twitter linkedin business page 2012

Social Media Summer School 2012

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Social Media

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Using Twitter and LinkedIn Business Pages for SMB market 2012. Social Media for Small Business. LinkedIn Company Pages. Presented Social Media Workshop Chamber of Commerce.


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Social Media Summer School


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Social Media is Democratizing Communications

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Paige Brockmyre, Web and Social Media Consultant, NeXt I.T.


Shawn Willson, V.P Sales, NeXt I.T.


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Jack Dorsey, founder created March 2006 launched July 2006

(Noah Glass, Evan Williams, Biz Stone) 140 million active users 2012 340 million tweets per day 1.6 billion search queries per day 140 characters Micro-blogging


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What are hashtags # and how do you use them?

How often do you tweet and why?

Should you connect Twitter and Linkedin?

How do you use Twitter for Business Marketing?

How do you use Twitter for Lead Generation?

How do you use Twitter for Pubic Relations?

How do you use Twitter for Customer Service?

Twitter Questions

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Hashtags #

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An observation What you’re

reading What events

you’re attending

Your content Someone

else’s content Chat with

someone Retweet




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Same message and same audience??

Linking Social Media

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Monitor brands Promote events, products Become expert resource

Twitter Marketing

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Lead Generation

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Public Relations

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Customer Service

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Reid Hoffman, Founder, Stanford and Oxford, Socialnet SMN,

PayPal LinkedIn officially launched on May 5, 2003 and within one

month gained 4,500 members. Global with 2 billion people searches in 2010 150 million users in February 2012 All Fortune 500 represented


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What are the benefits of having a company page?

How do ads work on LinkedIn?

How do company status updates work?

How do you use LinkedIn for lead generation?

What are the advantages of an upgraded account?                            How do you use LinkedIn for employee research and hiring?

  What are Career Pages?                                  

LinkedIn Questions

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Benefits of Company PageCompany Reach & Product


Network Profile Connections Groups E-mail Searching Questions and Answers Analytics Status updates

Find a contact at a Co. Sell a product Look for an employee Do business in a new city Look for partner Create a reputation Hyperlinks List Tweets and Blogs Ads

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Company Page Example




Connected to you Culture






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Search target market Find specific users Find buyers Find customers of your customers to drive demand Find people who consult to people buying your product Find people who can help improve your product

Selling Products

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LinkedIn Ad

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Stay top of mind, build relationships and brand awareness,

evangelism Followers of your Company will see Status Updates on their

homepage Updates can be ‘liked’, commented and shared Excessive posting is subject to review by LinkedIn

Company Status Updates

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Builds Thought

Leadership Connects thriving

community Drives traffic to

your site Build personal

network Lead Generator Gain inspiration Connect before

conferences Help others

Lead GenerationGroups & Events

Groups Events

New relationships Filling a niche Build a new network or list Brand Awareness Credibility Sales, Opportunities Media attention Connecting others

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Google reads LinkedIn

Answers, so anything that you enter in your answer becomes available in a keyword search. This means, your website or your LinkedIn profile gets a higher ranking.

Creates your reputation Positions you as Expert New connections Find Experts First level of information Connect worldwide

Lead GenerationAnswers & Applications

Enrich your profile Share and Collaborate Be more effective Stay current and


Answers Applications

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Company Page 2





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Company Page 3


Years of Experience




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Company Page 4








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Company Page 5

Title Change




Popular profiles

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In mail 50+Groups Access Career Pages


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Largest network of recruiters Reference checks Recommendations See how they present themselves to the world

Employee Research and Hiring

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Position company as an ‘employer of choice’ Increase candidate response/acceptance rate Raise awareness of job opportunities Drive traffic to website, social network, application Analyze who is viewing and interacting with your brand with


Benefits of Career Pages

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Upgraded Career Pages

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Get started w/ these tools

Thanks for coming!Sources: Twitter, LinkedIn, Mari Smith, Info graphics Labs, Hubspot, Wikipedia, Social Media Examiner, Pinterest

Thank You!