u. s. to up aid to south spaceman is viet nam; kehnedy...

U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^ &['0^-ex1:-'Moye' in ;Laos' C risis V „ V^j-^HINGTON. Mn>f i (UPI).—^Thp United Slates'is .incrcii.sinfr its military nid to Nam, which borders embattled Laos; This today ufl.Prcai'ilent _fltudy.lne next movGB-in the major-East-Wcst BtrugKle ovcr-SoutheMt-AalifjPoiisibic ^ movea ineludei^ use of,allied troopa In Laos or South Viet Num nnd^i^.wwe^I^.'.actiQi), ilke Opposing (.‘Witch Hunt’ In Cuba Gase H .OErrrirsBimo. Pa,. Mny i «v- Former PrwldenrowlRjit D. El- H iienhowcr said today, ilie liuit thlnc H consTC^s should da al this time Is B - conduct ft "wltcti hunt" Invcstlstu . tlon of U. 8. Ihvolvemcnt'lri the Cuban InvMion tiosco. ~ - ■r- He ajMto at:A neu'j conrcrenco S . . • wflcr n mcatlni; wltli ncpubllcun . ^ - cJnSiwW hrfW^ilers. Elsenhower luUd'hB bellfcve^%f country stands firmly behind PrnM «r( Kennedy "in. hi* cHprt Uf prevent the solld- . IJylns of a communlsftironghold'*"^ In the western hemisphere.'* In « wlde-r^go discussion of * world and domesUo ^rotilema, £1< 9r>nAMfVljkiM AfVijin tenhower made these other points; The situation In Laoa has devel- I the lost few' n wpre.i)i no oped se'f rnpldly.4n I days U»t/-^e can »pj f ohould b« employed there. Elsen- hower 'said the Rovemment had expeot®d fc-eea«e-flre lost Monday, •'but we haven't ROt It yet."- Is not BOlnff to compare the flrst lOO days of the Kennpdy nd- -------mlnistrfttloa-wlth. any.pther slm-, liar era because the new President ------ - hM b 1 affairs. .^orMment of a contention b; Htfuse Republican Leader Charles A. Halleck. Indiana. Uiat the Ken- aedr prosram had "laid a. bic tgC Incongress. > He ^trUl speak In W o^iln^n at a dlnjw honorUir iRepubllcon me^^^ers'Ot coosress oA June 1.' ' ^ .^ 9 Jj’wLRBaflcLAl«o.f).oppm:at *2 June 12 dinner-liJ Cincinnati. O.. to be glten by former Secretary of ©ef^'^NeU H.fl --------- lioilDf. ofj retiring < » Chkmnala Tbruston s ColdRecj^icda- —ULUay-Cold-wave.set.aub-lreei- 1ns records In the norttiem Mid- dle West and Northeast today. In ' litter of hurrlcane-foree storm*. Early morning temperature* _ ranged from a national low of n n (, above at Huron. S. D.. through the ^ 3M and 1 York -ttal The 34 degrees Madison. Wls., , and'*th'b.^ at Milwaukee were -i-rboth-'MBy-reoords. flo.was the 28 -•— at Albany,-N.-y..-whleh-br(*#-a .recordset In J878. “ Southwest communities recov- ered from gtant iuOi stooes. cal« _foree Vlndit, j i gnadoea and cloud. bursU which hit Iat« yerfifBiyr~ I .Storm damage at Denton, Tn^ -mu estimated In the mUUons of dollars and Ifl persons wer* ln< jured. Several.bulldlngs and.lwme* were, reported-demolished. Prac- tically every.Ftndow In ths dowa- tuwu Three more persons wen lnju> . td.. ono-eiltlcLly.-as tbe atom front_mpved thraugh Sallas, ' Hau'uie sin ot golf b»Us pound- ed Joplin.'Jido.. until yards and ...strceU hadjjben-tumedloto sheeia o f lee. Nlne^ per cent df the -city's neon U^t'slgns ---------- - - tered and broku glass - forcee traffle to a sear standstUL Dam* ”.age was estim ate -at *J».OW. Tornadoes-smashed-'homes In his planned trip to Japan this fall on adTles'of the stcto department ' The department recommended « told a news conference. Pioneer Dies ■MRS. ADELAIDE M. HAWES . . . (he first white girl born In the Bruneau valley. June l,c I87S, died at 11:S0 p .'a . SatjM^ day at St. Benedlet’s botpUal, Jerome, after a llBgering lllneat.- ller parenU were' the flnit white 'seltlen ln'Brunnu~vaIIey..and she was (he author of a book^ •■Valify of TaU Onu».“ coneem- inirihe-Qraneaa valley-country* from 1669 t» IMO. (SUff e i^ v - Ing) But'-affi inp-Rilc _____________ thi.s countrv'.s hand. Kennedy’s .iftteat meeting with ftttcmpta-forn-.pcaceful settlement In Lao.1, asaln were falllnfTnpart, Tltcre were, tlic.ie developtjltnts: •-^Lnolliin King Savi(ng VathnnK' ond Combodlnn Prince Norodom Sihanouk were reported calling off: Uie 14-natlon pollUcnl conterehce on X<ao.i set for May 13 In O enm . ■—lAotlan neutralist " Some of the citlmate'd S(IO college studenli who rioted In the beieh reuirVcUy o f .... ........ .......... _.v herded into a compound at the Galveilon eountr iail to await .procetalng. Cnltege and high ichoot ■tudenU were gathered-for the annual Sptaxh day* which mark opening of the.iwire season. Stiidenti had returned to clauei^ today. (AP wirephoSo) . ’ ' • . PhoumB;-jippcnrcfl~t<nnnjyiiig-i5- cease-llro-ialks’lnto a polltU cftl coriference. which officialsTiere iiircd couWiiopelcs.ily confusc.the Issue. . —Souvanna wfts Quoted as-say- ing truce talk.% should Inelude'nftt 9nly discussion of a cease-fire, but aiscus.ilon of the formation of a cofllltlon governmenl and choosing Lao representatives to go to O o neva; ' / Tliere was concern that nil thti ffiould npetl further'delays.for thr ,'Kenfi<dy has wjirhed repeate that the communist threat South Viet Nam U as great I Laos. ■ -• South.Viet Nam has been the seene of-cowtant communist guer; rllla terroTLit activities, —Laotian rebel Copt. Kong Le, Death Qaims .AreaPioneer At Age of 85 Mrs. Adelaide &C. & w es. 66. 3M Lincoln street, died at 11:M pjn. Saturday at St. Ben^let’s hos- pltal. Jerome, after an extended I- Bruneau,-and came to Twin Falls from-there-ln-lWOr-She was the first white girl bom In Bruneau valley. Her parents. Mr. and Mr*. fhe first nrhlto settler* In the valley, moving ^ers_ltt 1866. She was a.membec of the Bruneau o'atbo'llo church and the church's AlU Rosary troops in northern liios. called on the royal -LAotlnn government to send a cease-fire delegation limit- ed to.five or 10 unarmed persons carrying white flags to'Na Modi Women's league and Twentieth Century club. She was suthor of a book,' "Val- ley of Tall. Grass." concerning the Bruneau valley country from 1809 to 1900. The ■Tiiraer and Hawes families operated large ranches In the Bruneau Three Creek areas. Her 'hui Joseph EHswes.-dled4n loai Bawes, Jerome; a brother. Wllllatn X. .Turoer. Bruneau,' and five grandchildren and la grtat-grand- Rosary will be recited at 8 pjn. Tuesday in Reynolds funeral chapel by the Rev. Jerome -.T., O'Connor. Buhl Church of the and mass oesdsy . m r a.- BTTHia'm , ay ................ John Quinn. Concluding rites will Defense Test .... The T k’Iq .Falls flre-deparU- ment sounded the department's sirens at noon Monday os porC of civil defense preparations. , The. sirens are sounded for .thls.purpou.oa the first day of each month.. Arrest Called ^Power Play’ May Day Turned Into Political Celetetlon in Red Countries - -4. • ■. By The Auoelated Press . - May day-was turncd-intcuLPolitical celebration today in comiminist.capitaJs. Fcatki- ties in Moscow set the pace for the traditional worker."!' holiday by featuring Maj. Yuri A. Gagarin, the Soviet astronaut. Gagarin stood alongside Premier Khrushchev on the H«d square reviewing stand to watch a three-liour tirlr Rusk Assiu-es U.S. No tu b a Invasion Due WASHINOTON. May 1 «V ^e5^ rctnry of State Dcin~Ruskrauured InvcstlRallng senatorsv t{!)day the United -States . has'.n6 plans for armed Intervention-In-Cuba. . Sen. Wayne Morse, D., Ore..-snld Rusk made this clear during three Jiama of c ii ................................. Latin American affairs sub- committee of the senate foreign relations committee,' -=Morse.-the"Wb. teeThalrs , I. reported Rusk mode mtable, factual "and open-breasted" state - ment concerning this counU7 's role In the Ul-fated Javaslon of Cuba.,; . ■(5ihah-rafi------ —- - clal and training usistan'ce'f^^ the United States. Rusk was the leadoff witness la the subcommittee's effort to TOlvement In the Cuhsn Invasion President Molse Tihombe. would be brought here under forced de- tention 'today in a power play by central government Presldent-Jos- eph Kaaavubu. Tshombe's orrest In Coqullhat-' vllle when he tried to walk out ot the Congolese federation confer- eoceLWOs seen.as.a-bold bid by Ka4Byubu..to " ............................. Iltlcal rival and become .the ongo'a head mtvn In-fact as well I In ciamck (Reports from .EllsabethvlUe; caplMl of secessionist Knti I held at Bnmetu-cer ’Dee’ Cancels, Trip to-Japan OCrrySBURO^ Pa., May 1 IC7B . President Elsenhower noed tod&y he has canceled In Washington.--ol..>;...a. ... u this meant fear-'Of—communist denionstraUons like those which forced cancellation of- his' presi- dential visit to Tokyo last Ju n e " JTie.mounUng crlses7ln-l»os; South Viet Nam and Cuba already sparking leftist . .agitation said .' planes north of *nils^ Oklar^'xnd still another dli^ minor damage v-Mapl*-clty,-Ksn»-— ' ' ^Wrong^Man . T A IP n , Fbrreliea, May 1 W»- -A-bride-walkedroot on-hBf hus-- -band-on'thelf' weddU* - becsuso he was not the hand- somo man td' whom she had been Introduced "by • match- maker ■ ■ ■- Ho turned-out to U-the sup- posed gr<»m's younger broker whom she described os, plain 41^. ~M 'lT rroinrnr'W «ng-m el,. HslunftUn. northern, offered- h er dlssppoin ted-hus- ..bandJJcr. entire. alent to MMO, for tfcsted'divorce, moaa U-easUy a r r a n t it there ~U:niutfaal consent.' , ^ ^ 7 ~The-h\ubmd-agresd.^— NEW, JAtWrSXABWD ' thS 4UO a|jariu»ii >011141 . .agiM Uon aga|nst.thfi,U;ilted States.ln. Japan and other fountrles.' May,] --A r . WASHlii Acnatora and< tlee eontrssf law day < SUtcs and with', the laWJDays— ^Contrasted Mi. May I lC»-Two supreme court Jus- 'tbs celebtatlon:of lay In >the United other Mr nations luhlsf^May. day Justice Tonic, fclrfk. In a fUm- ed address-;*':hlghrschooU and tAevislA'sUtlons, called on all^'Americansi-to enllst-in" the world-strugglelagalnst-the-com- bouU of -Ben, ■In however, we j I Bush. R., Conn, ____ I .mlUtaiy ittrezigth, ^tapoos 'and .lsraes 'm -lovtog. peoples. ''oited^Utes, caplMl of secessionist Kntanga for county-voUng ljr«Tinccr»ia-wnnr-cr-HKf?^ir thr-i9«a-civ«-rigbt ic. prevailed In official circles -be- cause of-Tshomble's arrest In Co- .QUllhatvllle, caplUl of Equator province. . (The Ellsabethvlllfl reports gold the~KaUhga cabinet was called possible mliltary »ovu by the CongQle«e.army. ' (CommunlcaUons with both EUsabethville and Coqullhatvllle were-cut-off this momliu because of the Moy day holldny)“ Fallout Shelter Crowds Limited About 300 to 300 people visited the radlaUon fallout shelter at the lie from 3 to B p. m. Sunday, perintendent RAgland said shelter will be open on the .. basls-next-Sunday. to give everyone who Is Interested an opportunity to see the shelter. < High school students built the shelter^flm-fUnariupplied by"the federal office of clvU defense and mohlJlzaUon. He will be followed lata- this of the central IntcUlgence agency. Court Denies Challenge of ’60 Vote Latv WASHINOTON^ May 1 aim - The supreme -ebu/trtUmed down state authorities today in ihelr first challenge on federal demands for county-voUng records under The tribunal-did so by leaving undisturbed .IL lower court order that : Alabama officials .produce '.Ing records ' - • a_investigai Negro voters ‘ records for federal ttuihorl- iting the barring of In Wilcox and Mont- in IS days. Alabama had i... the supreme court.to hold hearings In tbe case on grounds thTlaw ras^ujiconstitutlonnl. i'p other actions today, the' peme court: ' —Ordered further arguments next fail on th»controverslsl Issue of whether sUtes ars unfairly dls- crlmlnitlng-agalnst. city. TOten In apportioning state legislative dis- trlcU. The lest case. Involves Ten- ncssee-but.the final decision will have Impact In a number of states. —Decided 8 to 1 that railroad nploves displaced because of . .rade, only nine minutes of which ... I t h ir m lim n y T ---------------------------------------------------- show. Mal-slial Jlodion.Mal- Mal-slu..___ ____ _ inovsky, Soviet defense min- i.ster, boasted of the “most up-to-date menns of warfare" for the Soviet armed forces. Oagarln also praised the communist sys- tem in-o-broadcait;^/; ------ ,— Peiping' radio reported three ■miiiion-cninesetumed'o'ul'for r4l- llcs m-lhe communist capital. For- eign Minister Chen Yl appealed for grcater unlty at home-'and In .■•the Socialist camp of. the inter- national communist movement.'' Cubans jumed out for rallies to hail what- pftoe Minister Fidel Castro now calls his “Socialist" revolution. Moscow awarded the Cuban prime minister a Lenin peace prize in time-lor tne cele- bratlon. Ernesto Guevara..Cuban ... nomlc chief, outlined a four-year plan to develop tho Island' repub- lic's resources and said It would depend heavily on sUpport from tommunist countries. . _ oint of conflletTToo^ ^lers and Soviet .tanks ----------- ... the communlst-sector of the city In defiance of a big four agreement .barring Qeiman lrooprijrtho^vH»«a"clty: ------------ or_Wllly-Brftndt..We8t I lln.-'told a rally of an estimated 700.000 that the communist mill- ' ilEiiiuiutruUui wanti.'*^ His voice w as. carried ocross the £ast-West bolder .by loudspeoKers. -4; -. President Tito reviewed a 3'i- hour parade In Belgrode marking the -aoth anniversary of Yugo- slavia's revoluUon. which was started-by his partlsans-under the Soviet rocketry featured Buda- Jftst’s parade._Several hundred thousand Hungarians* Straggled along behind a 20-foot mocku a Soviet rocket atop the g cordboard-rockets.:’— at May day rallies, where the speakers' -demanded closer rela- tlotu with Communist Chlx^a. Rallies were abo held in South - ______ ____ .. special May __ audience and-told 354W0 visitors the .Roman CathoUo church^li'as "always supported'the moral and economic progress of m an."'' High Wind Hits Town in Oregon Aid for Cuba Is Pi;omised "By^Red'Bloc riOSCOW. May 1 (UFIk-The So- viet Union's lop military leader to- day pledged the support of the en- tire communist bloc to protect Fldcl Castro's Cuba against new aggressions. Defense Minister MarsliAl Ro- dion Malinovsky declared In a May day addr^ that the recent ."armed lnt;rventlon In Cuba" Quences.' Boasting tha't the Russians have le most perfect weapons, MsUn- .vsky si^d "the Soviet Unlon.can- noC IgfTore the war preparations of the imperialist coimtrles." Premier Castro, who was award-. sentia—His- poFt^Twas" among those carried by civilian sections of Ihe.tradiUonal May day parade. r^alte Malinovsky's militant words^ths^vUts-playsd-^wn the m llltair aspects of the parade. Plans to Help- U. S. .Jobless Areas Signed WASHINOT(i>K.. May 1 W — President Kennedy today -signed into-law-a 3M-miillon-dollar-bUl to.aldiarcu.depresseil.fay-uneni^ ployment' and appointed William L. Balt. Jr.. Pennsylvania labor commissioner, ^to administer the program. . - , —w ■■There'S, no plece.-6f .leglslaUon r legislation / - i . tTnsrsivH ""to sign.- _.j- greater s Kennedy said. The bill sels up a federal loan and grant program <to try to at- tract industries Into areas which have lost their main econoinie five” Kennedy measures to get through congress. bill authorizes: 100 million ______ in loan funds for plants ond-other facilities, Ineludlng-ma* chlnery and equipment In some cases, in depressed . Industrial areas. loo million dollars In loans'for the ssme purposes In low-lncome rural areas. ^ ------------- Wind-traveling st terrific re compensated fairly. —Refused to accept an appea uuL.an appeals court ruling ihlch asslgned-jurisdlctlon tr ,'naUonal labor relations board a dispute involving .the Web 'pressman's union afi'd lhe’Portlana NEWS BULLETINS BOiSE,:May 1 W#-Sylvan Jeppes^.Bolse. iTppeari to hav«-lhe^it Q lnA lrfnnt W nm on- side.'^track - for~appolntment' by the~Renhedy administration -to 'sue- J D z^vsllUUt~TT'Ulltclll' «ed Kenneth Sergqulst as U. S. sttomey for'Idaho. State Democratle “ ” to be "Mt" for Jep- chalrman John O. -Waltei^ said the post appears 1 p^ttn whoM-hs-caHed:ont-ot-ths-*prtoclpal-cont< W ash in g to n ,’ May 1 nrO-Tbe alolnle ,energy & poMd an additional U million doPars in it* 1061 tlsos: for.^adVBnMd. teit-reaetor at tbeld^ft-aaU onal rMoUr testing sU- Uon.-8«t. Henry Dwershak said today. 'SBOtn., ^ th KO^.-Miff-I-U. __________ the Syngman-Rhee reglmei-wu sentenced -I pruon-fot-hu-roic-Th*t t r fqw ea;jre--------------- NBW'-iroSB:. May.l (fb:«arper Lm 's ae.vel nTo Kui a MoeUng Bird?, today woo tbelM l Palitser pttas for fietlon. A award for dnuna ■ww^t lo—An.iho‘V srH ««e". brTad-M oiel.'ln ths Jownatlsminetd. tbs Polltser geld BwdU frf.i " - Amart}l»,jr«u.Qlobe.Jtimes._f shot through this eastern Oregon towtl Saturday aftemon. 7S trees, blocking every street In town. It picked up arfu"' • - • In tho Columblik river .............. .. snen.in.‘-lt^d.hur)ed It onto an island. It curled, the", aluminum ' ' les on a iarm-buUdhig. It led-^orens-of windows.--------- one was Injured In the bHef storm., ^ ' , TWtt~town 'h j ^ o_e technical help to cot taUmated planning . wdevelop rpid^imrrtsi- -XO^JDOSTMsn — ------------ Ish bookio today Joined the btlloh. cr. the .baker and the candiesllck Is.Mdther of Year ITof Catholic mother of'ihtL'year -M rs. -A^lha We}«f .-Piters, «3, '--'-•lot.-—- ----------- --- Peters wa_______ 42nd annual-'convention of the' I d ^ o CouncU of CathoUo Women •'---'“over-tho-week-^nd:------- . NSW VOBK, >lay.Tu^eorge E. Suderow. 48. marine design en- radar wamini.sUUons'in the At- 4.5 'mllUon dollars for retrain- ing workers in depressed areas. 10 million dollars for subsUtence -------- •- to worker* retraining. 4.9 million dollars for pro- grams. - 'i . _ 75 mlUlon dollars for grants for construcOon of publb facillUes. Spaceman Is Set for Shot; Ready -CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.', May 1 (UPI)—The spacc-fi mail and l)is rocket wereTairy today but the w_eath«_waB.| -nntf-Rain boKan fallinir on America's man-in-spaccT'head-X quarters at ;i p.m. (El)T>. So thera was a stronfr pofislbll-l ■»«’ rh'AX'Amcriea’s first attempt to fire a human Ijeinir intol CO might be postponed from^S a.m. (EpT) tomoirowi I nuiiiij llmo Iffler in me week, liut Florida weather la . forecasts sometimes are reversed in a matter b£ I hours, and officials of the jia^ tio;ial aeronautics and .npace administration (NASA) i;c- fused for. the time being to predict a ba1l{. In brief, the forecast for the oriRlnally-planned-fllght tlme was -too cloudy and loo windy." The CS-ton Redstone rocket and the- ton-and>a>half'Mercuryrspace craft'were ready on pad No. S. Tlic ‘'prime" astronaut and. his "bBckiip"-u'ere resdy In their iSom- fortable Isolation quarters on'-.the cape. Nearly 10.000 men— scientists, 41nely . trained technicians, crews of the scven-shlp recovery fleet— were ready, '-•i , —------ . Til crucial countdown, the pains- taking two-day pre-launeh-«heo‘ ment, was proceeding "with complalnU.’ ' offlclab.sald. Then, with the ndtion less than 24 hours away from its first brief but critical step toward manned conquest ot space, the forecasts turned sour. - ..The. shot. Is-lntended-tO-toUDch an astronaut only 115 mllerup and 300 miles'do«’n range from th; cape. The-flrst U. B..'sttempt-to put a man In orbit around the Earth Is not scheduled before late flila year. Bu^even a IS-mlnute space ride Is hazardous,, however hard . the men of Bdircucy.have tried to an- tlclpate/-and eliminate risks. So NASA had set certain rigid weather speclflcaUons, both- her# and In. ths n ceed 31 nilleg an hour. After days of faroiahle forecasts, the outlook went bad. for'.this seasou" ond'giisfy*wlndirof 21 to'33 miles an hour. The skies might start elearl^. tomorrow night, the weatherman said. But until' If'th e Uunchlng were postponed before the liquid oxygen is load- ed. the delav could be for u UtUe --'34 houra.'A ------------ fueling would necessitate a mini- mum delay of 4S hours, an official said) because the oxygen would have to. be pumped out and the rocket made ready for a new Iqad- Ing. . . . NASA_stlU_was keeping sicret IdehUUu of the No. 1 and No. 3 astronauts.—Bue-speeulatlon-een- Deteriorating Astronaut'John Gle&n,,si In i ^ e attire, leaves baagar ea^ way to a flight slmDlaUon tsrt'a In a MereniT capnds at Cap«'.2 CanaveraL Glenn Js one ot tlOMiA trained pUoU pleked orlglaalljrjk for flnfU . 8. I ' ■* -nights' Witaess'-Telis^ Israeli ^Tr . JERUSALOC, May l ‘lhl'<^A AmsricanJsw.tem.gort 1 ............ told.today.liow..by.«lmost. . cle, ha escaped desth at tha h of the nssls when he^^^a Dr. LoonW. \ _er telentlst; _______ ___ ____ _ Adoir Bchmann at the ebd «(:,£ grim day-in wtilch, a-spe ........ om es broke and he -m es: _ at Stchmaan: ~Ha my^ Uy. U tm e kill him.” PoUe« t him outside, calmed hlm .^r ^-I.tLM g-W tu - - '•nio 'pttwcuUon. atooH evidence today that " rdUrihg'the'haiil- t*rr« a__ the Jews In Poland, whera he 11 living when the Rw ' time Ing steadlly.- "Hls spirit l8 ..h!gh and his courage is a thing to 'marvel at,'' the friend added. —The-50-yesr-old-westem-ldol. under heavy sedation at his Bel- Alr home, has r^celved.no yislUffs for more thsn a week. It was un- derstood that Cooper's condition was such that it would be he" not to havervlsltors. . ' Cooper underwent surgery 1.. eral months agb for a carcinoma (cancer) of the colon and'a re- - - ^d medical bulletlh said » has spread to other Although cooper now is being fed Intravenously, no plans for his hoipltallaallon hare been aa- nouncecL • British Booikie^JoiiisBaKr; ButcHei:; H els Shopkeeper- roONTMsri' ore^'nirBrlt^ toleg^.wha^ma^.area«.VM hundteds-«f>beiUng stores shops throughout the nat __ __ Off-track. cAkh-on-lhe-barrelhead betting was’legalized at-7~ar m; xmin-SowXMlor'couiaTopenly V credit or puf his .cents)- on a nag In afac't. • - . The.'first of aoo.-trt^sbop* in :lMidon.alone opened ihelr. doors ... for business today; ActQSl orpro^ bet posed-*ltes-for-shopo;inelude-one ' oi^osllc the'stock exchange, a few y ^ Jroca^i^thB USUTttow aTBi secret.'- r~ , (he bet shop bu$b os pay, .13.80 fopVi’^U- cense and 1380'foe the )wt'‘ahop gaming a6t which 'permiU. bet (POts to appoint auiborlsed-agtnts to ^ le c t bets In factories. offlM or any other non-publio place. _________ mmay-^irtxetlsbta;'soU; ' Is fair game. =Jliflr(^M)riiiigroi7i>et:ahcmrciI- i hiazes » 10-jrctr (overgment fighi d r.U K ModUr y y o t days unconscious frm typhtu ii Then- csw_ths" day- wfaen^bi as klcked,-.hande(l a shovelCar- told to dig his own grave. . - ‘^en-the'-.giaw ir) said, "two Iv two-wo « _______ to get into'-tbe grave and-Us't down, The p e ^ e wbo dI4;t were shot. 7h«.followln«.pab;-i__ lered to corer the>a>up.'iritb-« HIGHLIGHTS? Inside-rode^p ,r.i. 'I; - Winners noted. Riots’ .end.. 1^ ' Texas as . students-return elasstt . -v.'v.-j-.'S' ftits 4 - Bdltorlal: -Oonfnii' r-r— T»«."'''C6nsplra^.*'-. rag* 8—Junlor;'pn*tt .and queen crownedr-putoUo-. ed prisoner, of -drug- Unns.': Page •-Vobe. set U ay.'~ namea.:,iin^oshuur4. -enhange glrl'-nsaied ^ queen.- -f'r' • - ■"•^..">..3-. rrPaga ♦‘^•Cowbt^wfa'^ .open seasop ii ------ ' w m ie.r- - "'* Goo

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Page 1: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

U . S. to Up A id to S outh V iet Nam; K ehnedy P lan^

&['0^-ex1:-'Moye' in ;Laos' CrisisV „ V^j-^HINGTON. Mn>f i (UPI).—^Thp United S la tes 'is .incrcii.sinfr its military nid to

Nam, which borders embattled Laos; T his today ufl.Prcai'ilent

_fltudy .lne next m ovG B -in the m ajor-East-W cst BtrugKle ovcr-SoutheM t-AalifjPoiisibic ^ movea ineludei^ use o f ,allied troopa In Laos o r South Viet Num nnd^i^.w w e^I^.'.actiQ i),

ilke Opposing (.‘Witch Hunt’

In Cuba GaseH .O E rr r irs B im o . Pa,. Mny i « v -■ F o rm e r P rw ld e n ro w lR jit D . El- H iienhowcr sa id today, ilie liuit th lnc H consTC^s should da a l this time Is B - conduct ft "wltcti hunt" Invcstlstu■ . tlo n of U. 8 . Ihvolvem cnt'lri the

Cuban InvMion tiosco. ~ - ■ r - H e ajM to at:A neu 'j conrcrenco S . . • wflcr n mcatlni; wltli ncpubllcun

. ^ - c Jn S iw W h rfW ^ ile rs . Elsenhower luUd'hB bellfcve^% f country stands firm ly behind P rn M « r( Kennedy "in. hi* cH prt Uf p revent the solld-

. IJylns of a c o m m u n ls f tiro n g h o ld '* "^ In the w estern hemisphere.'*

In « w ld e -r^ g o discussion of * w orld a n d domesUo ^rotilema, £ 1<

9r>nAM fVljkiM AfVijintenhow er m ade these other points; T he s ituation In Laoa has devel-

I the lost few' n wpre.i)i no

oped se 'f rnp ld ly .4n I days U »t/-^e can » p j

f ohould b« employed there. Elsen­how er 's a id th e Rovemment had expeot®d fc-eea«e-flre lost Monday, •'but we ha v en 't ROt I t ye t."-

Is n o t BOlnff to compare the f lrs t lOO days of th e Kennpdy nd-

—-------m ln istrfttloa-w lth . an y .p th e r slm -,lia r e ra because th e new President

------ - hM b1 affairs.

.^ o rM m en t o f a contention b ; Htfuse R epublican Leader Charles A . Halleck. Ind iana . U iat th e Ken- a e d r p ro sram had "laid a. b ic tgC Incong ress . >

H e trUl speak In W o ^ i l n ^ n a t a d ln jw honorUir iRepubllcon me^^^ers'O t coosress oA June 1.' '

^ . ^ 9 J j ’w LRBaflcLA l«o.f).oppm :at *2 Ju n e 12 d in n e r- liJ Cincinnati. O.. to be g lten by form er Secretaryo f © e f ^ '^ N e U H . f l --------- •lioilDf. o f j re tirin g < »C hkm nala T b ru s to n s

ColdRecj icda-

— U L U ay-C old-w ave.set.aub-lreei- 1ns records In the no rttiem Mid­dle W est and N ortheast today. In

' li t te r o f hurrlcane-foree storm*. Early m orning temperature*

_ ranged from a national low of n n (, above a t H uron. S . D.. through the 3M a n d 1

Y ork -ttal T h e 34 degrees Madison. Wls.,

, a n d '* th 'b .^ a t Milwaukee were -i-rbo th - 'M B y-reoo rds. f lo .w as th e 28 - • — a t A lbany ,-N .-y ..-w h leh -b r(*# -a

. r e c o rd se t In J878. “Southw est communities recov­

ered from g ta n t iuOi stooes. cal« _ fo re e Vlndit, j i gnadoea a n d cloud.

bursU w hich h i t Iat« ye rfifB iyr~

I.Storm dam age a t Denton, T n ^

- m u estim ated In the mUUons of dollars and Ifl persons wer* ln< ju red . Several.bulldlngs and.lwme* w ere, reported-dem olished. Prac­tically every.Ftndow In th s dowa- tuw u

T hree m ore persons w e n ln ju > . td . . o n o -e il tlc L ly .-a s tb e a to m

front_m pved th raugh Sallas,' H au 'u ie s i n o t golf b»Us pound­

ed Joplin .'Jido.. until y a rd s and ...strceU h a d jjb en - tu m ed lo to sheeia

o f lee. N ln e ^ per cen t d f the - c i t y 's neon U ^ t 's lg n s ---------- - -

te re d a n d b r o k u glass - forcee traffle to a s e a r standstUL Dam*

” .age was e s t im a te -at *J».OW. T ornadoes-sm ashed -'hom es In

h is planned tr ip to Ja p an th is fall on adTles'of th e s tc to dep artm e n t ' T he departm ent recommended

« told a news conference.

Pioneer Dies

■MRS. ADELAIDE M. HAWES . . . (he f irst w hite girl born

In the Bruneau valley. Ju n e l,c I87S, died a t 11:S0 p . 'a . SatjM^ day a t St. Benedlet’s botpU al, Jerome, a fte r a llBgering lllneat.- l le r parenU were' th e fln it white

's e l t le n ln 'B ru n n u ~ v aIIey ..a n d she was (he au tho r o f a book^ •■Valify of TaU O nu».“ coneem - in ir ih e -Q ran e aa va lley-country* from 1669 t» IMO. (SU ff e i ^ v - Ing)

B u t '- a f f ii n p - R i l c _____________thi.s countrv'.s hand.

K ennedy’s .iftteat m eeting with

ftttcm pta-forn-.pcaceful settlem ent In Lao.1, asaln were falllnfTnpart,

T ltcre were, tlic.ie developtjltnts: •-^Lnolliin K ing Savi(ng VathnnK '

ond Combodlnn Prince Norodom S ihanouk were reported calling off: Uie 14-natlon pollUcnl conterehce on X<ao.i se t for May 13 In O e n m . ■—lA otlan neutra list "

Some of the citlm ate'd S(IO college studen li who rio ted In the beieh reuirVcUy o f .... ........ .......... _.vherded into a compound a t the G alveilon eountr ia i l to aw ait .procetalng. Cnltege and high ichoot ■tudenU were ga thered-for the annual Sptaxh day* which m ark opening of the.iw ire season. Stiidenti h a d returned to clauei^ today. (AP wirephoSo) . ’ ’ ' • . •

Phoum B;-jippcnrcfl~t<nnnjyiiig-i5- cease-llro -ialks’lnto a polltU

cftl coriference. which officialsTiereiiircd couWiiopelcs.ily confusc.the

Issue. .—Souvanna wfts Quoted as-say-

ing truce talk.% should Inelude'nftt 9nly discussion of a cease-fire, but aiscus.ilon of th e form ation of a cofllltlon governmenl and choosing Lao representatives to go to O o neva; ' /

Tliere was concern th a t nil th ti ffiould npetl fu rth e r 'd e lay s .fo r th r

,'K enfi<dy has wjirhed repeate th a t th e communist th rea t South Viet N am U as g rea t

I Laos. ■ -•S ou th .V ie t N am has been the

seene o f-c o w tan t communist guer; rllla terroTLit activities,

—L aotian rebel Copt. K ong Le,

Death Qaims .AreaPioneer

At Age of 85Mrs. Adelaide &C. & w e s . 66. 3M

Lincoln street, died a t 11:M p jn . Saturday a t S t. B e n ^ le t’s hos- plta l. Jerom e, a fte r an extended I-

B runeau,-and cam e to T w in Falls from -there-ln -lW O r-S he was the f irs t w hite girl bom In B runeau valley. H er paren ts. M r. a n d Mr*.

fhe first nrhlto settler* In the valley, moving ^ e r s _ l t t 1866. She was a .m em bec of the B runeau o'atbo'llo church and the church 's A lU Rosary

troops in no rthern liio s . called on the royal -LAotlnn governm ent to send a cease-fire delegation lim it­ed to .fiv e or 10 unarm ed persons carrying w hite flags to 'N a Modi

Women's league and T w entieth Century club.

She was su tho r o f a book,' "Val­ley of Tall. G rass." concerning the B runeau valley country from 1809 to 1900. T he ■Tiiraer a n d Hawes families operated l a r g e ranches In the B runeau T hree Creek areas. H er 'h u i Joseph E H sw es .-d le d 4 n loai

Bawes, Jerom e; a b ro ther. W llllatn X. .Turoer. B ru n e a u ,' a n d five grandchildren and la g r ta t-g ran d -

Rosary will be recited a t 8 p jn . Tuesday in Reynolds funeral chapel by the Rev. Jerom e -.T., O'Connor. Buhl Church of the

and mass

oesdsy .m r a . - BTTH ia 'm , ay ................Jo h n Q uinn. Concluding r ite s will

Defense Test....T h e T k’Iq .F alls flre-deparU - m ent sounded th e departm ent's sirens a t noon Monday os porC of civil defense preparations.

, T h e . sirens a re sounded for . th ls .p u rp o u .o a the f irs t day of each m o n th .. •

Arrest Called ^Power Play’

May Day Turned Into Political Celetetlon in Red Countries

- -4. • ■. By The Auoelated Press . -May day-was tu r n c d - in t c u L P o l i t i c a l celebration today in comiminist.capitaJs. F catk i-

ties in Moscow set the pace fo r the traditional worker."!' holiday by featuring Maj. Yuri A. Gagarin, the Soviet astronaut. Gagarin stood alongside Prem ier Khrushchev on theH«d square reviewing stand to watch a three-liour

t i r l r

Rusk Assiu-es U.S. No tuba Invasion Due

WASHINOTON. May 1 « V ^ e 5 ^ rctnry of S ta te D cin~R uskrauured InvcstlRallng senatorsv t{!)day the United -States . h a s '.n 6 p lans for arm ed Intervention-In-Cuba. .

Sen. W ayne Morse, D., Ore..-snld Rusk made this c lear during three J iam a of c i i .................................

L atin American affairs sub­committee of the senate foreign relations committee,' -=M orse.-the"W b. te e T h a lrs

, I. reported Rusk mode m tab le , fac tual "and open-breasted" s ta te ­m ent concerning th is counU7 's role In th e Ul-fated Javaslon of C u b a . , ; .

■(5ihah- r a f i ------ — - • - • •

clal and tra in ing u s i s t a n 'c e 'f ^ ^ th e United States.

Rusk was th e leadoff witness la the subcommittee's effort to

TOlvement In the Cuhsn Invasion

P residen t Molse Tihombe. would be brought he re under forced de­tention 'today in a power play by cen tra l governm ent Presldent-Jos- eph K aaavubu.

T shom be's o rre s t In Coqullhat-' vllle w hen he tr ied to walk o u t ot the Congolese federation confer- eoceLWOs s e e n .a s .a - b o ld bid by Ka4Byubu..to " .............................

Iltlcal rival and become .the ongo'a head mtvn In -fac t a s well I In ciamck(R eports from .EllsabethvlUe;

caplMl of secessionist Knti

I held a t B nm etu -ce r

’Dee’ Cancels,Trip to-Japan

O C rrySB U R O ^ Pa., M ay 1 IC7B. Presiden t E lsenhower

noed tod&y h e has canceled

In W ashington.--ol..>;...a. . . . u th is m eant fear-'O f—com m unist denionstraUons like those which forced cancellation of- h is ' presi­dential visit to Tokyo la st J u n e "

JT ie .m ounU ng crlses7 ln - l» o s ; South V iet Nam and Cuba a lready — sparking le ftist . .agitation


.' p lanes n o r th of *n ils^ Oklar^'xnd s ti ll a no ther d li^ m inor damage

v-M apl*-c lty ,-K sn»-— ' '

^Wrong Man. T A IP n , Fbrreliea, May 1 W»--A -bride-w alkedroot on-hBf hus--- b a n d - o n 't h e l f ' weddU* - becsuso h e was n o t the hand- somo m an td ' whom she had been Introduced "by • m atch­m aker ■ ■ ■ •- Ho tu rned -ou t to U -th e sup­posed gr<»m's younger b ro k e r whom she described os, plain4 1 ^ .

~ M 'lT r r o i n r n r 'W « n g - m e l , . HslunftUn. northern , o ffe red - h e r dlssppoin ted -hus-

..bandJJcr. en tire. a le n t to MMO, for tfcsted'divorce,moaa U-easUy a r r a n t i t there

~U :niutfaal consent.' , ^ 7 ~ T he-h \ubm d-ag resd .^ —

NEW, JA tW rS X A B W D '


4UO a|jariu»ii >011141 . .agiMUonaga|nst.thfi,U ;ilted S tate s .ln . Ja p an and other fountrles.'

May,]- - A r

. WASHlii Acnatora and< tlee eontrssf law day < S U tcs and w ith ', the


M i. May I lC »-T w o suprem e cou rt Jus- 't b s ce leb tatlon :of

lay In >the U nited o the r M r n a tions

lu h ls f^ M a y . day

Justice T o n ic , fclrfk. In a fUm- e d add re ss-;* ':h lg h rsc h o o U and

tA evislA 'sU tlons, called on a ll^ 'A m ericansi-to e n l ls t- in " the w orld -stru g g le la g aln s t-th e-co m -

b o u U of

- B e n , ■ In however, we j

I B ush. R., C o n n ,

____I .m lU taiy ittrezigth, ^ tapoos 'a n d .ls ra e s

'm -lo v to g . peoples. ' ' o i t e d ^ U t e s ,

caplMl of secessionist K ntanga fo r county-voU ng l j r « T in c c r » ia -w n n r -c r - H K f? ^ i r th r- i9 « a -c iv « -r ig b t ic. prevailed In official circles -be­cause of-T shom ble's a rre s t In Co-

.QUllhatvllle, cap lU l of Equator province. .

(The E llsabethvlllfl reports gold th e~ K aU hga cab inet was called

possible m lilta ry » o v u by the CongQle«e.army. ' •

(CommunlcaUons w ith b o t h EUsabethville a n d Coqullhatvllle w ere-cut-off th is m o m liu because of the Moy day holldny)“

Fallout Shelter Crowds Limited

About 300 to 300 people visited th e radlaU on fa llo u t shelter a t the

lie from 3 to B p. m. Sunday, perin tenden t RAgland said shelter will be open on the .. basls-next-Sunday. to give everyone who Is In terested a n opportunity to see th e shelter. <

High school s tudents bu ilt theshelter^flm-fUnariupplied by"thefederal office o f clvU defense and mohlJlzaUon.

He will be followed la ta - this

o f the cen tral IntcUlgence agency.

Court Denies Challenge of ’60 Vote Latv

W ASHINOTON^ M ay 1 aim - T h e suprem e -ebu /trtU m ed down s ta te au thorities today in ihe lr f irs t challenge on federal demands fo r county-voU ng records under

T h e tr ib u n a l-d id so by leaving undisturbed .IL lower court order th a t : Alabama officials .produce

'.Ing records ' - • a_investigai

Negro voters ‘

records for federal ttuihorl- itin g the barring of In Wilcox and M ont-

in IS days. A labam a h a d i . . . th e suprem e court.to hold hearings In tbe case on grounds th T la w

ras^ujiconstitutlonnl.i 'p o the r actions today, the'

peme court:' —O rdered fu rth e r argum ents

n e x t fail on th»con troversls l Issue o f w hether sU te s a rs unfairly dls- c rlm ln itln g -a g aln s t. city. TOten In apportioning s ta te legislative dis- trlcU . T h e le st case. Involves T en- n c ssee -b u t .th e f ina l decision will have Impact In a num ber of states.

—D ecided 8 to 1 th a t railroad nploves displaced because of

. .rade, only nine minutes of which. . . I t h ir m lim n y T ----------------------------------------------------

show. Mal-slial Jlodion.Mal-Mal-slu..___ ____ _inovsky, Soviet defense min- i.ster, boasted of the “m ost up -to -date menns of w arfare" for th e Soviet armed forces. O agarln also praised the com m unist sys­tem in - o - b r o a d c a i t ;^ / ;------ ,—

Peiping ' radio reported three ■m iiiion-cninesetum ed'o 'ul'for r4l- llcs m -lhe com m unist capital. For­eign M inister Chen Yl appealed fo r g rca ter unlty a t home-'and In .■•the Socialist cam p of. the in te r­n a tional com m unist movement.''

C ubans ju m e d o u t for rallies to h a il w hat- p f to e M inister Fidel C astro now calls h is “Socialist" revolution. Moscow awarded the Cuban prim e min is ter a Lenin peace prize in tim e-lo r tn e cele-bratlon.

E rnesto G u ev a ra ..C u b a n . . . nom lc chief, outlined a four-year p la n to develop th o Island' repub­lic 's resources a n d said I t would depend heavily o n sUpport from to m m u n is t countries.. _

o in t o f c on flle tT T oo^ ^lers a n d Soviet .tanks

----------- ... the com m unlst-sectorof the c ity In defiance o f a big fou r agreem ent .ba rring Q eim an lro o p r ijr th o ^ v H » « a "c lty :------------

or_W llly-Brftndt..W e8t Illn .- 'to ld a rally o f an estim ated 700.000 th a t the com m unist mill-

' ilEiiiuiutruUui

wanti.'*^ H is voice w a s . carried ocross th e £ast-W est bolder .by loudspeoKers. -4;-. Presiden t T ito reviewed a 3 'i - h o u r pa rade In Belgrode marking th e -aoth anniversary of Yugo­slavia 's revoluUon. which was s ta rted -by h is pa rtlsans-under the

Soviet rocketry fea tured Buda- Jftst’s pa rad e ._S evera l hundred thousand H ungarians* Straggled along behind a 20-foo t mocku a Soviet rocket a top the g

co rdboard-rockets.:’—

a t M ay day rallies, where the speakers ' -demanded closer rela- tlo tu w ith Com m unist Chlx^a.

Rallies were a b o held in South-

______ ____ .. special May __audience a n d -to ld 354W0 visitors th e .Rom an CathoUo church^li'as "alw ays su p p o r te d 'th e m oral and economic progress of m a n ." ''

High Wind Hits Town in Oregon

Aid for Cuba Is Pi;omised "By^Red'BlocriO SCO W . May 1 (UFIk-The So­

v iet U nion's lop m ilitary leader to­day pledged the support of the en­tire com m unist bloc to protect Fldcl C astro 's Cuba again st new aggressions.

Defense M inister MarsliAl Ro­dion Malinovsky declared In a May day a d d r ^ th a t th e recent ."armed ln t;rven tlon In Cuba"

Quences.'Boasting tha 't th e R ussians have

le m o st perfect weapons, MsUn- .vsky s i^d " the Soviet U nlon.can- noC IgfTore th e w ar p repara tions of th e im perialist coimtrles."

P rem ier Castro, who was award-.

sentia— H is- p o F t^ T w a s " among those carried by civilian sections of Ihe.tradiU onal May day parade.

r ^ a l t e Malinovsky's m ilitan t w o r d s ^ th s ^ v U ts - p l a y s d - ^ w n the m ll lta ir aspects o f th e p arade.

Plans to Help- U. S. .Jobless Areas Signed

WASHINOT(i>K.. M ay 1 W — President Kennedy today -signed in to - la w -a 3M -m iillon-dollar-bU l to .a ld ia rc u .d ep re sse i l.fa y -u n en i^ ploym ent' and appoin ted W illiam L. B a lt. Jr.. Pennsylvania labor commissioner, ^to a dm inister the program . . - , —w

■■There'S, no plece.-6f .leglslaUonr legislation / - i . tT n s r s iv H " " t o sign.-_ .j- g rea ter s

K ennedy said.T he bill sels u p a federal loan

and g ra n t program <to try to a t ­trac t industries Into a reas which have lo st the ir m ain econoinie

five” K ennedy m easures to get through congress.

b ill authorizes: 100 million______ in loan funds fo r p lan tsond -o ther facilities, Ineludlng-m a* chlnery and equipm ent In some cases, in depressed . Industrial a reas.

loo m illion dollars In lo a n s 'fo r the ssm e purposes In low-lncome ru ra l a reas. -------------—

W ind-traveling s t terrific

re compensated fairly.—R efused to accept an appea

u u L .a n appeals court ruling ihlch asslgned-jurisdlctlon tr

,'naUonal labor relations board a dispute involving .th e Web 'p ressm an's union afi'd lhe’Po rtlana

NEWS BULLETINSBO iSE,:M ay 1 W #-S y lvan Je p p es^ .B o ls e . iTppeari to h a v « - lh e ^ i t Q l n A l r f n n t W n m o n -

side.'^track - for~appolntm ent' by the~Renhedy adm inistration -to 'su e- J D z ^ v s l l U U t ~ T T ' U l l t c l l l ' « e d K enne th Se rgqu lst a s U. S . s tto m ey for'Idaho . S tate Democratle

■ “ ” to be "Mt" f o r Jep-chalrm an Jo h n O . -W altei^ sa id the post appears 1 p ^ ttn w hoM -hs-caH ed:ont-ot-ths-*prtoclpal-cont<

W a s h i n g t o n , ’ May 1 n rO -T be alolnle ,energy & poMd a n additional U million doPars in it* 1061 tlsos: for.^adVBnMd. te it- re ae to r a t tb e ld ^ f t- a a U o n a l rM oU r testing sU - U on .-8« t. H enry Dw ershak sa id today.

'S B O tn ., ^ t h K O ^.-M iff-I-U . __________the S yngm an-R hee reg lm e i-w u sentenced -I p ruon -fo t-hu -ro ic -Th*t t r f q w e a ; jre---------------

N BW '-iroSB:. M a y .l ( fb :« a rp e r Lm 's ae.vel nTo K u i a M oeUng Bird?, today woo tb e lM l P a litse r p tta s fo r fietlon. A aw ard for dnuna ■ww t lo —A n.iho ‘ V s r H « « e " . b r T a d - M o ie l . 'ln th s Jow natlsm inetd . tb s Po lltse r geld BwdU f r f . i " - A m art} l» ,jr«u .Q lobe.J tim es._f

sh o t through this eastern Oregon towtl S a turday aftem on.

7S trees, blocking every s tree t In tow n. I t picked up a r f u " ' • - •In tho Columblik r iver .............. ..sn e n .in .‘- l t ^ d . h u r ) e d I t on to an island . I t curled, the", alum inum ' ' les on a iarm -buU dhig . I t

led-^orens-of windows.---------one was Injured In the bHef

s to rm ., ^ ' ,TWtt~town ' h j ^ o_e

• technical help to cot taU m ated planning . wdevelop

r p i d ^ i m r r t s i - - X O ^ JD O S T M sn — ------------Ish bookio today Joined th e btlloh. c r. the .baker and the candiesllck

Is.Mdther of YearITof Catholic m other o f'ih tL 'yea r - M r s . -A ^ lh a W e}«f .-Piters, «3,

'- - '-•lo t.-— - ----------- --- •Peters wa_______

42nd annual- 'convention of the' I d ^ o CouncU of CathoUo W omen • '- - - '“over-tho-w eek-^nd:-------

. N SW VO BK , > l a y .T u ^ e o r g e E . Suderow. 48. m arine design e n -

ra d a r w am in i.sU U o n s 'in th e At-

4.5 'm llU on dollars fo r r e tra in ­ing w orkers in depressed areas. 10 million dollars fo r subsUtence

-------- •- to worker*retra in ing . 4.9 million dollars fo r

pro­grams. • - ' i . _

75 mlUlon dollars fo r g ran ts fo r construcOon of pub lb facillUes.

Spaceman Is Set for Shot;


-CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.', May 1 (U PI)—The spacc-fi mail and l)is rocket w ereTairy today but the w_eath«_waB.| -nntf-Rain boKan fallinir on America's man-in-spaccT'head-X quarters a t ;i p.m. (El)T>. So th era was a stronfr pofislbll-l ■»«’ rh'AX'Amcriea’s first attem pt to fire a human Ijeinir in to l

CO m ight be postponed from^S a.m. (E pT ) tomoirowi I nuiiiij llmo Iffler in m e week, liu t Florida weather la .

forecasts sometimes are reversed in a m atter b£ I hours, and officials of the jia^ tio;ial aeronautics and .npace administration (NASA) i;c- fused for. the time being to predict a ba1l{.

In brief, the forecast for the oriRlnally-planned-fllght tlme was - to o cloudy and loo windy."

T h e CS-ton Redstone rocket and the- ton-and>a>half'Mercuryrspace c ra ft 'w e re ready on pad No. S.T lic ‘'prime" a stronaut and. his "bBckiip"-u'ere resdy In their iSom- fortable Isolation quarters on'-.the cape.

Nearly 10.000 m en— scientists,41nely . trained technicians, crews of th e scven-shlp recovery fleet—were ready, '-•i , —------. T il crucial countdown, the pains­taking two-day pre-launeh-«heo‘

m ent, was proceeding "with complalnU.’' o fflclab.sald.

T hen , with the ndtion less than 24 hours away from its f irst brief b u t critical step toward manned conquest o t space, the forecasts tu rned sour.- ..The. sho t. Is-lntended-tO-toUDch an astronaut only 115 m lle ru p and 300 m iles'do«’n range from th ; cape. T h e-flrs t U. B ..'sttem pt-to p u t a m an In orbit around the E a r th Is not scheduled before late flila year.

B u^even a IS-mlnute space ride Is hazardous,, however hard . the m en of Bdircucy.have tried to an- tlclpate/-and elim inate risks.

So NASA had se t certain rigid w eather speclflcaUons, both- her# an d In. th s n

ceed 31 nilleg a n hour. A fter days o f faro iah le forecasts, the outlook w en t bad.

for'.th is seasou" ond'giisfy*wlndirof 21 to '33 miles an hour. T he skies m ig h t s ta r t e le a r l ^ . tomorrow n ig h t, th e w eatherm an said . B ut

u n til 'I f ' t h e U unchlng were postponed

before the liquid oxygen is load­ed. th e delav could be for u UtUe - - '3 4 houra.'A ------------fueling would necessitate a m in i­m um delay of 4S hours, an official said) because the oxygen would h ave to. be pumped ou t and the rocket made ready for a new Iqad- Ing. • . . .

NASA_stlU_was keeping s ic re t IdehU U u of the No. 1 and No. 3 astronauts.—B ue-speeu latlon-een-


A stronaut'John Gle&n,,si In i ^ e a ttire , leaves b aaga r e a ^ way to a fligh t slmDlaUon t s r t 'a In a MereniT capnds a t Cap«'.2 CanaveraL G lenn J s one o t tlOMiA trained pUoU pleked orlglaalljrjk fo r f l n f U . 8 . I ■ ' ■*

- n i g h t s '


Israeli ^Tr. JERUSALOC, M ay l ‘lhl'<^AA m sric an Jsw .te m .g o r t 1 ............to ld .today .liow ..by .« lm ost. . cle, h a escaped d e s th a t tha h of th e n ssls w hen h e ^ ^ ^ a

D r. L oonW . \_er te len tlst; _______ ___ ____ _A doir B ch m a n n a t th e ebd « ( :,£grim d a y -in w tilch , a - s p e ........o m e s broke and he - m e s : _ a t S tchm aan : ~Ha m y ^Uy. U t m e k ill him.” PoUe« t h im outside, calmed h lm . r ^ - I . tL M g - W tu - -

'•n io 'p ttw cuU on. atooH evidence today th a t "

rd U rihg 'the 'ha iil- t* r r « a _ _ th e Jew s In Poland, whera h e 11 living when th e R w ' “

timeIng steadlly.-

"H ls sp irit l8 ..h !gh and h is courage is a th ing to 'm arvel a t,'' th e friend added.— T h e -5 0 -y esr-o ld -w e s te m -ld o l. u nde r heavy sedation a t h is Bel- A lr home, has r^celved.no yislUffs fo r more th sn a week. I t was un ­derstood th a t Cooper's condition w as such th a t i t would be h e " no t to havervlsltors. . '

Cooper underw ent surgery 1.. e ra l m onths agb fo r a carcinoma (cancer) o f th e colon a n d 'a re -

- - ^d medical bulletlh said » has spread to other

Although cooper now is being fed Intravenously, no plans fo r his hoipltallaallon h a re been a a- nouncecL •

British Booikie^JoiiisBaKr; ButcHei:; H els Shopkeeper-ro O N T M s r i ' o r e ^ 'n i r B r l t ^ t o l e g ^ . w h a ^ m a ^ . a r e a « . V M

hundteds-«f>beiU ng storesshops th roughout the n a t__ __Off-track. cAkh-on-lhe-barrelhead b e tting w as’ legalized a t-7 ~ a r m ; x m in -S o w X M lo r 'c o u ia T o p e n ly

V credit o r p u f his .cents)- on a nag In

a fa c 't . • -. T h e .'f irs t of aoo.-trt^sbop* in

:lM idon.alone opened ihelr. doors . . . for business today; ActQSl o rp ro ^ b e t posed-*ltes-for-shopo;inelude-one

' o i^osllc th e 's to c k exchange, a few y ^ Jroca^i^thB

USUTttow aTBi

secret.'- r ~

, (he be t shop b u$b o s pay, .13.80 fopVi’ U-

cense and 1380'foe th e )wt'‘ahop

gam ing a6 t which 'p e rm iU . bet (POts to appo in t auiborlsed -ag tn ts to ^ l e c t b e ts In factories. o fflM o r any o th e r non-publio place.

_________m m ay -^ irtx e tlsb ta ;'so U ; ' Is fa ir game.

= Jliflr(^M )riiiig ro i7 i> et:ahcm rciI- i h ia ze s » 10-jrctr (overgm en t fig h i d r.U K ModUr y y o t

days unconscious f r m ty p h tu ii

T h en - c s w _ th s " day- wfaen^bi a s klcked,-.hande(l a shovelCar-

told to dig h is own grave. . - ‘^ e n - th e '- .g i a w i r )said , "two I v two-wo « _______to g e t into'-tbe grave a n d -U s 't down, The p e ^ e wbo d I 4 ; twere shot. 7h« .fo llow ln« .pab ;-i__

le red to co re r the>a>up.'iritb-«

HIGHLIGHTS?I n s i d e - r o d e ^ p

, r . i . 'I ; -Winners noted. Riots’ .end.. 1 ' T exas as . s tu d e n ts - re tu rn e la s s t t . -v .'v .-j-.'S '

f t i t s 4 - B dltorlal: -O onfnii'r-r—T » « ." '''C 6 n s p lr a ^ .* '- .r a g * 8 — Ju n lo r ; 'p n * tt

.and queen crownedr-putoUo-. ed prisoner, of - drug- U n n s .':

P ag e •-V obe . se t U a y . '~

n a m e a . : , i i n ^ o s h u u r 4 .- e n h a n g e g lr l'-n sa ie d ^ queen.- - f ' r ' • - ■"•^..">..3-.

r r P a g a ♦‘^ •C o w b t^ w f a '^.open seasop ii ------ 'w m i e . r - - " '*


Page 2: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^



l y e r Weatherv rettiperatures i t £ I C o S “ X C l l o ^

r r * '»/■■ * 1 1 • IwlU m r a t fe near nonnaf. H ighs 65 to 15; low«'35 W <S. Israeli TrialOm U - C ^ C lK ti-a i.- Burley.. 'wni

•Hoed IIOO- ah d -h U -d riv ln g -r" '" ' '

•Ooonty T tob ftU -Ju ilge V em C#r- r on. » . d t u ^ e a ' drtTlna charsB.

' Otaifc w»i< cited a t 12:1ft p . m. ■uteD toy-on»-rourth o f a mUe S5STJt®ecl(roirW «hwBy.T7 after il l ear struck a mailbox. Investl-

c a tln s officer* were Oawla County -B berlff H . O . W aneU aod Deputy iT u r ------------ -—

I ■ t ^ r r ^ H ull M TBQ flMOnd " .a u e e u t . -WU fined >10, and

■ in ed as demerits when he ap*| 1 In Tw in PalU pollee court

, _____ ay fo r speeding, He was citedI 'B a tu rd a y . by Tw in Palls police

Dlght. H 8 M l . a n d 76 noon.

NORTH IDAHO: "cloudy w ith shower* throutth tomorrow. Low to- rilght-08 to 48; (omewhat'C ooterHomorrow w i t h of"62.

I NEW YORK. M ay 1 07&—Tbo .m<re6ry row lo 10} d e rree s .a t .J ’re> sUlo, Tex., for yetlerday*! high reading, the U. S. w ealber bureau

{reported loday. T h e low reported today w ai 17 a l'H u ro n , S. D.

' SCaUrvTcnuB w est V MI*.' T tr ts s a P . Bell, «9, 353 S lu s L akes boulevard, was cited

■ t v fallo ra to yield the right of w ay by dty-poU ce a fte r she wai I n n l n d in a n au to a c c l d ^ r t t 4:4S p. nu Sunday.

w u 'b a o U a v from h e r drlvsway. “ eolUded w tth a c a r driven

_ S r r i n . J . C a U , .4 J . ^ H 2._ ____ Pialls, causing tSSO damage■ .u tQ .boU i Tehlcles.

,-T h re e -d rlT sri wero fined by Je -

U lU e- ta h d -a n d -lh en - lla d o f n on top of thcm ..T hen they wer«l shot.!

— i'l-w as-In te rested only In some- how opening a vein so I could drink 'm y own blood. I th irs ty from th e work and i ... high' fever I was rtm nlng. After I sta rted - w alk ing , toward the grave. I w as callcd and ordered bac fcto th e cam p w ith an 8 8 man to bring boc k 'th e , body of a man who had been-shot.—'•B B C k-o t-tho -cam p-I-took -th« body by th e fee t and began to ■dr»nr - U- to w ard -^ e -s« n d -T rft« r-l- could ha rd ly walk m yu lf. T he SS man > ■ w alked uni>\upecilntly In fron t o r nie. We passed a group ot

I>pcn w ork ing -on .ba rracks. 'Whlje 't l i c S 3 m a n ’s back was tu rned I iftft thc body and slipped In among

-T « iD P a lls , «1S uid* w t s kisd 36 _ tfcm eriU- for going 7B. mUeS' an V > 4 io u r tn -» eo mile tone;-O uana L.

PetW ion. M. .Ooodlng,' |10 and eocti a n d 30 dem erits fo r going 63

jn l l a i In » 66>mllB zone. and. Roy D . R « n ; S2. W endell. *10 and costA

' a n d 36 dem erits for going S5 miles a 6S*mllo sane.

I - . J e n y X*. K iser, » , Jerorat. was . e lU d fo r failu re to yield r ig h t of ,-v a y M ft resu lt of a n accident ''.Bunday evening a th e Intersection

o f p ir^ t M cnuo eas t u d B uchanan

„ « rlv e a by K iser. oolUded w ith the ' ; r e a r a t a-1061 Chevrolet driven by

I d u ln o T . BfiU, 30. Je ro m e . There w as |260 dam ace estim ated to the I ^ r d a n d »160 to th e Chevrolet.' W alter Short, 7 l._ B u rley ._ i

H rr llB id '6 1 0 ■ i n d 'a s ^ e d 20 demer

OO O D IN a — R osary will be ra - cited for Steve Pagay a t a p.m. ,Monday a t the T hom pson chopcl. 'T he B «r. W W am O rdw ay wIlJ celebrate m ass a t 10 a jn . T ues­day a t S t. Elisabeth 's Catholic church w ltJj.final rite s a t tho E lm ­wood cemetery. — ------

T W m PA U iS—Graveside serv-|

Betzer. Arco, will tM held a t 3 p jn . T hursday a t Sunset Memorial park by th e Rev. E arl Rlddle» pas­tor o f tho T w in m il s F i rs t M eth­odist church. T h e procession will

- - -TJ31T

TW IN P A L L S-R osary for Mrs. Adelaida M . Hawes will be recited ,a t 8 p jn . Tuesday In Reynolds I funeral chapel by the Rev. Jerom e

I ; . Burtey Justloe of th e Peace Alfred ■ ^ O r a n e . H e pleaded guUty-of ta i l . B v ^ » T o ^ o l d ' t h T r l g h t ' o f W :—

sRple ofEldeF Statesman Is

LOKfor“ Ike”•^Vorm er'President D w ight D . El-

j ,n n h o w e r U fitting seatiy. Into the •^iiole of e lder statesm an. - I

■ 4 f . .A week ago. a t Cam p Davld.-he' ~ ' ^ « a s e lder .statesm an to the coun-

the m an wlio suceeed-|

Msglc-Valley-Memorial.V isiting hours In th e m atern ity

wards, are from 2 to 4 a n d 7 to 8 pin.! In a ll others, from 11 a m . to 8 p in . ^

- A S M IT T ro Mrs. Alvin M cDru^imond. D an-

ny-Johnson ,v A lbert Benoit, Mr. and M n . R onald Rene. X frs.'C lar. ence Hafvey. Mi*. H arvey cortes, Jam es Locke. Mrs. Jam ps Byrnes. Mrs. 'Vem S terner. M rs. O len Je n ­kins a n d Mrs. D . K . Cedarstrom , iOl T w in Palls; M r*.-T..-P. Sm ith a n d -M rs . H arry ''O rs la n d . both

I M a y . a t O etty iburs, Pa.| He Is • ij party . Xnd

I h ilt regard-

r i f i i i t i ----------------

-zooay, a t oe tty seu rg , P a , W i-'playlng th e role for h is part;

play ing I t to th e h ilt r< ■.-.TeM 'o f h is d is ta s te -fo r p«

Mrs. P ra n k Overland, a ll K im ber­ly: B re n t Ltermon, P ller; Mrs. R ichard M iller’a n d 'M r s . Lester G arrison, bo th Jerom e; E lm er An­derson. Hansen, a n d Kellie M orri­son, l^ewlston, U tah.


, ---------— Jokingly o f heading)(o r th e xodOng chair. B u t In a

W - :a o r e serious vein, h e told o t his ■ p> tfeep in te re s t in na tional affairs,

saeinc to U th a t h e con tribu te ■ P i ^ t h » ' tUU can to the nation.

T te~<onnftr~^5l,<fent ^ two

; i-«e~~Wea':(o"ffiBlimt'15rt>lsand resdy to

, ________m a d e 'th is-p o in t very|. l. c lear ..when h e described the typ<

ic a n d lte te ^ ^ e ^ d ^ p o r t I n

. i S i S ? m t s to :k e e p Uie n«. Mon's^ e w wny m an even keel.

. jh u i t 'k e e p its do llar strong and

. - n o t xbeen lam basting rre sia en t L'JKennedy. does noV-mean h e ap-

'p n v e s . o f h is domestic program. j_D n'.theT eeord.Jie opposes m uch of

I t, and wlU u se .h is voice to aU tem p t to slow down th e K enn^ds

• sdm lnlatra tJon^

he has

-B u t h e w ants h is voice In 'po ll- ' tfd i used ,-h is own personal way, 'n o t th rough any th ird party . Por .exam ple , -.when Republican Sen'.

.^ K a rJ -M u n d t,-8 o u th D akota,-tried > t o tr an s la te the form er p rS ia e n r f ll'^Teellnca abou t Kennedy, there was 1 «; shan> r e p u d l^ o n f r ^ ^

' ' . REMAINS CRITICAL, RUPERT, M ay 1—Jam es Ives.

43: w ho' w as Injured W ednesday n l th t in a car-tra ln accident near “ •■um. rem ained 'Ih critica l con-____j M onday m om ln? a t Mini*

' doka 'M em oria l hospital. He has ' h e a a - in d -c h e s r ih ju r ie s , multiple

irac tu res . and a broken r ig h t leg.

Tiisted for Crash■ K e.e p t h e W h ite F la g

■ ; o f S a f e ty P ly to g _

Magic Valley I^eralsrnass'wlll be celebrated a t 1 1 ___

iW ednesday'ol S t. B rigitte's Cotho- ,«c church. Bruneau, by tho R ev. [John Quinn. Concludlng-rltes-wlll, be held- a t Bruneau cemetery.

the .Im: )' co n ce p tio n . and

--..y In the W alk m ortuaryl and moss will be celebrated

____ ajn.'T Jtursdoy In S t. Nicho­las C a th o lic -ch u r^ by the Rev. Malachy McNeill. Concluding rites! will be held In R upert cemetery^

D av ld 'o .''H arrls will be conducted Wednesday a t Henefer, U tah , with concluding rites to be held a t |h e H enefer cemetery. Friends may send flowers to the JcnKms mor-

...<>rUu*ry» MiuToyj.ui5hj__


i Sue H nnkln i, Joyce'

0 Chester Nelaonr-Mrs. I ^ n n Pail'ker iand-E ddlo-T inkar.-aJt-Tw ln-Palls"

'* W oody.O U w .Trum bull a n d K a th i lerlne W ard, both-Paul; M rs. oJhn iButler a n d M rs. W lU y 'Ju ll. bo th

• • • M ri. M orris LatUmer, Mrs. K eith Parsw orth

m n o n r a e f lW alter G uy K aster, Luther.E lllson. Mrs-'-Booker H alverson-and^baby girl Ahrendsen, a l l ' Buhl} Mra. Michael Weeks. Burley; H arold Handell, H ansen; C ynthia Bturgtll. Filer; E llen' Blade; A urora, Colo..

r 7 5 l |—A - d i ^ t c r - w a r t '

Mrs; R onald Reno and Mr.*-and Mrs. Clarence Harvey, a ll Twin Pallsr-sons-w ere-born B a tu n la r to

Minidoka <, v isiting hours ak^Mlnldbka M e- Imorlal-. ho^ lta l> -are from 2 to 4l« ia 7 U TB.pjn.____ _

ADMITTCD Mrs. Edw ard Prelburger. M rs.

Irant Beyler, T am ara Robinson. ■■ - -an d-D aTtd-^

Ivey, a lt R upert, and M rs. Jose lautlerez, Minidoka.

BIRTH S ,D aughters wero bora to Mr. and

Mrs. Ju a n - I r ig o y e n -a n d 'M rra n d

St. -Benedict's, Jerome'Visiting h o u n are 2 to 4 and 7

to 8 p jn . in thb m aternity ward; noon to 4 and-4 to 8 p.m. In thi medical and surglcol wards.

- ■ ADMITTED M rs. J a m es -B lu n t and .Caroll

'D lldM T^ED , M rs. A lbert Rabe, -Mrs. Carl H arding. Mrs. LeRoy Thompson and son ilnd Mrs. A lbert Pallon, a ll Jerom e; M r£ H allle Asonklln, H agerm on; M « ^ lM b ^ J r u m = J

B; P rlester. Tw in P tfls . has been graduated-from* rec u lt train ing a t' th e naval train ing -center, SanD Ie g d . .~ : -------■

H as Musical Role Edwlna Hinton, daughter, o f Mr.

an d Mrs. L. E. H inton. Twin Falls, 'h a s a 'p a r t In th e production ot, [••The L u te .S ong".on the U nfleld college campus, McMinnville. 0 re>

May 11.12 and 13. " '

B ru d o U t Scheduled K TFI radio will begin brond-

,cnstln i_repona..on_the_M crcury- R edston i m an-ln-spoce fligh t a t

Two Involved

escaped a n d when I got home . loat consciousness for 19 days. My fo thcr h a d tu rned completely gray. My m o the r had sold he r teeth,

way ou t o f tho camp.~W elb was sUll on th e stand

w hen c ou rt recessed for the day.T he prosecution struck today a t

lE lchm onn’s s to ry th a t h e never personally h a d ordered the execu­tion o t f t 'J e w by Introducing as evidence tw o d e a th orders bearing h is s ig n a tu re ..- I t ■w as-a-hard-blow -agalnst the

I d efense and Elchm ahn's W est 'G erm an lawyer. Robert Servatlus,, .challenged the-docum enta In valn. Lho insisted they were no tjfltued i

— 'r ^ C iie h t o f the:

F il le d m T . F .. Two m en Involved I n . a . f is t i l fiaturdayl evening ' a t th e Blue IProriti-b^r, '231 Shoshone street I south, wiere fined $33 each lo r

ifflle •drunkenness M onday in w in m is -p o n c e court. ....C arlos-G arcl»;^53;-T w in -Polls;

ft'nd • Jose -Jimenez. 45. no per­m anent address, quanelled aboiil -Imenez* wife, o fficers reported. -

Jim enez vras trea ted a o d T e - leased from Maglo Valley Memo­rial hospital Saturdary fo r a super­ficial knife wound o n th e .le f t side o f hls.cheaL .aarc la 'a -fsca .w as.cu t.

Several other ;persons pleaded I guilty Monday before PoUce-Judge Robert 'E . Pence to charges ot p^lbllK iltninkupn.

■gestapo. Mit -A t ty f -O e e tr ^ ld e c f f f ^ j

were. T h ere w ere two telegrams' and b o th , o t Uaem w.ere signed: ■•Elchmann. obersturm bannfueh- rc r ( lieu tenan t colonel)."

Bodies of ’■2

no rth , was fined >36.D elbert Hopkins, Tw in Palls, a r-

rested Saturday a t the Blue F ron t bar. fined t2 5 ..H e u-as. Jailed In lieu of paying h ls^ ln e . ,

H arris L. Jones. •Twin Palls, a r ­rested Saturday a t th e Blue F ron t bar.' fined $2S. I n lieu of paying

, hU fine, he was committed to J.Ul. 1— R ona ld -py ro la i-no -add ress f-ar-

.......................ly a f the S t . Regis

Boy MissingHOLLAND, Mich.. May — ]

T h e bodies o f two young glrls.be> iiovKrt iiiftin bv a_ 10Tyear:old_BQy.

-flcpu t were fum id luveied wit h

th a n once." 'A uthorities w ere itl ll searching

for the boy. who dliappeared from h is homo yesterdoy a fte r leaving a t^ote saying he h a d accidentally killed “ two people.” • ■

'S ea rche rs wkre led to the bodies; o f Carol Gee, »11. and M argaret Cham bers. 12, by a handfu l o t wild; flowers a n d a few expended 22

/-mlngn fniinrt lyinga long a tra il In th e rugged Mac- a U w a h ills area.

T h e Cham bers girl had the-G ee girl's sw eatsh irt twUtad . around h e r -neck ''as if i t had been used;

•dr^ h e r - t o - th e jp B C - w B e r e l

iCassia McntorialVlsfUng hours a t C assia Memo­

rial hospital a re -fro m 2:30 to 4 and-7 to a -nm '. In th« ma tffrnlty ward, and 10:30 a jn . to 8 if.m. lothe medical and surgical w ard.

. . . I/cAnn Sim - w on . o«iw iicgler.'M rs.'-Flor-

___ Wlckel ond Bandra G arland.a il Burl«y, and Mrs. M axine N um - gen. Heyburn.

D isn n sS E D Mr^ Sylvia' Jensen . LaMoyne

lodlly, Mrs. u rego rla Hernandez, Mrs. Donna' Storey. LeA nn Slm - ■nltt -and M rs. Arlen#- W arr.~ all Burley;-WllUam-AndrewsarKl Mrs; H atel w alker, both R upert; Lloyd M artin . Oakley, and M rs. Maryna: McGill. Hej'burn. '

Red Cross Fund Is Given S2.666u M jr ir , M.7 i - i i i t u U o n .

_______H er c lothing was undisturbed.

'T h e Geo g ir i.w as fully clad ' cep t f o ^ h e r sweatshirt.

S ta te police sa id both g IrU 'had been sh o t a t close range.

police also disclosed contents of ..thO-nP.te le^t b y - th » boy,S co tt Stephens. ^

I t w as addressed to h is motherlitnri «nlrt. •■Mm______ accident, I trippedlog a n d -th e gun w en t off a couple of tim es.-1 dldn^t m ean to do it. W hen you rend th U J .w llL b e on m y way to A rliona and New Mex­ico. K ee p -y o u r ch in up. n i be bock. D o n 't do anyth ing rash.' Y our loving son, Jim ." ■_ T h e note, lo ft In -h is bedroom, added.' " I wlU send b a c k lh e SID.06 I -b o r ro w e d - 'a s -so o n -f ts -T -g e P ’a

reedom-Genter- Building Started

VALLEY F9R O E , ^ . , May 1 (DTo! —G round was broken heri) today; on. 40-acres-o t rolling countrysldc, fo r ths,A m erican Freedoms ccntcrl

_____ __________R ed - c russ- rrg n rCassia countynresidents in th e 1081 campaign toU led « . 680.-reporW Ted Kelsey, fund drive chairm an;

ConUlbuUons w m .llnaau '..local chap ter.actlviUes.unl(M .something unexpected arises, K e ^ y reports..

lEormer-Resident Of Kimberly Dies

_ K IM B E R L X .. .M a y . . l -W a k f t H am pton Pugh. U . Y e r 1 n g t o n, NOTh a form er Kimberly resident, died Saturday of a h e a r t a ttack a t h is home.

N6rth Carolina, aitd was employed | t iy th e Anaconda Mining company, Yerlngton. for several years as a truck, driver.-.------------------ .- . '

H e m arried Lavlna W j-man in Burley . In 1933.-He was a veteran of W orld w ar n and a m em ber o t U )c'K lm berly Nazarene chu rch ;

Surviving, besides h is widow, are three daughters. M rs. N elda Ar- e h u le to .Jen lc la> -O a lif .u JJra .^ ft-- d Ine..jn ron . i-S«attle>.--W ash..-and Mrs. W ill* E U er..K im berly;,threo sons. Robert Pugh. Sacram ento, Calif.; L e R o y ' Pugh, . Reddlns. Califs and A^/cl. Melvin Pugh. MountAln'TTome -a ir ' fore*-base: a sialerr-Mrs.—A nna-R oyaler,-Piicr;; and a b ro th e r ..B r itt Pugh . Call-i f o m la .^ '.

T he cen ter will cost 1.6 million dollars. I t- w lll-b e dedicated on

.S ep t. 17, Constitu tion-day . when . th e 'f i r s t bulldlflg-'ls expected tobo .com pleted .J_ .-------------------------

T he center will consist of. two buildings joined bj; a service area. Total floor spoco of the colonlal- 'stylo s th ic tu re wUl-be 60.000 square fecU

[Mrs. Pat Baker Top Weight Loser

In th e T O PS Losln' Susans group. Seventeen m em bers. attending a weekly meeting reported a gain ot 14 pounds and a loss o f S 'i pounds. : Mrs. H arold-M euleman reached h e r w eight loss goal, the club re^ p o rted ..

A w hite elephant auction will be held a t th e next meeting. -

C^RROW AY TAKES LEAVE , NEW YORK. May 1 « v -Jo h n hflaiy, newscttscer ano, p.

^ a m th e next two weeks, darro* w ay . whoso wife died last week 'of a n . overdose .of- barbltural{{),:=jclU. tak«i a shoH -leave- from -the - p ro .

quarte r Inch • garden hose' were stolen from Thorson Builders, Inc.. 247 so u th p a rk avenue w est.Twin P a lls p4Uce-reportedSaUirdM'~The th e ft occurred between 6:30 p.m. Prl.day and 0 a.m. Saturday. 'The hoses were disconnected from-Tin outijde- foucet, officers » l d . ' sprinkler also was ta k e ^ .

,8 h !P . Iseaman .ap-

rfr. lOid Mrs. I lie 3, Twin' ird the om-,

K at-:

inge No. 370G raoc« p u n s Event

~ L_Mouataln Rook O i.......will have a ' potlucto dli

^ . . program in honor o t i5 -y i-----------

HIglit Are: .'5s” . __ . ___ friends,,aro Invited and ask^d to

b r in g ; .........................................

Glodys .Rgevcs._T w ln-Palls . a j . eated—snnftisy ■ a t Wve Points

O rin J .. Hampton, prentice and>son ot W ad e . Hampton, rc Falls. Is serving abc

I m uni tio n -sh lp _U5S m al operating with 'Iccfln-thB-W atcTTr

_ A t A g e ^ r 7 8. B U R brP .-M ny j - “ p a v i d ^ ^Hoirt»,--78,-long-time dent of Burley, died “n lln g e r in g -u in ess -a to h ^o in e of. his daughter, Mrs. Wendell (Ina)D ay. Murray. U t a h .___ ,

H e was born Nov. 30, IBM, a t H enefer, Sum mit county. Utah. On Oct. 11, 1W5. he married G ustaveson In Uie Solt L ^ e City LDS temple. He received his edu­cation a t the LDS- univeralty th e University of U tah, both » UL akft-C lty.-H *-tauB ht_schoolJor

- In U tah .before he and____ ioved'W BUH*y IH'^BSTHe served as a b ls l io p .o f^ e

T w en tie th '-_________________ —held a t 3 . p .m . Tuesday in the Idaho Power company alidltorium.

a t k ^ J o n d . £ o i t e d _A h overtime parking ------ .

posted w ith Tw in Falls police Sun -| d ay -b y - j. J . Howland,

Lodge IcLMeet , - K lm rose Rebekah lodge No. 70 will m eet a t 8 p jn . Tuesday At thej lO O P hall. Lodge Deputy _W rs. I D ale-Bow m an-w lir-m ako-hor-of- fw«a_vi#it,___ : ___________ __ •.;

U.O Htt. 7ears. During . . - -- w sfkod-a t the S ait Like City air-

an d his fomlly moved to St. eorge. UUli. In 18M ,.and.he_w u

_ itlve m . temple work. Mrs. Harris died ln'Jonuliry,'lfl60. - - - •

Surviving are sU daughters. Mrs. D ay. Murray. U ta h ;’ Mrs. Mark

day In the H arry Barry park build­ing. Members will as.ilst with com- m unlcotlons fo r the second annual Idaho,W om en's Air derby June 10 when . participants fly through Mnglc" •Valley.- ' P l in i 't o r " d^b 'y communlcaUons will be discussed and a ll mcfnbers a re urged-to a t­tend . J

bar, 210 Shoshono stree t south. Sentenced to 15 days In Jail.

S e th W atson, arrested Sunday a t the Blue F ro n t bar, sentenced to 30 days in ] a ll_ C o m m ltm e n t papers were w ithheld to perm it

, h im to leave T w in Falls.I _ _ 0 6 o r B ^ H e o l y ( - n o = « a a f e 5 i , - a T =r ^ sM Saturday a t the U n io ^ P ^ c ific -d e^ tF scn te n o ed - to -W -d a y s In JaU. Com m itm ent papers were wlU)held lo p e rm it him to leave Tw in Falls.

, S. P . Jones, no address., a rrested [Sunday In the 100'block of Main avenue west, sentenced to 30 days In Jail.

Stock Sale Here _ |—Is-Encouraging-

In itia l stock sales U st veek for the Northwest A gri-Chemical com-- pany 's proposed .potato processing

• ‘ ■ — •- — 'Ts_wero-^very i- reported -by

W on Fined JJ —R alph 0. Uhler,"2fii

street, was fined $5 1 Justice court Mondaysplace a safety flag c .. --------.hanging beyond the back of -a| ;truck. He was cited April 36 twol miles east o t M urtaugh by

_______ ,,

Remains Critical--------------_~ M r s n o y c 8" 5f ln a ln ra 4Treftriotd: m other of two f o u n d beatenj brutally..on-a-county_rond M arch'

merce seceretary-m anager, during the Monday noon luncheon m eet-; Ing ' of th'e chaiftber's Commercial division.

T enU tive p lan s were discussed for the Powder -P u ff derby, the

d annual Id ah o women^s a ir /in « nf full.ing to display two license plates. He Wns cited .April 16 on Kimberly

CetiJ E. Gish Is ; Paid Last HonorFuneral services for Cecil E.

O lsh w ero 'conducted Monday a t the_w h lto m ortuary by_the _Itev. Woodrow Woole'y. pastor of- the Presbyterla_ii..church.

R ^ 'e f V lnccnf'w aS T olo lst and

Pallbearers w ere' Fred Van E n ; gelen.-Btigene P Ippett, Gebrite Nes­bitt, O tis Hall, Claude Oorden and Vernon Riddle. •

Concluding r ite s were held a t Tw in F a lls cemetery.

r - J U l b a - J N e w s ^ELBA, May I — A. J . Udy has

returned home from S a lt Lake C ity where he received medical U eatm ent for h is eyes. _M r._ an d _ M ra . Junlor'/E dw ards and da u g h ter Sanford. Arlz., are -visiting h is parents,' Mr. and -Mrs. Bex Edwards, and family. _Mr.;_aDd_Mra._Nllfi_HCKV,orttx and fam ily .-O gdetv are visiting friend# and rclaUves In t h e - r ' M alta a rea th is week.

B Van Buren h Twin- FalU '(or falling to 1 equipment

m orial hospital

since brought to the hospital. _

Dls tricts one and 12 of the Id a- H oT lurtes MsoelKUon win n o id ^ Joint meeting a t 8 p .m . Thursday a t the Moglc Valley Memorial hos-

audltorlum. D a l e .............*i«.ow_lcgai-counacl_foc_—----------e lation: .will be guest speaker. All

n t o d ' S dthey have no t done si

Women M eet TonliKk..Friendship Circle oi the Women

of th e Moose will hold a dinner meeting a t 7 p. m. today a t the home of Mrs. Jack A Ulnsan. 338 Flier avenue.

C ra s h -O G C !! r s Ia s i=Brakes-NotUsed

— y. Mny___________ -^ 0 got out of her cnf.a t the scene of an accident here Sunday appar­ently forgot to p u t on the brake, o fficers 'reported . Her car roMtd backwards; s tr ik lng-a pollee car.-

Sharon A. M artin, 17,-Burl<*y, stopped h e r c a r near the railroad,

ers reported. I t struck a po­lice c ar driven by Burley Potrol- m an Floyd Hlgens,. investigating th e original accident. Damage to,

po ilcecar.-'T — — - Drivers involved In the original

accident w ere'Lam onte W. Short, 18, Heyburn, and_Jancne.,I,_DnliinL ey, 17, Burley., Dnmnge to both Uiese cars was estimated a t $65. Tl)cre was no cIUltlon<-._ .

. i f i r s t S e e u r i f y B a n ^ h a s

Plenty ot Money To Loanf a r you , t o b u y , b u i ld , r e p q ir -

o r m o d e r n iz e a h o m e .

T H A ^ B A N K l o a o * ^ ' l o su it y o u r, in d iv id u a l noods

en d rspoym en t'foqu irem en lt.

L lB obert Show alter delivering Jm^ l i> ro m p lu = le e tn i^ o n = ‘JournBllBtl5<=“ =-" if.t.hlea ; . . Pa ren Paler having coffco'wlurrHe’n 'a sT .'; Df, Joseph

g ram a .. . .. Robert E llu carrying roll of nJekelsX.j-C larehi5e,Ylng4l";__'j:

L. Cain In playful m ood. .., . J b h o r d '= " ^ e ^ - discmsiiigIbig game-ritles w ith area neweom----- —er . . . W illard Sw artley c c i ^ - ring w ith c

Richord Best having ca.* filled , Iwlth gasoline a t serv lce js ia tlon ...- K eith .B ird In da rk blue su it . . . Magic Volliy Cowboys. PItcherlDon Betsey making n e w friends .

|A n d -o v e rh « a rd :,_ i-S f - -■ -

Jacobs. Idaho FalU ._and Mrs, George (D om ja). Hellewell. Hey.- bum : two sons, W aldo J . Horrl*. S a lt Lake City, and- Dr. David A. H arris. Los Angeles; 39 grand- children and 16-great-grondchll- dren:-Tw o daughters,-EUa H arris an 'd-D esslB -H sm srpreeedlO lm In death . '

Funeral services will be conduct- e< rw eanesdoy -a t-H enefe r,-U tah . irtKh-««nriiiriiTifl- r ttfs In. the Hcne- fcr ------------- ^

— Lewla-AllcnfrMiTfllonns-PwrJ*— 1 In “good" c o o d I t I o r * - * ^ » ‘»,J®. Ith e ’h o 8 p lt» t '« p o k e sm a n . » lth fmulUple abroslons. IJ^o others,, | Charles Bird, B8, and his ion,Roger Bird, 23,'bo th IdaSb'Pii'l*.^ e dScharged.from the hojplUl a fte r treatm ent. _,_A-lourUi-jSer8on.lnYolvcd In t h s _ | ;cn&KrDHvld-PiuknTanra4rMoun-. PI tain Home a ir ^orce base.-was I taken io th e .b a se , trea tm ent a f te r - th o 'c ..

t,««ng.tiniT igrnc»in.m c nciic- cordlnif.tb. lnvcsUgators.'ccmetery. F riends ■moy~sentt -Trplckup-J/TK jtdrivajuby Chailes---------. . . . . . . . — .......... collided ••^ tto the .rear, of a

sedan liy A llen 'ond Pai-kman. ac-

No c itation was Issued, officers s a i d . ^

Joe Estienoujs Taken by Death

RUPERT. May l ^ o e Estlenou,!

died In his sleep sometime Sotur- day n igh t a t his hom e In Rupert.l He was~found Sunday morning,

H e was bom In 1873 ,In France.

and two nephews In Chino, %aUf. j_T ui'a-brdthera:preceded.lilm '’Jln death.

Rosary will be recited HI 8 pjn, W ednesday In W alk mortuarj- chapel and rnass'wlll be celebrated a t 10 a.m. Thursday In St. Nich­olas Cothollc church by the Rev.

■ ihy.McNIell. Concluding riteswill be Jicld In R upert cemetery.

Robert T. Lake Paid Last Honor

Funeral services fo r Robert T. Lake^wcre held M onday a t Reyn­olds-funeral-chBpel-wtth*thB“ReT: Eugene TJarks o t th e Our Savior

Soloist was M r;. Al Nye anc ganlst wns Mrs. John Blrrell.

Pallbearers were John Honsteln, William Hoops. Max Phillips, Ben

w i r i i m a . s . t e n M S ,A ? ™ ' “ “Appeared in Twin Palls -justice

graveside a t Twin FalU cemetery by Tw in Falls American Legion post N o .'7, assisted by the firing ---------- inra------------------

Two Fined, IrtHtLEY. May 1 — Two persons were fined 13 and cosU by Juq^lco of the Pence Alfred .Crane T hurs­day morning for violation of the;

m otocjr. • - • -T h e y a r e ^ ^ f e - E . Cunhn. 18.

Burley, failure to register, and Leonard F. Jo h n u n , 27. Spring- oaie, n Z m s lH ^ a n a p ickup-truck. B oth • v-

R u g a n d F u r n i f u r e C le a n in g

TROY NATIONALL au n d ry & D ry C lc o n c ri

\2 Kimberly Men. ~Injured irfCrash d

•wo Kimberly reildents, MichaelTwo ..............................Hove. 30.< and Robert: Denton. 21, received f a c i a l cuts Saturday morning In a one-car accident near the ‘D iousand Springs T rad - , ing Post on highway 03 In Nevada. . J

hod* owned and operated farms and a sheep business.— Surviving-aro-a a ls te r - ln - J V a ^

Tw in Palls fo r treaU nent at.MaglB Valley. 'M emorial- hospital. ..The:

. . . reported In good condition M onday morning.' Harold Hove, fa the r o f the drlv-

said his *«» apparently frll iasleep a t . t h e ^ h e e l of the car.. iThere w ai, no citation. -

_____ S SEASON -..y 1—T he ju n io r Rlfla K la st meeting of th6

j te k . I t will reconvene * ^ a ll .-- -T h e-c lub -had— ^ I s year w ith Ralph .

'.instructor, as- '.U. Harold B l ^ .

f r e d e r r c k SFR ESH C H O C O l ^ K

'^ u a m i l y Boxed fo r^ ilf t . C om tr o f 2nd Street ..and ard Avenue East,

T O IL E T T A N K BALL' ,jj^ liy nihnino tolUlH»'< wott* over.

galloni of o day. The * efficient, pottn>-<

Page 3: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

i: AFD( icationrylnR . ^ ' is » trtbul« to the poaiottlce dt>I n j i l ____ ~ ,.T V ^pftrunm t a r id ' th# • communtqr.’'ed :> Pau l Bryldaon -Mid Pviday a fte r-lisliig T 9 noon a t d^ Ic i^ ion of Uio new

-Pller- posloffice. B rrld son ' Is a personal reprKcnlaUvA-o( J . Ed« w ard Day, poatnuuier. general.

The pojial.dcpnrtmcnc 1b Blrivlnff to.Im prove the mail nervice with new convehlenees, newer t>'pea of te a c h ln u . and new mall services to ensure the fast delivery of mail, ho said. Plans nre' nndcr_way_to

..•er« t^ ,O O Q -nc~ ~ --*«> > '— year, fie uddctl.

v'dT- Postm aster Loren Anderson Kava . / the welcome address jit the dedica­

tion. Invocation was Riven by the Rev. Itayden echwellrer:— i —

T h e junior hlRh school band presented several nmnbers and the -juniorr-hlgh—eehool-ichortis—nlso eanff. A -selecUcn was suns

Sluunrocka. ^ r ls ' trio. _ « b e rr-a r iiv c 8 ." Klwanls club

presiden t,. was m aster o f ' cere­monies. He s ta te d - n ic r ’s f irst

iU)tflc«.was s ta rted In 1905 In a from the northw est

_________ "Supt. - .......... - - ........of th e Flier school syst«m. J . O. Onunley. post«ftlco departm ent, and postm asters from a l l of Magic

________Vftilcy., ; ______ ...------ ' SpeclatrBUCsts—w crc-» -n u m b er

c f p n tn n s .o f n ie r 's I(rst post- O T Icer'lh troduocd wcrc M r. and Mrs. F . c , Anderson. M r. and Mrs, Prescott Kalbflelsc)}. M r. .T lnun,

— Mra. Cartney, John.G ourley. M ahle Brown. Scott Lornln. Jo h n Lorain. P rank Lorain. Mr. Hopple, Em m a ^ K J n l y . H elen Blass and

__A -C ongratulatory te lesram wasread from .Rep. R alph Hardlnjt, and « le tte r.-o f conRralulatlons from Sen. P rank Church.

Pau l Bryldson presented ft 50- -rtin—A in«iena—<laB—w hich—had flown over the postoffice d e p art­m ent and the nation 's cap ita l a t W ashington. D. C. Postm aster Anderson accepted the flaff which w as.roU ed by th e color ( ’ *the American Legloh w hlL _____

. ' Hawley save > re n d ln £ ..,v o a to - to Jco 'to ~~~ - • — tfic.AniBricfln F lag. 'I f lC-iuttlo r MBsIs .i . . . .sn them .w as suns by th e group.

------- J - -'-^ToIlowlnK-tha-b«nedlctloa.by-th«IdlU^'*----- n~~ 'R ev.-M r.-6chw cltter.-B ncpen-h(m 8e

, R • was held to Inspcct the new .bulld- f drlv- 0 facilities. R efresh-V fun B m ents were served by wives cf

- n postal employes.. K “T he dedication cercmony was

planned by the X lw anls d u b w ith Jack Ramsey, chalrm on.v H&rold

iClaZtd Clasa-OALVESTON. T « . , Mny l h f -

Tliou.iaud.1 of collese studeuTs who rioted (luring tfSVffilon'n tpln.iu

fcstlvnl ovtT the wcck-6nd back to cliwwcs lo tlnyniia city

oft^plals b reathed a sigh of relief, Pollccmcn, carying loadfd ahot»

..jn s ,n n d rpcnforceil b y 's iiile po­lice and Texas inuRiTS.' pniroiii'd llic downtown Atreet.^ and ihe bcach orcns in droves U uoush je s ' lerday.

T lie fesilvftt. which oftlcUUy dpcii'ed IhcTGalvinton beftchf.^ and

4J»fr-j«utnmfr iourl*t w naon-ln-ihe XluU_ci>aaVuaatJ-cUyrW*»cl>«Mi* ctliiinx VMtCfda<^ttlU> thC-CTOluiii Ing of T ina Lee. 20, Houston.MIm Splasli day,- ______

T lie, riot.n broke . loose. Frl g l u . , . • ^U sta rted with stud fn ts thr

Joolor blgli school gym____ J .2..I Y__«l y T urner, centcr, w ai second Int p « ^ a t th e annoal fInew ood D erby Saturday a t th e Tw in Falls speed and J a n M m , f ir s t fo r construction, (S)aff |ihoto>engraTlog)

w , r . '

---------- -- Sealk r i r k AddlUoo. Twinr* iij............... U « r 4 A. ItoMk'io A.A. XfflMk'io A. J . K eUm».

'L o t i IBoi:k-«rTi»lB-T»mr' — L«ur._ »C r*lbu«h to J. A.

\ L V

U w n f^ i , Bor«nM>a to Pblillp K. Cl4ucli. Urt I Stock t r i n t ‘ t->lrtanlif. ••

L^Miw* 3.J . BamuM ta - r c u k C.

Tnu«r‘* Sub-

r<SwV<wd®‘iKb5fjr*--'J<Sia Ti;]a«r t» ;«]» ' T. M l. »4rt

• U l ^ block a Crtwfoni AMItloB. Twin . J*m«« t 'j««»nUuni Z.

. S f f i . ' a ,


S’S S iV f f iK S : ;- Cora E. DMhl^to*WUIUti> Z.-7 mU;110. Mrt L 0U .lt. H KItnM Mo...S

. aubdlTlllOB, T w l i l ^ ^TwIb h l l i TItl* -*1)4 ‘n u t . tnialn

T*la-r.Ui^!o^mw--A«M«UUM-to . W, II. M IllT o riT iirr i Lot 1- block U

Wortk,.A4d H lo B ,^ T » lB ,^I*«r OiUU

Kk«ii iftW* " 'B««<M TItl* . to L«wm«*

•«»tnMO. Lm < Block * r«lrl»Bk*.■ , 0«w« U b4 TItl* .t* —

— t t T i

rushed In td 'bronk. li up.T h e s tu ’dents w iu t on a ram-

pago from • there,- and It Tiprcnd from the beach area- throughotit tljo town.

Police were help1e.NS Friday nliJJit and early Baturtlay to haiitlle thr Aitunduu. and w u ed an urgent call for help. An estim ated 400 police­men* wero rushed In to 'jcna a hand.-

B y' last night, aq estimated 800 students and a handfu l of adults had been arrested fo r disorder conduct. A bout 139 to 150 oth& - were held fo r liquor violations. _ -

Bui'ley Plans Qothes Drive

BURLEY. May 1 — A Citurch WorltJ service truck will be In Bur- ie y T hu rfldoy .-M ay-ll.. to collect clothing for homeless refugees overseas, th e Rev. Emil J . HeUeth. p resldent_,of th e Cassfa • county M inisterial association, said today. - A n appeal has been made to

ed.. •.M rs. Pete w a ll Is chairm an of

th e drlye for the C hristian church: M rs. W allace 'Shirrplcs, chairman ■for“ U»e M ethodlsl chiicch. and M rsc-E d 'H offi-oha lrm an -fo r- the Presbyterian church.7 D u r l n r iflW. • Church 'W orld service rep resm latlves ' oveneas responded to a t least 17 major d isasters. Food, v ltam insr mcdlc.M supplies, and clothing were sup­p lied for th e homeless, the cold a n d th e distressed, the Rev. K en­n e th Beall, pasto r Qf th e Presby­te rian church, pointed out.

- S o f f e r - f r i

. county-sherUf's o ffic e -8 s t |u«lay-th»t-hl^citr-wutiQ»oJvian- accWcnt a t 4mo ,pjn. f iatu .u ohe mile »ouiU.of Fiire Poln^•^l

road. _________An estimated jioo'dam age t o t h l

rlghtriide ot, hl5-CttrTM ulted>hei| he swung wide on a curve i sideswiped a culvert, hs r

n U IT lS lt LOAN 11! MILMON I•w m v-oguni.- May liag^H l—

today agretd to make two : totnllni; 113 million dollarx u a w initial contribution to India's thirc tlvc-year plan.

T o p -Q u o lity -A lw a y i— etWARBERG'SK E - 3 - 7 3 7 r

Cllnie ho,|>llal. CaMla Altmorla| hbxpllal, Hurlry;. S t. Ueneillct'i iioiiplial, Jrrom e: G ooiIInt Cnun-'

p ooJln t.

and U fpnsuUlnr radlologls' Suii'V iiley bofpl(al. (SUff irav ln jl

ShoshonezComeLZ To Be Widened

BHOSHONE., May A tele­phone i»le a t the Intersection ot the Richfield )i)s)iwoy'wlUj h J jh - way 03 In town will b« moved by the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company to make more room for trucks making the south tu rn , accaraihg lo~Mayor MyrHe.C. Burdett. .• Francis Dergln and B u r , t

T hom e were named a lte n u t t delegates to the 'N orth Side Com- ■munltter-nsocittHoirTwlth-TJOwer to .vote In case the regular dele­gates are no t present.

• .Replacing voluobU papers Is q costly

~M3ffo if .-A 7 o ta ifW itK :~

_ a Im cost deposit box herel


Attention Formers!Cohfrdct Beans Avdilalife

■tmetlMi In Iho C n b -sio u t dWliIoB o t tho****m SSlnew 6o.d Derby Satarday n lc b t a t th e T w la F a lls Junior U f b K bo«i n m n ^ u m .

i:emen- -Make-Four Galls

Within 12 Hoursderby finals lo r Che Snake River a rea council w e re held Saturday ovenlnf In th e Tw in Fajls Junior

M em ber»-o(-4he Order of the Arrow; a ScouOns fra ternal group, organized th e derby In Tw in Falls threo years oco.

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from U ironshout-M asto-V alleybulldand construct model racing cars to r» o * -ln -th e -d erb y rT h B -C B n rare buUt from & special fclt. ' - I n - th o Cub Scout-dlvlston for

speed. D ov td -B arnes "won- first

D uane W atson, third, and Jack Olllesple, fou rth . I n tho construc­tion division. O eo rje M arsh was first, D avid B arnes, second; Dale Ham mond, th ird , and P hilip Bol- yard , fourth . • . . , '

In th e Boy Scout division for speed, Allen K ing was f irs t; Terry T urner, second; David Erb, third. an d -D a v ld -McC o llum .-fou rth .-ln th e construction division. Ja n Moss


th e hom e of Jo h n Fox, M3 B urton, -wherfr-a-«togge<u«tovoplpfi.xaitfied. sHght smoke dcimoge. --F»r einen“ werB-cftnea~ftt' 3 -g ftT Friday t9 extlsffulsh a c a r ilrs . T ho in terio r of Ihe car 'w as demol- ished, a ll windows broken a n d thetop o r i h e 'c a r -was 'hlickled; men reported. T he au to h a d a Ne­vada license. T h e ‘ ow ner is aoC known.

flre-’departm en t mad»"*rdur calls w ithin a 13-hour period Thursday.

They extinguished & sm all shed « r e southw est o f B urley a t 2:15 p jn . I t belonged to Boyd H unter. READ TIM ES-NEW S WANT-ADS Dam age ' was estim ated a t C29.Cause o r th e blaze w as undeU r-mined. . . • ___ .1 ............—Thcy.,were_colie(l_U)_the,LeRoy.O arner farm a t 4:45 p in . to p u t

_ /a (tr ti< « /f ro m a« (- — g lo r palD atU eka o f -. SDiawarthi1tli;riM >.

sn it lsm , baekaeher - a n d muscular acbM Jb----- e an b« yours w ban

p ra * ^ forau la b e l j ^ •core* of xsea and women to lead

Save, or we w fllW aad ytrjjfhioaey. SAVi inoHtv.■IfMlJUbTtw

“TKe^'SfQTr3ard-Yari^ies=S=rf ‘ 'fffr

;^T6perop--.......'.~-----------J.SO ;.,,;• White Holf RunnoV........10.50' ■

CORNELI SEED COMPANY, Inc.Phono RE 3 ^ 2 8 2 . . .


$15 per ton Delivered

Wade Van Eaton■PaldLasTRifes

second, and R ona ld Bradley, third, - In tho 'speclo l aivlslon. Kenneth

L oader was f irs t a n d A lan Brown, second. T he c ars may_havfl any so'rt^.of w clu , w ashers a n d ball bearings n o t in th e kit.

Thftrw wt>r« IM car« li

_____iB faL jerriceai^frW flde VanE aton were held Monday afternoon # t:T » ln r#Il3.inortutiry.hy.th6 Jlcv. E a r l . Riddle, T « 'la Falls F irs t Methodist ch u rc h .. ,' .Clarence Dudley was soloist and U ra.'S taiU ey Phillips w arb rsan ls t.

Pallbearers were R alph Miller.tty V an Eaton, Tom niff, Claude

./Uey.-Pftul-McOoUum and-L arry Cooney. Concluding rites were held a t e u n set Memorial park.

Richfield NewsR I C H F I E L D , May 1 — Mrs,

QuDder F ivelahd 'andH dw ard Mills le ft «i.itM rs. a ra c e Hlilscy, U nion, Ore., who has been 111. ' , . - ^ 1/cl and M rs^e ss« W est and daughter have returned to Reno aftecitpeodlhK & w eek;% ltb her p a re n li, W . t n d ' Mrs. Clifford DayJey. and oUser re la tir tf Maglo Valley. .

E ach .pack., a n d troop Ination earlier. _ A rc h l» -B i ■

IW cars In ttie race. s i t iw p held e lln)/

straw w ere 'In v o v le d 'In th e fire cftuscd. by ^ j ld r e n playing^ w ith m atches. T h e farm Is 10 m llu southw est o f B u rle y .' • ' '

A t 8:45 p jn . they w era called to

I n te r m o u n to in F u e l C o .RE S-CG21 _ Twtit

M bre C om fnrfW gflfjag .

F A tS E T E E T HD u rio r ' Interm ission. I n d i a

donees, wero fea tured . D ancers, ... costume, ware A lan-Brown, George H aney,', D enny . D ouett. Howard Roblzison a n d Jerrj* MoCuIIom.

L iA V E s 'F 0 R > rtE T IN O B im L E Y , May -1 — 'T lie Rev.

H ugh O . W lnteijteen , vlcnr o f the St. Jam es Episcopal church.

dnntr to-tlia( Uey (Ml more'eotn- foruble. No Eummr. eoear.-pw ty tu t* or faeliDR. U 't alkaline Tnun- acid>yOu«*^Q0t sour. CTneKi “plBte odor breath'*, a a t FA8T E m t w d s/ ml drug c oun tm evtry^wber*.

You've Had Your' tASTTCAT TIRE

I Goodyear Captive AlrTiVa I With Safety Shield .

M A G E L T I R E' C p M P A N Y


~ S [a g ic ~ V a lle y la u n d r i r a ihi^ ^

. ‘Idaho corporatiott; offeripg;^ ■ 154,762rsh^rea of i t e 'c a p ^ ;

" D r iv e O ld m i 'S ia ie

W g | K g p ? s

Page 4: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

, r i i s r s s s ^ i s n s i B s ; i s s E / s s :

Confusing■ A eood «egment of too worid|f popular ' tioirls'awftre'toat'ttoe 'Unlted'Btfttai'planB

• • • • • -------- - . Tljr».hlWjjl

-som e 100 miles oat in space Ih.ttie first step till* nation's “jnan In space” project. Plc-

ture* aqd stotfcs have moved by the dozens- put o{ Qipe Canaveral, the nation’s top mlS'

I j U f t center. The effort Is experted Tuesday.

• in-space by, a Russian, an accooylKhment ' th at wasn’t announced'unUl Its success was

virtually assured. AU the pubUdty also paves , t b e ' w fOT a good deal of embarrassment

lor this country If the ballyhooed space shot I -is a flop. I t wouldn't be the flrst.tlme In

ir t ixw__ __________ Ue-progrwn-thafr-mijgJHHitUclty has been given to an effort only to Hare it wind up in fallun . - .. ■ .

. ’o f course, I f this week's attempt i s sue-L , eeissfuI.it-also.could-be int«q>reted-tbat-the' ^ ^ t i o n ' s missile experts are so sure of sue-

’■ «««w that th«w don't heritate to announce JF'. plans in advance.

‘aight^ ln-the •mldst-bf'aU-tlie*pubUclty ■ | O u i l i ^ ”for't4»Tnan-4n-Bpaee effort, Presl- ■ ' ^ e n t Kcrniedy asked the nation’s news-

papeni to cooperate in a sort of self-refrula- tton plan to help safeguard-the nation's se-

. xurlty.-Zt doesn't make sense for the Presl- dent^jrtopose such'a program right a t thal same tlme;the govemmentlJs creating a sit-'

BTT^atlon'^wtil^couId'cauaff^soTattclrembar:• raasmefat. ‘ ~ .

. The missile ptogr&m Is largely i^litary In nature and' Mecutlon but.because of the very natttfe:of_tt^e_prograoi. secrecy ~l ic ^ t o t Impossible as i t Involves testing of

—missiles. Everyone forinany miles In all dl- rl rectlohs' Is wpU awoca of at^f jnlssUe.tcst or ^ l ^ n r e . But the reasons for each particular' ‘‘. 1-test-could be considered classified mliltaiy ! I in^onnatloh.The U. 8. could have saved con- ' aldena>Ie.embarrassmentlathepa8tbysuch

classification ‘ , ' ■ ■ • 'i j e r j h a n d r r g o r e r n m e n t - b u r e a w

lunUvormble U endj belore they c r^p t into outbnftlcs. Ucf wJlh o u r dJtflomaUc. com m ercW -and m U l»nr

' l e n d M - th e f o r c I jn a e r v lfc c ^ , .................;

ALWAYS VNAW ARE,-SUB£JUSED — i r I t hiici been t lg l lw t o n d -cn U»e-Job,-the U nited Slaw* would j » t have been to U ken by »urpcJ38 » t anU- -raiBTJcia MnUiiiBJa uim .auljsegueni iu m u to Ko^ rea,~Uie'Congfr, Cuba, U o s . AlseUft and Nasser's Middle .£aa(. Every one of thoM crUes caught WaatilDgton unaware and unprepared .

No adm lnlatm tlon rem ote fr^m th e eceno can lulopt and -execute VUfl poUdes W lthout-Bccuraw and advance knowledge of torelgn U em U .and de- te lopm enu . And thU observation

pubUcao regime*. — — -------- --ibor In December. IM I. as the s io st . . am ple o f o u r dlplom adc flhortcomlngs.

A s a m a tte r o f fac t, American reporters fo r the

postw ar npM t than

th a P 'm M t^ S i^ im * se rv lco officers pass lestxleted and"lM lat«l"U v<*"fiaT 0venca»-»»8lgnmenU.- TOey

, Hobnob chiefly w ith th e ir A nglo-Saxon and W est Isu ro p c aa opposites, w ith im portan t businessmen, w ith l u w o fm ers . including dlc tato ra like B atista. S d i ^ t h e uppe^ c ru st o f local iwUUcal and eco-

° o n e - s i d e d , Jaundiced, conservative , andYlewpotata, w hich thejt-report to the s t i t e depart-

“ S i* ^ rtr S r m S e ^ th 'o r u nd c^ d 'th e Jiw. naUonallsUe forces w tilch are mainly world turmoU a b tf th e strugglM to a tta in political f t« d o m a n d Improvement o f th e ir unhappy and 0OTre»«l« w he t h ^ ^

in' Wa^ilngton practice a high degree of secrecy in many matters that have nothing

>„ to do with the nation’s security. As a m a t- [T V -ter of fact, It’s sometimes next to Impossible

’ ’ to get Infom atlqn that should be a n » ^ r ‘ of pu!>llci The geneiaL attitude among bureaucrats ’ and poUtldans Is that the public will be T io l i o h ijM ^ t's’ good forlhm ~to know.

I I , I t TTOUld have' made far* more sense. U it},v President Kennedy ct:t a few yards of 1 ..red tape veiling'In secrecy so* much of the

' in*s everyday business at the same time r.~B newapai^r s -ttr h e ^ ^ se r v

^ne poucy-c

d S m i o ^ J i M n U ^ atudentsT Inte'iioctuaU |eade« ., 'labor spokesmen, land-poot..pea» inU - '“ <1 leonJo"classes. PV>r one reason, a n d .\h ls Is a f u n j i - i im enU l evil, there b th e ba rrier of languoee. Pew

It o u r diplom ats are lln ^ U ts^

SO O D EAD S N O W --Presldent Kennedy ftppreclatcsl thU -proW em rand la s«pdlng a ditferent-type of dip- lom at to key posta-profeasors, e co n ^ jls ta and m en Iw ith -* h istorical ba ek g ro u n d .-T h e y ^o -flu lte .a dlf-

from th e ir-p red e ce w rs-o f the . la s t 30

° T ru m an k e p t on m ost of hto predecessor’s M t^ . l

j news by liimdout probably will get worse In

_____ meantime, President Kennedy andi' the Pentagon should g iv e> little thought

^ J_;them > ftlvft ta tha dignity and mftiirltv of,f the Jiation..Ifc’s.confutlng».tD.w_3ii.lee8t, r when the President voices such a sUggte-

tlon w h i l e govemmrat en^loyes. and

- publlo is entitled. And at the same time. : BUcli a'vital^rogram-as-thB-space-diot-is

publicized like the opening of a circus.J .V_. Let’s bust'OUT; buUona about accoapUA* | . : - ^ ; d » ^ - : n o t p l a n 8 , : ^

CONSPIRACy____faimers must~ think tha t Nature

^ ..fia^^I^nenls con^Av against tliem^

V se t’th at appearance.' • >A B ^ es of mild winters has posed-a grave.

LthTBa$_tOhJn)ga^oa-]ratei. supplies, on even the best ot soutHem Idaho’s irrigated tracts.

•:.Tbe,samo. freak.weather resulted, last sum- . mer in-& heat wave that hurt development !of CTOps'-in-mld'Siimmer-and. resulted. In

..Then th is spring abnormally warm tem- ( peratiires early in the season resulted In

■ fT ^ lrult-trees ,blp«somIng-Just-in-tlme -t^-bc Skilled by frost Jn'the .last 10 days of so.

Sugar beets also were' hurt. _i_M t_that'ftjiot-alU N 6w -plant-pcst coh- ' trol experts of tha lt.8 department of agrl- . jculture ore prodl^&U; the la te s t invasion '.of'.beet leaQ ioi^rs^in Mbe c Valley in a i ‘ ^obd many years, a prediction ^ tthreat to such major area c r ^ .a 8 .b e a n s ._

-™ So-Xar-a5 Insects are concerned,- the. beet -leafhopper p ^ IcU on Is only, the bes^nnln'g.'

'wave of nilld winters In the pas^fewyears, fanneni;have .experienced'lnfirei^-4 diffi­culty with other- plant pests; such as"the

‘pea anhid. As warmer, weather arrives, farmers can expMtltfoi*enroubies,;from such

•Insects. - : ' -On the other hand. Magic 'Valley' farm*

exii are not dependent on frequent rains ' during the ^ 'w in g season nor~do'tbey have to worry about s u ^ extremei_of.weathor as llobds and tornadoes.-Usually, farmers in

[Ii6_niay_ndt_^ rasrg^~iasl.they, haveicbme toexpeot. ■ • •.

— B u tw lth th e combination of-clrcumstoic- e s in recent months, farmers would be Jiistl-

•-f le d -in - thinking they -are-the-victlms; of —some gian t conspliacy. ......__________

'NO BBU G STdR E;iK .M Il,ES . The notion has been pretty general In the

-layman’a world that ulcers are seriously af> _ :**Iected;- ir riot“caused, by the tenslohs~bT |-:-preseirtrd«y'M10i^not-the-lea8trofTrtiich-l»

■ ,the conatant rnbbtng of elbows wlth- oihbr ■'people. •• .

Now Mme thRe>soore stomach ;spe|^lists I to forecast; however,, that wljen man soars -into sp a u he.won't be able to escape the ' Ulment,. The stress of “aloheness, lonell- ^Aess» -boredom”- .will: b«- too mqch^ for hls<

W AfiHxifOTON—I t la n o t only Allen W . IWUes* ficn tra l tot«U|genco a«eilcry -and th e a n n y -n a v y .a lr

‘ - tnfBTmatiOH j e r v i c e sw blcU-requlra-reorganlxaUoa -as -a

■result o f t h e - c u b a n - r u j c o - w d o the r democratic setbocks 4croSa th® globe since W orld w ar IL J

In th a t period, th e Russian am# Chinese communlsU have .selzw)

________t h o i * fP rencbm en w h o h ave b e e n mbat pettlm lstto . about th e fu ture of thU d e e p l y troubled counuy It Is beln», ■ a ld - t l ia k - t& .f l . specter o f fu d s m ta r P r a n b o has

I t U a ipeetcr th a t has .long hovered on Uie borUoo, nourished by deep d lso^ tien ts an d .fru s tra r | tions a i th e grandeur of the em> Dire of th e past h a s . grown .dim. I t Is tempUng tp th e outsider to ascribe the farcical tragef generaU ' rebellion th a t t 'B-‘SaturitaT*andrcBded'0& day to .tbe fac t th a t th is Is r.L atin

' g r e a ta t piece o t postw ar fol|y-.thi B ritU h-Prcnch a tU c k In con. Junction w ith the Israelis od Bun In 1950. .

. N tsse r proposed ,td take the Suet cana l, which, was owned In con. s lderable p a r t by French, ehate.boMera. I f N a s ^ was n o t a com.___}

"m unlst he t o c ^ i n l y a nation'. | aU it and perhaps also a soclalltt, ' and In the sim ple m ll ltu y mind - these dBOnctlons' p je o t smaU Im.

W OBTH B E n ilN T IN a P oU S hoU .finds the foUc

w orth breaking the ' Po t Shots rule u t rep rin ting any th ing from

...Jw here—I b to . cornea.from .-the column Quote^Tknd U nquotes-In th e N evada Jou rnal. N evada, J # ,

T h e T ltu n l lle Xndustxlal .D e ­velopment eommlsslon announced thU m orning th a t th e Apex 6hoe- h o m eompanss w ith w h o m 'th e U D O 4ia> bc4a negotlaUng, h a d ......................to locate th f lr new

p la n t In Titusville.. Apex rep resenu tlve IVickey P .

■ th e people In T itusville appor- “ weren’t too ho t “ .........

o t o S u t r a t l S r O o K ^ Secre tajy P ierre

I m ade' before th e 1

preasTlOlds h igh ly dlfferent.vlew s. I t U also b ^ e baaU of experience, th a t th e InformaUon d to a tlo n .wUl get worse ^ e s s the press Is constantly

” in n e polnfa were ^ te « by th e ASNB oommlttee a sj cause fo r concern. . . . *. o n e of th e -p o lrit» -th evUlons ordered In a prepared apeoch, by A d m l^

iB u rlu 'cb n sU tu te a-» ew -p o U o y -eeem a-to -u s-to lie 'ftu tf l'ift th f of_fre?4Pm of I n fo r m a tlo ^ J f' clvUlaa control o f th e arqiFd.fore'ea la to m ean to y - th in> th e n public utterances by B urke and other mlU tarx leaders should be cleared In advance w ith civilian authcfflUes; Moreover, th is Is ha rd ly a "<«' policy InlW ashlngton.

O n o ther, points, h c r^ v er. we consider som ■Sallngo's tepUes as less th a n I r ^ t

W hen b e meeta wUh agency inform ation chiefs fo r “coonUnatlon.'* w h at els^-U h e doln« except see

<<i>ruinn« on inform ation coATorm 'w lth ea* •tabllshed p o l l c y ? ^ d a fte r h e h a s a n n b U H te d - l^ " a t t lm e s l the p ^ would n o t be Infotm ed of the P ra ld e n t 's w hereabouu. I t sounds- like hedging to CTplain " tb e P residen t h as n o t been h ld d w ftom

*’*^n»o*^kSnedy adm lnb\r*U on baa been in office only a sh o r t tlm e a n d ought n o t t o - ^ se t to Its waysyet. B u t I t l»-a good th ing to le t th e a d m lh ls t ra tlo n k ------t o p w i 4 h a t - t o ^ l ^ h a s -n o ^ tg p U o n r "S?!

FULL CIBCLB TbOM w ho_contend th a t consum er ta ste s go]

ih ro u ^ 'd ls c e m lb le c y c la wUI'fiDd new avtdence to sopport tb e lr c laim s In th,B_lat«st‘reporta from O e;' ■trolt. - ' '■ ■i 'BS _______, _____________ _____t£ a A m erican m otorU t w antM atUy “liaslo tran s- porUUon.” a re beginning to load up th e compacU w ith a ll k inds o f 'g a d g eu . And these new "luxury' eofBpacU" a re selUngHke hotcakes, say th e m oau;

I—O na m a k ^ b i& Ju s t p u t ou t a version o t lts | ic t th a t Includea bucket seats , p ile carpeting, uiA oIatcting. etc.,. because buyers of the un<

. roed mdOel wenk strongly fo r such optional Items a s tr im kiea. w hitewall tires a n d ligh ts to m e glove«iAiwpii»fmyntii - . ........ .........— i - . - . .

' lOther firm p u t o u t a drtased-up com pact la st id -found, somewh a t to-;^lta aurprlse, U iat -inaL eL hm taH an c w t o p e r c e n t o t Its

la te s t trend . Buyers a re Investing.«tiOQgly In such

souped*u{> e n ^ e a . ' '- Before we know -lt.-aM ntbody‘s-B olng-to-hB ve-t( build a bl3gKJ.compact, .16 hold- all th is p a ra p h er- ,

:» £ l l a = ^ d . w ell be bock' w here .we started . W ith] iMInnnyrnlh l?lar. ..........

T ir» -eap ltalistlc*cT here a t a t p resen t lOS p e ^ In l i t u t s k Oblast h o a re 100 o r older, says th e u H R S . And th e adme

o a n u n i^ ty boasts 10,000 wtu> a re between SO,.and

~ i i i ' tb e 'o p i n i w 7 6 t 3 e Siberian M ifcnU st.~ P ^ O n irhko , longcfvity to 'S ib e r ia U promoted by the I cUmata and good n a u ^ coadltlons,” the Sovletj lis teners a re told. ^ .

Somehow, w e .b a d -a d ifferent Im p reu lo n .o f 81> b e tla , .-C b lc a g o /e u n v i ta e « .- '- .......- - -

(NEA) — T b e th e R ussians th e ir biggest advan-1______ __ .old-war-^-peae»>

time 'censorship h a s been raised here. I t came u p a t a tw o-day

r t m e n t background

about Uvtog In th e town. Least­wise. .Halfsole said, th a t 's .th e way they acted.

Loalpg a p la n t th a t

briefing conference for several col­um nists from a ll over 'the* U nited S U te a . 'l t w as«an t o d o o t r l n a t l o n pragram . designed to le t -the. news, a n a l y s t s know bow thtoga were going on th e new frontier. T he a n ­swer seemed to be th a t th togs a re n 't K.oJ.nK_t_o_o_«lI._Tbe news was so ___ ____bad th a t a t th e end of th e con> ference one ed ito r a sk e d -fo r .an oplnlon“" o n 7 th e Hienlucky derby. The answer w as, " It.w lU b# sad

w ho loses."

w hen Apex decided to build the I factory about 10 miles aw ay In ,lhrurapvU le. .

W hat hBppcned_yra».that Apex se n t In a couple of jp le s who a u y -

who’s been living In T it- , usvllle alnce dinosaurs la id (gss. sa id she guesesd It was okay In ' tow n b u t you' know bow I t Is .

.‘’the-sam e old bunch of guys.■ lobody else has a

^ a n c e .”W hile they w m -e a t in g dinner

iri the-TltusvUle cafe, one of-them struck - u p - a —conver?aMim~wim ArdlUx.Cuslne, th e waitress, cook and cashier.

"This a p retty rifce to»-n to live ta?" h e asks 'Ardith.

Aad 'A rd ltb pracUcolly slipped the shoehorn factory righ t o u t of to»-n w ith her answer.

‘■Well," she says, taklnir he r thum b out of h la soup and licking It- o rr.- ’T here 'B -T io th in ir-bu t a tranch-of-h ieka-ln-thU -here-tow n and I'm getting o u t of I t as soon a s I can land a good: Job in Hounkera T ea room to Thrum p- vnie."

One of theae fellows needed a pair of socks so h e w ent fnto the TltusvUio-tJeneral M ercantile com-

The poor guy stood there fo r 30 m inutes before, a clerk cam e up (she vm s^talklnr to ano therc lerk ),

‘'V /ho teha-w ant?’’ she dem and­ed. . - r . •

.*!Socks,"-he s a y s .. -1------•'We a to 't got. yer slie.“ she says.

I. to Thrumpville, too; the

..........;clerk,-the-w altraw to the cafe and

boy h e m e t on the street.' _ one of them said the same,

th in g : ‘’Thrum pville U th e best danged town InH he United States. B a v a - ^ - M e n o ift-park s7 -U avs you seen ou r now. whooU? How d ’y a like our .new U reet pavtog? O ur tow n^ lauQ k grow and/.I'm ,''f tB ftm 'm y 'H gB t « w -------------—,g f b w r '■• -w en rjio u -iL n « rw h a t-'T h e 'A ^ Shoehorn company took lU TepresentatW es* *d«ce .a n d bu ilt th e p la n t in ThtnmptUl# In­s te ad oY TltVtTlll». __________

M a tttf o f ‘ fac t, o o e -o f - t h m stopped a t the TltMVllle Mrvice

1 Pum p was on duty agato. . ’ou know w lja t 'I told you th .

other d a y ," 'E th y l said, runntog about a qiiart' df gas down thej

fr»hlg.w«>hitri tfT ■• T h if town Is no good. T h a t bi.___of guys th a t run . everythlng-.to T itusville really goofed this time: H e a r_ th e y J e t a b ig .fac to ry get away from theffli" . s . / '

FAMQU8 . .LAST-LINE / '• We never have w eatherl"


W A SH -I-K G T G N rB y . P E T E R , ] ^ S O N '

ways te ll— th e .c r i t i c a l tags so .easily applied. '

.B ut a c lo scrJo o k Je ad sJo ^JIu re ibertog conclusion. T he case of

n a n c e Is the case of th e West In extrem is. T b e rebellious gen- e iU s who sought to overthrow the governm ent of G eneral D e OauUe could fin d tb e lr m a tc h ^ ln a tti­tudes. a t , any ra te —In any John B irch chapter to th e U nlted StaU

T hey rebelled because they b lieved th a t Do G aulle, by m a k li. peace w ith tb e Moslem leaders,

.w ould . tu r n Algeria over 'to (he eom m unlsU w ith th e g rea t Fteach investm ent to money a n d effort th a t h a s " ' ^ e In to th a t colony.

t e y t h B. i lmple-w ay of- force-they Iwould take over tb e | a n d prevent th is from .. . . .

T he Incredible naivete of .. . v iew -led -ibem -ln to -an -adven tu re b a ^ . o n mlscalculaUons so absurd th a t they 'should-have beeit appar­e n t jUS a s lx th -fn d e sohoolboy. The Ptench , tocldehtally, are' no t re­luc tan t to point ou t Ute mlscalcu-

■-the-A m erican-advtntnn

rec t o r n a s ^ cbsjges a b o u t . . Inference w u th a t th e failure of th e Cuban r ^ u t l b n waa parUy th e fau lt o f th e A m erican press because l t p rin ted too m uch about th e a n a ir th a t w asn 't true.' i f w M C harged -that to ff-m any j reporters w ent around totarvlewlng

, any Cuban refugeea they could Iliad, QuoUnS them a s authoriUes

I on th e revohitlonary movement, I'often on false rumora. ,

'This w as im m ediately challengM . jn e w riter-po ln tcd-ou t-tha t-lf th e 'Cuban tovaslon -plan was Ul-con- celved. p rin ttog more about I t a t th e s ta r t m igh t have the fiasco.

^ r te d .- .A n d - l t - la n o t - o u t - o f .o r d e r . . . report t h a t . th e dozen offlclnis on th e p rognun ru tg e d ' frbm Prest- dent K e n n e d y , w ho-answ erca -jjncSnoHTTjr a n hoiu-A oi

dban s ituation w hich. I t w as ad -| iltted. had n ’t tu rned ou t too well.1

l i t was pototcd 'o u t f irs t th a t the 'u n ited S ta te s didn’t have a n •'Of­ficial secret ac t" like the British.! T his m akes I t a crim e for BriUsh newspspers to p r in t InformaUon; damaging to th e na tional In terest,

lu r th e f pototed o u t -som e^ltt^ers^ l le v ^ ^ ^

United SU tes, w here freedom of speech Is guaran teed and wherelb's press Is absolutely free. ^

I t was m ade c lear, too. th e re Is ..0 desire to se t u p the Soviet sys­tem under -which th e newspapers can p rin t only w h at th e Rovem- m ent tells them to p rtoU T hls gives

to Cuba.- . . ,T h e .d ^ fp a t o f IMO, th e fecbli

fu tile governments th a t fell with m onotonous succession a fte r lOtS, the ,loss-Q f,IndogC hlna.JD in l« llt, Morocco—all th is fed th e smoul- dertog fires of fru stra tion a n d re a in tm e n t th a t -three tim es in thi p a s t thOM y e a n broke o u t In mill' ta ry Insurrection, w ith th e support of extreme .right-w ing elements. T h e wonder. If one examtoes the record. Is th a t .th e long pent-up exploeion h as n o t been more vio­le n t and m ore-w idespread..

, I f th e w ar to K orea bad gone on for m ore th a n .s lx jrea rs and If during a ll th a tttim e we h a d con- ttoued to pour .out blood ond treasur«,-th«n.we-would-have.Bome idea o t th e reacUon of tb e m ilitary a n d for th a t m a tte r-o t-ir ian y ci­v ilians to France to the war. to A lgeria th a t h a s pinned down up to a half-m illion P tencbm en. After

th e generals asked, are

porU nce.So In Pnria and- l n . I . f l n . d j J |

O balle. who is a- persuasive articu la te m an. d h unm ed .up su.., po rt fo r military a ttac k th a t woulJ to ^ i 'N a s s e r 'a n d ' happlly."rcatorJ E gypt and the canal to the statll of willing compUance * ' ' ygood o ld .a ay i.’,*- — -— -

T he failu re o t th is mil .. fo ray , based on so many mlscalcu- , latloqs o t bo th a m ilita ry a£d s~l political na ture , bad borrendoui consequences. F o r one th ing ;' p u t an a lm ost-lntolerable siysln . on the western alliance while a t? ' U jr iam e-tn B e -ilT m rM o w O T rin -? opportunity to assume (be role ot • defender'o r-A nb-naU onallsm .

■And,..ot course. I t fu rther fed • th e frustra tion o t Ohalle and (he ‘ o the r generals contribuUng 16 the .

- - “ * --------- 'K h tha t :___________ showing

I m ore honor th a n his fellow con­spirators, gave him self up..

T he Irony of th e revolt was tha t De OaiiUle, h lm sd{ a 'i g e n ^ . had

I been manBUVcrtog:jo-j<ilaata klng. , ly wlUi aU tae ' com plra elem enu

'tovolved to try to .b r in g peace to ' Algeria, twftgriiging Oi»t o n ly through a peaceful' soluUon I s U p o s ^ le to p rev e n t' ehaoa— and

--------- .— taktog over noton ly -to_A lge rla_b» t_ J oU o t N orth A frica.

W hat U more. De G aulle hOL successfnUy helped to to ltlato UUl todependent statehood o t a n u m - l ber o t France's form er A frican col-

course would.be disastrous.i n tbe a fte rm ath o t th e eo_.^

of th e putsch D« Qaulle’s “g r e a ^ victory- is being hailed. C e rta in ly ^ be stood wlUi courage and flrm - nS s' and~uscd~th~T TlrftltM --T e-

isourcM h e had w ith skill. B u t }!.. w hen a g rea t naU on Is throw n ../.3

1 to to - a -T»anlc- b y -* - le w -p a u n fc h y - ;^ genertfs, backed by a UmlUd nam -

iber-of “elite troops," and w hen»h# : loyalty of^ lrtuaU y a ll th e mlllTary and the .security forces is uneer- ta to . vlctot7 seem s a strange word to tisft

A front-page edltorU l to the lordtoariiy sensible Le M onde sbys. ito e frp :t." th a t youn g 'P resid e n t IK e n n e v c an come to Paris a t the eilU of iMay to -leam some.leasons. to viewtof th e Cuban fiasco, from th e g re i t D e Gaulle line. I f one o t the duuequences o f th la la test upheaval is to encourage De Gaulle to .h is I'gb U alone" course on NATO, (he U nited N ations and to

_____________ agreed they would! publish no th tog o t th e tova^on ( 'fiis>f-nwffW-tn-thBlr-ehnertor^they-.i»I w ^ e u p one day to find th e whole[story- exposed to a m e tro p o U ta n ___________pdpcr-ldeh tU led 'bn ly 'I to " to t h e j ^ ^ j t ^ a for

The Doctdr SaysBy HAROLD THOMAS H Y tU N .ia s the

I t was m ade clear, however, th a t the U nited S ta te s m ight t tod llw lf

Cuban a ffa ir during th e nex t 10 9eara. T he newspapers .w o u ld .^ v e to decide fo r themselves w h at to^ p r to tU n d ^ h a U o Q g jg t e t . - -----: i t was recaUed th a t to w artim e.

th e cnemy7"- T his w as t o ’reml^id them constanly to file no th ing th a t would h u r t American Interests or endanger th e .llV u o f Americans an d th e ir allies.

Poor Mari’sl^lato:By HAL B O Y ^ ...

I NEW Y ORK Wl — T hings ! columnist m ig h t never know If hedidn’t open h is m a ll : ’ ' -----

T he m ost novel cure for hiccups Iwe’vp ever he ard lot was one used by th e Pennsyl­vania D utch. You w e n t o u t t h e f ro n t -d o o r., and ra tr - a round— the

while U ilnklng o t-^ fox. , . '■Even If th e cure

failed. I t su re did Ibulld up your appeUte. u « iP .. . .-T here Is n o EngUsh w o rd .th a t

rhymes w ith “oblige."Does th e governm ent owei you

money? U ncle S a m w ould like to find and p a y th e fo rgetful peo- p1e-wlio-hold-»4U.8ea.360-worlh of U. S. bonds and s e c u r l t lu . th a t

..^ fve 'long - iwsMd the ir n ia tu rlty

est, •

customary to r a m a n to give his betrothed a ring, a pa ir o f . f b w a n d a kiss. T h e ring symlwllcally

doctor w ho-gives shots to deaden the h u n ­ger pangs, make I t easier to shun food and help to lose w eight faster.H e also th in s the blood a UtUe by . p re w lb lh g : dosesT l o t . ia l t s ' a n d .g lv - to g -o th fT .a h o tU f t.^I n e r . e a s e w ater -in ... ellmlnaUon. D o . t l ; ’ you th ink this ta a «.»■*.good Idea? Please H i___answer-soon so I can gel a n early s ta r t. •

A—D ear.,dear lady,.this program fo r w eight redadtlon-m akea-vsry lltUe sense. D rugs U iat ^deaden th e appeUte c a n - b e - ta k e n by m outh and, even then , r e c e n t s tudIes-havft-shQ w n-them _tQ _be of little value unless ia k c n In such large doses th a t you 'd be as Jumpyl

rrom b lal^ cat on th e h o t 1

W ater elim ination' doesn’t thin the 'b lood . As a m a tte r o t fact, a floaa o t sa lts or a; sho t o t a drug

. ^ t t o c r o ^ ' w a t e r ellmlnaUon Iwould cause your-blood-to become: more concentrat«d. I t It had any

, e ttcc t a t a ll. A nd one way or 'the [other Uie blood would be restored to norm al th e n e x t time you took flu id , of .a n y kind.

I ’m sure your liM band ’ hsd

B u l-y o Q -re m e m b e r - th e -n a m e -c f - t« —, ih e u i I e c e jA l i a l i ^ ie d j r iW v J C s L - J L -Ltotcntlons.

Q—Is I t tn ia -ttlk^ cance r- is . eaused-by tak ing aspirin?

A—O t.-eoursa j u t . A t o n e . t l i» .' ano ther, alm ost eve

us takes a few dckses i .Som e of u s U te r develop o ance r.l B u t to say th a t-a s p lr to causes ■ cancer ls a a ,s l l ly . .u to say th a t I

.cancer is due to eaUng b r e a k fa s ^

■vieum remember* b a v S g ^ d n s ’^I every day.

supposed to 'k e e p -h e r h ands | . m lachlet. the shoes to keep

her from being footloose, and th e I k lis to keep b e r from u lk m c too ' much. .

A sta tis tic ian has figured, by dividing th e producUon o t aspirin tablets In to . th e . naUonal Income, someone geU a headache, fo r —

^ <n countryEver wondei-'-why I t doesn't h u r t

when you c u t your h a ir o r ftoger- nolls? I t 's because they have no nerves. ' -' T he gazelle a n d th e llam a never

drink water..H '^ T a n o th e r 'iU iis Io n sh a tte r ­

ed: ’A 10-gallon Texas h a t actually holds only" th ree -tou rth s of a gal- lon.-—T h e-p rem ler-o t= Jap a n .-H a y ato Ikeda, m ay -be^he world’s cleanest politician. H e *takes two h o t ba th s

Henry McLemoTeROME, .

celebrated i.haa Justl

b irthday a n n lm ia ry - h e r 2.7MU1.

I t ’s a -pity ahe couldn’t s it onth e -f ro n t porch ( a s ------------- ‘- —do> and be to te r-

th e reasons for. h e r longevity.

B u t maybe not.T h e old lady by I th e T i b e r h a s ' rea lly -ilved It ;u p since R 0 m u 'l u s a n d Rem us chose, th e site to 7 0 B . , a She h a s seed.it.1 a ll a n d done I t Meum'i aU. She 's missed nothtog, review o t .he r life m ight 'exertl

fo r coffee. We walked about ths j Pala ttoe h ill , a t whose foo t Path* 9 e r T iber gently deposlUd th e e ra -1 die boldtog Rom ulus and Remus, R an d .where the tw ins were brought V.

■ f a ktodly. shepherd and h l iS

Im us.and tried to ploturo I t ss » § w as to B. C. days and 260,000.c|U-.,9 ten s packed It., to oe6 th a t mod fl hiagnlflcent o f ancien t RofflsB^J s lg h ts - th e tr ium ph o t a ; hero..

b y - a - s q u v a - f t^ M ■ot pl8ta,,D lplng h o t a n tP f iu b W ff l f r tm th e 'o v e n o t a h o le -to ft» a wall .bakery, a n d w hjch « r *

Hve :wttndercd'aloDg7-we; Ji

est. T h e - l lg u r e -J n c l------------------,,lrom a.govem 'm cnt issue tha fcnm e[ due before 1800. •

Insom nia h its jn o s t o t tlm^e .or. ano ther, b u t-a b o u t three

[out o f lOO.persons s « f e r ; f n p - n n opposite a lim ent. norcotepsy.'They. can 't a tay awake. We o n ^ haV e this trouble during working hours!,. Sign on door o t a home housing several., ch ild ren : "Neighborhood chlldreni TIease don 't knock. W e're eating. resUng o r busy. Come' back . w ben th is sign is down. T h a n k w ' T he-m anagem ent." -.I “ O ur-qnom ble-jvo tab lesr^ 'It-U n ' so much .th a t h a rd tim es a re com tog: the change observied is mostly soft times io toK .v-iO roucho Morx.. In K ashm ir am ong one sect the

bride' stays avray. from h e r ’owt iedd tog . . '. 'B u t sends a'represen- U tlje . T he rcprM cntaUvo la j -ameL . . . V ''D uring~lh« iilxth c e n l i i^ lt>was|

talned 18 m on ths 'o f ao .a five-day period a t the e n d ofl th e year w hich waa regarded a s I

a t the A rch of Constanttoe, to t condition a fte r l e centuries, ;S

____ . . , .adm ired th e sU tu e o tM a rc O l.*~K^T>alefnt=1nflqenM =pn = iuchsn^= |TOlllflRfK=C»p lto ;n ir :h m := ' ~

Q 'unliioky t i t 'w o s Gel. . ___ Je lett-B u rgess who ob-

serted . !'A p e rso n 'Is 'aa old as * ’ Habits." — :

_ 5 :lGoing o u t o r year -way la .b d 'p

. o th e rs .k ee p s ly e 'B .o a llh a i l ^ t . road.' •

s ta r t rivals as z ;ondoa77arla and N«1r^Vorfc-

Rom e couldn 't very well advise a y o u n g -d ty , ,I t I t w anted to aehleva a ripe old-age, to go easy o n -the wtoe, th e carousing, the dtolng a n d '- th e ' partying—for R o p e haa been on a binge fo>v37 centuries plus, and Is.m ore beau­tifu l and youthful-.than ever.''H er 'only advice i r o u l d ^ v e to 'b e J 'b e-»our»elf."r--------- ■ . ' -

Rom e d idn 't miike .m ^ctar.fuu ~ h e r. b irthday annlversajy. A

j y u a - R m _ h u n g , ^ j u - l t oh e s were m ade, and th a t was

____ t' alL 1 suppose w h e n .y o ub a d a s .m any b irthday a n h i v m - r l u .as Rome, one m ore c a r ' taken pretty m uch in stride .

O ur fam ily -celebrated Rome's b lrtoday anniversary- w ith a rw alk ab o b t S om e, broken n o w ___ _th e n by stops a t aldi^walk tables

'We w en t to t« . the IhstTmost fam ooa 'o t aU rui took a s e a t w here the empj to the year eo, w hen i t was end then vralked a e ^ th to climb to e Jaalcu lum binloveliest 4 f a U . v ^ t o f M

I t U a ll spread out. for,, see, a n d 'a t ju h s e t f t m ust.be » ■ Of th e .m o s t splendid sighU la the 'w w ltL 'N early a ll lh« m onum ents a re visible, be

.w ith S t P .e tefs a t th e i le t t„ a n d endln* In th e r

k - th e - A lb u U t iU i , L it“ ' c ity a so lsb • t f . 'to '.b e I the lasy-Tiber. «utl« . a n the -foot,

in honor o t Rom e’s b l r t b ^ - * nlversary, and fo r t ^ ^

ishe la e rten d lb* u s ,* u W .' d ies ls-Juit-9,OOO.f

Page 5: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

' MOOTAT, MAT 1,- M i l '- ------ .


-Riihlift CallPfl Tnnior Prom King and Queen Oowned Key^enat^x

-yr-ug—Fii'ini.......N ^ - ^ O R K .- M « y i - 4-n -T h e

■ ■.cholrmanoflKe fwJerM tradecom - _ r i n l 8sl0n ;*a l(l:la s t nigia- the^nubllc

.w ka B.capiive of the d rw iB d u i^ ' try because the do«tor orders the m edicine, and the paH entjiftyi for

Paul Rand Dixon, PTC chief •appearing on a T v proBram. alao

' a iu ck e d (aUe adveriljlnR on TV ' which h e Indicated was dr^w n'U i

__uilth careful dcllbcrntlon.Dixon Mid iha i” the' druK In.

dustry was fa pteullnr Sndus^r;.'. "YOU know the pcrso'rt Ihn t buyi

____ It doesn 't order It and the pertonth a t orders II doesn't pay Yor It?■ e_aald. "You /ollow th a t out. '

“You 80 lo U;e doctor; he tells , a u w hnt you mnsl buy. Vou'.take 11 to the druseUt. He can 't lubstl- 'liitiT’fcnyiWnB' lo r’ l irw h a te v e r H on It you m ust pay.'

"H ere's a public th a t’s com- p le td y captive In this Industry.**

ita ry { oeer- I word I

siys.Wentt t h sM M .from

of avenue." TV sU tlonssponsorA and broadcksUne chains which he said were to blame* io t false TV advcrtWntt. _

" I th ink when, you n a tional corporatlonn t________

■ *ialso advertiilnB. it'* very dlfflculilo r .m e lo bellere th a t they dldn'l have tHeIr lawyer a t ^ e l r side,' h e sa id . "Ppr InsUince, ihoc d idn 't have competent advei m « r I - think they know

. they 're dolns."Be said the FTC has 3.000 ,1

TestlgaUons of price flx lns a . . . fals« advertising charii6 ' pentl-

• ini.

Mr . Bloom’s TTmlrS:war3^

n U B R , J-Ia'y 1 — M rs .' .........—Bloom-»-a*-award*d-lhe blue-pen­

cil of the 'B orah ToaslmUtress club Ftlday evening for her preporM speech on "Bird watchUiB is more

. th a n » hobby.** . •O ther speakers

QiS raiiUSBlreSS . . . Sharp,, were Mrs. H. A. Chll___

■ who spoke on "Qettlng attention,' and M rs. Francis H e«elholt. who jave *Wy story." Them e of eventnV 'W u-'L et's-fl«l-fum iy.

Invocation was given by Mrs n i z a Morstu). Mrs. Fred Wilson

—was In charge of table toplcs^wtth ' each member given an envelope

conlaX&lng an tinusual situation. IQ one minute they were told to explald the best way to deal with th e situation. Mrs. Hesselholt was aw arded the traveling trophy.

M rs. Reuben U erm an, pftrlla. m enU rlaa, presenU d a le u o n on

' t h a correc t w ay tom ake tnnouneei n e a t s and a lis t of pointers for

..speakers. Mt«. Jam es Bremmn wos . ' chief era luator w ith Mrs. Charles

O unnlogham, Mrs. Robert Mur- d o tf a n d Mrs. Z>on Hlne serving as e n lu a to rs . '

P lan s were discussed M iti Ju n e m eetaig when th e B orah cli

Oppose Fight -In-Laos-GHS■WASHINGTON. May 1 (ITD -

Two kpv arnntnr»—n • n irnncrat ftiMl 7Tepubll6 »r—nKrccd yc.Mcrrtny Umt th e United Stale* lOioiilt'. find ntiDiner solution xfttner thim~r«k; Ing d lrcc frtllU ary

J . William Pulbrlpht. D.. Ark., lutid "iinolhrr , «oju>'i'.m m ust bc found, i t 's iLam lii)'ft'VPT>- bnd pliice lo vchluro In w ith uur troop.C—Son. Styles Brldttci.^RT'TOTT chiilrm nn'of tlic ncniilc OOP pol­icy comnilttvo. .nAlil he favored a firm Mflna agfllm f commuhUm.

pick TUU illlon so th a t we w ouldn 't be m ircd down ni another dlsaai: Bliuftllou" llke Koien.

Another Dcmocrnt. Sen. Herninn TnlmadRC. Georcla. Mtld Lnoii. be- Cftuic’ oni.i 1 ■

Carol High and David McCluaky were crowned k lD f 'a sd qtiecn a t tb » a aa n a l, jnn lo r prom Saturday school Krm natlum. Miss l l l t h was choeen from f if e glrU and .McClfliJiy

from si* boys. Arnold U ^ a u l , teacher, crowned th e queen a n a n lH rD rn rO iaiiiT H rip o n so T re ro w n ed ' tho king. T ho Fireside T r itrso a g two tong» -do rIng ;ln t«m i' '

AKKrcMlon^ih any form .";O ther development.^:- ___Civil rlK ht»-Scn, Jncob“ K, Jn-

Vlts, n .. N.Y.. xitrd he would Ina.xt th a t the »ennie Democratic Icnd- eisiiiii iiiiy utr'oinrpiijacc.io:!^!^ Up chitnKe.i In the nntUlllbuster ru le In th is Jie.vHon ot conRrc.u, H e-snld-sennte-D em ocrailc Leader M ike Mansfield, D.. Moni., prom­ised to brilig up the luue when I t was referred to ih e ju le s-com * n ilttee shortly a lte r the cu rrcn t scMlon opened In January.

Housing—Rep, John J , Dlncell. D ., Mich.-, u l d he would propoK th a t. conSress' protec t unemployed homeowners- who cannot meet the lt'.m arU age pa}-m enu..ltie ac­tion, he said, would be temporary an d apply only In areas of sub- •sta ijf •


WenSeir Grange Is Shown-^Fili

W ENDELli. May 1—Fred Locke,

sented a film a t la.' t week's m eet­ing of W endell o ran g e No. 63 on Insurance from'^ the farm er's side of th e fcnee. “.

F lans were 'completed for th e b«nenr-dlnner~to"l>«“ lieia Ffldny for the Idaho R anch for Youth, R upert. A public dinner will begin a t-5 -p in r-w lth -M rs .-J . - J , Stlckr#, com m unity service chairm an. In charge. Mrs. -Arthur Byce will be In charge of th e dining rcom and M rs. J . H . Freem an will take core of the advertising.

Mrs.- R ay Ruby, sewing cholr- . . l a n , . announced a ll dreucs.'-for th e O range sewing con te s t-m u s t be tu rned la by Tuesday.


King, son of M r. ond M rs. Ruben R. K ing, Heybum , been grad ­ua ted from rec ru it train ing a t th e naval -tralnlns cent«r, San Diego.

Mrs. Lawrence’s Funeral Is Held

^ S tillX ik esItCHICAGO,'May 1 m -^ A n to n

O . Jedllcka, chief coffee Inspec­to r- fo r the arm ed forces, will

_ t«ke_hls_ to tfefl_h rcn la-oa-h to- own tim e from now on.

— M rjr-John-B uH oc and accom panist. .

hou*lng_adm liiljK »ilon ,_H e_iald . itie move was needed to farentall a n u h of foreclosuro on govern* m ent-backed morigsges.

Probe—>Tho houso ' government operations committee reported J t

Honored 7 Chillllgheifaf-EvEnt^

i,^ or-F irs'

. . . tnn nf Mr. and M rt.-Dan D avli. Viter, has been choKn s i

-on^-n f- lh f '- l& -ns«y^ ipontorcd NROTC students throuslieut the U. S, to receive a society nf mili­ta ry engineers ribban fnr out- i la n d ln c military and englneer- inc sla lu t. A junior In engU neerlng a t th e University of tvasnHiKiiin, heatiir, i ia v is -^ iir receive Ihe award a t the annual G ovem nr's day celebration and parade May 12 -13 . H ron>o is one o t tlx mldshlpn^en from the University-of W ashington selecl- ed to partlclpato In an Hawaiian cruise July 30 to Sept. 15. m is fr engraving)

.U lU im E L U , fliiy f-T•scliool-chlldrrn were reglMered

a t ilie R ithllcld c)cmcnlnry_«hQOl £ tid » y > :n (i« rn n o n to -a tte n d —the ilrjit grade next f a l l . '.

Mrii. Donald Rilcy, tlf.it nmdo [rnchiT, chnrite ot r fg lstm -

comcd the Tnqthcrs and pre-ichool children nnd iCMWcd with dl.itrl- butlon ot h fn lth rccoriJi and school prrparatlon booklets.

’Mr3_ R l lo y - - c n ie r l i i ln ( d - the nimcstcr* wiih an llluAirait-d

. tory nnd rerre.^lmiriitji were served by _ PTA . rcprMenmilvi-.i. Mrs, Wendell.KIni; and Mr.y Oari ~ “

— Tncnon larRC crowd._ M r» ..R o n CsrUonl English- tillstrue to rrd lrec ted 'th rp layw ltlr tr(LUbUince of Bill Snapp, e lau a vlser. -

The cast 1mer. G e ra lT --------encump, Khy Stafry. Jlm Heni Sharon McAnulty, Mary, t Mike Tljompson. -Oary.Louise Rfwt. Ann Dodge, Ken Keiillzcr, Morl(rJlanjen,-Bm.Low.-Ri»TrMiller, Ann Jensen, Brent T ldtfelP Elwyn Tupper . and D eaD 'n J. Thompson, ”

lntorinatlon*for children unrtl>le lo nttciid the recLftrntlon party may Bp oOtalnwl from^Drlccs or Mrs. ftllfy a t. the elcmenlary school.-cl«w l'cn” rtlio“ tt|lJ be-ifl^ years old o n 'o r before Oct. 15 this year ara e llg lb ls-to -en ier-ichool- next fall.

__,Hearing\S H O S H O N E . May 1 — The

public budget hearing for the local! school dUtrlct will be held a t 7:30' p jn . Monday, May S, a t the high:

RadiatorsNEW AND 08BD— --

_. ...Scrirtw 't /Jcpalrfc=_P.hQnfl-R£-3a6680^

All T y p es-F


ni-\V ay 3&>0n T n c k Laat lU d U to n Are C or Boslp«*»-

Nat a sideline

$10 Taken .FILER, May 1 _ Windows w . . .

p rfed.opcn.by.tlilsvi-s at-bu(h-Vic­tory and C entral school last week and *10 was taken from teachers'lfskn_nt-Centrnl.-_____________i _

N othing was found missing a t V ictory school b u t the mimeo- Btj»ph.mnchlne_httd,liefnJflmi>fM5l w ith and needs repalruig.

SERVES IN WES'C PACIFIC 'F IL E R .'M a y 1—S u m a n Dallas

H . PUe. son of M r-ond M n . O, J,

Rotary IsShown Salt Production

SHOSHONE, M ay 1 — A film I t. evaporation of sea w ater to

produc«“ «ftlt w as -* h o « n -R o ta ry olub members W ednesday noon.

Ellwood W crry. Shoshone, was guest a t the luncheon.O th e r Bjuests were T om M orri­

son, , Gooding: G ra n t H arU nan, D enver; Orville M orris. Pocatello, and Lloyd SmlUi, Hailey.

RInehuld Nagel.- F inal Tlt«s were Jerom e cemetery.

tlces and financial Irregularities" a t th e national InsUtutes o t health (N IH ). Investigators caUed on the NIH—w hich handles federally fl>

ftn mtrhhazards as cancer and h e a r t dis­ease—to-=^set up s tric ter controls to Insure proper spending o t the taxpayers’ money.

M ount KAtmai operating seventh flee t In the western Pa< cltlc.

he ld in - th e .

Filer NewsFILER. May 1 — Mr. and Mrs.

W ^M .-M arlin -rcpo rt-the b lrth -of a son Aprl4 32 to M r. and Mrs D on M artin , Boulder, Colo.

Mr. an4 Mrs. G ilbert P inkston a ttended th e funeral o f Mrsl Pink­ston 's a u n t, Mrs. D oru Anderson, TtTomts, Mrs. A nderson died of Injuries received in a c a r accident in M arch. «

Play Big RoleMOSTOW, May 1 Ifl - A Dnt-

verslty of Idaho agricultural econ­omist sold today the Idaho russet potalO-wUl phiy a m ajor^ole-ln the development ot the potato procMslnff Industry In ;the‘

But Scott A. Walker of the school’s experiment sUtlonsaid th« Industry's future g . . .....depends on the derelopcient of

M a io n ie L o d g e t' A,r. A A.M. '

^ ____Masonic Tem cle ■*^ tU BlUl Lakti Dl«4. No. • JAU ScJflBfinrs Welcomt

Regular Business f

-----KAVLEB LODGE NO. H.o u b tn uc iuu . WM. u z a-sn

-.T hursday, May 4 .8 p jn . „ SUUd Communication.

Regular Business


cARprr-. y them o:f o r e ^ e h - J u j tu r 1o u i- i

I t 's dons w ith super-fott foam ■rubber-Try these cushion Insoled Roblee shoes now. ATallable, I n - a fine variety o t tty lu , eolota and s l z e ^


tee la-charge, with Mrs. Cecil Brown, Urs. Bloe, Mrs. ChUders

.l i o d ' i t a Uerman -«r»lng on-the committee.

Mrs. Wilson, pfpgrwi-chalmiin. outlined the program for the next

. meeting. Mr& Murdoft closed the ^meetlngiwilh .the insplrfttion.

]\fos. Etiberts Is Paid Last Honor

WENDELL, May J —F u n e r a l aerrlces for Mrs. Janle E. Ebberts,

. Wendell, were conducted a t 3 p. Friday a t- the-Bagerman L)

< ch u rd i.w ltb .a i’ .............f(cUt}ng. •

— 31w 4pdtlnf-prayer was .given by fltanley Penfold. Bishop_Allen

~ read“ th* bblUiaiy'and B ' - Ju g m lre .Ja g trm y , spoke.

A women's quaBet,~MrsrJoseph Haycock, Urs. R. £ . Boyer, Mrs. U ariaa Pugmlra and Mrs. C. W. Choule^ was acoomptnled by Mrs.

■ Cleament Prince. • ■ *! - .......Pallbearers wer#' Glenn Hen-

■drlckson, Ohartes C a ry , Dale Boyer, Merle Owsley. Roland and Russell B ^ e r.----- ^

Honorary pallbearers were Mark fifeele, Barlogl, John. Ellis,

->-Bfflera«n-Boyeri-Edw*rd-Owsley, Earr Padtett, Arthur hJusHcc, Les Durfee. Harry, LeMoyne, Rile* Boyer, Den Durfee and Roy Vader,

Farren Ohiodlcr gave the clos- - ing prayer and-W.lL. Lott dedi­

cated the grave a t the Bagermaa cemetery. ' •

^ Infant Dies .Vlrgli Allen Betzer, 3-day.ol<l

sbn-of-Mr^-andJ4r». Delbert N. . Betzer. Arco, died-. Sunday a t . -Maglc-VaUey-Memorlol hospital.

wriiiw a t the hospl-HH. ~ '

Surviving aro bla parents, two brothers, Randy 'Nell Beleer and Ricky -Eugene Betzer, «nd * sister, Christy Janice. Beteert aU Arco: maternal ’ grandfather, Warren Browri.~AicoTTmaUm«lgrands mother, Mrs. OUs MatUhews, Ar­co, and pAtemal grandmother •Mrt. Dtlbert Betxer,. Decatur, HI.

----- Graveside'lerrlcea win- be'held_ a t J pjn, Thursday In Sunset Me- l- .-m o rta l-p a fk -b y the Rev. Earl I — Riddle., paiUir of Ejr FlrstiMethodlst-churcESniBrproT

nj letTS White mortuary


. aouH€i« rauttun

Page 6: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

TIKDE&NBWSriTVI'M O N D A Y , M A Y ) , 1981, ~

rl?W BleimsBS' Nearly OSe^^^Sm^ctrn'iirSfa^^

U em lth tb# w bolo.Ire# » U fp r tM mtararU.~6.-Oh*ml»r-ol Com- S S t w '^ d « n l A rthur H,-»(oye7

i: !■ ««M todAy. ■ ....

^ to enforce lh » « U tn lin » w i,T io t»Jer s t ld In an w ldreu, pretMred for tije openlna o(, the orgM lM r

. Uon’a *40th annual mc«Uns tie ;^ L-i.,.^ButJia.t6ni'3.ClOO-bmlneH-{le>^.

* * ' ^ r f n * m arket eeonpmie »yi^ tain dem and* 'pro tec tion Mramsr (ueh violations'aa tb s recently ex* TKMcd ■ J>rioo ru in g - coM plraer 1 * , electrical equipment m an-

“ •W npeU U on mu»t be m ain- U lnod.” w ld Motley. publUher or P arade magazine. '*T^e M iU tnut

■&™ ^ U t l w * ^ u ld . be punWiMr, t o d a ll bualnw vnen AouM ' —

w eaken the whole economic ay*- tem and make It ha rde r to defend a ^ E i l thM S !^hftjraD t to c h aw ?

.**’M o U e? ^ < ^ m arir of hU f t le n S . -hkve asked "why doesn't the ' cham ber do M m ethlng about these


!' accept ju m e . revojutlonazy '• jea to he lp the-dw elopin*.

~ » ,> .v .^ S a c r a t a r y .o f- .Commerea L u tb e r H. H o d ^ aald today In bis address prepared fo r to e 'a n n u a l

^H w li^irsa ld : " If T»e a w to jraap tire chanca w etbare today to assist

• r e BolnK to n e e d ^ ^ tn ^ c o jn b ln e d

thU Jo b / , . ..■ Hod*ea, ln bU luncheon —,------ -

remlDded tb s de lerates of th^ V £ . opportunlUes for countering the e a n e t ebaliense.

— « n “ s * « n 2 r n i e “ tn f tt- f a r o * n r o f us todiur th in k about our dansera. a n d tend to forget our

-o p p m u n lU e s . T b e commulilnt.oco- nom le ^ fe a s l re Is very real, very larg* a n d foreboding,'*: Hodges aajd. , ■ .

i ts r e a l l t r and tiroportlons ■bouM n o t b lind us, to ;the fac t th a t we, too, h a re a trem endous

~ .ta ln e d .ee aa ca la .g to w ttu m d e cJh a .. b a a n a r of treedom.* : ^

Trfick and Aiitp Collide at 'Bnhl

N u rly one American In alx l l m in one 'e t th e na tion 's ZS largest' clUea shown on th e m ap. T bey have a coablbed iMpnlatlon of aome- 30 million. T h a t Is nearly 17 p e r.c c a rio f the.l7B mlUlen naUonal yenlaUon. T he-m ap showa th e cltiea whleh accrcd th e biggest ad»

15,000Heaa- For Burley ^n-AlertT^t

were being se n t Into the a re a and headquarters w anted to know how long I t «ould take Burley team s to reglsUr these people, reporta N or- m an NIeUon. county a n d c lty civil defense dlrecBri

I t was estim ated 1,500 ears pe r hou r w ith four persons p e r car could be handled w ithout.a sk ing outside help, h e sa id .’. “Wo e s tlm n td “ lE a t " we ' t

furnish 100 bcejjt* l beds for cas­ualties and 3,000 more beds for ln> j u r e d ^ p ^ n s n o t needing boepltal care. W e « u ld outflt.fi,S00 persons w ith new clothing and a round 800 w ith used clothing," N l e ^ said.' Cara would bQ s to pped 'ou tside th e city a n d 'parked : In fields In order to avoid traffic problem r

SvacHSted- persons would..................th e dky by school

________ ______be a topped-al-theH cybum and P au l brldirea and west o t Burley on highway <0, CD officials planned.

During th e ha lf-hou r a le r t NJel- _ ja m ada'-a radio address' along w ith Mayor J . L eonard Salm on.

d a m a ^ .T

P ^ o r O h l e r » . ---------- --

B uhl, atopped ft CadiUao a t the

t o r a U fk tu m eiad m ^ e a n id d e n i t r a ' again b e o a u s a ^ approach- ln » trafO o. A JCflO one ton p ie k u p 't r u c k —d r iv e a _ b y — f ta d

» . T ir ia n a Into s bade o f l


J::,..Ptqtecfiye Utah

18 in DoabtI to < k j .th a t ' ' lasM -toaim oB ^ dS iarse t-o t-d ittM

p to tao t a n a tu ra l Wpnder.'

been living In th e E m m a lU ley . -• t p u t th re« y ean .

^ . ,_ a d Mrfc H obert M cClain and family bavb moved in to the ir new home southeast of town.

Mr. and Blrs. D ale K rum m ' and fam ily have moved Into th e ir new b o m e jie x t to t b o j l e i ^ B e taw n t

In th e sou th p a r t of7tab.KjUi^ natural lay A b 'U u h 'w a l t f r ^

epherd is-a s-

____ - n o t dam agea i tu r a l arch . '. BecretaiT o f . th e In terio r 8 te w '

g '- i i r f .U d a l l , Beclama tlo a CommU- E 'aloncr n o y d I>poUny.‘and several - - -law m akers tou red th e bridge area

s i^ 'b l s ^ b u r e a u jwould . . .e a n y ' out'. t » - le tte r, o f . t h l law

.a n d buUd th e ' protective ilams. . . b u t added. “However, as a p ri-

* iy a t* .c t tls e n ,. l am’.opposed to such C " ft'w «ste o f th e tM payeh '. money.'*

: Keynote Speakel: Niamed'for Event

B U R U n r.'M a r 1 —T h« public Is l y iU i to h e a r DrV Jam es Barclay,

^ x d ib o -S tx trc o lle g e rP D c a te U o rw b o •« .wiUcbo tbe .keynoto speaker for a r ts -* P « d a l education program , a t .8 m —B in . T hursday a t th e Jiinlor hlgn

, . , , y t o H a ^ W itter. tM O m t - U- B urley O ^ o r tu n lty school.'

r u - T h e . p rogram is sponsored by f pa re n ts aw t teachers o f the.schooI.

Barotey wUl speak on th e Jong y'jm ran g e odaeatlon procrsffl to r tlie Z in . ■■ xe t«ded -« lM l< t-A ” il lm - ' wUl“ be

| | | , p W Cub Scouts

^ ;™ p A T O r^ M a y ~ l—"Air adventuret ■ • V v u ^ e them e of th e c u b Scout• pack meeting Priday « v e n tn rT it

t h e P au l M ethodist church :--------H.- T h e opening ceremony was given ;U b j_ d e iL j ._ D « n s _ l , .5 and 4 -gave* aktts. A 'fllm *-Song.of the Clouds.'*

S \ ^ w ^ w « * - p r e s e n t e d b f jr l t lo J3-1 a XAsnun.^Den 1 won th e attendance

tbe .««a3ng ;-— ;■ - - I t w as announced ' th e M»y■l-i-S them* U *7ndlans'' and the May

lu l 'u n U l ftU. • 3 xb- J une' Cubs and tbelr fathers i 2 will visit a fUh batchg y and havo ■"SriTJlshlnifrtHp:— _-r

peaAtave.thaxlotlnt cerenMnyi


.gjgm« .Phon«, RE '

____ _ ______home of M r. and

Isn from th e Ooodlng hosp ital where ho w as confined foU6wlng a strrtce several weeks .ago. H io .Al­lens are long-tim e residents o f the Bazelton area.

Paul Pre-Schobl Meet Set^Friday

PAUL. May 1—PauV pre -schoo l a i r tor a ll nsw f irs t g n d e n Is Priday.-saysJB oyd.Sarl;. p rincipal.

Children are to go .to school the same way they will nex t fall. T hey will a ttend u n t i l i p .m . w hen p a r ­ents are asked to pick them u~ '* th e pa ren t cannot ge t th e chll

f d riK e [rh o n u n c h ''a n d th« p a re n t la.welcome to e a t w ith .th e child.

P a ren ts 'w lir m eet teachers and the principal a t 1 p .m .| In the

___________ _______tb a td a y . ,

Map to TelT of Drive Progress

SHOSHONe.- M ay 1 ~ A n iap of Lincoln county, m arked In distric ts to” be"covered by Cancer society

th e Farm ers' m arket. . Paul

................................ .........- c a l ls ^ L .th e ir districts, the m ap will be filled In' w ith colors so th e <;om'-: m unlty can see results o f ' t b e drive;

Day Started One Hour Earlier for .Many AmeriiansBy Xlnltcd Frew In leraallena l _

.•■MUllons-of-Americana w cn t to work an hour early today on the promise they can go home to more ^ y llg h t- th ls -su m m et. •

A larm clocks. Jangled an hour early in 10’ sta tes, p a rts of 10 o thers and In the D U trict of Co­lumbia following th e annual a r­rival o f _ ^ 7 ^ t * r i n g tim e yes­terday. — ••'•. ■-------- -

T he early risers wUl be' Joined by residents of-M innesota a n d the M o n u n a cities of B u tte a n d Ana-

la ter th is m onth.

NEW DELHI. Ind ia . U a r 1 o n - n j e ^ t e r a a O e n a l Ccatrol Coc»-

I on Indo-C hlna announced i r w a r m d r t o f o - to - L w

a s soon ,as B rita in a n d luissla give Use word,

i j h e ICO-coroposed ot 9 “ " * ^ *nd Poland — s»ld 4 t h ^

com pleted a.w eek-end itud: p roblem i Involving a ce»<e Laos and se n t lU report W Londonand Moscow..: — ........................

B rita in and Russia sre cochair- te e n oLLhQ.18H Oeneys conference on Indo-C hlna. in . pito capacity they called , la s t Monday for a L aotian cease-fire, and assigned th e task of verifying It.to th e ICC.

A, communique 'Issued a ftfh an h w r- lo n g meeUng .this morning said the commission expected iU report to be tn . the hands o( the conference cochairmen sometime today. '•

•T he commission now . T eK drto 'cuT yT Ju riny ln stn ic ilohs

' 'the chairm en m ay-gtvs.on recelpf of the report," I t said.

T he In d ian delegate, S. Sen, told newsmen .the m em beti o f tbe ICO ■ '^frfeaarto -gcrtnTaM -anyttm B ** If th a t Is w hat th e eochalnnendecide. __

v aacH In ran k dnrtng th e W50»89 d©cade._Two T ex a t c ities were •----------- = 7 — tT T rFormer Resident

---- --------- Of County DiesBUHL. May 1 -M rs . Alice Sayer.

A . a form er Buhl restdent,_dled a l te r a lingering n in u s" a t 1 a jn . Sunday a t the Ada county hosp ital Boise.- T he form er AUce £I]rott,‘ she was bom Aug. so-, isoa. u ifebraska Cityi_Neljr. She was m arried to Henry-Ba‘yer-on-P el> .-5 ,-l»89 ,-at Stella. Nebr. They moved to Idaho In lO Il'a n d -to B u h l lnl030. They made the ir home In B uhl until th e y retired iind moved to Boise in 1M4.

She Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. E ari Dunbar,- Buhl, and Mrs. Connie LeaiQ uter..B oise: one son, S herm an Sayer, Tw in. Polls:. — * HslCTrBcTEllloItrTiclim-----

M arilyn J . MoClung, 18! Csihlfta- a ; McC31ung.-lB, h e r- su w r.- in i '- Carla Carroll, 15. and Ruth a. Carroll, 18,'atso atsters. a ll Walnut,

of Johannesburg, a lte r night Of clashes betw een po llc e-M d A fricans ftr ik to g a g a lw t-a -white QfficW.

E arly reporU' sa ld ’two A f r i i ^ere killed and -four'lnjured when

police opened fire on a mob. Laterlh/L PO «w “ Id onlyfcnr ---------w u W ied a n d ‘ two/ » p ita iu e d : ;

Vote Set May 16 on Proposed Eden-Hazelton Fire District

JCatO M B.'M ay l~ .lte s ld e n u of S d e a and B a ie lton w lU -y o te J a y 19 on the proposed f lra d is tric t for th K _ s i r ^ _ ^ _ ^ * t'‘'the. eoim ty boundary-sou th of Q r«en-' wood school d istric t, gotng t " a n d following th e O oodlng < for 15 aecUons. th e n ex tending w est th ree sections.

F rom th a t po in t, th e d istric t

th e n west six sections a n d then so u tb r to—Ih a-so u th e rn .' boundary on th e Snake r iv e r-n ea r-D ev U ’a Corral,

T h e d istric t w ould b e admin* Istered by th ree flro boa rd m em ­bers; one from each sub-d istric t.

T lie rou tine .of rese tting clocks w as a sim ple m attep In - most sU U s. B u t th e answ er -to ^W hat tlm e-is ltT'’ -was more complex-ln in d la tu ; where Boosters keep east­e rn s ta n d a r d .. c en tral standard a n d cen tral daylight tim e.

7 Navy ShipsPreparing^foEMercuiy-SholABOARD USa LAKE CHXM-

th e flro dUtrict.T o ta l .valuation of 'th e p roperty I IsM. T his excludes a il u tilitie s va l-

a t tl,30p.000 u td th e villages

Nixon Opens Rally of GOP During Week

day to p l u ^ Am erica's f irs t space­m an from , the 'w aves. Crews bad orders no t to speak to h im unless he says som ething f irs t.

PsyehologU ts-'tnd d M to n w an t th e f irs t as tronau t t«U b is own story In bis- own vray, w ithout hav ing It colored by words and thoughts conveyed to tii"* a fte r bis r e tu rn from flight.'

1 ■n.ahinir S®* f«n» Tetrievets. who

LWV th - ^ ^ r d i h e flotUla w ho mayto u r th is week expected to a ttack the l^ennedy_______________ -poUclea.Tflxon Is expected to soit-pedai

SAy criticism o t tb e adm lnlstra- tioa ’s cenduct-oZ_foraJ»n-JiffBlT8

to ^present**a ' unlted' WpwluS f ro n t , to th e communists In th e propaganda w ar over such trouble spots as L aos and Cuba.

b e did n o t InU nd to “pop CTI- w ith b a rsh dritlc lsm .

"1 find a g rea t deal of

d in t as a n IndlvlduL i fin d very lltUe In terest In a n d v irtually no support fo r program s a s f a r to the - le f t- a s - th e -K e n n s ( ly -c c o n o tn lc J g g r a m .-

d e rS 'a re rA d d ress________ ______astronau t r ig h t a f te r recovery un ­less h e asks a question. -------—Thlj-^O.O O O -ton-carrier-and-i.-. destroyers headed- for positions down th e A tlanlio missile range from <3ape Canaveral. F l a , calcu­la ted t o 'p u t them In th e r ig h t place to pick up th e a s t r e a s u r s s soon os possible a fte r he h its the

..JVU ships go on ("ready a le r t" a t 3 a jn . (E D D tomorrow for the » p e c te d shoot from th e cape a few -hours la ter.

B ear Adm. O . p . K och, com­m ander of th e task force, sa id he Is confident h is group will ge t the a stronau t o u t o f tb e w ater qulckiy, provided the. fir ing goes as ex­pected. T he capsule w ill.be aimed B t 'a ~ c lre iee lg h t~ m lle s - ln -ra d lu s

of Eden and H azelton w ith valu­a tio n of »U 8.000.-rJV'four-mill levy will-ralse a-totol o f .110,400. o r e r a -th re e -y e a r pe^ r iod th is w<^d-pcy-«2S.<}00 for-s. rtbuU t fire truck and nm trlb u te to .tho..eost.of th e j l l s u ic t . ..

T b e F irs t S e g r e g a t i b i T T ^ B ureau Is sponsoring th e plan Members feel th e reduc tion in fire Insurance ra te s would pa rtlaljy offset th e levy.

B en Davis, E den , s a id ______d istric t also would provide fire

Uon o n lb e « ^ o o l. a n d » hFgh in ­surance ra te Js pa id by taacpaycrs, be stressed.

Davis said som e form s n o t In­cluded In th e peUUon fo r th e dis­tr ic t could be annexed a fte r fo r-

servant, b u t a bad m aste r, a well firg-tfnItM flr» nrnUfftInn eafcrbelp=wlth - j h a . h aa ar dsJ l ^ p i n t e e g r e g a t lo n ^ ’a n n 'B u re a u realized th is need w hen I t storied prM ngHng'a~tlre~dl8trtct.



eigh t grandchildren: 16 great­grandchildren and one great-great grandchild._ r u n c r a l services will be heW .at th e M cBrniney funeral home, Boise, a t .1:30 .p.m. Tuesday. L w t rite s will be held a t Use S ta ir City cem etery. ~_________

Wonian Nearly Itches To D e ^•'InttrljUeMltdtalh


■he toll for lig h t trucks c^o&ilng J»e~O oIdefT O a ta briilge w ss - r ^ duced today from (0 cents to 33

PERRY!S-I5LGuarantaed terrica on

oil inakai TV & Rodlot. -PHONEJRO-JOail—

America's first k indergarten «.u se t up in Columbus, O.. by Otrmsa setMera.ln lB38. .- ■ ...... .

V;; LAWN _SPRINKLING"i. STEMS-rrr-F m esUoales! F r n ' plot p ^ J o s t n u 'In your m e a |. I ttre n sn ts . W» will eompute I coverage and m ateria ls re : f

:qB eited.~- 'Tlnahelng AvatlobU'

Webb Pump Co.

m im t, AF-The- Fun Spot

ItA tlA N- I 4IGH3S


■ Served wUh-Cactus Pete'* • Fomoiis gourmet-ltolian Sduce

“ CombinoflofrtossBtf-g^en-jolodsr. your choice of c

:12clL ffere’____ ,'erent choices of-reilshea.^Sliced tomotoes, breed sticks, gorHc sticks, .

rye, BfcoH, (tolion sourl^doijgh breod,Fajnot;s 'iroJJqn GorWc Sousoges,- PoHsh Sousoges,

----"CSck'toil-Fjonks— Gorborjo-Beons — .- ••-‘s e r v e d -EVERY-TUESDAV.-I?ROM-6:00- P.M.'


Nixon Is^not'm aking th e to u r as a candidate fo r ia n y political o f- ilCfiaJKe has .m ads th a t p lain. He

---- ig-»=HMiatijroOMtre!T—............ Slate level. H e said he . .g a rd s the California governorship race a s th e "most; im portsiit'’ elec­tion of IMS b u t does n o t regan l h im self a s . c a n d ld a te -a t th e mo- 'm enL

‘T ltave-assum ed th e responsl ' b lllty of party leader In Califor­nia ," lie said. " I believe i t Is my respotfUbllity to s e e 'th a t w e.e lect a Republican governor a n d -re * elect a Jiepubllcan senato r and -a » a jo rity ._ o f _<

T be firat speaking engagement n h is tonr is before an Executives

club luncheon In Chicago. H e will spesk the same- evening a t a R e- pubilean c i t ^ n s ' league ralljr^.,•• .Tw in purposes of tb e tour are - rk ise -funds-fo r tb e a O P -a n d to rally the pa rty f S ' a cohcerted-«f- fort.to_w)

llc an W omen's ch ib p lanned • _ Ju n e plcnlc'durlng th e club's m eet­ing last w eek, a t th e Jl^WCA.

T tV U m U s county Probat« Jiidge Zoe.‘A nn;W arber» spoke on Juve-

lies In probate court.M embers discussed the-w estern

sta te s Republican W om en's clutu m e e t ^ .slated, a t Sun Valley In October. '


(M iff) Mole, es. a noted Jazz in u - slclan who played w ith Benny Q oodm an ,-P au l Whit<other leading bands, died S a tu r- day^appticntlT-oLa-stroke.-




niXUVAUU UEBA l&aL W EST P0 IN T .'N : V h May 1 m

tw o-man H arvard university team , w ith a style Judged “poised, fo rc efu l-ih d deUl>enite,”TiW -w on th e 16th annual na tional collegiate debate championship. SecreUiry of thb Army Blvis j , ' s t * h r ; Jr., p re- s n ^ d th e Slgrud S. Larm on tro­phy (oH anarcT ituden trJT E ugene ' Clements. Houston,- Te*., * n d I^u rence Tribe, S a n Pranclsco.

, .1.ENPS -T0NIGHT r i: : :

'/Surprise Packacpe''r , MItzl Oayfior'

I.C ow ard .

" W D S W

"Hertd the Great"Co-HH

/CTiie t a l i Stronger"Joel McCrea and 'V trglnU Mayo

rzrziPlui'CeiarCartoan'— :r

Page 7: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

HONDAT. M A Y l, 1D61V T I i p S - N E W S , T W IN '-F A L L S r ID A ^H O '


LA VERNB BEBNABO . . ! s h bcea <!ect«d. •ludenk

IxxSy pTM ldtet gf StKwhoM bich MbooL T he aeUra i tn d e a t »tw If « BoTS* tU to deleimle, ia p retl- den l e r th e B M tb ce n tn l Idklio SeSklM ctab d e u e r r , u d i t dU'< tT ic t"»Jt«n*ee wlBoer v t Ihe “ • fC (6 U f/

New Student Chiefs Named AtSHoshone

8BOCTONE, M iy I — L ftiem e B e n u rd b k i been elected student

..bodr-.p rea lden t~or .Ib e - f ih o t h igh K h 09L ■. .

• ‘ O ther oftlcers to 'irrv e w ith Ber- B trd are P e ^ Arrosw vice presi* d ta t ; M A rllyn-Johiuonr aeeretary: Jo h n Sabslft, tr e u u re r ; Collvrn

* AUen, u s ls ta o t annual editor, coro le Mallea, annunl ed itor, and

.M axine H am s, Joyce H atm aker. Marlljm Jo h n so n , a n d Cheryl Rapp, eheerleadert. • -

¥ . -B ep iH jJ J iv x jL —On Reservoir

. ,8 H 0 ^ 0 N » . - M a y 1 — M J U

1 69,500

Missile Work.-SoloialJVotes

^JW A flH m flT O N ._M ay B e n r jo h n L. McClellnn, D„-A rk„ declarea costly s t r ik u and work #Iow dow n»'« mUille bases Invite

■h new la«i.to outlfiw \ jib le lo ra u c h tilings.

____ileltan sSld ills 'acna(« In-vestlgaUons aubcornmltlcc In hcar- Inga JM i^ a s lc pr^diiccfl-'-evldenc* beytfnd nny.t^ i^nabl£ .c lou t} tl.tha t organized labor n t the- Cape Ca- naverol- missile b m nbusrd the strike weapon to" enrich lU m em­bers a t tAxpnyers' expense ..

T h e siibcommlttee b as heard pftra d«l of-mlun>w*-dei>ouno>-tJ IDO 's trik es and uncounted work sto«'downs reported a t Canaveral In th e Inst four a n d .o n e -h a l( yetvrjr, charRlng'these havo InflAled costa by m lllloni o( dollars and slowed the progVam..M cC lellan aald Jl waa clear th a t most or the s trikes were called on flimsy, grounds w ith "the pre- m edlU ted puiTJose’ of throwlni: missile projects behind schedule so workers could draw overtime pay In a n ish to ca tch up.

T h e subcommittee h a s produced evidence th a t m any plumbers and

.......................... -)__to$764 a weelc. Uleludlnir overUme computed a t tour tim es the reg. u lar wage rate.

R obert PMmer. top l*bor leader a t tlie base, h as acJcnowledged strikes “m ust haver slowed, the missile- program. He denied any sttlke WAS dw lgned to toree over* tim e wage p&ymenls, and swc

• • - • a w alkout

Retarded Unit .Adopts XaVs

ItemsBurn^in^ Richfield Fii’e

TtrC$TTEn3rM a7~I==^A ~Ilre-nt the D rE.-\VUcox ran c h northw est of Richfield Friday m orning de­stroyed a brooder, xhlckens, grain, farm motors- and o ther Items In the building, a n old boxcar, a t tim e. I. M r. and M r i R obert Luff, leasees o f th e ranch; discovered the f lre .a t b reakfast bu t Were unable to quell the b lase because of lack' of-w ater. The L uffs moved a aoo-gollon gas tank from a nearly grAnary. w hen th»<roof.ot-» 3ean-to on the g ran ­ary s ta rted bun t. A n .e lec trle m otor, o ther motors, more th a n 100 busbeU of g rain , 60 chicks and KTcral befts w ere lost. A tool box and Mcne g raln 'w ere saved.

N elgbbon 'cam e to the L uffs' aid w ith m te r 't s n k s and a pum p and m otor bu t could only w et down the

.............. ' a 'n earby b a m and____ ________ n e ar th e fire. T hetire burned a ll day because of slow burn ing hardwood beam s a n d - a steady wind. T h e R ichfield fire de -

lUffed a« tl

'w ater compared to 151,500 acre fee t a t th a t-d a ta a year ago.

Some f a m e n .asked s ta r t of ‘w ater May 1 a t an eo pe r cen t de­livery w ith th e option o f 'lM 'p e r e w t of the 80 per cent.

S » i i d r h , . d i S f ¥ i ; „1«, , c „ O, u . . i , o ^

Dam age w as estim ated la t >1b6 to th e E llio tt c ar and ( U to the Q ates car.

T he accident occurred in a cbn-.- -7118 Snake r iv e r ' w aterm aster

th in i f th a t th e 1921 r ig h t will be anfotced I f warm w eather melts

~ "w n a fit t h T h ' l ^—It-la-posatt» le .ln .tueh .ia.casa-to draw fliU 100 per cen t storage a l-

.J o to f n t even thougtx. Americanw . *1. f t .___ «iii.


to a ttend -cla0 Friday In s d e a - B a ie lton a rea t9 register.

l l j e y m ay ride th e buses parents, m ay take them to school. B irth e«rtlfka tes ar« recommend' •d to be presented as lega'« H ^ . ‘n » a e ;w ho_w U l.be7

^ e ld before O ct. 16 will be a A regular class routine

held, report*_M ark:Andcn ■ perln trodent o f vaU eyj k

Three Are Fined

T b rw T w ln '.m is ttiar]

n w ere tin*

I F rid ay iot-■ Judge Robert d lttu rb loc the

They ar® _L ...‘ A rthur -Sdw ard '' .G a ry Andrew K1.... .............■ c i ty poUdo arrested th em Frf.

day aoon a tte r they were Involved la a Xlght w ith O lalr HoUoway, a

---------resident o T -th eJu sUB eco n d -e tm t nortST

Officers-NamedeHOenONB,, May. l — office rs

elected for the 'Spoon a n d Needle i ‘H d u b a re E atby Sverett. presi­dent; Busaa n a rk , Tics president: Linda- Johnson, seoret«ry; and Lind* Oneida; reporter.

■nie meeting was held a t the home o f M rs V era J ohnson. U n . o a oneuHTw as iUUlued' re fre iti^m e n u fo r th e nex t oiweUnc. May

. - 4 , a^ th e J^insoQ b o n e . H ost- . , ■ esses for th is meeting were L inda I Johnson a n d K athy ^ « t L

m s _ifoBted. Tbe complaint was algn^ by oUrenee-Tatee.'Sttriey; O-OeU Is a abtepberder and voAa

■ ?orRay-8ftniieoB-aadaoo.-Caray.

Report Given OH: rr^ isitors-at^ e

EDEN, May 1 — C harles Cra fora j a j ttsltlng h is paren js a

from -the-alrforcOtTSaSIAntonTo.Tex.

Leonard W illiams retu rned to his airforce base for reassignm ent to K orea. .H e .T i l te d .h ls .f a th e c

of th e grade school n ex t to th e home of h is b ro th er and sister-in- law, M r. and M rs. Robert Henry.

Bad Tire Listed Wreck Cause

'S U R L B y . " M a y - l— Aboul isoo dam age resulted w hen a tire blew out- o n a 1DS3 OMC pickup truck ~ a rlv g n ^i^ e in ric rM iu io n raT :^ ig «

mDes soul way 37.

M ason lost control of th e truck od I t overturned. Into th e 'b o r ­

row p it. F ^ c i s c o RodriqiieE, 43. Burley, a passenger, w as Injured alighUr .-6 t a te-P atro lm an -M arT ln J . S n y W ln v e s tlg a te d . • _ _

No MothersLHAOERMAN, M ay_ l— A n.m oct'-Iwas m ade m th e announcem ent of th e pre-school p a rty to b e -h e ld from 3 to 3:16 p .m . Friday In th a . f irst grade room. ,. •'

Because of Insdequate room a n d I faolUtles: mothers a re n o t Invited.

Howeyer, a ll children who will I a ttend th e first grade n e x t fa ll a ra urged to a ttend.

's e r v e s o n d e s t s o t b b —WENDELL, May 1 T D arw in L.

Campus Queen—


a t' Burley h ish Mhoel. was *e- lecled Campus queen Friday d u r­ing Csm pui day > activities i(t Idaho S late eollege. Pocatello. M sfle V allcy-ienier hlgh-iehsoI members a ttended th e event and picked queen candU atec Mini ■* ■ wore a w hite eyelet

------------------- so frp lh k -

Appllcntlon w as approved for affllln tlon 'w lth th e N ational As- soclatlon for R etarded Chlldreh7 an d o ff le e rs fo r th e coming year

ere electcd.T he officers a re Jo h n Harms,

W endell, p resident: M rs. R u t h Crockett. Ooodlng, vice president: Mrs. Fe rn Condle, Ooodlng, secre­tary, and Mrs. Pi. R . M abbutt and Mrs., K enne th W ilson, bo th P a ir- ifleld.

The nex t m eeting will be held May 12 a t the O pportunity school, Ooodlng. w here graduation exer-

ses will be held fo r th e elass a t p.m T hls-w lll be the f irs t grad­

uation from tbU.typfl.4CJCtaool.in the"Talley. .

None Injured in Rupert Accident

R U P E R T . M ay 1 — No was Injured and no clU tlons were Issued in a tw o-car collision early. Sa tu rday on highw ay SO in Rupert.

M rs. H elen D. Gate*. J8, R u-

^-E D E N T M ay-l — T h e K imberly fire departm en t was called T liu rs- day n ig h t to extinguish a fire th a t destroyed abou t 00 tons o f hay at_Uie hom e of Mr,_and Mrs.'B er* b ir t Pants, southw est of hero;

WllUam Jo n e s ^ 'n e ig h b o r , used h is bulldoeer to nJbve th e burning

U tah , fo r M rs. B torrs' m other, Mrs. S a rah Passey. .78.' P rovo .. Mrs. S to rrs a n d D avid rem ained in Provo fo r.a few doya.

Q o lc k .;:E a sy .; ;L e e k ji nlea-

,3 Min u t e


is Fahel-DuringWeelcHANSEN; May 1 - V n a n e l

d lsftiim logjon .j.bom e.-'actic^a 'nd com m unity was held a t Iasi week's PTA meeting. Mra. George Crock-

.tjrM jnoderato r.___Youths on the panel

O hsrles 'C olne r. Linda Pro«Mike Bally. Llla N aylor,. Reynolds, CelostA .Maftln.> 1 B utler and Irene Jennings.— Paren ts—were—represenle I Mrs: Chorlea Coiner. Mra, R. • ren 'LA rsen , Carl Davis a n a '. i^ a O tockett. Crockett also reprigsnted the teftchen.

I rilnncr for xtiifliinttparents, w lll.be held a t 7:30

p. m. May B In th e school luncli* room. Each- family Is a sk c d - lo bring two potluck dishes... Hot rolls, bu tte r and beverages will be fum l& h^. .

Mrs. Charles Coiner,' h chalnnan , announced th a t pre- BChooI^s m ay obteln show a t the Tw in F a lls cllnlo a t a reduced ra(e.

A school board tru-itee from dis­tr ic t five will be 'e lec ted Tuesday, Bob Nall Is up.forree lectlon .

Crockett Installed Robert Pet- tyrtrove as president; Mra. John 8 c i« a s m n t-T rc r -p re s id W trR w ir aid Kdfoed, second vice p resident;

to Pettygrove..Crockett also said th a t a studen t

receiving the PTA year w ill'b e given notification n t graduation , time, and _ th e money will go to - th e school of the s tu ­dent's choice to help o n ' tu ition coses.

Burley'LionsS la ir^ V o liiS g

BURLEY, May 1—Russell J e n ­sen h a s 'b e e n nominated as can- d ld ^ t^ fo r president o f tho Burley Lions Uub.

Other officers nominated Glen Kunau and Bemetl Kenning- ton,*flnmcfl'pre8ldentr3lm”Du=

and Woodrow Kettle, secoiid preeldeht; Alfred Thaxton

. Karl Detton. third vice presi­dent: Roy Harris, secretAry: Joe Olsenslager and • Nile Gorringe. trca sn rtr;- CfhiriM-8kaCTB~rMid W ete-H il6B «rtair twisters: Wlli bur - B le n ^ n . and_Ea>L_(HapI Reynolds, lion tamers, and Gordon Blair, Ruion Bodge, Bill parsons. Vem Roberte. Jerry Anderson and Bob-Oetmers,-directors.----- —»

Two directors-.w'Ul be chosen. Nom inations will be accepted from th e floor during nex t week's m eet­ing <nd cfficers wUl be elected the ■jllowlng week.

Tbo club ■jUHRrTrom Boy's sU te . H e U Bill Clooson, son of M r. a n d M rs. Jo h n Closson.

N onnon Nielson, local attorney, ^ k e to th e d u b on the ^ t o r o f law in observance of la ^ T iiy .

Club FormedVIEW. M ay L — O rganisation of

th e LlUle Home Makers 4-H .eIub w as completed a t a meeting a t the home of Patsy Anderson, leader. '• E lisabeth ZoUIhger is vice presl^ den t; A nna M arie-Zollinger, songleader^-Zrene-R asm ussenrp lan lstr.. .................... g i w leader; Aa-

m eetlng Tuesday.

In Yofith Case•K lM B E R bY ^-M ayr— D o y lrS -

Oroesbeck. a i. Durlcy.Vwns sen- 1 c n :fa - t< r3 0 -ttS y s -T n -T w I ir5 ^ ir county Jail and fined *100 Friday when he appeared before K Im ber-' ly JusUee of the Pence Ray P o l-' ter. H e convicted of. aiding de­linquent minors.

Oroe.ibcck was arrested by Klm- berlj' Police Chief Paul Corder a t the Red Cap corner on highway i 30 approxlm niely one mile north ' .of-Klmberly when th e officer (ipou led him In a ear w ith three' Bur-,l*y-leeaiacers..a roubeck '.obU lned: beer for tho youths, aceordlne Uie officer.

RALTH RUTT'e B. . .-son of Mr. and Mr*. M llten

RuUer, Ilalley, and a Junior .it Ilalley high school, has been nam ed a delegate to Boys' s ta le ..

-Ita Is an honor student and a member o f the football, basket­ball. ik llnc and track team*. He

^ also president of the Junior

lentitC j)

> ty eounclls;

Bridge Played By Area Group

Seven and* one*hnlf tables of bridge—w ere - ^ y e d - ^ t u r d n y 'a t the Episcopal parish house.'

N orth and south w inn irs . . . .-eincJftJr-find Mrsi

W)el-Pool-Sale— ^ e t i o r Tuesday.SHOSHONE. May 1 _ The Lin-,

eoln county Mnrk)^tlng awoclntlon Will sell Its IM l wool pool ac a meeting to be held a t the eoutl- hoaie n t 8 p.m. Tuesday.' -All<prospectlve buyers and aaso-

clntion members are welcome.Wool Js b^lng received a t the

w arehouse 'In Shoshone bv -M rs / Mildred Conner. •

Deadline for delivery of wool to te warehouse is 'June 1. S A V = ^ M O R ANNEX

JU D GE. W IFE RCTURKIE. May I — Probate

...................... m '. r ; n -p o w e im a T ereturned hom e from the slxtl) an­nual Idaho Probation and Parole conference a t St, Anthony. Mrs.


C harles W elteroth, f irs t; "THrs. John ' Woolley and Mrs. I rving . Towle,=*econd7“and M rs. H erm an' H a ll-a n d ,.M rs .-B .T llle ry ..th lrd .',• E ast and west w inners are Mrs.*

O. H .-W eln rleh and -M rs; Hazel P itspatftok. f lrs trM rs . O . W . O st­ler and Mrs, Max Poulter. second, and M rs. E arl P e lt and Mrs. J. r rh n k H f o r y . •


CLOCCEDTOILETS- — •Jff-o J if fy /

-L _X aA IN IN Q -8C U E D U I.E D _ KIM BERLY. May 1 — p i r

Lieut. G arry N, M cEnen, 3S. son of Mr. and Mrs, Orlow C., McEwen.

iK lmberly, is s c h e d u le d ^ particle

iln rM a ypate in “exerclsc lA vaH

Gan^t Get Auto Insurance?

U nder age,'O ver age,, poor driving record, etc.

W e Insure Youl----- -------- TABER-

iNSURANCE AGENCYlU Shosbone S t. N o- i^E J - m 4

N im .A O A lN l l lM t^ .M la t .when jr*w M M ovsrttews

T O I t A F U X lT o l h l !»!■■■«■] P l u n g w• DOMU4tUCUf. DOUHf-KURM -. Maoja.MM *..M .ua .- >


< t o n ^ D O M E_ lG A S J a n d O I L - ^

r L e o s ln g X p r p o r o t iq ir6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 S h w CorMration'~

™ i s I S N o t A N . i ^ E R T O 'S E U ^ !

" Offer to SM It'Made Bu \ - ' r P t o i p e e t u g - b m g —


T ” ^ 10cT > E R S H A R E -— '--------'

T h e M - S e c a r i l le s A r c O f f e r e d 't o

B o n a -F W e R e a ld e n la o f I d a h o O n ly

P.O. BOX 37, MERIDIAN -PH O N E -8-5538-


T urtles leave the w ater only to lay th e ir eggs, which they bury In so ft sand..

th# b f l t t^You do the r e i t ^ A L L "

. . '60A /G £i^filled with delicibiiis q o m C E C H E E S ^

COLONiAL‘ for; all your ^

RE 3-5500'

M ecoanelt. ni

YOa g ir ^ i g l d ^ i k e Hmla w firem an recruit. d M rs.-Robert V. MO- ‘son o f Mr. and

Oonnell,' W endell, U s e r r : aboard th e navy destroyer i

i^ T F d t‘'^ a n d in g your dpentlonijT * > A T V T T ^ improvingiouryieldi, modern^

R e^ lar $1.25 yiaiiuf|.-— “ InialWlthHGENUiNf ’

Hand-WoVertRATTANr|j le re 's th e p srfe ri m ug for «very slon . Indoors'or out; for toTO'oiv.v

-issm niyl-thoyM l-odanra igM ^^ to u c h t t your tabla.decor ,■ awi^they*;

. neverj.never leaye arrlng Jb mar yoiirtables or furniture. No mattefvrtat thS tenipeiat tu ture of u r drink, -niermo-MugswIIl k ^ p h,f cold of plpln^f hot longer,than ever . ; .;ahd: ■ .drifnTretainsritdull'natural.flavph-m^ of the Thermo-Mug. Is .aFways. confifprtab,-,-™ handle regardless of. cold of hot drlhks lhsMel-ft Each 'rherm6:Mug Is filled withTBsty.-^utrittousijT c6ttagetcheese^ahock.full:ofjhe:vltamlns.tha ty a you anSTyour family n e ^ foi'feotS'Km KS-■ ^

- Plan to get yoiirset in'eight smart',J/lbrant w io f i f j f I tha^ blend with every tab le se ttin g , With 'iiny'jgjr

- fu ro ish ln g s-tre atm en t. ■ ----------.' •‘Thtvugh a Land Bank I«an.

"Sciejice Shrink New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch-?-ReIieVea Paiii- - —" four FEPi ^

Hw T*tk. K,-f. ( i» M ta » -F o r tbs firtttlnss sd taes ia s *'n*wbsallac sabftsoes wlUi tbs a stra-

’ U h lB (« b lll lr tft sb rlB k liam or. rboMf, ito p Itsblag. a ad N lltv epilB '-iritheB t sa rn ry .

la east afU r'esss; whjls i:«nUr

Talk today with vour Federal Land-.Ba'nk Auodati6nt..K.... • € e j r t h e ;^ o l e - » t6 r y - 6 i r l o n g * tc m i '- i o w ^ t“f a h n - .a n d 7 ^

.-ranch-finandng.-.Vou.'U. find .your fricndljr association' , Manager read/ and Willing to help-you .work out

idSvofkable'financial^rognun.— ~. 'Id earftfo u td o o r. -

barbecues, lu n c h e s . .. --picnics. — —

tobsapreblim l"' T b r fM r ttl s a B m h sa l la c so b - ataac* ( B |o - D r i« * ) - d ls M ^ of a werId<famou rasMrcb la stlta ta .'. ' -Thls sobtUae* U new avaUsbls.,

ia 'tH ppeifh Ba4«r th s 'a ____ .,^ . .A ta U d m t eoaaWfc A

-ASSOCIATIPNS: SaiTingrMdgile Valley '

TWIN FALLS. . ^ D I N S BUI LEY ’ RUPERf'J . a F E L T . JA L E N D . OLBN KUNAD FLO TO F S O iT ’ M anager ' MeCOMBS ' _ M a n a g to “^ -M aaaget,- - |

E E -3 - ja r r • r r t a n a g e s , > h e e-M St

lA v a i i d b le d t M o s f ^

M a g i c V o l l e y G r o c c

Page 8: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

MONJJAY, m a y : , 1981'

BURLBS-, M ay 1 — “A w<m>an i ( flrat, «hat-4 ib» tb lnk« th e Ur«nd

. th c a ... wb&t she m a k u herteU L th rough , posture , fisure, wardrobe

f n d personalltjr," declared M n.L O le n V lA n ro ' m -«he-aa< Mr«.

G erald L arson presented a .pro. gram « a toe la l uracea a n d charm f o r . 010 C heerful D oers H m e

-DemonstraUon-club.'-M ambara m et , jk t th e hom e of M rs. Jock Punk.!__ M rt. J01ea.B uD t..prcsW oat^a4k-

cd each m em ber to answ er the roll ca ll TUth w h at they would lllis ^or th e lesson for the coming year.

T ^ i~ f lh 8 T o p o r te d on 'thB councy cour- - :5 :« -e U -m e e tlr ig -h « ld Ja«tr»nonth-an{

announced th a t the county-wide luncheon In observanoe o( Home

>vs 2 D em onstration week will be held M ay 3 » t th e Elka hall; T h e eiub will b e In-chorge o j hospitality a t

.-.A th e luncheon.V i___ M embers will he lp w ith the cs■J c er d r lr a ln th e “Dnlty d lstrlcu

,‘ t I t w as suggested ;firs t a id kits "2 be m ade for each member as a •“ aum m er project. ' . •

Mra. P en n M arU n.w as.velco ned.I . 'U a new mem ber and Mrs. Wayne f i H enderson wfla a guest. ’ g - T h e group wlll m eet May n with

iM lM rs /O J e n .I iirM n for a le s s o n on 2 h o t w eather beverages. / ’ ■ C?.'• Ref^eshm eiiU ’ were se;»ed by

- • and Mrs. Calvin I ler.-rill, oohoitesa..-----------

i f - I t ^' Burley Group Is , .

S lated to Asstet

0 lundjeon W ednesday a t the I^lks X ha ll In ' observance of N ational

■*— HomB D em onstratJon-*eek. I t was • • tlng-U iaxhib '^m eeU

■* Jag a t th e home of Mrs. Dick Biel. MTS. C harles C lark and Mrs.

* Ivan Hopkins gave a Jesson on so>* ejal graces.5 M rs. Jo h n Erickson. Mrs. Clark,

J d r s . Hopkins and M rs. Lowell " l - T I u n t will take eookles lo th e 'e x -

f ceptlonal children school In May.------- roirammehu~ti>a'6 ierrea ' py

M rs. H unt. co>hostess, assisted by th e hostess.

H ie group will ho ld Its next m eeting w ith M « . B ert caudle .

! Mrs. Davis Has it~^Werrshlp~SeTvTce

HAOSSIMAN, M ay i — The i worship senrlee on ''T h ink good

thougbta” ' w as g lv e ^ b y Mrs. Ed j XJavli a t th e Pydella m eetin g ‘last

M rs. NeUle MeXntxrt read the • e r lp ^ e . 1)10 them e ta lk by. M n . p a r la to c lu d e d .a poem. "Oood Thoughts.'* M rs. f t a n k Dickerson led"ffie:i5»on“ < m -* T ie « n iie h m r th e scrlpturea.**- M enuera decided ■ p rlngh M ay S r

I p ja rM a y -3 a t th e church i —cl sao -the-^ '"iw f

A uction Featured - -„ »!aU«ATenue «lub-held » lm id J ^ ® ^ ? 2 ? f ’ ,fl ~ * * U in * -» « eU 6 n -w h en -th e y - m et ^ . la s tw e e k a t th e h o m e o fM rs .M e ] -

T la S a c k e tt P lana on th e 'g o eet day luncheon

lih-M ay were discussed. M rs. K or- m a n Webb- received th e game p rlte . M r s .---------- -

M arian M artin -Pattern .

MR. A N D-M R9.- MMEB-II.-BEtAOK-----

CarolW drd and ’Jam es,H . Block' Exchange Vows

—:— ~ i '2 . p i n k and......... , ...... - . ._ -- ...ie d t ^ hack-KroMnd“f o r ^ e w eddlnf oPlSaT)! Jan ice W ard and Jam es H . Black, both Bun Valley, April 33 a t ' t h e Presbyterian chureh. T he bride Is the daughter, o f M r.' and Mrs. W ayne W ard. Blue J llv e r . Ore. The bridegroom Is the son .o f Mr> and Mrs. Joe Blaek, Creston, la .

*1"^^ jTfi pftr~form ed the ceremony. Mrs. J . T. Stelle. Jr- organis t and M rs.'D an> aid Jacobson sang "Row Do i Love T hee" and "o P erfect Love."

T he bride, g l v ^ l n m a rrla g e jjy h e r ffttherrw ore a w hite lace {(bwn fashioned w ith o .ecalloped neck­line and llly«polnt sleeves. The f u ir a k ir tT ir f f T r p s i ie r 'o rp i e s t e d nylon tulle I n . the f ro n t and the back w as accented w ith A large lace b o v > '

H er -4houlder*length .]Telt caiigh t w ith a - tla ra o f lM d pearls and r h i n e s t o n e s . She carried fea thered w hite carnations cen­tered w ith a w hite o rchid w ith lavender th roat. -

Palls, sister of th e brid.e, was m a­tron of honor. She wore a laven­der ta ffe ta afternoon dress a n d a headband of lavender ne t w ith w hite fea thered carnations. H er

>trK=iaf-L.'=DanlBlf“Mrj.‘^ Charles Scoggln will serve as vice presi' d ent; Mrs. C harles O lson, secrc' t a ry . ' .a n d Mrs. -Harlan Olsontr e t is u r c t ............. ■

T he club made p lans (o r <ddl- ..onal Improvement of th e ir c h ib - rootn In the grade achool 'w n e x .

T he club p rjw wj u . p y vlded by Held .W imaD'a club m e t laat.ffcelc J '* 'w recejvea th e home of M rs. J . 8 . Seward.by Mrs. Mike Hansen.

County A gent Jo h n Paulson. R uest,'presented, a., chalk ta lk c Inndscaplng and Included th plantlng-iu»d-care 'O f-popl*rctree* andp \8 .n ti.

M r s . . Miko—Hoxisen, RedwoodOlty^,C.allf„Jta»_a.gue8t._____ _

Hostesses were M rs. Charles Dickinson, Mrs. G lenn MUlec. Mrs M arion J . K erns %nd M rs. Robert Prostenson.

Judging School Set' for Vj.olets

Judging school May a a t the Twin Palls c ity hall. M rs. S. R. S tevens Phoenix. A rl t . will lectu re-on-the horticulture, showing and Judgingn f AfrlxAn vlnla»a

were g o w n ^ Identical to th s m ald

and scattered rose petals down the aisle. Je rry R ay Callen was th e rlng_bearer._T hey a re th e daUgh« te r a n d aon of Mr. u d Mrs. J e r n Callen. couslns-pf th e bride,

i-best-m a

•The I m’s m other chusegreen linen afternoon dress and

jTore an . o rchid c o r s a g e . T he bride's m other ch o n e.a tunjuolse afte rnoon d ress w ith a n o r c l ^ corsage.- Circle tw o -o f- th e Tinlted -Pres­by terian W omen’s aMc&.latlon was host a t th e te^efSQon a fte r th e

M ary Barga, Tw in Palls, r ^ i s - ie red-the-guests.-Pat-O t(O r> M ar^ g u ra ltf t-g « k e y .jm il -B e tty -Baker presided a t th e g if t table. K atie Petera and M argare t P h a n ls re ­ceived th e gUta a t th e door.

T h o .b rid a l table_w as decorated w ith pink and wEIte. P in k -a n d i

three-Uered cake decorated w ith p ink roses a n d topped by a m in i­a tu re bridal couple. C andelabra flanked the cake. Mrs. Dixie Bpof-

—T be-brida 'chose a 'la v en d e r su it and h a t w ith black p a ten t accea- aorie*-«or the wedding t r ip to Las Vegas. Nevada. She wore th e cor­sage from h e r l r id o l b b u ^ e t.-

T hey will m ake th e ir hom e a t S u n valley where both are

Fairfield Group Selects-Leader

of tho Cam as club for the 1001-02 season a t tho regu lar m eeting In the school annex.-She w il l '--------

period betw cen_U lo_lecture t u t period. Those who pass teat w ith a grade o f 70 or more wlU -receive Judging certificates from th e N ational aoclety. .—A dditional-Infonnatlon m a y be obtained from M rs. Sam Porter

som e SOQ p lan ts Including many a rT a n g m e n ts r i^ .- .n e w varieties

d a t th e club's annual. violet display. “Living with

.J e ta " was th e them e of th e ex­hibit a t th e YWCA. A n estim ated 300* persons visited th e -d isp lay from T w in PaUs a n d sunoundlng toiyns. .. . ■ » - :

- A1TE^n> BEDNION— — K IN O h i l l ; Moy 1 - ^ . and

Mrs. T e d Moore, n n d fam ily a t­tended a farew e ir fam ily reunioo last week a t the - hom e , o f their

M r. amMrs. L oren Joalyn. honoring Ron­a ld Moore, n^vy 'a irm v t. '

- T -ployed a t th e s u n T alley lodge.

T he bride w as graduated In 1S91 from Jerom e high schooL The

• •'.-schoota- 4Creston, la . ,

O ut-of-tow n guests included M n and M rs. Joe 31ack ,' p a ren ts of the bridegrobm. from c resto n . l a , and_M r,_ar«l .M rs.-R alph-O -H ar- row. N am pa, g randparen ts o f the bride.

M rs. LeRay Mlchelsod, Tw in Palls, w as hostess fo r a pre­nuptia l show er 'to r th e bride. Mr. a n d Ma 'R a lph P eters were hosts for a rehearsal bu ffe t d inne r fo r the bridal party .

___th l i »Um. COST sheath InP • I , • m aU er o f h o i in l * ^ o main p a t-

---------------------- — -- Choosefrom 3 sm a r t a e c k U n e s ,____ -

l a ' ' ------ P r ln te d - P M te m 8161: Misses'f . 3 - . f ilses-Jft. M , -18. e ize 18L S . - . . requires 8 - y w d i 36-lnch fabric;- * - • Send 80 e ea tg -.< eo ln i)^ o f- 'th ls

p a ttem —« d d 10 e ea ta fo r each I s»^. .. p a tte rn for: f ln t ic la s s '- mailing. I ' B e n d ■ to M arlao“M *P tla ,"T lm es- I S: Pa tte rn D e p t , 333 W est 18th“ S t . . . New Y ork U , N.Y. P r in t

»i— p lain ly .■name. - a ddrc t t . . i t t th :« o n ^ H ie and,<&le number.

100 Pashlon f i n d s ' t h e , b e s t , newest, .m o s t beautiful p r in te d

- P a tte rn s fo r S ^ n g -S u « m e r .'I9 e i. ,6ee them aU In - •

Gare of Your Children^. , By ANGELO PATRI- .

A little girl somewhere- between th e ages of..II, a n d .1 3 .b lte s .J le r ■ilngemails -do*Ti to th e quick. T he teacher U lks to h e r; he r m other ta lks to her, a lt In Tain. The m om ent h e r hands are no t occuj^led she puts_her fingers ,jine a fte r a h b th e r .ln to h e r m outh and chews' them w llh concentrated e n -

'. W hy? I wish I-kiji .......... .U .a .b

i t r a ffllc ts-b6ys“ a s ' well; as glris. nnUI th e person con-

SS&1S5STi“l£ '? f lm ight a n d .m a ln to s top and calls *“ h ii-w ill to win tho ha ttlo hi.

... continue to gnaw h is unhappy fInger-ends.-N ails a re really f in ­ger ends and xleceuary for the protection of Its nerve end», pre­cious. because they .enable: ooa to feel dellcaUly. to ‘ take hold of things accurately, "- JJestroylng- th e -f J n g e r^ l l? n s t only m eans loas o f beau ty rJiu t loss of. power w hich nob<^y can afford.-Telling children about tli ls

BithOughI In my. ex; perience,. almost a . w aste of tifrie a n d energy. A dult Ideas are nc<i easily lodged in c^lldren•.1 mlnda.• PalnU ng the.n.-01s w lth potl.«hi

f lf ten iheltw because th e hn ri i , f ln . |

and th is practice seems a way < seeking c Q ^ o rt . Som e c h i ' '

Irr ita te d by n a il polish. W hat then7 '.One m other a s k s 'I f a r t i ­ficial na ils would help. I woiild no t advise this . Such a device would no t roo t.ou t.the .hab lt a n d itm lg h t make th e child lo6k rjdlculous In the eyxa^;of th e o th e r children, not. to 'm entlonrraised.eyebrow s of

^ A F B ap tis tM ee tM n . Paul s tand ley was reelected

president o f the T w in P a lls B ap-------- -ga ien ’s. MiH lon-sbclety -af its

meeting a t th e fellowship h a l l ; - " -

o th e r new officers a re M ri. Le- o n r Hann. secretary: Mrs. F ra n k ­lin McMullln, program chairm an: M rs.’ V ernon O raham , :i:era(ure chairm an; Mrs, A1 B harrai. vice president of mission; Mrs. A. M

te re su and mission; Mrs. .Kem p Hopkins, loVe gift chairm an: M rs. Ployd Lilly, chairm an of C hristian a n d 'so c ia l relations: M n . Robert Bnibkelt. c h a irm a n 'o f fam liy 'llfe education: Mrs. B e n W inkler, etnilrm an of lendenihip train ing ; Mrs, B ..E . M cM atuw. te llo ish lp guild chalriftan, and M xt. Charles Kevan. vice president of C hristian training.

M rs.'Ivon A. A ndersonrFiler, a s ­sociation speaker and Interpreter, spoke on th e th rea ts -o f .com m u­nism . :8 b e explained, the . th rea ts and goals o f communism and dis­cussed* th e C hn stlan ~ an sw e r~ lo communism. In m entioning the contrasts between th e two beliefs, she p o r t r a y e d th e differences •jrough-the-T en-O om m andm ents;

She was. Introduced by Mrs. Rob- - B rackett. Mrs. A lbert T schnn-

....1 led th e opening p ray tr and also p layed 'fo r the offertory. '

MTs. G lenn C hapm an presented the devotionals in the . form of a chalk talk . "River of Peace," Mrs. W illlom K . Anderson sang "Back of th e Clouds," accom panied byMrs. McMulUn. “ .................

T he love gift service w as directed by. Mr8._OHs_Hall_who-.U8ed-ihe

Sea.'Members o f the Vida Post circle

V aried Program iGlven for,(proupR IC ttPIE L D , M a y -1 — O fficers

nom inated and a tr ip review-■ 3 the - ■ ■ed by a' m e m b v w hen I

M rs. Eugene Alexander, nom i­na ting com m ittee chsJrfaian, re ­ported th e .m em bers, nom inated

rield, Mrs. J . S. M cIntosh. Mrs: Jo h n Bastf. M rs. W alter J . Btubbs and M rs. Alexander.

Mrs; J o h n 'B « n m u i r a t « r h i r tr ip repo rt w ith slides. She re ­viewed Incident* of he r recen t v b l t la JT am pa a n d .other Florida cities, Chlciga, 111., a n d Long I s ­land. N.Y.- ------ --- -

Place of th e nex t m eeting will i announced.

¥ ¥

D,eDQiQnstr_a±],oii_ Given for Club

-HANSEN. May 1— M rs.' R ich­a rd Luff,-.Klmberly. dem onstrated eovprlnir a t thn H nnsen

sprlVb cleaning. M rs. C harles S cott and M rs . 'D u n Bowles were guests. M rs. T ed .B radshaw and Mrs.-Leonard-Daw-wera-TVBlcomed

s new members.I t was decided th a t a s^ a club

project, the grbup would m ake cea tow els-for-thenext-year.-T he-Ju ly

srsary party w as planned S 'Chinese d inne r and bowl-

n u n .___Mrs. H arold Moore w as present-

e d -w llh -a -g lf t In apprecia tion-of h e r work a s president d u r in g .th e p ast year.

Mrs. Cecil S tanger .and Mrs. Moore were hostesses. -

^ ■

D ates Observed. -W ith 'C ard Party

pinochle were In play a t the pa rty honorlng .M rs. O rrin Capps, Mrs. Rex n a v e l, Mrs. B ruce Sorenson a n d i t . a n d Mrs. J a c k l^ w es . -

PrliM.-wero received by M r. and -lrs .-R cx _ F lttT tl._ M rs . Clarence Masoii, M rs. Jack Tew es-and 'Jerry Johnston. M rs. T hom as Vaughn, Mrs. Je n rJo h n s to n .-a n d M r» . M c- CllntJck were hostesses assisted by M rs.-M ason.

Leads T hem eHAGEBMAN. May I — Ronny

Ascuena led the them e .ta lk fo r th e M IA meeting la s t week. Dee Christensen conducted thq m eet­ing. Mrs. Joe Howard led the slng- ng. Including m fun song, aecom- u tM by M rs. C arl U dy. Datm y

gave tiie -jiriyer.A fter c la s s u the teen-age group

played volley b a ll W ally A k ^ s -------th«

JEANNE XOVLE . . . . who U p la n n in g 'a Ju ly wedding with U rr y N . H anks, ■on-of M r.-and M n ..,J . Robert

_llM ks,^lJurIey. T he engagem eni- b announced by h e r pa ren ts ; Mr.~ an d iklnv Robert-M oneur, Burley. T he bride-elcct b employed a i (he Durley A and W root beer *t»ndrlter-nanee-warii'iraual«a7 ■] from Burley high teboel In I0&7 and U employed b ; h i i father. IM elnen photo—aU ff engraving)

Burley Club Will Assist d t Lunch

BOTLCT. • M ay 1 ~ T h e S ta r B righ ter H om u ciub.wlU he lp w ith table decoration for the_co_unty- w ido 'hom e demonstraUon lunch­eon to be h tid May 4 a t th e Elks hall. I t was planned- a t th e club's m eeting-last week a t the-hom e of M rs. B o ^ t . Hanks. M em bers are to repo rt to the ha ll a t .11:45 a jn . W ednesday. May 3. Mrs. J w T ay ­lor, president, announced. '

A lesson on social graces given by the hostess. '

I t Jiios announced th a t th e club's calendar for. the. year.JM d-.Jiten completed.

the hostess assisted by M rs: L. ]

tho_hom e of Mrs. B e th Pearson.

Club Schedules —Picnic-for June

BURLEY, May l~ A .p lcn lo -w lll be held In June by th e K itchen Q ueen Home D em onstration club.

A t th e club meeting la s t week a t the home of Mrs. B lirP h llU ps, Paul, the group discussed plana for the observance of home dem on- straU on week In May. T h e club wUl help w ith table decorations a t the

-KjiM a y S a t th e E lk s hftll. .

M r^^G ayle Pike presented a les­son on charm .-A prlte.. brought by M rs; Pike was recelw d by Mrs. K enne th Howard. . .

Refreshm ents were served by the

______leger. B urley; andMrs. Phillips will give a lesson on quick and easy meals.- . -• — --------

Mrs. Parsons Is ; _ldostess_to_Ciuh. 'S u a s . May 1 -M rs . Lee P a r­sons was hostess to the Ladies Aid

a h d embroidered for th e church g lfticupboard . -

M rs. Leo Hobdey led th e devo- Uonals. Mra. H arold ‘ •' a humorous reading.

e gave

O ra Buess assisted M rs. Parsons w ith refreshments.

T h e 'n e x t meeting will be held ‘ -4-at~the-hom »-or-M r«r-Ef|liM ay-4 •

BuUer.------- ¥ - ¥ — ¥ --------------------- ------

P lan t Exchange _Is Roll :Ahs,wer

----------------- - - . y l _ p |M l t 3.............. ........... answ er to roH

c ^ l a t tho M others Circle meeting la s t week. T he m eeting was .con­ducted a t th e home of M rs-C . K . H enning by Mrs. F a rre ll Clark, president.• M rs. EUiabeth Dnim m ond an d M f s T M ^ e r o in th T r w ere-guests;

CASTLEPORD. May 1 - Mrs. QiMut Hill .w ag-electol president of the M ethodist WomaSTs tff 'C hilstlaaJS ery ice .a t .tlje ;Aprll m eeting a t the home of Mrs. John Bllck; T he officers wUl be Insulled Wedneadaj-.. o th e r newly.elected officers

Mta. G ener.TW d. vlce president: Mrs. Loren Herxlnger. recording secretary, and M rs. Oeorge Bllck, treasurer.- ,s e c ? c ta rle s—a re _ M rs i. IW and Senften, children's w orkrM rs. Leo Senften, C tvb tlan ‘ relatlons;~Mr4.'- D ale Platters;.JIterttture and publU c atlb h ir 'M rs. .P re d ' Hiiiliert. mis­sionary A ucatlon and services Mrs. Ed W right, promotloft; Mrs, Ja k e Stahlecker; spiritual life: M rs.. D allas Cox.. s tuden t work, and Mrs. Ous Kudlac, supply work. Mrs. Pariey Harm on Is a member of the 'nom inating committee.'

"W oman's changing role#," v th e topic used for the worship service led by Mr8.,Oene Todd and

Al’K ramer.Assisting with the program

Mrs. Lcla Senften, Mrs. Claude1-Hen

Mrs.- E ari- Heldel. Mra, Kramer read two , poems. "Tribute •' to M others" and "Center, of the Home." Mrs. Abshlre read a tr i­bu te to a deceased member, Mrs. R. Ii. Conrad. . . • ,

MTS. George Bllck. Mrs. Shiriey K a e i^ e r and Mrs. Dale Platters will serve as the Invitation com- mltte^j .fo r_ th e_ a n au a l_ lu n c h eo a and installation of officers., co*hostes*es“ ‘f o r “ th e ”'electlon m eetlng-w ere-M r8.-W alter-R ccse and Mrs. Lawrence. •

Fdjr Booth Head N am ed byGroup

week a t th e home of Mrs. W wren;

E |ich member was asked Jjring’ a home cooked article handw ork to be sold to -ano ther mem ber a t the nex t meeting. Pro- eeeds froQ i-the 'sa le w lirb e given to th e Idaho R anch lo r YoMlh.

Mrs. Jeiwel Lowiy and ' Mrs GeorRO B rady presented a leuoir on so c l^ g rac ^ .

T h e group ' made plans for the county-wide home demonstration luncheon to be held May 3 a t the Elks hall.- T he nex t meeting will be-held at th e home of Mrs. Soren NIelsoh w lth .M rs . P ran k T oner as co- hostess. QuiUc and easy mfcal will

presented by Mrs. Punk and

Guest Listed by

—H A H 8B H r-M ay-l—Mr«.-I>elmat- Rosenbaum. Kimberly, was - a

lest a t the P riendship club meet- ...g ]ast-w eek -au the home of Mrs. Joe Froehllch, Jr, She showed col­ored slides ' of th e South- and W ashington. D.C., which she and h e r fu n lly took la s t summer.• g-i»pi» I>ppntnt»>(j fprth e M other's tea to be held May 4 a t th e W oodman hall. Mrs. A. F.

.._ , . in te d to the decoration com^ m lttee, and Mrs. R alph Simmons, Mrs. E. R. A rm ent a n d Mrs. Blnke

hllfch, m enu and kitchen com-

Mrs. R alph Simmons K enneth , rrayior was accepted,

M rs. B lake Froehllch, program la lrm an , introduced Mrs. Rosen­

baum . T h e group also assisted by Mrs.- Dell W right m ade gUts to be given t o ' th e ir ' guests a t the M other's tea. Mrs. m ig h t also re-

• ■ white elephant prize, in Hill was assistant


■of-t)PW— -

“ 'P IlE f^P ast Noble Grand clubw lU -^ m irsd f ly -a t. th e home rM rs . Harley W l l l I ^ '

RICHFIELD — Richfield Wom­an's elub will meet emoonat the home of Schlsler. Mrs. W. S. Kohl and Mrs- “ b McIntosh

sscs- Officers will be elected. * * . ■ :

_ r ii£ R r= 3 tie i:S c v e n tn ? d a ^ A d ,ventlst Dorcas women will hold aeookednood-.ftnd-fancy._wprk.ialeall day >Wtdncsdny at -the om telephone building Itv

SHOSHONE-Methodisl V/om- Sh's Society ot-ChrlsUan-Service will meet.at 8'pjn- Wednesday"al the home cf Mrs. Clyde ’Hughes.

¥ ¥ ¥The So-Joumey club will hold a

social hour at 10 ajn. Thursday at-the-homi otMn.Truman.6teMr.-. art. 305 Elalne-Kvenua. Rcscna- Uons may be made by phonmg the hostess a t BEdwood 3-:30,2.'

♦ ¥ • ¥ -•-•

iw W ednSday a t the ' Horry Bafry park - recreaUon bulldlnj. Members are asked lo bring a cov­ered .dish and table lih(dce. -fhere will be an aU-day work sisalon - - hobBles. VUItor* are welcome.

The Twin Polls G arden.club will meet (ft 3 p .m . Wednesday a t the YW O A -buH iH ng.-^e' progifam-wi planling.annuBlii wlU be presented

-Mr«;'TWllIiam=Orttnge.--; Mr8.ilph Deon. Filer, w ill-discuss ---------• — * -m in a te d lg '— »'

-JB R O M E .-M iiy - l - Study for April circle meeilne m th e u n ite d Presbytrrian Wom.i w aa,-entltled '- n i - L l,mWorid.1 T he .8 lu lv ..l .e* ,on '"W hat happens -In a Crisis “

C ircle.,one- m r . i t Mrs rjf,. Snow's home wnh Mn. wiinim Diehl a n d Mrs. Rox<o U tP tv sIstanOTiostessfi*. Mrs. j . ’f n\c^ j t t s gilVe th e Blble-sluriv and Mfi Ivan Epperson. lhOv.»:Udv,

Circle two m e t m Mrs, j n W lleys.’w lth Mrs- u . o . FViuif.a8-assUtant^-hostcis.-MM.-ArcliiH-Shimmln' gave the Bible siudv.and M r s ..J ..P . N oland, the *uiiiy son. Clrclj*- three m et nt Mrv F rank Houston's with Mr.i, Ken­neth Lovehs cs asslstani hojifsji Mrs. F ran k Davla prcwnwa ihe^ Bible study and Mr*. Tea son, ’the study , '- •'

Circle f o u « i f i C i r .Alr.v h » n k ' Burkiialler's witlT-Mrt.- Paul Ho], loway as a ssis tan t- hostcu. vin. Sam E akin presented tlie Bibii study .a n d .M rs. A. D. the study. Circle five met si Urt K enneth Be'am's with Mr*..&lnfy G ran t as assistant hostess. Mn Boyd Freeman gave ilii> QiV(

p lant sale will be held. — ------b e r s 'U T l i r g e d —to ~ R tte ffd w id guests a re InvlUd.

, • ¥ . ¥ ' .*niB Lend-a-H and club will meet

a t 3 p'.m. W ednesday-at the home" rs ; Hele«"0wlihe...................

itreet. > - v_ .. ¥ ¥ ' J

The ,-home • s e r V l c « ^ W e n ^ m the-'Idaho Power company^wili present the program. Each mem­ber U a sied to bring a w hile.ele­phant-gift. ...........-

Art D epgrtm enf -Is Discontihued

The fm e arts departm ent of ttie Twentieth Century club h as been dIsconUnued.. T he decision was made a t a recent, meeting a t ;he YWCA.

Mrs. WllUam Grange demon­strated flower Arrangements and Mrs. Marjorie Hawes showed slides

exhibit.Mrs. John Detweller. president.

- tbe annual meeting willbe 'heklJday-3 a t tbe Idaho Power auditorium.

Tea hostesses were Mrs. Howard Wiseman. Mrs. Ray Personlus and

Elsie Brown and Mrs. Georg* Bal­la rd . 'a l l Twin Falls, and Mrs.Larsen,.Flier................. ............


pLENNS FERRY, May 1 — A group of former classmates a t Glenns~Pei'ry' h igh school* visited i a t the home of Mrs. Em.est Branch.! A no-host d inner.w as served a t|

the study.* ♦ i«

BanC|uet Held by LDS Presidency

DECLO, May 1 - TTie Burtej stake presidency and their wive;. M t.-«M -M rs.-Isaae-L ec.-M t^to4 Mra. Francis Carter and Mr. M ra..E —R.>-Blauer.-ftnduneml)ea ofOhe stoke high councjlmcn-aM- :thslr^ ives-faeld~ T ~E anque t Im week a t t * * i^ i' The banquet was served und« direction of th e R elief society. 'Hit

■ w ith sprloiflowers- T he InvocaUon was bItq by t^orman Nielson.

A fter U>e dinner an educallonil film was shown and the rest of tht evening was spen t dancing playing games.

Pfnochle Played' By Hansen Club

-HANSEN,- May-1.— M rs.-W . .v.

(heeling a t the l u ^ e of Mn. -M ab « -P o lte r r -T w in -P a ll5 r-M ir Frances Jones received second hl|h and Lydia Mae pyron, third. Mia Pyron also received a blrlhdif anniversary gift.

Mrs. Hazel Johnson, M rs. Lett Kelly, Mrs. Jessie Calico and Mt>. d o e W eech were guests.

T he nex t meeting will be htl4 M ay 12 a t the homo of Jir* . Mia-

' ¥ .¥ ,.

Pocatello Guests

- m onth wlQi different churcha of the krea being host.


H T hf Amateurs Con't Satlify Your Photo Needs



Lpokfor tht Stori T i.with Thii Sigi


T ry VO got th e ch ild to look a t h is fIngCT e n d s 'a n d j'n o le~ fH H r' at>pearanee.--Prlde-l5-a'-‘|jT««k-help- here. l f - th 0 te& chu inspecU JuaO sI every m orning, a s Is th e prac tice •ln=m oet-echools.^th«t-hela9.-Be3t: o f a ll. If the hands a re busy. fiUed w ith work, th e m ln d 'ls n o t In search for cotaLfort b u t occu­pied userully.andj:^e_nall«_fiKUMfo r t b B j ^ e , a t least.,

O ne m ust be p a tien t abo u t this. M any people a re annoyed by th is tendency to . p u t th e ir f ingers .In the ir m o u th s -in tim es of lonell-' ness,, w orry o r m ental coneentra-l Uon-w ithout* physical acUon. To^ cure th is .the patien t: m u s t » a n t.i a n d «’a n t deeply, t o . r i d h l^ te l f o f the hab lu He and h e j n l ^ by the power of, h is will, ca ir-cure himself. Children need help and

l-encouragem ent-to -do-th li^^------I (lUlMMd tv B«U .SradlMW)

^•A P P L IA N C E S . •W IR IM G o t v REPAIR .


—Ben Jew ell's ^^DUTGH.BpY"

P A I N T M L ENALPLEX oerylle - lotax


W altPai!rti^!2Sii 3.9S''DUTCH BOY" (»h*. belt) Eiterlor

House P flfn t 7'BUTCH BeV i^No.•368S-<,b*.-^.00)-■— -

f x t e r i p r ^ h i f e : ^ ^ ^


rflOITE RE 9-14SS




jL D m lL k ^ l« M id j> r jn iM e d J iy j! h e a p p m ’ Laxuif Grass Seed. -You get ju s t fiboutMhai

you pay for . . . and CheagJ^iSi-Sigd:'<mlfl leads to disappointment anddneyeso te hiim,that you wish you didn’t have.

■ For this climate the following groMM ar« tee m - mended: Kentucky Blue Grase, Red Top. EnjIlsh or Dorae.tic Kye Gra»», R^d Cj-eeplng Feacue, While Butch-Clover. Ulshland Bent-Grass, Merlon Ken-

the'‘S “F«e).“'''‘-* tW A ¥ S -R U b TH l ANALrSIS 0N;.1M — CONTAINER-BEFORE--\fOU-BUV—

Also. Purchmie Crasa Seed fm m - One Who Knowa the Graaa BiiolneMl

7o K S ''* * * to n to in not le u H i«7 0 % Kentucky Blue G reii ond n o t m d r. then

" •J te W s you Jb ii money.)

- Globe g ro ii e x p e r t i^ d v l i* you p "UwnvPIanHhg f ‘

G L O t t S E i P !

Page 9: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

Cowboys Tip Boise Twice: Third Game Slat^M%wrii^

A 'pa lr o f lefthanders; B rianJlosa and John Steplitus. SundSy hurled th e Magic Val- r b o y a to a doubleheader sweep over the Boise Braves Sundiiy n ’ ’ ‘ • ’ 1 th e Pioneer.rcague. An openinjr game crowd of 2,300 •(2,001

_____ Wagner-ppiind o.ut,,a 360-foot homer in the-botto1\i of the 1 0 th .......... .. -th e .C o w b o y s a 6-4 victory in the afternoom Sunday evening, Boss, making h is lir s t

May Clouts Four Homeruns to Lead Giants to Win Over Br9,ves


•TbeM .ftni a n hot.' I haven't - bev d ebeerlnf like Uut In Krr-

. a H ytMra.” n ld U xtia VaUef Cowboy m uuser Jack. PhlUlpt Suodar after witching hU chftrsex •weep a 'p a lr o(i

-fpunu from tbe

i p p e a r a n c e ^ o f - t h e ^ e a - B W , struck out IG Bravos tis the

r r :eowboya:notchcdjui-8 i‘J..dci cision. • .

AlUiough SupU tiu pitched Ute f l r s t ^ l n e - l n A m p - o f - i h e - l i n t -------' ............ removed to r a plneUBnme. he w m removed to r a plneU runner appeared the Cow­boys w erejtoliiR to score In the nlnli) rrnnie. When lh a i fklled. d sU lhander T ed DUlard e u n e on to.mbw the Braves down and pick up the win wheii W b^ner per* fonned h|s;heroles.

The two teams wUl m eet a t B p. m. today t t Jaycce park.

-etep lltus (O o w -?^ b o y . •tartcr> n o t& i tf e e t the w ln -Jn - / V

. . . th a t f irstb e co u s« -h t'd ld a 'u ' good-job lo r \is. l l j t h o u f f h t . w e 'd i probably get t h a t ^ n a In the bottom .^

, r K n r U T w a a Rctllac aJiU 2A -il»d-4}i«ueh-ciK ^-D U 2^

"Tlwho won th e ' jam e la the 10th I n n in g ) -d id 'a ..gdod Job (or us. W t w era-m or* Interested In tbe win t)}aii wo wera. who go t It."

PhlUlpa pictured B n a a Ross' ■renlnc rou te-to ins performance aa exactly w hat the doctor order-

. ed. . ." T b a t glrea ou r pitching sta ff

a n e r tra "d a y T "re s tr lie 'poliiCe'd ' out. ■

l o ^ big Korliig gatnes'to Idaiio " ra lU , ar* - ita rU nc to pick up

the ir ohaipneos now; PhUUps.add- - ed; T b e .d u b , slated to open a t -.BlUlng.% saw .B .threergam e series

snowed out there and wdre forced to go six days without any prac-

. Uce.'Boaa'.Alne-lnnlng s tin t, along !—wlUi—th e -g o e d -p e r lo n n an c e —of

S t e ^ t u s in the aftemoon^sesslon; figures to he lp the pltchlhg sta ff

re tu rn of pcofeaslonal lifaglo VftUey. The w eather was I good, th e crowd large .and recep-l tl»e a n d two victories. While the to ta l day c ro w d .w u about 3.000

- l o d - o f f m e 4,ooo-BOM,“ n r T » h q plalnlDg was beard In thsiadm ln- IstraUva quarters.

I-ee le n d ers , who'U to charge of j coaceplons, underestimated . the I eaUng capacity of a rea 'fan s.'T h e | s tand ra n ou t of hotdogs ' '

L tn d e n , who sticks closer to per*, eentagoa th a n a o i t managers.

— 7Iti«-N atlonaI aUUstlea. show one out o f f i r s persons a tten baU gam e «aU a botdog.•aoogU fo r B,000 peoplel"

rnO B B B S IZ N T H AUODBTA, Oa., May X B?B —

■ f lh lrlw 1Tngl..hnrT., tIMfor lOUi la the Utleholders

:fc.comlng-a-4.1 rirtlelL in_the. eig hth I Inning and tlien going on to n’ln. •1 Boise, behind th e -pltclilng of Dave Oresnehan, forged lnto< the lead w hen T y Clayton doubled home th e wolklsSr. R on U p ta k In the second Inhli

ThQ'Cowboya . ...................tie when John Shockley hammered a scream er over*-the scoreboaru in c«n lerfield .-T he - U« la s tc d -o n ly

“ I n th e fUth Jram e. liauecnnd.doublejind

le -a round lo ti - J im. W efhom 's iw Jng-error'-on 'O eorgo-H uot-,

Willie Max clouted four horacruns, a fe a t nccomplished by only 'c ig h t others in a single, ynmg. to' lead the SnnJJrnTisiflcorGihnts to a 14 -4 victory 'ovcr the Milwiiukee Bravcs.Sunday*jEhe_Giants.eithcr_set ,or tied o th e r‘records by •smashing eight homo- ru n s as, they regained firs t placo in 'th e National leagOe pennant, race. Milwaukee’! H enry-A aron-hit-tw o-hom - ers to enable the two teams to c.stablish a league liVark o f 10 homers^ San Francisco" a dded ano ther sluiw ith a tw o-day toU l ........................T h e £>iants b it five In Saturday's 7-3 victory OTer-the Braved.

P ittsburgh, Helff-to a sp lit by Clnclhhatl.'-dropped Into second place. T h e P irates losf the second gam e 4-3 a fte r w inning the opener 0-3. Los Angeles nipped C h lca ^^.1 n il »rriiim»r. Davis' , two^wn hom er In th e n in th Inning but th e Cubs cam e back w ith a seven- run second Inning to win the nightcap 10-5, P I:...........................

Ington's grounder.______ ley lived on a n error. W ag­ner singled bu t was- c u t down a t

* b asi w hen h e overslld. An— ---------— , . . . .• I Bcconn DBM w nen no gvcnuju. a dThe Dhkves pushed th e count to j,y Ron Llotale le t Vic Baron

4-1 In th e a lx to * h e n R A -j,,„ ,# n d then th e luckless Bill Ry-

th a t, th e Braves w en t down In '_______.. dall to force In two runs. W eghom

John triggered, t h e t ...............................

-----------1 golf tournament- whichcoded hero yesterday. Miss Engle- h o m flred a 76-78-ai-7« for a 311 to ta l to collect $300. W inner o f the to u r lu m e n f w ai Mickey- W

- S a a Dlesb,~'«nieli"ended tb 2iAla to o tsa in e n t wlUi al2M.

towering., hdiSerun. Richie Allen, who Jam m ed h is knee and d idn 't play th e second game, lined a single to r ig h t centerfleld before Shockley and Bob Sanders ground- cd ln to force duU; "W agner.-W ho was pres.ilng for.lils f irs t h i t a fte r 31 St b a ts w ithout a safety, cam^

slngle_to Ireep the T hen burly AJ DurUog, <hewlng centerflelder.

basim ered a double off tbe wall 4n rig h t centerfleld to chase the tying ru n s across.

StepUtus. .who moved through th e la st th ree Innings easily, made a bid to w in h is ow n gome w hen he opened th e bottom of the ninth* w ith a w rong-fleld double. He w ent t» - th l r d —on—0«tfy ■ CurVendnV-

e a n d 'th e n w as lifted for n runner. B u t th e nex t th ree

___ w en t ou t w ithou t a murm ur tothrow th e gam e Into ex tra innings.

A fter O lllard had given up a h it to B anach. he got o u t of the Inning

M ario D ia l h i t Into

= W a g n « = iiK tlfc 5 K 0 fi^ r ttP ,U p - j r th e Cowboys a n d h e ended It abrup tly w U h'hla. long sho t. ■ - m th e seconcTgame; B ria^-Ross th rew a lo t of base b a lb b u t was tough u nder p ressure in going tho route. • •-------

Sanders staked t h e ^ a l e n d e r southpaw to a 1*0 lead in th e f irs t inning by pushlDg th e doubling CurkendflU hom e w ith sfcraaeilflce

Boss, whose a trikeouts accounted far.seven .o f.the .f ln tjilne .ou ts .. o il th e n iargin he needed whenC o w b o - '-------- ...................t h M ____m opened th e door.

W ith one down, Sandefa lofted a tow ering drlTO over tb e w all an tf

added U ie.eoup de grace with a double u ia t sen t D uring a n d Ross 8eamperlng~ hotrtt.~“ .^“ ' *

TTie Braves tried to ra lly In the seventh and pushed a c ro u two runs on two. h its .-a n d a n error. They mode a de&perate bid In the top ot-ihe n ln th in n ln g by.loadlug the bases. Ross finished w ith a flourish by sending R ay ^ e d f the league’s hom enm record holder, down swinging. -

Curkftwltll . . .Wf*h»ni 1 .1 X i no«I.rAll«n .1 0 I.O GwnnSho«kI*7 4 I i I KopMa

5 1- s f eDvrllnr s o t SlCUytmKull.rt«n 4 0 0 0 liuntnrtnSUplllui 1 0 I 0 Un«n*hn - . .*.StJnn«U 0 0 A 0 Uiaaeh . 1 I ' 1'

Kb r h r U I D ^ •b r b tbi

te d S t . Louis a 6-3. lead, then roared ' back w ith seven, runs In m e e igh th and four In the 10th to

M ays pu t on a trem endous show for th e 1 3 JU Milwaukee sp e cu - tors, p robably th e roost Interested was Joe Adcock, the slugging firs t basem an. Big Joe was th e lo/it f(a> Uonal leoguer to ham m er lo u r out o f th e uu lc In one day. H e did it Ju ly 31. il» 4 , in SbbeU PleM, BrboUyn.‘ wUUe; who b a d 'h i t only two

hom ers p r io r .to Sunday's , fire­works. greeted. Milwaukee s tu t e r Lew B urdette w ith < four-bagger i n the f irs t inning. T here w as no one- o n base. Mays tagged B ur- d c tu a gain In the th ird w ith m ale alward^ : '

.sou thpaw , S e th Morehead pitching In th e s ix th when Mays pounded h b th ird hom er w ith two o n .. W illie g o t. h is-fo u rth -h o m e r I n ’th e e ighth, off righ t-hander D on M cM ahon, w ith one m ale aboard. T h a t gave him a toU l ot e ight ru n s ba tted In fo r th e day, fou r behind th e record of 13 set by Sunny J im Boltomley of the 1024 Cardinals . ’

Kick V>llfy . 100 OW 1-■Llptak. Cnrk«ii<UII, 8hMkl*r. FO—

. 1S.I1. U^l< VilIfT S«>lt.-Ion( irbra « ln a lu tub xortd.) LOD—

---- . I. M«ski V.lWr ». DP-Alkn;Wwborn. Slxokltr: W« ' —AU... Curk«nJ«lt.

• TP ir R SR DB so

___ nb F bihlK. V. *b r b rOk* If S I X 0 Crkiidl S6 4 1 1 Hof.l»rr«. t l -S-> Wslirn.M 4 0 1 COBMtSb S. 0 i I Scndntb S I 1

actually saved over $25 oh my one car this year. ■V “ "I'vegotcom plet«coverage,ttk^hofjuatform yselfbutforniy ,~:wifflindchiIdren;-lWc6nVinccdthatfor.co8trcoveragq^

------- - , !*gtandingBeryicc,Farm.erapff«raUiebe«t«ptoiii8ur4ncebuytoday:'*... ^


New Policy for^ Licenses Given _ '

BOISE. May 1 OlTD-StarUng to-m o mh as lost, destroyed o r m utilated a n Idaho fishlng^or^unttngiicense o f any type o r class may obtain a duplicote, one by ipaklng, proper ^ p 1lea\lon a n d paying a |1 fee.

F ish apd game - director Ross L eonanl sold the lost session o t

T O lflcatlon—th a t—o i ^ M l s —hi been purchased. ■_____________

«TTOT tat SbMTM In II M trnek m l t«c H>b<« Ib (lb.

ioJm pm o:a to o - j H u k V«ll«rw3— — IM Ml r- -

____> IC 'H Jt ER BI RT«r. U Ul I T Shtrnxr ----------Sib * 1 '

Tigers Split Twin Bill, Stay in Lead

* By The Associated PressDotroil’s 'T igera ojiened up a full Rame lead over the

Yanktos .in the American league pcnhant race although leld to ’a sp lit 'in their doubleheadcrjivith Baltimore Sun­day. Chicago’s-W hite.Sox defeated Minnesota 5 -3‘in 11- — --------------------------- '••-lingg-for-thc-Twins’-third

Wins Texas Open;■ SAN A'NTONib, Tox., Mni? 1 (ff)-A m old Palmer rf turned to his role of golf's great clutch player, bccaw the years’ top tournam ent winner and closed in on youn

Endings 'Gary P layer In th e race fo r the most-money a s ' h^l the,Texas Open. W ith a dramatic finish, which comc-through-wlth-anuiagfcs o.n one of the closing holes,

rennsylvaniu shot a threo-under-par 08 lo r tho 73-hoIe total of_370 and a onejstroke v lc to ry jn (he storied,iV xas O pen Sunday. I t .was a-repeat .'wlth th e . ehnmploD' sh ip and Palm er's fourth touma- menu trium ph of th e yesr.

Onry Player ot Johannesburg.South Africa,. ibe.lcadiog.moneT* winner and a three-toum am ent winner. tled -for-fourte«nth-pIK ff w i th -217 and ,jw>n:. only » » I ,Pittyer closed with a 74 as his putting w ent .spur.

So now Player h a a won t i l ,0 08i4 .1 iv , IS . toum am enu ' "

Kirk Was Onp Man Gamblers Couldn’t Buy

U E M r a iS . - ^ a y I W — T a l» auln*«pokcn tow ery t K irk w ^ - n e tw tem pted by a . #1^000 offer ■'ahave' potnU tn a ta sketball game; • ;

**youVe go t th e wrong man." the M emphU S t a t e / i u r forward flrm lx. told th e unldetatifled m an on th e phone. ' -i'. Two inlnHtfes la ter , h e reported the a ttem p ted bribe to. CoMh Bob V anatU .

T he fix o ffer w as for Memphis S ta le 's game w ith VUlanova In

von la .-H e w as tff ♦'mess aroUnd" and see th a t hU team d id n 't win by tive points, he said.

“I t w-aa a friend ly Toleei" K irk rec a lled .-“A t - f lm t- I 'm ls n n d e r : stood h im . T hen h e dropped his bomb on m e. I told h im I d idn 't w ant to have any th ing to do w ith It. He sa id 'LOok. don 't m ention this, to anytxMly,' and I hung up.”

Kirie. 0 tee t 8-lnches. 200 pounds, Is popular oh th e MBU campus. One of .h is .c la som ates , describes him a s th e G ary Cooper type: ■Quiet, b u t strong."

His coach says h e ’s “dependable, thoughtful, thorough."

W hy then , w as Lowery Kiric s in ­gled o u t 'fo r a n Ignoble propoeltlon

^ t r u ig h t loss. The Tiger.s won ■ Ih e opener 8-2 with Balti­

more t a k i n g the sccond game 4-2.

New York's Y a n k e e s moved Into second place by dividing i pa ir -with W ashington. T h^.Y nn ' kees won Uie o p e n u a n d losi the second 'gome 2- 1. Cleveland and Boston also sp ilt a pa ir, the Ind lan8_taklng__the_sccond game lO-l a fte r B oston h a d 'c o p p ed th e first 4-3. *

Los Angeles ra n ita winning s treak to th ree in a row, winning the firs t game from K ansas City <5-4 bu t th e A’a w on.-the second game 3-2.

T h e Red Box played In Cleve­land w ithout' Jackie Jensen, their slugging rightClelder who n a d re­joined the club this season often

-year's- * " '

- I J u s t ^ o n 't know," K irk says. "He .asked ipo if I knew Jerry Q r^vi» .(MOalsslppl S ta te p layer involved in th e fixes) and Dick r is h e r (Uiilverslty o f ’TeiinessM player also invoU ni) and then ho s ta rted ta lk ing and beating ar.ound

Pnlm fr hiM t«kfnIn 14.

H ie Texo.n Open started lta final round Sunday with Paul Harney and Al Oelberger tied fo r first w ith 301 for M holes-whlle Palm ­er, Rex Baiter^' DoURiSandera and Al Balding' Vere Ued' a t 303. ■

B u t Palm er rallied for an eagle :i 19, where his 4-lron traveled

250 yards to J b e green. Just- three

.- im e r w aa 'ab le to bogey 'the iln a l ho le 'and .jU ll_B la-U io >14,- 300 first money as Ham ey missed a long p u tt th a t wouW-hhim a birdie. He w e n t________pin and then two-putted from 18 Inches for a bogey.

I t gave H am ey a 71 and ta o d t- ed him down to th ird place a t 373. when Balding pasted a 69 fo r 371. Balding blrdied th e nna l ^ l e w ith a .U - fo o t p u t t to g rab the »3,000 second money. H am ey won

batting .130. le ft a tte r leaving no te lo r m anager Mike Higgins. T he no te rea d ; " I wlU call, you S u n d a y - n lg h t- w h e n - y o u - :

Bees Split Two With Vancouver

' By T beElm er ’

beating theu whose h a b it U

_____ ________ It Lake Bees, did Itagain Siinday. H e piU hed Van­couver to a 6-0 w in In the second game of a Pacltl? Coast double- header.~ In ~ 'I h e -n r jt-g B m e ,- , S a lt-L ak i beat VMicouver 7-5. '

Elsewhere a round the circuit, Seattle e ^ e d Tacom a 3-1. Por(* land beat,. Haw aii fl-3. a n d .San Diego and 6 p o k a n .{ jp ll t a twin bill. S a n Diego winning., th e first

(lem ph ls S ta te , w as to leave the nex t m orn ing for Phlladelplila. to

'a y VUlanova w hen K ^ k 'g o t the

"Klrle played o n e . of bis bes games.” V a n a tta 'W d . "He got 13 polnta a n d 11 rebounds.. Played aggressively on defensive." -

• • ■ 78-74.

peatedly w arn in g 'h is : players th a t flU ch'sltuations-eouM -oome-up-aod w hat to do If they did. . * }

" I. would never take the monuy, bu t If coach h a d n 't told us w hat to do, I m ig h t n o t have reported th e b r l ^ a t t e m p t '" — "


H erm an Pranks, general m anager of B alt L ake City Bee% sa id Sun>

g:bver to"Coach y « d d lo P it* .

S S " ? ;_____

' M Aastin8an<*r B<___

K*« York «-l, WuhlBstoB t-1 D«a(M t-1. OlmlniHl ».1< fWIiloMn IMrol? S-l . X»niM Clur .4<l. Lm Ab* Oiln«« I, MlaaMot* S (

Basketball..Group Csdls., ‘Mayday’Meet

NEW YORK. M ay 1 (B — 1 _ . N ational Basketball astoclaUoa 1< scheduled for a M ay dsy m «U ng today. T tie "M ayda;^' in th is c m sU nds fo r the distress s i g n a l ^ weU as th e date.

T he dual subject* tress are 24BA -players w ho have Jumped or are p la a n ln i to Jum p to

Lot t . « ' “FlUibaith S-l. ClMiBMU 14 '

P A o n c c o a n u u c v i ’ ■- I :_______ . H ' f f i . !, ,_i_s-----

s s -B«ralU

T iM ES^N Eire WANT Al

league a n d Doug M oe, the Unlver* slty of N orth Carolina s ta r whose s ta tu s Is uncertain becsase o f dls- closures in th e l o scandals. .^N B A Presld«nr-SlaDtlM '>Eodo- off sjJd h e had»ealled th e meet-


S p ra y D andelolna a n S '^ M O T je a f e a W f l e d i r ^ —B E F O R E -T h e y Seed! C lovennlteB a n d 't e d - - • aplflerfl c a n be easily C ontrolled. •

- > 0 ANO 1 0 0 i » R 0 0 .P . ^ J 8 T l l t .E b - > R < ^ : ‘« R « f i« . # 8 T E . P IE R R E » M IR N O F f rL » « < D l V i a t O W \ y , i t g t f e i . f t l H ) , . l»Aj

Page 10: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^
Page 11: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^


. g s J S ^ ^ w i« r '* i9 ‘«iS K ;!•« erop bujlnt.

ilSs'i‘?i."".!S5i~' «=r?wr;**'eofirInf

NEW YO RK , May 1 tllPtf-Stoclt|

Lmo today, th e »iw aUon.lQ.Ltu« • :• w orld, trouble *pota|

iwifTUuymtrenUfusnartr' T h e ' ge n e ra liy ’Cttullous ftimos-j

___ chere produced good nalns for n l^ lcr&Ita. Q A tlonal' delense ''«t'6clu,| coppers- and <oma Ji(«.el luue i.'

—ElcStronlcs w ere ' down. Avnet^

yMfllii* h»H«r»'lv.S;».51.ao, , _ VMltn anil aiiKk o lv n i«m-1

tbulc* vrulfM iiJck

Tf«» 240; Urxiwi >n<I silu >nd -jvul lUtdy; Urrowt tail clll>IVO- tO Iki, I7.FVIS.M:'MMt US 1>M 90»:iU0 lb.. U.vo-is.oo. .

tUinp 1(91 iw.-Mrlr m Im.-

—itrong-cxcepUon, alons w lU rm ost oUier groups alchouRh loue* were I

, no t;.a« a ru le., targe. . '•Amoos the heavr Items were

and Howell. L ehn and Fink, Inter-I naUonal T elephone and w m a J

. .um atloiyU oils. , .•- s te e ls showed ilre n s th oh good production report, leadlngi coppera moved ahead lollowinK ai .boost IQ the refined coppu pnce.l

• a lrc ra lts and-deIenjV.U$ucsTol!ed| up p o ln u In response to interna­tional tensions. . .

rReptiDliff“ Ai Copper, KennecoU and Revlon,I Ralls and utilities dipped slightly, B and O a w rak spot.

Brokera pointed ou t th n t:tta e | .m arket Is Just ap t to bids its tmlel fo r a whllfi 'l n a period o t ■•con-' soUdatlon," a t least un til soma In^, tem atlonal dUtlculdes a re ironed

' out.

D£.>(vnt. liny 1 (USOAi—AUlg 3.300r tlftuiht«r. tieirrn » r lr

.tJM fully (ew ouly (alrxftec trn und feM m mbotit »le»<ly:. uuchu r hrlifn (o* load*' clioice

ll». HM-JStiO: pacUce Eood Md ebolc*. >«(Mcr i tw n m lb*. 23.U; (ev good and cholwitoeker and I M . ir hciun-sit-e;}- ltM,-33.0o-u.co.-^-

C alm U; not (.ubllahM .1100. 3.000:' barrowi and tAi* not

..Ubmbfd; Ifw Knm U n a j to alrons.

tw adr to wedc. Inaunea K lo ' no «artr w :h iMder Iambi, cbolc

B S W c ? S V & S S g

-POtlTl.AND. » . r 1 <UCaul* I.IH i bleb lood a ... ...................- - - nhidl (ood and eboit* h«ir«rt

illlllr and alandf*< «.. I«.80.l«.»: - .................

......... lt.O»>tt.lO: <utl«r. and . utdlil'bllU l«.Ofrtl.» i talrta W i

ileiTi'i.OflOi not •n«ifh.»*lt« lo airab. tl>h prl«n: (t<r 1 and Z. bukh«n IS.iD.

eW p J.J00i ebole* and Brim* tprlnslatnU I»,00: ehnl»* atiH pHitu ---------~ and » P>ll 1I.7»>1I.:S|-cull

•n 2.&0-4.3(.

to rise, they say, the m arket's ovn tccbnlcal posjtlon sn o u ll keep the lis t from extending the current

_ rcactlon_ too far.' ‘K taV transac llons 'lo -J iy wen

a.'rio.ooo l.d6ntlcsl w ith litst FrI' 'l y 's turnover^ tota l to d a te 'I s «,433307. .

oka kAOMAUA, Mar 1 M>—<OSDA)-1lofi

I(,OM; barrowt, fUU and aom muUx

htlfan notUr tlradr: «<>«• atnilr ti sood and (holo at^ra 21.T(.:t.00. <hok« ollb <mall .tnil prim* I.OS^

....J ib.-b>ir«rt «.D0: titiilir — tnrrtlal cowi ie.0>17.U. ,

Hhttp ».0001. !


CMi»l1«d br Tht A*MtUt«d Pma, Indui. • lU^U Uljl. Bt«k«

Nft abanr* A?S •'D^. Today ___»*.T IM S 1M.» . —.iM i hich-JM .7 m .o. in .s v».

■r nt«b 9iMi * » ' ■.........

Cat Traelor " •• C«Un<Msss, •.

■ arsi*..'Cam C r^

:Cnx StMl Codaby . Curtli*.Wri»hl



ni» tirmlnc iTcnd .. .t( HUP urd«r> bi taU* pricra ...............

a cml ai ihf t<tak.of buHn*. K«P«ri*r* >ald about v«:.000 lw»b«l« o( bard >hWl

I’alilttan.call foIUiw*d th» ai.......— .r - 'i lo r lr aad «h»n rhin* >nd thuri taxrln i. nimnnil • (Ik, mrourainl -Irjr area acr*ag« r«<1u«tlvn. nwra Ihan a tiuA. (l(Ur-|

chi. ami a Mall*r«d dniiandl cbangtUl

■ «1oM, PottltBd.<4.itf-4t.0V.

^fiaflW 'bItf'W 'a'rT lW 'm a/ui. »-il •hl;>m>t>l. d>Ilv.r.a eoaiti No. 4S- w nurn 44.UO; .*<o. 2. ^4a*«d or 2-co>

"> wheal Uan>a<llsn>..

cbinsfd; No. ;! rnl l.»l nominal.' Corn' uncbanird to H b>««r: No. Z

l.lH .lS i No. 1 ytllox l.ll-

„ „ -W»S»r:-iliUfh«r. cbolc* and prlna M lb. aprlnc r lamb* I7.00| (till .to cbolc* .M S.m.60.

_ ^.... mlitd l ‘» 1*0.2;.......... ,11.00-n.&0: I t haad 1 2 cldaair Mrt*d|

and *a• » « S 0 ; lU.isaii's r.'iaa.-if.j'ss iijl S W.K-.aKSj.s'.'S300.400 lb. lowa U »0-tfi.s0: mLa*d 2*] and la 400-f00 Ita. ]S.iO>W.7<.''CatUo tO.OOOl calr«« lOOj ahuibUiS"S ss:at**r* 2S.U*27.2S: ^*T*ral load* notlly prim* 1.200-1,110 27.M.27.M ..............1.400 lb*. 2a.ftO-t(.2t ; coed xi.i».u.uui cbolc* h*ir*ra U.00-24J 4 ; amall lot o( bifb cbolc* 24.H : rood- l l .00.-2Z.ia

, uumr and «omm*rclal cowa l«.00<lil.00.

' lamb* with fall •born »*lt* l l ; n i cuU ' cbok* abom *laaihl*r 4.0M.t0.

B i^ ii 2,Mfen Asking- l - V k w M * a — l - l i r A rPow^s-Gver rStock EinpifeBALTIMORE. May 1-A lIesbany

iglant holding corporation and its 10.7 billion dollar llo&oclal empire. '" T h a ’con teafw as 'w U houf parallel _ i American history. oTcrr*'"'*""'-

llng th e duels o t m ltroad I barona o t a. h a lt century <

-T bt .prlaoipaia, AUegtun■ • in P. K irby a n d Texas fl-

............ JoH n D. M urchison, iflichtllenffer. bo th p r o f e s s ^ . opti­mism.' Barby Inherited a- Wool- 'wortfar0>aod>10 cen t a to n fortune^ Murchison h a s a io rtuno blillt on

o t stbcl^older^TOtes to tleterm lne ■ ■ itcomo Oft th s ineet*

, ahareh , N either Bids'elalnied a m ajority o t ' t b a t jM jn o common. iOures eligible to be voted. T h s Klrtoy

Is on record a s owning out*____ abou t 35 million, the-M Or-ohlson group a w , 000. ' i

aldo also he ld alaeable__ nr rimrir— .4m m 4Tnifn»T).

den t Btbckholdera gathered lo seV- en weeks o t Intensive, nationw ide solicitation.

B ve iy .sing le p t W etn'd ''ballot c ast by a n estim ated 17,000 aharo* holders w m subject, in dlphabetl-

posslblfl. jchollenge.

retarlea on Ita payroli, goverps t d e s tin y -ro t-th e 3J-b lllibn - dollar New - Y 6 rk -C c n l^ ~ iia iro a t f -a B d

t o n -Dlvt;al(led services, 3.T-.

KAYE UA8 OHECK-VP R O O H E SraR .-M lnn.i M ay I m

—Mayo cUnio oftlclals revealed to ­day : th a t comedian ^ a o n y Kaye

Grains- cJiTCAno,'-«i|^ r

rSoM assiye^ S S u n ilH p D d ^JERUSALEM. M ay 1 W — ^1- haxe.expre.iM d--"— -------------

rnel-s evidence - w ia ln H ' A d o ltih a .p ac e .o f .lU ElcHmann Is so massive th n t In-. - I ’ h o p e ,th e cou rt•w llL .u iider-

;in t tn o d R y n T » in t^ -O H is .- j> r% « n d ;ih > ^ iif ic ^ t i^ -w W ^ ^rarllr.'jt w»»lb!(* da le iu s .".H au»n fr told them . “We hnve

‘ ' -fie h^ g s . . - . ^ . h o .prove . t h l ’~dcta ll ' g Tnl l ^ tlieco u n ts .- in the Indlcuneni, - •

■ to r tlio-owLujt-.jthqmrnl "W.t'T.npo ^ .-rmnplntF mlr p rnof

1» UP !•'! i>> th e cria*>r June .- A lly. Gen.■ ' G ideon lla iA ner told the court.

E lchn lq rin 'has been Indlctcd — and tacM a possible death pen­alty—o n 15 eo u n u of "crim es I iKttilwib—th e —Je w lsb -T K '■ crlmcB acnln.1t humanity.

•h ie form er OcsUipo of lite r ’s ; tria l In Jerusalem la nenHnR, iUi' fourtli week, and th e th ree JudRcs

builnM* wa« 1.* Uar .lay

MrbMna. Tuifit

UutiJd* DiarkrU' «*r* mMllr bl(h«r.

t I’urlltndl OaU. T'

period of 13 years'.ii rle.1 o f ploees.*’ ‘ •

“Wo cnnnoi do Ju.itlcs eB5C’u nIcM ttc a re given t do tliw. Wo c a n 't »iri

vn cft.'c."' .He told tbO'Judcex Uie pro.iecu*

tlon. as of today. Is running a Imlf- day nhe.id of lLi um euble.—^ l U - U n ’t-ououRh^rcpU edjB u- prem e Court Juxtlee M osho'L an- d au .'p reslden t o f tlie three-^Judge Itrlbunal.

In Gily Asked. F ive applleaUons*" for building' perm its totaling.'»1«.400 In con­struction «osts wero_ fifed Prldnya t th e city ha ll. . ___

T h e LD 3 church tourtH and ond wardir-applied for a building pe rm it for a *134.000. M - by 105-

whit* eO-TOi-i: h«. 4.(anipl* (t«d* *x

thanfni:‘■5o."r;Ln.r1.I0-1.3V nonl

No. . a b.a»y

..... .......... y »hU*btavy «1ill* C>>«; - - wblu 6t>i.

,..np 1.U7N. ndnl&aJi (t«l

I No. : y*lIo«l.» > i nominal, track Cbkaito. •


lllvb Lo« ClcM Pr CIOMWli*at

Uay _ ..l.» l!iJuly __ 1.WS tp t__l.U

Uay -....l.IZH July =n;HiW—U*pi __,l,ll.%S r , - = i 3 : i ;

: ? . r = s . i' “- • ■ ' . - a

|.» SISS !S}: i!!!: ■’SS iSS i a


.71), .13% ■ ' .IIW

l.l«% 1-1>%


____ __ J.'afi|ptBL„■Tl«kl*-lJ»rirack -2M 741 track ts.: (old) ad*maad mod*raU: tnai_______

Tr«ck *a)« (100 Ifai: tIS lA unl*M otti*rwl**-*ta«Hli

rl>*r n l l t r nand r*d* 2.1»>|

! MIthiMB FUMrtJ t-M.- ■ ■ ■■...w jwuto**! auppllr* nodtrat*: d*>|

mand mod*ral*i mark*Cw**k. ' .1 Track «»!**■ CalUomU l«n( wbit*

Ib*.) LM-2,(5; Arlfona muod r*!* 1 ..., j» a a t.7 tj C^lforalu Ions. «blt«* 4.t».

'<hlen«i ArrInU U i tnck (7i'*Dpirfi** hcary; demand alowi market a W t juaily.

in* 1.7t-l.Mj m*dl I yallool

>nu hla||*ri

C*(tUteat«4 wool

i S i l J ^ y ^ m .X ! '

■rtUicatod wool. *«et 12I.IN

Dworahak Thiiiks Tax Hike NeededW A am N Q TO N . May 1. ora —

Sen. H enry Dworshak. 'IL .T ld a .. aaid .th is week-end h e thi ' '■a m i f a c o ^ y W - B _____taxes to poy for the lA tln A meri­c an a id program s proposed by the I Eennedy- admlnlstraUon.

“M ost A m e rlc u s apparenUy.dCr r e - to provide th is a id a '

ideno*d-by>the-vot«s c a s t. . ,- ' ■ uuv«.;;;io“However, 1 b ^ e y o 't h a t so m i

how -w e -a ro -g o ln g -to -p ar-to rth la and o the r masslvo foreign a id pro-posals.**. - I - ------

Dworaba)L aat4 It, some m eaoa U n o t aoon.-.decided upon, th e in*

Five PermitsFor Bnildiiiff ir.’ Robert Scrvatlus.

• 0 _ chief defense counscI, will have h b turn.

Se rvatl^ i h as given no Indica­tion a s ‘to the character ot th e de­fense. o t how. long It'W ill lake K present. He w on't sny whetlier hi in tends to pu t Elelunann

Islnjld. ' ; ,Meiui.whlle, t h ^ o * e c u l lo n p ra .

fid. to b rlns In .wluicsses to <1r- tMic.

building. 348 F o u r th avenue nortli.!O sburn Larson. 125 W est h igh-

way 30. B urley .-p lans a 24- by jOC^foot clnderblock warehouse n i 830 DeLong- avenue, Tw in Palls, E stim ated cost Is 40.000.

T h e Bee-Line Rtjflalng.company applied (o r a perm it to coruiruct a 28- by 44-foot clndesblock service sta tio n a t 388 W ashington s tree t no rth . Cost Is estim ated a t tl,40O.

M rs. G ertrude Peti ney-atpeetrplans-to^)M -foot wood fram e building from 1303 Addison avenue e as t to 470 Jackson s tre e t a n d remodel U for a duplex fam ily residence. E stim ated cost U »1.800.

L ew b A rrington. 844 Flilmore. s tre e t, applied for a perm it to build a 22- by 24-(oot a ttached garage a n d Install new siding- on his dB,'elllng. E sU m ated c o s tla «,600.

Chul’ch Asks Farm Loans Continuation

W ASHINQTON. M ay l ' (DPO — J . S . Sen. F ra n k O hurch sa id today he w as cosponsoring legis­lation to continue farm ers home adm in istra tion - ou(horily -to - ‘ large livestock loans.

T h e Id ah o Bem ocratlo senator said .he h a d been urged by Idaho livestock growers to seek extension of th e loan authority . H e sa id It would require no appropriation bu t use or the existing emergency.loan revolving fund under the secretary

lot agriculture.T h e program , sa id Church, has

,.rovcd highly successfu l: in the ,past. H e said i t was prim arily ineedett becauso w enem - llvestoek

...................... iht.

Jewa In' Poland, and tiien in the Soviet Union. Tlie^eufwr; the pic-

'tu re will bo sh ifted to whnt the, Nazis did In w estern - Europe — | France .' H olland and Belgium — during W orld w ar I I . '

E da L lchtm ann,-telling the most narrow ing ' story yet presented by an eyew itness;-is d u e 'to return lo th e s tand la te r In the hearings. She was living In a vUlago near Cracow, Poland, when the -Naziff m arched In during. September,

She testified th a t Her fa ther -ne o t a group of Jews sh o t to d e a th In the f irs t days. -

She sa id she saw Jewish chil­d ren killed w hen tiiey cried. Young m en, fo rced ,,to sim ulate polish .RuerfUlas in action against the Germ ans, were slaughtered In tlie forest, she said. ■'Their arTns and legs' were broken first.*’-

O estapo officers In' motorcycle sidecars .dragged a g e d Jews th rough th e stree ts by the ir beards u n til th e h a ir ripped away, she sa id . ,

A nd a group o t Jews, w earing I p rayee- shaw l. .and_Tchantln(t to I Ood.” were drenched w ith kero­sene a n d bu rned alive, Mrs. L lch t-' m a n n told a shocked audience In court.

February Income. Totals 99 MillionBO ISE, May 1 UV-Personal In-

.om e in IdiA o during February to ta le d . M J .\m ll l l044 d o lla rs -a n increase o f tw o 'p d r cen t from Peb-

.ru ary , IWH), Business W.eek mnga- k ln e reports. < -

; However, th e to ta l personal in ­come in February of. th is year

■has'been loaned under the pro- 'g ram w ith more th a n 83 p e r centl - a id back, w ith In terest to da te,'

ihurch sold.— • -----------T h o legislation would extend

a u tho rity - to ' m ake Initial special livestock loans through Ju ly , 19S3, thrj lignstor aald. __________

SGhoolTeleyision In Boise StudiedB O ^ , M ay 1 inn—Television

m ay-bo -com lng_ to .B o ise . achopu.C ap ita l c ity Supt. T .-c. B lrd sald

a p ilo t p rogram fo r.tca ch ln g by closed c ircu it TV ' is being klven

H e sa id If th e program 1s adopt-1 ed. T V classes will include lessons on (science, literatu re . Spanish and o th e r .m ateria l, geared- to gradestw o 'ih rough six .— :---------------------

"Wff believe th a t .edi

le so -a ircra ft se n t A frican te r r o r iv 'f lH lo g ' I n to , th e -J e nding Oae five-day-siege o t lage in n b r th e m . A ngol^ reports reach ing he re liald today.■The reporta sa id the b a t t l s t n d -

ed yesterday. I t took place a t M u- caba, about 33S' miles n o r th of,

sj—Plve-E uropcana-aha-one A frican w ere reported killed by th o ter> rorlsta.

T w enty-flvo m en. Including five, A fricans, r e tre a te d .to th e village c hu rch to w ithstand the final te r ­ro ris t a ttack ..w hen-the p lanes ap-l -p« a e U ’m d ,fc »gbtencd-off»ih e-m«>~ raude rs , th e repo rt sald.^

ilL S . Group Is -Oppos^OJClA

WASHTNGTON. May i (Cni — N early ioo A m erican susporteni-9l

o o s tra tc en tra l lntelllgeno« agency (CIA). , T h « r ro u p m ade.- lt« wUhei know n yesterday In demonstra'- Uons a t Ju illc ta i7 'sq u are a n d a t

year. —! T o ta l Income fo r th e 'f i r s t two I ' m onths-ot-400l.tn . IdBho.waaJKH.i mllUon d o lla r s -^ decrease p f . t ' p e r cen t from th e firs t tw o -----

Teacher Driving Course Planned

______ _ a t Idaho SU te,PocateUo, h e said.

T h e servtcea o t D r. Jo h n Urlaub; d irec tor o t d river eflucatlon a tBe7k"elcy l J ^ ' ' ^ " ( » i r cailf:.-Tiaih stn ic to r a re being provided by s ta te and

nen t> o t-tbe!

Page 12: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

TmES-^W S,-TTO? l^ALLS, IDAHO ~ MONDAY, MAY 1, ISfel j f - -

= « . E N E A T 4 1 ^ T H I S ^ A N N E R ^ R E : 3 : H p « ^ t l £ S L B E $ T -

R E 3 rO ? 3 1

................- ..St. =-r!sr™ 5'£.«“v ,:;- {»«. IMj ISO. fmtid _ta rt M.rt-


HOMES-FOR S A L ^ - ^jjlOE MOIiOlti bom* I.. Ht«r.. jTw

■ w a n t e d TO BENT, LEASE


K U A l^ ranlo*. rK»pllani.. c!uh a»«BC*. (UncM. lUDqutU HEVAilL^ .I..1 e i»l» lot . . . _______

inuraniaula ru*l Co. I>b«ni RE I-

Z . W. McROBESlTS ^s CO. ■..■■ PH05JE BBa-'0013 .._-J-

Jfcn.lHnlK ■ nK M9»r? *.DorolSr Fortnrr ' Jli: t<UCI4

Mf<nb«r Mulllpl* UiUnr

bwtmtBt. . flmdl .down M rn tn r *ntl' ujum* 01 Ion. tlud ifnt. U l *Ui.

r.»l- IIK S-OOJD. , •>•HNtaT IXKJATIOfJ. IHfl .M.pUAv-

DU*:—W»ainr-dlil»ne»'-fn>in-»«h~4 .and <lo»n- k»B~8UBnx-kilch*n:-<lWpMkt. dlabiTMlitr. Urs« liitlns ----wait U> wtir »rr«U ■ MS U .........bfilronmi (I In ‘ flnlthxl l»Mm*n ).

RB fcPOtg,...........UW.

. »ppr.l.ri, - rh'ij

STBedroom Brick *ZxiMlTd In n«« -•uUlirtalan. M>«1 ftmllr kon* arllli Una aarptlaH Jlir>_ Inf room 1«»4: kllrhrn ami dlnttia i:>U; ulllitr room tx:0 : thrM Una M im n i U ii: anJ Ixlhj Urg« dou- hi* (.rat*, alt (lnltlir<l Inil^..-All ..............n (hta llt.tKK) an.rimm«-

RENT A SINOEB ~ ’Wins Uaablna f<. —10.«» Par Um


• RENT-ALLS COMPANY—— -• • 1 MIlTEMS ^JUroaa trWB fJf.P « tL BB MItT ,

- a ---------TRAILERS---

,_, .H4RPLD’S ■ ■ ' AGENCY

- forE» . RENT/ .BR'.. Local and Nation Wldt 3 , , . . ■ .

**na U<a 8p«t ea Track Ua**

MOVING?Rent a Truck

, / - Any Slza, 'h e r t z s y s t e m

• Waat Its .


LARGriB BedroomsMroain* (or alaapl". —_ — _ (iMpIatM for eeir alasapbara

> Urn kluhttufor eea>*al«Be— ' ' f«nc*. full baatnaat and do rat*. Conildar Uada for •




FOR RENT OR LEASEUUQATKO paatut; t fliUt. 'north, uUalUr. PfaMia RK »,4Ut/Twln Falli.

IU a LL patura-lar m l. Inqulra 'i^ ^

LBASE^—^rlma KlnUrlir


«.tOO. Pbona RE -nrma

&V**oWiJb« com^orubU/i ..Oioaa ia Twin FalU. full baMoitnt,. raatad yard. Phosa a/i Xlm-

Vou'k '<JwM IIOMKI


111 Mala ATMBa Ksrtk BK ’ Wtraa W. Bauar KK 1-MU.

fp 'r

?A M IL y.aiZ E ooma. larta Ilrigi' ataa, flr», ld«at aloaa la liatloD. U n a

FHA SPBOIAL . 0*dt<wm~ [ib '(Inlibad I NIc* Ur|*

-7* U*dr00Bi bania. ................. ........pU«*, tarpti; loralr {>ratael*<1. 7*rd and sail*. . |l«,OM,



■ AND'SPACI0US_'■araciL Srapaaaad'wa^lo__ __

COVNTUt UViNU at n u baat » b i>.'raw »*r»'.;-aU »*pt I Injinwru bon*, feu o(. cloiH. aptsa^akaltaa,- and dra«[tn«-Ba<ratirBl ruomr IMtig

ktUbin «IUi pltntj aaUnv •!»« " ' lloor dfalnr'i


; -it-iM-TbWd-Av*au»-Trttrth.--Varj>- qultt lira** wKb no Ihrouib trattia and aliu within valkinc dlaUnca of M i all churtbaa. narkaU, and

—A tlrT H IS^FO R -O N IiY -■ jg^eooT ■

^ H X ^ e g u B E B L Y -

: —r e a l -e s t a t e —

“DELUXE HOME4 b*drooni, t {lr»pta«**, full' btl*.

. nitnl. Ipv*lif kitcbtn and llrinc room. -Two «ar «ara(*. Tbia baautllul lirkk

homa It on a laraa «t*U Und<*at>*d tol and prl<*d lei*IL- ' .


A Blea born* for a■rswlnc (artillr.

• “'MERV.” JO N ES, '.(- REALTY ■

602 Flier Avenus Jli t-TOU or Wlllla ' RE MilT

.M*ml»r a< MalttpU^Lbtlng

- HOMES:fOR SALE'NKit 1 M mr i Mroocn brick. D<

- - faraaV' For aala bi'01 DA r ' •

BEAUTIFUL THREEMtoon'bHck vltk full baa«m>nt.. IH batkf, hatt **Tv*4Inf and drap^.

NICE. CLEAN OLDER faema wlUi 1 tern Mrvoma and Una Il>lnc room. H baMBirnt oa IPB'xl!}' lou

tlvatad aoll' and Irtltatxl paJtura. Prl«ala tl*hlar poad. hl(b<rar front- aca and ail tr*a wal*r, UlcW a< t't.OM wllb aaealUnl iMim< ■

‘D R A K E R i S T Y ^. ait^Skeabna istrMt North


' FRED E. DRAKE. Bnkfr .

i ^ B ^ K J l N A N e B I ) -You raa.aaauma fulf FIIA loaa'lnburins thU } b*drMm •.bath and^ f* ' b'/"*f ”’'’1" **

* tM? klubin «“lth ba'^JM'’(VMi^tand fortntea eounlara. i'ull Utamrnt

' • >a* ruma«*. Imin*<11ata pOM*ajloa , a;id no wa.Ulof .fof loan.

P L i^ N E D r o p L iyiJ^G

frataraa..T T

• "a io h n ; j rw o L F E ~ - ■-tw Ind Siraat Eaat ' M M W I*


" V BEDROOMS---------------- -- •Oldtr, Idral family hocna—vail to

aatad clew In. Alinell>* n*W ildlnc; Jlcm-Unia.Loi-Joailtd with. n » n .. fruit (rata, •bruba. pallo and; out­door flraplac*. If tha famllr «*ta thU tomrorubla h»m* th*>'ll want It.. Owhar traai(*rr«d and wlU dM*pl. IK.IM. Good Urmi.


'Uondrr-alfDT*., mahotfanr pan*W r»<T*«tlon Toxm In iMiamtnL yaril, ratio, aprlnkllnr iintnn. Will IraH* foriSnod Rail Laka horn*. Kor appolntmenl, rail— —


Onlr 13,600. On hithwi

Zierptlonallr.nlea acraara on Jliab- Und Av«nu*'.£ail In Twin Falli. Short J-acraf. baa. nira 2 badronmLr* «*•


^ o n Tajrkir. Orflca pbona RA 2K t Paul Cllna *—*'cail'’fo?*B^ £ u ” ‘

anil. Cranca- )niuran<«, itK S*«S(1 ,. UE^IBWOF.KULTIP^ W8TIN0 ‘

Prl((d< for <]ul«k a*ll «t Irada. |U ; rhoW.KE'S.f.«4H. . / ■

LAU(iii 4 ballroom nodarn (ountrysotn*. . Uuir r*.l»«orai«d. . Rarn, tamsa, ahop.

corrali. : aecra Irrlnlai] paiUr*. .^uUiwMl.Twln .ralL,.«a hltbwar

Vhojia-nE MU*. ■ ^


W«-ait«l^lM la b*t(*r fanni and— - '^n<b«a. If InUraitad In burinc a . aclllnt CALt^ ' - ' : •


' ‘ • U*Bb*ta Uultlpla Uilln«

~Tii^:cahp~Pfm jr -—

200 c o w s w lU i'calves-'ntonttar-ranKa ’ rlshl In an aicn» Dnallr food f**dlnK arra. Cowbur

<.bln, foo,| waltr. D*«M ' Un>lt ha*a IrrlfaUH maadowa. Fraa waltr. Toul pric*. I19.M0. InetuiUa tatlU.

- ■ LeMOYNE Realty 'Q o o d ln j ----------------WE 4 - s mM ftferm an .................. T E 7-H5MW endell ......... ....__-JCE 0-2184,

1- 1 , «arni• w lch J^tadrMrn.“m J.Vn'” om fn

J»rom». CompI.ta1ir fuml»h«d. all furaa<*, • raal lood bur (or la.lOO.r Tarnit. ■

H E IS8 INVESTMENT OO. Laoa 8la<klon Offic* £A 4-UI4

............. J*n>m*,-Jdali«........- noma..EA •-

WILL TRADE-for a homa la- T rln Fall*; with at l««tl It.OW *>iultr on cbU 'walUlai-

■p»o»*d 40'acrat, t mlln from Twm. - --•to4arL _. da oU<4 road. S*a u


113 M ain A vw ut E u ( PWna VX * -» « '

Hnaber of MuIUpIa LIttlat

- COW SPREAD .*1X40 aena d*«d .. ItO avldratad.v S lood nod*m hom*t.'l7« baad foraat tlcbt. 7H AUM8 Tailor Cradnr. privala allotmtnt. r'F*nc*d. Cowi, maeblnarr and faad |:OO.KIO,' t»,«K down, halanca arranstd a t .1%.

f.CUO^.'li ’ood' j'badTOiir’hoiwr I*''Su, ‘»™iiS'bII[.*a<!i M«“ whS^,allotmariu it«a*onabla (arma ai>


Dua to oU)*r bualn** obllfatlsn w offtr r>u tha manr ail>anUK*« c Ihlni OB an wrrasa wUh a n»w . Udrunrn brick homa with d*lu>a

-faalUrM. V*rr flaxlht* i

'N O R T irS ip E .llE A L T YPhona Sa4.U 11 ' JWcn*. Idaha


RE.-S.-,5j4G '- RE 3-:^8'4'6

■; v ' a c r e a g e "' » ' ( ACRU. NortluMa ealr •.Bil1*a. drlva (roiffTwIn KalU la. llia Falla' CItr araa. Coo>t'Und. oat.Itad lata,"

'40 t'ooS^Ac^es In Jerome, W.endcll or.'G opding'Area to-T radoi^or a Good 160 , A'cres.;*' :

8 i» U8 for O iir-LlstinB bn ' SXOCK’RANCHES .

In l d g io, J ^ r iU n a op yyom lny .

FROM SEARS.’. .U^URICE.KLAAS ..AE.»-Stl»_. piLU couDEni,Y . . . •R E -t.in r n iilT . LA3SE«,. ' '




■WaB(Un KBIUmt-Jaii

tn.<c .DOWW.'flll I*m;»0 ■farVj>4 ‘iiilW‘N«Vlii«»t'?f--

. GcJInV. ui.ho. Six flrld., a two lwd«x'm houia mnjrrn airrpl hf»t, (Hid harni. machlna ah*.rinil chick-

--»ii-hon»rr“ Illc-Wnn<J-and AmcrltaB— Kalli Watar 01ilrl.l,_J'alI ro.«»Mlofw.


ritrm.HKertkWt''iontloRV‘>p /l!mriet . . . la. No^.blUa^Uw. Uull..lB.to.^-

_ Rodnrr Pauli >- -'fiiBllr room with ;


1 baUa 'owMrUAURICB KLAAii


>00 ACRE -vil.mKIH' arm. V«r7 .rood *«11—S bomr* {ona lana). 1«

A N N O U l^ C IN Gw ith .


Association with Me ' ..--•J 'hrm and Ranch •_

. Represenlallvo” '


Call o r stop in fo r a visil; w ith Bill, a t youi^ conven»

REAL ESTATE ..FOR -SALE4 1.0TS. Sunurt M*inorlal I’ark. valu*..

at *1J8 *a<b, aaU at l » *a«h. Pboo*

NEAIiLY NEW modtra ’ *-b*dr«cni boroa wilb ha»am*nt and eaR»rt.-2 acraa ot to<«l paatura and iota to WtmMI. Now haa 0.1. loan .v.

.(T.AOO. with t».70 twr month. Own*r

»on<l*rful ............... ..Homa aurroundad br Un* ahaOa tr*«i, aUul 8 acr*a for orchard or paaiur*, Ennu«h- fr»a tprinx wal*r for rour own prl*at* powar plant. flT.BH. wllh dowo.



.for anlartalnlnc'and ahup'for dad to pullar ln,,Att4iehr<l saraxa and roU

palIo...|U.TOO drflnllair prIcHTl«Ht.n tA appre<*d loa op tbU eharmlnr < bad room brkk homa, n*al buy af

wnk. ltl,{W..|U»'.down; plua

B homa, ( ). Hiball D

«B AddUn vy*afc;Prl«*d richu



~ c f td ic E S T ir o c O T o > r -LARGK 1 badroom'bi

:ba.*m*nl, kiaHxl with Dri»a b> *SJ I’Irrt*.

TWiN FALLS Farm*. ii.i cloa* In. Haautlful Mtllnr f country *aui«, tSO.OOO arlth


. 'Z _A C E .R E A L T Y .. H a Addlaon t> * l_ :------ RE W:i1.


‘h a g e r m a nH Aerra. Alfalfa. Irrlttalad pailota and fruit. World., of fr« waiar. Taylor »ralln» for , 4II__ hfa,!. ^

ONB nronOOM hom*. tno.l.m ai. e*9l haat. S Kuraoi.Mi. nlta ahadar lardcn, twrrlra and .pUca (nr chlck-

.*«•. I'rlca onlr H.MD <»*h.

DAVE P. NICHOLSON . ' < , Broker

EYE APPEAL••.. .. and -!Zli—r :

PURSE-APPEAL 'A wlnnlni''combination *thiit w

I, charnliiK klubni, h

‘A pliTea to ll>*. a r«al*d’ apartmrnt for Incoma and buIMInx for tha eabl- nrt maker, a.I(. *mbIo7*d mtchanle. i l l It abup. 01 tarlatr aalraman who n**di warrhoua* apac*, A looil aco. Bomlcal. In>a>un*nu' It.BM, Tarmt.

•KARL C. FRBEMAJ^Etcaltor, RE 3-1410

and planta. <0i nar.ln*r- Atrau*

;K11TIFIKD Uonuna' ruu*ta^aad po,.: to««. FOn-or dfUvtrad. naaaAniibtr prlr«4 wtiM* ih*r Ui(. Phon* ATwai.r 7-UH. WhIlrhall, Montana, callact.

SEED POTATOES • Cartlflad Earlr JIada

PonliMt aa4 DlUi Triumpba from Rad Rlrar -Valirr, UlDMaota



i Potalofa

....................................Wa ARB hur<ra and aallan i f aatds


Ihtaa on' aulthrbaU witb >

EVERGREENS^.■--------- -


' ^ t r e l l i s e s ' ! '., $1.59 up "

' fSHOVELS I ■ $1.49 , .i

HOMES,I year oM 'I badroom krick and frann. Carport. • fullr r '

-RAKES^ Cardtn'or

■ ' ' 9 9 c ' '

—Itfhti114,000, (ool urma.

fullr modirn withf^“fr^^7-rip£?“

^ 6 ^0 'N o rth ’i lb q .L a k e s ,

■ GEM’ sTATE.'IkEALTY '.'• INflfUIliE

•, J . W .T ^ ^ c ram lth . R ealto r . Offka RE-I.SJ30 ' |ti». RE »-4!l»

i:;a.^LTnwood PnfrAlonal lIUlilInK M«mb«r >luUlj)f Uitln'f

L<»*Ir naw*r I .Mrooffl Wick i . tuo Xlmaa. Ca< furnac*. AnIUbla ^ cto*ln*^|l«,(00. . . . *Kiolltnf older t M m m al i; i

Fin* bt<«m*n|. h«.t hrat.

T E D D IN G p l a n t s /— IndiTitlually-Bos


r. rin* oiii«w ,loU Oaa of L a Ib '

Twin.'’ n*aul](ul t b*dmarn brick. - Extra

Unt* attachtd dvublt l in i* . at OO .Monk Waihlniton. Fullr ntodrrn, onxtcd. V*F7 apacloui. lU.SOO. will ' trail*. •

‘ ..FA R M S~R A N C H ^:S‘

Ih* »........ ................... .ruf^^Sn'd-i*!:! Vn i?;ba.*%*l.‘ l‘r!'farmer will >how hit Incom* u ir*«crrdj. Iis.ooa worthlof machlnarr( 0«a wllh ih* crop*. •(•» or aona.

•jn-law-lo-halp. ao iiyforaala.-Thli-

IAOO’ACKCS,.l.iOO eult[rat*d. Eai» o( Muriauih. 4 m<xltrn hoiiiH |2 brand nrwi aacallant aoll, (iwl wat*r. JMO.DOO,. 2?-, down. .Good


Indlvldualljr BoxedFLOWER PLANTS

' • $1,^9 DO;^N-

Ind lvldUftlIg_Bo»ed-



Tiori!arI_n«'TTUia. Boi'd- rAh'TIIICTTrni-soo hrwS:—CaU-mBlnir—

tracllva car po-rt/*t««..: --------with aitraa. A fluallt/ hom* tbroutb. oul, prlcad to r*all)r aall quick,tH, tarRM'to Hit «nallfl*d b^*r.

FARMER’S REALTYPhon* t42-4«S0 Ouhl, tdthw

BOlOS AKB ,nU81NESS> A tU ^.......... • 1 £lm.Ia**._»T35.

’ apartmmt and ( r«duc*d to tn.-

m ATOfOT M ^ y ^ o u a oldrr

.too to IIO.TOO; A w«md*rfal bur.

REALTY^ " '^aSV Sir*

XT*alBC» R£ t-MIt ■ U*ab*r MsltlpU Uitlac

4 ,BEDROOM home, well car- patio, storm doom and

wliidovs. Nice InndjcaplnE, O X 4H]r.-loan. 112.000.

-JN CO M E.PR O E£R TY :.3 a p a r t - - m e n u s ro u ln e >200 p e r m onth.AU fum lsb td , cloia In-and-nlee.- Redueed-to tlS,D00, «3,000 down. ' T ake A'EOOd look s t these.,

room s,-lu ll basem ent, lurnaco and stoker. W ell constriicted and .clean. E as t . location. Wa like thU one to r |«,500, >1,000 down. “■ : . .


' 113 Main Avenue East PbOB* RE s .» »

----TJ.ml>.r-of-MulllpJ*”L l .i lB » ~

■ Jen c e^


303->and-Btreet-Eut^RE 3-3503'

' A FINE CATTLE RANCH for fall d*ll>*r7.,nuni 4f0 cowt. 8*a ll' In oparallon In Jun*. Thrr bad ovas-IOOCa calf crpp thU rear,

2o-w rT M o^-» io5!boo 'naally a sood ona In Up b>p tha'p*, '

■FIIU .up all r,rar..Iilfal locr' 'Dpw.« pari»nl


ln(a. On|r t30,000.

Baa va. for^farnt and'ltoma.'kMni.

.0.'Looney, Kealtor-- A- W t u IiUy. iioci quall't , kar. . Frank N*wbcm>> Phon* RP. S-24U. \VANTviU TO UUY-Guod qualitr W .,' - r*. —_fiM • • — '


I* or Conllns. Will

Av e | s e l l t h e*1 -OwBlonna, both IS' c

A. g.''Ho l l a n d ;

■f.'-m ir Jackaon- UEUO'BR 01



_ niEA M -RO LLED -G R A IN -i-Olt WITHOUT )

- n Iota relUd bo:Paul plaau,

Bart«r and Hilo-.:___ » J t Owt

5 TO 1-T^at wa bar* Ib* homa or acrcaca , lOu want aad caa afford. Kara la* a aampUttll.tOO^l Mraorna -' brick c^trMc-


B ^ f i ^ € T 0 R Y- I T O T D ' A N E . X P E R T .?

-ONE O P .T H E S E G-A-N H E L P -Y -G W - —

lm?rt*'‘‘'wllh" li^lna’tld fi«r --;*ll«hta, AfWKlUir. Sm

.. ----d rubber l...........- jT I* Ilka new. and In m>d

— Phon* KB Yount, ■

>wlnr machlw. Phonal

, dinlbath.-ci

with lU i^acloua . line loom, aunnr

i : ' . c l o s e T o ^ H o o i i .t badRi0B>a.,A UxSS' carpeiad>ll<rlac

■ K » .s s , - ; a E r ;» S 'f f i£ s . ; -

:T 3 .tO W -.L O W DOWN-;fer tU l qualltr packed bon* with

-<-MrMBa.-t>«rtb*ut 1oeallaB;rLIK- " , -dlDlac.-'kllcbea' aad'hraakfaat'

k. raaUr non, 1 UUu. A b**u-

• hom e on 'B Iuo 'Iiake^ 0 . ren led~as“ B iru p s la l t8 -a p a r t—

• m ent, >25. Doft-nstalrs, >«.• I^ow...only rr.OOO w ith T— ‘________^ACREAGE:_j_?i_acres, opi»s.lt«_

M oraihsslde school. 3 homes are r e ry ,n lc e . Nearly, rfenr.- Total p rice >30,500 . o r can purchiua one home a n d land fo r |14,S00,A real soond Investm ent.

-FARMS — RANCHES'375 ACRES, hay . -traaa- and 8raln .'A good sm a ll cow ranch , w ith larve eomfoKable modera home. >56,000. '


BALED HA'S* LOADERS i*l*lba»'ord” 'T''*'| •llS lD D L E B D S iE n BAIia

El, f f s . ; ; - : ; ! - '; '. - ; ,

Uixcd'irala aad Mllo-tiriO Owt ' Wa wlU ba (lad to «soU prioa* d f lli*r*d ea our a*« bulk daUrav truck. .■


Offica 0^ S-SS4I KLthU OB ,






llowlnc b

kitchen U a dr»am. Full baaamtnl - alUchad farac* frncad Jard wllh

-------- fIrepUc*. You'll Ilka Ihla '-guuld.

b*droom . »»2i* lltlnr. hM*mn» -'rarare'>-t

laia rard and abruba, C oralUWf.partj, —• •

- - • C E M E N T -W O R K --------------t~SIA aA ZIN E S

I. J. u >» SEW CB S E IlV IC t

-■P^UL EC/UIPMENT and WELDING SHOP '• Hoi U l . ruar. Ji»bB._.DA,M>4T:

-tlV E S T O C K -lH fb .U W R t

^O R SALE'' hllvar Jrc burni

R.~T.Ma.^n. I'

.E 1-UU', :1 nIiKJ}

. -v'HOT UEKBEB 01* mLtlFLB:

.Helds, good spud, 80 a ___pasture..'T he , Iclod* oT a .com-.. .bloaUon th a t .has m ade MorIc -

_ V aU ey_- ...................... ■

CALL REALTY' » l l AddUea Aval. B.' JtB 2.1331

iber.ef MulUpU UfUaa Smice

• D ttrcU E A N IN G T -t or' IlB S-««t,

T SON*T GAMDLE • • Her* Realtor - "8a.e-wllk-Da.a--;----


• ELECTIUCAL------!— ■—— (NSTAtLAT^ONS-------


- S T O ^ t-HIDING YOUR b u s in e s s

► T E tE P llO N E ANS. SEHViCEkill be /our lel*phon* altt*f.Si hour *aftlf«f rhon* ItK 2.MIH___ ^



. . . .■ ■_ n.iM

..\L -

• EKCAVATJON _________Ul*n l'«lr»anli>-liar« ; tractor mountMl .

backboea. llatenetlta. tr*nchlnK, yard levellBS, dtl.ewaya craVrl* Compl*M a*ptle aratama. ’ RE I-304I.T

n ll ae lltUa.aa52.BO P er Month Phone R E 8-0931


► VVilfiCKO SE hV IC E. Sllsrr't Wn<kaf..BB.S.

irctB.: ...-'

CALL GA 3-5544 ■ *

■ .For-Prompt ' '...... r e m o v a E : ^ : - - ; ;dr De^'ai«i;u*oiea^—

Twin Valla RE t-tU»<-0R »44H’Bm10— IDAHO/HIDE -;-

..__.4l TALL0W._CQ.'

Page 13: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^

GOOD THINGS TO EAT FOR INFORM ATION O N E -R B -^ 1 ? » 1 0 --------

il plin for Wlnp«r>.LEON BUIIT AIUSIC STUDIOSCall W»)rn. W/nhonp HR

m o bile- h o m e s_ _ !Z .

» » -s p o r t in g g o o d si .nilM .n i -halt produtu. , i ‘ mifli.MY iSii. M H.l‘. K.Ji‘ u iirii 'iiy toil. ** K.ipni.iT

U tk motor.. T.»-N». Ir.ll.r.

■1955 FORD - 1 579G CQuniry M dnn. sta tion waRon. v -8 ciiRlnc. rad io ; henler. nulo* mnllc tranimlsAlon. lii-lone And

t Ures-. R uns und loolcs Rood.

Super 88. * door «ednn. nodfo,• hcntei. iiuiomatlc irftnsmlMlon...

tU 'ton^.’tinK d e lA u nnd a lm ost (Ires. K una like a million.

1951 LINCOLN 5195Club coupe. Radio, heater. auto> mnllc trftnsm lM lon., T h is car

1950 CHEVROLET S1995IMI-AI.A .port ctiup». Lo«tnllMSr. e1»«n. on. ..wnrr. SI* .h-z-cT,:.

1959 CHEVROLET $2095IUCaLA 4 iloor »lth .Ir condition- iKriyullr Jo«<Jnl. V"* »»'>»'•1967 OLDS $13954 i ^ r . IIoltd.x.-. N.W p«lnl. _ f

1956 OLDSMOBILE $945- - llolldar. ci.kti and tha'rp. C--

vsr.s Good _ l S'lltii lltXAlU Ch.trot.t Mdan..| t<.

5 I C K U P S .ItSI CUKVnOI-fn- s-l«ri. Loot l«l.

•X" ....................... ........ 113III1997 mr>;nNATI0NAU-4. sharp.

TRUCKSl»S» EOKD C-«M TmtCab.......i:

/ yovbtriM. .trap, alui....T wlr*. radlalora, lr«n.

H .- K O P i ^ CO..1 tn4 Ar«iur8oulh — nB>7«4t

1M1 M0UK1.-4&' S-b*draon“ t S l I ^ V h r ^ ^ i n r j i i ' ^ r i n y u t r l

- ni»»rtl»w .Tralirr Court- lluclw.

1958 FORD ■ 51295Ranchero. S^pced tranimtMloA, V>3 motor, lU 'tone pnlnl. P ick­up with. pBMenser car comfort.

1955 F O lib ■ • '5695 U ton pickup. 0 cylinder cnRlne,

-<4—ftiwed—traniimlMlon,—< -rp ly - Uren. K ren tie r h itch . Ready to go to work.

a9A5-GHE-VROLET—$746-:.d^,r ilallnn wagon. VI, wllli ot«f tNTKnNA’TION*I»J:DOO

.19^8 CMC - 51995


. 15pO MERCURYMontclair 4-Door Sedan. Beau- . tllu l tu IU na w hite with gold top. Fully powered and equip­ped,. Llke-new l

1960 RAMBLER 4-Door Sedan. S tandard trans--. mission, unm arred green fln-

- Uh. In terio r Jooks new. Ex­trem ely low 'm tleaeoi ThU 'C‘ ~

. w»fl a net? car Irode-ln.

• - E E N a L S —;> OLDMOniLE W, fmttHIbi* ..s - ; , .! ; ;! . .; ........................

K*ptIC^I J« MtRCURy 1______________

' Mw^l'niia«Vn4"Stl5Kdnei!toToalir .

19il8 FORD J295

Authorltnl CAf«f«I.I D.al.r

- M k G I C - V 'A I 5 ; H < Y -


Corvalr 4-Door. Sedan. Radio, heftier, standard tranr-mljslon anit w hite wall tires. Zhls-ear- Is ju s t llks .new.' ' '

. ' i960 VOLKSWAGEN- FuUy.. • equipped * l th rodlo, heat«ri w hite w all 'tires and very low mileage. T his is fully • g u a ra n te e d -a n d 'ju s t llkS*new.'

M4»’CrmY8U3l N.W YoA«. W 4 -'. top. Pow.r .tf«rln*, poi^r . braVo. pow.r m c powar wl».

do», radto. htaUr asd BMr'lir». ntdMtd to ODir___IXtM '

lU : CADILLAC t t..( t e r liirdtsp;!


WE HAVE a good selection e t ' commercial un its from 'U -ton . '

to a ii-ton . AU ready to -work fo r 'yo**- . . ■

SPAETH m o t o r CO. i -’out CIbian.. SalM tUoaiar

EA «-i>TI JCROUS ...EA 4-


■S'T-A-Y-W-I-T^H- T H E

105T MERGUBY' 4-Door CotTimuUr -Wagon. Has beautiful hardtop styling. All power, fully e<ii)lppcd. Real nice and clean.



four- » W _ 4 r l« .— Fff«- •bMlltx fraal hub.. Kr.nf.1 hlUH. twin airrora,- baavr-duir-lus-Upa l lm all aroand. . Sharp Uua >nd whlt«-palni. nin* foot boa. Thla unll In* tian iS.OOO mliti. Jutt Ilk* n»«

. thr«ubout. Sold Ptw' 11.104.i S s r C H R Y S L E R ,

1958 DESOTO " $ 1 3 9 5,»’ord$«r._C«.ion. *Mi « » .« .

19B7 .CHEVR6l EI.$1095..re n l^ ; t_er>M*r,‘ trtn*-


I 8S0 DODOb 4 - Door .Custom H ardtop. Cuslom.~RoJal. Power steering and power brakes, troque-fllta tr&ns- nUaslon. tu-tone pa in t and

- -w hite waU tires.— VERY SHARP Ll— — -----$895 :

1054 C H E T O O L Sr 4-Door S e-'' dan.-Pow erglldo transm is­

sion ,w blte‘woll tlre i, new paint. Very Clean ^and — ■- 4495

■’55S T U pE ;“ "?524'{ door. ComBMo^.

ase-MERC. ' ' il95UonUlalr bardtop aoopfc {Ctw«l_

■67CHEV. - $1094JIO. 4 door. Vt, P®w«TtlH» >

■57 FORD - -?1094raUUM wo, 4 dW .MteoM )'

Page 14: U. S. to Up Aid to South Spaceman Is Viet Nam; Kehnedy ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/1961... · U. S. to Up Aid to South Viet Nam; Kehnedy Plan^


-- _ _ _ .. , . .,-- -T-—-T-" ^MONDAY.-MAY'lh96I~-

' - B u r s ^THAT


TUES. _i w f o .



5T A ^S IN " T H IS t STO RtS: