tuta6 microcontrollers and electronics,

; TUTA6.ASM 11MAR02 ; as TUTA4 but using Z and RRF ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; Configuration data ; PICmicro MCU type: 16F84 ; Oscillator: RC mode, slow, VR1 fully clockwise (max.rate) ; LCD display: off ; 7-segment display: off ; Version 2 board settings: J14 links: Digital ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ; The following line embeds configuration data into the PICmicro __CONFIG H'3FFB' ; RC mode ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #DEFINE PAGE0 BCF STATUS,5 #DEFINE PAGE1 BSF STATUS,5 STATUS EQU H'03' ; TRISB EQU H'86' ; PORTB EQU H'06' ; W EQU 0 ; Working F EQU 1 ; File C EQU 0 ; Carry Z EQU 2 ; Zero ORG 0 ; Reset vector GOTO 5 ; Goto start of program ORG 4 ; Interrupt vector GOTO 5 ; Goto start of program ORG 5 ; Start of program memory CLRF PORTB ; PAGE1 ; CLRF TRISB ; PAGE0 ; LOOP1 MOVLW D'128' ; load value of 128 into Working register MOVWF PORTB ; load this value (10000000) into Port B BCF STATUS,C ; clear Carry bit LOOP2 RRF PORTB,F ; rotate value of PORTB right by 1 logical place

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Post on 06-Dec-2015




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microcontrollers and electronics,MCU Unit,beginners course,


; TUTA6.ASM 11MAR02; as TUTA4 but using Z and RRF

;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; Configuration data ; PICmicro MCU type: 16F84 ; Oscillator: RC mode, slow, VR1 fully clockwise (max.rate) ; LCD display: off ; 7-segment display: off ; Version 2 board settings: J14 links: Digital ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;; The following line embeds configuration data into the PICmicro

__CONFIG H'3FFB' ; RC mode;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


STATUS EQU H'03' ;TRISB EQU H'86' ;PORTB EQU H'06' ;W EQU 0 ; WorkingF EQU 1 ; FileC EQU 0 ; CarryZ EQU 2 ; Zero

ORG 0 ; Reset vectorGOTO 5 ; Goto start of programORG 4 ; Interrupt vectorGOTO 5 ; Goto start of programORG 5 ; Start of program memory


LOOP1 MOVLW D'128' ; load value of 128 into Working register

MOVWF PORTB ; load this value (10000000) into Port B

BCF STATUS,C ; clear Carry bit

LOOP2 RRF PORTB,F ; rotate value of PORTB right by 1 logical place

MOVF PORTB,F ; cause status of Zero bit to be registered

; (the command movf PORTB,W has the same effect)

BTFSS STATUS,Z ; check if the Zero flag (bit 2) of the STATUS

; register has been set to high, indicating that

; PORTB has returned to a value 0 after it has been

; shifted right 8 timesGOTO LOOP2 ; this command is actioned only

if PORTB is not yet 0; the program jumping back to

the address called LOOP2GOTO LOOP1 ; this command is only actioned

when PORTB now = 0

END ; final statement