turkey creek community plan


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Turkey Creek Community Development Plan commissioned and published 2011. Authors and Contributors listed in contents of document.


  • 1. August 2011

2. August 2011 3. acknowledgementspartnership for sustainablecommunity partners consultant team, mig, inc.communities agency participantsgis data assistancevision to action teamcover photo credits4 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 4. table of contents ONE Community Visioning Process . . . . . . . . . . . 17 FOUR Priority Issues and Projects. . . . . . . . . . 459 TWO Current Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 FIVE Implementing the Vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .573 SIX Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .679 THREE Transformative Strategies. . . . . . . . . . .335For more background on Turkey Creek and the North Gulfport Neighborhoods: www.turkey-creek.org and www.ngclt.orgTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN5 5. 6 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 6. 8 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 7. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS1.0 project purpose1.1 previous planning effortsTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 9 8. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS10 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 9. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS LONG BEACH, MISSISSIPPICOMPR EHENSIVE PL AN AUGUST 2009PL ANNING FOR A BR IGHTER FUTUR E...PR EPAR ED BY AYER S/SAINT/GROSS ARCHITECTS + PL A NNER S TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 11 10. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS12 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 11. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS1.2 current planning process TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 13 12. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS14 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 13. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESSTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 15 14. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS16 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 15. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS1.3 the communitys goals and principles E N V I R O N M E N TA L J U S T I C EECONOMIC JUSTICESOCIAL JUSTICETURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 17 16. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS1.4 the communitys visionA.B.C.D.E.F.G.18 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 17. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS TRANSFORMATIVE STRATEGIES Strategy AStrategy BStrategy C Strategy D Strategy EStrategy FStrategy GImprove Circulation StimulateImplement Distinctive Restore and rejuvenateEstablish and protectProvide EducationIncrease Recreationand Connectivity toEconomicCommunity DesignHousing to support Environmental Health that helps youth andresources to improveensure safe vehicularDevelopmentto communicate a the existing community to provide clean airadults attain the skillscommunity health, and non-vehicularopportunities to strong sense of African and attract newand water, flooding needed to support thestrengthen social access to local andensure long termAmerican history andcommunity members.protection; healthy,neighborhoods vision.connections, and regional amenitiesneighborhood culture and create an locally grown food;increase business and commerce. prosperity.attractive environmentand a native landscape opportunities. for both communityfor the benefit ofmembers and visitors. future generations. Note: See Section Three for detailed strategies in each category.TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN19 18. section one: COMMUNITY VISIONING PROCESS20 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 19. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS2.0 regional context LANDON10BayouBernard TURKEYCREEKGULFPORT-BILOXI INTERNATIONALTURKEY CREEKAIRPORT WATERSHED 67BOUNDARYk ee 15 Cr ey NORTH rk53 Tu GULFPORT 49 4949 PROPOSEDTurkey CreekINLANDWatershedPORTLower Wolf River- Boundary 67Cane Creek Watershed 10CITY OF GULFPORT City of110GulfportCity ofBiloxiMAGNOLIAGULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION GROVEBATTALION CENTERSOIRA90 City ofGulf of Mexico CITYLong BeachN THEQUARTERS90 90GASTON POINTLONGBEACH22 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLANNeighborhoodN City Limit Planning Area HighwayMulti-modal Path Parcel Parks/RecreationRegional Connector Nature Trail0 1000 2000 4000 feet Waterbody/ Stream/River Greenway/Blueway AreaCommunity ConnectorChurches Wetland Regional FacilityRailroadNeighborhood Multi-way Community FacilitiesBoulevardNeighborhood Main Street 20. section two:CURRENT CONDITIONSLANDON LANDON 10SEAWAY CANALCREOSOTE Bayou THREE RIVERS BernardRIPPY ROADW ASHINGT ON RTTURKEYPO AIR CREEKAIRPORT VIRGINIA GULFPORT-BILOXIINTERNATIONAL AIRPORTk eeMARTIN LUTHER KING JR CrILLINOISeyrkTu NORTH JEFFERSONHE WGULFPORT ES 49CITY OF GULFPORT 34TH PROPOSEDINLAND PORT34THSS PA 28TH28TH GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTERNeighborhoodCity LimitPlanning AreaPASSParcelStream/River33RDWaterbody RailroadNRegional Facility01000 20004000 feetTurkey Creek Community Planning Project - Gulfport, MS TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 23 21. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS2.1 circulation and connectivity24 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 22. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS LANDON LANDON 10LANDON10CANAL SEAWAYBayou Bernard TURKEYCREEK CREOSOTE CREOSOTETHREE RIVERS Bayou GULFPORT-BILOXI Bernardk INTERNATIONAL eeAIRPORT Cr RIPPY ROADeyNORTH rk TuGULFPORT49 CITY OF WASGULFPORT RT H IN TURKEY NGPO TOOAIRNCREEK AIRPORT GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTER VIRGINIA POLK GULFPORT-BILOXI SANDBEAC HINTERNATIONAL 90 AIRPORT keeMARTIN LUTHER KING JRCrLONG eyILLINOISBEACH rkMADISON TuNORTHHEEW GULFPORTES49 CITY OF GULFPORT34TH PROPOSEDJODY NELSON PORT City LimitNeighborhood Planning Area Highway ParcelStream/RiverMajor Road 34THWaterbody Rail Road Major Neighborhood Road Regional Facility Bike RouteN Proposed Regional 0 1000 20004000 feet FacilityS Existing Circulation with Regional Planned ModicationsPASTurkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS 28THGULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTERHEWES City LimitNeighborhoodHighwayPlanning Area GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION 25TH 25TH ParcelStream/RiverMajor RoadBATTALION CENTER 33RD WaterbodyMajor Neighborhood Proposed N Rail RoadRoad Regional Facility 310 0 1000 2000 4000 feet Proposed Regional D D FacilityROARAILR 19THTurkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 25 23. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONSFigure 1:Regional Context 67 15LegendWater Feature2.2 flood zone, wetlands, and watershed 53Biloxi RiverTuxachanie CreekMajor RoadWetlandWatershedWatershedWatershedPlanning Area 49 City of GulfportLower Wolf River- 67 Cane Creek Watershed 10 Turkey Creek-110 Old Fort Bayou Watershed90Source Data: MIG, Criterion, FEMAMap prepared by MIG, Inc.February 2006 N01,250 2,500 3,75026 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 24. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS LANDONLANDON10 SEAWAYCANAL CREOSOTEBayouTHREE RIVERSBernard RIPPY ROAD TURKEY CREEK WAS HIN GTONRT POAIR AIRPORTVIRGINIA GULFPORT-BILOXIINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT kee MARTIN LUTHER KING JRCrILLINOIS ey rk Tu NORTHJEFFERSON HEWGULFPORTES49 CITY OF GULFPORT 34TH PROPOSEDINLAND PORT 34TH SSPA 28TH 28TH City LimitNeighborhood FEMA Base Flood Elevation (500 YR)Land Trust of MS Coastal Plain Property Planning Area Parcel GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION Elevation (100 YR) Stream/River FEMA Base Flood PASSMitigation Area/Land Trust Conservation EasmentBATTALION CENTER33RD Waterbody/ Wetland Railroad Mitigation Area/EPA Purchase Boundary, Priority 2N Regional Facilitly Mitigation Area/EPA Purchase Boundary, Priority 3 01000 20004000 feetTurkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 27 25. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS2.3 cultural and community resources 10SEAWAYCREOSOTEBayou THREE RIVERSHistoric Mt PleasantBenton49 United MethodistChurchHomeBernard RIPPY ROADTurkey Creek Bayou Vista WGolf Historic District Head Start AS CourseSchool & HI CommunityNG CenterTO Historic NCemeteryAreaTURKEY CREEK k ee CreyAIRPORT ROADrk Tu VIRGINIAGULFPORT-BILOXI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT MARTIN LUTHER KING JRHistoricGood Deeds NORTH City LimitNeighborhoodGreater MtLibrary and Swimming PoolHistoric Area Churches N New EveningStar Baptist Planning Area Olive Baptist HEChurchWGULFPORT ParcelChurch Parks/RecreationGood DeedsCommunity Historic Cemetery Community 01000ES 2000 feetCenterFacilities Waterbody/Stream/River WetlandGreenway Regional Facility34TH Railroad PROPOSED25THTurkey Creek Neighborhood Cultural ResourcesJODY NELSONINLAND28 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLANPORTTurkey Creek Community Planning Project - Gulfport, MS Greater MountRest34TH AnnointedTemple AOHChurch 26. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS Boys and Girls ClubYuther Lee Keys ParkProposed Washington Chapel CME Church310 Forrest Heights VIRGINIABaptist Church Second Sweet Home BaptistN. Gulfport Church 7th & 8th ApostolicGrade SchoolChurch Isiah HistoricFredericksNorth Gulfport Full GospelVolunteer Fire k EbenezerHead Start HistoricHoliness Church DepartmenteeCenterBaptist Four MARTIN LUTHER KING JRCr ILLINOISChurch CornersFriendshipCoastal FamilyNorth GulfporteyBaptist ChurchHealth CenterLand TrustrkHistoricTuGood DeedsLibrary/IsiahNORTHFredericksCommunityNew EveningStar BaptistGreater Mt Olive BaptistEducationalCenter Center Church GULFPORT Church Good Deeds Community Center4934TH PROPOSED25TH Greater MountINLANDRest PORT 34THAnnointed Temple AOH Church28th St TabernacleElementaryof FaithGulfport Heights Baptist Church28THNeighborhood City Limit Planning AreaTown Center ParcelGULFPORTNAVAL CONSTRUCTION Neighborhood Center Parks/RecreationChurchesPASS N BATTALION CENTER33RD Waterbody/ Stream/River GreenwayCommunity Wetland Facilities Proposed 01000 2000 feet Regional FacilityRailroad310North Gulfport Neighborhood Cultural ResourcesTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 29Turkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS 27. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS30 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 28. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS2.4 vacant landTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 31 29. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS32 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 30. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS T U R K E Y C R E E K A N D N O R T H G U L F P O R T N E I G H B O R H O O D S 2006 C O M M U N I T Y P L A N O R G A N I Z AT I O N2.5 communication and organizationTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 33 31. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS34 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 32. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONSTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 35 33. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E S 3.0 transformative strategiesStrategy AStrategy BStrategy C Improve CIRCULATION ANDStimulate ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTImplement DISTINCTIVE COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY to ensure safe vehicularopportunities to ensure long term DESIGN to communicate a strong sense and non-vehicular access to local andneighborhood prosperity.of African American history and culture regional amenities and commerce. and create an attractive environment forboth community members and visitors. A1.Pedestrian & Bicycle ConnectionsB1.Small Business on MLK, Jr. Blvd. C1. Cultural Identity and Design forHighway 49 A2.Walkable and Safe Streets B2.Urban AgricultureC2. Materials, Forms, and Colors that A3.Protection from Truck Traffic B3.Prohibit Paydays, Liquor StoresReflect Culture A4.Neighborhood Main Streets B4.Eco- and Cultural TourismC3. Wayfinding Signage with A5.CrosswalksB5.Small Business IncubatorsNeighborhood Identity A6.Meet ADA Requirements B6.Historic Building Preservation C4. Landscape Curb Appeal A7.Major Destination Connections B7.Building Renovation and ReuseC5. Native Plants for Local Identity Incentives A8.Greenway Trail System C6. Pedestrian-friendly DevelopmentB8.City Permit Incentives for Small A9.Pedestrian-Friendly StreetC7. Gateway Features VendorsFurnishings (eg. benches, lighting,C8. Tree Planting Programbus shelters, etc.) B9.Local Hiring and TrainingC9. Historic and Culturally Sensitive A10. Install Bike Racks at DestinationsB10. Conference/Visitor CenterDesign Standards and Guidelines Development A11. Wayfinding and Signage SystemB11. Location for Special Events and A12. Safe Ped./Bike Crossing at Hwy. 49 Markets36 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 34. section three:TRANSFORMATIVE STRATEGIESStrategy DStrategy E Strategy F Strategy GRestore and rejuvenate HOUSING toEstablish and protect ENVIRONMENTAL Provide EDUCATION that helps youth Increase RECREATION resourcessupport the existing community and HEALTH to provide clean air and water,and adults attain the skills needed to to improve community health,attract new community members. flooding protection; healthy, locally support the neighborhoods vision. strengthen social connections, and grown food; and a native landscape for increase business opportunities. the benefit of future generations.D1.Affordable Infill Housing E1.Prevent Degradation & SupportF1. Environmental EducationG1. Recreational OpportunitiesRestorationCurriculumD2.High Quality Housing G2. Recreation for All Ages E2.Land Acquisition for BufferF2. Outdoor Experience in Curriculum,D3.Clustered Infill Housing for ImpactG3. Recreation Access Partnering including Water Safety E3.Sustainable Brownfield DevelopmentD4.Varied Housing Types G4. Park & Open Space Maintenance F3. Business and Entrepreneurship E4.Recycling & Reuse & RenovationD5.Best Construction Practices for Curriculum Environmental HealthE5.Permeable Paving UseG5. Playground Safety Inspections F4. Architectural History &D6.Best Practices to Handle Flooding E6.Vibrant Landscapes ThroughoutConstruction CurriculumG6. Blueway Map, Signage, andAtraction DevelopmentD7.Partnerships to Support HealthyE7.Air Quality ImprovementF5. Outdoor Learning Environment at Home Ownership Harrison County 7th & 8th GradeG7. Greenway Map and Destination E8.Sustainable Design for ExistingSchool DevelopmentD8.Home Repair and Rehabilitation RetailersG8. Swimming PoolD9.Developer Tax Credits E9.Pollution MitigationD10. Historic Home Design Standards &E10. Stormwater Management Program Guidelines E11. Sustainable Development GuidelinesD11. Affordable Housing Zoning Support TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 37 35. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY A : C I R C U L AT I O N A N DC O N N EC T I V I T YA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A838 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 36. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONSA9A10A11 Alternatives for Safe Pedestrian Access Across Highway 49 A12amulti-way boulevard A12b pedestrian crossing bridge TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 39 37. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS T U R K E Y C R E E K A N D N O R T H G U L F P O R T C I R C U L AT I O N &C O N N EC T I V I T Y M A P S W I T H R EG I O N A L P L A N N I N G A G E N CY P R O P O S E D A D J U S T M E N T S LANDON LANDON10LANDON 10 CANALSEAWAYBayouBernardTURKEY CREEK CREOSOTETHREE RIVERS BayouGULFPORT-BILOXI BernardkINTERNATIONAL ee AIRPORT Cr RIPPY ROADProposed 310eyNORTH rk TuGULFPORTPROPOSED49CITY OFW AS INLANDGULFPORTRTHHITURKEY NPORT PO G TO AIRN CREEKAIRPORTGULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTIONBATTALION CENTER VIRGINIA POLK GULFPORT-BILOXISAND BEACHINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT90 keeMARTIN LUTHER KING JR LONGProposedCr eyILLINOIS BEACH 310 rk MADISON TuNORTHH H EW GULFPORT EES49 CITY OF GULFPORT34TH PROPOSED PROPOSEDINLAND JODY NELSONPORT PORTNeighborhood Proposed PortCity Limit Highway Planning AreaConnector RoadParcel Stream/RiverMajor Road GRPC Committed Road 34TH WaterbodyRail Road Major Neighborhood GRPC Proposed Road RoadRegional FacilityBike Route NProposed Regional 0 1000 20004000 feetFacility Existing Circulation with Regional Planned Modications S PAS P Turkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS 28TH GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTERHEWES City LimitNeighborhood Proposed Port Connector RoadHighwayPlanning Area GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION25TH ParcelStream/RiverMajor Road GRPC Committed RoadBATTALION CENTER 33RD WaterbodyMajor Neighborhood ProposedN Rail RoadGRPC Proposed RoadRoadRegional FacilitlyIntersections Needing3100 1000 20004000 feetImprovement Proposed RegionalD Facility ROAR RAIL19TH40 T U R K E Y C R E E KTurkey N O R T Hand L F P O R Gulfport B O R H O O D S C O M Community A N A N D Creek G U North T N E I G H Neighborhoods M U N I T Y P L Plan- Gulfport, MS 38. section three:T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E ST U R K E Y C R E E K A N D N O R T H G U L F P O R T C I R C U L AT I O N & C O N N EC T I V I T Y M A P S W I T H T H E C O M M U N I T Y S P R E F E R R E D V I S I O N LANDONLANDON10 LANDONSEAWAY10 THREE RIVERS CREOSOTE SEAWAY BayouBernardCANAL WASH INGTON TURKEYRT POAIRCREEK AIRPORTTHREE RIVERSCREOSOTE Bayou ProposedVIRGINIA 310 GULFPORT-BILOXI Bernardk INTERNATIONAL eeAIRPORT Cr RIPPY ROAD ILLINOIS ey NORTH W rkCANALAS TuJEFFERSON HIN GTONGULFPORT49 49CITY OF34THPROPOSED25THRT GULFPORT INLAND TURKEY POPORTAIRCREEK 34TH AIRPORT28TH28THGULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTIONBATTALION CENTER 33RD Proposed 31030TH VIRGINIA GULFPORT-BILOXIINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 90 90k ee CrMARTIN LUTHER KING JRLONGILLINOISeyBEACHrkTu JEFFERSONNORTH HE W GULFPORTES 49 CITY OF GULFPORT 34TH PROPOSED 25THINLAND PROPOSEDJODY NELSON PORTPORTParks/Recreation Town CenterHighwayNeighborhood Multi-way Boulevard ParcelLimitCityGreenway/ Highway Neighborhood Center Bike Route Regional Connector Neighborhood Main Street 34THWaterbody/ParcelBlueway Area Churches RoadProposed Port ConnectorMulti-modal Path Wetland Major RoadStream/River RailWaterbody Regional FacilityRailroad Commited RoadGRPC Community Facilities GRPC Proposed Road Nature TrailN Neighborhood Regional Facilitly GRPC Proposed Road Planning AreaCommunity Connector N 0 1000 20004000 feetExisting Circulation Including Regional Planned ModicationsPotential Circulation, 0 1000 20004000 feetSSPATurkey Creek Community Planning Project - Gulfport, MS and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MS 28TH 28TH GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTER City Limit Parks/Recreation Town Center Highway Neighborhood Multi-way Boulevard ParcelGULFPORT NAVALGreenway/CONSTRUCTION CenterNeighborhood Regional ConnectorPASS Neighborhood Main StreetBlueway AreaBATTALION CENTER33RD Waterbody/ WetlandStream/RiverChurches Proposed Port Connector Multi-modal PathN Proposed Regional FacilityRailroadCommunity Facilities GRPC Proposed Road310 Nature Trail 0 1000 20004000 feet Neighborhood Planning Area Community Connector Turkey Creek and North Gulfport Neighborhoods Community Plan - Gulfport, MSTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN41 39. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E S15 86 10281111 22 1111 28 10 6 8 15 Sidewalk ParkingBike Travel Side MedianTravel Travel Median/Travel TravelSide Median TravelBike ParkingSidewalk Lane LaneLaneLane LaneTurn Lane Lane LaneLaneLaneLane 242222 24 Local Access RoadThrough-Trafc Lanes Through-Trafc Lanes Local Access Road 200 ROWP OT E N T I A L H I G H WAY 49 C O N F I G U R AT I O N T H R O U G H N O R T H G U L F P O R T05 10 20 FT42 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 40. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONSP H OTO S I M U L AT I O N S H O W I N G H O W H I G H WAY 49 M I G H T L O O K A S A M U LT I - WAY B O U L E VA R DTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 43 41. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONS5 599 75 5-77-899 7-85-7 Walk Storm- TravelTravelParking WalkWalkParking TravelTravelParking Walk water Lane/ Lane/and &Lane/ Lane/&Planter SharedShared Planter PlanterSharedShared Planter Bike Lane Bike Lane Bike Lane Bike Lane40 40 ROW ROWP OT E N T I A L M A R T I N LU T H E R K I N G B O U L E VA R D D E S I G N C O N C E P T S44 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 42. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E STURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 45 43. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E S Width Varies Width Varies10Width VariesRestoredTurkey Creek Trail with Restored Native PermeableNative LandscapePaving LandscapeP OT E N T I A L T U R K E Y C R E E K G R E E N WAY D E S I G N C O N C E P T D E E P WAT E R A R E A46 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 44. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E S 4-6 Width VariesWidth VariesWidth Varies10 Restored RaisedTrail andTurkey CreekAccessibleMulti-modalRestoredNativeNature Rustic Steps Viewing Trail with NativeLandscapeTrailDeck Permeable Landscape PavingP OT E N T I A L T U R K E Y C R E E K G R E E N WAY D E S I G N C O N C E P T S H A L L O W WAT E R A R E ATURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 47 45. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY B : EC O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N TB1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9B10B1148 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 46. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SP OT E N T I A L T U R K E Y C R E E K V I S I TO R C E N T E R EXISTING FOREST LANDSCAPE ENTRY DRIVE, LIMITED, SMALL PARKING AREA, VISITOR CENTER AND DISPLAY WITH ARCHIVE, GARDENCAFE, AND PATIOSMEADOW &DISPLAY GARDENSACCESSIBLEPATHCHILDRENS GARDENCARETAKERSCABIN & GROUPRESTOREDLODGENATIVE FOREST KITCHEN GARDENSCAFE PATIO PAVILION & PATIOSINGLE &DOUBLECABINS ACCESSIBLE PATHGROUP GATHERINGAREA WITH CAMPFIRERINGNATURETRAIL050 100200EKFEET Y CRETURKETURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN49 47. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY C : D I S T I N C T I V E C O M M U N I T YDESIGNC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C950 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 48. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E STURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 51 49. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY D : H O U S I N GD1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9D10D1152 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 50. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E STURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 53 51. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E S54 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 52. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY E : E N V I R O N M E N TA L H E A LT H E8 E9 E10E1 E11E2E3E4E5E6E7 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 55 53. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY F : E D U C AT I O NF1F2F3F4F556 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 54. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SP OT E N T I A L O U T D O O R L E A R N I N G E N V I R O N M E N TCREEK ACCESS POINT NATURE TRAILWATER QUALITY AND PATHWAY MONITORING CONNECTIONS STATIONEXISTINGSTORAGE RESTOREDYARD NATIVE FORESTENVIRONMENTALNATIVE HABITATEDUCATIONSTUDY AREABUILDING WITHRESTROOMS ANDPLAZA WETLAND DEMONSTRATION AREASCHOOL GARDENSORCHARDEXISTING BASKETBALLEXISTINGCOURTSBASEBALLFIELD EXISTING OUTDOORCLASSROOM PAVILION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DEMONSTRATION AREA 0 50100200 FEET TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN57 55. section three: T R A N S F O R M AT I V E S T R AT E G I E SS T R AT EGY G :R EC R E AT I O NG1G2G3G4G5G6G7G858 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 56. section two: CURRENT CONDITIONSTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 59 57. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS4.0 priority issues and projectsWild life Ha b ita t ProtectionAir Quality1. P O R T E X PA N S I O N Tra ining and JobsD iscu ss io nWate r Qua lityNoise Leve lsI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti ves60 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 58. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTSM I S S I S S I P P I S TAT E P O R T AU T H O R I T Y P R O P O S E D P O R T E X PA N S I O N30TH AVE 32ND AVE 34TH AVE33RD AVE31ST AVE 29TH AVEHILL PL BNavy Small PRATT AVE EASTWARD DRNORTHWARD DRRKWESTWARD DR Craft Instruction PA WISTERIA ST17TH STDowntownand Training 90 OLEANDERPARK BLVD FERN ST School Development St. John School 19TH AVE18TH ST Interparochial20TH AVEMississippi BLVD CHTERRACE39TH AVE 16TH ST16TH ST Elementary School GulfportBEAGulf Coast Community Transit SOUTHWARD DRFire Dept. Center College Public 15TH ST 15TH ST Career Center City Hall BeachAmtrakCity35TH AVECityBLVD StationAdmin. CH 14TH STWest ElementaryAdmin. 14TH STBEA ParkCrescentBldg. Bldg.School14TH ST 38TH AVE 36TH AVE37TH AVESchool of DOWNTOWN 13TH ST 13TH STGamingGulfport Central 13TH STPost Middle SchoolOfce 43RD AVE 28TH AVE 12TH ST 12TH ST Jones Park ST 11TH STPark 11TH STROAD Small Craft RAIL Harbor Island PublicView 10TH STBeach40TH AVE 37TH AVE36TH AVE 39TH AVE41ST AVE Hotel Beach Front9TH ST Grand PORT FACILITIES 42ND AVE Boardwalk & Casino Promenade8TH ST 8TH Charles L.Walker SeniorCenter & Park 41ST AVE AL ST CEN T R Public Beach D BLV ObservationH ACTowerBEBR OAD Westside Park AV and PierBarrierEIsland Surge Protection Structure Surge ProtectionTurning Basin Structure Barrier IslandDeep ChannelMississippi SoundPROPOSED PORT OF GULFPORTCommunity Planning and Education ProjectPORTParcelBuilding FootprintTERMINALSWater Existing HighwayPark / Public Open SpaceProposed I-90 RealignmentProposed I-310 CorridorMarshlandand Port FacilityInll / Redevelopment ZoneFreight RailCommunity Framework ZonePassenger RailExisting Community AmenityTransit StationProposed Community AmenityBus RouteVisitor Destination Bicycle RouteN01 miSource: Mississippi StatePort Authority at Gulfport05001000 2000 ftPrepared 01.22.10TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 61 59. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS2. P O R T C O N N EC TO R R O A DAir Qua lityD iscu ss io nWate r Qu alityNoise Leve ls Training a nd JobsI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti ves Traffic Sa fetyMi n imal I m pa ct A l i g nme nt Sel e c ti o nWildlife Habita t P rotect ion62 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 60. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS3. I N L A N D P O R T Air Qu alityDi scuss i o n Wa te r Q ualityI ss u es a n d Al te r n a ti ves No ise Leve lsMi ni ma l Im pac t Lo cat i on Sel e c t i on Wild life Ha bitat P rotectionTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 63 61. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS4. P O R T F R E I G H T T R A I N E X PA N S I O ND iscu ss io nSafetyI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti ves64 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 62. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS No ise Leve lsCon ne ctiv i tyAir Q ua l ityTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 65 63. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS5. P E D E S T R I A N S A F E T Y AT H I G H WAY 49D iscu ss io n Pedestr ian C rossing BridgeI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti vesMu l ti -way Bo ul evard66 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 64. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS6. N E I G H B O R H O O D P R E S E R VAT I O N Distinct Cultural Dest ina tionsDi scuss i o n Access to Parks an d O pe n Space Arch itectu ra l C h aracte rI ss u es a n d Al te r n a ti vesCi rcul a ti o nTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 67 65. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS7. I N F R A S T R U C T U R E I M P R OV E M E N T SD iscu ss io nSto rmwater M an age m e ntSt re et RepairsI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti vesTree Ca nopy Repla cement a nd Augmentat ionSafe Wa lkwaysL i g hting68 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 66. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS8. COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTDi scuss i o nIss u es a n d A l ter n a t ivesPar t ne r Deve lo pm e ntLo ca tion SelectionEco n om ic Feasibility TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 69 67. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS9. H O U S I N G I M P R OV E M E N T & D E V E L O P M E N TD iscu ss io nLocat io n Se le ctio nSustain ab le Des ig nI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti vesRe pai rs an d U p g radesH o us i ng Vari ety70 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 68. section four:PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTS10.E D U C AT I O N AND R EC R E AT I O N Ac tivity Settin gsI ntrodu c ti onOutd o or Lear ni n g Envi ron m entDi scuss i o nLear nin g O p po r tu nit iesLo ca l Connectio n a nd Flexib ilityE xpe rie nti al O pp o r tun itiesI ss u es a n d Al te r n a ti ves TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN71 69. section four: PRIORITY ISSUES AND PROJECTSTu rkey C ree k G ree nway an d Bl u ewayD iscu ss io nAccess an d Con n e ct ivity Construction Methods and M a teria l Selec tionComfo r t an d SafetyI ss u es a n d Al te rn a ti vesI nte rp reta ti o n a nd Ed uca t io n72 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 70. section one: introductionTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 73 71. section five: IMPLEMENTING THE VISION 4.0 key implementation stepsCenterHarrison North City Council, Land TrustTurkeyGulfport for Environ. & County for theCreek Economic Ward 3,Board of CommunityElla Mississippi Community Land Trust, Justice,Supervisors, Coastal Plain, Initiatives,Rev. James Holmes-Hines District 4,Rose JohnsonJudy Steckler Derrick Evans BlackWilliam Martin COMMUNICATION AND ORGANIZATIONTurkey Creek Watershed Community Governing CouncilProposed Community Action Teams 2011! CirculationDistinctive andEconomicCommunity Environmental EducationRecreation Development Housing HealthConnectivityDesign74 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 72. section five: IMPLEMENTING THE VISIONH I S TO R I C P R E S E R VAT I O N A N DD O C U M E N TAT I O N TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 75 73. section five: IMPLEMENTING THE VISIONpriority issues and projects 4.1 Priority Issues and Projects1. (A1, A2, A12)6.7. (A9, C6)8.(B10)9. (D3, D8)10 A. (F5)10 B.(G6)10 C.(A8, E2, E6, G7)76 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 74. section five: IMPLEMENTING THE VISIONP R I O R I T Y I SS U ES A N D P R OJ ECTS M A PLANDON5 LANDON8CANAL 88 104TURKEYCREEKBayouBernard 6Proposed 10A8 7310 10C 9 GULFPORT-BILOXI 10BINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT k8 ee Crr ke y6 Tu NORTH GULFPORT49 CITY OFGULFPORTPROPOSED INLAND 7PORT10A 5 GULFPORT NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION CENTER 19010B 2 LONG BEACH10C PROPOSED PORTTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 77 75. section one: introductionTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 79 76. section six: APPENDICESappendix a: funding sources Local MatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AND SUSTAINABILITY Kodak American Greenways Program Webpage: http://www.conservationfund.org/ kodak_awards Contact Person: None Listed Details: Applications are accepted on-line: [email protected] Norman Foundation Webpage: http://normanfdn.org Contact Person: None Listed Details: 147 East 48th Street; New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 230-9830 Fax: (212) 230-9849 Email: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 77. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleBen & Jerrys Foundation National Grass Roots Grant ProgramWebpage: http://www.benandjerrysfoundation.org/what-we-do.htmlContact Person: Rebecca Golden,Director of Programs, ext. 7480Details: 30 Community Drive;South Burlington, VT 05403Phone: (212) 230-9830Email: [email protected] and Melinda Gates FoundationWebpage: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/grantseeker/Pages/what-we-fund-community-grants.aspxContact Person: None ListedDetails: PO Box 23350;Seattle, WA 98102Phone: (206) 709-3100Email: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 81 78. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact Information Project Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule Ford Foundation Webpage: http://www.fordfoundation.org/grants/ Contact Person: None Listed Details: 320 East 43rd Street; New York, NY, 10017 Phone: (212) 573-5000 Fax: (212) 351-3677 Email: [email protected] The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Webpage: http://www.packard.org/home.aspx Details: 300 Second Street; Los Altos, CA 94022 Phone: (650) 948-7658 Email: [email protected] The Kresge Foundation Webpage: www.kresge.org Contact Person: None given, contact the Grants Inquiry Coordinator (See Below) Details: 3215 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48084 Phone: (248) 643-9630 Fax: (248) 643-0588 E-mail the Grants Inquiry Coordinator via: http://www.kresge.org/index.php/contact_us/ form/82 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 79. section six: APPENDICES Local Matching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact Information Project Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleHISTORIC PRESERVATIONNational Trust for Historic PreservationWebpage: http://www.preservationnation.org/resources/find-funding/Contact Person: Not listedDetails: 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW,Washington, DC 20036-2117E-mail: [email protected]://www.preservationnation.org/resources/faq/historic-districts/Mississippi Department of Archives & HistoryHistoric Preservation DivisionWebpage: http://mdah.state.ms.us/hpres/Contact Person: Tod Sanders (Cert. LocalGovernment Grant Program)Details: PO Box 571, Jackson MS 39205Phone: (601) 576-6952E-mail: [email protected] Park ServicePreserve America Grant ProgramWebpage: http://www.nps.gov/hps/hpg/PreserveAmerica/index.htmContact Person: Hampton Tucker, Chief,Historic Preservation Grants DivisionDetails: Historic Preservation Grants,National Park Service,1201 Eye Street, NW (2256),Washington, DC 20005Phone: (202) 354-2020TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 83 80. section six: APPENDICES Local MatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact Information Project Types FundedAmounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule National Endowment for the HumanitiesInterpreting Americas Historic Places Planning Grants Webpage: http://www.neh.gov/grants/guidelines/ IAHP_Planning.html Contact Person: staff Details: NEH, Office of Communications, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20506 Phone: (202) 606-8269 E-mail: [email protected] WATERSHED ISSUES (PRESERVATION, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, ECOLOGICAL HEALTH) Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Webpage: www.mott.org Contact Person: None Details: 503 S. Saginaw Street, Suite 1200, Flint, MI 48502-1851 Phone: (810) 238-5651 E-mail: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 81. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleThe McKnight FoundationWebpage: www.mcknight.orgContact Person: Aimee WittmanDetails: 710 South Second Street, Suite 400,Minneapolis MN 55401Phone: (612) 333-4220U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Division of Bird Habitat and ConservationContact Person:Rodecia Mcknight, Program CoordinatorWebpage: http://www.fws.gov/birdhabitat/Grants/NAWCA/Small/index.shtmPhone: (703) 358-2266E-mail: [email protected] AmericaWebpage: http://www.coastalamerica.gov/Contact Person: NonePhone: (202) 401-9928E-mail: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 85 82. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact Information Project Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule Cornell Douglas Foundation Webpage: http://www.cornelldouglas.org/ Contact Person: Ann Cornell Phone: (301) 229-3008 E-mail: [email protected] TRAILS, GREENWAYS, COMPLETE/SAFE STREETS Surdna Foundation Webpage: www.surdna.org Contact Person: Grants Administrator Details: 330 Madison Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 557-0010 E-mail (for application questions): [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 83. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact Information Project Types FundedAmounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleNational Park ServiceRivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA)Webpage: http://www.nps.gov/ncrc/programs/rtca/Contact Person: Liz Smith-IncerDetails: c/o Gulf Islands National Seashore3500 Park Road, Ocean Springs, MS 39564Phone: (228) 230-4120Email: [email protected] Transportation Enhancement ActivitiesWebpage: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/te/Contact Person: Christopher B DouwesDetails: Program Manager, Federal HighwayAdministration, FHWA HEPH-10 Rm E74-474, 1200New Jersey Ave SE, Wash DCPhone: (228) 230-4120Email: [email protected] Safe Routes to School (SRTS)Federal Webpage: http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/saferoutes/State Webpage: http://www.gomdot.com/Divisions/Highways/Resources/Programs/SRTS/Home.aspxContact Person: Cookie Leffler (State ofMississippi coordinator)Details: Traffic Engineering Division, 76-01,Mississippi Dept. of Transportation, 2567 NorthWest Street, Jackson, MS 39216Phone: (601) 359-1454Email: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 87 84. section six: APPENDICES Local MatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Webpage: http://www.macfound.org Details: 140 S. Dearborn Street; Chicago, IL 60603-5285 Phone: (312) 726-8000 Email: [email protected] The Kresge Foundation Webpage: See entry above under Watershed Issues Surdna Foundation Details: See previous entry under Trails/ Greenways/Complete Streets88 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 85. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact Information Project Types FundedAmounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleMississippi Development AuthorityCommunity Services DivisionWebpage: http://www.mississippi.org/index.php?id=48Contact Person: None listedDetails: Community Services DivisionPhone: (601) 359.3179Email: [email protected] Cummings FoundationWebpage: http://www.nathancummings.netDetails: 475 Tenth Avenue , Fourteenth Floor,New York , NY 10018Phone: (212) 787.-7300Fax: (212) 787-7377Email: [email protected] Development AuthorityDevelopment Infrastructure Grant ProgramWebpage: http://www.mississippi.org/index.php?id=291Details: see above (Community Services Division) TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 89 86. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact Information Project Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule US Economic Development AdministrationPublic Works and Economic Development grants Webpage: http://www.eda.gov/InvestmentsGrants/ Programs.xml Contact Person: Gilbert Gil Patterson Details: 401 West Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 1820 Atlanta, GA 30308-3510 Phone: (404) 730-3032 E-mail: [email protected] Foundation for the Mid SouthCommunity Development Webpage: http://www.fndmidsouth.org/priorities/ community-development/ Contact Person: None listed Details: 134 East Amite Street Jackson, MS 39201 Phone: (601) 355-8167 US Dept. of Housing and Urban DevelopmentCommunity Development Block Grant Program Webpage: http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/commu- nitydevelopment/programs/ http://www.hud.gov/local/shared/working/r4/ seoutreach/index.cfm?state=ga State Webpage: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/ HUD?src=/states/mississippi Contact Person: Jerrie Magruder, Field Office Director Details: Jackson Field Office, McCoy Federal Building, 100 W. Capitol Street, Room 910, Jackson, MS 39269-1096 Phone: (601) 965-475790 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 87. section six: APPENDICESLocalMatching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleHOPE VIWebpage: http://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/programs/ph/hope6/index.cfmContact Person: Ms. Leigh van RijDetails: Office of Public Housing Investments,Department of Housing and Urban Development,451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 4130,Washington, DC 20410-5000Phone: (202) 402-5788; (202) 401-8812EPABrownfields Job Training Grant ProgramWebpage: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/job.htmor for assistance with application process:http://www.grants.govf/Contact Person: Mr. Joe BrussPhone: (202) 566-2772 or 1-800-518-4726Email: [email protected] Grant ProgramWebpage: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/assessment_grants.htmFact sheet: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/grant_info/assess/assessment_factsheet.pdfContact Person: None listedDetails: US EPA, Office of Brownfields and LandRevitalization, Mail Code 5105 T,1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,Washington, DC 20460Phone: (202) 566-2777 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 91 88. section six: APPENDICES Local MatchingApplication Funding Source & Contact InformationProject Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant Types Schedule ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EPARevolving Loan Fund Grant Program Webpage: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/rlflst. htm Contact Person: None listed Details: Same as above EPACleanup Grant Program Webpage: http://www.epa.gov/brownfields/ cleanup_grants.htm Contact Person: None listed Details: Same as above EPASmart Growth Implementation Assistance Webpage: http://epa.gov/smartgrowth/sgia.htm Contact Person: Kevin Nelson Details: Office of Sustainable Communities (MC 1807T), UUS EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 566-2835 E-mail: [email protected] TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 89. section six: APPENDICES Local Matching ApplicationFunding Source & Contact Information Project Types Funded Amounts Funded Requirement Applicant TypesScheduleEPANonpoint Source GrantsWebpage: http://www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/grants/contacts.htmlContact Person: Mr. Zoffee Dahmash, WaterQuality Management BranchDetails: Office of Pollution Control,Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality,P. O. Box 10385Jackson, MS 39289-0385Phone: (601) 961-5137Email: [email protected] Water State Revolving Loan FundWebpage: http://water.epa.gov/grants_funding/dwsrf/index.cfmTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 93 90. section six: APPENDICES appendix b: community workshop vision graphics94 TURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 91. section six: APPENDICESTURKEY CREEK AND NORTH GULFPORT NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLAN 95