tyndall army airfield - 01/30/1942


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8/2/2019 Tyndall Army Airfield - 01/30/1942

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8/2/2019 Tyndall Army Airfield - 01/30/1942

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( l ) e 4 6 4 l9 , d o 1 h & ~tisred ' P e l ' $ o n n e . f :

~ l ; ~ ~ : ' ~ 1 : ~ : i : ~ 1 ; ; ; : ~ l r ~ ~ : 1 ~ l : : : r f i ~ ; : : : ; ~ : ; 1

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I'\F~L1C "~"~rIONS


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8/2/2019 Tyndall Army Airfield - 01/30/1942

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l'Ihen,,111 Stabler ...~dHlok< .ottlo\'il'tat i. the adml. lonto

~. Pvt. Stanl~y p~rt"r~ hie .. ttln~-poxoroioew!ilohhot>u ,eheduledn_

ry nly.tI It oe",""th~t T/S~t. Hot_yh •• redly docided to •• tHe down

oh""" lito. He.... eon carrylDStII.ar=_lo~.t.he cu..r

S O l D O pooplo j~t can't "koepThat'. all right, Boll, t.."ore

atho_. lU>o10.. the~ : ~ ~ W : : : ~ ~ ~ 1 : ! : ~ ~ : : ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Itoro ollp.and'_"'r"""""roo.ipto ..

oh.ek--olight bo .. good id.. tor

·.kop ."dofrie.ofore.to work

ut.p .. c."'l .0IuUon. Helth. h

:t:~t,.::: o:;e~~at~tg through Orcmanc.IB, Due to th~

oo.t of olay pl&eon., tne

,ent Ina roqui_

Itlon for 12,000 Jap. to b. ".. d forpr..ctioo at !ynddl Fiold,

aimilorlty b.twoonaps""dolay plgoon.__botharey.l_

'''''"Y e •• Hy---that 10

Ith .. beon rumorod that our dot_

ont oOllllllll.lldoT.l.t.SMine". 10

? F~: :~:~~: :~h ..ve.lothrdeU...,roddoilytrolll

~:!....t;h~avo.;::ot;~~!fanint.n.tlnPan .... Clty,.eeo.-ing'. dlth. po..,e. hG•• _ to

bpl.ltI yours..lf, John. pre.

...l enndt vloit. J""",. Lo~udry&tidfroquontly. 10 thor ... ""

Top,it .ur..ly look••• if .pringi. on th~ 1000$ "!;<lb. H.... do ••ko",,' "on, • sur. <1(;» that tho

cool .... ther I• .lu.t ..bout ovorlo"Biffy'R>....y·. new h.ir·do. Qtne"mora.~r•• lgn. "ro the dull. otup1dlQQk. that.o,"" 'ntoour .y••• hon

one of tho levoly offleo "ronoflutterby.loOving Inth ..irw.ke.

oloudQfuotie p.rfu""'a ..... n...

ccll~ctlQ1lof hr away look.. AlII

what ia .or&n, __ " day in Juno.

T~en, 1f ~vo., C"_ p.rroct day ••

~ha~~tw:~·!·~::l~eu. o~.;h:v~~~

;ngwho, otter ,h. h..d ki.s~d hl~ .Ix0" ,ovon time•• bogan ~ottln~ .""tl .._

.ntd. ilnd then. wehavo theohOle.

: : : !.d~~!,~:;~~~rp;O!~kGth~:l~~:

~d ..o~ld mak. ~ ._11 ,oldior ... Inlyboc.." ... h.boaro evorythlll&",lthout&rty e"",,pldning. "!'he four foll"".

who.,.~ tryin, to orreet .. tran.fert o tho par.chut~ batt&hon ..,.~,Pvt ••Lively, Angelier. Ad__ , and lirby.

lI"ell, all .... eMo..y i. that they U~

"io. fon""•• and wohopo ..elleyorhear of the= boln~ pioked~p w:1t~."oo~= clo""or. Her. tho old ada,•

"If at firot yo"clon't ,uocood,try

try "g..ln," l>OESOTAPPLY.Dl<lyW"""",thattM quortorma••orh •• ovu~OOunetloMt If you don't bollo~o

H lool< it"P in yWr manu.l. Tho1II i . . IODQtthoQ\oart.rme.otorCorp.l.

toao,uTeth •• uco... ruloperdIODot

: : t A : { l o ~ Oth:l~nl;~ s ~ : ~ : . t~:!:"ill•••you nut ",eek. and ....&D1Ohi l~·Koop'EmLyln6·"--H.G.

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M : ~ ~ 1 : ~ : : : ~ £ S ~ : F n ~ :~!~: ;~~e:pOT'Dndprobl .n. •• u.prlo not thnt tho oold_

10r had a ~eobl.",. All ""n oyeeywh.re

: I i / i ; ; : : ; ; t / a i ' l a " ' k~~~.bl¥~o~;l't~~~ a~"~n:~~t,~ t~ro : ~ :othoe fnl.he urgo.o tnlk ov.enpeobh .. "lth .o"",ooe whO. tI\BY.""try.t, o.nd ithoo",",oneno .. thoyf •• l...Ill not k. h!;1>tof th.lr pt.rtlc_

ularpeobi .The'ur?r!,. w n , ~ot thot thl •• old_

~~~••~~t ~~:pl~~~:np~~;~.~~I:u!~p"1o. wo' thnt the .oldlor ov." .nt.r-

;~~~~d: ~ .o~~O~t~!~:':~~i~~r~~!~YOur Gh'l'lo!n thought thot dloryouundo.. toodthat you...,r.froo,odis-

cu ... nythl"1lwlthhion •

•e:O!~t;~i~l~~~e~~!:!I~ yo~dll;V:!~'0 b. orh.lp .oyou ....d .... t""d

;:,,~ ..:trr:!l :~"':;e~ :~th°fu:':~!:;

tl",., .nyMore.Your peoblorr.,do no' hove to ~. ro_

Llr,IOU. Thoy Cru! bo any thine you

f.OI youw"ot to talk.bout.If yoo'oll your prubL.",o yoor

Choplnln, youo.o;e.oce n,,1l1b&

~ep' ~o"f!d.ntlol. ile eon ."~ do ...

k.ep oonflden~"o.

tIJ~ 4 1 1 i i ; 7 1 7 ; :Your T"'!!l!J.L 'l'/,nr,ET ~oe. on :110 air

ov.rSt.Uon lIDU',Pan"",,-Clty,.v.ry

~~!~~ n:~h~h~~~"~~I!.~O~~~~~no~o:~

T)'1IdoU i··!oldond for 'Ilo .oldl.,,',r~yod ~o poptil~" ,on&" AS~l.y.d hy

thcMtlon,.I ••dioGdono.oroh •• t,n ••Hyouh •• cafovorite,drop.cordto

11110I.LLT.\RGb"r. cor. ofSbt\Qn!lDU'.b)'''.dnoodayof'.ch"eok. The "",,,',top tun' to ~e rloyed tOQly,t 10 tn~

~~~~nc~!~:~r",,;on of ·Ch~tl.anoO&,

T ~ ~ : # ~ ~vot.. ' ,c=ploted yo.hrdny. 'Tho O

R"U<o<iCeo. " hu boe~ ".... d tho hv

;~;i:.ymn of tho ".n of Tyndol

Tho poll "". oonduct.d art.r wo

WOOoool.od fr<m>hoW~rD.p.r~~."'"PoblioRolotion.Boroao inl'fo.hington

that tho)(our of ChH,", foaturinethcAll-CtcIOroho.tro ofro;.! Spltolney

:;~~o~~·~:~; :~hM ~ ~ : ~!~;o~!, S

: : : : : : ' : ·~;-~r; : ;~.;::~:::::\n~ "er& "Rook o


:::.--:::- hy-m.~ ha, b.on "ub~!cod '0 tho pro!~co.'.ponsor and the d~of tho Tynd~ll~l.l


AlAVAVlIAI'I§IP~A'lFm:ls/l1' lA-"!JY/EIJ¥


"1tonthe ;:~.. oceh~itt. ar&ooml"&.A"~ tho .lu~" be~io. to wail.

~t .e 'e .nGretorie.n""r ,And until tM.johiodono.

Let'. forcot OUrpcr'''''ol r eo lLn&, !

. . ,,, . . .~~""._~.

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~r.~~~~~~~-hitl .. are now b.i~~ .njoyed bytho

:r~r;;~l::ho men .hUD.od at Tyn_

Undor'h •• upervloion of Lt. Tho",p_'On, athlotio ~nd r.oreatlon ortl~.r.Oll uohtont 1\0' been appolntod for

coohoquorlrontoaetiv.te Inter ... in

~~: : t I : ;6"" . !~"~!~:a i~:n~~tl:~:~:,.noblo. At pre"nt,'ho followin,

.qul.Dont to aVAilable for ••• , ....ch_cry .... , Tolloybdl and bukot1)o.11.

Shuffloboord. &renow boln&eonotr_

uctod on poreh floors in "~'Ul of

tho l>.<ilMn,•• Work on o •• rtbdl

dl...ond I.undorway In the <oar ofB"lldln~ 310&nd"Ill b. roody for ",.in 0 r ... d~y ••

hoketboll pnctlc. 10 BOln~ full-tilt. Squadron to",,",aro pr.etl<lntt... nl&hh • w •• k ,,-"don S~turdoy. atthos..yCcuntyhlg)l,choQ!g)'lIIinPo.n___ City. If our o","",hotlon do ••

nothVflateo<:,e""toet Lt. Th""", ....

ando" ...,ooootswillb.""d.rorj'Ollr

: !"~;"i~:~t~°tl,e;~,,:::~::~:~!~n .\),

Tho roll_in~ ani.tont athl6tio dl·...<toTOh.v. boenn""",d toropro.enttholroquodcon., and ;tyouar. inur-

•• ted in any ror~ of atnlotie., .0.yourr.pr.O&nt.tivo

~~u,&~~t;:~:~~R:o;;:~~69th A,B.· s/s~t. htrlc~ O'Neil

343rdSS • Corp. Donaldl!;urphYM~th SS • Corp. ClydeBig.,on3'i8thss _S&t.Jo,o!>hS&dlor

;:~: ~~ : ~~~:' c~~n s . . O : ; ~ .HGthsS • Sgt. Georgosto-wutH7th"5 _ ~~t. Rob.rt Tnur""",~4eth ~s • S~t. ~loyd Taylor

A &roup recrention roOm i.nOWloo~'

:~ d!~~ ~~!~in~.t~;O. ~~\n n~~!h;:~~

.ndotthothlrl. lthoqulpp6(!w1th

throo plnc·pon~ table., .',merk"" and

~ ~ ~ ~ : : o~~: t~ ; : : .~d:~" '~~ 'n ~:~; I :~nU.ble ."dth.fon""lng?UbUu·

tion., Ufe. Cola.r'., Arrr.;yIoU."YJournal, Araylo NO"YR.!,;htor, "=,r·

ieOIl 1Ia~ .. ino, Llborty, Po""lu I!o-

chonl.s, Sawrd.y ~e~in; Poot, R.·

dio Craft, R. den' Dieest, Loo~,

Mventur., SpOrto J,fi.ld, \"looternStary, Fi.l~ & Stro.... YoucOlt drop

by at "nyU~. to read tho foUONingdoHy p.poro, O\ont~omeryAd,·.rt1oor,

~:~:~~:la~:U;:~~'U::=';dCi~ie~: ;~d

' ' 1 ; h ' ' ~ : s d ; u b &A &rut """'y.oldtoro have been.t·

t.ndlnsl>ook.tbdl g..-. at Ba.yCountrhigh.ohoolandtor y....rconv.nlene ••th.roUowing ••hodulaofruturoaogo

tnt. hgiv.n,


Fobru.ryIOth.F.bru.ryIBth.F.bru"'y20th.f.b"".ry24th _

8 1 H E ' S i p , , * Seriy~I don't ,uppo" that thoro willbo

half •• """,y .t~c~•• old at tho POnONth"tl;io,UIDIIDykuna.lefttctak •

~~~:~~~~:·~i:an"~!11~~ ~~;:~~~~

Th.re to qUite ~ h"",oro~. toucn to

the ....y.01o.of th.r.llcw,h .."" th.lr

!:Oil addr.. ool. A r ... of t•• ..anyny.thatTynddl'hldna"een.pol.led.r .. tyndall, Syn<lall, Kendall,

~ ~ : : : ~ ~ r : ; : : ; : ~ ~ : ' : :r :~~! l~sohool ~Qu"dron." OMof th. ".cruJ.t.has hh mall <t<Idro•• d ~'''Te~ponry

~~~io~ri;~:~. ~vo~ ;n :::~e th:u ..:"~~

tell hI> tid lind otho .. <orrupon<l~"t.

hi' correot addru •• It win b. a bl~heir tou. in the po.toffioe o.ndyou,

=ilwill re.oh Y... "",... quickly.Son;eor the rellow. e..id""tly li~

~~~i~:.,.~df~~:n~~y·re ,endln~ It

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kd.1ac""'Uocl d..~arteo~_on r -<>&" 0 . > < 1 ,..."glvonllb<Uo·d'Io.<'ior"",Ulel.ZtAY>""!~·1.t<>1:r ow ..,hi. <;01"",,1..!ol.l , ·S1r, 8oy, ... I81"""

to g.~ou~1 A r < l fN""', '/O'l

eM wU tMBue1er, Ulat t .o.IUh

.o"i!unt 0 . > < 1 , in tac~, Ulo..ll010........,~ ... K... tra4lM 1>-~

A en dII~ lAt.r "" c;ol~O<l• reply fr<,a the <><>lone1'~of·

fioo, "51r, AAl~ " I : S e ." O ' " " "\.0 _ .... nuof tt'OOpo!I=otb!l

onw'ocIon'l'lllo\OO l>on>HO.12:!4--

4}2.l."1I10hl ... tne1001~.·

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