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T6n. H0I THANH TIN LANH VIET NAM CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 1 to Sang the Ky 1 den 10 1. Cf dau ch6p, "Adam va vo\ ca hai deu tran tniong, ma chang ho then"? Where is it written, "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame"? o 2. Luc n a o "nguTcfi ta bit dau cau khan danh Btfc Gie-ho-va"? When did "men began to call on the name of the LORD"? o 3. Chua "lam mtfa xuong mat dat" trong bao nhieu ngay den n6i lut 16i? How many elavs did "God send rain on the earth " ? o . " 4. CJ dau chcp, "Pham vat chi hanh dong va co sir song thi dung lam d6 an cho cac ngtfcfi"? Where is it written, "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you" ? a ; 5. Ai la ngufti bi Noe rua sa? tai sao? Who was cursed bv Noah? and why? a - 6. Ai la ngtfdi "cong binh va trpn ven, dong di cung Btfc Chua Trol"? Who was "a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God"? o 7. 6" dau chep, "Btfc Chua Trol ban phtftfc cho loai ngtfdi va phan rang: Hay sanh san, them nhieu, lam cho day dSy dat?" Where is it written, 'God blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it?" , 8. Gia dlnh N6e 6" trong tau tat ca la bao nhieu ngay? How many days did Noah and his family stay in the ark? O ' 9. C6 bao nhieu loai ca dtfdc Noe dem vao t&u? How many kind offish did Noah bring into the ark? 10. 6 dau chep, "tam tanh loai ngtfdi vln xau xa tu* khi con tuoi tre"? Where is it written, "every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood" ? o 11. Ai la "to 7 phu c i a nhfing ke d£nh ddn va thoi sao"? Who was "the father of all who play the harp and flute " ? D 12.- O dau ch6p, "hi ngiiy nao hai ngtfdi an trai cay do, mat minh md ra, se nhtf Btfc Chua Trdi, biet dilu thien va dieu aV'? Where is it written, "when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" ? D CSu Goc Tu^n Trtftfc (Giang 8:12 / John 8:12)

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CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 1 to Sang the Ky 1 den 10

1. Cf dau ch6p, "Adam va vo\ ca hai deu tran tniong, ma chang ho then"? Where is it written, "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no


o 2. Luc nao "nguTcfi ta b i t dau cau khan danh Btfc Gie-ho-va"?

When did "men began to call on the name of the LORD"?

o 3. Chua "lam mtfa xuong mat dat" trong bao nhieu ngay den n6i lut 16i?

How many elavs did "God send rain on the earth " ?

o . " 4. CJ dau chcp, "Pham vat chi hanh dong va co sir song thi dung lam d6 an

cho cac ngtfcfi"? Where is it written, "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you" ?

a ; 5. Ai la ngufti bi Noe rua sa? tai sao?

Who was cursed bv Noah? and why?

a -6. Ai la ngtfdi "cong binh va trpn ven, dong di cung Btfc Chua Trol"?

Who was "a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God"?

o 7. 6" dau chep, "Btfc Chua Trol ban phtftfc cho loai ngtfdi va phan rang:

Hay sanh san, them nhieu, lam cho day dSy da t?" Where is it written, 'God blessed them and said to them: Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it?"

• , 8 . Gia dlnh N 6 e 6" trong tau tat ca la bao nhieu ngay?

How many days did Noah and his family stay in the ark?

O '

9. C6 bao nhieu loai ca dtfdc Noe dem vao t&u? How many kind offish did Noah bring into the ark?

• 10. 6 dau chep, "tam tanh loai ngtfdi v l n xau xa tu* khi con tuoi tre"?

Where is it written, "every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood" ?

o 11 . Ai la "to7 phu c i a nhfing ke d£nh ddn va thoi sao"?

Who was "the father of all who play the harp and flute " ?

D 12.- O dau ch6p, "hi ngiiy nao hai ngtfdi an trai cay do, mat minh md ra, se

nhtf Btfc Chua Trdi, biet dilu thien va dieu aV'? Where is it written, "when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" ?


CSu Goc Tu^n Trtftfc (Giang 8:12 / John 8:12)

T e n .


CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 2 tOr Sang the Ky 11 den 2 0

13. O dau chep, "Ta cung se chang diet thanh dau, vi tinh thtfdng mtfdi ngtfdi do"? Where is it written, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it" ?

o 14. Tai sao Chua "lam Ion xon tieng noi cua ca the gian"?

Why did the LORD "confused the language of the whole world"?

D_ 15. Ai la cha cua Apram?

Who was A brain's father9

• 16. O dau chcp, "Ha co dieu chi Btfc Gie-ho-va lam khong dtfdc chang"?

Where is it written, "Is anything too hard for the LORD" ?

D 17. Vtfa la vo", Sara con co lien he nhtf the nao nffa vdi Apraham?

How else is Sarah related to Abraham, beside being his wife?

• 18. O dau chep, "Ta se ban phtfdc cho ngtfdi nao chiic phtfdc ngtfdi, rua sa

ke nao rua sa ngtfdi; va cac chi toe ndi the'gian se nhd ngtfdi ma dtfdc phtfdc"? Where is it written "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I

will curse, and all people on earth will be blessed through you"?

a 19. O dau chep, 'Ta se lap giao tfdc cung ngtfdi, va cung hau ttf ngtfdi trai

qua cac ddi; ay la giao tfdc ddi ddi, hau cho Ta lam Btfc Chua Trdi ciia ngtfdi vacua dong doi ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "I will establish My covenant as an everlasting covenant

between Me and you and your descendants after you for the generation to

come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you" ? •

20. Ai la "thay te le cua Btfc Chua Trdi Chi Cao"? Who was "priest of God Most High " ?

o 21. Ai la anh cung cha kh£c me cua Ysac?

Who was the step brother of Isaac?

D 22. 6 dau chep, "Apram tin Btfc Gie-ho-va, thi Ngai ke stf do la cong binh

cho ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "Abram believed the LORD, and He credited to him as


D 23. Sarai cdn cd ten khac la gi? Ten do co nghla gi?

What was Sarai's other name? What was the meaning of that name?

CD 24. O dau chep, "Vi ca xtf nao ngtfdi thay, Ta se ban cho ngtfcfi va cho

dong doi ngtfdi ddi ddi"? Where is it written, All the land that you see, I will give to you and your

offspring forever" ?

Cau Goc Tuan Trtftfc (Giang 10:38 / John 10:38)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 3 ttiSangtheKy21 deri 30

25. O dau chep, "tieng noi thi cua Giacop, con hai tay lai cua Esau"? Where is it written, "the voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau"?

D 26. Apraham chon Sara, vd minh, d dau? T6'n kem het bao nhieu?

Where did Abraham buried Sarah, his wife? How much does it cost him for the land?

a 27. Ysac co lien he nhtf the nao vdi Aga?

How was Isaac related to Hagar?

D 28. 6 dau chep, "Hai nufdc hien d trong bung ngtfdi, va hai thtf dan se do

long ngtfdi ma ra; dan nay manh hdn dan kia, va dtfa ldn phai phuc dtfa

nho"? Where is it written, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within in will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger"?

D 29. Ysac xtfng Rebeca, vd minh, la gi?

How did Isaac regard Rebekah, his wife, as?

D 30. Dau hieu nao cho ngtfdi dily td cua Apraham biet rang Rebeca la ngtfdi

Chua chon cho Ysac? What sign did Abraham's servant realize that Rebekah was the one God chose to be Isaac's wife?

D 31, Bieu gi Esau lam ma gay n6n stf cay dang cho long cUa Ysac va

Rebeca? What did Esau do that causes grief to Isaac and Rebekah?


32. & dau chep, "Chinh Btfc Chua Trdi se sam sSn lay chien con dang

dung lam cua le thieu"? Where is it written, "God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering " ?

• 33. Xin lidt ke cac con cua Giacop theo thtf ttf tudi tac.

List all the children of Jacob according to their ages.

• 34. Theo ly luan cua Giacop, thi bay nam dai den bao nhieu?

According to Jacob, how long is seven years?

o 35. Tai sao Apraham dat ten cai giefng ong dao la BeeSeba?

Why did Abraham named the well he dug Beersheba?

• 36. O dau chep, "Nay, Ta d cung ngtfdi, ngtfdi di dau, se theo gin giff do,

va dem ngtfdi ve xtf nay; vi Ta khong bao gid bo ngtfdi cho den khi Ta

lam xong nhffng dieu Ta da htfa cung ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you " ?

• Cau Goc Tuan Tritfc (Thi thien 90:15 / Psalm 90:15)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 4 tif Sang the Ky 31 den 40

37. Ngtfdi nao nhd ngtfdi quan gia trong nha minh ma dtfdc Chua ban

phtfdc? Who received blessing from the Lord because of the slave who live in his house?

• 38. Giffa hai vi quan ttfu chanh va quan thtfdng thien thi quan nao dtfdc tha

con quan nao thi bi xtf tram? Between the chief cupbearer and the chief baker, who got his position restored and who got his head hang?

D 39. Xin cho biet ten mdi cua Giacop nghla la gi?

What does Jacob's new name mean?

D 40. 0 dau chep, "Ta la Btfc Chua Trdi toan nang; ngtfdi hay sanh san va

them nhieu; mot dan cho den nhieu dan deu se do ndi ngtfdi ma sanh,

cung cac vua se do ndi minh ngtfdi ma ra"? Where is it written, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body" ?

D_ 41. Ten cu cua Edom la gi?

What is Edom former name?

D 42. O dau chep, "The nao toi dam lam dieu dai ac dtfdng ay, ma pham toi

cung Btfc Chua Trdi sao?" Where is it written, "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God"?


43. Tai sao Giacop bao vd con cung tat ca moi ngtfdi theo ong, "Hay dep

cac ttfdng than ngoai bang khoi giffa cac ngtfdi, lam cho minh dtfdc

thanh sach va thay ao xong di"? Why did Jacob tell his household and all who were with him, "Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you, and purify yourselves and change your clothes"?

D 44. Giuda co lien he nhtf the nao doi vdi Pheret va Serach?

How does Judah relate to Perez and Zerah?

• 45. Giacop da d re tai nha Laban cau minh bao nhieu nam trtfdc khi trd ve

lai Canaan? How many years did Jacob stay and work for Laban before going back to Canaan?

• 46. Giosep dtfdc may tudi khi bi cac anh ban lam no le tai Aicap?

How old was Joseph when he was sold by his brothers to slavery in Egypt?

D 47. Simeon va Levi da lam gi de tra thu cho em gai minh la Bina?

What did Simeon and Levi did to revenge for their sister Dinah?

• 48. 0 dau chep, "Bong da nfly va cay tru nay lam chtfng rang cau chang

qua khoi day, di den ndi chau, va chau cung chang vtfdt khoi day, di

den ndi cau, trong khi co y muon lam hai nhau"? Where is it written, "This heap is a witness, and this pillar is a witness, that I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you and that you will not go past this heap and pillar to my side to harm me " ? •

CSu Goc Tuan Trutfc (Dan so Ky 32:18 / Numbers 32:18)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 5 ti/Sangthe'Ky41 den 50

49. Giacop qua ddi dtfdc chon tai dau? Con Giosep hie qua ddi thi dtfdc

chon tai dau? Where did they bury Jacob? And when Joseph died, where did they bury him?

D ; 50. 0 dau chep, "Neu bay con dat dtfa nay di khoi mat ta nffa, rui co dieu

lai hai chi xay den cho no, ttfc nhien bay se lam cho ke toe bac nay dau

long xot da ma xuong am phu"? Where is it written, "If you take this one from me too and harm comes to him, you will bring my gray head down to the grave in misery"?

o 51. Ai co ten la Xaphdnat Phaneach? Ten do nghta la gi? Cong trang cua

6ng doi vdi Pharaon la gi? Who is Zaphenath Paneah? What does it mean? What is his accomplishment to Pharaoh?

D 52. 0 dau chep, "Ay la Btfc Chua Trdi cua cac ngtfdi, ttfc Btfc Chua Trdi

cua cha cac ngtfdi, da ban vat qui vao bao"? Where is it written, "Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks" ?

D 53. Trong gia dinh cua Giacop, ai la ngtfdi hai Ian di xuong Aicap?

In Jacob's household, who twice came down to Egypt?

• 54. Chau dich ton cua Giacop la ai?

Who was Jacob's first grandson?

a 55. O dau chep, "vi vat tot nhat cua xtf Ediptd se ve phan cac ngtfdi"?

Where is it written, "the best of all Egypt will be yours" ?

56. Khi het tien thi ngtfdi lay nhffng thtf gi de mua do an tai Aicap? Het thtf

nay thi d6n thtf gi khac? When people ran out of money to buy food in Egypt, what did they use to bargain? Did they use anything else after the first bargain was over?

• 57. Tai sao dan Ediptd lai de cho dai gia dinh cua Giosep dtfdc dinh ctf tai

Gosen? Why did the Egyptians allow Joseph's relatives live in Goshen?

o 58. 6" dau chep, "Chanh Ta se xuong den do vdi ngtfdi, va chanh Ta cung

se d i n ngtfdi ve chang sai. Giosep se vuot mat ngtfdi nham lai"? Where is it written, "I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph's own hand will close your eyes" ?

• 59. Ttf khi Giacop qua ddi cho den ngay chon cat la bao nhieu ngay?

How many days between the day Jacob died to the day that he was buried?

D 60. 0 dau chep, "Cac anh toan hai toi, nhtfng Btfc Chua Trdi lai toan lam

dieu ich cho toi, hau cho ctfu stf song cho nhieu ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "You intended to harm me, but God intended for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives"? •

Cau Goc Tuan Trutfc (Giang 10:14 / John 10:14)





^ CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 6 tCr Xua't Edipto Ky 1 den 10

61. 0 dau chcp, "Chang co ai giong nhtf Gie-ho-va la Btfc Chua Trdi

chung toi"? Where is it written, "There is no one like the LORD our God"?

D 62. Xin cho biet cha cua Moise ten gi? Thuoc chi phai nao?

Who was Moses' father? To which tribe does he belong?

D 63. Loai ngtfdi goi Chua bang nhieu danh xtfng, nhtfng Chua ttf xtfng Ngai

la ai? Man called God by many names, but what name did God call Himself?

o 64. 0 dau chep, "Ta se d cung mieng ngtfdi va mieng anh ngtfdi, day cac

ngtfdi nhffng dieu gi phai lam"? Where is it written, "I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do"?

D 65. Khi nhffng tai va xay ra, bao nhieu Ian Pharaon da htfa cho dan stf di

nhtfng rdi lai ctfng long va ddi y dinh? During the plagues, how many times did Pharaoh promise to let the Israelites go but later change his mind?

D 66. Con trai Moise sanh ra d dau? Ten gi? Va ten ay co nghia gi?

Where was Moses' son born? What was his name and what was the meaning of the name?

a 67. 0 dau chep, "Kha giff minh dffng thay mat ta nffa, vi ngay nao ngtfdi

thay mat ta thi se chct"? Where is it written, "Make sure you do not appear before me again! The day you see my face you will die " ?

D ' _

68. Ten cua M6ise la ten Edipto hay la ten Hebdrd? Ten nay co nghia gi? What kind of name is Moses, is it Egyptian or Hebrews? What does that name mean?

• 69. Xin lift ke cac tai va theo thtf ttf da xay ra.

List all the plagues according to the order they happened.


70. 0 dau chep, "Ta da thay ro rang stf ctfc khd cua dSn Ta tai xtf Edipto,

va co nghe thau tieng keu reu vi cd ngtfdi doc cong cua no; phai, Ta

biet dtfdc noi dau ddn cua no"? Where is it written, "I have indeed seen the misery of My people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering" ?

• 7 1 . Trong cac tai va Chua dung tay Moise lam, co bao nhieu tai va cac

thuat si ngtfdi Edipto cd the bat chtfdc lam dtfdc? In all the plagues God performed through Moses, how many can the Egyptian magicians imitate?

• 72. 0 dau chep, "Nay, toi la mot ke vung mieng; dan Ysdraen chang co

nghe ldi toi, Pharaon ha se khtfng nghe ldi toi sao?" Where is it written, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips?"

• Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Hebdrd 11:6 / Hebrews 11:6)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 7 ttf Xuat Ediptd Ky 11 den 20

73. 0 dau chep, "Hdi Btfc Gie-hd-va! trong vdng cac than, ai gidng nhtf Ngai? Trong stf thanh khie't, ai dtfdc vinh hien nhtf Ngai?" Where is it written, "Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you, majestic in holiness?"

• 74. Ban stf lam gi vdi do an dtf con lai trong ll Vtfdt Qua?

What did the people do with the leftover of the Passover meal?

Q 75. Nhac gia cua Moise co de nghi gi de giup chia xe ganh nang cong viec

cua ong? What did Moses' father-in-law suggest to help lighten his workload?

• 76. 0 dau chep, "Pham ndi nao co ghi nhd danh Ta, Ta se den va ban

phtfdc cho ngtfdi tai do"? Where is it written, "Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you " ?

D 77. Trong 40 nam Chua nuoi dan stf bang thtf gi? Ten mdn do nghia la gi?

What did God use to feed the Israelites for 40 years? What does the name mean?

• 78. Lam the nao Moise co the cam gay cua Btfc Chua Trdi ma gid tay len

trdi ca ngay? Tai sao dng phai lam nhtf vay? How could Moses lift the staff of God in his hand all day long? What did he do that for?

o 79. 0 dau chep, "Neu cac ngtfdi vang ldi Ta va giff stf giao tfdc Ta, thi

trong muon dan, cac ngtfdi se thupc rieng ve Ta"? Where is it written, "If you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, then out of all nations you will be My treasured possession" ?

80. Tai sao Moise ddi hai cot cua Giosep theo minh ra khoi Ediptd? Why did Moses take the bones of Joseph with him out of Egypt?

• 81. Xin liet ke mtfdi dieu ran theo thtf ttf.

List the Ten Commandments.

82. 6 dau chep, "Trong vdng dan Ysdraen bat lu$n ngtfdi hay vat, hay vi Ta biet rieng ra thanh mpi con dau long; bdi con dau long thupc ve Ta"? Where is it written, "Consecrate to Me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to Me, whether man or animal" ?

o 83. Ban Ysdraen ti nan tai Edipto tat ca la bao nhieu nam?

How many years did the Israelites take refuge in Egypt?

• 84. 0 dau chep, "Neu ngtfdi cham chi nghe ldi Gie-h6-va Btfc Chua Trdi

ngtfdi, lam stf ngay thang trtfdc mat Ngai, lang tai nghe cac dieu ran va giff mpi luat le Ngai, thi Ta chang giang cho ngtfdi mot trong cac binh nao ma Ta da giang cho xtf Edipto"? Where is it written, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians"?

o C„u G6c Tuaii Trtfdc (Giang 12:24 / John 12:24)





CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 8 tCfXuat Edipto Ky 21 den 30

92. Xin liet ke nhffng vat lieu dung de che tao d l u thdm dung lam dau xtfc thanh. List all the ingredients used to make the sacred annointing oil.


85. 6 dau chep, "Ta se d giffa dan Ysdraen, lam Btfc Chua Trdi dan ay.

Dan ay se biet Ta la Gie-ho-va Btfc Chua Trdi cua chung no"? Where is it written, "Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the LORD their God" ?

D 86. Vien ao thanh cua thay t e l e Ardn dtfdc that mot vat gi xen ke nhffng

trai ltfu mau tim, do dieu, do sam? Tai sao? What object is woven between the pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe of the priest Aaron? Why?

D 87. Hau qua danh cho nhffng "ke nao mang cha hay me minh" la gi?

What must happen to "anyone who curses his father or mother"?

• 88. O dau chep, "hau cho trtfdc mat Btfc Gie-ho-va den chay luon ludn tff

toi cho den sang"? Where is it written, "keep the lamps burning before the LORD from evening till morning" ?

a 89. B3n stf phai lam gi vdi thit "bi thu rffng xe d ngoai dong"? Tai sao?

What do people do with the meat of an animal "torn by wild beasts" ? Why?

D 90. Hai vat gi dtfdc de vao trong ndi chi thanh cua den tam?

What are two things inside the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle?

CD 91. O dau chep, "Ngtfdi hay hau viec Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi ngtfdi;

Ngai se ban dn cho vat an uo'ng cua ngtfdi, va tieu trff cac binh hoan

giffa vdng ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "Worship the LORD your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness among you" ? a

93. Ba ky l l trong the nao trong nam ma "cac ngtfdi nam phai den trtfdc

mat Chua"? What are three major Feast during the year that "all the men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD" ?

• 94. Neu mot ngtfdi toi mpi khdng mudn dtfdc ttf do, thi ngtfdi chu phai lam

gi de lam bang chtfng rang ngtfdi ay mudn "hau viec ngtfdi chu do trpn ddi"? If a servant doesn't want to go free, then what must his master do to him to signify that "he will be his servant for life " ?

• 95. Trong budi l l thiet lap cac thay te l l , huyet dung de "bdi cac stfng cua

ban thd va do khap dtfdi chan ban thd" la huyet bo td dtfc hay la huyet

chien dtfc? For the consecration of the priests, which kind of blood is used to "put on the horns of the altar and pour out at the base of the altar", the bull's or the ram's?

D 96. O dau chep, "Cua hdi Id lam md m<it ngtfdi thtfdng tri, va lam mat

duyen do cua ke cong binh"? Where is it written, "A bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous" ?

• Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Philip 2:3 / Philippians 2:3)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 9 taXuat Edipto Ky 31 den 40

97. 6 dau chep, "Mpi ngtfdi co long cam dong, va mpi ngtfdi cd long thanh, deu dem le vat den dang cho Btfc Gie-ho-va"? Where is it written, "Everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the LORD"?

D 98. Ban thd xong htfdng va ban thd cua l l thidu dtfdc xay theo hinh the gi?

What is the shape of the altar of incense and the altar of burnt offering?

o 99. Moise lam gi vdi bo con ma Ardn da due?

What did Moses do with the calf that Aaron had made? • 100. 6 dau chep, "Cac con trtfdng nam [dau long] deu thupc ve Ta"?

Where is it written, "The first offspring of every womb belongs to Me"?

o 101. Ben tarn dtfdc khanh thanh vao luc nao?

When did Moses set up the tabernacle?

o 102. Hai ngtfdi nao dtfdc Chua ban cho an ttf dac biet de che' tao va xay cat

nhffng vat dung trong den thd va bp ao thay te l l? Who were the two men that God gave special talent to design and build all the articles in the tabernacle and the priestly garments?

D 103.0 dau chep, "Oi! Ban stf nay cd pham mot toi trong, lam cho minh cac

than bang vang; nhtfng bay gid xin Chua tha toi cho ho! Bang khong, hay xda ten toi khoi sach Ngai da chep di"? Where is it written, "Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! But now, please forgive their sin - but if not, then blot me out of the book You have written"?

104. Lam sao dan stf biet luc nao thi d, luc nao thi can phai don di? How do the Israelites know when to stay and when to set out?

• 105. Moise dtfng mot cai trai ngoai trai quan, goi la hdi mac, de lam gi?

Why did Moses pitch a tent outside the camp, calling it the tent of meeting?

• 106. Tai sao Moise truyen linh "cam dan stf khdng cho dem den chi them

nffa hest" khi ho dang hien cho viec xay dtfng den tarn? Why did Moses gave an order that "no man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary" ?

• 107. Moise da nhan "hai bang chtfng bang da, bdi ngdn tay Btfc Chua Trdi

viet ra" d dau? Where did Moses receive "the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God" ? • .

108.0 dau chep, "Ngtfdi se chang thay dtfdc mat Ta, vi khdng ai thay mat Ta ma con song"? Where is it written, "You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live" ?

Cau Goc Tuan Trtftfc (Giang 14:6 / John 14:6)





CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 10 tOf Levi Ky 1 den 10

1 0 9 . 6 dau chep, "Ngtfdi chang nen an md hay la huyet"? Where is it written, "You must not eat any fat or any blood"?

D 110. Le phong chtfc te le cho Ardn va cac con trai ngtfdi keo dai bao nhieu

ngay? How many days did the ordination for Aaron and his sons last?

• _____ 111. Bieu kicn nao danh cho tat ca nhffng con sinh te trong cac cua l l ?

What is the requirement for all the animals being offerred?

o 112. Tai sao cac thay te l l khdng dtfdc udng rtfdu hay vat chi cd tanh say d

trong hoi mac? Why can't the priests drink wine or other fermented drink in the tent of meeting ?

• 113. Theo luat phap cua Moise ve cua l l chay, "mudi la dau hieu" ve gi?

According to the law of Moses regarding the grain offering, what does salt signify?

D 114. Cua l l chupc toi cho mot quan trtfdng vi lam Id pham tpi la gi? Con

cua l l chupc tpi cho mot ngtfdi trong dan stf vi lam Id pham tpi la gi? What is the offering when a leader sin unintentionally? And what is the offering when a member of the community sin unintentionally?

• . 1 1 5 . 0 dau chep, "Ta se nhd nhffng ke lai gan Ta ma dtfdc tdn thanh va

dtfdc vinh hicn trtfdc mat ca dan stf"? Where is it written, "Among those who approach Me, I will show Myself holy; in the sight of all the people, 1 will be honored" ?

1 1 6 . 6 dau chep, "Pham ai an mot thtf huyet nao se bi truat khoi dan stf

minh"? Where is it written, "If anyone eats blood, that person must be cut off from his people"?

• 117. Xin liet ke nhffng cua l l khac nhau trong Levi Ky.

List all the different offerings in Leviticus. •

118. Xin liet ke ten cac ngtfdi con cua thay te l ! Ardn. List all the sons of the priest Aaron.

• 119. Phan nao trong cua l l thu an thupc ve thay te l l ?

Which part of the fellowship offering is the share of the priests?

• 120. Ai vtfa mdi bat dau hanh nghe da chet vi tai nan nghe nghiep?

Who suffered the job-related death on the first day of their job?


Cau G6c Tuan Trtfdc (Giang 15:5 / John 15:5)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 11 ttf Levi Ky 11 den 20

121. Theo luat phap Moise, khi trong cay an trai thi den nam thtf may thi

mdi dtfdc Sn? According to the law of Moses, how many years before you can eat the fruits of the fruit tree you planted?

• _______ 122. Con trai sanh ra den ngay thtf may thi mdi lam phep cat bi?

The boy is to be circumcised on what day after birth?

• __ 1 2 3 . 0 dau chep, "Vay con de dtfc do se ganh tren minh cac tpi ac cua dan

Ysdraen ra ndi hoang dia"? Where is it written, "The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a solitary place " ?

• 1 2 4 . 0 dau chep, "Bdi cung Ta cac ngtfdi hay nen thanh, vi Ta, Btfc Gie-

hd-va, la thanh; Ta da phan re cac ngtfdi vdi cac dan, de cac ngtfdi

thupc ve Ta"? Where is it written, "You are to be holy to Me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be My own"?

a 1 2 5 . 0 dau chep, "Trtfdc mat ngtfdi tdc bac, ngtfdi hay dtfng day, kinh

ngtfdi gia ca, va kinh sd Btfc Chua Trdi ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God" ?

D__ 126. Theo luat phap Moise, neu "mot ngtfdi nao dau rung tdc" thi dtfdc ke

la thanh sach hay khdng thanh sach? According to the law of Moses, if "a man has lost his hair" then he is considered clean or unclean ? •

1 2 7 . 0 dau chep, "Vay hay giff luat phap va mang linh Ta, ngtfdi nao lam

theo, thi se nhd do ma dtfdc song"? Where is it written, "Keep My decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them " ?

• 128. Ngay Bai l l Chupc tpi dtfdc dinh vao ngay may thang may?

The Day of Atonement was set on what day and what month?

• Dtfa theo luat an udng cua dSn Bothai, xin cho biet cac con vat sau day, con nao la vat khdng thanh sach khdng dtfdc an, va cho biet ly do.

Which of the animals below are unclean, according to Moses' law, and why?

129. con ltfdn hay con torn hum eel or lobster

• 130. con cho hay con bd

dog or cow

o 131. con vit hay chim cut

duck or quail • 132. con dc hay chau chau

snail or grasshopper


Cau Goc Tuaii Trtfdc (Epheso 4:30 / Ephesians 4:30)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 12 ttf Levi Ky 21 d£n Dan so Ky 3

1 3 3 . 6 dau chep, "Ta se khien trdi cac ngtfdi ctfng nhtf sat va dat trd nhtf

dong"? Where is it written, "I will. . . make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze " ?

Q 134. Theo thong ke tu bp thi cd bao nhieu ngtfdi tren 20 tudi thupc con chau

Giosep? Based on the census, how many men 20 years or older are from the descendant of Joseph?

Q 135. Liet ke nhffng hang ngtfdi nao thay t e l l khdng dtfdc ctfdi lam vd.

List the kinds of woman a priest cannot marry.

• ____ 136. 0 dau chep, "Bffng lam 6 danh thanh Ta, thi Ta se dtfdc ton thanh giffa

dan Ysdraen"? Where is it written, "Do not profane My holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy by the Israelites " ?

• 137. Ba nao cd chong la ngtfdi Ediptd, sanh ra dtfa con hay danh lpn va rua

sa pham den danh Btfc Gie-hd-va? Who married an Egyptian and had a blaspheming son who caused a fight?

• 138. L l Vtfdt Qua dtfdc ky niem vao ngay may thang may?

The Passover will be celebrated on what date and what month?

• 1 3 9 . 0 dau chep, "Nam thtf sau, Ta se gi^ng phtfdc cho cac ngtfdi, va nam

ay se tning mua bu ba nam"? Where is it written, "I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years" ?


140. Theo lich trinh cua ngtfdi Bothai thi mdi may nam thi co nam Sabat?

may nam thi cd nam han hi? According to the Jewish calendar, how many years passed before the Sabbath year? how many years passed before the Year of Jubilee?

• 141. Levi co bao nhieu dtfa con? Btfa nao cung hau ttf no dtfdc chon de san

soc ndi thanh? How many children does Levi have? Which one and his clans were chosen to take care of the sanctuary?

• 142. Liet ke cac ngay l l trong the ma Moise truyen cho dan stf.

List all the appointed feasts that Moses announced to the Israelites.

143. Cd bao nhieu con trtfdng nam cua dan Ysdraen ttf mot thang sap len da dtfdc Moise ke so can dtfdc chupc lai bdi chi phai Levi? How many firstborn Israelite males who are a month or older are counted by

Moses to be redeemed by the Levites?

D. 1 4 4 . 0 dau chep, "Ta se lap chd d Ta giffa cac ngtfdi, tam hdn Ta khdng he

ghe gdm cac ngtfdi dau"? Where is it written, "I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you"? •

Bonus: Sap dat thtf ttf ve stf dong trai cua 12 chi phai. (3 diem)

I J Set up tribal


around the ark

,,.i,.s,.W.%XV ' . " ' . " ' ' . • ' . • ' . " ' . • ' J



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 13 tCf Dan so Ky 4 den 13

153. Lam the nao ngtfdi chdng cd the biet vd minh cd ngoai tinh hay khdng? How does a man test to see if his wife is unfaithful or not?

145. 0 dau chop, "Tay cua Btfc Gie-hd-va hi da van lai sao?" Where is it written, "Is the LORD's arm too short?"

• 146. Chi phai Giuda gdi ai di lam tham ttf xtf Canaan?

Who did the tribe of Judah send to spy in the land of Canaan?

a 147. Trong mpi ngtfdi tren the gian, Moise dtfdc ke la ngtfdi nhtf the' nao?

Compare to everyone on the face of the earth, what kind a man was Moses?

• •J , v

1 4 8 . 0 dau chep, "Cau xin Btfc Gie-hd-va doai xem ngtfdi va ban binh an

cho ngtfdi!"? Where is it written, "The LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace!" ?

• 149. Ngtfdi Naxire la ngtfdi co nhffng ldi htfa nguyen nao vdi Chua?

As a Nazirite, you made a vow to God not to do what? o

154. Ngtfdi Levi dtfdc Chua dinh cho lam tdi may tudi thi nghi ve htfu? At what age does the Levite retire from the service?

• 155. Cd bao nhieu ngtfdi con chau Kehat, iff ba mtfdi cho ddn nam mtfdi

tudi, dtfdc M6ise va Ardn ke so de giup trong hdi mac? How many Kohathites men, from thirty to fifty years of age, had been counted to serve in the Tent of Meeting by Moses and Aaron?

o 1 5 6 . 0 dau chep, "Ta da chon lay ho ve Ta the cho het thay con dau long

cua dan Ysdraen"? Where is it written, "I have taken them as my own in place of the firstborn, the first male offspring from every Israelite woman"? •

150. Ech-cdn nghia la gi? What does Eshcol mean?

• 1 5 1 . 0 dau chep, "Neu anh di cung chiing tdi, thi chung toi se lam cho anh

htfdng dn lanh ma Btfc Gie-hd-va se lam cho chung tdi"? Where is it written, "If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the LORD gives us"?

o 152. Nhffng dip nao thi hai cai loa bac dtfdc xtf dung?

What are the occasions to use the silver trumpets?


Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Giang 8:32 / John 8:32)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 14 ttiDansdKy 14 den 23

1 5 7 . 0 dau chcp, "Bdi vi hai ngtfdi khdng cd tin den Ta, dang ton Ta nen

thanh trtfdc mat dan Ysdraen, vi cd do, hai ngtfdi se khong dem hdi

chung nay vao xtf ma Ta da cho no dau"? Where is it written, "Because you did not trust in Me enough to honor Me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them"?

D 158. Tien tri nao ndi chuyen vdi lffa?

Which prophet had a conversation with a donkey?

a 159. Chua khong cho Aron mot phan dat nao trong xtf lam cd nghiep,

nhtfng Ngai cho dng dieu gi? God did not give Aron any land as inheritance, but what did He give Aron?

• 1 6 0 . 0 dau chcp, "Nhd dieu nay cac ngtfdi se biet rang Btfc Gie-hd-va cd

sai ta dang lam cac dieu nay, va ta chang lam stf chi ttf ta"? Where is it written, "This is how you will know that the LORD has sent me to do all these things and that it was not my idea " ?

• 161. Bang cd nao chtfng to Aron dtfdc Chua chon lam thay t e l e ?

What evidence to show that God has chosen Aron to be the priest?

D 162. Nhdm ngtfdi nao phan loan vdi Moise? Vi duyen cd nao?

Who rose up against Moses? For what reason?

• . 1 6 3 . 0 dau chep, "Chang ai ma da khinh Ta se thay xtf do dau!"?

Where is it written, "No one who has treated Me with contempt will ever see it" ?


1 6 4 . 6 dau chep, "Linh hdn chung tdi da ghe gdm thtf do an dam bac nay"? Where is it written, "We detest this miserable food" ?

• 165. Tai sao ngtfdi Bothai phai lam mot cai tua ndi cheo &o minh?

Why did the Jews have to make tassels on the corners of their garment?

o 1 6 6 . 6 dau chep, "Ngtfdi cong chinh thac the nao, tdi nguyen thac the ay;

Cudi cung ngtfdi nghia lam sao, tdi nguyen cudi cung tdi lam vay"? Where is it written, "Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my end be

like theirs"?

o 167. Thudc tri r3n ltfa can la gi, theo bac si Moise?

What did Moses use to cure venomous snake bites?

a 168. 0 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-ho-va von cham ndng gian va day dn; hay xa

dieu gian ac va tpi ldi; nhtfng khdng ke ke cd tdi la vd tdi, va nhdn tdi

td phu phat con chau trai ba bdn ddi"? Where is it written, "The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punished the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation " ?

• Cau Goc Tuan Trtftfc (Luca 6:27-28 / Luke 6:27-28)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 15 ttf Dan so Ky 24 den 33

1 6 9 . 0 dau chep, "Chung tdi khdng trd ve nha chung tdi trtfdc khi mpi ngtfdi trong dan Ysdraen chtfa lanh dtfdc san nghiep minh"? Where is it written, "We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his inheritance" ?

• 170. Me cua Moise ten gi? Thupc chi phai nao?

What is the name of Moses' mother? To what tribe does she belong?

D 1 7 1 . 0 dau chep, "Phtfdc cho ke nao chuc phtfdc ngtfdi, rua sa ke nao rua

sa ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed!" ?

a 172. Co bao nhieu ngtfdi phai chet vi dan Ysdraen thong dam cung con gai

Moap? How many people have to die because the Israelite men indulged in sexual immorality with Moabite women?

D 173. Theo thong ke tu bp Ian thtf nhi, thi co bao nhieu ngtfdi tren 20 tudi

thupc con chau Giosep? Base on the second census, how many men 20 years and older are from the descendant of Joseph?

D. . 1 7 4 . 0 dau chep, "Xin Ngai lap tren hdi chting mot ngtfdi de vao ra trtfdc

mat chung no, khien chung no ra vao, hau cho hdi chung cua Btfc Gie-

hd-va chd nhtf con chien khdng ngtfdi chan"? Where is it written, "Appoint a man over this community to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD'S people will not be like sheep without a shepherd" ? a

175. Btfa theo hoi k5> cua Moise, xin cho biet dia diem ddng trai cudi cung

cua dan Ysdraen trtfdc khi di qua giffa bien? According to Moses' record, where is the last camp site of the Israelite before they passed through the sea?

• 176. Xin cho biet luat ve san nghiep cua mot ngtfdi chet khdng cd con trai?

Chet tuy$t ttf? Chet khong cd anh em? What happen to the inheritance of a man died without son? Without children? Without brothers?

a 1 7 7 . 6 dau chep, "Tdi phai ndi dieu chi Btfc Gie-hd-va se phan!"?

Where is it written, "I must say only what the LORD says"?

• 178. Thay te le Ardn qua ddi tai dau? Luc nao? Htfdng thp dtfdc bao nhieu?

Where did Aaron die? When? How old was he when he died?

• 1 7 9 . 0 dau chep, "Khi mdt ngtfdi nao cd htfa nguyen cung Btfc Gie-hd-va,

hoac phat the bupc lay long minh phai giff mot stf gi, thi chd nen that tin. Mpi ldi ra khoi mieng ngtfdi, ngtfdi phai lam theo"? Where is it written, "When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said"?

a 180. Lam sao de mot ngtfdi nff co the khdng ciln giff ldi htfa nguyen cua

minh vdi Btfc Gie-ho-va? How can a woman get out of her vows to the LORD?

D Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Giang 20:31 / John 20:31)




(CO)!?? CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN #16 ^-"^V. ttf Dan so Ky 34 den Phuc truyen 7

181.6 dau chcp, "Ban nay la mot dan khdn ngoan va thong sang khong hai!"? Where is it written, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people"?

• 182. Moise dung nhffng tieu chuan nao de chpn nhffng quan trtfdng dan stf?

What are the requirements Moses choose to appoint leaders over the people?

o 183. Ngtfdi nao nam gitfdng bang sat, be dai chin thtfdc, be ngang bdn

thtfdc? Who slept in an iron bed thirteen feet long and six feet wide?

184 .0 dau chep, "Hdi Ysdraen! Hay nghe: Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi chung ta la Gie-ho-va co mot khdng hai"? Where is it written, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one"?

• 185. Ngtfdi nao dtfdc chpn de dtfng ra chia san nghiep cho chi phai Sabuldn?

Who was chosen to assign the inheritance for the tribe ofZebulun?

o 186. Ban stf phai de ra bao nhieu thanh de lam thanh an nau? Ten cac

thanh d phia ddng song Giodanh la gi? How many cities of refuge the Israelite suppose to set aside? Name the cities east of the Jordan river.

• 1 8 7 . 0 dau chep, "Trong viec xet doan, cac ngtfdi chd ttf vi ai; hay nghe

ngtfdi hen nhtf nghe ngtfdi sang, dffng cd sd ai, vi stf xet doan thudc ve

Btfc Chua Trdi"? Where is it written, "Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of any man, for judgment belongs to God" ?

188. Liet ke mtfdi dieu ran Moise truyen lai cho dan stf. List the Ten Commandments that Moses had spoken to the people

189. Tai sao cd luat cam con gai lay chdng ngoai chi phai cua minh? Why was there a law allow the daughter must only marry someone in her tribe?

• ________ 1 9 0 . 6 dau chep, " 6 do ngtfdi se tim cau Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi ngtfdi,

va khi nao het long het y tim cau Ngai thi mdi gap"? Where is it written, "But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart and with all your soul" ?

• 191. Btfa theo ban do thi dau la ranh gidi ve phia tay cuaxtf Canaan ma

Chua da htfa ban cho dan Ysdraen? According to the map, where is the western boundary of Canaan, the land that God has given to the Israelites?

• 1 9 2 . 0 dau chep, "Tren trdi dtfdi dat ha cd than nao lam dtfdc viec va cong

stf quyen nang gidng nhtf cua Chua chang?" Where is it written, "For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works You do ? "


Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Cham ngon 18:24 - BDY / Proverbs 18:24)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 17 ttf Phuc truyen Luat l§ Ky 8 den 17

1 9 3 . 0 dau chep, "Ngtfdi ta ch^ng ndn di tay khdng ra m^t Btfc Gi6-hd-va.

Moi ngtfdi se dang tuy theo cua minh cd, tuy theo phtfdc ma Gid-hd-va

Btfc Chua Trdi ngtfdi ban cho ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you " ?

D 194. Trong bdn mtfdi nam, dan stf diing do gi ma "khdng htf mdn"?

In forty years, what thing did the Israelites use that "did not wear out" ? a 195. Xin liet ke ba dieu ma mot vi vua cua Ysdraen khong dtfdc lam.

List three things that a king in Israel must not do.

o 1 9 6 . 0 dau chep, "Ay la mot xtf Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi ngtfdi san sdc,

mi£t Ngai hang doai xem no ttf dau nam den cudi"? Where is it written, "It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the

LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end" ?

D Btfa theo luat an udng ctfa dan Bothai, xin cho biet cac con vat sau day,

con nao la vat khong thanh sach khdng dtfdc an, va cho bidt iy do.

Which of the animals below are unclean, according to Moses' law, and why?

197. con cua hay con so

crab or clam o 198. con chien hay con dd con

lamb or young goat •

199.Cf dau chep, "loai ngtfdi sdng chlng phdi nhd b inh ma thdi, nhtfng loai ngtfdi sdng nhd mpi ldi bdi mieng Btfc Gie-hd-va ma ra"? Where is it written, "man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD"?

• 200. Tai sao Moise khuyen dan stf khdng nen "bo be ngtfdi Levi d trong

thanh ngtfdi"? Why did Moses command the Israelites to "not neglect the Levites living in their town"?

o 2 0 1 . 0 dau chep, "cua hdi Id lam cho mu mat ke khdn ngoan, va lam rd'i ldi

cua ngtfdi c6ng binh"? Where is it written, "Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous" ?

• 202. Mdise kieng an va cau nguyen cho dan stf trong bao nhieu ngay "vi

[ho] lam dff, pham tdi trong trtfdc mat Btfc Gie-hd-va"? How long did Moses fast and pray for the people "because of all the sins [they] had committed, doing what was evil in the LORD'S sight" ?

o 203. Hai hdn nui nao dtfdc dung de rao stf chtfc lanh va chiic dff?

Which two mountains are used to proclaim blessings or curses?

• . 2 0 4 . 0 dau chep, "Cac ngtfdi kha can than lam theo mpi dieu Ta dan bieu

cac ngtfdi: chd them hay la bdt chi hdt"? Where is it written, "See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it"?

• C a u G 6 c T u l n Trtfdc (Kha i h u y e n 3:17 / Revelation 3:17)

• ______



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 18 ttf Phuc truyen Luat le Ky 18 de'n 27

2 0 5 . 6 dau chep, "Bang rua sa thay ngtfdi nao lam cho ke mu lac dtfdng!"? Where is it written, "Cursed is the man who leads the blind astray on the road" ?

Q 206. Ngtfdi mang tieng "ke bi lot giay" la ngtfdi nhtf the' nao?

What kind of a person who has the reputation of being "The Unsandaled" ?

a 207. Cha me phai lam gi vdi mot dtfa con "kho day va bpi nghich"?

What could a parent do with "a stubborn and rebellious son" ?

2 1 1 . 0 dau chep, "Khi moi ngtfdi da htfa cung Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi

ngtfdi mot stf htfa nguyen lac y, thi kha can than lam trpn ldi ra khoi

mieng minh do"? Where is it written, "Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the LORD your God with your own mouth"?

• 212. Tai sao khdng nen phat danh don mot ngtfdi hdn bdn chuc heo?

Why should we not flog someone more than forty lashes?

o 213. Nhffng ngtfdi nao dtfdc mien quan dich; dtfdc cac quan trtfdng cho phep

ve nha, khdng can ra chien tran? What kinds of person got waived from going to war and got permission from the officers to go home? a

a 2 0 8 . 0 dau chep, "Ngtfdi phai d trpn ven vdi Gie-ho-va Btfc Chua Trdi

ngtfdi"? Where is it written, "You must be blameless before the LORD your God" ?

D 209. Sau dan tdc nao Chua ra lenh cho dan Ysdraen phai tan diet, khong de

cho mot ai sdng sot? Tai sao? Which are the six nations that God has commanded the Israelites to completely destroy and leave no one alive? Why?


210. Tai sao "ngtfdi nff khong phep mac quan ao cua ngtfdi nam, va ngtfdi nam chang dtfdc mac quan ao cua ngtfdi nff"? Why "a woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's

D clothing"?

214. Thdi gian trang mat cua mot ngtfdi mdi ctfdi vd la bao lau? How long is the honeymoon period for a recently married man?

• 215. Tien tri "cd long kieu ngao, nhdn danh [Chua] noi dieu [Chua] khdng

bieu noi" thi se gap hau qua nhtf the nao? What will happen to the prophet "who presumes to speak in [God's] name anything [God] have not commanded him to say" ?

a 216. Nhffng dan tdc nao khdng bao gid dtfdc phep vao hdi Btfc Gie-hd-va?

Which nations will never be allowed to enter the assembly of the LORD?

D Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (II Stf Ky 7:14 / // Chronicles 7:14)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 19 ttf Phuc truyen 28 deYi Giosue 3

2 1 7 . 6 dau chep, "Vi ldi nay rat gan ngtfdi, d trong mieng ngtfdi va trong

long ngtfdi, de ngtfdi lam theo no"? Where is it written, "The word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it" ?

a 218. Ban dtfdc vi sanh nhtf con vat gi trong ldi chuc cua Moise?

What kind of animal was Dan compared to in the blessing of Moses?

• 219. Giosue dtfdc menh danh la tdi td cua Moise, vay con Moise la toi td

cua ai.' Joshua was regarded as Moses'aide (or servant), then whom was Moses servant of?

• 2 2 0 . 0 dau chep, "Bay gid, hay xem Ta la Btfc Chua Trdi, ngoai Ta chang

co Btfc Chua Trdi nao khac"? Where is it written, "See now that I Myself am He! There is no god besides Me" ?

D 221. "Hoa qua cua than the" la gi?

What is "the fruit of the womb"?

• 222. Moise dung hai dieu gi de lam chtfng rang dng da dat trtfdc mat dan stf

"stf sdng va stf chet, stf phtfdc lanh va stf rua sa"? What did Moses call to be witness against the people that he has set before them "life and death, blessing and curses"?

• 2 2 3 . 0 dau chep, "Ngtfdi se dtfdc phtfdc trong khi di ra, va se dtfdc phtfdc

trong khi vao"? Where is it written, "You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out"? a

224. Chiia keu Moise chep mot bai ca va day cho dSn Ysdraen de lam gi? Why did God ask Moses to write down a song and teach it to the Israelites?

o 2 2 5 . 6 dau chep, "Quyen sach luat phap nay chd xa mieng ngtfdi, hay suy

g l m ngay va dem, hau cho can than lam theo mpi dieu da chep d trong;

vi nhtf vay ngtfdi mdi dtfdc may man trong con dtfdng minh, va mdi dtfdc

phtfdc"? Where is it written, "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

a 226. Khi vtfdt qua sdng Giddanh, khoang each giffa dan stf va hdm giao tfdc

la bao nhieu? Tai sao? How far of a distance between the people and the ark when they cross the Jordan river? Why?

a 227. Moise qua ddi tai dau? Bo ai chon cS't? Va htfdng thp dtfdc bao nhieu

tudi? Where did Moses die? Buried by whom? And how old was he when he died?

D 2 2 8 . 0 dau chep, "Nhffng stf bi mat thupc ve Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi

chung ta"? Where is it written, "The secret things belong the LORD our God"?

a Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (II Timothe 1:5/7/ Timothy 1:5)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 20 ttf Gi6su§ 4 den 13

2 2 9 . 0 dau chep, "Pham ai chdi len xay lai thanh Giericd nay se bi rua sa

trtfdc mat Btfc Gie-ho-va! Bat nen nd lai, taft con trtfdng nam minh phai

chet; dtfng ctfa nd lai, tat con ut minh phai chet"? Where is it written, "Cursed before the LORD is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of his firstborn son will he lay its foundation; at the cost of his youngest will he set up its gates" ?

D 230. Phep la nao Chua da lam dd giup cho Giosue thang tran g i n Gabadn?

What miracle did God perform to help Joshua at the Gibeon battle?

• 231. Liet ke nhffng chi ph&i nhan s£n nghiep d phia ddng sdng Giddanh.

List the tribes that received their inheritance on the east side of Jordan river.

• 2 3 2 . 0 dau chep, "Phai, tdi da pham tdi cung Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi cua


Where is it written, "It is true! I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel."

a 233. Mtfdi hai hdn da dtfdc dtfng tai Ghinhganh nghia la gi?

What is the meaning of the twelve stones at Gilgal?

D 234. Bao nhieu vua bi Moise danh bai? Bao nhidu vua bi Gidsue danh bai?

How many kings were defeated by Moses? How many by Joshua?

D 2 3 5 . 6 dau chep, "Hau cho cdc dan tdc the'gian bid't r ing tay cua Btfc Gie-

hd-va la rat manh, va cho c£c ngtfdi kinh sd Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi

cac ngtfdi ludn ludn"? Where is it written, "He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God"?


236. Ban stf phai di vdng quanh thanh Giericd bao nhieu Ian trtfdc khi v£ch

thanh nga sSp? How many times does the Israelites have to go around Jericho before its wall collapsed?

o 237. Ban Gabadn dung mtfu ke'gi dd ke't tfdc cung dan Ysdraen? H£u qua

cua vide gat gam ho lam la gi?

What scheme did the Gibeonites use to trick the Israelites to make a treaty with them? What is the consequence of their deception?


238. d dau chep, "Gid-hd-va Btfc Chtfa Trdi cua Ysdradn chinh chi£n cho

Ysdraen"? Where is it written, "The LORD, the God of Israel, fought for Israel"?

• 239. B e n luc nao thi Chtia ngtfhg khdng cung cap banh mana cho d§n stf an

ntfa? When did God stop supply manna for the people to eat?

D. 2 4 0 . 6 dau chep, "Hay 16t giay khoi chan ngtfdi, vi ndi ngtfdi dtfng la thanh"?

Where is it written, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy" ?

D C 3 u G 6 c T u a n Trtfdc (I S a m u e n l :27-28a 11 Samuel 1:27-28a)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 21 ttf Giosue 14de'n 23

248. "Bieu ran va luat phap ma Moise da truyen" la gi, dtfa theo stf nhac nhd cua Giosue cho cac chi phai trd ve phia dong song Giddanh? What are "the commandment and the law that Moses gave", according to Joshua's reminder to the returning tribes to the east of the Jordan river?

• 2 4 1 . 6 dau chep, "Qua that dat ma chan ngtfdi da dap dSn se thudc ve ngtfdi

va con chau ngtfdi lam san nghiep ddi ddi; vi ngtfdi trung thanh da vang

theo Gie-ho-va Btfc Chua Trdi ta"? Where is it written, "The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly"?

O 242. Vd cua Otnien la ai? 6 n g phai lam gi de lay dtfdc vd?

Who is Othniel's wife? What must he do to marry her?

• 243. BSn nao ngtfdi Epraim khong dudi ra ma cho d chung trong dia phan?

Which people did the Ephraimites not dislodge out of their territory?

a. 2 4 4 . 0 dau chep, "Cac ngtfdi Ian ltfa cho den chtfng nao, khong di chie'm xtf

ma Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi cua td phu cac ngtfdi ban cho cac ngtfdi?" Where is it written, "How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?"

o 245. Chi phai nao co dtf dat va chia cho chi phai Simeon lam san nghiep?

Which tribe has more land to give to the Simeonites as inheritance?

• 246. Hang ngtfdi nao cd thd tru ngu trong cac thanh an nau?

What kind of person can stay in the cities of refuge?

D. 2 4 7 . 0 dau chep, "Trong cac ldi lanh ma Btfc Gie-hd-va da phan cho nha

Ysdraen, chang cd mot ldi nao la khdng thanh."? Where is it written, "Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed." ?


249.Cf dau chep, " H i c&c ldi lanh ma Gie-hd-va Btfc Chua Trdi cac ngtfdi

da phan dtfdc tfng nghiem cho cac ngtfdi the nao, thi Btfc Gie-hd-va

cung se lam tfng nghiem nhffng ldi ham dpa cua Ngai tren cac ngtfdi

the ay."? Where is it written, "Just as every good promise of the LORD your God has come true, so the LORD will bring on you all the evil He has threatened" ?

• 250. Ai den tam mtfdi lam tudi ma vSn con manh khde nhtf luc bd'n mtfdi?

Who, when he is eighty five years old, just as strong as when he was forty?

• 251. Xin cho biet dia danh ndi ma Giosue xin lam san nghiep la d dau?

Where is the location of the place that Joshua asked to be his inheritance?

• 252. 0 dau chep, "Chung tdi ngay nay quyet khong co y phan nghich cung

Btfc Gie-hd-va va 11a bd Ngai."? Where is it written, "Far be it from us to rebel against the LORD and turn away from Him today." ?

O Cau Goc Tuan Trtfdc (Giosue 24:15 / Joshua 24:15)



CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 22 ttf Giosue 24 d£n Cac Quan Xet 9

253. Ai ndi cau, "Ta chang quan tri c i c ngtfdi, con trai ta cung khdng quan tri

cdc ngtfdi dau; Btfc Gie-hd-va se quan tri cdc ngtfdi"? Who has said, "I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you " ?

D , 254. Vi lanh dao tai ba nao da htfdng dan ca dan stf "phuc stf Btfc Gie-ho-

va trpn luc sanh tien cua [ngtfdi]"? Who was the great leader that has led the Israelites "served the LORD throughout [his] lifetime " ?

D 255. Vua Abimelec bang ha nhtf the nao?

How did king Abimelech die?

• 256. d dau chep, "Rdi mot ddi khdc ndi len, chang biet Btfc Gie-hd-va,

cung chang biet cac dieu Ngai da lam nhdn vi Ysdraen"? Where is it written, "Another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what He had done for Israel" ?

D 257. Bong ho ngtfdi nao la ngheo hdn het trong chi phai Manase?

Whose clan is the weakest in Manaseh tribe?

D 258. Vi quan xet dau tien Chua d£y len de giai ctfu dan stf la ai?

Who was the first judge God raised up to deliver the Israelites?

• 2 5 9 . 0 dau chep, "Nguyen nhffng ke yeu men Ngai dtfdc gid'ng nhtf mat

trdi, khi mpc len rtfc rd."? Where is it written, "May they who love You be like the sun when it rises in its strength."? a

260. Liet kd ten nhffng dan tdc Chua de con sdng sot lai dang thtf thach

dan Ysdraen. List the name of all the nations that God had left behind to test the Israelites.

• 261. Cd bao nhidu ngtfdi dtfdc Chua chpn de cung di danh tran vdi

Ghedddn? Bieu kien dtfdc chpn la gi? How many men were chosen by God to go to war with Gideon? How were they selected?

D 262. Sau khi Giosue qua ddi, chi phai nao dtfdc Chtfa chpn dd di trtfdc dang

danh tran cilng dan ban xtf? After Joshua died, which tribe was chosen by God to go up first to fight against the local people?

• 263. Ghededn con cd ten nao khdc? Tdn dd nghia la gi?

What is Gideon's other name? What does that name mean?

• 264. Cf dau chep, "Neu ba di vdi tdi, thi tdi se di; nhtfhg neu ba khdng di

vdi tdi, tdi se khdng di."? Where is it written, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't go."?

a Cau G6c Tuln Trtfdc (Thi thien 127:11 Psalms 127:1)





ttf C a c Q u a n Xet 1 0 d_h 19

265. Cf dau chep, "Tff khi dan Ysdraen ra khoi xtf Ediptd cho den ngay nay,

ngtfdi ta chtfa h i lam hoac thay viec nhtf vay!"? Where is it written, "Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt." ?

• 266. Ke ten nhffng quan x6t cd ba mtfdi con trai trd len.

Name the judges that had thirty sons or more.

o : 267. Ngtfdi dan xtf nao phat am chtf S thanh ra chff X?

Which group of people pronounce the consonant SH as S?

a 2 6 8 . 0 dau chep, "Chung tdi da pham tdi! Xin Chua hay dai chung tdi theo

didu Chua cho la tot lanh, chi xin hay giai ctfu chung toi ngay nay!"? Where is it written, "We have sinned. Do with us whatever You think best, but please rescue us now." ?

• , 269. Quan xet nao la con cua mot ngtfdi ky nff?

Which judge was the son of a prostitute?

o 270. Chi phdi nao cho den thdi cac quan xet ma van chtfa nhan dtfdc san

nghiep nao het, trong tat ca cac chi phai cua Ysdraen? What is the name of the tribe, that even to the time of the judges had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel?

D. 271. Cf dau chep, "Oi, Chua! xin Chtfa cho ngtfdi cua Btfc Chda Trdi ma

Chua da sai xud'ng, lai den cung chung tdi, dang day chung tdi didu

phai lam cho dtfa tre se sanh ra."? Where is it written, "O Lord, 1 beg You, let the man of God You sent to us come again to teach us how to bring up the boy who is to be born."?

272. Nhffng ngtfdi tinh cua Samson la ngtfdi d xtf nao, xin ke ra? Where were Samson's lovers from, please list them out?

o 273. Ai ndi cau: "Ta dai chung nd nhtf chinh chung nd dai ta."?

Who has said, "I merely did to them what they did to me." ?

D. 274. Cf dau chep, "Cha di, neu cha cd md midng khafn nguyen cung Btfc

Gie-hd-va, xin hay lam cho con y nhtf ldi ra khoi mieng cha, vi bay gid

Btfc Gie-hd-va da bio thtf ke ctfu dich cha rdi."? Where is it written, "My father, you have given your word to the LORD. Do to me just as you promised, now that the LORD has avenged you of your enemies." ?

D 275. Balila phai khuydin du may Ian trtfdc khi Samsdn cho cd bie't bi mSt

cua stfc manh cua dng? How many times did Delilah have to lure Samson into telling her the secret of his strength?

D. 2 7 6 . 0 dau chep, 'Trong luc dd, khdng cd vua ndi Ysdraen, mpi ngtfdi ctf

lam theo $ minh ttfdng la phai."?

Where is it written, "In those days Israel had no kings; everyone did as he saw


D CSu G6'c T u a n Trtfdc (Thi th ien 8:4-5 / Psalms 8:4-5)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 24 ttf Cac Quan Xet 20 d§'n I SamuSn 4

277. Cf dau ch6p, "Chang ai thanh nhtf Btfc Gie-hd-va; chlng cd Chua nao khac hdn Ngai!"? Where is it written, "There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides You."?

D 278. Ngtfdi nao ma Chua "chang de mot ldi nao cua ngtfdi ra htf."?

Who was it that the LORD "let none of his words fall to the ground." ?

D 279. Rutd tai gia vdi ai? Chdng trtfdc cua ba la ai?

Who did Ruth remarried with? Who was her former husband?

D 280.0 dau chep, "Btfdng luc do, khdng cd vua trong Ysdraen; ai nay lam

theo y minh lay lam phai."? Where is it written, "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."?

D 281. Samuen nghe tieng Chua goi minh may Ian?

How many times did Samuel hear God call him?

D : 282. Cd bao nhieu ngtfdi trong chi phai Bengiamin thuan tay ta va cd tai

dung tranh nem da trung mot sdi tdc ma chang he sai trat? How many soldiers in the Benjamites were left-handed, each of whom could sling a stone at a hair and not miss?

D. 283.0 dSu chep, "Nguyen Btfc Gie-hd-va lam cho ngtfdi nff vao nha ngtfdi

gidng nhtf Rachen va Lea, la hai ngtfdi da dtfng nen nha Ysdraen!"? Where is it written, "May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the house of Israel." ?


284. Qu6 quan cua gia dinh Samudn d xtf nao? From which city and country did Samuel's family come from?

o 285. Ong cd vua Bavit ten gi?

Who was king David's great grandfather?

D 286. Tien tri Heli qua ddi nhtf the' nao? Trong bie'n cd' nao? Htfdng thp dtfdc

bao nhieu tudi? How did the prophet Eli die? Because of what event? How old was he when he



287. Ai ndi cau, "Btfc Gie-hd-va khien cho chet, cho sdng."? Who has said, "The LORD brings death and makes alive." ?

• 288.6" dau chep, "Vi me di dSu, tdi se di do; me d ndi nao, tdi se d ndi do.

Ban stf cua me, ttfc la dan stf cua tdi; Btfc Chua Trdi cua me, ttfc la Btfc Chua Trdi cda tdi; me th£c ndi nao, tdi mudn thac va dtfdc chon ndi do."? Where is it written, "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried." ?

D C£u Goc Tuln Trtftfc (Cham ngon 17:6 / Proverbs 17:6)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 25 ttf I Samuen 5 d§'n 14

289.6 dau chep, "Hay lam dieu dng tfdc, va di ndi nao dng mudn; long dng dan dng di dau, toi se theo do."? Where is it written, "Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul." ?

• 290. Ngtfdi nao "cao hdn ca dan stf tff vai trd len"?

Who was "a head taller than any of the others" among the Israelites?

• 291. Quan xet cuo'i cung cua dan Ysdraen la nhffng ai? Ho thi hanh chtfc

vu nhtf the'nao? Who were the last judges of Israel? How did they do their job?


292. Ai ndi cau, "Ai cd the dtfng ndi trtfdc mat Gie-ho-va la Btfc Chua Trdi chi thanh"? Who has said, "Who can stand in the presence of the LORD, this holy God" ?

• 293. Sauld dtfdc xtfc dau lam vua d dau? Btfdc dan chung lap lam vua tai dau?

Where did Saul get annointed as king? Where did the people confirm him as king?

D 294. Ngay xtfa ngtfdi ta goi tien tri la gi?

What did people used to call the prophet?

• 295.0 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-ho-va vi cd danh ldn minh, se chang tff bd dan

stf Ngai"? Where is it written, "For the sake of His great name the LORD will not reject His people." ?

296. Nghe nao khdng ai lam trong ca xtf Ysdraen, ma phai di xud'ng nhd ngtfdi Philitin? Which job could not be found in the whole land of Israel, so they have to go down to the Philistines?

• 297. Tai sao ngtfdi Bagdn, khi vao trong den thd cua ho, khong dam dat

chan tren ngach ctfa? Why won't the people, when they enter the Dagon's temple, step on the threshold? •

298. Mang cua ngtfdi nao dtfdc dan stf the se bao ve vdi ldi nay, "Chung tdi chi sanh mang cua Btfc Gie-hd-va ma the rang mot sdi tdc tren dau ngtfdi se chang rung xud'ng dat."? Whose life is it that the people had vowed to protect with this plegde, "As surely as the LORD lives, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground." ?

o 299. "Tay cua Btfc Gie-ho-va nhan tren dan Philitin" trpn ddi cua ai?

"The hand of the LORD was against the Philistines" throughout whose lifetime ?

D 300 .0 dau chep, "Ay chang phai chung no tff chdi ngtfdi dau, ben la tff

chdi Ta do, hau cho Ta chang cai tri chung nd nffa."? Where is it written, "It is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king." ?

a Cau Goc Tuan Trtftfc (Thi thien 40:8 / Psalms 40:8)




CUOC THI KINH THANH HANG TUAN # 26 ttf I Samu£n 15 de n 24

301.6 dau chep, "Btfc Gie-hd-va s6 lam chtfng giffa tdi va anh, giffa ddng ddi tdi va ddng ddi anh den ddi ddi"? Where is it written, "The LORD is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever." ?

• 302. Bavit ltfdm may cue da dang ra tran? 6ng diing may cue di gi£t GdliSt?

How many stones did David bring with him to war? How many did he use against Goliath?

a 303. Samuen ndi cau nay vdi ai, "Hi gtfdm ngtfdi da lam ngtfdi dan ba

khdng cd con thd'nao, thi me ngtfdi cung se khdng cd con thd ay."? Who did Samuel said this to, "As your sword has made women childless, so will your mother be childless among women." ?

o. 304.0 dau chep, "Trong cac cong vide, ngtfdi deu dtfdc may n„n, va Btfc

Gie-hd-va d cung ngtfdi."? Where is it written, "In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him."?

o 305. Thanh-r_e4a que cua Bavit?

Which city is David's hometown?

o_ 306. Ngtfdi nao gia didn de7 khoi bi vua G4t ham hai?

Who pretend to be insane so the king ofGath will not harm him?

D. 307.0 d3u chep, "Bang phu hd Ysdraen ching ndi ddi, va khdng an nan;

vi Bifng 3y chlng phdi loai ngtfdi ma an _tn!"? Where is it written, "He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man, that He should change His mind." ? o

308. Ngtfdi nao yeu Davit "nhtf mang sdng minh"? Who loved David "as himself"?

o 309. Ngtfdi nio trong khi di tidn bi cit vat io tdi?

Who, while relieving himself, got his robe cut off at the corner?

O. 310. Cf dSu chep, "Btfc Gid-hd-va chlng xem dilu gi M i ngtfdi xem; loai

ngtfdi xem bd ngoai, nhtfng Btfc Gid-hd-va nhin thay trong long."? Where is it written, "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."?

• 311. Micanh la gi cua Sauld? La gi cua Bavit?

Who is Michal in relation to Saul? In relation to David?

• . 312. Cf d2u chep, "Btfc Gid-hd-va ha" dep Idng cua l l thidu va cua le thu an

bang stf vSng theo ldi phan cua Ngai tf? Vi, stf vSng ldi tot hdn ctfa te le."? Where is it written, "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice."? a

CSu G6c Tuin Trtfdc (Kbii huyen 3:20 / Revelation 3:20)