t**y *.*, v/ v ' if-t · an erzeroum correspondent letter dated oct. 26th, says; "if...

| ,^- FT-N-ITIFIMTTI-.R A IFR'- : AI -VM"') --N, >IT',F .„. * * c % > »• \_iFv t b * '»"*«•* * M-.TLR.KH.- . "JTV •"-•VY-III £&*• £ **3? ' < s* ST./ f * * ftitd i Oakotaian. -f "V *.*, v/ V 5 ' if-T t >ASJi fi*«<9* M * t**y '. -'"Vii 4 s ." Volume 3. VANKTON, DAKOTA TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21,1877. Number LEGR APHIC. e O'CLOCK F». M- gg THE NEWS. Text of the Silver Bill Before the Senate. Now lapertaat Taigle-Leg Lltlgatlra ta •-.. W>, Chtcag*. M ^ | v Threatened Stoppage of Appropriations for the French Government. The Fall of Erztreum Expected. and the Piihit Want Peace WASHINGTON. B. D. 1IOYT. •'•-i.--.-i- Washington, Nov. 21.—The senate com mittee on Indian affairs, to-day, unanimous- ly agreed to report favorably the nomina- tion of E. D. Hoyt, commissioner of Indian •flairs. Tbe house committee on election deferred taking a final vote on the Colorado case till next session.. THE SENATE SILVER BILL. Washington, Nov 21.—The following is the full text of the silver bill as amended by ths committee on finance and reported to the aenate to-day: An act to authorize the free coinage of the standard silver dollar and to restore it to its legal tender character. Ba it enacted &o., That there shall be coined at the several mints of the U. S. a v lver dollar, of weight 4121 grains tror, of standard silver as provided in the act of January 1837, on which shall be the devices and superscriptions as provided by said act, which coins, together with all silver dollars heretofore coined by the U. S. of like weight and fineness, shall be legal tenders at their nominal value for all debts and due*, public and private, except where otherwise provided by contract, and the secretary of the treasury is authorized and directed, out of any money in the treas ury not otherwise appropriated, to purchase, from time to time,'silver bullion, at the market price thereof, not less than two mil- lions oftdollara per month, nor more than'four per month, ana cause tbe same to be coined intn such dollars, and any gain or seicnior- age arising from thia coimce shall be ac counted for and paid into the treasury as provided under the existing lawa relative to subsidiary coinage: Provided, That tbe , amount of raonev at any one time invested in such silver and bullion, exclusive of each resulting coin, shall not exceed five million dollars. Section 2. All acta and parts of acta in- cona'stent with the provisions of thia act, are hereby repealed. CONGRESSIONAL. . SENATE. Washington, Nov. 21.—Several private bills were considered, and at 12,20, Mr. Conk'InK moved to adjourn, but at the sug- gestion of M/. Hamlin withdrew it, and the aenate went Into executive sessslon. On reopening the doors Mr. Thurman'a resolution to dlscharre the election com- mittee from the consideration of the But- ler case, was diacuased. The aenate finance committee to day au- thorized Mr. .Tones to report the house ail- ! ver bill, with recommendation for its pas- sage without any amendment, except that adopted yesterday. On motion of Mr. Al- liaon, the amenmdent providing a commis- sion to report as -to the proper relation of value between gold and silver was rejected. HOW. Washington, Nov. 21.—By Mr. Gibson, authorising tbe appointment of commis- sioner to provide for the Improvement of the Mississippi river. The bouse then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Wright in the chair, on the deficiency appropriation bill. Mr. Singleton, member qf the approprla tion committee, explained the provisions. Mr. Fmttr aald that thia was the second deficiency bill brought before the hause, the former appropriating #8.800,000; the present'one. $1,250,000; that was an other lllustiadon of tbe economy of tbe democratic koue of lut year—waa one of taotica of the democratic party by which they hoped to deceive the country. Last year the democrats bad stated that they saved thirty mllliona; the booka madeuo abowed a aavleg of lees than nineteen mil liana. Beebe, N. Y.—Did not the navel deft ciency grow out ot the foot that money ap proprlated at last mngreaa had been m'a applied by executive ocfflcera. Poster—Not at all. There las great dif- ference of opinion about that. Mr. Singleton tilled attention to'fhe fact that of the $1,900,000 appropriated by the present bill, fMOjOOO waa reappropriatlon- *'• Poeter repllet that aa Item of *230,000 ahooW have bee* inserted for the cnmple- tloeoftbe new stete department building' Tkf WU WM then Md by etama. The amendment of the first paragraph waa for the payment of an award of tbe court of claims to the amount of $014,045. The paragraph apeclfied individual cssas and amounts. Mr.Garlleld moved to strike out all of the paragraph except the total amendment. It would aeem, if the cases and amendmenta were specified, as if congress were exercls- iag revisory power over these judgments. FRANCE. V 11,1 R THS POLITICAL SITUATION. London, Nov. SI.—The Times on the French situation thus concludes its leader "The moderate right of the senate did not mean to produce the mischief they have occasioned, but the result is before us. The powers of France are arraigned against one another, like army against army." THE CNAMBER MUST 8AVE TIIE COUNTRY. Paris, No.v 21.—The Bepublique Fran- caise declares that in view of the senate's pretentions and president's refusal to change his policy, it becomes clear that the duty of the chamber of deputies is to refuse to vote the budget. The chamber must save the country; no budget must be voted as long as the majority has not a minister in whom it can place confidence. FOREIGN. A WEDDING IN *'HIOII LIFE." London, Nov. 21.—The marriage of Duke of Norfolk to Lady Flora Hastings waR sol- emnized at the oratory of Brompton to-day. The scene and ceremony were of a brilliancy and impreoRiveness hardly surpsssable. The service was performed by the bishops of 8outhwork, Nottingham and Port Louis. KAR8 DIDN'T HOLD OUT. An Erzeroum correspondent letter dated Oct. 26th, says; "If winter breaks upon us shortly, and Kara holds out, we may keep Erzeroutu, but if the weather continues fine and Kara falls, this place cannot repel the! Russians. WAR ITEMS. A Per* correspondent telegraphs we have just heard of the capture of Kara. The' fall of ErzeroUm expected to follow. The porte now appears desirous of entertaining peace proposals. Sever Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, and Mahowad Damad are said to be more favorable to peace. THE DOMINION. WRECKED. Montreal, Nov. 21.—Steamship Strathroy, hence on the 12th, with grain for Aberdeen, Scotland, wis lost on the Island of Mique. Ion, Gulf of St. Lawrence. The captain and crew were saved. The cargo was owned by D. Butters & Co., of Montreal. Insured for $66,000—full value, in American and Canadian office. The steamer was owned by W. Thompson & Co., of Dundee. CRIME. ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. Sparta, Wis., Nov. 21.—Nicholas Pleim- ling, of Welton, has been arrested on sus- picion, apparently well founded, of having attempted violence on Mrs. VanVoorhees of that town. Mrs. VanVoorhees body was found together with her three dead children, in their burning cottage as detailed in these dispatches, November 2d. Pleimling is a desperate character, and has threatened the lady heretofore, and was seen in the vicinity of the spot shortly before-the fire was dis- covered. BEOT WHILE ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE. Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 21.—Charlie Car- ter, a noted three-card monte capper and aneak thief, waa arreated this morning by Depot Polieuaan Jordan, far stealing an overcoat out of the cats. On his attempt- ing to eacape, Jordan shot him, with proba- ble fatafeffect.'- * rant TEAEsroR FORGET' Ifoetos,No*>?lv~Col. Henry R. Sibley, convicted j>f fbtgery, has been sentenced to four yam ia atate prison and one day in solitary utnAneepent.; CROOKED WHISKEV. Chicago. Nov. 21.—The trial of R. J. Roile, Junker & Co., and Ford, Oliver A Co., has been progreasing this week, the question being whether partial or complete immunity was granted them on condition of their giving their testimony to the govern- ment. They have sworn and brought aup- porting (vidence to show that they received direct from the government officials the promise of both criminal and civil immuni ty in case they testified. The government counsel, on the contrary, contend that neith- er they nor their authorized representatives made any such promise, and they have sus- tained their point by placing on tbe stand Col. Asa B. Matthews, ex-supervisor of in- ternal revenue, Messrs. Ayer & Baney's counsel for the government at the time of earlier trials. The evidence was concluded this morning and the pleas were began this afternoon. The case involves a matter of thousands of dollars. THE U. S. ORANGE. Cincinnati, Nov. 21.—The national grange met at the Grand Hotel to-day. Deleg- tea were present from all states. The main part of the work must of necessity be devo- ted to the crystallization and systematization of the grange work, and the decision must be reached whether there will be any long- er a national grange, and if so what will be its functions, power and limit&ons. JUDGE LYNCH IS STILL AT WORK. Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. 21.—Last night the constable of Middlefield, Leanga county, with two deputies, arrested a man suspected of having been a party to the robbery of the clothing store of Church & Co., in Mid- dlefield, on the 15th inst. Returning, he was set on about half mile from a village nc-=r"l*ierce woods, by a party of masked men, who bound and gagged the officers, took the prisoner and hung him to a tree. The body is now laying at Middlefield. No name given. Intense excitement prevails among the citizens, and all i under arms. THE ELECTION' IX I'EXNINGTOX COIXTY. The following are complete official returns from the late election in Pennington coun- ty : County Commissioner, 1st District—E. L. Lapliam, 3-52 ; G. C. Eldredge, 18; T. J. Landis, 2. Second District—J. C. Sher- man, 374, Third District—C. N. Allen. 372; S. H. Coats, 5. Register of Deeds—J. R. Hanson, 378. Sheriff—F. P. Moulton, 214; Wm. John son, 149; W. T. Steel, 1. Assessor—James Redpath, 273. Judge of Probate Court—L. P. Stone, 226; Howard North, 148; Harry Bennis, 1; J. Leod, 1. County Attorney—Edwin Vancise, 356; George W. Weeks, 2; Yellow Hammer, 1; Taylor. Treasurer—W. L. Maguire, 367. Surveyor—Samuel H. Coats, 374. Coroner—Dr. Whitfield, 317; Peter Ham- merquit, 60. Superintendent of Public Instruction- John R. Brennan, 367. Justices of the Peace—C. J. Best, R. A. Burleigh, 223; Charles Seip, 333; H. H. Ferguson, 312; J. M. Leedy, 145; H. H. Beadle, 22; L. W. Kimball, 15 ; F. J. Lan- dis, 25. Constables—J. F. Harmon, 369: J. N. Dedrick, 367; D. Robinson, 372; W. F. Steel, 339; H. McCurdv, 1. County Seat—Rapid City, 217 ; Sheridan, 40; Pactola, 103; Rockerville, 34: Har- aer's Peak, 2_. Majority in favor of Rapid City, 19. CITY COUNCIL. Proceedings of Monday Night's Meeting. COUNCIL ROOM, CITV OP YANKTON, I Monday, Nov. 19,187J --8 p. m.) % v MISCEtiUIWggW^ - A MEMORIAL F AFEOTLJ&IT>N; Chicago, Nov. 21.—-A large number of frienda of the late Gtfolge. S Whose remains were interred here imb imposing funeral aervicee yesterday, have- formed a Banga memorial association, whose president ia the general superintendent of the railway mail aervioe, and whose executive commit- tee is composed of the superintendents of the mail service aa a committee to prepare fittipg resolutions. They will report at a meeting to be held in -Washington, Decem- ber 5, of the superintendent's of the railway mail service and of mails and poatoffices. FAILURE. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 21.—Harrison H. Thomson, Clark county, Kentucky, cattle dealer; has filed a petition in bankmptcy< Liabilities $278,591; assets not stated. Creditors mostly Kentucky banks. Cineinnati, Nov. 21.—The whoieaale li- quor firm of Shieida A May, of this c'ty, have failed. Liabilities $80,000; assets unknown. OltlTOAIT. Springfield,Nov. 81.—Jadge George Ores •el. Member of ooagreas fhiaa 1996 to 1$M, 4t*i ton tight, age •!. Council met in regular meeting. His Honor Mayor Ziebach in' the chair. Roll called. . All membQra present. . Minutes of last meeting-was read and ap- proved. " - •' - ' Petition of R. DvSewton for auctioneer's license to be paid in^Installments, was pre- sented, read and referred to committee on licences .Petition'of William L. Bradley in rela- tion to hia taxes, waa presented, read and re- ferred to committee on finance and taxa. tion. Petition of Mark M. Parmer and twenty- four others in relation to delinquent taxea of city, was presented, read and referred to committee on finance and taxation. Petition of A. F. Hayward and Mrs. M. Purioton in relation to their' persoual prop- erty tax for 1877, waa presented, read and referred to committee on finance and taxa- tion. Aid. Kingsbury introduced the following resolution, which, on motion was adopted : Rttolvtd, That from and after the date hereof the street commiasioner of the city be required to render a report of his official acts, to the council on the first Monday of each and every month ; which report shall specify the number of 'lays in the preceding month in which lie has been engaged as etretl comraimioner, amount and character of work done, location, material purchased and amount of labor used. Aid. Kinriwiy then introduced the fol- lowing resolution which on motion was adopted) JtessMLIkal the city clerical treeeurer taiMMUmMli the email at ke nest regular meeting tbe receipts and dis- bursementa of the city government from the organisation of the present council to the firit dav of December giving the amount of revenue from each source and daasifying the expenditures under appropriate headings. Aid. Miner in behalf of the financc com- mittee made the following report in re- lation to rent oftbe city jail. YANKTON D. T. Nov. 19,1877. To hit Ilomr th: Mayor. We base to report in relation to rent of city jail that we have seen the party from whom the building now used for that pur- pose is rented and are offered the same for ten dollars per month for one year from the IStb of the present month and would recommend that a contract be entered into for use of same. WM. MINES. On motion report adopted and a contract ordered at rate fixed in said report. Commi<tee on finance and taxation made the following report: YANKTON, Nov. 19.1877 Mr. Mayor: Your finance committee to which waa referred sundry bills and reports of city officers have the honor to report as follows: On bills of A. W. Barber $2,00 for labor with transit on streets; E. P. Wilcox $13,00 for lumber; J. & H. Loeber $4.50 for one cord of wood and St. Croix Lumber com- pany $92.23 for lumber approving and re- commend that the clerk be instructed to draw warrants in payment thereof. On report of Treasurer Scbandein, Mar- shal Bauman and Policeman Leonard and Conway, approving and recommend that they be filea. On report of Police Justice Eldridge dis- approving and recommend its reference to the special committee to whom the last monthly report waa referred on account of the omission of the name of Ernst Miller Oct. let from the docket, who it appears waa arrested convicted and whose fine- with the costs it further appears waa paid by Mr. Chas. Walbaum. Your committee also feel called upon to condemn the service of papers issuing from the city justice's court by constables as was the case in the arrests of Thos. Harvey and Wm. Giggy Oct. 6th such service not being in accordance with the manner prescribed by the city charter. And would further recommend that the justice be required to keep his docket writ- ten up to date at all times. It appeara from the report that the sum of twenty-nine dol- lars and eighty-six cents of which costs oc- curred in the cases of the city appealed and, if decided in favor of the city which amounts the defendants will pay. The sum of seven dollars was collected in fines which sums goes to the school fund but has not yet been so paid There is due as witnesa fees to George Pike, Fred Mever, Thos. Harvev, Emma Harvey, Nettie Harvey, Thos Giggy each sixty cents and your committee recom- mend the payment thereof by warranta as usual. In the matter of the petition of Knud Madsen the committee recommend the tax be remitted as an error. In the matter of the American Express company the committee find no authoriza- tion to tax the gross receipts of the com- pany and recommend a tax be irapored on a valuation of $400 on personal property in their office and car. In the matter of the petition of Grant Marsh your committee ask for further time. . . Respectfully submitted WM. MINER T. A. KINGSBURY. On motion report of committee adopted and clerk instructed as recommended in said report. Special committee to whom was referred the report of city justice for month of Sep- tember 1877 made the following report: To his honor the mayor, city of Yankton. SIR:—Your special committee to whom was referred report of City Justice Eldridge for nonth of September 1877 for investiga tion of apparent omissions therein would report that the? have seen the city justice with reference to this subject and can get no satisfactory explanation from him as to what disposal was made of three priafoners (reported arrested and confined) niuielv Chas. Doris, J. Reed and Wm. Fornoff On the other hand it appears on teetimony of City Marshall Bauman and P. C. Conway jailor, that all of the before named persons were taken before the city justice ana fined, in one instance that of ' Wm. Fornoff we have the written statement of the party ar- rested that ha was taken, before the city jus- tice required to pay .thirteen dollars and seventy cents fine and costs. We submit herewith said statement of Wm. Fornoff, al- so statement of P. C. Conway jailor with ex- planation by him (how error. in his report for September occurred, all of which we herewith submit for such action as you shall see fit to take. Very Respectfully J NO. O. BATES WM. MINER I. PlI.Eg ' J. M. STONE. On motion tbe re port waa accepted and adopted, committee discharged and report and other papers in reference to the mat- ter referred to his honor tbe mayor for ex- ecutive action. MARKETS TELEGRAPH WALL STREET. New York, Nov. 21. Gold--1.03} c. Money—5@6. Governments—Firmer. Stocks—Irregular. NEW YORK MARKET. New York, Nov. 21. WHEAT—moderate demand; shade firmer; No. 2, apring November; 1.31. RYE—No. 2, western; 74c. CORK—shade stronger; 62@64c for mixed western. BARI.EY—firm. OATS—Jc better; 34@39]c for mixed western; 38@44}c for white. PORK—quiet; 14.00. LARD—rjuiet; 8.50. WHISKY—9@llc. CHICAGO. Chicago, Nov. 21. WHEAT—steady andfirm; 1.10 jc for cash; 1.07|c aaked for December. CORN—strong and higher; 48c for cash ; 43c for December. OATS—firmer but irregular ; 25{c for cash. RYE—55c. BARLEY—64c. PORK—weak and lower; 12.15 for cash; 12.05 for the year; 12.20 for January. LARD—weak; 7.90 for cash; 7.80 for the year ; 7.87ic for January. WHISKY—6c. * MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Nov. 21. WHEAT—irregular; caih higher; op- tions lower; 1.09&C for cash; 1.09 for No- vember; 1.07|c for December; No. 3, 1.045 c. CORN—steady; 49c. OATS—25Jc. DRUQ8 AND MEDICINE8. EXCELSIOR LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the postoffice at Yankton Yankton county, D. T., Nov. 21,1877. If not called for in 30 days, will be sent to tbe Dead Letter Office: Drug | BookstoftS MILLS & PURDY THIRD STREET, 'if. 4 'S4 Yankton, - - Dakota DEALERS IN DRUGS All the popular medicines of the day. Pre -1|>ti wis coumpounded by experienced pharma scrij ceu Ankrin, John S Andriasen, Oluf Allen, N Belmar, T D Beck worth, Sidney Berg, Hen rich Butters, John F Crawford, J G Chaffee, Capt. D W Confer, John W Fanlon, Miss Belle Faris, Lewis Gilday, Charles Guthrie, Terry B Hammer, John Hamilton, W T Hirscbkorn, Ferdi- nand Hoskinson, Thos Howard, Mrs P H Hubrow, Mrs Nellie Holoker, Jakob Hurlbert, C B Holmes, Henry Johnson, W V Jamlaon, Mrs Henry C Kerry, John Knudsen, Hans Olai King, Alfred I Mooberg, D R Mathews, Frank Osborn, Chas H Bobbins, Joseph A Roberg, Lina John- son Rongner, Gullik Sawyers, O D Sbuesmann, Aug Simerson, James Smith, S Svensson, F O Young, Carloa L Yinger, lver Janson Welch, James Warner, H L Williams, William P The Finest iaasifiant ot Books and Fancy Articles IN THE WEST. Headlight Oil the best ia the Market. HELD FOR POSTAGE. Geo. H. Crombie, Milwaukee, Wis.—Due 3 cents. George Munro, New York—Due 3 cents. Persons calling for advertised letters will please say advertised. A. W. HOWARD, P. M. GROCERIES. Blatt & Buerdorf Wholesale and Retail DKALER8 IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BROADWAY. YANKTON. - DAKOTA Additional report of city justice lor month of September 1877 presented, read and referred to the Mayor. Committee on grades, streets and alleys granted Until the next meeting of (he coun- cil to report on protest of parties against building sidewalk on east aide of Cedar atreet between Third and Fourth streets Bills for Richey aud Dix merchan- dise. |2.85 George W. Delamater, services as street commissioner $97.25 C. Broderson, board of prisoners... .$17.00 Walbaum and Becker, board of pris- oners $U1» presented, read and referred to committee, on finance and taxation. On motion council adjourned. P. M. ZiEBAca. \ E.T. WKITE Major. <*** «•»*• -.'9# SHIRT MAKING Warranted Perfect Pits $2.00 EACH. MRS. CALUHAN, Capital Street, Yankton, D. T dec5-lm* FANCY GROCERIES. cou NSELT^TCOVELL, Retail Groceries. CAPITAL-8T, Bet. SECOND A THIRD A K c a - - i CASH GROCERY. THIS If you want Good Teas, If you want Pure Coffee, If you want Pure Spices, If you want Good Flour If you want 16 ozs. to the lb. If you want stand'rd Goods If you want full Keasure If you want to Save From 30 to 40 per cent. And if you want to BUY FOR CASH Then Buy Your GROCERIES AT A. W. Lavender, Cash Store THIRD STREET—YANKTON. FURNITURE. J. R. SANBORN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSLd MIBROKS Upholstered Goods UNDERTAKER'S GOODS, B "S #3 Dewitt's Bloek, YANKTON-- - - Third-Rt DAKOTA. AUCTION. L.M.KEE. Commission 'Merchant AUCTIONUR, - - Y. ; 1 I •;* A*

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Page 1: t**y *.*, v/ V ' if-T · An Erzeroum correspondent letter dated Oct. 26th, says; "If winter breaks upon us shortly, and Kara holds out, we may keep Erzeroutu, but if the weather continues

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Text of the Silver Bill Before the Senate.


lapertaat Taigle-Leg Lltlgatlra ta •-.. W>, Chtcag*. M ^ |v

Threatened Stoppage of Appropriations for the French Government.

The Fall of Erztreum Expected. and the Piihit Want Peace


B. D. 1IOYT. • ' • - i . - - . - i -Washington, Nov. 21.—The senate com

mittee on Indian affairs, to-day, unanimous­ly agreed to report favorably the nomina­tion of E. D. Hoyt, commissioner of Indian •flairs.

Tbe house committee on election deferred taking a final vote on the Colorado case till next session..

THE SENATE SILVER BILL. Washington, Nov 21.—The following is

the full text of the silver bill as amended by ths committee on finance and reported to the aenate to-day:

An act to authorize the free coinage of the standard silver dollar and to restore it to its legal tender character.

Ba it enacted &o., That there shall be coined at the several mints of the U. S. a v lver dollar, of weight 4121 grains tror, of standard silver as provided in the act of January 1837, on which shall be the devices and superscriptions as provided by said act, which coins, together with all silver dollars heretofore coined by the U. S. of like weight and fineness, shall be legal tenders at their nominal value for all debts and due*, public and private, except where otherwise provided by contract, and the secretary of the treasury is authorized and directed, out of any money in the treas ury not otherwise appropriated, to purchase, from time to time,'silver bullion, at the market price thereof, not less than two mil­lions oftdollara per month, nor more than'four per month, ana cause tbe same to be coined intn such dollars, and any gain or seicnior-age arising from thia coimce shall be ac counted for and paid into the treasury as provided under the existing lawa relative to subsidiary coinage: Provided, That tbe

, amount of raonev at any one time invested in such silver and bullion, exclusive of each resulting coin, shall not exceed five million dollars.

Section 2. All acta and parts of acta in-cona'stent with the provisions of thia act, are hereby repealed.


. SENATE. Washington, Nov. 21.—Several private

bills were considered, and at 12,20, Mr. Conk'InK moved to adjourn, but at the sug­gestion of M/. Hamlin withdrew it, and the aenate went Into executive sessslon.

On reopening the doors Mr. Thurman'a • resolution to dlscharre the election com­mittee from the consideration of the But­ler case, was diacuased.

The aenate finance committee to day au­thorized Mr. .Tones to report the house ail-

! ver bill, with recommendation for its pas­sage without any amendment, except that adopted yesterday. On motion of Mr. Al-liaon, the amenmdent providing a commis­sion to report as -to the proper relation of value between gold and silver was rejected.

HOW. Washington, Nov. 21.—By Mr. Gibson,

authorising tbe appointment of • commis­sioner to provide for the Improvement of the Mississippi river.

The bouse then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Wright in the chair, on the deficiency appropriation bill.

Mr. Singleton, member qf the approprla tion committee, explained the provisions.

Mr. Fmttr aald that thia was the second deficiency bill brought before the hause, the former appropriating #8.800,000; the present'one. $1,250,000; that was an other lllustiadon of tbe economy of tbe democratic koue of lut year—waa one of taotica of the democratic party by which they hoped to deceive the country. Last year the democrats bad stated that they saved thirty mllliona; the booka madeuo abowed a aavleg of lees than nineteen mil liana.

Beebe, N. Y.—Did not the navel deft ciency grow out ot the foot that money ap proprlated at last mngreaa had been m'a applied by executive ocfflcera.

Poster—Not at all. There las great dif­ference of opinion about that.

Mr. Singleton tilled attention to'fhe fact that of the $1,900,000 appropriated by the present bill, fMOjOOO waa reappropriatlon-*'• Poeter repllet that aa Item of *230,000 ahooW have bee* inserted for the cnmple-tloeoftbe new stete department building' Tkf WU WM then Md by etama. The

amendment of the first paragraph waa for the payment of an award of tbe court of claims to the amount of $014,045. The paragraph apeclfied individual cssas and amounts.

Mr.Garlleld moved to strike out all of the paragraph except the total amendment. It would aeem, if the cases and amendmenta were specified, as if congress were exercls-iag revisory power over these judgments.

FRANCE. V 1 1 , 1

R THS POLITICAL SITUATION. London, Nov. SI.—The Times on the

French situation thus concludes its leader "The moderate right of the senate did not mean to produce the mischief they have occasioned, but the result is before us. The powers of France are arraigned against one another, like army against army." THE CNAMBER MUST 8AVE TIIE COUNTRY.

Paris, No.v 21.—The Bepublique Fran-caise declares that in view of the senate's pretentions and president's refusal to change his policy, it becomes clear that the duty of the chamber of deputies is to refuse to vote the budget. The chamber must save the country; no budget must be voted as long as the majority has not a minister in whom it can place confidence.


A WEDDING IN *'HIOII LIFE." London, Nov. 21.—The marriage of Duke

of Norfolk to Lady Flora Hastings waR sol­emnized at the oratory of Brompton to-day. The scene and ceremony were of a brilliancy and impreoRiveness hardly surpsssable. The service was performed by the bishops of 8outhwork, Nottingham and Port Louis.

KAR8 DIDN'T HOLD OUT. An Erzeroum correspondent letter dated

Oct. 26th, says; "If winter breaks upon us shortly, and Kara holds out, we may keep Erzeroutu, but if the weather continues fine and Kara falls, this place cannot repel the! Russians.

WAR ITEMS. A Per* correspondent telegraphs we have

just heard of the capture of Kara. The' fall of ErzeroUm expected to follow. The porte now appears desirous of entertaining peace proposals. Sever Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, and Mahowad Damad are said to be more favorable to peace.


WRECKED. Montreal, Nov. 21.—Steamship Strathroy,

hence on the 12th, with grain for Aberdeen, Scotland, wis lost on the Island of Mique. Ion, Gulf of St. Lawrence. The captain and crew were saved. The cargo was owned by D. Butters & Co., of Montreal. Insured for $66,000—full value, in American and Canadian office. The steamer was owned by W. Thompson & Co., of Dundee.


ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. Sparta, Wis., Nov. 21.—Nicholas Pleim-

ling, of Welton, has been arrested on sus­picion, apparently well founded, of having attempted violence on Mrs. VanVoorhees of that town. Mrs. VanVoorhees body was found together with her three dead children, in their burning cottage as detailed in these dispatches, November 2d. Pleimling is a desperate character, and has threatened the lady heretofore, and was seen in the vicinity of the spot shortly before-the fire was dis­covered.


Cedar Rapids, la., Nov. 21.—Charlie Car­ter, a noted three-card monte capper and aneak thief, waa arreated this morning by Depot Polieuaan Jordan, far stealing an overcoat out of the cats. On his attempt­ing to eacape, Jordan shot him, with proba­ble fatafeffect.'- *

rant TEAEsroR FORGET' Ifoetos,No*>?lv~Col. Henry R. Sibley,

convicted j>f fbtgery, has been sentenced to four yam ia atate prison and one day in solitary utnAneepent.;

CROOKED WHISKEV. Chicago. Nov. 21.—The trial of R. J.

Roile, Junker & Co., and Ford, Oliver A Co., has been progreasing this week, the question being whether partial or complete immunity was granted them on condition of their giving their testimony to the govern­ment. They have sworn and brought aup-porting (vidence to show that they received direct from the government officials the promise of both criminal and civil immuni ty in case they testified. The government counsel, on the contrary, contend that neith­er they nor their authorized representatives made any such promise, and they have sus­tained their point by placing on tbe stand Col. Asa B. Matthews, ex-supervisor of in­ternal revenue, Messrs. Ayer & Baney's counsel for the government at the time of earlier trials. The evidence was concluded this morning and the pleas were began this afternoon. The case involves a matter of thousands of dollars.

THE U. S. ORANGE. Cincinnati, Nov. 21.—The national grange

met at the Grand Hotel to-day. Deleg-tea were present from all states. The main part of the work must of necessity be devo­ted to the crystallization and systematization of the grange work, and the decision must be reached whether there will be any long­er a national grange, and if so what will be its functions, power and limit&ons.

JUDGE LYNCH IS STILL AT WORK. Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. 21.—Last night

the constable of Middlefield, Leanga county, with two deputies, arrested a man suspected of having been a party to the robbery of the clothing store of Church & Co., in Mid­dlefield, on the 15th inst. Returning, he was set on about half mile from a village nc-=r"l*ierce woods, by a party of masked men, who bound and gagged the officers, took the prisoner and hung him to a tree. The body is now laying at Middlefield. No name given. Intense excitement prevails among the citizens, and all i under arms.


The following are complete official returns from the late election in Pennington coun­ty :

County Commissioner, 1st District—E. L. Lapliam, 3-52 ; G. C. Eldredge, 18; T. J. Landis, 2. Second District—J. C. Sher­man, 374, Third District—C. N. Allen. 372; S. H. Coats, 5.

Register of Deeds—J. R. Hanson, 378. Sheriff—F. P. Moulton, 214; Wm. John

son, 149; W. T. Steel, 1. Assessor—James Redpath, 273. Judge of Probate Court—L. P. Stone,

226; Howard North, 148; Harry Bennis, 1; J. Leod, 1.

County Attorney—Edwin Vancise, 356; George W. Weeks, 2; Yellow Hammer, 1; Taylor.

Treasurer—W. L. Maguire, 367. Surveyor—Samuel H. Coats, 374. Coroner—Dr. Whitfield, 317; Peter Ham-

merquit, 60.

Superintendent of Public Instruction-John R. Brennan, 367.

Justices of the Peace—C. J. Best, R. A. Burleigh, 223; Charles Seip, 333; H. H. Ferguson, 312; J. M. Leedy, 145; H. H. Beadle, 22; L. W. Kimball, 15 ; F. J. Lan­dis, 25.

Constables—J. F. Harmon, 369: J. N. Dedrick, 367; D. Robinson, 372; W. F. Steel, 339; H. McCurdv, 1.

County Seat—Rapid City, 217 ; Sheridan, 40; Pactola, 103; Rockerville, 34: Har-aer's Peak, 2_. Majority in favor of Rapid City, 19. •


Proceedings of Monday Night's Meeting.

COUNCIL ROOM, CITV OP YANKTON, I M o n d a y , N o v . 1 9 , 1 8 7 J - - 8 p . m . )

% v MISCEtiUIWggW^ -


Chicago, Nov. 21.—-A large number of frienda of the late Gtfolge. S Whose remains were interred here imb imposing funeral aervicee yesterday, have- formed a Banga memorial association, whose president ia the general superintendent of the railway mail aervioe, and whose executive commit­tee is composed of the superintendents of the mail service aa a committee to prepare fittipg resolutions. They will report at a meeting to be held in -Washington, Decem­ber 5, of the superintendent's of the railway mail service and of mails and poatoffices.

FAILURE. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 21.—Harrison H.

Thomson, Clark county, Kentucky, cattle dealer; has filed a petition in bankmptcy< Liabilities $278,591; assets not stated. Creditors mostly Kentucky banks.

Cineinnati, Nov. 21.—The whoieaale li­quor firm of Shieida A May, of this c'ty, have failed. Liabilities $80,000; assets unknown.

OltlTOAIT. Springfield,Nov. 81.—Jadge George Ores

•el. Member of ooagreas fhiaa 1996 to 1$M, 4t*i ton tight, age •!.

Council met in regular meeting. His Honor Mayor Ziebach in' the chair. Roll called.

. All membQra present. . Minutes of last meeting-was read and ap­

proved. " • - •' - ' Petition of R. DvSewton for auctioneer's

license to be paid in^Installments, was pre­sented, read and referred to committee on licences

.Petition'of William L. Bradley in rela­tion to hia taxes, waa presented, read and re­ferred to committee on finance and taxa. tion.

Petition of Mark M. Parmer and twenty-four others in relation to delinquent taxea of city, was presented, read and referred to committee on finance and taxation.

Petition of A. F. Hayward and Mrs. M. Purioton in relation to their' persoual prop­erty tax for 1877, waa presented, read and referred to committee on finance and taxa­tion.

Aid. Kingsbury introduced the following resolution, which, on motion was adopted :

Rttolvtd, That from and after the date hereof the street commiasioner of the city be required to render a report of his official acts, to the council on the first Monday of each and every month ; which report shall specify the number of 'lays in the preceding month in which lie has been engaged as etretl comraimioner, amount and character of work done, location, material purchased and amount of labor used.

Aid. Kinriwiy then introduced the fol­lowing resolution which on motion was adopted)

JtessMLIkal the city clerical treeeurer taiMMUmMli the email at ke

nest regular meeting tbe receipts and dis-bursementa of the city government from the organisation of the present council to the firit dav of December giving the amount of revenue from each source and daasifying the expenditures under appropriate headings.

Aid. Miner in behalf of the financc com­mittee made the following report in re­lation to rent oftbe city jail.

YANKTON D. T. Nov. 19,1877. To hit Ilomr th: Mayor.

We base to report in relation to rent of city jail that we have seen the party from whom the building now used for that pur­pose is rented and are offered the same for ten dollars per month for one year from the IStb of the present month and would recommend that a contract be entered into for use of same.

WM. MINES. On motion report adopted and a contract

ordered at rate fixed in said report. Commi<tee on finance and taxation made

the following report: YANKTON, Nov. 19.1877

Mr. Mayor: Your finance committee to which waa referred sundry bills and reports of city officers have the honor to report as follows:

On bills of A. W. Barber $2,00 for labor with transit on streets; E. P. Wilcox $13,00 for lumber; J. & H. Loeber $4.50 for one cord of wood and St. Croix Lumber com­pany $92.23 for lumber approving and re­commend that the clerk be instructed to draw warrants in payment thereof.

On report of Treasurer Scbandein, Mar­shal Bauman and Policeman Leonard and Conway, approving and recommend that they be filea.

On report of Police Justice Eldridge dis­approving and recommend its reference to the special committee to whom the last monthly report waa referred on account of the omission of the name of Ernst Miller Oct. let from the docket, who it appears waa arrested convicted and whose fine- with the costs it further appears waa paid by Mr. Chas. Walbaum. Your committee also feel called upon to condemn the service of papers issuing from the city justice's court by constables as was the case in the arrests of Thos. Harvey and Wm. Giggy Oct. 6th such service not being in accordance with the manner prescribed by the city charter. And would further recommend that the justice be required to keep his docket writ­ten up to date at all times. It appeara from the report that the sum of twenty-nine dol­lars and eighty-six cents of which costs oc­curred in the cases of the city appealed and, if decided in favor of the city which amounts the defendants will pay. The sum of seven dollars was collected in fines which sums goes to the school fund but has not yet been so paid There is due as witnesa fees to George Pike, Fred Mever, Thos. Harvev, Emma Harvey, Nettie Harvey, Thos Giggy each sixty cents and your committee recom­mend the payment thereof by warranta as usual.

In the matter of the petition of Knud Madsen the committee recommend the tax be remitted as an error.

In the matter of the American Express company the committee find no authoriza­tion to tax the gross receipts of the com­pany and recommend a tax be irapored on a valuation of $400 on personal property in their office and car.

In the matter of the petition of Grant Marsh your committee ask for further time. . .

Respectfully submitted WM. MINER T. A. KINGSBURY.

On motion report of committee adopted and clerk instructed as recommended in said report.

Special committee to whom was referred the report of city justice for month of Sep­tember 1877 made the following report:

To his honor the mayor, city of Yankton. SIR:—Your special committee to whom

was referred report of City Justice Eldridge for nonth of September 1877 for investiga tion of apparent omissions therein would report that the? have seen the city justice with reference to this subject and can get no satisfactory explanation from him as to what disposal was made of three priafoners (reported arrested and confined) niuielv Chas. Doris, J. Reed and Wm. Fornoff On the other hand it appears on teetimony of City Marshall Bauman and P. C. Conway jailor, that all of the before named persons were taken before the city justice ana fined, in one instance that of ' Wm. Fornoff we have the written statement of the party ar­rested that ha was taken, before the city jus­tice required to pay .thirteen dollars and seventy cents fine and costs. We submit herewith said statement of Wm. Fornoff, al­so statement of P. C. Conway jailor with ex­planation by him (how error. in his report for September occurred, all of which we herewith submit for such action as you shall see fit to take.

Very Respectfully J NO. O. BATES WM. MINER I. PlI.Eg

' • J. M. STONE. On motion tbe re port waa accepted and

adopted, committee discharged and report and other papers in reference to the mat­ter referred to his honor tbe mayor for ex­ecutive action.



New York, Nov. 21. Gold--1.03} c. Money—5@6. Governments—Firmer. Stocks—Irregular.


New York, Nov. 21. WHEAT—moderate demand; shade firmer;

No. 2, apring November; 1.31. RYE—No. 2, western; 74c. CORK—shade stronger; 62@64c for

mixed western. BARI.EY—firm. OATS—Jc better; 34@39]c for mixed

western; 38@44}c for white. PORK—quiet; 14.00. LARD—rjuiet; 8.50. WHISKY—9@llc.

CHICAGO. Chicago, Nov. 21.

WHEAT—steady andfirm; 1.10 jc for cash; 1.07|c aaked for December.

CORN—strong and higher; 48c for cash ; 43c for December.

OATS—firmer but irregular ; 25{c for cash.

RYE—55c. BARLEY—64c. PORK—weak and lower; 12.15 for cash;

12.05 for the year; 12.20 for January. LARD—weak; 7.90 for cash; 7.80 for

the year ; 7.87ic for January. WHISKY—6c. *

MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Nov. 21.

WHEAT—irregular; caih higher; op­tions lower; 1.09&C for cash; 1.09 for No­vember; 1.07|c for December; No. 3, 1.045 c.

CORN—steady; 49c. OATS—25Jc.




Remaining in the postoffice at Yankton Yankton county, D. T., Nov. 21,1877. If not called for in 30 days, will be sent to tbe Dead Letter Office:

Drug | BookstoftS



'if. 4


Yankton, - - Dakota



All the popular medicines of the day. Pre -1|>ti wis coumpounded by experienced pharma scrij


Ankrin, John S Andriasen, Oluf Allen, N Belmar, T D Beck worth, Sidney Berg, Hen rich Butters, John F Crawford, J G Chaffee, Capt. D W Confer, John W Fanlon, Miss Belle Faris, Lewis Gilday, Charles Guthrie, Terry B Hammer, John Hamilton, W T Hirscbkorn, Ferdi­

nand Hoskinson, Thos Howard, Mrs P H Hubrow, Mrs Nellie Holoker, Jakob Hurlbert, C B

Holmes, Henry Johnson, W V Jamlaon, Mrs Henry C Kerry, John Knudsen, Hans Olai King, Alfred I Mooberg, D R Mathews, Frank Osborn, Chas H Bobbins, Joseph A Roberg, Lina John­

son Rongner, Gullik Sawyers, O D Sbuesmann, Aug Simerson, James Smith, S Svensson, F O Young, Carloa L Yinger, lver Janson Welch, James Warner, H L Williams, William P

The Finest iaasifiant ot

Books and Fancy Articles


Headlight Oil the best ia the Market.


Geo. H. Crombie, Milwaukee, Wis.—Due 3 cents.

George Munro, New York—Due 3 cents. Persons calling for advertised letters will

please say advertised. A. W. HOWARD, P. M.


Blatt & Buerdorf

Wholesale and Retail






Additional report of city justice lor month of September 1877 presented, read and referred to the Mayor.

Committee on grades, streets and alleys granted Until the next meeting of (he coun­cil to report on protest of parties against building sidewalk on east aide of Cedar atreet between Third and Fourth streets

Bills for Richey aud Dix merchan­dise. |2.85 George W. Delamater, services as street

commissioner $97.25 C. Broderson, board of prisoners... .$17.00 Walbaum and Becker, board of pris­

oners $U1» presented, read and referred to committee, on finance and taxation.

On motion council adjourned.

P. M. ZiEBAca. \ E.T. WKITE Major.

<*** «•»*• -.'9#

SHIRT MAKING Warranted Perfect Pits


Capital Street, Yankton, D. T dec5-lm*


cou NSELT^TCOVELL, Retail Groceries.


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THIS If you want Good Teas,

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If you want Good Flour If you want 16 ozs. to the lb.

If you want stand'rd Goods If you want full Keasure

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BUY FOR CASH Then Buy Your

GROCERIES AT A. W. Lavender,



J. R. SANBORN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in



Upholstered Goods


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Dewitt's Bloek, YANKTON--

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L.M.KEE. Commission 'Merchant


; 1

I •;* A*