two wheelers market

International Journal of Advanced Researc h in Management (IJARM), ISSN 097 ! "#$ (%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M- 65 A S./1 &N 2&NS/M-R 3/1IN4 3-5A'I&R .&6ARS .6& 65---R 3I8-S IN 2&N.-. .& INIAN MAR8-. :r; Ronald Mani < ::Mr; e=asis .ri+ath :Assistant Professor(Sr .), Joseph School of Business Studies, Sam Higginbottom nstitute of Agriculture, ! echnolog" and Sciences (#eemed $ni%ersit"), &aini, Allahabad ($P) ::Assistant Professor, Joseph School of Business Studies, Sam Higginbottom nstitute of Agriculture, ! echnolog" and Sciences (#eemed $ni%ersit"), &aini, Allahabad ($P) A3S.RA2.  !his stud" is based to identif " the factors that in'uence the consumer bu "ing beha%ior of the to heeler Bies at Allahabad, *ucno and +aranasi cities of $ttar Pradesh. !he sur%e" is mainl" focused on the bu"ing beha%ior of the consumer that moti%ates them to purchase the to heeler bies. 8e>ords? satisfaction, factors, consumer, bu"ing beha%ior, to heeler, respondents etc., IN.R&/2.I&N  !he mareting p hilosoph" of business assumes that an or ganisation can best ser%e, prosper and attain prot b" identif"ing and satisf"ing the needs of its customers.  !his hoe%er, is a recent thining, %arious denitions of mareting ha%e been gi%en from di-erent perspecti%e, echanges and utilit" being the to important once. !he current millennium has unfolded ne business rules, the most signicant of them being that past or eperience in a gi%en product maret is no indicator for future success. /aret leadership cannot be taen for granted because customer lo"alt" does not eist. !he customer toda" has a much ider choice. ndia is the second largest producer of the to0heeler in the orld. !he to heeler segment contribute the largest %olume all the segments in automobile industr" in ndia. !he countr" stands net to 1hina and Japan in terms of production and sales respecti%el". !he industr" is groing at a rate o f 234 annuall" . t consists of three segment %i. scooter,

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8/9/2019 Two Wheelers Market 1/13

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-65

A S./1 &N 2&NS/M-R 3/1IN4 3-5A'I&R .&6ARS.6& 65---R 3I8-S IN 2&N.-. .& INIAN MAR8-.:r; Ronald Mani < ::Mr; e=asis .ri+ath:Assistant Professor(Sr.), Joseph School of Business Studies, Sam Higginbottomnstitute of Agriculture, !echnolog" and Sciences (#eemed $ni%ersit"), &aini, Allahabad ($P)::Assistant Professor, Joseph School of Business Studies, Sam Higginbottomnstitute of Agriculture, !echnolog" and Sciences (#eemed $ni%ersit"), &aini, Allahabad ($P)A3S.RA2. !his stud" is based to identif" the factors that in'uence the consumer bu"ingbeha%ior

of the to heeler Bies at Allahabad, *ucno and +aranasi cities of $ttarPradesh. !hesur%e" is mainl" focused on the bu"ing beha%ior of the consumer that moti%atesthem topurchase the to heeler bies.8e>ords? satisfaction, factors, consumer, bu"ing beha%ior, to heeler,respondents etc.,IN.R&/2.I&N !he mareting philosoph" of business assumes that an organisation can bestser%e,prosper and attain prot b" identif"ing and satisf"ing the needs of its customers.

 !hishoe%er, is a recent thining, %arious denitions of mareting ha%e been gi%enfrom di-erentperspecti%e, echanges and utilit" being the to important once. !he currentmillennium hasunfolded ne business rules, the most signicant of them being that past oreperience in agi%en product maret is no indicator for future success. /aret leadershipcannot be taen forgranted because customer lo"alt" does not eist. !he customer toda" has amuch iderchoice.

ndia is the second largest producer of the to0heeler in the orld. !he toheelersegment contribute the largest %olume all the segments in automobile industr"in ndia. !hecountr" stands net to 1hina and Japan in terms of production and salesrespecti%el". !heindustr" is groing at a rate of 234 annuall". t consists of three segment %i.scooter,

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has theories to eplain certain phenomenon of consumer beha%ior is SocialPs"cholog". t isthe stud" of the manner in hich the personalit", attitude, moti%ation andbeha%ior of anindi%idual in'uence and are in'uenced b" groups.A consumer maing a purchase decision ill be a-ected b" folloing:actorsd"namics;<. 1ultural :actors=. Social :actors2. Personal :actors>. Ps"chological :actors !he mareter must be aare of these :actors in order to de%elop an appropriatemaretingplan for its target maret.; 2ultural @actors; 1ultural :actors eert the greatest impact on bu"ingbeha%ior of consumer. A bu"er is ala"s in'uenced b" his culture, sub0culture and social

class. 1ulturecan be described from the dan of ci%iliation, human beings ha%e been looingfor a"sand means to better their li%es. 1ulture is the most fundamental determinant ofa person?sants and beha%ior. 1ulture refers to the set of %alues, ideas and attitude thatare accepted b"a homogeneous group of people and transmitted to the net generation.@hereas Subcultureis a member of a culture, shares most of the core %alue, beliefs and beha%iors of that culture.

Hoe%er, most indi%iduals also belong to se%eral sub0cultures. ach cultureconsists of smaller sub culture that pro%ides more specic identication and eachsocialiation for theirmembers. Sub culture includes nationalities, religions, racial groups andgeographic regions.Social class determines to some etent, the t"pes, 8ualit" and 8uantit" ofproduct that aperson bu"s or uses. Social class is a basis for identif"ing and reachingparticular goodprospects for products and ser%ices.International Journal of Advan

(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nlin#; Social @actors; /an is a sociasocial :actors lie reference groua. eference groups; A persdirect or indirect in'uenceb. :amil"; !he famil" is the:amil" member constitute

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c. oles and Statuses; achrelati%e term percei%ed b"eerts on the beha%ior of o"; %ersonal @actors; A consumincluding age, occupation, life0 st$; %schological @actors; A perfactors such as moti%ation, perce&3J-2.I'-S &@ .5- S./ C !o stud" the beha%ioral fa C !o anal"e the impact obrand C !o stud" the consumer?setc. C !o suggest %arious factorR-S-AR25 M-.5&&&4%rimar ata? !he primar" dat*ucno and +aranasi. !he 8u

administered.Secondar ata? Secondar" dmagaines, annual report, nespaSam+le esign? A total of 23Allahabad, *ucno and +aranaere selected on the basis of s Damaha motors and !+S motorsEccupation ducationSourcinco

nced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSNline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA

6Feterminants of Social 2lasscial animal. Hence his or her beha%ior is greatl" ioups, famil", role and statuses.rson?s reference groups consist of all the groupce on the person?s attitude or beha%ior.he most important consumer bu"ing organiationte the most in'uential primar" reference group.h role that a person pla"s has a degree of statuthe societ". t is the degree of in'uence thatf others.mer decisions are also a-ected b" his personal cst"le and personalit".erson?s ac8uired needs are in'uenced b" certain pception, learning and beliefs and attitudes.1 factors of consumerst of beha%ioral factors of consumers on choosir?s opinion regarding features lie appearance, mors to impro%e sales

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41 ata collected through 8uestionnaire from cities o8uestionnaire as pre0designed and pre0tested bdata as collected through %arious publicatiospapers and ebsites.233 customers ere randoml" selected from thnasi and are the eisting customers. !he folloingsales namel" Ba7a7 motors, Hero /otocorp, Hrs.#eterminationof social classSources of 

income @ealth acethnicGroups

N 097 ! "#$IA-M-" in'uenced b"

ups that ha%e aon in a societ".tus hich is inat an indi%iduall characteristicsn ps"chologicalsing particularmileage, prices of Allahabad,before it asions of boos,the cities i.e.,ing motor biesHonda motors,Possessions

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-6A.A IN.-R%R-.A.I&N AN @ININ4S

 !he research done on the competitor strategies of motor bies left us ith a number of ndings. All these ndings and conclusions are basicall" dran from the 8uestionnaires,hich are

lled b" the respondents in person.a; Age of Res+ondents

 !he age of the respondents ere taen into account and categoried as, a. belo 23"ears b.beteen 23053 "ears and c. abo%e 53 "ears. !he total numbers of respondents ere233. Eut of thetotal F6 Ba7a7 motor bie oners, >54 ere belo 23 "ears, 234 ere beteen 23053"ears and

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remaining =54 ere abo%e 53 "ears. Eut of total 65 Hero motor bie oners, 2>4 erebelo 23"ears, 2>4 ere beteen 23053 "ears and remaining 2=4 ere abo%e 53 "ears. Eut oftotal FI Hondamotor bie oners >34 ere belo 23 "ears, 234 ere beteen 23053 "ears andremaining 234

ere abo%e 53 "ears. Eut of total 5I Damaha motor bie oners 54 ere belo 23"ears, =34 erebeteen 23053 "ears and remaining ==4 ere abo%e 53 "ears. Eut of =< !+S motorbie oners=>4 ere belo 23 "ears, >F4 ere beteen 23053 "ears and remaining =I4 ereabo%e 53 "ears. tis found that out of the total 233 respondents maimum =64 ere Honda motor bieoners andminimum F4 oned !+S motor bie.=; %urchase = &ccu+ation

 !here are total 5> respondents that has purchased Hero motor bie among hich 23 areemplo"ed, << are students and remaining <2 are businessman. Damaha motor bieoners are 6<, =3are emplo"ed, 2 are students and 2 are businessman. =, 3, =2 are Ba7a7, Honda and

 !+S motorbie oners.BAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+Sbelo 23 "ears 2> == 2< 2> 523053 "ears =2 == => <= <3abo%e 53 "ears <I =< => <2 63<3=3


AgeBAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+Semplo"ee 25 23 26 =3 5students 26 << 25 2 2business man << <2 I 2 <5<=333 2>33espondets

EccupationInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-6I

c; %urchase = 3randEut of total 233 respondents 5 ere Honda motor bie oners among hich 2>

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purchased bie after seeing ad%ertisement, 2 ere in'uenced b" famil"members and <> b"friends. *ieise among =6 !+S bie oners <= purchased seeingad%ertisement, I erein'uenced b" famil" members and remaining 5 b" friends. !otal < purchasedBa7a7 motorbie, 6< Hero motor bies and >F Damaha motor bies.d; %urchase = esignBStleBModelAmong FF Ba7a7 motor bie oners 6I purchased under in'uence of#esignSt"le/odel.Among 53 Hero motor bie oners >3 purchases, among 66 Honda motor bieoners 63purchases, among F5 Damaha motor bie oners F3 purchases and 2= !+Smotor bieoners <= purchases ere because of #esignSt"le/odel respecti%el".BAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+Sad%ertisement >F =2 2> =3 <=

famil" member == =F 2 <= Ifriends <= << <> <5 535<3<5=3=52325>3>553espondents

AarenessBAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+S"es 6I >3 63 F3 <=no F << 6 5 =33<3=323>35363F33espondents

#esignSt"le/odelInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-F3

e; %urchase = MileageAs far as mileage is concerned 65 out of F>, F3 out of F5, 26 out of 5<, >2 out of 63 and 23

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out of >3 motor bie oners of Ba7a7, Hero, Honda, Damaha and !+S respecti%el"purchasedmotor bie because of mileage.f; %urchase = %o>erBS+eedEuts of F> respondents of Ba7a7 motor bie oners 6F, 23 out of >=, 6 out ofF=, F3 out of F2 and 23 out of >< purchases b" poerspeed of Hero, Honda, Damaha and !+Smotorbies respecti%el".BAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+S"es 65 F3 26 >2 23no I 5 <5 <F <33<3=323>35363

F33espondets/ileageBAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+S"es 6F 23 6 F3 23no 5 <= > 2 <<3<3=323>35363F33espondentsPoerSpeed

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-F<g; %urchase 3 %rice !he respondents under this categor" of purchase b" price mentioned that 55optioned

that Damaha motor bies are high priced and three optioned it as medium out ofthe total 5I.@hereas, considering !+S motor bies out of the total 6 respondents, <6optioned as highpriced, >F as medium priced and 5 as lo priced.h; %urchase = .echnologEut of 5> respondents of Hero motor bies ><, <= and < considered !echnolog"as high,

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medium and lo respecti%el". Damaha motor bie oner out of 6 respondents65 and 2considered !echnolog" as high and medium.BAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+Shigh 53 =3 52 55 <6medium 5 >3 5 2 >F

lo < 53<3=323>35363espondentsPriceBAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+Shigh 5> >< 5I 65 <=medium 5 <= 5 2 >3lo < 2

3<3=323>35363F3 !echnolog"

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-

F=i; After Sales Service !+S motor bie oners 53, = and < considered after sales ser%ice as good,a%erage and poor.*ieise >, <2 and 6 Ba7a7 motor bie oners considered after sales ser%ice asgood,a%erage and poor respecti%el".

 C; Satisfaction after %urchaseA total of 53 Ba7a7 motor bie oner out of hich 5 claimed purchase assatised andremaining <= considered as unsatised. =2 !+S motor bie oner claimed assatised andremaining I ere unsatised out of 2=.BAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+SGood > >F 55 5> 53a%erage <2 <= > 2 =poor 6 2 < < <3<3=323

8/9/2019 Two Wheelers Market 10/13

>35363espondentsAfter Sales Ser%iceBAJAJ HE HE&#A DA/AHA !+S"es 5 5< 63 52 =2

no <= <> <3 <3 I3<3=323>35363F3espondentsSatisfaction

International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), ISSN097 ! "#$

(%rint), ISSN 097 ! ""# (&nline), 'olume $, Issue , Januar* A+ril #0" IA-M-F2R-2&MM-NA.I&NSAfter anal"ing the ndings, the folloing suggestions ha%e been prepared.Great care hasbeen taen in maing these suggestions for the impro%ement of consumer?sopinion.<. !here is a high demand for Honda motorc"cles in the maret, so their suppl"has to bedrasticall" impro%ed so as to meet the demand of the customer.=. Some of the respondents had suggested impro%ing the mileage of Damaha

and HondaBies.2. A considerable number of respondents opined that there is a need to impro%ethetechnolog" of !+S bies.>. A %ast ma7orit" of the respondents felt the design of Hero bies should bechanged so as toattract the customers.5. !he bies recentl" introduced b" Ba7a7 are mostl" concerned about "outh. So,the" shouldalso consider middle0aged people hile manufacturing.

6. Some of the respondents felt that the price of Damaha is high and it should bedecreased soas to attract more customers.2&N2/SI&N !he stud" concludes that Honda and Ba7a7 shos maimum satisfaction hereas !+Sremains last.R-@-R-N2-S

8/9/2019 Two Wheelers Market 11/13

<. Hains #..Best, .J. and 1on%e", .A. 1onsumer Beha%iour ; mplications for/areting Strateg", (e%.ed),Business Publications, nc. !eas, =33<.=. Hoard John H., and Sheth,Jagdish &., !he !heor" of Bu"ers Beha%iour, John@ile" andSons nc.,&e Dor, =333.2. arsar7ian H.H. and obertson !.S.Perspecti%es in 1onsumer Beha%iour,S1EH:orman K1ompan", llinois,=33<.>. otler Philip, /areting /anagement, anal"sis, planning implementation andcontrol,Prentice Hall of ndia Publishing, &e #elhi.=33=.Schi-man G.*eon., 1onsumerBeha%iour,Prentice Hall of ndia P%t.*td., &e #elhi =33<.5. +i7a"..ularni, LA Stud" of the mpact of etail :ront *ine Sales PersonnelBeha%ioron 1ustomer Bu"ing perience in 1on%enience Stores in Erganied etail inndiaM,

nternational Journal of Ad%anced esearch in /anagement (JA/), +olume >,ssue <,=3<2, pp. 56 0 6>M. SS& Print; 3IF6 N 62=>, SS& Enline; 3IF6 N 622=.6. !hirumanas And 1 Joseph, LSer%ice Oualit" Anal"sis and mpro%ing1ustomerSatisfaction in Automobile Ser%ice ndustr" using O:#M, nternational Journal ofndustrialngineering esearch and #e%elopment (J#), +olume >, ssue <, =3<2, pp.>< 0 5<,SS& Enline; 3IF6 0 6IFI, SS& Print; 3IF6 N 6IF.

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