types of blog post


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Types of Blog Posts

Different types of blog post loved by readers and are shared a lot on social networks. Blog post types which are successful post Panda world.

Large List Post

Large list posts are filled with content, and provide a wide variety of information to the readers.

Example:•25 Money Saving Tips•50 Simple ways of Link Building

Long Niche Post

In long niche post cover about every aspect of the topic, likes about topic, it’s good, it’s bad, its uses etc.

Example: •Benefit and Drawbacks of Guest Posting•All about Freelancing

Step by Step Tutorials

Vivid, informative and STEP BY STEP presentation of title.

Use images and videos to make your tutorials more useful and clear to your readers.

Product Reviews

Provide IN-DEPTH reviews or short reviews showcasing the features and benefits of products, take care of providing your insightful opinion about the products which you review.

Product Comparison

In Product Comparison posts, you bring out the positives and negatives of each of the products that you compare.

Also list PRODUCT’S features, benefits, advantages and disadvantages.

Multimedia Post

People tend to acquire knowledge instantly by seeing videos, and listening to audio, and hence they appreciate such type of blog posts.

Come up with images, videos, or Pod-cast.

Interview Experts

INTERVIEW experts and publish the interaction in your blog, helps to build a healthy relationship with them apart from getting TRAFFIC to your blog posts.

Blog Post Roundups

Weekly or monthly roundups gives readers useful information or news they have missed.

Roundup can be news, some great content on other blog etc.

Case Study

Presents readers the conclusion based on facts and figures.

Case Studies presents a detailed breakdown of how you have applied a specific technique.

How to Post

How to Post are post which tell how to do a particular task.

Include images and videos in how to post so as to make them EFFECTIVE and VIEWER FRIENDLY.

Example: How to publish eBook on Amazon?

Lessons from Celebrities

Frame blog posts about celebrities so that it could be a LEARNING EXPERIENCE for your readers.

Examples:• Warren Buffett Quotes• Bill Gates House

Research Post

It is research based posts.

It brings a good number of VISITORS & you can yourself be recognized as AUTHORITY WRITER in due course of time if you continue coming up with new and interesting research posts.


Infographics = Information + Graphics

Present the content & also support your content with graphics, charts, diagrams, figures, and pictures.

Tell a Story

Narrate a story which has inspired you a lot. It should relate to the NICHE of your blog.

It should motivate and inspire your readers.

Serialized Articles

It is easy to read and comprehend small articles instead of long ones.

Example:•Q&A Monday•Whiteboard Tuesday•Link Building Part 1

Self Story

Share your LEARNING EXPERIENCE; it could be an obstacle that you have encountered in your life, or it could even be a mistake that you have made. Anything that can inspire, or interest your audience can become a Self Story.

Q & A Post

A SATISFIED CUSTOMER is worth hundred prospective customers.

By answering questions of your readers, you tend to build a long lasting relationship with them which can be beneficial to you in the times to come.

Giveaways and Freebies

Bloggers can offer free E-BOOKS, free Software, free Templates, free logo design etc.

Its a promotional post, which have the sole intention of promoting the products to the targeted audience.

Your Blog Income and Traffic Report

Your Blog INCOME and TRAFFIC Report are very much popular with other bloggers and webmasters as well as new and upcoming bloggers.

Your Blog INCOME and TRAFFIC Report are very much popular with other bloggers and webmasters as well as new and upcoming bloggers.


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