type specimen catalogue


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The following is the pages from my Type Specimen Catalogue book. The book was created to celebrate 100 years of original ornaments, now known as Clip art. But some of the images have been given a modern twist...


Page 1: Type Specimen Catalogue

s p e c i m e n o f

o r n a m e n t s

c a t a l o g u e o f p r i n t i n g s u p p l i e s

191 2( M o d i f i e d 2 01 2 )

a m e r i c a n t y p e f o u n d e r s c o m p a n y

e v e r y t h i n g f o r t h e p r i n t e r

Page 2: Type Specimen Catalogue

The images are sourced from the 1912 Specimen of Type,Borders and Ornaments

Brass Rules and Electrotypes by The American Type Founders Company.

A Catalogue record of the original document is available from www.archive.org

This book was created by Anoosha Tadghighi

[email protected]

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Clip art began in the late eighteenth century. Formerly known as Ornaments, they were originally produced as metal engravings. Designers and woodcutters

would hand draw illustrations which would then be transformed into metal patterns using “ingenious mechanical

devices” to fill the needs of publishing houses.1 Images which were created would depict common occurances of

the early 1900s in keeping with the subjects headlining newspapers and

therefore increasing their usage. Enabling Type Foundries to create such

complex and accurate metal cuttings were apparatus such as Matrix Cutting

Machines. These machines became

e v o l u t i o n o f c l i p a r t

1 American Type Foundry,1912, p. vi.

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an imperative device for printers of the early twentieth century. The

process would consist of an accurate line drawing being transformed into

a metal pattern which could then be cut as a solid metal template.

Progressively these images obtained more detail and were available from type foundries in speciment sheets.

Over the years, technology has enabled us to create clip art which suit our

everyday lifestyles. We are able to find a stock photograph which incorporates

every subject which relates to our twenty-first century lifestyles. The craft of

hand made engravings has dramatically decreased as we have become

c o n t .

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technologically advanced. Now that clip art can be easily produced on computers,

the subtle beauty once found in early twentieth century “clip art” has been replaced with generic vector graphics.

These cards have been made to celebrate the original ornaments created by the American Type Foundry, in particular

the specimen sheets of 1912. The images used within this book are the original ornaments found in the 1912 specimen book. A selection of

15 subjects have been chosen because of their distinctive relativity to the lifestyle of the early 20th century.

A price list is available at the end of the books; they have been converted

c o n t .

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c o n t .

from the prices used in New York when the original specimen was published.

Currently clip art is purchased in bulk, on a CD or online, and cost

much less than the ornaments created by printing companies such as the

American Type Foundry. The modern day equivalent of one dollar in 1912 would now cost around 25 dollars. These images were more expensive because of the artistic process and

detail involved in making them.These prices have been created

to represent current rates.

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To mark 100 years since the creation of the 1912 Specimen of Type sheet, some of these ornaments have been

tampered with, representing the contrast of twenty-first century lifestyles...

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s p e c i m e n o f

o r n a m e n t s

“This distinctive series of ornaments is adapted to every size of page to all classes of large and small forms of advertising. Many pleasing and attractive

designs can be made.”

-American Type Foundry pg.992

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Page 11: Type Specimen Catalogue

i n d e x

TerminologyAmerican IndiansAthletesBallet DancersCast Index cutsChildrenCoppersDomesticsDruggist

GolfersHello CutsKlondikersLady SpeakersRigs and TrapsScorchersShoppersPrice ListBibliography











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t e r m i n o l o g yA pp r o p r i a t e m o d e r n t r a n s l a t i o n s .

American IndiansCast Index cuts


Rigs and TrapsScorchers

Native AmericansHand signals


Horse and CarriageThrill Seekers

19 12 2012

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a m e r i c a n i n d i a n s

No.1 No .2 No .3

No .4 No .5 No .6

No .7 No .8 No .9

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a t h l e t e s

No .10 No .11 No .12

No .13No .14

No .15 No .16 No .17

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b a l l e t d a n c e r s

No .18 No .19 No .20

No .21

No .22No .23

No .24No .25

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c a s t i n d e x c u t s

No.26 No .27

No .28 No .29

30ptNo .30

30ptNo .31

No .32

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c h i l d r e n

No.33 No .34 No .35

No .36 No .37

No .38 No .39 No .40

fon t con t a in s one o f e a ch cha r a c t e r

Page 19: Type Specimen Catalogue


c o p p e r s

No.41 No .42 No .4 4

No .45 No .46 No .47

No .48 No .49

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d o m e s t i c s

No.50 No .51 No .52

No .53No .54 No .55

No .56

No .57

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d ru g g i s t

No.58 No .59 No .60

No .61 No .62 No .63

No .6 4 No .65 No .66

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g o l f e r s

No.67 No .68 No .69

No .70 No .71 No .72

No .73 No .74 No .75

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h e l l o c u t s

116 p tNo . 76

116ptNo .77

140 p tNo .78

36 p tNo . 79

33 p tNo .80

36 p tNo . 81

33 p tNo .82

Page 24: Type Specimen Catalogue


k l o n d i k e r s

No.83 No .8 4 No .85

No .86

No .87

No .88No .89

All cuts on this page are cast on Adobe Photoshop and are easily justified.

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l a d y s p e a k e r s

No.90No .91 No .92

No .93

No .94 No .95

No .96 No .97

No .98

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r i g s a n d t r a p s

No.99 No .100

No .102 No .103

No .10 4No .105

No .106 No .107

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No.108 No .109 No .110

No .111

No .112 No .113

No .114 No .115 No .116

s c o r c h e r s

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s h o p p e r s

No.117 No .118 No .119

No .120 No .121 No .122

No .123 No .124 No .125

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p r i c e l i s t

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p r i c e l i s t


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p r i c e l i s t









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p r i c e l i s t




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b i b l i o g r a p h y

American Type Founders Company: Specimen of Type,Borders and Ornaments Brass Rules and Electrotypes, 1912, Jersey City.

American Type Founders Company: Specimen of Type,Borders and Ornaments Brass Rules and

Electrotypes, 1912, Jersey City.pg.992b

American Specimen Type Of Book Styles; http://openlibrary.org/books/OL7160961M/American_specimen_

book_of_type_styles, Last modified September 2011.

American Type Founders Company: American Specimen Book Of Type Styles; Supplement, 1917, Jersey City

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