tv documentries

Introduction to Documentary Assignment 2 By Sanel Homer

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Introduction to DocumentaryAssignment 2

By Sanel Homer

Page 3: Tv documentries

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is a British documentary series broadcast on channel 4, looking at the world of Roma (gypsies) and Irish Travellers in Britain today.

The film follows various families, as they discuss their traditions and values in their small community.

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What I Like About It

•Instead of just hearing about the negative side about Gypsy. I can see there point of view and see how they actually live their lives and see that their our positive things about being Gypsy.

•I get to learn about their tradition

•It gave me a stronger understanding of their community

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Conventions Definition Example

Voiceover is a production technique where a voice that is not part of the narrative


Real Life setting natural setting essentially means that you are simply observing your subjects in their "real life" environments.

Establishing Shot An establishing shot in filmmaking and television production sets up, or establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects


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Forms Definition Example

score music Background music N/A

fast-paced editing Editing that is cut very fast to move on to the next topic

Voiceover is a production technique where a voice that is not part of the narrative



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Supersize vs Superskinny

Its about two extreme eaters - one very overweight and the other severely underweight - swap diets in an attempt to change the way they view food and eating.

Supersize vs. Superskinny is a British television programme on Channel 4 that features information about dieting and extreme eating lifestyles.

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What I Like About It

It actually show how important some foods can affect your body at a extreme weight.

It makes you understand what these food do to our body and think about they way we eat

Shows us different types of way to eat healthy at a limit instead of starving yourself or gaining weight

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Conventions Definition Example

Statistic is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data

Interviews Conversation between two people are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.

Supporting Images Images to support what they are talking about

Font is traditionally defined as a quantity of sorts composing a complete character set of a single size and style of a particular typeface.


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Forms Definition Example

score music Background music N/A

Zoom make the image of something or someone appear much larger and nearer, or much smaller and further away

Voiceover is a production technique where a voice that is not part of the narrative



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One Born Every Minute

One Born Every Minute is a British reality television programme which shows selected footage from inside a labour ward, the area in a hospital where childbirth occurs.

It gives parents-to-be (or anyone thinking of having children) a unique inside view of what it is really like when life begins

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• You can actually see what the women are going through

• It shows the planning stage before giving birth

• And it gives people who are planning to have kids more of a knowledge of what happens when the baby is born

What I Like About It