two page spreads

The bright green bubbles seen on both pages, helps the two pages flow and link together. With this effect there is no page split and it appeal to the target market as it is bright and eye catching drawing them into the page. The faded effect of the bubbles also make them seem 3D, adding a great effect to the magazine which gives it originality and an unusual look to the pages. The quotation made by the band is a great effect to the page as it not only links the pages but it also gives the reader an insight to the actual band and helps the magazine interact with the reader. The size and front help the quotations to stand out and catch the eye of the reader, therefore it is essential that the right words were chosen. The text used on this double spread isn’t to big and is in a good front allowing the reader to be able to read what has been but. An interview style has been used and to help the reader, tell the difference between the questions that have been asked and the answers, two different colours have been used. The colour used has even been thought out as it relates to the colour scheme use on the masthead. The layout of the magazine has been spilt into 6 th , to ensure that the magazine spread look professional and aesthetically pleasing. However at times these 6 th have been merged like seen on the first page to allow pictures and the masthead and the main images to look well placed and not to close together. I like this layout as it is formal but also appeals to the target market with the alterations and images added. The images used on the spread show the reader the band, which also advertises them for people to look out fro them in the future. The images show the reader what there individual personalities are like. I like this as it ensures that the magazine interacts with the reader. However I do not like the surrounding of some of the images as do not look at professional as the other. I also like how the images have been arranged on the first page as it look pleasing to the eye. I also The masthead is split into two sections which gives the masthead an original look, but tell the reader exactly what they need to know. The font is also fun but readable and therefore appeals to the reader and is a great point about the magazine. The colour of it also relates to the colour of the text allowing the two pages to flow. I like the masthead and how it is placed as it catches the eye of the reader and draws

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Two Page Spreads

The bright green bubbles seen on both pages, helps the two pages flow and link together. With this effect there is no page split and it appeal to the target market as it is bright and eye catching drawing them into the page. The faded effect of the bubbles also make them seem 3D, adding a great effect to the magazine which gives it originality and an unusual look to the pages.

The quotation made by the band is a great effect to the page as it not only links the pages but it also gives the reader an insight to the actual band and helps the magazine interact with the reader. The size and front help the quotations to stand out and catch the eye of the reader, therefore it is essential that the right words were chosen.

The text used on this double spread isn’t to big and is in a good front allowing the reader to be able to read what has been but. An interview style has been used and to help the reader, tell the difference between the questions that have been asked and the answers, two different colours have been used. The colour used has even been thought out as it relates to the colour scheme use on the masthead.

The layout of the magazine has been spilt into 6th, to ensure that the magazine spread look professional and aesthetically pleasing. However at times these 6th have been merged like seen on the first page to allow pictures and the masthead and the main images to look well placed and not to close together. I like this layout as it is formal but also appeals to the target market with the alterations and images added. The images used on the spread show the reader the band,

which also advertises them for people to look out fro them in the future. The images show the reader what there individual personalities are like. I like this as it ensures that the magazine interacts with the reader. However I do not like the surrounding of some of the images as do not look at professional as the other. I also like how the images have been arranged on the first page as it look pleasing to the eye. I also like how the images separate some of the text up.

The masthead is split into two sections which gives the masthead an original look, but tell the reader exactly what they need to know. The font is also fun but readable and therefore appeals to the reader and is a great point about the magazine. The colour of it also relates to the colour of the text allowing the two pages to flow. I like the masthead and how it is placed as it catches the eye of the reader and draws them into the spread.

Page 2: Two Page Spreads

The background colour is a simple white, but allows all text to be seen by the reader as. With the white background of the image as well being white helps the two pages to flow. However the background is slightly boring and could use some effects to enable to reach there target market. I do like the idea of the background having the same background of the image but it does make the spread look quite plane.

The masthead of this page is a good size and catches the readers eye instantly without it needing to be bold. The font used it readable, however if the magazine was trying to appeal both female and male readers having this masthead would lose male readers instantly due to the feminine masthead. There to improve I would put the title in a different title to ensure that t stands out and catches the readers attention, but also into a big bold text to ensure that it appeals to both male and female readers.

The image used is a medium close-up that ensures that the band can easily be seen. However the girl within the image are swashed together leaving a lot of open space on the right hand side, although I like the idea of the picture resembling a close band, the image leaves to much wasted space to the right, which also means that some of the faces are shadowed and not easily seen. However this image allow non of the bands face to be cut out as the page crease falls between two of the girls, which also link the two pages together. The band members are also looking out to the audience, therefore interacting with the reader.

The layout of this spread is simple but effective, with the use of text on both sides of the page to allows it to flow. The placing of the image is very clever, as the page crease falls in between two of the girls, therefore not cutting off anyone face. The picture going over to the other page as ensures that the spread look as one page. I like this layout as it is simple but effective, with the eye being drawn into the spread due to the image.

The text is in a brilliant size as it is not to big but not to small. The quotations from the band in pink and a slightly larger font to make the stand out. The use of the quotations allows the read an insight to the bands personality and views but it also ensures that the magazine is interacting with the reader. The Text is in a readable but also gives us an insight into the girls opinions and personalities as there opinion on things they like is included, such as there own favourite indie bands. I think this is good as it is a different sort of style of writing however when reading the double page spread I got confused at times if it was an interview or a review.

Page 3: Two Page Spreads

The bold black background used, instantly catches the eye of the reader drawing them into the double page spread. The background also ensures that all text and images stand out to the reader and can be easily readable. I like the background used as it not only appeals to the target market but also created a great atmosphere to the page. I also like the pattern that has been used on the background as it gives the pages an original feel but also allows the pages to flow as the pattern spreads across both the pages. However the only down fall if this is because of the pattern some of the writing on top is very hard to read which may deter some readers from the pages,

The layout on the two pages has been split up into thirds making the magazine look professional and aesthetically pleasing. . This ensures that the two pages correspond to one another. It also ensures that the images and texts can be layout on many different ways. I do like the way in which this double page spread is put on as it allows the images on there own in a collection which will drawn the eye of the reader instantly, but also the allow the text to flow with no interruptions.

The collection of images used are effect and fun which will instantly appeal to the target market. The variation on photos are a brilliant way to represent the individual personalities of the ground to the reader. However I do believe that if there are individual pictures that they should be done of all the band and not just two people. On the other hand I do like the ground pictures and the dressed up pictures as it shows a different side to the group. The third image down needs a better background so does the 4th as the different background will begin to adds more colour into the colour scheme that are not seen anywhere else ion the spread. The positioning of the images as well is professional and sits nicely on the page and still gives the spread an original feel.

The text used is a good font that is easily readable. However I do believe that the font size is slightly to big, which lets the spread down. On the other hand I do like the change in colour when the article goes from the editor to what the band has said. Having the band opinions in it helps the magazine to interact with the reader. I really like the font and style of the text and the idea of colour change but I do think that the size is slightly too big.

The masthead it bold, underlined and in a contrasting colours to ensure that the reader instantly sees it. The position of the masthead also helps the readers eye to be drawn to it due to the visual hierarchy. However as a uni-sex magazine the font is quite feminine , which could lose the magazine reader. The font is also quite hard to read from a distance due to the joined effect. Therefore to improve I suggest that a more bolder font to be used and to enlarge the masthead ensuring that it readers its full potential readers.