twitter style. how to gff. #yeahbuddy_c+r identify the factors that contributed to the birth of...


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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Today we will… (LT…tweets)

How to GFF. #yeahbuddy_C+R

Identify the factors that contributed to the birth of the Scientific Revolution. #Aquinasrocks!_Bro

Analyze the ways that Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditionally held views. #EatmyshortsRCC

Explain how Descartes, Bacon, and Newton helped to shape the Scientific Method. #IthinkthereforeIam

List some discoveries that were made during the Scientific Revolution. #Youspinmeround_Kepler

Deduce how the Scientific Revolution laid the foundation for the Enlightenment. #rooftoilet

Me too….just not literally

Medieval Science(#sciencegeek)

Medieval scientists were in our modern sense, quite unscientific.

They rarely experimented or questioned, mainly accepting popular superstitions or the ideas of Aristotle. Scholasticism – Church

scholars wrote books on philosophical and theological issues. Their method of using pure reason in the defense of faith is called Scholasticism.

Astrologers and Alchemists

What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium

Atom humor

St. Thomas Aquinas(#donthatemehatemyswag)

Aquinas was the greatest medieval philosopher and wrote Summa Theologica.

In this work he summarized Christian doctrine and denied any conflict between reason and religious faith (Scholasticism).

His philosophy was influenced by Aristotle.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division.

Sound proof if I ever saw it…

Renaissance Science(#mmm…bacon)

Built upon the extensive scientific writings of the Greeks and the Romans (Humanism).

Developed the scientific method and observation and experimentations (Descartes and Bacon).

Challenged medieval superstition and the general acceptance of Aristotle’s theories (Copernicus and Galileo).

Why do tigers have stripes?

So they don’t get spotted

Red alert, red alert

Renaissance Science cont.(#whyispotassium_K)

Reduced the importance of humanity in the universal scheme of things by determining that the Earth was NOT at the center of the cosmos but rather one of several planets revolving about its sun as a minor planetary system (Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo).

Encountered considerable opposition at first because its findings were thought to conflict with medieval religious and popular beliefs (Roman Catholic Church, Aristotle, Aquinas, and Scholasticism).

Increased the ability of people to improve their health and control their environment (Pasteur and Leeuwenhoek).

Established a firm foundation for modern scientific progress (Scientific Method).

When a third grader was asked to cite Newton's first law, she said, "Bodies in motion remain in motion, and bodies at rest stay in bed unless their mothers call them to get up."

Chemistry shaming

Scientific Revolution(#Ifyoucan'theliumandyoucan'tcuriumthenyoumightaswellbar

ium) Renaissance Science is sometimes considered to be the foundation of

an ongoing process still evident today – The Scientific Revolution Scientific Achievements

Copernicus – Heliocentric Theory (Sun is the center of the universe). Vesalius – Founded the science of Anatomy. Bacon – He popularized the new scientific method. Galileo – He demonstrated the law of falling bodies and greatly improved the

telescope. His observations of the heavens confirmed the Copernican theory. Kepler – A mathematician who showed that the Earth moves in an ellipse

around the sun. His findings help explain how satellites move around the earth today.

Harvey – Demonstrated how blood circulates through the body. Descartes – Considered the founder of analytic geometry. His philosophy is

summed up by “I think, therefore I am.” Boyle – Discovered a law of gasses that is fundamental to modern chemistry. Hooke – Discovered that living things are made up of cells. Leeuwenhoek – Perfected the microscope and studied an invisible world of

bacteria, protozoa, and animal and plant cells. Newton– Formulated the laws of motion and calculated the law of gravity. He

is the reason why rockets can go into outer space.

A neutron walked into a bar and asked, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replied, "For you, no charge."

Oh, the iron-y

The Enlightenment(#nomorerulesbro)

The Scientific Revolution led to a movement called the Age of Reason or the Enlightenment.

These philosophers believed that humans possessed natural rights and that society could be improved.

They insisted that institutions (government, church, schools, prisons) should conform to logic and reason.

They challenged traditional royal and Church authority.


Why do chemists prefer nitrates?

Because they're cheaper than day rates.