twenty-seventh sunday in ordinary time • saint jerome

w w w . s t j e r o m e . o r g Roman Catholic Parish S aint J erome 995 S. Silver Lake Street • Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • October 3, 2021 Pastoral Staff Parish Office: (262) 569-3020 Fr. John Gibson, Administrator email: [email protected] Deacon Luis Pena email: [email protected] phone: 262-391-6424 Kathy Collins, Director of Administrative Services Simone Gheller, Director of Music Tim Boelter, Maintenance Coordinator Tim Boelter, Cemetery Sexton School Office: (262) 569-3030 Mary Johnson, Principal Faith Formation Office: (262) 569-3025 Chris Grote, Director of Faith Formation Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday 8:00 am Spanish Mass: Sunday 3:00 pm Devotions • Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel • Liturgy of the Hours: 7:20 am Monday- Saturday in Church • Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00 pm Monday- Friday in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel • Mother of Perpetual Help following Tuesday 8:00 am Mass Reconciliation

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Page 1: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome


w w w . s t j e r o m e . o r g

Roman Catholic Parish Sa i n t J e ro m e

995 S . S i l ver Lake St reet • Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • October 3, 2021

Pastoral Staff Parish Office: (262) 569-3020 Fr. John Gibson, Administrator email: [email protected] Deacon Luis Pena email: [email protected] phone: 262-391-6424 Kathy Collins, Director of Administrative Services Simone Gheller, Director of Music Tim Boelter, Maintenance Coordinator Tim Boelter, Cemetery Sexton School Office: (262) 569-3030 Mary Johnson, Principal Faith Formation Office: (262) 569-3025 Chris Grote, Director of Faith Formation

Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Daily Mass: Monday-Saturday 8:00 am Spanish Mass: Sunday 3:00 pm

Devotions • Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel • Liturgy of the Hours: 7:20 am Monday- Saturday in Church • Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00 pm Monday- Friday in the Mater Christi Adoration Chapel • Mother of Perpetual Help following Tuesday 8:00 am Mass •


Page 2: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

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“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.” ~Genesis 2:19

The creation story reminds us of two important points. First, since the start, God has put the entire world into our care. Second, stewardship has been around since the beginning of mankind; it isn’t something recently invented by the Church. Just as past generations built our Church, it is now our responsibility to continue to nurture and develop these gifts for future generations.

Every Life: Cherished, Chosen, Sent Created for Relationship Every person is made in God’s image and likeness, and is loved by Him and called to eternal union with Him. We are also created to be in communion with, and depend upon, one another. As we see in the second reading (“He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin. Therefore he is not ashamed to call them ‘brothers.’”) Jesus consecrates us and calls us his “brothers.” Love One Another We are all called to walk in God’s ways and treat each other according to the truth of His immense love for every person. We are also personally entrusted with specific ways to love God and one another. If we have aging parents, do we take the time to consistently show our love through visits, phone calls, and notes? If we know expectant mothers or parents with infants, do we provide support that helps them welcome their children and continues to serve their needs, even months after the baby is born? It’s Who We Are We are cherished, chosen, and sent by God to love one another as He loves us. In doing so, we help build a culture that cherishes all human life. Building a culture of life is simply part of who we are as Christians, as followers of Christ. Here at St. Jerome Parish October is Respect Life Month, and that is evident here at St. Jerome Parish. It is who we are. Thank you to the Respect Life Committee which will provide presence by involvement in the 40 Days for Life and the Life Chain. Thank you, also, to all of those who took the time to “plant” the flags in front of our church, which is a witness to the greater community that all are cherished, chosen, and sent by Him. The Respect Life Committee this month will be sponsoring a baby bottle campaign, with proceeds going to benefit Life’s Connection. Please be generous with this much needed apostolate. Lastly, our parish will celebrate a Holy Hour for Life on Tuesday, October 16, at 6:30 p.m. This is a chance for all of us to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for a respect for all life from conception until natural death.

COME AND SEE ... All are invited to join us in viewing “The Chosen” — a multi-season series about the life of Christ, from the perspective of those who met him. Season 2 Episode 5: Spirit (48 minutes) and Episode 6: Unlawful (45 minutes) will be shown on Saturday, October 16, beginning at 6:30 p.m. sharp on the big screen in Marian Hall. There will be a short intermission between episodes. ***We use Closed Captioning which makes it easier to follow for those difficult-to-hear parts. (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.; please use gym entrance at rear of building.) Come and See … if you’ve not heard about this amazing series! Come and See … even if you’ve already seen these episodes! Invite your family and friends — you will get to know Jesus in a whole new way! For more information contact Cheryl at the Parish Office, 262-569-3020. (LAST TWO EPISODES of Season 2 Episodes 7 & 8 — Saturday, October 30.)

Baby Bottle Collection The St. Jerome Respect Life Committee is sponsoring its annual Baby Bottle Collection during October — Respect Life Month. All families are invited to take part in this wonderful project that helps save the lives of unborn

children and makes an eternal difference in the lives of their young mothers. Parishioners are asked to pick up a baby bottle from the baskets at the church entrances, take it home to fill with coins, cash or a check, and return to the bassinet in the narthex no later than the weekend of October 30 & 31. This year all proceeds will benefit Life’s Connection Pregnancy Center in Waukesha and Mukwonago. For more information on all the wonderful work that Life’s Connection provides, please go to their website: (Donations are tax-deductible.) Thank you in advance for your pro-life support!

Page 3: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

Liturgical Schedule Monday, October 4 8:00 am †Fr. Tom Brundage Tuesday, October 5 8:00 am †Jim & Elaine Loughrin Wednesday, October 6 8:00 am Intentions of all prayer networks Thursday, October 7 8:00 am †Mildred Huebscher Friday, October 8 8:00 am †Paul Buege Saturday, October 9 8:00 am †Ellie Mack 1:30 pm Wedding - McMullen / Ethington 4:30 pm Parishioners of St. Jerome Presider: Fr. John Gibson Sunday, October 10 8:00 am †Ellie Mack Presider: Fr. John Gibson 10:30 am †Marilyn Clark Presider: Fr. John Gibson 3:00 pm (Spanish Mass) †For those who lost their lives from the Joplin, MO, tornado

Welcome to St. Jerome Parish If you are interested in joining St. Jerome Catholic Parish, please contact the Parish Office, 569-3020. We will provide you with all the necessary information. (Registration forms are also available on the welcome table in the narthex or on the parish website.) Again, welcome!

S t . J e r o m e P a r i s h page 3 Readings for the Week Readings for the week of October 3, 2021 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/ Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 Monday: Jon 1:1—2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/ Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

Parish Stewardship of Treasure In Thanksgiving for God’s gifts to us, we returned to God: Sunday Gifts (9/26/2021) .................................... $ 17,849 Fiscal Year-to-Date Stewardship ........................... $ 295,516

* * * * * Thackeray Trail Project .............................................. SEE BELOW


Dates & Events Saturday, October 2 ~Guild training, 10:00 am, Church ~“The Chosen,” 6:30 pm, Marian Hall (page 2) Sunday, October 3 ~New Parishioner Orientation & Welcome (page 5) ~Blessing of Pets, 12:30 pm, Church Courtyard (page 6) Tuesday, October 5 ~Bible Study, “The Bible Timeline,” 9:00 am, Parish Conference Room ~First Reconciliation parent meeting, 6:30 pm, Church Wednesday, October 6 ~Building & Grounds meeting, 7:00 am, Parish Conference Rm ~Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support meeting, 6:30 pm, Marian Hall (page 4) Friday, October 8 ~Men’s Ministry, 5:45 am, Marian Hall - ALL MEN WELCOME ~Bible Study, “The Bible Timeline,” 9:00 am, Parish Conference Room Sunday, October 10 ~RCIA Inquiry, 9:15 am, Youth Room (page 7)

Online Giving is available on our parish website —

Just click on “Online Giving” in the green bar at top of page

Please consider a donation to one or more of the following funds:

Church Support * School Endowment Fund * Faith Formation Tuition Assistance * St. Vincent de Paul Society * Holy Days

check online for the complete list


Thackeray Trail Project As you know, the construction of the new section of Thackeray Trail along our St. Jerome property was completed last year, and the construction on the existing Thackeray Trail continues into the Fall. According to an agreement made at the time our school and church were built at our current location, St. Jerome Parish would be assessed to help pay for the portion of new road along our property. The final amount is still unknown, but it will be between $500,000 and $700,000. To help meet our payment schedule, we will continue to use the monthly Debt Reduction envelopes which are included in your packet. In addition, any memorials received will go to the Thackeray Trail Fund unless designated otherwise. If you do not receive church envelopes, please indicate on your own envelope or check if you would like your donation to go toward this fund. For those who use online giving, please select “Thackeray Trail Fund” for your donation.

We are extremely grateful to everyone who helped us retire our mortgage debt! May God continue to bless your generosity.

Page 4: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

Banns of Marriage

III J.D. McMullen & Sarah Ethington October 9, 2021

page 4 S t . J e r o m e P a r i s h

Gary Barry Sally Butler

Pat Chris Clark

Kathy Dalgren David Giese Elijah Hansen Cloe Hendrick

Kurt Hendrick, Sr. Diane Iwanski

Charlene Kalmer Rita Kester

Kathi & Jim Klann Dan Kondracki

Benjamin Kroening Vern Larson

Kurt Lindemann Dave Ostrenga

Tara Pellock Jeannette Schamens

Rest in Peace Please remember in your prayers: ~Ralph Polasky, father of John Polasky ~Ivan Schmidt, father of Cal Schmidt ~Joe Unrein, husband of Shirley Unrein ~Laurene Bayer, former St. Jerome Players director

May God give their family and friends comfort and consolation.

If you are aware of a parishioner who is sick or hospitalized and in need of prayers, please call the Parish Office.

Please Pray for the Sick

Newly Baptized We welcome into our faith community through Baptism: ~Luke William Brotheridge, son of Elizabeth and Kenneth

Welcome, little one!

… to Victor and Rae Redzinski as they celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary on October 7. Congratulations!

Gift Bearer Sign-Up Gift Bearers are now being scheduled

for October & November. If you or your family are interested in serving in this ministry

— just one time or on a regular basis — please call the Parish Office, 569-3020,

or sign up in the ushers’ room before or after Mass.

Thank you for serving in this ministry!

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group First Wednesday of the Month

at St. Jerome Parish 6:30-8:00 pm — Parish Conference Room

Next date: Wednesday, October 6

~ Open to family members and caregivers ~

Eucharistic Adoration “If I had a hundred lives, I would willingly

lay down all in defense of my faith.” ~Blessed Christopher Buxton

Would You Pray for a Priest Each Day? Sunday, October 3 - Fr. Charles Keefe Monday, October 4 - Franciscan Priests Tuesday, October 5 - Fr. William Key

Wednesday, October 6 - Fr. Jerome Kienzle Thursday, October 7 - Pope Francis

Friday, October 8 - Fr. Peter Patrick Kimani Saturday, October 9 - Fr. Timothy Kitzke

The Prayer Requests for Priests is an apostolate that seeks prayers for the priests of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

To access the complete calendar, go to:

SoulCore Women of all ages and fitness levels are welcome! SoulCore is a movement that pairs core strengthening, stretching and functional movement with the prayers of the rosary. It is a sensory experience combining candlelight, music, scripture and movement to nourish body, mind and soul, and encourage deeper reflection on the virtues of the rosary.

SoulCore Current Schedule: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 PM — Youth Room (next session Tuesday, October 12)

There is no fee to attend; free-will offering is appreciated.

Baptism Preparation Class Anyone planning to request the Sacrament of Baptism for a baby or child should attend a baptism class which will be held the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Conference Room. Upcoming class date: October 9. Please plan ahead! For more information or to register for an upcoming class, please contact Vicki at the Parish Office, 262-569-3020 x1404.

St. Vincent Inner City Meal Program We are once again providing food for the north side of Milwaukee meal site. This meal is being served carry-out style. Jello, cookies and juice boxes are needed to complete the meal. Those items can be dropped off at the parish office before noon Wednesday, October 13, or at the school kitchen on Tuesday, October 12, between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.

Thank you for all you do to help feed the hungry.

For more information, please call Arlene Ziety, 567-6074.

Our next meal date will be November 10.

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S t . J e r o m e P a r i s h page 5 Openings for Perpetual Adoration Please help us to have a second person in prayer at Eucharistic Adoration at the hours listed below. Is the Lord calling you to prayer during one of these hours?

Sunday: Midnight, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 6:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 10:00pm, 11:00pm Monday: Midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 5:00am, 6:00am, 7:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, 3:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm Tuesday: Midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 6:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 9:00pm, 10:00pm, 11:00pm Wednesday: Midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 9:00pm, 11:00pm Thursday: Midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 6:00am, 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:00pm, 11:00pm Friday: Midnight, 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 6:00am, 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 9:00pm,10:00pm, 11:00pm Saturday: 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am, 4:00am, 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 10:00pm, 11:00pm

***PLEASE NOTE: There is an especially great need for perpetual adorers for the hours listed in RED. Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling YOU!

Are you available for an hour during the week? To sign up, go to:

Questions? Please call Anne Simonis, 567-1339.

Scrip Gift Cards Benefit St. Jerome’s PLEASE HELP ST. JEROME EARN FREE MONEY!!!

IT’S SO EASY … just place your Scrip order with payment at the Parish Office by 3:30 PM on Monday, and your

order will be ready for pick-up by Friday!


Prefer to Order Online? or use the Raise Right app on your mobile device

St. Jerome code: EEBLAAFE4477


Pat’s Heating & Air Conditioning Pat & Mary Sue McNamee (Parish Members)

Oconomowoc Chiropractic Dr. Jeff Rutkowski (Parish Member)

American Family Insurance, Oconomowoc David Kaiser, Agent

Thank you to the many businesses and individuals who advertise in our weekly bulletin. Through their generosity, our weekly bulletin is provided at no cost to the parish.


Calendar Raffle Winners *September 14 — Marge Legwinski — $25 *September 15 — Marge Legwinski — $50 *September 16 — Robert Nussbaum — $100 *September 21 — John Pesicek — $25 *September 22 — Elizabeth Scott — $50


New Parishioner Orientation & Welcome Next Gathering: Sunday, October 3 All newly registered parishioners, anyone considering joining the parish, or those just interested in learning more about our parish and school are invited to a brief New Parishioner Orientation and Welcome to be held the first Sunday of each month following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please join us in the Youth Room for a very short video introduction to the parish and school, plus learn about the many parish ministries.

WE NEED YOU … to join the St. Jerome Events Committee! Do you love to plan and organize activities? If so, please consider sharing your time and talent to help plan parish events, i.e., pancake breakfasts, parish picnic, etc. Share your ideas! If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office, 262-569-3020.

New Women’s Book Club You are invited to “The Fiesta Women’s Book Club” which will meet at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and discussion, once per month at Uncle Julio’s Mexican Restaurant by Brookfield Square. Our first gathering is Thursday, October 21. Please read C.S. Lewis’ book “The Screwtape Letters.” See you at the fiesta!

Please RSVP Tamara Durand if interested: [email protected]

Page 6: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

Our St. Jerome Maintenance Ministry volunteer group has been operating now for about three months. The group meets Wednesday mornings following the 8:00 a.m. Mass (approx. 8:30 a.m.) at the canopy entrance for a short social time and discussion of work to be completed on that day. We then work on job assignments and complete our work by noon. Bring your own hand tools for the job you will be doing — hammer, screwdriver, etc. We will provide any necessary specialty tools. Meeting dates include: October 6, 13, 20 & 27 — meet at the church canopy entrance at 8:30 a.m. We look forward to welcoming you to our ministry. ALL ARE WELCOME. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with St. Jerome Parish! For more information, contact Roger Mayer, 262-490-7193, or Terry Walsh, 920-261-8580.

page 6 S t . J e r o m e P a r i s h

The Oconomowoc Memorial Auxiliary is collecting donations through November 2 of new or gently used coats, snow pants, hats, mittens, and scarves in all sizes for children and adults. Donations may be placed in the blue collection barrel in the St. Jerome canopy entrance lobby (near the wagons). Donated items will be distributed to local agencies for families in need.

For more information please contact Tammy Fox-Husband, 262-569-0293.

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity!

Blessing of Pets In honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, you are invited to bring your pets to receive a special blessing on Sunday, October 3, at 12:30 p.m. Please gather around the Pieta statue in the church courtyard.

40 Days for Life Is God Calling YOU to Save Lives?

This Fall hundreds of cities around the world are uniting for the largest pro-life mobilization in history: 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign, which runs from September 22 - October 31. Recognizing that “with God all things are possible,” people of faith are praying that this effort will help bring an end to the tragedy of abortion. With every potential client that chooses life, we are one step closer to the realization of closing the clinic on Farwell Avenue in Milwaukee.

***NOTE: St. Jerome Parish is called upon to fill the hours of 7:00 to 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 16, at Affiliated Medical Services, 1428 N. Farwell Ave., Milwaukee. We need at least two people present for every hour this day. To sign up for an hour or two or for more information, please contact Cheryl at the Parish Office, 262-569-3020 or [email protected]. You may also sign up in the narthex after the weekend Masses. THANK YOU for offering your prayers for the unborn!

Page 7: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

Traveling? Free ministry for traveling Catholics — for nationwide Mass times while traveling in the United States, please call 1-800-627-7846 or check online at

S t . J e r o m e P a r i s h page 7

“St. Joseph’s ‘yes’ to the Lord meant that regardless of the hardship and personal sacrifice to himself, he consistently chose to put the needs of Mary and Jesus before his own. Joseph’s devotion

helps reveal to us our own call to show special care for the lives of those whom God has entrusted to us.” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Respect Life Reflection: St. Joseph, Defender of Life

LADIES OF ST. JEROME: Give yourself the gift of attending the Women of Christ Conference at Washington County Fair Park. There are dynamic speakers, Confession, Adoration, Eucharistic procession, Rosary procession, and a vendor market. The day concludes with Archbishop Jerome Listecki’s Mass of Anticipation at 4:00 p.m. It’s a Spirit-filled day!

Register online at — for questions, contact the parish liaison, Mary Jane, at 262-237-0572 or by email: [email protected]. This weekend, October 2/3, registration will be available in the narthex if you need assistance.

Life Chain This Sunday — PLEASE JOIN US!!!

2021 Life Chain — Sunday, October 3, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. You and your family are invited to join us at this annual witness for life and silently pray for an end to abortion. We will meet at our assigned location on Bluemound Rd., near Goerke’s Corners just east of Barker Rd. near Bullwinkle’s Sports Bar, 20290 W. Bluemound Rd. (Parking is available in the restaurant parking lot.) This year marks the 30th annual Milwaukee Life Chain in which many churches throughout the archdiocese and across the nation take part. Join us for all or part of this prayer time. Bring your rosary and a sign if you wish. (Signs will also be available.)

For more information, please call George Kriegl, 567-2959; Cheryl Millot, 569-3020; or Brenda Stieber, 569-9027.

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Parish Office


Page 11: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Jerome, Oconomowoc, WI B 4C 01-0468


1201 W. Second Street, Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Ph: (262) 567-8488 • Fax: (262) 567-8468

[email protected]

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Contact Marcia Boswell to place an ad [email protected]

or (800) 950-9952 x2246

Page 12: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time • Saint Jerome

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Jerome, Oconomowoc, WI A 4C 01-0468

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5744 Brown Street (Hwy P) • Oconomowoc, WI 53066

(262) 569-0801



Richard A. Schwichtenberg President, COO900 W. Sunset Drive Waukesha, WI 53189

Cell: 262.690.3084 email: [email protected]

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Hilmer & AssociAtesPaul Hilmer, RLS

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W217 Vista Dr., Oconomowoc, WI 53066262-567-5893

Quartz CountertopsJon Lestina Company LLC

parish member 262-617-1350



David Kaiser, Agent870 Summit Ave, Oconomowoc

Bus: (262) [email protected]

262.366.5671 [email protected]

James Reuter, Parish Member

Casserly Veterinary Services

James G. Casserly, DVM Kimmy M. Casserly, DVM

Leyla S. Wirth, DVM920-206-6155



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