tv white space and applications jeff schmidt [email protected] october 16, 2012 oakland,...

Download TV White Space and Applications Jeff Schmidt October 16, 2012 Oakland, California CENIC Workshop Organized by the New America

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  • TV White Space and Applications Jeff Schmidt [email protected] October 16, 2012 Oakland, California CENIC Workshop Organized by the New America Foundation
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  • [ 2 ] DySPAN 2012 Spectrum Bridge is a Spectrum Management company that develops technologies for enabling access to spectrum. SpecEx The secondary market place for spectrum, UDIA - A spectrum sharing solution for 5GHz, The worlds first certified TVWS solution Actively involved in TVWS efforts around the world. Overview
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  • [ 3 ] DySPAN 2012 Projected Spectrum Deficit in the US 1 President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, May 2012 Enhanced Mobile Devices are Leading to a US Spectrum Deficit 1 Data more than doubled 4 years in a row Smart phones generate 24X data of basic-feature cell phones Tablets create 5X more traffic than smart phones Huge WW Mobile Device Growth Opportunity (2020) 1 $4.5T Global Value M2M Wave next 50B devices Zetta-bytes of Data 10 21
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  • [ 4 ] DySPAN 2012 Unlicensed Spectrum is the fuel for innovation Ref: Report of the Unlicensed Devices and Experimental Licenses Working Group, Federal Communications Commission Spectrum Policy Task Force November 15, 2002 But its been a while BandYear Authorized Frequencies (MHz) Total Allocation (MHz) ISM/Spread Spectrum1985902-92826 ISM/Spread Spectrum19852400-2483.583.5 ISM/Spread Spectrum19855725-5825100 Unlicensed PCS19931910-1930, 2390-2400 10 remain U-NII19985150-5350, 5725-5825 200 100
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  • [ 5 ] DySPAN 2012 Why TVWS? Real NLOS performance Significantly increased range, 3x-5x Better coverage 10x reduction in Wi-Fi APs Manage co-existence via database More spectrum! 2.4 GHz coverage 600 MHz coverage
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  • [ 6 ] DySPAN 2012 Evolution 2004 20122008 201120102009 First online TV white space database First experimental white space networks First TVWS solution subject to FCC trial First FCC certified database FCC grants rights to database providers FCC issues Second Memorandum to Final TVWS rules (10-174) FCC publishes initial Notice on TV White Space (04- 186) FCC issues Second Report & Order for TVWS bands (08- 260) FCC issues Third Memorandum to Final TVWS rules (12-36) First FCC certified TVBD Second, Third FCC certified TVBD Do not expect a sensing only radio to be certified
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  • [ 7 ] DySPAN 2012 TVWS: How it Works Relies on Geo-location database and spectrum allocation policies, With established policies and a feedback mechanisms, spectrum allocation can be tightly controlled, This concept is flexible and extensible to virtually any spectrum band - rules and policies can be modified and implemented in real-time.
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  • [ 8 ] DySPAN 2012 Notable Trials and Deployments to Date LocationApplicationEnvironmentPartner Claudville, VAFirst WS Network! Rural Broadband Hills/Foliage Plumas, CASmart GridMountains/Desert Logan, OHTelemedicineSuburban Medical Indoor & Outdoor Wilmington, NCSmart CityUrban Coastal City Helsinki, FIInvestigation: Interference to Broadcasting Large City Cambridge, UKCoexistence & Location Services Various
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  • [ 9 ] DySPAN 2012 Unlicensed White Space Supports a Wide Range of Applications To Date: M2M telemedicine, sensors, controls Smart Grid / Telemetry - smart meters and power grid monitoring Video Surveillance public safety and traffic monitoring Broadband - last mile internet access in rural areas Enhanced Location Services - value added services and advertising at venues Planned: Femtocell - backhaul and offload for small cell deployments Content distribution - multicast video and data in big box stores and convention centers Avoided: High QoS (unlicensed/shared) TDMA (need clean channel) Narrowband (due to PSD limits) Mobility (requires higher TX power limits for personal portable devices)
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  • [ 10 ] DySPAN 2012 White Space Data Base White Space Data Base OTA Content Delivery Registration And Channel Assignment Content Other Innovative Applications Already seeing innovation beyond the original concepts. Example: a low power DTV content distribution solution using COTS TV sets for localized content delivery. Think convention centers, sporting events, shopping malls
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  • [ 11 ] DySPAN 2012 White Space or Gray Space ? A product of mixing MegaWatt and milliWatt transmitters in the same ecosystem. Need for co-existence is exacerbated by the nature of excellent VHF and UHF propagation. A data base provides the opportunity to mitigate the interference effects of TV services and other TVBDs.
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  • [ 12 ] DySPAN 2012 How Gray? Caution ! Diminishing returns with higher antenna sites
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  • [ 13 ] DySPAN 2012 A Spectrum Bridge Solution
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  • [ 14 ] DySPAN 2012 Non-Exclusive Use Current TVWS rules define unlicensed = non-exclusive, i.e. shared use, WiFi in the ISM band is a working model, except in cases overcome by the Tragedy of the Commons, As a result, there is no guarantee of performance, A concern for Service Providers and business critical applications. However, the existence of a database enables the opportunity to manage co-existence.
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  • [ 15 ] DySPAN 2012 Facilitating Co-Existence and Sharing Geo-location Database Serves as Air Traffic Controllers Network Operators are not picky about how this is accomplished Automatic notifications when: Potential interference or channel conflict occurs or might occur Future use of spectrum is at risk Feedback of channel selection and sensing data facilitates best results Results in active and passive resolution of interference Stand-offs Active view of existing usage
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  • [ 16 ] DySPAN 2012 How Much is Available? Fixed Device (4W) Channel Availability California Channel Availability = 13.2 MHz Low Power Device Channel Availability California Channel Availability = 30.5 MHz
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  • [ 17 ] DySPAN 2012 TV Band Incentive Auctions Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 provides for TV incentive auction Television white spaces will continue to be available for unlicensed use in the repacked television band., (Ref: FCC NPRM In the Matter of Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions) Incentive auctions would share auction proceeds with the current occupant to motivate voluntary relocation of incumbents. Broadcaster participation in incentive auction is voluntary. In exchange for a share of auction proceeds a broadcaster could: Contribute one or more 6 MHz channels Choose to move from UHF to VHF Share spectrum with another broadcaster.multiplex Or choose not to participate! As a consequence, more TVWS spectrum could become available in urban areas
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  • [ 18 ] DySPAN 2012 Companies (publicly) Active in White Space Certified Database Providers Database Candidates Certified TVWS Radios Radios in Certification Radio Companies Announced
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  • [ 19 ] DySPAN 2012 Thank You Conclusion