tutorial induction machine calculations

 Induction Machine Calculations in Flux2D Preflux2D 9.2 Copyright 2006 Magsoft Corporation All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems—without the written permission of the publisher. www.magsoft-flux.com Cover illustration: Model showing shade plot o f the induction motor

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induction machine


  • Induction MachineCalculations in Flux2D

    Preflux2D 9.2

    Copyright 2006 Magsoft Corporation

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by anymeansgraphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Webdistribution or information storage and retrieval systemswithout the written permission of thepublisher.


    Cover illustration: Model showing shade plot of the induction motor

  • 1 Physical properties 1

    Start Preflux 9.2 1

    Open the induction machine geometry 2

    Using the menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Define Steady State AC Model 5

    Change to the Physics context 7

    Physics context toolbars 9

    Import materials from the materials database 10

    Select an Equivalent B(H) Curve For Iron 12

    Import the problem circuit 14

    Define the circuit component properties 16

    Define the circuit resistors 16

    Define the circuit inductors 17

    Define the power supply 18

    Define the coils 21

    Define the squirrel cage 22

    Creating Mechanical Sets 24

    Create the MOVING_ROTOR Mechanical Set 25

    Create the FIXED_STATOR Mechanical Set 27

    Create the ROTATING_AIRGAP Mechanical Set 28

    Save your problem 30


    ContentsUsing the icon in the toolbar 30

    Using the menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    2 Add and assign regions for the faces 31

    About surface regions 31

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions 33

    Open the Add Region Face dialog 33

    Using the icon in the toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    Using the menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    Add the data for the first rotor bar region (RB1) 34

    Add the other rotor bar regions 36

    Add the rotor region 38

    Add the AIRGAP region 41

    Add regions for the stator slots 43

    Add the STATOR surface region 47

    About assigning geometric faces to the region faces 51

    Assign the seven rotor bars 53

    Open the Assign Region to Faces dialog 53

    Using the icon in the toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    Using the menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

    Assign the first rotor bar to RB1 55

    Assign the other rotor bars 56

    Assign the stator slots 60

    Assign the rotor 63

    Assign the stator 63

    Assign the airgap 64


  • Check the physical model 66

    3 Solve in Direct or Batch mode 69

    Check the version: Flux2D Standard 70

    Start the solver 71

    Solving in direct mode 72

    Solving in batch mode 77

    Prepare the batch file 77

    Start the batch computation 82

    4 Analyze results with PostPro_2D 85

    Start PostPro_2D 86

    Display the full geometry 88

    Display isovalues plots 89

    Display the isovalues plot at phase = 0 91

    Display the plot at phase = 30 92

    Display the plot at phase = 60 93

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions 95

    Create a group of the stator and rotor regions 95

    Display a flux density plot 97

    Display a saturation map (permeability) 99

    Create a group of the rotor bars 100

    Display a power density plot in the rotor bars 102

    Display the current density in the first rotor bar 104

    Contents iii

    Computations of torque and power values 107

    Compute the torque in the airgap 108

    Compute the current and power supply values in each phase 110

    Compute the electric quantities for other components 114

    Save the results of your computations 115

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap 116

    Create a path through the center of the airgap 116

    Create curves using the airgap path 121

    Flux density: Magnitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

    Flux density: Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

    Flux density: Normal component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

    Flux density: Tangential component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

    Superimpose the Magnitude and Direction curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

    Superimpose the Normal and Tangential curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

    Create a spectrum analysis of the normal component of the flux density 132

    Plot the flux density at phase = 30 136

    Current distribution in the rotor bars 138

    Create a path through the first rotor bar 139

    Create a curve using the rotor bar path 142

    Save and close PostPro_2D 145

    5 Parameterized solution at different speeds 147

    Use SOLVER_2D to parameterize the speed and slip 147

    Open SOLVER_2D 148

    Save the problem under a new name 150

    Open the parameterization tools 151


  • Choose the computation method, mono- or multi-parametric 152

    Select the parameter to vary 152

    Set the parameter variation for the slip: List of values 154

    Close the parametrisation tools 156

    Solve the parametric computation 156

    PostPro_2D: Analyze the results 158

    Open the postprocessor 158

    Create curves and extract power values 161

    Torque vs. slip (different speeds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

    Create curves of the active power in the voltage sources . . . . . . . . . . 163

    Create curves of the current in the voltage sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

    Display the curves and write the values into the review file 169

    Display the torque-slip curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

    Display the input power (active power) curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

    Display the current curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

    Save the Review file 180

    Save and close PostPro_2D 181

    6 Transient analysis at 1459 rpm 183

    Physical properties 183

    Start Preflux 9.2 183

    Open the magnetodynamic problem 185

    Save your project with a new name 187

    Redefine the model to be a Transient Magnetic 189

    Import and define the drive circuit for Transient Magnetics 190

    Define the power supply (voltage sources) 191

    Contents v

    Define the rotor bar regions for Transient Magnetics 194

    Assign iron (nonlinear steel) to the rotor and stator 196

    Define the stator slot regions 199

    Assign vacuum to the Airgap region 202

    Specify the rotor speed in the Mechanical Set 204

    Check the Physical Model and Close Preflux 209

    Transient startup 210

    Solving with transient startup 213

    Choosing the time step 213

    Solving strategy for harmonic analysis: batch mode 213

    Start the batch computation 217

    Analyze results from the constant speed problem 220

    Start PostPro_2D 220

    Choose the time step to analyze 222

    Display the full geometry 224

    Display isovalues plots 225

    Display the isovalues plot at t = .05 s 226

    Display the isovalues plot at t = .055 s 226

    Analyze the flux density through the airgap 227

    Create a path through the airgap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

    Create curves using the airgap path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

    Spectrum analysis of the normal component curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

    Create curves of torque and electrical quantities 239

    Axis torque curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

    Voltage in VAC curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

    Current in VAC curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241


  • Current in the PA coil curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

    Voltage in the PA coil curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

    Voltage in the first rotor bar curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

    Current in the first rotor bar curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

    Spectrum analyses 245

    Spectrum analysis of VAC current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

    Spectrum analysis of PA current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

    Spectrum analysis of Bar1 current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

    Display the curves and extract the values 249

    Display the axis torque curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

    Display the spectrum analysis of the axis torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

    Superimpose the VAC voltage and current curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

    Display the spectrum of the VAC current curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

    Superimpose the PA voltage and current curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

    Display the spectrum of the PA current curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

    Superimpose the voltage and current curves for the first rotor bar. . . . . 263

    Display the spectrum analysis of the current in the first rotor bar . . . . . 264

    Save Review file values 265

    Save and close PostPro_2D 267

    7 Transient analysis: electromechanical coupling269

    Physical properties 269

    Start Preflux 9.2 269

    Open the constant speed problem 270

    Save your project with a new name 272

    Redefine the Rotor mechanical set 274

    Close the Preflux Application 277

    Contents vii

    Solve the no load startup problem 278

    Configure the Solver Options 280

    Start the Solver 281

    Analyze results from no load startup 285

    Start PostPro_2D 285

    Display the full geometry 287

    Display the isovalues plot at time step 1 288

    Display the isovlaues plot at time step 20 289

    Analyze the flux density through the airgap 291

    Create a path through the airgap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

    Create normal and tangential flux density curves using the airgap path . . . . . . 294

    Display the normal component curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

    Create a spectrum analysis of the normal component curve at t = 0.28 s . . . . . 299

    Create curves of mechanical and electrical quantities 302

    Create curves of the axis torque, position and angular velocity . . . . . . . . . . . 302

    Display the mechanical quantity curves using the data tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

    Create a spectrum analysis of the second axis torque curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

    Create curves of voltage and current in circuit components . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

    Create spectrum analyses of the VAC and PA current curves 320

    Display the voltage and current curves 322

    Display the spectrum analyses using the curves list in the data tree . . . . . . . . 325

    Save Review file values 327

    Save and close PostPro_2D 328

    Close Flux2D 329


  • Physical properties

    To enter the physical properties, use the Preflux 9.2 application, the same application used tocreate the geometry and mesh (in previous versions of Flux, a separate application, the PhysicalProperties module, Prophy, was used).

    Start Preflux 9.2

    In the Flux Supervisor, in the Construction folder, double click Geometry & Physics:

    Program Input

    Double click Geometry & Physics


    Chapter 1

    Starting Preflux 9.2 to enter the physical properties

    The Preflux 9.2 application opens:

    Open the induction machine geometry

    You can open an existing project either with the toolbar icon or the menu.

    Using the icon in the toolbar

    To open a new Flux project, click the icon on the toolbar

    Program Input


    Start Preflux 9.2 Physical properties

    Page Chapter 12

    Preflux 9.2 screen

  • Using the menu

    If you prefer, choose Project, Open project from the menu:

    Program Input


    Open project...

    The Open project dialog appears:

    Physical properties Start Preflux 9.2

    Chapter 1 Page 3

    Opening the induction machine geometry

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Look in: Flux_Work [your workingdirectory)]

    FileName: Ind_Motor [your name]


    The induction motor model is displayed:

    Start Preflux 9.2 Physical properties

    Page Chapter 14

    Induction machine opened in Preflux

  • Define Steady State AC Model

    Define this as a steady state AC magnetic problem using the Application menu:

    Program Input




    Steady State AC

    Magnetic 2D

    The Define Steady State AC Magnetic 2D application dialog opens:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Frequency in Hertz 50

    Physical properties Define Steady State AC Model

    Chapter 1 Page 5

    Defining the physical application for the induction machine

    Program Input

    2D domain type 2D plane

    Length Unit MILLIMETER

    Depth of the domain 145

    Symmetry & Periodicity =>

    Coefficient for coils flux


    Automatic coefficient


    Your screen should look like the following. Notice that there is a new context symbol,representing the Physical model context.

    Define Steady State AC Model Physical properties

    Page Chapter 16

    Induction machine model after defining physical application

  • Change to the Physics context

    The Physics commands are available only in the Physics context. The following figure shows thePhysics context selected:

    At the top of the data Tree, click the button to change to the Physics context.

    Program Input


    Physical properties Change to the Physics context

    Chapter 1 Page 7

    The Physics context is shown in the following figure:

    Change to the Physics context Physical properties

    Page Chapter 18

    Induction machine model after moving to the Physics context

  • Physics context toolbars

    The Physics context includes some of the same icons and commands as the Geometry and Meshcontexts. Most of the Display and Select icons are the same.

    The following figures show the Physics toolbar icons:

    The following figures identify the Physics toolbar icons:

    Physical properties Change to the Physics context

    Chapter 1 Page 9

    Physics toolbar icons: Add, Check

    Physics toolbar icons: Display, Select

    Import materials from the materials database

    Before we can assign materials we created to the different regions of our model, we must importthem. Use the menu, Physics, Material, Import material.

    Program Input



    Import material

    The import material dialog appears. Click on the icon next to the material database name todisplay the list of materials in the database.

    Now scroll to find the two materials you want to import; ALUMINUM and IRON. Select bothwith the mouse using the Control key.

    Import materials from the materials database Physical properties

    Page Chapter 110

    List of materials in the database

  • Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Click ALUMINUM

    Click IRON + Ctrl


    After the import is complete, close the Import materials window.

    Program Input


    If you expand the Materials in the data tree, you will see the two materials now included in theproject.

    Physical properties Import materials from the materials database

    Chapter 1 Page 11

    Materials imported into project

    Select an Equivalent B(H) Curve For Iron

    In a Steady state AC Magnetic application, the unknown state variables and the derived physicalquantities - magnetic field strength and magnetic flux density - are supposed to be harmonic(sinusoidal) time dependent. In reality, if the field computation domain includes nonlinearmagnetic materials, the magnetic field H and the magnetic induction H cannot have sinusoidaltime dependence simultaneously.

    To account for this, you can select an "equivalent" B(H) curve for the nonlinear material. If themodel has a current supply, the sinusoidal magnetic field strength model is used. If the modelhas a voltage supply, like this one, the sinusoidal magnetic flux density model is used. Moreinformation on this can be found in Volume 2 of the User's Guide.

    Double-click on IRON in the data tree to edit the material:

    Program Input

    Double-click IRON

    Import materials from the materials database Physical properties

    Page Chapter 112

  • The Edit Material [IRON] opens:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the material IRON

    Comment nonlinear steel

    Magnetic property Isotropic spline saturation

    Type of equivalent B(H) curve Sine wave flux density


    Physical properties Import materials from the materials database

    Chapter 1 Page 13

    Defining the physical application for the induction machine

    Import the problem circuit

    Before we can assign the components in the circuit we created earlier to the different regions ofour model, we must import the circuit.

    To import the circuit we created, click the icon on the toolbar.

    Program Input


    If you prefer, choose Physics, Circuit, Import circuit from a CCS file from the menu:

    Program Input



    Import circuit from a CCS file

    The Import circuit dialog appears. Click on the browse file selector in the dialog box.

    Program Input


    Import the problem circuit Physical properties

    Page Chapter 114

  • The Open circuit dialog appears.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Look In: Flux_Work [your workingdirectory]

    File Name: Ind_Motor_Circuit.ccs [yourname]


    The circuit file name is transferred to the Import Circuit dialog box.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    click OK

    Physical properties Import the problem circuit

    Chapter 1 Page 15

    Selected circuit ready for import

    The circuit is displayed on the screen. If you expand the data Tree under the Electric Circuitnode, you will see the components from the imported circuit.

    Define the circuit component properties

    Now that the circuit is imported into your problem, each individual component has propertiessuch as resistance that need to be defined. By performing these assignments inside a particularmodel, the same circuit can be used for various models with unique properties.

    Define the circuit resistors

    With the "Edit Array" command in Flux, you can define the resistance of all the circuit resistorsas one time. To edit the resistors in the data tree, first expand the data tree to display theresistors (under the Electric Circuit node, then under RLC Components). Select R1, R2 and R3using the mouse and Control key. Next, use the right mouse button to display the contextmenu.

    Define the circuit component properties Physical properties

    Page Chapter 116

    Imported circuit displayed as a new "tab" in the graphics area

  • Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Click R1

    Click R2 + Ctrl

    Click R3 + Ctrl

    Right-click, Edit array

    The Edit Resistor dialog appears. In the Modify All column, enter the resistance.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Modify all - Resistance (Ohm) 0.5575*4


    Define the circuit inductors

    Similarly, use the Edit Array command to edit the inductors in the data tree (under the ElectricCircuit node, then under RLC Components). Select L1, L2 and L3 using the mouse and Controlkey. Next, use the right mouse button to display the context menu and select "Edit Array."

    Physical properties Define the circuit component properties

    Chapter 1 Page 17

    Setting the resistance for the circuit resistors

    The Edit Inductor dialog appears. In the Modify All column, enter the inductance.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Modify all - Inductance(Henry) 0.0021*4


    Define the power supply

    Because we defined the physical model with the option "Automatic coefficient" (see page 6), wedefine the voltage source with the value for the entire motor. Flux will internally scale the circuitto whatever portion of the full motor we are modeling. The Voltage Sources are definedindividually because of the phase difference. To edit the first voltage source, you can select itfrom the data tree (under the Electric Circuit node, then under Voltage/Current sources). SelectVAC, then use the right mouse button to display the context menu and select "Edit".

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Click VAC

    Right-click, Edit

    Define the circuit component properties Physical properties

    Page Chapter 118

    Setting the inductance for the circuit inductors

  • The Edit Voltage Source dialog appears:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Voltage source name VAC

    Comment Voltage source phase A-C

    Value 380

    Phase in degree 0


    Physical properties Define the circuit component properties

    Chapter 1 Page 19

    Defining the VAC voltage source

    Now define the other voltage source. With the circuit diagram displayed, you can select and editcomponents graphically. Double-click the VBA component, or right-click on it to display thecontext menu and select "Edit".

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Click VBA component

    Right-click, Edit

    Define the circuit component properties Physical properties

    Page Chapter 120

    Graphically selecting the VBA voltage source to edit

  • The Edit Voltage Source dialog appears:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Voltage source name VBA

    Comment Voltage source phase B-A

    Value 380

    Phase in degree -120


    Define the coils

    Use the Edit Array command to edit the coils in the data tree (under the Electric Circuit node,then under Fe Coupling Components, then under Stranded Coil Conduction). Select BMC,BPA and BPB using the mouse and Control key. Next, use the right mouse button to displaythe context menu and select "Edit Array"

    Physical properties Define the circuit component properties

    Chapter 1 Page 21

    Defining the VBA voltage source

    The Edit Stranded Coil dialog appears. In the Modify All column, enter the resistance. Thenumber of turns in each coil will be defined later.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Modify all - Resistance formula 0.46557*4


    Define the squirrel cage

    To edit the squirrel cage, select it from the data tree (under the Electric Circuit node, then underRotating machine components). Select Q1, then use the right mouse button to display thecontext menu and select "Edit".

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Click Q1

    Right-click, Edit

    Define the circuit component properties Physical properties

    Page Chapter 122

    Setting the resistance for the coils

  • The Edit Squirrel Cage dialog appears:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Squirrel cage name Q1

    Number of bars 7

    Resistance of the portion ofend rings between two adjacentbars (Ohm)


    Inductance of the portion ofend rings between two adjacentbars (Henry)



    This concludes the definition of the circuit. Click the GeometryFlux2DView tab at the bottomof the screen to return to the geometric view of the model.

    Program Input

    Click GeometryFlux2DView

    Chapter 1 Page 23

    Physical properties Define the circuit component properties

    Defining the squirrel cage

    Creating Mechanical Sets

    New with Flux 9.2 is the existence of Mechanical Sets. Mechanical Sets are used whenever youwant motion in the model (either rotating or translating). Whenever there is motion in themodel, you must define 3 mechanical sets;

    Fixed - This defines the parts of the model that do not move

    Moving - This defines the parts of the model that move (either rotating or translating)

    Compressible - This defines the region between the moving and non-moving parts (and thedisplacement regions, in the case of translating motion)

    We will first create these mechanical sets. Later, parts of the model will be assigned to theseMechanical Sets. Select Physics, Mechanical Set and New from the menu.

    Program Input


    Mechanical set


    Creating Mechanical Sets Physical properties

    Page Chapter 124

  • Create the MOVING_ROTOR Mechanical Set

    The New Mechanical set dialog appears. Enter the information to create theMOVING_ROTOR mechanical set.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Mechanical set name moving_rotor

    Comment The moving parts of the model

    Type of mechanical set Rotation around one axis

    Rotation Axis Rotation around one axis

    parallel to Oz

    Coordinate system ROTMAIN

    Pivot point

    First coordinate 0

    Physical properties Creating Mechanical Sets

    Chapter 1 Page 25

    Defining the Axis information for the MOVING_ROTOR Mechanical


    Program Input

    Second coordinate 0

    Click on "Kinematics" tab

    The Kinematics tab opens. Enter the information to define the kinematics, then click OK.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Type of kinematics Multi static

    Optional value for slip 0.0273


    Creating Mechanical Sets Physical properties

    Page Chapter 126

    Defining the Kinematics information for the MOVING_ROTOR

    Mechanical Set

  • Create the FIXED_STATOR Mechanical Set

    The New Mechanical set dialog closes briefly and then reappears. Enter the information to create the FIXED_STATOR mechanical set.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Mechanical set name fixed_stator

    Comment the non-moving parts of the model

    Type of mechanical set Fixed


    Physical properties Creating Mechanical Sets

    Chapter 1 Page 27

    Defining the information for the FIXED_STATOR Mechanical Set

    Create the ROTATING_AIRGAP Mechanical Set

    The New Mechanical set dialog closes briefly and then reappears. Enter the information to create the ROTATING_AIRGAP mechanical set.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Mechanical set name rotating_airgap

    Comment the rotating airgap

    Type of mechanical set Compressible

    Used method to take the motioninto account

    Remeshing of the air partsurrounding the moving body


    Creating Mechanical Sets Physical properties

    Page Chapter 128

    Defining the information for the ROTATING_AIRGAP Mechanical


  • The New Mechanical set dialog closes briefly and then reappears. Close the dialog by hitting theCancel button.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input


    Physical properties Creating Mechanical Sets

    Chapter 1 Page 29

    Close the Mechanical set dialog

    Save your problem

    Using the icon in the toolbar

    Save your problem now (if you wish) by clicking the button in the toolbar.

    Program Input


    Using the menu

    If you prefer, choose Project, Save from the menu.

    Program Input



    Save your problem Physical properties

    Page Chapter 130

  • Add and assign regions for the faces

    In this chapter you will create regions to represent different parts of the motor. To makecalculations later, you will assign materials or source properties to these regions (such asaluminum for the rotor bars or plus A 1" for the first three stator slots).

    About surface regions

    Surface regions are created by entering names, comments (reflecting the material or sourceproperties, in this case), materials, circuit components, mechancal sets and colors for each of the19 faces of the geometry. For instance, the first rotor bar at the bottom of the figure will benamed RB1, identified as composed of aluminum, in the MOVING_ROTOR mechanical set,assigned to the first bar of the squirrel cage, and assigned the color turquoise.

    Creating region faces is similar to creating parameters or coordinate systems. You will not seeany changes in the model display on your graphics screen while you enter the information tocreate the region faces. However, you will see confirmation messages in the Console window.


    Chapter 2The following figure shows which features of the geometry will be assigned to each named regionface.

    About surface regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 232

    Labels for surface regions

  • Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Begin by adding a region for each of the rotor bars.

    Open the Add Region Face dialog

    Using the icon in the toolbar

    To add the surface regions, open the New Region Face dialog with the button

    Program Input


    Using the menu

    If you prefer, choose Physics, Face Region, New from the menu:

    Program Input


    Face Region


    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 33

    The New Region Face dialog will open:

    Add the data for the first rotor bar region (RB1)

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the region RB1

    Comment rotor bar 1, aluminum

    Type of region Solid conductor region

    Material of the region ALUMINUM

    Type of the conductor Circuit

    Associated solid conductor BAR_1_Q1

    Positive orientation for thecurrent

    Click Appearance

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 234

    Defining material for surface region RB1, for the first rotor bar

  • The data for the Appearance is displayed.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Color Turquoise

    Visibility Visible

    Click Mechanical Set

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 35

    Defining color for surface region RB1

    The data for the Mechanical set is displayed.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Mechanical Set MOVING_ROTOR


    The New Face region dialog closes briefly and then reappears.

    Add the other rotor bar regions

    Add the data for the other rotor bar regions as follows. Since the color and mechanical set is thesame for these bars as the first bar, there is no need to go to the Appearance tab or theMechancial Set tab. You just need to change the Name, Comment and Associated SolidConductor for each new region:

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 236

    Defining the Mechanical Set for surface region RB1

  • Program Input


    rotor bar 2, aluminum

    Solid conductor region




    Positive orientationfor the current


    Name of the region:


    Associated Solid Conductor


    rotor bar 3, aluminum



    Name of the region:


    Associated Solid Conductor


    rotor bar 4, aluminum



    Name of the region:


    Associated Solid Conductor


    rotor bar 5, aluminum



    Name of the region:


    Associated Solid Conductor


    rotor bar 6, aluminum



    Name of the region:


    Associated Solid Conductor


    rotor bar 7, aluminum



    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 37

    Add the rotor region

    The new face region dialog should still be open.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the region ROTOR

    Comment iron (nonlinear steel)

    Type of region Magnetic non conducting region

    Material of the region IRON

    Click Appearance

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 238

    Defining material for ROTOR, the face region of the machine rotor

  • The data for the Appearance is displayed. The rotor should be a different color. The followingshows Cyan being selected:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Color Cyan

    Visibility Visible

    Click Mechanical Set

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 39

    Defining color for surface region ROTOR

    The data for the Mechanical Set is displayed:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Mechanical Set MOVING_ROTOR


    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 240

    Defining the Mechanical Set for surface region ROTOR

  • Add the AIRGAP region

    Now add the AIRGAP region.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the region AIRGAP

    Comment moving airgap

    Type of region Air or vacuum region

    Click Appearance

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 41

    Defining material for AIRGAP, the face region gap between rotor and stator

    The data for the Appearance is displayed. The air gap should be a different color. The followingshows Yellow being selected:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Color Yellow

    Visibility Visible

    Click Mechanical Set

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 242

    Defining the color of the AIRGAP region

  • The data for the Mechanical Set appears. Select the Mechanical Set defined earlier as a"Compressible" mechanical set:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Mechanical Set ROTATING_AIRGAP


    Add regions for the stator slots

    The three regions for the stator slots represent the three coils of the external circuit (one perphase). In our model, each region will be assigned 3 stator slots.

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 43

    Defining the Mechanical Set of the AIRGAP region

    The New Region Face dialog should still be open.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the region SSA

    Comment plus a, 3 slots

    Type of region Coil conductor region

    Material of the region

    Positive orientation for thecurrent

    Number of turns of theconductor


    Coil conductor region component BPA

    Symetries and periodicities -conductors in series or inparallel

    All the symmetrical andperiodical conductors are inseries

    Click Appearance

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 244

    Defining the material for the SSA region

  • The data for the Appearance is displayed. The slot should be a different color. The followingshows Red being selected:

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Color Red

    Visibility Visible

    Click Mechanical Set

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 45

    Defining the color of the SSA region

    The data for the Mechanical Set appears. Since the slots are in the stator, select the MechanicalSet defined as stationary, FIXED_STATOR.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Mechanical Set FIXED_STATOR


    Add the regions for the other two stator slots. The only difference in the definition of theseslots with the first slot is the Name, Comment, Coil Component and Color. The following tabledescribes these changes for the remaining stator slots:

    Program Input

    Name of the region


    Coil conductor region component



    plus b, 3 slots


    Click Appearance



    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 246

    Defining the Mechanical Set of the SSA region

  • Program Input

    Name of the region


    Coil conductor region component



    minus c, 3 slots


    Click Appearance



    Add the STATOR surface region

    Finally, add the STATOR surface region, as shown below:

    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 47

    Defining the material for the STATOR surface region

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Name of the region STATOR

    Comment iron (nonlinear steel)

    Type of region Magnetic non conducting region

    Material of the region IRON

    Click Appearance

    The data for the Appearance is displayed.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Color Cyan

    Visibility Visible

    Click Mechanical Set

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 248

    Defining the color for the STATOR surface region

  • The data for the Mechanical Set appears. Obviously, we will be selecting the Mechanical Setnamed FIXED_STATOR

    Enter or verify the following:

    Program Input

    Mechanical Set FIXED_STATOR


    Add and assign regions for the faces Add the 7 rotor bar regions

    Chapter 2 Page 49

    Defining the Mechanical Set for the STATOR surface region

    When the New Region Face dialog reopens, close it.

    Program Input

    Name of the region (STATOR_1) Cancel

    Add the 7 rotor bar regions Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 250

    Closing the New Region Face dialog

  • About assigning geometric faces to the region faces

    Next you will assign the region faces to the appropriate geometric faces.

    When you select a geometric face to assign it to a surface region, the face will change to a darkercolor. In the dialog, the program will display the automatically assigned face number (for the firstrotor bar, the Face number is 2, in our example).

    The following figure shows the first rotor bar being selected for assignment to region RB1:

    After you choose the region face name from the menu list, the face you have assigned changescolor again (to white or invisible).

    Add and assign regions for the faces About assigning geometric faces to the region faces

    Chapter 2 Page 51

    Selecting the first rotor bar to assign to region face RB1

    For example, the following figure shows the screen after region face RB1 has been assigned.

    About assigning geometric faces to the region faces Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 252

    Screen after assigning the first rotor bar to RB1 region face

  • Assign the seven rotor bars

    Now begin by assigning the seven rotor bars to their respective surface regions (RB1, RB2, etc.).The following figure shows which bars are assigned to the rotor bar regions.

    Open the Assign Region to Faces dialog

    Using the icon in the toolbar

    Open the Assign Region to Faces dialog with the button in the toolbar.

    Program Input


    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 53

    Labels for rotor bar regions

    Using the menu

    If you prefer, choose Geometry, Assign regions to geometric entities, Assign Region to Faces(completion mode) from the menu.

    Program Input


    Assign regions to

    geometric entities

    Assign Region to Faces (completion mode)

    The Assign Region to Faces dialog will open:

    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 254

    Assigning RB1 region face to rotor bar 1 (Face 2)

  • Assign the first rotor bar to RB1

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    List of Faces


    2 [first rotor bar]

    Region Face for Faces RB1


    After you have assigned the first rotor bar, your screen should resemble the following figure.

    The Assign Region to Faces dialog should still be open.

    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 55

    First rotor bar assigned to region face RB1

    Assign the other rotor bars

    Because the face numbers assigned by FLUX may vary, the figures in the following sequenceshow both the model and the dialog, so that you can see which rotor bar face is being selected forwhich region. (Your screen may not look exactly like these figures; they are composites createdfor your reference.)

    Your input into the Assign Region to Face dialog is in the right column, as before.

    To assign the other rotor bars, proceed as follows.

    Program Input

    11 [second rotor bar]



    12 [third rotor bar]



    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 256

  • Program Input

    13 [fourth rotor bar]



    14 [fifth rotor bar]



    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 57

    Program Input

    15 [sixth rotor bar]



    16 [seventh rotor bar]



    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 258

  • With all seven bars assigned, your screen should resemble the following figure:

    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 59

    Rotor bars assigned to regions RB1 - RB7

    Assign the stator slots

    Now assign the stator slots to the three coil regions. The following figure shows which slots areassigned to each of the three slot regions (SSA, SSB, SSC).

    Because the face numbers assigned by FLUX may vary, the figures in the following sequenceshow the full screen, so that you can see which slots are being selected.

    Your input into the Assign Region to Faces dialog is in the right column, as before.

    To select more than one slot at the same time, click the first slot, hold down theCtrl key, and then click the second and third slots.

    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 260

    Labels for stator slot regions

  • Assign the stator slots as follows.

    Program Input

    1 [first slot] + Ctrl

    3 [second slot]

    4 [third slot]



    8 [seventh slot]+ Ctrl

    9 [eighth slot]

    10 [ninth slot]



    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 61

    Program Input

    5 [fourth slot] + Ctrl

    6 [fifth slot]

    7 [sixth slot]



    With the nine slots assigned your screen should resemble the following figure:

    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 262

    Stator slots assigned to SSA, SSC, SSB region faces

  • Assign the rotor

    Now assign the ROTOR region face as follows:

    Program Input

    19 [rotor face]



    Assign the stator

    Assign the stator face as follows:

    Program Input

    17 [stator face]



    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 63

    Assign the airgap

    The only face remaining to assign is the airgap. When assigning the last region using "completionmode", you can use the "Select All" command to select all remaining faces. The following figureshows the airgap being selected using the "Select All" command:

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input


    Select all

    Assign the seven rotor bars Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 264

    Selecting the airgap to assign the AIRGAP surface region

  • Program Input

    18 [airgap face]



    Add and assign regions for the faces Assign the seven rotor bars

    Chapter 2 Page 65

    The surface regions will be displayed in their assigned colors, as shown in the following figure:

    Check the physical model

    Now that all physical attributes have been assigned to our model, we should have Flux check itbefore proceeding to solving.

    Select the icon from the toolbar to start the Physical Check.

    Program Input


    Check the physical model Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 266

    Surface regions assigned

  • If you prefer, you can select Physics, Check physics from the menu.

    Program Input


    Check physics

    The console indicates that the physical check is completed.

    Add and assign regions for the faces Check the physical model

    Chapter 2 Page 67

    The model is ready for solving. Close the Preflux application.

    Select Project, Exit from the menu.

    Program Input



    When prompted, select to save your problem.

    Proceed as follows:

    Program Input

    Save current project before Yes

    The Flux Supervisor is displayed.

    Check the physical model Add and assign regions for the faces

    Page Chapter 268

  • Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Now use SOLVER_2D to solve the finite element problem you have defined. You can solvedirectly or in batch mode, which allows you to run Flux2D in the background. We describe bothoptions below.

    The solver forms the equations matrix and solves it iteratively. The size of the matrix and thesolution time depend on the number of nodes in the finite element mesh, the number of circuitcomponents and the electromechanical equation.

    Because this problem uses nonlinear materials and the computation is carried out iteratively, youshould specify the maximum number of iterations and the precision. Flux2D will continueiterating until it reaches either this precision or the maximum number of iterationswhichevercomes first.

    If the solution does not converge within the number of iterations you specified, you can increasethe maximum number of iterations afterwards. For nonlinear problems, you can use an improved algorithm for speeding up the Newton-Raphson calculation. This progressive algorithm modifiesthe parameters and results in a significant savings in computing time for problems requiring more than 15 Newton-Raphson iterations.


    Chapter 3Check the version: Flux2D Standard

    Before you start solving the steady state AC magnetic problem, in the Flux2D Supervisor, makesure that Flux2D: Standard is shown in the Program manager at the top of the Supervisorwindow.

    If you do not see "Flux2D: Standard", choose Versions, Standard from the menu.

    Program Input



    Check the version: Flux2D Standard Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 370

  • Start the solver

    To start solving, in the Flux2D Supervisor, in the Solving process folder, double click Direct:

    Program Input

    Double click Direct

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Start the solver

    Chapter 3 Page 71

    Starting the solver

    In the Open dialog, select the problem to be solved and click Open:

    Solving in direct mode

    In the Solver window, click the Options tab to bring it to the front:

    Solving in direct mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 372

    Checking the solving options

    Choosing the problem to solve

  • Enter or verify the options as follows:

    Program Input

    Magnetic, Electric iterations

    Number of iterations 50

    Requested precision 1.e-004

    Thermal iterations

    Number of iterations 50

    Requested precision 1.e-003

    Magnetic updatings to coupledproblem

    Minimal number of updatings 1

    Maximal number of updatings 5

    Requested precision 1.e-002

    Be sure that the Newton-Raphson algorithm is Disabled, as shown in the following figure:

    Program Input

    Progressive Newton Raphsonalgorithm


    Accuracy definition Automatic accuracy

    Solver type SuperLu without pivoting

    Priority associated to thecomputation

    Priority normal


    Click Apply to verify the options.

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in direct mode

    Chapter 3 Page 73

    Then click the Solve button to begin the computation.

    Program Input


    The following dialog will open:

    Do not change the initial position of the rotor. Click OK to close this dialog

    Program Input

    Initial position of the rotor

    0 degrees


    Solving in direct mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 374

    Verifying the initial position of the rotor (0 degrees)

  • Watch as the solution proceeds. It may take some time.

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in direct mode

    Chapter 3 Page 75

    Solving (direct mode)

    When the computation is finished, the Status: computation finished message will be displayedin the dialog window:

    Choose File, Exit to close the solver:

    Solving in direct mode may require a relatively long time. You may wish to solve in batch mode:see below.

    Solving in direct mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 376

    Closing the solver

    Computation finished

  • Solving in batch mode

    Solving in batch mode can reduce the computation time.

    To solve in batch mode, you must prepare a batch file of the information required to solve theproblem: the maximum number of iterations, the precision required, the solution method oralgorithm, how the problem is to be solved, and so on.

    Prepare the batch file

    In the Flux2D Supervisor, in the Solving process folder, double click Direct to openSOLVER_2D.

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in batch mode

    Chapter 3 Page 77

    Starting the solver

    In the Open dialog, choose the problem to be solved and click OK:

    In the Solver window, click the Options tab to bring it to the front:

    Solving in batch mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 378

    Checking the solving options

    Choosing the problem to solve (to prepare a batch file)

  • Enter or verify the options as follows:

    Program Input

    Magnetic, Electric iterations

    Number of iterations 50

    Requested precision 1.e-004

    You do not need to change any of the other options.

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in batch mode

    Chapter 3 Page 79

    To prepare the batch file with the number of iterations and the requested precision, click the


    Program Input


    The following dialog will open:

    Do not change the initial position of the rotor. Click OK to close this dialog

    Program Input

    Initial position of the rotor

    0 degrees


    Solving in batch mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 380

    Verifying the initial position of the rotor (0 degrees)

  • You should see the Preparation of batch file completed message in the dialog:

    Close the solver with File, Exit:

    The batch file has been created. Flux2D has created a file called IND_MOTOR.DIF that will beused to start the batch job.

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in batch mode

    Chapter 3 Page 81

    Closing the solver

    Batch file completed

    Start the batch computation

    In the Flux2D Supervisor, in the Solving process folder, double click Batch:

    Program Input

    Double click Batch

    Solving in batch mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 382

    Starting the solver for a batch computation

  • In the Batch window, the names of problems with batch files prepared show a "Yes" in the Readycolumn, as shown in the following figure.

    Select the problem you wish to solve, e.g., IND_MOTOR, and click the Start button to beginthe computation:

    Solve in Direct or Batch mode Solving in batch mode

    Chapter 3 Page 83

    Starting the batch computation

    The Solver window will open:

    When the problem has finished solving, the Supervisor with the Batch window opens again.Choose Quit to close the Solver.

    The Flux2D Supervisor should remain open. You will analyze the results next.

    Solving in batch mode Solve in Direct or Batch mode

    Page Chapter 384

    Closing the solver after batch computation

    Batch computation in progress

  • Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Use PostPro_2D to analyze your results. With PostPro_2D module you can display a variety ofplots of the results, compute various local and global values, create animations and graphics forpresentations, etc. In this section, we will analyze several types of results for the induction motorwe are modeling. We encourage you to explore other types of results on your own.

    The results that are relevant for this model are the torque-speed characteristic, the phasecurrents, the current in the rotor bars, the general distribution of the flux density, and eddycurrent losses in the rotor bars.

    The equiflux lines and the flux density color shade plots are also useful because you can use them to check the validity of your model.


    Chapter 4Start PostPro_2D

    To see your results, from the Flux2D Supervisor, double click the Results button:

    Start PostPro_2D Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 486

    Starting Results analysis

  • From the Open dialogue, choose the problem to analyze and click Open:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Start PostPro_2D

    Chapter 4 Page 87

    Choosing the problem to analyze

    PostPro_2D will open with a display of the model geometry:

    Display the full geometry

    You can display various quantities as plots on the model geometry. If you wish, instead of themodel (1/4 of the motor, in this case), you can display the full geometry.

    To see the full geometry, from the menu bar, click the Full Geometry button or chooseGeometry, Full Geometry:

    Display the full geometry Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 488

    Model open in PostPro_2D

  • Display isovalues plots

    It is often useful to begin analysis with a display of the equiflux (isovalues) lines. Examining theequiflux plot is a good way to check if the results are reasonable.

    The default display is 11 equiflux lines. To display more lines, click the Results Properties button

    or choose Results, Properties from the menu.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display isovalues plots

    Chapter 4 Page 89

    The Display properties dialog will open.

    Make sure the Isovalues tab is on top.

    Then enter or verify the information in the dialog as follows:

    Field Input


    Analyzed quantity Equi flux

    Support Graphic selection

    Computing paramters

    Quality Normal

    Number 41

    Display isovalues plots Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 490

    Properties for isovalues display with 41 lines

  • Field Input

    Scaling Uniform


    The properties dialog will close.

    Display the isovalues plot at phase = 0

    Click the Isovalues button and you will see the isovalues (equi flux) lines:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display isovalues plots

    Chapter 4 Page 91

    Display of equi flux lines over the whole geometry (phase = 0)

    Display the plot at phase = 30

    The model is displayed with the phase angle of the sources at the default value, 0 degrees. Youcan see how the flux distribution varies with time by changing the phase angle of the sources.Lets look at the equi flux lines at phase angles of 30 and 60.

    To change the phase angle, open the Phase manager dialog by clicking the button or bychoosing Parameters, Phase from the menu.

    The Phase dialog will open.

    You can change the phase value by moving the slider, but for a precise value, you will need totype 30 in the Phase field and press Enter. You should see the slider move to the right, as shownin the following figure.

    Display isovalues plots Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 492

    Phase dialog

    Phase set to 30 degrees

  • In a few seconds, the isovalues display will be updated to show the plot for a phase angle of 30degrees:

    Display the plot at phase = 60

    Now change the phase to 60 and press Enter:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display isovalues plots

    Chapter 4 Page 93

    Equi flux lines, phase = 30

    Phase = 60

    Again, it may take a few seconds for the plot to be updated to show the results at a phase angle of 60 degrees:

    Finally, set the phase to 0 again for the other displays:

    Display isovalues plots Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 494

    Equi flux lines, phase = 60

    Phase returned to 0 (default)

  • Display color shade plots on the stator and rotorregions

    Now display several color shade plots, but on the stator and rotor only. Instead of selecting theregions to display each time, you can define your own groups of regions and use them for theplots.

    Create a group of the stator and rotor regions

    To create a group, click the icon, or select Supports, Group manager from the menu.

    The Group manager dialog will open.

    In the Group manager dialog, enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Filter Region

    Objects available ROTOR


    Add >

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 95

    Group manager dialog

    Field Input

    Current group ROTOR


    Group name RotStat [your choice]

    Notice that the regions you have chosen are displayed in their assigned color on the geometry.

    Click the Create button to create the group and close the Group manager dialog.

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 496

    Regions to be added to rotor-stator group

  • Display a flux density plot

    Now use your group to display a color shade plot of the flux density in the rotor and stator.

    Open the Results, Properties dialog by clicking the button or by choosing Results,Properties from the menu.

    Click the Color Shade tab to bring it to the front. In the Color shade dialog, enter or verify thefollowing:

    Field Input

    Color Shade

    Analyzed quantity |Flux density|

    Support RotStat [your regions group]

    Computing parameters

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 97

    Properties for color shade plot of flux density

    Field Input

    Quality Normal

    Scaling Uniform


    The properties dialog will close.

    Then click the color shade button to see the flux density plot on the rotor and stator:

    You may wish to modify the scaling of the color shade to give a better distribution of theequipotential regions. If so, in the Results, Properties dialog, instead of Uniform scaling, youmay wish to choose Min Max or Each Line.

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 498

    Color shade plot of flux density on the rotor and stator (phase = 0)

  • Display a saturation map (permeability)

    Now display a saturation map in the rotor and stator. Click the button again to open theResults, Properties dialog.

    Field Input

    Color Shade

    Analyzed quantity Relative permeability

    Support RotStat [your regions group]

    Computing parameters

    Quality Normal

    Scaling Uniform


    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 99

    Properties for color shade plot of permeability

    The properties dialog will close. In a few seconds you should see the saturation map:

    Create a group of the rotor bars

    Now create a group of the seven rotor bars. Open the Group manager dialog:

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4100

    Saturation map on rotor and stator regions (phase = 0)

    Creating a group of the rotor bars

  • Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Filter Region

    Objects available RB1







    Add >

    Current group RB1







    Group name Bars [your choice]

    Click Create to create the group and close the Group manager dialog.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 101

    Display a power density plot in the rotor bars

    Now display a plot of the power density in the rotor bars. Click the button to open theResults, Properties dialog:

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4102

    Properties for color shade plot of power density in the rotor


  • Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Color Shade

    Analyzed quantity Power density

    Support Bars [your group]

    Computing parameters

    Quality Normal

    Scaling Uniform


    The properties dialog will close. You may need to click the button to display the plot:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 103

    Power density in the rotor bars

    Display the current density in the first rotor bar

    Now display the current density in the first rotor bar only.

    First, click the Full Geometry button to deselect it, and click the Color shade button toturn off the display.

    Then use the Zoom rectangle button to select an area around the first rotor bar and enlargethe display:

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4104

    Zooming in on the first rotor bar

  • Now, once again, click the button to open the Results, Properties dialog.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Color Shade

    Analyzed quantity |Current density|

    Support RB1

    Computing parameters

    Quality Normal

    Scaling Uniform


    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions

    Chapter 4 Page 105

    Properties for current density color shade plot for first rotor bar

    The properties dialog will close. Click the button to display the plot:

    One can clearly see the skin depth effect in the rotor bar. The current density is concentratednear the top of the bar.

    Display color shade plots on the stator and rotor regions Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4106

    Current density in the first rotor bar

  • Computations of torque and power values

    Now use the Computation manager for a series of power computations.

    Open the Computation manager by clicking the button or by choosing Computation, On asupport from the menu:

    The Computation manager will open:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Computations of torque and power values

    Chapter 4 Page 107

    Computation manager

    Compute the torque in the airgap

    Begin with a computation of the torque in the airgap. The following figure shows the initialsettings for the computation:

    In the Computation manager, select or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Filter Regions

    Support AIRGAP


    Computations of torque and power values Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4108

    Initial settings for airgap torque computation

  • When you click the Properties button, the Properties dialog will open:

    Make sure the Computation tab is on top. Then in the Properties dialog, enter the following:

    Field Input

    Quantity Torque

    Component Moment


    Users choice Torque/Moment

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Computations of torque and power values

    Chapter 4 Page 109

    Properties for computation of torque in the airgap

    Click OK to set the properties and close the dialog; you will return to the Computationmanager. Click the Compute button and you will see the results almost instantly:

    Note that this result is the model motor torque (one pole or of the machine)even though you selected the AIRGAP region. The torque for the whole machine isobtained by multiplying this value by four: 4 6.723701= 26.894804

    Compute the current and power supply values in each phase

    Now compute the current and power supply values in each phase. The Computation managershould still be open.

    Change the Filter and Support as follows:

    Field Input

    Filter Electrical components

    Support VAC

    Computations of torque and power values Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4110

    Airgap torque

  • The following figure shows the new selections being made:

    Click the Properties button and the Properties dialog will open. First, remove the torque fromthe Users choice field, as follows:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Computations of torque and power values

    Chapter 4 Page 111

    Removing Torque / Moment selection

    Selecting VAC as computation support

    Field Input

    Users choice Torque / Moment


    Then enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Quantity Circuit

    Component Rms voltage

    Phase voltage

    Rms current

    Phase current

    Active power

    Reactive power

    Add >

    Users choice Circuit/Rms voltage

    Circuit/Phase voltage

    Circuit/Rms current

    Circuit/Phase current

    Circuit/Active power

    Circuit/Reactive power

    Computations of torque and power values Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4112

  • You should see the following components selected for the computation:

    Click OK and the properties dialogue will close. In the Computation manager, click theCompute button to see all the results for the voltage source VAC:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Computations of torque and power values

    Chapter 4 Page 113

    Results of circuit computations for voltage source VAC

    Properties for power computations

    Use these same properties to compute the values for the Phase B-A voltage source, VBA.Proceed as follows:

    Field Input

    Support VBA


    And you should see all the results for VBA:

    To calculate the total power of the motor, you can add the Active Power components computedfor the two power supplies. In this case, the total power would be -1.532098E3 + -3.020423E3or -4.552521KW. The minus sign means the source is providing power to the motor.

    Compute the electric quantities for other components

    With the same computation property settings, you can compute the electric quantities for all theother circuit components in just 2 steps:

    1 Select the component from the drop down list in the Support field (e.g., BPA, BPB, BMC,etc.)

    2 Click the Compute button.

    Computations of torque and power values Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4114

    Power supply values for voltage source VBA

  • Save the results of your computations

    The results from computations you have performed through the Computation manager arewritten into the Review file (displayed at the bottom of the screen).

    This file is saved by default as, for instance, Ind_Motor_Hist.txt, but the file will be overwrittenwhenever you open this problem again in PostPro_2D.

    Therefore, to save these computation results, you must save them to a different file.

    To do so, from the View menu choose the Save review file as... command:

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Computations of torque and power values

    Chapter 4 Page 115

    Results in Review file

    The Save As dialog will open:

    To save your review file with the power computation results, proceed as follows:

    Field Input

    Save in fluxwork [choose directory]

    File name IND_MOTOR_MAIN [or your name]

    Save as type Postpro2D review file(*.txt)

    Click the Save button to save your file.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    We can see how the magnetic flux density varies in the airgap by plotting a curve of the fluxdensity versus position along a path in the air gap.

    Create a path through the center of the airgap

    To create a path through the center of the airgap, use the Path Manager.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4116

    Saving review file (computation results)

  • Click the Path Manager button or choose Supports, Path manager from the menu:

    The Path manager dialog will open:

    You will be creating an arc of 180 degrees through the center of the airgap (1 electric cycle). Toverify the coordinates for the path, with the Path manager open, move your cursor over thegeometry model.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

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    Path manager

    The cursor will appear either in the shape of a cross with a trailing line (for straight linesegments) or a drawing compass (for arcs of circles).

    Enlarge the bottom of the airgap below the first rotor bar and stator slot:

    Position the cursor in the middle of the airgap to see the coordinates (we used X = 58.4).

    Then in the Path manager dialog, enter or verify the information as follows:

    Field Input

    Name Airgap [or your choice]

    Discretization 200

    [default color] [new color if desired]

    Graphic section Arc

    Numerical section New section

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4118

    Checking coordinates for starting point of path through the airgap

  • When you click the New section button, the Section Editing dialog will open:

    In the Section Editing dialog, enter or verify the information as follows:

    Field Input

    Section type Arc start angle

    Center point

    X 0

    Y 0

    Origin point

    X 58.4

    Y 0

    Length 180


    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

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    Section Editing dialog to create path

    Click OK to close the Section Editing dialog. You will see a part of the path displayed in theairgap:

    In the Path manager dialog click the button to create the path and open the 2D Curvesmanager at the same time.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

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    Path through the airgap (enlarged)

  • Create curves using the airgap path

    Now use the path to create curves of the flux density through the airgap.

    The 2D Curves manager is shown in the following figure:

    Flux density: Magnitude

    Begin with a curve of the magnitude of the flux density. Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Curve description

    Name FDMag

    [default color] [new color, if desired]


    Set parameters...

    Phase (deg) 0

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 121

    Settings to create curve of flux density magnitude

    Field Input

    First axis

    X axis Airgap

    Second axis

    Quantity Flux density

    Components Magnitude

    Third data

    Parameter No parameter

    Parameter values No value

    Selection step 1

    Click the Create button to create the curve. It will not be displayed yet on your screen, but youshould see its name added in the field at the bottom of the Curves manager:

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4122

    Flux density Magnitude curve created

  • Flux density: Direction

    Now create a similar curve for the direction of the flux density. The 2D Curves manager shoulddisplay a new default name for the curve (e.g., C...2) and a new color. You should be able tochange only the name, the color (if you wish), and the component setting, in order to create thesecond curve.

    For the curve of the flux density direction, enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Curve description

    Name FDDir

    [default color] [new color, if desired]


    Set parameters...

    Phase (deg) 0

    First axis

    X axis Airgap

    Second axis

    Quantity Flux density

    Components Direction

    Third data

    Parameter No parameter

    Parameter values No value

    Selection step 1

    Click the Create button to create the flux density direction curve. Again, you will not see thecurve yet.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 123

    Flux density: Normal component

    Next create a curve of the normal component of the flux density.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Name FDNorm

    [default color] [new color, if desired]


    Set parameters...

    Phase (deg) 0

    First axis

    X axis Airgap

    Second axis

    Quantity Flux density

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4124

    Settings for curve of normal component of flux density

  • Field Input

    Components Normal component

    Third axis

    Parameter No parameter

    Parameter values No value

    Selection step 1

    Click the Create button to create the normal component curve. Remember, the curve will not bedisplayed.

    Flux density: Tangential component

    Next create a curve of the tangential component of the flux density.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 125

    Settings for curve of tangential component of flux density

    Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Name FDTang

    [default color] [new color, if desired]


    Set parameters...

    Phase (deg) 0

    First axis

    X axis Airgap

    Second axis

    Quantity Flux density

    Components Tangent component

    Third axis

    Parameter No parameter

    Parameter values No value

    Selection step 1

    Again, click Create to create the tangential component curve.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4126

  • Superimpose the Magnitude and Direction curves

    Now display the flux density magnitude and direction curves together. To create a superimposeddisplay of these two curves, proceed as follows.

    Click the button to open a new (blank) curves sheet. Right click on the curve sheet andopen the properties dialog.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 127

    Blank curves sheet with context menu--choosing Properties

    In the Properties dialog, make sure the Selection tab is on top:

    In the Selection dialog, enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Curves filter Computation

    Curves available FDMag


    Add >

    Displayed curves FDMag


    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4128

    Curves properties Select dialog: choose curves to display

  • Click on the Display tab to bring it to the front.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Display Superimposed

    Gradations On

    X Axis

    Range Automatic

    Scale linear

    Y Axis

    Range Stretched

    Scale linear

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 129

    Settings for superimposed curves display

    Click OK to close the dialog. You should see the two curves, flux density magnitude anddirection, superimposed:

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4130

    Curves of flux density magnitude and direction (superimposed)

  • Superimpose the Normal and Tangential curves

    Follow the same steps to create a superimposed display of the normal and tangential componentsof the flux density. The figures below show the settings to select and superimpose these curves:

    Select normal and tangential curves Settings to superimpose normal and tangentialcurves

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 131

    Click OK to display the normal and tangential flux density curves:

    Create a spectrum analysis of the normal component of the flux density

    Next, use the Spectrum manager to display the harmonics of the normal component of the fluxdensity.

    Click the button or choose Computation, 2D Spectrum manager from the menu:

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4132

    Normal and tangential flux density curves (phase = 0)

  • The Spectrum manager dialog will open:

    Enter or verify the following settings for the spectrum analysis:

    Field Input

    Analyzed curve FDNorm

    Between 0

    and 183.468994

    Part of cycle described Full cycle

    Create this rebuilded curve too [check box to enable display of normal component curve]


    Harmonics number 30

    Spectrum scale Linear

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 133

    Spectrum manager

    Field Input

    Display the DC component line [check if desired]

    Name Spec_FDNorm

    [default color] [new color, if desired]

    Click the button to create and display the spectrum and the normal component curve:

    One can observe important 5th, 13th, 15th, 17th and 19th harmonics.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

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    Spectrum analysis of normal component of flux density through the airgap

  • To clarify the spectrum display, you can change its properties. Right click on the legend of thespectrum and choose Properties from the context menu:

    In the properties dialog, you can change the legend text, the form of the curve, the line width andcolor. Change the settings as you wish (for example, our spectrum uses a line width of 3).

    Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

    Chapter 4 Page 135

    Changing spectrum properties

    Plot the flux density at phase = 30

    Now create new flux density curves with the phase angle at 30 degrees. The following figuresshow the settings for the normal and tangential curves of the flux density.

    Analyze the flux density in the airgap Analyze results with PostPro_2D

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    Settings for flux density normal component curve at phase = 30

  • Be sure to change the phase angle to 30 for both curves.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Analyze the flux density in the airgap

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    Settings for flux density tangential component curve at phase = 30

    Once you have created both curves, superimpose them for a display like the following:

    The movement of the peaks of the magnetic flux density curve can be seen clearly following themovement of the power supply traveling wave.

    Current distribution in the rotor bars

    Another interesting result to examine is the current distribution in the rotor bars. This can befound by plotting the current density curve along a radial path inside the rotor bar.

    Display the model geometry again by returning to the first sheet (click the"Geometry[IND_MOTOR.TRA:1]" tab at the top of the window).

    Current distribution in the rotor bars Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4138

    Normal and tangential flux density curves, phase = 30

  • Enlarge the area around the first rotor bar:

    Create a path through the first rotor bar

    Create a path through the first rotor bar as follows.

    Open the Path manager with the button, or choose Supports, Path manager from the menu.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Current distribution in the rotor bars

    Chapter 4 Page 139

    Enlarging view of first rotor bar

    The Path manager dialog will open.

    Because the rotor bar is a relatively small area, we use a discretization of 50 points along the path,instead of the default 200, but you may choose any number you wish.

    In the Path manager, enter or verify the initial information as follows:

    Field Input

    Name Bar1

    Discretization 50

    [default color] [new color, if desired]

    Graphic section Segment

    Current distribution in the rotor bars Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4140

    Path manager: RB1

  • Now, instead of entering coordinates, however, you can just draw the path through the rotor bar,as shown in the following figure.

    Click a point at the left edge in the middle of the bars outline for the starting point, and drag the

    cursor to draw a line through the center of the bar. Click again to end the line.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Current distribution in the rotor bars

    Chapter 4 Page 141

    Drawing the path through the first rotor bar

    You should see a line through the bar as shown in the following figure.

    Then in the Path manager, click the Create button to create the path.

    Create a curve using the rotor bar path

    Now create curves of the magnitude and phase of the current density along the path through the

    rotor bar. Open the 2D Curves manager with the icon:

    Current distribution in the rotor bars Analyze results with PostPro_2D

    Page Chapter 4142

    Path through first rotor bar

  • For the current density magnitude curve, proceed as follows:

    Field Input

    Curve description

    Name Bar1_IDensM

    [default colot] [new color, if desired]


    First axis

    X axis Bar1

    Second axis

    Quantity Current density

    Components Magnitude


    Click the Create button to create the curve. (Remember, the curve will not be displayed.)

    Now modify the settings to create a curve of the current density/phase. You should be able toenter only a new name, a new color (if you wish), and then select the Phase component tocreate the new curve.

    Enter or verify the following:

    Field Input

    Curve description

    Name Bar1_IDensP

    [default color] [new color, if desired]


    First axis

    X axis Bar1

    Second axis

    Quantity Current density

    Components Phase


    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Current distribution in the rotor bars

    Chapter 4 Page 143

    Again, when you click the Create button, the curve will be added but not displayed.

    Open a new blank curves sheet and superimpose the curves for a display like the following:

    The outer end of the rotor bar has a higher current density than the inner end because of the skineffect.

    Current distribution in the rotor bars Analyze results with PostPro_2D

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    Magnitude and phase of current density through first rotor bar

  • Save and close PostPro_2D

    This concludes our magnetodynamic analysis of the induction motor at rated slip. To save theanalysis supports (groups, paths, etc.) and the curves you have created, proceed as follows.

    When you are ready, click the Save button to save your work.

    Then close PostPro_2D by selecting File, Exit from the menu:

    You will return to the Flux2D Supervisor.

    Analyze results with PostPro_2D Save and close PostPro_2D

    Chapter 4 Page 145

    Closing PostPro_2D

    Parameterized solution at differentspeeds

    We would now like to analyze the machine running at different speeds. This involves redefiningthe slip specified when entering the physical properties with Pre