tutorial, part 4: sharepoint 101: jump-starting the developer by rob windsor - sptec…

Building SharePoint Web Parts Rob Windsor [email protected] @robwindsor

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Page 1: Tutorial, Part 4: SharePoint 101: Jump-Starting the Developer by Rob Windsor - SPTec…

Building SharePoint

Web Parts

Rob Windsor

[email protected]


Page 2: Tutorial, Part 4: SharePoint 101: Jump-Starting the Developer by Rob Windsor - SPTec…

What Are Web Parts?

• Small “chunks” of user interface and functionality

• Aggregated together to build page content

• Managed by end-users

Add/remove web parts on a page

Determine where web parts are placed on the page

Set web part properties

• Concept and implementation not specific to

SharePoint or ASP.NET

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DEMO iGoogle

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Web Part History

• SharePoint 2003

First version with web part infrastructure

Web part types and infrastructure are specific to SharePoint

• ASP.NET 2.0

Web part types and infrastructure added to ASP.NET

• SharePoint 2007

Adds support for ASP.NET web parts

Continues support for SharePoint web parts for backwards


• SharePoint 2010

Same support as SharePoint 2007 in farm solutions

Adds support for web parts in sandboxed solutions

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Working with SharePoint Web Parts

• Web parts can be added to web part zones or wiki content

• Each web part has common “chrome”

Title, border, verbs menu

• Closing a web part hides it; deleting a web part removes it

from page

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Web Part Properties

• Web parts properties used to tailor display and functionality

Zip/Postal code in weather web part

Stock code in stock ticker web part

• Properties support customization and personalization

Customization effects shared view of part

Personalization effects current users view of part

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Web Part Gallery

• Site collection scoped

• Both .DWP and .WEBPART files as items

• SharePoint can discover new candidates from


• Maintain metadata

• Available out-of-the-box parts determined by

edition and site template

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Web Part Gallery

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DEMO Working with Web Parts

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SharePoint Web Part Page Structure

• Inherits from WSS WebPartPage base class

• Contains one SPWebPartManager control

• Contains one or more WSS WebPartZone controls


WebPartZone (Left) WebPartZone (Right) Editor Zone

Catalog Zone

Web Part 1

Web Part 2

Web Part 3

Web Part 4

Web Part 5

Editor Part 1

Editor Part 2

Catalog Part 1

Catalog Part 2

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Building a Simple Web Part

• ASP.NET web parts are server controls

WebPart type derives from Panel

User interface described with code

• Override RenderContents

Use HTML markup and JavaScript to build interface

• Override CreateChildControls

Use Server Controls to build interface

• Two methods can be combined

protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) { writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.H2); writer.Write("Hello, World"); writer.RenderEndTag(); }

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Chrome and Web Part Gallery Properties

• Can set web part properties to change chrome


• Can be done in three places

Using code in the web part constructor

Using CAML in the .webpart file

Editing the web part properties in the browser

• Web part gallery group name set in element


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DEMO Building a Simple Web Part

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Composite Web Parts

• Contain server controls as children

• Declare controls as fields

• In CreateChildControls

Create controls

Set properties

Add controls to web part Controls collection

Use LiteralControl to add literal markup

• Populate controls in OnPreRender

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Composite Web Parts

protected DropDownList ListsDropDown; protected GridView ItemsGridView; protected override void CreateChildControls() { ListsDropDown = new DropDownList(); ListsDropDown.AutoPostBack = true; ListsDropDown.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ListsDropDown_SelectedIndexChanged); Controls.Add(ListsDropDown); Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/><br/>")); ItemsGridView = new GridView(); Controls.Add(ItemsGridView); }

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DEMO Building a Composite Web


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Deploying Web Parts

• Add .webpart file to web part gallery

• Register assembly that implements the web part as

safe control in web.config

• Copy assembly to:

Global Assembly Cache

bin folder of IIS Web Application

Executes with reduced trust

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Deploying Web Parts - 2

• Visual Studio tools automate deployment process

during development

• Visual Studio deployment has conflict detection

Will replace .webpart file in gallery

• Deployment via Powershell or stsadm does not

have conflict detection

Deployed .webpart files will not be replaced

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DEMO Web Part Deployment

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Web Parts in Sandboxed Solutions

• Split page rendering

Page code runs in ASP.NET worker process

Sandboxed web part code runs in sandbox worker process

HTML markup and JavaScript from two worker processes merged

• Sandbox restrictions

Reduced set of server object model API

Restricted access outside SharePoint

No elevation of permissions

Cannot deploy files to SharePoint system folders

Must be ASP.NET web parts

Can only use ASP.NET controls

No web part connections

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Visual Web Parts

• Visual web parts combine a web part with a user control

• User controls have full design experience in Visual Studio

• User interface and code behind defined in user control

• Web part “injects” user control dynamically using


private const string _ascxPath = @"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/.../MyUserControl.ascx"; protected override void CreateChildControls() { Control control = Page.LoadControl(_ascxPath); Controls.Add(control); }

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Visual Web Parts and Sandboxed Solutions

• Native visual web part template not compatible

with sandboxed solutions

Attempts to deploy user control to system folders

• Visual Studio Power Tools contains a sandbox

compatible template

Markup in the user control is converted to code at design


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DEMO Visual Web Parts

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Web Part Properties

• Web Parts support persistent properties

• Configure properties via attributes


Directs SharePoint to persist property value

Parameter indicates if property may be personalized


Directs SharePoint to generate interface to edit property

WebDisplayName, WebDescription

The prompt and tooltip that accompany the data entry element


The group in which the properties will be shown

[Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.Shared)] [WebBrowsable(true)] [WebDisplayName("Year")] [Category("Pluralsight")] public int Year { get; set; }

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DEMO Web Part Properties

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Deactivating Web Part Features

• Deactivating a Feature that provisions .webpart

files to the web part gallery effectively does nothing

Files provisioned by a module are not automatically

removed on deactivation

That is, custom web parts remain in the gallery after the

Feature has been deactivated

• You should add code to the feature receiver to

remove the .webpart files from the gallery on


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Deactivating Web Part Features

public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { var site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite; if (site == null) return; var web = site.RootWeb; var list = web.Lists["Web Part Gallery"]; var partNames = new string[] { "Simple.webpart", "Composite.webpart", "Visual.webpart", "Sandboxed.webpart", "Properties.webpart" }; foreach (var partName in partNames) { var item = list.Items.OfType<SPListItem>(). SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name == partName); if (item != null) item.Delete(); } }

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DEMO Web Part Properties

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Creating Connectable Web Parts

• Pass data from one web part to another

• Loosely-coupled connection

Communication managed by WebPartManager

Provider web part supplies data

Consumer web parts retrieve data

• Interface used to define data contract

ASP.NET has standard connection contracts

Can use custom connection contracts

• SharePoint provides user interface elements to establish connections

• Not compatible with sandboxed solutions

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Web Part Connections

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DEMO Web Part Connections