twenty-fourth sunday in ordinary time · twenty-fourth sunday in ordinary time 3870 atlanta highway...

Catholic Church TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 September 17, 2017 Save the Date for . . . Blessing of Pets Wednesday, October 4 4pm - St. Francis statue Fall Festival October 29, 2017 Family Life Center Fatima Centenary Friday - October 13, 2017 Adoration & Benediction C ONFIRMATION @ S T . B EDE W EDNESDAY , S EPTEMBER 6 6:30 PM S T . B EDE C HURCH GUATEMALA MISSION TRIP . St. Bede, in partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach, is exploring the possibility of a parish mission trip to Guatemala in the summer of 2018. There will be an interest meeng today, SUNDAY, SEPT 17 TH at 11:15AM in the PARISH HALL. There will be a representave from Cross Catholic to explain the process and answer any quesons. Missionaries under 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. …...connued on page 5

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Page 1: TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 ... 15 minutos antes

C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

T W E N T Y - F O U R T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492

September 17, 2017

S a v e t he Da t e for . . .

B l e s s i n g o f P e t s W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r 4 4 p m - S t . F r a n c i s s t a t u e

F a l l F e s t i v a l O c t o b e r 2 9 , 2 0 1 7 F a m i l y L i f e C e n t e r

Fat ima Centenary F r i d a y - O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 A d o r a t i on & Be n e d i c t i on



St. Bede, in partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach, is exploring the possibility of a parish mission trip to Guatemala in the summer of 2018. There will be an interest meeting today, SUNDAY, SEPT 17TH at 11:15AM in the PARISH HALL. There will be a representative from Cross Catholic to explain the process and answer any questions. Missionaries under 18 will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

…...continued on page 5

Page 2: TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 ... 15 minutos antes

2 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm Daily Mass: 6:30am & 8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri. 6:30am Tues, Thurs 8:30am Sat Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:15- 7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,

15 minutes before each daily Mass

Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm Misas diarias: 6:30am & 8:30am lunes, miércoles, viernes 6:30am martes, jueves 8:30am sábado Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:15- 7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,

15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria

Regular Mass Schedule Horario De Misas

N e e d a P r i e s t ? Please do not hesitate to call and let us know when you need us.

During Office Hours: Fr. Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203; Fr. Nicholas (334) 272-3463 ext 204

For Sacramental emergencies (near death), please call (251) 599-3523

E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon (the week before) to [email protected].

Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fax: (334) 272-3492 Office Hours: M-Th 8am-4:30pm Fr i . 8am-4pm

Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información por correo electrónico a [email protected], lo más tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes que

quiera que aparezca. ¿Necesita a un Sacerdote? Por favor, no dude

en llamarnos cuando nos necesite. Durante horas de oficina: Padre Alex (334) 272-3463 ext 203; Padre Nicholas (334) 272-3463 ext 204

Para Emergencias Sacramentales (moribundo), llame (251) 599-3523 Weekly Offering

Collection 09-03-17 $ 24,674.59 Needed Weekly: $ 16,961.54 Tithing Year-to-Date: $ 624,077.72

This Year’s Budget: $ 882,000.00 Tithing Budget-to-Date: $ 610,615.38

For Your Convenience Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy. Deaf Ministry: 5pm Sunday Mass interpreted for the deaf. Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use.

Religious Education (August - Easter) RE Classes: Students in 1st grade thru 6th grade meet Sunday morning from 11:15am-12:20pm in the school.

St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop Open Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm (except on holidays) and Sundays after the 8am, 10am

& 12:30pm Masses. Proceeds go to the MCPS Scholarship Fund.

Office Phone: (334) 272-3463 Fr. Alejandro E. Valladares , Pastor [email protected]

ext 203

Fr. Nicholas J. Napolitano, Parochial Vicar [email protected]

ext 204

Kathy Dean , Of f i ce Manager [email protected] ext 208

Elizabeth Segrest , Book k eeper [email protected] ext 207

Andrea Nemesszeghy, Coordinator - Youth, Religious Education, Sacraments and Hispanic Community Liaison [email protected] or [email protected]

ext 209

Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant [email protected] ext 202

Tyler Kirsch, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

ext 201

Audra Starrett , Manager Catholic Children’s Ministry @ St. Bede [email protected]

send email

Barry C. Waite, Grand Knight, KofC #893 [email protected]


Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School

St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal [email protected] 272-3033

Middle/High School 7-12: Justin Castanza, Principal, [email protected] 272-7220

Page 3: TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 ... 15 minutos antes

3 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Wednesday evenings - 7pm in the Parish Hall at St. Peter Catholic Church. If you know anyone who is interested or if you would like a personal Invitation extended, call the Office at 272-3463.

B ible Study : Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall .

St. Bede Family Night: Dinner, Catechesis and Fraternity. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.

Catechesis & Adoration : 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Church.

Montgomery Area Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours, located behind Our Lady Queen of Mercy Church, 4421 Narrow Lane Rd, Montgomery AL 36116.Call Priscilla Berry for more info: 334-288-3292

Pro-Life Rosary: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday after 8:30am Mass.

Prayer Network: For special prayers or to become part of the Prayer Network call Joe Crowley at 264-7586.

F u r t h e r i n g Yo u r F a i t h


From Death

into New Life

With Our


Sunday Sir 27:30 — 28:9; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35

Vigil 5:00pm Special Intentions 8:00am Special Intentions 10:00am Parishioners 12:30pm Special Intentions 5:00pm Special Intentions Monday 1 Tm 2:1-8; Ps 28:2, 7-9; Lk 7 :1-10 6:30am Sharon Eckelkamp (D) & Annette Clark (L) 8:30am Thomas Herge (L)

Tuesday 1 Tm 3:1 - 13 ; Ps 101 :1b-3ab, 5 -6; Lk 7: 11 - 17

6:30am James Hong (L) Wednesday 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35

6:30am Natal ia Garcia 8:30am Howard Walker Thursday Eph 4:1 -7 , 11 - 13 ; Ps 19:2-5 ; Mt 9:9-13 6:30am Robert Reder

Friday 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3

6:30am James Joseph “Jim” Baker 8:30am Irene Herrera Patiño Saturday 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15 8:30am Natal ia Garcia

Mass Intentions for September 17 - 23

17, 1964 Flurry A. Dowe, Jr. 17, 1974 John F. Kolasky 17, 2003 Maurice Pelletier 17, 2004 Evelinda Estrada Deza 18, 1978 Henry Jackson Ruppenthal 18, 2003 Eddie Licha 18, 2006 Dennis T. Dempsey 18, 2013 Joni Deal 18, 2015 Maria Luisa Matisak 19, 1991 Ernest Hugh Abernathy 19, 2004 Richard Mendivil 19, 2016 Elsie Dinkel McGhee 20, 1974 Victoria T. O’Dwyer 20, 1999 Thomas Dickson 21, 1995 Patrick Powers 21, 2009 Irene Bohanan 22, 1947 Charles Joseph Gross 22, 1997 Margaret L. Chadwell 22, 2009 Irene Bohanan 23, 1971 Thomas James Crowe 23, 1977 Ann Malvin McBryde 23, 1994 Bridget Silvan Meeks 23, 1997 Ida L. Ruppenthal 23, 2000 Claire Wilcox

Keep Posted with all Youth activities, join the blog w w w . s t b e d e y o u t h m i n i s t r y . b l o g s p o t . c o m


seminarians from the archdiocese,

served at the 12:30pm Sunday Mass with Father

Nicholas celebrating


SEMINARIAN. ADRIAN KORLACKI, a seminarian from the archdiocese

will be at St. Bede until August 2018

Page 4: TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109 (334) 272-3463 Fax (334) 272-3492 ... 15 minutos antes

4 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

1. Parents must be married in the Catholic Church. 2. If a couple is civilly married or unmarried, they must

make an appointment to meet with the Pastor before they can have their children baptized.

3. Children age 6 and under will receive the sacrament of Baptism. From 7 and above, they will receive all three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation).

4. Parents must bring a copy of their marriage certificate from the Church where they were married.

5. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. You may have a proxy for a godparent/s who may be unable to come.

6. To have your child baptized, contact Andrea at 272-3463 to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class.

7. Baptism in English is every 3rd Sunday of each month after the 10am Mass.

1. Los padres deben estar casados por la Iglesia catolica. 2. Si la pareja está casada civilmente o no están casados,

ellos deben hacer una cita para reunirse con el Pastor antes de bautizar a su hijo(s).

3. Niños de 6 años o menores van a recibir el scramento de Bautismo. Niños de 7 años o mayores, recibirán los 3 sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación).

4. Los Padres deben traer una copia de su certificado de matrimonio de la Iglesia donde se casaron.

5. Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes puede tener un ‘proxy’ o representante, si un padrino o los padrinos no pueden estar presentes.

6. La clase de preparación para el bautismo se ofrece un sábado una vez al mes a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall. Llamar a la Srta. Andrea Nemesszeghy para saber qué sábado o verifiquen el boletín dominical.

7. El Sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado el tercer domingo de cada mes después de la Misa del 12:30pm.

Requirements for Baptism Requisitos para Bautismo


el día 03 de septiembre, 2017 a las 2:00 pm en St. Bede celebrado por el

Padre Nicholas Napolitano: Mario y Marvin Chich Castro niños de Juan Chich Ruiz y Josefa Castro Castro. Los padrinos son Fortunato Pablo y Audilia Mendez.


La Clase de Bautismo en Español para el mes de octubre es el sábado 7 de octubre a las 2pm en el Parish Hall. La clase comienzan a las 2pm.

Para más información llamar a las oficinas parroquiales y preguntar por la señorita Andrea.

The Spanish Baptism Prep Class for October will be on Saturday, October 7 at 2pm

in the Parish Hall. The class will begin at 2pm. For more information, please call Andrea in the Parish

office at (334) 272-3463.

El grupo de oración carismático catolica — Seguidores de Cris to t iene la oración los

dias sábados de 7 pm hasta 8 pm en la Iglesia de St. Bede. Para más información, l lame a Hector Ramirez (334) 544-5072

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5 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

Pray for those who are Sick

…… continúa de la página 1

NO OPEN OFFICE ON SEPTEMBER 21. Father Alex will not have his open office this

Thursday, September 21 . There will also be no Holy Hour, instead we will have the Holy Hour

the following Thursday, September 28 at 6:30pm.

NO HORAS DE OFICINA el 21 de Septiembre. El Padre Alex no va a tener sus horas de oficina el jueves, 21 de septiembre. Tampoco habrá HORA SANTA, en vez vamos a tener HORA SANTA el siguiente jueves, 28 de septiembre a las 6:30pm.

Ruth & Tommy Azar Maria Chappell

Sue Coston Chuck Ernest

Caroline Hornsby Myrtice Johnson Daniel Kedzierski

Augie Klein

Susan McGaughy Rebecca Raley

Frank Reda Harold Redwine

Norbert Schaefer James Sepan

Doreen Skoneki All our Shut-Ins

C .A . P. P. RETRAIN ING. U p d a t e a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e.

This retraining is required of all personnel who have already completed their initial Children and Adolescents Protection Program

(C.A.P.P.) training and who continue to be active in the ministries of the Archdiocese of Mobile. Retraining

can be completed online. Log on to

The retraining articles will be found on the Office of Child Protection page. After reading the articles, take the quiz. You will receive immediate feedback as to whether or not you pass the quiz. The online

database will be automatically updated with the new retraining expiration date.

If you are new to the parish and would like to volunteer either at the parish or the school, you will need to take the initial training. It is offered the fourth Wednesday of most months which will be September 27, October 25, November 15 at the MCPS High School campus at 7pm.

F e l i c i d a d e s a . . . . Arturo Noguera Alatorre y Sandra Santa

Fernandez Ruiz quienes recibieron el Sacramento de Matrimonio el sábado,

2 de Septiembre 2017 celebrado por el Reverendo Padre Alejandro E. Valladares y

los testigos son Jose Juan Alejo y Marisela Resendez.

SECOND COLLECTION. St. Bede Parish will take a second collection this weekend, September

16 & 17 for the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA. Your contributions will support

scholarships for students in our diocese and others in achieving our mission of preparing the

next generation of leaders for our Church and nation - including those studying to become our

future priests and religious. We appreciate your generosity.

SEGUNDA COLECTA. El fin de semana del 16 y 17 de septiembre, St Bede recogerá una segunda colecta para las Universidad Católica de las Américas. Su contribución provee becas para estudiantes en nuestra y otras diócesis para lograr nuestra misión de preparar la próxima generación de líderes para nuestra Iglesia y nación; incluyendo a los que están estudiando para ser sacerdotes y religiosas. Muchas gracias por su generosidad.

GUATEMALA VIAJE MISIONERO. St Bede, en colaboración con Cross Catholic Outreach, está explorando la posibilidad de un viaje misionero parroquial a Guatemala en el verano del 2018. Vamos a tener una reunión para los interesados el domingo 17 de septiembre a las 11:15am en el Parish Hall. Un representante de Cross Catholic va a estar presente para explicar el proceso y contestar preguntas. Los misioneros menores de 18 años tienen que ir acompañados por uno de los padres o su guardia legal.

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6 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is every Wednesday evening at 7 pm - in the

Parish Hall of St. Peter Catholic Church, 219 Adams Ave, Montgomery AL 36104 . RCIA

is a journey through which interested adults discover the depth and fullness of our Catholic faith. Parishioners

are also welcome to attend as a means of renewing our own knowledge and commitment to our faith. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them

proceed to St. Peter Catholic Church to fill out a form and state that they are from St. Bede .

For more information, call St. Peter Church at (334) 262-7304.

I n t e r e s t e d i n C u r s i l l o ? C a l l R o b B a r r a n c o a t ( 3 3 4 ) 2 3 3 - 1 9 4 4 o r e m a i l r o b b a r r a n c o @ u n i f o r m a c y . b i z


N E E D S A D O R E R S !

We need your help at the chapel, located at Our Lady, Queen of Mercy Church on

Narrow Lane Road, to remain open around the clock, giving honor and glory to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Give Jesus one

hour a week and He will pour out grace upon grace for you and your family and for the entire world!

HOURS MOST NEEDED: Sat: 10pm-11pm; Sun: 12-1am, 1-2 am, 3-4am; Mon: 2-3am, 3-4pm,6-7pm; Tue: 12-1pm, 6-7pm, 7-8pm; Thu: 9-10pm; Fri: 10-11pm. These hours are in immediate need and would be most appreciated, but we also welcome you to choose any hour during the week that will work for you. We also need Prayer Partners for : Monday 6-7pm.

Please call Priscilla Berry at 288-3292 or Beth Russo @ 244-7866 to sign up.

Join the Priests Burse Club & Support Our Seminarians!

All it takes is a $12 annual due - no meetings. As a member, you offer prayer for vocations and financial assistance for the education of men for the priesthood. In return, you & your loved ones are remembered in the daily prayers of

seminarians. Once you receive your envelope in the mail, complete it and drop in the collection

basket. There will also be extra envelopes in the vestibule for pick-up and you may drop your filled envelopes in the collection basket or in

the Parish office anytime.

Res pect Li fe

“The Church’s teaching on marital sexuality is an receive the

gift of God’s love and care, and to let this gift inform and transform us, so

we may share that love with each other and with the world.” - USCCB, “Married Love and the Gift of Life”, c2006.

We pray for the times we have taken God’s gift of life for granted. May we seek forgiveness

with confidence in God’s faithful and merciful love.

Res pect Li fe

Come and join us as we study THE GOSPEL OF JOHN IN THE ST. BEDE PARISH HALL ON TUESDAYS AT 7 P.M. The Gospel of John provides us with the most explicit language about the true identity of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word of God who became man for our salvation. Jesus offers us His Body and Blood as true food and true drink. Jesus is the only way to the Father. Jesus gives His mother Mary to the Church. These and so much more are presented to us in the Gospel of John. Come and learn about the Bible and the greatness of our Catholic faith. Study notes will be provided. Bring your Bible, invite a friend, and contact Tom Riello at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi celebrated the St. Bede Campus school Mass on Wednesday, September 6. After Mass, he visited the school children with Gwendolyn Byrd and Anne Ceasar. In this photo, with Laurie Gulley, Father Alex, Father Nicholas and Altar servers.

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FOOD SERVICE MANAGER NEEDED. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is currently seeking a Food Service Manager for our Middle/High School campus located at 5350 Vaughn Road. The position is part-time and requires 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Friday, August - May. Responsibilities include: Liaison with food and supply vendors, menu planning, procurement of meals & snacks, daily kitchen set-up, stocking and clean up. Compensation based upon experience. Start date is October 1, 2017. An Employment Application is available at Applications can be emailed to Anne Ceasar, MCPS president at [email protected] or dropped off at the Middle/High School campus. For questions, please contact Mrs. Ceasar at 334-272-7221 ext. 11.

Cub Scouting at St. Bede is gearing up for a fun year! Open to 1st – 5th grade boys. We meet Mondays at 6pm typically in the Scout Hut (behind the Family Life Center). Come join us. For more information, call Erin Fleet 334-546-1901.

DIPSO - Great Books Reading Group 2017-2018 schedule. Dipso, the great books

reading group started by a few St. Peter's parishioners, will resume its monthly meeting

on September 23 at 9:30 am at Panera Bread on Carter Hill Rd. with a discussion of City of God (part I) by St. Augustine. Subsequent meetings

will be on the third Saturday of the month (until May). We will discuss The Master and

Margarita (M. Bulgakov), The Diary of a Country Priest (Bernanos), The Tidings

brought to Mary (P. Claudel), Caligula (A. Camus), Frankenstein (M. Shelley) and more.

For additional information, visit

or email Marinella Lentis at [email protected].


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St. Bede the Venerable #100450

3870 Atlanta Highway

Montgomery, AL 36109


334 272-3463 #0


Mara Maninang


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EMAIL: [email protected]


Monday 3:00pm


September 17, 2017


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