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As we look back on 2010, I feel tremendous pride at the accomplishments

of the students, teachers and staff who worked hard every day to make a

difference in our communities.

The TWLC in Anaheim enjoyed an impressive increase in attendance,

and we also celebrated the opening of two new campuses in Washington,

D.C. I’m happy to say these combined efforts impacted more than 14,000

young people and their families. We also saw exciting progress with the

Earl Woods Scholarship Program, as our first class of scholars all became

seniors in 2010. I can’t believe they’ve already come this far, and I am

looking forward to celebrating their graduation.

Lastly, I would like to thank our generous board members, sponsors and

individual donors who helped the Foundation expand its reach in 2010.

Your guidance and support have been instrumental to our success, and

we are all very grateful.

Thank you again for your commitment to the Tiger Woods Foundation. a message

FROM_TIGERSIncerely TIger WoodS // FounDEr, TIgEr WooDS FounDATIon







LEFT SIDE // yeAr oVerVIeW










Table of Contents

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I was quite hesitant about our first meeting. This was not the conventional scholarship and my experience as an Earl Woods Scholar did not end with a check in the mail. rather, I was given a mentor, a man whom I would grow to respect, who changed the way I perceived my future. It is no exaggeration that this particular coffee shop in Westwood is a place where inspiration struck me more than once.

My first meeting with Andy Bielanski was a mixture of excitement and anxiety. But after multiple meetings, I became more comfortable and our conversations became more sincere. He told me about his travels to Third World countries and how they helped him gain a deeper understanding of their plight. He spoke passionately about promoting education and helping those who are less fortunate. His words inspired me to partake in my own trip and fused my passion to help others with my desire to learn more about myself. I took his advice to heart and joined a medical mission trip to Vietnam, where my parents are from.

Thus began my membership at an organization in orange County called Medical, Educational Missions and outreach (M.E.M.o.). The organization is a small group of doctors and students with a mission to provide medical, financial and educational support for the impoverished people of Vietnam. Throughout our two weeks in rural Vietnam, we donated money to orphanages and schools, held free clinics and watched American doctors perform life-saving surgeries for patients who could not afford the treatments.

In Vietnam, I had the opportunity to learn the lessons of humility: to be grateful for the smallest treasures of life. Before this trip, I was oblivious to the lives of my people. The comfort of my everyday life made me distant from my culture, a piece of my identity. The M.E.M.o. trip not only filled the void, but also affected my thoughts, aspirations and passions. Thus began my role as the president of the M.E.M.o. chapter at uCLA. With a team of passionate students, we combined our diligence with our passion to carry out fundraising projects to help this great cause.

Looking back at the trip, my talks with Andy Bielanski and the Tiger Woods Foundation, I have discovered a binding similarity, that there are amazing causes and people in the world who will stand up for the underdog. As the M.E.M.o. President, I constantly strive to help those who have never had a voice.














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As I quickly move back into the fast paced life of college, I have found a purpose, which provides me the energy to study and continue with M.E.M.o. With the knowledge that a small thought could grow with such momentum, I bring this small piece of Vietnam home, only to return in the following summers in full bloom.

To think, this all started over a cup of coffee with my mentor.

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The first time I entered the Tiger Woods Learning Center was in my sophomore year of high school. I was amazed with not only the wonderful building itself, but the great assistance provided to me. I never imagined how much I would come to benefit from this creative atmosphere. Through my time at the Tiger Woods Learning Center, I have been given many opportunities including an introduction to many different courses and access to new technology. The Tiger Woods Learning Center’s innovative atmosphere that consists of an extraordinary staff, excellent college presentations, and successful guest speakers have all inspired me to go attend college myself.

It’s due to the extraordinary staff and the great example they portray that I have become more motivated to get a good college education. Through the first class I took, Engineering, with Mr. Esmilla, I was able to work and interact with other students through hands-on instruction. I have learned that the real world isn’t all about tests and essays. I felt like I was exposed to an environment similar to a college classroom setting. Mr. Esmilla has motivated me to get a college education by introducing me to possible careers that only a college education can offer.

growing up, I thought the best schools I could ever go to were uSC and uCLA, but the Tiger Woods Learning Center has opened my eyes to many other schools, such as Stanford, Princeton, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Colgate, Hamilton, Boston College and many others. I have become more aware of what colleges look for in a student and the many different choices I have.

The professional guest speakers that have spoken at the TWLC have also been motivational. Their education has presented them with numerous opportunities and their stories have pushed me to continue working hard in school and focus on getting into one of my dream colleges. For example, robin richards, a successful entrepreneur, got me really excited about business as a college major. He talked to us about his college education, and how without it, he wouldn’t have been able to get so far in life and accomplish all he has done. He mentioned how we don’t have to get into the top college, or be the top percent of our school, but that it is very important to get a college education, that it is now almost essential to our futures. These types of presentations are just another one of the great opportunities that I was given as a TWLC scholar.

The Tiger Woods Learning Center has been essential to my growth as a student and has exposed me to countless opportunities. I am now incredibly ambitious about college and my future career.
























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How would my life be different if I wasn’t an Earl Woods Scholar? unlike other scholarships, the Earl Woods Scholarship is not just a name or a mysterious agency that writes checks to students it doesn’t know. Being an Earl Woods Scholar has been so much more than that. It has been an experience, one that I am fortunate to be a part of.

I didn’t know what being an Earl Woods Scholar meant. I remember filling out the scholarship application along with a million others, and totally forgetting I even applied. A few months later, a big package from the Tiger Woods Foundation arrived in the mail. Inside, a letter said that I had to attend a week-long, summer orientation. Frankly, I thought, “great, another boring, obvious orientation about being the best I can be. Pppffftt! Kiddy stuff!” But I went anyway and was proved completely wrong.

That first summer was amazing. I volunteered at a zoo, helped an elderly woman paint her home, rubbed elbows with community leaders and interned at the Tiger Woods Learning Center. I hope to become a writer one day, and over the summer, I was presented with the opportunity to intern at the Children and Families Commission of orange County, where I got to write press releases and was even given the responsibility of co-managing their booth at the orange County Fair. Interning has taught me so much. It taught me to appreciate the value of things that once seemed so trivial—things like what a difference a clean, white shirt can make, or the importance of writing a small thank you note. now, I feel more confident and ready to take on the professional world.

However, out of the whole Earl Woods Scholarship experience, what I find most meaningful are all the great people I’ve met along the way. This is my third year being a Scholar, and the program and the people associated with it never cease to amaze me. If I wasn’t an Earl Woods Scholar, I wouldn’t have met my mentor Paul glowienke, who has become more than a coach but also a great friend. There are too many other names to mention, but they know who they are. I can’t even begin to thank them enough for the support and encouragement I’ve received. The folks at the Foundation and Learning Center understand what we scholars are trying to do, and their belief in us makes a whole world of difference. A little bit of confidence can go a long way, and this program has given me so much more.

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I was in High School, and the pressure of graduation and passing all my classes was getting to me when my advisor told me, “Fatou, I want you to apply for the Earl Woods Scholarship. You need money for college.” The first thought that came in my mind was “Yeah right … and you think I will get that competitive scholarship?” I talked to my mentors about the idea, and they encouraged me to apply. They wanted me to beat the odds. A couple of months later, I was an Earl Woods Scholar.

I came to the united States a couple of years ago with my sister from Togo (West Africa) to pursue a better education. Being an earl Woods Scholar is the best thing that has happened to me since I got here. It is true that I was awarded other academic scholarships that help me to pay for college expenses, but I consider the Earl Woods Scholarship ‘the best.’ It does not just award money to go to school. The staff of the Foundation keeps in touch with me and makes sure I am doing well in school. As an Earl Woods Scholar, a lot of opportunities opened up for me.

As a scholar, my biggest accomplishment has been to intern at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C. The Tiger Woods Foundation has blessed me with this chance to work with EPA staff members and to understand

















what it feels like to work on projects. I worked on the mercury spills that occurred at high schools in Washington, D.C. and Arizona. As a junior at the university of Idaho majoring in Environmental Science/Engineering, I learned a lot from this internship. I had the chance to interview other EPA staff members from different regions who were involved in the cleanups and come up with a suggestion for the EPA concerning spills. I received positive feedback on my dedication to work and also on the results of my project.

Every time I tell my dad and my sister how good the Tiger Woods Foundation has been to me, they share in my happiness. on october 5, 2010, I had the chance to participate in a special assembly with Tiger Woods himself and speak with 9th graders of Cesar Chavez High School about the benefits of having a Tiger Woods Learning Center in Washington, D.C. As an Earl Woods Scholar, opportunities keep arising, and I consider every one of them a gift. I would have never thought of myself, a young man coming from the small country of Togo, sitting on a panel with Tiger Woods one day. Being an Earl Woods Scholar helped me to achieve my dreams and only god knows the opportunities that this Foundation will present to me in the future.

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Attending college is my dream. To me, college means success. I love learning, and I feel that going to college will broaden my horizons and open new doors for me.

Through the support of the Tiger Woods learning Center, the picture I have in my mind about college has broadened and become more colorful. I use the Learning Center not only as one of my main resources for getting information about colleges, but I have also learned different values of life such as integrity, honesty and sportsmanship. At the Learning Center, I am continuously able to hone these qualities as well as gain new ones that are beneficial to my life.

College means much more to me than merely an education. I want to reach my highest potential and be a positive example to my siblings and family. Throughout my life my father has shared with me all his personal memories and experiences, and knowing his background inspires me to shape my life in the right direction. He had to drop out of grade school to help his parents work so they could feed his family. By the age of sixteen my father was on his own without guidance, on the streets of Los Angeles living under a cardboard box. Without his perseverance and confidence, my father would not be standing where he is today, supporting his family. His stories along with the support of the Tiger Woods Learning Center have given me confidence and encouraged me to be successful on the road to college.

At the Tiger Woods Learning Center, I have met many great people who have already gone through the college process. I want to go to college and make a difference like them; to later lend a helping hand to others. I see myself helping others in fields such as criminal justice, sociology or psychology.

The learning center has helped me maintain focus on what is important and because of that I have gained a better sense of involvement. I feel that the Tiger Woods Learning Center is valuable in painting my picture for college.























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tiger woods foundation


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At the Tiger Woods Learning Centers in orange County and

Washington, D.C., scholars in grades 5 – 12 experience college

access programs focused on science, technology, engineering

and math.

where it all started


Interactive classes in subjects ranging from rocketry,

aerospace engineering and marine biology to graphic design

and communications, allow our students to explore a future

in almost any career and recognize the importance of attending

college. In 2010, the Learning Center in Orange County

reached 14,000 students and families, a 75% growth over

2009. We also researched, developed and launched the Fit

Plan, a step-by-step curriculum for Living Healthy. This plan

helps young people incorporate nutrition and fitness into

their daily lives and teaches them practical lessons on

food labels and exercise.

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In october of 2010, we celebrated the official expansion of the

Tiger Woods learning center with the launch of two campuses

in Washington, D.C.

the latest chapter


The two TWLC-DC campuses are located at the Cesar Chavez

Public Charter School in Ward 6, and the Cesar Chavez

Public Charter School in Ward 7. The TWLC–DC spaces and

curriculum are custom-built for the young people in that

community, providing students in multiple wards access to

innovative programs and the latest technology. Each campus

is run by TWLC-DC staff with the curriculum focusing on

career exploration in science, technology, engineering, math

and communications, as well as providing mentoring

and teacher training. Students attending the TWLC-DC

experience a technology -rich, innovative and highly

motivated environment that has been integral to the

success of the Southern California location. Activities

include building and programming robots, exploring

outer space and creating their own films.

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With the support of the earl Woods Scholarship Program,

our scholars are able to make their dreams of going to

college a reality.

earl woods


In addition to a $20,000 scholarship, our scholars receive

a dedicated mentor and specialized internships which

help prepare them for life after college. The Earl Woods

Scholarship Program also provides an unparalleled support

network that covers things often taken for granted, like

money for books, a plane ticket home or a new winter coat.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement,

demonstrated financial need and a proven commitment to

community service. In 2010, we awarded 11 new college

scholarships bringing the total number of scholars to 35.

Our scholars, many of whom are first-generation college

students, are currently attending prestigious universities

such as Harvard, Georgetown, UC Berkley and UCLA.

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1st of Delaware County // Abramson Family Cancer research Institute // Annika Foundation

// Bill Dickey Scholarship Association // Boys & girls Clubs of Philadelphia // Chair Scholars

Foundation // The Community Foundation for the national Capital region // Concordia

Language Villages // Daemion Counseling Center // Discovery Science Center // Episcopal

Academy // The First Tee of Philadelphia // Forever Young Foundation // garett Williamson

Foundation // gary Player Foundation // Hope for Kids Foundation // Scholarship Fund

// Imagine Cup DC // International Youth Foundation // J. Wood Platt Caddie Trust // JBJ

Soul Foundation // Liberty uSo // The Little rock Foundation // M.E.M.o. // Marine Corp

Scholarship Foundation // Marines Fore Scholarship // Melmark // national Liberty Museum

// The oklahoma Center for Community & Justice // orange County YMCA // ProLiteracy

// red Sox Foundation // rural China Education Fund // Sage Hill School // Salesian Boys

& girls Club of Los Angeles // Security on Campus // St. rose of Lima School // Starfinder

Foundation // Students in Free Enterprise // Team HEAL Foundation // Tiger Woods Learning

Centers // uCI SAgE Scholars // World golf Foundation // Youth Sports Trust

sharing the love

2010 GRANTS_The TWF Grants Program annually supports organizations

that specialize in education and youth development. Grants

are awarded up to $25,000 and target communities where

TWF has a strong presence through programs, events or

sponsor relations. Recently, as part of Tiger’s aspiration to

positively impact youth around the world, TWF began funding

organizations internationally. Grants have been awarded

to nonprofit organizations in Korea, Thailand and China that

provide programs in education, youth development, leadership

and financial literacy.

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tiger woods foundation


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Welcoming 120 of the world’s best golfers and nearly 200,000

fans to Aronimink golf Club, the AT&T national celebrated an

excellent first year in the Philadelphia region with tremendous

support from the local community.

This highly anticipated event kicked off with a patriotic open-

ing ceremony which paid tribute to the men and woman who

serve in the military. The ceremony began with the

Philadelphia Fife and Drum Corps, followed by the Presenta-

tion of Colors by the Joint Armed Forces Color Guard. Grammy

Award-Winning Philly locals, Boyz II Men, took the stage to

sing the National Anthem, with singer-songwriter, Jon Bon

Jovi, on hand to represent his Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation.

The AT&T National also donated 30,000 tickets so members of

the military could attend the tournament for free.

Justin Rose took home the newly designed Liberty Bell trophy

on Sunday, finishing with a one shot lead over hard-charging

Ryan Moore. Rose closed with an even-par 70 to hold off Moore,

who finished with a 5-under 65. Rose’s rounds of 69-64-67-70

and total of 10-under 270 proved to be just enough for him to

record the second PGA TOUR victory of his career and claim

the $1.16 million winner’s check.

The warm welcome by the Philadelphia community, the dedicated

volunteers and the support of the media helped raise funds for

numerous youth organizations including the primary tournament

beneficiaries, the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, the Boys &

Girls Clubs of Philadelphia and the Tiger Woods Foundation.

new location, same passion


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The 2010 Chevron World Challenge, held at beautiful Sherwood

Country Club in Thousand oaks, Calif., featured one of the

most elite fields of the year, amazing weather, record crowds,

great community support and an extremely exciting ending.

down to the wire


Sunday’s fans were treated to a thrilling finish as Graeme

McDowell sank a 20-foot birdie-putt on the first playoff hole

to edge Tiger Woods and take home the 2010 trophy.

Both Woods and McDowell birdied the 72nd hole to force the

first playoff in tournament history. They finished regulation

tied at 16-under 272. Paul Casey came up third with a 69 at

12-under 276, and Rory McIlroy was fourth at 11-under 277

after turning in a 68.

Other standout players in the field included Steve Stricker,

Jim Furyk, Luke Donald, Matt Kuchar, Ian Poulter, Hunter

Mahan, Anthony Kim, Zach Johnson, Sean O’Hair, Dustin

Johnson, Bubba Watson, Camilo Villegas, Nick Watney

and Stewart Cink.

The Chevron World Challenge welcomed approximately

65,000 spectators throughout the four days of the tournament

and enjoyed its highest television ratings since 2007. The

tournament worked to raise awareness for its nonprofit

partners, which included, Project Lead

the Way, Teach For America, TELACU Education Foundation

and the Tiger Woods Foundation.

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PHIlAnTHroPIc PArTner // Anonymous // AT&T // Booz Allen Hamilton //

Chevron // Deutsche Bank // gatorade // HSBC // TAg Heuer // Tiger Woods //

PHILAnTHroPIC SuPPorTEr // Activa global Sports & Entertainment / ray Taccolini //

Alphaone Capital Partners // Anheuser-Busch // AT&T Foundation // Bank of America //

CDW // Chase // Citizens Bank // Creative Financial group // FedEx // The Fresh grocer

// gPX Enterprises // grEY gooSE Vodka // Lenovo group Limited // Lockheed Martin

// Mike Maggi // Mercedes-Benz uSA // Microsoft // nike golf // Professional realty

Advisors // Denny Sanford // SAP // Small Ventures uSA // Stephano Slack, LLC // T.D.

Service Financial Corporation/Dale Dykema // united States Liability Insurance group //

donor // Accenture // Acra Aerospace // Adobe // America’s Charities // Anaheim Ducks &

Honda Center // Anonymous // Argosy Management Company, LLC // Automobile Club of Southern

California // The Bank of America Charitable Foundation // Beringer // raj & Marta Bhathal //

Blackrock // The Boeing Company // Boenning & Scattergood, Inc. // BoTH, Inc. // Dr. neal

Bozentka // Brandywine realty Trust // Brickman group // Bryn Mawr Trust Company // Carey,

Kramer, Pettit, Panichelli & Associates, Inc. // Charles Schwab // Chase Mastercard // Chesapeake

Energy Corporation // Young & Lisa Chin // Cisco // Clair global // The Colburn Family //

Colonial Electric Supply // Comcast Sportsnet // Cross Atlantic Capital Partners // D.F. Young, Inc.

// Davis Family Foundation // Day & Zimmermann // Delaware Investments // Devine Brothers

// DirecTV // Draper Family Foundation // Easton Coach // EMC // Employees Community Fund

of Boeing California // Energy Enterprise Solutions // EnerSys // ExelaCom // Exelon Energy //

Steve Finley // Franklin American Mortgage Company // Fries Family Fund // geico // The Hagan

Family Foundation // Harris, Baio & McCullough Advertising // Heineken // David and Judith

Hicks // Himes Family // Huawei Technologies // Humana // IBM // IKon Business Solutions //

Imagen records // IMS Health // Independence Blue Cross // Ingram Micro // Intelligent Decisions,

Inc. // J.J. DeLuca Company, Inc. // Kevin Keating // Kim Manufacturing // Klehr Harrison Harvey

Branzburg, LLP // Kodak // KPMg LLP // Lincoln Financial group // Steve Madison // Cindy &

Mike McKee // Michael Mcnulty // MetLife // Morton’s The Steakhouse // national Car rental //

nestle // newSpring Capital // nocturne Productions // northwestern Mutual Financial network //

Cozen o’Connor // The o’reilly Family // The olson research group, Inc. // oracle // orthovisk

// The otis Booth Foundation // Pacific Life Insurance group // Pepsi // Perfect Sense Digital

// Pershing, LLC // Physicians national Bank // Playstation // The Preferred Club Program //

Premier Payments online // Preziosi, nicholson & Associates // PricewaterhouseCoopers // ProM

Management group, Inc. // r.A. Kennedy & Sons // Jenifer Westphall radcliff // rust Consulting

// SEI // Selective Insurance group, Inc. // Stoneridge Investment Partners // Sungard Availability

Services // TD Bank // Theodora oringher Miller & richman PC / Tracy & Todd Theodora // Titleist

// Towers Watson // Turner Construction // uPS // uSI Affinity // Vicario Investments // VWr

International // Waste Management // White & Williams // Wilmington Trust // Wilson Creek

Winery // Zenith Insurance Company // Zurich // rhonda & David Zygocki // THAnK You

our generous

SPONSORS_gifts $10,000 and above during the 2010 calendar year (in alphabetical order)

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FounDEr // Tiger Woods // TWF STAFF // gregory T. McLaughlin, J.D., President & CEo //

Michelle Bemis // Arthur Brown // Daniel Callahan // Court Campion // Jessica Carbajal

// Kelly Cheng // John Coolbaugh // gina Ekmekjian // Julia gabor // Marci gentzkow //

Andy Harmatys // Alysia Hendricks // Michelle Kim // Michelle Y. Kim // Heather Lee //

Matt Marron // Lindsay McCullough // rachel rees // Dan Scali // Stacy Stark // Emily

Taylor // Jin Thatcher // Lindsey Wagner // Emily Wallace // TWF BoArD oF DIrECTorS

// Michael D. McKee, Chairman // Sandra Barry // Andy Bielanski // ronald Conway //

Dale L. Dykema // Christopher J. Hubman // Michael P. Johnson // Sheila C. Johnson // rob

Light // Tim J. ryan // Mark Steinberg, Esq. // Todd C. Theodora // ray Wilkins // Michael

K. Wirth // Kultida Woods // TWLC STAFF // Katherine E. Bihr, Ed. D., Executive Director

// nick Badel // gyla Bell // Barry Christy // Milissa Duggan // Ian Esmilla // Cristina

Fernandez // roman gonzales // Chiquita griffin // Eduardo guillen // Alma gutierrez //

Thomas Hailu // Joe Hsu // Kelly Jordan // Marjorie Kelly // Susana Lagarde // Dalyna

Lam // Doug Luong // Manny Luong // Calvin Macaraeg // Maryly Martinez // Wendy

Martinez // Eric Moore // nick novak // Kimberly o’Toole // Melisa San Agustin // Mehrab

Sarwar // Steven Sawyer // Lea Segura // Yvonne Tello // David Tong // Jose Valdez //

Arturo Valdez-garcia // Pauline Vallejos // Monica Vega // Lonnie Webb // TWLC BoArD

oF DIrECTorS // Todd C. Theodora, Chairman // richard Baily // Sandra Barry // Marian

Bergeson // raj S. Bhathal // Avery Brown // Michael V. Drake, M.D. // Dale L. Dykema

// Karina Hamilton // Paul Hegness // gregory W. Jones // Jerry E. Mandel, Ph.D. // Jerry

Mattes // Michael D. McKee // Tim J. ryan // Laura Sanford // Mark Steinberg, Esq. //

Peter V. ueberroth // gaddi Vasquez // Bob Waltos // deSIgn // AkinsParker Creative

// PHoTogrAPHy // Sean Walker Photography // Laurie & Charles // gary newkirk

inspired and dedicated