typical bulgarian culinary in art and literature


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Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature. Presentation. Bulgarian cuisine in art. We connect the word “cuisine” with the art of cooking. Many Bulgarian artists use the Bulgarian cuisine to represent the traditional folklore in their movies, paints and stage plays. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature



Page 2: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Bulgarian cuisine in art

We connect the word “cuisine” with the

art of cooking. Many Bulgarian artists use the Bulgarian cuisine

to represent the traditional folklore in their movies, paints

and stage plays.

Page 3: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Family union in Bulgarian art

Page 4: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Vine harvest in Bulgarian art

Anton Mitov was born on April

1,1862 in Stara Zagora,Bulgaria. He is famous Bulgarian

painter, art historian, critic and

public figure. His painting “Returning from vine harvest” shows traditional process of making wine- vine harvest.

Page 5: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Bulgarian wedding and the people around the big tables

Part of the movie “Vreme razdelno” showin typical Bulgarian wedding and its traditions.

Page 6: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Typical cuisine in literature Often food and literature

are seen as two polarities - one side is the food that serves the body and is

associated with the physical, the material, and the other is the literature related to spirituality and the world of knowledge.

Yet it is interesting to note some expressions that

relate food to literature – for a book,which we

enjoyed we say "I ate it with the cover" or

"swallowed her at once", while literature and art in

general is often referred to as "food of the spirit."

Page 7: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Not so pleasant manners of literature characters

Bai Ganyo a literary hero of Bai Ganyo a literary hero of the writer Aleko Konstantinov the writer Aleko Konstantinov and protagonist in his series of and protagonist in his series of satirical feuilletons. Image of satirical feuilletons. Image of food present in various food present in various episodes of the feuilleton in episodes of the feuilleton in different ways - from different ways - from impersonal "breakfast and impersonal "breakfast and wine" ,"bread and cheese" to wine" ,"bread and cheese" to far more tempting "soup- far more tempting "soup- chorba", "fried fish" and "fish chorba", "fried fish" and "fish mayonnaise" "roast pig", mayonnaise" "roast pig", "cake", etc. Extraordinariness "cake", etc. Extraordinariness of food has great significance of food has great significance for the character. for the character.

Page 8: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Traditions of eating

Under the Yoke (Pod Igoto) is a Under the Yoke (Pod Igoto) is a novel by Ivan Vazov written in novel by Ivan Vazov written in 1888.In the first chapter of the 1888.In the first chapter of the novel(A visitor) we can see novel(A visitor) we can see typical Bulgarian dinner- “On a typical Bulgarian dinner- “On a delightful evening in May, delightful evening in May, Chorbadji Marco, bareheaded Chorbadji Marco, bareheaded and in dressing gown and and in dressing gown and slippers, was sitting at supper slippers, was sitting at supper with his family on the with his family on the courtyard.” An old Bulgarian courtyard.” An old Bulgarian tradition says that after eating tradition says that after eating on the table you have to thank on the table you have to thank God for the food, so deeply God for the food, so deeply pious and devout Marco makes pious and devout Marco makes his accusation: "Avrame, you his accusation: "Avrame, you get up from the table, without get up from the table, without thanking God for the dinner, thanking God for the dinner, protestant!" And in the chapter protestant!" And in the chapter “In the house of pop Stavri“ “In the house of pop Stavri“ the pop blesses the dinner.the pop blesses the dinner.

“Chorbadji Marco and his family” –illustration

Page 9: Typical Bulgarian culinary in art and literature

Temptation of Bulgarian cuisine

Temptation of Bulgarian Temptation of Bulgarian cuisine is also often cuisine is also often mentioned in the literature. mentioned in the literature. An example is the story of An example is the story of Elin Pelin - "Baked Elin Pelin - "Baked Pumpkin.“In the story the Pumpkin.“In the story the main character,Dushko main character,Dushko Dobrodushko, refuses to try Dobrodushko, refuses to try the pumpkin over his the pumpkin over his shyness. But not long after, shyness. But not long after, the delicious pumpkin the delicious pumpkin appears constantly in his appears constantly in his thoughts and dreams. thoughts and dreams. Dushko can not concentrate Dushko can not concentrate and think straight until he and think straight until he tastes the dish.tastes the dish.

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