tuesday, iilia ak r dalmaufs!!!!!l y j 2 theatre toe( he ...the dailv morning oasis sssssssss...

The Dailv Morning Oasis sssssssss '¦*» Nogales, Arizona, Dec. 10, 1918 FREE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT FIRST NIGHT IS VERY URGE Scholars to be Segregated Into Classes, of Which One Hun- dred Twenty Eight are Mem- bers. The opening of the Nogales Free Schools last night was at- tended by 128 scholars who ap- plied for enrollment. The mem- bers will segregate into lower and advanced grade classes. According to the faculty, the new venture is to meet with great success, unless hindered by the influenza ban on the schools and public places this morning. o Lieutenant Mclntyre . Returned Home. Yesterday Lieutenant Joseph Mclntyre returned from Camp I Pike, Arkansas, where he had completed the course of instruc- tion in an officers’ training camp, and received a commis- sion as first lieutenant. i Lieutenant Mclntyre was in the contingent from Santa Sruz county which went to Camp Funston, in October, 1917; and I he was at Camp Funston, in the depot brigade, and other commands until sent to the Camp Pike officers’ training school, some three months ago. o < AT THE [HOTELS 1 Bowman. Wesley R. Blake and wife, Nora'Woods, Joe Galles, Tuc- son; A. H. Harmon, Hermosillo; C. M. Andrews, F. A. Boyce, G. F. Powell, Los Angeles; A. M. McKimmon, Colodny, Onta- rio, Canada; W. H. Webb, Phoe- nix; F. E. King, H. M. Hollwood, City; C. G. Smith and wife, Fred - Wilson, N. V. Koltovick, World’s Fair Mine; B. F. John- son, Los Mochis; A. J. Oliver, Houston; David Gibson, Fuente. Montezuma. H .1. Jones, G. C. Wines, J. W. Forter, Tucson; Herman Ben- der, Harshaw; J. W. Maddocks, Lowell; B. F. Almada, Mazatlan; E. J. Garrison, Mexico; C. F. Wilson, Denver. Colorado. Arizona. S. Lee, Fort Huachuca; N. Turner, M. B. Lopez, Duquesne; 0. L. Gibbs, City. National F. Rodriguez, Haskell; Jos- eph Wilson, City; Henry F. Will, 25th Infantry; M. S. Michaud, H. P. Cortelyou, Mocorit; E. L. Chalfant, Guaymas. FIGHT W’ (Continued from Page 1) something akin thereto, has taken/hold in Nogales, on both sides of the line, in such away as to cause great alarm, which has aroused in the minds of everybody a feeling that drastic actiori is necessary to check spread of the disease and com- pass its elimination. So great has that feeling grown that yesterday Mayor Wirt G. Bowman Called a meet- ing of the Town Council and all the medical men in the vicinity, to confer upon the subject and decided what measures may be necessary. Realizing that whatever ac- tion was taken would be nulli- fied to some extent unless there could be brought about with the authorities of Nogales ,Sonora, an understanding for a like course of action, Mayor Bowman wisely invited Presidente Astof- fo R. Cardenas and the health board of Nogales, Sonora, to at- tend the conference, which in- vitation was accepted, and Mr. Cardenas appeared, attended by Doctor Priego, federal and mu- nicipal sanitary officer in that town, and Doctor Gutierrez, of the state health service. At the appointed hour the Town Council was called to or- der by Mayor Bowman; and there were present Councilmen Butler, Curtis, Dunbar, Harri- son, Ford, and Fiedler, with Town Clerk Frank Cole. There were present Doctors Fitts and Davis, who reported that Doctor W. F. Chenoweth, Town and County Health Offi- cer, and Doctor Purdy are both very ill. Doctor Fitts stated that Doctor Chenoweth is af- flicted with the “flu” himself. Representing the military camp were Colonel E. Carnahan, Commandant of the military sub-district, with Major Soper and Captain Colvell, both of the medical corps, U. S. A. Major Soper is in command of the base hospital, while Captain Colvell is in charge of the hospital at the camp of the 25th Infantry. The discussion took a wide range, and there was developed many different degrees of opin- ion; but all were agreed upon one proposition, which is that quick and drastic action should be taken, and that immediately. Presidente Cardenas stated that on the Sonora side of the line ac- tion had been taken already. There closing all schools, places of amusement and public gath- erings had been proclaimed. After the subject had been discussed most thoroughly in all of its lights the council voted that it would be advisable to suspend all public gatherings at . once. It was agreed that prop- erly such action should emanate from the County Board of Health; but with the head of the County and Town Boards, Doctor W. F. Chenoweth very ill, it was agreed that Mayor Bowman should issue a procla- mation closing until further no- tice all schools, churches, thea- tres, pool halls, or public gath- erings; and that later approval ; by Doctor Chenoweth be secur- ed. So Mayor Bowman affixed his official signature to the proc- lamation appearing above; and ¦ afterward, by telephone, Doc- , tor Chenoweth’s approval was , secured, as appears at the end . of the proclamation. So, beginning at 7 o’clock this morning,- the order will take ef- fect, and until further notice all churches, schools, theatres, pool halls, and public gatherings of whatever nature, are suspend- ed. In this connection it may not be amiss to state that Professor Madden, Superintendent of the Nogales Public Schools, will ar- range to carry out the High School course throughout the period of suspension by a sys- tem of home study upon the part of the pupils. The system will be to publish in The Oasis every morning a general direc- tion of the studies to be pursued during the day, etc. All the de- tails will be announced in these columns. —o SONORA NEWS NEWS ITEMS FROM THE TWIN CITY—- AND THE ENTIRE STATE. (Manuel Q. Gonzalez, Reporter) The Oasis leams from good authority that during the sea- son closed a short time since there were shipped from Sono- ra and Sinaloa to the United States through the ports of No- gales, more than 400,000 sacks of garbanzos, which brought the producers $lB per sack, which aggregated $7,800,000 American money, put into cir- culation in those two states. Mr. Francisco Diaz, from Hermosillo, with his estimable spouse, is visiting friends and relatives in the line city. There has been arrested near Cananea, with $20,000 in his possession, one Jose Fierros, who is believed to be one of the robbers who murdered Carlos Caturegli, between Agua Prieta and Naco last week. At Naco two other men have been arrest- ed as suspects. From Magdalena there came on Sunday Mr. Jose Barnett, to attend the funeral of his sister- in-law, Mrs. Carmela Barnett. Sunday Ambassador Ignacio Bonillas and Mrs. Bonillas were reported at Phoenix, and yester- day they were at Tucson. They are expected to arrive at Noga- les toda yor tomorrow. Fraternal Union Lodge No. 122, is arranging for a f benefit ball in the High School audito- rium in Nogales, Arizona, on the evening of December 21, the proceeds to go to the fund for sick members, and to the Bel- gian orphans. In one house in “the colony,” Sunday, there was found a fam- ily of six persons dying or dead from pneumonia. Two of them had been dead two days. One, a child, laid dead on its dead mother’s breast. Four were buried Sunday, and two taken to the hospital, where they died later, and were buried yester- day. Tre doctors of the city have made an investigation, and they think' there is no Spanish influ- enza, but that the numerous deaths are caused from malnu- trition and insufficient clothing, which renders the victims easily subject to pneumonia. Yesterday there arrived from the City of Mexico, General Ig- nacio Pesquiera, president of the supreme military court of the republic, with the object of making preparation for the work of conducting his cam- paign for the governorship of Sonora. The distinguished gen- NOGALES, ARIZONA* TUESDAY, DEC. 10, 1918 lip A R DALMAUf n is S!!!!!l nce LYRIC II LiA K . Toe( of , he violin « Thurs y Dec . J 2 THEATRE tleman is a guest at the Hotel Abadie, where he is visited by many warm friends and admir- ers. Within a few days he will launch his program for the fight to be elected governor. This morning Mr. Ruben Ri- vera will go to Cananea, to bring his family to Nogales, where i they will take their residence. i ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®% 0 Local and Personal ® •®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®® a Doctor H. W. Purdy is report- ed quite ill. Yesterday Mr. Herman Ben- der, from Harshaw, was at No- gales. Yesterday evening Mr. Emery Chalfant came up from Guay- mas. v Yesterday the Virginia Fa- bregas Dramatic Company de- parted for Tucson. Yesterday Ing. Pedro Trellos, the well known mining engineer, was up from Magdalena. Yesterday evening there ar- rived from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mr. B. F. Johnson, president of the United Sugar Company. Mr. A. J. Oliver of Houston, who went to Alamos a week or so since, returned yesterday evening. Mr. Julio “Carranza, Guaymas representative of the hardware house of Fernando F. Rodriguez is a visitor at Nogales. Mr. G. F. Powell, the well known Sonora mining operator, came from El Oro, over near the San Miguel river, eastward from Pozo station. Yesterday Police Judge Un- derwood did a cash business amounting to SSO, his customers being speeders and open muf- fler fiends. Attorney S. F. Noon has been very ill several days. He is re- ported improving, and his friends hope to see him on the streets again shortly. . The Nogales small boy will rejoice again in suspension of school. But how will he like studying at home, and keeping in touch with his teacher by telephone? \ Yesterday Doctor A. L. Gus- tetter (Captain Medical Corps, U .S. A.) returned from Fort Des Moines, lowa, where he has been in a great hospital that was and is performing wonders in surgery for those who had been maimed in France . Sunday evening Mr. A. M. Gillespie, manager of the Noga- les National Bank, returned from a trip to Douglas and Bis- bee. He was in Douglas Friday night, returning as far as Bis- bee Saturday, and comifcg home Sunday. Sunday afternoon a reckless speeder collided with a tele- phone pole at the corner of Grand and Potrero Avenues, breaking the pole and doing S2OO worth of damage to the machine. Then Judge Under- wood rubbed it in by inflicting a fine of S2O for speeding. Mr. F. W. Berkshire, chief of the immigration service, with headquarters at El Paso .arriv- ed at Nogales, Sunday, and has been in conference with Mr. A. J. Milliken, inspector in charge. Yesterday Mrs. Allen T. Bird, Jr., and her small boy, Master Allen T. Bird, 111, went to Tuc- son, where she was joined yes- terday evening by her father, mother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Olney, with Miss Henrietta Olney. - Today they go to the Olney cattle ranche out beyond Arivaca. Yesterday Mr. Omar San- ders, manager for the West Coast Warehouse Company, re- ceived a telegram conveying the sad information that his father was at the point of death, in the family home at Texarkana, Arkansas. He leaves for that place by the Benson train this morning. During his absence the warehouse will be in charge of Mr. Mayes. It is reported that one object of Mr. Berkshire’s visit is to inves- tigate passport conditions. Doctor W. F. Chenoweth is reported very ill with the “flu.” Despite the mask. Now they say that one can catch the “flu” through the eyes; and that a mask is no shield. As the doctor wore a mask habitually it looks as though he must have taken the disease through the eyes. T " T" A w s 'i/ 5 SUITABLE GIFTS for the particular men and » women—are here ready for your inspection and ap- proval. They are reasonably priced. La Perla Jewelry ®, Curio Store Fine Watch Repairing Nogales, Arizona We're still talking SERVICE DRUGS TOILET ARTICLES COLUMBIA PHONOGRAFS International Drug Store “It pleases us to you”—Botica Francesa. Complete Tailoring and Pressing equipment for sale cheap—apply “Oasis.” Adv. 11-6-6tpd TYPEWRITING 5 CENTS A PAGE (150 words) Mail your copy. Pittman, 523 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles. Subscribe for Oasis I Enhance Both VALUE and BEAUTY of YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE Geo. B. Marsh Inc. B. P. OLBERT, Manager GAXIOLA and VARELA Commission Agsnts Importers and Exporters Ephraim Building, Up Stairs P. O. Box 879 Nogales, Arizona Tenney Williams & Co. Inc. BROKERS SANTA RITA HOTEL TUCSON Correspondents E. F. Hut- ton & Co., New York. Direct Wire to New York, Stocks Bonds & Investments Securities EAT— Where the Food Tastes Best PATAGONIA CAFE We Treat You EIGHT Chas. H. Pratt, Chas. L. Murphy PATAGONIA ARIZ ? V En la “CASA OPTICA” de Nogales, Sonora,.. Puente Campillo Num. 14, se manufacturan .. cristales para anteojos de cualesquie ra prescripcion, muy es- pecialmente Torico Cilindros Toda orden sera despacha- da en el mismo dia de su presentacion. En la misma *casa se prac- tica el examen de la vista segun los mas adelantados procedimientos cientificos. M. G. GARCIA Doctor Optometrista «¦ OLD SHOES MADE NEW! A couple of dollars will make those old shoes NEW AGAIN. Save at least 80 percent of the cost of new ones —have your work done by experts. % E. J. HOLDEN 146 Grand CLEAN-MODERN CONVENIENT For a better night’s rest register at the BOWMAN GUY C. GRIFFIN Proprietor. ROPER & HOWARD Engineers-Assayers-Ore. buyes? Twelve years in Sonora r OFFICE: Opposite City Hall

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Page 1: TUESDAY, IILiA AK R DALMAUfS!!!!!l y J 2 THEATRE Toe( he ...The Dailv Morning Oasis sssssssss '¦*» Nogales, Arizona, Dec. 10, 1918 FREE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT FIRST NIGHT IS VERY URGE

The Dailv Morning Oasissssssssss '¦*»

Nogales, Arizona, Dec. 10, 1918


IS VERY URGEScholars to be Segregated Into

Classes, of Which One Hun-dred Twenty Eight are Mem-


The opening of the Nogales

Free Schools last night was at-tended by 128 scholars who ap-

plied for enrollment. The mem-bers will segregate into lower

and advanced grade classes.According to the faculty, thenew venture is to meet withgreat success, unless hinderedby the influenza ban on theschools and public places thismorning.

oLieutenant Mclntyre

. Returned Home.

Yesterday Lieutenant JosephMclntyre returned from Camp IPike, Arkansas, where he hadcompleted the course of instruc-tion in an officers’ training

camp, and received a commis-sion as first lieutenant. iLieutenant Mclntyre was in thecontingent from Santa Sruzcounty which went to Camp

Funston, in October, 1917; and Ihe was at Camp Funston, in

the depot brigade, and othercommands until sent to theCamp Pike officers’ training

school, some three months ago.

o <



Wesley R. Blake and wife,

Nora'Woods, Joe Galles, Tuc-

son; A. H. Harmon, Hermosillo;

C. M. Andrews, F. A. Boyce, G.

F. Powell, Los Angeles; A.M. McKimmon, Colodny, Onta-rio, Canada; W. H. Webb, Phoe-

nix; F. E. King, H. M. Hollwood,

City; C. G. Smith and wife,

Fred - Wilson, N. V. Koltovick,

World’s Fair Mine; B. F. John-son, Los Mochis; A. J. Oliver,

Houston; David Gibson, Fuente.


H .1. Jones, G. C. Wines, J. W.Forter, Tucson; Herman Ben-der, Harshaw; J. W. Maddocks,

Lowell; B. F. Almada, Mazatlan;

E. J. Garrison, Mexico; C. F.Wilson, Denver. Colorado.


S. Lee, Fort Huachuca; N.Turner, M. B. Lopez, Duquesne;

0. L. Gibbs, City.


F. Rodriguez, Haskell; Jos-eph Wilson, City; Henry F. Will,

25th Infantry; M. S. Michaud,H. P. Cortelyou, Mocorit; E. L.Chalfant, Guaymas.

FIGHT W’(Continued from Page 1)

something akin thereto, hastaken/hold in Nogales, on bothsides of the line, in such away

as to cause great alarm, whichhas aroused in the minds ofeverybody a feeling that drasticactiori is necessary to checkspread of the disease and com-pass its elimination.

So great has that feeling

grown that yesterday Mayor

Wirt G. Bowman Called a meet-ing of the Town Council and allthe medical men in the vicinity,

to confer upon the subject anddecided what measures may benecessary.

Realizing that whatever ac-tion was taken would be nulli-fied to some extent unless therecould be brought about with theauthorities of Nogales ,Sonora,

an understanding for a likecourse of action, Mayor Bowmanwisely invited Presidente Astof-fo R. Cardenas and the healthboard of Nogales, Sonora, to at-

tend the conference, which in-

vitation was accepted, and Mr.Cardenas appeared, attended by

Doctor Priego, federal and mu-nicipal sanitary officer in thattown, and Doctor Gutierrez, of

the state health service.At the appointed hour the

Town Council was called to or-

der by Mayor Bowman; andthere were present CouncilmenButler, Curtis, Dunbar, Harri-son, Ford, and Fiedler, withTown Clerk Frank Cole.

There were present DoctorsFitts and Davis, who reportedthat Doctor W. F. Chenoweth,Town and County Health Offi-cer, and Doctor Purdy are bothvery ill. Doctor Fitts statedthat Doctor Chenoweth is af-flicted with the “flu”himself.

Representing the militarycamp were Colonel E. Carnahan,Commandant of the militarysub-district, with Major Soperand Captain Colvell, both of themedical corps, U. S. A. MajorSoper is in command of the basehospital, while Captain Colvell isin charge of the hospital at thecamp of the 25th Infantry.

The discussion took a widerange, and there was developedmany different degrees of opin-ion; but all were agreed uponone proposition, which is thatquick and drastic action shouldbe taken, and that immediately.Presidente Cardenas stated thaton the Sonora side of the line ac-tion had been taken already.There closing all schools, placesof amusement and public gath-erings had been proclaimed.

After the subject had beendiscussed most thoroughly in allof its lights the council votedthat it would be advisable tosuspend all public gatherings at

. once. It was agreed that prop-erly such action should emanatefrom the County Board ofHealth; but with the head ofthe County and Town Boards,Doctor W. F. Chenoweth veryill, it was agreed that MayorBowman should issue a procla-mation closing until further no-tice all schools, churches, thea-tres, pool halls, or public gath-erings; and that later approval

; by Doctor Chenoweth be secur-ed.

So Mayor Bowman affixed hisofficial signature to the proc-lamation appearing above; and

¦ afterward, by telephone, Doc-, tor Chenoweth’s approval was

, secured, as appears at the end. of the proclamation.

So, beginning at 7 o’clock this

morning,- the order will take ef-fect, and until further notice allchurches, schools, theatres, poolhalls, and public gatherings ofwhatever nature, are suspend-ed.

In this connection it may notbe amiss to state that ProfessorMadden, Superintendent of theNogales Public Schools, will ar-range to carry out the HighSchool course throughout theperiod of suspension by a sys-tem of home study upon thepart of the pupils. The systemwill be to publish in The Oasisevery morning a general direc-tion of the studies to be pursuedduring the day, etc. Allthe de-

tails will be announced in thesecolumns.



(Manuel Q. Gonzalez, Reporter)

The Oasis leams from goodauthority that during the sea-son closed a short time sincethere were shipped from Sono-ra and Sinaloa to the UnitedStates through the ports of No-gales, more than 400,000 sacksof garbanzos, which brought theproducers $lB per sack,which aggregated $7,800,000American money, put into cir-culation in those two states.

Mr. Francisco Diaz, fromHermosillo, with his estimablespouse, is visiting friends and

relatives in the line city.There has been arrested near

Cananea, with $20,000 in hispossession, one Jose Fierros,who is believed to be one of therobbers who murdered CarlosCaturegli, between Agua Prietaand Naco last week. At Nacotwo other men have been arrest-ed as suspects.

From Magdalena there cameon Sunday Mr. Jose Barnett, to

attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Carmela Barnett.

Sunday Ambassador Ignacio

Bonillas and Mrs. Bonillas werereported at Phoenix, and yester-day they were at Tucson. They

are expected to arrive at Noga-

les toda yor tomorrow.Fraternal Union Lodge No.

122, is arranging for a fbenefitball in the High School audito-rium in Nogales, Arizona, onthe evening of December 21, theproceeds to go to the fund forsick members, and to the Bel-gian orphans.

In one house in “the colony,”Sunday, there was found a fam-ily of six persons dying or deadfrom pneumonia. Two of themhad been dead two days. One,a child, laid dead on its deadmother’s breast. Four wereburied Sunday, and two takento the hospital, where they diedlater, and were buried yester-

day.Tre doctors of the city have

made an investigation, and theythink' there is no Spanish influ-enza, but that the numerousdeaths are caused from malnu-trition and insufficient clothing,which renders the victims easilysubject to pneumonia.

Yesterday there arrived fromthe City of Mexico, General Ig-nacio Pesquiera, president ofthe supreme military court ofthe republic, with the object ofmaking preparation for thework of conducting his cam-paign for the governorship ofSonora. The distinguished gen-


lip A R DALMAUfnisS!!!!!lnce LYRICIILiAK .Toe( of ,he violin«

Thurs y Dec . J 2 THEATREtleman is a guest at the HotelAbadie, where he is visited by

many warm friends and admir-ers. Within a few days he willlaunch his program for thefight to be elected governor.

This morning Mr. Ruben Ri-vera willgo to Cananea, to bring

his family to Nogales, where

i they will take their residence.

i ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®%

0 Local and Personal ®

•®®®®®®®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® a

Doctor H. W. Purdy is report-

ed quite ill.

Yesterday Mr. Herman Ben-der, from Harshaw, was at No-gales.

Yesterday evening Mr. Emery

Chalfant came up from Guay-

mas. v

Yesterday the Virginia Fa-bregas Dramatic Company de-parted for Tucson.

Yesterday Ing. Pedro Trellos,the well known mining engineer,was up from Magdalena.

Yesterday evening there ar-rived from Los Mochis, Sinaloa,Mr. B. F. Johnson, president ofthe United Sugar Company.

Mr. A. J. Oliver of Houston,who went to Alamos a week orso since, returned yesterdayevening.

Mr. Julio “Carranza, Guaymasrepresentative of the hardwarehouse of Fernando F. Rodriguezis a visitor at Nogales.

Mr. G. F. Powell, the wellknown Sonora mining operator,

came from El Oro, over near theSan Miguel river, eastwardfrom Pozo station.

Yesterday Police Judge Un-derwood did a cash businessamounting to SSO, his customersbeing speeders and open muf-fler fiends.

Attorney S. F. Noon has beenvery ill several days. He is re-ported improving, and hisfriends hope to see him on thestreets again shortly. .

The Nogales small boy willrejoice again in suspension ofschool. But how will he likestudying at home, and keepingin touch with his teacher bytelephone? \

Yesterday Doctor A. L. Gus-tetter (Captain Medical Corps,U .S. A.) returned from FortDes Moines, lowa, where he hasbeen in a great hospital that wasand is performing wonders insurgery for those who had beenmaimed in France .

Sunday evening Mr. A. M.Gillespie, manager of the Noga-

les National Bank, returned

from a trip to Douglas and Bis-bee. He was in Douglas Fridaynight, returning as far as Bis-bee Saturday, and comifcg homeSunday.

Sunday afternoon a recklessspeeder collided with a tele-phone pole at the corner ofGrand and Potrero Avenues,

breaking the pole and doing

S2OO worth of damage to themachine. Then Judge Under-wood rubbed it in by inflicting afine of S2O for speeding.

Mr. F. W. Berkshire, chief ofthe immigration service, withheadquarters at El Paso .arriv-ed at Nogales, Sunday, and hasbeen in conference with Mr. A.J. Milliken, inspector in charge.

Yesterday Mrs. Allen T. Bird,Jr., and her small boy, MasterAllen T. Bird, 111, went to Tuc-son, where she was joined yes-

terday evening by her father,mother and sister, Mr. and Mrs.George A. Olney, with MissHenrietta Olney. - Today they

go to the Olney cattle rancheout beyond Arivaca.

Yesterday Mr. Omar San-ders, manager for the WestCoast Warehouse Company, re-ceived a telegram conveying thesad information that his fatherwas at the point of death, in thefamily home at Texarkana,Arkansas. He leaves for that

place by the Benson train thismorning. During his absencethe warehouse will be in charge

of Mr. Mayes.

It is reported that one object ofMr. Berkshire’s visit is to inves-tigate passport conditions.

Doctor W. F. Chenoweth isreported very illwith the “flu.”Despite the mask. Now theysay that one can catch the“flu”through the eyes; and thata mask is no shield. As thedoctor wore a mask habituallyit looks as though he must havetaken the disease through theeyes.





for the particular men and» women—are here ready

for your inspection and ap-proval.They are reasonablypriced.

La Perla Jewelry®, Curio StoreFine Watch Repairing

Nogales, Arizona

We're stilltalking




InternationalDrug Store

“It pleases us to

you”—Botica Francesa.

Complete Tailoring andPressing equipment for salecheap—apply “Oasis.”

Adv. 11-6-6tpd


(150 words)Mail your copy.

Pittman, 523 ChamberCommerce Bldg.,

Los Angeles.

Subscribefor Oasis

I EnhanceBoth VALUE andBEAUTY of




Geo. B. Marsh Inc.B. P. OLBERT, Manager

GAXIOLA and VARELACommission Agsnts

Importers and ExportersEphraim Building, Up Stairs

P. O. Box 879 Nogales, Arizona

TenneyWilliams& Co. Inc.


TUCSONCorrespondents E. F. Hut-ton & Co., New York.Direct Wire to New York,

Stocks Bonds &


EAT—Where the Food

Tastes Best




En la “CASA OPTICA” deNogales, Sonora,.. PuenteCampillo Num. 14, semanufacturan .. cristalespara anteojos de cualesquie

ra prescripcion, muy es-pecialmente

Torico CilindrosToda orden sera despacha-da en el mismo dia de supresentacion.En la misma *casa se prac-

tica el examen de la vistasegun los mas adelantadosprocedimientos cientificos.

M. G. GARCIADoctor Optometrista



A couple of dollars will

make those old shoes


Save at least 80 percent

of the cost of new ones

—have your work done

by experts.’ %

E. J. HOLDEN146 Grand


For a better night’s restregister at the



ROPER & HOWARDEngineers-Assayers-Ore. buyes?

Twelve years in Sonora rOFFICE:

Opposite City Hall