tvz*z£&t- - atlantic county library

HAMMONTON, 1ST. J., APRIL 13, 10O1. Soia, JPiffl'feIIsla©E 1 s *•£ Make the Horse do it. OneTof: the^Eancfiest tools ever invented, and-one-of-the best for saving handwork, is the Planet Jr. Horse Hoe. It will open a furrow, cover it, plow to or from the row, and cultivate close to the Thus saving be changed instantly, without stopping th« horse. It - -prepares the r "ground; and ~it cultivates the^ crop; iftr saves money for the farmer during the whole season. Price, with attachments as in cut, $7.50 lU _This and other up-to-date implements and supplies for farm" / P. S. Order a few days before you are in need. Insurance Agent Notary Public, Commissioiierof Deeds, 1 Office, 101 Railroad Ave. Hammonton. «Jolm Prascli, Furnishing Undertaker and Embalmer Twolltn St., between rivilroads. Dtammonton, ^T. J. All nrrnngoniflntn for bnrmla nmilo and oitrtifiillvexociilod. Tho Riu'tniLiOAN oilici; in tlus only printing IIOUHO in llnmmun'.on. SHOES. Always a Good Stock Only the ^Bost I Slioori made to Ordor in my Spooinlty, and full oatirifiiction in guaranteod. dono. V \ IlollavHoAvnnua, Hammonton. : : N. J. AvHv Phillips Go. Fire Insurance. —MONEY' FOB Mortgage Loans._- Corrospondonco Solicited. 1315 t\.tlantlo Avonno, Atlantic City, N. J Chas. Cunningham, M,D. •• Physician and Surgeon. W. Suoond St., Ilitininuiitoii. Oflloo Hours, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. 1:00to8:00and7:00to0:00r.M. .. Ohas. Woodnutt -JUSTICE of the PEACE (Cliillna cnllcdiiMl.) CommiBsionor of Docda Inmiranco & Rcul Efltnto Afet. Olllco nt ruuliluiKie, 4UA llolluvuo Avo. . J. A. HAMMONTON, N.J. Kli II. Attorney & Counselor At Law, Arlll/. Diltlillnpr, lluiriniontoii, Hoomn ai5-S7 Houl ICnt. A, I.uw H'ld'R, All uitlc C'lt.y. Olllolul Town AMoriuiy. In Iliiiiiiiiontoit m'<T,v l''rlilii.v rmallno In nil OoiirlH uf Dm Htuto. Money for uiuitt, 1 !^^ loanp Br. H. T/. BlaACIC Votttriuary Surgeon I'M" Alluntlu Avuiiuit / ATKANTIO OITY Will unnvrnT toliiplidiiu onlln In tlio ()ouiily< A lullannortniout of linnd mid inaohln inndo,— for work or drlvl"K. Trunks, Vallsos, Whipa, Hidingfciiuldloii,Nets, oto. Hnmmouton, N. J. The Luxury of a Solicitor. In my former article I gave dates, figures, and facts to show that we are now paying rrloro money for the sal- ary. of a solicitor than ever before Further, I showed that, even with tho aid of a solicitor, we paid $75 extra for other "If gal advice" lastr year, _aj3ingjc year, except once. ______ It matters not what I may have done, or the opinions I may have en- tertained, the figures "I: gave can only be controverted by other figures or facts. I hereby deny, point blank, the arjifnmnnr. nf Mr Ttnypr Hint, T fn.vf>rpd fie found in the minutca. I do riot infer that he did not hear someone make the motion and remarks ot which be t-toe—is-in-CKor-so fi\r ns relates to me. (which I deny), it does not affect the question atall.- 7 It-had.been given out that we paid farge nums before we had a solicitor. I showed by dates, facts, andfigurcHthat it is now an expensive luxury,—my .views or any other opin- ions not a fleeting the facts. The only proper plan is to come forward and showrthat—r-aui-wrong-with my state- ment. "BolicitorB~ar<r to "pive written opin- ions when requested. No other town in the United 8tate.M, so for as I know, considers it nwessa'ry to have a solic- itor present to instruct ruembers. The otlier portion f>f Mr. Boyer's letter, in which 'he ret'ern to the town meeting, demonstratesi that he does not even know what occurred only four weeks ago, as he refers to my being "gloriously krocked out" at the polls, whatever that, means. As 'the resolution written' by me, embodying Mr. Moufort's and my motions, was udoptcd at the caucus, the only place where it-could- be' voted ~upon,"there was no voting upon it at the polls, and consequently it was an impossibility for anything of the kind to be there "gloriously knocked out." ' If Mr. Uoyi-r's memory of matters occurring at the town meeting is M> faulty, he .may .bo pardoned for his failure to remember wliat occurred three years ago, P. H. JACOHS. Mit. KDITOU : There IH mucli coin- iliiint of tlic viiry irrcunliir uttoiidjinco if HUIDU of tho pupll.s of our public ichoolH. It IH an InjiiHticti to the rc^u- ur_ [ni])llH, whoso pro^rrHH IH rntiir(lf'<l ">y tji«i (IniKniliK lii'lilnd (if |K« invg" liar iincH, and a miurct' <if much extra work to tlie tctiuhcrH. It may not be generally known, but t is an oU'enwti against thuKtate sehool aw, puiiinhalile by line or linprlnoii- neiil, lor parenlH to allow Hiich A (uiriiiit alight to til U o nlcrcht In tlitiodnriitlon of lilHi'hlM o huvr lilin attend rc/jjnlurly, except Vir (,'ood CIIIIHC. If the IcnchtTH w«r« '(piall',' lri'C(jiilin, llii'ic would li« a ;ri'iil iiiilcry n^iiliiMt, II. 1). H. ClINNINOUAM, House, Sign, Can iage PAINTER •ul(M' ill PllilltM, OilH. mid Vurninlien. I liuvo ik lui-|(n pitiiok of •Fohn T. I'Vcnrli'H I'ur(» Oil I'HinlH, wlilnh I ({iittriinloo to tin I ho lirnl, (iitlnt r.vdi- nold. ^Hiiiinl und I'Uiunuiit IHiniiIn, Lyford Bovorngo sr : Fublio for Now Jornny, tondora liln Bfirylonn, I'oimlon VDHoliorn exoautod, Ilammonton.N. J. W. C. T U. Tho ladles linvo taken this space for one year, and are responsible for nil that It may contain. Alcohol as Medicine or Food. A work is now being prepared for publication in Germany, by ono,of her moat .learned .professors, showing-that alcohol IB no-longer considered n cific for^inflammation of the. lungs "~ diphtheria to>do its deadly work, and "helps it in i most- marked degree." Physiologists are coming around to think the long vaunted "action alcohol on the hcarfcan be accom- plished in a better way with the use of other drugs. =Profr=SJ2W.-Gonn, associate with Prof. Atwater In his experiments on the food value of alcohol, evidently does not agree with him in the results of the experiments. He compared the using of alcohol, to give heat and using of gunpowder as fuel "fo'r cook stpyes. They__wil_l, both produce heat and force, but on account of the sec- ondary effecte of both, are worse than useless for the purposes desired. PRESS SUPT. Young People's Societies. ^Thls"^pane~Ts~devorea~tn the the Young Peoples Societies of the various Churches. Special Items of Interest, anil announcements are solicited. ------ Y. P. 8* C.JE.,—Presbyterian Church : Meets Sunday evenina, at 6:30. Topic, '^Church loyalty, a foundation of Christian Endeavor." Eph. 4 : .1-6. .Leader, Mies- Phoebe Nowcom'b. " . P. S. C. E.,—Baptist Church : Meets Sunday evening nt, 6:30. To'pic, "Foundations." Matt. 7: 24-27. Leader, Miss Mary Winchip. Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 3:00 : Toplc7"LeB8bn8 from Bible broth- ers." (Cnin and Abel, Joseph, Moses ami Aaron, John and James, Peter and Andrew. Leader, Paul Secly. Epwoith League, M. K. Church : Muute Sunday uvQiiing, at 6:30. Topic, "Foundations" Matt. 7: 21-27. Leader, Mrs. Charles D. Jacobs. Y. P. C. U.,—Univornulnt Church: Moots Sunday uvunli>K, ut 7:00. Topic, "Tliu aiuuiflciiuco of Sunday." (Lord's Day Sunday,) Duut. 5 : _ 12-16,; Luku 13 : 11-17. ______________ _ . -.^det.. ^tvZ*z£&t- ^«^:^°" We have in stock a fall line of sale by the piece, dozen or hundred. Keep Off, No Gunning, . For Sale, For Rent, For Bale or Rent, No Smoking. If we haven't what you want^. we will furnish it on short notice Call and see 6ur"samplesrTI7 HOYT & SON, Printers of-the-Republican-'—--^ - - and The Etfw. 206-8 Bellevue Hammonton, : : IT. J. A cordial invitation ia extended to all to ulUilul tliuHO Church Notices. Toulon lii tlio vnt-louH (jjiiirolioH to- norrow will bo an follows : M. E. Church,—n«v. F. L. Jowett, iintor. '10::>0 A.M., "God'a workmen." 7:150 r.M., "IiiHtruinnntfl for work." Proabytoriun Ohuroh,—• Hov. ^V. 1C. MoKliinoy, Piifctor. 10:;U)A.M., ''VlHltol tlui (Jiicni) of Hlmb:> H> H»l,)iiioii." 7;;H) •.M,, 'Tho rlHii of MoirndtloiHin." Bnptiat Church,—Id'v. M. K. Lomnlri, .'iiitur. 10:lid A.M., "Din two inituiuH n mini." 7:!ll) P.M., "Tho nlnnrr'n )Xiinto." Clturoh tiiiHlnoHH tmmtl'iK on I IniiHiliiy ovoulii);, iif'.or jirayor iiHiotlng. UnivorHiiUot Churoh,—Itov. H. T, ,'nlk, 1'itHtor. 7:.'ID P.M., ''Wo prnnuli ihrinl «rui:lllnd." 1 (,'oi. 1 : Uil. ikin/j; onion) for Job 1'rintin^ to tliiti oflioo. IF YOU WANT A FENCE |.t»|>*llr tlr«lol!*.t, HN bu«iil uuiltr Ii. I'riiln Kifcj l-« frv»i It) v-> IA M N'-M. »i« n**« ft I* «4., |.«r t\, MUr.t i«i>u« U M*ut«, >'•« l)llltt I>||.I<I ||«l »^M| *N AlMilUtlluH. THI NIW HUH flMCI CO., MOUHT HOUt. t.L, THE Carriage <fe Wagon BUILDER. S> cond S 1 ., near Pleasant;, Hummonton. Give me your order for a goofl' Buggy, Surrey, Phueton, Road Wagon, or Farm Wagon.. Horse-Shoeing. On account of a recent redac- tion in tho price of iron, I hortiesjit tlu: old prices— 4 New Shoos for $1.6(3, casfe Confectionery Only the choie wt. Bread & Cakes rim beat J, B, SMALL *, Cor. Socond mul Uollovue, Ilanunonton.

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Page 1: tvZ*z£&t- - Atlantic County Library




BELIGIOUB • - - •BAPTIST. Rev H F Loomis, pastor; Sun.

i.»vji«rTlee» •.Preaching 10:30 8anday-8ch«ol1.30.Junior 0. ET9.OOp.rn., Ch7l8llan~Bn-

deavor 8.30, Preaching 7.30. Weekday prajormeeting Thursday evening 7.30.

8r. JOSEPH'S, R. 0. 'Rev P J Hendrtok,Keotor SanJay mass 10.30 a m. Sundaylohool 3 3ll p.m. Vespo'rs at 7:30 p m.

EPISCOPAL, 61. MABK'B.- Rev. Edwin CAloorn.rootor . Celebration of Holy Kuoharltt

s t a n d 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other Sun-lays,7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany,andlormon,2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.3fu:ra.?vonione7:00 p.m. Sunday School9:30a.m.?tiday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day Celobra-lon,7:30a.m. Spooialaervlcoa in Advoutnndiiont,

DIBT EPIHOOPAI.. Rev F L Jowott-pastor. Sunday services: class 9.30 a. m-

Thenonljr newspaper-prmtedTin-Hammonton$1.25 a .year, ppst-pawT$1.00 in the county.

"Well equipped-fer-



Business Cards








prices Ipharged, always.We will not do cheapwork, and can't affordto do good work

Jor nothing

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your work

-when-you-want it donewe'll tell you BO,and finish itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedition, and tlioBepublican, for JJ51.25A pile of good rendingfor-n little money

The PressPhilfidolphin, weekly, amtho Uupuiilicun, u yearfor«H.U6

AdilroHH, cull or phono IIH —

200-8 Jlollovuo Avo. I'hono (I-I1


.Epworth league 1.30 p. m.,preaching 7.80.31as« Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.30.?rayermoetln'gThorsday-7,30_p.m

Rov.WK MoKinney, pastor,Sunday services: -preaching, 10.30 a-ni<rSan-lay-«ohool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p m.

C. E. prayer meeting Sunday, 6 30 p.m.Church prayer mooting Thursday 7.30p.m.

Miisions atFolsom and Magnolia.Italian Evangelical. Professor Mindtilla

•aster. Sunday Schbol fit 9:30 a m. Preachngat 1U.80 am.—

rrrsorUHIVERSALIST. Sunday School, 12:00 DOOB.

Jr Y P C U, 4 p.m. Y F C U. at 7:10 p. m.Sociobloa alternaio Thursday evenings.

TuMPFBABCK UmOH.Urs. Charles Smith, president, Mi»' A Minidbnryr cor Vec'y. Mrs A L JackBon, reo.

BCC'JI Mrs P S Tilton, treasurer.

MUNICIPAL.CLERK. J.L. O'Donnell. _______COLLECTOR &TREASCBBR. A.B.Davis.JUSTICES. Cbas Woodnntt, JosHQir ton ,

_______ E_L Canfmun ______ _________COKSTABLES. Goo Bernshouse. C C Combos.OVERSEER H I G H W A Y S . Ellas A.-To8lyn.O-vEBSEERorTBE POOR. <J«o .BornstisUSeNIOOT POLICE. Kobt MoC MillerATTORNEY. E H Chandler.

T— J-WaltheTy-H-M- Phillips

president; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. MeetsIrd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Meets first Wednes-day cveninK in-each-inonlb^ ;_ - .'

Town COOHCIL. Michael K Boyer, .Chm.E W Batchelor, J E Watkis, W D DePny,Andrns 2 Holman. John Rothfns. Meets lastSaturday eve each month.

' ~dent'; D. S. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams,J L O'Donnell, Mrs J U Ransom, Mrs KirkSPOT, M r s E A J o s l y n , Thoma» C Elvins,Dr J A Waas. Meets first Tuesday eveningeach month.

BOARD OP HEALTH. M. li. JacVson, Presi-dent ; Dr. Charles Cunningham, Inspector iTohn T. French, J. C. Anderson, Win. Cun-

" ' "~ ir Oeo. Bemshouse, Jos. U.Qarton.


A P Simpson, H A ; A B Davis, Seo'y.Meets first Tuesday evening in each month InMechanics' Hall. •

• LODGE, [.0.0.F. Wm. Bernsshome, N. a.; A. V. W. Betley. Secretary.Meets Wednesday eves, in Odd Fellows Hall.

BBAWIIUKKII I Tnia«, Imp 0 R M. SieveWoolbert, Siichem j Chas W Austin, ChlelofRecords. Meet every Tuesday'ssleep In HodMODS' Hall.

M. B. TAyton LODOR. F. ft.A. M. D 0.Herbert, W Master ; Alunio B. Davis, Seo'y.2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall.

J n . O i i D s n U N I T E D A U K R I C A M MEOIIAHICH, Coun.; A T Lobley, Secretary.

Meetsovery Friday eve In Mechanics' Hall.dun - D. A. UuaiULL Pour, Q. A.-R-_QtlQ

(Jrol«, Po't Commander; W.H. H. BradburyAdju t an t : H. F. Kdsall.Q. M. Meets IslandSrti Siuurdny n igh t s l n Meobanlos Hall.

WOJIAN' I I KELIBF Oonrs.( l r .N. I). A. HIISSEI.I. C A M P Sims or VETBII-

A N H , No. H. Corn, Cbarlei 0 Combo; FirstHer((t. , lUiry C Leonard. Meets 2nd and 4thMoii'luy ov««, Muohanlos' Hall.

l.lillo lla Ha Council, No. 27, D. of P.M r . f i l l , l lnwlm, I'oealinnlae I Mra Carrie AKI i i ' , K »l U. Moots Monday ovoiUnifTirttTjrrMon'n Hull .

l i i i i i i i! (lonoK, No. 12, Hiiir.i.n of Ilonon,Wurih> Muter..Th'in HKInnor i H. H., Jo« II(1'irton Moots 2nd and -IHi Thursday nightsI l i u l r h u l l .

Bnsinona OrCanlzatlona.l l n ' n i n n n K ' i i I ic iun anil I lul l i l lnc Aisoolallon,

W. I t .T l l l i in m o r o t n r y . Moots every lotT l i u r B i l u y In I'lre'iiinii'" Hul l .

vY"rliliiK I" r |i '" '•""" '""' Hml ' l lnn Atsnclatlon,W. M. l l i - rnnh i i i i " " , ncoro ' i i ry . Moots everyl i t Mon i lny In Klroinoii 'i l lull.

I 'oiiiMo'g llinili, W, U. Tlllon oashlor.

LOOAL DUBINEflfl ,HOUSES,A i l v o r l l n i n n In ll>" H r ^ ' i i n i . K i A W .

U J l l rakn , no ' t lun ni i to l i l i io iJ & I I I O H l lnknr , inoul I nu rk r tI C o » « n r l l ru l l i rn i , nu ln to rnJ II ( l i t r lo i i . J i ikMiio.Jin. I. f n y l n r , |mlnt«ir.J. II. T lmynr , n i ' i i i un ion l i i .M Jofl 'or<i MI, R ' l i i rmiy .I I . I I . I l lnnl i , v n l n r l n n r y n i i r K nnn .Ohm. W'niiliiutt, Jua Inn.HiHid A. Hon, umlorlnkor*.II N llulnlor, Kr"oorlo> 'I, llovor»K", nuliiry pulil loA Ii. I'allon, bloyolni i .h. A. Oonlory, l i joyolon.K. ]). Ar l l l i . inlllliiiiry, etn.l ln/t A M o i i , i iubll ' l ior ' , p r l n l o r f l .lill I I . ( I l in inl lnr , •Hur l l oy .Julm I'raBiih, Jr., nn.lnrliil ior.W i n . l l n k i r , i l i l t l i .Uii lmr t Htool , ) owolor..InflkiHin A Hun, lunn t nixl |>rmliioil , . f f . 0 n g l f i y , l i n r i i o i a ,\V , H . lloriiDliouio, notary, ooin. <l*eiU

John Mlinl(.nll,»]lt'0i,H n u r K < I'JIvIni, dry (nnda,|(roo<rl»,o|a..l.ioi.t' Krklmril i , iim.lun,! proiliun.

.1 l l . H m n l l , l '«V«r ind oonfoolUnorII I , , M o l n l T r o , m « « l and produoa.W i n . ) . . l lUcl<,dry gniidi.groocrloi,*!*.

Spread Liko Wildfire.When tlilDge jare_"the beso^they be-

c6rno"""tFd"DOBf BollfiigT" AtraTianTlaro, a loading druggist of Belleville,3., writes: "Electric Bitters j»re the)oat soiling bitters I have haudloil in 20roars. Yon know why ? Most diseases]egin in disorders of stomach, liver,ddnoyu, bowels, blood and nerves.Kleotvio bittern toios np the stomach,

liver, kidneys and bowels,

ence cnrcs multitudes of maladies. It>nllda up the o,ntlro system. Pats newife and victor into any weak, sickly, run-

down man or woman. Price 50 cents.told by Urowoll, Druggist.

WANTED. Active man of good characterto tlollver and collect in Now Jersey

for old established manufacturing wholesalehouse. J900 a year, cure pay. Honesty morehan experience required. Our reference,ny bank In any city. Enclose self-addressedtamped envelope. Manufacturers, 3rd floor

I'M Dearborn HI.. Gblcaco.

House, Sign, »AND

Ornamental PaintersGraining,;GlaziMg,'KaIsoiniiiing

nnd Papcr'Hanging.

Hammonton, N. J.


Funeral pirectprsAll business-in their line~promptly and carefully

attetided~to: -4-38-8-2!

Embalmin^_a SpecialtyOffice and Residence, 7

20.8 Peach Street,Phone 1-5 Hammonton.

House. Sign. CarriagePAIHTER

Dealer in Paints, Oils,and Varnishes.

[ have a largo stock of

John T. French'sPure Oil Painta,

which I guarantee to bothe beat paint over Bold.

Second and 1'loasaut Strcota,HAMMONTON.

The REPUBLICAN office is

in Hammonton.

Matthew JeffersonAttorney-at-Law

N. K. oor. Third niui Market tttti.(Now .loinoy Triint Iliillil'it)

Toluphoiio 1 ) 1 1 . (Jiiiiulon, K. .T,Attorney lor lluiiiinoiiton.

K. J. DKA.KEIn A(;niit for

The SingerSowing MachinesIt»])iurti, und Supplied,

Iliunnionton, N. J.

A Cull lino <mn Ixi niinn lit 1C. I). Arlllr ,1

ntoro, orDrop nio 11 pontikl onril, IIIM! 1 will

oiill nt your liniini).

Lyford BovcrngeFublfto

for Now Jorany,tfliiilnrn li ln eorvlocn.

I'annloii vmiolioro oxenutod,

JTftnnnonton.N. J.

Better than n Piano, Organ, or Mnalo Box, for It sings and talks as well 03 plays, anddon't cost as much. It reproduces themusicof nnyinstrumcnt^-baujbrorclipsli'a—tcllaqtories and sings^-tho old familiar hymns as well as the popular BOnga—it is alwuyarcady.

** - ^v>.~ _* . See thati Mr. Edison's aignaturo ia on every macbino. Catoflognes of OH dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., I3S Bfth Ave., New York;

DR. JB..U- JONES, ——Originator'of the celebrated Home-treatment for the cure of all

Chronic^ Nervous and Wasting Diseases.I challenge all forms of disease^ acute or chronic.

I treat on scientific principles, with selected medicines. .

A LASTING CURE,-The above statement is open and

frank;-without fearrof conti-adrotibn;


succossfully, that have baffled skilledprofessors, No—so-oailed—"oure-allfl,"-but remediea prepared for each individ-ual case. A f nil statement of your casesent mo by mail •will receive prompt'andca'efnl oonFlderation and advice sentpratis on receipt of stamp Office adviceFREE.

Hundreds of testimonials-bear evi-dence of the good resnliB phtrtippri fmm-OI^F—nicuwo-oi—tfoatiug—all—fornis-of-

Soia, JPiffl'feIIsla©E1s

All coironpondence is Rlt ic t ly private-'and confidential. No niacier tin- diseaseor bow,long srandinK, coDBult Philadel-pliia's '

. Ji.

Schedule in effect Oct. 2,1000/ DOWN TBAINB. UP THAIK8.

Hun.Ace..). m.


4 48

5055 16



8 15

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10 601 S (XI:o_5sLm7-11 10 8 17

II S811 44II 61•1157 •9.W1

9 109 17

..j 11202

..i2 44:1201'

8 8S8 4S863


Haddonfinltl...„.. Klrkwood....

BerlinA tco.......

....„ ...\Vatcrferd...Ancora

...VlnBlow Jc.fl'vw).

....Hammonton _Klwood

_Kgg Ilatbor_...

".'.'.'"Atlantic City"!"

(T0870 00

Ace. Kxp.Ace.

30 8 8ii. _- !L27i,7 l« S 17!7 (Ml

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< l i ' i 7 j 7 5 0 212804 0?i!741 "

3(.2.i73]5.«,V7241)27 '



465-4 4 44S5


^Hlopsonly on nolleo toconcluctpr or ngcnt.or on elgnal. . , . :-..'.J B HUTCHIN8ON. Qen'l Manncor. JR WOOD. Ocn'l Pnss'r Act.


Make the Horse do it.OneTof: the^Eancfiest tools ever invented, and-one-of-the —best for saving handwork, is the Planet Jr. HorseHoe. It will open a furrow, cover it, plow to or fromthe row, and cultivate close to the

Thus savingbe changed instantly, without stopping th« horse. It

- -prepares ther "ground; and ~it cultivates the^ crop; iftrsaves money for the farmer during the whole season.

Price, with attachments as in cut, $7.50 lU

_This and other up-to-date implements and supplies forfarm"

/ P. S. Order a few days before you are in need.

Atlantic . .DOWN TBAIN8.

Monday, Oct. 16,1900UP TBAIK8.

Huml Huud sued "Ac —i. m. a. ni. a. m. p.m. p.m p.m

5005 125 105X7640544G 6 Hu mU 04U 111I! 19II '£,0 92(lil ' .l0 47n M701


U 40


8 20

0 425 M

8 (in 0 80 58 1!) 0 428 W 0 fiO fi8 .Hi 0 68 0 008 Ml 7 VI II8 K I 7l» 077 _9 157 HI0 21 7 8.10 2« 7 Kl» .11 7

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.... ...... CaDidcn ,. .........Writ ColllnginooiL.lln.lilon Ilcl|tlit> .....Laurel HprlngH- .....

...... .GIcnuitoD.............WllllamituwD Juno.......... Ctdar Drool ........

llluti Anchor .........Vlnalovi Jnnc. (I'vo).

Hnmmonton ....lia Coat. ...........Klwood .........

Egg Harbor ..... .Itrlxantlno June....

l-UauntTlllc .......At lan t l cCl l r . . . . . . .

KUD buua.m. a.m. ft. m. a. ru {>. DJ. p. rji u ui p.n>

13 b«"2f.UII 005 5tl5 41168fl527r.215 17.'. 135 07 H

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Hnnday nlghl oxprcia np Iruvn Al lnn l lo 7:30, KKK llarlior ":V>. l laninior. l»u 8:11, rraclilnK I'litln.O.U'l.

W. (I. JlKal.Kll.floD.Hupt. KD80N J. WKKKH,aol i . I ' aM*l iKrr Agrlit

Insurance AgentNotary Public,Commissioiierof Deeds, 1

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.Hammonton.

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.<

of HammoDtoxi.

Riitcs cnn be hnd on implication.

The People's National Family Newspaper,



PiiMliilioil Monday,Winlni 'n i luy uml I':l-iliiy, l« In rua lHv ulino, I 'rrrli, I 'vory-ull i-

tlio luuipi IIOW0 onthn iln.v *i' IfliMio, anil

uttior itir^n. It nun -luliiH nil lni|iMr(nnt

K l l l l ' l l i< | i | i r l l lK I I I t l ioD u l l y Tr i l l i um nl' I l i n,1,1110 (lilt,., l|l>ll D.I.

Imnior'Hii1 II* Hin> In-(Illllrllll Illfnriiliillllli,

r.ihuMo ..insrhot ro


ii, antlniu)

j ir lmi, $1.00 |»oryour .

Wo (WiiU.i I t n l M itlio Huputf l lonn *0>r$2 i' or your.





IMihlliliinl 'J'liur'ilayran i l rmimii lor inmrlyn l x l v j cn t« I n <v»rypur l "f ll"> Unllo'lHinlMi «» i> Nmloniilt ramlly Nc«»|)a|ier <i ll^o li lKli"«' "Ian, forri i r i i i i t r rmii i l v l l l«g«r« .I l r n n t < i l t i < n i l doinont l i n | i i > r l n i i t g«n«-ml no»i »l i l in DullyTrl l iunu i i |> i" Ixiur ufX i i l i i K In |'t«M, nili i« lh i i i l i iu / i l i l o p n i l .in on I «f III" liln'i""'iir i lnri l in« iiiiln|l»ln-hid ro ' ' i l l i iK l i / r ovcryinu inhor t i l I l i n familyn l i l uiiil > I I I I I I K , nmr-luit rcpi'i i a ivl i lch i.ronrnn|i(«(l nn un t l i t i r l t yliy fiiriiHini mill coun-try i i i i i r i i l i n l i i a , anil l«'ii loivn, i i |> In clato, In.I n r o i l l i i K anil Inn l run-t l«o,

tlon,ll joryoarWo lurnlili 11 nl l l>

Ilia llc|iiililloan forII. IS jur jour.

Send all ordorw to tlio "Ilopublicnn," Hnmjnonton, N. J.

«Jolm Prascli,Furnishing

Undertakerand Embalmer

Twolltn St., between rivilroads.

Dtammonton, ^T. J.All nrrnngoniflntn for bnrmla nmiloand oitrtifiillvexociilod.

Tho Riu' tniLiOAN oilici; in

tlus only pr in t ing IIOUHO

in llnmmun'.on.

SHOES.Always a Good Stock

Only the ^Bost ISlioori made to Ordor in my

Spooinlty, and fulloatirifiiction in guaranteod.


V \


Hammonton. : : N. J.

AvHv Phillips Go.

Fire Insurance.—MONEY'


• Mortgage Loans._-Corrospondonco Solicited.

1315 t\.tlantlo Avonno,Atlantic City, N. J

Chas. Cunningham, M,D. ••Physician and Surgeon.

W. Suoond St., Ilitininuiitoii.Oflloo Hours, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M.

1:00to8:00and7:00to0:00r.M. ..

Ohas. Woodnutt-JUSTICE of the PEACE

(Cliillna cnllcdiiMl.)CommiBsionor of Docda

Inmiranco & Rcul Efltnto Afet.Olllco nt ruuliluiKie, 4UA llolluvuo Avo.

. J. A.


Kli II.

Attorney & CounselorAt Law,

Arlll / . Dilt l i l lnpr, l luiriniontoii ,

Hoomn ai5-S7 Houl ICnt. A, I.uw H'ld'R,All uitlc C'lt.y.

Olllolul Town AMoriuiy.In I l i i i i i i i i onto i t m'<T,v l''rlilii.vrmallno In nil OoiirlH uf Dm Htuto.

Money for uiuitt,1!^^ loanp

Br. H. T/. BlaACICVotttriuary Surgeon

I'M" Allunt lu Avuiiuit/ ATKANTIO OITY

Will unnvrnT toliiplidiiu onllnIn tlio ()ouiily<

A lullannortniout of linnd mid inaohlninndo,— for work or drlvl"K.

Trunks, Vallsos, Whipa,Hiding fciiuldloii, Nets, oto.

Hnmmouton, N. J.

The Luxury of a Solicitor.

In my former article I gave dates,figures, and facts to show that we arenow paying rrloro money for the sal-ary. of a solicitor than ever beforeFurther, I showed that, even with thoaid of a solicitor, we paid $75 extra forother "If gal advice" lastr year,

_aj3ingjc year, except once. ______It matters not what I may have

done, or the opinions I may have en-tertained, the figures "I: gave can onlybe controverted by other figures orfacts.

I hereby deny, point blank, thearjifnmnnr. nf Mr Ttnypr Hint, T fn.vf>rpd

fiefound in the minutca. I do riot inferthat he did not hear someone makethe motion and remarks ot which be

t-toe—is-in-CKor-so fi\r nsrelates to me.

(which I deny), it does not affect thequestion atall.-7It-had.been given outthat we paid farge nums before we hada solicitor. I showed by dates, facts,and figurcH that it is now an expensiveluxury,—my .views or any other opin-ions not a fleeting the facts. The onlyproper plan is to come forward andshowrthat—r-aui-wrong-with my state-ment.

"BolicitorB~ar<r to "pive written opin-ions when requested. No other townin the United 8tate.M, so for as I know,considers it nwessa'ry to have a solic-itor present to instruct ruembers.

The otlier portion f>f Mr. Boyer'sletter, in which 'he ret'ern to the townmeeting, demonstratesi that he doesnot even know what occurred onlyfour weeks ago, as he refers to mybeing "gloriously krocked out" at thepolls, whatever that, means. As 'theresolution written' by me, embodyingMr. Moufort's and my motions, wasudoptcd at the caucus, the only placewhere it-could- be' voted ~upon,"therewas no voting upon it at the polls, andconsequently it was an impossibilityfor anything of the kind to be there"gloriously knocked out." '

If Mr. Uoyi-r's memory of mattersoccurring at the town meeting is M>faul ty , he .may .bo pardoned for hisfa i lure to remember wliat occurredthree years ago, P. H. JACOHS.

Mit. KDITOU : There IH mucli coin-iliiint of tlic viiry irrcunliir uttoiidjincoif HUIDU of tho pupll.s of our publicichoolH. It IH an InjiiHticti to the rc^u-ur_ [ni])llH, whoso pro^rrHH IH rntiir(lf'<l

">y tji«i (IniKniliK lii'lilnd (if |K« invg"liar i incH, and a miurct ' <if much extra

work to tl ie tctiuhcrH.It may not be generally known, but

t is an oU'enwti against t h u K t a t e sehoolaw, pui i inha l i le by line or l inprlnoii-neiil , lor parenlH to allow Hiich

A (uiriiiit alight to til U onlcrcht In t l i t i o d n r i i t l o n of l i l H i ' h l Mo huvr lilin attend rc/jjnlurly, exceptVir (,'ood CIIIIHC. If the IcnchtTH w«r«'(piall', ' l r i 'C( j i i l in , llii 'ic would li« a;ri'iil i i i i lcry n ^ i i l i i M t , I I .

1). H. C l I N N I N O U A M ,

House, Sign, Can iagePAINTER

•ul(M' i l l P l l i l l t M , Oi lH.

mid Vurninlien.I l iuvo ik lui-|(n pitiiok of

•Fohn T. I'Vcnrli 'HI'ur(» Oil I 'HinlH,

wlilnh I ({iittriinloo to tinI ho lirnl, ( i i t lnt r.vdi- nold.

^Hiiiinl und I 'Uiunui i t IHin i i In ,

Lyford Bovorngosr : Fublio

for Now Jornny,tondora liln Bfirylonn,

I'oimlon VDHoliorn exoautod,Ilammonton.N. J.

W. C. T U.Tho ladles linvo taken this space for oneyear, and are responsible for nil that Itmay contain.

Alcohol as Medicine or Food.A work is now being prepared for

publication in Germany, by ono,of hermoat .learned .professors, showing-thatalcohol IB no-longer considered ncific for^inflammation of the. lungs" ~

diphtheria to >do its deadly work, and"helps it in i most- marked degree."

Physiologists are coming around tothink the long vaunted "actionalcohol on the hcarfcan be accom-plished in a better way with the useof other drugs.=Profr=SJ2W.-Gonn, associate withProf. Atwater In his experiments onthe food value of alcohol, evidentlydoes not agree with him in the resultsof the experiments. He comparedthe using of alcohol, to give heat and

using of gunpowder as fuel "fo'r cookstpyes. They__wil_l, both produce heatand force, but on account of the sec-ondary effecte of both, are worse thanuseless for the purposes desired.


Young People's Societies.^Thls"^pane~Ts~devorea~tn thethe Young Peoples Societies of the variousChurches. Special Items of Interest, anilannouncements are solicited. ------

Y. P. 8* C.JE.,— Presbyterian Church :Meets Sunday evenina, at 6:30.Topic, '^Church loyalty, a foundation

of Christian Endeavor." Eph. 4 :.1-6. .Leader, Mies- PhoebeNowcom'b. • "

. P. S. C. E.,— Baptist Church :Meets Sunday evening nt, 6:30.To'pic, "Foundations." Matt. 7:

24-27. Leader, Miss MaryWinchip.

Jr. C. E., Sunday afternoon at 3:00 :Toplc7"LeB8bn8 from Bible broth-ers." (Cnin and Abel, Joseph,Moses ami Aaron, John andJames, Peter and Andrew.Leader, Paul Secly.

Epwoith League, — M. K. Church :Muute Sunday uvQiiing, at 6:30.Topic, "Foundations" Matt. 7:

21-27. Leader, Mrs. Charles D.Jacobs. • •

Y. P. C. U.,— Univornulnt Church:Moots Sunday uvunli>K, ut 7:00.Topic, "Tliu aiuuiflciiuco of Sunday."

(Lord's Day Sunday,) Duut. 5 :_ 12-16,; Luku 13 : 11-17. ______________

_ . -.̂ det..


We have in stock a fall line of

sale by the piece, dozen orhundred.

Keep Off, No Gunning, .For Sale, For Rent,

For Bale or Rent, No Smoking.

If we haven't what you want^.we will furnish it on short

noticeCall and see 6ur"samplesrTI7

HOYT & SON,• Printers of-the-Republican-'—--^ - -

and The Etfw.206-8 Bellevue

Hammonton, : : IT. J.

A cordial invitation ia extended to allto ulUilul tliuHO

Church Notices.

Toulon lii tlio vnt-louH (jjiiirolioH to-norrow will bo an follows :

M. E. Church,—n«v. F. L. Jowett,iintor. '10::>0 A.M., "God'a workmen."

7:150 r.M., "IiiHtruinnntfl for work."Proabytoriun Ohuroh,—• Hov. ̂ V. 1C.

MoKli inoy, Piifctor. 10:;U)A.M., ' 'VlHl to ltlui (Jiicni) of Hlmb:> H> H»l,)iiioii." 7;;H)•.M,, 'Tho rlHii of MoirndtloiHin."

Bnptiat Church,—Id'v. M. K. Lomnlri,.'iiitur. 10:lid A . M . , "Din two ini tuiuHn mini." 7:!ll) P.M., "Tho nlnnrr 'n)Xiinto." Clturoh t i i iH lnoHH tmmtl ' iK onI IniiHiliiy ovoulii);, iif'.or jirayor iiHiotlng.

UnivorHiiUot Churoh,—Itov. H. T,,'nlk, 1'itHtor. 7:.'ID P.M., ' 'Wo prnnuliihrinl «rui:lllnd." 1 (,'oi. 1 : Uil.

ikin/j; onion) for

Job 1'rintin^

to tliiti oflioo.


|.t»|>*llr tlr«lol!*.t,HN bu«iil uuiltr I i . I'riiln Kifcj l-« frv»i It) v-> IA M N'-M.

• »i« n**« ft I* «4., |.«r t\, MUr.t i«i>u« U M*ut«,>'•« l)llltt I>||.I<I ||«l »^M| *N A l M i l U t l l u H .



Carriage <fe WagonBUILDER.

S> cond S1., near Pleasant;,Hummonton.

Give me your order for a goofl'Buggy, Surrey,

Phueton,Road Wagon, or Farm Wagon..

Horse-Shoeing.On account of a recent redac-

tion in tho price of iron, I

hortiesjit tlu: old prices—

4 New Shoosfor $1.6(3, casfe

ConfectioneryOnly the choie wt.

Bread & Cakes

rim beat

J, B, SMALL*,Cor. Socond mul Uollovue,


<& S^K^W/iW

Page 2: tvZ*z£&t- - Atlantic County Library



Jl t iny form, newbreathing clay,What (loos it mean?An immortal soul has oouic this way,Hns come to earth, on earth will stayUntil the firm, calm voice doth say:"Come-home!"Ours is the privilege to moldThis character, \

-Eacb-oi»M>t-ii»,-.thp young, t.tic pin",Oieat Htrcagth anil l ieuuty yet untoldTula gift divine may HOOD unfoldTo us.Protect him from each impure thought.This new-Lorn hiibe!The greatest blessing ever sought,True manliness, mny thus be wrought.For what he thiuks impure or milHe is.The architects of mnn areSve,Each one of us.And .what false builders we should beIs living that a child ni iKht seeThat wickedness, that calumny

-Is-life: — -"~The--3on of friend, the son of foe,

It matters not,rbmldors-wc-imiRt-swike-the bl

To make or mar. Build high or low,-The day—will come when we shall"Reform the world!" has been the,cryFor many years."With sin, iinhappiness'iuiist die!""We meet with small success, and why?

rpfm-rnntlnn hug pngaeH hy

Ei.Before we Beek to build a man—A perfect one—We must ourselves remove the banThat crushes us; the gulf must spanBetween the earthly and the planOf God. —Bartlett Warner.


tr> ND don't you_ find It very dull/2\ up here all alone?" I asked.' " ' "No," he answered; "not so dull

_as_~jrou might think, by any means^You see, there Is plenty of game to behad, large and small, for the shooting;the scenery Is delightful to me, who,like you, am a bit of an artist, and thenthe banditti usually provide a little ad-ditional excitement. "What!" I said,•"are there* banditti around here, then?""Yes," he answered; "most certainly,though not lu the direction, from which

-you -have come.- 'But-as-you -proceedInto Bohemia you will flnd the moun-tains Infested with them, and I shallsend an. escort -dowu..wlth you to-mor-row. Indeed, iu these piping times ofpeace It Is chiefly for the purpose ofescorting travelers through tlie moun-tains that we are here7~STdn~wlll~lfa~ve"

-a specially strong escort to-morrow,though, as we have here nt present con-fined lu the fort a notorious bnndlt wecaptured hut yesterday In a raid on hishiding place, ami to-morrow I shall sendhim down to Uobc-nsburg for trial.There Is no doubt what his fate willbe. Two iiiunlei'H have been him, iiinl there are numerousunproved ones anil hundreds of rob-beries iloH'ii to II|K uamo. It Is, a* yousay, a long wiiy - to HI-IK! him, butKoht'iiKliurx Is our headquarters, andlie will 1«- tried by the mi l i t a ry there.Ilur you inimt be tired and glad lo get'to lied." KayliiK lids, In- showed me toa .small bedroom and left me to my

wltli a hidden knife, and, taking ad-_vantiiKC of the surprise he created, hadeseape'd^fronrthVfortrthoughmientrjrhad fired at him. He ,wns soou de-scried flying down the road which ledto the forest, anil several men startedIn pursuit. The oillcer was about tofollow them when a'grizzled veterantouched his shoulder nnd snld a 'fewwords to him.

—T'Arc yytnpiltti HUTU yoii-cau—do—Itrgunner?" asked the lieutenant. "Per-fectly certain, sir," replied the old sol-dier. "I will lay my life on It she willnot fail us at this moment."

"Very, well, then," said the lieuten-ant, "recall the men."

The bugle rang out and the pursuersturnfed nnd slowly/retraced their stepsto the fort.

"After all," he went ob,.£lt Is our bestchance, for they could never catch him.Just look nt the pace he Is going at! Iwould:not loseJliat_scp_uiidreljfor^aiiy-thing, and if we (annot_tiil;c him alive•we must anticipate his fate aud take

Indian Child Life.

Several men had been potting nt thefugitive with their rlfles.^but- withoutsuccess, so he it was only throwing away aminuul-flon.

Lighting a cigarette, he sat down andcalmly watched the ever-lessening form

There Is not so much difference afterall between Indian and white children.Tho Indian boy of the Fla.thead reser-vation, writes a Montana corrcspon-

j dent, has his miniature bow with Itsdiminutive quiver of arrows and be-strides a stick and gallops to the chase;later, when he has attained sufficientlength of limb to bestride a cayuse, heis given a pony,'which Huccecds thestick as a steed/though It has not muchmore rapid powers of locomotion. Hissports resemble In many respects those

, of hiffwhite brother. He-plays a foriu.i of "shinny;" he hunts-Imaginary-deer(and bear and buffalo, and It Is reasou-Ttblc-to-Huppose-that-he-engages-In-warif-mai(are with the trespassing pale face, androuts" him' utter!/ fromi"the huntinggrounds of-hls-fathers. He Is-in every.respect a boy, and a boy 4s about thesame sort of nn nnfmnl no matter wherehe Is found, whether It be In a tepee or

trp-and asked the reason of~lhis strangeapathy on the part of the garrison.

"Don't be In a hurry, my friend," re-plied he, smiling; "we are not so lazyand foolish as doubtless you think. Lis-ten—to—mc^—-He then ovplnliipil thatInat na ho wns nlso starting 111 pursuit

I W.IIH awakened early liy the soundcf n IniKle, nnd WIIH MOII I I out (o enjoythe fresh air and lino seenery. I W I I Hlininedlalely slruek liy t in- M i n i n g posi-tion of I l i e fort , t i n - si l t1 on whlcl i H wasbuil t In-Ill!,- admi rab ly adapted for dc-fenm-. The runi l , If mail I t i -ouli l l iei-illled perhapN I M I N M would be a I n - l l e i 1


In-i'i- ran mr n i n n i n l l i - In a k i n dof Kli'n m' Kiill.v, l ln i 'd on i - l lbcr H | I | I > liylof ty nnd precipi tous nic lCH- whlel i ,

.(owerlng un l i l K h uu i-l l lK.-r Hli lr , h-l'lonly a narrow way In the middle.K t a n d l i i K In t in 1 . . . . . Her ol' ||I|H K n l l y , .youi-oiild In i ik a i l ing I l i r p i i l h ab i iu l l i n l r amile each way , m w h l i - b i l l s i a i i r i ' I tf i i l n i - to a hl i ip , I l i e Miad suddenly dip-(ill iK down on ulir side In U i ib i -n s l i n rxunil on I h i ' o l l i i - r inwai ' i l a I ' IUTHI . I Iwith lu (l ie i n l i l i l l i 1 ol' ibis va l ley , orl a t l n - i i - n l l ' i i ^ t t b n l t i n - I'orl had heenbi i l l l , K i r e l e b l i i K arrusH t h e mi r ru tv way(rum l ine w a l l to I I . . . . . i he r , so H n i l , I fuer i -HHii i ' .v , Hie road c i in l i l In- i ' i i i n | d t ' l i > l yblnrUed and i iwepl by Hie K I I I I H nf I l i e(orl. In I l l n r i i nf pi-are t l u - v I'url Innlu (,'lllr lel ' l pe r ina i i i -n l l .v u| ...... a l lowingtravi-li-i'h In w a l k rli;ln Ih i ' onxh H andpiirmii' l l n - l r wny hi H n - n l h e i 1 H|I |C.

My I'rlend I hi- l l e n l i - n a i i l noon JolnrdDie, I l i n l I reinai'lu-d nil I l ie nl i 'o i iK !">"!-Hun held by t h e fu r l . "Vi-M," aald be,o i n l l l l i K , "1 Hi l l i l i we conlil K l v e a |;oodaci-onnl nf O I I I ' M I - | V I - H l icfon- an eiieiny<-iinld L>aim n l o i i K Hie l i n i i l I'lniu end Invail," nnd he i m l i i i i ' i l m t h r three K H U Nmounted on curb u l i l r , r u i i i l i i a i i i l l M n Hiekwn roadii. A InrKe. one W I I M In l h i < midUle anil a innaller inn- U'IIH on each Hideuf II . nnd very f n r i i i l d i i b l e Ibey Ini i l i i -d.Hi- M i i l d 1 l i l l l t h l l i ' i i ve I h e n i nl i nmn ,when t h e escori foi1 Hie p r lMoi i e r wouldIn- l e n d ) . H a r d l y bad lie Unbi l ledtipcnlHni; u h i ' i i a i i l i o n i w n n heard In< l n < fo i l , fo l lowed by l l n - n-porl of a(tile and a l inbel of ,'l'lni. Tl,,' olll .-rrriinlieil di iwn In in-c w h a t wan I l i r nial-ti-i-, I f i i l l o w l i i K l i | n i i - l i m i - l y . A i i l v i ' d /itthe M|narc, w<- fmind a crowd of nol-dleni i i h i i e i i i b l e i l a i ' imi i i l it mnn I j l N K onthe i;nnnul, l i l . ' i ' i l lni ; j i n i f n i i i - l y f rnm atvoil i i i l In l l n < i i l in i i ld i ' i 1 . Tlie olllcer W I I M• j l l l r l i l y lold tbe cnnne of I be l i u n i i l l .Tlin I n i n i l l l . w b l b < l n ' l i i n led ou t of bin«ell, pi ' i 'pi iralniy to belli)? i i iarel icduwny hull Hiii ldenly Hliibbeil a nuldler

of the fugitive the old gunner hail toldhim that there was u far quicker andsurer method of arresting him than thatof pursuit. The big"gnnTntlieVenterof the ramiiart on that side had. byconstant practice, been trained tothrow its projectile exactly lu tbe mid-dle of tb<f narrow~pnth Just bofore-lt-dlpped out of sight, and had been keptpermanently In that position. "And,"the lieutenant went on.-"Gunner-M-iiller-1s ready to swear that a ball or shelltnrowrT from that gulT will" mTtmr^x^act spot, provided the gun lias not beenshifted. Now, In that case, all wehave to do is to wait "till our friendthere gets on, or near, that spot, andthere you are! You see It Is impossible-for him' to turn to the right or left ttU_he, gets.out^of the pass, owing to theprecipices on either sidiT You kn6w;Muller," said he, turning to the gunner,who was standing by, "the right kind ofshell for" this case?" ~~

"Yes, sir," snid tho soldier, saluting,"1 know the very thing required, and-If-tiie rascal is-withln ten yards' radiusofjthe burst-Ing point he won't gain thoend of that path.' " "

"tiood," said tlie oillcer; "load!"Tlie heavy shell was hoisted In io the

broeeh, nnd everything was gut readyfor Hie shot. This all happened illmuch less t ime t lmi i i t takes to describeIt, and now tbe man wns w l i h l n olgl ' tyyards of the f a t a l spot. A f t e r Hadingtha t lie was not iuir.sued,-hi' relaxei! tin-speed at whleh he started from t i n -fort, and was now I rot t ing steadily unInward the desired goal,, ki'i'plnj.' Int h e middle of Hie path, and lln doubt

tula I Ing himself un his escape,w l i h l n t l i l r l y yards of I l ie pliu-o

Ii/dropped lo n leisurely walk , lookingi i i ind eonl l imal ly lu innlu- sine tha t no

o'ne~\va~s~nnoi'"lilm: onwlie—sropnofln n d , t u r n i n g round, made w h a l seemedn gesture nf c u n i - > m p t nt Hie I'orl, an . Ihaving , t h u s iVllovod bis feel ings ,wa lked on again.

Slowly In- neai'ed l l i < - f a t a l spnl. Al lon t i n - fm'l were breathless w l l h sus-pense nnd doubt , for l l seemed i | i : l i i -|...-inii,i,. l l"11 '!"• Kim n i l i r l i i so i i i i - l iMW

—The Indian girl, too, has her quietplay, as does her white sister. She hasher dolls—she calls them papooses—andher mother llnds time to make for hera tiny cradle board, which she swingsacross her hack and "packs" her crudebabies of wood or of buckskin; Butherplay time nTor snorter duration tiiinrthat of her brother. She early Jearnstbe lesson of stolid obedience to themale nienibers....of-.the^famlly. She Isthe game servant of her big brothersthat her mother Is of her father. Butshe knows nothing different and shejccepjs, j>-lth _IndJaii stoicism. ^

If you can watclTlndian chlldferTatplay, yourself unobserved by them—for they are extremely shy— you willsee that t'neix- ls~n"ot much^dlfferencebetween-thelr-amusementsJindJhoseofthe children that you see at honje. Thepony, the dog, tbe chickens, the pigs-all furnlsu_.arau_H^ment__for_ the littlereds. They practice throwing the ropeat 'the dog and tho~pig, nnd-they -UndIn the chickens excellent moving tar-gets for their bows and arrows.- Just .as -the ,paiX'nt8..of .„ JirpspcctlyePresidents and first Indies of the- landdelight to array their youngsters In at-tractive raiment, so the Indian parentfinds pleasure in clothing his childrenlu the best that he can purchase. AnIndian child dressed for a holiday Is npicturesque object.- He Is covered withbeads ««d fringe and -fur_ nud .trinkets,He Is a bnO'c In epitome and his sisterIs a reduced copy of her mother..Thou there Is another striking slmi- j

larlty between the Indian child nnd Ills !white fellow. .There Is nothing Hint lielikes better than a story. Ills mother,when be Is a baby, croons to him the


Conrtciy and Dlaclpllno In That StateIn the J'.arlj l>nr>.

In an old biography of-Chief JusticeMarshall there Is an anecdote whichgives a significant hint of the discip-line to which young people were sub-ject In that earlier day.

Several of the great Jurlslt's nieceswere In the habit of visiting him, andas they were young1 and attractive thehouse became a rendezvous for theleading young men of the city duringtho afternoons. Judge Marshall's blackmajordomo, old Uncle Joseph, held atight rein upon these visitors. Everyday at 4 o'clock he would appear ntthe door of the drawing-room In spot-less livery, and, with a profound bow,would announce:

"Ladles, his honor the' Chief Justicehas retired to his room to prepare fordinner.—^Gentlemen,-dlnnetjwilLbe_Ber_ve(Lnthalf-past 4 o'clock. It Is. now 4. Hishonor will bo pleased If-you Vlll re-

Jnr-and—covers—ha^e-been-lald-foryou at the table. If you cannot re-main, will you permlrthe'youhg ladiesto retire-to prcpare-for—the-triei'il?"-

The gentlemen usually took their-leave, and the ladles retired In an Ill-humor; but any remonstrance withJoseph was only answered by: «lt Isthe rule -ot_the house. Young folksmust be kept within bounds."

In Virginia houses of the better class,notwithstanding their almost bound-less hospitality, the calls of young menIn that day were strictly held withinlimit— won received aa u visitor

Woostcr University in 10Q._HeiBtpncei,becnme "a devoted student of thecheckered board. He plays a systemlargely h!6 own, nnd his successive vic-tories are proof that It Is n yaluableone. He entered the newspaper busl-

^tlg—nnteccdents aucharacter wer.e well known to her par-ents.

If;his.vlslt_waa prolonged until.after.10 o'clock, the Invitation to famlljprayers was given. If he seemed like-ly to become an habitue of the house,and_8o to engage the thoughts^ andpeTfiaps^ln" tlimT the affectlonT~of"theyoung girl who waa Its chief treasure,her father quietly asked the purport of

^p[=up=tfae-law.-aiid-h«-i»-iiow-Bttidylng-at-Tlflln. Ohio experts, who have seenEppens nt play, believe that he-U acoming Plllsbury, and thnt_be will winInternational honors some of theaoflays.' -

than Ma amusement, courteously re-quested him to discontinue bis calls.—Youth's Companion.

have j,'"l sbll ' lrd since Hie Insl |il 'acllee.Only Hie old Kimnci 1 wns calm ami conlldcnl nnd lovingly eyed his 'Kivati-hl irgi ' . I was s t a n d l i i K w l l h H i - l i ' -n -I c i i a n i near ( b e K I M I , and the \ v a l l waslined w i t h every mnn In Hie f n i ' l , en^ei'ly Ka/.lnt; al t h a i small , d i n k spot in i i v -Ing so slowly on.

As Hie b n m l l l nea ie i l (be end of l l u -pa l l i I l i e o ld gunner banded Hie l a n y a r dof the gun lo a s i lboi 'd l imle ami ! > - i < l ehim lire when In- l l f l e i l hln fool. Then,I n k i n g n telescope, be i l l r ee le i l b in |.'ll/eun I l i e f n g l l l v i - . A deadly Hl lenceI 'clgneil III l l n - I'oi'l. 1 could bear myhea r t hea l ing p l a i n l y , mid I believe ev -ery man W I I H In nn i - i | i i a l t remor of exe l l e i n i ' i i l . 1 h a l f l iojieil I h a l the m n n ,iobber and ii inrdci 'ei1 l l i o i i K h In' wnn ,migh t cHcaiic.

\Vhen would (he signal lie given? ThesiiHpense W I I H bei-omlng l l l i e i i i ln i ' a l i l e , IlooUi'd al Mul le r he W I I H gn/.lngHirol lKb Hie leleHi ' i i j ie . Nud ih ' i l l y heKlel led mil Il ls leg, H l l l l Ueeplllg h ln eyelo t in - glaiiH. A vlvl i l I b i H l i f n l l o w e i l , ndoafi ' i i lng roar, wh ich H|IHO|< I l i e I 'url ,nnd I hen n cloud of w h i l e n i n o K r u l in i ' in i 'd evi-ryl l i lng. S\'ben It bad eli-aredaway Muller waa nlandliiK beiilib' myeoinpni i lon, w i t h a look of cmi le i i l onbin face.

"I WIIH I'litl''. nlr," he cried; "hii wanlilt -fiilr."

Trim eiioi igl i , n o l l i l n g W I I H lo lie iieenwbi-nt Hie b i ind l l bad been. A loudebeer followed I l i e an i io i i i i ccn ie i i l , nudHie ollleer idmoli handii hea r l l l y w l l hMidler , nnd relllvd to I l l i l l i i i a repnrt ufI l i e mai ler , wh i l e n puny wan tii-nt loculled Hie remal l l l t of Ibe v l e l l l l l , Afew lioura l a l i - r I h ' f l Hie I'orl w l l h myi-ni 'oil , a f l i ' r n hea r ty f a r e w e l l In Hiecomni | indant . An We jinioieil I l i e f i l i a liipnl 1 iiliuddri'i 'd lo nee u n i n l n t a l u i b l cnlgmi of t i l l ' iK-riiracy of Hie n l i u l ,( Ibi imbeni ' Journal.

. . _ . _ . _ _ _Infancy, and It In as universal amongthese people as a Uoek-a-by-Babyaiming white, mothers. When he l.solder Ills mother tells him the Interest-Ing stories of the coyote, the wolf nndthe. bear— of folk Ion; of h l s ' t r lbo . Ashe becomes old enough lo a t t r a c t Ibea t t e n t i o n uf bis fiulu-r , t in- l a t t e r oc-

. _t i m e prowess of Ids t r iba l rlilol's, ufll ielr welfan- and their tr iumphs of Hiechase. Tin- I l lckerlng l ight of tbetepee lire throws shndiiws which bis Im-aginat ion easily t rnns forms l u l u war-

i'H mid hun te r s of m igh ty valor. Andso t h e boy grows up. If yon knowwlmt w h i l e buys are, you Know wlml1ltl l i- Indlai i . i lire, I'ui' l ioyn We liuys, -

To Mi ikc H I ' lvc I 'olntnl • Inr .Tin-design shown in t i n - I l l n s l r a l l u n

malccn clear tbe |ii'oblein uf aeeuralelycu l l ing u llve-polnled s tar for Mag urother purposi-s: TaUe a Hi jun i ' i ' of card-hoard a n i l draw t i n - diagonal dolledline, as In IlKiire A ; fold t i n - squill1!- unI hem- dot ted linen, mid (he rcsllll wi l lbe llglire It. Then make t i n ' dulled l inenH l n i w n liere and bend l ids I r l n n g l n overHII Ihal Us polnl will touch A; t h i n will

A man judges a woman's heart "Byher fiico; n woman Judges a man's faceby his heart.

Ixivo Is like the grip. Everybody Inthe world has either Just had It, or Itwaiting to get It.

A thin woman can pad, but a fa f wo-.milB_can_ojl!y_iv_onr_Jlght_clgtlics_jindlook uncomfortable.

If n lizard were a secret, by the tl tmthree women Imd passed It along IIwould be an alligator.

A man can alwayn get on w l t b thewomen If be can mnko his voice trem-ble whi-i iover he wants to.

A wjniiuiijjml talks politics Is aboutas u i tn i t ' l lvc as a man wliTi knows t in 1

mimes of all tin- illltcrent slltcbes.The microbes bad u mother's meet-

Ing the oil ier day and voted t h a t theshort w a l k i n g skirl was Immoral .. Most men lake comfort In the t h o i i g b lthe world w i l l i i cv i i r .knuw how meanthey rei\Hy wen- i i n l l l a f t e r they lire

l l i . V V I T 111 I M I . 1 I ' ,

i;lvn H K I I I ' I - < 1 . ' I ' ln- I r l n n g l e C Is foldedover III Hie le l le re i l l ine II (! , ll|;llle I)rcmil l lng. Tbe lel't tilde of l lguni 1) Int h f i i fulded Imcl i on l l n - r l i ;hl , w l l b Ibereiinll Hi-en In l lgnn t 10, Din along t h edollOil I l i n - f rom t h e center of I l i e long-c i l l . u l i l i ' nf tho I r langle , mi iieen III Ibul l l U H l n i l l i m . \Vln-n l i n t cardboanl I Nuufoli led Hie peifecl Him, na nl l lgnri 'f, ii|i|iuaru. .'I'ho | iul i i l i i may he l i l n n lor i i l i i i rp . i iccordl i iK lo the posi t ion ofIhn dolled Him III l lgiirc M, liy movingU f u r t h e r lo t h e r igid tbe points wi l lbe made idmrp and lu Ihn lel'l l iroader,Thin priicen'i of m a k l i i K I he i i lar wi l l In-f i i imi l alnipli ' , I f Ibi ' l l l i i H l i a t l o i l r i l i recareful ly H l i i d l n d .

TtnntVon can never Judge a woman by

what Hie other women Hay about her,a« well as you can by w lmt ' she nnyiabout o the r women.

A woman's Idea of being nice to annlher wnmi in IH lo klsa her and nay"Oh, bow lovely that now hat iM" whenshe known Hhe has had It a year.


Tlflln claims the champion chessplayer of Ohio. Ho recently won thetitle at tbe State tournament nt Co-lumbus. • Julius C. Eppens Is not a na-tive Buckeye, although he was edu-cated ut Canal Dover, having removedto Ohio from Missouri, his pintlvlty, when he was quite a youngster.'His father—now deceased—was aman Evangelical minister and a g(bodchess player himself. Young Epriens



female In Bex, bat a Man In Employ-ment and AMOciation Noted Char-acter Will Kud Her Uajm In • Mon-tana Poorhouse.


a Bull'sCum • cough or cold »t once.Oonqucra croup, bronchltl*,(TlpjM and coniumptioa. Jtjc

You know htm—The Sunday Herald's famous fanmaker. _

[»a and tha bora Uavo made the wholaor a twplvpiininlli.

lurhes \rl<lc,lt rusts but 75 runs .-.nil wo p.-iy piHtairi




i hantMMm iiftrtl l»v n i l i l lonHof mottioni for their i'.children wbllo TrrHiiPKiorovrr Fifty Vcara. ' ,1 all ratn, rtim wind rollc, and la tho beat!| rfincdviordlnirhira. '

Twenty.ilvo Ont« a Ilotilr.

JEWELED HAIR PINS.- nlcli_aiiiLlicaiuMU!l ..... VurlniH «.np < 'I l » r l l -l imit itln c^ in rucli pin. Dliiummr. mbv,. cm-• in l i l , clr . ill" .1 on-. M n U r , t he HrridFolrly Sporkl' smnrli- 10:. .-r 11 f..i -.'.K-.

' * C.I'.M. CO., |l,,i 111.-, 1-hll.i. 1-n.


tronorl-4'j-uu A: PHILA.

\V« r'lfnnil 10') tur »v«ry pimknK" "' I'"T-M A t l | ' 'AIIKI . I :HI l lv ic H i n t f i i l l r t tn K!V" m l t l x -faot lon. Munr t i t i Ur i i t f (Jo,, Un lonv l I lM, Mo,

|')vi'ry inn n I I I - I I I - M Ilia own l iur i lRii , butmil . ' v r i y one bun Hn- blennli iK of benr-InK i inothi i r 'H.

Heolprocul Drvotlon,HeMrn. ('a«hle)r hini all the money,

yd nbu anil her l i i lHbnni l neeiu In I HIpi-rferlJy In biiniion.v.

Hhe Tin')1 are, loo. HII'H w n l r b l u Kall Iho l lnie to K<-t n elninro to nprnit herinone.v, mid nbe'n w n l e h l i i R him n i l t het ln i r to lu-i-p him from It."

GETTING AHEADMany people never p.e\ .ihead unt i l theyKI> In of lit. Debt in.iv be salrly aiulInnics l ly liu'nrr<-il when ,\ ^nod IKr In-Miiinu'r . pol icy runs n l i i n i l wltli I t ,Consul t llii1.

PENN MUTUAL LIFE021 Chni lnu t St., I'lilluililphU.

Sciul l o r ( l r c r ) i l r->i: i l | i t lvc |mol(lcts , Wniln Inirilncss l l l l inu ' . l i forrrspoiuleiu'r .

'TAKE THIS!My Bilious Friend,"

paid tho doctor, "It la tho beat laxativemineral water known to medical nolcnco."

A glnna of

will do more (or a disordered otoniuch. or a torpid liverthan all tho |illla in tho world.

IT CURGS CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS.Avtragi Dam Ono-lmK glunntnl on getting uu In morning.

Your driiffo'nt <>r Krocor will Rot It for you.Auk for the (nil iirxiuo, " Iliinynill Jaaos." Itluo label, rod centre panel,Imported by PI on ot ANDKIMd UAXLIlllNnU, 130 Pulton St.. N. V.


"Calamity Jane" has sought an asy-lum in the pooruuuse of UallaUn Coun-ty, Mont. As a child of the frontier, anarmy scout In the disguise of a man, adispatch bearer through a country•warming with a cunning enemy, anIndian fighter feared by the redskins,e. mail carrier in the Black Hills, a freerover among the rough chajuctacs, ofthe border, a woman in sex 'but a manla employment' and association, "Ca-lamity Jane's" life puts the Imaginationof the novelist to blush Her adven-

_lurid pen of the yellow writer has con-cocted no more desperate exploit thanactually- fell to the lot of this remark-able woman.

In p'rlyate life "Calamity Jarie" IsMrs. Martha Burk. She owes her nick-name to Captain Eagan, of the United

battle with Indians In 1.972. She wa/jTEen only aFyears~bldrburwas"fflrenily-acting as a scout Thin IB her ownatory of the Incident:

"I was serving under Captain Eagan,and while near Goose Creek on the site

Blx men killed and several wounded.Then our detachment was ambushedabout" a~~m He "from" camp. Captain


The Ill-fated year, 1876 found tho fe-male Midler,with Ouster, Miles andTerry In the Big Horn country to north-ern Wyoming, where the Indiana werecreating trouble. It was rn thls-cnm-palgn that "Calamity Jane" performeda perilous feat of carrying dlspatcheithrough a hostile country. The eeoBonwas cold and wet, and she bad to fordthe Platte River near Kort trettermon.Tbo exposure brought on pneumonia.She was granted an Indefinite furlough,

"which may Unve~tcrTed-her-Ufec-for-«few mouths later occurred the Oustermassacre. .

Her next employment was as UnitedStates mall carrier on the dangerousroute between beadwood and Ouster.It was during this period that WilliamHIcUok ("Wild Bill") was assassinatedby Jack McCall, a notorious desperado."Calamity Jane" Joined'the posse inpursuit of the murderer, and when'hewas cornered In a butcher shop shebrought Mm to bay with a cleaver. Herlove,for army life took her back Intothe-servlce, and 8helJwas-Aflalgned-_.tP_

build Fort Mead, 8. D., and In 1878 washonorably discharged. Resuming petti-coats, she settled on a ranch near MilesCity, Mont., but bus since wanderedabout from place to place in the West.In 1884 she married Clinton Burk at ElPaso, by whom she had a daughter In1880. The husband died In 1895. MrsBurk's ambition then was to give herdaughter a"good education. ThotiRironly 50 years of age. "Calamity Jane"bears the scars of a dozen bullets, andthe hardships of her life have brokenher down. For several years post sheKulii*Hl a livelihood by aeltlun a book-ot-



-• LESSON. :

Lesson 2. April 14.


_John__20: 11-1S. Memory verses: 16-18.

Eagan was one of the first to be shotduring the light that followcl, and, hap-

- peiiLng-to-be-uciir-hlmj-I-was-able-toreach his Bide in time to prevent himfrom falling from bis horse. 1 urau-nged to get. him on my horse, In frontuf me. anil made u daub for cump,which we reached safely. After recov-erlng from his wound Captalu Eaganlaughingly called me 'Calamity Jiuie, ]tho heroine of the pbilnu,' and the uuiue

rhasTJtuek-tivme -Ihrouiih-llfo.—-•—.—-Mrs. Hurk was born In I'rlucctoii,

Mo., In 1H.W, Her father, J. Camuiry,was lured to Montana lu 1805 by thohopu of "Btrlklug It rich" In tho newKoltl Hi-Ida. Uiirlug thu live months'trip overlunil Martini becunio un expertrllle shot nnd a dur ing rider. Shortlyafter the family reached Montana thumother died, and thu futher , being dl»-appointed, decided to return to Mln-Hourl. At Halt l /nlte Oily lie too died,leaving f<i \ i r younger oblli lwn to t lu icare of M a r t h a , UKMI but Iti yeni-M <ibl.Umployimml WIIH fu i i i i i l fur her at FortIlrhlK", Wyo., and u l i e cont inued to rUUi !mill Hhoot until her repntaUnn becaniowlili'itpreiul. j

Her immx'lat lon w i t h the itoUllerNIllleil her w l l h a l o i i K l U K I" KO on thewarpath a|?aliiHl th< i Indlann, an<l when(Ic'i i i ' ral CiiHlcr WIIH ordered In INTO lomake a e i inipalKn UKwIiml tho AiiachenIn Arizona Hhe decided to put u ilenjier-ule plan In to i txc i -mbm. Hbv l>ut un Ihuuni t of n r i iwbuy, clipped a l l t l b i o(T Ihueml of her hair , nub' lo l''ort UnnHcI l ,Wyo., anil bn l i l ly nulled lo bit iMiKUK'1 ' !nn a nrout. Hhe wan accepted ani l ,thoiigli her M'.V WIIH HIIOII illniMVereil,(l-cni'i-al C i iHl iT li'l her nil' w i t h a ni-ol t l -I l iK. Hhe iileinb-il lo be retained, mill,an Mh» ha i l proved hi'i- a h l l l l y , Hhe waitrululneil lu t i n * nurv lce and t-oiil.lnni-i|to wear i i i i in ' i i I ' l u lb l i iM; ,

It wan a I l i r l l l l u g r i i n i i i a lKH, In w b l r l inlio prrfonui ' i l a n i i i i i bn r of i b u l i i K I I I | Hnbinii anil l i a i l n rv rn i l narrow i>m' i i ] i i ' n .Only onro illil iiln- ib<M|inlr uf bur 111''',Him bai l ln ' i ' i i I ra i ip i ' i l by Iwo I m l l i u i H ,but her n i i i r l v i i i a i i n b l p i -n i ib l r i l l irr Ink i l l l inn of l l i i ' i n innl i"u'ii|ii'. li'roni IboAnUi ' l i i i . r n n i i n i l K U Him went bnrjt toWyoming lo Join t l i e exii i ' i lU'oii ni i ib- i 1

l!liiiler, Mlle i i a n i l ( ' ruol i . Hbr f i n i K h l Inthe r inn | i : i lKn i i i t i i l l i n l I h c N,v, I'mTriIn I H V I I , ani l \VIIH In v a r l o i i M ni l i ior en-KiiKi'ini-niM in A I I I I I I I I I I I I ami wyonili iKi l u r l i i K t in ' f i i l l o v v l n i ; year. Him arroin-l i i i n l r i l ( I r i i r r a l ( 'mull an a m-oiil InIM'i ' i In Ibe e \ l i i ' i l l l l on to Ibe I l larl iI l l l l n to i ir i i lei ' l I l i r i n i i i i ' i n ami i i i t l l lnrn(roni I l i o l l i i ' i ' i i l K i i l i i u Hloiix.

(Read^JoTiri"20:l-18. CompareTWork 16r9-11.)

Golden Text:Behold, I am alive forevermore.—Rev. 1:18.


1. Her Past:From whom seven devils had gone

out >(Luke-8:2).- .-,-,-—.-•The spirit In the sons of disobedience—-..(Eph.-2:2, 3).Spirit of life free from sin and..

..death (Rom. 8:2).2. Her Minis t ry :

Mlnlstered/unto them or their sub-stance (Luke 8: 2, 3.)Ye did It unto me (Matt. 25: 34-40).Let us work that which la e°od (Gal.

6:10).3. Her Fidelity:

Standing by the cross ..Mary Mag-^tlalene (.Jolih 13:25): ""Ho that cndureth to the end.. ..saved

(Mat. 24:13).Be thou f a i t h fu l unto death (Rev. 2:10).4. IIor Service:

Mnry Magdalene — bought spices(Mark 10:1).

She bath wrought n good work uponme (Matt . 26: 7, 10).

Give. un<! It shrill be iflven unto you—rr.uko 6:37):6. Her Sorrow:

Mary was s tanding. . . .nt the tombweeping (John 20: 11-1H).\Ve low because he tlrHt loved us (1

Jolin 4:19).Tho love nf Chrlnt eoiiHtriilnetli us (2

for. 5:14).6. Her Comfort :

JPHUH H n l t h u n t o her, Mary (1C).

Hi' appeared llrst un to Mnry MaR<ln-. •

Your sorrow shall be turned Into joy(John lf i :20) .

7. Her Faith:H i i l t h unto h im. . . .Ral ihonl . . . .Master

Tlm'u linst seen me, thou hast believed(John '.'0:211).

Fai th I H Hie; proving of things notscon (Heb. 11:1).

H. liti- .( J i i u n l o my brethren. . . .Pnmeth and

tc l le th (17, I K ) .AVIintsocver h« i ia l tb u n t o you, do It

(John -'TO.Do i l u > t h l n u H which 1 coi i imiind you

(John IfitH),

I ' l t l T I C A I , NOTIOHVi- i -He I I . M n r y : Thai I H , M a r y Mug-

duli-nii t r i i i i i i ) . v. I, whei 'e the oilierMary IH no t i i i i i n e i l . Wan n l n i u l l i i K :Mure a i ' i ' i i r a l i ' t h a n "iiluml." A t ' I I I"tomb: "HiMiulehre" ( I n M a t t h e w ) rep-ivm-nln a i l l f f e r i ' i i l . Ur i -oU wnrd. Ho,an Mho wepl: l . t lerully. "An I ben H!H'wept."- H t n c i p i - d and l o n l i i - i l : Tin' i i l nKl i -( I r i - i -k word I n c l l i d i ' H bol l i i nea i i l t iKs ,he i i f i - tlui I t n l l i ' s of t h e A i n h n r l x i i dVi-rslon an- i i n i i ' i m n r y .

V<- rmi 12. I t t - l i o l d i - l b : N . i l t i n - wordu s u a l l y rendi ' ivd "si-e" I M H In v . H).l i n i - al t i n ' bend, mid '>» ' • a t t he f | i | - t :A l i t e r a l l e n d i ' i l m t . Til ' ib-r »f a n -K « ' l l e u i i p « ' n l ' H l l f « ' M \ \ 'HH | i | u t i u l i l > ' ( I )( h u t i m r i u l i ' d I n M a l l l K M v , I L ' I I l i l n miflo M n r v M i i K d a l - n e : CD t h a t In M a r k ;I I) Ihal III l i i i ld-i (In: ln l l i ' 1 Iwo Imlmsl» t in ' p a r t y n f v M i i n i ' i i . '1'h'1 l i r l K l i t ,or ".while" r i i l n i e n t hi i - e f e i r i ' d I" Inn i l I I I ' 1 . ici ' . i i inl i ' .

V i > r n e I I I . W h y wi'eiien| l imn1 .1 < > r ," W h y n i l I bo i i iviiii l i iK1 , '" i H n Hi vrm-10,1 ' T h e i -o i i v i ' i rmi l l on i l l lT.Tii • • n l l r e -|V f i i I ho r t e In ( I n - n l l v r l l o i i p i ' l u .M i i v e lu l l . 111 a w a y : l . l f ' T . i l l y . "looli,"bi l l l O i l K l l n b i i H i i i i e rei | i i l | - . -n "have t a l l -en," n i t I l l " i n - i l l e l a i i m - r e f e r i i I "i n v N e n i l i n n - . I'" In ve in" H i : " luu i l{iii |-ni- I l l l l l llrllre."

V i - r n i i H. K l i ' - w H"l "nil I I w n n ,leM U M ; l - r o b n b l y I m t b f r ' H i i h"i u n i t e o fmind mid f rom nonn- p ' - c n l l a r l t y I n binlt|lpi'UI H III1'1, ,

Verne If.. H i ip |» iMi l i i b lu r lo <><\ t i n -K a r d i - n e r : Tin- " i iardei i" I" i i puken of Inehn|i |i ' i ' 111 :41 . I I wan a i i l i u ' i 1 of renorlf u r I he w e a l t h } 1 owner , nol " H a r d n nIn our neni i i - . Til l" i ipponeii l l n HimI l i u l l l i > l i ( i i l b n \ V I I H l b i < I I M I I I I ! p l n i ' i ' n fI ' X i M ' i i l l n n . " ( S a r d e i i e i - " oeenri i i l u w l n - r eeliin In III" New Tiut l i i ini 'n l , ami iin'iniiiHie llr")M'l ' o f l l l l M " i i l l l l l i y place, whe reM n r y would ei iper l lo I l i i i l no mi" i - l n ea l U n i t bo i i r . M i r : l i l l i - r a l l y , "Lord,1

bi l l ben- only a r enpee l fu l t i l l " ' I ' l n iu :l O n i p l i n l l e .

I V » i n « "i M a r y s Thin dlnuH iiddn-iiu

doubtieae aided'the recoffnltlon.—Turn-••th herself: She may have been look-ing toward the tomb before this.—ItHebrew: So the best authorities, andIndicating that John wrote butslde1 olJudca.—Rabbonl: More exactly "Rab-bounl:"-only-here and-'-Mark 10: 61,—i ,tcrm of the hlKhest respect, strong-er than "Rabbi." —Master: .That Is,"Teacher," as the Greek term alwaysmeans. \

Verse 17.—Touch 'me not: Or, "Takenot hold • on me." The former Is themore usual sense, but the latter Is notuncommon.—Am not yet ascended: Thetense points to the ascended condl-

4lon,—as—woll-as-ta—the-lact_af—osceniU-Ing.—Unto the Father: So the weigh-tier authorities. Explanations: (1.)Do not touch me, to test the reality ofmy resurrection, but BO, etc. (2.) Donot lay hold of me, for the Intimatehuman Intercourse Is at an end, whilethe new spiritual Intercourse, In theglorified body, has not yet begun.—Unto my Father and your Father, andmy God and your God: The commasafter "my Father" and "my God" areproperly omitted, The different pro-nouns Imply that the relations to God,on the part of Jesus and hla disciples,while:~BlmlIarV"are~"ribt-|dentfcal:

Verse .18.—Cometh and telleth: Stillmore literally, "cometh, telling," etc.—I have seen the Lord: So the bestJiujthorltles.—butr-iheHast- clause Is Inthejthlrd person. The details point toTHary herself as John's1 Informant.1 ~~

TEACHING POINTS.The point of _ exceeding interest la

this: Our lesson accentuates the per-sonal affection of our Lord. He didnot apoear In his "all power" to con-found his murderers, nor In the.cloudsof glory to authenticate., his kingship,nnr tn hln rilqflplpB to orgnnlge thp

campaign for the world's conquest, butto Mary the Magdalene,— not an adul-_

been cost seven devils.The reasons for apearlng first to her

may be: she had been a most devoteddisciple; had ministered to him of hersubstance: she was faithful "at thecross, the burial, and the sepulchre.

orthy-^hlB- flrst— recognitionlijeBldes this, she needed him:

Intense grief needed ' comfort.. SHe"might lapse back into those nervousdiseases from which Christ had called

_ - . .that she did not recognize the formnor voice of the Lord till the affection-ate. If not surprised. "Mary" was spo-ken. She needed him; hence he has-tened to her..first

Another reason, perhaps, was thatthis woman's heart would accept andbelieve what would appear .as "idletalk" to hard-headed Peter and Thom-as. Some one must believe and pub-lish his resurrection. Mary was a

Trmst—likely-recipient- of news-too-goodto~bellevc^-The—disciples—were—sore-afraid of him even after they had beentold of his resurrection..

Teach , 1, Individuals are offered allthe ecstatic news and experiences theyare able to receive.

2. After death..the.,Lord-.still, knowsall names, and calls them so tenderlyas to quicken all dormant faculties Into•life-Cv.-16).- . . - - • • • - - - — :-^ -

3. About to ascend in glory to "myFa'ther and your Father, my God andyour God," he recognizes his brother-hood with men. "Go tell my brethren"(v. 17). He did not use that word untilhe had been made like unto them In allthings, even In the universal experienceof dying1.—Sunday School Times.

Oil In FtshlnR Boat*.The flBhermen pf .Iceland now regular-

ly carry oil In tbelr boats to smooth thowaves, which enables them to continueat work In weather that before theywould not have dnred to face.

A boy of 12 years of ago recentljcommitted suicide In Connecticut be-cause be had bad a disagreement wltbbla school teacher about the studies IIwas best for him to pursue. Tbece b.av«been two or three cases of .children,who have killed themselves becaun*they failed to pass tbelr school exam[nations. Not long ago a little girllook poison because abe was not allowed by her mother to go out and pliijwith other children. There have beerseveral cases where boys and 'girls oltender years have killed themselvesbecause they fancied they -were crossed In love by cruel parents. A censu.of children who have committed sui-cide for trivial reasons w>uld showthat child suicide Is Increasing at onalarming rate. What Is the cause olthis? Why Is It that those who shouldbe. most In love wlth.-life are so .willingto part with It? Undoubtedly on«

sensitiveness of these youthful self-murderers — a sensitiveness which Is al-lowed to develop without any effort to Icure-It- unUl-lt_&ecbmes-an_O££nnas:''

when life IB held-of so little valueeasily leads them to part with It -when-ever they are not allowed to have theliown -way. Undoubtedly als6 anothercause, and perhaps" the strongest olalU Is to, be found either In the neglectof children<>lr pnrenffi nr-ln.faultymethods of bringing them up. A con-temporary, discussing this subject, IBof oplnlorTTSat children •were~~'mucn"better off when they were allowed tcdevelop by simple growth, .like.Topsy.In the evolution of domestic govern-ment the child has passed throughmaay-stogca. A cciuury-ago-it-^wailittle monster ot depravity whose \WIqultles must be cured by religioustraining of the-soverest kind.— Thencame-the theory of a brute nature tobe overcome by the spiritual nature,and finally the theory enunciated byFrederic Harrison -the other-day-1 hatthe child is Incapable of sin by nature.Between all these theories somehowthe child falls to the ground. Advanc-ed civilization with Its scientific dof?mas and theoretical schemes of train-.

What Is the miit-ter here?The man Is chnng-lng Ills mind.

How do you mean?Ills friend a.sked

h 1 in w h a t h e-fhonght-of the-ntgnaof Hprlug, and Justus he said that lienev-cr allowed himlilm-m-lf to be Htnif l

by signs one of them fell.

Ing Is dolng-lti-best-to-maTce^cIiirdreTTnormal, but somehow It falls, as ' themultitude of waywarft children, youth-ful criminals and youthful suicides tes-tifies. Are wejpt. applying top muchscience to child rearing In some In-stances? Would It not be better to goback-to-naturt'a processes'and let themgrow up i as natural children with astrong love of life, a healthy fear ofpunishment, and an enjoyment of nat-ural Instincts, like little animals, andnot try to make little men and womenof them before their time? The processes of modern civilization hay.tlomethlng radically defective In themwhen boys and girls between T and 12years of age BO frequently commit sui-cide.


ThlH IH a hiiHl-nvsa man cu-Juy-luj In nloil-ern con-ven- '" 'li-nce.

Do you mean the j^.lel- t ' -phoneV KK^>

VeH. ly/;If It In a con-veil- '

l iMli 'e wily UllliH 111!Ht -owIV

(Hi , a Hinal l tie (n i l nn-noys him.W h a t In H Vlie ban been I ry- InK for tweiv-ty miiv

nii ' i* to Ki'l run iivrl <'il w i th a man onthe nee olid lloor a-bove.

What IH happen I I I K here?The l i c w t I -HH In n e r v - l i i R r i k-fr«*ah

i n i ' i i t M to lu-r K i u - M l H .W h a l lire t he r«-

I/<||| Hit ')1 Mil - 1 1 ( 1 , I'll

cof fi-i ' , Ice nviiinmill rnUe.

/ Mer i'y. Doi'h mirlif ix i i l re I ' lTuli any b i i i l y K

Oh, yi 'H! I I re f r i ' i i l i - e n tlie I I I I M I I ory of i i wbr i l t hey lined In eal n r r i - nap pb-ii. p i ' u - i i i i l n n in l Ol i r ln l man run-ilv.

W h a t In Hie y i M i i i K man i l o l i i K ?Uu. l» i i - p n l - n K l K I»K to Hi.'.1 .viii'ii; I"

' 'wbal f , , r V f f i ^J f f i ^ ' ' 1

Hi- h l i ' i M i i - i l on her /-I / i™ \K O W I I ami rn Ine i l I t . li/\tJ&t?ml

W i l l I I I . ' I I I M . I . . K . V i* ^V ^Hl°lmi-nil inal l i - r n V , ll 'VvfV>« /

O, no! II w i l l I ' iK i l (I -0\\l^/If'IO for an o lb <M- l^_x-»li.'j™nl i l r l ami t i n - » p i ' l » K . v I" not w o r t h »cent.- ( Ih l c i IKO I "al ly N i i w n .

two : harpers Get the Better of a ThirdIn a Confidence Game.

Tho best conlldenc-e man that everperambulated -dowu_Uie _ plUe_wns _ InMemphis last week and did somesmooth business of the bunko variety,jocordlng to the Commercial-Appeal.1'he victim In the case was a king-beeMemphis confidence man who thinks hela more than "two or three," and whohappened to be put looking for hay-lecda,— Thc-ronllilenee-nian- dropped-luto-B-:crtaln hotel In Memphlu to lay for[>rey, and had gotten himself up to pasufor a rommerclal traveler. Prett3' noont ImyHccd Hube of tho most liannleus-loolilng type came Into thu hotel lobbyind glared th rough his spectacles at the

nh — PirHlliK Lu HUl! lllUface ho Was looking for the old llubeitood a inonieiil In Ihu center of Iholloor nnd then walked over to the•Ic 'rk 'H (IcHli. He took a long-rango:bauce at the ctiHpldor and in lNHei l , nnd:bcn, nddreHslng tin- clerk, asked: "IlimItll l Hmlth been hero looking for me?"

Tho dork looked up and, seeing nrhanco for noino fun, hi-gnn to humorthe old man.

The Momphln shark grew Interi-Htei)and drew near. Hoon tbo wbole hole!knew the. old I I I I I I I 'H story. Hill Smi thwas a nlraiiKi'r he had met In (he mornIng who I uul borrowed $.">!> from him toliny a freight bi l l , i i ro in lHlng to meetItiibe i l l the l in te l an i l |m> It b i i rkI t l l l M - W I I H l - l - r l l l l l l I I I ' W l l l l l l l I I I ' I I I H I M I I l .

becniiNi- I t \ \ ' I IM now pnr t t t l i e n p | i i i l n t i - i ll i nn - .

Tlie old n i i i n 'H nppi i i -ent Innoi ' i -neel i n i i i M e d t l i e I ' l ' inMl nnd l)i' wail m l v l m - i llo go nn innl I'm1);!1! Mi l l S i n l l b , an lieW D I t l i ) never ny i - I l l l l any inure. Thei l i l i i i l i n replied' (;oo<l • l i u i n n r r i l l y U n i t be

: l l l - M t . l ' l l l l e M M I I l l l l \ \ l l l l I I W l l l l l ' f i l l 1 I l l l l .

mil. w l i i k l n c at tbo orowd, In- | inl lei lnn n we l l I l l l e i l w n l l i ' l w l l h Hie r e n i u i ' l v

I l i n l In- Inn l | i l i ' l i l . V l i - r t I f I l l l l n l i o i i b l t;<.I n i r l i on l i l n wonl.

Tin- ryeii of I In1 M i ' l i i p l i h i u l i i i r k g l l n l" i i i M l i l l t I IP »l|;hl of I l i e \ \n l l r l . nnd u | >in i i i i r h l n i ; K n l i e , be l»';,"in lo n inn l f e " !I l i e li-mlei'eiil n . V | i l | l i l l l i , V . 1 1 1 111" i-inii '. m i l li i K i n i r e i l h im I l i n l I l l l l S n i l l l i \ V I I M n nuin i l l . v l l i l i ' T , n i n l Hu l l I In 1 I n w l i \ V I I M I ' n l ln f M l l r l l i i | | ( i r l in .

l l n l i e Ki'ew nerv i i l i ' i i l l i i l e i 1 I l i e | - I ' | H ' I I II 'll M I l l K i i »l I I I " I V U ' I I . I I H I I S l l i l l l i . ml'ilIn bin rxrl l r l i i i ' l i l pullril bin inniu 'v andi iwi i i ' i ' l in w o u l i l ln ' l every i l i i l h i r i - f I tnn M i n l l b ' n b o i i e n l y ,

"Well," i n i l i l Hie M e n i p b l M i i l i n r h . " I ' l l| i lnl l i r l yon IFHO I h a l M i n l l l i i l n n ' l nbiu*np with your monex."

Renben took the bet and, with trem-bling fingers, pulled ,ont tho fifty, and'tho stakes were put In the bands of th«clerk.

After this Rube grew silent and nort-oasly paced up and down. the lobby.Presently, as Rube was standing soinadistance from the desk, pensively roll-lug hla quid and gazing through , theukyllght, a smartly dresced man walk-ed briskly through the door and up tothe clerk's desk, eyeing tbo bystanderscritically as he passed. Seizing a pen,be rapiaiy wrote1 on lh"e~reglsterp"William J. Smith. 'Hushpuckano,UlBB."

As he was writing Rube bad oncemore advanced toward tho desk, and,seeing the form at the .counter, beitrode eagerly forward, pepred.lnto the-face' of the newcomer, and. slappinghim on the back, exclaimed: "By gosh/If It ain't Bill Smith at last!" .

The rest of the story was simple.~8inlth rrecbgnlzed Rube, thanked himfor the loan, and Immediately pulledout his purse and paid over the promis-ed fifty be had borrowed.

Rube claimed the wager. but~irhad to rgo. Later the Memphis shark got a lit-tle note advising him that Rube thank-ed him for the little donation, nnd .ad-vised him to try the 1-lck on Rome ofbis fellow sharks and pluy lor even.


America and Knuland U»e One Slick*France and Europe Another.

Although every one liiulais"feef meafl-ared for shoes, there are very few per-

what 'he glg^a nmrked-upon-the-shoe-stick-mean.—Ihere_aM_two shoe sticks In use In America andEurope'. The stick .used In .the.UnitedStates was originally English, and Isstill used In England. The rest otEurope uses the French stick.

The slzes._on._the_Engllsh shoe sticUwere derived from the length of abarley corn, and they run three to theInch. The first mark on the stick, orsize 1, Is made arbitrarily, Just four anda half Inches from the upright. Whythis distance was fixed .upon _d_qes_aoJLappear to be known. For some otherreason which- can only be guessed atthe graduated part of the stick is againdivided Into two sets of numbers.Thesc^humbers begin at 1 andTnnmp.tO-13. and then they begin' again at 1 andrun up to 13. The-flrstvnurabers trom1 to 5 are known as Infants' sizes, thosefrom 0 to 10 as children's, from 11 to2 aaMnlssses' sizes, from 2% to 0% aswomen's, and from 7 to 13 as men'ssizes.

The French shoe stick Is divided Intoa great many more sizes than the Eng-llshrand the~Freneh shoemakers sub-divide these again,. as Is done.wlth theEnglish sticks. Into balf sizes. ThereIB no qxact relationship between themarkings on the two sticks, but theFrench size 10 corresponds to the Eng-lish Infants' 1, and their size 44 Is thesame as the English size 10 for men.A woman who wears a 2% shoe by, Eng-lish measure would get a 34 or 86 bythe French measure, and a man wltb a

a 40. shoe In France. Over here thewidth of the shoo la designated by a•letter, while the .French, uso figures.The width AAA IB the French 000. BIs tho French 1 and KK tho French 0•width.— New York Sun.

As an overgrown boy—for I WOH slatfeet tall at fourteen—I had experiencednil the- agonies of bashfulncBS In theHoeloty of the other BOX, though greatlynttracted to It, Hiiyn Col. Hlgglnson. I11ml It illllloiilt to convince myiiten of later yearn that I then hubltu-ally sat mute while others chattered,A word or two of remount ranee frommy mm her had In n single day eorrvct-i-d thin during my senior year, no fur untin- 1'mnlly dibit- WIIH concerned, andt h l H emboldened me to try the experi-ment on a wider Held. I iiald to my-Ht ' l f . t h i n k i n g of other young men whomade l l n m i m - l v e N i iu l te agreeable:"Tlnw y o u t l m nri- not your HiiperlorH—perhiipH In Hie ree l tn l lon room or thuplnyKround hnnlly your ennnlii. Whynot copn w l lh tin-in 1'lnewhere?" ThusInlli ieneeil , 1 cnni|UiTeil m.VNelf In aM i n g l e evenlyg M i n i lout my iihyncHM for-I 'Vrr. The proeeNH W I I H iinb|ue, mi faran I know, mid 1 havo of ten reconi-ineni le i l I I to iihy young men.

l l r ln i ; I n v l l i ' d to n N i n n l l pa r ty , II 'n lml i lere i l l i e for i 'hnn i l what young la-illi-ti would probably lie there. Wllhnirli inn- I Innl, of courni-, mmn-lli lng Ini - i i i n i n o n U l n n l i l p . or neighborhood, orf a v o r i t e pm-mil l . Thin win i l i l do, 1 rea-H i i n i ' d , for n n t n i ' l l n g polnl . Ho I putdown un II r u n a l l nhrr l of [iiipei- \ v b n t Iw in i l i l iin.v lo en i ' l i , If I happened In I M Inenr her. II w o r K e i l l i k e n r l i ann . If u l i n i l i i i . V M e l l ' r h a l l l l i j ; i i vvn .y I l i e wlioloI ' V i ' i i l i i K , mill heiud (he ni'M iin.v (lintt 'vri ' .vhmly wnn unrpi ' l i iei l n l t i n - I r u n s -f n i ' i i K i l l o n . I I n i v o In Ib l i i i l n y (he l l i l l e,b|l i . r i nng l i 1 pn |n- r , 'in \vhl i ;h , . l , ( i l ' ( i - r -w i i r i l i i i n l e r i i r o t ' i - i l , before Hlt- i 'pl iYj; , I b Op u l n l i i i i r l i i n l l . v n - i c i l .

.Suine inn - i i b u i i l i l 1 ' i i i i i p i i f i i ' n h o i i K en-l l l l n d , 'Von r r n i n l H i ' i l Me."" In be Mingal ' le l ' i n a r i Inr.e.

A i:nn;l w i l y to ilu r i - rn r in woi-k In tob - a i l M i i ' l i n c l ean , u - , r l l l l . M i l i r r I l i eH , n l u l l i e i ' h w i l l i ry lo I 'ol l i iw y u n r i'".

Page 3: tvZ*z£&t- - Atlantic County Library

^-3a1 '*-6

By Means of Life Insurancemany a home has beenmade happy which wouldotherwise have been des-olate,_and_old_age_madeeasy when it would havebeen burdensome. "


PrudentialInsurance Co. of America.

Home Office,,: JNeyrark, JN. <

•JOHN F. DRYDEN, President.LESLIE D. WARD.Vioe-Pres't.ED'JAR B. WARD, 2d ViP.-J-Counsel.FORREST F. DRYDEN, Beo'y.

GEO, S. TRUNCER, Asst. Supt., Williamstown, N. J.

[ Entered as second olasamatter. ]


Post Office Robbed.When Ernest Jackson, eon and assist-

ant of Postmaster Jackeon, entered theoffice laet Saturday morning, be wastoon aware that some one had beenthere since closing boar the previousevening, and helped himself to all thecash within reach.

Each fund in the Post Office is kept8eparataly,=rmoney_or-der,jtamp8,_etc,.,and box rents,—the latter being placedin a box during the day, and locked inthe safe at night. Rents had been paid

.for five days previously, until the box

There's nothingabout the line of Cutlery we have justadded to our stock,—consisting of allkinds and sizes of Scissors

_and_EocketJtniveB,These are of the best quality.

Embroidery Scissors, 30 c. to $1.Manicure Scissors, 70 c. to $1.50.

Button-hole Scissors, 75 c. :Gents' Vest Pocket Scissors, 50 cents.

[ contained-about!!evening," Miss Roberta Maxwell, assist-ant. JD-cloBiog the offlee, .forgot_to. .put.this box and contents away"; and this,and nothing else, was missing Saturdaymorning.

^Phn rnhVinry inni h-ppfc na quint ita

possible. It wns obvious that theTiffetfderTnusThave ba"d~«mi<rkUo~vfleT3ge"of the office and its customs, for heentered a rear-window, took-only thebos, and went out the back door-takingthe bey from iueida and locking the door•outsider—"From—thlsr—Miss—Maxwell-

Dodgers,"—all sizes,Printed promptly, at the REPUBLICAN office.

!ats..... _ ............. are our specialty this Spring.

We a}so have a nice line of

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Some. of. the prettiest hat shapes come. in wire frames, .....which we have in all colors ; and the Flowers arethe prettiest ever seen.

E. D. ARLITZ,Agent for Standard Patterns.

assort ru^^Handy article — Nail Clipper, 25 cents.

Keep your eye on the News Department. The EasterMagazines are making their-appearance


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liniiHi'H to r i ' i i t , or pi-nportles for wiln or ex*clnuiti-. w i l l ilo wi-ll lo cull, or write UH.QllliMi, 1HHI Atliuit l i ; Ayo., At lmi t lp (,'lly.

JOS. H. GARTON,Justice of the Peace,

l lauitnonton, N. J.Oillnii ut, Mlddla



WILLIAM BAKER,No. 2ft Third Street,

l l iuumoii ton.


K nkntrh•qulnklv luttorliilii our opinionliivnnuoii 14 prolinbljr |>*l<lon»lrlcillr<><iiilliMont freo. OlflMt

pinion froo nl iel l tnr MMl«ii|«ma. roiiuiiiinlnA.. ll.nillMMikiMil'.KMiH.

IIX f>T •einirlil»>il

o. In t

) > a t o n .o. Itetli* •

A Immltomilr Illuitnlxl »e»klr. Mrmul nir..mlallini >iC lUiy •oUiilldn (iiuni.l, 'I'crnn, IJ

i no

Go LW"*~*-i. How York«o. fc» r BU Vrwtilixt W, U, «.

Aro you int(^roHted in Monu-montnl work ? If HO, ple

coiinidur tho nutrita ofWhitu

remembered that Harry N. Davison badelood near the mouey order window(outside, of course) and talked wild heras Bhe arranged affairs for the night ;then seemed very desirous of assisting

Jier,r^eDtered_the reception room for thepurpose, and put out the lights ns theyleft. But Harry has always beea asocial favorite, is of an excellent family,himself very popular with the youngpeppje_o£ both sexes, and esteemed byeverybody; and all concerned were re-luctant to suspect him of wrong doin'£.However, It- was learned that he hadbeen' short' 61 money' lately",' "but" 'Badgone to Atlantic City, and It was thePostmaster's duty to follow .this theonly clue. . . . . . !" '""" ! - : - • — - -

By the^Poat Office Inspector's advice,a frieud was sent from Hammonton, onMonday, to ace Harry, and ascertainhis Gnaucial condition. Perhaps itwould be as well not to detail the stepstaken, .but.. .as,.. a rpsuH,.71Iafry wasarrested on Tuesday morning, andcharged with the crime. Naturally, heprotested— had not even heard of therobbery ; but he was soon convincedthat the Inspector knew more of thofacts than he supposed, -quickly brokedown and confessed his guilt, statingtbaUie saw_Mlsa Maxwell had forfiottonto lock up tho box rent money ; then,while assisting her, ho unlocked a rearwindow ; between nine and ten o'clockhe entered, that window, crept forwardto the safe on which stood tho box,secured' his booty, and departed asbefore stated. Nineteen dollars of themoney be uavo to his mother for a cur-tain purpose, hu hnd spent a few dollars,tho balance remaining In his possession.

It wiie u daring thing to do. A ll|]lit-ed lump Htandu on tho eafo all n igh t ;six (net uway in tho open money orderwindow, and about tlio enmo dUtancobayomi -in u almight nno— in tho groat

~fM$' Bring iii your Watch, :Clock and Jewelry Repairing.We can do it promptly. '*


Sugar Corn, whole grain, 7 c. cau, 4 for 25;c,:: .:

String Beans, fancy, 7 eta., 4 for 25 c

Good table Tpmatoeg, 8 c. cau

Pumpkin, full natural thvor, 8 c. canOatmeal, 3 c. pound

Hominy, 3 c. pound, 2 Ib. for 5 c.Writing Papers, ruled, good quality, 8 c. box

plainvlO and 12 crbox ~ "~

one-quarter ream package, 25 c.

bottor in ovorv wity thnii tliobunt of umrblo or grixnltd, nnd iminli

lonii uxponnlvo. Don't, liny nMdiuuin'iit, H<!ailnl<>rio,or Mnrknr

until yon mio our (IdH

J. S. THAYER, Agent,nt hit* I5l<^ycl«i H(or<i,

Next to l'<io|>lo« Ituuli . Ilitiniiionton.Hlnyotn M u n i l r l n i i und l(ii |mlrhiK.

A Full Lino of^

Bool', Veal, Pork,Lamb, Mutton.

Wo wi»h to call Hpccialattontion to a fine lotof GHLERY,

juot rccoivcd.

At Baker's Market.

H window, with pqoplo panningcontinual ly. (Jominit from tho rour, hohad to go ii bout twnnly-f lvo Icot towardtho lump, wi th rink of boing sunn fromthii (runt.

f lur ry WIIN coininlttod for trial, indelimit of if 1000 bull. Tho penalty IHnot mom tlian 5} 1000 II no or mom limnII vt! .vuikrit fo l i lu ry coiinmiiiimit, or both.On Wtidnunduy af'turimon hu was lukonto Citmihin, to i tppuur huforu a U. S.(JdiniiilHBliiiuir ; Irom tlii'iicn to Tnintiinfor trial In thii U. H. C'lrmilt Court.

U In wi th oxcocdliiK ruurol thnt woclironlchi l l i ln crlino ; und tho ninnyIr londn ol' Mr. und Mm. Duvlnon nni ltliolr ( lu i iybtur , Minn Liiiira, would fuludrop u l l moiimry of tlm mul ul lAIr lort h u l r iiulinn, nnil liindrr now a donbloi n i i u n u i i ) ol I t l nd ly fi'olliiK lor thoin InI l i n l r Horrow.

Job Coiildu'UIiivn Blood ItI f hn'd I n n i H u l l i n g |> l l rn . ' I ' l i i iy ' in lor.r l l i ly i i i i n i i y l n g ; l int , l l i i o U l n i i ' H Anilni iHi t lvn w i l l (i i i ro l lie win-in, i i i tKn n|' |i|!iinmi i iur l . l i . I | . I I I I H iniK' i l l io i i iuu i i ln . l''nrl l i j n r l o n , lu i l i in or t i i x l l l y in npLLinn , II , 'ntlm liiint, i iulvn In HID w u i l i l . I ' l l i - n ','.-'10,it box. ( l i n n n i iH iun lo i i i l , ho|,| byOrowoll, ' ' '

the tenderest, jaiciest, mostfinely flavored in to\vjn.• ' i '

MdNTYRE, 309 Bellevue Ave.

Call, and look at our

Matt/how JeffersonAttorncy-at-Law

N. K. cor. Third und Murhat Htn.( N n w .lonoy 'IVimt Iliillil'jt)

TolojiliDiin nil. OunuUin, N. .7.• Tor Iliiuiiuoutoii. 1


It in the slickest wlicd

put up l't>r the nionuy,

and cannot be beaten.

We will point out HH moritH to you.

B. A. Cordery,Agont.

(Mvive< 1.A lot of Fine Print Bnttor,wlihh wo ar« Holling ut 2H <). por pound.

Wo ahio liandlo Burko's BronKfiiBt Bnconand Fnsrih Saumigci.

Call and noo UH, at No. Ii40 Uollovuo Avenue,


MaajTime..Mails will atom at the Hammonton

Post Office as follows:—LBA.VE—

nr "7:10 A.M.

12:20 P.M.. 3.53 '

DOWNfl:07 A.M.5:24 r.M,

-ARUIVE-C:4G A.M. 7:25 A.M.9:2-2 4:08 P.M.5:48

J. A. Cunningham's handsomeresidence Is being repainted

• There are no uncalled-for lettersin the Ifammonton post-office..

FINK" BRANDYWINK Strawberry runtsfor sale, cbcnp. A. J. KINO.

33 "If^ -Mrsr-John-A—Dodd-visited-rela-"TivesTtiTltlivtitic^City,lhis~week~

_B®! .The_Vpluolqer_ Fire Company^,--monthly meeting next Monday-eve's.

card is the result of much study in anendeavor to equalize the Sunday privi-leges among so many stations.

It^f Robert Steel, of Hammonton. N.

.flriOAT FOH HALE,—.14 foot tint bottomedB bVllT. A,"ply Co STEVE WOOLBERT.

nt Bcrosbouso Mill.

Mr. and Mrs. Lull Seely Easter gilt, in tbo lorm ot

• daughter. ~—™—BSy A company of young people have

-planned a bus ride=to the^CQunly^Seat,next week.\T7ILSON nnil Early Harvest _BIarbberry

_Mlddle i Road, H»mni_qntpn.

John C. Trafford, of Cramer-"Hill, spent Enster with his mother, Mrs.Thomas Trafford.

SWEET POTATOES, bedding, bicycle, 60berry crates with boxes, move.

• HENKY 8CHAUMBEUO.Reading Railroad and lltb street.

SSF Womhn's Relief "Corps meetingto-night, at the home of Miss NellieDePuy. Important business./-•tARPKNTERH In Atlantic City—

' \J 100 good workmen. Steady work. 82.60per day of n lno hours. Apply to

ALFRED MODRK and others,Mlcnlean and Atlantic Avenues.

Good boarding. Atlantic City.

*' J- L- O'Donnell and E.-VST. . . .bers of the Grand Jury, this wee.k.OEVEN ROOM^f)OU8E nnd barn for sole

V - Chenp.- Throo mlmit«i-wul!c,.tp_deppt.Box 63, Huramonton. N. J.

Not one entirely ploanant daythis week : pome sunshine, but morehours cold, cloudy, some rain. We are

mil longing for May. -------•DROFERTY lor sain or rent. Ten roomedJ. hoimo, lot 75 x 200 feet. Particulars at

: tlilnoflloOi;--- ... ........ . . . . --— -;--• -~- •-- --. .. ,

B®~ The Sunday School Associationof Hammonton and Mullica Townshipwill hold a convention in Hammonton«n "Wednesday',' April 24th. Detailslater.rr\WO LOTS— 100 by 150 feet— for sate, corner1 EIIK llorbor Itnnd mid Mnplo tit. Will

Kel t sopnrulely ortocctlicr.

--- OST-Mrs. Ida A. Stylos -(neoJda^A.Worton). of Pino Iload, obtained a<lecroe of -divorce on Friday, 5th lust.,ntfulnst Harvey E. Styles her formerhusband, for desertion.rpl t lWHKH — 'al C. M. CrowHI'H, - tlio'Tr.I Itorld Air Cimli l i i i i I'ud. Hurftl ' le, ft uuro

J.oldor, ifii'ii'iiutooil. A l m i H l c l l f u l l y IHtuil.

^ ____ j@--Tho .hidics.^of .tho .W. C..T, U.<'(inlomplnto fliiolodlnt; their lot on VinoStreet, Inolndlni; tluiir hull, wi th a Roodi.'ibstanliul fciicu, and alno Bott ln« shadotrues In front and on tho slilu.•I ;<<M HA 1. 1C, r.ot mi Thlnl HtiTi'l, IIJx ifiOP fmti, wlih iiniliilxlii-il iiiiimi'. I'rli'n. tfivi

J i i i i u l r u i > l .1. \, IUi l i l i i n< i i i (ir J. II. Hinul l ,1 l i t i n l l l o l i l i i l l .


To those who do not understandtho mochnnlciim of tho flrii hniinu doors :"When nw'wRnry to glvii tho lire u lurm,tiliovu open tho l l t t l f l wondon piinul inilifl door, roach In a fnw indum to tholoft, mini) tho hook, und "lot Mr nlldu,''nnd pull tho rnpii.4~1HOrrIN(l , l.uuni I l i i v l x i i i i w i l l u lvo l inr»*} riiriilnl i i l t i i n l l i i i i lo miy » l i n p | > l i i i < n n l r i MJu I ' l i l l i i i U ' l i i l i l n , Tun'iliiy inni l ' ' i l i i i i y of mnli•v.-M'li. Onliirn niny hu I t ' l l »l Mm. . I n l i i iN i i i i 'H11 Hi 11, or Inn l ioi i i«,4ll Prutl Ml.

B*a>" About nix o'clock Thtirmlny ovolilng, an Mrn. (I. 11. Wl lmin won propur-jug dlnnnr, I ho oil ntov« took llro. Thutlliirm WIIH quickly hiiui i i l i - i l , unil asciulr.kly riinpondtiil lo, und In n vory low

.1:11 ilungor wan ovtir. Tho duiuugoit, c l i ixrr l i iK tlm wond work In

ilio iii iniiniir kllchiin.. / ^ l l t l i w i t n t i i i l ( o r K I I I I I M I I ! l i i i i i H i i w i i r l i .'l^ M. I I . C A M I ' M K I . I , .

I l l t l l l o n i l A v i n i l l o un i l O i n l l i i n l HI .

U'^yAII cltl / .niiN who urn Inlorimlnd.'ill llui Hiilijuol urn Jiivllril to ulliind ainvt i t l i iK "I ll"i " A c n i x t l i i l l n i i to |iroiiiiitii(hi1 i n l i i i r n t n i l l I l i i i i i i n o i i l i i i i HH u l in i l tUj.-011'U'l," whlr l i w i l l l iu Imld In Kl rn i i i i i n 'HH u l l imxt W i n l n i ' K i l i i y i i v i m l M K , A p r i l

37tli, ixt H o'clock. Thin nniv«in i«nt Intv I ' l in l iu inn boom, anil wil l Im worth••oninlhliiK to iivtiry (iltlr.nn, If l lnul ly»,iicc,ooot'ul. If you onrii lo Inwii U uo,

*\ittumd'tha inoullnn.

A N 10\V tm \Vlinnl«r unit WUnin U n w l i mvlniililnii, wl l l i i> l l now l i i i i i r i^vi i innni i i ,

Innnro with tho A, II. I ' l i l l l lpn Co,,UCilA Atlmillo A.YO,, Allnntlu Olty.

BST Tbo Uislory Club, of which Mr.J. A, Cunningham is President, hold anopen meeting at his homo on Tuesdayevening. About forty members and{heir friends enjoyed one of the. mostpleasant occasions of the season. Thoentertainment was chiefly ol a literarycharacter, although Home hitherto hid-den musical Inlent was brought to onrnotice. The presence of out-oftown

the evening.

J8@r Pastor Eldridge, of the WinslowM. E. Circuit, is Issuing a calendar ofdates and hours' of Sunday services inhis four Churches, — ,at Blue Anchor,Wateftord, Elm, and Winalow. Mr.E. is an earnest worker,— preachingthree times every Sunday; and this

in passing the examination for the diop-'trlcan grade-of-the -Optical Society ofPennsylvania, b.eld""5h""March 12th atthe Lafayette Hotel, Pbila. Mr. Steelsuccessfully answered all the questionsand worked out all the fonnulas to tlsalietaction or tno examining board."FduTotHers^were e3camine"dto pass.—Jeweler's 'Circular.

FOR SALE or to Rent, rurniBhed or nnfnrLulshed. nine room bouse, No. 213 Pcaob

Street,—Frank L. Wilson's. Inquire of Mrs.C. W. Austin.

In connection with the recentpost-office robbery, all sorts of storiesare afloat, — among them one that theaccused''mail,' and others^bave beenpermitted to enter the office back of theboxes, to handle the letters, etc. Post-master Jackson desires the jmblic_toknow 'that this is untrue. No one butsworn employes is allowed within thatenclosure at any time. A receptionroom has been- provided, in the rear,where friends of the employes are ofteninvited, but they have no access to themails while there.

tey-. Last Monday evening, Mrs. W.M; ̂ Maxwell passed through the door-way between her sitting-room and thefront haU, pushing aside- tbo portierewith one hand, carrying a lamp ip theother ; but some part of these curtainsmust have brushed over the lamp, for afew minutes later a brisk Ore wao dis-covered, which destroyed tho portiere,charred surrounding woodwork, dam-aged a valued chair, carpets and rugs.Naturally, there was much excitementat tbo time, and Mrc. Maxwell gives allcredit for extinguishing tbo flames toher daughter, Miss Roberta, who brave-ly beat out Ilia fire with garments whiletbo others were sounding the alarm.

LADIRS, Clean your Kill Gloves with FjiHollo Olovo ClCftoor, for salo only by W,

L llluolc, lU'iulqimrturH Tor Iclcl glovoK, In(Ireniioit und undressed, .All tho now Hhudefl.

JK3T Under tho now school law, thomoney appropriated, by the State Is to'bo divided among the various schooldistricts In proportion to tho totalattondnnco of pupils, as found la theteachers' rcKiHtors. Heretofore It hastioon baeod upon tho number of childrenbutwueu flvo and eighteen ycnrs of ago,whuthor thny over attondml school ornot. This required thu Inking ol a"school census" ovury year, costing ourllttlo town over llfty dolht tn lust year.This wi l l not bo nocuHHiirUlUUir mo law, unscrupulium unmiiura-toru "padilod" tho ccnaim, bf.lng paid somuch por nutno, and mmm ouliool boardsglmlly acc.nptod tho paddlni;, ae it gavethem no tiuu'h more eohool inonoy. Thodlvinlon wi l l lui more justly made uiidurthe now law,

Itajr There worn uo olnntrlo lights lastwook Krlduy night, for want of a manto run I ho plant. Kd. O'Dounull tookiihargH tho niixt thri'O nlghtn, und thoniniilt wan uatlnfiiclory ; but ho la tooyoung for tlm rnnponmhllUy, und hispitrontn wi l l not permit him to hold tho

porniumintly. On Tinmdiiy thonmimgor mint our Irlond Myil Vnrln uniiuglnoor, und u Mr. (>'<mwuv UH Mmi i i i i n ,both inon of (ixpnrloncn, l i in t i ' i i c t l i iKIhum tn lukn nhurito ol tho phui l , lintn l l | H i l n l . l n U thill. I t imW |iuy UH n w nnxpiiniiim, un In' wui i ld nnl i i i lvunrnliny in i i iH iY. 'I'hry run I h n i i l u i i t I hutnight, hut i i i l i i r n i ' i l In I ' h i l i i i l n l i i h l i i miWi 'dnonduy , r i < | i n r l l i i K Mm m u r l i l n r r y Iniiiicil nl t i x l i i i i h l v n n i | i i i l i n , anil n innyHlippllcii ( i x h u l l H l n d , w i t h mi i i io imy IDlino. Wlial, i m x l V

•Tin Kuuy to JTool Oood.Conntliin|i thiiimniiiln li»V" founil n

hlcooliiK ftrl'hn liody In l)r, ICIiiK'n NowUto 1'llle, wliloh ponltlviily iiurn oonatl-jiivtlon, plolc hiinduoho, (llr.xliKiua, Jnnn<lloo, lualuiln, fnvrr nnil Auuo, unil nilllvor «nil atotnuoh troiililnn, I'urolyvryntuhlo ; navor arl|>u or tvnukon. OnlyS jo. at OroweU'n InuK Htoro.

The Lyc6uin.'The second quarter of tho Hamraon-

ton Lyceum ended on Monday night,with a continuance- of tho samo spiritedinterest that has prevailed throughoutall the meetings. Tbo officers electedfor the third quarter are as follows:

President, Dr. Reed.First V.P., Prof. Holdrldge. '

Secretary, Miss Nellie Hurley.Treasurer, Mr. A. L, Jackson.Following the election, Mr. Jncobs,

the Lyceum Critic, read a vory wittyand interesting paper. Miss Curlawthen sang a very pretty solo, entitled."Burst, ye npplo buds I"

There were several impromptu do-.bates, thermost-exclting'-being-.on-thequestion whether "The United Statesshould unconditionally withdraw fromCuba." .

Tuesday, morning, Mr. JosephBean, an aired Uammonlonlan, wnRinstantly killed-by an un-oxproes on theW. J. & S. railroad. The old gentle-man was almost entirely deaf, and living-alone, earned a -precarious livelihood by

;g«—uSd tililcKens. to thoraising of which he devoted his time.'Tbafrnorninz ~he~was crosRing^thetracks at Cherry Street, .about eighto'clock, when the locomotive struck him.Evidently the train men did not seehim. On Wednesday Coroner Senft

me jury: Messrs^ E. A. Cordery, B.Warnngton, W. -M. Maxwell, LewCopley, B. FogHetta, and A. Hoinecke.The inquest was held in Town Clerk'soffice, and.after hearing-all the evidenceoffered, the jury found a verdict ofaccidental death ; but censured the rail-road company for neglecting to provideBOCDO safety appliance at grade cross-ings, and recommended that the com-pany be required to pay all the funeralexpenses. So far as known, Mr. Bean,had no living re/atives, though rumorstates that he had a brother living in"Baltiinore7~ "~'~-"" v

- "MB. EDITOR : Before you boom theTo\yn as a health :-resbrt,--"ou hadbetter call tho "city fathers" attentionto the condition of some of our side-walks. Please take a walk up thesouth side of Bellevue Avenue, fromBtockwell's store to W. J. Smith's cor-ner. Firat you will encounter a stonequarry, with the baldhcads protrudingabove ground, which havo broughttears to. the eyes of many owners ofcorns. Go a little farther, and youwill cross several ravines somethingsmaller than tho Yosemite Valley andless beautiful ; saying nothing abouttho many lagoons In which a passerby ruutit riecesaa'rily put his feet tosoak. Tills should not bo allowed ontho most popular street in town, Ithink. What say you ? BOOM. —

TRAFPORD — LAMBETH. At thorovldonoo of the bride's parents, 1427Floyd Avo., Itlohmond, Va.,Tuomlnyovunlag, April (Hi), 1001, by tho Hov.Butn'l Lnmboth. nnolo of thu brido,Mr. Allrod T. Trafford, Ilumnioiiton,N. J., nnd Mins Aunlo I). Lunihoth.

young inon, and M|HH Liunliot'i. mademnuy friends whilo vlwit lnn lioro. Maytholr united liven bo huppy,

MANKINB - DA Via. On WoduuaUnynfloruoon, April 10th, HIOl, nt tlioM. K. I'aritonngo, l Iu inni i in iDi i , byHov. V. L. .liiwott, Mr Albnrt Miin-klnu, of HuniiDonton, unil MTH, (!nrrleOnvlH, of Hllvor Itrooli, 1'n,

A Raging. Roaring Flood\VuHliinl down n toli>Kra|ili l inn wlilohOhuH. (). KlllH, of Muliou, I > i . , hud toropulr, "rttniullng wiilnt il««p In loywiitor," ho vrrltoH, ' 'guvo mo u Uirriblooold und ooii(?li. It grow worno dully.Flnully tho boHt dootoi'H In Onklunil,Noli,, Hlonx Olty und Oiiinhn mibl I hu<loonniimptlon und onnld not llvn. ThiiiiI lingua lining Or, Klng'n Now Dlnonvoryunil WIIH whol ly inn oil by nix botllimI'lmlllvoly ( j iniruntiHii l fur oiiughii, ooliln,und nil t i n out, und lung trniihlim byOrownll. I 'ni in TiOo. und $1.00. Trlulh<it,tlim CriMi..

HoviHO, SiR'n,

Ornamental Painters

• anil l'ii|i«ir lluii|rlii|r.

Hnmmonton, N. J.Huvo you paid your BuhoovlptlonP

. . - •itjpoE&ible that you do not know that at

race at Madison Square Garden, Harry Elkeseaid that the IVER JOHNSON wheel was "The

and speediest one on the market." Major Taylor

rides our wheel, and has repeatedly proven its"

__qualities,_notJ:he-leaat-of-W-hichri8-strength. — Ours-is-a-wheeJ—

businesa as well as pleasure. Shall we hear from

For sale at Patteri's.

We carry a full line of Gloves

. __ . ipr the Easter trade,i_in_all..._..

sizes and several styles,—;

Black, Light and Dark Tans and Drabs, in

Dress and Undress Kid, LaceJd^JBtjttonA^nd

• the'Toster Fa^eftfFasfeners.

Mother's Bread.It's all righ*. to tulle about "tie bread Grandmother

used to miike." It's a natural thing to do.

But, with one of our

Puritan Oil Stovesyou can even beat her justly famous baking.

Many of them are being used in Hammonton,and giving satisfaction, too.



iN ORDKK T-IIAT K V K H Y I J O D Y Hhall luivo u chanceto Hi»( in fy t lu^mnKlvcH (hat wo make thoBest Sausage in the World, wo havo dcto H^ll Sautw(f« lor tlu! halatioo of tlio MOUHHII a£ ICHHt l i u i i cot-it, to wit : 10 COllts per pound.


Page 4: tvZ*z£&t- - Atlantic County Library


Introduced Dec. 29, 1900, Passed Jan.20, 1001.

Know all men by these presents, thatwe, .

H. McD. Little,'„ Wm. H. BernshouBc,

M. L. Jackson,Wm. Bernshouse,Robert Steel,G. E. Chalfant,W. R. Tllton,

Chas. Monfort,Samuel Anderson, Jr.,George King,A. V. W. Setley.J. C. Johnson,

do hereby associate ourselves tnto aCompany, for the purpose'of construct-ing; maintaining and operating gas•works, under and by virtue of the pro-visions of an Act of the Legislature ofthe State of New Jersey, entitled "Anact to authorize the formation of gaslight corporations and regulate the

D. eighteen hundred and seventy-six,and the several supplements theretoand-^ acts amendatory thereof, -and tothat end we do by this our certificateset forth; : -~c - --

First—That the_ name___pf. the soldI'Ooinpany^~i3^~'*TlTC—HairiTnoh ton-Company." -' • • - M.

_ Seeondr-That the said Company Is tocontinue for the term of one Tiuhdred

"and ninety-nine years.Third—That the name of the village,

town or city. In which it is proposedto supply and distribute. Illuminatinggas and construct, maintain and operate

of the said Company. Is thet. .Town of Hammonton, in the uounty or-Atlantlc-and-State-of-Nev-Jereeyr——

The location of the principal officeof the Company Is Hammonton, N. J.

The name of the agent therein andIn charge thereof, upon whom processagainst the Company may be servedIs Wm. H. Bernshouse.

• r r h n t >hp mnnimLnf th? canItal stock of the Company is twenty

m2 ' * i

four hundred shares of the par valueof fifty dollars each.-Fifth—That the names and places of

residence of the Directors" of the saidCompany, who are thirteen in number,all of whom are residents of the Stateof New Jersey, and two-thirds, at least,

• of whom are residents of the Town of"Hammonton,-in-the- County of Atlan-

tic, and State of New Jersey, where theworks of the said Company are to beerected, and who shall manage the af-fairs of the said Company for the firstyear and until others are chosen intheir places are as follows; viz:Names of Directors.

Places, of Residence.H. McD. LITTLE,

Hammonton, N. J.WM. H. BERNSHOUSE, '

• jHajnjnontojji^N.i^ -L_

and that It Is Intended In good faithto erect cas> worke and manufactureand soil jras to the sold Town of Ham-monton, In the County of Atlantic andState of New Jersey, as specified In thesaid foregoing; articles of association,nnd to the Inhabitants thereof.

Sworn and subscribed before 0ie thistwenty-eighth day of December, A. D.1900.WM. H. BEnNSHOUSB,

Commissioner of Deeds.H.-McD. Little,Wm. Bernahouse,Robt. Steel,

""Chester M. Crowell,CHas. Monfort,Qdo. King,A. V. W. Setley,J. C. Johnson.

Endorsed. Filed Dec, 29, 1900.GEORGE WURTS,

Secretary of State.


STATE OF NEW JERSEY,Department of State.

I, George Wurts, Secretary of Stateof the State of New Jersey, do herebycertify that the_fpregplnS'-l8j._ttue-CQpy-of the Certificate of Incorporation_of

thereof, and upon the payment of thebills Incurred for printing the came.

MICHAEL K. BOYER,Attest: President of Council,

J. L. O'Donnell,Clerk of Council.


the endorsements thereon, as the sameIs taken from and compared with theoriginal filed in my~ofHce On" the 29thday of December, A. D. 1900, and nowremaining: on file therein.

In testimony whereof, \ have hereuntoset my hand and affixed my official sealat Trenton, this 29th day of December,A. D. 1900.




Hammonton, N. J.\VM. BERNSHOUSE,

Hammonton, N. J.ROBERT gTEELr ""~ " " " • ' "

Hammonton, N. J.G. E.- CHALFANT,._-.

Hammonton, N. J.•W. R. TILTON,

Hammonton, N. J.- C; M. CROWELL,

Hammonton, N. J.CHAS. MONFORT,

Hammonton, N. J."SAMUEL ANDERSON. JR;, '

Hammonton, N. J.GEO. KING,

Hammonton, N. J.A. V. W. SETLEY,

Hammonton, N. J.J. C. JOHNSON,

Hammonton, N. J.In witness whereof, we have here-

unto set o.ur hands and seals, togetherwith our respective places of residenceand the number of shares of stock woeach agree to take In the said Com-pany, this twenty-eighth day of De-cember, A. D. nineteen hundred;Names. Places of Rea. No of. Shore*H. McD. LITTLE (L. S.)

Hammonton, N, J.WM. H. BERNSHOUSE (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J .M. L. JACKSON (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J.WM. BERNSHOUSE (L: S.),

Hammonton, N. J.KOBT. BTEEL (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J.O. E. CHALFANT (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J.W. Tl. TILTON (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J.OIIKSTKK M. CHOWI3LL (L. S.),

Hammonton, N. J.CHAH. MONFOUT (L. H.),



SAMUKL ANDKI tHON, Jr., (L. H.).Ilaniinunton, N. J. 1

OKO, KINO (L. S.),Hiunin,niton, N. J. 1

A. V. W. HKTLKY (L. H.),l lanininntnn, N. J. 1

J, C. JOIINHON (L. H,),I I i i i n i i K i n l n n , N. J. 1

"HTATW 0]f NKVV . I K I t H I ' i Y .Cini i i ly nf A t l a n t i c . HH.

lie It rciin-inlicrcil t h a t nn IhUi IAVI-II-l y - « l K h t h i lay (if Dcccinlii-r, A. l> . n l i i i - -tccn l i i i n i l i c i l , before inr a Conmiln-nlonrr nf 1) In In ami fnr the H l n t i : ,»fNuw .li.'riii-y, i icr i i i i i ia l ly ii|i|iniixi-il

M a n y M c l > . Ml t l c ,M. It. .liii ' llHnn,Win. l lc i niilimaic..I tnl i i ' i - l Hli 'i ' l ,Ii. I'!: Cha l f au l ,W. I t , Tl l tnn,Ch i 'Mlc r M. d-iiwi'll,ChiiH. M,nifiM I,Haiiiin-l Ami,-i n,MI, ,lr,Ui'ci i 'Ki ' K l i i K ,A . V . W . - H i ' l l i - y ..1. <.', J n lu i i i n i i ,

Who 1 am i i a l l H l l c i I M M . t w i ' l v c nf t in-I'Wnomi named In a n , I w in ; cx i ' cu lc i l I l i cf 'M'UKiill l i ; ' i i i ' l l i ' l i i t i i i f A i w i i - l i i l l i i i i , amiI, Imvlni : llnil m a i l , - l ( im\ \ n m ca, I i nfI l l c in I l i r c i n i l i - n i i i H i , • ! , . , i f , id,.}. n,,,|,i icl( i in\vlci l i{c, | I i n i l i l i c y u lcnc i l , i i cu lc i lIlllll iMlvrrril Ihr niinli' »n Ihrlr Vlrfmi-(ary net Mini ilrnl

All llf Which |M ll,.|,-liy ri'|-||'|l'l|.

Win. I I , H c r i i M h u i n i c ,C i i l l l l l l l M i i l c i l i r r , > f I In,M|/I ,

HTATIi ; o|i' N|.;\v . I K I I H K Y• Cnnnty ,,f Alliiiui,vHrr'-"

Iliii'i-y Mel), l.liili^ Win. llcrniiliiiniii',ItolM'it Hii'i'l, i; !•;.'riiiiifiun ('ln>ti|..|'M. ('row.'II, I'lini-li-r, Mnnfun (t i>nrK i -KliiK. A. V. \v. ii,.||,.j. ,ui,t | ' r ,|,,|1M.linn liclliK ilnly HHiirn, a,.,.,,i,|||,(I |,, |luvI l l l I l l l ' l l ' I T M H - r l l V , . ,,a|| ln. ,|,.,,,,|,,. „,„!

nay t h a t I l i cy m,. „:,,,. nt , } l l , m,.,,,!,,,,,l l a l l l C l l In I I I , ' f i l l , • ! ( , , I l l ) ; m i l , . I , . M u f M M

nn,'hill,ni nf Tin. Ham ,,,,,, ,),,„ r,,mpuny, tha i nt I,.in,l ,,,,,. |,,i|r ,,r || ,.'I'" c'U'Hal Ii nr Ih,. ,,al,l (',„„ ,yIn ivll, Tell 'rilnllMMii,! I),,II,,,,, („,„ i,,,,.,!111 I;IIM,I r.iiiii Huh,,, ,11,,,,] „,;,, ,„,,.,„.,|...|- ci'iiiniu mil,I In „ r,,H|, , „«'a>.|i Ilicicnn In Ihi. l i lrri ' t iH111 Ilic r;uilil MI Hi |. n ,,r AMI

Section 1. Be It enacted, that author-ity be and the same Is hereby given toHammonton _Gas.Company, its success-ors and assigns, to erect, maintain andoperate works for the manufacture ofgas in the town of Hammonton, andare; further hereby granted the rightand privilege of laying1, placing andmaintaining mains, pipes and their ap-purtenances. In, through and under thestreet?, roads, highways, alleys, andpublic places ot eaid town for the pur-pose, of supplying gas therein, from andafter the date when this ordinance goesInto effect, upon the terms, conditionsand restrictions hereinafter specified.

Section 2. The said Gas Company Inlaying down gns maJns or pipes shall notunnecessarily or unreasonably obstructor Injure any street, road, highway,sidewalk, lane or alley, and shall, par-^iculai-ly-and^wuhln-a-reasonable-timfrreatorc the streets, roads, highways, al-leys and public places, which shall beopened^by them, or their agents, oremploye? to the same order and con-dltlorf in which they 'we're""so'open'ed bysaid Gas company..Section. 3...^Whenever ..the said Gas

Company shall make any excavation inthe streets, roads, highways, alleys orpublic places of the snld town, !t signals or otherwise, do all thingsnecessary to protect the public fromInjury resulting from such excavation,and the snid town of Hammonton shallnot be liable to any" person'or corpora-tion for any damages that many be suf-fered by such person or corporation byreason of the negligence of the aaiilGas Company, In the use of the streetsfor the purpose herein authorized, andthe nald Gap Company shnll In all re-spect? nnve the anld town of Hammon-ton harmless from any and all damagesand costs to which the said town maybe put by reason of the negligence ofthe said Gas Company in falling tnproperly protect such excavations.' Sec-tlor. 1. The snld Gas Company

shall bo subject to nil rules nnd regula-tions now In force, or which have boi;nadopted by the snld town concerning theopening of streets; road", hlghwuyn andpublic places and nf obstruction totravel therein.

Section 5. Said Oas Company ehn.lllay down and supply gas therein, with-in said town of Hammonton not ICHHthan throe mllos of gas pipi'H Within oneyear Jrnm the i l n tK of the paiiHaffu ofth in ordinance, and fal l ing no to do,thin ordinance anil nil of the I?IIH r l K h l Hand privileges herein granted, shall,after the expiration of wild porlnd ofone year (income nul l nnd void.

Hectlon 0. The Bald (law Companyshall not charge for I l lumina t ing gnn tobe served under the provisions of thisordinance mon; thnn tin; sum of One

Coiniiiiny nhallromitl'llctlon 'if

anil cubic fret, which jirlci: shall husubject to a d lHcn i in t of lift,-01 centsper thomminl cubic feet, making the n i - tprice avai lable In I l i c public of OneDnl l i i r and a Hnlf per thnimaii,! cubicfeel nil i i l l current bll lu for K"» UHinl Inthe prcci-illni; m o n t h nnd fur wh ichpaymen t IH tenderci l w i t h i n ten daysa f t e r Ihe del ivery n f b i l l , nnd f u r t h e rprovided t in t n i l l H c u u n t of t h i r t y cent*per i l i n i n i i i i i d cul i l r f"cl M l i i i l l he allow,-,!npiin all 'inch hllhi If the I'liinmincr linent h e K J I H fn r cnn lUi iK n r b c n t l i i K piirpnHc.iIn t h e a m o u n t nf t w o i l in i inand cnlilcfeel per m o l l l l l or nver , m> t h a i Ihe netprice a v a i l a b l e fn r Kan I I M C I ) fn r tnichp i n i i i u ' e a M i n i I n M i i i ' h q i l a n l l i y x h u l l li.idue Dn l ln i ' an i l T h l r l y - l i v e CenlH .perI h n l l H . ' l I l d , ' l l l l l r reel .

H e c i l i n i 7 . A l l the r l K l i l i i and p r l v l -leKcti In thl .s n i ' i l l nanee t i h a l l be inibjectI,, an act c i i l l l l e i l , "An Act tn anlliorl/.rt h e f o l ' l i i a l l o n nr i;nn l l r i i l eni 'pnni t lniuiand |,i r c h - n l a l c t h e inline," approvedA l ' l l l :!l IH7I1, mill the tievei'lll nupllle-

nienui lln'rclo MIII) aIh,TCI,f.

Hcelliiii H. Mnld (Iancninineiicc ^vnl)t nn (Inthe nan plant \\iililu r,nii tnnlilhn af lcrthe paiiiiiiirc nf thin iirdlininee, and havethe pliuil eniiipleli'd wllhln ten iinnitliiillolll III,' llllle nf the pitlelllifc Ihel'eiif;nlhcrwlne, iill of Ihe in-iivlnliniii nf thinnrdliiMiiec nhall ccm,c, lennlnaie andhccinne void u'llliont fiirlbi'i' nntlc,,,

t ' lMtlnn !i. The nal,I dim I 'nnipniiyfllllll, If l','i|llci<le,l, fill nleh ({Mil f i ee I,,Ilic l i>\vn Mall Mini (he t vvn Hi m-paiiy hnniii'M when ami If ihr luimc in,,nil the MUpply pipe linen.

Hi ' i ' t lnn 10. The mild < l l i n f ' n n i i i i i n vnhu l l f i l r i i l n l i nil n ie |e in f i r e in con-K i i n i e i M n f K M M .

Muellnii II, Thin ,,,,IliinnIT nlu,11 nuth line cITcct lve Illllll miM (Ian Coinp u n y id ia l l l i u v , , paid for I h e l u l n l l i i KI h c i ' c o f .

Me,'lion I:1 All (he allinilalliina, conilllliiini nnd iiKrci-nicnln heieln coninlncirMliiill ennlliiiie In fore,, an him; MM Ihemid 'In" I'inniniiiy complli'ii w i th (lieprnvlMliinii of Ililn nnlliiMiiee.

frecll ini l.'l. Thai (he mild cninpnnynhull |;lve nn i plalile lionil of fill,IlllllIn cnriy mil (he terinii nf Ihl'i ordliianceh r f o i r V V O l l l I I I ci , | l l l l l e l l c e , I .

Mi' r l lon M, Tli l i i n i ' d lnance n h u l l In lu ielTecl f i n i n , l l n i d i l l , i of (he I l i i i i l pinianr,, '

Subject: CJirlut U Itlnrnt — lemon Em-boillfil In Our Pavliiur'n Itcunrrcctloli-A« altlnc the Day When "All Who Ar«In Xliolr Cm von Shall Conio Forth."

[Copyrlirhtmm.t^WARHINOTON, D. C.—The (n-ent Chris-

tian festival celebrated in all, the churches

I Corinthians xv,' 20, '^Now is Christrisen from the dead and become tho firstfruits of them thnt slept."

On this glorious Ennter morninit, amidthe music._and. the flowers^ I_gjyr. vniiChrietian salfftation. . THis~ morning_Rns.-_.: '-'--HuBsian'on the streets of St.

. — nils-him-with-the-flRlutationTl.hnst is risen indeed!" : In some parts

of Enfrlnnn and-Ireland to-this rerv d.i.vthtre is the superstition that on Easteimorning the sun dances in the heaven"nnd well may we forfiivp such n supersti-tion, which illustrates the fact that th«natural world seems to sympathize m'ththe floiritual.

Hail, Easter morninc! Flowers! Flow-

uri-cction will tne loot cuinu front Ciiinu.will the arm como._froin Gnglnnd andivill the different parts of the body be re-constructed in the resurrection/ How isthat possible?"

You say that "the human body _.every eevon years and by seventy ynaraof ago a man has had ten bodies ' In theresurrection, which will conio up?" You«av: "A man will die and hU body crum-ble into the dune and thut dust ue. takenuj> into the life of the vegetable. Ananimal may cat the vegetable. Men catthe animal. In the resurrection that body,distributed in so many directions, hov/•hall-it-be-gothcred-up?"—Hnvc-yoir-nny-more ouestiona of this style to ask? Comeon and ask them. I do not pretend to an-swer them. I fall back upon, the an-nouncement of God's word, "All who orein their graves shall come forth."

You have noticed. I suppose, in read-ing the story of the resurrection, thaialmost every account of the Bible givctthe idea that the characteristic of thatday will be a great sound. I do notknow that it will be very loud, but ]know that it will be very penetrating. Inthe mausolemn,j^ere-£ilencc_hRs_re!r '

yeSfJv~£Ka7t ~ voice muBt tp

tlie streets of St. corruntion Surrender


., Bm_(^vrtice. ftttjjtthBuafr'tongue, allonhem fuirofspecch to-dny.I bend over .one of the lilies, nnrl I henr

Tntr^. In the coral cave of the drop wintvoice must nenetrate. Millions of spiritswill come -tllrough—the gates of eternity,and they will comr» to the tombs of theearth-»nrl-th('V~Hrill-cry:—"G:Ve~Us"bacTcour— bodies. ^We gave them-to-you—in

" ' th-iin now'fn in-—of-opirits-hover--

m^_ about the'.ficlds. of- Gettysburg, -forthere the bodies nre buried. A hundredthousand snirits coming to Greenwood,for there the bodies nre buried, waitingfor the reunion of body ami soul.

All along the eon route from Now York, to Liverpool, at every few miles where a'steamer wont down, departed spirit* com-ing back, hovering ovpr the wave. There

I , The, morning breaks to pierce the shade.I heard of a*fathcr and son who, among-

others, were shipwrecked at sen. Thefather and the son climbed into the rig-ging. The father held on, but tho sonafter awhile, lost his hold* on the rigging;and was dashed down. The father sup-posed he had gone hopelessly under thewave. The next day the father wasbrought ashore from the nVeiss.Jn.nn cx-hausicd state and laid on'a" bed-in afiBnerman's hut, and after many haunthad passed he came to consciousness and!saw lying beside him on the-same bed his

Jioy. ,Oil. my friends, what a glorious thing it

will bo if we woke up at last to find ourloved ones beside us, coming up fromthe same—plot in tlm graveyard, coming''up in tne same morning light—the fatherand son alive forever, all the loved onesalive forever, never more to weep, nevermnre to part, never more to die.

May the Cod of Peace that broughtagain from the dead our Lord Jesus, thatorreat Shepherd of the sheep, through thc-blood of the everlasting covenant make»ou perfect in eyery. good work to rlr>His-will^md—let—the~nBgociation8~ofr-th1S~morning transport our thoughts to the- •grander nssemblane before the throne.The one hundred, and forty and—fourthousand and the "great multitude thntno-man—can—number,—flome-of—our-best—

_friends. amonu_them—wc_nftcr--Awhile- tojoin the multitude. Glorious anticipation!

Washed {nTjEheir jrpbeS- "CjZ?"M8*»T)jorHirt!Brighter than angels, lo, they shine.Their wonders splendid and sublime.

My soul anticipates the day.\Vould stretch her wings and soar awayTo aid the song, the palm to bear.And bow* the chief of sinners, there.

-IB—-where—tlie^Gity^Tif—Boatun .Found at last. There ia where thePresident, periahefl. Steamer found tt

they spin, yet Solomon in nil his glory wn»not arrayed like one of these." I 'bendover a rose'., nnrl it npi-iTm fo ivham the rose of Sharon." And then Istand nnd listen. Frnm nil sides then1

comes the chorus of flowers, saying, FlGod so clothed the grass of the field, whichto-day is. nnd_tp-niorrow_i8_caat-.into_the-overii slinll He not much more clothe yout> ve of little fnith?" - - -

Flowers! Flowers! Braid them intcthe bride's hair. Flowers! Flowers!Strew them over the graves of the dead,sweet nrophecv of. the resurrection. Flow-prs! Flowers! TVist them into a gar-[and for mv I^ord Jesus on Easter morn-ing, nnd "Olory be to thr> Father and tothe Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it vtntin the beginning, is now and ever shallbe!" Thfl women ,camfl to the Saviour^tomb, nnd they dropped spices nil aroundthe tomb, and those spices were the seedthat began to grow, nnd from them cam*all-the flowers of this Easter morn. Thetwo angels robed in white took hold ofthe stone at the Saviour's tomb, and

hill that it crushed in the door of theworld's ssepulcher. and the stark and thedead must come forth.

I care not how labrinthine the rtia'usolemn or how costly..ihc,sarcophagus, othowever beautifully porterred' the familygrounds—we. want them all broken up bythe Lord of '-the resurrection. -They mustcome out. Father and mother—they mustcome but; hu»hand and wife—they rnimlcome out; brother"and sister—they mustcome out; our darling children—they muslcome out. The eyes that we closed withsuch trembling finders must open againin the radiance of that morn;, the, armiWP folded in dunt must join ours in ansmhrnoe of reunion: the voice that wn«hushed in our dwelling must be retimed.Oh. how long some of you seem to bewaiting for the resurrection! And foithese broken hearts to-day I make a soft:ool bandage out of Raster flowers.

This morning I find in the riuen Chriiil» prophecy of our own resurrection, mytext setting forth the idea that as Chrinlhas rinen so His people will rise. He, th<first sheaf of the resurrection harvest. He"the first fruita of them that slept." Bofore I get through thi" morning I wil'wnlk through all the cemeteries of thidead, through all the country eraYcyardswhore your Invert oncn nrc buricrl, anil 1will pluck off these flowrrn. anil I willdrop a aweet promise of the gospel—nromi of hope, a l i ly of joy on every tomhthe rl i i l i l 'H tomb, the husbnnd'H tomh,the wife's tomb, themother'n grnvp, and.

fnt l ior 'n grave, thewhile we r-olchrntc

tins ri 'Hiirrcction of Ohrint we wil l ,nt th(Haiae t i m n celobrale thf rcsiirroction of allthe good. "Christ, the first fruits olthem that f l lent ."

If 1 Khoulil come to you and ask youfor th« nsniCH »f the iirent r-onquororH olth« world, you would nav Alexiunln'

r, I ' l i i l ip, Napolu'i'i I. Ah! Yoi;hai'e fornntti 'ii to mention tho name of ngi'rnter i'oni|iieror than ni l thi'He—n rrui'l

[h.'iitlv rnnrnirrnr. l_ln_ rnile on a hlnoklior«e Heroin Wiiti ' i ' lnii ami I ' l i u l i i i i n andAtlnntn. tlirt blnody l innfH crinihing tin

f n a t i n i i H . It in the conquero!Death. He enr r ieH a hliu.'lc Hag, (mil hrtalci 'H nn pr iNi inern , Hi' i l ign a trend;arrnim t ln i heinlNpln' i ' rH and (I l ls It wlt l it h e c n i v i H r f i ' H n f n n l i i n i H , l ' ' iflv l in ien wmililI lie wni'1,1 hnve hrni , l r | in | iul i i I , ' ,1 had mil( I n i l l i i ' i i L mai l ing new ui'iienitiniiH, l ' ' i f lvt inicN the wnr ld would liuve H w i n i g l i f rI I ' I IH Ih i ' iu iKh the a i r nn nmn nn the inni intn ia , nn man nn the tint, un nl iandoni- i !•iliin plowli iK l l i n i i i K h l i M i a e i i M i l y . Againna i l i i ^ i i i i i I I I I H he ilone t h i n i v n i h wi th n i lKi ' lK ' lMl i i i l l i i . l i e i l l a nl i iai treh I IH ivell i < pn ( ' i i n , | i i i ' i ' i > r ; I I I H i K i l n i ' e a Hepnleher ; l i i if o l l l l t n l l l n ( l i e t ' l i l l i l l g I I ' I I T H (if a xvol ' l i lIl!enni1il he ( i n i l in I lie I l i lh l nf l l i uM i i H l r r t i n i r i i i n , : ! J ,u-e (he prii | ihei-y l l n i lInn Hc i ' p t e r n h u l l be l i r n K c i i anil Inn pulnc il i l l n l l he t t i ' i n i i l i H l i r i l . Tile hour in en l l l i i i | jwl i ra n i l wlni nni In the i r m i i v r n n h u l l r i«< .,/,-Miii,, "tin! lirut. frui ln nf Ilicin Unit nlepl."

Nnw, iii'iillnd th i f l i lnelrine nf the ITUIHTi'iitiiin Ih tM' i i tiro ii Ki'eut nntny my,,tcri i ' i i , Vial iMinin tn me ami nay, If t inlioili i ' i i nf the i)<;i\il an; to bn mini"!, lunvlu thin mill hnw in tluit!"' Anil ynu nullinn a thni i t iuint «|iieiitiiMi'i I am l|i( 'oiii |ii<ti'nt In atiHwer. l int tlnirii (ire a grrliln inny t h l n t f H you bcl l i ivM that ynu are miliililii tn explain. Ynu would be a v i ' i yfnnllnh man In ,my, "I won't lielieve i,nyt lmiH I ,'iiu'l. a in le in t i in i l . " Why, p u l l l i i | id i iwn nan Idml nf l lnvver neinl. i ' inne,i l ln ' c ,up I | I |H I l i i v v e r nf t l l J H enlnl 'V Why, | i l l t t i l l | il l invi l I l l l n l l i e l ' I t invel ' iiri ' ll! t :nlll | . , l t l i e r o I I ) ,Ii l lnwiT nf I l l l n eii lnl ' . ' One I l i m i lw h i l e , mini he r I l inver y e l l i i w . min i l i e r l l n . vIT I ' r i i i i h i i n . Why I lie i l i l l ' e reni ' i i i v i i t ' t it i l e i , i ' i i t , , lonli I n lie \ r l V I l l l i e h a l i k e ^nvr i .v nn i i ' l i (0|I>|:.'' K , | i l ' i i n I lie,,,' I h i n i t n ;c M ' l i i i n , Uni t" 'rt"ni'k nn i lm l i n K e r ; e ' . | i l i i lnthe i l l l l ' i ' i i ' i i r e w l i v l l nil len( U i l iMVren l 11 "i,i I I I , ' I, al' ul I In' h i r l u n y . T, ' llme Innv l In ' l . m i l A l i a l i d i l y en i i l i n n l l nr l m l i n t ,il' I llu i i i i i n i iMih - .M 1 , , , ,n a ' ,M" , < i , lVnll i in l l i nn , | i | fnl I I I I I M n h , m l I lie i, '1,111 i f , •( l u l l I r i k l i i n i t n i n t u ' i ' i . I \ v l l l tn iK y , M l nl l l M i U M i l u l ,|il,",l M i n n n i l n i l I ' t ' e r v i l n y ill ' ,yn i l r i n i l n i l i i n n u , ' i

I I l i n l m y M | r e n ; ; i h I n i l i i ' i pn- i , / i ' ( ' ' . " V 1

tvllll III,' ill thrll Hl'.'m-'i illlll n,|||ll Illllll '

I iln iidl, ini'lenil In iiKiK.i Ilir es|<',uiiil IIMI\'nll |(,i nil nnil i,,iy; "Silt,|i,,iie M irll irinilniliiiliiinny ilini In Iliix I ' l lv. \\ ' i|.|i InVVIIH in (lilnn, lil,i liinl i\ mi .iniiiiii I't'ilI I , , l l v r i l \ . , a l l , - I In I ' i l l t l n M ' l I Himhi' Iinil nn nun ninpnlnl, n, 'I,' In nm l,',lIn llnV 111 I'ninlei' renn'li'l'\'. In ill,, l,.«

icnn went down. Spirits hovering—hun-dreds—of spirits hovering, wniting forthe reunion of hodv ^nil qnnl Oi|t on-praine a gnirit aliffhts.' There is where-a traveler died in the snow. Crash goesWcatffunster—Abb^y-r—and—the—poets—and-the orators come forth! Wonderful min-gling of good and bad. Cr? 'i gi) tliepyramids— of '-Egypt." and ihST" iiidriarcuBcomo forth.

Who cair-jkctch the scone? t Riipposothat one moment before that ceneral ris-ing there will be an entire silence, savens you hrar the grinding of a wheel orthe clatter of the hoofs of n processionpassing into tho cemetery- Silence in allthe caves of the earth. Silence on "theside; of the mountain. Silotice down in thevalleys and far out into the sen. Silence.But in n moment, in the twinkling of nneye. as the archangel's trump»t comesneahng, rolling, crashing acrom the moun-tain and sea. the earth will give oneterrific shudder, nnd the graves of thedead will heave liltc the waves of thejiea, and Ostenrl and Sev^-.topol and Cha-

wet locks above the billow, ami allthe land, and nil the sea become* one mov-ing mass of life— oil faces, all nien, nilconditions gazing in one direction nndupon one- throne,,tion.

,, -"All who arc in t e i r gravesforth."


"But." you Biiv. "if this doctrine ofthe rponrrection is true, .in prn'i^nv.l hythis lister" innrnmcr can vnn toll ' •;"«something about the remirrcctpd linrlv?"T can. There are mvstericii about that ,put I shnll tell you three or four lliingain regarrr to the resurrected body thatnrn beyond "guessing"" and • beyond mis-take.

In the first place. T rein:!!-!; in regardto your resurrected body, it will be nalorious body. The body we hnve now

.in a mere skeleton .of ..what it wrnildhave been if sin hnd not marred and de-faced it. Take the most exr | t i i<ii l i> stu'.upthat was ever nmde by an nr t in t andchin it here and chip it there with " chiseland batter and hrnisc it here and therennd then stand it out in the storms of ahundred venrs. nnil the beauty would bepone. Well, the human body has beenchipped and battered and hiiii«cd nnr jdamaged with the storms of tliounnndiof years, tho physical deforls of othergenerations coming down from npncrn-t i o n _ t o generation, we i n h e r i t i n g the infe-licities of nnst generations,

Hut in the morning of the romirrertionthe body will he adorned and beautifiedaccording to the original model; Amithere is no suph difference between n gym-nast and nn emncintcd wretch in n lazaret-to ns there will IIP a cliffnrcnrn betweenour bodies ns they are now nnd our resur-rected forms, Tliore you will see (lip per-fect fvc after tin- waters of denlli hnvc\vunhed out the ntains of. tears anil study;than- you wil l m'n the perfect hnnd nftr-rtfco linotn of toil hnve been unt ied fromthe linuckjen; there yon will nee, thefortn erect nnd clastic a f t e r the liunlens

of Ood in the body. In this wnrld themoHt exnrennive th ing in tin- human fiiee.lint that fnce in veiled wi th the griefs oln llioiiHiuiil venrn. Hut in the rcHurree-tion morn that veil .wi l l I'D tnltnn nwnvfrom tint fnen, nnil t in- nnnni lny nun indull and dim nni l s tup id cnmpnri 'd wi ththe n i i t f l i imiug (j|nri"M of the iviunten-nnci-H of thu snvi'il. WJion Ihosri fnci'H nfthe r iphtcni iH, t lmMe remirreeted fncrn, turntoward (lie inilp or Ionic up toward Ilmthrone, it. will In- lil'e the ilruvnlnv nf ane\v n inrn ing on the t iOHnni of r>yer lnn t l i1Kduv! O glnrioiiH, rennrrecteil Imily!

l int T remnrli II!H<I in rri/iin) In ||mtbinlv which vna are In get. in t in , reniir-i-ei ' l ion, It wi l l bn nn I n i n i n r l n l hinlv, 'I'll,'",'hni l leH nrn wimt i i iK i^vny. NnmebiHly I I I I H'mid t l i n t nn nniin I\H w<i begin tn l ive ivnliegln In die. t l i i l i ' K M we l<eep p u l l i n g Ihefni ' l i n t o t in- fiiniiii 'o the furnace i l l i -n n u t .Thn blnml yenHi'l« are rnnnln lulling I'mtirr i idHlnlTi i to n i l p i i r l n nf the n y n t i M i i . Wonnml lie re rnnnln i r le i l hnnr by hour , i t ' iybv day. H i e K n c H n an i l dea th nrn a l l ( l i f tl i m n t ry l i iK tn fint t h e i r nry nniler t hnl en i ' i nen t nr In in inh 111 nlT Ihe e n i l , < i a l ( -In i ' i i l nf the unm', but , hleHned l»< Co,I,in l lu f iTiiui're,.||iin wi- wi l l get n l i / i dv l i n -n i i i r t n l

M m i i e l l n i e n in HI |H ivnrl i l ive fr,«| i\'ei"Miilil l i lci* In have Kiieli a limlv IIH t hn t ,Tltern |H M,I nnir l i wnrlt In lie dune fn r( ' h r i n t , t7n're i n n nn i n n n v lenm tn liei v l n r i l n w a y , Iherr, nre »,> , "iny l"inleii i i Inl i ' l . I l i i ' i - e In nn inn , ' I , I" he a i ' l i l ev i ' i l fnr( ' l i r i n l . ve m n i i r l l i i i r A lvi- , l i I h n t r i 'MIl l 'heH i n t o f . I n n n n r y In Ih" Inn l . u f I) mlierll'e ennl i l I n i l nil w i t h o u t , n t n p p l l i K tnnlcep nr tn I n l t e n l iy r e e r r M t l n l l nr In |T"Inr , 'Vrn In hilm fun , I I hu l we enii l i l l u l lright nn ' v I M ' i n i l H t n i i p i - " f n Mnmi ' i i t ininn' Avm'K 11! c M i i i i n e i t i l i i n c ( 'hi ' l i i l , andl i i ' n i ' en In n i l I lm pi ' i in le , hul , \vn nil |(etl l r i ' i l . I I I n I ' h i i i ' n i ' l e i ' i n l l e n f H I M I n n , i n nl i i n l v In t h i n e n n i l i l l n n : we muni i(et l l r ed .IH I t nnl a M l i i i ' l n i i N lhnn | ( l i l l l n i l U'n lireK n l i i K In I I IM 'M it l i m l v t h a i \\'i|| nevrr f j r n wwi ' i i rv f O i i l i i i ' l in i i i , , ' H I M i , ' I ' l l , i n i l n y lO l n i l l y w i l l I I l l n i l n n l i l n Hll.l pimi' l , , i , lyuf n i n nml I l l n n || i n l n HIM I n m l i I f atThv h l i l i l l n g I I ' l i n l l I I M V , ; a l i n i l y HintHMver wearli-H, Tim I. In n nplei i i l l i l reniir-i r r l ' m i h y m n l l n i l VM l i ave a l l miii |<:Mn J en l i n n l e p l , ( j , i < l ' n f l y i n g f l n n

I ' n i iH i ' i l l l i i ' , , i i | ( h HIM ur i iv i i anil l i l i ' i inedI he l i M i l ,

I t r n l here, hlrnl ,m lu l , t i l l f rom l l l nt l i i n i n i


A Man Who DlceeJ a I'lt and Fell inIt Hiraielf.

"It didn't turn out as Jones figured,'*•mlrl thr» tn lkn t lvo man—wrth—a^rlthr-'Ho Invited tne to pay him a visit atjla'summer home In tho country, nnd

accepted without uuy Idea of whatle hud ju store for nie^XpjJooncr_httU I_irrlvcd than he informed me 'that h(jUnd me booked to act ns Judge of aliuby show that was to ttike place the-following day. I laughed at bliu, uud,tolil him that I would have tq be ex-cusi'il. Rut he pointed out the facttTiafTlmd bet'U advertised to act, amithat It was now too Into to withdraw;so I consented, although with a goodmany- nilHgivl'ngH concerning the out-come. [

"\Vcll, when I stood up on the plat-form, and saw twenty-seven proudmothers holding as many babies before

Ilo.wT'vi'rf 1 took "a "brace" 'andtold ihcni to ' form In Hue and inarchpast mi-. They did and the sight made-uie dl/.xy, anil for the life of me Icouldn't ii-li a white imby "f roiii "a'col- "orcd one. To catch my breath find galat ime to collect my thoughts, 1 told themlo iniirch around once" iiion\ the resultbi'liiK tha t I was more rattled thanever. I was about to nsk them to-,Ini riulc once more when I saw Jone»Kf ln iHnx -nt -me from the rear of the- -hull, nnd I i't>all/.t>(l the hmid thathe had had In getting me Into the pres-ent si tuat ion. Like a Hash, I saw away mil of the trouble, and a chance-Ui even up matters with JOIIOH nt the-snail1 "tlmiv- Clearing inj; throat, I atl-ilivsHtMl the expectant mothers as fol-lows:

" 'I have asked you to pass before mi*more as a matter of form thnn linydoubt concerning tho winner of thiscontest.. That tho babies nre nil dears.I th ink you will agree with me, ami InlHo th ink you will concur wi th myJudgment when I state that there l»one bikby hero' so much prettier thantho rent nfl 'to pliiee'lt 'In a ClaHH of Itsown, mill to thn t l iul iy It Is my duty tonwnrd the prize. Hul to nave the hrnrt-l i i i rnlngH of the o ther mothers I t h i n kIt hi'Hl nnt tn publ ic ly ni inoi l in ' i ' thou l n n e r at HI!H time. If t l ie mnlherwlm Imli lH t in 1 winner al th i s l i i H l n n l Inhi'l ' i i i ' i im n i n l she U I I I I W N tn whom Iri-fer wi l l cull nt the Inline of Mr.

(n-iiiniTow n i f in i l i ig at H o'eloclc

Ilora Soundo a Warnlnc Notato the Unredeemed.

i HAT which I»false can never bescientific.

When , we castour cares on HimIt does not menuour) care for oth-

-ors, :Any fool can

ruu the universe;the wise man Ishe who can runhis own house.

One Is not in theJand of the living till ho^ has passedfro.ni1 thla world of the dying.

It Is easy to recover from another_jman's_adverslty—:

"The dancing Christian" has n souuaJlke "tlie holy devil."

"""There IsTntT"fertilizer that will make-oraugcs-grow-on-clioke-cheri'y-trees:~ GoU's blessings conTerhlick" td~us"frithe baskets In which we send our gifts

Every man bears his owu burden, butnot every one has the blessing of bear-ing another's.

The buzzing of a Hy lu the meeting«nay make more trouble thnn the howl-ing of a inob. ..

When our wills conflict wi th (Juristit Is poor policy to seek i>eace by cast-ing out the peace-giver. 0

God's .pardon waits for your penl-"tenet, but His pimlshments win uot"havejhe same patience.

Yim will Had au


Tho. real wortli of my SJ.OO inrl (Uncn compared -wltUother makes In g4.00 tu £1.00. My gl.OO ollt K.'.m Lluo cnnnot boemulltiil nt any price. Host In the worla for men.

X innue nn«r •(>!! inore ui«n'« fluo flhiM-M, GoodyeapiVrlt(IIund-N«^Til IBr«»rc<a). (hnn «ny nthrr miinufiic-tnrur I n thoivoriii. X \vlll puy Sl,4>4>o to auy ouo wbo cunpruvo that my aliAieiiiuut Cm not true.

fHlaiit-U) t̂ . J*. DonBlaa.Take no inbitltntn I Innlst on having W. I,. IlongliB Bhoes

with namo and price utaropcil on bottom. Your dealer nhouldkcop them i I RIVO one dealer nxclus^y,<j pallUn caclLtowa^. If

-fia-doomoinciiOlirtliuiitaiiirwliraiit Ko't them lor you, orderdirect from factory, enclnnliii; prico and 23c. extra for carrlaito-Over 1,000,000 Batlifleil wearers. Now Spring Catalog free.FutColorlimtotiiMdudadnij. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.



Jokcn and Jokelet* that Are Supposedto Have Been Kcccutly Born—Buying*and DoiuiiH that Are Old, Carious and

—I/anifhablc-The Week'* Humor. -

"Jiulynnd I got Into a terrible tangle

"How?""1 owed her 10 cents, and borrowed 6

cents and then 50 cents.""Well?""Than I paid her 30 cents for some-

thing she bought " .''

ATIOffiTom—So your engagement with May

Is broken. I thought she fairly dotedon you.

Dick—So she did, but her father wasa powerful antl-dote.—St. Louis Re-public.——' .- . ' - . - . . -

They Made the Crowd,"What's all that crowd of women

over there at Bargen's?"^-"Shoppers -who-read-Bargen's-'ad;"'-"But that's!an unusually large crowd"

"I know, but the 'ad' said: 'Comeearly and avoid the crowd!"—CatholicStandard and Times.

"And she paid 40 cents for something( bought, and then we treated each

to Ice-cream soda."

"Sue says I still owe her a nlclceJ."

some carda, but you will tlnd the tlevl)5»n~thefrourof t b e u r r n l l . :

Some people tblnk to get heaven In jtheir hearts and glory on their headnwhile their hands gather the picking;)of hell.

It Is generally believed that the ex-pression "trumpet of the Lord" doesnot refer to the deacon who sleeps Inthe meeting.


Touching Instance o* Ueal Benevolenceby u Poor Kanaka.

A very curious and beautiful Jotter^

iilic \vlll lie nwimli'il (In1 prize "lie m>J l l H l l . V l I l ' K I ' r V I ' N . '

"Then I lef t mill cn i iK ' l i l t i n ' Urn I t ra infur hnmi-. I K i i l h u r from thu HOIIIC-w l i n i win-in an i l l i i i ' i i l i i > r i > i i l r i ' i imrk t iUn i t . loni 'H b u n H i n d i ' In my hi ' i i r l i iKMiner H i n t (hen- W I I H ii \ v l l i l l y t - x c l t l i i KMill!' Wlll'll IWl'III.V HCVI'll follll llintlllTH

I'llllril l i i i| lillnrll to lli'lllllllll till' |II'l/.eI l i a l I I m i l nwimli ' i l . .luiicn refuxcH toI t ' l l l inw II ended, Ix i l H H lii' n|i|'i''li'Hn f r i i l i l In j,'o back 1 r a t l i r r Imi iKlno( b i l l I l ic e n d I H nut yi'l." • • Detroit Kri'dI'l'I'HH.

Not 11 "llriiiu'lio-lliiMlcr" fioin Clicilcc.(iiiv, ItiMini 'Ycll, III HprnUll IK mire u(

h l i i I 'Xpr l ' I r i i r t 'H In (be fu r Went , mmlct h i n r i i i i l ' c M H l i i n : "You K h u W I mil millicarl.V HII f o l l i l ( i f ' l i l M i n r l l i i l i i m l l i l K ' M i n irllllllK Wllll lUII'MI'M IIH Mllllll' |II'I'NIIIIH

inlKliI l iuvc' .vim Ililnli. It \MiMfi'l !'<•I'iMiKi' I Illiril Hull lilml »l' u'ni'U Hull Idlil It, Mill I nlwn.VH ImiK JUhl \vlinlriiini', Mild II' II lili|i|M'iii>il III In- Ihrwllili'Ht imlnml In III" limii'li I »;nl mi,Mini iilii.vril mi, In". !">' vv lirn I r > M on1 Hindi' ii|i in.v inliiil Kiidiiy, mill I hnvcVl'l III HIM' till' lll'HIK'llll HlHl I'Olllll HlllllC

inr |(lvr In." l . i n l l i ' i i ' l l n n i r . l i i i i n i n l .


"Mill'(•Mil'-""!"111 him niiiuviil'i'M," I'cadHID l i ' i i r l i iT. " ( ' n i l ' in.v I l l l l c Im.v or

\ v l u i l ' i i i i a w n i ' i ' H ' i n i ' i i i i H V "> l i i i n i l ill ' I l i i ' vuui iK '" ' ! I M I

( i l l , "I Ipiow!' ' I l l ' r i ' lnl , " l l ' i i v\ l u l l vvn\voiir iii-.M to our id , I IK-"

l i i l l ' M i - H l <'nrpi'l In ( l ie World.Tho liiwil mrpi ' l I n H n < \ \ o r l i l In In

\ V l l l d r M i r < ' m i l Ir. I I In I I I |Vii| I I I l i l r i l d l l lmi l l i t a l i n i TiH.Ml(l,{||||| M l l l r l i i ' H . TinWci iv l l l i ; of II oi ' i ' i i j i lnl Hvi ' l l lJ i-lulllI l l t ' l l I ' l l l l l I rcn nUmllil1


was oucf written to 1'resldent Lincolnthat woulii certainly "have givt-u himjMx;uirur pleasure If lie had read lC butbu never did, This Is how'I t was: In

'ecu- captui" I ~

red. Li Brl i i . I 1 ^ -he

Eemp> Balsam will (top the congh at one*.Oo to Toor drufffftrt to-day and got a samplebottle free. Bold in 25 and GO cent bottloj.Oo al oooa, dabjn ora dungoroua.

,. A Dlfflcnltr RemoTed."Dicliet, when you "divided those five

caramels with little sister did you glvoher three?

"No, ma. I guessed they wouldn'tcome out eveu—so I ct one 'fore I hie-sun to dlv!dc."-«Euck

SIAH or Onio, Cur or TOLEDO, I _LCOAB COVHTT, f °-

FRANK J. CiiKNBr makes oath tbat be la thitonlor partner of the flnn of V. J. Cnrsr.r 4i'o.,doing buslDCBsli«tbeCltyprToledo.Count]

the nuni of our. nuNDiieD noi.LAiia for coonind every cnse of OATAIUIII .that cannot b<:uredby theneo ofhALt'sCATAnnn CURB.


Sworn to before me find subscribed In m)' ' presence, this btli d»y of Decembei;

There Is hardly a man living whowould not make a grood trade If hecould exchange 'what he knows forsomething different.

It doesn't matter_whether_a_tli.Lng_l3.

_ LA; D. 1B8U.—A.-W.-GLEASONjltld carrlciroff some natives from thu j ' ji.K.'r.tarrh ftireUtakenYnteraa] Islands In the South Scan.

..Oiiu-.of .them was a .son.,of..«. pywevfulc-hlvf, mid the fa the r mailc a vow tha the would, for revuiiRf, eat the llrstwhl to man who fell Into his lumds.

A 111:111 iimneil \Vlialan, the ilrst mate j f,"//,,,,*,1 p|nee.'o f - a - N e w Hetlfonl- whalluB-shlp, wus

i 3f tho eyutoni. Send forteatlmonluln. frt'u.F. J. i IIHNBT & Co.' Toledo. (X

Hull's I'Tmlfy 1'lll'n are the beat.

Tin- nmn who places the highest111 be the first to get the

before many months captured by thehe It was who must fur-

nish a feast for the cuiiiillml ch ief ; hutall tho people lie ruled over were notfiinnllial.s. Among them was a nat ivein IKS lima ry from Hawai i , iiameil Ka-lii'lu. K j i U e l a hiul just received a iin-s-<-iu of a bunt I'nim ri ' l lKlous people InJIosioii, a valuable, xlx-oaroil boat t h a tlie needeil i i j i i ch In his i i i l H H l i i n a r y work.He set about trying to savt- .Mr. \Vlia-liui 'H IIIV, ' Imt Hit ; cli l i ' f woul i i g lv i ) h i mup only mi "lie e i i iu l l l l o i i -Hin t hoH l i o i i l i l l i u v e the new boat In oxi ' l inn^ofur [he captive. Kaliola bmiKhi h im atHIM t iid.':<.'Uy!i! .̂!.l>Jl '̂. -!].'.!!.! JflJl''.'̂ '̂ !'!!'Is lands.

Thi' clnr.v I ' l i i n o In I ' l ' i ' sh l i ' i i l L incoln ' sIcnou'lodKe. ninl In t in ' mldsl <il' tlie ter-r ib le rari 's U n i t I ho I l l 'o mill iloath slnif,'-^-Ic ,il' I hi' n a i l o n I l i r e v v on l i lm . he e l i u r -i i e t i ' i - l s t l o a l l y I ' l i n n i l l l n i o to send a ines-Mi^e and M | i res i ' i i l In Hie |iiior S o n l l i.Sea i n l s H l o n a i . v . K a k o l n wndo a l o l l o rul' i l i a n U s I n r o l i i i ' i i , \ v l i l e h rinsed w i l l )Uiiu.n • . . i i i ln i i "— ': — XUi-Ui

Thcrc is only one time In our liveswhen we oun w i t h safety lay aside cau-tion and be careless, and that Is whenwo are naleep.

A dyspeptic la 'never on,good terms«'ith h imself . 'Something 19 alwaysu'i-onR. Oet .It right by chewing Bee-inun 'a Pepsin Gum.

They who live on public opinion willprobably die of popular opprobrium.

He who in crowned by hln consciencecures not If .he ia. condemned by the

i crowd.I mil Miic ' l> l"o'n Cure for Cotiminiptton «nveclmy I l k - t l i r c c yciiin ogo.—nt»s. TIIOH. KcnulNa,M i l l Ic si. NII wi th . N V.. I'cl>. 17, IIKXI.

- 'inlllliii? to tuiflVr wriinu.

. unleas. you. aro

Tln' i i ' In no rei-t l l l / .ei ' that will mukiii i ra i i ( ; rn ^ruw on ehokeehorry treeH,

A l-eeble Imitation."Bodkins Isn't a genuine

man," "society

"Why not?""He-takes-«>ld-every-time-he~wear8

his dress suit."—Chicago Record.




Dirty-Faced Liz: 1 am sorry for youLiz; but the ouly way to get your factclean Is to wash It. I told you this oncibefore.

Dolllo: If you toe in, and Harry obJej;ts2jtier(^ls_only_j)nc_thlng-for--you-tc-3o: Toe out. You can do this by wearIng east-Iron braces on the Inside ofeither ankle. Any healthy, blacksmithwill gladly fit them to you.


Avoid Nervous Prostration.

If you aro dangerously sick what iathe first duty of your physician ? H«quiets the nervous system, ho deadena.the pain, and you sleep well.

Friends ask, "what Is the capse?"-and—tho—answer.—cornea—in—pitying—tones; nervous prostration. It cameupon you so quietly in tho beginning^that you were not alarmed, and whenBleep deserted you night after nigh'tuntil your eyes fairly burned in thodarkness, then you tossed in uervoufl ,agony praying for sleep.

JIazIe—Before attempting to removetheTVTlnUlesTjyTnaasugeTiearn the evilsof making faces at ydur neighbors.. Assoon _as you have broken yourself ofthat hajblt, there Is hope for you -If yousteam your countenance for half anhour.night and uibmlng and .then nilIt slowly through a clothes wringer.

Try Oraln-o I Try droln-O I

of GnAiH-O. the now food drink that takestno place of coffee. The children may drink itwithout inJury-W-weU-aathoadolt.-All wKcrtrrit. liko it. QiuiM-O hu that rich BOO! brownof Mocha or Java, bat it ia mode from panffrain«raiidthettc«rdelical«-«tomacbrocoiTeiit without distress, % tho price of coffee.15 and 25e. per package. Sold by »U groccn.

Mr*. Window's HooinmB ojrrup for chUlrenteething, softens the gums, reduclacr infloaima-'tion, altiiyn pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle.

Surely terror Is provided for suffi-ciently in this life of ours. If only the

Rosle—To—cure—pimples—arid—reablotches on the face apply a currycombdipped la sulphuric acid. Rub vigor-ously and then, upon retiring, apply, a

lotion—of nqnn—ammonia,—soap—andwater. If this doesn't remove the plmpies and red blotches, grow a new skin.

dread could bereally dreadful.

directed toward the

cheap or dear, you always have to paythe same amount for a dollar's worth.

Xtotre Ii n Class of PeopleWho ore injured by the uso of coffee..Bccontly.there hn#be6n"placed in all the grocery storesa now preparation called GBAIN-O, made ofpure grains, that takes the place of coffee.Tho most delicate stomach receives it withoutrtUtross. and but few cofl telUtfrom coffee. Itdofx) not cost over }f aa much. Children maydrink it with great benefit. 15 ots. and 25 eta.per paokago^Try |t._ Ask for GBAIN-O.

Courage, like cowardice, is undoubt-edly contagious, but Eome persons arenot liable to catch It.

There are certain kinds of economythat don't pay; trying to straightencrooked pins is one of them.

When we .Advance'.a little Into, lifewe tlnd that the tongue of man createsnearly all the mischief in the world.

Carter'i Inkj«t for nohool, home and office, It costs nonoro tlmn poor Ink. Always ask for t.ur'.or'*.

The spendthrift who IH always spend-IK upon hlmselt Is us uelfls'h anil 'moan

an the miser.It IH often Impossible to both appease

tho conscience and to plcane the crowd.

Palsy: What If you have freckles onFour nose. They won't hurt you. Whenyou ore older—sny 85 or 80—It Is quitelikely they will fade away. If you haveno freckles on y«ur Intellect and nowrinkles tin your heart you are. all right

Slender Suzanne: Olive oil In beeiwill put fat on you to beat three of akind. If you are a blonde, drink palebeef; It a brunette, dark beer. Alway?take things that match your complex-Ion. Dash cold water on your figureevery morning. If possible have themaid turn the hose on you. Then throwa-few-fllp-flaps-and—tjrke ~a—ten-milewalk. Write'me how you get along.

Delia: • Massage Is what you need.ut-the-week's' wash TntcT tne bolleji

over a good fire. After allowing It tosimmer gently for a reasonable time re-move the pieces one by one. and placingthem on a washboard' massage themthoroughly with soap and water. Thistreatment, If persisted In, will Infall iblyrestore your sluggish circulation to Itsnormal vigor.._ _. _..MME,..I3QUEE..GEE.._

Source nf Anguish."Huh! I wouldn't cry a' hard Je>-

'cause toucher licked me!""I alii't eryln' 'cause teacher llclu.-

me; I'm crylu' 'cause I ain't big enousto lick him."

Those who trust all things to fortuneand those who trust nothing to it, areequally at fault.



You ought to have known thaiWhen you ceased to be regular in yoursonrsea, and you grew irritable wlth-aut cause, that there was serioustrouble somewhere.

You ought to know that indigestion,exhaustion, womb displacements,fainting; dizziness, headache, and

"BacCacne Bend tlie nerves wild withaffright, and you canuot sleep.

Mrs. Hartley, of 221 W. Congress St.,Chicago, 111., whose portrait we pub-lish, .suffered all these . nsronics, <md.was entirely cured by Lydia B. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound; her caseshould be a warning' to others, andher cure carry conviction to the mindsof every'suffering1 woman of the un-failing efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetableCompound .



IIKeepYouDryIN THE -"


. . CATALOGUES FREEShowing Full Line of Garments and H&U



wiTiiuivr VXKnnleaaimirceaMlul

I Hend deficriptloniMid fret free opinion.

I II. NTKVKNH <Sk <:Q.j _E>Ub..MM.

*Tb«Maacx> that mode West Point faMclLHENNY'S TABASCO.


_ _ quick r«*llnf And oorea wdratiu,,K "f tuntinioiiiala and lOdnyB* tiralinnntDr. II. B. OREEM'U BOMB, Box II, AtUnl*. U».

Ynin iK M i n n , If yon want t( i attractl h , > i i t l i ' i i t l i i n "f i i i i i l i k l n d , don't runn f t i - r l l i i ' i n , b u t rullii ' i ' walk, with au t i r r i i | i | i i ' i ' l l n , t i n - n t l i i - r way. whlnt-t l iu ; ' M M I I I , . c i i r i . l r H M t u n i 4 I IH yuii 1̂ 11.

ill ,nl nl' mine, Us «etxl NVIIH liriniKlit fromyum great land l iy r r r l n l i i nf .vniir< . , m u l l y n u ' i i who I n n l r i M ' i ' l v i ' i l ih r lovenf ( t o i l . U W I I H i i l n u l i ' i l I n ' I l i i w u l l n n i lI h v i i i i K i i l I I l i i ' i ' i ' i l i a ' I h i ' N i 1 i h i i ' k r « % -K l i i l i s m l g h l ' r i ' r e l v i ' I l i c runt nl' n i l H u l lIH KIHH\ mill t rue , wl i l eh I M lim-. ll^nvH l i a l l I r i ' i n iy .vniir grral k l i i i l n i > S H Iniin>'. ' Tims I In vId aslied nl' . I n i i i i l l i i i i i .' i in i l t h u s I n/ik i , f v n i i . Hi,' 1 ' r i 'Mi l i ' i i i ofI I I , . I ' l i l l i ' i l Si;! I CM. T l i lx IH my nii l .vp n y i n i ' i i l , l l n i l w l i l i ' l i I r i ' r i ' l vn l I ' l ' i i inIhr l .nri l , ' I , i v i ' . ' M a \ t l n < I n v c nl' l i 'Mi r i< ! l i i ' l H l a l i i i i i i n l l i i w i i r i l ,vnii ( I I I Hi, ' ni , I<if H i l H i r iT lh l i ' \ \ i i r In y i M i i ' I nn i l . "

I l i - f n r e l In1 l e l l r r r i ' i i c l i i ' i l t h e W h i l el l o i i h i ' I ' l ' i ' - l i l i M i l I , I n , ' " I n I i n i l , 11 ,Ml M II I I , - l u l u , I M o f I l i r i i m m x - < l M .

I j i M n ill* I '^Hlii I'Vvv ^ lo t - i i iuh lH,'I'hr i n l i i i n ' l n i ' i ' i i i ln i i i i l ly h i ' n l < i < I ' u i l l i

I n l a i i K i i n n , ' l iol I ' x n t ' t l y m i l l n l in I l i c|n i \v | i l ) ! ' l ' !><im The r i i l n l i r l wan well ni l111 l l n < TiOn n i n l Inn l mil inur i ' l i ' i l . ,\,,lI l l l l l In1 cniililn'l. tin "IIM wniit In ,.,\l i l n l n , b i l l l i r i ' i l l l n i ' M I I i i ' \v \ V I H I I I . | | H l l ' l l i ' l il i l n I'll in y.

Dili' I ' V i ' l l l l I K I I I i l i i n r l i l l l i ' l l i l r i l itl l t l l i ' "in linini1 ," ami l u l i l i i K l i n t I H I H I . ' H I I ,a vi'i'.v i l rn r I'i I, 'nil nt l i i", i i ' i l i l r , i i n i i r r i lI l l ln her i 'lir Ihi. H l n r y nf l l ln r i ' l r r l l n i ib(V n c h n i ' i n l l l K ynimi; womui i whom lie

.liud iiHlU'd tn' bn l i l H wife,' ' r in> hni i l i 'HHlhmi j ; l i l l l l n i ' i i lniii '1 n i ' iMln l n y n i | > n l l i y ,i l l l l l , l i i ' ( 'H, i l l l l l | [ a , ' h i i l ' l l l l l l K i l l n u i M ' rumini l i l ,n l In bur, n a l i l :

"Cnlnni'l Innl l ir , ' l l I r l l l l l H inn U n i tIi,. him nnl I H M M I I ' n r l i i n a l n In w i n n i n gIl i r l i i i n i l nl' \ t l r in - . Ninv, I I h l n l il l ln i - n l i i i l i ' l nu i t l l l In l i ' l n r l l l l i r l ' l l i u ul,lu i l i i K r : "I'hi'l'n nrn j im l an KI»'I | l l nh InIhn jirii n i l iH'cr wel'n i - a i l g h l , ' "

"Yen, i i i i u l i i M i , l u l u nl' l!"h. bill l lu - rnni'o HO Ii'" i i i i ' i ' i i i a l i lM, " I n l i ' i rii|il|.,l (hecolour!. Ninv Ynl ' l i l ')vri|lii|( Hun ,

ntoToa tho liowdU each day. In onlnr toli<i bfiilthy thin in iii>ooniiury. Anta ffuntly onthu.livnr niul klilmiva. Oiiroa nick huuducho.I'l-iiMi 'J5 aitit no nentd.

AlViuil nl' llunnln.Tn wha t e x t e n t I l i c | ( I I H H | I I I I policy

I I I I N I n l l u i ' i i i ' i ' i l t i n - l i m i K l m i t l i m o f Kwiv!l:«h |ii'n|ilc l imy bi' K' lMieri ' i l f rom thn

I 'u r i Min i III Siinilnvnll , on tlir cantru.-iMl nl' S v v r i l i ' i i , Ih r l i i h i i l i l t n n l H l invi 1

I'nniii'il a co i i i i i i l l l e c fnr t h e |iurpnni'of ro l lc r t lNg I I I C M I I H In defray Ihe I 'nntnf or i ' i ' l l t iK 1'nrtn In "nil ami i iu l I l ict n w n . - i i i i i l p i i r l l r i i l n r l y tn m-enle n do-(Yum" n i t i i l nu t ""' n l t i l r l i r rn in I I I , ' sen

Vrryff* V«irnilffii|f<i v*. YTf»rni«.ll i l r l fit K.,-111 Hill . 1111,1 nut '™ l.h« ullllil 'l

l l f o . ^ft', I nitf . Int i t i i i i i l t ioui i l i 'y ntm'on.

II.- IILI.l't Nnlli'i-.l i ' l i ' M l l l i i i ' K l a r How ii ian.v r n n n i H wi1

ilr.v I I I i l n l h imur ymi crue l , i - t lVUrcnlii l l l u i ' K l n r 1 i l i i i i n n . 1 wily, mil.,

lnlcrcHinl In Ihn Intnl. l l n l t l m o r vAi i i i ' l ' l can .

A I 'rntr f t Ivn hUrlil l iner,"\\ ' , ' ll , my i n i l i l , I iui[ipmi(> ynu w i l l

1MW a l l l t l i ' \vnnil In I ' l l) fnr y n u r d i l l

"N'n ' iu , I 'm nn wnml niuvj-iM', nn i in ;I r l i n i n l n ' Irci'n rn l i l i iM iivrn, i l ium, Inmy trnilc."

K !•> HU Onii 1. 1 w l i I.K ' V O you up, M l i n i I'nr-"I'll lii 'vi'r

I l l l l l l lll 'VCI',""Tlial 'n II , Mr. l l n p U l n n i I'd hi- n f rn l i l

In m a n y niich n <le | i<ni i ln i ' i l , nbn l lna l i imai l nn vun arc."

(Innl;t Inlllll'H.

or l l l n brut ( i i i r i ' t i for nu r rnwnr i i i i i l i i i i K l i i i n i l w i t h olhui' |>c,i-


The consumption of

hns incrcjisod iinnicnscly, nnd thi.s coffeeirt now used in millioni; of homes.

Tlio grocers nil over the country keep us busydelivering LION COFFEE to them.

You wil l f ind no male LION COFFEEon lii.s shelve1;) it sclla too fast to jfrow titnle.Why? Hemline it is an absolutely pure cofl'co.

°"r r to Strength, Purity and flavor.I'lcivtu: bear in mind that

Watch our next nrtvortlnomont."A

ill not a Kl'l!r-^(l a r t i c l e ; it in not coated wi thoUtf i n ix tn r r t i or cli<-inii'al.s in order to jjlvo itn bettor appearance. We do not need to resortto iiiu-h measure:!- wo have no imperfectionsto hide I

In every packed of LION COITtE you will Innl u f u l l y I l lu- i tnUi 'd mid d,i-,ri Ip t lvo l i n t , Nn hcnmokccpor, fnfnct, no wnninn, man, boy nr girl wil l full t tv i lnd In I ho l in t miinu i n t l c l n whli-li will c in i t r l b i i l n In Ihclr hit|i|)lnn.niionmfnrt nml cnnvnnlunrn, anil which they inny l invo liy nlni |>ly cuttliii; mil u i cr l i i ln nu i i i l i c i <i[ I .Uii i l l r iul- i fromtho wruppora of our ono ])ouii(l nvuloil iiai:kii|[on (which In thn only f n i n i In which t l i lu c ixcr l lont cnllon In imlil).

WOOI_M)N ni'icn co., ixn.iim), onio.

Page 5: tvZ*z£&t- - Atlantic County Library




The only newspaper-printed-in -Hammonton

1.00 in the.county.

Well equipped for


EELIQIOUSBAPTIST. Rov U F Looinls, pastor; Sun.

day lorvloos : Preaching 10:30 Sunday-soheo11.30, Junior 0. E. 3.00p.m., Christian En-dottvorfl.30, Preaching 7.30. Weekday prayermeeting Thursday evening 7730;

ST. Josepn'8, R C. Rev P J Hondrlok,Rector Sunday mass 10.30 a m. Sunday

Soh.iol 3 30p.m. Ve^pors at 7:30 p in.EriscorAL, ST. MARK'S . Rev. Edwin C

Alcoro,rector. Celebration of Holy Euolmtlst1st ami 3rd Sundnyn at 10:30 a.m. Other Sun-days, 7:30 a.m. Horning Prayer, Litany,andSermon,2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.3D; 7:">0 p .m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.Friday Evensong, 7.30. Saints Day Celebra-tion,7:30 a.m. SpeoialBorvices in AdvontandLeu t; :

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev F L Jowottpastor. _SundBy services: class 9.30 a. mproaoh'ing ttPMV sunday-cchoo! 12.00 noon.

^ _ -Closs Tuesday and vyednosdajroyonings 7.30PrayormeotlngThnrsday 7.30 p. m.

Mintingin all


'" ^Business "Cards4-





Note-heads__ Eavelopes-

. ' ' • . - . - • ' r - •

reasonableprices charged, always.We will not do-cheapwork, and can't affordto do good workfor nothing

'Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it donewe'll tell-you so,and finish itwhen we proiaide to

New York, the weeklyedition, and thoRepublican, for $l.'Jf)A pile of good readingfor a little money

The PressPhiladelphia, weekly, andthe llcpiiblicun, a _yoar .for JUl.'Jft

AddroHH, call or jihonc UH—

EOYT# SON;200-8 Uollovuo Avo. I'hono 0-JJ

_ _ » _ . _Sunday services: "preaching, lO.SOa ,m.,8unday-school 12.00 noon/ preaching 7.30 p m'C. E. prayer meeting' Sunday, 6 30 p-.TnOhnroh prayer meetln? Thursday 7.30 p.m.

Missions atFolsom and Magnolia.Italian Evangelical. Professor Minutilla

Pastor. Sunday School at 9.-30 a m: Preaching at 10. 3S a in. C E Society at 6-30 p m

at 7i3Q- UNI VERBALIST. Snndoy_£chool. -12:PPjjpon_Jr Y P C U, 4 p.m. Y P C U. at 7:HO p. m.Sociables al ternmo Thursday evenings.

WOHAS'E CHRISTIAN TEMPEHASOE Union.Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Mill A MBrndhnry. cor tec'v. Mrs A L Jackson, rcoseo'j-j Mrs P S li^ion, treasurer.

MOT30IEAL.CLERK J.L. O'Donnell.COLLECTOR 4 TREASURER. A.B.Davis.JUSTICES. Cbas JVoodnutt, Jo sHGar ton ,

E L CoufmanCOKSTABLES. Ooo Bomshonse, C C Combes.O V E R S E K B HIOHWATI». Elins A .^.oflyn.O V E R S E E K O F T H E P O O R . QoO .BomshOUSO

• N I O H T POLICE. I lobtMoC Miller --------ATTORNEY. E II Chandler.FIRE CHIEFS. J Wulthor, H M PhillipsVOLUNTEER FIRE Co. D. S.Cnnnicghnm,

president ;'Ch7asrW-Aust1nrsecretary. Meets3rd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Moots first Wednes-day evening in each month.

TOWN CODKCIL. Michael K Boyor. Chm.

Andm? 2 Holmin. John Rothfns. Sleets lastSaturday ove each..month.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. C F, Osgood, presi-dent ; D. S. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams,J I< O'Dqnnell, Mrs J II Ransom, Mrs KirkSpe r, Mrs E A .Toslyn, Tbomdn C Elvins

each month.BOARD OP HEALTH. M. L. Jaotson, Prosl-

"do'nT] Dr7~CEnrIoii CuonTnghaui, iBspTcforTJohn T. French, J. 0. Anderson, Wm. Cun-ninEham, Oeo.3e-nthouBe, Jos. D.Oarton.

A R T I S A N S O R D E R of MUTUAL "PROTECTION.A P Simpson, M A ; A B ^avis, Soo'y.Mcoti Bret Tuesday evening in each month inMechanics' Hall .

WINSLOW LonoE, I.O.O.F. Wm. Borns«houso, N . O . j A. V. W. Sotley. Secretory.Meets Wednesday eves, in Odd Fellows Hull.

B H A W U U N K I N Tnme. Iran 0 R M. StoveWoolbert, Sachem ; Chug' W Aust in , Chiel ofRecords. Meotevery Tuoaday'aslecpln KedMem' Hall-

M. B. TAYLOK Loran. F. A A. M." D C.Herbert, W Master ; Alonio B. Davis, Seo'y.2nd and 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall.

J l l . O u U E U I l N I T D D AunnlCAK M E C H A N I C S

, Coun.j A T Loliley, Snorotary.Mxetsevery Friday eve In MeohaplOB1 Hall.

GEM D. A. lU'HHi-.Ll, I'OHT, (1. A. R. OttoOri>i«, Tixt Oominandor; W. II. II. BradburyAdjut i tu l t II.-l''-KiliBll,«j^U — Meottlutund3rii Mmutday n lg l i t s in Mechanics Hall .

W I I U A M ' X H E L I K F Cuiii 'H.( ! K N . H. A . UI IHHKLI . C A M P H U N K op V K T K K -

A N » , Mi. 14. Cain, Churlei (J Combo; FirstSoiKt., l l n i r y C I.tunurd. Mcoln 2nil and 4tl>iMonilay O V U N , Muohnnloa ' Hall.

I.ili'lo IU II n Council, No. 27, D. of P.M r < [ i l i< l l uwl i -n , Pooahontm ; M r n Carrie AK l o , K nl R. Moots Monday evening In Rod

H u l l .DI I I I IU I . ' IDOK, N'n, 17, Hnir.I.n of HONOR.

W o r t h y Mimt r r , Tli'nB Hldnnnr ; R. H., JOB H0 i r ton M-ic tn "»d and I l l i Tlinr ' i luy i i l ^ l i t HthUr hull.

l inniiiosn

l l ! , ' r i n i ih i " i i l .oi i i ninl H u l l ' l i i i ) : Annoo la l lon ,IV. It . T i l i n n j en ie l i i ry , Moolii ovury let' r i n i m > l n y I n r l r i - i i i c i n ' « H u l l .

\V 'Tk l i i | (U i i ' i i ' n 1. ii in nnd I l in l i l lng Ai>gon la t lon ,\V, II . l l 'T i i - l i " I-", nonro ' i i rv . Alooin ovoryl « l I M o i i i l u y I1) I'l roiimn'i H u l l .

Pimulo'ii l U n n , W, 11. T l l l n n nnihler .

LOOM, HUfl lNKBS IIOUREB,A i l v o r l l n l n u In llio l l r . iMun. i i 'AN.

H .1 Drakn , n n w l i i x uli in ' . l i ioi tJmiicH l lnl ior , I I I P U I iniirlti tKay io r l l r n t l i i r i i , | i u l i i t r r i iJ . I I . ( l i i r t o i i , J " M l n o .Jim. I . T n v l o r , { in lu lor ,J . M. Tln>,v»r . . . . . . . n in i i - i iH.M i J n i r a r n i t i , n ' l o r n n y . ' > 'I I ; U UUnli , v o i r r l n i i r y fittn<s»t\.(ilinn W"iiiliiull, Jim .|nn.Iloiid A Him, un i l d r t i i l i o r f .II N l lnlnli ir , g i i H i n r l u H1, llnvnraif*', iiiittiry [nilillaA l<. 1'nllrn, lilrynlcii.K. A, Ciirilory, lilnyoloii.K. I), Ar l l l i . mi l l inery, ol".l loyt A Hun , p i i l i l lp l iom, j i r l i i t o r n .1(11 II. Uhiin.l l . ir i l t o r n u y ,Jotiii 1'runoli, Jr., iinilordikcir.Wm, J l u k r r , UiKii i l t l i .Unliari Hloal,j(itr«ilor.•Irirkiofi A Him, inniil unil prmliMCli, W. (loRloy, Illinium ,W . II. lloriinlioiiHo, iiiiUry, ootii, ilcoiUllr.J. A. W»B,d«n|UIJnlin Murilooi|,<liiia>.

orft ' I C I v I n n , dry goodii tKrno«rloi ,oto..(•noli KoKlior i l l , l u n n t n n i l proiluaa.Oiin.Ouniil i iKlii i i i i ,|ilirilcUh Biid»urgcion.J l l . l lmnl l , baker nn'l eonfiiollon«rII I, , M n l n t T ro , moil mid piodutio .\fia. I,. IIUoL, dry ijiioili, (froo«rl«i, «lo.

Basket-Bali.The Sblold of Honor and 20th Ountu-

ry pluyod tbp third gama In tho serieson Saturday ovonina. It was hard-

fouaht from start to finish. Tho firsthalf ended 7 to 1 In favor of Doric. Insucond, ibu 20th Century boys outplayed

their opponents, scoring 6 to 5 : but tholead was great,- and tho Shield won out

"by a scorol)n2~l<>'t. LIffiRfpT"1

a. of H. anii CenturyOcppert ............... Attack ........ . ...... H Carson'Curdury ............ ...Attack... ............ ...ConleyHerbert ...... . ........ Cfliitor ............ Anderson

...... LovolandSkinner ............... Defense ............ Lovelnnd

...... AndersonW Carson ............ Defense ......... - ....... Scull

.. Goals from field ... Lovelnnd, Carson, Con-ley, Herberts, Cordery, Qeppert.

Goals from (mil. ..Carson 1, Herbert 2 __t'oulu...8cuTI"2rA~udorion7Car8bu ,'Sklnner,

Lovelaiid, Goppcrt, rililnnorReforee.-.Davlson .....Tlrao:keepcrs...O Slack, Tlios Skinner.

: The Hamnionton Christian Associa-tion-amLfa'hield-of— LtonarJmiL_theic_8e<>_

oud battle on Wednesday evening. It

was -a -very fast game,- -and (rue from

roughness. First hulf ended 18 to Hithe second 11 to 4. Both sides were

weak in throwing goals 'from fouls,Score, 20 to 15 in favor of the Shields.

'i'ne line-up;

S. of H.Liuk... Attack..

Wutt..... Attack,Herbert Ceuter...

H. C. A.Monforl



A Skinner ..... ...Defense..... ............. CoggeyW Carson ............ Defense ............... DudleyBon In froru-iield^-WalVSr-HurrUcrUVl.lpli; — }— fl-o5

—L'. Hluck 2, Loveland 2. Coggey ~~Goals from fouls...Herbert 3, CoRgey 3Fouls...Herbert 8, Skinner 4, lion fort 4,

Cnreon, Loveland 3, Slack.Referee...E A. CorderyTime-keepers... Reed and SkinnerTime 61 halves...20 mln.

The -gaaie-to-fligbt-wtll—be-betweefrthe 20th Century and U. C. A. A fastaud exciting game ia expected, for if the

C. A. IrewnOtf^ilFpSctically put Themout ol the race for first place.

Next Wednesday night, the Shieldsand 20th Century will tryjigain. It is

9 009 K


The standing of- the clubs to date ie

as follows: - ~ ' '• • -.--.-. Won Lost Prct-


Hhlold of Honor 2 1 0.607:i)lh Century o 5 0,000

Clementori\VlliiHibiiowD Jnnc. .

. -Cnlnr Broot..

Holds up a Congressman."At thR end of tho last campaign,"

writes Champ-Clark, Missouri's brillmnt3oDgroBt<uian, "from overwork, norvotia:enf>ion, loss of sleep and constant spcak-DE I had about utterly collapsed. It

Boomed that all tho organs in my bodywore out of order, but three bottles ofElectric Bitters made rho air right. It'stho best all round medicine over soldover a drnpgints countur." Over-workedrun down men and went, sickly womenrain splendid health and vitality fromBloctrio Bitters. Try tliorn; Only COo.juarantood by Ciowoll, Druggist.


Funeral DirectorsAll business in their linopromptly and carefully

attended to.

Embalmin" a Sp ciattyDffico and Residenoev

208 Peacli Street, ")-/> Hammonton.

Fhe Republican mid

New York

\VVokly Tribune

joth puporH orii! your

B. J. DRAKEIn A([»nt f»r

The SingerSowing MachinesllofmirH, ninl [Suppling

Ili iuunonton, N. J.

A. full lino cun bo oi'on at 1C, 1), Arlltr.'ntdro, or

l)r()|> mo n pnntal ouril, uiul I will«ull at your l ionnui

Better than a Knno, Organ, or Music Boi, for It Bineaanil tulka sat well as plays, anddon't cost as much. It reproduces tho music of nnylnstrument—l>und or orcliesti u—tcllaglories and sings-rtho old familiar hymns as well as tho popular nonsa—it la always ready.v*1- Y V-1* -" • See- that Mr. Edison's signature Is OH every machine., Cata-logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Fifth AvA., IScw York.


IB well equipped for any kind of



DOWN TRAINS.Schedule in effect Oct. 2,1800


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• Stops only ou notice to conductor or agent, or on Rlgnnl.J B HUTCHINSON. GcnTMnnmror. • :. ' ._.-._, J B WOOD. Gen'l Pnss'r Agt.


AtIsn^Io H5a% R,Monday, Oct. 15, 1000


Sunii Sund tjund Ac ip. m. a. bi. a. m. p.m.[ p.m p.m

Too5 12jj 106 27

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Snnilay nlglit oxprcia up leaves At lan t ic 7:3n, E

W. O. I1E8LEH, aon.Supt.ntlmr 7:M, llamnionton K'l l . rrachli iR I'hlln.lWX).

KDSON J. WEEKS, Qm.PaMcngcr Agent

PhiladelpEia Weekly Tressand the

N South Jersey Republican(two papers each week), for $1.25 a year

to nny addroHH in thin county, or $1.0" outtwlu.

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

of HaiDmonton.


Sir© Tools

Your Life Companion.A word, my boy, Just, starting out

On life's great blcliwny, broad and now;Come, leuis chat awbllo about _

Tho one who eoos along with you.TIs right nnd proper you must know

Since everywhere you cliooBO to EOYou'll find him waiting at your side.

You'll meet him, morning, noon, and eight,—And tell to-lit m you r-avery thought;And though your deeds be black or white

He'll know the things your bands havowrought. __ _ •

You'll read each other, heart and head,.And share your Dlensurfsand your woes;

By night you'll own the BOlf.same bed.By day you'll wear theself-same clothes.

The sower of old who "went forth to sow" was a broad-caster j that is why he wasted, so much seed on stony

HR would have done a deal better all throughthe season with a Planet Jr. No. 4 CombinedHill and Drill Seeder, Wheel Hoe, .Cultiva-tor, Bake, and PlOW,—five tools in one.

The man with a little garden patch needs this handytool. The man with a big truck farm needs at. Youneed it. It saves seed, saves time, saves labor, savesbackBche. Tf willdd the work^ of three good men, andjdoJt-better. _That'ajTChy_yAU_needit._^

Price, with attachments as in cut, $11.00This and other up-to-date implements and supplies for

farm and garden,for sale by _',

l-were well-for-Whosewin Is Or

Whose tongue is wedded to the truth,• Whose feet are fin tlio rook of r l t fht ;

One glad to do his manly part.Nor seek a toilsome task to shirk;

A boy of Btendfast hand and heart.And strong to do the world's great work.

And youjnny_dwellt_lf._Ro.you_wlll, ._..In till" j:ooii presence, yenr by year,

Whoso wisely-chosen vvnys shall flll—You r I i le-wl th-wholesoroe strength-and

'or oh, 'tis yours to mold nnd make "A soiry loe or faithful friend.

Since with YOUKSELF you'll sleep and wakoAnd dream and do till lime shall end.

George Elvins,P. S. Order a few days before you are in need.

Insurance AgentNotary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Bailroad Ave.. . Hammonton.


Undertaker__ ------- and Embalmer

A. H._PJiillips Co.

Fire Insurance.—MONEY—

FOU /Mortgage Loans.

Corrospondoncu Solicited.

1815 Atlantic Avenue,

Atlantic City, N. J

Ghas, Cunningham, M.D.Physician and Surgeon.

W. Second St., Hantpioiiton.Uflloo Hour*, 7:3060 10:00 A.M.

1:00 to S :00 and 7:00 to 0:00 r.u.

llutuB cnii be luul on (rpplicatiun.

The People's National Family Fewspaper,

TwoHtn St., between railroads.

1; Hammonton, N. J.9 '

All arrnngoinentfl for bunale made

ond oarofullv executed.


ru l i l lnh i i i l Monday,Wcidin-»iln.v nnd I'rl-tln,y. In li i nn i l l tv u

nr- i l i tY fllill.Y iflvln^llin liui'dl Iliiwn mltlm ilny nf |HMI«, nndituviiiliifi • uwr nl Hillutlinr tliruti 11 nunfulim nil liii|"iriiinl

wliMi i ipp i ' i t r* In l l i oD n l l v T r i l l i um nf l l i u

H"r l i lH , ni l I) 11 If

n un Id INK, In__, . 11 i l imt r l i i l I n f i i i i ' M i l l u M ,Tri-weeklv1""1'11'1 """"•nurt*X.M.M. wwwivijr mi| l l lr, l| „„„,„»,unii


llthll aiul

I l i ignUr n u l i n n r l pHim j i i l i in , II.80 |,oryour .

Wo furl.Mlllio llo)iiilillnoii





I ' l i l i l ln l i in l Tlii iM.lnv,u iu l l inoni i In r n i i i t l yn l x l y )r«ri> In f i o r y| iur l nl Ihi i Un l lodh l u t o n no i> Ni i i lnni l l/u i i i l ly Nunn|»i |>cr nfll.o h lKln i r - 1 i l ium, I'urf imnor* vl l lu |{<>r>.I t O I J l l l l l l l I K a l l t l l Di iKinl l i i i | n i r i n i i t (tomi.nil i i«»n nl I IHI DnllyTrl l ' i i i i i i »!' i" h 'Mir IMK » l n K In | i inmi, miu f f r l i ' i i l i n r i i l i tn |mrt-.i i i i i n t <il ' t lm hl|iln»tiinlnr, linn i tiloituln-In/; r ir 'dlnp lur nvoryinii i i ihiir nl i l i" familynlil u i u l y "line, nmr-Idit, r n p u r l i 1 w h l o l i i iTD,iron| i lf i i l UK i i i i t h n r l l yliy Ci i r i iHi ra nl i i l oiiun-I t y i i i n r n l i i i M i t , ninl Inu l n n n , up In i t uCn , I I I -liininllii |{ iinU InnUur.l lva .

I l i in , ^1 | «r ynar

Wo liirnl»li II nllliI l in IU|iiilillo*ii fortl,3t lior jour.

Send nil ordoni to tho "llopublicftii," Ilaiwmoiiton, N. J.

Tho K K V U H M O A N ofTico i«

tho only printing IJOUBO

in HiimmoiUon.

SHOES.Always a Good Stock

tboBhooH mado to Ordor IH my

, and fullIn gnn.rantccd.

ftopairing done.

llolloviin Aronun,

JHammonton. : : N. J.

Ohas. WoodnuttJUSTICE of the PEACE

(Clitlma oollfciril.)Gommleflionor of Deeds

Insurance & Real Estate A&t.Oflloo at residence, 4U5 Bollvvuo Avo.



Eli WL.Attorney&Counselor

At Law,Arlltv, Dtilldltifr, llnmnionton,

ItooniB 2o-iS7 IttiunCHt. .t Lnw Il'ld'jr,All.uitlo Ulty.

Olllolul Town Auoiniiy.In l lui i i inoi i toi i every Frl<luyI'rnotlao In nil (Jnurtn of Llio Htuto.

Money for flrnt uiort^.-igc loiuie

H. 1"Votorinary Surgeon

I'Jl'J Atlaiilto Avu i iunATLANTIC) OITY

Will aiinvrnT tnl»|)lionu nullnid in llio Oounl.v,

A Inllaunortinont of hand and maodlninado,— for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises, WhipsHiding SuddloH, No to, oto,

In.Hammonton. N.J.

Be, Joined withTilm In all you do,Tls good you have the right to BayThe hind of boy shall go with you;

For some there are would bring you BtrlfoAnd cloud your sky with bleak distress,

While some would flM your mflnded lifeWith Joya llmt Ui-ul auii Kootne-and-blesa.-

—Nixon Waterman.

Church Notices.

Topics in the'varions Ohurches to-morrow will bo nf follows ;'•'"

M. E. Church.-;- Rev. F. L. Jewett,'nstor. ^ 10:30 A.M., "Th« fruitfulnens ofho righteous." 7;30 r. M., "Christian

Sabbath." ' .Mornint; responsiv«, Ps. 02.Township Sunday School Convention

will be held in thi» cuuich next Wednesay evening. Bpeolal niueio.

Presbyterian Church,—Hev. W. K.iIoKiuney, Puntor. 10:30 A. M., "God'stornis." 7:30 p. m., ''Sabbath Day."

Baptist Church,--Rev. H. F. Lonmis,'atitor. 10:30 A. M., Mr. Edward Drew

will give a Bible reading, Brine yourBibles. 7:80' r. M., "Tho Sabbath wasmade for man." Mr, Drew will aiug at>oth services.

Unlvorealist Church,—Rev. It. T.Polk, Pastor. 10:30 A.M., "OuRht," and

Ouf-ht not." Luke 13 : 14-10.

Tho State Board of Education onVtonday luol apportioned to Ihu iiuverul

coiiutlcd of tlio etato Ihu amount bitch

will rocclvo out ol tho monoy to bu

iniscd through thu ntutu ecbool tax.Tlile aioney roprcBuntfl tho llvo dollura

i' uauli child of ncliool II^D, and aguro-tuo—lii—iouuU-_tiumtHtiH—$

Tho nionoy in apportioned to thu conn-liuH on u hanlH of t l iulr nitahlim, with

tho oxcoptlon thnt a Bmall amount intnkun Iron) tvvo or lliroo of tho larger

counties l^o nuRiat two or throo olthu rural cotinllcH, whcru tho ralnhluu

aru not HO hl^h In proportion to

niitiibur ol chllilrcn.Till" nppiir i lonnii ' i i t wil l i>l"(» form

lllll I t l l h lH III l l l l l l l l H l l ' l l l l l t l l l l ) Ol lllll

$R1!I (KIO iipproprhticil I'nmi tlio Hiuiu

trr i iniuy in iilil Innclioi'l l u x . Thin iip|)ri) |irlutloii will

pruvl i lo itft por cunt ol llio ulmvti t ux ,—hni i iK ui |ulvul«nl in u iiiiliic.lliin In tlmlux r u i n ol 10 10 on Hirli $100,

Thorn am I w n U i l i i K n In whloli wii

hhoulil i l i n i o i i K l i i y t i i i lu i)\n'Hiilvi'»,'-- toho nlow In lu l l ing iilluiiru, mid iilowor in

Thu (,'hnrcli ciuiiiol niwo thu wurlil an

lonu IIH him dopiiiiilii npnii Ihu nnpporl

ol' lliu world.

A IlnglnK. JloiirlnK FloodWunlui l i h i w i i iv tuli-urujil i lino wliloliOliiiH. O. l O l l l n , (if I . lnlxin, I i . , Imil toropulr. ' M t n i i i l l i i H walnt <l<inp In lojfwiklur," hu w r l l o H , ' '^itvu mo n toiil l i louulil unil u in iKl i , ,/nll^niw wortti dullyKunl ly tlio liunt i1m)t i> in In OitlcliuidHull, , Hl imx Oily uiul Oinuluv inlil 1 hul lODiini in ip l l i iu and uuulil ixit l lvn. Tlimi1 lirumi nnlnu Dr. Klnn 'n Now l)lnoov«ryninl wuti whylly ouiml liy nix liulllon1'onlllvoly Knuiaiitiuiil fur «i>nj(lin, IK:' "ninl nil throat nnd lunpc triiuhlunOrownll. I'l loo fiOo, unil »1,00. Trliilbottloa fruo.

W. C. T. U.Tho ladles have taken this Bpaco for oneyear, and are responsible for all that Umay contain.

The Woman's.phristlan TemperanceUnion "School of Methods" will hold

Thursday, May r2nd, In "the~M7~P7Church at Oceanville, N. ̂ JThjjprogrammo-iH'aB~f(5lldwsr"~RIrs. E. M.B. Tllton presiding :

Morning Session, 10 o'clock ......Devotions, led by Mrs Addle ColllnaBoll Call, by Hcrlpturo text 'Welcome, by Mrs Sarah HamptonAppointment of Committees ......

Rpanllll.lnnH. HrndentlnlB. Courtesy-Building ill AlluutenSlate Motto-SonganU-PledgeFaper...ScIentlfloTemperauce Instruction

by Mrs Annie FlemingPaper...Loyal Temperance Legion,

by Mrs Gertrude LakeNoontide Prayer Mrs Mp Ellis-Executive meotiH>tch30-pr-in;

-Afternoon Hesalon-DevotloDB, led bjrMrs Josephine WeaverPaper...The Press Miss BradburyA Model Mothers' Meeting, conducted by

Mrs E C JennessBible Reading Mrs Margaret D Ellis,Question BoxCollection- :

Evening Session, 7:30Devotions, led by County PresidentLecture, by Mrs Margaret Dyo Ellis, Na-

tional Bupt. of LegislationCollection' ~" ' ~~ — - -Benediction. PRESS SUPT.

Now that • people are thinking andpraying—for—our_.Christian—Sabbath,,and we are nearing the Summer sea-son, generally devoted to out-doorpleasures, ought we not : to be watch-iil, and see that the law in regard to;he desecration or the holy Sabbath; is

enforced? We can certainly guardpur own households." The young peo-ile of the family may need a watchfuleye; and a kindly word, spoken inove, may keep them from seeking

questionable pleasures on tho Lord'sDay, and may lead them into saferlaths than thosp-they-are now..tread-.,ng. Let each Christian try to lead

one such wanderer from by and for-bidden paths, Into the straight andnurrow way that leads to health andiwppiness and peace,— into tho ICing-

Join of Christ.

printed on cloth or card, forsale by the piece^ dozen or


Keep Off, No Gunning,

For Sale, For Rent,

— For Saie-or Rent, ------- No Smoking, — -'— -

[f we haven't what youwe jvilt furnish it on short


Young People's Societies.Tlild spuno In dovolo<l to the IntomHtR olthu Voting PeoploHHooletltm of HIM viirlou-iChUicl icH. Hpt'Clftl Hems or Intercut, ut idi\nnoutioeniontHi\ro HOllcltcd.

Y. P. S. C. E.,-Prusbyterian Cbuich:MoetB SunjlivyiveniriiJ!, atJ5:30.

Topic, Missionary.Huhcarsal next Tuesday owning, fortho Convention.

Y. P. S. O. lS.,-Unptlat Church :Mcnts Sunday ovoninu, at 0:30.

Topic, Walking with Jcnua. Col. 2 :

0, 7 ; Gal. 6 i 1U JM,M|BH May .loiinH.

Rohoareal noxl TncHilny ovonin|(, In

1'rutibyLurlan Church. 1'or lliu CouulyConvention.

Jr. C. JO., Bunduy allornoon at 11:00 :Topic, "What JIIHUH horn for ua."

1 I'olur 2 :21-afi. Litudur, Munlo


Kpwortl i Lim^uu,— M. 1C. Olintoh :Muflrt Siindiiy cvi nmn, ut ();!!().

Toplo, Wiilldim w i i h JuHi ih . (y'ol. !«, 7 ; Gul. 5 ; 1(1 i!(t.

Luuditr, A. T. Trullurd.Junloi Lviiguu on iSnniluy ulluriioon,

ut !t ii'i'locli.

Y. 1'. O. U.,- l l n l v u m u l l n l C l u i r u h :Miinlii Hnmli iy ovunln^, ut 7:00,

Tnjilu, (ind'n nii :HHn)^ii In NaMirn ; a,

llrookn ; l>, WiKidH ; c, ISIiy. l'». IV

: __JL

We have in stock a full line of

Call and see our samples.

HOYT& SON,Printers of the Beputlican

and The Echo.

206-8 Bellevne *

Hammonton, : : N. J.

F. A'" ' " ""'"•THE"" ' "'"

Carriage & Wagon.BUILDER.

S. cond St., near Pleasant,.Hammoiiton.

Give me your order for a goodJ-Buggy, Surrey,

Phaeton,Road Wngon, or Farm Wagon..

Horso-Shoeing.On account of a recent redno

-tion-in-tho-jmco-oC-iron^Iwill hereafter shoo yourhorses nt tlio old prices—

4 New Shoesfor $1.00. casM

A cordliil l iwlt i t l l i i i i l|<tl) llttmld tlHIIKI

Axlciii lcd to till

Lyiord BovoragcPublic

for N«w .lt i i i i i lmn li ln Borvioiiti.

I ' l innldii vminlinjrn oxnciit. J.

Matthew JolfovaonAttoi'noy-at-Law

N. 10. oor. TMti'l iinil Mm hot Mtn.(Now .lonoy Triint itiilld'n)

Tulopliunn 1141, Onnxlou, N. J.lliunmonton.

ConfectioneryOnly the ohoic<-ri t .>

Bread & CakesH tllb l)t!Bl

J. B. SMAIX,Cor. Second nnd IJollovue,
