types of hybrid securities preferred stock warrants convertibles features and risk cost of capital...

21 - 1 Types of hybrid securities Preferred stock Warrants Convertibles Features and risk Cost of capital to issuers CHAPTER 21 Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Warrants, and Convertibles Calling convertible issues Innovative new hybrids

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CHAPTER 21 Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Warrants, and Convertibles. Types of hybrid securities Preferred stock Warrants Convertibles Features and risk Cost of capital to issuers. Calling convertible issues Innovative new hybrids. How does preferred stock differ from - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Types of hybrid securities Preferred stock Warrants Convertibles Features and risk Cost of capital to issuers

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Types of hybrid securitiesPreferred stockWarrantsConvertibles

Features and risk Cost of capital to issuers

CHAPTER 21 Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Warrants, and Convertibles

Calling convertible issues Innovative new hybrids

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Preferred dividends are specified by contract, but they may be omitted without placing the firm in default.

Most preferred stocks prohibit the firm from paying common dividends when the preferred is in arrears.

Usually cumulative up to a limit.

How does preferred stock differ fromcommon stock and debt?


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Some preferred stock is perpetual, but most new issues have sinking fund or call provisions which limit maturities.

Preferred stock has no voting rights, but may require companies to place preferred stockholders on the board (sometimes a majority) if the dividend is passed.

Is preferred stock closer to debt or common stock? What is its risk to investors? To issuers?

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AdvantagesDividend obligation not contractualAvoids dilution of common stockAvoids large repayment of principal

DisadvantagesPreferred dividends not tax deductible,

so typically costs more than debtIncreases financial leverage, and hence

the firm’s cost of common equity

What are the advantages and disadvan-tages of preferred stock financing?

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A call option is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy some defined asset at a specified price within some specified period of time.

What is a call option?

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A warrant is a long-term call option.

A convertible consists of a fixed rate bond (or preferred stock) plus a long-term call option.

What is the relationship between call options, warrants, and convertibles?

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P0 = $20.kd of 20-year annual payment bond without

warrants = 12%.50 warrants with an exercise price of $25

each are attached to bond.Each warrant’s value is estimated to be $3.

Given the following facts, what coupon rate must be set on a bond

with warrants if the total package is to sell for $1,000?

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Step 1: Calculate VBond

VPackage = VBond + VWarrants = $1,000.

VWarrants = 50($3) = $150.

VBond + $150 = $1,000

VBond = $850.

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Step 2: Find Coupon Payment and Rate

N I/YR PV PMT FV20 12 -850 1000

Solve for payment = 100

Therefore, the required coupon rate is $100/$1,000 = 10%.

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At issue, the package was actually worth

VPackage = $850 + 50($5) = $1,100,

which is $100 more than the selling price.

If after issue the warrants immediately sell for $5 each, what would this imply

about the value of the package?


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The firm could have set lower interest payments whose PV would be smaller by $100 per bond, or it could have offered fewer warrants and/or set a higher exercise price.

Under the original assumptions, current stockholders would be losing value to the bond/warrant purchasers.

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Generally, a warrant will sell in the open market at a premium above its value if exercised (it can’t sell for less).

Therefore, warrants tend not to be exercised until just before expiration.

Assume that the warrants expire 10 years after issue. When would you

expect them to be exercised?


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In a stepped-up exercise price, the exercise price increases in steps over the warrant’s life. Because the value of the warrant falls when the exercise price is increased, step-up provisions encourage in-the-money warrant holders to exercise just prior to the step-up.

Since no dividends are earned on the warrant , holders will tend to exercise voluntarily if a stock’s payout ratio rises enough.

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When exercised, each warrant will bring in the exercise price, $25.

This is equity capital and holders will receive one share of common stock per warrant.

The exercise price is typically set some 20% to 30% above the current stock price when the warrants are issued.

Will the warrants bring in additional capital when exercised?

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The company will exchange stock worth $36.75 for one warrant plus $25. The opportunity cost to the company is $36.75 - $25.00 = $11.75 per warrant.

Bond has 50 warrants, so the opportunity cost per bond = 50($11.75) = $587.50.

What is the expected return to the bond- with-warrant holders (and cost to the

issuer) if the warrants are expected to be exercised in 5 years when P = $36.75?


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Here are the cash flows on a time line:

0 1 4 5 6 19 20

+1,000 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100-587.50 -1,000-687.50 -1,100

Input the cash flows into a calculator to find IRR = 14.7%. This is the pre-tax cost of the bond and warrant package.


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The cost of the bond with warrants package is higher than the 12% cost of straight debt because part of the expected return is from capital gains, which are riskier than interest income.

The cost is lower than the cost of equity because part of the return is fixed by contract.


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When the warrants are exercised, there is a wealth transfer from existing stockholders to exercising warrant holders.

But, bondholders previously transferred wealth to existing stockholders, in the form of a low coupon rate, when the bond was issued.

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At the time of exercise, either more or less wealth than expected may be transferred from the existing shareholders to the warrant holders, depending upon the stock price.

At the time of issue, on a risk-adjusted basis, the expected cost of a bond-with-warrants issue is the same as the cost of a straight-debt issue.

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20-year, 10.5% annual coupon, callable convertible bond will sell at its $1,000 par value; straight debt issue would require a 12% coupon.

Call protection = 5 years and call price = $1,100. Call the bonds when conversion value > $1,200, but the call must occur on the issue date anniversary.

P0 = $20; D0 = $1.48; g = 8%.Conversion ratio = CR = 40 shares.

Assume the following convertible bond data:

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What conversion price (Pc) is built into the bond?

Like with warrants, the conversion price is typically set 20%-30% above the stock price on the issue date.


Pc =

= = $25.

Par value# Shares received

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What is (1) the convertible’s straight debt value and (2) the implied value of

the convertibility feature?

PV FV 20 12 105 1000

Solution: -887.96I/YR PMTN

Straight debt value:

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Because the convertibles will sell for $1,000, the implied value of the convertibility feature is

$1,000 - $887.96 = $112.04.

The convertibility value corresponds to the warrant value in the previous example.

Implied Convertibility Value

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Conversion value = CVt = CR(P0)(1 + g)t.t = 0

CV0 = 40($20)(1.08)0 = $800.t = 10

CV10 = 40($20)(1.08)10

= $1,727.14.

What is the formula for thebond’s expected conversion value

in any year?

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The floor value is the higher of the straight debt value and the conversion value.

Straight debt value0 = $887.96.CV0 = $800.

Floor value at Year 0 = $887.96.

What is meant by the floor value of a convertible? What is the floor value

at t = 0? At t = 10?

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Straight debt value10 = $915.25.CV10 = $1,727.14.

Floor value10 = $1,727.14.

A convertible will generally sell above its floor value prior to maturity because convertibility constitutes a call option that has value.

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If the firm intends to force conversionon the first anniversary date after CV >$1,200, when is the issue expected to

be called?

PV FV 8 -800 0 1200

Solution: n = 5.27I/YR PMTN

Bond would be called at t = 6 sincecall must occur on anniversary date.

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What is the convertible’s expected cost of capital to the firm?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1,000 -105 -105 -105 -105 -105 -105 -1,269.50 -1,374.50

CV6 = 40($20)(1.08)6 = $1,269.50.

Input the cash flows in the calculator and solve for IRR = 13.7%.

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For consistency, need kd < kc < ks.Why?

Does the cost of the convertible appear to be consistent with the costs

of debt and equity?


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kd = 12% and kc = 13.7%.

ks = + g = + 0.08 = 16.0%.

Since kc is between kd and ks, the costs are consistent with the risks.

Check the values:

D0(1 + g)P0


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Assume the firm’s tax rate is 40% and its debt ratio is 50%. Now suppose the firm is considering either:

(1) issuing convertibles, or(2) issuing bonds with warrants.

Its new target capital structure will have 40% straight debt, 40% common equity and 20% convertibles or bonds with warrants. What effect will the two financing alternatives have on the firm’s WACC?

WACC Effects

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Convertibles Step 1: Find the after-tax cost of the convertibles.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1,000 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -1,269.50 -1,332.50

INT(1 - T) = $105(0.6) = $63.With a calculator, find:kc (AT) = IRR = 9.81%.

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kd (AT) = 12%(0.06) = 7.2%.

Convertibles Step 2: Find the after-tax cost of straight debt.

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WACC (with = 0.4(7.2%) + 0.2(9.81%)convertibles) + 0.4(16%)

= 11.24%.

WACC (without = 0.5(7.2%) + 0.5(16%)convertibles)

= 11.60%.

Convertibles Step 3: Calculatethe WACC.

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Some notes:We have assumed that ks is not affected

by the addition of convertible debt.In practice, most convertibles are

subordinated to the other debt, which muddies our assumption of kd = 12% when convertibles are used.

When the convertible is converted, the debt ratio would decrease and the firm’s financial risk would decline.

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Warrants Step 1: Find the after-tax cost of the bond with warrants.

0 1 ... 4 5 6 ... 19 20

+1,000 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -587.50 -1,000 -647.50 -1,060

INT(1 - T) = $100(0.60) = $60.# Warrants(Opportunity loss per warrant)

= 50($11.75) = $587.50.Solve for: kw (AT) = 10.32%.

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WACC (with = 0.4(7.2%) + 0.2(10.32%) warrants) + 0.4(16%) = 11.34%.

WACC (without = 0.5(7.2%) + 0.5(16%)warrants)

= 11.60%.

Warrants Step 2: Calculate the WACC if the firm uses warrants.

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The firm’s future needs for equity capital:Exercise of warrants brings in new

equity capital.Convertible conversion brings in no new

funds.In either case, new lower debt ratio can

support more financial leverage.

Besides cost, what other factors should be considered?


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Does the firm want to commit to 20 years of debt?Convertible conversion removes debt,

while the exercise of warrants does not.If stock price does not rise over time,

then neither warrants nor convertibles would be exercised. Debt would remain outstanding.

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Warrants bring in new capital, while convertibles do not.

Most convertibles are callable, while warrants are not.

Warrants typically have shorter maturities than convertibles, and expire before the accompanying debt.

Recap the differences between warrants and convertibles.


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Warrants usually provide for fewer common shares than do convertibles.

Bonds with warrants typically have much higher flotation costs than do convertible issues.

Bonds with warrants are often used by small start-up firms. Why?

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There are two possible situations:If the conversion value is less than the

call price, call only if interest rates have fallen and new securities are less expensive.

If conversion value is greater than call price, call at first opportunity.

When should convertibleissues be called?


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The difference between the current stock price and conversion price constitutes an opportunity cost to existing stockholders.

By calling at first opportunity, this cost is minimized.Studies show that calls do not minimize wealth transfers, but rather

are made later than indicated by theory.Perhaps to save near-term cash flow.Perhaps signaling value of future issues.

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A new breed of preferred stock has been created that has appeal to both issuers and individual investors.

These issues have unusual names such as trust-oriented preferred securities (TOPrS) and monthly income preferred securities (MIPS).

What new hybrid securities have recently been developed?


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The new securities are tax deductible to the issuer.They are issued by a partnership or trust

which then loans the proceeds to the company.

Thus, the company technically makes interest rather than dividend payments.

The tax deductibility allows yields to be set higher than on conventional preferred.