laAM-fcddbfyK’f S i W d ^ ^ H ^ led L ’UlVlojgsedf-Ahe towp of tflysse^ in tbe County*bfTo:mp|tinR and stale of Nevv-York, qfall^hnt^ertalmrpiecir-orparcstuf- .Ulyssef iaiM i catinty of T6mpkirts. *»»4^tate aforik«i(J, ' as jlhe/smp wgs/sdQd»YM^ i:s»!d ifihjlivjsfpp (fbiifted and bounded asjollowe;- B'eginiiingSt a a(qnft^|^,» iiorth west corner,of«afd7Sr, .tbencp south twenty- fiiurcbniihabirsit'CiHy-fiVdyhills/td ^ by fin Iron s . wood, oiarked l,S; thenco eust foily chaiiifi lo njutit bst ------- " " ■"* ' 11 ' OdTnfsTil mortgage, th e sa|») ijtorticag€al premises will be soid at puhiic vphHue, puffiiant *tu the jstatqteln s«ch cai»#iTiade anil1 provided, st (he Coiumbiun Inn, * HL?ihe yillage of Ithkca Mii;the{cpooty of 'fotppkinf, ttfVkPDOAltl fin llin ntisiivTi. -TamiTanr r.OVf ' w HEitd to D>vt 1 Aicts an i tin i U; i ,ai uis wile: of Jtbapav.dnhby nidenlure oi mortgagei dated the tenth day of Match one tin uw id ejght hundred apd eighic n for seeming die piymenoC- eigbt humficldofiurs^'ih (he ntannoi thi icm ipecit d, relen e apd convey, unto Eq ychi 9 Cheuipifn ann Benjamin Fn^bio, of th.e same,place* a,l tha chi (me lot pfgrpuud^ situated in tlie village of Ithaca, jii/thd county of lompkins, and state if New Ifork fand known bnd distinguished a1}lot number nxty two, in said viJiHge, audf poundeil op tb# north b> Ckwpgo* street * east hy 1 ioga street, south bv Green stieet, north and south two butfWed.and sixty sTpleet, and id breadth eatf am) west qiXty six fret (qkcOptK g and reserving the right o f do ier of t*areh Miller, (ate the widow of L|j)uil|an Andrew*, ilecrascil, 111 the sai I lot) and ivhd pas tlje skid Moitgige hSs hfecn dul/ assignod. to Wjl mm Kirkpatrick,, of bnhna, irt the c ipjty ot Opondaga nj jl whereas deupilt hcs been tnade in the condition of the said mortgage— jy u J ’lC E tMfeFox&U MfebifgiMtt/Mfat, t»y Virtue'- J o fa potvert^jttafheifcin ^sald^^pidrtgugef-snd in nur»a* ^1 ' nriCeof^ive^tMinesJiiiisucli case lonjlu uml fffovidyds Bench. fii tHetoWn of(Sh!i|ia* io'the county o f ,<)iuin‘- daga, biVtbe sixteenth jday of December bext, at twri . o’clfick in t he aHPriioQii/Ttliftt jiiiv: Bnted J u n e 2& 1819. . - .WIEETAH KIRIiPATRlCK, JEtxkeMA.Mji.'AR ’y ; 'Asslgcee.- inlirtgagb; cxccutcil ]iy "^hliti'E, Phiflipfe,1 . an.l SusaiK, I nl?h his wife, •«rf<4bo*-C*h<^ - tbvwi’Af Divmloh Und jeogntyjaf Ycl>)pkius»r to Oliver Eutficr ami Hejijsmin ’ Ijulher,«f .tlje wilip pIaoef‘bearing dafe1 thu Lttpiity* sixth Vlny o’f^jr.ay, iri ’-tho, year oue thousand eight hundred ^ifd54eVeft|eehv df- all "that Cencia piece or « puled.oniand/liluuta fyiiig;»nd., heing in the, fbwft orDivision afqresstil, aiTd;iH ^ n ndedanddei^rthm Ew1-' jq|)ow*v -to^Vyitr beginning, in the southeasL^jopahrof---1 fof number»inply-scveiiId ^aid’town'is thence running' north along tfje ^«H ’5 liori of .Mid lot rwenty-seveii ’ chains atid Hiikkl' theAce wwst-elghteeA chaiiiffuudT|jirj:^.sevcn Write? . thence pbrtlr twenty ' " ' ' nine ifiiksj tlieiice 'Wel.t ;:»ANiEK- t,MaYtRG8:* ' By WoodcocX’& B ruyx, A ttv ’#.. *’ ( i , ••• July 7th—6m' ' ----- -------- IIEKFiAfci iitifau1 1 has been' made in idt pay- inent ofa certain lum'of'cuoneyvsecured by a . mortgagEu'cxbieutp.tl Famdpt ,C'oofc;*of’ifie tr.tVir r and CQiiotyjQXAIailispn; -to,Jjfivi Davis, of the to wn ofDryden'jCayugii U»ovk TEompklns) county, which said mortgage lies been duly assigued' ;to* Hezekltih Moi'se, hy' virtue nf a power contained St* said nBirb_ gUge, ohiFIS pursuahoe pf'the statirtlB' ilf TeucTi', case unudeiiiid provided, fhe_;lb)lowing premiet-s will be sold nt publicvemlue, a t the iiou'd’ofAnihew tirHuli,'' fttnlfeepef i*» fHe town of Nelson,..Madjsbncouiay, o n tbeeightfeenthJay_ofE£biuuiryjiiixt*ii£±3.vecnAha _ knurs of ten and livelve o’clbck.iii the forenoon $ that .' is to say, nil that piece of lam) lying 111 the towii of ( Dry den, county of TonipldCs, late Cnydga, 'being’ lbt No. 88,.lit snid ,lb^rt,..bijtlnded\east on I lanrfiorwerty owned by Joshua H'bttj sbftth qn lhn®’- owned^’by AYijifant Ctityj >-P8t On Tuflil -fomjeriy.' ownedby William Crary, senior, and Seth Tf heeler; H__ j *J' ___ * .f,~ Acttw . north on lend in possessiphpfJnhn 'Hnrklee,4n48i7i containing about twenty seven and atf half acres of land,- Dated Aujdift 10,'l8t9.< ‘ ^ . ,-HEZH£iAH;M'HHSE;.,4ssignec,, - -S.-NECSoit.Att’y, -: ..I .. liibS fiin *■ iI sF a IJ E l Mvliijg Letin m«uc lii tuc puj lneia u{ a certairr suni of niotieyrseciireA-to he paid, by a .iw > 0 />Mt K ‘.V/IF»?/vJ ' itiHJT if* flair ’-Ap-' 'fltHn :,.-nn Certiiitiinqrtgage.,' thedlth day of'June, one y-iU-'fTr- *- i Tptt]'h'n»ririd^4tsfffpT^ew^flc»^ - junior. ofthe satntf pTaCe^'qf; tlip onq'Jqui'thpart'ijf a wkter and land. to sard mill belonging, ahdthe one foiiriti pnr,l,bfHll ^%ttpf(ur^eteaneea btifl4 e d F ifty-Five in the, town fif Groton nforesaid; being thesaine pTehiiseiiltely conveyed b’ythe saiil Liifiier. *^riimbleV j.uoior, said Sabiuel 'bove^-jtsiiep .,; cqntained in ’ said niortgage, the eaid‘ mortgnged pre- puses will be sold at ' public veuiitfb, pursuBnrtq the,, . statute.in such. case.made and pi'Ovide4 at,ihe ColiJin- bianvlnn, in the village > • o’clock iu th e forenoun.—Dated Ju ly 5th, 1819. “''^•By^hfGXrdijhx k BipVN,; Atty’si' , , •'•-• ■ ; July 7th—6m r'‘K" - r" . "WMpH.ERIiLAr' Johu’ljatvieyjiand 'Polly h«8 \»(ilC;'ot-. ¥ V . the town, of.Hector, in the'county of 1 qmpkina and state of New-York, for ^curing the payment-of acertain sutu of money, by indenture of mortgage, ^J^a«pg-Agt a f i flkday^*.JtiarClip4ii-tl)scy^ftr»erghrtfen=; hundred qad nineteen, did cunyey uhto Juhn ^Yhito, ofJtlie“same~piace, “ a m h it certain tract, pieoS^of;' parcel ot land, situate, lying anil hein^ in the town afoietaid, being pert of lpt .number seventy iii the towufiliip orHector, bounded as tol)ows, to wit : soutlT" by lands owned by Elbenezer Eeemah VeVs^by lands' owned by „A ranthU's~Evert8 'and Obcdiah'Brown, on| lot-nUmber Beventy-one^in, said tqwnq nortli_byJand8 seventeen iii^ksj ttierice suuth !two cfiuipp *, west fivm Vliahis and thiriy-six links f theijce-MiitO tiyett^r, chnimfamd nineteeirrlmkstb Uyrui nqrth'lioe j. tlmiire east twelve chaiiiH ami fifty thrqC links t'* said; ffaitcliet’s northeast cqrner f. “ ihdncc sobth forty clinins nnd tweiity-5?fe linkS'tq th e south Jine'of MtdJof? Ithericeeiisi twientyiseyett chains; amf_ -scVenty-fivedinkfr l o-tfae p lace of beginuh^-^-coiitain- iug oneHbundred jimf twenty six acres aim fifteen- rdda _ of land— RfGTlUE is thei'effre hereby given, the! in " jiursuancn oftlie sintute in such cake Awm.and proyid- . ed, flftd by virtue of a potver cofyaim^ dfi-Tii'd iirtirt- : gngo, thd alipVq nescri!|eil premtsca’ will be sold, at public auption, at the Hotel.m UiO’Vilisge of Ithnca, j . injfe to,wirof Ufys,ses am), county of.Taropkiiis/oh.; tfi6;iWenty-sixtli'day of D<fce'i/*ber next; A{ten o’clock iu-'the foraaoon. < Dutes! .tune 18, 181.0, »,'* ^ .;B R N jA ^ H # 'M !ER ^ '4 r v '. - -;7‘ i . ‘3urvivinK4*Morfgagr«, I ifV E i'A U Jb l having becn made ill the payrifeut of JL/■ a certain sitm, ofCihney fecurerf by a'idorigagfe ^tecule^ ;|»y . Rnnp.^(pi^j,pjf-tRy©Cff cqqhty d^yottpteul.ltodfsmUrMh^W-Yprk^ hearing date the ftiiEfiily of Jrint.in theyearjpf oUc leitl one thousand eight fiuhsired and eip;iitsen, tq John Ssrll^ "of'I fiC5int7 in the~ctnm£yand state aforesaid, 'of nil " | that certain piece ot •land, situated in- lfie cotmlj of Tompkins, known by lotvnumber one in the .snbUm- «on of lot number eevfinty-founn theloivn of Ulys ses aforesaid U* described 1 y Humphrey How fond In .the year eiUitfen htmdred and nve, boundetl a- fol lows - beginning a t ihe noi llrwest corner o f said lot ;ndmb^itA'Bhty:fotfFrf . thl'ede east iwCnty-pne cjmins HBjid sbwoafy‘j!jri^I«»|S( ld:it Stckc tfSqtit* (hence viptth. foriy chninl! to p stake (Cn J i ^ i ® , a ; b e & ( d i H U j B b p r l^lr ^ " I f ie ilg F Weft tWe'niy-b%;c’iinip%|g^ity*- nine liok,6 :to^a_fita^;..tl!ence nqrth f(irty.fiffmns' to tbt! placeof beginhi'ng'r-contaiiung eighty-Scv^n acrej and twenty jiveperclieBpflbhd; be thy.same; more or. Te'fij. iVtuo ihemfetrt mifce is gfocnf the t by v-lv- ^i^fR'lfotjter.dihTBnheri' |n said mortguge, and ifi.pdf-. 'suance of the statute ift such ckse made and provided, Jhe' aiicf^'d[mc(i0ed.dM'drt'gpgCd..^«(hf^j. w di ’be"(old ' r ihnkcecer in ( ‘ ;iLuH(owVilICRf'. x,n sai i c o u n ty ; pn ific 'foujftb ifoybfJjs.libaty next, at ten o’ciock iu.tho fore* noon of that day. Dated '3uhe.2§tE, 1819, ..' C^L'i . J o h n bARUUfi. ; .■UrTprtjtVB,‘ Afl’Vr' ■:' ^ v'.. •" sV •, 98 6m •".f..*7 ip'-thc pay' '<■ j •'’• p f'%:'• ) ’! ri mrtrtgHge. " exbciitfed by GaVeb: B. Drake, p f t t ; , vii« ’ ’ . lngp of llhdea, audicrtuqty of Tompkms, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of September, eighteen huudtvd ^drtd seventeen, Jtq John Eaning, Of the village of 0\ye-> ,go, anti county Of Broome.of tlie one etjual undivided. Injlf or moiety of all sthat certain pi°ce ol* pal eel of hrjid situate, dyfngv^nnbheiegyitt^ he4o wh-fifAJIysses,^ in said county of Tompkins, and bi ing part of lot owned bv* Mobray Gwen; and west by lands of Ebe-t nezer Carpenter, pontaining eighty-seven acres and'; aTBalf of |8piit"r’J‘“pdryvheregs"de{aiilt tiag^B^eumn^rde in.’tbe payment of ihe'sum of'one hundred-dollars,* .with the interegt.thereof—Notice j s therefore hereby giyen^t|ipt the said mortgaged prepiiseg (qn*u'oli pait tbe$bfi»m ay be'sufficient tofeati«fy the said sum of , one hundred dollars,.-with the interest and costs}. will t he snlil at the house'of Solutnon Porter, innkeeper m gOvid'Vdlpge,-/!^ the icounty of Senecn, oh the' fif- teentkday qf March next, at sine o’clock in the fore* noon. „ Dated September 1,1819- *'' 1 JOHN tYHlTF. * J. Maywaeu, A(t’y. nior ii ilUmbfec-foftyirr saitf town oTUlysies, amflsiJoiinded“ and described a^ifollows, to wit iBLginiilng at a beach; Stake Standing in tjje soidh-west cornel of the said ~ piece sbrpdrhel ofiaiul) ihchce east forty-eight chains , thirty links to fa stnke,,stftnd»ng m tlfe 6imth*ue*t t coi ner ofJanfljin the possession of\Peler Bi h o p 4 _1hence_ntHLtlf thui^mljiutes west ninctfi n chairis and "fifty links'to the souifo’rme'of'lot jhu’ibbeHhn tv-tjiree; ThenCe west alohg the line of said, lot forty five clients •trftpwft |tiTmp wrth“a‘hlace',4hc4cc fo’u lirn i^ «r- cliains and fivelihks to the pfoCe of hegihxiing; con- * taming Cigllty-nirihlicre, of fail'd { now, Ihereloie, no- . tice ib heieby. given,' that by Virtue ofa pctver tou- tamed in said tnortgnge,,and by fdi«“e ofjhe statute in eudh case made and provided, the_said tnoilgaged pre* * nnseswill he sold’'at public \etnfuV,'' on the twenty- ! third-day Of Cfctober.ndxi, at the Hotel m Ithacq in 4 he.cptjuty ntj /Tqpijikinsj at tenTo’clock in the fore- nqoirf of ihat day. Dated April IMh, tiii9. A. Jonnsqw, Attorrp^' JOilN LANING.

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    BY vntue o ijiii execlUuplO to JiLejjiroet^ ctl and dehvoi e d , l shall expose (o sale all the nglil and uUe ol H&rtiekiah Bone- ham to JLot IN0 , 86 inUie to\yn_qt'_Lan- stne;., on Thnifsdaj the SQth fifty a f btp- lembei n e\t, at 2 o’eloi k P ftl, o f said Uaj, at the honbf ol IfarJoy. in Ludlow- ville. llalud Aug 7th, 1819

    NILO LL H A tS E Y , slid* n lO S H s ,

    f "V "I' ' «>■ » ■■ !.•«> ■ '»*■ ~BY vnitie ot sundiy exteutiops - » . !■ I* .III ,.'nj—i;1'---- -V.

    X order of R ich a rd ‘Smith, Esquire, first Judge of

    o f bbginrnpg fcontmninjg fifty whereas default has been nfade in the payment of the said sum of money so secured and erf interest the ê*qf—nptice is therefyi^hereby given, $h»t by vnfp^ of a power for that purpose m the Oaid mortgage contained anlphrsniiiit th the statufe in stich case mads and provided,| the W d mortgaged yre(ni ,go, anti county Of Broome.of tlie one etjual undivided. Injlf or moiety of all sthat certain pi°ce ol* pal eel of

    “ hrjid situate , dyfngv^nnbheiegyitt^ he4o wh-fifAJIysses,^ in said county of Tompkins, and bi ing part of lot

    owned bv* Mobray Gwen; and west by lands of Ebe-t nezer Carpenter, pontaining eighty-seven acres and'; aTBalf of |8piit"r’J‘“pdryvheregs"de{aiilt tiaĝ B̂ eumn̂ rde in.’tbe payment of ihe'sum of'one hundred-dollars,* .with the interegt.thereof—Notice j s therefore hereby giyen^t|ipt the said mortgaged prepiiseg (qn*u'oli pait tbe$bfi»m ay be'sufficient tofeati«fy the said sum of

    , one hundred dollars,.-with the interest and costs}. will t he snlil at the house'of Solutnon Porter, innkeeper m gOvid'Vdlpge,-/!^ the icounty of Senecn, oh the' fif- teentk day q f March next, at sine o’clock in the fore* noon. „ Dated September 1,1819- *'' 1

    JOHN tYHlTF. *J . Maywaeu, A(t’y. n io r ii

    ilUmbfec-foftyirr saitf town oTUlysies, amflsiJoiinded“ and described â i follows, to wit iBLginiilng a t a beach; Stake Standing in tjje soidh-west cornel of the said

    ~ piece sbrpdrhel ofiaiul) ihchce east forty-eight chains , thirty links to fa stnke,,stftnd»ng m tlfe 6imth*ue*t t

    coi ner ofJanfljin the possession of\Peler Bi h o p 4 _1hence_ntHLtlf thui^mljiutes west ninctfi n chairis and "fifty links'to the souifo’rme'of'lot jhu’ibbeHhn tv-tjiree; ThenCe west alohg the line of said, lot forty five clients

    •trftpw ft |tiTmp wrth“a‘hlace',4hc4cc fo’u li rn i^ «r- cliains and fivelihks to the pfoCe of hegihxiing; con- * taming Cigllty-nirihlicre, of fail'd { now, Ihereloie, no- . tice ib heieby. given,' that by Virtue ofa pctver tou- tamed in said tnortgnge,,and by fdi«“e ofjhe statute in eudh case made and provided, the_said tnoilgaged pre* * nnseswill he sold’'a t public \etnfuV,'' on the twenty- ! third-day Of Cfctober.ndxi, at the Hotel m Ithacq in 4he.cptjuty ntj /Tqpijikinsj at tenTo’clock in the fore- nqoirf of ihat day. Dated April IMh, tiii9.

    A . Jonnsqw, Attorrp^'J O ilN L A N IN G .