tvolution | soap operas in the living room

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Page 1: TVolution | Soap Operas in the Living Room

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Entertainment & Media Management Institute

January 2015

Soap operas in the living room

Nelson Gayton


Page 2: TVolution | Soap Operas in the Living Room



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Nelson Gayton is the executive director of Entertainment & Media Management Institute and hasserved as founder/managing director of digital-media thinktanks at UCLA Anderson Graduate Schoolof Management and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He specialises in digital mediaand technology innovation with a particular emphasis in the media and entertainment industries. Hehas served as a senior advisor to angel and venture-capital investors in more than US$100m ofventure-backed enterprises. Gayton is a Harvard published case author. He holds an MBA fromHarvard Business School, an MFA in digital media and film & television from the UCLA GraduateSchool of Film & Television and a BSM from Tulane University. He has also served as a visiting scholarto the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in the UK.

T-Volution: Soap operas in the living roomThis course examines the changing landscape of television and the product strategies of new entrantsand incumbents in the face of rapid technological innovation. The proliferation of broadband and theadvent of internet-enabled devices and services have created the “anytime, anywhere” world ofconsumer-controlled television to complement smartphones, tablets and laptops. Technologycompanies have emerged as new industry participants with the capabilities to go “over-the-top”(OTT) of traditional cable and satellite players and threaten the conventional business models oftraditional pay-TV firms. Understanding potential “winners and losers” in the battle for the livingroom, along with lifestyle and technology preferences of consumers, is essential in evaluating wherethe smart money should go in realising the ultimate goal - winning the war for the consumer.

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T-Volution1. TV was like the American toaster. 2. Things change . . and so do TV viewers.

3. Soap operas in the living room. 4. Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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1. TV was like the American toaster

Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up every time.

Alfred Hitchcock

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Watching TV was a family pastime

TV was like the American toaster.

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Source: Luma Partners

TV delivers large audiences

TV was like the American toaster.

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TV advertising still strong

Source: Business Insider, Purple Motes CS Ad Data Set (via Luma Partners) TV was like the American toaster.

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Business models evolve

Source: Luma Partners TV was like the American toaster.

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TV channels proliferate

Source: Luma Partners TV was like the American toaster.

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Content models evolved with business models

Source: Luma Partners TV was like the American toaster.

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2. Things change . . . and so do TV viewers

I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go into the library and read a good book.

Groucho Marx

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Online video emerges

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

Source: eMarketer

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Portability of video arrives

Source: Gartner, IDC, Strategy Analytics, Company Filings, BI Intelligence Estimates, eMarketer (via Luma Partners)

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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Source: 2014 Accenture Digital Consumer Survey

Content anytime, anywhere, anyhow

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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Time spent on TV is shifted

Source: Nielsen Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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But time spent on TV stays same

Source: e-Marketer, Accenture Analysis Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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1 of 1 8/8/14, 7:41 AM

Source: The eyes have it: Guess who controls the future of TV

Engaging TV audience gets harder

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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Source: Nielsen

TV viewers also search, share and buy

Source: NPD Group

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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TV audiences fragmenting

Source: Luma Partners Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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Source: Business Insider

But TV advertising still grows

Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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TV and digital content stay separate

Source: Luma Partners Times change... And so do TV viewers.

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TV is a terrible business... Controlling the living room is our goal.

Steve Jobs

3. Soap operas in the living room

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Online subscription services target TV

Soap operas in the living room.

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Convergence facilitates disruption

Source: Luma Partners Soap operas in the living room.

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Smart TVs on growth path worldwide

Source: Business Insider Soap operas in the living room.

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Cheaper streaming devices still dominate

Source: eMarketer, Hillside Partners, BII Estimates Soap operas in the living room.

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Smart TVs slow in US

Soap operas in the living room.

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But cheaper OTT solutions proliferate

Source: Business Insider Soap operas in the living room.

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Source: eMarketer, Hillside Partners, BII Estimates

Apple TV loses, Roku advances in 2014

Soap operas in the living room.

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OTT landscape is crowded

Source: Luma Partners Soap operas in the living room.

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Content is differentiating service

Source: FierceOnline Video Soap operas in the living room.

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It’s not cheap to differentiate

Source: Luma Partners Soap operas in the living room.

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But then there’s the data advantage

Soap operas in the living room

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OTT subscription (SVoD) & PPV to grow 5x

Soap operas in the living room.

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SVoD is paying off worldwide

50 millionsubscribers

Source: SNL Kagan Soap operas in the living room.

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Much ado about cord-cutting

Soap operas in the living room.

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Not cheap or easy to cut the cord

Soap operas in the living room.

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Traditional TV fights back too

Source: Accenture Soap operas in the living room.

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Strong motivations to win battle

Source: Luma Partners Soap operas in the living room.

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4. Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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TV is no longer a toaster

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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TV is now context

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Technology and data drive context

Source: Luma Partners Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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TV will deliver something for everyone

Source: Long Tail Content Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Live and event-based TV in demand

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Live TV creates opportunity for convergence

Source: Luma Partners Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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TV viewers will create multi-screen stories

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Premium talent legitimising internet TV

Source: Luma Partners Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Even UGC will be legitimised on TV

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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TV players will move along value chain

Source: Accenture Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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A new landscape is emerging

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Dominating forces will define TV viewing

Source: Luma Partners Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Consumers will stay in control

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Programme discovery will evolve

Will TV, as we know it, survive?

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Future scenarios

Source: Accenture

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Will TV, as we know it, survive?

What’s dangerous isnot to evolve.

Jeff Bezos

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Nelson GaytonEntertainment & Media Management [email protected]

The battle for the living room

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CLSA U® is an ongoing executive education programme designed tobring you firsthand information. Draw your own conclusions andmake more informed investment decisions - all in a conducivelearning environment reminiscent of university days.

Contact: Grace Hung at [email protected]

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