türkçe 1072 sözcük

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 trke 1072 szck


    Card # Turkish English Image

    1 abla older sister; ma'am

    2 a hungry, greedy

    3 acaba I wonder

    4 acele hurry; hastily

    5 ac tart, hot (pepper), bitter

    6 a open, bare, empty

    7 almak to open, to clear up

    8 amak to open

    9 ad name, reputation

    10 ada island, city block

    11 adam person, human being

    12 det custom, habit

    13 adres address

    14 affetmek to forgive, excuse

    15 afiyet health

    16 aabey older brother

    17 aa tree, wood

    18 ar heavy, difficult

    19 az mouth; rim, brim

    20 alamak to weep, cry, whine

    21 armak to ache, hurt

    22 austos August

    23 aile family

    24 ait concerning, relating to

    25 ak white, clean

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    26 akl reason, intelligence, mind

    27 akll wise, intelligent

    28 akmak to flow, to leak

    29 akam evening

    30 alay crowd

    31 alak low

    32 aln forehead

    33 almak to get used to, become familiar

    34 alveri business, shopping

    35 allah God

    36 allahasmarladk (said by personleaving)

    goodbye! (Reply is Gle Gle )

    37 almak to take, get, buy

    38 alt bottom

    39 alt six

    40 altn gold

    41 altm sixty

    42 ama/amma but, yet, still

    43 an moment, perception, boundary

    44 ana mother

    45 anahtar key

    46 ancak only, merely, just barely

    47 anlamak to understand, comprehend, find out

    48 anlatmak to explain, tell, show

    49 anne mother

    50 apartman distance, interval, intermission

    51 araba car

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    52 aralk space, gap, interval

    53 aramak to look (for), search

    54 arka the back, rear, reverse

    55 arkada friend

    56 armut pear

    57 artk left over, remnant, extra

    58 arzu wish, desire

    59 aa the lower part, bottom, inferior

    60 asansr elevator

    61 asker soldier

    62 at horse

    63 ata father, ancestor

    64 ate fire, fever, temperature

    65 atmak to throw, drop, send away

    66 avukat lawyer

    67 ay moon, month

    68 ayak foot, leg, base, pedestal

    69 ayakkab shoe

    70 aydnlk light, bright

    71 ayna mirror, telescope

    72 ayn the same, identical

    73 ayran butter milk

    74 ayr separate, distinct, different

    75 ayrlmak to part, separate, split

    76 az small, little, few

    77 azalmak to become less, lessen, diminish

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    78 baba father

    79 bacak leg, shank

    80 ba tie, string; vineyard

    81 bal tied, connected

    82 bahar spring

    83 bahe garden, park

    84 bakan state secretary

    85 bakkal grocer

    86 bakmak to look at

    87 balk fish

    88 balkon balcony

    89 banka bank

    90 banyo bath ; bath-tub ; bath-room

    91 bardak glass, cup

    92 ba head, chief

    93 baarmak to accomplish

    94 babakan prime minister

    95 baka other, different

    96 balamak to begin, start

    97 basmak to tread, stand

    98 bat west, western

    99 batmak to sink

    100 bavul suitcase, trunk

    101 bay Mr. - (used only with surname)

    102 bayan lady

    103 baylmak to faint

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    104 bayram festivity, holiday

    105 bazan/bazen sometimes

    106 baz some, certain

    107 bebek baby, doll

    108 beenmek to like, admire

    109 bekr single, bachelor

    110 beklemek to wait

    111 belediye municipality

    112 belge document

    113 belki perhaps

    114 belli evident, obvious

    115 ben me, ego

    116 benzin gasoline

    117 beraber together

    118 berber barber

    119 beri here, near

    120 be five

    121 beslemek to feed, nourish

    122 bey gentleman

    123 beyaz white

    124 beyefendi sir

    125 biber pepper

    126 bak knife

    127 bildirmek to tell, inform

    128 bile even, already

    129 bilet ticket

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    130 bileti ticket taker

    131 bilgi knowledge, information

    132 bilmek to know, be aware

    133 bin thousand

    134 bina building

    135 binmek to get upon, ride

    136 bir one

    137 bira beer

    138 brakmak to leave

    139 biraz a little, some

    140 birleik united

    141 birlik unity, union

    142 bisiklet bicycle

    143 bitirmek to finish, complete

    144 bitmek to be used up, end, be finished

    145 biz we

    146 bluz/bulz blouse

    147 boaz throat; straight; mountain pass

    148 bol plentiful, ample

    149 blge region, zone

    150 blm portion, slice, chapter

    151 bor debt, loan

    152 brek flaky pastry with filling

    153 bo empty, free

    154 boy height, stature, length

    155 byle so, thus; such

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    156 boyun neck, cervix; responsibility

    157 bozmak to spoil, ruin, destroy

    158 bozuk broken

    159 bozulmak to go bad, become corrupt

    160 bu this

    161 buu half

    162 bugn today

    163 bulmak to find, discover

    164 bulumak to meet

    165 bulut cloud

    166 bulvar boulevard

    167 burada here

    168 bro office

    169 burun nose, beak, tip

    170 btn whole, total, unbroken

    171 byk big, large

    172 buyurmak to command

    173 buz ice, very cold

    174 buzdolab refrigerator

    175 abuk quick, fast, swift, quickly

    176 cadde main road, thoroughfare

    177 armak to call, to invite, to shout

    178 alkan hard-working, diligent

    179 alma work, study

    180 almak to work, study

    181 almak to hit, strike

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    182 cami mosque

    183 can soul, life, person, vigor

    184 canl living, animate, living being, alive

    185 anta bag, purse

    186 arpmak to bump, hit, knock, run (into)

    187 aramba Wednesday

    188 ar shopping district, market quarter

    189 atal fork, bifurcation

    190 ay tea

    191 ceket jacket

    192 ekmek to pull, haul, move (a car)

    193 cennet paradise, heaven

    194 cep pocket

    195 eit kind, sort, variety, assortment

    196 cevap answer, reply

    197 evirmek to turn, rotate; to refuse; to translate

    198 eyrek a quarter, one fourth

    199 iek flower

    200 iftlik farm

    201 karmak to take out, send out, expel, to


    202 kmak to go out, emerge, to graduate

    203 ikolata chocolate

    204 cins sort, type, sex, gender, race, stock

    205 irkin ugly

    206 ocuk child

    207 ok many, much, very

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    208 orap stocking, nose, sock

    209 orba soup

    210 cuma Friday

    211 cumartesi Saturday

    212 cumhuriyet republic

    213 nk because

    214 da/de too, also

    215 da mountain, brand

    216 daha more, than, yet, or

    217 daima always, forever

    218 daire circle; apartment

    219 dakika minute

    220 daktilo typewriting, typist

    221 dans dance, dancing

    222 dar narrow, tight

    223 davet invitation

    224 dede grandfather

    225 defa time, turn

    226 defter notebook

    227 deer price, worth, value

    228 deil not

    229 deik different, varied, changed

    230 deimek to change

    231 delik hole, opening

    232 demek to say

    233 denemek to test, examine

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    234 deniz sea

    235 derece step, stair, degree

    236 derhal suddenly, immediately

    237 derin deep, profound

    238 ders lesson, lecture

    239 dert sorrow, sadness, pain

    240 deva remedy

    241 devir age, time

    242 devlet state, government, nation

    243 deyim saying, expression

    244 dier other

    245 dikkat care, attention

    246 dikmek plant, sew, stitch

    247 dil language, tongue

    248 dilemek to want, desire, to wish

    249 dinlemek to listen

    250 di tooth

    251 d out, outer, outside

    252 dar outside

    253 domak to be born

    254 doru correct, true

    255 dou east

    256 doum birth

    257 doksan ninety

    258 doktor doctor

    259 dokuz nine

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    260 dolap cupboard, case

    261 dolamak to walk

    262 dolmak to fill

    263 dolmu (something which is filled)

    264 dolu full

    265 domates tomato

    266 dondurma ice cream

    267 dnmek to go round, circle; to return

    268 dn return

    269 drt four

    270 dost friend, lover

    271 dvmek to beat, pound

    272 doymak to be satisfied

    273 dudak lip

    274 dn wedding feast

    275 dkkn shop, store

    276 dn yesterday

    277 dnya world, earth

    278 durak stop, stopping place

    279 durmak to stop, stand

    280 durum state, position, attitude

    281 du shower

    282 dmek to fall

    283 dnmek to think, worry

    284 duvar wall

    285 duygu feeling, sense, perception

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    286 duymak to hear

    287 dz smooth, level, flat

    288 eczane pharmacy, chemist

    289 efendi master, owner

    290 eer if

    291 elence amusement, enjoyment

    292 elenmek to enjoy, to have a good time

    293 ek supplement; prefix, suffix

    294 ekim October; sowing, planting

    295 ekmek bread; to sow, to cultivate

    296 eki sour, tart

    297 eksik lacking, less

    298 el hand, power

    299 elbette certainly

    300 elbise dress, clothes

    301 elektrik electricity

    302 elli fifty

    303 elma apple

    304 emekli retired

    305 emin safe, secure, sure, certain

    306 emir order, command

    307 en width; hefty, huge; most

    308 enerji energy

    309 erkek man

    310 erken early

    311 ertesi the next, following

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    312 e spouse; husband, wife; one of a pair

    313 eser work (of art); written

    314 eski old

    315 eya furniture, things

    316 et meat

    317 etek skirt

    318 etmek to do, make

    319 etraf sides, surroundings

    320 ev house

    321 evet yes

    322 evlenmek to marry

    323 evli married

    324 evvel first, before

    325 evvel/evvela firstly

    326 eylem action, operation; verb

    327 eyll September

    328 fabrika factory

    329 faiz interest

    330 fakat but

    331 fakir poor, destitute

    332 faklte department (at a university)

    333 fark difference, distinction

    334 fayda profit, advantage, use

    335 fazla excessive, extra

    336 felket disaster

    337 fena bad

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    338 fiil act

    339 fikir thought, idea, opinion

    340 film/filim film

    341 fincan cup

    342 fralamak to brush

    343 frn oven, bakery, kiln

    344 fiyat/fiat price

    345 fotoraf photograph

    346 galiba perhaps, probably

    347 garson waiter

    348 gazete newspaper

    349 gazeteci journalist; newspaper seller

    350 gazino cafe, casino

    351 ge late

    352 gece night

    353 geen last, past

    354 geirmek to fix, insert; to pass (time); to enter;

    355 geit passage; mountain pass

    356 gemek to pass, cross; to undergo; to spoil;to faint

    357 gelecek future; next

    358 gelin bride; daughter-in-law

    359 gelimek to grow up; to develop, prosper

    360 gelmek to come

    361 gemi ship (n.)

    362 gen young

    363 gene/yine again; still, nevertheless

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    364 genellikle generally

    365 geni wide

    366 gerek real, genuine; reality, truth; really

    367 gerek necessary; need

    368 gerekmek to be necessary

    369 geri backward, behind; slow (clock); totake/put back

    370 getirmek to bring, yield

    371 gezmek to stroll; to go out; to tour, visit

    372 gibi like, similar; nearly, somewhat

    373 gidi departure; way of life, conduct

    374 giri entrance; introduction

    375 girmek to enter; to join; to fit (into);

    376 gie pay desk, ticket window

    377 gitmek to go; to lead; to suit; to leave; to


    378 giyinmek to dress (o. s.)

    379 giymek to wear; to put on

    380 gs breast, chest

    381 gk sky, heavens

    382 gl lake

    383 gmlek skirt; slip; generation; degree,shade; (snake) skin

    384 gndermek to send

    385 gre according (to); considering

    386 grev duty; function

    387 grmek to see; to visit; to regard; toundergo; to perform

    388 grmek to meet, to have an interview; to

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    389 gstermek to show

    390 gtrmek to take (away), to carry; to

    accompany; to lead

    391 gz eye

    392 gzlk eyeglasses

    393 gram gram

    394 g difficult; difficulty

    395 gl rose

    396 glmek to smile, to laugh

    397 gn day; period, time

    398 gnaydn good morning/day

    399 gne sun

    400 gney south, southern

    401 gnlk daily; ... days old; for ... days; diary;


    402 grlt noise

    403 gzel nice, beautiful, good

    404 hl still, yet

    405 haber news

    406 hafta week

    407 hak justice

    408 hakikaten in truth, truly

    409 hakl right, just

    410 hal condition; attitude; strength

    411 halbuki whereas, however

    412 hal carpet, rug

    413 halk people, folk, nation

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    414 hangi which

    415 hani in fact, besides

    416 hanm lady, Mrs., Ms., Miss.

    417 hanmefendi lady, madam

    418 hareket movement, act, deed

    419 harita map

    420 harp war, battle

    421 hasta sick

    422 hastabakc nurse's aide

    423 hastane hospital

    424 hat line, stripe; contour

    425 hatrlamak to remember, to remind

    426 hava air, weather

    427 hayat life

    428 haydi come on!

    429 hayr no; charity

    430 hayvan animal

    431 hazr ready

    432 haziran June

    433 hazrlamak to prepare

    434 hediye gift, present

    435 hele above all, especially

    436 hem.. hem de.. both ... and

    437 hemen right away, almost

    438 henz only just; a minute or so ago

    439 hep all, the whole

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    440 her every, each

    441 herhalde probably

    442 herkes everyone, everybody

    443 hesap account, bill

    444 heyecan excitement, enthusiasm

    445 hi never, not at all

    446 hrsz thief

    447 hissetmek to feel, to sense

    448 hz speed

    449 hoca teacher

    450 ho kal fine,

    451 hkmet government, administration

    452 i inside, interior, inner, domestic,kernel

    453 ieri inside, interior

    454 iin for, because, so that

    455 iki drink, liquor

    456 imek to drink

    457 idare administration, management,direction

    458 ihtiya need, necessity

    459 ihtiyar old, old person

    460 iki two

    461 iktisadi economic

    462 iln notice, advertisement

    463 ila/il medicine, drug

    464 ile with

    465 ileri front part, forward, ahead

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    466 ilgin interesting

    467 ilk first, initial

    468 ilkbahar spring

    469 imza signature

    470 imzalamak to sign

    471 inanmak (-a) to believe, trust, have faith in

    472 inmek to get off (a bus, car, etc.)

    473 inallah I hope that . . .

    474 insan person

    475 i work

    476 ii worker

    477 ise however (after a noun)

    478 k light, any source of light

    479 isim name

    480 srmak to bite

    481 iitmek to hear

    482 iskemle chair, stool

    483 smarlamak to order s.o., to have s.o made

    484 istasyon station

    485 ite here! here it is! look!

    486 istek wish, desire, request

    487 istemek to want

    488 itmek to push, shove

    489 iyi good

    490 iyilik goodness, favor, kindness

    491 izin permission

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    492 izlemek to follow, pursue; watch

    493 jeton jeton, money token, ferry token

    494 kt paper, card

    495 kr profit, benefit

    496 ktip clerk, secretary

    497 kabul acceptance

    498 ka how many ... ?

    499 kamak to escape

    500 kadar as ... as; approximately

    501 kadn woman

    502 kahvalt breakfast

    503 kahve coffee; caf

    504 kahverengi brown

    505 kalabalk crowd, crowded

    506 kaldrmak to raise, endure

    507 kale fortress

    508 kalem pencil, pen

    509 kaln thick

    510 kalkmak to get up, rise

    511 kalmak to remain, be left

    512 kalorifer central heating system

    513 kan blood

    514 kanun law

    515 kapal closed, covered

    516 kapamak to close, shut

    517 kap door, gate

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    518 kapc doorkeeper

    519 kar snow

    520 kara black

    521 karakol police station

    522 karanlk dark

    523 karar decision

    524 karde sibling

    525 kar wife

    526 karn stomach, abdomen; womb

    527 kark mixed, complex

    528 karmak to mix, become confused

    529 kar facing, opposite

    530 karlamak to go to meet, to welcome

    531 ka eyebrow

    532 kasaba small town

    533 kasap butcher

    534 kak spoon

    535 kasm November

    536 kat storey, floor

    537 kat hard, stiff

    538 kavga quarrel, fight

    539 kavun honeydew melon

    540 kaybetmek to lose

    541 kaynak spring, source, origin

    542 kazan large kettle

    543 kazan gain, profit, benefit

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    544 kazanmak to earn, win, get

    545 kebap shish kebab

    546 kedi cat

    547 kendi oneself

    548 kent city

    549 kere time

    550 kesmek to cut, slice

    551 keyif pleasure in life; joy

    552 kibrit match

    553 kilim rug

    554 kilo kilogram

    555 kilometre kilometer

    556 kim who, whoever

    557 kimse someone, anyone

    558 kira renting, leasing

    559 krk forty

    560 kirli dirty

    561 krmak to break, crush, grind

    562 krmz red

    563 k winter

    564 ksa short

    565 kii person, human being

    566 ksm part, portion, division

    567 kitap book

    568 ky shore, side, outskirts

    569 kyma ground meat

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    570 kz girl, daughter

    571 kzl red; scarlet fever

    572 kzmak to anger

    573 koca husband, adult

    574 kfte meat patty, meatball

    575 kol arm, sleeve, limb

    576 kolay easy, simple

    577 koltuk armchair

    578 komu neighbor

    579 kmr coal, charcoal

    580 konferans lecture, conference

    581 konser concert

    582 konsolos consul (diplomat)

    583 konumak to talk, speak

    584 kpek dog

    585 kpr bridge

    586 kr blind, dull, dim

    587 korkmak to fear, be afraid

    588 ke corner

    589 komak to run

    590 kt bad

    591 ky village

    592 kyl peasant

    593 koymak to put, place

    594 koyu thick (liquid)

    595 koyun sheep

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    596 kk little, small

    597 kulak ear; gill

    598 kullanmak to use, drive

    599 kum sand, gravel

    600 kuma cloth, fabric

    601 kurmak to set up, assemble

    602 kurtarmak to save, rescue

    603 kuru piaster

    604 ku bird

    605 kutlamak to congratulate, celebrate

    606 kutu box, case, can

    607 ktphane library

    608 kuvvet strength, power, force

    609 kuzey north

    610 lzm necessary

    611 lamba lamp

    612 limon lemon

    613 lira lira

    614 lise (high) school

    615 lokanta restaurant

    616 ltfen please

    617 lzum necessity, need

    618 mna meaning, sense

    619 maalesef unfortunately

    620 madem since, seeing that

    621 maden mine

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    622 mahalle neighborhood, district

    623 makina machine

    624 mal goods, property

    625 manav greengrocer

    626 manzara scene, view

    627 mart March

    628 masa table

    629 maallah Wonderful!

    630 mavi blue

    631 mays May

    632 meclis assembly, council

    633 mektep school

    634 mektup letter

    635 memleket country, land

    636 memnun pleased, satisfied

    637 memur civil servant, official

    638 mendil handkerchief

    639 merak curiosity

    640 merdiven stairs, ladder

    641 merhaba hello

    642 merkez center, headquarters

    643 mersi thanks! cheers!

    644 mesele matter, problem

    645 megul busy, preoccupied

    646 mehur famous

    647 meslek profession

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    648 metre meter

    649 mevsim season

    650 mevzu topic, subject

    651 meydan open space

    652 meyve fruit

    653 millet nation, people

    654 mill national

    655 milyar billion

    656 milyon million

    657 mimar architect

    658 minare minaret

    659 misafir guest, visitor

    660 mor purple

    661 mddet period, duration

    662 mdr director, head, chair

    663 mhendis engineer

    664 mhim important, significant

    665 mmkn possible

    666 mracaat application

    667 msaade permission

    668 musluk tap, faucet

    669 mutfak kitchen

    670 mutlaka absolutely

    671 mutlu happy

    672 mze museum

    673 mzik music

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    674 nasl how

    675 ne what

    676 neden why

    677 nerede where

    678 nereli where from

    679 nereye where to

    680 niin why

    681 nihayet finally

    682 nisan April

    683 niye why

    684 niyet intention;

    685 niyet etmek to intend

    686 normal normal

    687 not note, mark

    688 numara number, size;

    689 numara yapmak to act, pretend

    690 nutuk speech, oration;

    691 nutuk vermek to make a speech

    692 br to other

    693 ocak January

    694 oda room

    695 odac janitor

    696 demek to pay

    697 dev duty; homework

    698 odun firewood

    699 ofis office

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    700 olan boy

    701 le noon

    702 renci student

    703 renmek to learn

    704 retim instruction; education

    705 retmek to teach

    706 retmen teacher

    707 oul son

    708 okul school

    709 okumak read

    710 lmek to measure; to consider

    711 l measurement

    712 olmak to be; to happen

    713 lmek to die

    714 lm death

    715 mr life span; amusing

    716 omuz shoulder

    717 on ten

    718 n front

    719 nce first; ago

    720 nem importance

    721 nemli important

    722 opera opera

    723 pmek to kiss

    724 ordu army

    725 orman forest

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    726 orta middle

    727 otel hotel

    728 otobs bus

    729 otomobil automobile

    730 oturmak to sit; to reside

    731 otuz thirty

    732 yle like that, so

    733 oynamak to play

    734 oyun game

    735 zel private

    736 zr excuse; defect

    737 pahal expensive

    738 paket packet, package

    739 palto man's coat

    740 pansiyon boarding house

    741 pantalon pants, trousers

    742 para money

    743 para piece, bit, segment

    744 park park

    745 parlak bright, shining, successful

    746 parmak finger, toe,

    747 pasaport passport

    748 pasta pastry, dessert

    749 pastane pastry shop

    750 patates potato

    751 patron employer, head of a business

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    752 pazar open market; Sunday

    753 pazartesi Monday

    754 pek very much; hard, firm

    755 peki very good

    756 pembe pink

    757 pencere window

    758 perde curtain, screen, veil

    759 perembe Thursday

    760 peynir cheese

    761 piknik picnic

    762 pilav pilaf

    763 pis dirty, foul, obscene

    764 piirmek to cook, to bake

    765 pimek to be cooked, baked; to ripen, tomature

    766 plaj beach

    767 polis police, policeman

    768 politika politics, policy

    769 portakal orange

    770 posta post, postal service

    771 postane post office

    772 profesr professor

    773 program program

    774 pul stamp

    775 radyo radio

    776 raf shelf

    777 ramen (-a) in spite (of)

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    778 rahat comfortable

    779 rak anise flavored alcoholic beverage

    780 randevu appointment, rendezvous

    781 reel jam

    782 renk color

    783 renkli colored, colorful

    784 resim picture

    785 resm official, formal

    786 ressam painter, artist

    787 rica request

    788 rzgr wind

    789 saat watch, clock, hour

    790 sabah morning

    791 sa hair

    792 sade mere, simple, pure

    793 sa alive

    794 salk life, health

    795 saha space, field

    796 sahi sound, true, correct

    797 sahip owner

    798 air poet

    799 sakn beware; objection

    800 salata salad, lettuce

    801 sal Tuesday

    802 salon hall, guest room, dining room

    803 sanayi industries

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    804 sandalye chair

    805 saniye second, moment

    806 sanki supposing that

    807 sanmak to think

    808 apka hat

    809 arap wine

    810 sar yellow; pale

    811 ark east, Orient

    812 art condition

    813 armak to be confused about

    814 amak to be perplexed

    815 satc salesman

    816 satn almak to buy

    817 satmak to sell

    818 sava struggle, fight, war

    819 sayfa page

    820 saymak to count

    821 sebep cause, reason, source

    822 sebze vegetable

    823 semek to choose, select

    824 sefer voyage

    825 ehir town, city

    826 eker sugar, candy

    827 ekerli sweetened

    828 sekiz eight

    829 sekreter secretary

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    830 seksen eighty

    831 selm greeting, salutation

    832 emsiye umbrella

    833 sen you

    834 sene year

    835 serbest free, independent

    836 sergi exhibition

    837 serin cool

    838 sert hard, violent

    839 ses sound, noise, voice

    840 sevgili beloved, dear

    841 sevin joy, delight

    842 sevinmek to be pleased with

    843 sevmek to love, like

    844 ey thing

    845 seyahat journey, travelling

    846 seyretmek to see, to look on

    847 scak warm, hot, heat

    848 sfr zero

    849 sigara/cgara cigarette

    850 sk close together, dense

    851 ikyet complaint

    852 skmak to press, squeeze

    853 imdi now

    854 sinema cinema

    855 snf class

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    856 sr secret, mystery

    857 sra row, turn, file

    858 irket company, partnership

    859 i spit, skewer; swelling, swollen

    860 ie battle

    861 iman fat

    862 siyah black

    863 siz you

    864 ofr chauffer

    865 soan onion

    866 souk cold, frigid

    867 sohbet conversation, chat

    868 sokak street

    869 sol left, left-hand

    870 son end, result, last

    871 sonbahar fall, autumn

    872 sonra afterwards

    873 sormak to ask

    874 soru question

    875 sorun problem

    876 soyad family name, surname

    877 yle in that manner, so, just

    878 sylemek to say

    879 sz word, speech, rumour

    880 szlk dictionary

    881 spor sport, games

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    882 su water, fluid

    883 u that, this

    884 ubat February

    885 subay officer

    886 sultan ruler

    887 phe doubt, suspicion

    888 srmek to drive

    889 susmak to be silent

    890 st milk

    891 tabak plate, dish

    892 tabii of course

    893 tahsil collection; study, education

    894 tahta blackboard; board, plank

    895 takm set; team

    896 taksi taxi

    897 tam complete, entire, perfect

    898 tamam OK; completion, end

    899 tane grain; piece;

    900 tanmak to know

    901 tanmak to meet, make acquaintance

    902 tanr god; God

    903 taraf side, direction

    904 tarif description; tariff

    905 tarih history

    906 tarla arable field

    907 ta stone

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    908 tamak to carry, transport, bear

    909 tanmak to go very often to, be carried to

    910 tatil holiday, vacation

    911 tatl sweet, drinkable

    912 tavuk hen

    913 taze fresh, new

    914 tebrik congratulation

    915 tehlike danger

    916 tek single, alone

    917 teklif proposal, offer

    918 tekrar repetition

    919 tekrarlamak to repeat

    920 telefon telephone

    921 televizyon television

    922 telgraf telegraph, telegram

    923 tembel lazy

    924 temiz clean, pure, honest

    925 temizlemek to clean

    926 temmuz July

    927 temsil representation

    928 tepe hill, summit

    929 tercih preference

    930 terzi tailor

    931 teekkr thanks, giving thanks

    932 ticaret trade, commerce

    933 trnak finger nail, toe nail;

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    934 tiyatro theater

    935 top ball, anything round

    936 toplamak to collect, gather, tidy

    937 toplant assembly, meeting

    938 toprak earth, soil, land

    939 tramway tram, streetcar

    940 tra/tra shaving

    941 tren train

    942 tuhaf uncommon, curious

    943 turist tourist

    944 turistik touristic

    945 trl various

    946 turuncu orange (color)

    947 tutmak to hold; to catch, seize

    948 ttn tobacco

    949 tuvalet toilet

    950 tuz salt

    951 tuzlu salted, salty

    952 three

    953 uak airplane

    954 umak to fly, to evaporate, disappear

    955 ucuz cheap

    956 ufak small

    957 uramak to stop by

    958 lke country

    959 ulus people, nation

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    960 mit hope, expectation

    961 ummak to hope, expect

    962 umumiyetle usually, generally

    963 niversite university

    964 nl famous

    965 unutmak to forget

    966 st top, upper surface

    967 t flat-iron

    968 uyanmak to awake, come to life

    969 ye member

    970 uygun comfortable, suitable, appropriate

    971 uyku sleep (n.)

    972 uyumak to sleep

    973 uzak distant, remote

    974 uzatmak to extend, prolong

    975 zere at the point of, about to

    976 zmek to strain, break; to hurt the feelingsof

    977 zlmek to be worn out

    978 zm grape

    979 uzun long

    980 vakit time

    981 vali governor

    982 valiz suit-case

    983 vapur steamer

    984 var there is, there are

    985 varmak to arrive, to reach

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    986 vatan native country

    987 vatanda citizen, compatriot

    988 vazgemek to give up, to abandon

    989 vazife duty, obligation

    990 vaziyet position, situation

    991 ve and

    992 vermek to give

    993 veya or

    994 vurmak to hit, kill, steal, swindle

    995 ya.. ya da.. either ... or ...

    996 yabanc stranger, foreigner

    997 ya oil, fat, grease

    998 yamak to rain

    999 yamur rain (n.)

    1000 yahut or

    1001 yakn near (to)

    1002 yakt fuel (for heating)

    1003 yakmak to light, ignite

    1004 yalan lie, fabrication

    1005 yalnz alone, lonely

    1006 yan side; neighborhood

    1007 yanak cheek

    1008 yani that is to say

    1009 yanl error

    1010 yanmak to burn, be on fire

    1011 yapmak to make; to build; to create

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    1012 yaprak leaf, grape leaf; layer

    1013 yardm help

    1014 yar half of the

    1015 yarm half (n.)

    1016 yarn tomorrow

    1017 ya damp, fresh

    1018 yasak prohibition, ban, prohibited

    1019 yaamak to live; to enjoy

    1020 yal old, elderly

    1021 yatak bed

    1022 yatmak to go to bed

    1023 yava slow; quiet

    1024 yavru young animal

    1025 yaz summer

    1026 yaz writing

    1027 yazk pity, shame

    1028 yazmak to write

    1029 yedi seven

    1030 yemek to eat; to spend (money)

    1031 yeni new

    1032 yer place; position

    1033 yeil green

    1034 yetimek to catch, make; to be in time for

    1035 yetmek to be sufficient

    1036 yetmi seventy

    1037 ykamak to wash; to bathe

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    1038 ykanmak to be washed; to be bathed

    1039 yl year

    1040 yine/gene again, once more; still, even so

    1041 yirmi twenty

    1042 yiyecek food

    1043 yourt yogurt

    1044 yok there is not.., there are not..

    1045 yoksa or?; if not..? (used in questions)

    1046 yol road, path, route

    1047 yolcu traveler; passenger

    1048 yolculuk journey, trip

    1049 yollamak to send

    1050 yn direction, aspect, angle

    1051 ynetici manager, administrator

    1052 yorgun tired

    1053 yorulmak to get tired

    1054 yukar upstairs; upper

    1055 yksek high; lofty

    1056 ykselmek to rise, ascend

    1057 yumurta egg; testicle

    1058 yumu soft, tender, gentle

    1059 yurt homeland of a people or nation

    1060 yrmek to work, to march, to move forward

    1061 yz one hundred; face; reason

    1062 yzmek to swim, to float

    1063 zahmet trouble

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    1064 zaman time

    1065 zamir pronoun

    1066 zarf envelope

    1067 zaten anyway; besides

    1068 zengin rich

    1069 zeytin olive (fruit)

    1070 zil doorbell, buzzer

    1071 ziyaret visit, pilgrimage

    1072 zor trouble, worry, difficulty