types of unmenployment | poverty and their theory

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  • 8/8/2019 types of unmenployment | poverty and their theory


    Types of UnemPloYrnentCyclical LJnernPloYment I.Resultsfromtheupsanddownofbusinesscycleofthecountryl

    .ltcancontrolledbyimplementingappropriateeconomicpoliciestoavoidtheoccurrenceofsuchemPloYnrent irreg u larities- ls "cYclical" because:olfthelevelofcyclicalunemploy'mentrslow,itmeansthatthepeopledon'thaveenoughpurchasrng power to consume the produced goodsoManufacturerstendtoselltheirgoods/productsatlowerprices- occurs because of the undesirable performance of the real Gross National Product; tu 1t'ffif *ii"t :ffi;,,'l fr:*f':;Jjr. ; ;'" u p'r r' u r c' m po n e n'ist' Government purchases of goods and service (G)

    . Net exports (X-M)Structural U nemPloYment

    _ Results from mismatch between the available skill and the requirernents in the labor market- Various factors for the occurrence of structural unemployment:o lntroduction of modern technologieso ,,unskilled,' workers who have no knowledge about the technology (machines) arecompelledtoquittheirjobsandtendtolookforotherjobsFrictional unemPioYment

    Considered as the transitional type of unemployment- circumstance: (1) poor placement services, (2) people who are entering or re-entering the work(3) individrrals who are searching for "1;reener pasiures"t-echnological U rrenr PIoYment

    - Employees are replaced by machines that can display fast and accurate outputs- Popular labor organization in the Philippines:o Kilusang MaYo Uno (KMU)o Alliance of Progressive Laboro Trade Union Congress of the Philipplnes (TUCP) iiiSeasonal UnernPloYment

    - Refers to unemployment resulting from seascnal changes in the labor supply-MayoccurbecauseoftheclimaticchangeandduringholidaySeaSonSl-heories of EmPloYmentTheory X

    - often saicJ to describe a traclitional view of directron and control- States that:o Average man dislikes work and will avoid it unless directly supervised

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    Employees nrust be forced, manipulated and directed to ensure that organizational aimsare metThreat of rePrimarrd

    Theory Y- lmplies a more self-ain'ed workforce- States that:o Enrployees are determined' keen to accept bigger responsibilityc.Employeeswillworkintheclirectioncrforganizattonalpurposes

    Theory Z- Employees are assured of a position for life, ever-increasing their fidelity to the company-CautiousassessmentoccurSoveraphaseoftimeandtheaccountabilrtyforaccomplishmentof

    breakdown is shared among workers ancl tl-rer boardMostworkersdonotconr:entrateinoneskillarea,butworkseveraldifferenttasks-someindustriesareoftenanxiousaboutall;rspectoftheiremployeeslives'onandoffthejob1'he UnemPloYment Pool

    - People always:deci'Je, at any point' to quit job or find work- Fouruu".oor'to be considered to be a part of the unemployed pool:oPersonmightbeaneWgr.aduateornewentrantintothelaborforceo Person who resigned from his job in search for other employment and may be constderedas unemPloYed while searchingo Person maY be laid off from vYork'Lay-off.-refertoasuspicionwithoutpaylastingformorethanTconsecutivedayswhichisinitiatedbytheemployerwiihoutprejudicetotheworkero worker may lose his/her job; either he/she is fired or because the firm closes downUnderemPloYed and UnPaid Workers

    - Unpaid worker _ ..a person who performs voluntary work,, (Wordweb online)o common in rural wherein these workers do not posses standard benefits/salary ascompared to the employed individuals'o Their services may be compensated by various forms/kindsol-hegovernmentstillconsidersunpaidwork,erasofficiallyel.llovedUnderemployed worker workers refer to employed v'rorkers whose skills are not suitable for thecurrentlon,orwhoseincomeisinsufficienttosupporthismaterialneedsoHelshewouldnaturallysearchforanotherjobtogainadditionalincome

    Government's Labor PolicYLabor Code of the PhiliPPines

    _ The Constitution rnandates the legislative and executive branches of the government to enactand imple,ment laws/decrees that will protect the labor interest of the workers- Declaration of basic PolicY'The State shall afford protection to labor' promote

    fult employment, ensure equal work opportunities

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    regardless of sex, race or creeds and regulate thereLtions between workers and employers'The State shall assure ihe rights of workers to self-organizatrort, collective bargaining' security oftenure, and just and humane conditions of work

    The code arso serves as a guiderine to cretermine whether the emproyer has committedunfair

    ;';;""*" f :*;:ctice - a,v io r atio n or th e co n st t]ji: 11':::111:: l il,it:":"]r-ors a n izatr o noCollectlvebargainingagreement_containstermsandcondrtionswithregardtosalariesandwagesofernployees,guidelineswithregardtolabordisputes,workingconditionso The code expressly provides for tr'e estautiJnment of the National Labor RelationComnrission 'th regard to the conduct of labor' ln-charge of formulating rules and regulatio'ls wlhearings and internal rules of procedureo Provicles t'" ff'l-"'ttolishment ot gu'"uu of LaboJ fel:::t '" act on the laborissires/dispuj". *r, may arise in rnter-union or intra-union conflicts'lnter-unron-conflic'tsbetvvebntwoormorelabororganizations' lntra-urrion - conflicts with a labor organizationLabor force vs. Globalizationo whal't ff:;|11$'!llno*'. po'cy in the internationar communitv which sreatlv affectstne economY of the countrY, Encourages the internatior'ral community members to engage in the international

    trade' f t oniy widens the disparity between the rich and the poor' Advantages of globalization. Attracts foreign trade and investment. Philippine economic reputation will be positively known to theintet,tational ec;onomic arena. PovertY reduction

    PovertYPoverty is the lack of basic human needs, such as clean water' rrutrition' health care'

    education' clothingandshelter,becauseoftheinabilitytoaffordthemCauses of PovertY

    - llliteracY.- ;;;;;-tlof private ownership of the means of production- High population/population bcom- Terrorism- PhYsical and naturalfactors- Coiruption irregularities in the government- Lack ol econonric oPPortunities- Lack of social integiation and variety r:f competition

    Effects of PovertY

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    - Brings devastating effects not only in the psychological aspect of an rndividual but also bringsinstability irr the socio-political structure of the society- People rrray blame the government of their current economic status- Political instability it may also harm the economy- Socio-pctlitical instability may also lead into the mergence of the radical anti-poverty movements- Undesirable effects of pove(yo Sanitation problemso Higlr crime rate, suicide rateo High risk of political violenceo Poor housing projectso Low lii:eracy rateo Drug abuseCharacteristics of Poverty

    - Absolute po,rertyo General concept of povertyo A fixed set of standard which is consistent over time- *ulsfive povertyo Deprivation of basic needs of an individual compared with some other population- c> Socially-defined poverty

    Urban Social Problems- Cause of migration frorn rural to urban communitieso Movernent of people from rural to urban communities io A rural delusion whereirt urban areas are more develop than the rural areaso There are Filipinos who are still rnoving from the province to the urban communities- Efiects of uncontrollable movement of rural people to the over-populated urban communities:o Air, water and noise poliutiono lnforrnal settlerso Prostitutiono Psyclrological and mental illnesseso Alcohcll and drug abuseo Crime and juvenile delinquency- Squatters/Slumcommunities:o An outcome of the abrupt movement of rural people to urban communities' Squatter areas have proliferated along river-banks, railway tracks, esteros and in the borders ofresidential areas- Characteristics,

    o Physicai -'absence of basic needs such as electrical and potable water supplyo Social- people may be employed or unemployedo [-egal .- "nori-legal" status: culture I5f,Ji:itlr"ory which is coined by oscar Lewiso First used in 1959 in his book entitled, Five Families: Mexicar: Case Studies in theCulture of Poverty"Sociological Theories of Poverty

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    ,tt"'- Conflict Theotlyo Gqvelnment laws and policies - two of the socio-political institutrons which thebourgeoisie class used to continue their abuse against the workerso The existence of free-market economic policies is cnly intended to benefit tlte most

    develoPed countries- Symbolic lnteraction Theoryo Studies society in symbols, things, pictures, representation and other tangible materialso Poverty can be associated vyith laziness an

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    \\,'' \\'

    - Education() One of tlre effective measures in order to rnsulate an individual against poverty- Sex o Feminization of poverty refers to a socio-economic phenomenon wherein women livebelow the poverty threshold as compared to men

    - Family structureo Culture of Pove' tY theorYo Female-headedfamilies(orbroken'families)Government Anti-Poverty Programs and Policies

    Millennium declarationMedir"rm term development plan (MTDP)Accelerated hunger mitigation planKapit bisE laban sa.kahirapan (KALAHI)Lingao para sa mahihirap program fundSocial reform agenda (SRA)