u. s. forces capture^gafsanewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/times-news_tf...butter and...

SPRING . . . It cfflcWlT *tarU ne»t wrfk-dnfl Twin r»IU mrfchanu t»*vf ourmblrd the UlMl o»frlnn In available m(r- chuiaUe !cn -iprliii ppenlnt" In tht flerti Kflday. A KcRional Newspaper Senlnff LATE BULLETIN WAKKISGTOS. Marth IS (UW — Tht lM>uv» rulM commlllfe today approTed a rt-tolutloD to Bulliorfie a contrctilanal i»«r>tl{allon of al]r(rcl plain hj the ortire of prlcr admlnlMrallon and the war pro- durllDti board to rllmlnate privile br: modlUrf. 1 food, clollilnr. ■ J oilier tom- VOL. 25. NO. 28a TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 1943 PRICE 5 CENTS U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSA Wlxei-e JappJ^eslj Mass Troops and Ships Tliln map toraln I Inr Invailon (orf«. Allied alriitrn MaMr (he Aroe libndi, anil sImi attarkrd nirniT Japanr«e raldcil tlaruln ami Ktruck at Ui i;JiMlnfa. ivr brfn rfportrd tiia*^- voy bound for Ilnbo. In and in tlie itanda »ea. Allied Warplanes Hammer Big Enemy Base at Rabaul LONDON, March U tU.P.)-PrriK pul^toirmrcM relfiMlril c3pri«r In tlio siioiv-covcrcd S:ibo>' Alp.s l< liny, .ipnclliis boiiWcr. iind- Uiul.-.lUIc ajhli , ihc pat 01 I lly Rcpoft.1 frnm tlic Ewl;-". frr fai<l the MiUt placed 111 lljr Tiie AwocUlfd Prru Gcii. Uouk1;i« MiicArUiiir's hcadquartcrH tc^lay rejiortrd r smasliiiifr assault nii tin; bi^ Japaiiosc ba.so uC ilaljuiil. Now Hrilaiii, in w liidi alliud flicr.s plantLTfil lliu ninlrumi; witli Irombs, whilu oVhi'r Lnilod Nations airmen atUjckfiS an eiumiy oiilpost in tlio Kui i.slandu between Australia and New_Cuimyi, The attack on_UnLaul>-jmt-lmfor^hwk-^’cftrGt'’JaVi toucli- d off many fires and .n\)' FLASHES of LIFE ftll'HK il IrndlriK liilo ihr 'nioiii •nir • rciOT i . lold lloiu liiiirt.OUlr l)rllcv(nl .•.Xarlcd Kilrrflll/v aymiiimrrs. U w;i\ miUI Ji^vr reiiclirii Midi proiiorlloii.'. Ill fnmlllfS lIvliiK 111 tlir. foollillls h; tu I'UtciinU. iheir lionu-.'. The Ilnllnn roll,mil. wtitcli liiclu ed Vtcliv iiilllila, »ns •.:ik1 i<i ha been stalk'll by tlir micrrinn Uicilr Hrporl:' from ilif Mornfcn niul / Kiet;. X'.itlcK ninl Uiuus Mltl Krrtirli mob •.tin V inllni iilcl Evl n.icllc, Morncfu Cm were [):ilrolliiK Ijke Oeii Evlnii find St. Gltimilpli. Radio AlKkrt iiciiln m> the Prencli iiollcc mil to Iv nxls niundiii) o( Un- p;iit broadcnsl iiinnl tlii' fnllow Inte Admiral Fr:iiicoh I>;i lUe FreticU Fa:xW;. Jnc<iu r:i of I lie inn uiK rxirUii Kuhn Citizenship Erased by Judge NEW YOIUC. Mnrcli 18 <,Tr-Fe<l. era] Jml«e Joliii lirlKht tcxlay ciuv cek^l live clUttnsUlj' ot FrlU. KvJhtt /onnrr natloiMl Iradtr of the Oi-r- ni!in-Amrrlcim biiiul, ntid 10 ollu'i of : Mtir other furmer • lrl«5 in deiiKiuriillr^it iHtv were iHrmilttccI to )r American clll.-.ni-'lili) i ler JiidKC BrlKliL'.i declj.loli. Iilch IicUciiOlincM :i bund lu II atloii. lerlciir 1 find' Aiiifi "I Jrel rnUrcly Jltllllrd 1 In^ ilir ulms nnd purpa.c^ of Uie build •Avtr UH-American imil AMb- verslvi'" JurtKc DrlRlil’s tleclsloii Ml<1. "It doc.i no: follow, lio«cvcr, that mere member.Oilp In tlic bund would bK MiJIlclfnt upon xvhlch to baie Jmliimrnl here louKht. "Sticli mcmbcr.ililp, liowcv celher with oilier facta tnny li delln be.n the u^ht. by Uie KQVctmufW." rcllcl Tokyo Claims Six Submarines Sunk. n r TIip Auoelaled Prcjs Tlic Uerllir radln broodcftM today IV ToVyn rrpoTi nMoUiia lijiperlnl headQuarters lu niiiiounclns Ui;kl A Jnpanejc naval mills fank six sub- moftnr* from March 8 to ll. No othfr deUlIj V.CC given In U>e Droadca.1t reconlpd by Ihs Asooclal- ed PrcM and there R'ns no nlllcd txoflnaatJon. «i;T t.\TrLE noCK. AtV... Odv. Ho::u r ,M. AUkhr, ( luuUU till >o;trd I^iil' , 1317- -iillvi- battle hi- 13lh— March I3!li- )>ily - s\ f.\W ilcw! McCormack Now - Speaker Pro Tern WASIUNOTON, Afiirrli 10 (-]■ ) — Majority Under MrConuact of Mn.viiicliu;.plt.*. ua;i cho.-en BpciO:er pro itniporr of thf- liou.'e lodny to v n c tiiirinc the iib.'.pnce of Spc.ihcr tinm Rayburn, Trx.is. ca’letl Home ....... . -- of his brt}thcr. rcled by \-olce ,f Miijorlty Whip Boston bfcnivie of the Uli Will, McCormack wn Ococlcln. 'Hie Bo. IniTL'i clKhlh tern f^erly sened In One Bill Wipes Out 3,761 Laws SACRAMENTO,. Cnlir.'Mnrch IB /TV—Tlie fallfomln .'eniitc grew tired of Uic‘ old, old cry that vUerc nr« too many law.s. It' p;iv,cd a bill yr.'.Urday to re- peal 3,75} iUtut«s, mcutly obMlcte. Jujian' in the and furtlier crippled s aerial .strikiiijr pou'e .■^oiitlnvc.st i ’acific. vlille, n TOIDO bro.Klcn; I’renilei- nidikl Tcijo i tlml -llic war Mtuii tlnii b becoin II cunfcrjlnii iindrrlliifd ......... tory Kiiox'h riUUeixu-ia li\Xck York hi.'t nlKht that J.iii.in l,0i7,OOO toai of :.hli)i)lnK, The liiltli.mi- I’. Till- Tokvi> Tojn be r.v- 'c of Ili;hl L ’tilaye.1 ,MK-n mill'd -Janiu :l Dutch New Cllirii-a. Mlfd t : ll;iv fill bora mile* above nlllr<l.ca|itiii New Guinea, which w.vi p hitended ai r biM' to: u frn-Mvc l)V 15,000 cncmviK 111 the b.-xtlle of tin: lihii Kooiid In Mop-u| iiitenlly »;».• Ot- l^klIlCll Alllwl trooii^ foi vhllr ninppuii; up the Mambarc rlv<r derL'DT Wu'J the north fVi ' rnrimii aeiiiitlor liMlt ih( l.y_dc mrt^k r,c.i battli , living no Uouljt been enn;,tnictfd I prepnrnllonn far their eouilni: f< Nips Imprison All Nationals of U. S. . Unltftf I’re^i ChunRklnK radio .^nlil today re* xirLi from Ehanchnl indicated Jap- inc*5 auihorltlM there havo pi,iced ill American nnd BrltWi rwtilciit; nlloii mi.j. Heretofore allied reportwl to have been i>rnnllttd pjirtlal freedom ot the city, c Chlne/.e bro.idcitM. recortcd Jnlted I’rcLv _ San Fraachco. .vild pro-ChunKkliiK i>aMers nnd idbllls have been dblrlbuted frc- quenlly In the *lreeu ol Bhanchal by patriotic Chlneii Japanese authorlL ■mpt to fiuppress patriotic lltera- ire. Issued a . pt-ocwmatlon on Tuesday threntenlni; to blockade . iiren ot the city uliero It «M tUiWered. ChungkJnjf reported. GtGANIlCIM BAHLE FUR[S ONRUSSFRON nr rPDY gil MOKe MO.Stnw. March IB (.V,-A H taiilc lank .-.truBRle. with a Ofrmat air im\luvUA ot Junker* dive rr;i m il t)v hiinllnK Bovlcl .Stornio o knock oul the Germm I belni , Donct vaecd today vallc) 1 of iank.1 hurled nealii; ' German lilnh command. In iiniiiiiliiuc broudeaM by tli radio and recorded by th atrd i>rc.-.->, .Mill the Germun .1 of Kllarkov ha rer.ervrs V sfctors, H i ak throiiRh II.- . .'.till held by heir offoa-.lvc dlr( 1, Soviet ll vlcr-. t Siara ,A dispatch to Red Star, Uie red ,rniy newspaper, ileclarcd Him hnrp flnhttin: on ih« we.-.tcrii hank if the norlhem Dorn -ed I' •ninly ii hleli Germ n.1 thru wk will) lniiy.3. SovScl n M BILL PLANS WASHINGTON, louse Rcpubllnins odny to mohDlrr p ilnd the Riiml phu; 5-you.Ro for hirm klpphiK n tax vra ^^ennwhlle, Cliali N. C.. of the \ of . tin veil 0|i|xx the KunU pin! l>ef>ple hruin to With Prc-'.ldciil 10 Ihe Rllml pliiii ajid Uie IVinnc le leader.ship iilltaied brJilml ways nnd mrnn.'; romniUiee makhiR puy-a.'-vou-Ko optional any taxpnycr wlio elM-i,.; lo pay two yearn lax<'.'. witlilii one j Six-ftkrr Rayburn Iriilathrly ne;«l Wr<Inrjdav for the Mart of •Itormy battle on ilie hoii.'e flo< Secretary of. the Trewun' ^ ceiUhali lold til'. preM cnnten tOiln.y the ndniluV.'.TRH rent behhiil llii' crni He drellnrd, ho-.vi'ver, on Ihr p(tt.^ible otitrom In coiiRres.n, The Drmocratlc Ic clHed on four dnv’ of > : till- lonsest of the 78:1 any l.viue, nnd the ^p<•a wiiuld be no •'«nK'‘ rule •ndme 100 pff ilttec'n plan, 10 comment of the fliilit cral debate. conKrerj on r .yld Iherc tun i>ermlt. pre.rcnted voted upon. Tlie Runil plai 'Cted to be offered on Uie floor 1 dubstltutc for Ihe commltttt Sub Pack, Convoy Duels Herald U-Boat Campaign WASHINGTON, Sfnrch 18 (/P)—Runnitic battles bcUvcctx submarine pack.n and con' Hlijjis indicated lodiiy that Gcrniaiiy ba.s latmcheil her puelotl inasH \J-bt>uV curn^^niKn njraiiist allied .sliipiiiiiK'Tn tin north Atlantic. beer arfar sl Kuard cutler Camp. , .shelled and tank on< lubmarlne ^anil deptl;i, >Uiers In n furious flghi irr,ea wolf pack about e baltlc.^, wlilcli appar- •i-paraie action:. c.im( ;«r a Joint nui\ouiKe. JMidon, Oltuwa luu that a ina.iter plan had out to coinbrtl V-boai • Oe;man^ have beer urn luo.',e Uie full lurj’ exp«'ctrcl V of Uiclr'ui perale effort to ehoke off American .'upplle.s for nn European li Tlie Cainpbeir.i fCAt wjs the mftU yet dramntlc wnrfar . Ilcriilofoi few Income ttavy has pi Krim stniBKli DrltUh. French e: rrnlori> ai In the bi t of aatl-:ubmni ;n.'e<I by Ihe ni Ihe rKf-ptlim c iriouncementJ, pit;.rr\til ^iltllct on !Kle out in Uie AHanti American anti FlKhUne eort ships and RAP Llb- id Sunderlamii look pari iltle announced by Lon^ don. Tlie first U-boat deslroj’ed ua; /,l[[hted by tlie formi-r Amerlctn de. M-royer Beverly, which forctl ll U due, ■'Die Bniisti destroyer Vlmy then bl(wt<x] It buck to the turface v.lth' (Irptli churue.i and both <Ii stroyer.^ ojwied fire, shikinf It. Forty-nine of the U-bost's were te;cui-d from Uie *'»ter. Four of ihem died Inter, Till- UeviTly. with 10 of 111 man prLsnner.i belna- di-ek.i. cha.<ed nnil enKaRcd f; inir the bultk- that continued the UIK twi lay,i nnd nlRliU SPRING OPFNIN m N N E D FRIDAY Only t ;ii.itofnar>’ doy-long fon- lare iinti celebration will be miMlni from rviday'a ■>prhiK openlnR day' in Tnin'Tnll.i, wlileh will u.ilier It ihe.Nprlnn merehnndlslnj season foi tti<- MttBlt-HpIley. K. O.'ninnhwn. ch&lrmnn of tin Merclmnt.\‘ burcnu comrnlttte plan nine for the r.prlnj? opener, j.ald will nnhiK for Ihe nrst jprln :iy. AJthough any ccle f, been ellmlnateil as to wartlmo condlUon; oix-n Krlday sruh tpecli tock.% of the I lilt on the market ca for the .-.prlni Mvrchnnt% in a Ull be parilcl >l.'nhii,' day. exlenslv It Uiat U behis In wartime Amer. of lOO. lines of bmlne.-;. tlnit In Ihe'.iprlng [id.-Jlln»hntn- sail ipiwrlunlty U, find i;i; now manufacturers are roeetlni: Uu'riates rrsulctloni ‘ sui conmiodltle.i. Mnny jiiorej Vlll lie selllni: merchandljc ajready\ln ^tock which Is not now belns ; Litiiclured. or Is beljiR made li ouantlUe,, Consolidated and Vultee in Merger SAN DIEGO. CaUf., March 18 — Mercer of CoiisolldaleiJ Aircraft :orporaUon nnd Vulte© Aircraft ronipsny Into a tlnsle flnn ranking 1 .1 one of the InrBMl »lrcraft maru- aclurers In the world was an- icuivced today by Tom M. Olnlltr, chairman of the board of both Mm. fwinle.v The new concern will b« known 1 .1 Coawlldnted Vultee Alrtrafi •orTwraUon. OPA Plans Honor System to Keej) Fanners Witliiii Ration WASIUNOTON. March IB (UJ’^^Prlce Administrator Prtntlw M. Drown will put form families "on'Uielr honor’’ not to eat moro meal, butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii will urge farmers to market mo*t of their producc nud lo wtaliv for U\cmsclves arXy an amo\s»i tdUSvtiiait 5 what they would be nble lo buy wlUi war ration book •No. 2. Thej alto 111 be aaked not to u.se the full nmouiil of red couponi In ttiv ration book which will be valid for meat, b’Jlter, cheese, cookinir fata and oil*. With fnrm fnmlllei necountlng for approximately 34.000W peraon*. ' >ls udmltied thai failure nf this honor proRram could mult In a .loophole tn Uie enllre raUonlnjf *yatem. If every member of a or example, two ouncei of butler a »t«k mor« than of four ounces the toss to Uic nation, olUclals eul- to at least IM.oW.OOa & j « « . Btollatl?. ;xtm half-pound of meat a week over the ri>Uon of 9 to aK pound*. It vss c.%ilmated. would-meaa vonsumpUon of »a extra £31,000,000 poundt if meal aiuiuaJl)'. |Ig «tArt«d a Clark Takes Oath as Jnd^c Fernier Gor. Chaie A. Clark raUet hi* rUht hand <e take Ihe oath of oflice a* Idaho'* tourlh D. S. dUtrict judse. The new Judtr wa« i»Dm In by veteran court Clerk W. D. MeReynaldi (Uri), wlin alio »Kore In Jud(c C. C. Catsnali, Judie Clark’i pmleerMar, 16 year* aco. Judce Caranah U rellrlnr but expecU to be aulcnrd lo upeelil case* for the circuit ceart of appealv (Aotoclatrd I’rest photo) lESSIRAIEGIC SPOI IN TUNISIA ALLIKI) llEADQUAi:- THliS IN NOjiTil AFIUCA, March 18 (/!’)— U nlT rtkitat^ force.s have rocapVtircd Ihc !tralcj:ic central Ttuii.sian ;ily of aif.sa after n :;U-milc drive in wliicb tbey encoun- li little opi'o.^itioa. a com- nuiiii(iiie said today, while on .-(Hitherii front a Berlin bniadeaHt Kaid Gen. Sir Ber- nard L. MontKoniery’.HBritish lull army "’as storniiii(r the Mareth lino with four lank and infantrv divisions, lullctln from Gen, ‘DwIkIh D, :iow(.f-j hcadciiiartrn f.ald Hi- lled (wr.itlotis -A 'crc improved in the iioriliern recioi- of the (iO-mllc-lons Mareth line front -both during tlic nliihl of March 18/17 wid during yeitcrdiiy." (Irand A»iiuU m s WJj ihr tltsl nMlhoiUMlvc led Maiemi'nt tendn« to conllfin •rinan reiiort.T lliai Uie DrllL-;h ;liih nnny hn>l Inunched n craiid aull iiKalii.M the -Illtlr Mafrlnot" ftii-ic line hi .•.outhcrn Tunbla. 'In the fouih. cur jlatrob were live. ' InfllctliiK lowrs on Uie rmy," the wor bullclln ssld. Allied headaviaricrs still niala- iiieil ^llcncc on Uie scope of oper- [inlnM the .Mareth line, but FDR Forms Special Post-War Council 'WASHINGTON. March i?- (U»)— Roo.‘ ^\Vlt hii; (arfncd wh'nt fippcnrs to U 'a .'••nimi;eruiios_-var adtlsorj cammlUec to meet rexuliuiy at the While Houne, it, was tiis- closcd today. Called in fern confercncc with Mr. Roosevelt for tho Stjccjnd time within the past few weeks, were Secretary of State Cor- dell HuH: linder-secretary of State Sumner Welle.s; lied Cros.-< Chairman Nurnian Dav HAZARD LONDON.'Kbrch 18 lUP.'-Sea men returnhiB from convoy dut; to Murmansk reiiortrd lod;iy thii' bombs_nnd_torpeilocs arm t tin only RiLislan pede.strlaiu, lliry re port, have been wallclni; ucrcv. the aulck-frecilnK Arctic ice li front of the convoys. Tlie .seamen wiy that In oni Instance the peiic.'trlans wiUitci Uio convoy lo tialt. Whrn thb w.v refused, they reliiclnntly hack a few feet to jiermtt. llu flhlp.s to pai.1, Tliey stood n mint waltlnt • the u RIIlSHFOteO NEW. D EU II. March IS iUP)-Tlie British hnvfi be new ix3slllons front in wester conilnuInK Jn; of the Mayu communitiup ni Tlie "fUTlhfr British llnr.1 w vent I.',olatlon n of RnthedaunK been opernllnK area .since Jai pcrlant Japane Uie bay of lie objective, -Oiir achrt llie Kalaci s UMlll river the Kar rejolnlni munlquc fjsici. Allied forces in nnrihem Purma stopped an enemy ait.-vck ngalnst Kachln levle.i and forced him to wlUidraw snuUiward. Tlie royal air force supported Kround troops wlUi- out oppaslllon from Japnne.se planes. rmy-occupltif vliiflRe.i were bombed and fires lUrted In Uie ipper Chlndwln river dlJlrlcU Mountain Home Man Auto Victim BOISE. Mnrch 18 </!’)—S2mer Fletcher, *9. Mountain Ho.me. whi injured when he was run over an nutomobile In MoJnlaln Hom» ta.st Sunday, died today in n Boise hosplUI. Pletcher. Elmore County Bheriff Robert Love rrportfd. had partlcl- 5>»t«d tn a sWewulk fljtit and wa» pushed from the curb Into thC'Path * -~i oncoming automobile. was rushed to a Dobe ho*pU ?here hU condition had been reported as •'serJous.'' eheriXf Love «aid today an Inves- tiffttllon into Fletdier'* deattv wUJ Dr dent ( .‘<iiy: I.Kaiah lU^^ f Johns Hupki: Leo I’a lire.' . Di , . political adviser to Hull, luid Myrnii C. Taylor, .Mr. K. veU's hpcsval vi\v«y to the Vatican. Wliitr H0U.-C I Stephen T, Karly , vlth .M;. RoaM'Vi'lt RSREJEC' iiR S ’OElNO' NEW VOIIK, March United Mine Worker;, o today Uiat operalor.'. Jectcd n ui be paid fr clo'.ed 1 -Clin d tli.1 tlmi.- ol ne of depai John O'Leary, I'lUsburKh. UMW vice presldcnl. said . tjie flatly re/ectcd Uic portal.lo-iiortul proposal, one o! iht Uiajor Ji' belnc argued nt sepnrnte joint c fcrencts beiveea the UMW and tiic southern and DorUicm operatora. lirivlns to work out a contract to supplant the onft cxplrliiB Unrcli 31 covering 450,000 mine workers. Operaton' ipokesinei) said alter two-hour Acxslon that other nuea- Uons w m but no con- cluilona r»chcd. ild that John L. Levis, DMW president who wade the ie~ mands. would t>ol attend. toCaJ's mferencea becaiao 'of a cold.' Lewls'and \-ar1ou*'unlon distrtet leaders have declared that unlus a nev contricl is ntgotlated upoi’i exptr«Uon ot Ibt pnscat «oi Marth 31 Iho nJneii wlU atop work.; The operuton hkvQ reJecM tl» ualoQ'B major dttoiinAi. llli-tl olfcli 5 read . n eiihoi wider r In- it. Gen. GtDTRe S. Pal- 1 . lank .-iprclalhl, jis commnndtr U, S. troops In wfstcrn TunLila. Jen, f’utton. nicknamed •'Ulootl :l OuU-.." Is knn-ATi ns one of the iilnded gcnernls of ii(«t Ihe. ...... , Nails Cl.ltmed Itolillnf A Berlin broaden; t a:.^eru;d th.-vl Held Mar.lial JiraUi Rommel's forces <aitrrnctie(I.,ln the ■Cluddcif MnrciiJ wpiJ«..Vrfrbcvn able t o ' I I I *I*»' "*.a-»ard-4li)iy-. amld'l^.U> nchflfiB; , ‘ Gtrm tn jnllliav.,' tswartsn, hMJi es-er. forecast “nn Incrca-ie and con- Ununtlon of the British altaek.*.* which Berlin r--xkl -.vcro Inunclicd at 10:30 o'clock Tue.^day nlRht. The German radio reported that In nddliloii lo .................. . >the liifor n ■■ 'iTto.-, strong it.% were pour- rlKht flank in ir Ilhll.inc, -15 led lhai tills crouii Takrs I’rl'oner* ^■ .ird and al- ^ lo-,vard-i El • on a ro.id LAS K I A SUB BASE WASHINGTON. Mnreh 18 (.1-?- An;orlc:i!i bumlier.s blxst.-il llir Ja^-' nnc.^r .■.utmi;irlne ba>e ut Kkkn Is- laiul. In till- Alciitl;in.«, llirte tlnir.-. Tui.-'ilay. till- iinvy reported todny. wM\ i'.v A 5«Mstl\ iictlou fli;htrr planr.^ .ihot down tr,o unciiiy iiln-i;ifl and probably destroyed two ‘Tu’iVitay -.va.1 the ,«ccond succevhc <!iiv III mul-.liile raids on Ul<i!a. .m .^ licavy aitar)-.s liavlnn been prsvlouj^ ly reported for Monday. •• Navv eomnunilque. Number 310: -NoiUi I’aclllc; ■•I. On Maich tS United Suilrj army aircraft c.irrli'd out tiiefollo'A'- inn rtttacLi on JiipaiiP;x ln.stallr.- tlHiis and aircraft al Kkka; •XAv 0\i:lns ih t wwin^Uw. Ub«- ator ht.ivy. bombct.s iComolldat'd 11.241 anil MItchcII medium bom'i- ers (North American B-2i) .sapDorl- ed by I-lElitnlnK flghtera <Lorkliecd p.30) bombed the mnin Ciuiip iire.i and the :,ubmnr!nc bnje. Hits weie oli’.ervcd In both tarcet ari'iis. Two rUnei Shot Down During the c.irly iiflemoo.i. eiKht LiKhtnlncs encagni eljht en- emy plnnei In tiie viclnliy of Klskn. 'rp. 0 of the enemy plaiK-s wera sliot down and an ndiUitonal two were -piobaWy dMtrojed. "10) t-'iter In the afternoon Liber- ■atora, Mitchell* and -Uchtniryis again attacked Uia cntaiy .Wbma-' nns b.v;c ■snd 'otJitr'iMtfiJUUtsw.'' A larje fire was sAvrled ta.tha eaaip. area. ,' " “(D) Still lurr'tn ttie-tilcmoon.i « group of MItchelLi again aitatJwd''. &Bd Mcrcd boihS hiu oa Un nib*> martne hasi. , [ - •Booth PacUtc: . ' .--V ■ - • ", ' “3. Durli« ttio nJjthl of Uarcti ' JH7.Llb«rw« henry bCB'— -‘■ rttd out minor.*«rfrett flo ----- pcaitloni. at Munda ami Vll»in'tM central Soiomoiu.and a t ,X ^ ^ >a«t BallaJe In the Bhprtttad fiB F to # . RouIU w erc«« ol»er»e<J,** W - r Btidaelleswfmv^i.. - The Tuesday nidi cDlOitt.»w ‘poieatlX w t« Bol tt>• « w I>w

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Page 1: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

SPRING. . . It cfflcWlT *tarU ne»t wrfk-dnfl

Twin r»IU mrfchanu t»*vf ourmblrd

the UlMl o»frlnn In available m(r-

chuiaUe !cn -iprliii ppenlnt" In tht

flerti Kflday.

A KcRional Newspaper Senlnff


lM>uv» rulM commlllfe today approTed a rt-tolutloD to Bulliorfie a contrctilanal i»«r>tl{allon of al]r(rcl plain hj the ortire of prlcr admlnlMrallon and the war pro- durllDti board to rllmlnate privile br:

modlUrf.1 food, clollilnr. ■ J oilier tom-


U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAWlxei-e JappJ^eslj Mass Troops and Ships

Tliln map toraln I Inr Invailon (orf«. Allied alriitrn MaMr (he Aroe libndi, anil s Imi attarkrd nirniT Japanr«e raldcil tlaruln ami Ktruck at Ui i;JiMlnfa.

ivr brfn rfportrd tiia* - voy bound for Ilnbo. In and in tlie itanda »ea.

Allied Warplanes Hammer Big Enemy Base at Rabaul

LONDON, March U tU.P.)-PrriK pul^toirmrcM relfiMlril c3pri«r In

tlio siioiv-covcrcd S:ibo>' Alp.s l< liny, .ipnclliis boiiWcr. iind- Uiul.-.lUIc

ajhli , ihc pat 01 I lly

Rcpoft.1 frnm tlic Ewl;-". frr fai<l the MiUt

placed 111

lljr Tiie AwocUlfd Prru

Gcii. Uouk1;i« M iicArUiiir's hcadquartcrH tc^lay rejiortrd r

smasliiiifr assau lt nii tin ; bi^ Japaiiosc ba.so uC ilaljuiil. Now Hrilaiii, in w li id i alliud flicr.s plantLTfil lliu ninlrumi; witli

Irombs, whilu oVhi'r L n ilo d Nations airmen atUjckfiS an eiumiy oiilpost in tlio K u i i.slandu between Australia and New_Cuimyi,

The attack on_UnLaul>- jm t- lm for^hw k- ’cftrGt'’JaVi toucli-

d o ff many fires and .n\)'


ftll'HKil IrndlriK liilo ihr 'nioiii

•nir • rciOTi . loldlloiu liiiirt.OUlr l)rllcv(nl .•.Xarlcd Kilrrflll/v aymiiimrrs. U w;i\ miUIJi^vr reiiclirii Midi proiiorlloii.'. IllfnmlllfS lIvliiK 111 tlir. foollillls h; tu I'UtciinU. iheir lionu-.'.

The Ilnllnn roll,mil. wtitcli liiclu ed Vtcliv iiilllila, »ns •.:ik1 i<i ha been stalk'll by tlir micrrinn Uicilr

Hrporl:' from ilif Mornfcn niul / Kiet;. X'.itlcK ninl Uiuus

Mltl Krrtirli mob•.tin V inllni

iilcl Evl

► n.icllc, Morncfu Cmwere [):ilrolliiK Ijke Oeii

Evlnii find St. Gltimilpli.Radio AlKkrt iiciiln m>

the Prencli iiollcc mil to Iv nxls niundiii) o( Un- p;iit broadcnsl iiinnl tlii' fnllow Inte Admiral Fr:iiicoh I>;i lUe FreticU Fa:xW;. Jnc<iu

r:i of I lie inn uiK


Kuhn Citizenship

Erased by JudgeNEW YOIUC. Mnrcli 18 <,Tr-Fe<l.

era] Jml«e Joliii lirlKht tcxlay ciuv cek^l live clUttnsUlj' ot FrlU. KvJhtt /onnrr natloiMl Iradtr of the Oi-r- ni!in-Amrrlcim biiiul, ntid 10 ollu'i

of :Mtir other furmer• lrl«5 in deiiKiuriillr it iHtv were iHrmilttccI to ■)r American clll.-.ni-'lili) i

ler JiidKC BrlKliL'.i declj.loli. Iilch IicUciiOlincM

:i bund lu II atloii.


1 find'


"I Jrel rnUrcly Jltllllrd 1 In^ ilir ulms nnd purpa.c^ of Uie build •Avtr UH-American imil AMb- verslvi'" JurtKc DrlRlil’s tleclsloii Ml<1. "It doc.i no: follow, lio«cvcr, that mere member.Oilp In tlic bund would bK MiJIlclfnt upon xvhlch to baie Jmliimrnl here louKht.

"Sticli mcmbcr.ililp, liowcv celher with oilier facta tnny lidelln be.n the

u^ht. by Uie KQVctmufW."rcllcl

Tokyo Claims Six

Submarines Sunk.nr TIip Auoelaled Prcjs

Tlic Uerllir radln broodcftM today IV ToVyn rrpoTi nMoUiia lijiperlnl headQuarters lu niiiiounclns Ui;kl

A Jnpanejc naval mills fank six sub- • moftnr* from March 8 to ll . No

othfr deUlIj V.CC given In U>e Droadca.1t reconlpd by Ihs Asooclal- ed PrcM and there R'ns no nlllcd txoflnaatJon.


t.\TrLE noCK. AtV... Odv. Ho::u r ,M. AUkhr, (

luuUU till

>o;trd I^iil'

, 1317- -iillvi- battle hi- 13lh—

March I3!li-

)>ily - s\f.\W ilcw!

McCormack Now -

Speaker Pro TernWASIUNOTON, Afiirrli 10 (-]■) —

Majority Under MrConuact of Mn.viiicliu;.plt.*. ua;i cho.-en BpciO:er pro itniporr of thf- liou.'e lodny to v n c tiiirinc the iib.'.pnce of Spc.ihcr tinm Rayburn, Trx.is. ca’letl Home — ........ -- of his brt}thcr.

rcled by \-olce ,f Miijorlty Whip


bfcnivie of the Uli Will,

McCormack wn

Ococlcln. 'Hie Bo. IniTL'i clKhlh tern

f ^ e r ly sened In

One Bill Wipes

Out 3,761 LawsSACRAMENTO,. Cnlir.'Mnrch IB

/TV—Tlie fallfomln .'eniitc grew tired of Uic‘ old, old cry that vUerc nr« too many law.s.

It' p;iv,cd a bill yr.'.Urday to re­peal 3,75} iUtut«s, mcutly obMlcte.

Jujian' in the

and furtlier crippled

s aerial .strikiiijr pou'e .■^oiitlnvc.st i ’acific. vlille, n TOIDO bro.Klcn; I’renilei- nidikl Tcijo i

tlml -llic war Mtuiitlnii b becoinII cunfcrjlnii iindrrlliifd .........tory Kiiox'h riUUeixu-ia li\ Xck York hi.'t nlKht that J.iii.in l,0i7,OOO toai of :.hli)i)lnK,

The liiltli.mi- I’.Till- Tokvi>

Tojn be

r.v-'c of Ili;hl

L’tilaye.1 ,MK-n



:l Dutch New Cllirii-a.

Mlfd t: ll;iv

fill bora mile* above nlllr<l.ca|itiii New Guinea, which w.vi p hitended ai r biM' to: u frn-Mvc l)V 15,000 cncmviK 111 the b.-xtlle of tin: lihii

Kooiid In Mop-u|

iiitenlly»;».• Ot- l^klIlCll

Alllwl trooii foi vhllr ninppuii; up the Mambarc rlv<r

derL'DT Wu'J the north fVi ■ ' rn r im ii

aeiiiitlorliMlt ih(


mrt k r,c.i battli , living no Uouljt been enn;,tnictfd I prepnrnllonn far their eouilni: f<

Nips Imprison All Nationals of U. S.

. Unltftf I’re iChunRklnK radio . nlil today re*

xirLi from Ehanchnl indicated Jap- inc*5 auihorltlM there havo pi,iced ill American nnd BrltWi rwtilciit;

nlloii mi.j.Heretofore allied

reportwl to have been i>rnnllttd pjirtlal freedom ot the city,

c Chlne/.e bro.idcitM. recortcd Jnlted I’rcLv _ San Fraachco.

.vild pro-ChunKkliiK i>aMers nnd idbllls have been dblrlbuted frc-

quenlly In the *lreeu ol Bhanchal by patriotic Chlneii

Japanese authorlL ■mpt to fiuppress patriotic lltera- ire. Issued a . pt-ocwmatlon on

Tuesday threntenlni; to blockade . iiren ot the city uliero It «M

tUiWered. ChungkJnjf reported.

G t G A N I lC IM B A H LE FU R [S


■ MO.Stnw. March IB (.V,-A H taiilc lank .-.truBRle. with a Ofrmat air im\luvUA ot Junker* dive rr;i m il t)v hiinllnK Bovlcl .Stornio

o knock oul the GermmI belni

, Donctvaecd today


1 of iank.1 hurled nealii;

' German lilnh command. In iiniiiiiliiuc broudeaM by tli

radio and recorded by th atrd i>rc.-.->, .Mill the Germun

.1 of Kllarkov ha

rer.ervrs V sfctors, Hi ak throiiRh II.-. .'.till held by

heir offoa-.lvc dlr(1, Soviet ll vlcr-.

t Siara

,A dispatch to Red Star, Uie red ,rniy newspaper, ileclarcd Him hnrp flnhttin: on ih« we.-.tcrii hank if the norlhem Dorn

-ed I'

•ninly ii■ hleli Germ n.1 thru

wk will)

lniiy.3. SovScl n


louse Rcpubllnins odny to mohDlrr p ilnd the Riiml phu; 5-you.Ro for hirm klpphiK n tax vra ^^ennwhlle, Cliali

N. C.. of the \

of. tin

veil 0|i|xx

the KunU pin! l>ef>ple hruin to

With Prc-'.ldciil 10 Ihe Rllml pliiii ajid Uie IVinnc le leader.ship iilltaied brJilml ways nnd mrnn.'; romniUiee makhiR puy-a.'-vou-Ko optional any taxpnycr wlio elM-i,.; lo pay two yearn lax<'.'. witlilii one j Six-ftkrr Rayburn Iriilathrly ne;«l Wr<Inrjdav for the Mart of •Itormy battle on ilie hoii.'e flo<

Secretary of. the Trewun' ceiUhali lold til'. preM cnnten tOiln.y the ndniluV.'.TRH rent behhiil llii' crni He drellnrd, ho-.vi'ver, on Ihr p(tt. ible otitrom In coiiRres.n,

The Drmocratlc Ic clHed on four dnv’ of >: till- lonsest of the 78:1 any l.viue, nnd the p<•a wiiuld be no •'«nK'‘ rule


100 pff ilttec'n plan, 10 comment ■ of the fliilit

cral debate. conKrerj on r .yld Iherc tun i>ermlt.

pre.rcntedvoted upon. Tlie Runil plai

'Cted to be offered on Uie floor 1 dubstltutc for Ihe commltttt

Sub Pack, Convoy Duels Herald U-Boat Campaign

WASHINGTON, Sfnrch 18 (/P)—Runnitic battles bcUvcctx submarine pack.n and con' Hlijjis indicated lodiiy that Gcrniaiiy ba.s latmcheil her puelotl inasH \J-bt>uV curn^^niKn njraiiist allied .sliipiiiiiK'Tn tin north Atlantic.


sl Kuard cutler Camp., .shelled and tank on< lubmarlne ^anil deptl;i, >Uiers In n furious flghi irr,ea wolf pack about

e baltlc. , wlilcli appar- •i-paraie action:. c.im( ;«r a Joint nui\ouiKe. JMidon, Oltuwa luu that a ina.iter plan had out to coinbrtl V-boai

• Oe;man^ have beer urn luo.',e Uie full lurj’exp«'ctrcl V

of Uiclr'ui perale effort to ehoke off American .'upplle.s for nn European li

Tlie Cainpbeir.i fCAt wjs the mftU

yetdramntlc wnrfar . Ilcriilofoi few Income ttavy has pi Krim stniBKli

DrltUh. French e: rrnlori> ai In the bi

t of aatl-:ubmni ;n.'e<I by Ihe ni Ihe rKf-ptlim c

iriouncementJ, pit;.rr\til ^iltllct on

!Kle out in Uie AHanti American anti FlKhUne

eort ships and RAP Llb- id Sunderlamii look pari iltle announced by Lon

don.Tlie first U-boat deslroj’ed ua;

/,l[[hted by tlie formi-r Amerlctn de. M-royer Beverly, which forctl ll U due, ■'Die Bniisti destroyer Vlmy then bl(wt<x] It buck to the turface v.lth' (Irptli churue.i and both <Ii stroyer. ojwied fire, shikinf It. Forty-nine of the U-bost's were te;cui-d from Uie *'»ter. Four of ihem died Inter,

Till- UeviTly. with 10 of 111 man prLsnner.i belna- di-ek.i. cha.<ed nnil enKaRcd f; inir the bultk- that continued the

UIK twi lay,i nnd nlRliU

SPRING OPFNIN m N N E D FRIDAYOnly t ;ii.itofnar>’ doy-long fon-

lare iinti celebration will be miMlni from rviday'a ■>prhiK openlnR day' in Tnin'Tnll.i, wlileh will u.ilier It ihe.Nprlnn merehnndlslnj season foi tti<- MttBlt-HpIley.

K. O.'ninnhwn. ch&lrmnn of tin Merclmnt.\‘ burcnu comrnlttte plan nine for the r.prlnj? opener, j.ald


nnhiK for Ihe nrst jprln :iy. AJthough any ccle f, been ellmlnateil as to wartlmo condlUon;

oix-n Krlday sruh tpecli

tock.% of the I lilt on the market ca for the .-.prlni Mvrchnnt% in a

Ull be parilcl >l.'nhii,' day.

exlenslv It Uiat U behis In wartime Amer. of lOO.lines of bmlne.-;.

tlnit In Ihe'.iprlng [id.-Jlln»hntn- sail ipiwrlunlty U, find

i;i; now manufacturers are roeetlni: Uu'riates rrsulctloni ‘ sui conmiodltle.i. Mnny jiiorej Vlll lie selllni: merchandljc ajready\ln tock which Is not now belns ;

Litiiclured. or Is beljiR made li ouantlUe,,

Consolidated and Vultee in Merger

SAN DIEGO. CaUf., March 18 — Mercer of CoiisolldaleiJ Aircraft :orporaUon nnd Vulte© Aircraft ronipsny Into a tlnsle flnn ranking1.1 one of the InrBMl »lrcraft maru- aclurers In the world was an- icuivced today by Tom M. Olnlltr, chairman of the board of both Mm. fwinle.v

The new concern will b« known1.1 Coawlldnted Vultee Alrtrafi •orTwraUon.

OPA Plans Honor System to

Keej) Fanners Witliiii RationWASIUNOTON. March IB (UJ’ ^Prlce Administrator Prtntlw M.

Drown will put form families "on'Uielr honor’’ not to eat moro meal, butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today.

Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii will urge farmers to market mo*t of their producc nud lo wtaliv for U\cmsclves arXy an amo\s»i tdUSvtiiait 5 what they would be nble lo buy wlUi war ration book •No. 2. Thej alto 111 be aaked not to u.se the full nmouiil of red couponi In ttiv ration

book which will be valid for meat, b’Jlter, cheese, cookinir fata and oil*.With fnrm fnmlllei necountlng for approximately 34.000W peraon*.

' >ls udmltied thai failure nf this honor proRram could mult In a .loophole tn Uie enllre raUonlnjf *yatem. If every member of a

or example, two ouncei of butler a »t«k mor« than of four ounces the toss to Uic nation, olUclals eul- to at least IM.oW.OOa & j « « . Btollatl?.

;xtm half-pound of meat a week over the ri>Uon of 9 to aK pound*. It vss c.%ilmated. would-meaa vonsumpUon of »a extra £31,000,000 poundt if meal aiuiuaJl)'. | Ig «tArt«d a

Clark Takes Oath as Jnd^c

Fernier Gor. Chaie A. Clark raUet hi* rUht hand <e take Ihe oath of oflice a* Idaho'* tourlh D. S. dUtrict judse. The new Judtr wa« i»Dm In by veteran court Clerk W. D. MeReynaldi (Uri), wlin alio »Kore In Jud(c C. C. Catsnali, Judie Clark’i pmleerMar, 16 year* aco. Judce Caranah U rellrlnr but expecU to be aulcnrd lo upeelil case* for the circuit ceart of appealv (Aotoclatrd I’rest photo)


TH liS IN N O jiT il AFIUCA,

March 18 (/!’)— U n lT r t k i t a t ^ force.s have rocapVtircd Ihc

!tralcj:ic central Ttuii.sian ;ily of a if.sa after n :;U-milc drive in wliicb tbey encoun-

li little opi'o.^itioa. a com- nuiiii(iiie said today, while on

.-(Hitherii front a Berlin

bniadeaHt Kaid Gen. Sir Ber­nard L. MontKoniery’.H British

lu ll army " ’as storniiii(r the Mareth lino with four

lank and infantrv divisions, lullctln from Gen, ‘DwIkIh D, :iow(.f-j hcadciiiartrn f.ald Hi­

lled (wr.itlotis -A'crc improved in the iioriliern recioi- of the (iO-mllc-lons Mareth line front -both during tlic nliihl of March 18/17 wid during yeitcrdiiy."

(Irand A»iiuUm s WJj ihr tltsl nMlhoiUMlvc led Maiemi'nt tendn« to conllfin •rinan reiiort.T lliai Uie DrllL-;h ;liih nnny hn>l Inunched n craiid aull iiKalii.M the -Illtlr Mafrlnot" ftii-ic line hi .•.outhcrn Tunbla.■'In the fouih. cur jlatrob were live. ' InfllctliiK lowrs on Uie rmy," the wor bullclln ssld.Allied headaviaricrs still niala- iiieil llcncc on Uie scope of oper-

[inlnM the .Mareth line, but

FDR Forms Special Post-War Council

'WASHINGTON. March i?- (U»)— Roo.‘ ^\Vlt hii; (arfncd wh'nt fippcnrs to U 'a .'••nimi;eruiios_-var adtlsorj cammlUec to meet rexuliuiy at the While Houne, it, was tiis- closcd today.

Called in fern confercncc with Mr. Roosevelt for tho Stjccjnd time within the past few weeks, were Secretary of State Cor­dell HuH: linder-secretary of State Sumner Welle.s; lied

Cros.-< Chairman Nurnian Dav

HAZARDLONDON.'Kbrch 18 lUP.'-Sea

men returnhiB from convoy dut; to Murmansk reiiortrd lod;iy thii' bombs_nnd_torpeilocs arm t tin only

RiLislan pede.strlaiu, lliry re port, have been wallclni; ucrcv. the aulck-frecilnK Arctic ice li front of the convoys.

Tlie .seamen wiy that In oni Instance the peiic.'trlans wiUitci Uio convoy lo tialt. Whrn thb w.v refused, they reliiclnntly hack a few feet to jiermtt. llu flhlp.s to pai.1,

Tliey stood nmint waltlnt • the u

R II lS H F O te O

NEW. DEUII. March IS iUP)-Tlie British hnvfi be new ix3slllons front in wester conilnuInK Jn; of the Mayu communitiup ni

Tlie "fUTlhfr British llnr.1 w vent I.',olatlon n of RnthedaunK been opernllnK area .since Jai pcrlant Japane Uie bay of lie objective,

-Oiir achrtllie Kalaci

s UMlllriver

the Kar rejolnlni munlquc fjsici.

Allied forces in nnrihem Purma stopped an enemy ait.-vck ngalnst Kachln levle.i and forced him to wlUidraw snuUiward. Tlie royal air force supported Kround troops wlUi- out oppaslllon from Japnne.se planes.

rmy-occupltif vliiflRe.i were bombed and fires lUrted In Uie ipper Chlndwln river dlJlrlcU

Mountain Home Man Auto Victim

BOISE. Mnrch 18 </!’)—S2mer Fletcher, *9. Mountain Ho.me. whi

injured when he was run over an nutomobile In MoJnlaln

Hom» ta.st Sunday, died today in n Boise hosplUI.

Pletcher. Elmore County Bheriff Robert Love rrportfd. had partlcl- 5>»t«d tn a sWewulk fljtit and wa» pushed from the curb Into thC'Path * -~i oncoming automobile.

was rushed to a Dobe ho*pU ?here hU condition had been

reported as •'serJous.''eheriXf Love «aid today an Inves-

tiffttllon into Fletdier'* deattv wUJ

Dr dent (


I.Kaiah lU^■f Johns Hupki:

Leo I’a


. Di , .political adviser to Hull, luid

Myrnii C. Taylor, .Mr. K. veU's hpcsval vi\v«y to the

Vatican.Wliitr H0U.-C I

Stephen T, Karly ,

vlth .M;. RoaM'Vi'lt

RSREJEC' i i R S ’ O E lN O '


United Mine Worker;, o

today Uiat operalor.'.

Jectcd n ui be paid fr

clo'.ed 1 -Clind tli.1

tlmi.- ol ne of depai

John O'Leary, I'lUsburKh. UMW vice presldcnl. said . tjie flatly re/ectcd Uic portal.lo-iiortul proposal, one o! iht Uiajor Ji' belnc argued nt sepnrnte joint c fcrencts beiveea the UMW and tiic southern and DorUicm operatora. lirivlns to work out a contract to supplant the onft cxplrliiB Unrcli 31 covering 450,000 mine workers.

Operaton' ipokesinei) said alter two-hour Acxslon that other nuea-

Uons w m but no con-cluilona r»chcd.

ild that John L. Levis, DMW president who wade the ie~ mands. would t>ol attend. toCaJ's

mferencea becaiao 'of a cold.' Lewls'and \-ar1ou*'unlon distrtet

leaders have declared that unlus a nev contricl is ntgotlated upoi’i

exptr«Uon ot Ibt pnscat «oi Marth 31 Iho nJneii wlU atop work.; The operuton hkvQ reJecM tl» ualoQ'B major dttoiinAi.

llli-tl olfcli5 read .n


r In-it. Gen. GtDTRe S. Pal-

1. lank .-iprclalhl, jis commnndtr U, S. troops In wfstcrn TunLila. Jen, f’utton. nicknamed •'Ulootl :l OuU-.." Is knn-ATi ns one of the

iilnded gcnernls ofii(«tIh e ....... ,

Nails Cl.ltmed Itolillnf A Berlin broaden; t a:. eru;d th.-vl

Held Mar.lial JiraUi Rommel's forces <aitrrnctie(I.,ln the ‘■Cluddcif MnrciiJ wpiJ«..Vrfrbcvn able t o ' I I I *I*»' "*.a-»ard-4li)iy-. amld'l^.U> nchflfiB; , ‘

Gtrmtn jnllliav.,' tswartsn, hMJi es-er. forecast “nn Incrca-ie and con- Ununtlon of the British altaek.*.* which Berlin r--xkl -.vcro Inunclicd at 10:30 o'clock Tue. day nlRht.

The German radio reported that In nddliloii l o .................. . ■

> theliifor

n ■■'iTto.-, strong it.% were pour- rlKht flank in

ir Ilhll.inc, -15

led lhai tills crouii

Takrs I’rl'oner*

■.ird and al- lo-,vard-i El

• on a ro.id


WASHINGTON. Mnreh 18 (.1-?- An;orlc:i!i bumlier.s blxst.-il llir Ja^-' nnc. r .■.utmi;irlne ba>e ut Kkkn Is- laiul. In till- Alciitl;in.«, llirte tlnir.-. Tui.-'ilay. till- iinvy reported todny. wM\ i'.v A 5«Mstl\ iictlou fli;htrr planr. .ihot down tr,o unciiiy iiln-i;ifl and probably destroyed two

‘Tu’iVitay -.va.1 the ,«ccond succevhc <!iiv III mul-.liile raids on Ul<i!a. .m. licavy aitar)-.s liavlnn been prsvlouj^ ly reported for Monday. ••

Navv eomnunilque. Number 310: -NoiUi I ’aclllc;■•I. On Maich tS United Suilrj

army aircraft c.irrli'd out tiiefollo'A'- inn rtttacLi on JiipaiiP;x ln.stallr.- tlHiis and aircraft al Kkka;

•XAv 0\i:lns ih t wwin Uw. Ub«- ator ht.ivy. bombct.s iComolldat'd 11.241 anil MItchcII medium bom'i- ers (North American B-2i) .sapDorl- ed by I-lElitnlnK flghtera <Lorkliecd p.30) bombed the mnin Ciuiip iire.i and the :,ubmnr!nc bnje. Hits weie oli’.ervcd In both tarcet ari'iis.

Two rUnei Shot Down During the c.irly iiflemoo.i.

eiKht LiKhtnlncs encagni eljht en­emy plnnei In tiie viclnliy of Klskn.'rp. 0 of the enemy plaiK-s wera sliot down and an ndiUitonal two were

-piobaWy dMtrojed."10) t-'iter In the afternoon Liber-

■atora, Mitchell* and -Uchtniryis again attacked Uia cntaiy .Wbma-' nns b.v;c ■snd 'otJitr'iMtfiJUUtsw.'' A larje fire was sAvrled ta.tha eaaip. area. , ' "

“(D) Still lurr'tn ttie-tilcmoon.i « group of MItchelLi again aitatJwd'' . &Bd Mcrcd boihS h iu oa Un nib*> martne hasi. , [ -

•Booth PacUtc: . ' .--V ■- • ", ' “3. Durli« ttio nJjthl of Uarcti '

JH7.Llb«rw« henry bCB'— - ‘■rttd out minor.*«rfrett flo -----pcaitloni. at Munda ami V ll»in'tM central Soiomoiu.and a t ,X ^ ^ >a«t BallaJe In the Bhprtttad f iB F to # . RouIU w erc«« ol»er»e<J,** W - r

B t i d a e l l e s w f m v ^ i . .- The Tuesday n id i c D lO itt .»w ‘poieatlX wt« Bol tt> •

« w I>w

Page 2: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

I t k k s f m i *S O l D i M S

nOISE. March II tu f.'-Oevemor

IJoUoIf^fll *11.' 'iiriillfUtl'’ »l Ihe

U- S. »en»l« tpprov*! of t^rrice flf(tmi»'nu for *irieultufil lobor, but be believed, he "aid icxlny.

Die BOvcrjunenl lloul(l fio n .'itj: funiipr «nd crmii fiirlounh.' to lurm l»)> m nif arm) aiiBl" or iiic

Page iV o TIMES-NEWS. TWdN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, March 18, I'&IS

“Honest Ahe” Sells a Bond

A Vital

r home Uld plniillns nnrt lianr:.Un*."

He e»ld ili' ftfiiat< ■ciioii IJ nur nation and our Irml-lenj* i Hri trf tn tai duriiiK monih» cume. I In j'l l.’ie hou.'<' <ri iliU le£l»latlon favorably “t«l »l prnmi>liic;.--.

"1 lioi>c ilial Iocj: citiilt Ix.arO-'' Him »1II llien b* rxlrrmely carelul iini to call up any mrn enjaBed In HSricuUure. and Uial *'t‘o fiuilifM «i;i be ftivrn • ch*nc« 1- return to Lie fariiu

"I bfllevp 11 U rnlv fair tliat as riculiurr he panted m l’ conMi^lnn 111 vlfw of the fart It hna been U'e rujiom lor some ilm'- to jr.mi <ii*:

• lermenu lo mrn in ottirr war In- <1u»trle» . . . ,

"I R'oultl, ho»rvff, lil:« to'^ee tlii- fcilTiil Kovrrnriinil i;o niif .'trp fiirtiicr and grant luflouam lo Ijoyj already in tli* nrmctl Acrvlct in iSif roiuinenul tu u s . ii\onli'r tlinl tlify (’.•'n wme hrror i/> n.iM.n wllli plantlns and Miin'efllnB.

"t wired tlilji »ii!if.:ion lo rar ninni)owrr Chief Piul MfNull, bill lir lnUl.:at«l Kiil)3Cf]Ufn:iy iliiil no

I ttouW br fiiki’O nJonj Him

Drvucd M Ihr Crt»l Kmanrlpatar for.wlinm hr » a i AbralianiIJnpftIn HKe m IIi • - ir hand to Dr. nalph'n, »H m I. Prnn KUl» fd- lrj;r prf«lden(. liltr hi> •ntd ihnutanda af d<illari wnrih nf bend*.

Twill Falls News in Bi-ief

hn*- ■■


] G M IC IA N K A IILEFLAR[Sil’nm Ftn Ont>

tlnn acilon gcneraUy ceuld be char- »cum tl nw »» »i«auertad the red armv’i Smrmovlk bomber* had Inflicted Errat Inura on ilip Oermnn nrinor. Pline rtuelj nlotl »Tre reported becomhic more frequent, however. Both alelei ap­parently had autfered heavily.

In ijle DonetA vallev lijhtmi. the nuislani were t|>rcl(ic in plac- Ins iDme of the (lerceat fngagc* menu in the Chuguev area, 33 mllei joulheaal of Klmrkov. where a.i many u jlx-aavrj of Orrman roiin- tpr-aliackr< had been reported Uiriui back

Chupiev M».» capiuied by ihe red army Feb. 10 In the enveloping drive about Khaiknv, which (ell itx da>i later bin wi.i recaptured by the Oerman* la»t Monday.

The niiMlan uooju »n up new drlenie llnea ra. i of Kharkov nnd have been holdlns bui there has been no lliUllng of a ipflclflc battle llne'except for the mention now of ■ hr ChURiiev area nnd previous ref- erencf* lo »mr balllen about In ’iim, nn Uie bend of the Doneu river lo the aouihCAii.

I f f l K T f f l E 'S l E I C G r a

Ihkl IraAx to ihc port ot Oabrs and Ihe Mareth line. Mobile FVench rte- tarhmenta cooperated,

"Many mlne.i and booby traps have been laid to hamper our ad­vance." the b'lllctln «ld.

Tlie fleelns Oermonj were bomb- rd and ahol up by allied airmen, nchtera. In low-level ittaclu, de* alroyed a number of trucki and *1- lenced axis gim pojition’

Calm Wiped eul •'In norUicrn Tuntala se.st of Bed*

Jenanr. aa a rcjull of heavy atuclci. Ihe enemy made local galna which were laier rejlored by counter- atiRClts," the communique aaid. ■Tishilnc fonilnuej."

Allied flghlva carried out olfen- Jlve .meeps In ihK reflaii ducli\5 whtch one axU fifhter wa.i de Mroyed.

'Tlie RrlUnh radio. In a broad- cnit. recorded by CDS, «ald Brltiah troopi tnounlPd two eounter-attacki nsalnsl nxLi forces In the northern aeetor yeaterday,

<"T»'o enenv coiiipanlra lucceei ed In making a dent m our Une the Tamera reslon in a d»«-n a laek ;e»ierday, bui our men foujlu baclt lUonsly and had rntored ihe poslllon by nlshtfall." the broad, cajl .aid.)

The Hospital

\ No b«ls urrr nvnllAljIr at \ Tmln Fall* county general hn^piiai


Mr9. Waller Humphrey, Arlene NlchoLvin and Mra, Harley WIN Hams, all of Twin Falls.

DISMI9SED =»aeorse PelUl, B, B. HulchlnsJ,

Valter SUrr and Mr». O- D. Sas# and. ton, all of Twin Talb; Mrs. Ltwla Olsen, MurUush; E. Feman- der. Hallej'. and Elmer Oolay, Kim* befly.

WEATHERLiibe ebangc in teraperalnrp (a-

night. Maxlmam ytiUrday 39: le* 1*. MVnlntun this momlAirlB.

Keep the White Flag of Safety FlytnQ


daj/a without a fatal traffic acadent in our Magic Valle]/.

Herr f retn Coatl Lieut. Leonard T. Moore liM been

iinmis«ed from ho»piiillraiion and here wlih hia wife and daughter r a monihi vKii with hli par. til, Mr. and Mrs. L, T. Moore.

Chang* ef AgentJo.ieph W, 8inford. Twin Falli,

litf been named agent for the West, rrn DUpenilng company. Ban Fran cuco. replacing J. E. Cirlion. ac- cording to a designation of agent filed wlih the eounty recorder.

Lea*r« tar H*Ua Air Cidei John X. Balach. i

Mri. Meiia DaUch and John BaUch. jr., left today for hU lUilon Falcon field, ArK.. alter a ihori 'Ull here. John BaUch 1* ort of 17 cadeU aelecied to train it thi field with the British royal air force.

U'lnia te Soldier Gerald Montague Trice. Twin

Falb. haji received hU tlher wings nnd a second lleuienani'i commU' slon In the air fnrrr re.'erve, in cer. emonlc,\ ai Wlllisma field, Chand' ler, Arlr Ueulenaiil Trice l« the

of Mr. and Mr^. Coe Price. 113 Dghth avenue east.

Can Throurh Window.Sniiirlxxly iiiny be t;ellinK

ihu:iiiu>iic about ihc tin cm siUagc Iiro::rnm, lo JuflRC from a reporl K police Wedne.'dftv bv Kenneth Klii' iiry, n:(> Fourth Avenut east. At aboul 9,31) p. m. Tuejday. declared Klnnrv. somponr threw a (In can IhrouRli a wlnilnw of hli home.

Four te NaryTour Mntclc VaUef voulh.' have

gone to Bot« lo e iiu i W Ihc navy, accordlni to anijjuiicemenl Uy Chief Machinist's Mat« Ed Sannon. officer In chirRe of Uie reerult^c sintloii here. Tliev nrr: Rulon .Lee, Oakley; Uoyd E. Breaey, Caatlo- ford: and KenneUi Dlevin and Charles J. Hrown, both of Han.ien,

Mect^anle Through Ceum I’vt. Joseph K. Yrafful, son of Joe

Yracul. rancher Uvini; southeast nf Twin FalU, ha.'' been graduated

airplane mechanic from Kees- ler fleld’.i Liberator bomber school,

unit of the army »lr forces tech­nical tialnln^ comrnand. He was scheduled in be tL'slffned soon lo a IncUrnl unit nf Ihe nlr force.

Cars Come' TogetherThe lell door of a coupe driven

by Vieior Ooprtren, 203 Addison. wa.1 (lamiRPd when It van struck by II ciir driven by M, P. Bartlett, 343 Second avenue west, at S;1S a. m. at the iniersectlon of Fourth avenue »nd Fourth street north. Tile front bumper of the Bartlell car was damaged.

t/«a>M far BelteJohn P. Koeharek Is leaving lo-

day for the veterarvi hospiisl wi Uolse.

Oallen Beek HlelsnThe theft of an "A" gasoline ra:

tlon book waa rejioiied to poUic Wednejday by O. C. Taylor, route

Vlalli SIS UaraUeui. M. H. Jensen and Mrs.

Jensen art vlslilng friends and rel­atives here Lleuienant Jen.ien «Hf reporl lo hli station March 30.

From Tenneaseeagi. Gordon Gardner. Smyrnn.

T«nn., la visiting his mother. Mi^. Lysli Oardntr. and ursndpareOt-i. M r and Mrs- M. F. Burson.

IIM U In DrU*Ths Twin Falls county Retl C\o■■

war fund drive atood at »12,133.30 noon,-accordlnK to ■nnouncemeni by Dr. Charlis R, Scott, drive ehilr- m«n. The rosI i.i j:d.ooo.

Aeeepled In .MarinesGlen Terry, son o/M r. ami .Mrs.

U, N, Terry, has been accepted for enliaimeni by the U. B. marine corp and will go 10 Dobe Ftldnv for his orders, lenvlns then for ." ali Ijike City and Ssn Diego. Terry, a mem­ber of tlir iplcctlve j.ervlre contin- Kcnt uhlcli wna inducted ni Boise la-it Haturdsy, tequeivied marine service.

KISKA SUB BASrrp»i» r*** o»ii«

made cm Monday *lnc< the navy In lis Ulsjt eonimunloue did not specifically use Ihc* word "heavy" to deacrlb« the actions. Il «as ap­parent, however, that they were car* ried out In considerable force.

The Japanese havii had a sub­marine biL'e m IClAka for several mgnUis, tTom it their undersea craft can operate eutw.-ird atialnst American supply rhlpi In nuch bues a.i those at Dutch Harbor wid In the Andreiinoff l^lnnd' nnd may even strike nt ^liippinc along the Canadian and northwesirrn Amcrl-

A.1 fnr a.i could b> learned here, Ihe enemy biu.c Ij pniiiarlly n cen­ter for rrfiirlliii:. ,s;ii>i)lj nnd ll^ht repairs. It appaienily does nni have heavy concretc pen.s of the kind the Germans Imve cnnstnified along the northern Europeiin cna.ii to pro- tPCl their U-bo.H^ng;illi.M i«lllr<l nir aiiack. 1

Heary Dittnsge tndlealrctDirect hiu on the sub lariliiie.N ni

Kblcft therefore |)rc:.uni,iWy aoiilil icjull In coit'.ldcrablc daroa^e lo the enrmy's facilities.

The latest three raids reported against the Japanese Alrutlan ba>e raised to 17 the tolnl number of air atlatki ihere ihli< month, uherra'. onlv nine bombing ft>rn).' weip made against U In Februan.

Here’s a Man Who Refused To Be Robbed

NEW YORKi\ March 18 (U.R'- Weavins»*nirTOUbinij. Frank Hur Ipy, 35. nnd Joaepti, MCKjre, 33. peer' ed through the front window of the La ConuRn d'Orn bar and grill at 3

m, today.Alone Inside was Viclor Oallln.

barfpnder, bending over his ac­count.'. Jlurley and Moore txchatta- ed slancei. stuck ihelr rlRht hands In their coal pockeu, and walked

unsteadily. /"TliLi Li a .illckup," Ihev »nld

pointing 10 Ihelr pockeu.

Too Bust Look." u ld Oallln. •rm\dotnc

my accounts. Oel'oiit of here, win you?"

Hurley and Moore looked ai ekeh oUies. shnigged aitd walked otlt. Onllln conllnued hLi work, lookliiR uj^occa-ilAnalb’ to »ee the two In aJm-wavlng conversation on the slilenalk ouuicle.

Suddenly they eame In *(aln. Tlipir demeanor was more menac-

K sllckup,"tni.

"Come on, now they said.

'Look, boys-1 Jold you lo get mil ef here, dldnt f?" sUd the bar­tender, 'Scram."

TIib bandits alirugged asain and lefi. OuUlde. they looked back bit­terly. Then. acroi.i t)te street, they saw a cife. Hands in pockei. they Invaded 11, bold bancUl* one* more.

Success.— Cel M* -

The bartender handed over 110, let them leave and called police.

In rsld-slrert again. Hurley and Moore looked one* more at La Conga d'Oru. looked nt each other, nodded—and went in. '

TTils lime. Gauin lost paUenc*. HeIt upon the bandits wlih a club.

Thej won were on U\t Oeot.He saw a police car drjiwlnfi up

aerou Uic street.■■Maybe you want these tugs," he

shouleid. -I Just knocked them out. Take them off my handi. «'11I you?"

Whlch they did.

L O P S ' F L A i lH R O I R

DAYWAV.'N. J., Mnrch IB ’uri- Dcvplopmenl of a "revolutionary ’ portable flsms thrower ihsi "so far a.i we know Is the world's besf wt* dlsctoifd today by BrlK.-Oen. AUlfn ir. Walll.

Tlie flame thrower h»» b<'Pii i;nen Increajrd ntngr and rfflclenry as a result of technical Imprnvenicnis applied in ihe laboraiorlps hi ihe Standard Oil Development Co.. Walit said, prpienilnj the Iirm «Uh amiy-iiavy " f "

He also told the i-vieinbled woik- ■» that one of ihelr out.iiandtng

contribullon.i lo the wnr effort was TRTrtevclopmenl of » smoke Renrr#- lor for csmouflaglnc InsUllivlions which now is In senlce abrond and^ In tue here at-home.

The work of the company wiih in­cendiary bomb.i •'promises to yield revolutionary chanSPS In the effec- Uveneu of incendiary munlllorvs," General Waltl u ld .

U. S. Inspection Started on Meat

Frdpral ln.npfcUr)n of meal hit« been sUrt#d at th^ Independpnt PackUiK company plani. accnrdlng lo (innoiipcmienL hy Csrl Junsst. proprietor, wltn J. U. Nolan servlni; as llip Inspector

This II Iho flr>t lime In T»in Kalli tjJMory tliiil a frileral me.il In- sppcior hns t>cpn »t-iflon<d at T^in

Jiinwt taltl Tit* prop.-le:<ir askPd that fprtprnl Ubnei-nnii bp »tarV»«l h*i» so h» ee>uW bid on ro\ - enimpnt conlrHcis.

In:illlulliin of Merul meal ln>|>p<-. llr>n here also tlupw oppn the malLi (o meal from thi.i plant. Previously Twin FalLi rMldenLi wnnting lo (•hip meat lo relntlvM In mrat-sfarce e/ia.vt. areaj werp'^lymlprl hy a ruJi rpoulrlng that it be Kovrmmpnt In speflod.

POINT nATIONINO-In effcct blue stamps marked A. B and C good for rationed Items durlns the first ration period, Hed stamps aill be iijcd for meal, caniicd flih. but­ter, cheese, fhoriciilntf, lird aud oleomai-garlne itartins March 29.

"^SIJOES—Ration is now elfectue;. limit Uirce p.-\lr jicr >e»r t>er pcrun: first coupon /or one pslr is sump 17 from Ihe sucar-coflce ration book. goM lo June 13.

SUGAn—Stamp .S'n 13 good Inrflxp inds II - I

COFKEE-ASlain|i No 33 good un­til March 77

GASOLINt:-N<> i roujxmi In b.irlc A book.' iccxkI lor four k.iIIdii-. unlll March 22. Nn. S roupon.i Rood iherenfler unul 22. U and C Kood fnr, four unllon.'', D coupons Kw>d for i ' , gallcms, E coupoiu good for one gallon; U, T-1 and T-3 cou(x>ns each koocI for five yallori.' nl siuollne. all roo<l until expiration (laie.i noted on emipon books. Tire Inspection ccrtificaics showinj com- plpled In.’.ppclloii nuj.'l ncronipany rpnewal appllcailon for aupplrmpni- al guoltne.

TIRES—Inippctlnn period Ini A- card nutomoblles cipircs .Man'll 31.

Wool Contract

, Being PreparedWASIUNOTON. Mnrch IB (41 —

Tlie Commodity Credit corporntlnn today prepared n contract lo br offered wool growei.i for purchase of the entire 1D<3 clip. DctalU of

includlnK prices, are

Club Donates 75 Servicemen BooksLinns club member:, it.irlcd off

tlielr books-for-Mrvlcrmen drive with a hang W«dne.^day by bring' Ing ?S volume.i to ihelr noon meet' ihg at Uie noKerwn liotel.

It wa.1 announced ol the meeUiu Uint Uie board of directors had dr. elded all club fines a.v.pvrrt agalnsi Llon.s from Mnrch 1 lo Aug. 31 tlall -1 in Ihe Reil Crn.v

A letter froin Oo’v. C. A. Bollolf' :n, exprewlng hi.i appreciation of

tjie local club'h efforts In ihe state­wide Lions 'club campnign to sell bonds for repair of ihr cnilser Boise. -a.1 read to ihe club.

O, J, Boihne and Jay Merrill werr presenlKl Lloii.i club keys by Rus­sell Jensen, club secreuir)', for ihelr ncilvliip.s In inpmbefshln »ork.

A Bue.ll of Ihp club wn.i Hayes, son of H. G. Hayes, a n ber. *.»

Santa^lara Ready To Quit Football

SAN FUANCISCO, March 18 (U».i —Ullhout Ihe u.ie of .<(peclRl army suidenU. thl University of Santa Clara will be untble to field a loot- ball team nest fall, conch Leonard iBuck) Shaw said lod«y.

Sluw announced that plans for spring fooibsll practice had been dUcarded and said SonU Clara wlU not be able to lorm n team from among freshmen under 18 and 4-F students, '

Spring drills will be liclcLPy Call' fornla and Sunford but St, Mao also was reported on the verse c. dlsconUnulng football.

Sugar City Five Wins Second Game

SALT LAKE c m ^ . March IB l/P) — Idaho'* lone enirr In the Inter- moimlsln Junior AAU basketball tournament, the Sugar City Boosters siiuoesed by ihelr second round op' poncnlfl. 31-30.

The Sugar City crew downed tiie Salt Uke City Camera center out­fit to reach the third round games

be plsyed tomorrow. The Utah m was miile up of west high

ichool playen. ^ ,Caputn Murray Brlgsa toueO in

the foul pitch that gave the Sugax City crew the win. Briggs had Ued the .icore with a few mlnuies to go hy taking a long shot. ,

New Interviewer at Employment Office

Mrj. BcMit Clfttl: !>«■ cone Ta work u Junior lntcr\'lewer In the U, S. employment service office here, according to announcement by Howard Slnplcs, mdnager of the of­fice,

Mrs. Clark Is • former resident V.’ T«'ln rallJ, but more rtccntiy has been employed, as manager of the MounUiin 8t»leJ TtVcphcne Telegraph company office at Sho­shone.

The new Inlervlewcf Is a daugh­ter of Mr.-i. Glen AUgcl. Kimberly, and a sisler ef Mrs. W. W. Frants, Twin Falls.'

★ Today & Friday

■Hplrll Of Annapollt- "Kllchen '^ult"

OBPHElimNOW! Ends Friday

- I'LL’S - •'Uu-.ila'« ppoplc"

"Sleelhcad flghlers* Latest U'ar News

j p ; T H O M A S M I T C H E l l

Deadeye Altc

J- vlure soliJiCf .Mcc \Vo«d. new a Vallet f'orir .>IillUrj acsdftnt es- det. ilshl^ hli tulom.;llc rlflr with a >l>arp eye. He h •! Hrl;.- (len- t.rie F. H*«d. II. Bennlnt. G».

British Bombers

Torpedo Tanker

Seen TodayTelephpner Mel iXillini; count'

XTiSi a i>f;k, mo.T o.' k:.-. of small eaa.-.ce on a de.-i ni Perrin*'nolel . . . O C. Knn\, finding ll dilllcult 13 l-.plj »ni! Tiritr u [nx-.lal card allh SiLN one ilirrrfiilly ncccpllns tie:i) of jtxvl Si.niarilan lady’s offer tn nns?:i the e. rd . . , Aiito «r.-IB3 gT wl::-.K in .\pfoiid Ke.ir lor ncirly a bloci; . . . Clly ron'.niL'.-loner ran- d~s;p Lo>al I*err>' blll hlnK ft* fun- ;tcr h.MK,'. ami hal;^ him iu.•rouncil.Tian" . . . Hu.'.k' Cllrn Terry uklng l*.'t look a:ounil lo'.ni prior lo departing for Cw.lr £.u:r;. ma- nnes, into wiucli he liii.illy cot ••<!trr bumping Inlo cla.pd cjiioUiS lor seirnl montK'. . . . Ccriaiti \oI- i::iie».'- rr-vnut (Co. fii priictlclng marchinc maheuver all by hlm.-.ell

lip aalk.s alon;: Second Mrrri ■Ji tiiinklne lii.T.ielf unoUicn'cd Slrtrl llghti burning ul lo n. ni. te.^Iis ju it a lest) . . , Ucpuiy

^hen:f Irsning ma.ifully on broom ■--- i;p nllrr prantMer dhe ,innie

'.>) b.'caks light bulb , , , And hAll emplojM .'iiilfmi: ihe air ;.ir hot coffee brought In on for rrtifinerj.

Town Hall Books i

i\lusic, Election

,v Ml, C.irvelli Welli at 1 Hall mPflliiK to 1-p held 1 in thP high schfMil nudl-

raser will ix- inirwlucrd by


Col. Ld<on I). lUff (above) at New York ltd V. 8. paralrwop farces In the Tunisia Invasion. 1Stimson Opposes

' Father DeferringU'ASniNOTO.S, March 18 ',r. -

New war departnienl opiwillon lo Ihc Kllday bill to defer the draft of faihrrs developed today a.i the lioiir.o rules committee bpsan heai- Int. nil the meisute,

Clinlrmnn Sahaih. D„ 111., dls- clo;«l llini secretary of War Siim- f.on had written him In oppailUon to the measure but he would not muke public Stlmson's letters.

Under Ihe calegory system set up In Ihe bill, single men within a .\iale would'bP inducted first, single

wlili collateral deper^enti . married men allhout ehllrtren

nexi, and mnrrled men with chil­dren la.1t.

H?:AD Tl.^tfS^NKWS \’A^T ADS,


TWWm kM^Ca'lWeit 1

+ ^ 1CiVlHAt


Coupon Z / o r / C(lim it J) “ '

L At (V4/4ra«n’s


A cc u racy M e an s So M u c ir

M frjuipnirn! In«ti|h ni ncitutt ctch inctdifni. Vnur Wtlpffn PhireisciH n hnn'-r- Wind >ou» Oo5lM'> •Htr>

iBARBASOLrE C XIEAM , f u i , ;Tui: m i J « ' (Limit J ) ^ ^

BABY BOTTLES °4 e i 8 <». NA lU tO W SIECK (LImU I)

WOODBURYiOcraciiu,soaPfi.w,je.,o Z . J

Page 3: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Thur>day. Marth 18, lO WTIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Three.

FOOTWEARValues to Stretch Your Wartime Rations

'N W E A R A B L E

Is,",™ !',';,” "


5CAMPER00S”Those Kraiul mift I'lay .«hoos you'll love lo wear will) .slacks, wiih y our c<ml sumni.T ilri’ssr^. .S<r

tlicm iinl.'ty . . . P la tfo rm .■‘ok’S, (ii'li^'lilfully soft. I'luiico of red or In aitlier .style.



mm mm


Siylcrt tn n jiiinr^ mill*

tnry tlr.ilKii, llie.'.K t»'t>

broivn oxfcrils xvlll kIvc

jirniiliiin »mlcc. GliiJ*

r.l call li-iihi-n lo Icwk

iirM for iiioiitli: 10


IM IUTAIIYOXFORI)J tyli'<} .jii>t liko the aliovir ii im ’.s A O

sliop Imt in hoy.' ' .sirc.s. U 'j t» (i.,,..

F O R A M E R I C A ' S

W O M E N O F 1 9 4 3 1 J

'(j-'rt Mlltblr, wciohtf low hrti oi/uriJi niihil> anj ^<>!i.,, •)! ihe ttXniiU far

lJuo Muirl Kkiklnc h « l. hre«n ox* f«rdv h^^lv SItM lo n,>Wlh» AA • A - «.

OWYHEE LOGGERG r e o t e s t S h o e ■ Va/ue JEver Made for Outdoor M en

Polcrs Uinck INisilr

Work Shoe

$ 3 .5 0

Spring lni(lili(]tially_ m raiis new, I'lxilui'.; frc.-hur clothos . . . a^it! this year, il means An- clerrtoii'.s us well. \Ve'v<! cnlloctt'tt tlii; finest :i))riii;' fasliiniis ever f(ir this >rraiiii s])dn;;

()l)eniii;: event. Vou'll tlii-ill to tlic brisk new stylin^’s. the addoil va!i:e. ami be.sl o f nil, the thrifty low huilKot iirices nu ovi'r\>yS])rinj: item in mu- sltjrc. .Stop in today, or any dny, and lot C. C. Anrlcr.-ion Co. funiisl/ yoiir wardrolK'.

This Spring Smart WomenWill Live In

SportswearNew Strutter

SLACK SUITSThosf. Ki'aiul S tn itte r clotli slacks you'll wear for .stn'et, sport.-^. Work, or just. loiiHKin>^

aroiiiul. Xavy, Itluck, Urown and

l)astul tones, . .

9 5


SLACK SUITSFine .Ilayrja Kahai(line.-<. w ith w iiile inset i:<illar which can ho roniovrd to wear witli hl<.iises.

Mweator.'i. ]);yk tones, sizes lli-2()


(iiiy New

Jumper DressesHere'.- the ^I'and double duly dn-.ss you’ll want for activi' wear all siinuner lon^. . . rich new sin-hiK Uinvs, in f;vym\, «;di;vrdii\CK,.siriitli'rs, to wear with those cool, briKht

blouso.s you love.

$2.9S $3.9S $5.95VISIT OUR BIG NEW

Drapery §hopIn The Basement

Now. IV Utkc <IrivirtmrMl, <!' ccl entirely to .'.iniirt iipw ilruj)-

crlP.T . . . mnrfi»'-’ ''ticiiiiitlc up (IrniKrlM mill p.iiii-l'-,

well 0.1 cool cotliiRe ni

prl.'.cmiw. Slop'll) lo<l:iy . ..

tlicii joo too; will Iriim why Ujrlfiy, "r.r^K roivcioiirj v.(inifn

redecornir llir.lr lioiiir;. nl C. C.


Smart for Spring


SWEATERSSmart new shanicy knit awcatoca in all the .smart new .spring' pastel tonea

. BlipovcTs, button frouta in both .short and btiK elecvcs^ ■ _.. - • ,

$2.9S $3.98

Rich New


D A M A S KL'microtu riiyoii 'Ullii aiih ricli flnniltto;cii pxitenis. in linrinonlr.iiitf UPlr.l'V !or linuily, '.oil yvV to'); jitlcvil foryour wnrilme biiilRrt. cronnniy, I'rliiiii! or uovcii llorul i):\lt<-mn. All <8” «ldc. lli wft l(l:'.r. of Ijlur,


Heavy Weight “Fiesta”

PLAID MONKS CLOTI!YiiVi 11 love Hic w«y Uial brlchl plnld "FlcMa'' monks clotli Mill lirlnlilrit up yoiir rcxiiiiA , . . your {urnlturc . . . unil 10 f'coiumiic.il. i

_>our lumllurc. iiillovis, ciL'liloiu. hns;.ockA. to niittrli yuiir ilrnpcrlcs. 36* wl<5t,.Tftn, wllMbrlKlH pUW colors. Vaj 69c

Heavy Draping Colorful HOMESPUNA ^lu^dy. pmcUcnl fnbrlc llml lift-s loti of Kiiicty nncl dii-'.li. You’ll like rho f.nfi ifxture to the rovluK yarn <l«lHn la lifftvy. folt drnplnu Jiibrlp. emnrt In nny room lurnlslicd In the moclfrn ninmirr . . . rfonornlcnlly priced, too. Colors of S9c

Our Finest Rayon MARQUISETTE i

Our finest niarqni.sette.s in those prnnil tones that brink’ .sprinp to nny room. Clioo.se from pliiin.s. .slulldnls, or hand­some woven plnid dcaiKn-H, in ecni, rose or white, beiKe ori

• CK’K'shell.

" BRIGHT BLOUSESWhite.s, pastels^ or l)^i^:ht plaids in rayim crejie.s or ahark.skins. See this I'nutd fteU'cli«!U

$2.25 $2.50Y O U R

S E L F - E S T E E M

i l l l f ,


$30.©© :in„

'niiTi'’.'' II f]ti:illty '"onl:" about a CIl|>i)cr Craft Siill.'tli;ii rinkfi vnii Jifi ,\ut;r cliln, throw mil yiiiir rtiV.’.l, tt-.Tllc wllli'Uip .Mrldp Ilf a iiiiin wlio’.i "KOliiK placo." You'll cauv;r^tvilAlf youn.vll on your wt.'.e tconoiny,- too. For.

' rvi'ii Itiuiicli you luiially paid up lo H5 for stilt.i, you’ll orffc lhai Clipper Craft I.i lopr. In •inartiit';-'. — in ricli fobrlc.i — In fine l-Tlluriiis. Vou p:iy only J30 mul S3.'> tor jour CUptwr Ctull aijli. brcau.'.p we're worklns to- crllirr ultli 073 leadlne store.', nntirr llie fiiirioan Clipper Cri'fl rinn. to protrcl tlic purrhtclnB po-.vcr of your drllar. \Vhy not coiar in lorfny. Iind select ficii tlir nrw wnr'tcda, f.verilj. fjiet I111UI5, .'.liariusknui. and twisb we've Ju.'.l received. ■ r

USE YOUR CREDITBuy your svi'inn suit on cue of-our convenient creiiit pinns . . . take tip In iliree months to pay. You can add oilier wardrobe item.s, loo.

#■ .


Page 4: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Page ?our T15IES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, Much 18, 1913

I eoiuolUalloii en I • Not. nUblkXM


TtoS»-N»« l” b:'.»bT»i Corns*.

rrm *b4 UpIM


AJtliough the city clccllon campaign has

scarceJy gotten underway, the Tlmcs-Ncws

already ha.^ been threatened.Bec.iuse this newspaper refuses to grant

h im u concession tha t It wou ld give to no

other candidate, Mayor Joe-K Koehler has served notlcc that he wllITjult a l l or his ad ­vertising In the Tlmes-News w ith the added warning th a t he Intends to broadcast his experiences aa proof tha t we're a bunch of

so-and-so's.The Tlmes-Nevis. for obvious reasons, has

a very definite policy as regards political advertising. First, It must be labeled os Buch. Second. It l.>! sold only at a special rate In keeping 'w ith custom recognized by news­papers Bcnenilly. And third, H must not be

libelous.The mayor, contending th a t he l.s a t a

dbadvnntage because he Is n o t being sup ­ported by the Time.s-News In h is campaign for re-clcctlon. glvqs this os reason for our

refusal to perm it h im to use space for po li­tical purpo.se.s In connection w ith his rcRiilar theater advertising— at his lower ’ contract rates and w ithout the "pa id political a d ­vertising” Identification. ^

So fa r os Mayor Koehler ts^concerned In

t!)!.*! connection, he Is entitled to the same privileges afforded a ll other candidate.s—no more and no le.s.'i. He Is free to buy all the

politica l advertlslnR he wants News under the same pr^ivlslons apply In .a l l Instances. His opponent ciumNs^buy political advertising a t a reduced rAte,

■ can he place it w ithout proper Identlficatlo i?

even though he also Is a regular udvertl.ner In the Tlmes-News.

In Its news and advertising columns, the Tlmes-News w ill give the mayor a ll the con- sldcrallon It. wlU give anyone else. Icrespcc-

Uve of h is threats, but In its edltorlo l column. thl.s newspapfcr will present its reasons for

. believing there should be a change In city adm in istration . And the people are free to con.slder these reasons or t\pt, as they see fit.

This we w ill say of Mayor Koehler: No

one In Twin Falls seeks moro publicity In the Tlmes-News than tlie mayor hlra'5clf. The readers may decide for themselvr.s o.s to whether or no t he lia.s received a fair share

of such-consideration.Tlie fact th a t Uie mayor Is endeavoring to

make It appear that two ind iv iduals not In ­cluded on the opposing ticket, one the pub ­lisher of the Tlmes-Ncw.s. are hl.s real oppo­

nents is a. political ru.se anyone .should be able to see through. Neither of the.- e in d i­viduals has anyth ing to gain personally from the election of his opponent, o ther than the

benefits th a t would result for the people generally.

Evci\ thoviRh MRyor Kochlfr m ay rtfcm i l politically expedient to make a p lay for m ar­tyrdom. his real opponent is Bert Sweet and

the real Issye l.i what he has accomplished Iri office. Apparently those are th e two fac­tors he would like to overlook an d forget.


W H IR L IG IGSACRIFICE'— ^dmU-al-Ambasiador WllUun Jf.

SUiidlfy h u iufl»rt4 one of tiiow <llpIoin»llc wrbl upplnsa for liU pltlir fprckinK Motcow. Bui U:e

'' Itct U Oiftl Uie blunt lUlor teiprtiSKl iljf »ecret ofmiut&r>' and iMinical Irsdcrs In London >])<] Wtililnsion. 11 U »l*o probabli Uiat he rrflecied Uis 6«nll* nent of Uielf peoplei.

111! rtm&rkJ cune t portunb moment. Ftbruixy cl UiU rear uw more arms u id food irui poned lo the Bovlel by !end-lM •uthorlUes thmn any oUirr monm line# Ih* prntfrm wa* ln*u«ur»tfd

March. 1M2. Conil«rmenu of nAT TCCKEB pUnfs. ttnk» «id motorlied vehlclei

retchrd a peak.From Marrh to D«ccmb«- of I*4i yew ■>

wirded »n »vfra«e of only 70,000 loni of /oodiluff* every 35 diyi. In Pebmtry ihe ihlpmentj »mDunlfiJ lo 103.000 toru. They required more than 30 veueli plu* worU to tel through lo Murmaiulc and Vladl- voiC^k.

Tlie carsoes eoiubtcd of artlclM which hnve recent, ly been ratlorAd In IhlJ country. Includlnu dried b^alls, canned meita. sugar and numerous other.v Nejt lo our own.aoldlers abroad. Ruisla enjoys top priority ot) surplulj tdlblej. i

London^ alrmen\here confide Uiat Uicy li»v> mad sreal snerincei and efforU lo provide relief fc> blnl In’s embitUcd Iotci« on ihe Mc*cow-Kh!vrk»vVlrtni' Time and again ihfy'have uttiKcd rnld.i over Oermany »lien they could not afford Uie plane.i, with the aim of tmuKlng factorlea and rallronds vltAl to }< in his optratlon.1 n fllan Uie U. 8. S. H. Tlie UrllWi adnilraliy haj fumhlied waralilii.', needed ebcfti Insure Uiat Anglo-American auppUu «ouM n red port. I

In short, reprtsentallve.i of Uie Nations power» believe the only Soviet they have not mel Is Uie launehlni; of a on the eonUnenl of Europe.

ARDUCTED—Outburst* of vlo- nrc niiiln.’.: nail slave labor 'de ITS wlilcli rip'oded In Prance UiU cel!. IncludlJi;! the flllemptetl as'

ta.uli!aUon oI coMtarai.Mnrcel De.it. arc bclJij repeated Ir Belgium o:id Uie Netherlands. Frenctj gi errlllaa are &laylng Gcr mans in ureater numbers Uian at

major Unlleil jqulrement cowl front

)nU» rrwldent


After .s ^ ie four years of negotiation, the statc.s of Kentucky and Ind iana have settled one of the last lingering tioun?lary disputes. Co-operailon and m utual consideration ac­complished what a century of bickering and litigation. Including one supreme court de­cision, d id not acbleve.

The trouble a ll began when the Ohio river Inconsiderately shifted lUs channe l, leaving fh'e .square miles of Kentucky territory

stranded over in Indiana. The s ituation bC' came complicated when Evansville bu ilt waterworks on the Kentucky soli, while Blue- grass olllcers. hesitated to police a n area In which Hoosler cops had no jurisdiction.

Now both legislatures havp agreed upon a

friendly solution, which congrc.-is can hardly fa ll to ratify.

How dlfferen l than the way boundary dis­

putes are “settled” In Europe!

DEFECTS—rcr Uie first tlmr In r Roosevelt recenUy look time off to /.ui . scene. [wlUlcally and economlcnlly. Ills friends re­port that ho wu deeply concernul nboul his finding and severely crltle&l ot many nldes to nhom he hid entrusted national affalra while he devoted hl»nelf lo mutter* effecting Ui# conduct ot Uie «.nr.

IIU dismay at hit dlscoverlcA accounu for his es- tabll-ihlng Uie so-called "kitchen calilnet." conjliU;ig of Harry Hopkins, Admiral Leahy. New York JuiIkc Samuel I. Ronenman and Economic Slablllier Jumr.i F. Dymei. He haa ordered Uiem to InvMtlgale anil solve Uie problems Involvlns monporer. farm prices, Inflftllon. labor um-at, controversial meoAUfes on capltol hill. etc. He had delfRftlrtl handllnB of tlie;.c difficulties to fegulw members of Ills odlclnl liousi'- hold nnd emergency agencies, but had no lime to check Ihelr accomplishments. Now. to hl.s chn(;rhi, ho lennis that many of Uiem hnve not lived up lo expec- t.nlon.v

r, D. -n. chose Uils altrmatlve rather than Ihe more painful process of firing wme of hl.» chief o-vtlslAnts. His advisers Uilnk ho'ouKlit to get rid ot Krcretnr)- Perkliu, Paul V. McNutt. Donald M. Nehon. lo mention only a few. Hut hr prefers to let them Imng on while hl» lupercablnet devUes a.prosrnm wlilch will remedy p « i defecu without creating hard feeling nnd recrlmlnaUon.i.

Thai 1.1 the baalc esplnnatlon for creniloii of ilmt WftslUngton wngj characterize m a "kanK.iroo court."

MOOD—Republican strnlcKlst.i on e.-ipltol hill believe hit u|)on a wlnnltig tuup for 1044 that

ilch the former nonlnlerventlonlst vole wlUioir . . ^eniselve* to the charge that they are ^c

fbh luid narrow naUonallsts, Ironically, Uiey pullet Uie Idea from the public speeches nnd prlvnte coiifubi of a man who may be F. D. n.'o crown jirlnce. Vice. President Henr>- A. Wallncc.

Tlie Io«'im, according to the vles'ixiliil of IiLi pol. lUfal enemies. lieatU Uie American sciiool which wanv to “Bh"* away ^veryililng," a position outlined li hU repeated uUeronces Unit the tJnlted Stnlr.i nuis: o.iiunie responsibility for feedhiK. finnnclnB anil Ing the jwstwar globe. In the cloakroom.-.. crlUcs troir both pnrUea have nicknamed him "Olve nway Henry.' They attribute present- and prQipccilvc short.iRes oi food lo the admlnI.ilrallon’A ndoiitlnn of liU jvillny,

Thry ilo nol cavU nt ahlpmenta of meat, whent, milk etc., niul weapons to our Allle.i so long ns ihoic nd- vunc-r.? help deleat Uie axis. Tllc G. O. P.-en In Uir -veiintr voted tor renewal of lend-lerue relnforcrmrni.' rvrn more unnnlmoutly than <lltl Uirlr a.wocli



Po t Sh o t s



. sUll fro

, will be ntly. •

VICTIMS—Tlie war riepartmen delnllrd <lrscrlpUon of Uie Doollitle rnid over Tokjo, nlthoui:h it hn.i been e.itnblhhed Uint the JBpan^^c know nil the lacu abou') It. Only rea. on tor thr II- month recrecy h tlial Uie aerial bombliiK wa.\ a /Hllure eicepl for lLi pnr.,\ible [vycholoKlcnl rftect. liul U can now be rrported llmt all of Uie 8G men rncnged on the inlMlon have been nccountetl for rxcrpt two. It U not known whether they were klUed, captured by the enemy or Irll vlcUm. lo disease n fur Uielr plane Iwid- ed In China.

Other Points of View


After reading Qovemor Charles Edlsrn's recapitulation of what Is happen ing In Hud­son county. N, J .. under C hairm an F ran lw d

am the law) Hague, one U tempted to won­der why the United Nittlons do-nol use that area as. a laboratory to work out methods of replacing dictatorship w ith four freedoms.

The charges made by Governor Edison are not new. Nor were they partisan , since the governor is a distinguished Dem ocrat who for a long time has been close to the Presl-

- dent. He cited a few up-to-the-minute iilus- trallons of the way In which Boss Hague has jnippressed freedom of .speech, freedom of

assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of the press.

. Surely the people of Hudson coun ty would

wclcome those freedoms which fo r so long have been mere scraps of .paper to them.

Tliere would be'a whole lo t m ore ambition In this world If It d idn ’t use up so much energy.


Here are a few union restrictions, out of the mar Uiouiands of them, while Uie I7nlted States Is er saged In a flglit for lU life, and Bovernment is ej ,>resslnj more and more concern About a ninnpowi Ilioruse—hui nobody is dolns anyUilns about It, nc !ven Uio unions, Tills U Uie short list the .S'ew Yor Times sets down;

—A local of the teamjlers’ union requires Uut ever Ock entering Uie New York metropollUn orea liav local driver In addlUon to the driver already cm

ployed.—Diglneers on many fait pa.s.icnRcr irnliu wor

only 10 calendar days a month, for which they recelv 48 "basic day*' p»y."

—In various clUes the elecuical union requires Uia If any temporary light or power U to be lued on comtrucUon ;ob ttiere muai be « full-time malnten aiice elecUlclan »ho shall not be permitted to do an construcilon worK.- —Painters' unions Jn various cities Impwe mirlc lions « i the use of sprayguns. in order l« slow down Jobs.

- In *ome casei plumblne unlcma Install pre-f»brl- cated piping only If Uie tlxrcad is cut off at one end of Uie pipe and new Uiread U cut al the Job site.

—In Chicago employers cannot bring In truck ee-

WHAT « E NEED MOST The Hack Shop Oracle took tha

cigar oul of his mouth long enou{ to adfUe us that whal llilt ceuntr nerila more than anything ehe 1> xrlous ihorlAge of ncrloui shorUge

-vTHlS 8«Ol5Ll> HETn,E THE \ Ur.I8-D0WN .MATTEH

Dear Kettle Drum:You may contend that U<il:.e

s downhill, I •r run.i In

,ce thr Kiml ■ c. trrly <llrrc o Bohe, tec!Ill DOWN

nlcnlly -MienkhiR.The elevnUon of Twin Falls Ls

3.740 feet while Dolse b 3.700 leei We follow the old Snake river nearly ill Uie way there, and after climb'UIK 0 of the a few time.

KNOW wr have como UP HO.ME when we get to Twin Palls. Now the elevation of Pocatello Is 4.4fil. Illackfool la Idaho Falls Is4.G90. Rlsby 4JJ4B. and Uie Targhce p .M Is 7,078 Icet. accordlnn to our hlRhway map ot Idaho Issued by the bureau of hlRhways.

Be.vond Wilder In Canyon county the river make.*, a very definite am .ilmrp curve lo Uie north, ainl flowi nlma-.t directly nnrUiward all Uie

If norUi h !»W N, mnkliiK

In Amerlc. northward.

S-What l.-i a Yarborough In tl came ot bridge?

0-Whafs the highest score po. sible In one crlbbugo hand?

7 Undies' departmenl)-How cn urcen pcn.s be cooked wlUioul lo of color and without shrinking?

Answer*1-Domlno<3. 3-WAVES—won

en's auxiliary volunterj emerKency ervlce <naval): WAACS. women'

iinny auxiliary corps; SPAflS. ‘•tern per i»ratuj, or always rendy" (cowl Kuarfli. 3-Number of Uireads square Incli running both wi 4-So the ihird child of Crc Prlnce. 1 Juliana could b« bom

5-A 1ii bcttc •.SIX)!.

ment mUera unlftt Uiey hire ■around and watch.

—In many theaWra a "full crew" ot » must be emploj'ed even In pla)-fe where change of ecenerr.—Poatello TWbune.

•.'he phras( ew pollUcal a fine sounding pli

Tliere U RomeUilng ... social security. hOKever. Tl}i


dat security for

1 to lUmd

• Ls Uif.. reo'om'pared to lure the voter. H

creaier Uum fulUstom^h UidlTidua) freedomi

> the people what It An Ux or confiscate under the sulse of

lajorlly of the people

... ____the right lo do Uilng* for oneself. >

Political social security Uiat mokeji one » virtual ward of the lUte In return for a full stomach and a pl«c(> to sleep. de»tro)-s freedom.

Oovemment can onlj- "give" 1 first takes away from them. It . savings arid redUtrlbute Uiem equahiaUon of wealih.

But a-naUon will stance U a n___ .do nol have Uie Individual ambition and tnci . . . work, and save, dnd produce new wealth cooUnuously 10 take cftfc of Uiemselvee and that *mall percent*«o of unforlimale Individuals who wUl dlway* be wards of Uie state, and who should be CAred for much better than they now are.

PoUUcol planning of Uie lives of all Uie people In a nation can be carried too far. Just u can parental- planning of Uie lives of children—we face Ujal danger In our country. The planners and tpcndeiTT-ure be­ginning to ouuiumber Uie workers and Uie savers.— Wallace Miner. . .

DOWN, noise l« cl.Kook. In .•pile of Ihe.^

—Looked It Up


A fur n.s we could deiermliir, oui Irsi offerlnK of mbcellanfow In-

fomintlon n montli or m iiko mel ■lUi a good ' reception. One Eenl •rote In to r.iy Uial he mndr two. lU and slx-hlt.s, rc.specilvely, on

Que.Mlons (ind answers No. 1 and No. 4. ’

Wilch, of course. Is uhy we pre- ■nl our miscellaneous lnfomi:itlon

department lo you brethren. All you have to do Li find n nnn-Pot Shot4 reade

ng bowl ot chill. Vrrle toe and grabbed for a rIh-vs <

ifterhU Uilrd Rlass of waH.........._.ied from the waltre.vi tin\ie ihotigm he wanted It -hoi %crlil) .so she hnd pul In half n ca o\cayenne pepper.

Yerle hoiies that stonmch tLs.'.ii — ‘--:k foal.SroVt

Thei:ho doesn't fcnow the.... ..

1 you bet wlUi him or her, I sr she Ls stumped, you maki ey. It hcj^r she Li no; stumped I write

:ti of Uiose anyway.Here goes for ano'Jier WMlon;I—Wiat'.i Uie olde.s Bame played

today?3-Wliat are the actual mill

names of the WAVES. WAACS and SPAHS?

3 (ladles' dept.)—What dofi Uie Uiread count on bed slieei LibeLi indicate? ,

4-Why did Canada by doli jlecree • • •

o ln t •s ogalnsi you i —Dy cooking a avea with peas

' '^ lO T

•hot" Uicn he wlU find one Vei Mo.scf n »er>' enUiusla.Hlr ndvocai

••Hot," one Icarn.s. ciin iiJnjii clth high temiieraturrd or li'cnh mej acrid or punRenl, ■nui Verle dl covered the hani way.

Being In somewhat of a liur when sUtltig down In <i reMaura Verle a.sked for a bowl of chill. -It U hot." He did nol wanl to wi unill they warmed up j.ome. \

altre.vs .said, "Of coiir.^ind I I li>i



BEX EDUCATION NECESSAllY 'Hiere we .still youns iicoplo mn-

tUTfcl and ready for marrlagn whc arc nol correcUy Infonned abotil the ordlnarj' fact.1 of .sex. ’IIUs seem Incredible, but the lettcr.i tliai com to me tell Uielr ow-n palhetlc i.tar) Olrli of twenty, wondering wlmt 1 is all about, fearing y« eager l> learn.-Parent.1 who slrlvo to keqi thl

InformaUoji from tlielr chlldrtn, us ually Ihelr dauKhUrs. do so in th mistaken belief that Uity nrc kct p Ing them out ot dnnger by kecplii;

hand.gnoranl. Sex Is leeUns ihe.m wh< puiillnK Uicm d

s not fully know.

lealth, and affect the happlner.'. of heir chlUlrcn If they rvi'r hiivi- imy.

Km!)»rra».iniepl No Kxeuse Sonic prirenLs nrc <loKmalU' iibnu'.

he mnticr, "Wtiiil they don't kntnv ,'on't hurt them." Tliey tr ' to kre|i

ver)' :iKr>- whe:'.v:npe thr

:au.'c they mast, and I Unt rlliiaUon Is Uoubli-

Oilier p.irenl.1 fnll to In; :hlldren because they <lo liow. Nobody Uught them liave no word.s for i ;hem. Many of then :lie correct term.s fc hr body >

FLASHES—A well-knou-n New York execuUve, who held high tmsl- Uon In the government :n the flr^t World war, sketched a charnctcr sludy of Franklin D. nncocvrli, nt a private dinner party the oUier night. "He Is one of the few Presl- dents who re lly knows Europe," declared the former official, "He speaks ,bolh French and Oermwr fluently and completed his educa- Uon in England.

"He haa a daring streak, an ex­tremely valuable trait'In n war leader. When he was aislsUnl tec- relao' of hary, a plan for strlhglng a mine barraice from Scot­land to Norway wu brounhi to hli • nltenUon. Admiral 61m.s, u brllllanl Rollor bul a man who never liked any Idea which he had nol orlgl- nalKl. blunUy turned do-»n the pro­posal, 'Most, clvlllim fecri'larle.s would hnve Bccepij\l the verdict, of our senior coin.Tisnder, but not P. D. n,

''He called tosether a noted American nuval enjlneer nnd ii. British ndmlrnj nnd told them to

vlth Ihe projecl. Tliey .............................s U-: the Knl

e trapi>ed like lici L It was I

bttr,;h<')' thl' I

liven Uirm the -followPliPIV't MlI.'/fTLOne imiwrlanl fnclor b<-hlnd rf-

fectlve resUIanc* Li Uie Crllbh In- ;lllKcncu forvlce. TTie B. D. ' C roadc.rM.s dally ndvlce from ewnp- 1 pnlriol.s nlid EnKllsh . ecrl-t ;ent.i on Ikw best to dostrov n;irJ •oprrly and llve.t. Recently Ihe II . R cominence<l dropplug Ry pnr- •huKs Hi l;;lnn. Dutch and French iln cfiiilpjK-d wlilv^portable mdlo.i

<-il by crank-s. m they can keep rh with I/iniloii headquarter;; •/«ri frc' h labor riot.i. million.', o' doomed raUrnni:; ihrlr cap'.orn nnd pJirn lind

. of rontncttnc Gtronn eom- t.s, ttho .uirtcittloiuly «re plot-

iln.rt Uie iiu:


y fill. 1.1c;, of a

: his ilil.m lu. lUller him-

;ho NorUi 'nr.slKhtcd net. ,

"But he was nei-er a gixxl iidniln- strator^and he L'Ui'i now. U L-, In- :efC3tlHfr to observe Uial Lloyd Ot-orge nnd Woodrow Wilson were

'plloiial mananer-s and Wlaston Churchill and Franklin Ilno^rvell ire p.'irtlculiirly Beak In Ihnl line.••In I017-1B subortlnales in Uie

iftvy deparuneni used to wum. Never writ* a letter or a n-|>orl on nore Uinn one diect of paper, oth- •rwlse F. D, R. won't rend It.' He likes fl;u\hr.i: he halea detail. Yet If he would now sel up a stronn war cabinet—ft real board of cspiible bul toUKh-sklnned tllrector.s—he could

currcot srjflf.1."

CHOWDEIIS-Wlthout publicity, linns are being made by Maine nnd \Iti;..sachu;.el.t fuhing lnler«t.T to ■narket tiiunllUf^ ot •lirllfbli rarely eaten by Amerlcuns llliouKli thry are .^xiremi'ly pop-

■■orPa Italian col- Uh European nntlon.i.•n a new .wurce of fr>od r days Of shortnges nnd itlluled on lend-len.«e • edibles whIcJi we pre-

.111 oaipply 111 il.so b« s liilpmeni-'

•meIJ for 0

of Initial .sun'ey.s ind Olouce.Mer ea fooil (

?lAte i»-nrden.s



Bo>lc pomUon.1 eMlmatebushels could bo hiine.stcd annual­ly off Uie const of .Mn.y..iehu.'.ett.s. Vn.'l bed.s were fouml In Connecti­cut and New Jerrey. Tlie InuB ncg- , ,[ftl molIiLsk.s cliL'.tiT on rock.. from Cnpe Hnttenis lo the Arctic nnd from Swi l''r!incl:<o Iny to'Al­aska.

No exlrft manpower U retjulred for Ki'Uicrlntc becaii.se clam dlniier.s -iml oyMcrmcn. wlnif sllRhtly mod­ified tools, can do Uie Jol). A can-

fnctory hncveml more will be .

ntructcd If ft public tiLstc for tlif alve.i tlevelojK. niey will be ••lUiout Uielr black Mn-lls and ,ed or chllktl by die quIik-Jr

proce.M for frelKhtlns. Chefs lounce Uiftl they nre delicious '

;how(l<.'.ted. pickled or made Inl

. Tlie "moulr



\ nn

In-Jo the Jaint

niG MUMS TtiereVi rue cheerful Uilng

ill this rtolni rationing, Wr I ibout It ffoin a couple of re.-,t. Kuyi. Tli*e gents. alon«

ount I

book Ir

e.fiillnw.s. hnve.the baiiks.

lects on ihe^ai lormally dmw m ys Howard Ge: rst time I ever five figures."

•Uh K

a bit

ly did Cnnncta by solemn let aside a certain ha^plUl of Holland? 1

HO HUM DEPT."Itomlnr Pigeons Stolen; Owner »ys Tliey'll Come Home"—Dente:

Item.But fried pigeons can't fly ver;


FAMOUS MST LINE . Oh, boy. sugar again In-

tead of lynip! . .\ TH E GENTI.EMAN IN

THE •n iin n r o w


IS Y’EARS AGO—MARCH IB. 1!IU Mrs. N. O. Johnsctn retunied lo

her home In Pocatello yesterday af- attendlng the SabbnUi scliool entlon of the ScvenUi D.iy Ad-

TcnUat cliurch here.

Jtss Husted. Buhl chief of police, as In Twin Falla yesterday oa bus-


H. L. H«ynoldi, Jerome attomey, ras a buslneu vlslto; in Twin Falls •eeterday.

Homer Bumett left last nlghl for Sail Uke City to. visit over the


:7 TEARS AGO. MARCH 18. 1910Twbi Fulls Is the meeting plncc

and April 20 the dat« of Uie Rcpub-

J. W, Mlnnlek of Union. Oregon, rlslled here several days lost week wlUi his son, W. A. Mlnnlek.

Mrs. George fiprogue and IltUe daughter Jean have returned from an esundcd rlslt In Boise.

P. U Slephon^of the law firm of North and fiiephan,-htLi returned from liiJ former home In ludlano.

. the;,-ny out for all

of a good 1 ;nreful here for Uiei

liking a Ttir be.M is Ihe u.<.■lould bebooks on sex life Ui» but quite oUicrwhc n tended to excite roilier tnan to i) form. V

Die rlnht kind of books nre wrl ten by profcj-slonal men and n-or en, acceptcd nuLhorltles In Uie llci and It Ls these tiial parents fthnu coimilt. nnd nl the right time, pa on to Uielr children.

Good Book* Help Some of Uiese book-s, onei I ha'

u.sed and found helpful lo your people, arc ll.ited here, ’nirre a oUiers Jusl ns good. I nm mr.-. t Uie publishers' lbt.i nnd to be Ik for the uhrU price Cl. ke';l tor llu'tii

For hiKh school nt:e boyn lu Kirls Uiere ts a pamphlet ihiit fi thrrs and moUiem could u. e to li •struct Uielr teen ace children, ei UUed Orowing Into Maturity, comes from the Department of Re­search of Uie Denver Public Schools and It fthould prove to be verj’ iL'.e- ful In-the hands of good le.ichers and underslandlnR pnrent.s.

"niurman D, Rice. Amrrlc;>n .Med­ical As.socIaUon. writes fine boot' >n this subJecL Any of them Ls val- lable. So does Roy Dickerson. Rulli

Fedder's book Is a fine one for girls, iLso Je.vile Olbjon'.i. Any good pub­ic library carries authoritative

book.1 on Sex and Uie llbi help thase who need thi Uirm.

n t rwtim of Informlne fhlM

Wendell MarshalWENDELU March 18 - Chancey

Willard ha* been appointed marshal and water nupcrlntendcnt. .succeed­ing D. L. Huey, who reslRj ctl. nn- nounceW Mayor E, j^i»rr...Qcaige. Lancivster lia.s laken' over duUes of Irrigator, replacing Olen Culp.

GrowUi of Singapore wa.s due to ihe-commerce rcsuUltig from opei Ine of Uie dUUnt Suez canal.

: Individual chca mny violent and

trouble but they

•nckpot I

.'.Idercd llKht'Cf th bnlnnced Uint the majority of R epub llrnn members Ls fol-

Tlic ’atlllitde of th e nepubllcan;. Impre.v'.lvft ihlnR; In American pol- f.spcclally Impor- • .1 election I;

:i;e Jii'.t seen how the nepub nve retuned to ma^c ixirtl.iai (lilt of Iend-lca.se.■ne ot them voted ngaln.'t U enate-maklng It po--slble f< ifpiuil policy to continue wli

■ • confldi

trade to be Hon. Tlint I: to ncinibllcj publlean i.ri

Intied >llh oppo:,l- vice being given 'oiigrers by I i> ider McNao , by Leader Martin,

.chantlonal <

Wendell Wlllkle a ;ta;-sen of Mlnne:,ot. 5ng Mipporied thf n

Diild- be imforiunnle.

•solUliir will .ch h.............................. hand. In the house only *li votes asi Bgftlnst continuing lend- three by Michigan Tlepub- nnd three by Ohio Hepub.

llran.s.The nepubllcftM aLso cooperated

to permit final pa.'.inge ot the lend- le extension on the recond nnnl- r-ir> ot the act—ft dramatic touch

that tflll conlrlbuie to ihe^jcnse of unity.two nctlon.s by congress ir toward wiping oul Uie

of confiwhich

more slgnlflennt than Re- 1 support ot lend-lea.se Ls Ire of Republlc.ui leaders to

refrain from a poIlUcal fight over itlnulng the trade agreemcnUi . •Hie Republicans have nlways n overahelmlnglly against the. iprocal trade program of Secre-

tar>- Cordell Hull. SomcUmes Re- publlc.ins hnve cost unanimous

ites In opposition.Yet Republican lenders nre now

w the rtclprocal'


lev JI A'orklnF

Wlint congres.s doM now and pnr- tlculaiiv whnl the nepuhllcan.s do. Is elo'ely noled nbroad, bj nu.-e nil governmenl.1 nre trying lo determine which wny America Is likely to go nfler thr wnr.

nepuhllcnni h.ive lntllcatr<l a dl«- petslllnn to conperale. Tliat wn.s voiced In re#oluilons adoptnl by the Rrpubllcmi national comiiilttee al­most n yenr oko and rccrxior.'.ed nl St. Loul.1 on Dec, 7,-U wn.s voiced nlso In n stntenienl of [wllcy by Re- piibllcnn members ot congre.s* Inst September. A resolution by con­gress Ls conddered deHrnble by ft number, some of whom nre trvlng now to hit upon satlstnctory lan­guage for It.

Some Republicans are Interested In .such a declaration. A* Mr, Wlllkle pointed oul in his recent Indianap­olis tpeech. In all of Uils Repub- llcan-1 nre only going buck to Mc­Kinley. who said 4S years ago Uint "Lsolatlon Li no longer pavlble or de.slmble."

Tlial wft* when the United Stntca made Itii first experiment In Ini- (lerlalLsm. Wc withdrew from It. Now we nre moving oul again but It mny be in a quite different way Uil.i ime. through United Nations co- >per« Uon ________________


I community com growing plan Ls • Uklng shnpe in Csldwcll. Its goal Li at least JL5 worUi-or l,;Ofl ration polnljv—of food for eadi of ' COO fnmllle.s._Tlic Chamber of Commerce agri­cultural committee has lea-sed nn clght-ncre plot on which to plant hybrid sweet'cor Unlt-s of 23 do.v

,•111 -be subscribed n rate of U perby famlllei

unit.Each unit will produce approxi

Tjatcly IM plnl^ of canned or fro«i Mm or 10 pounds of dried com nm ihoulcl be re.idy for dt'trlbullon b' \uc, 10,

Page 5: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

punoNisciIN IS I IU N IS IA

ALLIED HEADQUARTEna IN N o nru AFRICA. Marcn IB i-Vr- Ocn. DwlKhl D. Etcnhowfr replac-

1 ttl MnJ. Ocn. Lloyd II. Fredendall . lixliiy »lth Ueut. Ocii. Cfofco S.

Palioi\, oimtd Jo«t n«ccSullil. uJ commantlcr of Unlt«l atntcs iroops oil Uie aeaicrn Tunlilan Jronl,

G«i!crfti Palloii. called "blood nnu KUU” ns one ol l)ic mosV olteiisWt- nilndt^ Reiiemls of Uic army, la re.

• Karded Here as ihe outsuncllnff Anicrleun armored force exrcuMvo ilnce Uie death of MaJ. Oen. Adna It. Clia/fee In AuKiut, 1041-

m u.i dlapalcli (Ud nol brlns out immedlaielj- the new otGeneral PYedeiidall. «no wa.i in inond of American uoojis in *r Tunlila at the time ol tlic brc;vUUtouRtx lu inlil-Fi'bninn’ I'Wl the «ub.'.equenl allied couiileroficii-

Thuraday, March 18, 1943 TIMES-NEWS. T\nX FALLS. IDAHO Page Five

Patton. Tiomlns.tr'i tu.Kfiieral only a n fTMidcnt nocscvclt. L'.30 years In the urniy.

Hr ien'cd M «lHc U> C.i-iH'ral I ’erslilnB <>'» Mta'ican txiicdliloii jirlor to Woritl \vjir I niiil v;u'. cliarijc of llic hc;iilfnj;irirr.-. oiiillt tJic flr.M AE1-’ to Eu:ti|)c lliat conflict.

He won Ihr <;bllni!ul:.lird j.tirv me<lul for Joriiilni: and tpaiiliu; ttie first Amrrlcwi tank unit into bniili In Friuice anil riirllcr thl> >f;vr rr crived Ihf ():ik (Iccoriilloii lothrvl a-iiiril Sswtt Otntii'l Ei'.vn- howcr for hi-i work In the miril African cnmpiilKn-

Patton Li widely kiionn tvnion army men lor hb; colnrliiJ vcKabii- Inry, Now 5T. he MX-nt hli tariy jrar; 111 I'lUnJrjia. Calif.

CHICAOO. Miircli IB (,Vr—Repre- .lenutlvc.i of larRe meat pnckera tnday mvW tlMil lor the llrst. time since the ,'lnrt of ilirwnr they netting luldf n .■.yccllled |iercriilui;r of their prixlucllon for the Kovcrii- nieiil.

This procecliire followed n recrnl Rovernment order, and lU Msiilfl- eance. packers aUl. wa.-. Kiat 11 re- ver.'rcl llie policy vihicli had l)ern ninlnt.ilne<l Alare lcnd-leiiiC i>nd the amic<l forcM VLtjiin bi/}liiK mi'nt. It rould rcMilt liTTrtccluctliiu in civilian mi-.1t l llov.•nnrc . lliry iiclili'cl, (lepcndlnK «iwn Ihe rate nf.llvcjlocK la lKllter.Formerly, the pAcVtr;-. urit

. trleled by Ilie KoviTntiiciit In tliclr retail MilpnienLs to a ccriain prr criitnKC of tile meat Ihey i.nit tlir:. r.atiie retnllers In tlie rmnpnnitlv period of 1041. It recently 1ms aver aijcd nbdiit 70 i>rr cent of ItHl flilpinrnl.i for nil type.\ of meat.

Ilie later,t ruling, i.el .'.])eclflc per ccniaKes of loial iwocliictlon ilir k"v fmmrnt want.i in the M.ireh 15 April .10 p<-rlo(l. In effrct, IhL'i aboU I’hed the 70 per cent ri'iola to ' Ilians, l l i f elvlllKii ixipiiliitloii he 11.1 percentnKe nf lolnl proriiic. tlnii. and lliat may or m!\y not Iw e()tial to 70 per cent of the 1541 supply,

I’re.Miniably the Kovrrnnicnt nctfd, pM-krrr. RAld. l>rcn\vr.i- U illil not ircl the nrmetl forcr.i aiul lpii(Wrii.-,c v,err KctlliiK n ,Mifficlrnt iirojxirtlon of total proiluclloii. Many pnckrrs nindc thrlr olfer.i lo the covcrnmi'i't aftrr flllltiK. or nttrinpthiK lo fill, thrlr 70 per cent civilian rjuoi.i.

Sheep Can Cross Relocation Area

An asrcrmnit brtwrpn the U. S, y Rr.irUiK .'ervlce and Harrj- L. 6t.il.

fnrd, project dtrectnr ot itic Mini­doka relocation rciurr, by wlilrli soiilhern Idaho jitockiiicn will be permuted lo niovi- ^llcrp acrow, the rclocxtlnH iireA, hirn ivwimini;- ed by M, C. Claar, Unbe, fprreUry of the Idaho Woolnru-Aci:.' a.vwlii*

"U will be iiei;cr.'.,ir>- tor nich out­fit lo obl.iln a paw., ' Cliuir .vild. •Tn.'-'e.', may be (il)Iatiie<l at Slaf- foril's office at the relocation cen­ter. One -pa.-j will be ^ufflrltIlt to co;er all ot any one opcr;Hor'.s cm- ployr-1 and llveMock.

Claar m UI the vtiwiiH^rii wouW Hie brldRea erwjiiif,- the Jerome- North Side lind Ooodlni;-Mlliicr ca- naLi. Llve.'.tix'k men iii.iy oUlalii a mni> ol ihc nrra iroin the Krazlni; ser\'lce at Slio .hone.

Ttir tlKiirr nioj) V In Wa.'shltiKlon. D. Frreilom.


^ Fair weather or foul, you'll alvuyt pel mure

^ Dunthitie into your life wlicn you mako your0 (Irinka with Sunny Brook. I f i tlic

^ »tnooiUnc»i anti fine Kentwcky flavor iliat ilr>

^ tlio trick . . . a ^00(1 Irick any time you want

^ to enjoy Qawcll drink.


W N»tlon*l I)i»liIIen I*ro(]scIi Corpnrallon.New Ynrt.N.Y.

'Man, it's /)otjn’ii^ oiifstJc.'’'

"irc//, ’c£ l/tasc ii’cl ihitigs

oJJ'— l't'i' got a raiiibuto

N Y B R O 9




Page 6: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Page Six TIMES-KEWS,.TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, March 18, 1943

250 Couples Attend St. Patrick’s Ball

Amid fl scttiiifr «f colorful shnmrosks denoting the molif of tlif ;inniia! St. I ’atrifks kill. ^50 c oup I CM dunccd Wednesday cvcnitif: to the niurtie of Arlon IJastian and lii.s orchcstrii. The ilancc was held at llii: AnJorivaii I-i'jrion liail under tlic Hiionsorship of St. Kdward'.-i eluircli.

A Cfttti room rDHiHicird I'f.ir- bv iij (Iniirlnk- niiillmird. H. W. Jlin was nwa lrtJ hlKli lor plnoclilo mid Mr.'. K. U. r.rr ^rconil lilKli. ML'j ncbcccn CMTVin uuii \w\- ors nl contract l>rltlK>- wllli Mr«, Delle Wliltr »p«nil. Ttic room win in cliifge of Mrs. E. H. Oyer nv-.hted bv Mrs. A. P.Hr Osirom. '“ ■fof «i>r fUnmpv

DiirliiK liiHTiiilv !:m rotfro nml cnkc ttcrc mTV'-<1 wllli Mrs. CIi«udc Di-twrllrr uiul Mr.'.. Clmrlcs Urrrtl prr'IdliiK nl U'e RofrcshmenU wrrr in clinrcc of Mn>. Tlionms ChIiIU. Mrri. Oven Ilucliiiniin nnd Mrs. DflwclIiT.

Dfcoriitldin III ihr inidlUoiiul jlinmrockj »nd v,hlle rlay plpr.i werr nmnsfd by MIm Joan Le Clair nnd hrr commlllee of Dt SnlM club members.

Mrs. Mux Orny scr\T<i fts Kmrral clinlrmnn for tlif rvriit with 'Mr.'. Dimald CurtUi. Mrs, A. C. Curler nnd Mrs. Ocorsp Rynn In r.Jinrse of tlckrUi and Mr«. nob»rl Warner, publicity.

Mrs. E. Phillips Elected Bickel

. P.-T.'A. LeaderMrs. Klmrr riil1Up.s wm rlrct^d

presliltnl of Ihr Dlckcl P.-T. A. r«'hpn the mcrnljfrj met Wetlnt:dny evculiis. Mn>. Klo.vd Lincoln will sen-e lui vlcr-prolilrnl, Mls.t VtvUn Kllnk, spcrptno' and Mr». Jack Hoi- larwl. trcn.nirer. ^

T l« meetlnc wm prc.'Iripd by Mrs, ClmrIr-1 YouiiK vlUi the national presldfiit’.s nifS'JRC read by Mrs. Mnble PorictlWrt anri tht Blalt exe- futlvM mcMase by Ml.'j Ocne Sow- (\r«l..Mrs- Ethel Gray save a full report

of llio year'* hot lunch progrom. Ml.v-1 Mildred Elrod's room w( - book prlte for having the

Marries Flier

Ml« Martartl Derry, Hailey, Hhg nai married to Ueul. W. Dale CatTlntfr In Teia* rteenUy. (SlaJf Kniravintl

chnlrman. presented MKi Jmn Kline In • piano solo end MUs TA- rod's students in a one' bci p Ia.v, John Flatt. high achool prliiclpnl, waa Uie tnnln ipcaker. HU topic

Marian Martin Pattern


SMART AVORK OUTFIT Ilerc'a a amart diolcc for ft Rlrl-

on*tiie-Job. Paticm 8310 by Marian Martin! TJie Jacket Is nicely JltKd and may hnve Jaunty pocketa; the skirl haa a Was front panel; AND. for o crisp touch at t^e coUarlraa neckline, a almple-to-launder dickey la Included—why not make several?

Pattern 0310 may be ordered only In mhses‘ sires JJ. U. 16. IB. 20, SU« 16 requires 3S yards 35-lnch fabric »Dd s yard contrast. ’

Send BIXTEEK CENTS In coin for thla Marian Martin pal> t«m. Write plainly filZE. NAME, ADDRESS, 6TVLE NUMBER.. Send TEN CENTS ejtra for our Spring Pattern Dock—a who]? collection ~‘ttf~*ccoQoznlcal irorUme atyles.

Send your order to Tho Tlmes- News, Pattern Department, T»-ln PiiUa, Ida.

Becaiue of Uie sIorneM of the maU4.vdeltvery of our pattenu.

ft lev dayi looser t h u

Margaret Berry Weds in .Texas

Tlie niaxrlasfl’of MLu .MurKiirct Dwy and Lieut. W. Dale Carrlntcrr took place March II at Urowrvivllle. Tex- 'Die bride waa alteiiclrtl by MlM Jrnii McClU(rt) aa maid of hnnor. Ueul, tlolwvd act­ed aa l)p\t man, /

llic bride wre a Ifeht Krren sitrliiK sill! wlih brown lncccs,iorle3 and a Kardenln corr.;iR(^Mrs. Car- rlnncr is the dnughtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Artluir Derry. Hallry. nnd Uic brldrgroom Is the son of Mr. and Mr.s, Cloyil Ciirrlnger. UoLie. The bride Is a gnulualr of Ilnllry high school with the class of 1D4J.

Mrs. Berry acoinpniilcd her daURhlcr to Trxn.i and nttpiuled the cercinony. The yoimw couple »U1 be »l* home temixirafily ai the n Qsrdlne lin’el nl Bronnsvllln, wlirre Lieutenant CarrUiKrr Is siutluned wltii the tran.<ii)Ort cominniid.

* ¥

Hagerman Sailor, California Girl

HAOERMAN. March 1(! — Keith Clark.—mtcltli<Ut'k-,-iiiaU)— accond elan, U8N, Sim of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Clark. Hasrrmin. and Misa Eunice Gilllpo, .Ilerkrlry. dnUKhter of Mr. and Mm, Ray aalllpo. Har- rah. Wash,, were mnrrlKl March 11. The redding took pbre at the home of ihe bride's parent;..

For the ceremimy the bride steel blue suli with blue! and

hlle scce.yorli's. Ilrr rorrovRo of cardenlivs. Mrs, Uob Crnwford. Nv.'.'s, sister of the brldcKroom.• rldrs malil, Mrs.'Crawford i

(liLsly riV-r suit with brlge iicces- •>rlf.v Kennrth Oftllliw, brolli ir lirlcle, was best njan.■nir bnckuround wa.n of bn.ikcts ef

jMuk camaHtins amt caUa IW-lli-s uiih blue rlhbiins and pliUc and Iiliip f.Tiidlrs. FollowlnK tile inmiy dlmier wa.s . rrvc■l 10 the 20 iicsis whn urrr mrnibcrs of the iimrillate famllleji. The two tier

urddlng cake wai topprd with a mtnlatiirc sailor and bride. In the rvrnliis a reception wn» held at the Imme of tlie bride’s parents »iih <0 gup-t-s present.■ Tlir hrldfjroom sradualed from Il»germnn hlch school with ths cla-vi ol 103(1 and ha* been In the navy for the past three year#. Tlie yoMri: fwiple will make their home in Derkelry. ahere h« is stationed, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark and Mr. mill Mrs, Dob Crawlord attended Uie wtddliiK.

V « *

CalendarW. C, T, U, will meet at 2:30 p,

m ftlday *i!h Mrs. Dertha Mo- Vry. U:5 Etxth avenue east.

# ¥ ¥Rural Federallon of Women's

club,i -MU meet at 3:30 p. m. Sat- urday nl the Farmer's Auto Insur- iince aiidliorUmi.

* * * Prf'UytfTtwj^cirs club will linve

lla resular dIniieKal (1:45 p. m. FTU dav at the church i'.irlors. All mrm- ber,\ of llie club and thO'P liiler- r.'led In Scout troop Cfl were urjed


Elks Hold Final Bridge Session;

WinhersNamedA crowd of 35 couple.s

brouffht'box lunchcs Wednes­

day cvcainR to enjoy the final

bridge party in tho current .scrie.s .sponsored by the Elk-s club in the Venetian room.

Honors for the e»entns wfi’ t to Mra, Ifelen Phllllf». Mrv Jimmy Wlnterholer. Ai Weslemn and Dick Roberta, Chairman for the parties werr Mr, and Mrs. Pat Cockrum, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Urllvood and Mr. and Mr*. Deane Shlplry,

J. Paul Tlioman rrcrivrd an •ward for tiie "most unusual" play­ing and Mr. Jeis Salm nnd Mrs. E, J. Ostrander won low honors, ‘ tjuii on MW brWgt luSti wai > by Mrs. E»il« Elcock,

The flnsl playoff for Uir j:5 bond Is .'<h«duled for the night of March 31. S u ^m g fommlttee for Ihls aeries, Mr.’ and Mrs. O. P. Du­vall. Mr, a«l Mrs, Clarence Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keane. Mr. nnd Mn. E. W, floberU and Mr. and Mrs. Asher D. Wilson art In charge.

Those winner* who will play In the finals art: Mn. Harriet Dentai, Mn. Bemlce Norton. Mra. Grace Dlandford. Mn. Verne Hinkle. Mra. Bea Thoman. Mrs. Thelma Orren- halgh. Mn, Vera Saxon. M n. Helen Phillips, Mr*. Jlmmv Wlnterholer;' E. P. Shipley, J. H. DUndford. B. H. Stowell. C. A. Bailey. J. P. ‘nioman. O. P. Duvall, P, C, Shenenbenier. Harry Denton. Al Weslergan and Dick Roberts.

« » «

Couple Honored On-Anniversary

HAGEIWAN, March I»—A Kroup of 35 friends and retatlrra gaUirred al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rnlpli Faliin for a surprise party. The occaaion was the sitter w-eddlnc an- nlrersary of Mr. and Mr*. Fallln. During the erening a mock wrddlng was held. Mr*. Lister Scvey pla>nl til# wedding march and Mrrt O. C. Hrown acted as the pteachrr. ^

Other member* of the mock hriaal party were Mrv Ward Marsh, Mrs, Dob Oreen. Mr*. Howarri Mar>h Mn, Rella Wood. Mrs. Rom Wainirr and Mrs, Ralph Miller, Tlie rrtnaln- det of the evtnlUK was ttv-dally after which tile guest* er •pc relre.'hmenii and kbvp ilir Fallln.^

vpr ojfrrlni; *iih v.lilcl purcha.^ed a linen .',Pt.

* ♦ *

Nurse Explains Sickness Sicrns

.Mn. Richard It, Str.UU jpokn the Junior-Senior Study proup. < plaining sj-mptoms of dlsra.\ra m common to children as welLaajneii^ nngULV’ ihcumatic fe^er. intiimilc paralysis. She also dUciiMwl .scar­let fever. lm|>etlgo ajid .vabrs witJi suggeations as to tl>«'ihtr.sa mother* of children should look for.

Especially given Interw: were Uie danger signs of rheumatic fever: Slight Jever. nosebleed.v )c«u of ap­petite, failure to gain welRht. rapid heart action and pain In the joints nnd mu-scles. Meningitis. Mr.v pmlih stated, is heralded by nau.'ca, lirad- nche. atlff neck arid pain tn the back.

.Mn. E. L. Ikenberry. chairniaTi. | presided al the seaslon. Dote of Uie next meeting, final of the ciuren; school vear, wlU b« announced at

laUr date.

Weds Sojdier

Mrs. D. M*. Sherman who was Mill Pauline Iton«teln prior to her recent marrlagt, (SUff En* grating]

Pauline Honstein Weds Army Man Exchange Vows

Mta PRMlliif Honstein. daushtef of Adam Jlon- teln, Twin Palls, be-

the htlde of Sfit- D. W. Shrr- Onaway, Mich., at a cererriony

perlwmed at Uic parsor\ngo of Itev. ll*Mian C. Rice at 8:30 pjn. TueS' day.

The bride wore a blue crepe street drew with a corsage of awect pea.s and carnations. Tlie couple wat attended by Mr. and Mrs. A. P llohniteln.

TTifi wedding party enJoy«l aup-:r at Campbell’s cafe followlrig the

teremony and a weddlnc b.'pait/aslM held Wedne.iday morning.SerReant Sherman, who has been

itnlloned at Hunt, left wllh hli brlfle for his new poM In Ogden Thursday.

Good Will Club Observes Event

Po.'ty members and husbands of the Good Will club celebrated tlie lOth anniversary Wednefiday ei iiing »itli ft dinner and program tlie Oflrt Fellows hall.

Tables set In a U sliniir were dec­orated In the club colorn of biuo and ahlte wlUi liny lutiltce work Kates flanked l>y blue nnd wli ilgurlnes. Over (lie liil)lr» liiinu bivnner wiili Good Will club nml tlie mono. Loyalty, in large blue letlen.

Tlie table set with ilie birthday rakn on a mirior, wUli blur nnd .whll» Aweet peas In cry.M.il bowLs on ellhrr side. Mtn. D.tIIii.s Kinder won th» tskr In a vlr*v. ViiR and Mrs. M. J, Du'ch waa pre.-.cnled with the ilowec*,...__Mrs. n A n ntPS liriil rhnrcn nfUie birilida)- cefeifinnlr.s. Pinochle and Cilnpje checkers followed wllh Mr. and Mrs, D. C, Thnmiv.on luid .Mrs. John Rodman winnlns honors.

Chairmen for the event were, dec- oration. Mn; D. P. Orovc.%; riiter- lalfa«enl, Mrs. Justin DooUttlc: menu>Mrs, Laula Whltncv; kitchen. Mn. M, P, Oehletree. serving. Mn. Thompson and Mrs. W. A. Mlnnlck.

Stop thajt Coughingand Stop It N O WcA"«i;M.4.a.r7? s:

* RKKxnt te«i awtlkiw i r»»J 111 q««k BcMftu) •riactiv* I

\>nu >wt, h**d and bo>»;y- Am I^t • /i.ih. ni(hr •«.,

«> ci<i»xwj wm.w, (Qiitn 'w, wintry A tis w<u till yeu SpixJ 4S

FAV-MOn IIRUQ s t o m ;

Meet PostponedUncoln P.-T. A. meelln* has

been poaiponed until 'Wednesday March 34 to meet at the school al the.regular Ume.

Cobntry Women . Honor Hostess

, Country Women's club met Wed­nesday afternoon for the annual pocUuck lulicheon at the home of ^tn. Haitle Crawford with 17 mem­bers and five guest* present. The group presented Mrs, Crawford wltii a polled plant In honor of her birth­day.

Nominating committee reportc<! and election will be held ut the next meeting. Several rcadliiKs were pre- fpiited nntl completed Red Crois ga.'tnenis aere turned In.

During the uttcriiooii plcturu were taken of the group. Guejy wrrc Mrs. Mira DcsRulioeaux. noise; Mrs, Frank Howsman. Hai- fliiin; Mrs, Betsy Jnhn.'on. Mrs. L. K. Tencklnck. Mrs. G. D. Van Til- Diirg and Mrs. Clyde EJwlng. Next meclliii will Include elcctlou ot oJ- Ilcrrs at the home of Mrs. Dan C.Mliro, >.

* * ¥

Panhellenic Meet' Pflnhellenlc a-'.soclatlon meets al 3 p. m, Saturday In the Idaho Power auditorium Wltli Mn, J. J. Wlnterholer. .Mrs. John Lctser and Mrs, T. C. Chase as lioste.sse.s. All fllKlble women were Invited to call ihP hojtes,ses for rcservntions.

An Imporlanl fuel for home heat­ing 111 some p.->rt3 of Canada la iiawdu)t.

Kenny Treatment

Shov/n to NursesMn. Della Geer assisted by Mrs.

Harrj' WUson. gave a lecture and demoniiratlon of Uie application of wet hot packs for treatment of Uie mairular spasms of infantile par- alyiU.

Tl:e demorjtratlon was held al the Twin Falls general county hos­pital with 55 uuwes prtsent. Dr. Wallace Bond of the executive com­mittee vLslted at the ae.wlon.

Much inicresl was shown and con­siderable dbcuislon ensued, A sec- ond class will be held Priday. Marcli 10. at whicli time all graduate nurr« are Invltwl to attend.

.Mrs. Cppr and Mn, Wilson will give further cla.'.\es a.1 the need arlr.e.s. Mn, Geer Is responsible for teaching the Ti>ln Tails nurws and Mn, WlLwi. ull mine.s of the soutli central healUj unIL

* ♦ ♦

Heyburn’s G.A.A. Presents Dance

HE\'Dt;R.V, March 18-Last week the lirypurn high school G. A. A. prrsrmed Uielr annual formal ball with mu,-.lc furnWicd by the public aildrca.s system. Coming out of a medieval ca.itle tlial act ihe 'Fairy­land ' theme, two attendants. MLia Darbarik .Morrlion nnd MLss' Elsie Lee. scattfred fiowen along the pa:h for the fjuecn. .ML-j Plyllis Cllllrr.

MLm JjR u r Ilelner. last year's O. A. A. president, presented the yueen with a crown of pink roaebudj. Dur­ing the evening there were a num­ber uf spot dances wllh prises ararded.


Solemn Services Set for Cardinal

LONDON. March 18 aiJ>>—A aol- emn rt^ulem mais will be held Tues(iay for Arthur Cardinal HlnS' ley. who died yesterday after a twt weeka’ lUnes. It was announced to­day.

Canons of hla Westminster arch­diocese were expected to meet after the funenl to elect a vicar capitu­lar pending the Vatican's designa­tion of a suoce.-jor.

Many Catholics believed 41-ycar- okl David Mathew. bUho.o auzlliary since 1938 and widely-known Intel, lectual, will be ' named Cardinal Hlnale)-’* successor os archbishop of Wejtmlruter. Other* suggest the Moat Ret. Ms)^. William Godfrey. apoatoUc delegate to Briuin.

Treasury Backs 20 Per Cent Tax

WASHINGTON. March U (U.tO— Secretary of Treasuo’ Henry Mor- gentliau. Jr, today »aid the admin- IstraUon Is 100 per cent behind Uie :o per cent withholding Incomo lax plan approved by the house «-ay* and means commltlee.

Asked at a prefui conference If the commlllee bill waa satisfactory to him, Morgeniliau replied:

'-nip answer Is 'yes.' The admln- btratlon Ls behind the ccmtniUee bill 100 per cent.'’

The ways and means committee's plan calls for a 20 per cent withhold- mg tax on salarle-1 and wagea be- gmnlng July 1. The withholding tax wii iM inrlude both the victory Ux and the Income tax.

Give cikei and other deiierit

delicsie, enticing flavor with

Schilling /.«r» Vam-ll*. It ! ex.

quiiice bouquet woa'c bake out.

S c h i l l i n g

N e w undtr-arm

Creom Deodorant-iftij -

S to p s P e r s p fr d t lo n

L Does nnttotJirite* e.........ihinx. Doei.nct init«te ikiiu

2. Kooiliingtotlii'. C>ab«ui<j »i|hti/ttt»hiring.

S. liutindritoprrtipin'ionror1 to ) I'nicou cJo(.

Anoi£»a lajunte of lauoito.

WaASuJse.W O N D E R

IhtufT.3o'»l Wkl. GIKIX'MMCT

—«>irtTi fM.-tf tM f y«« WH Matk BOGWIVr . . .

A ttfl* 7>«’ll fi«d li r*«dr Uf

•«)f*W **W» (« ]«> *♦

$ 5 . 9 0

Bertha E. Campbell’s Store


NUTRITIONOur Koveniment needs us

STRONG , . . Modem nutri­

tional re.iearcli Inia found Ui« folloft’liiK rule.< e.ventliil for

healthy nation . . . Clip llie

followlnic list of inriiu recoiu- iriatlons . . . keep them

handy along with your point value chart nnd iilan \ntir

meals to improve hpnlili and


EvecfK Day,

Eat This Way

aatM actaui.

IwTTw a OTWa tntAM


oaaMML ToauiiToauioii,•■artrauil


POINTSYour grocer’s Inventoo' In the future will be b.vsed on the point values exchanged dur­ing March . . . Spend every point In your A-D-C raUons, and you'll be a.«uring .every­one of wider auortment.s. and a more complete stock in ev­ery store. Check our low "cell­ing prices," and,you’ll spend every point in Consumen Market.




5C lb-



Round out your menu:; witii hij;tily nutritiou.^ fre.'sh fruits and vcK’ctuble.'s . . . It'.s oa.' y to .- erve younself in our big new, cnlnr^ed frenli produce department.

GRATEFRTJIT' ■ d ^ '”^ 2 5 cIceberg Solid I .Snnklit Juley

Lettuce J hds. I Lemons, Doz. 3 3 ^

.Medium .SliF Gold Kurkle

ORANGES, Doz. 35cLarge Site | lx>cal Wlnetap

Avocados for 1 9 ' I Apples 3 lbs. 1 5 c

BUY YOUR FRUIT JARS NOWWe've Just • unpacked a wild carload of Kprr fruit Jar.s. Uuy all you'll need for Victory canning. rl«ht away-All arc.complete wlUi lldj and rlnRS. 70c


85c'/, Gol.



' NON-RATIONED VALUES Orange MARM.\LAI)K— Engli.'ih TeaGarden Style; 1 lb. J.-ir..........................

JELLO — 6 -Dclicioii.s Klavor.-i, for ..... :..,20f1 SAUERKRAUT — Quart .lu r ............. ........20<

CEREAI, /— Crncked Wheat,

^Rolled .................................., SALAD DRESSING — Tuns. Quitrt...........40«COCONUT — Bnkers lb. .................. 1 7 fSHREDDED WHEAT — N. U. C.......2 Pkga.......................................... 25c

CORN V Del .Monte Cream Style,

No. 2 CiJn. M Ptd.............................CORN —\Garden Patch, Whole Kernel, 8 PLs, 2 Can.s.....


17c 25c 25c 25c 25c 23c

TO.MATO SOUP — Campbeli’.-!, 'G Pl.H„ 3 Can.H.....................................STRING BEANS — Utah Pricc,1-1 PLs., 2 Cans .................................PEAS — Giirdeii Gem. No. 2 Cans,16 Pt.s., 2 Can.s...................................CATSUP — Heinz, M oz. Bottle 8 Point.H ............................. .

Kind To Tcttder Skin

3 for 21cVICTORY



We’ve a Complete Block of Victory Garden

Seeds, a.1 well as all popular kinds of flower «ee<l3. Get them earlyl

k’E ^ o g g s


with airplane in each package. Larg

# 0*. pkg.....

- C IT S o u r U r g e S iz .


Rcffulnr Sire

2 5 cComi^lying With Govt. Requests — We Reser>’e Right To Limit Quantlllcs!

i C 0 1 « U ^ E R S

M A R K E TCASH IF vqu HAVE rr—CrcJii If yoa wnni It! ,We Deliver

Page 7: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Thursday, JIarch 18, 19-K TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

B u e y t i c y h

N c o y s iA tiNBOISE. Miireh 18 W V-TI'c Idaho

tuprem e cmirl w is naked today. In ft peUUon tthlclj a iuckcd "bunau- cr»tlc power* In WiisJilngton." for a rchearirK Ui ■ case Involving • federaJ contracl lor water troro tlie Anderson ranch dam. ^

Tlie peililon win filed ywUrday by J . M. JorgcuM’n. LewLi E ..a r l l - niha and Cliarlrs P. K aufman. wH< Iirevlou.ily api>«alfd a review of the cunlract from the .revtnlli dU- irlct (Canyon county) court.

TJie Kuprtmc court has uptield the rlBlu of the Wllilrr IrrlKatlon d» - tric i to sisn a conlm cl with th ' federal Kovernmenl for water iron L'lr dnm.

^ TnLi dt«l^io^\. Uic pcUUoncrs m> ehargrd, kIvcs "bureaucrallc poW' ^ er.v" Tliry rrfcr lo the ilsHt tc

control evrri' lrrlg«llon dtstrlct. no only in Idnho but throughout t ie tteMcm land.”

Tlipy iixvrjrd Uial the conlmcl vlol.ili-3 Atal<? coiisUlutloiiiU an< ;.UauU>ry protections o f water rlghU In ILitlnu what tliey term Uiree a i- rJsnmenta of error, Uie p<^l4onera added "the rw ult Uie iiWlciitloi of the iidmLulcti act Uint admit l«sl IdtiUo Into the u!\lot\ and voucl;- .lafrd to It control of all watcra U: Uic Btate.”

Tlicy a-w rted Uie court erred In •'tioldlni? tha t the IcgL'daluro had n iilhorlw d Uie mnklnu of n contract whereby coruUttillonal rlKhls lo Uie u \c of water could be taken from Ihc cU licai of tlie iitiile . . . wlt)i- out compensation and due procc.M of law."

P e t r i l l o R e f u s e s '

T o L i f t R a d i o B a nCHICAGO. .Miirch 1(1 lUri-JnniM

C. Pr(rIllo.i /incrlciin Fcdcriirion of ^ Miiflelnns. rAFXi). reJeclliiK the re- " (jurst of romnyrclol rccordlnK man-

ufncuirer.i, relu.ned to<lny to lift lu ban on ratlin irwir.crlpLloru for "momlc piirporcs."

Tlie iinloti'n rxccutlve board up­held [k proim.'.nl by Peirlllo th a t the mnnwlncturrr:. p.iy p.irt oI Uie prollt-i Irom -Mich rrcordltiBj into tlie imlo'n ire iuu ry .T tlrlllo lind nuKRe.iled tha t Uie money be mtil iw unemploy­m ent beneflLi for luuslclnns. In re­tu rn for iwrtiiiitliiK tjiem lo jtlny for the recordliiK.v

A u s tra lia ’ P rem ier P ra is e s M acA rthu r

CANUKnRA. March Ih (Uf'-Amli! lo'itt npplnuse, Premier Jnlin Curtin mid thi" house of rcprr.-.rniHllvr'. iiKluy; "Had Oen. Dotigla«_MiicAr» Ihur bi'cn Aii.''trnllnii born nn;l i.er- vnl In the AitMralliui army, hi- could

doin' no mon- for (lie defca'.r of Auslriilla (han he lin,'."

rrn.'rrrlnt: lo the Hiitilv<T;.iiry of M arA rthur.i arrival. Curlln added: ■’.MarArtliur Ims mil only been n nrrnl oruanlrcr but hL'. jircv.ence here li.’L hrcn an in.^plrliiR force lo tliH nation .*-------------------------------------- -

World'" first chnmbrr of com* merce formnl a t Marselllf.i.FYancc. during the ISth eentury.

Still Waters

»onrce of rtH float cemfo'rt U> m an r, (hi* btllied Londan


The Lions club drive for books for jervlce men Is now Retting -umlcr- way. accordlnR lo (innouncemenl by Jay E. m il. chairm an of the com­mittee In charce of the campalRn.

m il wiFd lh a t posters will be dU- tjibutcd r.oon In atore.i all over iht county, a.'.klnif cltUens lo leave boflk.i tJicre lo ba len t to eerrtce

•■Send the service men your good books after yoiiVe read them." urged Hill. Tliey c.in pu t them lo much belter tt-ie than they wll! be In Juit lying around the hou.«. And »end the books yoti like lo read youmelf. You can't expect a Solomoni blandi

Fiinn.’ ''.1 urKe<l thoM living outalde

r .i lh to brhiK In their booti S.iliirdiiv and Just leave them ;ore. )J.iierc they will be picked up. O ther m rmbers nf the comndltre

re O r.'O . U. Tnbln. Earl E. walk- r ai«l Drrck rag ln .

C o m e d i a n B r i n g s

F u n t o W o u n d e d

Y a n k s a t S y d n e ySYDNEY. Mnrcll 18 (UPJ-Jm E.

Drown, film comedian, • sioiiped the show” lo<l;iy and had American iroajvi. many of them 111 or wound­ed vuleran.i of Ih r New Guinea cam- piilRH. In m irth fu l Bpa?.m.i as he

iliTou5TlT“ th c “fn7itn?'tlc iiifftlwrot'h ls hnschnll iiani/iminic-

He wa.'i inlrcxliicdl ii.h the only five f .u r Renrriil In thi- Parllic area iind told the .-;okllcr.i lie came all


FILER, M arch IB-Dlll Iron.Twin Palls, won firs t honor* In Ui8 dls- irlct oratorical contest here last night, sponiored by Uie American Legion.

Tlie com petition wo.i held at Filer high school auditorium. Iron look for hla topic "America la Now a t War."

Second honors wenl to Ml.« LoI« McKean. Burley, for "W hat Are We rightInK for?" MIm llarel Ruth

The group then save extemporan­eous speeches on questions bearing on Uie constitution, subjects chosen by the Legion, Bill Iron spoke on ■Die EnRlbh Dill of RlBhta In Re­lation lo O ur Con-Hllutlon." Mlis McKean chose "Tha Importance of the Three B randies of Govern- ment." and MLts Nwbitt -The Con- fltliullon MeeLi the Needs of the Nation th the Global War."

Tlie w inner in Uili.dLitrlct con* le.M will be sen t wlih all expeiirc* p.ild lo Uie .'.Uvle contest a t Dolie April 2-3. A reglonnl contest and nallonal contc.il will lollow. Priie.i

the na tional contest Include scholar.ihlp.i of M.OOO for first prl:e. *750 second prlie , »iM third prize and U50 fourtli.

Jutittes were ML'.i Wlnnlfred Fry­er and Mn>. G arU i Reid. Twin F,-\!l.i. and Mrs. H. E. Hammerqubl, Filer.

the way from Uie United Btates to give them "a gander at my kl*.'er.”

Dre.«c<l In khnkl fhlrl, »horts.Tnin .'.w xr, tftcr iTT itir~o rmarine Junsle l)f«t.< which he ac­quired a t Gtmdnlcnnnl. he K:ive his Impre.Mloti of l l l l lr r broaclca.iUng and did a comltr.il dance.

Page Seven


BLANDINO. Utah. March 16 L e I • n d Shumvay. 37-year-old Blanding miner. .foot*«rary from a 19-hour race has conceded delrat to hl> opponent—a hone.

To crtlle an arguaient of loiut standing, Slium»ay acreed lo maid: paces w ith a nderlest. unsaddlec horse to determine U » man could cover half Uie dUlance Uie an i­mal did In a 2i-hour period. boUi without rest.

Al the end of 19 hours the miner had covered t i mlica but admllted defcat'w hen he learned the hone had traveled lU miles.-

Shumway wa* trailed by frleudt In an automobile who provided him wiUi food and a l the end of the first 10 hours he had traveled 58 miles as compared with the TB for the horse. He tired rapidly, ho*' ever,' during ihe night.

/ Horsemen, who led the racer It relays, admliled the animal wa; tiring when the contest ended, five tlio rt of Uie 2<-hour grind .<»ied- uled.

War ill BriefB7 Unlled Preu

AFRICA—American forces cap' lure Tunisian base of Oafsa In 30- mlle advance, push on to cui axis forces In aoulh where British hammed M arrth line.

RUSSIA—Red army recaptures several villages southeast of Klmr- kov. two strong points farther southeast. 60 communlUes before Emoleiiik. and 10 loiiMltd lowii.' be low L-ike Ilmen.

A TLAN 'nC -G erm am appear to have loojed greatest submarine of- fewlve since 1017 In effort lo del#] afted lnva.-ilon of Europe, wiu fierce batilts- reported.

AUSTRAUA — Flying Fortrtvres bomb Japanese airdrome a t Rabaul. New 'nntftln, causing hea»-y de- slructlan among grounded planes.

C H IN A -Japanrte open stiff of- feii-'lve west of Salween rlte r in souihttrii Yunnan province. lir« major thni.n r.oulh of Burma rond, but are in Reneral retreat iti Hu- peh-Ilunan border sector.

R e t r i a l O r d e r e d

I n B u r g l a r C a s eBOISE. March 18 ( 'n -R ld i f td

Haynes, convicted In Canyon county dLitrlct court on second degree bur- Rlary charRM. will be retried ot ordeni of ih(i Idaho supreme court.

Tlie tribunal yesterday reversed the dfclslon of the rilstrlct court a fte r an appeal was brought on Uie basis of allegedly contradictory evi­dence submitted by the slate.

The juprem e court's opinion listed rilpcrepancles In dales appearing In evidence by the slate and added th a t "the convlcUon of a defendant

ay not rest (m such Inferences and )niectures directly contradicting

tlie record.”

W eather denote* a single occur- :ncn in the series of condlUons

whlclj make up climate.

Freedom Matches

<OWI pholo from NEAl To U tb l the «my lo trttdoin.

(Ir« tons e t matehbMks havi been drcu la ted ta i n t ra y-occnpied eotuitrW wberv na U h e t a rt Karev. Eaeh pod earrie* n m a c e : "The Foor Ftredom*—Fr««l«m to Speak. Fr««4*m to Wonhlp, Free- dom to Think. Frt«do(n from

WASHINGTON. March IB A n r departm ent (pokeiman u ld today It WM Uie lack of -know how" which ha* kept many imall plant* from le tU n i more war con-tn c t j .- ..................

M*J. AlTln E. Hewitt, new chief of the small war plants branch of the » n iy ser» lc« of supply, said the alluaUon was Improving. Tlie small Dlanta are receiving sugue.iUons aW ]t setUng contract* from army procurement officer* and ihe tmall- er war plant* corporaUon of Ihe «-ar production board.

Hewtlt cited Uie ca.'.e of a certain small company which fbrmtrly manufactured refrigeration equip­ment. The company bid several Umc3 uniuecessfully on various war o rden before I t protested that It vas gelU aj no contraeta.

■nie company bid 11.07 lo make a t-shaped rod for bosqulto bar which the arm y obtained for 10 eenls. An InvesUgaUon was made al the plint. The company had planned lo spray on paint. T lie 'am iy suggested dip­ping. which nDuld save seven crnta. By the time experts analysed pro- cesMs and c a a l s ^ e company «-as

H e a d s F o r c e

B r I r Ben. Clair* U Chennaolt raboTc) heads the newly aellrated 14th U. A. a ir (oret, replacing the eld Chin* a ir task ferte to aid o( Chlnetc.

ready to do Uie Job for 18 cenla. I t got no contract* for rods but did get iotne for large refrigerators.

H o s p i t a l I s N o t

F a r m , S a y s W a d eBOISE. March 18 WV-Dr, Ralph

M. Wade, superintendent oI Ujb Idaho ctAte hospital north a t Oro- fUio. has Uken pot ihol* a l “* Tcry widespread mhconcepUon - omonK the people ol the stale tha t U:e hospitals ore primarily food pro­ducing organliaUoru.*

"1 feel It would be worUtwhlle to bring \a the publlt'a attention tha t the state hoeplLali are engaged In the ho-vpllol buslni^ and not the farming business.! the gardening builne.w or the dairy business.” he said In a letter lo Oovemor Boltoll- sen and H. C. Baldridge. aeUng d i­rector of charlLible InsUtullons.

He added "our primary funcUon l« to cure as many nervous and mental cawrs /is we po«lbly can."

fielie/ for M ua ia cf

HEAD COLDSPut i .pw»o»a Va<tro>sol op MChnoetrtl. I t (1) ih r ta k * iw o U e n B ^ brane*. (3) aoothei IrrlUUon, a ad (3) bclpiclcorcold-clog'*

v K i ^n tm m /S T o ito . v s ' n o - a a i

S t a t e ’s V i c t o r y

G a r d e n E x p a n d e dBOISE. Marclv U <4’;-H ert! It's

n o t e « n .iprln* yet and Uie stale- hou:e employe.^' garden a t Uie Idalio prison forin already Is growing.

lla r rry Sch»Ttidtman. staU agrl- c\illure commlisloner. said that so much enihlijla.'jn for Uie project ha's been il»o*Ti th i t he 1' armng- Ing to have two acres made avail­able. Instead of one and on«

G orem or Botlotfsen suggexled the garden. In challenRlug Id.iho county ccwnmLv.lon«r\ and gnvcr- nora of o 'Jw t ?tates Uv wcvpeit in garden growing contest*.

For SaleAlmost new recording radio

Kentucky riding saddle

Electric gullar

Horse trailer

W arm Morning healer

Residence lot on Walnut MOO

U nlm pro\ed I'» acre.' «cro.M

Blue Lfike* North

■ T r ^ B r o w n -

Phone 1252

B r a v e N e w

f a s h i o n sfor a Wartime


/ iialiions nre hravc in llii.s w artim e .spring of 19-13 . . . flipiwnt, couriiKCDUa. uiid jcay with n now vcirvc mid n b ran d new trim m er look. Slimnc.ss tlie ir keynote, conservation Ihcir motif,

and lien rt lifliiiK fla tto ry llie ir objective.

Sclect y ou r fii)rlnff o u tfit ftir lonsc le rm sftti.'ifac- tio n . . . acquire the b e s t in (jiiality, .styli;, and ftgcic.is fash ion riKlitne.s.s to be cherished and cared fo r w ith a new appreciation o f enduring beniity . Select your new SjirinR enscm bk n t your M nyfnir Shop. ...........................................j ___

S m art C asual an d D ress CO ATS........ $ 1 6 .9 ? 'tO

P as te l a n d P la id y /O O L S U IT s'........... $16.95 t o $34.75

S tru tte r C lo th SLACK SUITS ......... . ,|7 .95 t o $12.95

Rayon o r C rep e P r in t D R E S SE S ........ ,‘f6.95 tO 29 .75

B rig h t N ew BO NN ETS ...:................. ....... $2 .95 tO $9 .95

■ RED CROSS on the AIR KTFI—6:15 p. m.-Saturday

' A proirram of ta llu by a SouUi8C(» field d irector and an Ameri­can Red Cros.^ delegaW to Australia You’ll w an t to hear UiU Informa­tive broadcast.Remember the time and date

rcharac te r­

is tic w h ich h as ever

__ .been _ n n _ in t f '£ r i \L p a t t_ o t___

tru e faflhion, l^o th in p th a t

we sell h a s e v e r lacked iL

So now. w hen q u a lity tfikc.>i

on a new a n d deeper incan*

iiiR . . . a W artim e buy

word . . . w c rem ind you

th a t o u r ev e ry spring

fash ion is Q uality bred,

th ru o u t.

T h e f ^ '

M a y f a i r S h o p


W e're ready fo r sprinff, men, w ith a coniplcto Htock of quality weurablua nnd now when q u a lity is the buying point in o n y th in k y o u p u rch ase you’ll de|>end on A lexander’s more th a n ev e r before. Come in nnd sec ty o fp r in g vnluc.-i Ihrniinhout the .store! . \


S U I T S'A ll 'vool uorsifds, clievlnt.-', Iwt't.^ and

Iweeds In a pleMliig variety of new spring pallerM await your cl'oc^lns. Single and double brra.<iled mocIcU.

range to iO. Select nowl

S n 'L E S FROM 527.50 TO J50.00 $32.50-

HATSYour new h i t for tp rln f l5 here iit)vt In the brtuid.1 you've learned to ileprnil on—Mclro. Dalton's.

^ Dunlap Mid Aalor, Amcrlca’j fav­orite hiiticrs, Me.id Into .spriiiR In Rood form In a trim fllUng, long weorlnK felt.

" S3.50,„$6-00



:: $ 4 .0 0 to$8 .85

Oood lookhiE, Ions weirlns shoes, dralKned fnr utr-llm e a c a r—for »Tir-llnie economy ond conaer%'a' lion. . . anil rllhout any sacrifice in comfort. The Fortune. Jan iian and Dftvljon brand* oiiurc aatla- faction.

BRINgI u TION S T .^ M f NO. 17

'n e w PA TTERN S IN


All Sizes ' All Sleeve Lengths Kuy Your Needs Now!

You'll look and feel like jprinR In ■ these cheery new patterw . cood leaves and cuperbly tailored ihlrta. They ttn e c t •war-time economy be­cause they'll take innumerabis wa&hlns3. Ironings and wearlnss.

• F R U IT OF TH E LOOM• MANHATTAN $1.50 to $ 3 .0 0



Page 8: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii


rrP age E ig h t TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, March 18, 1943



FRONT. Miiicli H (Un-iDdnjTCl) —T lif liiHK«Ifr'5 fiilliili' lo rliul- Ui)»c iJif Krowiiij; Iiilibli-Am fri- c:i!i nlrpo-Acr l:i iinylhliw iippriwcli- lliKc r r i l puirJc t II' ilir cnpaltn n^ur^ i. rin.il .■.!)(.wc!o?.n.

\Vlt!i M'vrfal luilKilftI lUlil nnil bosnlH-rs nviiUiliU' !c: lt<Ul Ihr Iwf.lc n! TUiiblii, Hi-- 0<ni n ir /orrp j.criiis to in' iic-rmlii ca-iimami of ih r »lr lo !«?-'. to

ulllioiii n fislii.TIicAc Karli IM Jrnt:

Wtiatfvi-r Ui.- iriL'niit may^t>r, llir pl.iln nrr.

I, Tiir Grrmiii'.s li;(Vr il\rd ponifT loT Uitir nx'clivl'.y —iinny Mii>p(>ri-oti:y nbo u i.......... -(liicp tlir rm! nl Jjimiary

avi'lnst Huup niicl• MM I

Knrt-wltli Uir u-nv tlir Wrlllns rP'.'.CA ami Mi;cJirUn nr<- »xLi pnrls.

OrniiJiii wIw p*u!»l

•(• Mipcrltir a• iiMlic

fUlikr;, J!i;tliry o;icc illil. Thl.i U i Imoai (if mrii(liilni; ilif /UDiiiin oil 111

Til!.' rn[rr.,|KHi.kiit li.i'Ilrnr\ M'fii MiJKTlor Cicriii: avaUllr.i! coiUwt. »-

No IVltluIrauali An dlilaiiallDii of liir liift»;if/r'N

rrluc!flnr<- woiil.l Ix- mihjiIp 1/ Uir (ihiliM u rrp not ihrrp lo di> tlK Jol), liul fi;. lar ni It run be drl< r- mliifil. DiiTc Imvr b rr» no wllll- <lrawnb nn<l 111’’ liiflv.'iilfr >i||| piiA-

strniiK flllhtrr fo rtrj niid f.cV- vnvl liW'.ilitil trt'lii-ioJrcnili Hiclllaii anilennlliiUn iilr Held;..

T llf mi».l rrftM)iirtblc niilimallon iuiioiig ftlnncn «lin iirf dtrpctluK Dip bnlljp /i>r Djp ^klr.-. J.* JIuf »l

rnmiKilRii »t1I Urll Ijli nml Aincrlc.m rnliln on v.T,Mcn Eljropp llM ,sn ovcr.slriilnni tlir liifl watte Uiftl IU<' ’IVllLsimv nlr cw« maiKirr .savllii; hl.i aUpiikHi for tlip tlrclslvc ])tia/.p of llip rhlnlcltur hr mny (Iml II ilUficuU lo KPt rplntorcrmcnlA c plncnnenl.i.


WASHINGTON, M arch 18 C.T,- Tlic fr<lrrnl crop rpportlns board will f.illmMc prospective lD 4I'ncn- a tM In 0 rejMri tomorrow u tiitii sliouW Rive llie country <\n Idea of Jum hott' Rcrlmii the fcxxl pro<Iiic> tlon problfin li nQ,(l how much moic civilians mny Have to rcduce iliclc con.iumptlon,

Tlie csllmntc will be based on rc- porla from approxlmntply 00,000 tnr- mcrs In nil purta of tlip country' who l\Avt linrt y tn n ol txpcrtcnce iicllni: as crop reporter*.

I l je report ulll b« rHfft'nl a t n lime whrn many farnt leadrrs In and out of Uic (;ovcniment arc .'ore* cu iln it a icrlcius In food pro- diictlon dtic to labor and machinery »horlrtKM and rriwrlecl Jnrmrr dir.. nathfacilon wltli Kovprnmciil aprl- cuUvirftl prlc<* poUclfs.

Food iiroducilon Konls for ItH3 set by Sfcretary of ARrlciilliirr Wlck- nrU call lor n IJ per cen t lncr^a. L' In the production of llvcrilock. dairy and poultry iiro<luci.i ond ttir ;.iiinc to u l rrop acrrsKC iui in 1343.

Tlie 1012 crop ncrpn^p.^ ri'iiclirs n record Icvpt. Mr. Wlcknrd did no' ask for D further tncrcaje lii tot« crops bpcsii'.p, he ^ald. th e 10<I lu rr ace reached Ihe llmll ih n t h prac. llcal ttlUl Ihc labor, nincllliirry, frr- fllliers aiid other prodncthc r e AOUicM avBllnbli'.

A limited rurvry madp-liy n»;rl- eullural accnt.i fevcral wfcln iitt Indicated this yrar> crt>p aiiarnKcs mlKlit drop from 10 lo 30 ixr cr bfIi)W lft.M year's,

Sourrps clo.',e lo Sprrptxiry Wir ard who rr<jupstcd tlin t ihry ii Ik named snid they rxppcicd Igmo c ou 'j trlMjt U> hasp bcarlnK on the fiiliirc stu Rovfrnnirntal food sptui^ manpower, fanti machliii'ry and price pollclrs.

A» the Kpaltipr rlf»r« hi Tunlila. a llird fo ren a r r »printlnr to arlion alt alone Ihp 300.mlte trout from :M aleur In the .Marrtli lliir. Map iihotTii ru rrrn l advinrr« anil pmbahip Vciutpi of altark UrItlUi. Krcnch and Amrrlcan troopi *111.take to push th e axl> ou l of Afrlra.

Cliorus (jirls Going out to Cheer Troops

CHICAGO. March 10 (-V.—.SlX ChlfiiKO ehoril;. |irr|>,irnl day to leave fur nn pxipndcd tour c t UiiHtd nMlUar>' b .tr;,—the flr^l lliii; of i.hoaKlrLi Mhriluli-d

I br !<-nt lo the front hnr.i. l l i c diiiu'cu, four b riiiirtln .nul

two hloiiiu nr.d nilii;liu- In nKc from o ;C, will Ip.i'p for fip< i„ tci Join II Unitwl aiT'U-i'

K anu.illoni' catiip .-.Ikw, Tlii va-s 11 Hi.vl. llnr In roinpi-ll-

In nil M'l'ili MiUl Miidelyn W dnnccrs.

iih r .-.aUl Ihclr dl;.clo:.i

■1 tlic <

m.s dIdirt lliic'iiify, but thry llinll tlirlr Uinn;i|;c

:li; Ix- iirpparrd for

W o m e n ’s H o s t e l

B o m b e d b y N a z i sLONDON, .Marrh IB low-

' Ilyins' Ofrmnn raider bombrd n . women’.' hostel. kllllnK five i>e:;.oiw

and InJurlUR U In ru nUiick tictiMp dawn today. 6ii an E i.m AiiRlnn

Tlie»'hnifl uiis virtually ileniol- Lshpd by a direct hit.

Vi’orltmcn tuinieled IlirollRh the rulas to rr.'Ctie ihc Injured.

Two churches wpre d ainj>sr<l by another hlft.n wul a bomljr>|ili)dpil on n hwpiuil crminds. but Uip hulIdlnB w/u not damnk'cd. It w-:l'.nftld.

A part o f^ iiidon li.id a early iw lny r^

AlUioMRii TnWrra VifTi over o ihrr lowiv'. tn en southr.vtern EiikI.miiI, < activity Wft.1 UkIU,



UOIHP. .Miirrh JH <jr, _ a nr IduUn j.tate plAUUUli; IwiUl. U.'iiir ID.hiys HKO by CIov, C, A. lloiUilI.^n win hold I •

The•rtJln: I


WAIjlllNGTON, .M.irrh IS i.l’, Uiulpr.-ecretary of war iM he i I’, I*fttler'”n. urnhiK nili.iiiiiui of civ ilian draft, iatt, ^;lld Uidny Ih; tltiipU c tUo n rrU \o r Viiirkf In wi Inclii.Mrlps. tliou.':uic!s r,llll afp l»ny tun ilnK oul riuch.thhiti'i as artlliclnl flovvrrs, jpivplry. Iia>. and in ninlc;.

•'Wl^p and ordprnl" U'o n( man. jiow rr I.N nciw-“ lm[>Ta:ivp, hr tolr ilip .“.enatp military roinniltiee ron ::l<lprlni: thp Au.ntin-wnd ,u-nrtJr hill to d r a f t men and tM>iiini inio war protluctUiu.

('nmpul^lon .\lrradyPntler;,oii art;ucd tlial the n.itlon

a d iia l ly alrpudy has ic-'rlPil lo conipiibliin liy iitti-aiiilliu: in "trrire

irn in thi'lr joli'. bv l.huk-listliiK' i rm from rcnirliu; mhn- mu'I ■•rnnlrtil hlrlm; In dc|irlvlni: rm> oypr.'i of the rlclii to hin- frri'ly.' F o r thill reir,oii, hi- added, "U U iL rrall:.tlc lo .say thi- alter- vtlvr l.H Ix'lwren voluntary artlon 1(1 n;\lli)iiiil .•.elertU I>t';:orlbllnr Ihc war

{or fitM i-nrr w hich'I'll ■ UlU'.e

lor It-s i-(iii\lilrr.ninii ;.r;rr.i nuijnr jxilnl.'. for [ilannlm; ih r r.lati- pii.'t-war economy. iDiiiidinn .i.s sl'.liinre lo private elilerpine i\n( nuMi'uUure. •

The .vven-nnn coiiuiuili'p. rn- ;<-d by the la.M lef;l^IaIurr lo .Muil;

pulillc ii.«Milanre plam J«r Iil:ihn III al:,o hold ils HIM llirr:ii',K. McmixT.s of tiip pl.imuiit; Ixuk

re Harry M.irrboii, licH*r; t:l' •r; .Slrllmoii, Lp»IMein; Olio i’

llopbcl, Arro; L«-oli:ird C udlil ml Ci. Nlch(ll.L I((t, I W .

, . . D. \V(H«I, ciiimitl.vrioner of inihlic wurks, b ((nv'ulMti; for Ihp hu;ird.

.Mpmtjprs of Ihe ptiblio eomniTtlce are M;i'.e Senal(L. Ainhr<v.p. R., Cu.’.ter,Graham , D„ M;>dl-nn; h .Mc Hep- rp.ientallves T. .V, snetldni;, R., lir.ir Lake, and OeorKe H. Joiir.v U . O .vy. hep; Orlinid Hcoll, CVvur d'AIrne.

lonal Town.'.pnil rpprc.'.rnlalhr; H irl Miiriihy. serrfiary of ihp Idn-

UalP Chamber of Cimimprcp, aiiri U. H. Haymmi, C.drt-.vpll. Cnl. IPKe of Idaho .social srifnrc prole.s.

Tile la tte r Uiree weie n.imcd ()v the Kovernor. thp othpr.^ liy-,tliplf rr.'.pcellvc iire.'.ldlnu olllcer.s In'Hhe b .\l IrKl;.bture. ^

A O poikp

Ihe only one of llic p c ipnl belllKprpiil.s without n r^MPin of iinlvrrr-al w ar MTVInv

'•If It I.-, demorratir lo I;i|) a a il iin Iflr .'.liouUlrr and .'.end him 1 flu lit ',’ie Jap-, in a New Chiliira

JiinKlr." he .n.'kpd, "can It lie un- ilciiioctallc t« nelfft i\ iwnn w ^ ii’om m i lo load ^hell.'«. work on an n lrplniip or .stay on a farm? "

llPvKlon Spfii D rnad rcvL'.lon ol kul^lalltin to

(Ira tt tlvU U iis 'for war Indu.slry a|^. l>parc(l Imminent lo a.sMirc m w w om en worker.’ In the older ncc icroiip and also lo sooihp opiwlUmi of o rc u n lu d labor.• A-s conkTev.liiiial rlforl.-. lo deal u lll i KruwhiK niani'owrr problems . 'cn t to the liou'p a .'enatp-np. proved bill dpferrlni: e:,\nitlal farm wnrkcrr. from l>rarlni: arm;., talk dl llm llliiR Ihe .sl:e of Ihe iirmed for­c es , w as renewed by Senator Nje, R . N . Dak.

"T lie war department Is__aiteiiii)l. Inc lo rabp an army of liiiire llinn H.000,000 ineludlnK the armv nIr furcc, hut I ix-rsonally believe flKurr of nr(>und r.,00fi,000 men wni... Isc Miipltv to do U\r job." Hyc falil.


WASHINOTON. March J8 — Quick senate pa.vsai;c wa.-. ioreea.'.t today tor a huuie-approveU bill penult., the .sale of an additional100.000.000 bu^h^h of Kovenimeiii- held w lira l lo meet a crltlcnj :.hort- BRe of |ee<l for llvejtock. poultry and clalr>’ producers In deficit-<eed a rraa.

JolninK the demand for speedy actlot), Senaior Olllctie. D.. ta., a.s< BertfU .%ale of the fePd wheat would m ake corn now U'ed for fecdliiK purixvses avalliihle for alcohol pro- ducilon and avert a ih rea l^nrd thuuiow n of lOO dUllllerle.s pro<hic* ln« alooliol for synthetic rubber luid munition.^.

Benator Aiken, n .. Vi., predicted aKrlcullure. committee approval to- day a n d floor acllan on It no la ter that) nex t week even as he and other farm state senatdra f.ouKlu

1 m tana o! raWiiK corn prlci-s lo n*- nurc rricft.’ e by farmers of millions ol store<l bushels,'

"Wc are In the ilKhlesl, moi-.t e rli- ICftl UKrlcultural period we've ever had." Aiken told rciwrters. "Admin- l.'trntlve nuencles have muffed iln 'lr Job a n d coiiKrewlflnnl action may be neceM.iry,

"Fivvmrrs are htiUUrvK ihrVf to feed the ir own .noik next year he- catwe tlipy arc uncertain ab(jut pro­duction cosw and relllnK price:, in .-.oine casp.s and In the hoi* of hli;h- pr prlcp.s in others.'

S e n a to r liii.-.hfleld, R., S. D ak . VDlepd a dls^pnl nmilnit tlic ^a1p oi Koveminenl whrai, nlUioucli, he couceded he -^as li\ Mw n\Uwrlty.

T he llOU^e - approved meiuMire calle<l fo r the dh))o.'ltlon of ilii-100.000.000 biL'.hels a l corn partly r a th rr th a n a t 85 per CPnt of the parity (irlcr—Hip flKure iil wlileli115.000.000 liu.-,hels wero .vild under, previous anthorlty.


. WASIIINCiTON. March If! ( I'l - Henry J . K abcr, we.M co;ist .ship builder, today atUlbiited to faulty .steel p la tes the bn'ak-up of the KaLser-bullt tanker ticlicnecindy Jar». 16 0.K a Portland Ore., dtxk.

ReplvlriK a eoimnlller of th# American bureau of .'.hlppint:, which rciiorterf th a t the Milp .'plit In two becaiusc KaUer'a workers iiepartcd “Jroni reeounlred lunda;Bood weldJsl con.slructln laudable puriKV.e of ll •edlnK• ni> production." K aber said.,"\V e do not know of any defective

weld th .at wa-s n eniilMl>ullni: caitsp lo the breaking of ih r Schenectady iior}dld th e conunltti e brln^r to our a tten tion any surh d.fectiVe WT dill the bvftik WCM In u'l'ld.

"W hatever cim.'tnit-tlvn ,sn tloiu th a t were hrminht nut in the rr|>orl wlK be u;,ed to eorreel and improve shlpbulldlnK construction."


UOISE, M arch 18 (Uf’-W o tk wili halted today on con'tnicilon of the .sirateclo PVanklln Lane hlKiivkay Immedlutely we.'.t of Doi.sc wim tho contractor anil two llobe labor uii- loiij In n tllspule over «ai;rs and hour;.. - .

StrlkliVK were (upiivbct. .ot the ■amMer.’ I(k i.1 and llu- operatlni;

enKlnerrs’ local chnlli AKl.i, Tlie m trac to r W Qulnn-Rob;ns co .\- any. Inc., I!ol;.e.Tlip <ll.spnle wa.s centered around IP question of wheiher time and half i.hould be paid for Saturday

work. T h e labor iinlmv; hold they shfl'Vd tje pa id at. that rate v;hclher or not th e men h.ive worked « hours durlnK the weik.

'H ip ooiJtractor emitenils tha t If a laborer lia-s not worked hl.s 10 hiiurs on previous week il,iys. h r Uiould be paid iUalKhi lime on Sat­urday.

Doth manaKpment niid labor anrpcd to utbhrate.

Tile road ha.s been ileclarcd a part of Id ah o ^ jtratcKlc war net­work.

Shoe Ration Rule Removed For Tlu’ce Specified Types

• WAKIilNOTON', March 18 Shoe raUonlnu re.<trlctloni were re­laxed today to permit the purcliiuo of cerLiln additional types of thoes without stamp 17, *

Khoe.s iKit now reaulrJnR stam ps arc: ,1. "Safety" shoes 'thasc u^ed for health protection hi r.peclal

worki may be aci]uir«S through local ration boards by any pcnon who has spent liLi r.tamps,

2. Ml lanclals wiih'opcn back and heels of le.v. than lU Inches may be told rallon-frfp. fPrevlouSly only sandals with uppers made of fabric, Imitation leather, etc. were ration-free),

3. Certain Mio,-s with solea m ade principally of rope, wood, or other tiQ«-stratev,lc ma'.erlals.

W e n d e l l , D i e t r i c h

R i n g T e a m s M e e tWENDELL. Marclf 18 - Wendell

and Oieirlch high school tjoxlni; tei.m.1 win piept In the Wenflcll hlKh iChool.Kymiia.Mum at 8 p. ni, Friday.

Tlie ijalrliiK.'. wlilj the D letrlclj Ixixer llsied lin t In each ca.sc, are: CleKir. 07, vs. mil Chaplain. 00' llallard, 01. vs. Jack Nelson. U9 Dale HolIaUamch, 105, v«, John Ob- iiltek. 103: O t ’tv 103, vs. Don H uf- faker. I l l ; MucArihur, J23. v,i. C\f\\ 135; flallard. 132.vs. Hob Amov i:9; NeL-;on, 130, vs. Dale IVlprM'Ji, 130; Lar.-.on. 131, v;,.

13t;; We.ssel, 131, v;„ 33; Qamblln. H5, v.i.

U 'e Janilv.nii. 115; h\slier. H0. vs.

Oale Sllcock, l i l .Coacii Dob Childs w m hopeful to­

day over \V,endcir.s Friday nlj;hl prospccti. In spite of the fact that the Trojans have won Uie decblon In only one of il» lr .iW boilnn pro- sram s this season. They defeated Shoihone. and have loit twice lo tho Jerome leam which recently downed the Dietrich crew with a count of C to with one draw.


AT TJIE FRENCH FRONTIER, March 18 -/V.—airlklmj a t n supply ;.Qurce of fuclllve I'renchmen hold* h u out In Ih-- French Alp-. llcaliUt (I German lal-<ir dralt. French jx)- llee and Oenii;.n elire cuard i have nrre.'ted numb<rs of French vUlaK- e n who funil.died food to the IukI- live;:.

TH<" Vichy itKlmr l^a^ appealed for pver^Mirecaullon lo avoid blood- .^hed mKitlic nrrer.i of the vllIaKer* Indicated tha t a direct att^ick on the liuurnent/i, many or whom havp Run.', and iimmuiilUon, wax bvlni; delayed.

The Kreat majority of more Uiaii S.COO fUHltlve.s were said to be hold­ing ou t deiplt^ U’.c ciiptun: of w inll bands /orccd out of- Ihclr fajtncM by IninKcr.

PIaiie,s over the Sivole r r t lo as

P l a n e s C r a s h i n

A i r ; O n e L a n d sHAMILTON FIELD, Coll/.,Man:h

18 IU.PJ—Flight- Officer Robert, IL Smldt. 21, son of Mrs. Ida^P, Siijldt, Ilor^e.shoe Bend, Ida., broujjht hla plane down safely llsh t nlsh t lol- iowhiR n colllslnn over Oakland In ■s.hlch another JUtr ■was Itilled. ihe Ilam lltan field public, relations of­fice announced today.

Second Lt. Jack 8. Serlven. 21, Spokane. Wash,, pilot of Uie oUitr plane, was killed in tlie collision.

0 r d T G e t P e p ; V i iwith Iron,Calcium, Vitamin B,

M et p a s s

Be. Ready to Greet the

E l l i s O k a y e d f o r

L i q u o r S h o p H e a dLeotianI I'lll.v Twin >'alls tourist

cam p .proprietor, was endorsed for ilie jKvsltlon of niaiiiinpr of the lltj-

or .store here by the Twin F»lLs Duniu Reputjllrnn central commit- •c a t n nieetliiK held Monday night 1 th e probate court room.Je-'-s Eajitman. Uulil, couixty eUal:-

lan, prr.slded a t the meeting, which as a ttended by 25 per.sons.

Noiv Released by OPA

NEW, 1942 MODELS of DODGES T I L L T H E m s S T C A R Y O U C A N B U Y !

Wc have a lim ited nm nbor o f those motlals on Iprid in Forfior, 6-pn.'?- so n p e r cJub coupe ? n d TutJor-style.s. Eligibility requirement.*! n rc ro t rigid— you m ay be ab le to purchn.*<e one! See m fo r de ta ils!-

MAGEL AUTO CO.d o d g e - n v m f a i , i . s p l v h i o u t i i

zoith the choice of s ty le ...

'7 la X u A X i£ i/^ /i^

f r i

S l ' l t l X O

L IN N E TPatent teain.i with lallle for afienioon w ear

,:-\ll Style's

$ 7 .8 5

Now . . . Kvery jjajr of .■itu'fp.s you cboosn inii,H t\ii.stify it.«p|f . . . in (|\iality, sty le and com fort. Thc.-ic thhiK-'< yoti’lj find in N utiiral- izcr.-<.


U u d i m r L C l a r k

Page 9: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

lhuri=da>*r.Murch 18, l u n T i: . lE S -N E \V S . TWIN' F A L L S , ID A H O Page Nine


Uon of Uic gortfnmriil'* trols will lay Uiclr ease bclofc Piert- Icletil. Uoor^vell. Salucday nl a m eet­ing which conceivably may deter­m ine th e war labor Ixmra'* future

». policies,TJic occftAloii Ij fl periodic gotn-

erlni; of labor's victory committee, com iw icd of AFL. CIO tind railroad brotherhood otflcmis who are c r i^ leal o f th e pollclM which Uie bo«trd Is adRilnlstcrlns,

New On»l»nibl A lready ulmkcn by UiKmal c ls-

tPtialon. Uic WLQ fnees an on- slftUKht from aim oUier Q ^ ^ U r- Jo ljn L. Lewis Of the United RUne

' Experienced govemmrnl o ^ e rv e n believe Uio real crlsU In the soft coal wane case will be pMlpone<l con:.lderably beyond April 1, wlien Uic presen t flKreement expires, bul these nnd other Informed sourcf.s qucillon u'licUier some meaaures to bo b tc r WLB presUge find give U a hiirmonlou.n front can be as lonK deliij'cd.

p 0iti>0ncm ciit of Uiu cau crb.l' In tlie opinion of guv'cr:iiiiciit u.'fl cloJ.i who cannot be quoted, wi: l;iko the fonn of nn oiler by Lew­is to iniikc iiiiy liitiiro aBrccinrnt letroiicllvp to April 1. or an orilrr by U if WLD. or lil t ijfr^kli’ th a t effcci.

I>K-.rn'iun on UoarJ C rave <ll;.-cnMun:v umons WLH

iiienib(,'r,% oyrr luieri)n;llng b:i.rlcpol- Icy bi'canic.- cvirtrnt la Hie wes' coiLNi iilrc ra d case two wwlts nKi Mon.e Jnlni'd llio Iiibor unit In i \v]ii-n public nu'inber ^V. ynL’ L mUiorliy vole, ivnd ;.ainc of tlie la ­bor n u m b e r. dwlnti-<l thiit "dletu- non” by jitabllllallou <llri.-elor

, F. Uymr.^ had dcitruycd tlie board'- l^.^lw:rn^K: I>r(x; :. f .

.M ot:r [tottii In ilic ulrcm ll c:iu\ Gi'iiixi' M'.'any, AFL ,-.ccr(.'!iiry.lrca- Mirir. Kavi' th r narJ i.nluie. i.lioiiird "lu ll. Hyriic.s," iinil walked out of ili<‘ room.

.M.'nnwhllp. tin- AKI. luu formal­ly pro|x)M-(l a proRrnm to revntnp llir board','. w;im- iK)licy. inchiUlni: n ni'W cr'Illni; tjii cijr.l-of.llvlnK uU- jiisljiii'nl.'.. Till' board mil l.ikc it up Moiuliiy and If. rrJiTtlon, If the board voliv, a t nil, l.i Ktni'riilly cx-IM-cl*-*!.

L 'WLi ha.\ (lcnmmi:c<l Uic liibor board and IL'. lorniiil.i ,'i and l.-nplled he wimld lu ca,u- lo r a J2 u day riib bu t liardly any obwrvc-r in wji'U- mgtnii (lou.blcd lliiit Uie diclMiili would be made hrre.

It urKiio hi-I- b.-f..rfS!,

P r i c e B o o s t f o r

B e a n s G e t s O k a yWASMfNGTON. Marcli 18 (,T,—

n ic 'c o M of dry bean.'i U Kiilni: up, n iie office of prlrr adiiilnbtrrxllon

today iiuthorl.-*'il Incrra'.M of f.O cpni;i 11 liundrcd'Aflnht for vnrlou;; crodi's of r<-tl kidnty brans nnd five

To iO renf.s ii hiindrctlwclglil for all olHcr dry bc.ins.-T lic Incrc-iu'.c'^ npply to price pnld

? ri-llrrlcd

\M o v ie Star Gets G-I Once-Over in Alaska M O R i D A F L [AOER IN FEUD

WASHINGTON. Mnrcll IB (U.P>— Tlie ^ffd5 of A real. honr.'it-to-KWh. jhootin' Iron feud \\i-re sov,ii n t n hearing of a dlKnlfU'd .scniile -com* m nire )eiierOny.

I t was a caie of •'hut© a t f irs t slsftt" « lth President William G reen of Lhe American Federation oi Ln- bor ajxl Sen. R ufiu C. Mnliniui. R-. Ore. Lut thus far nil the slicxitlnK h a \ been done with tJiclr mouili-'!, aitliouKli Holman nccu;.rs Green of UireateiilnB to VL\r force.. G iw n and Holman met for the first timr nl llie m ilitary nffulrs canm ittcc 's hearing on national sen'lce legbUtlon, U <IUln'[ u k e

them long to discover th n t they had virtually nothing In common.

After Uie meeting. G rrrn said. "I wouldn’t care to pu l my ease In lib hund.^."

Holman would not f.ay what lie thought about G rrcn for publica­tion, bul rcmarXs'al iJie hc.irlng and ht% off-the-reconl commrnV; left lltUe to the Imnglnntion,

•'.Mr. G rrcn believes In force," Holman said. "H r even tlircatcncd me v.1tl\ totce. He U\reiUcr,rU n\>- with- political defeat in Uie next election—becumc of my attlLuilc toward organlr.fd labor."

Green appeared br!ore llie mill- tar>' affairs committee In oppo.' l. lion to the Au:.lln-Wiids-.vo.-t!i bill, II bill th a t would auUiorUe Uie kov. em m enl lo order worlcer.i to lake Jobs whe.'c they’coulfl do llie niwl in Ihe war effort. Tlie direct caii'.r of the Oreen-Ht'lmnii <li‘ i’'.i '- " i" Holman's charge Mint labor li:ul no'.

C o n s u l t S o l d i e r S i

S e n a t o r A d v i s e sWASHINGTON, M arch ID (U.ni—

Sen, Gecrge D. Aiken, It.. Vt.. pro- j>t>'.ed tod.iy Uiai the m m no'A- f.er- vlng In the urmetl .’.rrvlcc.n be con­sulted before the rnm lc tonr.lder a propa'-al to esiablWi an Interna- llnnal mllltao’ force a t ihc end of Uie war.

Aiken counscletl ncnlnrt action on the re;.nlutlon clfrrecl ‘M onday by four fcnntors until wc find r>ul wljat ttie boys who tire flglilliig for

■M' think about tlilv"Jiaiv ttoiilil voii like lo f igh t for

yniir cotmtry. niiil ttirn be told, wlille you are on lorelsn .■'Oll. tliat }(Ui liave to Ntay (ii a ixillceiniui?” he iu.Xfil.-l believe Ihry would Uiln^

IherciieWes th t TlcUcM « t & tfoubte

"If we must occupy ourMlvcf, why not clean up the Puerto R lcsn n e u , or the back alleys la W u b ln gton » few blecltj from Ihs eapltoU"

^ I U ) l t TO FARBAOinrF A lu u o i rr , March .Ift-L ftm ar

Alftcd Haycock U a new rcpresen- latlve of tho Hagerman commim- Ity rciwrllng a t the U . S . niTal txalnlus stMlon here. H« l i lh« *oiv of Mr, and Mrs. J. Haycock. Hoc-

YOU CAN’T BUY As p ir in

Joseph quality luarantee? ‘t larjnl wllrr at lOe. J6 tablet* ^ r 31e. Get St. Joseph A»pinn.

Ajpirm.' Why than Iht St. ji


T he pre^eacr of a uoman nn (lilt (n r narth army pn>( If curlo>ll7 cnouch. bul nhrn she Is a beaulllul movie sta r a t well, the line form', on the riglil. Kriilfle wllh snow e ou iilr j toj», Marjorie Keynoldi, Holly­wood Mar. Is Ihr altrartlnn on a vUU to th h post •■^omtwh6re In Alaska."

Names ill tiic News

ny Vnlled I’rcMO rn . A. A. Novlkdv ul Hit-

arm y nlr foirc U rn t.iL cil the r.iiil; of nlr fuicc mar.->lial by jirtvlili'n t uf llic ;:ii;i:iiiii' Sovifl

V ^ . a n . .'.iJdday. In n brnailr;!.'t ricu:<li\l by United iitalc;. Itiel;;ii bro:i(;r;i.'.l li;y U-lll^.'lUT .•rtvlrr. '

T he ilMlnguMied fl)lns cro a \ l>eeii a\<'artlnl In l.irut, ( ir rli>\ ( '. Kniont. roninunitrr nf II; all. for "exlranriliiiary a fli lr \ r-

. irn t In aerial III;litV' dr>l;iircl fu rth e r the devr1u|mirnl of army

rn. the «»r departnif.:il a nn u n rrd lodaj. ‘

H arry Ix nii WiUon, Jr ,,.31, rnn lie la ic author ol "liiiijnlc' of Iti'd ;ii|i" lui.N been nrrr. lcd at .Mo:!- euk'le. T i nn.. on a M.irr.iiU chart; allure to ripo ii for urmy IikIiici: h r Ii'ilrral bureau of luvi'..lli;,il aid tiKhiy.

Dr, Merton S. nice, 7i), p;i.'.lor of 111- .Mci!0|>oli[«ii Mi-tliwlL.t (liu rtli nd one o! the oiit^itiiiidlii.; rl'jr; icn of the country, dlcU IxM ni,I a coruii,iry inli'ctlon. iilrc w:-.: [irnirr circuit riilrr on tin' Kati:

jin’Mrle. whiTC he ,'fnix| rl|;lil ye; before being u.'.'.UiirtI to \V U nion. Iowa,

1‘roducer Aleianiler Knnla’.i fi KngIKh picture for IMliM «iU be TnUtoy'* "War and I’r.icp." lie an no u n rrd loilay atlpr rccplvlns per

\ln ii lit the Suvlrt ccxrrnmeii film the »|ory, .M.iny of th ' lies will be taKrn In « lll-slaii aclorv ami extra'.. Slarrln^


Til-' .'.n [arm tturker^ :*-hetluled arrive here llit^ week will coi about the iiildille ol next week. It Wa:, ;..il,l !)>' Hoy C. I.aiie. manutcer o r (Jic fan:i .suMrKy ndinllllitril l;il)i)r ram;) ,'nutli of Inwn,

A lintiiiTcIanw, ^ad Laue. Li IhM tlic Wiiikir' ^vlll rotnr' h e rr from .Mi'-'-i.'-ipiil, railirr than from Lou- l-l:iin , a ' lii.'l anntiimced.

Tlie ttiiikfn, .vnnir nf wtiom will ,tn- 'l:u:!i' ami o ;hns willi fdrnlllf:;, a rc h iln s Irair.iviriixl Id Ihe ^^a :l= Valliy by llie K.SA. ‘n iry are r/ini-ii-.K ^vllh 111.' iil-'.i fit workltiK theV( nr »ir():iii'l [(.r .•oulhrrn Idaho furmiT.;, r,iiher.i;iiin ns ;,cajonaI l;>- boti-rs.

lii'imtKl lo hr exv>ctlcivce(l lu t h n r liome l<x:i:il>'.'. nf riijrlciillurc, !’if .•.(Kltll^nlcr. mil ix- taken on n to u r of fiimii In M>utli.rrn:ral Ida- lio I-I br'curiip nrri;i:iliUed WlUl fUTm- inji in InL lemiory.

C a p t . C e c i l S m i t h

W o n ’t W e a r “ M a e

W e s t ” i n F l i g h tWITH THE AIlMY A Ill IXJliC"

I.V -ITH; .'••QUTH p a c if i c , .’.t 'rcHI • f —lla^’jR fret iu>l lour-lr.if clover. are ^:arce nm v.nu lly, Aiiiericaii |i

e plinly r place.of liickf.

bul I

UMIal Ir irried by iJtilt. Albert Kinder, of Sail . Il <lnll). Tex.—A I» lr ol ;.ocks 111 1:1': lilp jiorkpt.

"Tliey bro:)sht me goo.l lurk «h rn I npi'llrd for a Ji)b teachlm; :rl flvr vrar.v iito," j.nld Kinder I ha ie liatl ilirm on me .'>lnre."

Cap;. Ceol 1). Smith, of T\vln F.i!^, Mil, r ILi^r'. lo wear ii WeM" or pararhutp when he 1.' liiif. He ^al(l lie clliln t do It before the war mid iick- that he Is In'com- bat Iir h afralit to i.tart.

IJeiil K.irl V. Slacner, ol Herclonl, Tex.. Rc:irs a b.ittered olil carrtMUl cap and l.lriii, C- H. Mi'Connell, of G lrndilr. C.illf, cnrrlrs n luek> and pfiirll p^^^ented lo h im ' parly in the states.

CORN FLAKESK .'II iikh' s 18 i,::. l ’nul<;iKC

2 f„ r

' 'I'XiGSl-ai'K'u Size R anch '

I S ...... 3S c

MILK.'\ll Jiramis. T;iH' (.

4 for .....

CHUKSI':CtlallciiK u F ull r r ( ‘;ini

34c4 5 c

Can. ;! for 2 ^ C

P E A s ^ .:” r l ^ s r " ‘ ‘ l o c '

S O U P 2 9 c

A S P A R A G U S J j r i W c T . T l i c

r o p w ^(Golden Bantnm>. IPatch): for . . ....... 2 5 c

CR.ACKERSN. 15. C. I’ri'iiiiuni S alted Wiifcr.'i, * 9 * 9 iM 2 Potimi.s .......... J j C

\ ISISQUIC’Kl'<>r L ight Fluffy liin ’tiil.s U r R ePnckjiRc .........

S O I L - O F F S " ' “ns A ll'lU ra Swface, ’ Q q

P e a n u t B u t t e r ......... 4 9 C

i G O C G A N U T 30c

T AT? T Tnc S<-nllng LliijJ / l l V l j l i / O (regulBD 3 for .......... _.. ; 2 9 c

S O A P . .s..2 5 c

K R A U T " 2 2 c

MATCHESSi.v Box ( 'a r l4iJi


Swcollicarl F o u r liarPackaRc .......... X X C

FLOOR POLISHAerowax Svif Polish

Q u itr l . 45cSO.\P /

Cry.><tnl Wliito G iant Bur

6 R,r, .....28cUse our free delivery service. Free deliv­eries to all pa rts o f tKe city. Olil}' one de­livery to each home cach day.

IDAHO DEPT. STORE“If It Isn’t R igh t, B ring It Back”

___ T-

Friday, Saturday



In O ur M ain .F loor D ry Goods D e p a r tm e n t .

t - S b a t e - s f -


Dry your rayon.i away from heal—allow 2< hour* for complete drj'lntr — they’ll wear better!

Slijrht i r r e g u la r s o f the .$1.35 value. 7.5 D enier, high twi.st, rn ig le ss , fu ll fash ioned hose! K ayon to the top w itii fin e lis la-re in fo rced heel, solo and too. In sm artes t shades o f V ic to rio u s — Glorious — V alorous, Sizes S '- t o lO i...

• iilinpc" your myona c fully after wa.ihlng . iliey'll loot belter.

N u-W cavo ■


49criiiici T.ifCi'ta all

color:v i 'a th e r H cadkcrch it.'f— w a lu r j i r o o i - a iu i p a tli 'f i i -s .

L ad ies’M u n sin g w e ar


Women’s TYlco knit, run - proof panties. L.i.'iiex wnl.nl lialidl Slze.i 34 lo 42; Color Of tea ^o^c.

, A»k for No. « .750 ••SnuC'Flt r»nU e-



- 9 8 / “


' $2.49 $2.98W om c'ti’.-; k tiiU c d U u y a n P u ja m a s . ne w e s t R ty lc s b y Miiii>inv’\vi.',ir, tw o K ood .shaiic.s— N ig lit C o ra l u iid N o d Jilin.'. S izes :M lo '10.

1N F.\N TS SOAKERS; SI,19 — SI.5*

jallty Icn- ' Ihlm; to

r xijck or jport tl steerhlcle In rna and colors.



I'’iiu‘ i’omht:(l c o t to n t r n in in j : pa rity a n d liack, (iDtiblc w o v e n b o n d . K einforced S w iss r ib . Sir.i;s 1 t o -1. W h i te only.

- .MAIN FLOOR u n v GOODS DEPT.!-:::

elastic.cro tch ,

IDAHO DEPARTMENT STORE“I f It Isn’t Right, Bring I t B ack”

Page 10: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Page Ten TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, March 18,'1913


Hv i,« » n s r . Kr.i.Mi.i:• ' I 'n llH U'ar Anal)»l

•nil' ti;:ilii a ll^ 'l (itlci-. Uc

K n! Iijiii! ir It li.i' liot aliraily I M;u!.-r|

W liat’s W ioii" W illi Tliis Picture? 1 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ?

Ihr Iri‘ 'rumIlr .ls lir llrarlni:

-\ill h.iM- an l.it-

'„ r ; ;are diinr ni». In llir I',i. Iti<-. Il «

A'rli'.i in't atHr.1 ,-ii,it.-i-.' :<-fni-. ill-

i-:.-,.Titi ;li<- v,.,v 1,'-,' \\w.vV-,w »i •..aitli.Tli

lllilrr !■, ti-.na: il. ■■i-'Mic 1\ 1 ii)i-

a'll'lrd lm .i:.:nn'llil' V'T H1-. dii'.'l

AesEN : : p l a n sAROUSE c o m

\VA.‘!flIN<iTO.N, .Mal.li III >11C1*. tlif* - iibriiiii in '■*. it h v, lilcli

hr :far!r(l thi- rMH-rlMl all-out '.v.ir

I', aniri' and nlllcd [l'alll■t. iili- liia:-|

ot^^».ir |iro<liir;!i.ii toil.n found

h n k l\ i r i 'u \ lm 'V ,’- : .- \ ln

I'll th a t till- ii.ival iillali,'. cuiniiii;- iri- wi\. i:iil!lv i>[ "u idali i,i. il.-.- In

I '.n li’ ilMnv .1. K.iV.i i

of^lhc- hmi"r a '- .'i/a iK .u ,', roiiuiu:- trr. ln-,!-.tril th a t liL- i:roii|) I< ci.i;nl.--ilici- of Itir |iri)l)lr:ii fliv.t ami

lo'lhi- fliKir lir-r fl;-,hi tnr Idioc <,n;u-KTeat- lie ^'ll! willidia"' t‘i nial;r iii:. n i \ t ;-taiul al tin- <!al)i-i ImliIcmrl. Ix-iwreii llic CdoU PJciJld ralt iti-- Iiri- . U):i mid tlir : c-a

.-.inti-ii III niir,.:ioii --in ii-. [.m, irlniliiii-lil(i to till- c-nlli.- l.it

GUNS LIKE lOySCAMP D im s E n .c . njfc-str-

rra! hundred ;<)lcllcM, jUincllni; knpf'Uptt) In mud. tirard an officer

;mctlvp V '■V'. for nclKxi,In Afrli<i? ■•iiitiirxlirrf" l!i A.SU7

T Ilir JuMKlM of Nrw Oiilnrn?

t t o r . h r rf? ” Vor I

Social, S(M-urily Evpaiisioii i;™'"'1 1 ...,:..,I .. , I . , f i .;is liiflalioii (lontrol

;tnii Hint tlir army nlll i r r r 12.000.000 nirti In l( liy

J a :iu a rr (Man II.tO .ODO nn>' fd . Hr »alil lip n a i aulMor- iiinl.p Itir it;ilrmrnt, l>ut ,lrll Ijj uhcrni.

1-iin'bl-! ilfvi'tilpV' H;iv;C.iil.sii, n b [lo-Nlbli- liT

Toiijih Fallon Impartial in

-----n ! o— •h KT SwcannjjAS ADVANCM) A.MKillCA:;


-I liop.-." hr -tli:!! wlirii I filter ’nmls- M.lll,l„x|v lurWIlli il fli:;ir iili.1 « I'l

Patton b ml tli,- imlr rniiirlin: l.K l.ald M)Ol U turiiliik- i;r:iy, Hul

F i n : t l - e . r i f f : r i c c s —

L u t e I r a I 5 r i ! i : ! ? s

i; III III.' 'iv m I'.il

1--. M.uiitv ;i[;m ;in IV. |„ .rii;',.. 1[,. v„, , 1..,.i:., ll'v:,. :,r lli.lll , HkI.i .. „


Can. Hr- I-, .»,i;uvc(I by lo:iiIuL-lMi-i:., .1. A lirin:. C. K. HK.'rl-.

\. Hr;.:,

. o: :.,rrl il r l,.r. .•j^rlall: n imil.llc- iMnuiilarly i

t on. tail); IirJitl;

111 I

I I( liortli A lllr.ui 1!

niatulM: lii" ukcc in.i

..‘ *’■ ^ •Kvrrythlnn !•.

in C.v.il;)aiuM."

Tfred Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nighl

; { S o n s T a k e P a r t

I n M i t c h e l l K i t e . s

tl.-ti, In aivr.'Mrn.iMv rcr;C ivt Uu- JucU-on UnU- »,u'

ti !•. llMrd t)V tliiM. n us

CATTLE flOCSaturday, MaFcfi 20ONIC lONTIKH I ll 'I il) O F 210 WHITH

I'WCKCA'l'TU';Ilf w h ic h l:l

I F o r m e r ' M a i l M a n

S u e c u n i b s i n B u h l1 IB-I. E. Koocr:

t ISiilil in Na\,'iulu:

A . 0 . B r a d s h a w

( a i l e d b y D e a t h

•. I- n . r;.-., aail tv.o r;., l!:>il and .Mi::. Kill-lii.-n:., all of A:lir!.il.

KIC.VN c m itjfll ( lltT[V.ns. March 18 i.l'—Ai.h Krani'l;, J. Sp.-i;;;i,in of N. ladi- a Kllt cit inniX)0 Ir.i;; •

for norUi Alrlc.in rhi::ih '................... I- lit'- ...........

• On drj' i,|. vLMi u itli Arclibi..!!

CIrik Paul n . Cic r.vln J'n’l.-Chilli!.- H. U

li.nni^n, K S. C a iru l, CLui'.i'- li. Def,-.rl!,'.'. 1>, !l. ii, C.fximiind-,, Albert K-tllia:, T. J. i'n '- ler, JI. C .^ e t l.- r l . K. M, Ciiit-.;. Ci. 14. lllinl, Harr-.- NelM-n, A, L. Nur- loii, Ali-.|ii-;i.-> I), Nvr. I.iiIIkt C. I 'l 'tcc , WelUuv.lon C- Wli-

11 pDller. lYank /-;.iii;rv, J. A. viindcnl>:irk. A. IJ. Wlilnier nml llorbrrl S. Woolcv.

»:ihl - William K. Clialiibrrr, Oltci Halm. SeLi I,:ir:r,n, R, K. Love. uiw .m l .Monriw. Kin McC'a-.ili v and i;. M. Tcinlia-.oii,

l l lc r -i; . A. Uc-.-n, Mai »o Dhn Coiirle'-, J. M- Jarnm on, uhn.-.on nnd A. K. Pnnd,

•n-Cti.trlr.-> .McKirlanil niUl::o Hx-.m

i^Jmbf-rh—J.inir.-, Ala and Ony Olln.

C.i-.Ui-ford-Arnohl Il-jtjrrl.^

........................ louiiuiT gGrrniaii-Aniprlean Imnd »nil

„ D. Je,in /orinrr alilp In Hiller. It «lio«n hr le \lirlrd In l.o« Ansrln dur-

111? a snvernmrnl trial to eanrrl elliren^hlji of 3J Gtrmaii-Amerl-

W ilA oul m alice. G rn lkn u-Al (If.. 10

M e t h o d P r o d u c e s

B e t t e r A i r G a s

U 'nrry o f /

FALSE\TEETHSii.piiin.ii n r IrrKalinf;?

\P u i l l l „ l „

V a n H e i i s e n

irIc piece in- ^lcad o( the ujual three Uy- erv L<»ik» ftarchcJ, is »oft|

/ ' i # n \llruirn V i‘jVr.S7n>/iij;p

uU ,'V:n frelly, for the fol(Mine [> Kii'rii in. Kcc(>* d true e siouiid joiir nccL


f t

A 1^0 _ .Till WIlITli; KACH WICANERS

I.CITS 0 | . ' (I’n i i a t IN C H ( a iA i) i - : s t o c k —

\Vi‘ HiiM M hc Htn-crs fnr Wlinl Ytill ll.ivc to Sell


Rupert's Second

Community FarmMachinery

SALEAuspices U SD .\ war board and Chamber

of Commerce in


2 P . MMacliinery of ever.v kind. Ovei’ 250 pieces listed. Li™stocl< will be sold at the stock­yards at ITa.m.

0 £ a c = 3 B I E a E S £ 3 B a E I E 3 0

Bill Hollenbeck mttHJzd-M euIem an, Auctioneers.

■FOR-v a l UE-F

|5 More Important, To You Thnn Euer Before!

Unci* S«m necd» wool for ihc *rmed fo tec i — lli*C meani Icsi for thoie ol ui on »K« hom«.|ront. A nd tha t me«n» ihli libel in yiuMUTl or oulct- co*i ii mor« impotUnt lh«n ever bc e iu ie :

1. Il'i your au u rtn c e o( ciUa weir — txU i dcpcnd«> bllity you m uit h»ve th it ytar.

2 . typifies our reputalion in ihij community for tioneil vtlue i <nd fincti «vall«bl« iiutlily.

3 . Il’i th ^ iy m b o l of M icfu tlj.S lern 'i 96 yeir reputation (ot RocKctUi q u ili ty n««dl«.ct»(t. j '

ll’i imporUnt, loo , lo make your le lee tlon of ih tte 100"J wool luitj and oulereo«b while our iloclct remain com plete I

$ 3 7 .5 0 and $ 4 2 .5 0 ^TJMELY CLOTHES A I^O FEATURED


r V a n E n g e l e n s

Page 11: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Thuriday. Murdi 18. 19U TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Elevei


s i ’f:c i a l N O T i c t : s


•g 'C H U U l^ S 'A N n T K A i N l N a




11 i:Lt> WANTiJI)— M A I, i:

H lU '.y W A N T K i)— MA1J-: & Fn.M ALIC

acceddwill rew ard your e f fo r ts to buyi sell, re n t or tra d e if you try th e tim e-proven c lassified columns o f the Timea-News. <*-

Tf .vou’rc not alrca<iy a m em ber of thp KrowiiiK fam ily o f claaaificd users try it todii.H^yoiril l)f m irp ri.scd 'n l Hic snia!! C(T>1— the lari’p re tu rn s !

j-^ L o n e 3 8

w ANTKu— i » : n t . LKASE


b u u .





(our, rwjmi. Thor,. ISIT-J


Ai'A)tTM(:.ST:f irE r r :^



KOAR» AND R00?»1

t‘CrKNI.s!lp:i) R60.Mk>~





I. poyOi i v« l

I i<ro»4 I.rr.1II I, IJ*m ,

fl“ ri mllkUt '.W

U .',\ frr«r«. Toul'

ntS» fH iTr



«' ino-tri invoath mouth oufidi. I f*T ■■■■h CMtry, Them OUV

S liE iiS AN5) I'





Wll pay premium pricrs for liie msdel p in e b 'n n d

tcdan dellverlfs. DtOnOFT-W OOl^M OTOR CO.

3.M Main Tnst

•MISC. FOK SA L E,'Vt.ns . . . l u .

■I OM. «P0 In olh.


J.LM Ihc y\-:r for U»Ui, iwcli, drnin.board.', cic.

CSo.s» o u t P n c ts -



CHICAGO. fU^'-H»rry 0 . Oi ;unii. proftiiar o! flnantf o r iim jw m unl\■*r^ll.'. pm licu

lh« t Blier Ih9.*’»r you m»y nd!e itle In >oiir oW Jiou.'f lor model. Jiui u }»u did ju

! b»«» Wi prrdlcilon c; >(ci Lhit pnU brktiM l ti ■ hcuB rtmsirucUon h u Ix^n

du rin ; Uie war. tlM> »i louiiinble."A housohoWfr.- h» Mlil. ~a: moiT ditf'.Uu.;,

turn In hl» old liowr "ii « modfl (\nd enjoy ifte l.ntrr o hnmn All# upon which hr hiu l»hfd l»nd4c«plng c»tr mi.l » •hlch the homej ol hl^ frinul'

locnted.”To Lom IdrtiUlr-

Con’rTiiriub’i ttuilmisnn •ISlihorli«x1.i »in l<\'f ttirir ;■

A b»dly heiiv «ni»j-s be moved to > mere tat

tor>’ local:


O iithm ir I b .- llfw liifprrf.ibTtr.Ti

K' Ijiilld

hr i.'.A.» i)i>« o{ hi>ii-li

» M»t OhJf. t In II*' l.iuc-r

likfl) I.«llh I

n pt II

ruction 10


FU H N nU R i:. AP1‘L L \N C K SCWUINI, (I.. Mr.. ...k Jin

ItADlO A M ) .-MUSICrooO ftnd*

AUTOS l o i i SA L EMom,L *


AUTG SKRM i K K P .A R TsI'vrvv.ln- ,MI, .n,l , .,r7



Notice 1} herehv k




C ■ !• URNisUEb -HdUsUS

W rtnl lomfoiic in »h»re with rU tlrrly mnn, 1 rooin fully lur* iiislied. comlarubla liomc. Twin

. PnlLi. Box 35, TlmM-Newji,

W A M E U -llK N T , I.KASE

B U S I N E S S A N D . P R O F E S S I O N A L -


the iieceiury \ monlli* after t of thi-’ noUcn. [i

H A T S M G l O l ^ L A I E S I F O i

NEW YORK IhM slowIn tlir n ljtit »re fuhlon* UirNi con- trlbiilloji. (o the war rflwi..

l l i r illKht-cloainc hlL'. • 11(1 ba;».

t the ■rnrelfscau.'sfs «cclclent4 In Amrrlca'i dlm- med-out clUet.

For daytime wesr thp IdoI; Jiwl like- fny-*fili'T hr.nUrar—,'jiii •» mud »nd J 'ut i>' -*illv, c<ilnr.i ranitr from w hi'r. Ihmu?li pink, ^rI.

P5,lr'iffflMl t<\ 3.w\ Ub-rici liieludc Mraw. lace, ribbini, :vn- th rllr upave^ nixl Ilo^vrr-. bv Ihr biL-.hrl.

I 'tn t on lbtllr<ihlp>T lir niBht-cloMne rhfmlr»l wlilfh

nmkr> iiir hat. belt b,u or f ^ r f Jhlne wiih a (oil, lumliicu.-. wliltl*h llglii. w»» devrloped far u-r on b « .

, \»lierr nr- I niletl out.

Pll^hrd liv p-Mnt- rhpr.lcal, winch ih« color o( the low in Ih r <lay. ! Cil Mif « irrtlnan,' elrttrlc ll^^, Tlirn wliril


illniiry llliiinluatlunTlir plow 1» itfcnmr

Ire ihA hat « lih ih«

rr l hrr KlOO.s30 fret r Itrrd-

1 lor both

.'oli-brlirimed Mllor, inirr ' 1 v.Ul\ hravv w hnf tnrrt. Thi Ciirrlrd ihn Jlo* chemlral nnt

r 111 bpcomlns rlr«It> nrounc »rarrr'» h f id In Ihf dark, o ih rr number.\crt»t#d ?!firtlj nficr-dark * e ir\w M • fl(lrt\

hiinrilo of yellow flo\er», p.i the llliimlnallns chetnlcol.

hrlil on w-lih » »ofi veil.

Markets and Finance■* * * ♦ \ l __________ ___ . ' » ¥ ¥ *


Markets at a Glancex t v YOriK. MircS II

IliM h«i|ln| llq*

NEW YORK. March IB UV,' - 3 p « U llfed recovery elem enu uero p rtte iit In lodty'a itock m arket al- iho iuh m in i' leaden conUnuKl to flounder In mlniu ierriior>%

Prlcei allpped U ler Uie atari w ithout real w eakneu appcarlns Iti M y croup, BluBjlJlmtM w»ji the rule from Uien on. T rriid j firmed her« fttid there lit Uie final hour but the dlrecllnn remninrd nni.-\blv

•lose, T raiufers oifosjy I ».rouiid 70Q.OOQ t Llir im tllra t for , ful



li Ill.H 1.

rd. T alk of ImiK-iidln;: bU HUi tlonal tlevelopmeiiu uljo krpi

il trrrltory.llrtli - i>frIor

DoukInnh Seaboard;rntTnV Oienl Mnnlirr

flugar, Amerlcurt Airll fd Air U n ei and Dii Poiilaifiis

......al Molorj. Cli .> lrphnne. Southern i»n . Anaconda, Tr: uchousp. PhfV> M( nrt We.Ntrrn Union.• Doiids

t of Ihr




N ew York S tock s^

Locomotlvc ......MctaU . • ,. No Rnd. iS; St«l. San. .. Rplllns Mills Smell. A; r rn n ln g ..

NETW V larket c

A l* iU J>Allied 51'Allb Che American American American Amrr1car>AmrrlranA nierlcw i...............Amerlcaji Tel. fz Tfl. American Tobacco D .

Copper ......AUautlc ReflnlnR Ba!dwlt» LocamoUve .naltlm ore -V Ohio .......Qfsutlx V W lo u - ......Deihlehem Kie^l - . . BulovR ... .. .BurrouBlisCallfornlii Pnrlllc ,.. .

nartlan PitcKlr . . I, C-i.*e CO.

CerrO de Pukco Corp. , Che.'npeftke A: Ohio

ilrr Corp,Coen Cola ...........* .

F . A: 1, li)l tolvriit.^ ..

Con.'o:iclalnl Coi^iwr ... ConfoJUlKlrd K.(ll.on ,. Cosv'ftUrtntrd OU

mini li>l C,ii

offic of l!;.rHnnK A: TrilM nmlill County of T ’,'i Idaho, Uili bell for trnnsactloii Mlrt MUiU, \^^|»t<d MarrJi 16th.

VFXMA n. LAPRAY. AdmlnlvrMrK of ■

Il l.v


Piibli.'.h: Miirch in.;;nrhlll, <

fixed ' pi


n IVorn-.NoilCB ti hrreiW £lvrn by ih r i

dersitned e.\ecuf^nr of the r.Miitr Adarw, rtecrupd, iofAKnliiH

them with t r». within lU St publication o

Office of A, J . Mver* Ik A: Tni«l nulWlnK U. Countv of Tttlii

Ihb Iwltis

linvlt Id deceased. i

.'flciloii of the bujinc

> A B S T R A C T S

• A D D IN G M A C H ltf£ SAildltif macMKa. cm)i rn m m . Tx;«wfit*

> B A T H S A N D M A S S A G E S

to ISO t« cmplortd [-.I'l* ' CAS*ircn?i>IT

iX''''rn T. Iiurkh/'ldp “ IWr. rm O S T E O P A T U lC P H Y ^

for tlir of nald f

DaMd March n th , 19«3, ' CltAnLK-S r . ADAMS.

Executor of the estate of Jin c Adam*, 'DMeaaed.

Publish: March April 1,«, tD«aNOTICE TO C tlEIHTOn.S'


E?,tflt« Of ANNA J, NOSSOEN. De- cea.««d.Nolle# Ij hereby given by the un-

derilgned Exccutor of Uic will *n<l c3Ut« of Anna J, Niu.:iS(n, dccctued. to the credltem Bnri all perron* hav­ing claims acnln'nt Uie s.-tld de> cea.ied. to e»hlbli Ihem with Ute r.e^eaary \-ouchtrs. w ithin alx monihii a fu r Uie first publication of noUu. to ih» M id executor a t 3<0 Main Avenua South !n the city of Twin Fallj, County of Twin Pttlb. S late of Idaho, Uila belnu tho place fixed for the irnii.'.ncllon of the bu.ilneM ol u ld e»t*te.

D»t«J ?ebni»ry 30. J0«3.HERBERT E. NDSSOHN

Pub: Feb. M, Marcli 4. U , 18. 25. 130

S a b o t e u r s ’ D e a t h

,lvWASHir roi

T lir hoty.f nilr.s npiiroved Ashl.illi

March 18 (Uri_

lltrtl •lUi Intent t

Approval of the hill cn'nir , -halnnnn Ilaiioii \V. Euiiinrr^ r r \ . , ol Ul« hoil'c juillcbr^- i iiitiee. and a u ljU n t Solicitor < •ral O K ar Cox tw urtrt vUir •onimlttee ih», propojKTinr.i vould no t *nd»rser fr»« sweci



CAi;s»: niscH .M tr.i: in tlA N K R U m V .


Dale MBxwrll. bankrupt.IN nANKULPTCV NO. S507 Notleo La horrby gn-«n tha t Rich-

nrd Dale Maxwell h u been adJudU rated a banknipt and an Order to Show Cau.se ha.s bern cniered, and th a t all credlion and other p*rs<'ni In Interest are re<iulred ta iliow cant*. If any they have, wliy the dbcliarge &liouId not be granted, .by

lerlne their appearance and filing ‘ particular grounds of their ob. tlon in the office of the Releree. or before Ui# IBth day of April.

ISO. a t 3 o'clock In the afwmoon. Jn the Bank & Tru-si Building, Twin Falla. Tw in FaJU Couny. Idaho.. Olven under the aulhortiy of the

AcLi of Consre.-Ji. and by a special Order of the Underelgned th u 18lh day of Ma«:li. 11M3.


Couilneiit.\l Otl ...........1 rroduct.s ...........Ks WrlKlil ..

Du Pont .r ire jto iio T iie A: Riibbrr Freeport suUihiir Oener 'OCii'T

. hrirl 10 OUUl'ltn

m icritaikm al Td, i i Tci’ Johns Mmivir.p K ennecott Copi'erKre-se ..................Lorlllanl ... . i ta c k TnIl■lc. . . Miami Copprr . . M ''nisom ''n- Wnrd

National C««h Rrgl'! National n*lr>' Prod Nalloii.1 DLstlllera . New York Central .

N onti Amrrkun Avl^itlon N orihrrn ParlficPackard M otom ...........Paraniount-Piib ............J. c . Prnne.v Co................PennsylvBnla R. R............Proplf.s On.S .........PhrUn Dotlvtr .............Phillip* Peirolfuni Public s e n ic t of N, J. ... Pullman .Purn ...................nnijK<conv or Atnmra .

■Radio Kelili Orphfiim ...Rrjiubllc: S trr l .................RevnoVI.i ToJinrro B . . .Sears Roebuck .....Shell Union , Oil ............a im m oiu Co......................Socony V acuum .......-......Southern P a c if ic ....... .....

hem Railway ---------

Sperr>' Corporattort Ora ■

idartl Ol! of C allfonila '. . . S5»»idanl o n of Indiana. ,..... 30";

S u n d a n l Oil of New Jersey —'M "aiudehnkcr .........------------ toaun.-.hine M lnrj •,__________ 5 'i3wlU ■ & Co....... ........................ 3 i

Corporation _________ 46HTimken Roller Bearing ........ V iiT raniam erlca ______________ «Union Carbide .... *3Union Pacific . ' . .—^.....No solesUnited A lrcrtft C P --------— 34

....... . . . .U n ite d AlrUnei .................:------ 21'4ru b lU i. March ISih and 19th, ISiJ.* UDited fitiitsa Rubber 33^

■’ In colfee ls '> ^ n

United fii.ites S led ! W arner IKntlirr, W rui'Tii Union (ex. d W estlnghome Eltciric


CHICAGO, March 18 fAV -Onilnj marked time today aa Iridera awalt- td WiuhlnKton do'e lopmenls. W ith activity a l a low level, early gains In all piu were erased when weak* nc ii develoiMxl in O'e on u n a ll bt:* prril-stent aelUni; from hou.sea with ea.'lem connections.

W heal closed U -». lower, May l l .C '^ -S , July *l.43’i - tl ,i f l . cgm wiLi unchnnhCd a t ceilings. May tl.oi,. oats were unchanged to w lower and rj'e dropped " i-1 cent.


TAKII tliu mril!r-A(;u, -M.ioh 1" WJ-Ciuh - t .« l l

1 tnl.H 11.91: N", * r.llnw»t » ttr to »I,0IU| * » l 'i .tn 11.01: MrrjiH ir>4f r.ltiw ile to II.

pi. cr.Of ?. 1 'FlirWi Mililn* »« W ll,D»Ni f»«4 ^•tn|4*'(rail« }itlo» t l . l l t i

nlnrT^M^'lJp V .lii:'i H i: ..t«> r lo ^ 11.19 lo K .iti. i t .u . lir.te ii>.

M issBA fous ri.o i;n

II* 111 lu IMi suu-l 1,1 iM .I^Voni^ f,.: POTATOES

IJ.rt'T’nV .hrlr*

■1 (holt. r«Q ib., .ii!

m .rt. Old 'Infk »ari’ll«» vW Uthl,l>r>Micnll7 r: U<ck trxllnc I'reunl c?'(flnl ori.rihcti I ITkrt suMlltH. Nrv • uvV •oprllM <*r>Uliht( d'manrf mnd*

m trl.t fim j l(Iih« BuM«t U>*r- Unkt U. S. ho. 1 H tf.

r'lnr'Arn nK'inva

r'h»; rhnir* 'n ,Mliin<

Butter and jBggs |3 .klnrill?.urn*

IVMTOCK I »t ISO, .W-, •''• 'Ir


I.o i AS'i;Et.Eii ru o u itc ilfl.1 A.Nf;»:i.r..S, U«rch I» (USPA)

I1-.I ch«M 0 .ii« ib.,j

. MlriTIli W>ln*.- «t^ -«».>

tin 'talr ti 'lH iloon. lol.l. <IOi nu Mrlr

riii'IIH U t« c « . «t«. tntdlua He.

W ClIICANO ntODUCB nrii'Ar.iJ. M«rrh IK [,n—iiuiuri •»?,-

THk, firm; i.ricr* in c,vj„iH l.» tht Ch!w»«

t t t . ftr . J»r; »urfnl f.c«lpu >l!iei * l f


llVJl ‘«lTJ.“'"nJnJ'

Miuing SlocksBALT LAKR


in. CTjr t.- fp « f--------- J.OO

Stock AveragesC.mplirt kr Tl.. A>ml*lt4 Tf*.*

T m i i F a l l s M a i ’k e t s


■i. lUt tuM f li Om QBoMl

RKO cLOven

UVB rouL Tsr U. lo 1 Ibt. — ^

Color«4 fo -k lU t)*- *B« «» -

Cnxikad tmMa. bu«bacb *»4 tlUM* ,If ihlB M altrr______________U Um

No. 1 PMlUT, b itM t»1««, Bia« bt tnm

S S IS K ; S » i

Page 12: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

- Pape Twelve TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thui-sdny, March 18, 1943

Niiiies Board Air Amhiilanec

<U- s . iirmy plioln I ivnlciil of Amrrlrsn army n u r 'r i Irjiiiinc In KriiltirUy lor af

laiiiT vc-rvlcr In iiimlj.il m iirs a rr l^lf^r tno illnililiiR iiiijiip, T lir IMclil tuir-(A;jnliil'->rr (o uouiiilril iiohllrr<> lirinc II'K'II Inm «.ir Vlir;ilrt» »i> hiiNjilljU JjrhlnJ Ih r Jliifi.

Coast Guard Cutter Boml)S 5 Siil)s, IJanis and Sinks Sixth

IMliil:. <11 li;c iiiTiii.ii

F o r t r e s s C r e w ■

S a y s S h i p W a s

‘D a m n e d G o o d ’

0IU.;\NI-'0, M:i . Marcli 111 'UPi— T iir inv , iiumlji'i.'. of " J .iil.- ttn - Hl;iiii;'." II linir*intilcii I <1 Ijnntur v.in.ii ;-i. .N.iMiic, i.oun ii,

- I!;.-/., RoMMi, l.lV.c. \va:.rU«''.,i:<i

;nv Itir .'iill [oi

m.: I’ou-

iiv.i.iht. (,ri i;,o iu'-i.i-(-n ii.i.-i luilun:..-iiv, (.1 J,u!;.llu-lUl)i>ri

\ViUi;im J . Cn;;n:!i,

I 1,. M.r.-

'HINCria-JN, M,.r>h 17 <-V,—■ (•;uM Ku.iMl nii;iT ........

Iiijllllii.l IlM'ikJ yimI ■'•./nt:

1 in II III m- li:-hnur riitituii;;11 v.'u!t U\

liiri'in -Atlalillc iib'iul l!i!i'i' ui;i>, llil- n.ivr ;iiiii(i\iiu' m1. It

i. (lliiIiiiiDi; I ■•mint II bi- liiiiili:

riclit^ Aloiir111 nil bill till'- iii-ll(iii llii' Cii'liil'-

1)1 II H.I-, ii'li.iu-. Ill Ilii- :in.:;i- llun .'lir Jdliicd .1 cunrili- In iin liin.lii-luslvc iu:ciiil)t lu <k-.,liuy fi U-tiiMl ulili-li llic <urvi-ITp iliid iil-

Tlii- sl\ U-bi.iil -A,,.-, tll.'.t Hll:ii-kr<l l>y iliill flf/i^. llii- Ciiiil|)l)>'ll boro

iiimn irlliM i II w;i.-, r:ililini-il_, " cliil:<'(t lii'f iifii-r till'

iiiHlt-r IllrII-loll IIC.UIipbi'ir:. I ib i^ t; |;lin% lit [vilnlbliiii): I.UUI-. ■riir n i;ic i’;. ciriii-rr. 'C.ilcllnl till- -bli; U-bii.il I.luiiltli i [rcm I!ii‘ liiiii-it t Ilf r\;)!ii.!ln-,: ^ll'•^. 111(1 .-..iw H :li.',\:y M'ltlt iiiul Mnl: ■t.Tii Hr; I,' ■

Tlir i-'illl'loii <Ia:;i:r.’i'c| Ihf C.HIIP*

.Matloiii n t Till-

11 lioun..

till- rutii-r -r -.i,:ii< ilIfif B?i;o‘i >!;<■ ii.i''It) luiiti'cl aiul ln-.i-.tU;.iti;

;it(-..i'iu'i- 111 iii\ uva'.''1 |:ac-k alKiill 2.'. Iiillr., a-,\.iy.

Tin- lllV(",tliMt|(Ji| Inllril ('Ii)-i' tlic iicliiicl |iti;in i-c C'l :lmt Alclnli-v uiul lln- (

jiiDiidiiii n im ;iii;iiiiirii. . .Sl;Iil\ Sill) dll .siirf.i

Kill II


Kii n iitci./*:

c-ll. I riii I h--;-

AX CO SOARS 11 DEADLINEm N . Marrh Ifl (I’—

H iiona l 1 .ilay ili*; ncrliH;. i.-,-,-rd.-il

.I.iirli 16,

1 ilii- i>r<-v-

bclou- (111- I),i:tl,illv lUxKli-d Wllh ilii- iiid (if

i><i!l-h <!t-.-;i..MT tfi.il fi.uiilit, III)iinl;lri: mid i::c Iiir;;iiT u-..l-,i;ilii-Ilf II IJlln.-.ll ill- liiiMT atnl I'lii-vi-Iti' •hi' lc-:ilatlii-d alln.il a;iil ; ali'.'tli)-.',i'-hT, lltiMI 11 til.; aiiiv.'.l ,iiul lnwi-clla r lu ;iii raM i-i.i. I ivni forl>.ilr,s.

fom m nndrr HurlCt'avmaiulvc J a u i .i ;\. UlrUi'.'-Ul,

40. of .Han .■\iitoiilii, T -\;. » a . Illi' imly mail nbo.-iid iin- i-u:ti-r 'vlii: r-as viiiiiKlni. II,- ^.,,s hi: by ii iili-cc of I!>lii,; iiii-I.il but n;n.lift'd ucllvc- ly III inmniaiici n: Um ;iNi>

Tl!C'li<vomiiIl.''liini'til'. o; Iln- ;.1\-VI al -iial C'alll|)lii ll -,\i ic ir;MirIi d brn-Ily in a i oinimiiilnuc aim tlu- navy , (l[);>;(Illl■n!cd thl-. u llli a tk-. "lalli d .\ra;c-iiu-nl lull nf aclioii iin.l

RhI.li btoii,:ii; .1111 Iliat lirl ^v.wrinl ih,. rail Id batUo

F B I M e n P r o b e

R e f i n e r y B J a z e

TUI.SA. 01:1,1..' M.iivli in lu n — l-Vili-ral ^biiiraii of lmi",tt;Mlli)ii ii;i-ni.. ,Hiiii<ht i<yl,iy tn dft.riiiiin- la- oil,;tn n: ji Iiic «!iicli taiM'ilIII c-r.tliiM^Nl SlOO.IlOU da;iia,-i- tli la- lllio- W.s: - n ila Ii-Illlrrv Ofla- Miil-Ciiiitimiit I’l-lfolimil (Dtii-

pany. “

Till- i-iillri rii',Ill'll lii:i 'i-i-i- for llu- U-t.iMl . iiiid :1a- i ;-1i:m piiwiiiilly ,Mibmrr,ic'>l. Tin- ni'.:<iliDl'IH'il a p.itlt-iii of <l-i)Mi ili«r:<''.

"Sr.irci-ly liad Iln- ( iiitrr • dn>v Ihi.-I lir.'it ,Mi)> (Id'.I'II," the llaW i.iU

of II coiT,-:t,-* I 'l.a II \\a'. I'ii.;.i,:m illicT Mibiiiiuliii' Till- I 'u tt .r im

iii''iHalcly ru.'.hi'il Ui Ilii!. nnv rltr

"n il- ni'Xt iiKirnliu’ ii thii.i ‘ub inniliif wa.t .'l-:h;cd <■;! lli" m iiI.u'i /b. till- .-.iibniaMiii' «]inr lur pi'oir,- til'll, llii- C,.liii)lii i; dioii]inl 11 i),it tcrii.of (li-ptli ('liaui.'.,

Anolbrr Suli I 'lr r t

Join llic roiiVDV, Mi:litf,l he iDlirlli Mibaiarlii''. iiioK- lli• ui'iiiy .'.ub loiiiul 11 r.\i;-il;r ill. tMib;iii'i';;i'. /

I dovr iji |it-i,iti-ly.

I'-rii III di'j);;i ('h.ir,:iA.tliK i'ii,:.ii;i;iiri',i. tii ^lilliK-d llif !lHU ,'iilj a t(i ,'.iib:iu-r;;r.'’

The- (li-p:ii <'liari:i- a( fir.-.t fh-,- ,-all^;ll..Il:,^, ii'iliillinl ri-.iil;-. .lUil II inadc liy Ih r navy l|; il

•J'hi' .-tudyin;;vvWi'li

D i s h M e , K i d

.i'jlllly_ llial bfi>!:r o!i; In tin-

'Parim ini ji-.tm lay . \\a,-. ^lart''ll• ft u.'lilini; torrli In tlic liaiu!.-; <■:

;i wnrkiiiaii.’Hi;- Iln- :|>:t-a[| ia;Ui11y to a b.H-

l<'r>- of .-.'.or.i;;,- tallt^ Mlilrh >'. - plixli'd in Micrt-'.-lon, h(>,l;!Il :

iiiid rloiiiS of'blat'k :ini>V:r Iiiiti(!ri-<b of Ji-i','. Into ti-j- air. Om- (•:iil>liiyr, Clc'oii Itciun'it, 'J2, wx-i lal:- ,'h to'ji Till:,a liii'.iHt.il fur [rr-ilnu nl 11.' biini^, \

WantedHATCHING ■ EGGSIf you liavr a flock cif £i>cxl l)pin lany brtril) ro^l^l»r'..r in niakp it po\N lhlr'vir ;i more proplc to ral>p .oiifr rb i.k - rn i Ihli year by u i >ciurlialrlilnc pkeh, \Vr ]iay {Ov (o lir (XT iloirn.

tlvrn If jo u r fli.rk It n.il lilno.U l^ l 'd UP Iiavp i'iii(nmpr» wIid Mill eliclly utp )our csck for ruiloin lialcliliir. .''mall florki of

ami up -rtlH Ijrlp a 'lo l. * (ir pimrip in at ddpc, Kcj:,

rffcKril racli WrdiirMl.iy or Sat­urday.


I’hone 7.'!

..-'WliC aiiilouily for Iil^ uh .i app lruacr. Ihts Uronx loo Ja c - •ncte m araqaf It w ady to die In niLh-l:U fpoon. &


ViCTORYf a r m e r

AnKrl<--i..ueetl3 tilclir.ii' production in lil.itorj- tu b ypar, nml more tln n cvrr. Amrric.i n rrds intiii (iiniliiy Kcd itocl:. Co-opcriUf by lirlpiiiK producc the r.rcCb thftt will itock th f world.

I.KT i:.S W IilT E Y O liR I’K.l AND IlEA N

- , CONTIlACI'.S A T II IC n iiS T I’lilC E S '

D. LANDRETH SEED COY e a rs o f S c ju a rc D oalinK "

GSlOW lillS O F S liE D PPJA.S AND BEANS*,103 Wall SI. - T w in F n lls . U a .

. L. A. Dflhfl. « > jt t rn M jr- Phone H53 or 1200 toc-al R ep ffifn la tlre In llnpert. .lia r Hadcnfrldt

f. , . for fa rm or ranch . . . in the fie ld or shop . . . on truck or track-. . . there's a “rig h t”, outfit fo r the job! A nd your

IDAHO DEPT. STOREsuggests a selection from three of its bigfdepartments for

WORK CLOTHES VALUESthat are unbeatable fo r down-right ability to “tdke-it"

* .M e n ’s A rm y C lo th

T r o u s e r sT ail sa iifc ir iz i'd jiaiit:-. w ell m ade'.S izi.s li!) to -I- (wai^^l in(.'asuri.'iiH 'iil>,

$ 2 , 9 8 ^

N e w S h ip m e n ts o f

MEN'S BELTSH icknck B a r -H . u-u.-^torn ntylo, Tooh’d .‘ a iid lfli.'a llie r . !ar^,'c,' itu ’la l buckle in bii'.c'.s ;U) a m i tip .

I TJ.V O f l t .ML.V's .S'JUIIL

F o r E .K ln i V iiea r, C o m fo r t , S u p p o rt a .^d TouK hncss

Choose th e P o p u la i’



W O R K S H O EG ootiy i-jir wirlt. W a ti- r -p ro u f u p . ] i r r . M fiiii im liiuihlt' I c a d ic r su it '. S t i 'c l a rc l i sup in ji'l. iJiiill to .-^laiid th e K.-iff- '

T h e s e Value.s F e a tu re d in th e j



$ 3 . 9 8 ;

I'll!! " ra in ill;. I ’laiii tot; s ty lf , ;n-ain Icnthor insole.'? ,

ami v.'i'll, Koya! cort^ .sole an d rtiljljiT licel. Ciu.s-

inn;’i;c. Ikjd;;:. .■-I'U'od coii.slrucliuii, tripk* Htili:h. |

Huy 'iii;tlily .<ii(n s ; i t iow priije.‘<. Sizc.s Gia lo 12.

Chcmbray Work Shirts

11 In c h B u c 'k h e c h t Black o r H ro u n (5 Inch

GO K A BO O T .SERVICE'SHOE■ ViHci)!iz('d nalc ta n , f i r s t < jiiality

I t 'a tlu T .-^olc. K i'nu lar h e e l. I t i 'in - fn i'c i'd lia o k ' s ta y In i tr c v e n l .•^air- i:iii;r, ( id d ily i 'a r W flt. r a l j f o n i i a oil tan in -il iip ia 'i'.

■nil- IJI'M v;ilu,-;i m.tn-,vii. CIi>: i ! ; . ,v ., : t !oli":. Voiir i-holi-i' of l;-,'.ll:i'i' ur i'uh'.;m- Ml lull Clllp[n-'v,i:. iillil Wfyciibirj:.

or brown, fo il (-11: tippir ur ir:.ni. Ail .'.l:n. () to i:. N,iriow iiiid Mlili- WKiili;..

$ 1 0 9 5 $ 3 9 8M Aiv iT .o o u s n o r in:!*A uT \i:N r

i!i(r fu ll <-ui. h e a v y hliic c l ia n i l i f a y w o rk s l i i r l s . T w o

h i;'. K iillo i i - ih n i piickct.s. D o u h lc y o k e , ta ilo re d c o lla r .

Si.-.:' ! M J to -<i.

> '-if iira1 t 'd lo r B r o w n O ul.sitic

W O itK HOSI‘: N A P G L O V K Sl . r n la i - I . n r l h . Si;-es 'J \ b liio w ris t , h e av v .

S-Inch “ L a c e - lo -T o e ”

T in : o m tn N .M , cH ir iM -:\v .\

LOGGERA r.prrlal pallPril b'.ill Ire, Hi;:. toilKll bhrJ: l.i-.llhrr lll.'-olp. WiK'd :i;in lirr rubbrr top lift. L:iCi' bi tu;; p.ill

fil nml ;.Prv-iio'.aioii ,-oip.


B lu e D e n im


Hi-avy ••niR A TMff." 2Sr wool . bliiiiki-t llnini;. Koiir out.-ldp [>ock- rt.n. onr li i 'ld f pockrt. Corduroy cDliar. Sliu'.i JO, -10. 12, « nml ill.

KHAKI JACKETSS h o r t . w alcT -ri'p e lia iit ja c k e t.^ . A d ju s t a b l e lah.^ on lio t to n i. .<aii- fo rir .o d c o U o n liniiiv;. U n U u n f r o n t . .'■mali, i iu i liu in a n d ’I;irKO.

$ 2 7 9

A lw a y s ,tr y the popular ECONOMY BASEMENT

for E X T R A , seasonal values! :

COVERALLSlU^l'oiu' w ith bku

s ; u u > « .


W liiti’ lie rriiu rl'iiiH ' w ith b lu e tr iiiV S a n - . Couon h l^ iid Unii brirf.v <-i,i.-.iif iia'ck inb u d . 30 to 44, Ullinatchrd 111 (iiialily ai:i] i

Uivi?.x-i\. S ; u U> 4-1. • Shir:.s to m aicli. 3< to 41.

’ Shorts & ShirtsII brlrf,^. <-l,i.-.ii Ilialchrd la Hi; i to 41.

4 f c

BOYS' SHIRTSNc',v i.hlyiin'iit. boy;.' riiyon K:>berdlne we;,tern :.tylc. 3-biiiioii ciiff. One bii'.ion. Jliip [lockct. Brown, wint- anil tflm-.

S iz e s G to 12 Si7.c.s \ 2 \ : . to l - ll 'a

$ 2 .2 5 $2*49

ID A H O D IP T . S T O M“I f I t Isn’t Right, Bring It B ack” ■

Page 13: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

I .iu ra d a y , luurort lo , T i M E § - K E V : ! = . T V ; ’ V ’ 'J .V .- iO l^aL'c 'rh ir te c n


SPR rN aPIE U 5. Ill- March 18 ('T> - l l i e Illinois Ifglslaiure loday n.-.k- ed cotnpleltd approval of a , rr-JSlu- Uon urging congrfw to call a con. Vfnllon oil a consiUuilonal omend* nirnl. prohlhltliiK any prrsUlrnt I to tn“eervlng more ihim it-o-iou:. j f i r terms. . ,

Blmllnr m tasu rfs liave bftn adopt _ fd by Uie Michigan, liidlnnii and Iowa leBWalurca ond liiive been in ­troduced In tlie MLiwJurl, Coloraqo. and Net>ra*k# IcKLilallve IxxIIm .

Tlie Illlnoti nouic fnvored tn* I resolution today. 82 ta 5i, in n ^0Ie

» h lfh eenerally followed pnriy llnc-v tlUiough one Demtxrrat canl lili ballot w ith Hie m aJam y.Tl^taccepted the pronouncement earlier.

Republican Controlled BoUi hou»e.i in thl;i i ;tu lr - l ke

those In oUier atitea v,lilch ado >lf( the rf'oM tlon within the pruit K d a y a -u .<onlio llcd by nepubllran5

•nie Illinois yefoUjilon jirovUl^ tha t conjrre.-.i be pfillloned tr a convrnilDti lo consylcr ninr:.Uie constitution to limit prr’-klrritlal tenure to two lernu . niid lli;il uttirr auxtei bo Invited In Ia1:r i-lniil.ir action. U points out tlini roniirr'. jriMtA crU convention If c.\»cd w tli to by th e I((:L-(lfiturf> In I'ao Uilfil of the fltnles, *' •

Demoerat.'’ Slalrmrtil Tlie Illlliol.'! rrr.oliiHcn .did no

tnenlloii PrcNldeiit noo:-cvp|i or i Jnurlh term, bu t Hrp, William .Vic­ars. Democratic Icadrr ItA Uie Aau:c look eOBnliancp of the !0^l l.A*>:Uca. tinns when he .^i.iird:

"If the people of .\nicrlcn wc«'*tr> voK tomorrow oil the (iU” llon of rlccllns ft president, he i!tno-eveIt) would be re-elected overuhclinlnE-ly." . •

SENATE rASSE.S ; f.m o u ia i- ' DENVER. Marcli la f.T-j-Tlie Colorado fenatc npproved ycstrrday. 19 to 10. a memorial petltlonlns eon- Krf.« lo work for a conMliutlonal RHienditvenl ih a i woMld UinU United Stales president’s tenure to I'AO four-year terms.

C . E . C o n v e n t i o n

P l a n s C o m p l e t e dBURLEY., March IB-M rs. Lolita

May, pre.-ildcnt of rniitiicrii dl.Mrlct Christian Endeavor union, has an- nounced plans for iltr dLiirlci cnn- ventlon lo be held April 10 niid 1 1 a t nupe rl Clirl.MIan rhurrli.

't 'n lth Li the Victory" >\-lll be the convention theiiie. and prc-rrR- Jstratloii Is under dirtcllon of Lov.--

•ell H unt. Durley. ITirrc will b.: two coiifcrence perlod.s fcir the roiueti- tJon, one binder th e heiidliii:, "iiet- ter MectlnKS" nnd tlie otJu r. "C. R Officers." Marvin Lm.'.chcl(l, AIht- deen. Btnle president, « lll nitcnd.

riaiiA (ire bcliiK made to havr /.ome of tlie younK proplr ffoni the Hunt church a .v b t u llh the pro* cram. Tom Puklyfunii. inlnlMrr nt H unt, will speak on Satiirtlav a ft­ernoon. O ilier fc.ilures tvlll Include DIble 8tud5'. devotlonals, nnil a b,m- nuet.

First recorded prodiieilon of nickel fllloy steel In the ITnllfd Stales «a«; In PlltAburgh. Penn.. In 1830.

Navy’s New Life Raft

Desltnrd to as»ure survival of Veamro fA 't ailrlfl afler ililp »Inklnit. tills new life rafl rarrylnc compUle fiiulpinriit. Inrlutllnt radio. *noke Nicnalv food, kalli and w aterproof lulln. U brlnr ln^uril lo replace oM- type rafl* which ja v r only support and water. IJemoinlrallon Is belnt condurled In the j’Dlomae river a t \Vathlnslon.


Mrs, James Uillirop iins Rone Uvs Vrssr,, Nev., \o v1kI\, her i.Wcr. Mr<- Wllllflrn Kbcrt. and family.

M r.-and Mrs. Chrater Johnson have rcluriit'd from .Salt Lnkc City nnd BprlnKvllIe. Utali, where they m te c l .'.ix wc'cU.1.

Mr.-;. Har;x-r Bufl nnd clilW tfn. Mlllord. Utah, are vL-.lllni: In IXlch- fk 'ld 'aiid lookhiK-nftcr the ir prop­erty.

Orrln Babb, former niclifhOd res- Idftit, has returned to lil.' home nt .Mnplclon," la .'i iltc r vlr.ltliii: Irlejid.s iml ir.mr-acllMK biirlnc;..% herw fnr a

fire)-..Mr. a;jd Mr.*;. O lrnn Hue! and

clilltlrcii. Itos!vllc iind Larry. Oak­land, Calif., arc Kue;.U of his par-

1. Mr. and Mr,\. C. L. Uucl. eii.'.r rtf ehlcXcn.pox ha:i been

rcixcted in IlMiflflil,Mr:., wmv.iin Uio'Mi vindrrv.tnl i\

niiijor oivTitlou III ilip Ooodttm* iKi'.lHtiil. Mr.-.. Ivirl lllukivli-v. I'lli'r.

•lavini; la her daii«hter':i home I lodk iiH'T the rlilldrcn.Mrr.. CI;i»dc’ .McKl.'- .lcl: hiin re-

tunicd frniu :jall L.iki' Clly, where .lie vl-Uftl twr UioUv'i:;.. Jwlw W. Iiul Jaiinv. Hunter, and funillle';.

Mr.-.. Ed Appel was a toa-llrcioniy patlenl ftl the OnodUlk’ lior.pltal. U•^lle Sweat hud his ton^^lls re-

oveil ill the Wendell ho;.plull- Mrs. H ajden Mvliij:M(irl ha-^ left

for BoUo to jpc tu l a week.

L a s t R i t e s f o r

S a m R a s m u s s e nBUHL, .March IB-Services

held a l the Ll>.S. church lo r S.im Diiiuiuel nasmu^--i-ii with Bhhop William Ilntchlivon olllclaUnc, ralllK arcrs were Vcieraiu of tlie Forclun Wars, Sam nnirps. William I.am.-on, Cy Barrnii, Frod Chandler. Melville Cook, nnd We.'lty Worley,

OravenUlc .lervKci held toy l5ie ‘American Lesion with J. P. Yeller

commander. Al Anioj. clmplaln. Tlie firing i.f|uad cuiulsted of Capl. Leonard Almqul.^I. Oeorue Smith, f ihennan Sayer. A C. VoIkI, Ch.irle;i Shndduck, Robert Kendall. C hris­tian llr?v'.elhnlt. niitl AlberX*Ko\nrlk. Tlie color bearer nnd guards wen Harvey Orl-hab'T. Harlan 6 ce Sl.Tnlcy HerrlnKcr and Roy Elleii' wood.

ZEROS 'SHALY .Tex, March 17 fu n -A

,ulh Tl• ;il. father has rableil coi raiulatlon'. to h i' bai'kwaid m> lliroiiKhout r rhool, ihe yniiiiK mu

lade conslMeiitly lo'*’ Kr.ides. Itrretilly, the fathrr rm 'lved

ealile Icolu Oeii, Uout'.la\ MiveArlUi In the j.niith_Par:(lr. where hi;, mui U !».w u U ki:

6 ald the cable; ‘'your ron zeri'.': io<lftV-"

The fdlher eahlrd the r.on; "Hap- jiv in note you arc r.llll getting


Buy only w hat jnu need—llul Imy a weeU'n ^upI1l)• In advance. AVe'll be ( lad to hrip by (licmUit you hnw to t>rne(lt IMe im i't by GoTl. regulations, and t>y havinc n cumplrte slock of all the available food^—Come In today!

NON-RATIONED FOODSMACARONI, 3 lbs...........................2 0 CCHEESE, Challenge, 1 lb........... .,.344;Twistce Noodle Dinner, Hi. glass I 5 ®JELLO, all flavors, 3 for...............2 0 a

JELLO PUDDINGS, 3 f o r ..... ......J Q cGarden SALAD DRESSING, qt. 39cDurkec’s MAYONNAISE,-qt........5 4 cBel Dine SALAD DRESSING, qt. 2 5 c

WESSON OIL, Pt.................. ..........:.35c


FL O A T IN G SOAP.Large Har Mrdlum liar

l i e 7c—





In Same t-'amlllar I'arkace

Larce Slte.>^ Regular Site

25c 10c

10 Ib. Idaho Russets, 3 0 cLettuce, Ib................. I 2 cCabbage, lb..................Parsnips, Ib...................Carrots, Ib..... .v.'............ iJq


8UN K IST. S IZ E 17GOranges, doz......SUNKIST, SIZ B 300Lemons, doz......



SPIN A CH . Del M onte. N o. 2Point!

i rrrice16C

Twin Lnkc-s. No..2 in 1 2 cI’icrcc.s Sw ccl. No. 2 ir> 16C

( ‘w {N . Tju'^ly w hole ker.. li: oz. 8 12 6UKANS. Kan., Krccn cut. ^ 2 M 1 3 cP IN E A P P L E , fancy (idhitH, 9 o z 7 I 2 eYAMS, Trappcy.s Louis.. No. 2 11 1 8 «TOMATO. JU IC E . Scow., JG or . ;{2 2 2 CShnvcrs Sw eetened G R A P E F R O IT JU IC E , 47 oz. 23 39C

Willis' Cozy GroceryIN SOUTH PARK PTO NE 1632 •

MESS GIRL GEI1),0.S.DEGEJfOUhTON, Tex.. M arch 18 -V—

} 5 r^ Monday n ight unnle;.i Mur- giwH Eihel Jones will receive tier degree iis doctor of dental surspry from Uie Texas Dentnl cojlege.

Two year* ago Uic :C*ye:ir-oM Osceola, X fk, girl wiia tuininilnK by the l lc of a bout when the in e t-; ul m a 't on tJie ve.vel slriicl: u! jiower line. Ml?J Jone.s wan clliii;-' ins to a chain th a t wiis <^ri:ifcl>-d with llip must and which haiii:- hiK In Uie watrr,

Schoul auUiorltJes SiiW ^hr v,iiik-. ed her uay through school <!cv.|ii:<;. h rr hiiiuiic.ip.

MK' Junes iald ^ht• ttciuld gii lo New 0M"aii3 next nioiith to enter ■IMIane lit^lver.'lly. She intem u to coinplrte jS t work lu r i> barhclar of ari^ decree, uiid then en ter tia' field uf piitillc heiilUi.

'TTie iinportnt'.cr of d e n ll'try , e<- J>erl.i;:j- preventive deiillstry, for I'hildrni. |< becoming more wUldy re<-o.;ni:e,t e.icli year,” Mi.". Joins Aaltl. M v Idra Is th a t In pulilic he,il;h mirk I could be.'I ii.-c- m y

Allsc.s to Hunt U-Eoats Both With New Method and Devices


LO.NDON. M arch 18 •T r-'H ie ftl- hr.i pnibalily ulll nltenipt lu abatetlir? U-boat m -iiacr-ttJilrJi First Und of the Admiralty A. V, Alex* W'a.'.iT Uu.1 wiiriu^l liuiv tCAJli « 5>eakihLi .•prliiK—silth bot.'i new hunt- In,: inrtliixls aiici dl• lcl• , BrItlMl naval oti.'.cTVCTr. vjieciilatrd tCKlny.

•n;e Wlu^hlnxloIl conli-ienre at wl.lrh the Unlli'd Stairs, UrlUiln and Canada ca-nplelwl •teiv'. to louulrm ct iit'.ack:. on aUl'-a i.htp* pltiK’ ri'portixl by the-.c iib?,erv-

>rdln:itr\l plaimlni; atimng the

,» -nialnl.v dr.tro\er', and

ln< tiic ^v,lv . And the ItAl' hii-' crmr.ii;nil.'<l |l.s“!Tmrr,'s 'nr week. dll O rniian .vibniarlne yaids.

Slaleinent IJitcouiilul Wliile Inforniixl HSirr'", dl roiinl*

e<t til" ■.tAtemelM bs'. Vice-Wmltal Arthur Lionel Sii:iKi;e that nvnnre of the U-biut h »n IKHiil t'f lu*lni; .-olved, it it ha,

"adiiUr.iliy hii;, c llrekr'd airm ici nullo location a;.; l.Mlnt; inaliTlallyIII t;i.-.k.

nf the b 'J t f^lentb.ts In Ib'- Unltixl Slalt•^. Urltain, and Cun.111.1 have been nioblllred h

te;npllni: to oiti.Mep Gerniiiny’s :• i;nlHlc drvlcc.n. ami have .-.o linpn ed fudlo location Um ! plaiir.-. a-, •* ii.« .'hlH' Mil detect U-bi)uL'.

Tlie allie.s hkewhe lire u.'Un; '•[>. lejn" imnblnB.or tin; .va for r;, tnarlnr.^.

Aclivlt; Increaie IIi|ireleil DrltL'.h oOr.'-ners e.iiv-.t a lu-:i ,

lllcrt'a;e In siibinarliie activity al- ni0!st linmetllately both* b'Vaii-.e of iniprovlni: wvaUier and an iinitcl- jnlTvl nll-oMt Uv .\dmlialKarl Do.-nltr lo cut the aill'•^' <->.T.uilife Ilnex ■

Heavy l . c• a e ie ;.iirfiri-d last year In May aiul June win-n nicr- chanlmail ^lnklllK^ aviTa>;rd Uilre n day. Since th'-n cif/lcla!.' li.uve' bvtl\ lV,;iiinhi« iv.i-i-ull aV.lrd .mj. IHTVblori. -of antl-Mibinarine iiu-a-


Final Honors Held For Mrs. A. Reinke

BUHL. March Ill-K uncral trrv . Ices were held at II a.m. Tiir;day at the AltH-rl.v.n funeral rtinpel fur Mrs. Aiinn Dorothea Rrlnke. MtL'ic ua.1 furnished by the eonKreKntlon accompanied by O. C. Wciterkamp,

Utv, W. I', nasiwnSeWi oUltUteii a l the fervlce.i. Tlie body uaji jent lo nyroii. Neb., for icrvlces and hiterm^nt.

JOIIN5 .VILLK. Penn.. March IB (-ll -IIrnr>’ J, K alier. west coa.^i ship- builder who has Just acquired con- Vtol the BieusieT Aeronailllcnl

ir|«ratlon. s.Md a fte r in.specilng irni'j Johm vlllo-i'lant tha t he

c-.'.ixn:!.' to will the navy •T." nwnrd fc|r uUcrafl producllon -In the Irait IKk'.'lble time.''

'^^lerc Is no niagli.' hi rtiy fcmiu- l.i lor clllclciit ami liicfr.i.Mii jiru* cUiftlun," he told reiwrtcrs, " It all t.ulli down to |v:r.M)nneI reliitloii- ••hli), entluul;i.'ni anil eoiiperalliin. We tilll lake what, we h a le nl

Urcasier and lum out th e pluiM."Kulser said he loiuid the w orkm

enthusiastic and predlct«d ‘ tlicrt mil be no controversy w ith Che Ubor uulQti became t lun ta tU fled « e can get along hi harmony. . . "

Dnice Earl, vlco prcaldcnt of the local CIO Unlicd A ircraft .W o rk m ... <r’-oinUcd '100 per cen t cooperation."

KaL-.er became c h tln n a n of tJif Brcaster board In a reshuffling of till.' manac.rinent n t th e annual dl>

•ctori’ mcclltui In New York.

C O N S T IP A T E D ?' ~ eiuMit»ul»*<>'<Ml>na(Mcn>sttt4r

- ----------M


- N O T I C E -To Iloldcrn of Lard and Sauaagc

Credit T ickch ^^Plpa-ie call nt the Indepcnrieiit Meat Market for the bnlanco of your U rd nnd Sau.^age before'March 37. 1043. If your lard and saii.iage Is no t callrd lor before tlwt dale. It will b« subject to nil the meat rntlonliib:'regulations.

Independent Meat Co.




Spring in 194.3 ougiit to be a .^ason for Thanksgiving'... because the grass will once more be green and our

■ own fertile Magic Valley soil will again begin to ’nurture<precious crops of food. VVe should be thank- 'ful that another season is passing. . . that still an- '

\ , , Iother is almost at hand... because it \marks a step„ nearer to the tiiiie of Victory in which each one of


us will rejoice. And so though this sirringfrt ids manyof us engaged in grim task's of individual responsi- /bility, many of our loved ones engaged in even grim­mer tasks upholding the freedom of our nation . . .

' spring' is still a time to be joyous. Let us make the

most of it”. .. rededicating ourselves to our various war-time tasks. This pioneer department store real- -izes the great responsibility it has to every citizen of Magic Valley and to that end, you’ll find us working! You’ll find employes, and department managers alike serving you to the best of theii^bility in a spring far different than we have ever known.


Page 14: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

PoRc Fourteen TIHES.NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO •n\ur5day. March 18. 1943

U l N I F i S I I ] H B H

BALTlMOflE. Miirch IB '-IWHic Glenn L. Mnrilii cotniwiiy luiiiouiic- r<l lu niijMtr U> throrilc jKfnWfliin nnil lonflliK lU it-' nlrplmir lie- lor)' — an uluiiiuluiii to "aork cr

^ 't IuiI iwllry. Prr;IOriU Ulciili L.' M ttrua rfiK)rlrd,lin' r f ull«l in il>«

uliMii " 16' f '” ’l)lo)f.' who'Bcrc iiiiablP In Hi*' '*1' Isfiirtoo' rxplvii.itUilks cif rr|>^altd, nbTiicM from ilirlr Jc*' i

^ c v c i l ty . lw o DtM r »lio fullnl 10 ■•by lliPlr v.orl; uiiil alltluJc

------- - -b 111 ir f Kls in-lirrr ■ nl-n iia'


Ilia’, tliry tic )nb u r iirr <i.> l>fpii <ll>.cli»ri:ril in l!if lin Martin k.iW in ii nrlttdi .'la •’ Slurp DKajrrrmrnl

Sli.iri) illMiKFfrniriil, liowfvrr with tlir Martin ; liil' innil wa^ ex- prf-v.rtl liv an f>fIic'J»l o f jlif inlfr'

iinlim, UnlH'il Aiitoiiiobllf, AlrrnilL a:i'l Aiirlnilliltal Implf' m nit Workri.s <CIOi.

^ :llollL Drii^oii, UAW riill'niiil nitriaft <tlr«tf'r wliti l.' <(.l«lii. llnK a r.inip.ilsn In iinlirfT.* Miirtlll pliitil:.. .'.aid. In «--latrmrin:

-WliHl lc,i]lv hiili|Miiril Hint Muilln I'li'.M 'Mini <lo»n to Miin-rv|. Mon 111 l;iv nff nnrl Ihr (.llKlllcM ptMti till.', ai>l';irP!>llv, Inf


• lih

I (ni niu: r,”Anolhri' jMiinl !n llir |)o!in ril

I "liiidilli;: lli>' aipK-l .srrvkr.' Id (lir 1 lilll," Miirllli -atil. Kii.v Dip ic'lraM' 1 for rmplovnirnl in nijnTwiir pliilll> I «•! ^kllIr■(^nn|.l-^v,••, Jnr xliorii tliiTt

a;l^ nt) tnininll,.lr Moik lii ilip Mm- ( tin /acloiy,

' R o t a r i a n s L e a r n

O f L a b o r P r u b l e i i i1 fiOODINd. Miil.'li IS-Ilcilnrliun1 lirnrd Joe llrcrjin of Ilir rrlocatlnii

rcnlrr. Ilinil, tnik on llir prfvclil labor AlUintliiii nl the rrKiltnr noon mrrilnR.

I • ‘niP O lrh Iragiie of llic hisli school p re 'tiilril a onr *cl play,

I "rhp.^p 'nilnv;". Arc Ours," umltr thf ilirrcium ol Mr.v EII;^l)ClU Mlllrr,

, Tiiklnt Riirl were; Mrrlvn Ctiurchill, Myrllc Broun, Junr Heller. Mncie.

' imp UmK. Klilrlcv Slcplietw. Ilftiv I !kartl, Nndltie WpUx, lielly lk»rd

nnrt Lftleiif Carslll *ans * duel,I CtirM.% were; Meul- U 1-. Knidit.C-----WllltRtr Pt Ip. Tom Ooodlnr. Df.1 n.-K. lJubhard, W elll'rr Mlllrr, nil I nf t!oo<lliij; Hlrt Smith, Slniilry I Harr, Slirv'linnf I'Jcrry nrnirn. Wen-

dell; Dnirrson Piismlre, HaKmimn: I John CorleM. Jprimip; John melon- , nnd Mr. HPMon, Hunt.

HAGERM ANMr, nnd Mr , Ilov

I iPt<inio<l from Kaii'! ^„,-<fITTTr'tlic'' .'I'Pni vevpral monUu

Tlipv ...........allpd tJiprp . lllnr.*-'. of lll. nu • Wnsiltr. Slif <llril

liv the wlirr, Mfts,

Ci>l. CImrllP Dinin lia.\;lVrrnrd lor * 15-iiiiy Iiirliaicli ill llir honip hl.-i hrotlipr. Civde Diinii. He l ft.-- tlnnr<l ii; Caniii nri)',vn’»c»><l, Tp.\? Mr. Diilin''' ^^rl■n'. . Mr. an<1 W, J, Dunn, ricalx), »ip vUiltnc herr.

Mr.- Kjiima Hiid lu - Irtl for Kan ,•.a, Clly n.'ler i.priKliit; imi nionllt^ .11 ihp h<Kiip ol hrr dniichtfr. Mr«. F. J. OiiiiiN.

Mrs, UiHieuiP Ullfloid lu,- ir- luniPd froin a.»U I^ikP Cay. Mlipre her hu^ibAiid 1 •filoiifly 111 ;n llie hft.pltiil. Up h reported Itiiprovrd.

Mr, niirt Mr:-. Ijw rence Viui Hip- l>er hfise lei; for Coeur d'^lfne to ntlend Ihr fiiiirr.il nf hlj ulepfftlher. i-’rp<I V. Phliinrv,

Mr. and Mr . Bob C:a«Jnrd, N)»* fa. Orr.. vUlled at the licmp of her jmrenl-v .Mr. and M n, i!enr>' Clark,

Lodpfc to Meet a t'M on th ly Sessions|l!!^

KAfnVinV, Marrh IR - Tlir 7., C. n . .1. lodKP hrld Ihi nirellni; iif Ihr >nir prrn ba:,kel (llnnrr,. Ii «a.' d hold nieelin;:', niirp a month »t I pm . followd by n nicftlni; ol i:C/pi'li Soclftl anil I.ltrrfiry m 'lrty.

TliP 7.. C. II, J, arransfd to haie

Inc of II bar-iar In wlilrh riic h nn ber K n,',krd to ronlrlbiiip, * caml rartlr. Mid various enlpri.illiniplil . . tlip purtmsr- nl raL-Ini: 'a Njvilal brnpfll Ivintl.


r Job,

M r s . M c A d o o t o

T a l k i n G o o d i n g

OGODINO. Marcli 1* - An. nouncenient h»,i been made in Ooodlng itiBt Mrs. Beanor Wlhon McAdoo will fill two jpeaklng rn - BsKemenM here on April 7, Mri. McAdoo U chninnun of the natlonil uom an'j war bond and sUmp drive. She Kill opeii: In (he momliiK a l the high (Choul and Id Uie a fte r­noon U) «omen of the community, sponaortd by the Borosls club. Place will be iruiQuncrd later,

Mrs, Anna II. Hayea, Twin rails, i ta tr fhnlrman, will «Mo be In at-_ tendonce.

Duffaloe.'. In early days, a*ert tel* fgraph polp,i rubbing po t.v and pujhed them over.

Gooding’s P.-T.A. lE iiem v -D irec ted S a b o te u r s S taff Nominated

GOODINO. Mureh 18 — GoodlnK P.-T,A. rrembera heard reports of the nom lnatlns commltice a l Ui< meeting In the Junior hli;h gyni' nftiltim, Mrs, P. E. Barrett, chnlf' man, reported nom lnatlni of the foHowlns officers: Mrs, Harold ateele. vice-president; MLss Dorothy Dean, w creur)-, and Mrs, H, M. Thomp,\on. ireaiiirer,. The followlns,women will n e t as an ttdvlsorj- council to the president: Mrs, C, T . Kiilghl. Mrs. J . O. Crom­well. Mrs. J , E, Parmer, Mrs, Bert Bowler. Mrs. Dratich Bird, Mrs. Frank Vnrln, Mrs. P, E. Darrelt. Mrs. W. D, Tester, and A4h > Harry Edholm.

Plan,^ were made to hold a enke «al<*- Saturday, March :7. a t the Gooding Standard garage.

Completely Balked by FBIEdtlsr-i noU: F ill Director

lUlgar Hooter has written for the United Preis ~the follonlng u e a u n t of Ihe fUTa anll-aaboUge work, rcTealliig how the TOI haa present­ed a tingle rate et enem r-dlrreled taboUge M (ar In IhU war. altheogh US case* eJ elher lrpe< aaboUgc have tKelrdlieotered.

tir J. EDGAR JIOOVEB t)lreetor. rrde ra l Barcau of Iniea*

ligationiWrltten for the L'nlled PrcMlWASHINGTON, March 18 tun —

Seven thousand 4T7 case.i of re- portfd sabotage were tnvestljated by the federal bureau of Invrstlga- tlnn from Jan . I, IJHO, to Frb, t.

IB43, The resulU disclosecj SiJ ,Manccj of technical *Atx>t*ct to Industrial (aclIIUM.

Personnel failure w u the main reason behind these a e u ot u b o t- age. The majority can b« cro tjp rt under carelessness. Indiutrlal acci­dents, malicious mischief, and per* .lonal grievances — problemi which a re ever present diving times of p^ace, Dui In war. when the L m of our armed forces are dependent uixin production, each of these a cu constitutes a blow struck a t the very heart of our national being.

In those'caae* where the perpe­trato r of an act of sabotage Intends to damagn a machine or facllltr and therPby U coavloua of. hi* acu .

tie 'is g u l t t cf a trjrse . hus- d rtd a rd : t h a w bevslenteoced for k ;:1i e n s m j a cu to p r to a U rs a tp u H li j » l TTOu-i, .Jew iEo=t.'-j a » l eiii*. 4* ja u a result c : FBI auni^itr-

ID M cate r o s*a»U$e ccc -j :;- ted by ta iL 'itsL^ a : i:ied « « tta o cf c r t a i e r c rd m frwa an earayr nauca. Tiie M a rt e.s»S- er»- cf the n m 'Kix'A war ha te been lajibl* td 'e p e n ’.* la the Cru:- ed S u tes bec»-.»e cf u o t s a a fac­tors: the cttp*r»:ctfr w v t d « e ftj the PB: a f j su rtty of ' ' planU pnor to C ir estr*=?e lato t ie war w ith t i e ecc :«svest :e f.e«Jon | cf T u ln«» t> p « a u a*HTJt t h e : aoboteu; asd .(epM sa«« a i t s t . ar.4 i the e t i f c tc s ta a t x^iU sce « t r - l els«<l by the ra«s of .the FBI to csr.. i atantly e tv n in e aU cases ef re< iported laboage . tr.ereS;:r f rr te u a g ;ou t forelga i« e s u ser.t to this eoua- I try to ozzvU f sabccage eelU '

T hat ih li r « « r a a wtoch a d t- •

peadest sp c o t in p rw ip t rrpqrttog e l aU CAM to Ute federal. bureaa cf C5T«sii«*tiQn haa been luceete- f t i e%K)roctd by the fact that G f r » i r , r U aded aabotrur aceats In i.*» Cisited s u t* » fully equipped to c rfan lw a of deatntctJoc in

c c a te n of preductlon. U u icc ta il t0 p r«m r.e tha t aha vould a o : hax* taken th u risk U there had beea groups to theC aited S ta le s upon whccn aht cou^d h a ie depended.


- F A R M F O H .S A L E -

».-m. J *«l trrm U<* ••

It'j" M ajor Robert T. Jo n n , Jr„ noM’. fSnbbr Jo n e i of golf fame hai bpfu prom oted from »lr tore* raplain.

1,516,043 E lf f l I R K M i l

W A8IIINGTON, .March IB i,T ,- M aninmrr C h lrf 1‘atil V. McNutt irixiriPd iMlny that Kiivfrnmcnt iiKinry n iul tl i r ■clitxil ',• ri'irauicd l,.'«lfi,043 nini n tnr " u r 111 ^lx inontli.'. 'Iliou- ;..II1(L » r r r tralllPd In Ulali nnil Idaho,

Ihri Half nillllun nr nu.ir lIKiliii; up loill.i-.^ Ilial

riiulp them for iruhniial Jnlis on a:,',rmlily llIl<- Iiiinlnt: dut pi: laiiks, shliiA and oilier lools ol

.McNutt, m ft report to cons rcvealrd th a t llip fPlrnhllnK j .la tifd lii,M Jiil>, reiiulrr<l anynn - lay ot J"3,0IU,tiai bv the ciul of the .\Piir, A iiolhrr Sin,000.000 Mill iivalLihlr for thp work until ,Iune. T lir total allcK-atlon of J1J9,000,000

a,N lor till- fl,'.ciil jc a r H>«.Thr niiiiipoM'rr chtpf »et

$tH,(K)0.000 tor lli r cost of vocallon- Ihiin college grade

for'workcr.s nlrrndy employed In war HidUitry. iw n ^upplcmenl to ihclr present know ledge, and also for "re­fresher ' course.-:;-*30,000.000 fur .%hori coiirsc.s of colleiic lp\el to meet what McNutt iiald wiu'i ft .^horlftgc (jf cngl- nccrs, cllcnll.^t?i «hil phyalclsi5> and 115,000,000 for i>cr;oai In rurnl n^^a^ foi ttliom Ih r rduactlon faclhtlei hrrrtofoie had hcen nnaiailablr,

.MrNutt rrjxirlr<l Ulttt at the end or 1012 th r i>iOKrmii had Inillliid C

ir.illilnt; 1.^M.401 iier.ions. th u t period, number,-! elihrr

itaiiipii m trninlnc nnd >imnunis allo^Mtrd for sI.tIci. Uu'hidcd:

Maho. nn<l $.'>00,311; Moli­na, 1.717 anil $151X4; Oreifoh, M.'!i aiul S2,530,17n; Utah, 9,tl32 niir

t-l’fi.ORU; y.'}.>iiilni:, :,fil7 and »20<,-

Mr J, It. ,1th: on left lor Cfdnr Clt>, Ul:ill. « h r i r llu^b.ln(I, who L\ army. She lia .i-vblie’d her parenUi. Mr. and Mr.'. Wilford Rlihcns, l>clo. Mr^. Jlb -on hii.' plnjcd III OKtU-n.

Mr, and Mr,s, 1. G, Siev paiTiit.s of .1 (ImigiUPr,> Mr, an<l Mr.s. A. L. ' lauKhtcr, C.irol, have left for S,ill

Cllv u h e re they v ■Inner, who w M.ulnncd at D enier,.

Coin, but will ,''iieiid a furlousli 1 the Utah cliy,

,v Clllbert Kidd .San Kranc-L-.cn to \i.Mt hi Mrs, ilemft C utler and Kidd.

Mrs. Pi'iiil .MimiiliiR v yTancLM-o tti th h e r dauKliters, Opal

d H uby'T^iinnlnE, i iye<l in wnr w ork,''.tl.'j E^•a Norton ha.s lr!t for

J*oc.Hello w here .'he will *pend i week vLtltlni; h e r sl.ner. Mrs..Vaughn ■"nrd:worth, and family.

Mr. and Mr.i. G nlr Artam.s, Logan, Utah, have moved to Declo,

Ulll Jlbi.on has left for Wcnilnver. Utah, where he will Be employed ii

n v iia t a glorioui i]»yl Ui^ght ...sunshine., fleccy «loudm M>sr-

kilns wave»-tr.itkej onr glad to

CASTLKFORDMrs, R obert Leapcr received word ' Ihe den til of h e r father, noberi

KeurKcson, PLimo Bcaeh, Calif,Mr, and M m. Henry Graybeal

have retirm cd to their home Jiere after spending th e winter In Arl-

Mrs, Johnny Tliomp.ion, the for- m crT rrn r-D lB cK naT nrlrf i for s arr - IJIeno, Calif,, w here her hll,^banrt stationed,

Ed Kane, Elko, Nev„ wm an nl;:hi KucM of Mr: and Mrs. George Dllck.

Neills (Dre<l> Corthell, Camp Mc- nill. Tampii. r ia . , u here on a • dayi' visit, '

Jack Pnllnor ha* been tent Camp Mnckall, K ohnian, N. C.

George V oelker has recently pur- cho-^ed the 80 acres aero.u from his ranch.

I f i X 2 6 F O O T

BARNw ith l( lx2 f> ’ I c n n - lo .shed

FOR SALEThis an exceptfonally me., built bnm and f.hed. Can be moied easily. See 11

!, Mile E as t Hansen O n Highw ay 30

. P a u l W . St^)U ' '

F o r d A n n o u n c e s

N e w M o d e l s '

f o r 1 9 4 3 . .

V m ir iMirri d c rtlc r^ prr,>;(’nl a niiK lil,'' lin f o f new nKiciul.s fo r !!M:; , . ', drsi^ iiird

■ tlirc iu iihoul f o r d i s t in c t iv e u t i l i ty in t l i r i r i t - > ; |i r i l i 'i ' fio ld s a n d In iill w itlr inc i;lia iiica i cx- rc llc iic f t l i a t i.-i F o r i i I f a d i l io n , in q im lity ina- toriiiI.>^— s l r o n c c r .sleel,s a n d a l lo y s— in c n itt . '- n ia ii.'h iii n n d c a r e f u l in s j ic c tin n o f r v r r y n iJ rD ifa c lu r in p s t e p , U ir.'i; n ro t h r f in w l pruiflicl.'t F o rd e v e r m a d e !

Miiiii f o r Rlobftl s c rv i c c i in d r r o v p ry cond ition am ! c lim a tc , th e n e w p ro tltic ls a rc ruR Scd, •ahlc, ( lcp i 'n d a l)lr .n id lia v c a .s ttn il-h c a rlc d ca-_ p iii i ty to " ta k p i t " a s w ell h.s "do n l it ovit.”

W itli'h th e d r a m a t ic p e r f o rm a n c e o f thi.s y c n r s K ord m odc ln in a ll part.-' o f tlic w orld iinrl r e m e m b e r t l i i i l t h e lo.s.soiis le a rn e d in b tiild inc thcJ!c 19'i:5 ninde!.-< w ill lie r e f le c te d in th e c a r y o u b u y a f t e r th e w a r . M any o f li ie n n v m e ta ls , liln^tic.s a n d p r o d u c tio n leclinif}u«‘s drvelD ped

-m -l-h rf> « ^ d » y # -w ili m e a n «-ven ftn t' p ro d u c ts .

The Tank Model H e r e 's x m a m m o th S C -ton m M c l t h « i ip a k w i bouleva'rtJs o f l>oj:s a n d b a s h . F u n c tio r j t l ly d c .'i in ic 'd f o r p u f h in s d o w n s to n e w a l h » n d c la m b e r in g o v e r p i l f a l l s . H eav ily a rm o re d to w ith > :a n d p u n i . 'h m c n t .a n i l tq u ip p e d w ith T.S-mm, c a n n o n a n d o tW th b c r m a c h in e iru n lo send

Pratt & W liitm y EngineB u ilt to ta k e t h e ■ c tii ir .c " a w a y f ro m a n .v th in ir in th « a.xis sk ic5 . H o u 5 ca 2 .0 0 0 h o r H P o w c r . ' r a r i n ' t o fo . P o w e rs m a n y c f t h e w o r l d s f a s t e s t f iR h l i n c a i r c r a f t a n d p ro v e d it5 m e t t le on rie r> - f n 'n / f r o m S ta lin* g r a d to G u a d a lc a n a l . ^

The Glider ModelN'o S i t r a t i o n c a r d is r e e d e d w i th t h i s o n e . P a r a t f w p t r a in e e s w i th a ta n k f u l o f " ta i lw in d ’' v i l l ro l l up rc c o rd s o f e c o r o m y t h a t t.iu jrh a t f u e l a n d o il c o s ts . S t re a m lin e d f ro m th e in s id e o a t a n d b u i l t f o r m a x im u m ea^ e a n d r t l i a b i l i t y o f h .> rd lin£ .

Consolidated LiberatorA diMinctiie, loiiK-iangp, flONPd tvpp bomber designed to "i.ilie 'em there and bnni: 'em bark." niiili ini export, this mwlpl^ntll be­come better and lipiter kn inxnjn Rprhn, Tokyo and other chief axW cllle,\. h L ' l.iite bomb-bay SlT>i^v, u iih e()uipmfnl for non-flO|i unlo«dlns. Ample | Armored jierionnrl eompartme;

Spppil u -poap ;

v n n t) V K T O R r m odkus


Bomber PInne.i . , .

'^ank.^ , . . Army nrconnatvunce Cars . . , Arinorcil Car.v . , , Army Tnick» . P ia tt . t Whitney Aircraft Knglncs , , , Tank FiiKine.s . , . 'lYui-k and Jeep Moioi» , . . Armor Plate , . . Oiin Mount.s , . , Aircraft Oeiieratora . . , Raie-ot-Cllmb tndicjtors , , . n\irbo-SupercharKPr.":, . . Magnesium Ca.stins.n Thl« list does nnt Include other Important Vlrlnry mnrieh now In produellnn tha l rannn t be.named due to wartime eondltlons.

Hiery rolliTK farm truck la th ' inun to ' is an im portant addiiloa in Am'erlcB* Wnr Effort . , ; for every rolling truek means ihp delivery of more fighting ft“)d for civilian and military u.-p. Keep your farm inicW in pxcellent working tonrtition. IJrive In today tor a check-_ mi and necewary repa ln or r.ill 120 for emergency letricp.

The Jeep Models w ; r

cro .-^ '-coun try p . ' i r p . thLs m a le » fw ;e d a r m y rccon* nai.s5a n e e c a r a lo r .c w a y on s h o r t r a t i o n s — sta n d g tip in ^ c rv ic« a n d k e v p s r t r a - . r rex'd.N d o w n . K u p c c d lv h u il t to W ith sta r^ d pan i< h m o n t< . F i n i s h e d - in o n c - lo n i o liv e d r a b .

Union Motor Co.FORD L I N C O L N M E R C U R Y

.A _ _

Page 15: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

niuraday, M irch 18, 1543 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pago Fifteen


BOlfiE, M*jch IB ('T>-A r w n t <!fctilon of the lUiUio suprem e court gives •'bureaucraUc iw 'c r s a t W«ih- Ington" Uie r ljh l "to control every Irnsatloa dbtxlct. not only In Idaho bm throu6l>oul the weatem land." 1 1 »as chorKfd licre.

The chargcj w rre iimtlc l:i n i* - UUou tor *i KlsearisiB »iy Uie court of k cf-o In u'lilcli a review was »ouKhl of UiB Wlliler Irrigation clla- irlc l'j 10 ^lKn a con tract »1U«the tfderal Rovfrnmrnt lor uater from the AtiUtreon m ncli Unm.

Tlie pfllUon, IlleU by J . M . Jor- Senicn. Lewis E. ^ rJ f l lU u . and C turka P. Kaurman. *»io oriBlnally appeiUed llic review d Hic conUncl from tlie ievenU. dU trlcl (Canyon county) court, lls li th ree awiRn- menls ot error, and ctalm-’ th e ron- tracl iiplieW vIolaUs sU tP coiibtl-

/lutlonal and jtalutor>- iiroltctlonj of «Qter rlRhta,

One Alleffd t r r tirOi->« a U tsn l-erro r was Uml life

court iTonafully IH'clau it 111 '‘■I'lfli ll'C onw d Uie sccftlary ol the inurlor ••to lulaUiulP lor the old entablbh- ed water rlsht-i BPiniririiuiit (o lantb wlliilu ihe district unU-r rlKliLi fa be broushl f ro j^ i l ic Salmon aitd Payelte rlv rri.'P

OUier allrnrcjVrror> u c ir ; "Holil- Ins *hat the Ifjil.'liniirc hod uuthur- orl:cd (he of n contractuhrreljy 'coii.'miitlo!i:il< rlt:lit* to tlie u;.p of un lcr could be t;ikrn from thecim rfii.'. of llie r.inie wiili- out com|>rn.sftlltjn und due procr.'i eif law ;' niid In itoldniK* ll<»t tlie dli* m e t liad jx w rr to t u ’r r n con tra tl whereby "all iwwrr.s could £ule<l iby the db.trlcl) to jwrr.oiis rt'.ldlnit In other IrrlgftUon dlJtrlcL'. wiih the rlglit in tlic c iue of a lie

• \oip ve^led In the secrcU ry of ilie

Aamluslon Act Abdlealedm e pfiition iJiW "the rrMilt U

the KbilKiCloii of (he (icfml-uloii ucC tliiit ndmllted Iduho Into th r unlmi nnd vo;iclu.:xfrd to It control of nil Maters in the Mute," iind chiirKixl "It L the entrrlni: wcdse illidrr whirh aiilhorliy .\lmll b r clainicd to name manaRliiK officers , by ilic burenucratlc l>o»l•r^ i»t W'ljhliiKton to control ev to ' irrlKMtloii dlMrlci, not only In Idaho but throuRhoul tlie u tslern land,”

Chinese Soldiers Help U. S. Bombers

ALJ5I0NMrs. C. E. Slmonsen hns reixirted

that the Isdlej, of Albion worklnK In the llf^l C rcts room No. 2 folded 10.000 .lurRlcal b.inducrji lust wecl:.

MW Juanita W ymrn. 'vlio Kriiit- .uaKS Irosi tlie. Albion normul UiU lerni. h u recelvc<l a coniriict to tench In the Dcclo hlKh sclinol.

Deward Blevins hiu^ left the Albion normal to be liiQuetwl in to Oie nnvy

■Bobo and Comp.iny. MiiKlchin\' np|>enred lu n lycrum number in th>

P Ilurock auditorium n t tlie Albloi normal.

Mr.'. Porllft Nelr.on nnd <liiuKhter — *~Mrrrfllth~iTttTrriert to ‘thP lr hnme ^ K trr vWllliR tu a » ll t-ikc .City.» Or%H> l!a.ikell, V. S. N. cnme iroin

Oklahoma to vWt h b {inrcnt.'', Mr, ■ and Mrs, m 'ln Ila.ikell,

Merle Ilepworih, ,U. from Cnmp ParrnRUt, to vi.slt liL' father. Charlie H r|w ortli. iviid fniii- ily. • ✓

J, n . Mahoney anil U, H. Mahonrv Ifll for Rofhe.strr, SVtnn.. 'vJi<re J, H. Mnhoney will ro to Mnyo'i clink.

Mn>. Myra AuUen niul ran Irfl for th flr lionie hi Cllnitin. K iin . niirr a three wrrk.i vt'U iiW-IIH' hnnif of her pllrent^, Mr, iinil Mrs. Cvru^ Albertson.

CttcAT FltW. Rlsliy. . a t the home of Mr. nnd .Mr.', J . D, Chatburn.

A farearll f.urprhe party was held for John Averlll _• the hnnie of hl. parrnt.1 . Mr. nnd Mr^. Wnllnce Aver 111. John expects lo leave ahiuni March 22 to be hiductcd Into th

I Ayncrira bomber stationed

Writer Tells of Exchange of Air Raids on Tiniisian Front«T DAMKL D»: LfCF.

w m i AU.1ED A in FORCKS IN MrDENlNE BATTLK AREA, TUN ISIA, March 7 Klelayedi (-V,-A mi)T- (Ifwur. i.wnrm of nllled fli:h(cr;. nnd l»ml>rrn und nasi !il(-nnd-nin rnltl ers tr.ndrd dyiiamlle punchrs ovei tlie battle of Medrnlne loday,

I )l<luI(t have brought iiIoiir ni.< tin hn t, RDOil Uick rlinrm nnri m rd Icaled biimhiKr.s lo ualcll IhL'. iliow.

ax rouKh! u rre w.itchlnc the nlr h

from Ihe moM ndvniicrd aUlrrt nlr ba. e In ihU area—a ba. e lililtlrn in brown hlllv.

It's, reallv a thrill In .■.re'r.riiiiid. ms o ' .wulh African Klttyhawk.-., lar off, each pltine carr>liiR a ■ 500 jwund bomb ticketed for the

Oernian tanl:s a t their reluellnc: or for O cnnan Infiuitry.

tthlcli ww niawlnR we.'t of Medeut Ine for niiolher ai-'aull.

At other Held.', wiirmed up nnd ready for the .-.iKnal to tr.ke off.

.•.qundrims of American \Ynr- liawlci nnd nuincrou.; forninlloii.i of IlA r Kltiy.-i."

1 jDille ft! a Joke cracked by (ri-nd M.inilliiK nruroy. T lien t • inllp frrr;r.'.. Pliinr.'i d rone out the tiispv rliiu<ls overhead. Tliey nrcn'i Irlrnrlly.

Tlic llr.'t «hl'.;Ie of fnUliiB bombs 1.'. imnihered bv the tliundrrf'u5 belch of nntl-alrcm ft fire Ju.n n I f e n aw.iy.

Tlverr’r, tinw tor a fnUck look (Up tr.tcers !purllnK from a dlvlnR Me.v.er.schmitt. Fifty yardn nwny I n ypllox mfHiiid of eartli. I t mark: 11 foxhole. I run.

Bomb tjU'.si.s and fire from the RfQUDd baltp^k'^ roiiiblne In uti In*

■rno Ilf nol.'c wlilch ^crIIV lo .'pllt IP cnrclnim'.1 dU my head Into the dirt, nnd y to dlK tlie hole deeppr by, dej-

ix 'raie clnwlnK w ith my IlnRcrs.Hack'Hreaklnc Thud

Siidiltnly, a bnck-brcnIclnR. thud, and what .\ecm»i to be n ton of lead lands on top ot me, If.i no th ln s lo worr>' about—Ju.M' nno tlirr corres- IKitidcnt diRKinK In nnil landlnu l!n tlip .’amr ilcht terrltor)-.

‘Tlio.'e tracrni were nlppltiR your

h rrlv ' u \rilce r.aUl. I t war. Merrill Murllrr of New.iwePj:. "You Rot liere jiL'fin lime. Tliey were klckUiR up

.1 In f ,t of r

^mal: ai

llJI.Vil t

- Till- Kroimd IjnrraHe .liackcned. Our Iwo llll^l-covfrcd liciid.' n ib rd up aiul we look n look nrmind. .Muel­ler \ rli'.tii rr,r v.tLs c.ul iiiul hUcdlun bnilty. He also had n wrenched ankle,

Ilombi had bla.-ited lioles on both lrie5 of us. To the left, nboul 100

fri-i .iwnyr-tmr-hit near tin ack-nck crea, pau.'liiR .wniO* casunltles. About th r ,rnrne dl.'tante to th e rlcUt.

rniy truck wn.i i.hnttered nnd fire by a direct h it which no .'oldler.i,

Tlic r'Kir of enemy plane.' .vjund- ed ourhn id nRaln. Wc w ent for the foxlwlr oner more.

(■round Trembles •nic Rrouiid (rembled hcnea llr iij.

KlrM one bomb, then ano ther nnd another .'hook th e eartli.

"Wov.1" I ihouted. ItwtilutttnrUy. I fell a nharp blow on m y hip n n j a biirnliiR .'en.wllon. T lien I UiouRhl;

•'.S’dt r.o bad—only n fl«l> wound. But, 1/ird! W on't this n ild ever cnd?"^

My lilp kept hunilnc, Tt wa.i only ft couple ot iiilnnte’. b u t It i.eemed forever. I fliinlly m uttered;

"I Kue/.s I’ve been hit.Ilia I v,’a.-.n't wounded. Jiir.t blLi-



WASHIKOTOS. M arch IS LSjxike.Miien for th e naUon's live- atwk pioduclnK IndiiMr^' have voiced .•I'.arp oppojltlon lo an OPA,pro- pii'.il to place crlllncN on p rim of live hoK' and o ther llve.slock.

use produptlon and c a ifc aa ,'.hiirtane of meaU;.

n m liulu.'.lo'n l>o:>Ulon I'eiited ut ti hcnrlliR callfKl by tl flee ot price adininl.'tratlon, which WiL' attemled by ingrc than lOO rcprr.'.eniatlve.r of Itve.'.tocl: orRanl- zjiiion%, Indlvlduul famien>, nnd member,' of coiiBre.v.? from farm

J, K. OalbrnUh. deputy OPA ml- mlnl.'trnior, told the meellai: that he believed the Rovernmem uuia ixvc lelllliK.' on live meat imliiuil' 0 .' a method of .MablllilnR llvlns CoMt, and of prevrtitlnR Inlliilluii.

I.rvel .Not A'luiounreilHe did no t Indicate (it what level

celliHK-> miKht be .ipt on ho^s, but varliiiL' iw.'ilble- price.' have been meniloiird In Kovrrnment dhciti' .'loii', 'n iey rntiRe from JK50 t( S15.CK1 prr tnindred ik>uikS, llof,-.' have reiicheil the * 1 C level in rpccnt week.'.

P. Q. Wll.'on, ChlcaRi), feciei.ary of the Nalloiinl Llve.Mock MarkellnR n.v.odatlon, and elialrinan ot the llvr.tock uroiip:. npi>earlnK at hearlni;, ;.ald the llvr.Mock liidujlry waM imanlniou.'ly opi>o;,ed" to cell hiR.',

Son'll Ku«hed lo ItlarkelManv .speaker.', frcim mldne.si'ri

prodiielnR ■ region.' called Ui.it re IwrL' tlvav fl\e OPA cante;uv>l!i.t' in;; celltiiRi had riui-'.ed prlip\ t< drop. Brcau,^e of the unci'rt;iinty ol future prlce.'i nnd i>roductlon cu't.', many farinerfl, the r.[wi\kpr'..';ild. have In lere iit dti.v;. «.old many sow.' whkh olherwL'.e could have been held for Increa-'hiR production.

4 - H C o m m i t t e e I s

N a m e d b y G r a n g eHACKIIMAN. M a lih IB — 'nie

IlaKermnn Valley Ciriinne met with "1 members pre.'-eiit. A cu:iimlttrc

ar. v.iii7«sU5l tof W;vdtr;A\li\ A-lt club IU1 tolloWM H arlnii Uell. Ray.

lond Carrico luid Tl. H. Ilendorf. Tlie 'member.'i ,':ili;; Irb h fnuc.' a;

•Mrs. Charle.i Hlackhiu't «ave a ,'hort ,'kctch on the life of -St Pairlrk, G«e;.'lnR Knniai were played mid re-. frr.'hmetiUi were ^ervr^l. Tlip hos- leMe.i- were Mr^. Olenii Uell, Mr.'. Chark-.\ H lafkhart, Mr*. H. U. Hen- dnrf and Mr.'. lliirliin Bell. Tlie next ineetUiK will be on April 5.

V anEngelens

HEYBURNMr. and .Mrs. Rex Lott. Aberdeen.

»ere vlillor.i nl tlic O, C. l^ itt home.Mr. nnd .Mr.'. K pntieth LewU, I’o-

eatello. were Kuc. tn of Mr. and Mrs- J, W. MUteW-

ML'-i Lallue H elner, who b em­ployed In ORdcn. b vbithiK relatives here,

Mr. nnd Mrs, W alter DiLrliiRcr*a:id Mr. and Mrs, O laf Moller vblted In Sail Lake City.

Mr. and Mr.v I-'niamiel Hjmk.', Mr.n, PhyU.1 K lnp. Clearfield, w id .Mri,

Oladya. O rten , 'were gtiesls ot fcr. and Mrs. Paul Wilcox.

Ml.M France.^ Miller b vliltlng rel­atives In Bobe.

Mr. and M ri. IUrold Moon and fnmlly have relumed from Phoenli. Arlr., where Uicy fpent the winter.

Clifford Cnrter hn.i retunied nfter .'ervlng two yeara as n mLudannry for the l l D. B. church, ■

Mrs. Loren Hendricks nnd w n, Ixjren, jr.. MeOlU. Nev.. vblted rela- llve.< here.

Motor vehlclfs consume nn nver- acr of 38 Ralloni of Rawillne to each Rallon of lubricating olt.

H a g e r m a n N u r s e

E n l i s t s i n A r m yIIAQEILMAN. M arch IB — M bs

rrarices Allen, daughter o t Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Allen, hna en lbtcd !n lha ' U. S. anny nurves corps. Mlsa Allen - craduaied from 3 ln«erm an, Wsh school In 103B and 8 t, A lphonstu hospital nune.'*'school In Boise Itut September and h u been w orUns thera sln^e. She Li apendlng a fn r days at the home of her pa rcnu while awaltinc her orders. She will be commluloned as a tecontl lieu­tenant.

Van Engelens-L e g F l a t t e r y f o r Y o u i n

FlatlerinR, fu.'hlnn-rlk-ht lovely lo look a t and l» vieii tlle.'.P fine .•.lockliiK' brnr thft proud niime of Phom lx , . . nnd they're n\allAb!e ni>'*' In thu plcjLMiiR new .-.prhiK fliades.

9 8 ^ = a n d $ 1 2 5



IS 5 i years ofiiuallty iifacturliiK ,’ , . they were best

nur tnothcr’-i llfellme . . . brst in yours.

IlonH la m 'ro u r ba«k on this ehanre of a tire lime to pick up

n R & O u»e^ ew jo u can » J . ford. The Dependabllll; th a t »Und» behind oor r rp o U tlsn It , ir asmranee tha t you m ay buy wilh eoBfldenee and drive « llh u lU faelion..'41 Bulck Centurj- .'dt-0 mod. GGS '41 Buiek Koulor Speclnl 41 '40 Bulck l»DTaor Model 41

'41 Studebaker champ, club j.ed. '41 Plymouth special dlx. sedan '40 PlJinoutJi dlx. coupe •38 Plymouth dU, sednn 37 Plymouth dlx, r.ednn •Al.Chev. Spec. dlx. town %edan '40 a iev . MajJer town j.edan '40 Ct'pv. dlx. Fordor

^ a tev . spec, dlx, coujw "Tl Ford Super dlx. Fordor '41 Ford Super dlx. Tudor '40 Ford d lt. Fordor aetlati •40 Ford dl». Tudor sedan •33 Ford Tudor sedan ■39 Ford dlx. coupc •38 Ford dlx. Tudor sedan ■38 Ford dh . coupe TJ Ford db(. Tudor sedan •37 OMs 5 pa-*A eoupe

WE PUT. SELL A.ND TRADE OTHERJ E R S E Y S at $ 5 . 9 0 , $ 8 . 9 0 and $ 1 2 . 5 0

SIZES 9-15 - 12-20-. 16'/2 to Z iy. T T -■Van EngelensBright, colorful floraLi on lle lit m - f '^ 7 / 1and dark Brounds. 39 Inchea wide. t b i . / j /

-Van Engelens.

Page 16: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Page Sixteci! TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, March 18, 1043

i M M i U: MSiFFlED

■V--WASHINGTON. Marcli 18 Nf>- 'T l ie »•« m*nj>OR-er erenmlMlon u>-

diiy rcihurnpd labor n u rk rl cliaii' ncaUoav bringing Uie lo u l num­ber of criUciil tnwipowcr aliortmi u r a s yp to 30 from 33.

T tirw urcftfl rrmovMl from,Bhorutge calcKory ajid plwed InKfoup ft currcnl

. mice of Inbor mpiily iukI <!rmr « r c Akron, 0 „ Bnili, Mr.. rorUMncKiUi. N. II.

New Brrn.i Milflrd frn;n Kroiip II U> p-oup I. tlie shoruae cuteiior>-, were: PorUnnd. Me.: Durllnston. N.

Right in der Fuelu’cr’s Face

n.NViIlc. Ind.; y-!!n|iml.-lll.:Souilj Clilc;i«f>,

Tiimiw, n il . : S.ivann»ll. Oi... nli \VilniliiKt«ii. N. C,

Ailfioiicli llie cli..'.Mrir;aion.i fti Ininulecl prlmnrlly n.% a guide I jirornr*mina iinmcir.i Jti Ilie d rtm i nT vnr coiitrnci.^, lliry iil'O nre a-nl In {ictrniilnlnK lo'*Milch urras Ui< <8-liour wifK order nf ITe.sltlciii Roof.evcll sliiill be iiin>Hetl.

DccUlon M to llie ordrr'.s nppllcH' tlun to tlie seven newly-<;lu*.sl(lPri f.liorliiKe nrens re.it.i wllli Uir nreti nnd rrglonnl directors. Should llify decide to ■•ipply Hie order, llicy probably would muke ^Jny 1 ilie elfectlve' ante, thereby (xnnlltltiK lime for neceiiar>- plminlng liy rni- p:oyer«. .

In ftll, 270 nreo.'( now nre cIumI- fl«l in one of four Kroiipa. WJiffB Uiere nr6 labor surpliwes, under thU IHOtfrum. W.MC urjM procurement ttKencleri to renew contrncLi, pince new conimct^ ’Und

■production fncllllles In aucli areal. \ \’MC ivl.-o recommend.! to Uie pro­curement Bgencle.i tJmt they r.Mould not let nr r e n e y coiitrncls In short* nse nreiL unle.« ftltemftttve /aoll- lUrs are not nvnllnble elsewhere,

Group II now Inclivles 103 acre: of current balnn. of lubor supply and demand; croup I II Includes l i aredA where tlic supply In now i ri'Uhte but Is expected to decline point of bnlnncc of Mipply and mand In Uir nex t ^lx monthii; while KTO«s> IV. Cic SftboT surplus class. Include! 78 nreo.i. .

____E 3If IJa»»on keep »»liri off Uie ru j while Iftlln i you five »en l to

Ja] )s /Unpredictable in Figlil, Yanks Fflid in Soutli Pacific

C IKr’f »f|>i T>i«


WASHINGTON, March .18 nj.Py- , Tlie I'eiittle-approvfil Unnkheod bill

to defer akllled fnrm laborers from inllltary eer\lce todny faced ci poi- alble admlnLilnitlon delnylnj action In hou.nc commltIee>.

Lender.-! of th e hoaie farm bloc iwlnled out Uial. they have been attem pting to obtain ictlon for »ev- cra! weelcs on almllar leRlsIatlon vhlch tj now locked In the houie military affairs commUt^e.

"Only the good Lord and the housi rallltftrj- nffalra committee can tel. you wljen Uicre are likely to be

'"IiearlnRs and action on the Bank­head bill," <ald Chairm an Ilamptoi.P, Pulmer of Uib house agrleiiliuf* committee.

____IMlmtr made an-imjucceisful.nl!tempt yesterday to a ttach the pro-

■vtjloa^ of a ifn rm defennent bill ic the admlnl.itrntlon'a approprtallon lor *20,100,000 to recru lti train ami tlliirlbule a land nrmy of 3.500,000persona to eane the furm latjor alt- . - -----nation.’ Tlie e ffo rt wa. ruled out "Implyon a nolnt of order. S-Wrfousti out lliir.-

If the Dnnkliend bill fibuiiia » jiroval of Uic m ilitary affulrs c

jnlttee. It illll n iw l owalt a priority decWon by the houw nilea commit-

e before it eon be actcit upon by

In hli inritirr.-U/ ntA N K u . u a h t h o l o m e w

(Viee-Pmlilent. United r rra i lNEW Y o r k ; M *reh le (u.P*--nie

tiioro you study At. f irs t hind tiie battle psychology of th o Jnpanese aoldlcr, the more you arp driven Co U\6 conclualQtt ih M you know nolli- Ing about i i . '

MlllUry leaders In th e Pacific, you conclude', have Jui^l ubout Klvrii up trying to figure ou t wliat the Jap will do In any ijlveii set of clr- cumitancea. SomeLlmcs lie will keep lighting when )ioi»eIcMly corner­ed; other times h e will suddenly quit where Uiere l.i no apparen t rea-

For e:

of 10 lo rom« fnr»-ard render. 11.- folilni hi, counlrd in iilnr.

•■Ileforr « r r< .u l.r ,‘.- wild. In KiiKll.'.li:

" •O iitf (Tlir J,i|M nrr i ball fatio .

"We fired n"H'- had IrlL t

•The; ■ ha, n yet In th is cam- palKii been a Jap.inr.ic un it «urren- d(T BA j.uch, Tlie larKc.st num ber 1 .•nw surrrnder In ii Kroup wiui 50 or CO over n t liuna. nnd they tu rn­ed out lo be about 70 per cen t Kor- eaii iBbor troop.'.

Material vs, Men .Shave tells you ihiit umterlnl out-'

riink-1 men in I ^ e j e s of the Jap- a n r 'c leaders,

••In the ir reirrnt down the Kokoda track nnd rbeuhere In ihLi area," he .-<nld. -they tlioutht no th lnc of

learlng aulclde rrarsuards behind them to be kUled or sunted to death. TJie rear Ruard Li written off the tnlsiuU IV’» potted,”

Up a t Uie front you je t another Insight Into the make-up of Uie enemy. You get It from Lleut-Oen. Robert U Elehclberger, fprmer au- pcrlnlendeiit of- West Point, who lommands all a lied advanced force*

Ills geiUlc manner on of wiiat n loUKh e In the Jungles, bout the quality of

In New Ouinei gives no Indlcni lighter he Is ht

You aaktlie Japaneee ,

,Jap W eljh M 's: Pound* ■Tlioae Jap.1 weVe In truly terrible

condition." he lelli you. “We weigh* ed til a c»pwted prL\oi\ft lod^-, Plfly-two pounds, and ttlll alive.

"Wliy do they hang on. the llltle ajilmals, and nlake tiila war tin-

xewarlly bloody? Because they . .id no liatrucilon.1 to the contrary. I presume, and had been schooled no t to use iliclr own brains or inlta. tlve. Tlieir pojUlon hopele.vi anc.

killed every man Jack of them JIUMln-1 today, a.' you saw. To

i?F5w we will have lo do Uie aanii thing to their two remnlnlng poer tions.

•'Our mett will have lo stay oil day loni;. tomorrow In Uie rotten' Jungle water aurroundlng thone po- alUons. I doubt that ever before

ave American troops fought undei Jch handicap.'. But by nightfall wi •111 have kllkd nil the Japs nnc

posllloiu will be out of tilti-ay,"

e IntrrrnV.! to full ihi- i\i U

ob.'.e:........... . thatby nlRhlfiill ihi- iNi st diiy, exactly

Uncle Ikr had m UI, Ihr Jap |v,. .iltlons were iiV" [xj-.-enlon of tiie Amerlearu and the Australians, p the Papuan camiwicn had been « becnu^c nil the Jnp.i were dead dying.

R, 1

C a s s i a F i r s t t o

R e a c h Q u o t a i n

’* R e d € r o s s D r i v eDURLEV. Marcli 18 — C*.\slft

county Is the f irst county In Ida­ho lo ••so over the top- In Ui# fWtl Craw war fund drive, ac­cording to word received by Nets O. Sllndcc, war drive chairman. In a congralulaiory wire from Iho San t-'rancLvo headquarters.

Tbe goal set for Ci.'.ila county WU.1 13.000. The amount was rais­ed Uu/lnK the flr.li week of the drive. When all the pledges are 111. Ca.*.sU county will have rola- ed o\er to.500. and there are ttl ll other communltlea to be heard from.

In the rnei.*4igc from Esther p, Chalbourn. 6an Franclaco, d i­rector of fund ruL-slng. SUndee and nil worker.i who as«Lited were lir.Hscd for their excellent w o rt Mrs. Kales Lowe Is chapter chair-


E l e v e n B a i l o u t

. O f A r m y B o m b e rOORINNE, UtaJl. Marcli 18 W’r -

•Wlvrn men of n bomber crew para- I'hutetl 10 ^;l^fty ye;.ii^^lny while Uie pilot brousht t h e four-motored bomber from Hill field to a forced

lU jiicrr.'.’ful landing thrcfl milesL't of Corlnnc.Ten of the ;i.irnclmll.il.i reixirled

lo the field .Oiorlly n fter landing and hr elrvrnlli appeared Inter last itt:lil after he had caught a ride to

Osden.NnmM of the crew members wereDt announced.


the full hotise.Tlie nilr.i committee l i u .■'hown

a dl.iposltlon lo go ^1()K' on nil menn- .MreJ which run contrary’ lo .tlie n'd- mlnUtraUon'fr'Kclccliy servlcc twl- Iclej. \

lIoaiB farm bloc membera were encouraged by the 50 to 34 vntf which carried Uie Uankhrad bll through the fcna le ye.Merdny ami prrdleled that no amount of drlu' will defeat Ihe measure ultlniately.

' G r a n g e G e t s . f l O l

^ T o A i d R e d C r o s sIfAZnLTON. M nrrh 18 - Tlie

Orange look in n total of HOMO for Uie Red CroM with lia presen­tation of "LoQzy Anna Mln.iirel" And ft quilt auction In the Green­wood Mhool Bvm S.-vturtltiy nlKht. The minstrel broURht In H O ^ nnd Uie QUlIt accounted for Jfll.

The ca.M: M lnsliel end men — Curl Murphy. Jo f WllllnmMin. Hush

^ u e y . Dale Rudd. F rutr Reed. M a^o^•, Rus Dllle nnd qiiesler Uiil- ler, I

imerioculor—Orval DavU,Colton county fnlr performer:.—

Minn Johnion, De-vMr WUllamkOii. Arlene Qrwe. Mrs, W llllam ^^tler, I^l* Pulrbankv El-.ter Rnu. VlrKlnl* Rradley. Wllll.mi Butler. Wayne Butler and Ruth Murphy.

PIckanlnnlea—Lennlo Dllle. Jo\ce Seal. Dorothy Lehm an. Jean Len’bo

V E la ln e Benlley nnd lla rel Howard.', The jnilaitri^l wa.i dlrecletl by

Mrr, R u y i l Dllle,BelweenScl.n In Uie minstrel the

quilt wa* aucUoned. with Rcrt Herd acting a« nucUoneer eml times.

We hnd \ J n p force belwiIJuna _____

rliiB, the AiLilralliiii domTIisndlnR llie allied ground force.i • In New Oulnra. tola rac on my rccent trip, 'We had him cut o ff from liLi sup-

■plle.i nnd were'wnltlng h ln i out, Re had more nuloniatic fire ix>i wo had flKured on nnd th e Job of wiping him out was proeresslng slowly.

• pne Incident •Tlnally 1 was ordered to move In

nod wipe him out, becaiu.e he waa ImpcdlnB Uie Rencral advance. I ordered our llne.i to come toiiether nnd net him a t 0 o^clock Uie fol­lowing mornlnir H ut Jii.<t before 8 □■elocknfjr-Jnp-btKnn-tnkliig-dowii hl.i alicliern nnd ptickliiK lil.i field kill. Including cookinK utea-dU. Just before we, slurtcd to move In, he slaried to iiTo>c out. '

'Not to fight hU way out.try larch

■ousti out lliir.t w im a ctag^crlng ind of field rqulimicnt a n d cooking 3t-i on each man's back. Apparent-* ' he expccled lu to Mcp n.-,lde nnd

open a paUiwny for him. H e didn't offer lo surrender, .no we killed

there,". IhlnRs you have hciJ^-d about

Jnpaiir;c .^oldlcra a rc not borne ou . first-hnnd observation In Nei

Ouliie.i. You have heard, /or In , Uia; Uielr pack* a re light.

On the conlrarj-, Uielr equipment Li much heavier Uinn llin t of Ih# Americans or Au.itralla awkward and cumbersome, but llie Jap carries it a lih h im wherever he goes,

I,als of Fills Medicine takes up m uch of thf,

.lace In the pack, bu t It l .i\ io t first n.ld eti\ilpRxe»t. U la medUUie de- flnn«l lo keep the r.oliller henllhy— jlwnilri pills, salt Lablela. quinine, jiicli lliliiRs u gauze, su lfa drugs ind dhlnfectants a re mls.ilng. The

reo.<ion for Uils Is U ta l Japanes« of­ficers lo'e Interest lo a m an once ■le li soiindetl or becomes too HI to iRht. He then Is rrcnrdnd n^ a ll- iblllty and 1$ cro.'v.cd off the ll.M uid Irruotlen,

1 n.%ki\l Herring about th e ninitnl ind physical makeup of tJie indl- 'icluiil Jnpanne soldier, a iid he re-

plle<l; '" lie is a MtOHK. slvp 'rt hlU P bea\l. :e hns no ImuKliiiiilfiii nnd doe., mi-lly what hr Li told, „"All hli mllliiiry sehoollns L-.

loiiK the positive slde -w li» l hr lould do to advance under Uil' «ei ' romllllon., a im uiulrr tliLi or-

How he sliould keep well and

timdy Spring . Savings, m

S u p p l i e s F o r T h e F a r m !

lil.'SlMONB in the DL lrlcl Court ol Uic'

Eleventh Judicial District of the 8 U te of Idaho, In and for Twin PaJli Counly.ALICE E. WALKER and DER-niA P. JOHNSON, Plalntlffi,

DANIEL M. NORTON, also known lu Daniel Norton, an Incompetent: Arthur N. Walker as guardian of .Uie estate of Daniel M. Norton, an Incompeteni; Bnma c! WUham; the unknown helni and/ or devl- Bces of Arthur D. Norton. aUo known as A. D. Norton, deceaiied: Ute unknown heirs and/ or dtvl- aees of Mary Y. Norton, deceased: and Uie unknown owners of Uial certain real property In T»1n Palls County. Idaho, described u fol­lows: Lot one lo Block forty three o f th# City of Twin PWla. Idaho; together wlUi Uie lenemeaii. hercdltam enu snd appurtenancei thereunto belonjlng or In any wh«appertaining. Di T he s ta te of :

Ings to Daniel known .a.t D aniel. petent; Arthur N.


S e c iA i.A R M O RP O I N T


nve shurc.i to fit most lake plow. Sturdy gunr-

lonKcr wear. IIIt:hr;.t qunllly nmterliiLi. Kxtrii tool :,tccl around Uie point.

Provides hogs with nil the e.'.'.en- tliil iiiliirrnli for rapid growth nnd hfallh. Orlnlimlly formu--

$4.98M In. Solid Steel

$3.59Ki In. Soft Steel


^ I'iirm, W aster' Quality

DAIIRY MINERALC tiiiljtins a ll o.'^.soiUial niiru'ral.'i. T e n d s lo iiici'c.'i.Sd m ilk p ro Ju c ti(ii> rT T c I|: l;iii!l).<, c a lv t’.s, .sicpr.-t,101) puuiui.H ................

■*TTcI|w Krowitijr

$ 4 . ^ 8\

At a

M a n C o n v i c t e d i n

M u r d e r o f W i f eSALT L a k e c i t y . March 18 (-T

—Ending Kven hours of dellbcra- U on.a Jury last n igh t convleied An- Ktis Dewey Ru.uell. <2. of first de. KT«e murder.) Russell heard the verdict wlUioul

, l-moUon. Tlie Juo^ ma<le no recom- • niendntlons, leaving Uie aentence at

th e disposal of th e court.TJie Salt Lake C ity defendant w-n.s

charged w IU i.fatally slaahlng the th ro at of hU wife, A nna Laura lUis- fiell. during a family qua»«*l.«n. 3.

N e l s o n C h a i r m a n

O f V i c t o r y F u n dC. R. Nelson h a s been oppolnted

. chairm an ofi the victor? fund com- — a l ^ - f o r Twin P a l l i by O rw it O.

Padget, who Is chairm an for an I cIght-cou»ly artft. Nelson wlQ or- 1 R»nlM ana conduct Uie »econd win

I ( ^ campaign In T w in Palla. which

S i l l s ’S '. 'iu T l”'

cli.Uce of <Jralh or .-'urrrndrr."T)ie Jnpanr.'.e com m and t;

the veo' simple pooltlon ' tJiiii officer or soldier .iliould ni-vrr Into .sudi a position.

"CoiucqurnUy we tiave n-varlety of Burpri.ilng results. P ^ r one thing, Jaroneie Held commander.-i send noihlng but opUmLillc rtvoorla Tokyo. If he were In a dJhgerous poBiUon and sent In » reallaUc re­port In ortler to gel help and « • iflcnte hij men, he would bo fold he had failed his em peror and to ‘0 away wiUi hlm.ielf to m aka room )r a more competent successor.” An AastraUan. U eu t . CoL L. T . have, told me this story -Uliisirat-

li)g Uie futollsUe atU tude of the Jop.-uieie:

"We had a Jap com pany sur* rounded over here th e e th e r ' day. We calltd on the officer In com­mand to sunender h U ’ forces.

Another Oddity ■'He marched out w iu i w h at wc

tliought waa a while n a g , 'B u t half way between hU lines and our he stopped, and clipped hl» hands. An o.tlcrly appeared behind him bear­ing a canteen of'w ater, p i e officer ceremoniously washed his -hw d i. Uien. dried Uiem on Uie 'f la g " whidi turned out to be • towel.

“Wo watched a few m om enU . Uien told h.lm we teould g lre him a count

Sears HONOR-BILT" Rock Wool Specially

Priced Friday & Saturday

Mnds greet- Norion. also

n Incom-...........-............V— ., as guar-ot tho estate Daniel M.

Norton, an Incompetent; Emma C. W lthnm; the unknoa-n heir* and/' 3r devliees of Arthur D. Norton, nlso cnown as A, D. Norton, deceased; ;he unknown helM and/ or devUees of Mary Y. Norton, deceased; and the unknown owntra of th a t c«r- U ln real properly In T a in Palls ?ounly. Idaho, deicrlbed as follows

Lot one (1) In Block Porty-threo (4JI of the city of Twin Palls, Idaho; logether with the tene­ment.',, licri'dunmenls and appur- tcniiiices thereunto belonging or In nny wise nppertjilnlng. the above named dffendanLs.You are hereby notified Uiat i

-onu’lnlnt tins been flle<l agaln.it you n the District Court of the Eleventh ludlclol DLitrlct of the Stale of Ida- 10, In and for Tuln Palis County by the above named plalntltfs. and 'OU nre hereby directed to appear ind plead to said complaint wlth- n twenty diiya of the service of this umtnon.1; nnd you are (urlher no- l/JciJ th .il ujjjc.v you .10 flppc.v and

plead to said complaint wlibln the . time speclftrsl, the plalnllffa will lake JudKmcnt against you as pray­ed In .lald complaint.

And you are further notified tha t ihL-i nctlon Li brousht by tho plain- tltf.-i to recover n Judgment and de- c re r of s.ild Court tiKaln.it each and all of you ns follow; tha t the p la in ­tiffs nre the. owners of nnd entitled to the pawe.wlon of real property herrlnbcfore described In the Utle of thLi nctlon. nnd each and . p a rt thereof, and Hint the tlUe of the plalntlff.i therein li good and valid; thn t you nnd each of you. have no e.iiate, right. Ulle or Inter- r.it whatever of. In. or to said real property, or any part Uiereof, and llm l the title to said property be quletixl In ])IiiUitl(fs; th a t you nnd cacli of you beJorcver rr.stralned. enjoined nnd debarred from arjc InK nny claims wlialevor of. In lo ^nld real property, o r any part thereof, ndverae to the plaintiffs.

Reference Li hereby made to snld complaint on file herein for furUicr piu-tlcular.i,

Wllne.M My llnnil and the Seal of lid Dl.-,trlct Court, this 3rd dny of

March, 1013.(SciUl PAUL H. GORDON,

_______ Cjcik_of_iht.DlstrlcL.C»arl.Uy Marjorie BalLvi. Deputy.

O. P. Duvall,Atinrni-y for Plalnllffa,Rc.-.ldence and P, 0 . Address:IV ln Pnll.1, Idaho.

Pub. March <. 11, IB.2J, April 1, 3D«


NOTICE IB HEREBY OlVEN THAT I. Dniee E. Harris will, a t the next regular meeting of Uie Idaho State Board Of Pardons, to be held at th e Btate House, Boise. Idaho, on Uie flrat Wednesday of Awll. 1943. make application for a m r - don and /o r commutaUon of sen­tence from Uiai certain. Judgment of conviction of Inf. Crime Against N ature, m ade'and entered in-Uie Court of the I lth JudlcUl District of Uie State of Idaho. In nnd for Uie Counly of Tn-in Pulls, on or sbout August 37. 1011,

D ated a t Bolie, Idaho, Peb,1S43.


Pub. March i. II, 18. 25. IJO


THAT I, Icel Bell will a t Iho next regular meeting of the Idaho State Board of Purdotvi. to be hrld a t the State House, BoUe. Idaho, on the first Wednesday of April.'I0«, make application for a Pardon and/or commutation u! sentence finro tha t certain Juilgment of convicUon of O rady Larceny made and entered In th e Court of tfie I lth Jurtlclnl DLitrlct of Uie St.ite of Idaho, In and for the County of Twin Falls,

about July 1513.•• ■■ Boise, Idaho. Feb. 18,D nted l .

lOO. (Signed)

Pub. March 4, 31:CEL BEXI.

Applicant . IB, 25, 1B43


THAT I, 0 , B, Ediund will, n t the regular mectlnK of Uie Idaho

State Bonrd of Partloni, to be held nt the State House, DoLie, Idaho, in .tlio flr.st Wednriday of April, iwkc nppllcrttlon for a Pardon and.' ir comnnitatlon of sentence from

tha t certain Judgment of conviction of E.icape from County Jail, made and entered In Uie Court of the lltli JiKllrlnl Dl.itrlct of the Stale of Idaho. In and for the Counly of T a in FnlU. on or about Jan . H, 180,

Dated a t BoLie, Idaho. Feb. 23, 543.. •Applicant

O. B. EDLUND No. cam

Pub, March 4. 11, la. M. 19«

Keeps hent out In nummer Ju« as efflclcnU.v as It keeps It In dmUiRcold '

11A three-inch lliicT

,.|ie.-.H of iWick Wool equaLi ov feel of conwele.'Loo-''c type la form, easily pulled apart for .nufl- >rr InK finyliJBXpenslve fo rm / Packed In bags conUlnlng enouRli to Insulate IB Kjuare feet properly.

35 LB. BAG

- S f O O - i gflrmatlon

■ wltli the

Mineral FeedersComporable to a ?12.50 feeder! P'or self- feediriK m incrnls o r tnnkiiRc. 16-gunfjo motfil feeder door.'i. ^ ^ a a ^ R at-proof.' 5-bu.sliel


$1.29covera 100 equarc feet. Roll ..................................

90 LB.,SLATE SURFACED ROOFINGF o r fl la.stitifr job. Available m red or preen. One roll

• covers 100 square feet. -J2 .8 9,FAJ.KS. Sellinir AgcnOfiO



•RrVATE SALEIn the ProbAie Court of Twin Falls

County, SlXte of Idaho.In the Mntteriof Uie E^tnte of ROB­


hm J. O, Jordon, adn/lnl.itrator nl the e

.Lied.,will .'.ell .............. ... ............e pnnrel. to Uie hlghe-it bidder r cn.ili, subject lo conflrmnUoii

by said Probate Co-jrt. on »nd nf- ■ n u i day of March. I9t3, ni:

the right, llt’e, Inter^.it, and c;.tnt< of the snid Robert D. Roberta, de- ren.wl, a t the time of hl.i de»Ui,-anri all the rk h t. tlUe, and Interest lliat said r.state hiis by oix-rallon of Uw or oUierwbe acquired other than or m nd<IlUon to that of the said de- cea?e<1 nt Uie itme of tiLi death. In nnd to the following de.icrlbed properly, slluate In Twin Palls Count '

Lot I (lUtou'to Twin Falls,Term^ and condlllon.i of

Ca^h In lawful money of Uie United of America,


THAT I, P. E. WlUon will, n t tho next regiilnr meeting of tho Idaho S tate Board of Pardons, to be held a t th e S tale Hou.ie. BoLie, Idaho, on th e flr.it Wednesday of April, make nppllcatlon for a Pardon and/ or commutation of ecntence from tha t certain Judgment of conviction’ of G rand Larceny, made iind enter­ed In Uin Couth of the I l th Judi­cial D istrict of Uie State of Idaho, In and for the Counly of Twin Falls in o r about Augu.it, 11, 1043. •

D nted a t Boise, Idaho, Feb, 13,

A pplicantFRANKUN E. W ^ O N •

No. 8588 Pub, March i . n . IB. 25. lOO


THAT I, William m ie will, a t Ui* next regular mcetUla of Uio Idaho Slate Donrd of Pilrdons. to be held a t the S late Hou-ie, Bobe, Idnho, on Uie flrat Wednesday Of April, make appllcnllon for a Pardon n n d /o r ' commuUitlon of sentence from Uiat certain Judsmcnl o{ convSclloTi oJ Murder mnde alirt entered In tha Court of the I lth Judlclnl DLitrlct of the S tate of Idnho, In 'Snd for the County of Twin Palis on or about Dee. 5, J033.

D ated a t Boise, Idaho, Peb, 15, 1543.

AppllcjintWILLIAM D. HAtE

■ ■ No, conPub, Mnrch 4. 11. 18, 25. 1043


THAT I . David King will, n t the next regular meeting of Uie Idnho Slnir Jloard of Pardons, lo be held at-U ic.. Stale llo a ic . BoLie. Idnho, on Ihr first Weiliiesdny of April. 1043. mnke .nppllcntlon for a Pardpn and/or eommutnllon of sentence from that certain Judgment of conviction of Forgery, mnde nnd entered In -Uie CourUi of the llUi Judlcl.il Dl.itrlct

Uie Stnle of Idaho, in and for • Cotmty of Tn-ln Palls, on or

about Ju ly 27, 1042.D ated a t Boise, Idaho, Peb. Ifi,


DAVID KINO Applicant

Pub. March 4, Jl. .. 1043


THAT I. John L. Honneynilt will, a t the next regular meeting of the Idnho S U te Board of Pnrtloni, to be held n l the Plate Hnu.ie. Bobe, Idnho. on the fln t Wednerdny of Apr'I. mnke appllcaUon for a Par­don nnd.'or commutation of sen-

e from thnt certain Judgment o r-lctlon of Forger)^, mnde and -red In the Court of the I lth ' ‘

Jutllclnl DLiinct of Uie State of Idaho, 111 nnd for the Counly of Tft-ln Falls, on or nbout September. *■

I, 1043.Dnted a t BoLv, Idaho. Feb. 14,



Pub. March i . 11. IR. 2f), 1043

....................................... . ny-tlrt,-and tile balance to be paid on con- flniintlon of sale. Caili deponlird with the undenigned wlUi any bid

ccepted will be returned. Deed •bitract a t Uie expense of the

e-itaie. subject to tAxet and assess­ments for the year IBiJ,

All bids o r offers must be In writ­ing and muy b« left i l the office of Davison & Davison, ittomeys fur the adm ltilitralor. a t 323 P lm Xn. tlonal Bank BuUdlni, Boise. Idnho. or may be delivered to u Id admlnls-' trato r personally a t JJ30 North 8Ui SU-eei, Boise, Idjho. or liled In the office of the Clerk of u id ProLale Court, a t any Ume after the flrnt publlcJiUun of said notice and be­fore making the sale, •

Dnted March Bth, I»43,J. O. JORDON,

Administrator of the e iu ie of Robert B, Roberli. deceased.

DAVlgON & BAVISON.Atlomeya for Admlnlslrnor, Resiaing a t BoUe, Idaho.•PublL^h; MarcJi 11. u , 25, IBU.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jn the Probate Court of T a in Fnlli

County. S tate of Idaha., in Uic MnVler ol Vfte Esiate ol Rob­

ert B. RoberU, Decen.-ed NOTICE l a IIERilBY GIVEN by

Uie under.ilgned. J. o. Jo.-don. tfd- nilnlstrator of Uie e.Mnte of Rob-, r r t B. Robert.', decen.'ed. to the creditors of and all persons having CiSmw ngiiinsl the lald di^-easeii. to exlilbit Uiem. wiih the ncce.vinry vouchers. wlUiln »lx jnontlw nfier Uie flr.it publlcntlon of ihls notice, lo Uie (wld administrator, a t 323 Flr.it N ational B,mk Building, BoLie, Ada Counly, Idnho. Uil.i being Uio place fixed for Uie traaiaction of Uie busltiriw of tsiW e^tfttp,

Dnted February I7Ui. 1043J. O. JORDON,

Administrator of the estate of Rob*

Davison i t DavLion.Atlomeya for AdmlnLtrator, Re.ildlnK n t BoLie. Idnho,

Publish: February IB, 25. Mnrch <, 11.18,2043,

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Uie probate Court of the County

of Twin Fnlls, Slate of Idnho. EffPATE O P Tliomas fl, Hayes, de-

cea.ied.NoUce Js hereby given by the un­

dersigned administrator of the fs- l«le of Thom as 8, Hayes, deceased.^ lo Uie creditors of and all person* having claim s agtlnst Uie said de­ceased. to exhibit Uicm wlUi the nece.vjiry voucliers, within »l* months a fte r the first publicaUon of this notice, to the said admlnu- "■ trator. a t Che office of Ray D. Agee, atlomey n t Jaw. in tha Twin Fails Dank as T n is t Company bulldlnj, a t Twin Palls, 8U te of Idaho. Uils bc-

i»ry 53, 1913.W. W. LOWERY.

A dm lnlstrttor of Uie e su te of Tliomaa 8. Hayti, deceased.

PublU!.; PV:b. 2J, March 4. J], 18, 184J,

Page 17: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Thursday, M arch 18. 1013 ■ TIiuES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, ibAHO Page Seventeen:

2 8 T K E 1 E K S N S I L L BOH

P la .. M.ircli I - ••• T*emy-clglit ^u^•lvor.1 o.'-n aitftck who railed 1.100 mllM Ihrw wcetnlln n frnjtllc llfcixal fort they w>rc Ilnally r c j '" '" ’ I»nd«l Iti SouUi Amcrlni.

The Bltaclc WAS r tp o r tfd h5’ Kurplcl. ClilcaKO. lO-yrnr-olil S nff's mnte, wtio nrrlvcU here plRM Jtcmi South Amcri(|i»-

Tlie joiitli r.iild h is ves.'fl " "

■ I c»l‘lrs MUUtwMl

...rt Ju»t r, when

. Ttirte c Ullrd

i ru nltackrO a t night Pfbrxiar)’. oboul 500 miles ot St. Hflenn- , .

•Ttie Ilrst torpedo ml»sea Kurplcl said, -an d we »ii liour niid n hnir. We sollfii b.ick on th e rourw . -• lecontl lorpedo w M td » ^ llU

ML-.sln8 ure 20 of the 38 merchaiil crew. bIx of ihe 10

m Klin crew, nnd R paiseii6<T. of ilie m erchnnl crew were

' \ “S p tu c '‘p & 111'»rre nrpamtecl r.oon a fte r tlie lack. Nothing 1>M been heftrd Uif tfcond boat.

The youns r.Allor said none1 8 men hi hla btJai ever doiil: llielr eventual rcscue,

••We were Uicky.” he crlnned. “ monased to c:itch pnouch ralii *« ... to keep UJ KOlriK. We had ft canva-i rljKcd «p Uint kep t the (iiin off us— and usually had pretty pood »lnt!3 Hint kept II' RnniiiK r lch t nIonB."

- Thief •Rfr’Ks nUfT tlif rUm r , when the llfclwat had sailed more than linlf-wny iieriv.i thi' soiitli Atlnnllc. the r.un'lvors were .picked up by a nrltl.ih vevel ftnd' landed In Soulh America.

V e r n e t t a S m i t h

A m a t e u r W i n n e rHAGER.MAN. M ard i I S — Ttie

hlRh r.fhool j.pon*ortd an amateur lioiir lit (hr f,CK(o:i liiilf «'lWi Grnce UenneU tc. mlstri-Wi of cvrr-

• iiionlcj, Oiicsl nrtbU: wfre the Modemnlaes of Jlnzelton . M n. At- efl Oridley Rnd Mlvi Lois Farns- wortli.

Tlie proRrnm enni.li.ted of the fol- lotting iiumherr.: "Siicra' Deer" nml '■ra-eedle O' IV lll," a vocal t.-lo, Nomm D;ihlqul.',l, Jo Phyllis Loif. (Itailnger and Melba Woodnrd: •■nr»t Cure." rcartlni;, VlrglnU Thuyer: •’W ien You iind I Were Ynunn MaxKle.'' din't, Khlrlry Alim niid Roflnry IIriidrlrk.-.on: "Side- w;ilk.i ot New York." Uip (lance, FAri UarloKi and Beatrice Price;

’ "A Bit of Marmonjir trum pet trio, nillj- Conmd. Tre.'ii Condlt and Doniild Lou: - n i l - W ind's In the ;>()ulli Today." n vocal r.olo, Bllllc JiiMlce; "Wlicn KaUier Pluyetl Da.iC' ball,'" reading. Lol.s i-nmsworth; •'H.ibes In Uie Woods." vocal lolo,' \'crnel.i Sm ltii; "Oii Coconm We." vocal jolo. Bhlrlcy Alien; "nieyTe In ARaln." n Negro tliftlotfue. Sybil btfvfii.i and T ir .ia Corvllt: “QlBn* nina Min." vocal solo. Chnrlotte Von Riper; dummy ilimcc. Velma Drown mid Anna Currnn; "I'lTi Alone Ue- cau'e I Love You." duel. Calvin Miirrh iviul .To PliyllL*; I.oudeailaKer:

_ -Glocuw S\vi«!iiv." AveTl OrUUey; —* "IV/. n^fn w r.rH n£ on thc null-

roiul,'’ vocul irlo. CJiilvIii T.ntmr LiiMnr Shiiffer. iiiirt Olace Viidi-n; '■nml Old Irish M other of Mine," violin nolo, Hilly CunnlnRton; "Tlie Oypsy Song," vocal trio, Billie Jus- lire, OeorKlaiiniv DIcker.'.on nnd hemlrrc Clark; •'Anchor:. AwcIkIi,' ln|> (lance, Wynar»la Woodhrad; 'S ’Accliiwl/:," duct. Chiirlotto Vai lUlier and U M ar Shaffer: "Beau­tiful Dreamer." hlgii .v:h(»l glee club, and America io r Me." rend' Ing, DcWiil Yclton.

Tlie aiidU-nec vo!«l on the tiuni' bfT-s iiwl Ihe w ltin trs wc-re iiw;\nlcd d 'I ''ire stiiniiw n. follcnv.'i; l'tr ;l jirl.-e, ^3. V cmet.i Sm ith;JVW, nodnry Hi'iidrlck.-;!Klilrley Allen, and Ihlrd. $1. Fairy airlosl and Beivtrlco Price.

' I V i n F a l l s N < 1 t i v e

D i e s i n V i r g i n i aDUnLE\’. M arch IB -C . C. Baker.

Biirtfy, has received word thftt his iiriiliru-, Harold Ulile, Nampa, wa klllril^n an nrcf^ileiit n t Camp Pick

' a <■!;,.Vii„ Sundny. DctalLi were no Irarnrd, ’Hir youiif? man wa» born In T»tn r a lh m 1018. onrt thi joii 0 / L. O. Blue, former superln' tendfiit of schools a t Twin Falls alyiut 2 0 yearn ago.

CAREYTfc. F.<l'.vln Dnlrd, non of Mr, and

Mrs. Wllllnni Dalrd, l:i here for a Ian Mtplis' vir.lt. He Ls .Matloned nl Ciiiiu' Polk, Lii: Mr, and .Mr.-., Dalrd

_ am MH'itdlng the w hiirr In Long nc,uUtvnd Ue will jnhi Ihcm V litit.'

iviiii (^aic.i tiiu-i broil <llr.cliarsert from ijfft army a i Arcadli.. Cnhf., aiKl rriiiriied home. Rclea.^c «'bj be- caii.'.e of HRe,

KIdrr Jaine;; W ildc. son of Mr. nnil Mr>, Kinanuel Wikle, haa re­lumed from the en.M central niKilon. Where he .-len'ed for Iwo ye.ns rvr nn L. D. S. mLvlonnn-.

LottcII .Mechani rrcelved ft tevere fool injiir)’ when Uie young call lie wii.? riding fell.

Kiiicr B ennrti ha.i returned from I aalt lAke Clly. w hertj he nttendttj

Uir fiiiieral of.lil.i flclest slater. M n

.Mr. add Mrs, Lawrence Dennett have rfiunicd from S a il Luke Clly »lirre Mis, UenneU rw elvrd medl- cid irealiiient; While iJtere they bi- tended Ihe funeral o f Mra. John Smitli, lier ulster.

Oram Pyrah, «on of Xtr. *nd Mrs. Prtilon Pj-rali. broke hla a rm wlien lie fell ftom tha porch. He wo.< tak­en to Hailey for medical treaUnent,

Huge Gleorgia Airplane Plant Neai-ly Ready

Part nf the main a 'srinh ir bolidlnr of the tlell bomber pUnI, raU d < completion a l M arietta. Oa.'*

; u[ Ihc no rld 'i la rira t.

HANSENPrank fiallerwhlte. who hn.i been

doing defen.'.e woric in OkiIcii for several weekj. has returned home,

Austin Wicker, lUo Tlnto, Nev, Ls vlsUlttK Rt Uie home of htf .'oii- In-Ittw iiiitl daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Damej-

Mrs. J . n . Bunch hiw left fo.- Sc- a!!.'e in rw,oo.-!.ie to n call /ro;:i her daimhler. Mrs, Olcna, Tl;om[»on, Rtallng itiat her husband. W, & Tliompson. who with hLs family re- ccntl}- rciunied from two years in AnchoruKc. Ala-skn. undcru-cnl a major operation.

Ifoward Jiafey Is ncra' in the-army air corivi a t Sa)i:a Aiui. Calif, Mrs. llafey will rem.iln, a t ihe home of his aunt. Mrs. H. J . UoerhiK. and fanilly iiere.A

Mrs. Arthur DrOeorslo hw left for Lomlta, Calif., where she will vL-.ll hiT f.bter. Mrii. Fdsar Rruu-

Bht viL'O 'aUI b*- iicAt her hiir.band who Is with the army. Milo St.’uiney. who accompanied his .'is- ter to California, will rcturrv in two wnk.-:,

Roping »• horse revived a burk injur)' ot long .Maiidhig tor Ortii Uullcr, who will be coiilined to his bed for several day.s. Mr;. Uiilicr, who was with a f.lr.ter In Gooding. WB.S called homo~.vi a re.v.ilt.

Mr. and Mra, H an ey Fornwalt took licr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Etl SaKC». to. Dot-.e. While there Mrs. SaKcr iiad h e r hewing devlcc chefke<l.

Mr, and Mr.s. Dale Butler, m ar­ried two weeki ngo. were honore<( at a dance a t the Ilock Creel: rnnuie- mcnl ccnirr. T lit touplc wlU move to u fium .'.nuth ot Klnil>rrly, bcluni;-

IllfT tm tir blh!i' ;:m-J!i!'3 fn lhfr,-O fltf Butler.

The Pien.-.ant Valley WIIllnR Work­ers have appointed Mrn. Ona Larren 0.x production chairm an to '.ecure material', from the RcO Cro.'.s jo tlie women of ClKr arua cnn <lo thi-ir iJiare of. the icwlnc. Tin.' club \olcd W.M In ca-sli to the lU-d Criv.i drive.

M n, Charles Prior ha.s been In- forme<l-fthai her xb tcr. Mrs, Dula Mnluue, cmplnvi-il pt n ho.'.iiiuvl In Bl.ukfoot, had left for Ilarlfuril, Coun., Ui vLMi iicr i.on, Milo Sawyi-r, a niliiLitcr.• Mra, Ciirile Cn)ckell lia j rccrUctl word from Iut ion. Dus Crockett, ihnl he U now 'inU ontd a t Cor­vallis, Ore.. hiivliiK been tran ifened f^cm Camp~McQiial(le, Watioiivlllc. Calif.

John nennftt. :.oii of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett, hn:; returned from Uie Brlglmm Yount; university. Provo, to help hla fatlier wi:h the farm work.

D a y O b s e r v e d b y

T h r e e C h u r c h e sCASTLEFOnO, March ID Tlie

world day of pr-iycr was obMTvnl by Joint meetliij! of members of Ihe Bairtbt. 'CiC>.s: Me^hoAlr.tchurches a l the C aptlsl'churcli.

A i«[luck fellowrhlp dinner wo-i held, followed by n prosram.

Rufus Fields and Marl.m Ham- monc] spoke. Rev. Cecil tl. Hani-

letl the group in prayer luid ? minutes ot .silent prayer were

ob;ervcd.Mu.'lcal numbers were fumLshed

Wayiie'Skeem. trumi>eL .^olo, nnd Mrs. Cieorce n:ifk , accompanied by Mrs. Hl^^ni Fry.

The! TimesrNews


CALENDARFurnuT.-* • .Auclidnccr??

"nil:. ccUiswx carilcs lUtly lli.U liii; ot every Inrm sale advertised. In the Tiniri-Ni'tt;.. Proiert voi:r sale dale by Kettlng your advet- tlscmciit In early.

IIU Y E K SWatch this column daily . . . I t carries Date of the Major Farm Kales la oil MnKlc Valley.


MARCH 19R spcrt C ^ m u n lly

FOK UKi) r u o .s sHANSEN. March 18—An oul-

staiulhiK BChli'vcnient In v ,d CrO'.- war fund ral.'lm; L-. reportnl by Cur- tl.i Ho-Aer, captain of the Pleasant Valli'y area, wlilfh reaches south to Rock creek and Into the Plea-ald V ail® school .ILMrlrl. A total of 5213iO w.as raised there.

EDENM.'.. Il:itlan n.'llL'on. 'nic.-.on.

\n r , t. M'.iini; h e r parrnt.->. Mr. ;uiil •fr-. r . W, I.lttli'. Mr. KrlL-.on b, in r.iliill;;; :i', Tucf.on.Mel bmiih hi\.s arrived from Haw.

D e m o n s t r a t o r t o

S p e a k a t G o o d i n gCOODISO...Marp;T'T7r—''n i c fIr.H

In,IV le rlii of loort demon'trnilcns given by MlM Rowena Phillips, iKinir (Inium.itrntlon agent for the Idalu) Power company, will be fpon- •virrrt by th" Cioodlng Soro;.ls cluli on Tiie-day, M nrch 23. hi the club

Mi-s Phllllix; will demoiu-'trote oven liakr-d meal nnd will tell how to e<-i'k four vegetablc.s In the be.it melhod to fsvo a ll vitamins.


GOODl NEARS• GOODINO, M arch 15-W llh time Juil iibout ha lf up oil the Red C.'OM war fund a rlv r some J350 of the 53.050 quota tins been rnhed. In

a- T-'li'.!: to M. H MeU. chairman. T lie eoiuity's q.iota Is

......... 1 1... K-i,iuinl.-. were ursedIk nfiiermw In wLvliii:. If cltiiein r not contnctnl a t tilelr homes

they are iL'Ued to bring doiutlinn hradquarteri In th r Knl Cro.-j ir,v under the city llDrury. ‘aptalns and workers doiiatlnf

tlielr time for the 'drlvi- are: North- we^! lectlon. Mrs. U- M. RoberL-.on. captain; iLvsi.ited by Mr.n. J. K. Maiuirl, Mr.N. h . H. tiiilvelv, Mrs. E. II. nolle. Mrs. Fo rrc .t Strkkllng, Mr.-, Herbert Clark. Mrs. John OocKlu^K, Mrs. K. I., Cone, Mrs. Oeo.'Ki- Itubunk.s. Mrs. Trov C«x.

Southwest r.eetlon include:. Mr.s. Maynard Hill. Mr:i. l in i iv lt Ki-lly. Mr:;. Iz-laud n e lschm an . Mrs. C. T. Knn.'hl. Mr:!. Adam :=rhi;twrt. Mrs, \Vd>ley Henry. Mr:;. H e r b e r t Churciilll, Mm. Howard l-'o-,;er, Mr.s, Leo RIre,

Sou;hr.iit .^ecllOIl con:,l;,l.i ol Mr:.. Jamei CunnlnKlia'm. Mrs. .Sherman titump. Mrs, R. M- Lvoii. Mrs. J. H. Cromwell. Mrs. Hurley Crlpix-n, Mrs,C, H. Norlhrop, Mrs. Clark WllUam-

Ml". Ililly Ijvmb, Mate :.cl’,nol per- r.onnel; lm:liie;.s (ll.%trlcl, A. W, Wlllms ntyl Alvu ’niompr.on; MIfi Mary Ward, teacher:.' iui:l :tuili.nts' fonUUivitlons in pvi'jUe. Mir..D. S. lli\l)b.i Is cap la iii of tlie ni>rth' east .'ection.

A liUKi" therniom eler has bren erected downtown to ,«how itir jin n-.-, o! the drive a t reKUlar lui

BUHLMr,-.ind Mr:.. 0--or,:(- .Silehi.-r and

.'"••I }/.<.-<-:(!. S;iri K»i;c-l.sjo, ii.-t Him; hi Iluhl.

Ixiward Curler, wlm |r in Viork' ln T ortlaiul, iiiis been vL'.IUng Ills parnits. Mr. and Mrs. A. P Carter.

K url Kerp.i h; ;,t;it!on'<1 n t Cam; Mackall. H olfman. N, C.. uWi th(

Mrs, K ninelli .S'.v.illox ha-, gor.( to Join her hu.sband who U .-.tatlon. ed a t a camp n e a r Battle CreiUa Mich.

Mn.. l>)rls Giirliatill find lier sLs ter. Mr:.. K lin K'-rim. :.iK-nl tli wff’e-.-nd In S a lt LnV.i- CUy. vi-.Uliis Albert Ciurbardl n t Fori Dousl.vi.

Dragon flle.i. contrar)' to popular belief, do not doctor .-Jiaki ’. nt Uiey ."lew Ihe Ilp:i ot children.

P u b lic F o r u mWENDELL MAN IlKPLIKS -

Editor. Tlracs-News:Plea-c allow me i.miie fp;iee to

reply to my two critics concernhii: the ^cnlor clttrens grant act. I am

against helping the really needy old i>eople. But first let us «ec what U being done for them.

Tliey have a root over th r lr heads. Tliey have walls to Ihelr place:; of abode. Tliey have a floor In tlirir homes. Tlier.e places arc provided with :.uch articles a.i Is nccer.'ary to keep house. If sick a doctor Is r.ent for, mcdlclne provided. The nelRh- b-ir-s come In and render rueh ns- fl.stance as In nl iheir command. In cold weather fuel li provided. If death takes them away n decent fu ­neral U given then'. And in cili

I ^ome money ts provided lieUi where mnvt needed.

Tilts country wii.-; pioneered by ]>eoi)lc Who often had to re.^ort to raling Jack rabbits and camna root:I have heard miiny Im kIc riorle from the old L. I). S i.cltlers who paved the way to develop the.-e rni hrush plains. Undrr thr.'.e de.^iiera ronentlons they took care of thr iiKcd people and In a very cre<lllal)lr

FAIRVIBWDill Barron Is reenverlnK r

tactorlly from a mastolil operatlnn n t I'uc.-.on, Ari:,

C. Jl. Mahaiinah^ls 111 at hi;, hnnir with bronchial pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. A, H. J;u;el.T Marvin Jai;eLi In Sho^llonl• to the train for Ca.'i>i-r. Wyi.. v lie will take part In tin- Wvomliik- r.:.-vte ^a^A. ciiivcnflon. I'n .m liiere he will go fo llor.i'nian. Muiit.. to (< » i>iirl in the Montana eonven- lion.

ilobe rt I>b. Portland, were dinner (tue.vin n l the Itot;er Krb home, c ri i.s here prior lo g"lnn tc navy In April.

n i e rairsicw OranKe benefit card party was well nttrndrd ..srlth 23 tallies In play. Prlr.es vient to Mrs. William Knercher, Mrs. Bchooley, Mrs. Melvin HncrLnon. Hmll Halisi Oscar Noh nnd Erne';l Vo-.s.

Mr. and Mr.s. J. A. Cark nnd Mrs Tlarvey King vlslled In liol-.c when the Cliirk.i vL-.ltcd at tin- AliAi Clark home nnd with Charles Clark who Ls liome from 'San Diego.

manner tn d are still doing 11. Now th a t the country Ls in n hiKli state it devclupmi'nl and prtxluetivlty, iiid all maimer of prothicr Ls hrlm;- Inn top prices, a great howl K belnj raised about the care of ou r a;:ed.

lliese nurd i>eopl-- or nu>:.t ot them have children nnd friend,-, nnd rel- ntlve.i nil ot whom Miould be proud of Ihe prlvllese of taklni; e.ite their parent.s nml n tiirr heliili relatlve.i. If they are th a t iif

they eali'l lielp tlirn i then 1 , Ood plly su'-h a lx>M.Tlty of

theje noble old pioneers.I elalm It 1-; iiti time to lm[KV

'iifll a tax to do away v.lth the ear.■Ucli iiar;i:.l(ei from the

whom liiey ... . r. cold, Krlin, lioital v y.> dolUK the (le.Ullsu-, wre whom every c a ir rmd.e

■n ^hould br siHiiMi. Th all parti of Ihe wurid, putlim; tlu-l

theenernles, rveti th '-ir live.-. UpfMi, i.llar (if freeilam :ha t we A (

hnme may have nnd enjoy the \er; thlniis that they a rt lacrlflclnn the i all for.

Yet while Mime at hoim- ivrr rlain orhw for ii1l they w;int hy [vn Uiii e:e.. the-e bny, nte •n lterliu: becau:' tliey arc not gi-tilnr u h a t th rv nc.i .i

l:VANS WOOD iW endell)

AITItf:CIATi;s lO I tl 'MlUlllor, Tlme.',-.S'evv.;

I wl'.h to lhani; 111.- ci!lt;.r fo hL-, riioprralliin v.ilh h h leailrr In publl.hlnc Fonmr..

We Ilnd some ir> lie very deep andInlrr .-.ting.

VACAimVELilDiSCOORAGEOPirrSB U R O lI, March 18 On —

John CiUrcn can take h b regular ocntlon thla year, but the offic* ot

dften.se tfam portatlon fiay th a t per- liap.s' he won't t>e able to make as

journey as he ha* tn thfl p.vl.

He will have to .ta k e hla chances m gritlng ftccommodallons on pub*Ic trar.n'ortatfbn systema. Of courae, ind he will be dticouraged from lifiiinnlng or ending hi# vacation

;> over «cek-end.i, when travel U a peak.We not Kolnir lo dLscoumge peo*

pie from taking vacaUons," JoMph Jl. i:.i;.iman, director o f ODT, told

■mbrrN of the Allegheny re-.......... advisory board of railroadi

fttvd he nnlUngly RtSmllled that he ho[ied t* take one himself.

He did recnmmend, however, that eiiiploverr. /.prcnd vaentlons over nveral months .so loo many people v,ill not be traveling n t oncc. nnd he raid no particular resort area could e.tpect any special privileges.

It the public wlll conllnue to co- o|)< ratf. 'ratlnnlng of war-burdened tran;.i:‘’f^tatlon fiiellltlcs will not h.ivc to be resorted to, Eaatman :.slil. ,

••We'rr trying our be.st lo keep iiY.ay from rationing of travel and I hopr that unnecessary travel will lie curtailed voluntarily to help us

'avoid fueli a move," he Raid, nddlng tliai Mime form o t priority nystem t.milil othMwise have lo be In- vt)l:ed."

I .srrest nea bird Ls th e albatrosn, «-lth a wing fpread of approximately12 fret

In v est in th e b e s t .

H a n Schaffner '& M arx


censra w fic i v w i ^eie In lUcliuii^ I<e Bronson. 2fl, Almo, nnd Dora Mne Farnsworth. J8. Ran Diego, Calir.. nnd Alvin H. Bohler, 21, American Falls, and W ren Lucille Strlncfellovi’. n . Burley.

y r C a r O i ^

LAST DAY to use your Number 4 gas coupons

jo r holders (fj Basic A M ileage Books

Ju s t a fcm intlcf— In case you have any N ufn- b t r coupons le ft. > St;rvicc sta tions and <lcalcrs c.nnnoc accep t th em a fte r m id n ig h t next Sunday.


ATTENTION GROWERSWc H nvc a .Very c ,m l D „ ] „„ C onlrnclinif

★ orjfONs ^F O n NE.XT F A IJ . DKLIVERY ^

We also hnvc n lim ited amouiTl of SE E D POTA- TOES. One y e a r from certification.

BACON PRODUCE CO.164 4 th A ve; S . — Twin I'alta, Idaho — Phone 230

D o n 't w ait till Suod iy . Let us d r.iin th e w intcr- ■Rorn o il from you r crankcase and refill it svith /rc jh , clean Vico— today!

V i t l i le it d riiin f; , you nrally need to 1« wore careful to chanpe o il rc^^ularlv. O il is m ore likely to become contam inated u n d e r today ’s rcstticied d riv in j; cotiilitiont. T h a t’s '.bcfaiisc sho rt trips a n d low er s |>«ds don ’t a llow ilic -eng ine to get

______ ■' \

to v a p o rire the w ater form ed by n d condensation in d ie crankcasi-.

____I ____J-.!-

hot enough com bustion’Lliis w ater a cc u m u lates and d ilu tes and contami' nates ihc o il. . .Play safe! C h a n g e o il—and have th e chissis properly lu b r ic n fe d , too— every tim e j tui rcach s neiy coupon n u m b e r in y o m g.is r j t io n book.

r ig h t n o w !

LAST DAY fgr official\tirei n s p e c t i o n f o r h o l d e r s o f “ A ” c a r d s

Govrfnmrnt rtguUtioni require tire in*praion resulwiy « t.o f/i-_ cu l O.P.A. Inipenion Stationi. March .U i> the final day for die (m t ioviw ipn Jot motoriiti » iih "A" c*rdi. 1716 idt* it lo help detect the trouble before it gett Krioui. It it to pitiT later* cif. ai well ■> lo ihe^ietereit of . Anicfica'» war clfort u ■ whole,

to Iccp your tlrej iftticeahle u -iooR-**- pt«»ih!r.

Mou Pep KH.Vico lutioni an j dealers are Official Tire laipct- tion Stationi. Aioisl Ibt minute rtiihf H it-t jour lirti ia- tp td td how! /B« jure to briojc four Tire Injpeaion Rceoril fotm wilh you.

• N

CAR CONSERVATION HEADQUARTERSV u b 0 !l RtUming C e m p sn Ststiotu

W D fttm M In ProJucti

J U i f l fJola ih» u l r a t e drlrs . . . eollea and turn In to the proper local or(t»aIa- tidaraU -yonr o a le n p metal, t^bbtr. r»*i, f fe u a . etc. Drive under 35 — tbara y o u ear. Duy Ualeed State* Wae Boodt aad Stamm, 0 4 ii amisttnltiOQ — uio U »l>el7.

m M I'S® '

J i L f \i C 5

liijf j o b n lio a t i o f ii.s , w iiu iin ;: l l i o \

w a r . . . w h eih L T w c 'in in a f a c tu r y , \

o n a f a r m , in a s lo n ; o r a n o fficc . . .

w e ’r e h it t i r iK th o b a ll lia r iic r . . . t h u t

Ttii'aiiH h a r d e r w e a r on y o u r clolhe.n.

I t 's Koo’d coininoTi .sense to nlit:k lo

e lo ih e .s 'w i th s ta m in a , . . th e liu s k y

n ll-w no l k iii t i . I t ’s th e on ly l^tntl y o u 'l l

f im l lri-arinff<^liie I l a r t S c h a ff n e r k

M a r.\ la in 'l . S n i iir t , haiK lsom e .4uits

w ith ta i lo r i id - in tiim lity n n d n lo ^ of

hK ctrtrark'spitnkliTif

~ n :e w s i) r iiik ''^ 1 3 collcclion,

$12.50 to $55.00

K0;\T .ICS- m a c k "ClmllonBcr’'

W O R STED SUIT $27.M & $30.00

R o w le s -M a c k

Page 18: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

Page Eighteen TIMES.NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ThuTBday, March 18, 1943

Eight Teams Believed About Equal in Power

R UPi'in ’. .Marcli IH —That was the stm'k alls

day In };ivf tbeir’ .ipinionstate hijjli .c.l!ioi)I ( lass Iu iiil^^fcy inlhe,rivicau(l

The.opiniiiin .M.emcd I-' )vail thal till - toiirnameni 'a wide open affair <i^c(|uaHtrc'UKlh ur< ■ till' I'ii-’ht te;t i i iil w ill c.JiniH 'i.',

; .u r k 'I I 'hs is IIS K'Joii :is tiu t ic !” •o f ti l l ' e x p e r ts w hen a.skcd lo- to ih e f v c t i t i i i i l w iiiiuT o f I h e

I? liiisk< 'll):ill lo itrn n iiii 'y l U ia l k’o l to r i i i n i U iis afU T iuiot^

O n t h e

Sport FrontMr r.K O iua: k. k k d m o s i)

fx-rlvfiicr Imlca ii lo>;il w n ut Uio loiirf) Miilc jpcnk

Prirsvllo. 'n i r r IJi'Vbtirn l .v - t l d.Mrh Mrlvln CH aticl

Ulc chiiniflnn of cllrti

frnted II, 1)V n ,v|iu;I

Kfio(l rimricc H>

.Soiiip rxiwrt-i SllrlIll:^ ulilrli I IW (IMrlrl Intinpofivlflln CliVM A

ll li pliivliii: In llipvrni. ’n iiit * ' ^ 1 1 iKilMcr ^ IV rlio lrr l)fr5\t|v •nmmiin!o(1n SprliiK.-i tji llip (Ihtrlet

r Wllilrr mill Frimklln n IfaiM 111 IMf toiininriinlortnrr l)cTn« llif Iln clinmplnii nml llif Iiiltcr

tthlrli IIP Is oiir. i<-r tthllr Ihc mil

bliirlii^ luMillliii I.s pai;i-.i (it Aliii- • brlclp.'.t bo.iMliil

ijio-.l ttlilrlv triii wlilcli Mr. I'





>'. Khou


Former Training Camps Were Never Like TJiis

• Ills ijpciiVlvr- Wliy llirir imiHT.', (Ill ihr JllK 10 nml oilier ki'tbiill coiirn ttiTP fiibuloiij—

: Illlill 111 Ihi- Unl arniih'eI'll IllllliiKTihimiVallllcIldU-a Miiiimrr Miii. IVr.’mii^ lie

ililiil aim ilay;i.

•n irirfu r r Olilr SiKirl Scriv

rliamploii'Ulp «lniip;ri nt Krl-

will p r pliiyril khllo ilir rhnin'

I liour Itiirr

plonjlilp ronir-: iiprs of llip Fwill bf MnKCcI I

C LASS A TO Ol'KS P0CAXra.I-0. Marcli IR -

Hllili Krhool rn i ; r r ' cif rmilhrrn Iitn tin tiikp tlirlr fln:il tllni; fnr Hi tn o NfiiMui 111 tlir^Clasi A Imirria m riii nix-iiliic lirjp toilsy. KIkIiI

nrr i-nloMvl^Tlir lortliri Iilalio

lipU! last T.Trlc tt-ltl\“T?Vl«tnn ■■'niiiK the clftw A ililp;-Ln.u”>Tars

tin tc clinmplon w m Pdc.ilrllo.Folloalim nrr Joiiriiry> first r

palrliiRs;NnmpA vs. Mnlin Fiill.i.Hurlpv V5, nolsr.Miibil v.'i. Onklrv.Mldsay v.i. I’orairllo.

Garden Cage Event Opens

NinV YORK. Mnrrh Ifl T lii 'f lr.'l of till- UnTTntrrfOlIrKlf bft-ikrttol! loiirnnniriit,^ nrhrclul for Mnill'on Sfiunr.- G;irclni nrl.i ii drn^'uy licrc thl< rvniiiii: uUli t plnyliiK of I'vo Kftinc' 1i;.Mir oiH'lil roiiiul of the rintloiml IhMIaII tourney.

Crcliililoii, ?.eedri1 No. 1 on I hn.'.Li of n record of 1!> vl

' Uiio llll'l ItiP j iiriilhliii; the iilr of Ulc U, c

I Ciiiiipii.'; niul IrodilliiK a tr r i i ftfret

I t m ar Innlt Ilkr ilir S S r w Ynrk <;Un(i ri. rou J .rft lo ri»lil: IU!.r tu r

r Aflemooii Cyrlint flub, oul for an ouUnr, bul ir« r ra llv J im llirlr Jiolel to llie work-oul park » l U kr«nod, N. J,. In up ;u t M>neu>o, Dirk lU rtell, Carl llubbrll anil Tom Sunkel.

K lib. il,l>cclally. hpwlll, <>r thn


Andy •Plillllp,


.nil IhLi ILil of


Hf'II KO to bat Wlilr, K ld 'aclilc i Irotil IIIIiiol.s Aliliiuil NvAs :l I'ot. Sliot.s io.H'«l over on Y Scrivener’s de.-.k;

1. IIIlnol.i. wliIi NorUiv,e.-,t I oiH)onr:H, played betori

InrKc br.ketlO.mR.

2. ItliiioN u-orrd tlir mi»( polnlx fvrp made In one pitne hj- a Illf 10 le;un—32. affaln^l' t'hleaio. I l 'r t t- Inui record, 8G, by Illlnoli acahn t' .VorUntp^tern.

3. MoJit polntj In oiie flexion— ~y>. niliioLi, iI*rrvloii.i rrcoril. 721, by I,

Ancient Battery to Open Giants’ Season

LAKEWOOD. X. J.. Marcli 18 (,V) — TIuto was ii lot of kidding dtirinjr the winter alxjiit the iiiajor Ica 'ucs ojicrat- injT v it l i (idiiderinj,' <>Iii itu'ii. Imf tiiere is no kiddinj: <rtl)niit thf* Xuw York Giants' No. 1 battery conibination beiiijr the oldest in captivity.

For Ihc ojieninj,' ‘" 'x lmonth the (Jimits will pitch Carl Owen Huhlj.'ll. who will he -10 years olii in .June. ari(i lioliind the plate will Jiav AllKil.st Koiiney Manriiso, wfi paH.sed his ;i7tli birthday las December.

T lll .1 H (t cni>.Mile .-oniiiiMitaiy o the pltPliliiK nnd caicliint: prolif n fnrlnK MniiaKcr Met O il lu hprUm iraliilnK-

Tliree In S m ircHe Jin.i 15 pltclicrs on hi

but h e will not linvp Hal -Sri' er, Hob Cnrpentrr i\ik1 D.iV'

e they lmv<' CTCll U

r.M oi11 J0«.)

*’on In <13 In

torle? nnd

fpr^n^, Tl.l(•dl^^ nll-freJ'm Mi^ fl> nlllcll won 'S') niid drn]iiie<l tniicles with Manlialliiirn yoilli

, sler^ In ilip nislitcap.TJie ollirr two minip i In tlie fit

' nvMin' t>! invlsnlltin in.iiiiiMiip will be plavcd Mondiiv iilclit wl S!. Johns ninrllnii Rlre. ro-fhiir

th r N.C.AA. rli:it:ipltin;

Bowling ScoresM iN ou i.i:A (;ri:

ycnr ;,piin-:12 tliLn yr«

Mo^t point* by onp player In one came— <0, AnJy l-hilllp. asalni( Clileaco. Il'revlcui. 31. llltl llapac atali>«l SUiinwQU. 13W.I

n. .Mo.'t jyilnt.i t)y one pluyrr In one .sejiM>n-:S5. I'Ullllii.' iHrevlinu, 241!. .lotin K oi: of W Udwifi In 1D4:m \

P.-Mot.L l)ii-.kP!.< I)V Iiliiver III OIIP K iiine-lS. Phillip KKiiln.M Chloann. cPrevloii;.. 13 bv KiunKPl, Wlrroii

. ^n , m : : ,Miirpliy. Put-Ohk IDM;

. 05

t iHilnl.'. In llln 10 cnrerr 1101.; pl:ivrr- 4M. PhllllpJn 1SH3. iPrrvloiW hv Clill?K lojn, 1021, mid 1023.1

liclioilic'llal .Mlll.;*lhP Illlill lilKli nintl^' In K HAnie.v

1-pTcvium\ inic.'i linrt bern

r Will.-

• the .Mat

inlKh! h. .u'kptlisll ulor

Cl;irNCAA toiirfiameni lm<l not tlirlr

id 'rfililptic director, Doi :l(jcil m at It WW bettrr Ii ri-niuln nl tlielr .Miidle.-. (c

’m’iiiiit;..-.lnn.s In iirmrd fiir^rj. A oiiKli W ill: KliLi u rre in Kre; tiianil in tlic e.i.nl after tlin r Kre: k\ 10 sen.\on. MllU bellrvi^l thrlr iinl.-y reiNlecJ thrm more In


lliibbell. who.'.r rerord « vrnr nso, r.Mi work onlv f ii wrek. }loweirr. he mu IjiVr llie ImiHjrlanl il lianiltrd bv Kcliumaelur Kven fli' (h b e a r lr fintp,! fccily trained iind readv enu.'c he worked out with vcrr.lty of Oklnhonw trf reiw rllnc lirre.

Mellon Clurollon M U f ly Cliff Melton t.i i

mark. He wbrforp July * hl^t.ypnr. then elilpix it iKiiiP In lil.i elbow nnd lirver !in ilTKitlier dPrMoii. J lr iinder^ianl n oiierntloii this w inter nnd nu throw.s \funl lie laiichlnKly c-'H.i “lio\pltaI bnll."

O tt 1.1 relylnK on nnotlirr vpter;i: 39-yenr-old rlKlit-hander, lllll I/Oii mfin. to fei>eat his kihxI «ork < 1042 when he won M and lau

Tlicre arc no fewpr tlian pIkI

fur the r(fnTrimndlni: pprtfHl of w l:i%l ypar In I'lorldii, And, Iip ndt •Tliey coiilil Ko Uirounh ii b:ill ki rlKlimoiv," /

F.IGIIT c h u c k k h s o .v iia n HEAfl MOUNTAIN. N. V.. Ma

IB (,v,-\Vltll pIkIiL of Ihi- 12 rhi: PH. on the' ro:,ler alrc:»iv nl wl the Brooklyn D(xli;pr.t have rn'n inounti liilent cm hnndJ.o Indlc i> fornildabir pliclilnK Maff :o c>i

r.e!v*oi\. «» Nrw.-.ftni ; i;ut>e Mellon im- Hie two Irad

Calhira IJoxes Ex-Cliampion

JtO.STO.V. Mai 1,7-1 — IlT.lii;; : IJi-iforni.inccr., ,y<Iuo:e;l Jarkle

C,illuni rlvi' 1 11 a ire. n . I,

Old Rivals Get Together so Texas Sends Team to NCAA

(lly SKA AUSTIN, .March Itt—A couple ol

boy.i who ii-.cd 1 0 concentrate on ».toppliiK each other fliiiUly got to- KPiher. .'0 the Unlver.Mty of Tcxiu will sprfcl « learn to Uie wp.st^ni KloniJ NCAA l;ll.^kelball tournam ent ut Kan.sn.i Clly, March 2C-27.

When IvOUK Jc^ii H anils aJid Duck overall jxrrromiccJ In dccp ew t Te.va.'. they '‘'e rt urmllcrably opporetl !o rafft other. HnrRl.i play d fur Nacoiidofhe.i hljch. Overall

ihe ho: .nliol of r:nnll CiL^lilnn hlKli in r

■ (luni each other In county t<iuin;unriii.

TM;--' diir e tliree je iirs ihejf I ^ch.*)l. Cu.-hli

to !tivi'->;u: ju I

line <ilm-lly to Texn.'i,tpp|wd UV.T to Tylr

xr. ile v.iis All-Anierlc. •.ni.0 11 . h ia .shifted t

•ly b itause o:i.'.lvo

r d 't 'ju t tlicrc • kccpinK nt ih- ''ncli other :

nnd lo'i fl\

w liin m If the

iiili.v a r; I .h-!/ry .

k' Yorker/i ni irre. Tlie br: 1 17-11 for nn

Miss Patton Pin Winner

MLvi Pnt‘;y

March IB-Mi^^ 1 ■Ivin Fall.--, «on

iir»'lHlnn In' Hie v eni held here r Ii

(If l,47Q-nn ave

nl.'.o V. Id In

CloUlf* mcrtlu m ay remain In the U m l tio g t {oT Jour jc a n ia coW

IS pinsviiniinK to:ai amassed by Wor

. . Buhl. • Ul.'hop, Coofllns. wa; tl\lrd

Boyd nnd Aldecos. Iliihl. won thi double.i^eompetltion wiili 1.J32 with '.yon nnd Parlk. Ooodlnp. seennd •Itli 1.073 nnd w mnii nnd Worley.

Buhl. Uilnl w ith I.CHa,Buhl bowlers nlro carried off the am event lionorn, the American

Mnrket,i w lnnlns « lth 2,485 anti the WcMott OIIvK(*cond with 3,417,,Tlie rioKerson Cfeffee Miop, Twin nalLv wn.1 ttilrd w ith 2.3«fl. •

READ t i .me:s -n e \vs w a n t a

ItOSAK CO.VTENTF.n I .A F A Y m T . Ind.. Miircll lOJ-V

—I)w5tlv Rcv.m. rfiTniutknl for dut^

n wliiier de.il, ; 1 llir Iiull.in%

If I tm<l c.\u

Hae been n secnnd-.Mrlun catclicr. lint'K lioR- hlKl) m il Dickey . t.-vnds -and rlKliily oo. W ith the Indlnns. hoi>r to be n rei;ular,"

• COO.VKV.. WANHKM,t;A\T aARA.SOTA. Klft.. March lit i-J’—

T lirlr iJlixnned FlorlUn condltlpiilns •cu t .tliort by ordei'rf t<i rei')ori‘>im-' n irdb te ly . Outfielder^ Jnlin Coonev n nd 'P n ill W nner have left for-,llie IlrnoKHn_»odKers Irn ln lhR 'cam p\af Ue.ir NI)/inlnlii. N. Y. \

U iitlj've lcraas hnd been wojkinc oiu hcVe with o th -r bar.eball players wlnterlntc In Florida.

AiioOier meniber.i of .the Rroup, Pilcher Paul DerrlnKer of the Chi- c.iuii Ciib.v rJild tie wj.i awaltlns urdrm from M anauer Jlm m j' WIbon.


M'.—S;irlnK trnlnhiK Ja<t three di iiiider way, Manncer Bill McKechiile tieclare«l lliat C incinnati’s Rert , physical condition alcuie. were per cent better off thnn they wi

drilled for niarlv Uirre hour, [ik

moved t«me ol the Mini- from ■ po.'.Mble early arinv Indncllciii CapL Jimmy Ilrown.

nboK JU jiiT s nnMK!t__Ta*ANS\'IIXE, Ind.. Ntnrrli in

— nookle Joe Hoover. Ihe -o ihort-^Iop In the Detroit Tluer tra nK camp, belteil a lonn home i

off Tcimniy Crlclne.' In hl.i first trip to the plate in battlnj: iiractlce.

A;- Iloovrr wa.' piircha;rd r.lKlit iniseen for }::r).ntio Inwi Hullyi of Hie Pnrlfic Coii.n leaKiie h.st Muiinwr 8*-ve O'Ni .11 w ii' proiv vW' rlnled by the -If.O-fool. drive. 1 Hoover worked .■;iiH:.fnct(>rllv the firM .MrlnK Infield of Hudy Y'ork, Jimmy Bloodworth and Pinky Kin.'.,

w liii I hMy punch

w'nich l.s iiroinotii «nnouncc<l Ifite i x'.Mired of ••'.it Ic. with It.-. $2.-:n-!.i: chimlc- biill(lii;r. arena Inabout (i.crn :.;-c:-;

John lla rcli D uck Overall

eniint Gray formerly coaclicd i rcias. ' ..

Air corpii ealb d lsn ip ted UiUi It Ti'x.x;j^ln mld-.seii.wn. A nr .lartlnK mnenii liu<i t o ' be <li-vl.scd, jijt HnrKls and Overall kept .-.hoot'

Hargis nccguntfcl fo r 1B9 point; n 10 ^30lltlll •l• l conferciice Kume.i i02 In the ieiL\o:i'.'v 23. Ovcrnll piilh •d throuRli with MO In the confer- ■ncc. Indudlns otw nlKlit when li< llilii’t r<-orc a pom t, a n d compiled 90 for Hie route.

W hafll Hiey do ni:»lii-il Southern CiiUtoriiU, WyomSiVK sviKl Kwv'Ar.T

Don't lu'k Bully Gll.strap, the ft.v sfiint footiuU coach who .iJi(ft«! •er to co;ich n teiini tli iit Hed for IP Southwc.M coiiferciicc cham

plon.'.lilp utter ll had been relcjat .1 10 the NPcnnd dlvL'.lou.All Coarh O ll'.trap know s l.i thn

■eiius has two m lchty fine r.hoU-i nd lie's Kolng lo I d Uiem fire, the

Favorite, 3 Seeded Ousted in Tourney

DKNVKU, March 18 (A’) — A f/vorito nnd three other .seeded teams were exploded out of the national A.A.U. bu.sket- hall tournament here in iin anytliin^r-cari-hai)pen-and-did third n;imti.

A sliii.streani set np by the armv airmen from Williams fielci. ChatKlTeri Ariz.. bl. the lower braeki’t choice for the title. 20tJ* Century I'ox of HoNvwooii, ri^h t out of the c h a se . ^ '

WnMilniiton. Knn:a.', niul M Kan ^eeded clubs nl'o bowed o'.., ... rompetlllon lo ihe tir.-.t liitlf s n i i e r lchi-rsino third nmnd caim

■Allen.Iiradley'.i veter fro:

W a s h i n f ’ t iM i B e a r s

W i n P r o C a ! ! , e ' ' r i t l e

C o l l e g e N e t , G o l f

T o u r n a m e n t o f f

Niitloniil ColleKlnte A. A. won holdtii^ IL-. iLiiinl Kolf and tc rhaniiili'n.'hlji' Hii.s .' priiiK, nItlioUKh th e 'lr je k mret probably will K'

C m C A C O , .MTTir Wn.^hln^;ltJn, D. CV. IlfHi an iiun l woild |:krthiill tuiiriiniii. n: 1

: lc:ii Oiler

e In the up iyr 5 hlKh-scorlnt! hiK Color.ido

.vnatclieilIn the Jir.'.t

(juarter of their Kmlnrerlni: of Aliimedii. Ciillf., nnd lncn',i..ed 11 lo a :r)-2l virtory,

%vmie llotlimnn .sciiteti IS pnlnH lYrom nil anRle.i for the Oiler;, Th'- I 'Oinilnerrs were pemiltted only .-oven ' Held Roals.1 i;cnver unlvcr:.lty IrlpLicd up the

Norman. Okla.. naval <0-34. In a hurry-up c (lathered momentum n

• f.taUon.


Y o u t h R e i g n s a t

A A l ! T o u r n e y— ^)k.SVFJ^^M•reh-18-t<V)—Ymith-Li- lakinK 11.1 IllUK a t the national A. A. U. b.Vikclball t l l l e ^ l - '. year.

War hsT broken opart, the vet­eran rombliiatlnn.-. — uroiiivi of men who h;id plii\ed on the .lame teanw for iW or cliclit yearr. o r more In coIlrKe and In th e .ipoedy Inde-peiu OllTI

uid be r .'how in Hie Ihial.-.

Mo,u of the vctcinaHon'5 fi^vlce or 1................too busy lor bar.kctball. A fnvtime c u p hei

Duly l ’j,o-team.i In th e vlKlit In : qiifirtrrflnal.1 lonltilit— the 13ar- .-.vlile, own., pnimp-n 00 OlliTS d the Mllv,aul:cc. Wl.s.. Allen- ;idley.-,-c,iii field m ore llian one

Change in Grid Schedule Seen

LOS ANOEIJia, M arch IB (/l’» — T lie Pacific Coast conference. a.» now consUtuletl. Is ou t fo r Uie dura-- Hon, and Uie four C alifornia mem- ber.% Stanford, UCLA, SouUiern Cal- Ifomln and California, maM likely will ncheiule hcm e-and-hom e foot­ball R :t fall.

While Die schedule will not be draaTi until Uie June meetlnB hi Portland, Ore.. ^Southern CaIIfor‘' nla'A mnnaser of nthlctlcs. Arnold Eildy, polnt.s out th n l since inter- sectional football lio.'i become a war­time ca.^uall;.•, a Wa.shlnKton-USC Kanie,,lnvolvlne 2 i 0 0 miles travfl>4r" Ju.st about oul of the quesUon.

"AHI the whoobi In Hie conterfnc# tt-nnt to continue foolbixll If iw - hlble," !.nyj F^ldy. "but they wnilt lo cooperate lo the fullest In the war effort, too, and the reduction of travel to the minimum U Uie No. I Rwm ovdtr.'

Eddy thlnbi the home-iind-honie football arranKcnieiit ha.n fhie pw - Mblllile.'; as a crowd lurn,

Wheihrr the winner of tlio south- ' ' e m linlf of tK rco n frrc n co nilKlit be jnsichcd 1(1 Hie Itor.e bowl asaliis:Hie nor.hern eliamplon,^Eddy said, was sninellilnK to be con.siclered much later on. Bul unle.*;.% the wcr.t- ern comm.md objpci.-s It .'eem.-. likely thprp ttlll lie a Raic bowl giiinc of onp .'.ort or anoihpr.

llOLI.tS OIUKCTS •EUCrKNE, Ore., M arch 10 i,V‘ — ^

Orlandu J. Hollis, Uiilver.sliy of Oie- Kon faculty rpp r^ -n taU vr to the Pacific Co.nsl roiiffrence. .•,;iUI Ir.Avcl

prc.ifiil did not r.ei-ni to require ab;vndonment of the P;i- clflc CoiM conference's 1043 foot- b jll plftii.s.

Hollis ^ald he did not flilnk^ the Kuvernment would ban llie-triivel- n s of coIlcKlnte teams while pcr- nlttliiK profcAslonal hv.eball leama o travel.

A.S for Oreron. he said — It Is •a-iler for Webfool lcnm.n to travel o San Frunrlico than to cn-iteru ,Vn.^hln(!ton or Senttle.

DORAifi IS n o s r iT A L DErmOIT, March 18 (,r)—CTiarles , (Ou.M Dorals, coach of the De­

tro it Lions proJe'jlonal football team, li In Henr,’ Fonl ha ip ltn l re- coverlns from n skull fracture , hl.i phy.slclnn. Dr. Harold V. Dwyer, ills- clo'pd today. DoriU.n wa* Injured lasl Friday a t the D etroit Athletic club when he suffered a dlzrj' sjiell md fell, Dr. D«-)cr inld.

AH EN TIO N!Onion Growers

We nrc now c o n tfn c t- in« onions, ffelti ru n . W hites nnti yellow s! , Wc lifivc both w h ite nnri yellow seeds. CfillIIS! ^ .

r n t ) N EKimberly fiO, D ays

Bill Ilnyw ard .Twin Fnll-s, G8S, NiRhf.H

J. R.Simplot

(.f c s Hint


ofl ino.1t colleces will have hac co.-nmcnrenienls and then

s-Oi?' miiny top-fllKht competl hiuiKlnij around . . . It .ucm.

acluleinlc speed-up, ra than ,-prvlce call.s Hint on

•kliiK the collese sprint; pro

fall Prof. Philip O. Bad- C. A. A. pfesldrnl, flK- "Bill be Mnblll.-pd on a . . . Aiiywny, .lUbillrcd

not. It will be new. ■Vhen the Yankee.-i u^pd Hie As-

bury. Park. N. J., lilcli r.rhool for •nll.Mlienlc.1. Tuesday, r.ome ol the •.tudent^ watched from Hie biracli-


\ires siwri.<

thr hlrl ■ fillthe kids Inuithed -rlchl oul

:niil nnd had to.be reprlmnn'ded for inbarriLvlnit Uic inlKlity ninjor

le;iKuer3.Maytje Col. Illff, Jone.s, Ihe army

BthleHc director,.- wa.'i seeklni; to tirovlde fim llar'entertainnK ia

ilKKeMeil that llie Uodcers Marl work in Uie ->.-.1 Point field hou.se 1 lllHe ^arllrr .so the cndels could •ee ro m V ^ il Uie ho{if.

I cxpcnr

R o s e n b l o o m I r a t e

A t 4 - F R a n k i n g

HOLLYWOOD. M arch 18 (U.P)— ?ornirr lUhl-lieavywelKlil bo jln s •tininplon slnpsle Maxle lloaenbloom was Irked today by h la .4 ^ r cbsslfl^ •atlnn becau.se (he e a r the army loctnrK didn 't like was Maxle's pride ind }oy.

From the arm y's stxindpolnt. Maxlc's cauliflower j a r was fine, hu t Ills -p re tty " ear kepi tilra ou ; of the arm y. Ttie eardrum Is per- forntwl.

Ro.^enbloon}.'37. u k l i\e w(}Uld te« If •'/.onieltiln(; could be done" to re- liabllltate the ear. .


E'\)r Worllilcs.s o r Deatl Cows. Ht)r.‘;cs nnd I’ricc of

I’elt.s for Dead Sheep

C a!/ C o lle d N e a re s t P h o u e TWIN FALLS 3H. COODLS'O 47

n u rE jiT «

id a h o H jide&.TALLOW CO.

Page 19: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii


Page 20: U. S. FORCES CAPTURE^GAFSAnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...butter and cheese than other Amerlcaiw. It wa» leartied today. Tlie office oj price,, admlnUtrniloii

M a rt il 18. P a g e T w e n ty '

[ N i n e t ^ n h u n d r e d f o r t y t h r e e s t y l e s )

A MANY 'IN;gTANCES, blueprints are taking the place of fashion patterns. Every civilian knows that these days... but what is not so widely known is tiie fa<?T that your retail stores have undertaken the biggest effort in their history—to keep you supplied with fashionable, seasonable, and usable merchan­dise, and at the same time, compV with the multitudinous restric-

, tions designed to win our wari This isn’t ’29—or anything like it! This is Spring, ’43, in a year of war!

You may have good nioney o spend Imt we may not have the mer­chandise. We might have the merchandise, but no one to sell it t o .

you! ’43 is definitely a problem year.But we’re doing our best - and we daresay our stocks are ^ complete with spring goods, and our service as adequate’as you’ll find elsewhere

. . . jjossibly better. Qn that basis we invite you to inspect spring ’43 styles in our stores — and remeniber, “styles,” thfe year, in­clude everything from a new frock to a Victory model lawn mower —don’t overlook any'of them! \

And, please remember too, the best value in any line, in any style any of us offer is the 1943 Victory War Saving Stamp or Bond. In the long run, they’ll pay you best!

9 '


■ X ) '

-Tilts' Spring Queuing Announcement Sponsored h y-^



■FALK’S, selling agent for Sears, Roebuck