twitter power: harness social media to grow your business

Twitter Power: Harness Social Media to Grow Your Business A Presentation by Jonathan Jordan Executive & Business Coach © 2010 Global Change Management, Inc.

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In this presentation you will discover how to harnessing the power of social media, Twitter in particular, to market and grow your business


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Twitter Power: Harness Social Media to Grow Your


A Presentation by

Jonathan JordanExecutive & Business Coach

© 2010 Global Change Management, Inc.

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How I Stumbled Into Twitter Success…

About 18 months ago, I knew nothing about Twitter!

Now I have well over 100,000 in my primary Twitter account.

And even my dog has about 60,000 followers in Twitter.

My Website gets over 3,000 hits from Twitter monthly.

Originally, in order to figure out what worked, and what didn’t work, on Twitter, I created an account for my dog - @KatieBichon.

Through testing and measuring, trail and error, I grew KatieBichon’s account to over 7,000 followers in less than 6 weeks.

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My Dog’s Twitter Account

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How I Stumbled Into Twitter Success, Cont…

Now @KatieBichon has become a minor celebrity in Twitter and a spokesperson (spokesdog) for a number of business – my dog is paid to market in Twitter!

After seeing success with @KatieBichon, I focused on my businesses “real” Twitter account, MindfullyChange.

Unexpectedly, this resulted in a 1,700% increase of traffic to our website. Of course, as traffic increases to our website, so does our business. Our Twitter strategy is more than paying for itself.

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My Primary Twitter Account

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The 3 Keys Areas of FocusIn Growing and Managing

a Twitter Account

Acquisition of Followers

Quality of Tweets

Influence & Responsiveness

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Acquisition of Followers

The main key to successful use of Twitter.

Few or no followers will result in few or no responses regardless of the quality of your Tweets.

The main way to acquire followers in Twitter is to first follow others.

Of those you follow, some will follow you back.

Follow accounts that are similar to your account and/or have things in common.

For example, for my dog’s account, I followed the followers of veterinarian accounts.

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Acquisition of Followers, Cont.

So who you follow determines who will follow you back.

Therefore, it is very important to select Twitter accounts you really want to follow you.

The level of response to your updates is greatly dependant on having the right people following you.

Do not blindly follow just anyone on Twitter.

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Quality of Tweets

Surprisingly, high quality Tweets attract few new followers - maybe 17% new followers.

However, good quality Tweet retain followers.

The higher the quality of your Tweets, the more influential you will be in Twitter.

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Quality Tweets Can Include…

Useful tips in your area of expertise.

Links to online articles and blogs that would be of interest to your followers.


Motivational quotes.

Public-service type announcements.

What you had for breakfast is really not appropriate.

With the right mix of content your followers will begin to look forward to your Tweets.

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Influence & Responsiveness

If you’re using Twitter to grow your business and/or attract visitors to your website or blog, influence and responsiveness are key to your success.

Without influence or responsiveness are probably just wasting your time – and the time of your followers.

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Influence = When your followers tell their followers about you.

Influence can be measured, for example, by the number of “retweets” you updates receive.

And by the number of times the URL in the Twitter profile is clicked.

The number of times an account is “Listed” reflects both responsiveness and influence.

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Responsiveness = When your followers do what you want them to do.

Responsiveness can be measured, for example, by how many people click a link to in your Tweet…the more people that do so the greater the responsiveness.

And by the number of times a link in a direct message (DM) is clicked.

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Test & Measure

By using certain short URL services that track the number of “clicks” on each shortened URL used in the updates.

Using this method, I have verified a response rate as high as 7% (in a 24-hour period).

I doubled checked this by also looking at the recorded hits on the target website during the same 24-hour period.

Obviously, Tweets with low influence responsiveness should be discontinued, but those with high response rates can often be saved to be repeated later.

The ultimate measure is, how much profit are you making.

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A Word About Horizontal vs. Vertical Growth

In Twitter, it is almost impossible to consistently add more than 200 followers per day.

However, if you have multiple Twitter accounts, you can add a total of over 200 followers per day.

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If an account has 1,000 followers and 7% click on the link in an update, there would be 70 clicks.

If 80,000 followers, there would be 5,600 clicks and so on…

Keep in mind that those following lists you are on can also see your Tweets, even if they are not following your directly.

Also, when your Tweets are retweeted, the followers of those that retweet can also see your Tweets, even if they are not following you directly.

Putting it All Together…

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Presenter Contact Information

Jonathan Jordan

President, Global Change Management, Inc.

E-mail: [email protected]


Twitter: @MindfullyChange

Thank You!