turkish typical day


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Turkish typical day


Page 2: Turkish typical day

Dear Polish and Slovak friends,This week we are describing how our

typical days work.There is a shift system in our school.That means some students go to school in the morning and some go to in the afternoon.I and my students go to school in the afternoon, which means we have some free time in the morning before going to school.Read and learn more about my students

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•I am Ayşenur and this is my typical day.

•I wake up at 8 o’clock in the morning.

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I usually have breakfast before going to school with my twin.

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I sometimes do homework , watch TV or listen to music.

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After having lunch, I always go to school by bus because our house is far from our school

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I have 8 or 7 lessons a day. After school I have dinner with my

family.I do my homework. I study lessons.

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I watch TV and I often sleep at 11 o’clock.ı don’t sleep late because I love sleeping early.

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• I am Özlem and this is my typical day.

• I wake up at 8 o’clock in the morning.I prefer waking up early.ı don’t like wasting time in bed.

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I generally have breakfast.

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•Before going to school,I do my homework if I don’t finish it previous day.I love playing the violin. I play the violin when I am free.

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• I go to school school with my twin.I sometimes go to school earlier than Ayşenur because I sometimes have violin lessons.

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• We have 8 lessons on Monday and Thursday.We have 7 lessons other week days

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•After school, I have dinner with my family.

•I do my homework and I study lessons. After finishing homework,I watch tv.

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• I often sleep at 11 o’clock.•That’s all about my typical week day

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I’m Serhan. I live in dormitory in Mudanya.

I wake up at 05:30 o’clock in the morning to perform the morning Prayer(Namaz).

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After that, I have breakfast.

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I do my homework and I have character lessons in which learn religious information in my dormitory in the morning.

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After having lunch, I wear school uniforms and I am ready to go to school

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I have 8 or 7 lessons a day.

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After school, I do homework or do test.

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I often sleep at 11 o’clock because I wake up very early.

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I’m wake up at 9:30 o’clock

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I have breakfast at 9:50

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I have breakfast

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After the breakfast I watch TV till 12:10

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I wear my school uniform at 12:10

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I leave home for school at 12:30

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I arrive the school at 12:45. My lessons start at 13:00. I have lunch at the canteen at 15:30. Lessons finish at 7:05 or 6:20. I arrive at home at 7:20 or 6:35. After then I change my clothes. I have dinner at home.

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I arrive at home at 7:20 or 6:35.

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I play computer games or surf the internet

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After then I study my lessons or do my homework

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At 1:30-2:00 o’clock I go to bed

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Dear Polish and Slovak friends;Dear Polish and Slovak friends;I am Asli and this is my typical day. I wake I am Asli and this is my typical day. I wake

up at 10:30 in the morning. I am luckup at 10:30 in the morning. I am luckyy because my school starts in the afternoon because my school starts in the afternoon

so I don't have to wake up early.I have so I don't have to wake up early.I have breakfast with my mum . Before school, I breakfast with my mum . Before school, I

always watch TV or surf the net. always watch TV or surf the net.

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After lunch, I go to school on bus. I After lunch, I go to school on bus. I have 7 or 8 lessons a day. After have 7 or 8 lessons a day. After school, I have dinner with my school, I have dinner with my family. I do my homework, watch family. I do my homework, watch TVTV, play accordion, play accordion and listen to and listen to music. I often sleep after midnightmusic. I often sleep after midnight

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I wake up at 10 o’clock .Then I have breakfast.

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I watch TV

I watch tv if I don’t have homework.

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I go to school at 12 :00.I sometimes walk to school or get on a bus.

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I come home at 19:00 pm.I have dinner with family.

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In the evening first I do homework.And then I listen to music

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I talk with my friends on the net. I go to bed lateat about 01:00 am because ı don’t have to wake up early .

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Nigar Alan

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I’m Nigar ALAN. I often get up at 7:00 p.m. I have breakfast at about 7:30. I study my lessons.  

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After studying lessons,I sometimes play computer games or play the violin. I love playing the violin.I watch TV programmes. Then, I have a snack.

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I wear school uniform. I go to school at  about 11:00 a.m. I have lesson from 1:00 till 7:00 p.m.

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After school I have dinner with my family. I do my homework. I chat with my family and watch TV.

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I often sleep late.I sleep at 1:00 p.m.