turning points & reasons for allied victory in world war ii

Turning Points & Reasons for Allied Victory in World War II Adapted from a History Lecture by Ken Webb

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Turning Points & Reasons for Allied Victory in World War II. Adapted from a History Lecture by Ken Webb. The issue of hindsight in history…. Advantages: We know the result Perspective Can see the long-term effects of events Research Lack of emotional involvement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Turning Points & Reasons

for Allied Victory in World

War II

Adapted from a History Lecture by Ken Webb

Page 2: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

The issue of hindsight in history…

Advantages:• We know the result• Perspective• Can see the long-term effects of events• Research• Lack of emotional involvement (hopefully)

Danger:• Nothing in history is inevitable, even if hindsight suggests it is!

Page 3: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

An outline…Turning Points:

• Identifying a turning point

• Suggestions– Battle of Britain (Aug – Sept 1940)– Survival of Moscow (Dec 1941)– El-Alamein (October 1942)– Kursk (July 1943)

Reasons for Allied Victory:

• Economies, organisation & mobilisation

• Victory at sea

• Air supremacy

• Moral high ground

• Leadership

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Page 5: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Identifying a turning point…

• An ‘unhistorical’ notion?

• Too simplistic

• History is complex

• The danger of ‘what if’ history

• List of turning points is (almost) endless

Page 6: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

The Battle of Britain: Aug – Sept 1940

• What, when, where?

• Outcomes

• Reasons for outcomes– RAF skill, courage– Churchill & British determination– radar– where battle was fought– German errors

• Beware the myths!– the ‘few’

Page 7: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of Britain (1)• End of Operation Sealion

– the debate: was it realistic?

• Britain’s survival– Churchill’s survival– galvanised opposition

• British morale

• International impact– the USA & Roosevelt

Page 8: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of Britain (2)• Richard Overy’s argument

– revisionist, but…– a calamity avoided

• Strategic significance– two-front war– ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’– promoting resistance– D Day & after

Page 9: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

The Survival of Moscow: Dec 1941

• Operation Barbarossa

• Success of blitzkrieg– staggering Soviet losses– ‘unstoppable’ Wehrmacht

• August: Kiev & the Ukraine– impressive victory, but…

• Dec: Moscow, so close, but…– climate– logistics & communication– Stalin & Soviet morale– Zhukov’s tactics– effect on German morale

Page 10: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of theSurvival of Moscow (1)• Russell Stolfi’s argument:

– Hitler so close in 1941– Britain no real threat– result: German control of Europe

• Rodric Braithwaite’s argument:– chaos of Moscow– impact of Moscow’s fall/survival

• Significance of Moscow:– communications hub– industrial centre– issue of morale– military & political collapse

Page 11: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of theSurvival of Moscow (2)

• Moscow’s survival meant the Soviet Union’s survival

– economically, politically & psychologically

• Strategic significance– meaningful two-front war– economics an issue– the USA

• Why not Stalingrad?– symptom not cause of Nazi failure

Page 12: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

The Battle of El-Alamein: Oct 1942

• October 1942:– British 8th Army, led by Montgomery– Deutsche Afrika Korps, led by Rommel (on leave)

• The battle:– artillery bombardment– overwhelming Allied superiority in tanks– infantry assault– ‘WWI battle fought with modern weapons’

• Lasted 12 days– ended with heavy Axis losses & DAK in full flight

Page 13: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of El-Alamein (1)• End of the Axis presence in

North Africa:– Nov ’42: Allied landings in Vichy N. Africa– Apr ’43: Tunisia falls– 250 000 Axis POWs

• Strategic importance:– Suez Canal is safe– oilfields of the Middle East safe– threatens Italy, Balkans

• Morale booster

Page 14: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

• Historians’ differences:– John Bierman/Colin Smith call it

a major ‘turning point’– Russian historians claim it was small compared to the E. Front

• Churchill’s view:– ‘This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps, the end of the beginning.’ – ‘Before Alamein, we never had a victory. After Alamein, we never had a defeat.’

Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of El-Alamein (1)

Page 15: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

The Battle of Kursk: July 1943

•Operation Citadel– Hitler’s view of Kursk– Stalin’s view of Kursk

• The battle:– greatest tank battle in history– Hitler ‘tantalisingly close’?– had to partially disengage to reinforce Sicily

• By Nov ‘43…– Germans had lost Kharkov, Smolensk, Kiev, etc

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Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of Kursk (1)• Paul Carrell’s argument:

– in ’43, Nazi victory still a possibility– victory by the Germans would allow them to regain the strategic initiative

• General view of Kursk:– decisive defeat for Germany– strategic initiative passed to Red Army– inexorable process of weakening of the Wehrmacht

Page 17: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Significance of the outcome of

the Battle of Kursk (2)• Richard Overy’s argument:

– impact of German losses– balance of armoured vehicles now completely in favour of the Red Army– initiative passed to Red Army

• Teheran Conference in Nov ‘43:– dominated by the ‘Big Three’– discussed setting up post-war Europe– gave Stalin leverage

Page 18: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Axis defeat: isn’t it obvious?

Axis defeat has an air of inevitability

about it

Allies had:more men,

more weapons, more everything

Superior Allied

economic strength

Germany had ‘bitten off more

than it could chew’

Axis Defeat

Page 19: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II
Page 20: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Reasons for Allied Victory



USA’s‘economicmiracle’ Soviet Union’s



Nazi Germany

Allied controlof theseas




Allied victoryin the

‘war of morale’

Page 21: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Situation inside Nazi Germany

• Germany in 1939 was geared for a short war

• Success of blitzkrieg led to complacency

• Internal structure & rivalries

• Role of ideology

• Belated move to ‘total war’ in 1943

• Chaos, confusion, rivalry & duplication

Page 22: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

USA’s ‘economic miracle’

• Roosevelt’s persuasion & preparation

• American ‘know how’

• Mass mobilisation

• Patriotic profit

• Relatively untouched by war

• Some amazing production stats

Page 23: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Soviet Union’s superhuman efforts

• Fight for survival

• Single-mindedness of the Soviet state & people

• Economic relocation

• Rationalisation

• Soviet morale

• Some amazing production stats

Page 24: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Allied air supremacy• Effects of air supremacy

– closed the ‘Atlantic Gap’– destruction of enemy ground forces & supplies– freedom of movement for own assets– reduction of enemy morale & industry

•Relationship & differences between tactical & strategic bombing

• Allied innovation in strategic bombing

• Significance of strategic bombing

Page 25: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Allied control of the seas

• Britain almost brought to her knees by U-boat menace in WW1

• Churchill extremely worried by U-boat threat

• Kriegsmarine neglected by Hitler

• Allied control of shipping lanes crucial to supply Britain & build up troops to liberate Europe

• Air power crucial to closing the ‘Atlantic Gap’

• Achieved by mid-1943 in Atlantic & Mediterranean

Page 26: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Allied victory in the ‘war of morale’

• The ‘side of right’/moral ‘high ground’

• ‘Big Three’ presented a united front to the Axis

• The Resistance in Occupied Europe

• Nazi rule by fear/terror

• Domestic propaganda

Page 27: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Allied leadership• Hitler’s lack of perspective & decision-making

• Nazi system of government

• The ‘Big Three’

• (Western) Allied leaders were politically answerable to their countrymen

Page 28: Turning Points & Reasons  for  Allied Victory in World War II

Reasons for Allied Victory



USA’s‘economicmiracle’ Soviet Union’s



Nazi Germany

Allied controlof theseas




Allied victoryin the

‘war of morale’