u w> fucujting cotirfty gig yrto*¥orft ggjjfg£» public aaifiv* wuwu … 18/new york ny... ·...

' I m <m m-j • „, m.m %"•: , .f ...r' * w>yMy-wpy-^s*H,ri " u "' ",WP",Wf "*" 'IIFIMIHI <n HI. m m ai • ii ii mil .. 11 lip,'ay. • » Ill , fUcujting Cotirfty gig yrto*¥orft ggjjfg£» "r***Bwa. 8 , m*n -'''"•" _ - — _ , "mm iRlsiTLLS. -1 * ***** **"' Prwks, forutkby G. G Ml 4 I IKiWUM).* - uoalty, fee sale by -artoirr jfliaMiTf print uuakt}. lerssJe by K, 111 "j^MPMft • •«^% 5 •** ^*! : T"*¥i^~KlT'f*» °??•**' *-«l»l». In 5i*v baton, fi li*** I ; V 4 * " * .f BERNARD Dl'.YV kl Maiden lane. V M Ai* l>c i ••».—» ax. Vnim de Appro "brae*,for"ah- fcv H JO: a (i * * HOWLYVD. VtoP C iRN-for-akb* BERNARD 1 *'? | U " BERNARD DI NX. Mjpku Lane. en i^iKr'A" FOR DI.Bfc.VITHE— Bmm*m Ml —nM-J"* far ."-tie be Vl riHLIP I EYTIVGF, mj**rUk__ Le ul, IM wit: In storf t I.UDUW, li Fktrbu, 1 uWinen SoPh MM iit. L C 1KOI \D NTTBV-Jt^lamlme; from on* «ourkr, ft* I .ah ... JH * MPVRf'.T'irlr.r'.n;' -lip. up «t»M» /illILLKKV* INDIA §U HBKR S.|iUE»-i «p«w •J p ih'< - .. ••'caiiiclr. iii-i irwiirtl, fr.r »•*.•*• Im K -ilTON 4 .aaplXWALL 31 PjMpp rt. C tOLOHF.O < i 4 H H H " H , - « f . « M b»owa. sU«e. -reee. ' Sack. B< ' «S r'^iii •' - ; 'fo"*»*r b* U 1J:V. I . * * ! * V t. t IRlW-tl «• i) phmttrr-n. S HOT— Ya.*oori fati .: » . " 'grvenni.tr.tiar.f.r tnie m MMBMfetll i|u»jtu.-* ta oil pcr'-hi'ten. a|,•. Be* MM »-»».*>• scarf k LAIDLYW. JBJ ; ••i-wri.ir •ptftllty, direct fran ik* IALLETI OLD LINE OP LOXD<£N PACKIJT*- 1* sad l< tm.-'lit* -tellkuowu packet ship ton M B1A Defer* u*<fer,wapn»tieek tail m the al*eve day. K-*r trri;hi ar H* ,n f*> ia '-*• - *"* etoereje. apply oa bnard, at Pine i t a a«rf. or to __ ,„, _ f i>u GBIXXELL h en. m v™** l*OR L0.1lM)\.-« ^ ~*W-T*ifl« <>i a few h.-mkeP"hurro»*of be*vver l^ht goods canke m»ea ou I'roieto vn a fin dais British Yessxl.ifiiumediateappk- Vit on be made to _ .... ^^>- L , .. RAl'ELYE. WOTHEFUP *»N t « tfc Bn>kfn. M Wad-Mr***. P'ilWJkGK fOK LOS^OONORR R V.-1V fl t i«M«aitu «op,*r«. ana «W«.fa»t.-ne.) uu* M(».N- I H>'\T. J. C. SmUi. mi*t.'r. ba»*5 -.uJi.::..«., ..-4. paerjami-radvt :«oil"-i'l- will >u» Dr ili^ atnive II FCSJ. I'«»f pattajf .t' 1 "r ff 001 UinJ" .••rr-, Uauap rvwimalalijm.aw^ « u fri*.-' 'r'.T '):'. "''' v P •jaw,.- 4L AlllA L._ .%LBX TUt-iJPSOX, .r ABM. Bfcl.L 1.1 H. Li ptnr tt POK LlVBRPOOLi— J"* i«»iJ»»fV»!A fitV-aj • ^T*u* aapew* «':>i*r , "i ami rapper ftstcaad .*i-> f*T. JO'I.V. S r w* f ' P'**»*r, .-mi ia BJ«:I!I« „W. « .iftaU lie j»lace <-f tae «.ro < armmf, and .osiiivi-rf <ati or. liw *«>* dav. f<" frvisNi »r pa«>at:-. liaviu^ rvtteti%<- and •>i;*rtur teroiihud armoicmdatw:* Uxjti ^••yt'Z'r*. a;.ply »n iw«r>l a;Vine**- wharf.oi to J31 i*o iv; A HOr%E WAXTKttr-Tin-**"**- vMta* to hint, i -r» iiuwl-eraf v«>tn,fr»i» the lit May twit, a Bfwlen.vmil.inre- *'*"• rl-nwe. witi >•*# »»"!, situate bBleeeker.llaui4a«MBawlttr^.i>-vrrMitw.-jr. Ad- drcM W. W. W. at tbi« ontae. i' 1 J?L Tt) LKT^Tli7^ioaIsu»rt,cor»fr of Burtinf ilia ana rront -tree*, one of the MM ^«««i«t « § an esteuive Imimet* in this city. Apply to PH&LP.4 It fKCX 111 Front mtwl •'•" Kf—tneoftWaneiaree «n MBMH • nun lire, t nal <: the Bowerv-l*iH in aioaVm style, and in ev»rvfe.wet«,jB«eBieii! for a l»r» and rt«*o*bl t fnmily. \<\hontif pr»ai**.or toI'llfcU'- 5 ** PL' K, iCl l-rout public Aaifiv* r*rt. »w\i.:ii. n Jll H»TTO : X.- 1 "' ,, -t«pn.... KJ / au7at'tvitr>. J*l " ii Heir iSK'iV. \ Zi rSur£nr , !if- ,ii i Canon, .uiiaUrft*raia- » <<i i I UIUIA*. 1 <!<.•<« f-mo »,Hi!b-«feet 8 II-K M * l , i:.VI)N«,Wr5*ifi .,»j,ri,-r patent wind roi.T.-'u/peBi)<r*, for -.-te lw rwn l > «5i **liUP a KVTI*. E. IM fearKrert. tOB A€C"0.- r »> hUa pviate K<-:u*A» kat*an.i IM boies naa • M M d TV* -e , f .i i - bj ..if slinf *. .'AIDH*. BftWAwt* Jr] , . , , -,,<,t ,.»"*et. WlltSMi r.%,~ * '*"-'« "«^ <• <>TT i. LUi>L4Vt, H • ¥ r 1 i' -rfromSoOlft-Mr^t. I iORl'FL iaUrTi 5^"aV5r*. B | ,•,-.>» Jayodetuta. l„r wle «. ^i. & ft 8<»WLAXD. 3* Jtatlntwtt J>l_ S "~ I'TMKIiri ,-'•< '• '."* i»<*di'. briz i^«.i«. fr»n timter- daai". f-r *t ...» J. BOOKS S <.it i H . - k *o\S. FIHH. l i R J W t L L t t O . li» V -int^treet LIYKKfOai^Jftriiiat Pc«t>>Ttw A" I, r»i.«i- i i»i eo.'-n .it.:-"v -I iirit'nh ur>i- A.VA8T AM •• ViAauJer Butri r, in -l'r.lia-.i:i.' ptrtufhi-r carjreea- •a5ni.*iaha*«e«ri3 taapatdt, K„r freight or f a M g l .»! ,',... ,..!.-"•:. it.*, a^ iv at ,JC Sroad suert, to .'de****. i tiKtMtit: M HM.U. .,r: RAl'i-IAE, V.(jT;| r ;u.-.HM>X a. t 0. 8rok*r«, S; Wall rtroet OM) ,«.*HKI. t! •A* ami M>, er m iorin. PAMMAOE PUR AXT\VERP^-An>*irlaM jfjk. <MIP MMmrt ui Uiealrnw port, ran aconnin-iatf anum- ff\r UT if ra!»in i>wvn«ers. Ai niv at »J ltrua;1-»tr<-l,to (iv ti. HvK« IA\. I'O.'l KRLPASf.ANUBAi K ION HJP.K- . Tt- *,'l kKitui .in.. Jt)Si-.l'SJI.\E, Cafl Bntton. will f \# IMtta like in »!-.;tlv ana •«•« iitvBi«tw» tWtyMfi. •» For b n r i u v-r ,!*•*«<> either «o >'•' '> ,m Belia>t, apply to Al.fN. THOMFSO?!, of •17 AMI. 11ELL1. CO S Pm*«r- t Jl FOR OKM)A. ta. h* a 4i^y2SS M%E.<K, <!\irta;:. *Uv»ster. *»« i»>t'<»r»t««T herfar r 'i •Ufa j J-tlat ( 10KD*. Pi y ell (>»•.* •!,*>. 78 Wall Mref*. \ \ RRTEEVlii * r-& r a - » J-5 anil lull •atifh ••! •; ' »rd-»»l Stew «tr.-n. ftir-:.lebv I'tilllHltTIVi*.. I TPewl.irH-l if B ROUS ».IERTI\«*\ HHIRTISLI ALUY. L <|.i •; r l fine ;»wl nillilli I iR£NCf k TUIMBl E. - i'itie «tn •"!. '•(•e. r ,tlon .:.lhe nvinu- 4-MO, IT s*>hj JJ1 %'r.TT V WEBB «*r*J J K\.>«:RN. L% me« a™, aiehi 9n a e, <ie s, ol am aTj !••*. -lirect t iVtonr. **r wle in j,l PHIHT i KYTIM.F. m r<»'i-«treet L ADIE* Jk t..y.\ TI,KHI':.N!« I S O I A Kt HrtKK B'»*'l> *M» >U«'KH. li-ved an'.' "HHHI lo r*«rm!»le leatljer—a '••.•HO'-'ji*' jis-I I«---;»M' |l .i | W-t of the lit i|H;i':n ftMMNaMa, (bf «tle i,v' '~: —T«:.N % AS!** WAI.1 *! vVii'.M.n «l. J ,1 L . BIE(*' AND OES I ^r**^? ,,i,,rr " f 'T'' !: '; ' v«ir kka avium Sboo.. a warn .,r -.^.^ <#*?£, " w , tbe stntir pajf, ,t j> Fidtnn. et.nver fr.i tt ami r„ riw ,- ,.,. "" U -*« J ' 1 < hmtie .Ufti,. hr [ I 111 |rg ;*. COWTOCK. TWO***. C"tlVBEKTN -the Kire kioj, C eiebr*1*i» fa- i'l pii-a. Muir.t-jrthi' i .imadiaieetir" 'if|r T,«.iSa<iie. 'V.»l# »ith"lirertiom for la aj«, <»»W<;F. ' Hl..i D.», J4 Pirk ro»>; *|«» ha* taraSffaiHoi bfMbj tba prt-wior. rriee "il ctm* a H>:ile J^J IWAT1 IJfETH—» >*•*•* hea-» im arfctnl Mad.arfait Vdb IT^ aini»im «;twl'ity black and strut mitt; JOilj fiiw and e,imnion MataiMi (fiiarfl ito; 15 do line a:ul suner iiii-.l brown and idaois atiit. it for sale »>» Vl.LKY L\WRK\(-R k TRIMBLE. M P!ne»t. B ALAAM Or HOARIIOI VOX BOAEiiET. for e^ufii-, rnlrtt. diflica!»v of b.ev.Jiii *, he pt«-|iare(f frow a re- rfljjaofliw l»»e Hr •«»*i.*f 1 ! - -•:•'• I'ii'.'*'' n- "6r.t» .'se, 'iv ofcORtil, CHILTON, M Park row. Prue jScent* a botUe. J31 •Y7v k e •..;<«•. awl «.il ,ne»I ,ir«rwt.-h. Vmhemjl >*im*K*- - J C ^ . H * i . i v to C *JWT » »LU1 f>0,. J17K! ,:7 ^ i " " - " * * 1 FOR L U i l i R A P l h - l r a e brif M'.N'l BO M^"ri^X«5. -ill t^e lre, ? b. at kw rates, if 6i'i KM i 'iio'dd be eflV red. Apply to pT*ll. i.ltr.VKlX i CO 'trr.nt't. uEWf. liARTOA ASOVARTHA- «t rer iasteue laiidf vpeianne'i IsrijjXEpLNA, t 1> Hali, •A*XTv , u ,,iAll m tfr K Fetanary. For i.ei.hi or f* bavi«jtle;a;:tli:r a i»be 1 ia C coau.o t Ativ^^pKY' i 'J. tnW4i J ^K, ME.: ai Bfcg J17 l?I s «r'M ref Somh^lrael a"d M;o "r line. i vaitinir l- >'p- l'i-\e| I'llW or s-en or smth nvort J17 VOK iUSOSAOiSs JAAl-r'*' ill. -r , -,ul Uf Eebrwrv.—TV new »i»l nw l 4 # k > ,l,„i".depart,.-er.Hi brig L tVVUKNt E. Prjd Fo " j e - J S - v r . ma. • « , will sail as .bove. F-r l« -ai.eeol fwi.'ht VZZ havirie suporiur Wrr.l-lHel acromm nlationv for 3'pav>i "• ,M -V "^ II 4YMYR fc t'<». " Sotiihsirtft. oi mm*** will be madeoa iMpajraBl by the above -«v-l. " fr'CI K <' A R TH A U KS A.-Tfca die coppered last t-.Uin.l-ri' ELIZABETH. Briifsrs, master. wP.l sail for the above po.l "" th* 1 K fV>niaiy. For M g M - r pas. mfitf. harin- n ;te afonintwiatio'.w, apply on Uiaid, at PlRM«ilEDRi»«»l >V AVTFO.-V »io- fleirejtienn-i wi'.Vnt-iolrtntii a l'inn»h«l room.. \. .tltottt ta-a'd iaabo.: «• »i ith a private ttmilr, in or near Broad- w.-v IIIIaaaa 1'arnlam* street-. A IKHC adrlre^ed i!efiat thisofliee, will nteetjiue tlte.itifin. Jll*r TflTEI.T-*-TtTiverve#mii«li.iu4iiti»1erti twill tiiree ttirv tlou-es in ibelilo.k o.'new KutMinei in Fourth street, aaa of tb Bow en—to t>e luiished by me middle of April— vsiil. m^rl.l>' mantels, mah>-'i)> 4<mrs. asvl in even- re- ell raVi'laied for gentwl HaW AffttJ to FRBLM * 181 Front -t _ Jill tlOt'!*E POR HALE.—The iwo story brie,. Huoar No. Ui llenr* sin*t. tweiiiy-lout b. lorty-four feet, furnished iuuMlerustyle with fiiloin.' door*, marble nuin lets via* ;,Tate«., and cellar under the w hole h iu«e. I'h lot i l b i HKifeet The preu«*-»caiibeesa,ui.ied anv ilav of tin week I o n llo«l. c:. till *iimet !f n:»t Babttg l!ie *i-ih February illlieiiwill be :,ut luat aurtkm. For ™nirin*rs, applv to WALTER M. FRA.\KUX,«F.vr>f;mre. T O L E ' i ' t i h e two »t:iry ho *«, Xo. <U <>dar-<treet, neirly wffmmi l* the Middl" ')ntch Church; a pail of it is now ocaqajad at a lawyer's office; the whole would make fair niotmotliouiotfieet or IKC immolate a small family, u ho could rent 'he lower part P«»»es>ion I'iseiitiw liisi of M iy,ur before, be u-iviii" a months notice to the present oceupantv AUi. the ajjMMal f v.r story brick Store and LofK No. 13 William; street, lately amapiai by ktetan Qntd», Fria* k Cay NMHIM L'iventhe I it of Mrtrchor tht l«t of Mav Fortitrtirulars in,mire of .Ml if <ii:oit(;E w. L E E , NO. II rW-«t »TORE~fJTPKAR17*Tit 1.1. i : .--rtm aa b',ult it a te i,mt nawtl oftVr, atftadow Ktora.tvc stories hii;h,oii tlie I it |B Pearl slree;, whltii will bo HttaagOOd l -1*411: for ii Krm of year-. The loi i, i'< by W* feut.sioi to aaS&aa/Mfoal,toaa built iutheinmlern aryWaadfii»i»hi-daffaaa> hie to t!w-wis!i aflha fK-rupauL Po.se»ionto I* (rivenoi.the firslol AflfWl nest. Applim:i«>a to'ie made previoustoUH 1st of Print ry, at Ml V. mcr -t. cormir »f llurlinr sliv. Also, a Htorc in Knuit street, to be 'mill on the lot No. M Front st. and !e; iV,r a term of veirs to a ^-^HImaat I'l-c »o» i» a feel -! in. bykstii toeMaaatoaa.a feet iin. by Ufaat, ive•torltolisfh';iml fa »ue I au'ieea.ile to the wisbof tba oeeiaM«4 r^jMOHtoa to M Riv- en on the tirst Vujrurt next. Aaptieatkui tola ma I- a- above p#ri aaato Istot Feb. JJI j.if LA KG:: A\I» HPLESOIO IIOIME I.V Bieicder -treet, new ilroatlwav, for sale at auction. »n Momlay •!•%:, i.lh Feb. be .lames Kkvker k, *ons.-Th« ihreestory bra k House ami Lot, Na.fl HaaekM slreet, 'iiuler IMptlwaAv ins:ertion of the owner. Lotabv '.'*: the he ise a lit r„ f,.,-1. 'jhe baU in t\ tut wide, w Ui two igtati oi Main; tba prtottoa] itaiicaji bMai ol air oreaj form, ci easv ascent "«eiii;,'S; rattan taidf .naifsiiiiMfcri.tisna sar»»"-, ——- a ,- ml,lark caferrsl aaojrees, colored Xaniia erapsa. Also, 3001) piece* su. erior manime.hop l»"I v' 1 '** **?"* Also. HM ,-L-i Hi.-dmm and iar;e size thp.-Pf" -'>''•'•' \f» K. If. •s. MOWLAXO, '*> Sou;S-street J31 a* fkJt III YLKILL < *>AL- !'!.•; suie.'r;t*r has just raaareaa), (^ i,af?oo/.'iperior ."•'iiu-.lkill I'raJ, wh.'h he offers for sal* in lots to suit purchasers. 0 lien left at E. Frunkan's, .No. 1 Tontiiw (;,!#•• il'iitse, «; the v-irtl f-a Water .treet.orui -M MI'EL TWIrtlPfOV. STB Pe^. Uireet ., tis—;.-( r.-el «;-• H ' - ' I 'W%T 1S EtU—i*0 IfMiiau '-rl*. «. Lucar » i a c WT J 1 (jr. cask* do. fft 20 pipes ami Wijr aarBeabw Teneriffe Wiae 3 pipe*ami 10 hieit »i.ilv NaaWra 11 pipes, 10 had*, and 3 <*a*k» obi Madeira, fiirsale in lots tosuit parchasers, by (.. ii. 1 A UOWLANT*. totatttiraat, ui jgei P, C:AXOLEs. STARC'iL fcei-a^boiej furpen- CT -m-e Seap ' "-n rxi\es Ditw Taliow I andlfi j* *o Poland Starch 7^ do do Starch do da do. fdlii Sprin-r -nannfacctorr ]*» hrt .*ad25»e?-. I'hihdelphiaSiarch. T. B. mark 1*1 br*s "o!a-rf Xtarrh J*oa;i ami Lump Surtr: aKe,' i h ,\es Tr'mi.!a<l Cieoa. Pertalearx V W^WETM'iRE, 1U Water «. JJI B A « >IAR A. CO. ii »ouiu sUcei.laielir«!cr*'and offir f«ir -*le— W panrheoas high AtvorH Jamaica Rur;i H do St troii ssiito 30 hVds and '*> Urrels Porto Rko Sujar W St Domingo dried H.Jts 1W> larj{e PorK» Rico ditto Vkl prii:ieR«s.sia / S«»aJ*«kiris •v'l Russia in lli.'.j * atoll Marii IK'iii' oti sons clean Uemp. prim- quality ft tons*Hit SliOtdUt.i 2W hacs Jamaica PltoMI b >»e. Kassia Caaatta, sntltled to debenture 10a boll> Raaria Duck. ¥• p. Rr.veiw do 113 tons Ku**k Iron. as-«. u-d 'in or easts Teneriffe Wins :« i,h, t , i-writif I I bar J"'" I barrels Jaioaka CMflba 10 reroo.i* (iuatamaia Imli^o. a few ceroons Coc'iireal i qoaniity of heavy »U topper too -oils Rustia i u-iln'e. J91 «jt . ; • • .• ; M srK. ami can occeiim n**e io»nee» jiasts-np-r*. Merchan-lize <hipi-ed bv tlus wan I »fC W -'iliij'- •« 7injd 9 per ft rfitolWlttlJl Jlrjii I nuin ' n rir bollou'. Sfwe uje'vmay tfanaai af an siieeii Croat the rwi. that die cun- tro.i Baraeaa. ^ ^ J V will sail oi I y POI'XTAIX X C O . 1« Evhanse Place, omwjiite lit the Post Ola ami 3 K^r:lan«;.• street, have aaaalaaffn the latt aniaali Irom Havre, the Hhwhsf (iood«, which tlsey offer for laieonk-w and accommwlatii L' terms ih: J OMto rich jrauze Ridbons. sarewis kimls t da ilo (Jro Je Napefe: 1 do ujnred satin do 1 no blark awl blue-black tiro, de Nijles .jo 4-4 r 16-1 Heraani SSmis, anew irtiele do Silk lawn Dre.- KJkls; I do arm siyte fancy do do watered ttaadt Nafato: 1 do Satin Faroime do '"o-alt de *jre: | do Orientates do Italia a l a M t t e : 1 da i nutation do da do t;.o«ie Swiss .'do Pariscarvisl nutation Shell Combs ,lo rich Parts Embroidery do Fratiio's black am) bW-M»rk S«iain*,-Silks do dit assorted i'okir*si do d-> do M Blorele (lauie Yeils da balies' elastic top llorseskin (iioves da rto super white da do: 3 do men's iiorseskin (.loves ••o Head Bass. i>m!»ea;;e Mttents) i a kMfWb -k. baml ^me'ly heured: 1 do velvet heideddo 1 uoiiew slvk fiirureJ Itelt Ririfmns : I da <k> do Freaeh Frintl 9 do L 'ouolitineil'ambries, a new Paris article, for ladies' w ear. J31 C OPPEE7»rCA It.111D Ei HOR'SS,~itc7-Wiba^i Cuba, Hraiil, aad St. DosningoCoffee, J91 boxes blown Havana Si. "a:. I do. v. bite da do. f,C00 Rio Gniiuk ox ami »o,s Hides, . 6.1,000 in H^rns, lAJKWlb II,*-* "J«ir. Ito Horse Hide*, J^OIssks Vfanilla Hemp. tNtaaBBaaaia '*>• flu bolts II Und Duck, sft !,.in's C issiaStMefin,", to ite. Ravens Duck 21 do. Bear mark, 35 do. bro.-d Russin Diaper, 12 casks e*tra dm Yerdijns, 10 do. ( r'-m 'I'art. *=» hhils. Virginia Tobacco, 3d* bales t aaa do. part fine, li *jr. and ten-tenths «uperior Spanish Sejars, 80 hampers cferet and porter BaiBfi 10 case, crape Shaw Is amlDress«s3do. Manil'a Indigo, 3a bisks Pniic-.s Alimimb, new crop, just lawled, a do. Boitrfwn ( k v . , , t. (iuuvaud Carriages, I Chain Cable, li inch. .Ve. *C For sale hi ;31 J. F. DELAPL \IXK .t CO l">7 Setotitorioi IVEOAREVH VIEWH OF XIAGARA T A L L S JrJ_ —These glenoid Pictures, tmtr in nuiiiN r. are eaiii Jl iiMrlies by 17; Ibry areenfraveil in aijuaiintA ami beaut iullv coloured; ihey a'-ei'.v.ewl the moss iiiu 1-estiu-' prints ever pnblishevi in any country, itaaaiueh a* tbes-give the best klv thai can be formed of the (rreat- eil natural ,-uri.ir.iiy in the it-?rtJ—tlw Falls of Niagara. Thay way I ehm: in sin^k prints or in sets, at the rase of 16 dollars per set, or a Qatar* plain Apply to the t ubii.her No. I« Grevo-street. J31 fcit l,H»UR*, W I T H XA>IEs^-Wpir sit lilies'fine 3 i*lishe,l Scissors, with name jinlMi*sesl on the Uiade*. vu.—Ann, Asne. Amelia, \bis,'aii, America, Augusta, Anjeliae. Adeline, Aiau da Alletta, Bflaaa, Aatabtoato, Mana, A.-pasia, Aliaira, Ann Eliia, S ii Marias, Adelaide. Abigail, Aratiella. Anjreltna. Penelape, Ruth, •laihia, Bera.s, Bethia, t aroliee, Catharine, t'onvdia, I liarloiu, ** ma Susan—w ilei a v%rietv ol other nasae*. bio numerous for ad rtoSaaaaa* [Jil«| J. B smi 1 b <o aWalUtreat S O T ICE.—In cause mence of l':e exte.isive deiwaud for BdS TON'S BO.NESET LOi&EXGKS. from various parts 1." the Ml States, the under«ij;iied has, from the rirrunv tance of his bine uoobk (a«klr I'rnaii his retail ataa m; ' afarturing btMaBcat) to iitenvl to ihe call* of hi* frknds, appotottw X. SMITH PREXTISS, ssi ;>| Wilham atceet exclusive » nob-sale a;'ent far the sale of these jjiea^es, w ha will supply the Uaik at the manufacturs .'s price-;, ami ta the most aceoKHiioaaun'* ternia J3T JOS. BOSTO*. Jaunarv numlier ol the 1.1,1 v s Book I ADV> BOOK -Tbe. bju.t received, ami reaiv lor drlivenr to subyribers, bv E. B CLAYTON,.'-eat for the Publisher. 9 I'hamlier street WVere m«y behnd aa extensive assort<i«nt of flpents, Trageilies, Farces, he. SubserijStion. ta Ihe Lady'* Book respectfully solkited. J31 |1ARI> AND DOOR "PLATE EXGRAV1XG.- %j HTOI'T a, f.'O. 3 Waltstraft, execute at the sboneat notice, all triers lor Visiting and Merchants AdtirtasCards. Doai Plates. I ount h«f House Sea* »••,! Engraving rwiuirad on Pan tuiives, S[*>*as, laihrelk*, l^sekets,.lingsan • .-silverPUta. For sole ->tuur'» Diamond Stonv Kaior Tablet and superior Razors; laji. Pis-ket and Sportstnen's Raises; the Table Raise Sharpener, (aarraiiteal superior to anv other in UH-;I Lsdies Scissors, with or wtkotit aames, and a great variety "« Faaev Gonds^ J-il B TRIXHOX'S COXtES'TRATRD EHSRSCE A OF OT ro OF ROSES AI A MlLLEFLElSk This is mm mmmm than ihe Bxtraitaf E.spriisk Rose, iboat'o soil at half Ik price, ami be lag united wit'ia port- >n el the Eaade Portugal and oner aromalies, it both improves the fragrahce of the Rose ami £ive» tk P> iaiue more perroaneney. Mm*'* Coiumtra'td Koencr »tf,mmdtr. preparevi lour Urn's tk strsii'th 01 ihe best Lavender WUer, freed from ai) toe empyre- naot the Sptrit. and anso. hi tkalesl with the sickly admix lure of Ma*k, tmbereri*. ke. IV superiority of this r.rttck hi Caeemler Vkxteris, that it is much more powerful and fratm.nl: it is alsa much cbraaer, asthere isf Hirtini". more perfume of the Essence forth* maaer. than in the b^t Uvemkr Water in use. Esprit de Lavande, ass Jiilkihters, au de Toikite, and various other* of .superior fra gianre. . Jtevawnt t'nttaUt Wx-—Changes jreyorred hair on the hemlor whkkers to an auburn or hl.uk, so perniii>enl. that lu-ithei washini p»rsj»irati»n, mir any other cause, can in tiie le»M affect it For bfAtkinaeafs agents'. J21 HEW ITT k CO. b»7 Broa«lway, XVY R A,-»/''H«iff (Mr.— 'I lie fine new POk *.-. "'"vJJout! rYarson, master, will sail -hwoi-r NAPlM.i.. ••».a) /l .ls ou board, at Ste- iboaf nj*tbn next For pass*, ea»' wharf, or 1*1 ' ''^-lane. WOOD I TRIMBLE. 1.57 Ma... «• FOR L AG VIH A*— Tba fine New-York built cop ,.\ peredbrig Fl.ItillT. S.uilh, master, to sail in ail this wis-k.MtintakeIWbarr.-Lson lrei»ht For which or passagr.apah to « . O. i S. HOW I \ND, 3o South-street Aa e»perirss»»<! ficr«cn ."oe« am. iisthis ve»«el, and will take charge of p...p. , . 1 , .1 lanuired. f id !-• .1 : r'v MI-son the «anv*. .1.1 POSST.JAGO O E C I :;A.-T't- : an.e.i , . ar.d verv fast sailing sjilendil cbp|*r built brig UKIL- esfjr LkXTfe, coppered and euurelr co.'er fasttned, ciat- sC|,l«tcty andeie;autly tilled out as a M M M * mm\ lieaatii'ii! cabin vvlih super-harconuasUlkn* for ix>*seagers, an-la i ifoaiatt rahfe bf I into*. Slwis warthy lite aflmiration of the lov -r- i of aaiaji auMwiiiiH tiiaaili mtaie baaffi and will uie, t with 2 ' i»p k awayweb. .-V will adaiti: freigtu ai the bulk ol about four hun- rsid St is., ami can ,.cs, : i:o fi ••> fn«riee» tiasssnrers. Me le*i I* tonnes' of kef speed .. 1 Ida id of I uU*,, to this ,ort inseven diss, aBbaa«*A 'he cxpeiienced in tue «our«e of h»r s w a f a t <\v- - cabta, ami aaa a light wind, r or freight orpas,. ? e. apply to COli.NEI.H S M'ECUT.61 iiaii street, spt. aa hoard, at pier NoJ '•• East River. JJM FOB' g£jbtMi;OA^-»br dr. brig>:»ri;r..(..K. Wm-fP>fU? Waaler, wlO tnea-l with iuunmUaia despatch for the aliose aoft For frS»M or passage ap,;ly to the u»a»tei wa board, at per Xo. !", or h) B. AY.MAR J. CO. 34 Soutn-st P O K X E W - O R L K XXatT-Obl / -.--Packet h Fehraary.—The ship WARSAW, X. Bsmtaw, masi- . . w ill «jil on tier regular day, as above. Forfreightor ria«.oas,a'e, a.i'.ily on board, at fool el Maiden-lane, or to ' C. t .I. BARSTmv.7;i South street ROR XE\V-ViiL'RA-VvV--^4ef- Fjknmy /'«•:•«*.-Third line of h*i.eto.-Tb* ulna Oy.LA.NA, Henrv Leslie,master, ii teiw l.>atiing,amlwill,ail l*abo*e. •For freight or passaj.e.applv on loud, at the pier west | tide of BurUng-slip,or to ' SCOT I' « LAIDI.AW, jil 12 Fletcher, 1 ihior from Sv uth strtvt RRRIGHT F O R X E H ORLEAXS.-A , . ?rm«| s c l l o o N K B or Bltl'-J bound 1» th» alrov» part, T V r»a\ have a uiiantltv af freight by aDplyin,' to JI7 K El.WELL. » Wall «treet FOR MOlJlLt:.-"*'* Luiel-Jith eeo. paehet.- Tbacooper.d and <•>••.••uer Mtaaed l*rkr T^UCtlBR, S. hasher, mmmt, • B »ssH a.s almve. For f .eiglit or pa* taci ..-pplv to RIPIKV. CFNTFIt h CO. M Pine «. F D R S A V A X X A I L — Vaoowri- lata*—J tea Fa*- well kmiwn scl.r. EXCEL, E. Helliker, -naster, _ in Fridnv Ihe Cal Feb. For freight or passage, •JE»ai>Hv 0:1 board, at Flv Market a barf, or to J*, U ROW LAX » k CORNWALL. " FOR t'HARLKSTOX.-' mi l.mt.-SvU Thurstlav, adinst—The fast soiling ixvckei blip COl Kl- I.H, Braa n, matoef. will sail at abate, Forfrefchi or pas. stoft, having very handsome arcoiumodations, apply on Iwiard, east side Burling slip, or to J.Jl J. S. MI'XRO, ViBuriing slip, upstair*. ~:\ PORjJ'HARLRSl r OX.-/ , «i<t M'» LI7«7- sMs\ T 1 '" ,> ' t mm f < '"P] ), "«• ,, , h l l ' C.VLHOl X, E. D. Setton. Q W raaster, will ~ail as above. For freiirht or ua:sa;re, having * lexteiisiv at-coraatosiatious, apply 011 board, east side | nr- ur to UEOROE SI'TTOX, V81 Froat-st corner Bui'ling-slip. F O R AV1 la >1 IXGI'OX. X. f .-Nev. line- The new sefcjr. 'l'«>P!CS:i>ith, master, built at Braahhavea is ruM fastened; IH t>ns b;irthen; and isintendedas a irejruhr packet; wil! have quick iiesp»is'i. For freiyht sr aajange, having goad aecoiomorlaiieiis, apply aabeaH at James' slip, or to Is; aALLKTTb MH>B N, M Bitri^ebp. b r OH I*ETRB>1H RG.-O.VLine.-Thet«rk atschsioiierCELFvrE, Cede, .;ast«"r, will sail on her rc- Mbf day. For ireerht or paMafay Bfpbj on bBaTB) Cillee , Hou»e sup, or to ' J. It C. "EQUINE, 8fi C. II. slip. ROR B . U i T l > I O R E . - A i ; o o d VESSELb.nin.1 to t"<c above ixirt, w III Hike freiitbl at fair rat-js. Applv In T!.!OS E. OITTIXGS i. Ce>. 31 Sou* street.' JI7 corner of I'lyler'* alley. FOR XEWBEDPORD.r-The nip MARYS, leavae.maater, will sail in.11 -wdavt, i. vtill lake bears tin,htat low ratv-. Apply aa beafit, at Dover it. w bail', lorlu FISH, GBLNMKLL k CO. 13-1 Fi .nt-st._ RRRIGHT ROR B i - . U - ' U D A . - A Vesael hound'." the above part, aiej obtain the bulk ol 75toW barrets, Ifapptleatfea be made at 33 Broad-street, to . Jjii H. 1 G. BAItl IVY. AAAXTED TO CHARTER-Five or ,x ?oml V stela, ,l" v a-ioi|s descripti »u*. a ill be wante I a'satlt !-t April, la k««d I -the Colu.nbia River, ami which may ne eawloved for a ICI:TI of vears in the Oresrrm trade. A-i- [Jjij R. ELnEI.L.'siWid'.-street F O R F R E I G H T OR CHAMTER-lhe su-staiitialaisl fast iailingschooarr A I'LAS.rTyler, asato- er, burthen lndi. ns or about iieb l«irc-'K is now :n ri-adi- me.s to receive cavfo, Applv on board.at the wharfabaee Whitehall, or to SCOTT i LAIDLAW. f| Fletcher, 1 dmir fjaa Soruh-street. V ESSE AH VVXXTRb-immediately .—A Brie or hr. IM s.'o Wilmiiivti"!, X. C. to load for the West India island and return to New York. Apply lo M< H vLLETT'k BROWS.31 Burling rfip. P 6 It~ F R i lOil T ~i> R C fl A it T E R , - T he new ship ROBERT BOWSE. Baker, master, burthen ^w tons, in every roipect a first rate vessel, ami now reany for business. Apr Is to FISH. QBIX'WKU.ACa IM From »t JPOE BALE TO CLO»E A COXCERX. H k The c>'i)*r fastened and coppered brig SI SAX, J. vi. BBy Nov es,'master, three years old. carries aliout N M t m i r i b •aarren fasi. has two chains and remarkably wall found. Apply to Ca'ht Noses an Board, at Baker's wharf, east side af Catharine ,tre»:t, or to J^ dtf .1. ¥ 1 HEI-APLAIXE k CO. 157 JaWaBll pOitTsii A"LET-The fast siulin-.' copper fastened brig N (ORAL, Ol tons burthen, t yeais ol«l, carries a larir;- y rariro. N well found in every respect, nnd now ready for no. For further particulars apply on board, east side Bur- 1'IBST slip, or to J. S. MI'XRO.35 Bmiingshp, upstairs. FOR S A L E , PR EIG11 TyJOR VIIA R- TER-—The io;»t>ered liri? BRtiWX, Tallman, inas'.r, burthen 17« tons or 1.5t*l bbls., built In Xew-York: has two tiiiun cable*; -an he sent to sea with tritiinir expense.— A;,»lv to the captain on heard, Screw Dork, or lo J3I FlSll,i.RINXELLlf,C0.1iMFroirt-street. ROR SALE, PREICHT, OR CHAR- TER-Thecoppered brig COLI'MBI S. bnilt at New- llealford. burthen 133 tons or 1200 bbk, is well found, and •can be sentit a small expense. Appiy on board Dover st. wharf, or to JSI mgs also silver plated. ,Vn the second and third floors there are tour ro'ims each; tlw (| r e-«jn;» MOIIIS adjoiuin; me main ch,'.nb«;-s are uu- usually Inrgv, heinff d feetwiile; in tlie garret are also four large bed room* w e-l finished j in all N rooius; a cellar umlei the baaeaMat, *j*. v " * he 30 feet;—Ervptian marble mantels of the hiirhest finish in Ihe Boat basement ;nd'pai lours, and mentals nf Italian marble in the rrinripa] rhaaatort] Ike three principal l e a n are deafnied. For fuiiher parHrtahtl at-plv to the owaer, on the prcmisns, or at (if Wnll eBeet jst ts ROR SALE OR f o ~ L E T ~ T h * n.aderii nu.lt lara story House *i:d Let, Xo. let Te.ric'i, i>. tweeu Walts and I'.roonie streets. The boaai 1ms lately air>^ergoi»>, and is still anttorffabVi extensive rc|vairi; is very eligibly .itu- I ated,nrxi the hit, (Vmi its hitreRJeil site in the rear, and uoumiuni- | «stingw;ilia Irifl alley, is .vtli adapted ftTii stable, and evfrv ne- I *^arj' convenience. I to* '**»«triven rnmedMtely. Terms aceommedating. A;-plv to I V2? I f , >- LISPEXARO STEWART. 15] linilso,, , f feet. I ~s^-.topitril ti Btoa ' ** S»~Amen an t.ui , limias—«.iri 1 asta i _••.* A' J AtM* Bl»ti»» •- iivsiiBiHik—Maiiuna'sLessens— , ejf aVnk-BaysownBeota-Ckta.. .,a n (>1 - s ,,„• \outh-For J3I Bl HACGERTV^Al^^O*^ fO-MOliROW. WEDNESDAY,Feb. l.ai 9 atl»*k"' 1 ' t,aur, i <l, ? r00m .... CHINA SILKS b, XAXKE^XS -S«O l b"ses ol t^ai.ton Sdks. 1 4 . 0 0 0 first chop blue Nankeesis, Xanhm dye: ami i,OlMJ pi.<^s Coiiipa;iy velkwikibeir^tbe entin- par.-els un f -or«si in the ships lulv ami Pearl from I anliM. _ . . • ••—' '» • - . Consisting of blue. bbek. hish c.dore-1, assorted eloiheotorkw lute sewing silkm Mark Nankin taapet flne scarlet •*(', .-(.andM taayie vamile hdkfs; l-l Jo with rrif.soi. ! M rderv whl ami black iesauune,; black satin d-: svht poagei-s; blX satins; l.ik *^.^ V '*^^'}^ wnt-lo; high colored emiiruiUeied crape shawls; do.losaw*aU"U HO. da do oVare I nuddb;. .1 id *ev- ing silks; erapas, u N u U b blue ami green slrsaets. w,unonsee kits;mi vt lusttiur? saiia ..euresl an. da- mask crajie shawls; ..lue siiehe-vs with lorders; cuirso.i ami t..air- abk lioroered -irsuMs; blk si,;.' lets; high eokred satin ,k mask, blu, and grsen daaheVB scarlet Oaaauk figured era;* scarfs; erimssiu -a- tiu damask, be. kc. e.iail. J u dehaMare, aatrban |ioiigee.; c..r*l «.. - derail erbason lustring bus; colored Muchevt >, bijured pl.,1,1 l ^ r o u t loas; colored b.n! re,u»d ekaagi able cross IKUT-SI klbt i»d<tkry sewings;rattan table inatfsjlinecri,u*ua sarsnets; svaiuligaaiiis u.i.t and dark co). ireit |M>n:ree*,. 1 1 ami barees'«escark(,chmo:aieit vtliow tiai.-Uaiia-".of .uj«ri,ir ^i'-V- 1 atalo. ue, and s.m-. !es will be reads the daf pr-> was u the sale. THIRSDAY. Fell. J. at Si ..click, at u e "'ttt(><« JJh FRENCH GlKiOS.-SJi) «as.s Fan 1.Gm.ds, compr *.. v ivi ex- Itirili in 11 bill Uf fcalj aw «B|H*I .uli"ks, ICtaWI i')»tne re- cent arrivals. . . _ F,!H)\V, 3d, it II o'cliek, at the .-.urthm raoin, LEGHORN li vT».--.»00 mn Ugbora Bato, mm}tmmj * ge- neral as^irtmeiitoi laaertof stork and ojaality. Catabigm-sand-vaiai leswiil be reads tia-day previous WEDNESDAY. Blh, at 9f o'clock, to Uf aiui-m rjato, PACKAGE SALE.-20O package* iiriti-b ami Ann iican Dili GOODS. ' . . Catologum ami samples will he ready the day previous to the sa.e. AT r.tlVAtE SALE, fhie bale white Swismkiiis. aif A* ft WOltAMAAsl* 9hv*n Wtoi*twaba»t,eawiere/ Una*-*. Tl ESDAY. at It •Mack, .it the auction room. Watches;. .lew ellerv.—A large ail very valuam" stuck ofpil'l find silver wate'ies and fine iewelkiv, beiaf the stock oi a dealer, con- sisting of ii•].• ,roM pateal brrer n-rd leidaa watchtm, htiniiii}-, am. a- laria do; ^tnnlrnnd afitzle ctosalaUrerbntaw an 1 ptoia watches;cris- M il awl |il -lo, w ilh a rartort ot'aeto an.l second itori gold mid silver watches. .*l'o, I eu»e af Rhode Island je-.vell.Tv. bring the prop-rtyofa pett- ier, roiisi.tiiit'('•V.tiiIs rhai.is, scals.nl iejri, rtaf*.diatu*ato, j i>earl rukvaad ga.-.ietbreast.h, v ,earrin.'s ami linrer rmjs;.al-.y chains, Beeihte*a,«tuik,lncketi, kc. Also, rttl imihwgany case. Also, sev ,-ral gold and silver witches, VifMf l«»e l-een plet.gt d i; told by oiil-r --I the owners. Groceries. , . THIRSDAY, at 10 o'clock, at W IfciMama by order of Uio Sherilf, ihe contents af a eracerv store, caastotktg "I brandy, gin, rum. sugar, leas, cordials, stand casks, beer pwhpbBC.. Immeilialelv thereafter, at the auction 1. a,1, a quantity of House- hold Furniture, COBS- 'in,' of 1 piano loif, bureaus, tables, chairs, kwiking rbs*se*,s>tds, lieiAieads, earn. Is aadirons, prints,itc. TM LK'f.-fhiiihrife aad »„mino nous Mere No. 1 i)VVrry-«t. has always In-e*ueeu^kit if 9 paaCf] .a^ii Itqu ir store. Fixtures bir sale Igw.' to the sale. WuWU %nUn* iu 1 Cit> Wi, s.» er m riai Co no ei'll tie, W- PkCKAU! 0< BV f. BJSLL £ CO. Ann Seto A''.»m, iVe. Ml RrotuiKay. Mother G.rtv.e, wiiha ;reat many alkH iu».. •ale by WM. STODART, ii l ourtlaml'. street B Iffr ALL'S, t afeu * *J*I Lo -Draw'mj of the 144 IIKil.imii >'terv. ,-kyss Xo, 1 lof US}— it ii a * -T. »» II Comb. 3 11 23, $ 1.1 Ij-jt, B *% ( M M • 8*. >Mf fsfl at ligaata .THIS DAY!! THIS DAY.'!! Will lie drawn at VV ilmiimtiw. Del. the Grand Consolidated Lottef,', class .Vo. i— in I ,a I nits to be drawn—Uie drawing of whi-h will fie received t'l-nwrrosv morning. Scheme—1 of fj",i*si, 1 of ^VXm, 2 of SllifiO.aof ljen. 2of 1270, 2 'af 12«i. Jlof USUI, Jiol'jiVJ, J8of 2-*,3«'of 100, kc. Jcc. 'I icaetl a, sbwes In pr*WHlion, fcr sale at BIGXALL'S. All for''rts or X'ew Y'ork prises cashed at BiilJoH's prveotliee, 111 BaaaaSwrji, wkece tkaett in all licensed lotteries are Hpaiaea tl»e most aeeemaadaitog tvttoi Orders from the caintiy or 1 Isewhere,' enclosiog cash or prlje ticket,, wid alwavs meet with prompt a!*«~wi m if addressed to J. Wvl.NALL. " M G OODORFERS FOR THE XEXT LOtVr> RV.—To Ciuto.ntrs in fit M rt L'tt'ay.— The toLowuig present: an- efired in tho succeeding lottery, should they draw capital ;• riles. tLLmi tVVAX. f^iiii.- Salt* Aaeat, l"I «-«oJu*ij. J ii.;»..•«',' v i'i."f ue off, r>vi ia the lacceediug lottery, should they draw capiul ;.rli»s. The capitals in Bw awal Uiiicry are—fa,0UU, V 1 **, and tickets only ss\ This lottery wil! bedmsfr'fm Wastoeauav iu\i,ai;dif iheowiieV 01* the $.1,1 M should have purchased !.-< rWiai, or share of a ticket, at W AIT E's,,till Bro.idvvay, corner of Fulton-sirev,', I-* will, lieeniided totbe renective presMisinthe sueceediiigloiterv, couialuuw ariket , fsa/ai. ui,u'o,\c. Sluuila be alraw the $g-i,«Hiin a whole ticket,Ir w'll. in addition thereto, receive twelve lickats. the price af w hich, by retail, w ouldb, SI jo;. if bl bait ticket, six afatto licliet, a ill lie awarded H him as a press at: i*a uuarterot a ticket, thnvvvliole tiikeu. Uutat Waite's, M Broadway, t. f y n,n»t lie pwciHtsed. to entitle the foilunate ow li- ars to s;e-'i gifts. No pciiim v. ill be 'nsnr.M bad arfaatl ktck. nor any thin:- at the fonn of insurance ellt- tad. X'n»*envmu. infiddition to (he price of tickets, receiveiL IkuU'iuber '«'.'-ITt~'4 omce, ?i!) •faatfaraT, eeeaavef Fulton-stnet. «•)» A X O T H E l l C A P I T A L P R I X t t toM at BlSHra-I Drawing at the Mew-\ore I. itteA, oi.iss Xo. 2, fur 11U2:— 45 31 M 10 31 ' 35 49 12 Whole Ticket comb. 12 31 t;i,lhe capital pjiie of MMOl also, 1-1 comb, in 12 ;*J. the capital of $M0, botk sold I,y llu•!>—one lo Mr. Jones, the other ton Lathy, lor which the Cash is ready. Xew-Y.n-I. Om-olitlateii LotttrrV Fxlia i ia,s Xo. 3,"for 1S32, to lie draw 11 in tiie citv of Xew-York, fre. Inesdar, Feb. 1st, !Ko2, at a ipiar- ter before 1. P. M.—GO number Lfitter.. N drawn haiku. Hkheat Prize % a 0 , 0 O 0 . SCHEME. l pr'170 af I la 10 10 do po do 1I0 do do da $:i\c.ou SJflCQ :,isii) LffM l,dK lis I ai ::i prkm of ,*!ou de do lea Tickets |3, ials?s teat J312l ' maisfriei D ob do ilo If 3B do do 10 5ti do do 30 ."*i do do a 113 tio do .0 .".! do do 12 l.'.i-'ti do da t; aywrtan ;>! -'.—Tickets ami s!,ares for Bl'Sil's, ever Fortunate Office, . 21C. Broadway, opposite St Paul's Church. XG SCHOOL.-dr. LA WW rcpeciiiiuy m- foiiiis his friends ;,iid the aabaV, that the ses'omi ijuarter will crsaaaeueeoa Fridav, Feb J,at his Kooui, North Aiiieri, an tlotel, Bowery and Bayard strs-et. Dais of Tuition-Tuesday sand Fridcvs, from '2 o'clock until 9 in theatanaaea forbsdies,ai ,i youi-; geatleoeu under It yeanaf age, and bean 1 unlit it in the vveniug for the aider tksto of genlle'iien. 'I'iieB.illsiontiimeon yloiiday evvtiing*. Itaactof to comuiance at Ho'alock. F-.rt'riiis and par: irulr.rs, apply at the N'orlh American Hotel, or la Mr, L. on Ike above day -. Mr. LAN.vVV vviil gi.. Private Lessons in Waltiing ami CotilUm Danciii". Ja lwis« NOTICE TO COXXOISF.l R S I X MIXERALS, t^ AND THE PUBLIC IN GK.NEIUL.-The luraerftier, ow- Ing totberajakl increase of his business as a .Unitjeist and i).«.i)isi, feelshimseP'obli-id todktpose of his lar>re and valuable roUeetiea uf Min.rals and .Natural Carioalttes, whicti have cost him Man of labor r.n.i a small lortune to patted. Many of his specimens, IKIIII tare aad lieauiif-il. hate b a n for trear tins eikthtotoa hi tbeXuw York Lvce- 1:0 af Natural llbtaes and Peak's Mussum in this city, where they h u e attracted the attention of men of taste and "iei.ee. The safes, 'cri'ier flatters himself that there has been seldom offered here a col- Icclionso worlliy af lb' public atteutioj—hreiuhl to^etlwrfroineverv ejMBtof of the world, Wtoatod and improved. It is iuipwssible toenti- iiieinte them in ihe slmrl toiii| as- 1 of an advenist'inent, but aiiHing tie- most rrrcious will !,e fouml, a lar-je wax yellow Amber of nearlv 2 lb. w, i-.-in i;'iJ UOaab, inches eaafnitude, from the Baltic. An American Bencjlof 71 lbs. weight an 1 ta cu!i. inches, a full six sid -d prism,of i 1 cir, n nferenre. Three eolleetions of jireiious stones, containing all possible varie- ties fr-siii the diamond to the llint. Three siaal! jirivate collections of Mb skies,seve.ttlother aatoaal curkisitiet, such a s|«.-ii>-ens,; be- leenS ol'liie lliitiu- 35fi and fUTOsaecimens, moth, prese.nred reptiles, amifishimpressions, ir. kc. The w kok) or any pa a of the above is offered on moth-rate terms, at the Drug aad Chemical store of Dr. LEWIS FEKHTWANGER,OT Broadway, one door below White sjreet. X. B. Any orders received from persons residing at a distance, will We promptly and faithfully executed. Ja tordfcckl R E A T S A L E OP AMlfiMJiCA.X tdUUIMhr-Tba ii»cril*rs, a committee ol the New England SVicicty for the .roiiiotion of Manufactures ami the Meehankt Arts, give notice, thai i.enext seial aaiiaal tali of Aawtcea produce aad mnHiifaaiures, 11 inter the direction ef taU Sm-iety ,wi;, onioience 0,1 We liiesday.Jith Fehrunry, at Boston. Among the G-»»tis to b. off-red, will be a very large and valuable assortment of Cotton and Woollen Fahri-s of every desiripiioi.. and also af Boots, Shoes, Leatiier, Hats and Wool Th«- principal conditions are the folkiwing, vi,-. Hall G' Committee. 1. S-iod* ti'iusl be forwarded, and samples delivered at the between th- 21st and 21th February. i Xo giHids shall be offered that "ire not on the catalogue. a Every lot put up s'liall be sold .without reserve. Arts- lot or parcel unsold may be withdrawn, but in such case shall not again be offerud. WM. SIIIMMIX, ) ABBOTT LAWUEXCE,; d!2 2nwist.U JOHX A. LOWELL, ) P ARTXER WAHTKIL-A penea ai aytaefbl baaMrii I information, and an active cash capital ol trom MM te .*fi',», I wishes to con.ieet hniseif with some respectable young man of coin- ) ; iu.rci.il habit*, with the same amount of means to'conmienre a Gene- { ! rp.i Comniisskm business. 011 the first of May next The advertiser 1 j has an extensive acquaintance wilh oountry dealers and considers I I li!ni».-!f a gaad judge of Briti~h anil Aweric.in Dry Gootls. A line , I iiliiuateil to CaajTaaca ai this office, will meet with prompt alien- j j lieu. » J20 Lsif j j WBRAaiEKS' "SOHO" COPPER.-sJC.J00 pounds as TUISV DAY. TI'ESDAY, M M o'clock, in th" 'ales room, FfctopaaatfMr aeeoaM af Ihe twrerto ef ihe weather.) Furniture v a l e - \ valualil ttseortta 'V;i of Ca'ai.iel Fmniti;re,con- sistin, of aardi obey I dfOtoiaf bureau •: 2 pto% do; sofas; 21 BtoejOfa* ny chairs; M cane seat do; ctntre and other talma, ektilo. 1 suit rui- tabat) mantel and pier looking riatatei cafpeto; ci!iii.f,»n»gla*>aiid plated ware: rugs; knives mid t'orL; waiter; Hi brass l.ellk-, aeaarted sites; ,-,uilts, table cloths, kc Also, a sarieiy of second hand Furniture, the property of a family giving uplioiisekeepin", consist;,g af beds, beiuftead*, 1 heirs,ttbke, lajyato looking |4Haai,eartatoa, bedspreads, coverlids, araat stands rugs, kitidien.furniture, kc Extra S*k- ,,f Farditare—The following articles af Furniture, the property of a family feat ln,r the city, vii: j b-ds, lied -loiuls, blanket -, v, imistir mid cane seat okedra, biu-eaiis, luokhtg fMaea, iiialiogany and other tables, wasli stan-ls, fu tr alath, carpels', hair Bjatiatoti, kitchen furniture,china, glass ware,tire ham, hi. TO-MORROW, Vf EDVESDAT, :>.t 10j o'clock, In tl-e- sssies room, Watches, Jea Iry,kc.—A stiperostock af the laael Wstobea, jew- •*H, fancy faada "cutlery, kanla are, clothing, drj aaotkn guns, k6 heuedV** BBwawahers aad etaaw. j f *w, SfbwrfBWi attenl.ii to w ith pun<-tuality ami dre-iateb. N. 11.—Liberal *^" : ,l "' , ' , made on fill coiisitrumcrts. 51 v. Co.'uui«vii«,or. . rf '{^ THIS lliP. Tl"'ESfiAV, »» it o'clock, af ihe eajika raaat. Aquantttv af cn'niH-i, hoiwhobl and MMwaa lufniwu, the proper- ty of a fimilv leas iag the city. " lawant which we deuhfe and single nv=o-r»"w* ol tMebett .piah- iv, tallies; looking glasses; skkhoarrk; bawaaai *a»tot| •etleeai elialrsi wmilow and Iwilcurtaiiis; grates, fenfi<is; frekSMa|Ma>a VHIKIJ ol kitcljen aaoaratus, kc. TO-MOP.ROV, WEDNESDAY, at lb o'clock, at the miction room, Watches awl Jewrtre- \ large find very valuable asaerttatttri Waitbae. Jimi 1 i l l . 11 'jifiat bstpaftiai. consisting oi fine nN iiutmt ieve.V, full ami extra iev.elltJ; g»M lepine repeaters; ttorixeotal, ser- ticai ana pbto (told wMcliW, all M M rate order and Wrastod. Visa, silver wat>i:-»«ris,i,-al. nhttod met gilt watches, el every des- ert-lion. Also, a »oleiii:*i»a«nrtn.ent ofJewelrv, oi all kimls, vit: nmi seals, chains, ring*, locV*,, end line g"'* 1 «'»' <namoml breast f,i>:s and studs; safely chains; liiij/,-» ringi; ladses' talablisBineuts; sil- ver IhimVbs, k*. ,*..,• CkiMiu'- \!> 1, a quantity of fashionable* tVthmg, vn; coats, pan aleons. ve.,i">lt;tks. caats.kc , _ . I ndertli.-iliiV.-riin of the Sheriff, will lics-il,-! ^ cases Engravings, Litln»gi:pt.s, It. i!iimp.*f*irsg»xari«tv of subjects, some ol which are richly colored. Also.a i t un i;'. , !V of Stitinnerv, boa. sand pamihlets, together with a vari-My of Law Hu,.S"^ken from im- library ot 11 law yer. Sate iiosiiive for t a l k AT ritlVlTF. SII.E. A hit-,"*' and valuable, nssi,,kanal efeaktoef ami ftBwhald furniture ci'ii-ltiiitr ••(raabo;ranvwardrobes, ledsteaus, toilet DM m, m bu- reaus; piti.> irpd viaw a-i-1 ean »d k f j e d to* andbre.-kfasii.tbbj di- ning lahhts; vv'rk labkv; sidebuinl:; rnrled ir.ipk chairs; *A,a1I deala gilt and mahogany frsnued monul and pier ckssts elega.'t ItainpaiT 11 wlnilmv arlifl'; rtfrtHrr gtosaasi peetobk riieki.ke. AI* so, one spe.ulid upright pinuo, ro^wmal case, six new and secoi.d square pi.tte s, some »!' which are 11 iiallHlltJ KM lonesl instruments; sofas, setlae '.n-iisteuds, platesl and glass w„'. : e: PriUania tea ,ei«. >sc. Also, ltv.WO of the best St>anisii segars, jiet ttopabtof, end a ill lie sold in lots to suit tnirchasers. BY LAV* REXCE POWER &,C6V" More Be, 117 Irakr ritaB THIS DVV, TB ESDAY. at 10 ereieek, by enter of the Sheriff at the corner of Suffolk ami Stmvtoi. s.rtel.s, tlie Slock af a Grocer, coii'.,rising teas, sugars, heel", pork, hams, Sour, Itnlian MP rye mm, ruin, gin, bran- ds, itoJMl casks, kegs, coffee; pepper, iilsjiice. «il eons, winter strain- etl oil, pap-'i, scale-, wcs bts, ineaMin '. luniblers. drainer, dec't-iters, beer and uidt-r pum;:., nee,tobacco,snuff kc. with other articles of groceries. At ko'cloek.at No. vSO Pearl-st. lieMMbftl of a Gnrery BtoMs, consisting of brrmly,!.'in, niai. wines-.coi(hi-ls, tt-is, aMMtoeM white, loaf and'brown su"gai>, tohacee, MBMWi rice, wheat ami ryeflour,', meal, spice, beef,beef,pork, ham*, lard,cheese, !• utter, fish.scales and i weighb, tieerard cider pumps, st;v,:di::g casivs, kegs, tin and pewter j measures, t'.xlmes, be, THI RSIUY. at 10 oelock, at the store. A quantity of gr-cerics, liip.nrs. fixtures, ike.; lata, a large table; 3 case* India rabbet overshoe*; I c;-..e hats; 1 carpet: 2 hrl» saaaiai in- di.o; 3 store* and fkM 1 franklin; 1 eight day clock, vVc.to^,.t! 1 erwith , a ipittutit ;• ef other ai licit a At || o'cl-x-k at the Exclian-.e. The Hoi-.'i- and Lot of Ground Xo. &] Henrv-sl. in the"th wanl; the 1 lot is 23 feet front am" rear, by 100 leetdeep: tii a dtiltohsa is as good as ; anv in Ibe noieldkorhood, and joins the row of brick bitihihitrs built by the lies. .sir. McAuley; th« house is twa stories high, vviili a basement ! storv finislien; ha. .i» tii e-olaces, and two bed rtnmis Inexhed in the j •arret, withan idles toffato the yard 3 feet wide; the house is rented to Juineellrcat'.T. Enmiir,- at therui-tionrmim. or at 211 Cherry-st A.ssii'uec-' Stile. TI'ESDAY, Feb. T, at in o'clock, at 145 Mcrcer-st. by order af n<- sl-rnees, Ike Stock of a Gro----r, eonsist'iig of rum, gin, brandy, cor- | tiials, white and brown sugt.s, park, beet, hams, tolmcco, snii't. ,r in- [ gee.wli. it, rye, In,nan Dkeah, si.-.ndtasks, kegs WartcTOt, slia-l.her- I rings, better,' lanl, scale*. wti,-hts and measures, eeranters. tiunblers. j ilniuier, es-ence. stand, brooms, candle-, st.ap, cSeese,crackers, oil ctiiu, lanijis, winter siiaimd ,.-i!, pepper and atopkc, parsley,ibyek, | scruUng, white waahlngawl dustiii;, kruabe*, bad cords, w ith a *uii- i ety of oilier articles of grot cry. AT I'KIVATE SSt.E. I large P, tent Balance, wilh frame, betoMJ pieces, Lc. com-.lete- •artojjM MM cwt Bf JACOB VAX \VISXLEr Stnrt Ac. 55 Vatg-ttrtil. THIS DAY. ~ TI'ESDAY, 7th, at 12 o'clock, at Ihe Exchange, A valuiblelotof ground in fee, wilh nil the improvements No. 17 j Thomas street A aum iiaelliiialai dim 1 Ifilea will be given in future advertisements. Also, a 1st af ground Xo. RH Wa»nington-street, withlliebiiildinr;slh-Teoii. For iitirtifislanimiuiroof Win. Sandfenl, No. Ml Washingt'ii street. Sale of Real Estate and IssaerlioM lho-vrtv—A tw* story brick front Uouseand Lot of v'.roimd Xo. Ml L'lin-,-t. Tat lot runs thro' from Elmtri Orange-st Ais-i, thirty-four years unexpired lease, free from ground rent, ef Ik-two storv brickiTro'.it li :use and bit of ground Xo. 22"i Spring-.-t. The lot is 21 f-ft bfXVUi feet. Also, U'ycars utiexjircd lease, from the lstsif May next, at »n an- nual ground rent of |M, c.indilioiietl that the huilu'uigs bepai i for al the end of the toMM, The house k tsvosleries, brink front and filled in a ith brick. Thetotis 2J by loo fjat A more particular deeeriptsaa of the n\*\is premises will be given ?t ihe lime of sale. Any |*rson wtshtntr lo examine the above pro- perty can call uci Mrs. Beackot. 22.5 ia»a*> il. FOH SALE Oil EXltlAN.JE, A Great Bargain—A valuable triirt of Coal LKIKI, containing ahou "DPasiao. lllliauari hi the stale of Pennsylvania, eo.mty af Lnuierne anil township af Mew part. The said tract w ill afford at inexhatista- hle source of lie best (paBtry of coal, that will cejanto with any kind of Lackawanna, Schuylkill,'or Peach Orchard, now in use. Tlie said tract is 21 miles distant from the Sutpirhannah Canal, which is .on- nected with Ihe Schuylkill river, and thenee to the city of Pbiladel- phiit The bodies of coal fire so numerous and so eat*/ of acci-ss, that it is believett any one man tea raise with ease IS tons per day. A rail- road from the beds to the canal could be constnictod at a s ery mmit-rate expense, which wh.-n coini.ktcd, would render the m>-iiiis sure, for r.nv man,or st't of men, to make fortunes. The present owner is not able to tront theivcessftiy expenses ta put i-.im.is in opt ration; con- sequently would bo glad to sell the tract out ami out, or in skares, re- serving in himself a prs|ortion tbercaf—iiml being acquainted with the s-ountrj and vicini'y, would take ttn active part For furtlier per- ticulars, enituiroof .Inc'ib Van Wirkle,auctioneer, room 55 Vesey-st. BY MILLS, BROTHERS A CO. .Stare eei-iatr WitU mmi favl-itt ~THL*rbAYT~~ TI'ESDAY, at li o'clock, at the Exchange, sneery Sal..—I mlei direction of David Codwisr, Esq. Master laaeery—-AU thai hi of land sitaaied intli- Xintg War-l of tl«- ••''New-York, knou u as a map of projwrty foruerrl bvlonging lo •• Bayard, ue«ea*e<l, in tiiasaiae VVHrd.Mautl.v Lsi Grano 'ar- ity liirseyor,bearing date 2.thiiay of March, l'\'l, as Iwt numb- «*. The siiiit Ui ts-ing haOMdad westerly is front on the *evei*h as • • ue; north.-ly, on o w .; A e, by bit numlier ten; easterly, in the rea r by ii alley 12 tivi in wiiitb, w hich separates the aliove l-iiHrtn lot No *, •• laid Uow 11 mi said map; and southerly en the other side bv let No. 8,cs.iaainimf!ntireailthiiu'isiuta , id rear 2ti fed, uau in length, on ea, side |ui fert, IK- :he aaine more or ks.-"—together w ilh the au- pu. ieiiances. MtoJM «iw Let S. H corner of H'oMtcr-itrttt «md Jiatf* Laae.-The eihret -story new brick house fmitbed in the Host substaMial i. ,ment maimer for a dwelling ami grocery, for w bich Ike trout on »lerisiii»wi.cei!pii..i ;<unta j M j , maun*beside kiteken and tour r*j-o It, 11 runt on W ootiar, 37 feat rear, depth 50 and J2feet Tl- alatputalde. S.deposiii,e ,...,, n(v TO MORROW. -•waBAl, reh. 1, M p aSafesA, at the amnien room, s..Lr.—rfOil pa, ,n p 'e* llri-shand American DRY tijs, co,;ipnsii.g a choice a**irtme>it ,ifi...iii» articks. \ aongst w.;;,-.,au-». artel, hlva^aittaadaotbcolors ur.ul wors- I- lndi, inr coUars; b.st wade .-7 inch gia^li'iin uiubrelliis; *>--» line t s. r caiiibrk iimdins; real Turkey red damask 1 itdeeoveis and 8 I Hi0 ulotbs: furaitore priaUikeavi -5-4ramlirk;*»orted dark ground ciniineiireii*: Ordered p.vketH.tf,; aiacbfae uud sum-r French iirni*; hensy.-.ty linen ui; sapertMe 1.1,11,,,, ruaparMt superior pi 1 a,i.lt,yule 11111,011 drill., piamand agured toUaarl sestinj, ami I h ' iiumiirilU; asvined Fteicl, Mtoeasi brown linen FreiK,h tlnlh 12s, 5-4 hue *II;M-I sad extra tVaath blk liom»aiin, for Uiens w••!•; Ki.a-rsu-elami Mirer mixt satinets; exlra line lavender do; br.iwn, mire, limit,, bin .,«i.'elinixeil ami Ulach fm,. an ,| .ui^r cloths; he.ny white plain,; k-asy m-_rncloihs. re.l pmltiii lk r; ti-j »i,„u .fray ar.iiy clo.hs; fanry S|na ,tud stri)ie »hfukiianii mourning siu*r cam- >ri ginglnms; la ,t (am er loom buff griuud and ctio.-oiate cambric pri itCj-1 su|K'rc,iPiDationc'-iP,'kinus!ins;li-4axtra figuredknos; fine 0-1 ta|«- ck-i-ft muslins, exya fee '-\ i amiut>; ;v|{. 1^-4 whi'c ciunl- pa e, ; 12-I finest .(uality Marseilles quilts; very superior pinl, liW i, orange e»iubnci.iiigha.us; black, ren and yellow Imeli-'i silk Uan- d noits; nslaailni'i ilatc -,1k ties: siiperfiue hair cord drills; tin* gar- ment dimities; c.ir 1 line wine c il mrs plain batiste, very :.iqa-. ioi 4-4 •due tw'filed e-i;ui lets; white, kkrh ami assorted spaal cotton, t,lk ami WblM do, 011 bohbiu.; V. mwlk We-lliead's IR>I ,i-i'ortl sewing cot;oii- -No ta m 80; do w.-iniute I tape*. S». 135 k 115; pink check and faatv g 1 .'hams: in a. ln-f /in,- r;ilour»il counterpane.; j-t cotton iiicrinos; I »c, eiuit iiioiirring Flench pi "..its. >eataeaav— SOOU i'i'~ '• '* •""» am 'riBMyellow Xankren*. h iso, 2', c a m ptoia an I fancy bc.ukd coin'is. I imaged (loot —Ai*o, tinder itwpectrau of tlie wartlen* of the iiort. tin iccouiilnf umt.-.wri "is, JOpa. sju'e, i!riti>n Gmuta,roiisisting of siq .rliiie brown drills; white saiie,u; super merino caMHaarea onile- sileij whitedia.uoii'i q likings; Bagtlsb hair s.-ating, 14 v 18 imhes; *• Tliue Rouen cassimeres ami BMHsBAw drab union French drills; w 1 te diamond qidRiogs; 1-5 fast c dors French ca.nl.ric prints, dam- , ajj-d oni!ievoya:'eofii]iiKir;atinn. rpk* Ifoaevaate—Also, KM ,.:ie-»ages French and American Paper II 1,ting.-, i*f entirely new patterns. dalog 111 a,;'i r,im|,ies will be ready this day «t U o'clock. THURSDAY, F.-\ i. at ll o'clock, at Ihe auction tweak FRENCH (Wiiiiis.— Ifjfbeaeei French Goods, including a aria •>'• -aridchoiieassortmc-iiiol Fitnehsilkgwids,lie. of roceiilinipor- Uiiions. FRIDAY. 3d, at 12 o'clock, irt she Exchange. The three story brick I !,,«.•- and Store No: £M C.uial-st l.uilt in 15 "ivday. work, finished in mmkrii style, «itl» marble nitinleIs, g --ites, anil folding doors; hard fiuiohed t'hi«iuglsout; lot Ihfaattia. 11 ot and rear, bf alajut bl feet deep. »!,(** may reWMin on bond and morU-ge, at ti per rent. SATI'RBAY, Feb. I, at 11 o clock, at the auction room, l.EUHOBN HATS.—ioycaswU-glioru H*l». most of which are M ike e*tihlisiied quality of Die J. T. lmporudiou, ,0 uprising gip- ••' •*, Bulivai,oi.':is,ims»-s'aiid fbikliaa'l alalogdes atiitsamulestbedav previous. FRIDAY, Fcfi. 17, at 12 o'clock, at Ihe Exchanee, Stock ot the X. American Cut", Conr,nmy—11 shares of the ».b»»e : si- •k,tbe|iarvaluel)eir r '«25 per shire. It isro.isidr.red to bt-a ris- i- '-snilitimroviiigpropt-rty. Saleper.-mptory, lorlos-aconcertL BI JOliX HONK ,v at).VS. a**" '" rntr "I " ' " ' ead 1'earl Hreett. THURSDAY, Fe 1. 2, at — uetoca, ut t;«- auniou rtmm, rwhtgr ide.—200 packages BRITISH DRY GOODS, incluj- i.' everv description ol Senmnabk Articles. rite, 100 packages COTTt»N Jv. WOOLLEN GOODS, of Do- an stic .Manufacture. FBI DAT, 3.1 Feb. at o'ciock, at the auction room. ro-rncA CfaMk->100 raJ "'"' "I French Goods, rec.ived by recent innvals. B V HiCHs, LA W VkKMi)E At CO. WereAa. IM PHrtMPPk SATFRDAY, Feb. Kb, at Jl oelock, at tue auction room, PACKAGE SAI.E.-20O poraagw tsaajaaakai LiiY GOODS. I'ai'tieulais and sampler th-i nay previous. flf CORLALS, HAYDOCK «V CO. Stert A«. IS] ywrl-ttrcd. MONDAY, Feb. ti. at it' o'clock, at the auction room, PACKAGE S-.VLE.~tfOO pvekage*seasonable liiitishmulAme- rkaa DRY o o o i - a . Catalogues ami lautpfos v, ,'.l be ready on Saturday previous. .11 eitivs nt ssi.E. \ general assortment of Drtm-si ,e Gooas—bleached ii brown sheei- it-i s aad .^hirtint's; 7-8 air.l 1- i Ire»l tii-ks; J-3,7-3, AA and and il-8 imli- ; 1.1.0, and checks; red Canton flKMNl twilled jeans; blue k black .... fancy mixt satinets; red nut greei: liatniels, colored cauibrica an,: bsdaga onve fa«iian»; ladige stripes. Also, ii cases tit doien each French, white and gold vase form tea cups and sf-itcers, just land,Horn the last .lavre t ;p;.ets; 1 bale scar- It 1 pelisse cloth, emilled toiUle-nture. 1Y AOEE, TUtPBOSJ & CO, .Stoic St. 169 Prar'-rtrert. FRIDAY, Feb.3, nt |ooelock, at the auction room, PACKAGE SALE—200 packages fresh impoite-,British, Irish, W ,-tchand Atnericau DRY tl(lOD>. CPPtofWH will la- ready, and the samples prepared forexamina ti ,n, OIK- day previdus to the U;.v of sab-. AT PBIVAffl HALE. Ml bales brown slieetiitgs; indigo blue tickings; plain and twilled 'Iripes; super indiiro checks; dark d», safer it men cassinwivs; 3-4 4. I , mm pMhMj apron ami furniture checks) printing clotlis; sutinots cloths, &.e. Also. 1 cases bleached ami brown (anion Flannel. Bl BOGGS, SAMi'SOX «v 1 HOAll'SOX. _ .SVoi-t A.,, inn Pturld/ctt. Tins DAY, TI'ESD \Y, ai .1 aktnek, at the auction room. A general assortment , f Brhidiand AmecicaaOttY GOODS. AT PKIVATE *Al.r.. t'ightImksworsteds in I'm carpets, 10 and 12;4 links sujwrfine laid.'srps-twetts. wv "SIIOT\; ELL, ROX A ct». Start St. 172 /'mrJ-ifne:. ^ .„____._.. TC'CBDAY, at 11 o'eU.ck. at the auction room, Damaged fkw'n I'aderlbtl iii-pertion of the wardens af the port, t rcash, leasts jiA'eiline uooileii cnsMiieis; 5 til do Irish linens,in ,v hole and demi pieces ti do nun's mid women's assorted eta'on hose; . do silk and cotton ui.sLirellas; 1 <!•, searkt worsted shawls; 1 do bea- , trtoaaaj l da lunanei rss^ri iaeed from ihe Ueeega Ctotototoj, and ild on account af the umViv.liters. TI'ESDAY, Feb. 7, a* o'clock, at ihe auction room. PACKAOE S A L ! ; . - a O 0 .'ockiiges seasouaMeDRY GOODS. Catttlosruesami W i a e j l i n B l l ' icady the day prsvious. BY A . B , XO.Vi S A CO 7 . ,„ .s'foi-r ,Wi. 1-3 ft alt •-it>ett,n,mr uf Pine strttt. T U B BAY. TI" ESDAY, at 9 o'clock, at the au-tion roim, A geue-al as«,rtincit of British and Dame-tic DRY GOODS. At I o'clo.!., pM dozen imitation back combs; 300 d,» side tlo; 250 1! ressinjj e-'.t-.l lorg do, RY PIKE A \7A.W A X T W J K R P . Mere So. 132 Irater sanwr af /'.it '-ttrttt. TO-MtBtROW. WEDXESDAY, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room, DanvgitlHunh'-.rt.—I nder iusporiinnof ihe watdensof tp.e port, for account of the iiiidfr.vrlu-r, for cash, 43 packages assorted hard- .v are; sad irons, horse nails, sind stone*, frying pans, eaftiia, 4.C .taiii •get! by the Oeorge Gauniag. Cntalogues will he re i,!y early on the mornin* of the sale. ExU-.nive Stock of Hardware. TIH RSDAY. Feb. 9, at 10 o'clock, al \o. MM Pearl-st. neurFul t.m, by order of executors, the entire stark ot Messrs. Judah k Cal- lender, conqiri-iiig an excellent assortment of seasoiu-bk ;,-(Hids. CiiWlogu-s will lie ready, and the goods prepared lor examination, threv slays previous to tlw" sale. Terms—Approved endorsed notes, ntfimonths. FRIDAY, Il th Feb., al 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, The tv.osiory brick House and Lot No. 211 Woos.er, between lifeeeker and Ainiiy streets, 2iifet I 6 inches front tint! rear, by WI feet deep, withslniie steps ami Itaaeim-iit ami iron railing. The house is vvell built,hard finislied aalLs.and containing 10 raoaP. For |sartieu- lars, enquire of J. Cleavelaml, 199 Front st.; Win. U. Malt, 39ti Hud- ,on-st., assignees of F. ( ooky. TI'ESDAY, Feb. 11, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room, Package Sale of Hardware—2o0 packag-.-s, comprising a handsome assortment, of Itiiinin^iim and Shetlivld ll.i id ware, mostly nivv tronds. (alakgues will be ready, and the goods prepared foreianiinatier. ihr dsy pret ions. Terms D months. AT PIllVATE SAI.E. One case Knives, 3lo2fl blades, on cards,entitled to debenture. Tliirtv rases fancy Soap. BMlTUfcBELL, Storr .5«. 92 Brotuii-.ug. ||yWi c IfcgUff» __ Vii^Ift &alf% BY WILLIAM* P. PELL A COW sW«A..*5)r"ai-t l r r-t Wine*—3.' TO MORROW, WEDNESDAY, at II 'o'eJock,in froat of the stare, ' ir cask* Marseil' eePort w,ne; 45n tal* I . . 1 • .!» »„ lilt .... , , - uaakciiido; 150 ur. casks do Madeira do er, Ulkd ta dels... ure ™- 2<5oi\»s Pimemo: !,*» <* rm V*"*' ,ht ' MM u ' R t parcel; fjObagf damatre-2 Sumac. , _ . Tobareo-inhhd*. UafTohr.ce*. SA'ii RDAY" 4th.at II o'eloek. infrr.nt of ihe n*ire. Drops' IbspiMtlAl MllH'Mf fresh bitteralnmnds; j 4 i, bu _,. Pemiaii Berri s; 2 narfc#ge» sup n, r Turaey Idmbai-.r, id, OU ol - BtoMI II dot.uinSlu-Hae. . . . .2«i bags fresh TriAie S.paac; •* l»»Jc» Sarsaparilla. REAL l^TATE. WEDXESDAY. Fefx l . a t l .'o'ciock. at the Exchaiige, Hmuc rWd WRreesir-st.- -The House ami Lolun the south- east corner of Varirk and iiroeme, tlr.ets. 21 feel front and rt ar aii 60 fen dee^ The house U a good oa •,»ith a brick tret;!, aial» a firil rale stand for a gr-irer MONDAY,etb. at 12 o'cloi k. at the Exchange. The fialowing Harlem Lots, kn.«wnbv the billowing numbers on th* Harkm Oinunon* mar>-|tits Im.ween Tliird and F-airth ave- uue, ami w B „a >-!(, ,i n . rtl rroiiiitiL' <n Fourth aarpto Was 4-'L*to, •b'Si, iT, 403, i .j, 4i t)i 4n_t hl wthrtri 1.17». 177-hu 1«-on85th st lots IM, 159, In-, |ii|. i.j, |(j( j,;) H;^ 0 n Blith street; kts 222, 223, at, 22'HOII Kill ar.su j lot, o, -(.j oj>,. f •jm, f on Itkth MretH ; lot* 3lf7, Xii, XX JM, Ml, S3.!, 3*1, :t>4, SJS, S*. MB, on 8tah street; lot* 380, ML 3H2, M!. BR, l a , Mt, 39«., 3'U, %<:, 3»J, on tMh street; kts ll«, 110. 011 Fifth avenue; lot. :jv 351, 35.', ff'i, 354, en 89th street; kit* Ml. 412, Mf, 444, Hi, •fi. 447, MA MB, MB, 4M, 4.';2,4Svl, 454. oa »lsl sin-el; has .502, 5 « , on »j,i M reet: kt* 278, 279. J", al, a 2 , 283, MA 233, 28li. 2117, :*i\ Pja, &«., **» w jal tk% >**, 207, Ma, 2», on FifUi avenue ; In, 417, .IJK, 419, ^ 4;^ 422, 423, and 424, mi 1 Oath Mrert. See advertbemeut sl^rued Das id Codwiae, master in ' chancer*. AT PklVlTf SALE. Brandy.-23casks Clianquigiie Brandy, 10 yeatt old, entitled to de- 1 bentiire. I tons Italian Hen.p. 6 .-a»es Mauilia ludifo; 15 bales Penian Brrrie* Bordeaux Brandy, in kind. I jObaksKeuturkv Tobacco. U Y >I. lIOFFAli AX A SiJXs. the anespiretl term af Ike lease aflat, IN in next, free trom grout ! rew^kwaftew indeTI rearafadjoiiig Mt, 14 bj M ar t'aere^i^ut., f ( . r ,..„ .,'„-, j. in rear. r Alwi, uou*r and two kOof ground situated in Harlem twran "hi and 4th avei •:«•*. Hh-iH by lii'orlk rea'.m't Als». the two-story fra. te house nil l»t asrtig,.., ...nth...- HBHLa«i/raMreM) "in rear of |„t w ,in l; w ril| , , l: ground rent at > a, pV, , uma . j , _ x ; f( tuth-ftrett, THIS DAi. TI'ESDAY. at II o'clock, in front of the store. Almond*—fin *ak» sunerior »ol'l shtik I iiiu ,-. Sugar—15 brULaap Suirar. TO MORROW, WEDNESDAY,r.t llo'ckck. iniroi'lol'storeXo. t l | under wanleas iie^tetiou.a quantity of dassppef Hriap. Uides-A (.uantitv of Hidm; partlv damaged. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 8, nt 12o'clock, at the Exchanee, Two Lot, of Ground, with a valnabk Bakery an,: a tkteeatory brick front House thvnsm, sit,iai.l No. l8:»Oraaeis.st. withtk-ati joining lot, each lot is 25 feat i inches front ou Ora:,ge-st. and 1(0 pp <h-p. The above property i* in an improved jwrtof the citv, mar Ma-TAsMN Market; and will rent for $550 p rauiium. $3000 may re main onliond and mortgage. _ AT I'KIVATE SALE. 50 casks Smyrna Raisins; 5 casks Ihson Skin Tea. Mlkees fre.h eround Ginytr. BY R. R. MIXTL RN A CO. Start So. 63 Mpg gltot T11IS DAY, ... „Tl ESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store, »laret Bottks-20 hampers Claret Bottles. Jamaica Rum—I hhds, Jamaica Rum. Raisitis-yiKi lion., bunru Huhiw, slightly damaged. Ohves-OOn ,ars fresh 5»v ilk Olive*. * Sugar—3 bbls. loaf sugar. Pa|ier-500 remtis Wrapping Paper. Musurd-Also, under the inspection of the wardens of the port for account Of whom it may concern, 31 boxe, EngUsh Miuiara, saved Iron.ship George ('mining. „.. r ... M ^.-''' ; l'>ck at tie Exchange. IhefHst saili'i('lirigLANysiOX,fiyrarsol(l,137to:isorl300liarrrls \ liurthen;ligiit draft of water; is well found in tails mid ri-ging; has 1 I efeato ca.iles. I-ivei.torv is lull anil may IH- st-cn at the auction I room. Lies at Kiephant wharf. Terms at sale SATIdtDAY at 12>clock, at the Exchange. Twelve years Lease af * * House Ja Deb ncv-st. corner of WUIet- strcet, with a two-storyJJaaae and brkkBtatae in the rear, frontinr' I tmWillet.*t.aver)elifribksta.'Hlior the grocery and feed businclts ! Perms at sale MY A. ». GLASS A GRRARDN. .'.hr.': .1 . . \,, .... r fV r ir it.. 1 I "! tr. <«1- ,'- Sinn n iafriPat THiSDAV. TI'ESDAY, at ll-i'clo-k, in Irontof their store, Tobacco~30 reroon, St. Domingo Tobacco. Cotton and Rope. TI'ESDAY. at 12 oUloek.at Pine-street wharf, akntrs'de the shin Florida; from X. Oneans, l-i.> liaks eut Haling Rope: '/oak* Cotton At 12 o'cliek. at the Kxcban^e, House ia Dcy-st—The U.oston KPPB X'i. 30 l>ev-»t. 23 hr Tffeet- | by Iff 1 feet. iu»e 22 by 42 front an I Ma r, oflirkk, replete witli tvervlonvenil 7. Also.the house and lot Xa. Ill house ence fsr ageideel fan.ily. In ihe yurd is abrick cistern, nns: a privy, with a alone sink. The lurders aiul grass pkt an- enclosed with curb slone.aml walks laitl with brira. The premises may be viewed any tiaiebefore the sak, between the hours of lo and 2. Terms—10 tier rem on ihe day of sale, thereiiii ii.der tm thefirstday of .May, when possessiou and a warratitee deed w ili tw {>'tv en. MONDAY. i;t\i, al 12 o'ciock, ai tiie Exchange. f.recuto:! Sale of LnateWd Vrtptrty— Fourteen years unexpired lease of the bouse aad lot Xo. 18 Park Row, kiow u as tlie Sink and fpfda House, .idjoinitig the ?ark Theatre. The lower Mere of ihe house, the refectory ben. at !i. the ft 11 jail allev in the rear, and the ex- treme ba*k yard, being under a lease lor a te.m of three years from from the first day el .May next at a rent of ttl30 dollars per annun., payable quarterly in advancv.and the second and third story and giirrvi, (foMprtsfurfaralarge parlors on the second rloor. and 13 kMgtogroeuta on tin- tiiird story and garret) the kilchr-h ia the rear, ami the backyard btteadag 10 it, Ixing under a lease until the 1st ot .May pelt; al a rent of $SM pet aunirm. The ground rent is $1000 per year. _ Th- premises extend from Park Row to within about JO i'eet of Theatre Alley. The purchaser lo receive the rents from the 1st ol reiiruary n, it'. Terms cash. For further information apple toW. II. Chitteiiiic::,Esq. agent for the Executor, No. 144 Nassau Mreet;ar to tin- miction store. Three Lois of Ground on the Bowery, lietsyeen Twelfth and Thir- teenth-*!, each Si by 100 fret, ou one of which i t a good two storv frame li - use, 20 feet liv 41 fort. Also, one Lot on T'welltlr-st. adjoining the above, l'Hiv 71 feel; 1 Lot adjoining the n!-tove—diuvnsions of the whole of which mav be seen on the ni.p at the auetionfers'. Two-lhirds of tlw? purchase mo- ney may remain on mortgage, at li per cent per annum. AT I'RIV.ttE SALE. Segar*.—27 M. Havana Segars, r* whole, Lalf and quarter boxes, viRtitTed td debenture. Tobacco—150 ceroons Culia Toharvo,entitled todelH?nlure. Lifts in Pearl-st to I.et-The2d, 3d and 4lh lofts of Stor.- Na. 246 Pearl-st. to kt from 1st .May aext, at present occupied by Thomas V\ alker k Sons. The id iofl having ibe windows lo tlie floor, would be suitable for a jobbing store. Apply m-xtdoor, at 241 l'earl-st up stairs. 17 XOTICE.-THOS. FRANKLIH »i SOX, will lor thetu- tyre, inaduiiion to their out-door sales, rl rert tlieir attention to the disposing of Real Estate, either at public or private sale; and,also, personal attention will IK- give.-, to those families who may wish to Lave their Furniture sold on the premises. „ion-*tree*, iVet; !«25 vfroet.-irtl BY THOMAS FRAXKLIX A SOX. Start So. t Tontin- Coffer-Ihux. BY sSSisif sorted S e t and weigku, for sak bv * SOL,NJ. ISAACS, Wnrehoase of the Soho CojuserWorks, 92 Water st. BY king, sale TATE OF XE\V Y O U R , **.—i«I'iwtvru.—Inpursu- ; ofChancerr, wi" Xew-Y'ork, 4 fb aoee"if adecreul order of the Ceart of Chancery, will be sold at pnhik auction at tli" Vlrr-hants' ExcNan*e,in theeity of Xew-\*orli oa Saturday, the twenty-fifth »laj of Febnrrynext, at iwehrecr'elork at BOOB, by uwkr the din-Baa of t : sulncriber, one id :he Mas tew ol" tins CMPt—" All >'••'« " 'in 1 *L piece or tarcel of gTOUiKL sitaa'f. Ivir-g and Iieiix' in th- l.kvemh Ward of the city of New- York ka-iw n and distinguished >»n a certain map attached to a certain dean 'executed by Noah s,-.ve ! l a,*l David P. Half, conveying the preiw*ei bareN "wtended M aa MMMPOB with ether prapertr Ui the » pans ot ihe second {lai't, as kt n-tmlwr seventeen, which sakl aad'map are recorded ia Ihe Office aftbe Regi-lerin ami for the riv anal rountv of New -York, in Liber Xo. 19. ol conveyaaees, ami puretay •waastod •.rtk-ilv. in front, bv Tenth-street; sootherlv. in S t rear bv kt number foil -»L'ht: westerly, onone.ide,by kt num- tver uxieen; aad tsasierh.- t Ihr other sak. by lot number eighteen C mainiie-In bremlth ia'froni am! rear,twenty-fi*efeet.ami inkngth. mm each sitie, oinets-twofcet threv inches, a* ou reference to the saul aaanwill more fulls uptww. Ami al*a, all that certain othrr lo»,nkr». or ntrrrlof rr, •!»!. silwate. tsi..? aivl b*inj in the city of N'ew-Vork, k*^waadMliu*tinsut-lMstlon'l,ie*aii! mipaslot number one bunitml sod •eseiitern. siiuaie on t!w» n>rth-rlv side <»f Ninth-street, betw«vn paapH C and D.: Rounded soathertv. i-J front, by Ninth-street: nonbrrh. in the r««r. I,T NJI namberone binw,re4 mod twelve; caster. Eaaa ow *»*e. bsr lot mtmber one humlre.1 and sixteen: m>>t westerly. on ib<- «0WT side'. »« U»t non.ber u«e l,u-.i.Ired and eijrhleen—coni inl- ine in breadth, in fmn* »nd rear. t-A«istv-fi»e ftset. and in [enfftb. on earn shk. illness-tw > test thn* iaches, as on reiVrencj MMtoasytol map will 11101 e full, aporar." rilO'S. ADDIS ».>l>ttET. JSI tawJwitk* Master in t'hancersN •MTATE OP MRW TiMUBU mr-miVMmmcmmi^& S^ aunaaRerafatta.-rrtalcraer.it' ttiat'jurt of t-ha«rry, will ha •PB »t »«bli<-au-tW>n. at'.he Mer.hants' Exchaage. in ttaeeuy af New York, on f*attusfa», the twenty-fifth day of Februar* nwxt al twrOru'eiaefc. a i n n * . kg or iinrter the .^rti-lion of the subscriiier, one of Uar Masters ai thi* t asset, " All thai eertsin lo*. pieee ar |«r,-,i uf |T«*«sd, utuatr. i>tn? ami tieintr ia th» rh'tenth war,! at rhe. ii.. of New ¥«rk, km-.* iou tltstiiiBuisbeU lis m certain snap aii.o-h'-d a certain areclevru«r4 bv Noan stemed and tSas-sl P. Halt,conveying tb* areirn.es berirbs miemtest to bntooveyea with other property the inid party af the teeoad ^aru a, k>l ou,»l»t-r thirty-one, which whl deril »n.iraw/are re»n-dr<J in the office of the Register, in ami for tJb* "fy and e»u">ty«f New York. inli'T. Ma 1 !M of conveyaisrrt, awl «a»ee Ml baaatM|ayaMaatj >a front 00 avenue ('. we.seriy in tha rear E lot awmbrr tweaty-aifht. norllarrn on one side by lot nntitbei IBBMjr, and southerly <in tha ether side !>Y Ira number thirtv-two, :on- laini'»siobr*»iitbialrn«lantl rear twenty-three feet, am) in length on earl ,i I* aine*y-*hrre f, et.a* on refeiraer 10 the *aiit map will Kaore fell, apt ear. And a!*<t that einar Ut. (kre ar tasravt of rrooiMl ..tual..lsin« am! tain;; in Ihr sail citv aisd knawnand tlislin- frua.(sn'' .-i ihesai'l map as lot wukl er fans, situate on the northerly •Me of Ninth aire**, betwecnavenrct- B. k 1".; init »'e.| snulhrrly in f rant t N1 tub sixeet, northerly ia the rear by lot nuinlwr tw -nt* -fit e. raateuv <m one .ate bs lot nu liber thirty-nine, ami weataris aa* the atap Muebv i"t nunibar dety-uoe. ami cn.nairiaa.ia br-*>ith'in frant a**d r«art»ent,-nvefe«t, aaatia knpthan each snie nin-tv It.., feat three u:>ctns», a*,» rekreoce tt> ibe stalnoj-, wili umre fully appear. THitS. ADDI-s KJIHI. t'T. Masterinl tianrerv. raaad New York. Jan. 31. i«Ji__ _ _ J3» 2»w3w.kdt* El I TORS' SOLE OF REAL EhTATkV "J T<» RE siOI.D AT PI IIL1C Al CTltlN.un Tw««fa,, th* vjik daw*/ toarrk. » , t , « | stotaek, aax on ih*>remises. A KARYI. be- taaafW so the , state nf the lale Benry knurr. tMMMMB, on ihe vsuth *..i" to s>ti»rss- s 1.;, jj.,,;, ibe road i.-wl iiur from, •_- vtuaraiitim a, Mekaaaaat, eoiaatmnt; ajisaat 7laere*—Mof waieb are taikble kml, the r«u*indrr w ..tuad ami salt ueadtiw. The Usmi a* as ftxitl a* kit, in the aaakrhftaarhrsnd, ami ha* . >i Isesri) over w. rkeit in p- mt ,.f Muaaioa inarpaii « by few on (he I.Ural. It i* * units* Irooi the I *a&r- Rkhaaoad. the t'ountv T„*«. 1 here are km11 abosil t imlm of ttar stis prentk. I M... ;. Slur,.!.« • mat HaptisL Stage-. ich.iaMKl. nm»» the door saveral tinie* a daf a,>i"u:ie the !*|iri:ii,ir. SMjnmaer and Autunaa. There are on the pnrajiar* » Bw.lBiic Htaaae, with a•*rcr-failiag Well of XSater near Uar ttoar. a rasrn anil -Kit 11,1. w-, ami < Xrhanl of bemhii?apple tree*. .41M, frm h. Pear, Plain, »...;;•„ ami Cherry trees. A Gardea wed aaseadi *nk currant aad giKnebenrv bu»he5, straw tjerrj and rm»l*rrj *tiB%afPBra«w bed, te. A fapAer des'-riplkin 1* the prrttaise* unarre*aanr, aa il k prr- aawaed Ui*t m oeraou will rnrehaae wiuamt first ftawutr tbein. The Fi aaor*, b«-k*iji ae t>< the *ud far<B, wid be a4*1 at the tar.» nam 1 t' >lMF , setsanie from the Karm. TerWiis of sale, li perrt.fasp. MMka day of *ak, ««# half of the re- AaBaaej of the Darda, and liar halaa.ee at aut FISH. GMXXF.LL k CO. MB Fronl-st P O R B A L R * F R E I G H T OR CHAR- TE IL—The fast sniitMs? coppered brig SI'SAN. J. Noses, master, a superior ves el, carries about lioo brls. andean ,lw promptly despatched. A .pry on laiard, at Dover street wharf, or ta . J. F.DKLAPLAIX'F. .k CO. 1..7 South atraat, Whamlrrforsale. lamting from the Susan fra.» Wo Grande. 4i5f> IBdea, partheavv. for the Furopeaa market, lbWO fresh larire Ox Hnrrts. iweolls Hair, part long. Ji4 dtf -jpQR PTJTRIGUT on CHARTER, live psliV ^*" M '" n f SB 'P MAUYS, Ronnie, ttiaster,copoer MaaMpd J? k* f | fovifured, lias made iuione voyaee, hurtliea Jjo Wn«, + t obi*, will he ready lo take in a cargo in a few days. Appiv to the * apiain on board, at Flephant w barf, or to !i2i FISH, GRINXELLi CO. lit Front-st "FREIGHT FOR PROVTOEXCE, R. I. Any (nod V KSSELmay have from Iwt tu )'2u tons heavy •mull for Ihe ahive port, bv applving to J23 B. AYMArt t CO. U South-street POR FREIGHT OR CHARTF.R.-fhe fast sailin;.scho<>ner LAL'KEL, Cupt Barn**; 8.50 bar- rel* burthen; now reads to take in carfa. Aai-lv to J2« ktf CAaMTT .V. B E R T v ^ D Y . l l f F i o n t - s t ~FOR PIBEiGHT r OR (TlARTEIi-Tke . uew copoer fcsteaeti brigD. FRANKLIN. Capt. Chase, P 171 tons,'will carry 13toMM) barrels, awl sailsver fast— %MWU AfllCel< ' ai-=.A,t'i-. to J13 kef WOOD i. TRIMBLE. 157 Maiden-lam-. .li*. Iw antra*- aad I aaUca bnaa Rirhoi fuur place* of pahbe wwrdkio apt e*. *n e-faaajsaptoaa, baaraop M, aoo I'ran the Q »r»„tine t» Rj CABOT t HF.RTODY. 117 Front-street. ~~\\ \ XT ED—Several giaid Vessels of 600 to 8«> bar- rets burthen, to aroceed tr. F redericksburgh, Mrginia, for return cargoes. Aprils to JSI fit W AXTED TO C H A R T E R r - A low *kcked BRIG or SCHOONER of 110 a ldOtons. for 3or S months. Into, lo MANSON k CO. l j*i 49 Wallst WANTKB TO GMU*TB^R>^j*«i Vrtari of from J fftto !Wi barrels, to load at ihe Island of ( uU, for l!w mirth of Europe. Apply to KAPELYE, XVtjTHERSPOON Jt CO. Bnikeis, o3 Wall-strret. WAViED fl) Cii-AKTifR.a cossd Ve»- •el, «f aJamt *»x) barrels, far a VO-T»£TC ta the north of Europe from this pan. .%:>!*• to UAPKLYE, We»THF.r.SP<K>N& CO. Bribers, .53 Wall-stivet. WAITED TO CMLARTKA-^ jtoap ISP or 2'snt, m »«* tKirn U. lo toad for IjsijJoiKlaTry. The ' car^obeing reailr, despatch will be eiven. Appfv to SB si KKI.I. £ t (st. or ALEX. THO-MPSftX, 38ftoa«t » « w LOJsmkj. PHiiviDcxcE fc BOS- TON, AT S fit LOCK, P. M. Pas age frtm New Vork ta New London. $•> CO Dtx fi-Jia New Louden In Pros i.'enee. 2 OH lia. from Providence Iu fta-tan, 1 50 The spier,iid low *re**ttre steam boat JOHN JAY. Cape Charles Davison, will •> KiM t Itiver st- amhoat place, foot ef Beekma- s t.l..rN*w'L,>ndon, ihi* ITues day! aftfrnoau, Jan. aist. at S o'clock. gk R1CILYRDS. ll*So U th-.t.*s FVtliKSMlGCLKRS a Tale, n, tueauihor „f »Taies by M me trtlara ratiulv he Demsuncett." kc. in lvi,l« t .m» fumiieg N«t. 17 ami 13 oi the Librarv of S'-ket Novell just iinbli»h- E. BLLS*. ill Btiapppj. cor. TricityjCUureh Y nix'. C "*ORPORATION NOTICE. Ku.iic aottta7m\ nereby / given, That the ass.-asr.ient t,w pav in/ the Blmuttiuprtiale Root: fr»ao lihh lo il*l .Ireets, is compkted aval drpesiied iu ihe Stree" Ci».uJs»'.oner'» offict;. 6>r exaaiinalaon by all persons eaaaanpp, vintil Mondav the Wh d^§ t i February next—Aral make is hereby furiher (risen. That if any persofc,* object 10 the ronnrtnalioo of the above named aeseswment. taey are tle^irit 10 prrarat thesauie in writing, at tha Street C,i,un»is#i«iier*s ,.tlic.-, tm „i liefore that ,.:• v. UKNJ. aKIGHT, Street Conuniitkoer. -.ire, t C. <:i...i-.;o:-r's Office, Jan. *.«. irai J31 ILLIAM-KTREET. PubbV isotic*. i* hereby givea, Thai application *v petitka has ta-'-n mule 11 the <nainion ( ii,. "u to w ir, n William-street, between Pine ami Wall streets, by a tine runninj; front the \resent easterly riuruee of line ami WilUam street* to the present aouibrrly corner -.(Wall ami William streets, s t a l l wilt mid about citrht feet to the present width of the Mreet; M which application, all person* co .enveU are hereby ikairctl to take ootiee. and if Hut*' have any objeetions theieto. to pre- „ the UP hj wriliuff, al'th* Street ('rai.-iir-yoBcr's ot'Siee. on ur v..tore Hobday- ibe (ith day uf l> rbruarv next. Be NJ. WKIUHT. Street Cununt-sioocr. Mreet Coomiis.rf.eer'- Office, Jan. at, |iij2. J^l B V ardee afihe H,,n>rar4e ^aaMtrA~ii7^aiW~rk*i Judge oi Monroe County CcaarSa, Notice it hereby given, That an at- tarhnvnt bus haued ., gainst the eipji- of Samuel Atrbinson, nuw or Uteof ih>i*»nuf Papasx, in the epJMa of Monroe, an abseoodint.' or euacwakd uebfjoe, 0*1 da* pyiof matte to tea* JadPe aeeortiini; 10 the pestaktoaa of the Merited Staime* eaaeerninc atlaebna wi vgakiM aliejeadtna, row aaase w-ill be ssdd *W fh» rt Atahimam appuar law, within three nawtth* BY J . J . IIE¥ MLR A RICH'D CRAWFORD. if>iIT Ao. 14:> I hiunam ji/uan. THJ S DAx'7 At 10 o'clock, at their store, a Uirge and general assortment ofpiew aad second hand UeuseboM and Kitchen Furniture—Consisting of cohtmn i plain bureaus; dining, kreakfast Jt tea tabks; high ami low post bedsteads work tobies; «aue k rush sect chairs; wimlsarda; gill aad niahoge-nv fraire liwking glasses; wash stands: Venetian window blinds; Use gees, feather beds; bair, moss k cattail do; carpets; andi- rons; shovels & longs: castors; trays; knives i. forks, Britanuia ware; table it tea spoons, bellows, Lc. Also, a general assortment of reasonable wearing-appparel, with au invoke of watches, jewelry. Lc. *0VL" wTWETMttRB A SOX\ CJ" W. W. WETMoilE & se.N\resr>ectfulljlniurm their friends and the public, that they have entered into an arrangement by which any business sent them to tr-iostat in the auction line, will be'punctu ally attended to. 11 PEABLEE A COWPERTHWAIT. i'uiioiair.ii Smks Roemt, An. 107 Bitmdtiay. Tl! BSBAY, April A TENTH NEW.YORK TRADE SALK.-Tbe whseiilier* res- pectfully give liolke lo Booksellers and Publishers, that their Spring sale to the Traee, will couimenee on Tuesday the ,lti April next, and he itontinuetl froiu day to tiny until all 'he gt«ds are solo. From the numlier of invoices already received, yve have reason to expect our Catalogue will contain a larger asaorflheiit of valinbk siss-k than usuaJ, and that the sale will be fully attended by uooksvl- kr« from all quarters of the I'nion. To obviate tho dinicultics hitherto experknbed, in receiving and despair;,,ngour Trade Sak Goads, we intend hiring a large fire proof pare for the purpose, in which all the go** Is to t-e sold will he pkcid-. not an article will be offered unl.-ss actually in possession, or hills of lading received. Cut, ibuiors will oolige us he making their shipments as early as possiMe, ami tkise who topi ur.lVnund stock w ill srreatly I'arilitate the cfaetoaj of accounts bv having their booka tied au in snch parcels its tbev are intc.idcd to be snld. Contributors are Jlso reiiuested to U- j+ar.icul^r in dewribiug thuir books, and suit inr the terruson wbiih they wish then. suld. * It ut intended to make the sale 0,1 a credit of jour month*, w iabout legarU to imiividual invoice*, exc» pi those that are ordered tube eato for cash. The sales made on a credit will be gtuu-anteed for one tier cent. Consignments of Books. Stereotvee Plates, Bookbintier's Leather itc. are respectfully -.-li, i-rr*. V. 1». S H A T T I C K . Start So. 27 Confiam-itrert. THIS DAY, At 91 o'clock, at 27 Chatham-st. a general assortment of Dry Goods, consisting of trow 11 ami bleached shirtings and sheetings bltie,black, brown and olive broadcloths and apPHPNp seatiags llag, -ilk ami band..ana hdkfr; blk Italian cvatppj kdies'aml men's cotton hoseamt half-hose; calicoes; furniiure chintz; while muslin cravats; cambric muslins awl imitation cambric; fine Irish linen h li-.ien damask; nap- kins and table cloths nierim>,cashntere anv- Cyprus shawls and bslkf fancy silk jtnV gaute hdkl's; sewing silk ami cotton; stispeHdcrs, rib- bons tapes: needles; 800 dor. bark and side roinhs, i»; Ready-made Clothing, consisutig of dress and frock coup; of various colors, aim drilling pantaloons; velvet, Valencia and laiMBMM'a tests; silk,round- abouts; linen colkrs, Ike. AC 12o'clock. Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods— Consrting ot gold and silver watches, some of which are very fart gold, pearl ami paste ear rines and breast pins; fancy boxes; combs; latlks' work nun perfumers-boxes; knives; razors; s. "ds; chains; kevs; bracelets; pen cils; hair and cloth brushes, Jv«. Al 12* o'clock, a lanre lot of German Tovs ami other Fancy Comb GEORGE \V. LORO A CO. Om So. 151 asrtoppaji The Auction ami CapatPMMa bustoes 1 heretofore conducted bv tin subscriber under thefirmof Thomas Fitch k Co. will be cowiu'cK hereafter under the iirni of BBOJK5B W. LOUD k, CO. ljiarorti wav. BY WM. J. BKOWN. *to,e Aa. 137 lf'utcr-$t,ttt. e<! ami for JM I by w •ml that the pay mem of 1 aa W flfliliiaB debsori, and that the .s asent of hkdeaea, anle** the said Samu- ' ar«> .ath. attaehnieiit __aeeoxii ii.e firtt M a f anv d e tip, a nd 1 ilakef au i tu aa d torn at thi* delivery ot any AT estivA-rr. *AI.E, Htirdvarc. faii'erj) and fanctf tineob—Amoag which wil be found, Britannia table and l c . spoons: table and desert knivc* and forks, ivo- ry and back tiar.itie set* at £•• pieces; matrnumbonum,old Kutrlisb ami oilo-r razors h»«k, side ivory-dresainir eotnh*: fanrv shaving saap in boxes transporent printed, Jackson ehrystnUzed am! medallion snuff boxes; tmxwoad, with u: rltor - and inlaitl v.. ill shell, snui,' and totiarro tsoies; polished steel and brass snuffers ami trays; silvered and silver and brass thimbles: shaving boxes; pen, pocket ami pruning kuives: 6ne peart. she-Hand ivory b-.j;,lb,l ..nives. on cards; gilt studs; i>earl shirt buttons-. brn«*nn<i steel barrel percussion ami & lock -islnU; carvintr knive*ami forks essorted kuives :wd forts: atrt ilass K-»,ls; ntsrklaces; tKixwoort pii>tu-h»>»s: dominav boxe* ^itt ami japannet! coat and vest buttons; shavin» bni.sh--S larje shear*: jews hww; h«As ami eves; fanes- ami b'-trk silk stocks 1 Vt nests of fail-y Iwes; tea bells, as-one,! size*; bracelet*; Isni'tintr pins; gold, silver, sire! „...,| silk sru;ir< chains; silver iv*l plated «|>eeaa<fes; auverpenri;*; neeiilr*-. rssum) and pack pins eoht ami jrobl plated breast pina; rold plated fti: ; -ee rings; gold and gilt ear (1m. s wt mt combs; eottr.n ball,: sun giasv- e»: wafer* in boxes; brass and sdve-•' - ! •—-"-•-•' t>ru.*he», & c- v er J bited , »".(Ue ticks. and tint Also. Wi -etsbras* shovels netl tenf*. Also, bo set tea travs. 3 to 4i» vt. Aka. 200 Britannia tan arid roflee »et*: M ilnrer! eily made brhlks Also. lflO*.'oienivorvandi-aekhar.dle kniyt-iitnd fork*.^ BY P E A R S O N 4 C C R L E T . Mm Fur*- Lon s ROOM, !C3 Itrmtmrny. •tfw.'itt Atfiidca Utm. BATt'RDAV KYJkNXNs.. * a Spkndid Oil Pnialin^t- A consienr.tent of two ease* of Splendid Oil Paimings, rrv-entlv imported; the productions of ItuW m. SHorke. Maa*. Breughel. !>e lirrrn, Torrtorjrh, X'allekeas, Teni»r«. Albano, naadalrhino, flols-in. ilrmiuet; <.-aido,OsCule, PiHiissin, Brovsei-,ac. v-e- IhePamiiiijr, will In,exhibited on friJay evenbtgand an Sat-«. vtrday. w itti catalogue*. - Credit Sale of Boot*. Stationary. Jtc. THI RSDAY, Feb. ft. at I a'clostk P. M. will commenee the »ak of *J'nuc* of 4'ouk*, SrUtiiniary, lie. beiag several -^n*i;rnmem» rervw «l fr-jni tb; aohtb and east ' The ratakgin-- will he f.««n<l 10 embrace us elcgam collection »f the m»t -«,-.*-k tlesiraWe to ihe Trade. The tatalogue will be ready on the 1st February. A credit of tsn d*v» P P 1* mven to thaw who i,crcha«e to the anouut of $ 100, for ap- proved p p p a TIMn , v A CAIID.-Tbirteenih »ale to the Trwle. 11 r-SDAY, March 27.-Tk-*uli*criIsers ro^pectftilly rke motiee P Bookaelkr*, aad aMpa* that their Thineemh Sak of Baoks, Sta- ""5*. 1> i!?. r ! B, ^i , I* Pbt*e*,eu!. will take place on Tueaday. March .Tib. some ViiKtes oi terge, tuitributions have already beea received Irqen of the must ex lea. -ve ,iot>lkher. In the «.«ntrv. ami we *h*ll be MatMtoPaae the >TM catalogue on the I Kb Fetu-imry. a a t o p p e ^ 2 ? Jaftfr ''•''••dspad IbrnaTglaeuJ the Caton. The Auctif«aeers wish it djpinctry IllWid that kwaetea mutt be lorwarded be «•— ry of any ( «wrty ;=*b Fskruery. Cuatrta.i«, l r r . r ^ S ^ ^ f c a v e ' — ^ ^ • T and the trawier 14 1 ;-ut up in tnu laat a>rs want them ~id?»itpieto1 oh. TRADE SALE. THIRSDAY. Mr.:ch »ih, at So'elock. A. M. »* ill eomiiseriee tk- idleol Books, Stationery, Stereotype Pktes, I'rktiiig and liindim materials, k r . i c in-luamitiest* the Trade. The first eatakigu* vv ill be put to k'rcss on die ISth February, invokes tor which must I, handed in bvroel'.ih. Many nhtohk invoices have alreavlv br«n rectivtd from the Philadelphia,Baltimore, Hartfortl and Boston pub llshers. As this will prok'Wy be W far the largest snL- we have had, in M d.r to secure a favorabk tnseriiou, contributors will please forwai u their invokes early, as those'firs, received will he entitled to their ehoiee ef abate in the catakgiie. To obviate the delay in di liveritig and closing bilk; no goods w ill he sold whi-e are rm acntally in petotMMa on Uie day of sale. A de* vktiost, in some eases. Bap tl.ls necessary rule, hating caused pre." trouble nt the last sale MM therefore, purchasers may rest aasured a 1 laaahiaj «*! their goods without delay. Contributors will furtin r facilitate the closing of acoountss. by having all fnldud, or sheet sto* done up in ru«h jurreis us they are ttrtended^ooSe-sold^M, and in uti cases should the jlates t* done up with the looV*. Contributors w ill please be particular in the descriptions of thnr book*, aad also as to the terms w hich thev v. ith thin sold on. The salrslor rrs,l!t»ill be ^-unrnnteed; ami the cash advanced ifrenui, etl. All invoices notstiecially diracted to be sold fur cash, will bee n sitlered as sold on a eredit, and the usual guarantee charged. Literal advance* are made w hen ri ou• red. on the receipt of *toc k BY \V. M'LACGHLllvT - a*ea A'o. ltit r\!tf,n-*trtrt. Ti'.I : RSDAY, at II o'clock, at the auction room, A great variety of impressions of siedais, ancient and modern, consisting in parldi hetuta of eminent warriors, statesmen, philoso- phers, pacts, ItCJ groups of figures, views of ancient buildings,ar. rhite.tui-iil remains and devices. Jvc. a Also, a set of impressions nf medals struck in honor of Napoleon's victories, ir. Also. CHIPMre collection of cameos, heads of distinguished Ameri- cans, ai". eral medallions, kc. The originals k-ing vrv rare in Knrope, renders this colli etkn verv valunbk, and w iirthv ihe atteniion ol amateurs. Ape, about 500 r.ioulds, worthy the atteniion of amalevrs and art- ists. Sale peremptory. m, N. B. Lilieral advances r_ejji on all consignmenls. w I; Out door sales atteuoed to w hit punctuality aud despatch. CUARLLB PAPELYEr Ojp.rt U aPMeer strttt, oiipositt tht Pott Vjfitx. TI'ESDAY, Feb. Tth7, nt 12 o'clm-k, at the Exchange, A new two story brick from House and Lot (in fee) No. 15 Morton- street, on the ninth side, near Bkerker-sL; lot 25x30; house 21 Xo0, finished in good style, with a kilcheu adjoining in the rear, and a good stable in the yard, communicating with the street by au eight loot carriage wav." A well built brick front House, filled in, No. 2 Reuwick-st next to the HaPer ef Sm ing-st.; kt aWH| house 22x2b, wilh a three foot al- ky-wav; lot on lease from Trinity Church, 12 years unexpired from 2J1I Feb. 1SJ2. at *40 per annum. Also,a well built two storv brick front House No. 656 Greonwich- slreet, at the northwest corner of Morton-st, 2ox«8, with an addition of 14 HctMpiaie in the rear, a stable iu the rear 16x25, fronting ou Morton-st. Also, a one story frame House No. 93 Morton-st, 20x25, well finish- ed and well adapted for a small family. The above are on a lot ttsx 102feet, 18years uneqpired leuse from" Trinity Church, at |50 ground rent, ar.d will be soid together, AT PRIVATE SALE. That pleasantly located and highly cultivated Farm of about fifty five acres, situated on the turnpike road kiading from Brookly to Heinpstrnd, four miles below the village of Jamttira, formerly known as the resilience of J. J. Cossart, and new owned and occupied by An drew Ten Evik. Also, a Farm of about 1(17 acres, situate nn the Hudson river, about 22 miks from the city of New York; the buildings are a comfortable farai house ami frame barn,Itc ia tolerable repair; it Is w itliin a short distance of steamboat ami market kiuiing. and will be sold in two dif- ferent parts or together, as may suit the wishes of the purchasers:-. For furiher partieulars applv to" the auctioneer. Two of the two slory houses in ihe block recently creeled in Harrow late Fifth strsel, near the Washington Parade Ground, and known as Nos. 54 aud 56. The houses are each 22 fu t front and rear by 40 feet deep; lots 22 feet bv 07 each; the houses are finished iu modern styk, a ith folding doors and |-antries. niarlde nnxatels ami grates; piUastcr- ed, hard finished waUs and handsomely corniced; good slap roofs.— Then' is lart.e vault in the rear of each"; the varus taslelully kid out, w ith flagged walks, grass plats and flower beers; also, a large cutora and pump—the wkile combining ekfrmu i, with every convenience for a genteel family. A map of I he property may be seen at the onice of the auctioneer BY WM. G. laCLL A CO. _ Store IWIIK Vofftt Mm*, Wall-ttrttt. AT PRIVATE KALE. Houses ami Lot—The two 2-story brick houses and lots Na. 90 Es sex-street The bouse* were built two years ago, and are ia excel lent onkr. Lot 25 by 1 0 feet Hvson Skin Tba. M chests Hvson Skin Tea, Pacific's cargo, enti- tlea'to delienture; tm chests das l-'aniiy and Pacific's cargo, HvsotL—150chrsu Coinpmy's retail Hyson Tea, very superior. Kail Road Irea. at IMP Rail Koad Iron, (at cast) after pattern of Canvas White, Es.|. ordi-rtti for a rail read since given up; entitled to drawback. ' ..... .... riankeenf—SS,««pkce* Couipany yellow "-L*nkeens t entitled to de- benture, via London. YV'hie*.—I butt Sherrv Wine; C pipes Madeira Wine, a private Moek whirl, has made two vo;. ages, e.mi remained in China several years. Glue.—12casks I:lue, jast laimieg, entitled to itebenttire. Paper.—100 reams Letter Pai er. Seears.—10* M. Caa-.i eachr Se^ar*. entitled to debentttre. YVmil.—5 bale, super i;ualitv Kn(;lish Wool, for worsted yarns. THIS DAY, TI'ESDAY, at IN o'.lock, in fnmtof the store, Damaged H,-.;dware—I'nder the inspection of the wardens of the port, for araotint of underwriters, 2 casks cait steel tackles,damaged on board the George Canning. Stoves—2 stoves lor burning ccal. Indin Uuhber Shoe*. f ESDAY, at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr. Joseph Howard, No. 9lr'ront-stt;)clo*eac«ncern, U8 eas.-. India riabuer shm-s. le-ing the balance of the cargo of the KJfcT ashmgton'.s Barge, trdin Para. t Tiiev are represented as a remarkably prime lot, and s-oBsideied so I perior to any thai have •eenofferixl this season. Catalogues will be ready for delivery on Monday, when the shoes nmy ne examined. Terms—1 a 6 nionths, approved tndorsed notes. TO-MOBROW. WEDNESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store, Chocolate—159 boxes Rhodes' No. 1 chocolate, received direct from the manufactory ut Boston. Pii-oa—PA mixes short Pipes Oh " ekMs j.nr" Holland Gin IHrjw lauerep Rice Salltm—1 bbls. pickh-d Salmon. Leather, Boots, Shaes, kc WEDNESDAY. Ft*. 8, at in o'clock, al the stores of Austin Mel- vtn, No. 5 Furry-street— 15(Kl sid.-s sole leather; 150 doz. wax calf skins p-0 black ami colored morocco; 200 binding skins 50 binaing; 20n sides wtix ami groin leather 100 cases b.vots ami shoes; ' 1 do India rubber shoes—with a variety of other articles in the line. SATURCAV, lliii, at a] o'clock, at the Exchange. Chancery SaU-—I'nder ihe direction of John M. Macdonald, mas- ter in chancery, six houses and lots of ground belonginiothe estate of John lirown, (ale of the city of New York, deceased, and known and distinguished by the following numbers, viz. Nos. 169, 171 and 17J in Chatham st, abd Nos 2, 4 andfiin James st WEDNESDAY, 15th, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, In Chancery—I'nder the direction of .KbnM. Macdasald, Master in ( liai-cery, the vnexpired term of ten years from the 1st nf May, 18.9, uf n lot of land situated in ihe 9th ward, oa the westerly side of the Bowery, between Greai-Jones and Fourth streets, hounded east- erly in front bv the Bowery; northerly by iynd of Jesse Bkrkfan and fanil of fleorge Tavkir, jr."; WPPpJk- in the rear by land of Cornelia V'aldron; and southerly by land of "Mary Waldron—being 19 feet in from, 18 feel in rear, ami Mi feet i 1 length on each side, as described in said dweree, and ahd the lease of ibe said premises, and appurtenan- ces. TlinRSDAY, Feb. lfith, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, In Chance ry—All those two certain Lots of Iiar.d, situate, lying and bch-.g in the 9th ward of the city of New-York, be-ing two of four lots, all of the same dimensions which formerly belonged lo Thomas H. Smith, nov deceased. For further particulars, see New-York Courier and Einpiirer. AT V-RIVATK SALE, The two story frame House a?d Lot HI Franklin-st; lot It feet 2 inches front anal rear, and 57 feet deep. The bouse is iu good repair, having 4 rooms wi,'h fire places, fr.nl and Hark kitchen; there are five lied rooms. The pi emisc* have rented lor $210. Tenus—$1,100 may remain on bond anil mortgage, and the balance on delivery of the deed. Lea.*eiwW Property on (Mirystie-street—13 scars unexpired kase of lot No. 143 Chrvstte lietween Broome and Delaacey streets; the lot is 22 feet 8 inches in width, and 108 feet deeji. Ground rent f80 per annum. On tlie lot are 2 good brick cisterns, 3 frame buildings well finished, a kakerv hi tlie basement of tlie front house. The buddings mav be removed'at tho cxpiratka of the lease. ~" BY"J.H.STtRTEVAXT. C'jRe* corner of Wed) met affctw jtrcrt*. to the Tontint CofftfHenut. THIS DAY. TUESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store, On account of a former purchaser, 1 qr. cask Wine; 2 half qr. do; 3 kegs Raisins; 1 box of Cb.otxdate. At 111 o'clock. iH front of the store, Yn emigrant travelling wagon, 12fc»tlong, in pood order, with a seat and top,-lately bioii|.»ht from Fronce: it would suit a farnteror a market n.un. Also, a set of lu nit ss. Sale positive. Assignees Sale.-An elegant ».lg. 'early new, with complete set of harness,; one cart ia good order vv ilh harness complete-sold by order af an assignee, ta ihe highest bhii'er. The above sak of carriages is postponed on acc't of the weather. AT PKIVATE SALE, A lot of Grocery Fixtures, such as MM casks, kegs, counters, scales ami weights, oil cans, canisters, barrels, boxes, kc Apply ta tlie austioneer. . . Bf BPROLL ^ ^ , T E S £ | t Z stor* Be. MNaspaatrpaMpRPk AT PRIVATE SALE. Just received the ckle* of the Literary Souvenirs for all the yea,.. Als», the Keepsake luuMrations for the years 1828,29,30 k CI, for ss ie at a low a rice. A Notarial Prs-s. in omplete order—it will lie sold kw. t r Regii|s.r sales of Hors.s, \V ajjon*. Carts,fcc.every Wed r e and Saturtiav afternoon, at the Hor^e Markjt, foot of Thirteenth-, t. between avenues BkB, near the Ka»: Kiver. Regular sale* of Books ami Matiouery every Moattay, Wedneit. v, and Ssatitrday even.nes. BV i. T. DOUGHTY A CO. tore iVo. 1J8 Bromdumy. wua DAV". TI'ESDAY'. at 101 o'.ioek, at the auction room YVithotit reserve to the hie best bttt.'er. KJ gpal ami silver watches, m- .uong which are several first rate gobl dial >.sd full iewelle,'. aaa t irver watches-, (.Iain secern! hand goto and stiver and b-pines, tt.g*tlier with a variety of faimy arax Irs, kc. THIS EYKMNG, New Boohs—Just rrceived, a ran c ,,..,„,„ of New- Book*, imen.1- afltopasapa 11 moor which are, the London Kesu «'• e. Anui.t. Forget..Me Mot,fce.;also, the Token, Attmlir Kenvenir, Tidisii 1. Affeetmn's Gift. The Paari, a.c; also, (irigg's lienu il'ul ediiioi.. of tlvroB, Milton, Y'oung, I owrer, TNtrrpMir., liiofed^e si|»>llv, K« is. Siott, Jinnee, linger* aud other British Poets, in superb eaifbimlo t': eke, .pkiaa'ui Kanuiy M P s , end a verier, of boo.s In eh-°wni 1, :- >ag; al*., vary forge eon-i-nmayt* of be* stamtanl work*. *uil» le 'or librane., ami a aetanUiy af arhocl hoots and 5 eases exceb^i.i btaajh kaiVs. to be sold ir. kts lo suit country BMrchacU and dealars. 1 he stuck BOW bi hand is of the best quajitv'.aad v. iti be sold without r«erve. AT PKIVATE SALE. X an/v of Or- Ree*i Cyekpardia lair hou-ul ia Kossia, whh P.i> ia .oraers, ia 47 volume* quartoceirplete. I T Person* br.aiing up house keeping and wi«kia» their rur>it<irr scld on the precise*, are respectfully bjtoraed that I. T. DOLl'H- TV wi!l atimtl persoahllv to «ach *al«*. All artier* left at the aa an stare,_l2« Broadxyy. will be proe.piiy atteiwied w. IT B B M O T A L r - T h e auharriher ha* rensasrd from 11 to 119 W nter-«l. w here tea opening a large ami general arsortmei • nf Hardware. Caakry and Fancy i.waia, rceeived direct from Biro g- hani awl HlaerTh 'd.per the k>( frrisakvwhrh he offers for sak si re rv low prkas for cash or appro', ed rxwdtt 17 J. CADI will continue the Aaatitm 11m! Comnisaion 1 pp. Merrill k Ctv, earner of V. dl Libera) ul. .'ance* BV ui:o. C. LIMB. Stor* Aa 119 Afeadm »H., at the sioee ktelv oc.upied by •. McerOl i_ Ctv, «* and Wr.ter Mieet*, uialer the firm e l J. CADY k CO. vaoces aiade oa all kimls of aamhaadite. " "BY «f. CJUBT_ACO. tooretlT JreStr, c eerner Pef/.jrreei fwi ? A V/^ 'lit teeajea, at Ike atore, 9M pattern cards of Cntkry, and a variety of Hardware, ea e*eoV* P a foreign boa*-. toU 4d THrRSOAY, Feb. 9,at In o'clock, at the auction room, Pc Icmic Salt of On Ovtdt.— IBM package* British and Domestic Sieasonable DRY GOODS. papa ami Catalogues ready for examination day previous. AT PRIVATE SALE. The folkiwing articles, which are offered by the pa.kage at cost of importation, s iz.—File*, brass candlesticks, iron squares, tobacco box es and spectacle cases, Britannia and plated s]iuons, tinned iron do, i-oj w rout bt yarn darners, single and double tea tray *, pegging awls, lire irons, bras.- brackets, trunk, rbest, till. cut hoard and rim loeks, nniiolk latches, curry <•• mSs. Inn'oury r.isl plate locks, east butt* and lio»ks ami hinges,escutrbi-011 pins, snufl'er trays, trunk handles, stair reds, rod eyes stump joints, gVn locks, thimbles, cork *crews, Caroli- na l.'.es, trace chains, coinmede knobs, brr.ss cock*, wood screw,, p',.-il™*t«, Kr.elish and American fhovels, ditching shovel*, coCee kiii'« ^^^ B Y L E W I S fc JAY . Strrt A*. 193 CaerteMsevasre. TlllM DAY—In euntinualion. Pawnbroker** Sale—Bv ortler nf Jacob Abrahams, LkvusaAPawn- broker, Xo. 74 Catheriu -si. Iy-wis k Jay vviH su.ll at public aifnkn en Monday, Sih Jan., aad following day. a"Urge and valuable tolle.tin of itnissueeived pletlges. ktvingreinaj-..i..l one year, consisting of sil- ver tea ami coffee s-is; tabk, tea. grnvv, Salt I mustara (poer.s; jaiach e.rd .oi-.p k-itiev supar tongs; milk |-o«s- goblet:; goW ami *ilver M> tent Gsers, chroueimeters, reoeatiag, dnplex, kpiuc and comrooa watches; cfoeks; go!,', chain*, seals kevs, ear and finger ruvg«: fine gold neck chains; watch guards and books; diamond aa.! pearl breast pins; gold laieklev; hroecbes; bra. .-let.: gold and siiver *|i»ctacles; eve classes. silver *aufr and musical t«oxe«t: plated and brass sanrlksticLs; coral, atn'-er and other liead.*; coat*, ve.-^s, panlabmm, round Jackets; linen, iiiiM-ii and rlteck shirts; crape, >4ik and calico gowns k frockr, clotl^ *at.n, can.bkt ami tartan pkid etoaks, c«n els ftak, atrrioe, eashmere ana silk shan Is and scarfs. <-tcr M its: shell coinbs: Leghorn end other hats; beds; hkukess; threts; romf01 tables: Marseille* ami other quilt*; lied and «iTsrltsv curtail"; blind*; j.kr and looking glasses; picture*: Hrt-.-i h red iugrain lor.-ets stair aid entry carpeting; brass stair rod*-, aadkoaai shovels iina longs; glarkra* dianvomit; VMairau Bute*: guitar, tnifi'.cs; cbrionets: Pre-.-eh horns; gun*; rilks: double aad sin- gk be.rrelktl fowtitig pieces; pistols: swore.s; IMMIU It sluie*; Bibksand other books: silk ami enttun ur,!ire,'• s and parasok; plana and tank rovers: leather 'ravelling trucks: s alise*; 1 ortajbk writing decks; din. ingand card teble.; rli'iirp Mnmis: bureaus; *of%*; bedsteads; rem- •MM* ot cloth, ras.simer.-, vesting*, kvre.. boo.tiadiu linen aad tonne!, roctwr and iron kettle* ami racs; <At\ eiitei -' took, he. Also a quantity of plain cards, suitauk for primers Bndothera. JACOB ABRAHAM*. 74 CatkertoeM. TO-MORROW, At 10 o'eloek, at tlieir auctkn 1 mini, age serai —MMMM ef near and seeona h*ml HuOM-twihi ami K trhea Pdrnitaire. AJ*->, a varktt of rtethkg. Hrs Oood*. Matehes, Hardware, be. TO MORROW. WEDNESDAY, Feb. l.at 12o'clock, BJ tlie Exchange, The three story I rich. House and Lot No. 81 Sullivan-st. The lot is 25 feet front by 100 feet deep. The house U 25 feet from by 38 feet deep centatoing 6 Urge rooms wkh fire places andti bed rooms.— T here is a kitchen ad .oining 14 feet w ide l>y 21 deep. Also, the house and lot No. lwi Spriug-strtet; liw lot 2.) by 60; the house finished in modern style. Also, a lot on Ihe northeast corner of Fomth-st ami 2d Avenue, 31:7 by b 0.' Also, the House and lp| No. 222 Orange-st.; 2 stores in front base- meiu aiKl 25finished rooms, oi-c ol" which U a bakery; kt 22 bf 1(0 Sat, Alse, the brick front noils'? and Lot No. 211 20th-slrert,wuh 11 fiuisbed rooms beside* basement lot 25 by 92. Also, the P P M ami I/it No. 1-' 21st-street, slated roof, brick front, 12 finished rooms and liasetntnt; Jot 25 by ICO feet Immediate pus session will be gives. Pawnbroker's Sak. THURSDAY, at 10 o'clock, at No. 25 Clialliam-street.willbe sold bv order of W. Stevenson, Licensed Pawnbroker, a large quantity of wearing apparel, kc. the same havsng been pkd'dupwardsaf \2KM. At 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, , Chancery S a k - l U order of D. Cod wise. Esq., Master in Clianer- rv, a L>t of Land situate ir. ihe 12th ward, pMroel of the lands of Hie Mavor, AUernn 1 ,1 id < ominonaltv of tla- city of New I ork, and lale the'prom-rtv ef Lo.irad filler, deceased. St^e advertisement in the (ourkr, signed D. Cudwise, Ma.ter in Chancery. A map of the alsnve pro|>erty, surveyed into lots can be seen al the auctianeerf office. N.B. The above property is surveyed int.* 3^ kts, a map of which ean be seen at theomee ol the auctiaiiesrrs.. To Butcliers. WKDXKSDAY. Feb. 15, at 12 o'cloch, at the City Hall, will be rented, for one year fromibe first of May next, by order of (he Mar- ket Committee. 12 Butcher's Stalis. via:—Nos. 17, IS, 13 and 20 in the Centre Market: 11 and 12 in Ihe Essen Market; S and a in Tompkins Market; 27 in Catharine Market; 27 in Washington Market; Bin Fat- ton Market; 5 iu t.raml-st. Market. AT PRIVATE SALE, A Lot 24 hr 80 feet in Frankfort-st. neat to the earner of Pearl-st. _ B Y R I C H A R D K HAK1BON A A . IaKVY. .Stare M JtriaPioa. THIS KVF.N1NG, Valuable Oil Paint intr«—At Gi oelock, 2 eases valuahle paintings, just reeeived from Antwerp, containing many fine originals, also, 25 paintings from Italy, beautiful copies from Raphael, Corregk, L. Da Vinci, Sc.bedone, rwrm*?eaatn. Gaido, kc Can be seen wkh cata- logue. MONDAY, 14th March, at 12 oelock, at the Exchange, Erceu/or'j Safe •/ Fofaaolc Prcpcrtt;.—By order of the Executors of the late Mr*. Reyna Moses, 86 lot* of land, situate about 34 mites Irom the citv, between the Eighth aad Tenth Avenues, and adjoia- intribepro|iertvnf Dr. Watkitu.and Ueargv Rapelye, Enp ThekU (iluate as follow* : in ti-om-mg on the 8th Avenue, beta era SSd ana 34th Mreet*. 12 do 9th do' do 3Sd and 34th do 45 do acatherly skit-of 34th MreeL 24 do aoetherlv tm .Wlh street. Oa thi* land i* atargeand eoanamlious dp eiliirg bouse, stooe kit. h- en, and other accommodations, replete with ihr laic* an rj convenien- ces far a larpe faatily. T >.e *ak win be positive. Teem*, 10 per rent aa the day of sak. k the residue on the Urst dav of Ajsril.wlien the deeds wiB I* ready for delivery. The t!lk lo this load iv umiuctinualile, aad will lie eansev. ed to ibe pulrbaser* Irr an executors deed, in the usual form. For fur- her information apply to M. L. Moses, S2 Wall street, a here a map of the premises may he' seen. AT PRIVATE SALE. •toeof Notf«patent small sired Stoves, to aawetleat order, eaa be seen at No. 12 Mjpap.pl. Mr st. RAYMiaa. __ _ _ ,*'»,-e 191 CaerAeai BY PABCCRL, r IHLLIFsi *V CO. St. Mt a*sssa*aa> State . THIS DAY, , , - At 10 o'clock, at the auctian room, a general orsortasent *>r Rowse- hobl anil kitclien Funiitnre. vis: Bureaus; mah.gany dmbig and tea Tables; fancy and Windsor Chain; ingrain < airetsjeilt awl maho- gany Looking Gton.es: Venitien blind-; feather bed.: bolster, and pOkrwsi bedtdng; field and kw r o*l bedstenito r„ts; andirae.: shovel* and tongs; knives ami forks; plated and brats cardlrsticks; wash stands: watches; clothing; caroenters* tnoU; n»ntel clocks; crockery ,r«l glass ware, kc 1 BY BWIPFEN A A»TEK. Sf.re A*. inrmtrUttrmL aaaaasssaa am leewinir.anal washing their Farni - THIS DAY', Tl ESDAY'. at to o'ciock. at the . SmerbT* rtok.-rlv order of the ShetjB.aaspnlitr ef eas etotbfk ea'dnieres: vesaine*: araaBas. rrady made ekXaing afaU BBtaaaaJPas BY WILLIAM MeDONVJCLL. _ .'a.srjfe. g CTafaes* N. B. Persona has avg Banks so' ttianose af, as well a* Staxkaarv, riH please p send liar mtothe Mare Ka. Cbatbaw at before I e ofeB „ Yfidissssday of every weak, as that a^gtw **M IM asawoprtotad for Dii-ine-*treet: lot '••> I roar, by 100 feet deep, pans, 0.1 \-f s. Rents fir s ,75 per; 1 km k. Also, fW a*k»»AapBBrCrw—|»p>lp tUk, Tat ttawp baaseb kt NaW Aiithony--trefl,o-.t'.enor'!i side. 100 fset fnpp Bra: »ay- ;; c PUsMfptliyabomTOfeet moroorless Renlsfor *,:, •„•;• >-". 9. AI*o,t)ie house am) lot soctliwest corner o>' Woottore '.o I aartk> streeis, facing WH-'inigton Square; borne 14x&.'i; lot al«oul 6C I'L deet; house built in modem style. 10. Also. r. I it of grounu on the westerly side efMa*VPPB t . saap I mc in breadth in front ami mar atenche.nl '.'< fret a:d i.i i,rfth ... each side*! fee: moreorkss. See advenisement tinned GeoreeB. Sntth. 11. Also lot of ground No. 1 St Snhiu Ure.7. r ; feel ttcrtli of the n p> rter of Bench st. : 21 f e d front, with the building thereon. Sal. res- tive, todiv'dea c (atrera 12 Also, the tw 11-tory house and lo-, Xo. 10 Lisper.ard- -tree:, 20 feet front and rear, and a^Kiut 7u fest deep. i a Also; the house and lol No; S3 Bowery, with theadioining Vu Nos. 2«7and 235; the 'ots rre 25x!2o fert; |K»ssessioii 1st V.ay. 11. TheO-storv bouse and lot No.:3 Front street; lot M feel front, 35 feel rear, and 100 feet deep; house iti let t from and rear, and ti ft. deep finished in modern style, kc. THI RSDAY, kt 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, 1. Also, the bePB and lot No. 137 Imirens street: the lot : *. MOkf 15 feet front am! rear. I lie front l-eiise Mj fret by SO Bp tie, j—and a frame building in the mf H by 22 feet. 2. Also; the home and lot No. 529 flowery, ea^t side, between Klv- iington ar.d Stanton-streels: lot 25xb 0; heii«e 25-15. 3. Ako, the two story brick front house and kt Xo. Ml S;;l!iv •> tt - •'. .; k 12i bv 100. 5. Also, the3-storv brick house and ktX'o. 25 Green-*t.; kt :<x!00 feet; house | MB 6. Also, the two story brick house and lot on Orange street, 25 feet fronL Also, Ihe frame building and lot in the re.\rof the above, fi- initr en Cro*by St., 2S feet front. 61. Also, the brick house end !|0 years lease of Me lol X'n. —, on P> N E. corner of Hntbon and \cstry sts.: house 20 by 31 li f>et; i»t 20 byfinfrt,nf ground rent. Als*. the house and S3 years kase of lot No. B Ctprihm«». 7. Al-o, t h e n 0 stors Iirick front house and lot Xo. 4t,3 (Vrccnrich St., west side, near I anal; kt 25 by UO fret ALso, thetwosto-v brick front house and lot No. 120 Narsetist., o|v posite ihe BiliK Scs-iety hetise, the lot is80 feet d s r s c a p p side, and 73 feet I ineht s on t!;e other; in fruit ill feel If j inches, in tl.c retr M feet 74 inches—more or lees. Also, the two sHry brick front limtseandlot of ground Ka. U7 Xar- saust, in fee; tlie title iitoisputable; lot 18 If j inrbss in front, aad 1 n the north easterly side 71 4 inches. 8. Also, 1 lot on I5th-«tre u t. 125 feet from 5th Avenue, 2'xiO feet ; inches. - Also, 1 lot situated in the rear of tin-above, on l-Sth street; 125 feet from5th avenue; 25x103 feet 3 inchos; thij street is Irr fact >v i.;e. The above nroperty is situpted within the vicinity of Unlaw Matt-, rendering them a very desirable investment. 10. Alse, theG two-story dwelling houses in .lay-street, con r.t ruiij at the comer of .Nassau street, Brooklyn, linisheil in III.HUTO S;, K-. FRIDAY, nl 12 o'clock, nt the F.xe:>ar.*re, 1. Also, 3 lots on 14th-street, beMBBPI £tb ami !th Aveitttt«: ea* '.: 2^ feet by I OS feet 11 inches; aJso.S loU in rear of the ahovt on Btbet. cf the same diniensinns. C. Alse, the I-storyl-.rirk house No. 80 Morton-'irref, ami 17 yco»* lease of die let; ground rent f 10 yer annum; kt i-'xliofeet 4. A frasce house and lot of irrou-..d on south rittto: I7lii-st. la tv. ten 7th aad »lh rvenue: lot 2'x*Ki fret. 5. Also, a three-storv frame hou*»ar,d kt on l*th street; 25" feet from Rth Avenue,'.'5 feet front and rear, cc feet di e 4 i on one tide, aris 62 feet I inches on the ofher. 5. Also, the siijorior it-story In-icl: honse and store v ith grtrite front No. 19 Sixth Avenue, CornhillRow lot 17 feel It, by-tofeet— Sale positive. Also, eight 2 slo^y frame honsesand lots on WiDet-street, aetvvnn Stanton at-d Nortli-street; tach ka ia frit 9 inches bv US fret. 8. Also, the hou«e and lot Xo. 17 lileerker street; lot 19 by about P$ feet house 2 stories high, built in modern stvk, and fmK'.ti iutte best manner. SATFRDAY. 4lh. et 1? o'clock, at the Kxcharee. ?. AU., tbctwo-.to-y briek house and 14 year* leasept lot a* coircr Cherry and Montgoitierv-st:gitmndrent 8G-> perannmn. Ako. the 2 story brick baaee adjoining on Cheiry st ami Myears !•?*•- of Ut MSOper-annum. Al*o.2-'tory brick house ami 13 yaar* hasp ol lot corner of Water ard Montgon-erj-t. et IBtpPr aiit-um Rvsend r-nt. Ako,'>story brick house ad i<*'n:n<r on W;:ter-street, and PS -irs |t;.fc of lot at !k.'-o"per annum—ali the aliove house* are nearly net.. 3. Abo. the 2-story brick house i lot Xo. (18 Essex-s'tree', Ippapp Grandand Broomc-slreets;lot 2. t x'("0. The prmlses in con.i k'.e re. pair, built by the pres: ;it m-citjtaiit for his ovv 11 u<e. 4. Also, tlie two-store brick front house filled in with brrfc No. J, Harrison-street; lot'25 feet by tTi feet Cinches; house 22 bj . f t a n alky of 3 fret on one side. "Alsf),lhelarge*.«torv brick ftoot boPR No."2R Clark-street,-. ith 19 years lease of the lot at a grout, i rent uf $75 per annum; 25 by 9)fr.t" Alut, theS-s'.ory frame ho;;-'- and kt N i. 7 Harrison-street corner of Staple street; home 23 bv -J fret; I 1 23bv.X,fect6ir,chks. Also, the eonven'tent 2 nory brick house and lot No. * Spple-etn et, in the rear of the abaapj k t i i feet I inck-s on ts'ta; le 'trert E .1 it h. deep. The alxive property has been ihorougbly repaired it.d is in good otder. 5. Also, 2 lots of ground aa nnrthwes corner of 2fith-*treet at-d 2d avenue, with a story brick front house, i:4bv 32 feet: lot :'•". hr if. 6. Alse, the tvto-sldrvbrirk kott'.eNo. 128 Madnon-vtt.-1; !• -..ieti Pike ami Market-streets-, house liuill in 1822; lot MaNO pet, under kase at %\Vi per annum trronnd renL 7. Also, the hamlsome 2-story Iirick bouse ami lot Xo.81 JWytb, street near Grand-street; loti'-xlW) feet. 8. Also, atotof ground No. 102 Barr.j.y-sL near Blet.- tkar sreet; on the premi.-es in front is a good two-story frame dvvillimr bewe, atid a two-storv frante ia ellinr/ heap in tlie rear Ihe lo: is ii i't*t front and rearliy ii", feet on each c ik. 9. Al-o, 2 frank houses and laPMaekpeal corner orv/ork an.' c'.ia- pel-streets; kts f2on Chi) eL and M on York, and alwul M fret in the rear; tlie corner is an exce'.knt stand for a -.'locery ste-re. 10. Aka, 5 houses ami kts on Carmine; on the earner ot Varick-sts, Nos. 70.72,74.741, and 78 Carmine-street; the corner No. 7P i f it pp I inches on Varirk. 19 feet on Carmine, ,v.J feetfi inches retr. IM - ; • I •' on the easterly side, the remaining 4 are 20 lis Co feet bou*es*2i) bv 40. The comer house is ti:9 on Varick. 19 on Carmine 43 in the rear k loon the eesterly side, withrtabk fronting on Y'arickabout 1 ttM ft Map at the auction roo'r MONDAY, rtb at 12 o'clock, at the Exc| ;B nre. 2. AlMt,twohousesX"o.47and 1-13Delai-.cev-streei: lBtotHPWb)rMB each; with a frame building in the rear of, aeh; hoiu> * 25y?2 deep. S. Also, the valuable d-story brick house tied lot No, 39 P.n. .d-ucet. easterly skle, neerExchanjrePkre. (formerly Garden street) Hie let. is 30 feet 9j inches front, o9 ft etc inches in the rear, aud 117 feel 2 in- ches deep. 4. Also, the moderti liuill three-story al welling house No. 5 Mt'rrj>v. strs et: house JS by 50 feet; lot 25 by p il feet: H gtiml brick cistern in il e yaid.kc. For particulars see adverlisetr.ent in Mercantile Acvertisi r. 5. Also, the tvvo-sto'v In ick bouse and lot No 132 Prince st. betweeu Wooster and ijturens: lot 2)xl00feet;house 44 feet deep, finished in the best manner. 6. Also. Ibe 2-stisry brick bouse and lot No. 27 W alker-.treei.tb I lot is 25 feet by UK feet deep; br-ese 25 feet front kM feet dee|: with vsuits front and rear. The house contains eleven rootus, eight of which have fire places. 7. Also, thelotofgreundandtco i-".nr\- Wrirkbui'idin-'krown es Nos. inti atidlOSi'et-hinan-sireet, adjoininjthe .uiltilnt' st the corner of Beekm m-strct and Pearl. The ImiWinr* sre tnL'ether 'A ten I inches front and rear, am! alsnut 2fi fret in depth mon or less. 9. Also, the three story briek house atsd lot Xo .til liiee '-f-r-.trret. loi a by iOO, house a by 53 feet For |«rtknlsrs, see t-itra in th*i paper. In. Also, the two story modern iHiilt brick dweilier house Xo. Sij Carmine-street, with two rooms an afloor, foHimrdoor*. grates, msr- bkehiinr.ey pieces, end even couvenitr.ee for a lamilv; in ti'e van! is acistern, coach house and vanH. wit.a food fence »111 has no the lot, which is Ksi feet deep, and tweatv-five feel front and r«-ar: Venetian blinds to.all the window*front and roar, and a Veaatxaa blimlooor.- Tit'eiiKlisptiUbk.fariofthe purchase monev mav remain on mort- gage. 11 Also, the frame house corner of North street anil AvcnueC. AA so,ibetwo-»tnr* brick front house adjoiaing ihe above, rn-l :ii -ea.-s kase oftmlotson which thev stand,'from Ue 1st .".la; n»xt" a! a ground re m of $50 each 12. Also, bmtse k '.« Vo. 2; FtaaBIa a B i t , | a a p j r MfclpPB 55 m H feet, built bv c iyt .vork; saul; iu front, ami the vaid laid eut w ith fruit trees. a Abo, the well built three-story brirk house and kt of ground No 38Cannine-itreet. situate between" ll!w< ker end Bet'for11-preep Tk- house is fiulslit i btthe be-t manner, the lower part WpJ ctlcu- laied for a store.and the w b«'o in mod order. For further p»rtiru- kr«, enquire at Xo. .7 MerchanU Exchange, when a map if li., ;.r>- perty mav be seen. * TfJBpRAY, 7th. at II o'clock, at the Tx .laere. ?. Also, the two-stcrybrick fnntbiust awl lot No 4. Siillivan-sL facing Wults-street; lot 21 feel by ai, bouse LuMt in tlie mo,; sukdeii. tial n anner, a wcrksnnp in (lie ppr, 4 Also, the thn-r-story brick lion." nrnerof Sullivan t-aj W'atta- M r eeu26feii5;ioti Viatl's, Vifes-i 10 inch-s on rapBeWB, M f laaMM rear, and.S] fret 1:' inches on Ihe an d i l l , aide. AT-o. the BdlatastorSt- etory bri-khon-eon Watt»-«tiT*t:i!:li in front. 00 VVat'^saatoataf an chesonthe easterly tide: 15:5 on the rear, andeboct t"iit< t. nil.,-,*,. Iv side. BY (ILOKuK M.MOBR1LL. Wa ffrtcr-sfrrrf, .fttx uf ttairt. AT rmVATE SALE. Cigar*.—m.onn .rlinc Srai.isl.; I0,«c second qualitv: ScrfKi ejrv uule Simtii.il. in be - In -oil purchaser*. **i steam press W rapt ing Taper. Also, JO doien basnboo » ah.inr- canes. suilaMeforftutl-er,: 1 We, India market. BY JOHN F. A MR! A NCR. ^cu- York Ouilery. Kai Brtci.h-ay. TOMOUROYVI WEDNESDAY', at 10 a'clock.al tlw aticiion ro---1. The remaimbTof the invoice of Fancy Artirles. ron.i-linpef U- dies'werkls.xes: ^entlemeu'* wiiltng <f,-^,s, sonic of ttr-m i.i! .'„t with bohl: luii's" work laiilea, inlaid whh l.ubl; tir«rtr5! ; t- t.f Pstrars- ni;isors bell pull*: far:*; netting cases: t-.bhts, silver t: 111 :.- . I v- lao'i goal intauuesl chess men and b.».rds: neetile bm,:.'. .1 s'ddns; seal,; vignette-.; mors;shaving cases: reaniug t,.,.,k.. w!.i-i <- .1.1 u ••; pal er rus'-s; eupjecg l-efiui:., n-», kc. Also. Plated XVaie. Glass -.sire, China, kc. eonsistir • ,.f clock*: mantel ornaments, cOtefcas : c-„n,:i«-t:ri,;castors:t "li MI!.-., - ami forks: dir.m-r sets-, tea a* britr.m;i« » an -. fire in : s: (erut, r-, kc. Al~i. an asaurline.t of new and setoial heial Farmteir.each es »,diMBh buni us. sofas.pi.rudiks. pillar ami claw br-ifis* c.d ininp lisble*. re, hogesy. fancy rnd w i,:dsor chairs, c...-; _ts, glasses,f, .-.HUT beds, wash steads, i r. Mtvkc «-u_ --J. AT PKIVATE SALE. The patent Merarror, ho: i, Alkvialur. a newtv irverii'-i P'-.-.tee^. '•rthe u-eofrt^fcnrd Itoraredreraaaa Tbi, tiati«ii»!,! iv He it.«« 'tH'fulartickt'erinventedfortneusei f invalids, es it cor t Inr* r " rfie advamajas of a cmonxc-A hi-h ans! low pod bmlstrad.e fiaUtaa bed ami an easy ci n-r.ar,,! is «o -implc inil«eni!rtrtiril<»n »i 'I •-::-»• in itsaoplicatk-.i, ll..-.t : child id's tears of aye ran vri'b the ret»iest ease apptjr it loeavof i-s j nr;s,««. am) t'it, 10 thepnfieri ai;. rh • -•• e of inelinati. n. W.iwirt a sittinp- and rsiag down anaMaa, Pi p -irtos fen-any citv. .oures', rr stain in tn: I'alau, al1l»*t*Utseaed cf The mode', which is reailv for use, mav be epMaPPl at MB/ liiti, «t ibe acetkn room. Ako. 1 elegant (iernma eksakr.l stove, suitable fur a churrfc, ball, or eaanting Louse. Sir Oxst 3e*r sek* attended tn with ptmetuality and c'e-r«f- :•_ 8TP Lilieral otlsapaaj irat'e on all roeiWirrment*. BY B. Bl. ISA Kk. _ ''J*?.*'- u ajMapA KT Out danr pnblie sale* pnaclually attriKkd to, ar*! < . 1 <i • c, i n lionof ii-errhanclize, boeght <T whl atprivsee saleee ce.no.-;.*io B _ CuM,as house ausinrs* e-|»nde») to a* u«ual at Nr, 51 Ys *!'-.;«—! ""BY J. f.6lRLAV. ~~ i'ti.™ St. t r'aatAa.i.-.-t. tn. THIS EYE.VING. TStatrt! ar, i^of ho,.ks,e.re.,e>. whi-' eneN'iii.Ki.,.„-, ft . erg aeon's A«mii*»ir«- ItiCha:'!-* V. 2: *.rt,-i»a« J . ferns, firr.ntt Html Qitrtm rate Cletlnr. At C o'eloek. a ; enter* Uui<>: ioar,t:lx<dli'i% IbsnUtoxote. 4; Chlklren ot the AILev; H-ouii Csskf*. Sj Aielnan Kigbt*: Thrw Spaniard*. I 1 teiaPT of ihe * *• stpai \ [way, it.'- B Y J A M E S B L K F ^ C K i ^ t NO:j>, OjitxSt. !f7 1/rr. ':a ^ A.'c«eajr. IT^The»fWall*iM^fceTof property advertrsed by rV willlie anM in the oirler in which "tlw y have Qprneitieft books,ami which is in conformity m the arrorge; <;il oi ibe •>••.. tisrments published in this paper.—with tk? C.rcp'.'on of late. Chancery, w hich lake precede:.,,? of »,| others. JAMLS BLEECKER - • "- THIS DAY, TI'ESDAY, 3!*t, at 12 oh lock, at the Eschar-re. 1. The i story brick house*red lob >.'o '.... rod ;ri iire- n.-ar Maidrn IJine, with a tire-proof building in tk- If r: k er in front J2l"ett 7 it'chts, oi frello i.seht s rear aaual . ... ; '-1 ., inches deep. 2, Also, ibe C-*tnrx brick front boose fdletl •« vvtth l-iht. No. -.1 Hainmo;i,|.st. between Eectory ned A«yltmi-slieet,ojf. ( ',!••.' *- ing baajJtbeaapjiM le the City I'ank a:-d Bank oil .x, v '. ! . . ,h 'I'Hsaf ground each a be »5 tret; ion llanimomt ai.< two oultrrt. S ^ w l x b a t w o atorji map luiiding, stable, .\c berae prxifi tty lonmriv owned bv BlVtieirr Bmreil, Ewj. Tin* | u,,t. • a I a so.il iu t> nifsr*- |c.rce!t. Terms easv ^* jMMk Ma PnaappMPs tpaaa Ma. » Green-.vi'hstr, rt| I t p •ixiti bn;. w Kb a r ,.,; UM ,|. lntt$ ;,, r ,, n ar. *. A.SO, (hat kreepiece ,r parcel of ^romtd eatbe c* • ear .-r f ..'f 10 '"','"."'" •'"sbv-s:riet.,,„ntaiaii-: IlJeret I in, In, a'.1 tea, r,l lit" in miles on C r ,K»v. 6 i rc «i; iti feet . 011 ihr et.,1 1 ie.ai d ..' t. aaamPMbewaxaE 4. AI«o, the i t!ir,v-si, ry i.rirk boo-e* N'os. I i, W\ ami •., '" : h inglon-steit't.kta.citorcbu t;l< | k;obms.,i, -'re. 1- ' b i •• -s least of the. i-m:;,.; |r<„„ m May mxt. Grout-; rent s . . Alio. W f t r e e storv brirk bouse prf loKurtie.- P • BME Man. ton-streei; Ipabeloipet Ako. the two-.i„rv bri'» f r „ri ho, se No. 171 E=st Brcmu -'., v. a h 8 year* lease uf the l„i at Mtpet ai-nu « Also, tb" two story brkh froai bpwe Ke -to Ve»m-s'. te.. ther a itn W * .1: ''e . t • . e v::.. -.be. of < r I" -ih , 1(4 from 1 t of May P thereabouts 5. Awe, l'.e modern tv o-sp.ry brick house pal 1 ,' ,. -, St. south side near Chi;li!l-sl.-eel: 1*1 ENJJI. t!;i km 1 i- complete order, with foldi ,gd*ir» ai I rratp ii-.,..- b > ailo 7. Alwi. thr«f yean base af baap ami | p oa , .0 -, Broadway and lab street. . 8. Also, the frame house ami lo*on kase No. sSYVm,,, .<, r sidebPweeaCbajpland Greeiwich-streets: kt .'ly '. . lease frotti Trinit' < buf-h, from Is: May, iti'. v rth '.'• < .-, 21 years each, aseratrin-.' el'S'i r»-r aaa. ptaanp , • t onlv Mav next IV house can reiiutin ar. the I, •; , B Ai'oithe ePtoxrj MttAtruat baaaeaai im Ko. Ill 1..,.., tween Spritiir and Prince; lol 25 by 1U tctt. bouse v t ,i 1 > in ffiHHt order. 10. Also (be 2-«ton- brick h«u-e Xo. 13 Moitrm-str,. t v of iTyrars tuiex; tred.of the lol t •! '-.Tnurr: M M f N t ;<r at, PeewaUe li»r toyeaex. 1!. Also,the inofkru builttwo-stary brick hru<e r ' '. I Spring-sttx-elmar Thompson-street;lot 2ofeet 6 it r!«. Bi by pate than UK)feet in epth: lioimr lt'.fll in tl.e I e t R ;.:.: 1 12. Also, 2 hous.-t and lot iu Warren-,' r.cxttolBpeaewri street;om-ol these houses fronts in Martea strut, tl.e Ml rear of the above—tiiev a ere built about 1 years there, ate innvrm the W a«hin:.(on-l:otise": lot M feet front ami it ar, Bad 'fi fei l i il <!« a in depth—ii,.. whole vv ill be sold tvgetlier. Also, the tvo valuable lotion the north side of H!e<c',er-ctr( r!,No«. IfTlanil l-i\ a sknt distance below thohxte ekt-ant in tn-. - r' the kts are each _•', lay r fept there is a large and wt•!:fiti-l» . c v. '.- liltgllierenij.'aiiv^ifrtt. Also, the hariisnii.e. -.i.-rvboioeai-d lot No. 20 Beach-'.Ueet, ii John's S(|Uire; lol g) ft etb inches bf 100 feet 14. The kmseand lo- |7i fireea s t ; lol 24 bv 100 feet, will; larpe back building an,l -ta'.le tor 4 horses AI«o. h'lu-.eaiitl lot 2"2 Green st. 251*'100 frel wttl; 'Uble in Cf! repj - for 1 horse*. Also, the excellent two storv brick hoasr No. 121 Canal it, dimen- sions at sak. 15. Ak". the well buili2-stor\ house No. -*!1 fMUlrtllii MllPi l l l l l l a witheonvienien-.s. Ham's itite 1 arlmns with parhle tPstdtb ajd tolding doors; vaults from and rear. Terpa a sale. TO-MOBROvV, WEDNESDAY, at IJacVwA. at the Exeht.nge. I Also,thesae.tn'l',t Kt\IYIMate>*ti et.l-e w-.-en Brooc e k f r r k e streets; Bfeatae 14feet, utttier aaeeaVi p < i,atecry. 2. Also, the twostory brirk trap house Xo 114 laiiiens-t.ee!, !c- tween Spring ami Pr ; r.c» street-: k-u«e 2^ frei t-y 2",: kt .5 b-, lit with ppafheaar ard aiPBar,kc in tk- vani. 3. Also. tUtee lots of grotins' on farpry atttet, corner el'Ar.c«-*t each lot 21 let t 1 inch fro-.tt ami rear.by : ; i (tyi ap a 4. Also, the three story Incse.u, I lot'Xo. "M Ilea 111 i l i a p . bMWPra Washington and West streets. The bouse i- a erejd eoanm ,i:,.-.ts .ret su'« -lantial building, witha vault iu front; lot Sfcet I, ktf •: be tha same pan or less. 5. Also, the two-storv brirk house Xo. loDeac'a-sireet; l,,i fnicst s 80 feali hou«e 20 feetl* 41 fret. fi. Also, the three-story brick house ard kt No. 13 Fivi: hetr. een tb-.- Bowery anil CbrLsiie-strerts; house 251 y j; Fiiem*- Oil Pies, •; AA aritidi,' Z aweeiiarrs ofUve •vlfleBra. Prayer and |*eala)saaks,with agri-at variele; also, aar*. _._^-^.^- .. -1-.. ^ |T -1-.—MBtoaaM teaai ia Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 27-Feb-2020




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Page 1: u w> fUcujting Cotirfty gig yrto*¥orft ggjjfg£» public Aaifiv* WuWU … 18/New York NY... · 2012-10-04 · ' I m

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fUcujting Cotirfty gig yrto*¥orft ggjjfg£» "r***Bwa.

8 , m*n -'''"•" _ - — _ , "mm

iR l s iTLLS. - 1 * ***** **"' Prwks, forutkby G. G M l 4 I IKiWUM).* -

uoalty, fee sale by -artoirr jfliaMiTf print uuakt}. lerssJe by

K, 111 "j^MPMft • • « ^ % 5 •** ^*! :T"*¥i^~KlT'f*» °??•**' *-«l»l». In 5i*v baton, fi li*** I ;V4 * " * .f BERNARD Dl'.YV kl Maiden lane. V M Ai* l > c i ••».—» ax. Vnim de Appro "brae*, for "ah- fcv H JO: a ( i * * HOWLYVD. V t o P

C i R N - f o r - a k b * BERNARD

1 * ' ? | U " BERNARD DI NX. 1« Mjpku Lane.

en i ^ i K r ' A " FOR D I . B f c . V I T H E — B m m * m Ml —nM-J"* far ."-tie be

V l riHLIP I EYTIVGF, mj**rUk__ Le ul, IM wit: In

s t o r f t I.UDUW, li Fktrbu, 1 uWinen SoPh MM i it. L

C1KOI \ D NTTBV-J t^ lamlme; from on* «ourkr, ft* I .ah ...

JH • * MPVRf'.T'irlr.r'.n;' -lip. up «t»M» / i l l I L L K K V * I N D I A § U H B K R S . | i U E » - i «p«w •J p ih'< - .. ••'caiiiclr. iii-i irwiirtl, fr.r »•*.•*• h»

I m K -ilTON 4 .aaplXWALL 31 PjMpp rt.

Ct O L O H F . O < i 4 H H H " H , - « f . « M b»owa. sU«e. -reee. ' Sack. B< ' «S r ' ^ i i i •' -;' fo" *»*r b*

U 1J:V. I . * * ! * V t. t IRlW-tl «• i) phmttrr-n.

SH O T — Ya.*oori fati .: » . " • 'grvenni.tr.tiar.f.r tnie

m M M B M f e t l l i|u»jtu.-* ta oil pcr'-hi'ten. a|,•. Be* • M M »-»».*>• s c a r f k LAIDLYW. JBJ

• ; ••i-wri.ir •ptftllty, direct fran ik*


OLD LINE OP L O X D < £ N PACKIJT*-1* sad l< tm.-'lit* -tellkuowu packet ship t o n M B1A Defer* u*<fer,wapn»tieek tail m the al*eve day. K-*r trri;hi ar H*,nf*> ia '-*• - * " * etoereje. apply oa

bnard, at Pine i t a a«rf. or to __ , „ , _ f i>u GBIXXELL h en. m v™**

l*OR L 0 . 1 l M ) \ . - « ^ ~*W-T*if l« <>i a few h.-mkeP"hurro»*of be*vver l^ht goods canke m»ea ou I'roieto vn a fin dais British Yessxl.ifiiumediateappk-Vit on be made to _ . . . . ^ ^ > - L , . .

RAl'ELYE. WOTHEFUP *»N t « tfc Bn>kfn. M Wad-Mr***.

P'ilWJkGK f O K LOS^OONORR R V . - 1 V fl t i«M«aitu «op,*r«. ana «W«.fa»t.-ne.) uu* M(».N-I H > ' \ T . J. C. SmUi. mi*t.'r. b a » * 5 - .uJi .:: . .« . , . . - 4 . p a e r j a m i - r a d v t : « o i l " - i ' l - will >u» Dr ili^ atnive II FCSJ. I'«»f pattajf .t'1 "r ff001 UinJ" .••rr-, Uauap rvwimalalijm.aw^ « ufri*.- ' 'r'.T • '):'. "'''v P •jaw,.-

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.%LBX TUt-iJPSOX, .r ABM. Bfcl.L 1.1 H. Li ptnr tt

P O K L l V B R P O O L i — J"* i«»iJ»»fV»!A fitV-aj • T*u* aapew* «':>i*r,"i ami rapper ftstcaad .*i-> f*T. JO'I.V. S r w * f ' P'**»*r, .-mi ia BJ«:I!I« „W. « .iftaU lie j»lace <-f tae «.ro < armmf, and .osiiivi-rf

<ati or. liw *«>* dav. f<" frvisNi »r pa«>at:-. liaviu^ rvtteti%<- and •>i;*rtur teroiihud armoicmdatw:* Uxjti ^••yt'Z'r*. a;.ply »n iw«r>l a;Vine**- wharf.oi to


i*o iv;

A HOr%E WAXTKttr-Tin-**"**- vMta* to hint, i -r» iiuwl-eraf v«>tn,fr»i» the lit May twit, a Bfwlen.vmil.inre- *'*"• rl-nwe. witi • >•*# »»"!, situate bBleeeker.llaui4a«MBawlttr^.i>-vrrMitw.-jr. Ad-

drcM W. W. W. at tbi« ontae. i ' 1 J ? L Tt) LKT^Tli7^ioaIsu»rt,cor»fr of Burtinf ilia

ana rront -tree*, one of the MM ^«««i«t « • § an esteuive Imimet* in this city. Apply to PH&LP.4 It fKCX 111 Front mtwl •'•"

Kf—tneoftWaneiaree « n MBMH • nun lire, t nal <: the Bowerv-l*iH in aioaVm style, and in ev»rvfe.wet«,jB«eBieii! for a l»r» and rt«*o*blt fnmily. \<\hontif pr»ai**.or toI'llfcU'-5 ** PL' K, iCl l-rout

public Aaifiv* •


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€H»TTO:X.-1"' , ,-t«pn.... KJ / au7at'tvitr>. •

J*l " ii Heir

iSK'iV. \ Zi rSur£nr,!if-,ii i Canon, .uiiaUr ft*r aia-» <<i i I U I U I A * . 1 <!<.•<« f-mo »,Hi!b-«feet

8II-K M * l , i : . V I ) N « , W r 5 * i f i .,»j,ri,-r patent wind roi.T.-'u/peBi)<r*, for -.-te lw

rwn l >

«5i **l iUP a KVTI*. E. IM fearKrert.

t O B A€C"0.-r»> hUa pviate K<-:u*A» kat*an.i IM boies naa • M M d TV* -e , f .i • i - bj . .if

s l i n f *. . ' A I D H * . BftWAwt* J r ] , . , , -,,<,t , . » " * e t .

W l l t S M i r . % , ~ * '*"-'« " « ^ <• <>TT i. LUi>L4Vt,

l» H • ¥ r 1 i' • -r from SoOlft-Mr^t.

Ii O R l ' F L iaUrTi 5 ^ " a V 5 r * . B | ,•,-.>» Jayodetuta. l„r wle

h» «. i. & ft 8<»WLAXD. 3* Jtatlntwtt J>l_

S"~ I 'TMKIir i ,-'•< '• '."* i»<*di'. briz i^«.i«. fr»n timter-daai". f-r *t ...» J. BOOKS S <.it i H . - k * o \ S .

FIHH. l i R J W t L L t t O . li» V -int^treet

LIYKKfOai^Jftriiiat Pc«t>>Ttw A" I, r»i .«i- i i » i eo.'-n .it.:-"v -I iirit'nh ur>i- A.VA8T AM •• ViAauJer Butri r, in -l'r.lia-.i:i.' ptrtufhi-r carjreea-•a5ni.*iaha*«e«ri3 taapatdt, K„r freight or f a M g l

.»! ,',... ,..!.-"•:. it.*, a^ iv at ,JC Sroad suert, to .'de****. i tiKtMtit: M H M . U . .,r: •

RAl'i-IAE, V.(jT;|r;u.-.HM>X a. t 0. 8rok*r«, S; Wall rtroet

OM) ,« .*HKI. t ! •A* ami M>, er

m i o r i n .

PAMMAOE P U R AXT\VERP^-An>*irlaM jfjk. <MIP MMmrt ui Uiealrnw port, ran aconnin-iatf anum-ff\r U T if ra!»in i>wvn«ers. Ai niv at »J ltrua;1-»tr<-l,to

( i v ti. HvK« IA\ . I'O.'l K R L P A S f . A N U B A i K ION HJP.K-

. T t - *,' l kKitui .in.. Jt)Si-.l'SJI.\E, Cafl Bntton. will f \# IMtta • like in »!-.;tlv ana •«•« iitvBi«tw» tWtyMfi. •» For b n r i u v-r ,!*•*«<> either «o >'•' ' > , m Belia>t, apply to

A l . f N . THOMFSO?!, of •17 AMI. 11ELL1. CO S Pm*«r- t

J l FOR OKM)A. ta. h* • a 4 i ^ y 2 S S M%E.<K, <!\irta;:. *Uv»ster. *»« i»>t'<»r»t««T herfarr'i •Ufa j

J- t la t

(1 0 K D * . P i y ell (>»•.* •!,*>.

78 Wall Mref*. \ \ R R T E E V l i i * r-& ra-» J-5 anil lull •atifh ••! •; ' »rd-»»l Stew «tr.-n. ftir-:.lebv

I ' t i l l l H l t T I V i * . . I TPewl.irH-l


B R O U S » . I E R T I \ « * \ HHIRTISLI

ALUY. L <|.i •; r l fine ;»wl n i l l i l l i I

iR£NCf k TUIMBl E. - i ' i t ie «tn •"!.

'•(•e. r ,tlon .:.lhe nvinu-

4-MO, IT s*>hj JJ1

%'r .TT V W E B B «*r*JJK\.>«:RN. L% me« a™, aiehi 9na e, <ie s, ol am aTj !••*. -lirect t iVtonr. **r wle in

j , l PHIHT i KYTIM.F. m r<»'i-«treet

LADIE* Jk t..y.\ TI,KHI':.N!« I S O I A Kt HrtKK B'»*'l> *M» >U«'KH. li-ved an '. ' "HHHI lo r*«rm!»le leatljer—a

'••.•HO'-'ji*' jis-I I«---;»M' |l .i | W-t of the lit i|H;i':n ftMMNaMa, (bf «tle i ,v' ' ~ : —T«: .N % A S ! * * WAI.1 *! vVii'.M.n «l. J ,1

L . BIE(*' AND OES I ^ r * * ^ ? ,,i,,rr"f 'T' ' ! : ' ; ' v«ir kka a v i u m Sboo.. a warn .,r -.^.^ <#*?£, "w ,

tbe stntir pajf, ,t j> Fidtnn. et.nver fr.i tt ami r„riw ,- ,.,. ""U-*«J'1

< hmtie .Ufti,. hr [ I • 111 |rg ;*. COWTOCK.

TWO***. C"tlVBEKTN -the Kire kioj, Ceiebr*1*i» fa-i ' l pii-a. Muir.t-jrthi' i .imadiaieetir" 'if|r T,«.iSa<iie. 'V.»l# »ith"lirertiom for la aj«, '» <»»W<;F. ' Hl..i D.», J4 Pirk ro»>; *|«» ha* taraSffaiHoi bfMbj tba prt-wior.

rriee "il ctm* a H>:ile J^J

IWAT1 IJfETH—» >*•*•* hea-» im arfctnl Mad.arfait Vdb IT^ aini»im «;twl'ity black and strut mitt; JOilj fiiw and e,imnion MataiMi (fiiarfl ito; 15 do line a:ul suner iiii-.l brown and idaois atiit. i t for sale »>»

Vl.LKY L\WRK\(-R k TRIMBLE. M P!ne»t.

BALAAM O r HOARIIOI V O X BOAEi iET. for e^ufii-, rnlrtt. diflica!»v of b.ev.Jiii *, he pt«-|iare(f frow a re-

rfljjaofliw l»»e Hr •«»*i.*f1r« !- -•:•'• I'ii'.'*'' n- "6r.t» .'se, 'iv ofcORtil, CHILTON, M Park row.

Prue jScent* a botUe. J31

• Y 7 v k e •..;<«•. awl « . i l ,ne»I ,ir«rwt.-h. Vmhemjl >*im*K*-- J C ^ . H * i . i v to C *JWT » »LU1 f>0 , .

J 1 7 K ! , : 7 ^ i " " - " * * 1

FOR L U i l i R A P l h - l r a e brif M'.N'l BO M ^ " r i ^ X « 5 . -ill t^e lre,?b. at kw rates,

if 6i'i KM i 'iio'dd be eflV red. Apply to pT*ll. i.ltr.VKlX i CO 'trr.nt't .

uEWf. l i A R T O A A S O V A R T H A -

«t rer iasteue laiidf vpeianne'i IsrijjXEpLNA, t 1> Hali, • A * X T v ,u,,iAll m tfr K Fetanary. For i.ei.hi or f* bavi«jtle;a;:tli:rai»be1iaCcoau.otAtiv^^pKY'i'J.tnW4i

J^ K , ME.:

ai B f c g J17

l?I s«r'M ref Somh^lrael a"d M;o "r line.

i vaitinir l->'p-l ' i - \ e | I'llW

or s-en or

smth nvort J17

V O K i U S O S A O i S s J A A l - r ' * ' i l l . -r , -,ul Uf Eebrwrv.—TV new »i»l nw l

4 # k > , l ,„i".depart, . -er.Hi brig L tVVUKNt E. Prjd Fo "je -JS-vr . ma. •«, will sail as .bove. F-r l« -ai.eeol fwi.'ht

VZZ havirie suporiur Wrr.l-lHel acromm nlationv for 3'pav>i " • , M - V " ^ II 4YMYR fc t'<». " Sotiihsirtft. oi

mm*** will be madeoa iMpajraBl by the above -«v-l.

" fr'CI K <' A R T H A U K S A.-Tfca die coppered last t-.Uin.l-ri' ELIZABETH. Briifsrs, master. wP.l sail for

• the above po.l "" th*1 K fV>niaiy. For M g M - r pas. mfitf. harin- n;te afonintwiatio'.w, apply on Uiaid, at

P l R M « i l E D R i » « » l >V A V T F O . - V »io-fleirejtienn-i wi'.Vnt-iolrtntii a l'inn»h«l room.. \. .tltottt ta-a'd iaabo.: «• »i ith a private ttmilr, in or near Broad-w.-v IIIIaaaa 1'arnlam* street-. A IKHC adrlre^ed i!efiat thisofliee, will nteetjiue tlte.itifin. J l l * r

TflTEI.T-*-TtTiverve#mii«li.iu4iiti»1erti twill tiiree ttirv tlou-es in ibelilo.k o.'new KutMinei in Fourth street, aaa of tb • Bow en—to t>e luiished by me middle of April— vsiil. m rl.l>' mantels, mah>-'i)> 4<mrs. asvl in even- re-

ell raVi'laied for gentwl H a W AffttJ to FRBLM * 181 Front -t _ Jill

t lOt ' !*E P O R HALE.—The iwo story brie,. Huoar No. Ui llenr* sin*t. tweiiiy-lout b. lorty-four feet, furnished iuuMlerustyle with fiiloin.' door*, marble nuin lets via* ;,Tate«., and cellar under the w hole h iu«e. I'h • lot

i lb i HKifeet The preu«*-»caiibeesa,ui.ied anv ilav of tin week I o n llo«l. c:. till *iimet !f n:»t Babttg l!ie *i-ih February illlieiiwill be :,ut luat aurtkm. For ™nirin*rs, applv to

WALTER M. FRA.\KUX,«F.vr>f;mre. T O LE' i ' t ihe two »t:iry ho *«, Xo. <U <>dar-<treet,

neirly wffmmi l* the Middl" ')ntch Church; a pail of it is now ocaqajad at a lawyer's office; the whole would make fair niotmotliouiotfieet or IKC immolate a small family,

u ho could rent 'he lower part P«»»es>ion I'iseiitiw liisi of M iy,ur before, be u-iviii" a months notice to the present oceupantv

AUi. the ajjMMal f v.r story brick Store and LofK No. 13 William; street, lately amapiai by ktetan Qntd», Fria* k Cay N M H I M L'iventhe I it of Mrtrchor tht l«t of Mav Fortitrtirulars in,mire of

.Ml if <ii:oit(;E w. LEE, NO. II rW-«t » T O R E ~ f J T P K A R 1 7 * T i t 1 . 1 . i : . - -r tm aa

b',ult it a te i,mt nawtl oftVr, atftadow Ktora.tvc stories hii;h,oii tlie I it |B Pearl slree;, whltii will bo HttaagOOd l -1*411: for ii Krm of year-. The loi i, i'< by W* feut.sioi

to aaS&aa/M foal, to aa built iutheinmlern aryWaad fii»i»hi-d affaaa> hie to t!w-wis!i aflha fK-rupauL Po.se»ionto I* (rivenoi.the firslol AflfWl nest. Applim:i«>a to'ie made previous to UH 1st of Print ry, at Ml V. mcr -t. cormir »f llurlinr sliv.

Also, a Htorc in Knuit street, to be 'mill on the lot No. M Front st. and !e; iV,r a term of veirs to a ^-^HImaat I'l-c »o» i» a feel -! in. bykstii toeMaaatoaa.a feet iin. by Ufaat, ive•torltolisfh';iml fa »ue I au'ieea.ile to the wisbof tba oeeiaM«4 r jMOHtoa to M Riv­en on the tirst Vujrurt next. Aaptieatkui tola ma I- a- above p#ri aaato Istot Feb. JJI j.if

LA KG:: A \ I » H P L E S O I O IIOIME I.V Bieicder -treet, new ilroatlwav, for sale at auction. »n Momlay •!•%:, i.lh Feb. be .lames Kkvker k, *ons.-Th«

• ihreestory bra k House ami Lot, Na.fl HaaekM slreet, 'iiuler IMptlwaAv ins:ertion of the owner. Lotabv

'.'*: the he ise a lit r„ f,.,-1. 'jhe baU in t\ tut wide, w Ui two igtati oi Main; tba prtottoa] itaiicaji bMai ol air oreaj form, ci easv ascent

"«eiii;,'S; rattan taidf .naifsiiiiMfcri.tisna sar»»"-, ——- a ,-ml,lark caferrsl aaojrees, colored Xaniia erapsa. Also, 3001) piece* su. erior manime.hop l»"I v'1'** **?"* Also. HM ,-L-i Hi.-dmm and iar;e size thp.-Pf" -'>''•'•' \f»

K. If. •s. MOWLAXO, '*> Sou;S-street


a *

fkJt III Y L K I L L < * > A L - !'!.•; suie.'r;t*r has just raaareaa), ( ^ i,af?oo/.'iperior ."•'iiu-.lkill I'raJ, wh.'h he offers for sal* in lots to suit purchasers. 0 lien left at E. Frunkan's, .No. 1 Tontiiw (;,!#•• il'iitse, «; the v-irtl f-a Water .treet.orui

-M MI'EL TWIrtlPfOV. STB Pe^. Uireet • . , tis—;.-( r.-el «;-• H ' - ' I

'W%T 1 S EtU—i*0 IfMiiau '-rl*. « . Lucar » iac WT J1 (jr. cask* do. fft

20 pipes ami Wijr aarBeabw Teneriffe Wiae 3 pipe*ami 10 hieit »i.ilv NaaWra

11 pipes, 10 had*, and 3 <*a*k» obi Madeira, fiirsale in lots tosuit parchasers, by (.. ii. 1 A UOWLANT*. totatttiraat, u i

j g e i P , C : A X O L E s . S T A R C ' i L fcei-a^boiej furpen-CT -m-e Seap

' "-n rxi\es Ditw Taliow I andlfi j * *o Poland Starch 7^ do do Starch • do da do. fdlii Sprin-r -nannfacctorr ]*» hrt .*ad25»e?-. I'hihdelphiaSiarch. T. B. mark

1*1 br*s "o!a-rf Xtarrh J*oa;i ami Lump Surtr: aKe,' i h ,\es Tr'mi.!a<l Cieoa.

Pertalearx V W^WETM'iRE, 1U Water « . JJI

B A « > I A R A. C O . i i »ouiu sUcei.laielir«!cr*'and offir • f«ir -*le—

W panrheoas high AtvorH Jamaica Rur;i H do St troii ssiito 30 hVds and '*> Urrels Porto Rko Sujar

W St Domingo dried H.Jts 1W> larj{e PorK» Rico ditto Vkl prii:ieR«s.sia/S«»aJ*«kiris •v'l Russia in lli.'.j

* atoll Marii IK'iii' oti sons clean Uemp. prim- quality ft tons*Hit SliOtdUt.i

2W hacs Jamaica PltoMI 7» b >»e. Kassia Caaatta, sntltled to debenture 10a boll> Raaria Duck. ¥• p. Rr.veiw do 113 tons Ku**k Iron. as-«. u-d 'in or easts Teneriffe Wins :« i,h,t, i-writif I I bar J"'" I barrels Jaioaka CMflba

10 reroo.i* (iuatamaia Imli^o. a few ceroons Coc'iireal i qoaniity of heavy »U topper too -oils Rustia i u-iln'e. J91

« j t . ; • • .• ;

M srK. ami can occeiim n**e io»nee» jiasts-np-r*. Merchan-lize <hipi-ed bv tlus wan I »fC W -'iliij'- •« 7injd 9 per f t • rfitolWlttlJl Jlrjii I nuin ' n rir bollou'. Sfwe uje'vmay tfanaai af an siieeii Croat the rwi. that die cun- tro.i Baraeaa.

^ ^ J V will sail oi

I y P O I ' X T A I X X C O . 1« Evhanse Place, omwjiite l i t the Post O l a ami 3 K^r:lan«;.• street, have aaaalaaffn the

latt aniaali Irom Havre, the Hhwhsf (iood«, which tlsey offer for laieonk-w and accommwlatii L' terms i h :

J OMto rich jrauze Ridbons. sarewis kimls t da ilo (Jro Je Napefe: 1 do ujnred satin do 1 no blark awl blue-black tiro, de Nijles

.jo 4-4 r 16-1 Heraani SSmis, anew irtiele do Silk lawn Dre.- KJkls; I do arm siyte fancy do do watered ttaadt Nafato: 1 do Satin Faroime do '"o-alt de *jre: | do Orientates do Italia a l a M t t e : 1 da i nutation do da do t;.o«ie Swiss .'do Pariscarvisl nutation Shell Combs ,lo rich Parts Embroidery do Fratiio's black am) bW-M»rk S«iain*,-Silks do dit assorted i'okir*si do d-> do M Blorele (lauie Yeils da balies' elastic top llorseskin (iioves da rto super white da do: 3 do men's iiorseskin (.loves ••o Head Bass. i>m!»ea;;e Mttents) i a kMfWb -k. baml me'ly heured: 1 do velvet heideddo

1 uoiiew slvk fiirureJ Itelt Ririfmns : I da <k> do Freaeh Frintl 9 do L 'ouolitineil'ambries, a new Paris article, for ladies' w ear.


CO P P E E 7 » r C A It.111D E i HOR'SS,~itc7-Wiba^i Cuba, Hraiil, aad St. DosningoCoffee,

J91 boxes blown Havana Si. "a:. I do. v. bite da do.

f,C00 Rio Gniiuk ox ami »o,s Hides, . 6.1,000 i n H^rns, lAJKWlb II,*-* "J«ir.

Ito Horse Hide*, J^OIssks Vfanilla Hemp. tNtaaBBaaaia ''*>• flu bolts II Und Duck, sft !,.in's C issiaStMefin,", to ite. Ravens Duck 21 do. Bear mark, 35 do. bro.-d Russin Diaper, 12 casks e*tra dm Yerdijns, 10 do. ( r'-m 'I'art. *=» hhils. Virginia Tobacco,

3d* bales t aaa do. part fine, l i *jr. and ten-tenths «uperior Spanish Sejars, 80 hampers cferet and porter BaiBfi 10 case, crape Shaw Is amlDress«s3do. Manil'a Indigo, 3a bisks Pniic-.s Alimimb, new crop, just lawled, a do. Boitrfwn ( kv. , , t. (iuuvaud Carriages,

I Chain Cable, li inch. .Ve. *C For sale hi ;31 J. F. DELAPL \IXK .t CO l">7 Setotitorioi

IVEOAREVH VIEWH OF XIAGARA T A L L S JrJ_ —These glenoid Pictures, tmtr in nuiiiN r. are eaiii Jl iiMrlies by 17; Ibry areenfraveil in aijuaiintA ami beaut iullv coloured; ihey a'-ei'.v.ewl the moss iiiu 1-estiu-' prints ever pnblishevi in any country, itaaaiueh a* tbes-give the best k lv thai can be formed of the (rreat-eil natural ,-uri.ir.iiy in the it-?rtJ—tlw Falls of Niagara. Thay way I ehm: in sin^k prints or in sets, at the rase of 16 dollars per set, or a Qatar* plain Apply to the t ubii.her No. I« Grevo-street. J31 fcit l ,H»UR*, W I T H X A > I E s ^ - W p i r sit l i l ies'f ine 3 i*lishe,l Scissors, with name jinlMi*sesl on the Uiade*. vu.—Ann, Asne. Amelia, \bis,'aii, America, Augusta, Anjeliae. Adeline, Aiau da Alletta, Bflaaa, Aatabtoato, Mana, A.-pasia, Aliaira, Ann Eliia, S ii Marias, Adelaide. Abigail, Aratiella. Anjreltna. Penelape, Ruth, •laihia, Bera.s, Bethia, t aroliee, Catharine, t'onvdia, I liarloiu, ** ma Susan—w ilei a v%rietv ol other nasae*. bio numerous for ad rtoSaaaaa* [ J i l « | J. B s m i 1 b <o aWalUtreat

SO T ICE.—In cause mence of l':e exte.isive deiwaud for BdS TON'S BO.NESET LOi&EXGKS. from various parts 1." the

Ml States, the under«ij;iied has, from the rirrunv tance of his bine uoobk (a«klr I'rnaii his retail ataa m; ' afarturing btMaBcat) to iitenvl to ihe call* of hi* frknds, appotottw X. SMITH PREXTISS, ssi ;>| Wilham atceet exclusive » nob-sale a;'ent far the sale of these jjiea^es, w ha will supply the Uaik at the manufacturs .'s price-;, ami ta the most aceoKHiioaaun'* ternia


Jaunarv numlier ol the 1.1,1 v s Book I A D V > BOOK -Tbe. bju.t received, ami reaiv lor drlivenr to subyribers, bv

E. B CLAYTON,.'-eat for the Publisher. 9 I'hamlier street

WVere m«y behnd aa extensive assort<i«nt of flpents, Trageilies, Farces, he.

SubserijStion. ta Ihe Lady'* Book respectfully solkited. J31

| 1 A R I > AND DOOR " P L A T E E X G R A V 1 X G . -%j HTOI'T a, f.'O. 3 Waltstraft, execute at the sboneat notice, all triers lor Visiting and Merchants AdtirtasCards. Doai Plates. I ount h«f House Sea* »••,! Engraving rwiuirad on Pan tuiives, S[*>*as, laihrelk*, l^sekets,.lingsan • .-silverPUta.

For sole ->tuur'» Diamond Stonv Kaior Tablet and superior Razors; laji. Pis-ket and Sportstnen's Raises; the Table Raise Sharpener, (aarraiiteal superior to anv other in UH-;I Lsdies Scissors, with or wtkotit aames, and a great variety "« Faaev Gonds J-il

B T R I X H O X ' S C O X t E S ' T R A T R D E H S R S C E A OF OT r o OF ROSES AI A MlLLEFLElSk This is mm mmmm than ihe Bxtraitaf E.spriisk Rose, iboat'o soil at half Ik price, ami be lag united wit'ia port- >n el the Eaade Portugal and oner aromalies, it both improves the fragrahce of the Rose ami £ive» tk P> iaiue more perroaneney.

Mm*'* Coiumtra'td Koencr »tf,mmdtr. preparevi lour Urn's tk strsii'th 01 ihe best Lavender WUer, freed from ai) toe empyre-naot the Sptrit. and anso. hi tkalesl with the sickly admix lure of Ma*k, tmbereri*. ke. I V superiority of this r.rttck hi Caeemler Vkxteris, that it is much more powerful and fratm.nl: it is alsa much cbraaer, asthere isf Hirtini". more perfume of the Essence forth* maaer. than in the b^t Uvemkr Water in use. Esprit de Lavande, ass Jiilkihters, au de Toikite, and various other* of .superior fra gianre. • .

Jtevawnt t'nttaUt Wx-—Changes jreyorred hair on the hemlor whkkers to an auburn or hl.uk, so perniii>enl. that lu-ithei washini p»rsj»irati»n, mir any other cause, can in tiie le»M affect it For bfAtkinaeafs agents'.

J21 HEW ITT k CO. b»7 Broa«lway, XVY

R A , - » / ' ' H « i f f (Mr.— ' I l ie fine new P O k *.-. "'"vJJout! rYarson, master, will sail

-hwoi-r NAPlM.i.. ••».a)/l.ls ou board, at Ste-iboaf nj*tbn next For pass*, ea»' wharf, or 1*1 ' ''^-lane.

WOOD I TRIMBLE. 1.57 Ma... «•

F O R L AG VIH A*— Tba fine New-York built cop ,.\ peredbrig Fl.ItillT. S.uilh, master, to sail in ail this

wis-k.MtintakeIWbarr.-Lson lrei»ht For which or passagr.apah to

« . O. i S. HOW I \ND, 3o South-street Aa e»perirss»»<! ficr«cn ."oe« am. iisthis ve»«el, and will take charge

of p...p. , .1 , .1 lanuired. f id !-• .1 : r'v MI-son the «anv*. .1.1

P O S S T . J A G O O E C I :;A.-T't - : an.e.i , . ar.d verv fast sailing sjilendil cbp|*r built brig UKIL-esfjr LkXTfe, coppered and euurelr co.'er fasttned, ciat-sC| , l«tcty andeie;autly tilled out as a M M M * mm\

lieaatii'ii! cabin vvlih super-harconuasUlkn* for ix>*seagers, an-la i ifoaiatt rahfe bf I into*. Slwis warthy lite aflmiration of the lov -r-i of aaiaji auMwiiiiH tiiaaili mtaie baaf f i and will uie, t with

2' i»p k awayweb. .-V will adaiti: freigtu ai the bulk ol about four hun-rsid St is., ami can ,.cs,:i:o fi ••> fn«riee» tiasssnrers. Me

le*i I* tonnes' of kef speed .. 1 Ida id of I uU*,, to this ,ort inseven diss, aBbaa«*A 'he cxpeiienced in tue «our«e of h»r swafa t <\v- - cabta, ami aaa a light wind, r or freight orpas,.?e. apply to COli.NEI.H S M'ECUT.61 iiaii street,

spt. aa hoard, at pier NoJ '•• East River. JJM F O B ' g £ j b t M i ; O A ^ - » b r dr. brig>:»ri;r..(..K.

Wm-fP>fU? Waaler, wlO tnea-l with iuunmUaia despatch for the aliose aoft For frS»M or passage ap,;ly to the u»a»tei wa board, at per Xo. !", or h)

B. AY.MAR J. CO. 34 Soutn-st P O K X E W - O R L K XXatT-Obl / -.--Packet h Fehraary.—The ship WARSAW, X. Bsmtaw, masi-

. . w ill «jil on tier regular day, as above. For freight or ria«.oas,a'e, a.i'.ily on board, at fool el Maiden-lane, or to

' C. t .I. BARSTmv.7;i South street R O R X E \ V - V i i L ' R A - V v V - - ^ 4 e f - Fjknmy

/'«•:•«*.-Third line of h*i.eto.-Tb* ulna Oy.LA.NA, Henrv Leslie,master, ii teiw l.>atiing,amlwill,ail l*abo*e.

•For freight or passaj.e.applv on loud, at the pier west | tide of BurUng-slip,or to ' SCOT I' « LAIDI.AW,

j i l 12 Fletcher, 1 ihior from Sv uth strtvt

R R R I G H T F O R X E H O R L E A X S . - A , . ?rm«| s c l l o o N K B or Bltl'-J bound 1» th» alrov» part, T V r»a\ have a uiiantltv af freight by aDplyin,' to

JI7 K El.WELL. » Wall «treet

F O R M O l J l L t : . - " * ' * Luiel-Jith eeo. paehet.-Tbacooper.d and <•>••.••uer Mtaaed l*rkr T^UCtlBR, S.

hasher, mmmt, • B »ssH a.s almve. For f.eiglit or pa* taci ..-pplv to

RIPIKV. CFNTFIt h CO. M Pine «. F D R S A V A X X A I L — Vaoowri- lata*—J tea Fa*-

well kmiwn scl.r. EXCEL, E. Helliker, -naster, _ in Fridnv Ihe Cal Feb. For freight or passage,

•JE»ai>Hv 0:1 board, at Flv Market a barf, or to J*, U ROW LAX » k CORNWALL.

" F O R t ' H A R L K S T O X . - ' m i l.mt.-SvU Thurstlav, adinst—The fast soiling ixvckei blip COl Kl-I.H, Braa n, matoef. will sail at abate, Forfrefchi or pas.

stoft, having very handsome arcoiumodations, apply on Iwiard, east side Burling slip, or to

J.Jl J. S. MI'XRO, ViBuriing slip, upstair*.

~:\ PORjJ 'HARLRSl rOX.-/ ,«i<t M'» LI7«7-sMs\ T1'" , > ' t mmf <'"P]),"«•,, , h l l ' C.VLHOl X, E. D. Setton. Q W raaster, will ~ail as above. For freiirht or ua:sa;re, having

* lexteiisiv • at-coraatosiatious, apply 011 board, east side | nr-ur t o UEOROE SI'TTOX, V81 Froat-st corner Bui'ling-slip.

F O R AV1 la >1 I X G I ' O X . X . f . -Nev. l i n e -The new sefcjr. 'l'«>P!CS:i>ith, master, built at Braahhavea is r u M fastened; IH t>ns b;irthen; and isintendedas a

irejruhr packet; wil! have quick iiesp»is'i. For freiyht sr aajange, having goad aecoiomorlaiieiis, apply aabeaH at James' slip, or to

Is; aALLKTTb MH>B N, M Bitri^ebp. brOH I * E T R B > 1 H RG.-O.VLine.-Thet«rk

atschsioiierCELFvrE, Cede, .;ast«"r, will sail on her rc-Mbf day. For ireerht or paMafay Bfpbj on bBaTB) Cillee

, Hou»e sup, or to ' J. It C. "EQUINE, 8fi C. II. slip.

ROR B.UiTl>IORE.-Ai;ood VESSELb.nin.1 to t"<c above ixirt, w III Hike freiitbl at fair rat-js. Applv In

T!.!OS E. OITTIXGS i. Ce>. 31 Sou* street.' JI7 corner of I'lyler'* alley.

F O R X E W B E D P O R D . r - T h e nip MARYS, leavae.maater, will sail in.11 -wdavt, i. vtill lake bears tin,htat low ratv-. Apply aa beafit, at Dover it. w bail',

l o r l u FISH, GBLNMKLL k CO. 13-1 Fi .nt-st._

R R R I G H T R O R B i - . U - ' U D A . - A Vesael hound'." the above part, aiej obtain the bulk ol 75 to W barrets, Ifapptleatfea be made at 33 Broad-street, to

. Jjii H. 1 G. BAItl IVY.

A A A X T E D T O C H A R T E R - F i v e or ,x ?oml V • stela, ,l" v a-ioi|s descripti »u*. a ill be wante I a'satlt !-t April, la k««d I -the Colu.nbia River, ami which may ne eawloved for a ICI:TI of vears in the Oresrrm trade. A-i-

[Jjij R. ELnEI.L.'siWid'.-street

F O R F R E I G H T O R C H A M T E R - l h e su-staiitialaisl fast iailingschooarr A I'LAS.rTyler, asato-er, burthen lndi. ns or about iieb l«irc-'K is now :n ri-adi-me.s to receive cavfo, Applv on board.at the wharfabaee

Whitehall, or to SCOTT i LAIDLAW. f| Fletcher, 1 dmir fjaa Soruh-street.

V E S S E AH VVXXTRb-immediately .—A Brie or hr. IM s.'o Wilmiiivti"!, X. C. to load for the West India

island and return to New York. Apply lo M< H vLLETT'k BROWS.31 Burling rfip.

P 6 I t~ F R i l O i l T ~i> R C fl A i t T E R , - T he new ship ROBERT BOWSE. Baker, master, burthen ^w tons, in every roipect a first rate vessel, ami now reany for business. Apr Is to


J P O E BALE T O C L O » E A C O X C E R X . H k The c>'i)*r fastened and coppered brig SI SAX, J. vi. BBy Nov es,'master, three years old. carries aliout NMtmir ib

•aarren fasi. has two chains and remarkably wall found. Apply to Ca'ht Noses an Board, at Baker's wharf, east side af

Catharine ,tre»:t, or to J ^ dtf .1. ¥1 HEI-APLAIXE k CO. 157 JaWaBll

pOitTsii A"LET-The fast siulin-.' copper fastened brig N (ORAL, Ol tons burthen, t yeais ol«l, carries a larir;-y rariro. N well found in every respect, nnd now ready for

no. For further particulars apply on board, east side Bur-1'IBST slip, or to

J. S. MI'XRO.35 Bmiingshp, upstairs. F O R S A L E , P R EIG11 T y J O R VIIA R -

TER-—The io;»t>ered liri? BRtiWX, Tallman, inas'.r, burthen 17« tons or 1.5t*l bbls., built In Xew-York: has two tiiiun cable*; -an he sent to sea with tritiinir expense.—

A;,»lv to the captain on heard, Screw Dork, or lo J3I FlSll,i.RINXELLlf,C0.1iMFroirt-street.

ROR S A L E , P R E I C H T , OR C H A R -TER-Thecoppered brig COLI'MBI S. bnilt at New-llealford. burthen 133 tons or 1200 bbk, is well found, and

•can be sentit a small expense. Appiy on board Dover st. wharf, or to


mgs also silver plated. ,Vn the second and third floors there are tour ro'ims each; tlw (|re-«jn;» MOIIIS adjoiuin; me main ch,'.nb«;-s are uu-usually Inrgv, heinff d feetwiile; in tlie garret are also four large bed room* w e-l finished j in all N rooius; a cellar umlei the baaeaMat, *j*.v" * he 30 feet;—Ervptian marble mantels of the hiirhest finish in Ihe Boat basement ;nd'pai lours, and mentals nf Italian marble in the rrinripa] rhaaatort] Ike three principal l ean are deafnied. For fuiiher parHrtahtl at-plv to the owaer, on the prcmisns, or at (if Wnll eBeet jst ts

R O R S A L E O R f o ~ L E T ~ T h * n.aderii nu.lt lara story House *i:d Let, Xo. let Te.ric'i, i>. tweeu Walts and I'.roonie streets. The boaai 1ms lately air> ergoi»>, and is still anttorffabVi extensive rc|vairi; is very eligibly .itu-

I ated,nrxi the hit, (Vmi its hitreRJeil site in the rear, and uoumiuni-| «stingw;ilia Irifl alley, is .vtli adapted ftTii stable, and evfrv ne- I

*^arj' convenience. I to* '**»«triven rnmedMtely. Terms aceommedating. A;-plv to I

V2? If ,>- LISPEXARO STEWART. 15] linilso,, ,ffeet.

I ~s^- . top i tr i l ti Btoa ' ** S»~Amen an t.ui , limias— «.iri 1 asta i _ • • . * A ' J A t M * Bl»ti»» •- iivsiiBiHik—Maiiuna'sLessens— , ejf aVnk-BaysownBeota-Ckta.. .,a n(>1-s ,,„• \outh-For


B l H A C G E R T V ^ A l ^ ^ O * ^

fO-MOliROW. WEDNESDAY,Feb. l.ai 9 at l»*k"' 1 ' t , a u r , i < l , ? r 0 0 m . . . .

CHINA SILKS b, XAXKE^XS -S«O lb"ses ol t^ai.ton Sdks. 1 4 . 0 0 0 first chop blue Nankeesis, Xanhm dye: ami i,OlMJ pi.<^s

Coiiipa;iy velkwikibeir^tbe entin- par.-els unf-or«si in the ships lulv ami Pearl from I anliM. _ . . •• ••—' '» • - .

Consisting of blue. bbek. hish c.dore-1, assorted eloiheotorkw lute sewing silkm Mark Nankin taapet flne scarlet •*(', .-(.andM taayie vamile hdkfs; l-l Jo with rrif.soi. !Mrderv whl ami black iesauune,; black satin d-: svht poagei-s; blX satins; l.ik *^.^V'*^^'}^ wnt-lo; high colored emiiruiUeied crape shawls; do.losaw*aU"U HO. da do oVare I nuddb;. .1 id *ev- ing silks; erapas, u N u U b blue ami green slrsaets. w,unonsee kits;mi vt lusttiur? saiia ..euresl an. da-mask crajie shawls; ..lue siiehe-vs with lorders; cuirso.i ami t..air-abk lioroered -irsuMs; blk si,;.' lets; high eokred satin ,k mask, blu, and grsen daaheVB scarlet Oaaauk figured era;* scarfs; erimssiu -a-tiu damask, be. kc. e.iail. J u dehaMare, aatrban |ioiigee.; c..r*l «.. -derail erbason lustring bus; colored Muchevt >, bijured pl.,1,1 l ^ r o u t loas; colored b.n! re,u»d ekaagi able cross IKUT-SI klbt i»d<tkry sewings;rattan table inatfsjlinecri,u*ua sarsnets; svaiuligaaiiis u.i.t and dark co). ireit |M>n:ree*,. 1

1 ami barees'«escark(,chmo:aieit vtliow tiai.-Uaiia-".of .uj«ri,ir ^i'-V-

1 atalo. ue, and s.m-. !es will be reads the daf pr-> was u the sale. THIRSDAY. Fell. J. at Si ..click, at u e "'ttt(><« J J h

FRENCH GlKiOS.-SJi) «as.s Fan 1.Gm.ds, compr *..v ivi ex-Itirili i n 11 b i l l Uf fcalj a w «B|H*I .uli"ks, ICtaWI i')»tne re­cent arrivals. . . _

F,!H)\V, 3d, it II o'cliek, at the .-.urthm raoin, LEGHORN li vT».--.»00 m n Ugbora Bato, mm}tmmj * ge-

neral as^irtmeiitoi laaertof stork and ojaality. Catabigm-sand-vaiai leswi i l be reads tia-day previous

W E D N E S D A Y . Blh, at 9f o'clock, to U f a i u i - m rjato, PACKAGE S A L E . - 2 0 O package* iiriti-b ami Ann iican D i l i

GOODS. ' . . Catologum ami samples will he ready the day previous to the sa.e.

AT r.tlVAtE SALE, fhie bale white Swismkiiis.

aif A* ft WOltAMAAsl* 9hv*n Wtoi*twaba»t,eawiere/ Una*-*.

Tl ESDAY. at It •Mack, .it the auction room. Watches;. .lew ellerv.—A large a i l very valuam" stuck ofpil'l find

silver wate'ies and fine iewelkiv, beiaf the stock oi a dealer, con­sisting of ii•].• ,roM pateal brrer n-rd leidaa watchtm, htiniiii}-, am. a-laria do; ^tnnlrnnd afitzle ctosalaUrerbntaw an 1 ptoia watches;cris-M il awl | i l -lo, w ilh a rartort ot'aeto an.l second itori gold mid silver watches.

.*l'o, I eu»e af Rhode Island je-.vell.Tv. bring the prop-rtyofa pett­ier, roiisi.tiiit'('•V.tiiIs rhai.is, scals.nl iejri, rtaf*.diatu*ato,ji>earl rukvaad ga.-.ietbreast.h,v,earrin.'s ami linrer rmjs;.al-.y chains, Beeihte*a,«tuik,lncketi, kc. Also, rttl imihwgany case.

Also, sev ,-ral gold and silver witches, VifMf l«»e l-een plet.gt d i; told by oiil-r --I the owners.

Groceries. , . THIRSDAY, at 10 o'clock, at N» W IfciMama by order of Uio

Sherilf, ihe contents af a eracerv store, caastotktg "I brandy, gin, rum. sugar, leas, cordials, stand casks, beer pwhpbBC..

Immeilialelv thereafter, at the auction 1. a,1, a quantity of House­hold Furniture, COBS- 'in,' of 1 piano loif, bureaus, tables, chairs, kwiking rbs*se*,s>tds, lieiAieads, earn. Is aadirons, prints,itc.

TM LK'f.-fhiiihrife aad »„mino nous Mere No. 1 i)VVrry-«t. has always In-e*ueeu^kit if 9 paaCf] .a^ii Itqu ir store. Fixtures bir sale Igw.'

to the sale.

WuWU %nUn*

iu 1 Cit> Wi, s.» er m

riai Co n o ei'll t ie,



BV f . BJSLL £ CO. Ann Seto A''.»m, iVe. Ml RrotuiKay.

Mother G.rtv.e, wiiha ;reat many alkH iu».. •ale by WM. STODART, ii l ourtlaml'. street

BIffr ALL'S, t afeu * *J*I Lo


• of the

144 I I K i l . i m i i >'terv. ,-kyss Xo, 1 lof US}—

it i i a * -T. »» II Comb. 3 11 23, $ 1.1 Ij-jt, B *% ( M M • 8*. >Mf fsfl at

ligaata .THIS DAY!! T H I S DAY.'!!

Will lie drawn at VV ilmiimtiw. Del. the Grand Consolidated Lottef,', class .Vo. i— in I ,a I nits to be drawn—Uie drawing of whi-h will fie received t'l-nwrrosv morning. Scheme—1 of fj",i*si, 1 of VXm, 2 of SllifiO.aof ljen. 2of 1270, 2 'af 12«i. Jlof USUI, Jiol'jiVJ, J8of 2-*,3«'of 100, kc. Jcc. 'I icaetl a , sbwes In pr*WHlion, fcr sale at

BIGXALL'S. All for''rts or X'ew Y'ork prises cashed at BiilJoH's prveotliee, 111

BaaaaSwrji, wkece tkaett in all licensed lotteries are Hpaiaea tl»e most aeeemaadaitog tvttoi

Orders from the caintiy or 1 Isewhere,' enclosiog cash or prlje ticket,, wid alwavs meet with prompt a!*«~wi m if addressed to J. Wvl.NALL. " M

GO O D O R F E R S FOR T H E XEXT L O t V r > RV.—To Ciuto.ntrs in fit M rt L'tt'ay.— The toLowuig present:

an- efired in tho succeeding lottery, should they draw capital ;• riles.

t L L m i tVVAX. • f iiii.- Salt* Aaeat, l"I «-«oJu*ij.


ii.;»..•«', ' v i ' i . " f

u e off, r>vi ia the lacceediug lottery, should they draw capiul ;.rli»s. The capitals in Bw awal Uiiicry are—fa,0UU, V1**, and tickets only

ss \ This lottery wil! bedmsfr'fm Wastoeauav i u \ i , a i ; d i f iheowiieV 01* the $.1,1 M should have purchased !.-< rWiai, or share of a ticket, at W AIT E's,,till Bro.idvvay, corner of Fulton-sirev,', I-* will, lieeniided totbe renect ive presMis inthe sueceediiigloiterv, couialuuw ariket , fsa/ai. ui,u'o,\c.

Sluuila be alraw the $g-i,«Hiin a whole ticket,Ir w'll. in addition thereto, receive twelve lickats. the price af w hich, by retail, w ouldb, SI jo;. if bl • bait ticket, six afatto licliet, a ill lie awarded H him as a press at: i*a uuarterot a ticket, thnvvvliole tiikeu. Uutat Waite's, M Broadway, t. fy n,n»t lie pwciHtsed. to entitle the foilunate ow li­ars to s;e-'i gifts. No pciiim v. ill be 'nsnr.M bad arfaatl ktck. nor any thin:- at the fonn of insurance ellt- tad. X'n»*envmu. infiddition to (he price of tickets, receiveiL IkuU'iuber '«'.'-ITt~'4 omce, ?i!) •faatfaraT, eeeaavef Fulton-stnet. «•)»

AX O T H E l l C A P I T A L P R I X t t toM at B l S H r a - I Drawing at the Mew-\ore I. itteA, oi.iss Xo. 2, fur 11U2:—

45 31 M 10 31 ' 35 49 12 Whole Ticket comb. 12 31 t;i,lhe capital pjiie of MMOl also, 1-1

comb, in 12 ;*J. the capital of $M0, botk sold I,y llu•!>—one lo Mr. Jones, the other ton Lathy, lor which the Cash is ready.

Xew-Y.n-I. Om-olitlateii LotttrrV Fxlia i ia,s Xo. 3,"for 1S32, to lie draw 11 in tiie citv of Xew-York, fre. Inesdar, Feb. 1st, !Ko2, at a ipiar-ter before 1. P. M.—GO number Lfitter.. N drawn haiku. Hkheat Prize %a0 ,0O0 .

SCHEME. l pr'170 af

I la 10 10

do po do 1I0 do do da

$:i\c.ou SJflCQ :, isii) LffM l,dK l i s I


::i prkm of ,*!ou de do lea

Tickets |3 , ials?s teat J312l

' maisfriei D

ob do ilo If 3B do do 10 5ti do do 30 ."*i do do a

113 tio do .0 .".! do do 12

l.'.i-'ti do da t; aywrtan ;>! -'.—Tickets ami s!,ares for

Bl'Sil's, ever Fortunate Office, . 21C. Broadway, opposite St Paul's Church.

XG S C H O O L . - d r . LA W W rcpeciiiiuy m-foiiiis his friends ;,iid the aabaV, that the ses'omi ijuarter will

crsaaaeueeoa Fridav, Feb J,at his Kooui, North Aiiieri, an tlotel, Bowery and Bayard strs-et.

Dais of Tuition-Tuesday sand Fridcvs, from '2 o'clock until 9 in theatanaaea forbsdies,ai ,i youi-; geatleoeu under It yeanaf age, and bean 1 unlit it in the vveniug for the aider tksto of genlle'iien.

'I'iieB.illsiontiimeon yloiiday evvtiing*. Itaactof to comuiance at Ho'alock.

F-.rt'riiis and par: irulr.rs, apply at the N'orlh American Hotel, or la Mr, L. on Ike above day -.

Mr. LAN.vVV vviil g i . . Private Lessons in Waltiing ami CotilUm Danciii". J a lwis«

N O T I C E T O C O X X O I S F . l R S IX M I X E R A L S , t ^ AND THE PUBLIC IN GK.NEIUL.-The luraerftier, ow-Ing totberajakl increase of his business as a .Unitjeist and i).«.i)isi, feelshimseP'obli-id todktpose of his lar>re and valuable roUeetiea uf Min.rals and .Natural Carioalttes, whicti have cost him Man of labor r.n.i a small lortune to patted. Many of his specimens, IKIIII tare aad lieauiif-il. hate b a n for trear tins eikthtotoa hi tbeXuw York Lvce-1:0 af Natural llbtaes and Peak's Mussum in this city, where they h u e attracted the attention of men of taste and "iei.ee. The safes, 'cri'ier flatters himself that there has been seldom offered here a col-Icclionso worlliy af lb' public atteutioj—hreiuhl to^etlwrfroineverv ejMBtof of the world, Wtoatod and improved. It is iuipwssible toenti-iiieinte them in ihe slmrl toiii| as-1 of an advenist'inent, but aiiHing tie- most rrrcious will !,e fouml, a lar-je wax yellow Amber of nearlv 2 lb. w, i-.-in i;'iJ UOaab, inches eaafnitude, from the Baltic.

An American Bencjlof 71 lbs. weight an 1 t a cu!i. inches, a full six sid -d prism,of i 1 cir, n nferenre.

Three eolleetions of jireiious stones, containing all possible varie­ties fr-siii the diamond to the llint.

Three siaal! jirivate collections of Mb skies,seve.ttlother aatoaal curkisitiet, such a

s|«.-ii>-ens,; be-leenS ol'liie lliitiu-

35fi and fUTOsaecimens,

moth, prese.nred reptiles, ami fish impressions, i r . kc. The w kok) or any pa a of the above is offered on moth-rate terms, at

the Drug aad Chemical store of Dr. LEWIS FEKHTWANGER,OT Broadway,

one door below White sjreet. X. B. Any orders received from persons residing at a distance,

will We promptly and faithfully executed. J a tordfcckl

R E A T S A L E O P AMlfiMJiCA.X tdUUIMhr-Tba ii»cril*rs, a committee ol the New England SVicicty for the

.roiiiotion of Manufactures ami the Meehankt Arts, give notice, thai i.enext seial aaiiaal tali of Aawtcea produce aad mnHiifaaiures, 11 inter the direction ef taU Sm-iety ,wi;, • onioience 0,1 We liiesday.Jith Fehrunry, at Boston. Among the G-»»tis to b. off-red, will be a very large and valuable assortment of Cotton and Woollen Fahri-s of every desiripiioi.. and also af Boots, Shoes, Leatiier, Hats and Wool

Th«- principal conditions are the folkiwing, vi,-. Hall



1. S-iod* ti'iusl be forwarded, and samples delivered at the between th- 21st and 21th February.

i Xo giHids shall be offered that "ire not on the catalogue. a Every lot put up s'liall be sold .without reserve. Arts- lot or parcel unsold may be withdrawn, but in such case shall

not again be offerud. WM. SIIIMMIX, ) A B B O T T L A W U E X C E , ;

d!2 2nwist.U JOHX A. LOWELL, )

PA R T X E R W A H T K I L - A penea ai aytaefbl baaMrii I information, and an active cash capital ol trom MM te .*fi',»,

I wishes to con.ieet hniseif with some respectable young man of coin- ) ; iu.rci.il habit*, with the same amount of means to'conmienre a Gene- { ! rp.i Comniisskm business. 011 the first of May next The advertiser 1 j has an extensive acquaintance wilh oountry dealers and considers I I li!ni».-!f a gaad judge of Briti~h anil Aweric.in Dry Gootls. A line , I iiliiuateil to CaajTaaca ai this office, will meet with prompt alien- j j lieu. » J20 Lsif j j W B R A a i E K S ' " S O H O " COPPER.-sJC.J00 pounds as

TUISV DAY. TI'ESDAY, M M o'clock, in th" 'ales room,

FfctopaaatfMr aeeoaM af Ihe twrerto ef ihe weather.) Furniture v a l e - \ valualil • ttseortta 'V;i of Ca'ai.iel Fmniti;re,con-

sistin, of aardi obey I dfOtoiaf bureau •: 2 pto% do; sofas; 21 BtoejOfa* ny chairs; M cane seat do; ctntre and other talma, ektilo. 1 suit rui-tabat) mantel and pier looking riatatei cafpeto; ci!iii.f,»n»gla*>aiid plated ware: rugs; knives mid t'orL; waiter; Hi brass l.ellk-, aeaarted sites; ,-,uilts, table cloths, k c

Also, a sarieiy of second hand Furniture, the property of a family giving uplioiisekeepin", consist;,g af beds, beiuftead*, 1 heirs,ttbke, lajyato looking |4Haai,eartatoa, bedspreads, coverlids, araat stands rugs, kitidien.furniture, kc

Extra S*k- ,,f Farditare—The following articles af Furniture, the property of a family feat ln,r the city, vii: j b-ds, lied -loiuls, blanket -, v, imistir mid cane seat okedra, biu-eaiis, luokhtg fMaea, iiialiogany and other tables, wasli stan-ls, fu tr alath, carpels', hair Bjatiatoti, kitchen furniture,china, glass ware,tire ham, hi.

TO-MORROW, Vf EDVESDAT, :>.t 10j o'clock, In tl-e- sssies room,

Watches, Jea Iry,kc.—A stiperostock af the laael Wstobea, jew-•*H, fancy faada "cutlery, kanla are, clothing, drj aaotkn guns, k 6 heuedV** BBwawahers aad etaaw.

• j f * w , SfbwrfBWi attenl.ii to w ith pun<-tuality ami dre-iateb. N. 11.—Liberal * " :,l"',', made on fill coiisitrumcrts.

51 v. Co.'uui«vii«,or. . rf'{^

THIS l l iP. Tl"'ESfiAV, »» it o'clock, af ihe eajika raaat.

Aquantttv af cn'niH-i, hoiwhobl and MMwaa lufniwu, the proper­ty of a fimilv leas iag the city. " lawant which we deuhfe and single nv=o-r»"w* ol tMebett .piah-

iv, tallies; looking glasses; skkhoarrk; bawaaai *a»tot| •etleeai elialrsi wmilow and Iwilcurtaiiis; grates, fenfi<is; frekSMa|Ma>a VHIKIJ ol kitcljen aaoaratus, kc.

TO-MOP.ROV, WEDNESDAY, at lb o'clock, at the miction room,

Watches awl Jewrtre- \ large find very valuable asaerttatttri Waitbae. Jimi 1 i l l . 11 'jifiat bstpaftiai. consisting oi fine n N iiutmt ieve.V, full ami extra iev.elltJ; g»M lepine repeaters; ttorixeotal, ser-ticai ana pbto (told wMcliW, all M M rate order and Wrastod. Visa, silver wat>i:-»«ris,i,-al. nhttod met gilt watches, el every des­ert-lion. Also, a »oleiii:*i»a«nrtn.ent ofJewelrv, oi all kimls, vit: nmi seals, chains, ring*, locV*,, end line g"'*1«'»' <namoml breast f,i>:s and studs; safely chains; liiij/,-» ringi; ladses' talablisBineuts; sil­ver IhimVbs, k*. , * . . , •

CkiMiu'- \!> 1, a quantity of fashionable* tVthmg, vn; coats, pan aleons. ve.,i">lt;tks. caats.kc , _ .

I ndertli.-iliiV.-riin of the Sheriff, will lics-il,-! ^ cases Engravings, Litln»gi:pt.s, I t . i!iimp.*f*irsg»xari«tv of subjects, some ol which are richly colored. Also.a itun i;'.,!V of Stitinnerv, boa. sand pamihlets, together with a vari-My of Law Hu,.S"^ken from im- library ot 11 law yer. Sate iiosiiive for talk

AT ritlVlTF. SII.E. A hit-,"*' and valuable, nssi,,kanal efeaktoef ami ftBwhald furniture

ci'ii-ltiiitr ••( raabo;ranv wardrobes, ledsteaus, toilet DM m, m bu­reaus; piti.> irpd viaw a-i-1 ean »d kfjed to* andbre.-kfasii.tbbj di­ning lahhts; vv'rk labkv; sidebuinl:; rnrled ir.ipk chairs; *A,a1I deala gilt and mahogany frsnued monul and pier ckssts elega.'t ItainpaiT 11 wlnilmv arlifl'; rtfrtHrr gtosaasi peetobk riieki.ke. AI* so, one spe.ulid upright pinuo, ro^wmal case, six new and secoi.d square pi.tte s, some »!' which are 11 iiallHlltJ KM lonesl instruments; sofas, setlae '.n-iisteuds, platesl and glass w„'.:e: PriUania tea ,ei«. >sc.

Also, ltv.WO of the best St>anisii segars, jiet ttopabtof, end a ill lie sold in lots to suit tnirchasers.

BY LAV* R E X C E P O W E R &,C6V" More Be, 117 Irakr ritaB

T H I S DVV, TB ESDAY. at 10 ereieek, by enter of the Sheriff at the corner of

Suffolk ami Stmvtoi. s.rtel.s, tlie Slock af a Grocer, coii'.,rising teas, sugars, heel", pork, hams, Sour, Itnlian MP rye mm, ruin, gin, bran­ds, itoJMl casks, kegs, coffee; pepper, iilsjiice. «il eons, winter strain-etl oil, pap-'i, scale-, wcs bts, ineaMin '. luniblers. drainer, dec't-iters, beer and uidt-r pum;:., nee, tobacco, snuff kc. with other articles of groceries.

At ko'cloek.at No. vSO Pearl-st. lieMMbftl of a Gnrery BtoMs, consisting of brrmly,!.'in, niai. wines-.coi(hi-ls, tt-is, aMMtoeM white, loaf and'brown su"gai>, tohacee, MBMWi rice, wheat ami rye flour, ', meal, spice, beef,beef,pork, ham*, lard,cheese, !• utter, fish.scales and i weighb, tieerard cider pumps, st;v,:di::g casivs, kegs, tin and pewter j measures, t'.xlmes, be,

THI RSIUY. at 10 oelock, at the store. A quantity of gr-cerics, liip.nrs. fixtures, ike.; lata, a large table; 3

case* India rabbet overshoe*; I c;-..e hats; 1 carpet: 2 hrl» saaaiai in-di.o; 3 store* and fkM 1 franklin; 1 eight day clock, vVc.to^,.t!1erwith , a ipittutit ;• ef other ai licit a

At | | o'cl-x-k at the Exclian-.e. The Hoi-.'i- and Lot of Ground Xo. &] Henrv-sl. in the"th wanl; the 1

lot is 23 feet front am" rear, by 100 leetdeep: tii a dtiltohsa is as good as ; anv in Ibe noieldkorhood, and joins the row of brick bitihihitrs built by the lies. .sir. McAuley; th« house is twa stories high, vviili a basement ! storv finislien; ha. .i» tii e-olaces, and two bed rtnmis Inexhed in the j •arret, withan idles toffato the yard 3 feet wide; the house is rented to Juineellrcat'.T. Enmiir,- at therui-tionrmim. or at 211 Cherry-st

A.ssii'uec-' Stile. TI'ESDAY, Feb. T, at in o'clock, at 145 Mcrcer-st. by order af n<-

sl-rnees, Ike Stock of a Gro----r, eonsist'iig of rum, gin, brandy, cor- | tiials, white and brown sugt.s, park, beet, hams, tolmcco, snii't. ,rin- [ gee.wli. it, rye, In,nan Dkeah, si.-.ndtasks, kegs WartcTOt, slia-l.her- I rings, better,' lanl, scale*. wti,-hts and measures, eeranters. tiunblers. j ilniuier, es-ence. stand, brooms, candle-, st.ap, cSeese,crackers, oil ctiiu, lanijis, winter siiaimd ,.-i!, pepper and atopkc, parsley,ibyek, | scruUng, white waahlngawl dustiii;, kruabe*, bad cords, w ith a *uii- i ety of oilier articles of grot cry.

AT I'KIVATE SSt.E. I large P, tent Balance, wilh frame, betoMJ pieces, Lc. com-.lete-

•artojjM MM cwt B f J A C O B V A X \ V I S X L E r

Stnrt Ac. 55 Vatg-ttrtil. THIS DAY. ~

TI'ESDAY, 7th, at 12 o'clock, at Ihe Exchange, A valuiblelotof ground in fee, wilh nil the improvements No. 17 j

Thomas street A aum iiaelliiialai dim 1 If ilea will be given in future advertisements. Also, a 1st af ground Xo. RH Wa»nington-street, withlliebiiildinr;slh-Teoii. For iitirtifislanimiuiroof Win. Sandfenl, No. Ml Washingt'ii street.

Sale of Real Estate and IssaerlioM lho-vrtv—A tw* story brick front Uouseand Lot of v'.roimd Xo. Ml L'lin-,-t. Tat lot runs thro' from Elmtri Orange-st

Ais-i, thirty-four years unexpired lease, free from ground rent, ef Ik-two storv brickiTro'.it li :use and bit of ground Xo. 22"i Spring-.-t. The lot is 21 f-ft bfXVUi feet.

Also, U'ycars utiexjircd lease, from the lstsif May next, at »n an­nual ground rent of |M, c.indilioiietl that the huilu'uigs bepai i for al the end of the toMM, The house k tsvosleries, brink front and filled in a ith brick. The tot is 2J by loo fjat

A more particular deeeriptsaa of the n\*\is premises will be given ?t ihe lime of sale. Any |*rson wtshtntr lo examine the above pro­perty can call uci Mrs. Beackot. 22.5 ia»a*> il.

FOH S A L E Oil E X l t l A N . J E , A Great Bargain—A valuable triirt of Coal LKIKI, containing ahou

"DPasiao. lllliauari hi the stale of Pennsylvania, eo.mty af Lnuierne anil township af Mew part. The said tract w ill afford at inexhatista-hle source of l ie best (paBtry of coal, that will cejanto with any kind of Lackawanna, Schuylkill,'or Peach Orchard, now in use. Tlie said tract is 21 miles distant from the Sutpirhannah Canal, which is .on-nected with Ihe Schuylkill river, and thenee to the city of Pbiladel-phiit The bodies of coal fire so numerous and so eat*/ of acci-ss, that it is believett any one man tea raise with ease IS tons per day. A rail­road from the beds to the canal could be constnictod at a s ery mmit-rate expense, which wh.-n coini.ktcd, would render the m>-iiiis sure, for r.nv man,or st't of men, to make fortunes. The present owner is not able to tront theivcessftiy expenses ta put i-.im.is in opt ration; con­sequently would bo glad to sell the tract out ami out, or in skares, re­serving in himself a prs|ortion tbercaf—iiml being acquainted with the s-ountrj and vicini'y, would take ttn active part For furtlier per-ticulars, enituiroof .Inc'ib Van Wirkle,auctioneer, room 55 Vesey-st.

BY MILLS, B R O T H E R S A CO. • .Stare eei-iatr WitU mmi favl-itt

~THL*rbAYT~~ TI'ESDAY, at l i o'clock, at the Exchange,

sneery Sal..—I mlei direction of David Codwisr, Esq. Master laaeery—-AU thai hi of land sitaaied intli- Xintg War-l of tl«-••''New-York, knou u as a map of projwrty foruerrl bvlonging lo • • Bayard, ue«ea*e<l, in tiiasaiae VVHrd.Mautl.v Lsi Grano 'ar-ity liirseyor,bearing date 2.thiiay of March, l'\'l, as Iwt numb-

«*. The siiiit Ui ts-ing haOMdad westerly is front on the *evei*h as • • ue; north.-ly, on o w .;Ae, by bit numlier ten; easterly, in the rea r by i i alley 12 tivi in wiiitb, w hich separates the aliove l-iiHrtn lot No *, •• laid Uow 11 mi said map; and southerly en the other side bv let No. 8,cs.iaainimf!ntireailthiiu'isiuta,id rear 2ti fed, uau in length, on ea, side |ui fert, IK- :he aaine more or ks.-"—together w ilh the au-pu. ieiiances.

MtoJM «iw Let S. H corner of H'oMtcr-itrttt «md Jiatf* Laae.-The eihret -story new brick house fmitbed in the Host substaMial i. ,ment maimer for a dwelling ami grocery, for w bich Ike trout on »lerisiii»wi.cei!pii..i;<untajM j , maun*beside kiteken and tour r*j-o It, 11 runt on W ootiar, 37 feat rear, depth 50 and J2feet Tl-alatputalde. S.deposiii,e

, . . . , , n ( v „ TO MORROW. -•waBAl, reh. 1, M p aSafesA, at the amnien room,

s..Lr.—rfOil pa, ,np'e* llri-shand American DRY tijs, co,;ipnsii.g a choice a**irtme>it ,ifi...iii» articks.

\ aongst w.;;,-.,au-». artel, hlva^aittaadaotbcolors ur.ul wors-I- lndi, inr coUars; b.st wade .-7 inch gia^li'iin uiubrelliis; *>--» line t s. r caiiibrk iimdins; real Turkey red damask 1 itdeeoveis and 8 I Hi0 „ ulotbs: furaitore priaUikeavi -5-4ramlirk;*»orted dark ground ciniineiireii*: Ordered p.vketH.tf,; a iacbfae uud sum-r French iirni*; hensy.-.ty linen ui; sapertMe 1.1,11,,,, ruaparMt superior pi 1 a,i.lt,yule 11111,011 drill., piamand agured toUaarl sestinj, ami I h ' iiumiirilU; asvined Fteicl, Mtoeasi brown linen FreiK,h tlnlh 12s, 5-4 hue *II;M-I sad extra tVaath blk liom»aiin, for Uiens w••!•; Ki.a-rsu-elami Mirer mixt satinets; exlra line lavender do; br.iwn, mire, limit,, bin .,«i.'elinixeil ami Ulach fm,. a n , | .ui^r cloths; he.ny white plain,; k-asy m-_rncloihs. re.l pmltiiilkr; ti-j »i,„u .fray ar.iiy clo.hs; fanry S|na ,tud stri)ie »hfukiianii mourning siu*r cam->ri ginglnms; la ,t (am er loom buff griuud and ctio.-oiate cambric pri itCj-1 su|K'rc,iPiDationc'-iP,'kinus!ins;li-4axtra figuredknos; fine 0-1 ta|«- ck-i-ft muslins, exya fee '-\ i amiut>; ;v|{. 1 -4 whi'c ciunl-pa e,; 12-I finest .(uality Marseilles quilts; very superior pinl, liW i, orange e»iubnci.iiigha.us; black, ren and yellow Imeli-'i silk Uan-d noits; nslaailni'i ilatc -,1k ties: siiperfiue hair cord drills; tin* gar­ment dimities; c.ir 1 line wine c il mrs plain batiste, very :.iqa-. ioi 4-4 •due tw'filed e-i;ui lets; white, kkrh ami assorted spaal cotton, t,lk ami WblM do, 011 bohbiu.; V. mwlk We-lliead's IR>I ,i-i'ortl sewing cot;oii--No ta m 80; do w.-iniute I tape*. S». 135 k 115; pink check and faatv g 1 .'hams: in a. ln-f /in,- r;ilour»il counterpane.; j-t cotton iiicrinos; I »c, eiuit iiioiirring Flench pi "..its.

>eataeaav— SOOU i'i'~ '• '* •""» a m ' riBM yellow Xankren*. h iso, 2', c a m ptoia an I fancy bc.ukd coin'is. I imaged (loot —Ai*o, tinder itwpectrau of tlie wartlen* of the iiort.

tin iccouiilnf umt.-.wri "is, JOpa. sju'e, i!riti>n Gmuta,roiisisting of siq .rliiie brown drills; white saiie,u; super merino caMHaarea onile-sileij whitedia.uoii'i q likings; Bagtlsb hair s.-ating, 14 v 18 imhes; *• Tliue Rouen cassimeres ami BMHsBAw drab union French drills; w 1 te diamond qidRiogs; 1-5 fast c dors French ca.nl.ric prints, dam-

, ajj-d oni!ievoya:'eofii]iiKir;atinn. rpk* Ifoaevaate—Also, KM ,.:ie-»ages French and American Paper

II 1,ting.-, i*f entirely new patterns. dalog 111 a,;'i r,im|,ies will be ready this day «t U o'clock. T H U R S D A Y , F . - \ i. at ll o'clock, at Ihe auction tweak

F R E N C H (Wii i i i s .— I f j fbeaee i French Goods, including a aria •>'• -aridchoiieassortmc-iiiol F i tnehs i lkgwids , l i e . of roceiilinipor-Uiiions.

FRIDAY. 3d, at 12 o'clock, irt she Exchange. The three story brick I !,,«.•- and Store No: £M C.uial-st l.uilt in

15 "ivday. work, finished in mmkrii style, «itl» marble nitinleIs, g --ites, anil folding doors; hard fiuiohed t'hi«iuglsout; lot Ihfaattia. 11 ot and rear, bf alajut bl feet deep. »!,(** may reWMin on bond and morU-ge, at ti per rent.

SATI'RBAY, Feb. I, at 11 o clock, at the auction room, l.EUHOBN HATS.—ioycaswU-glioru H*l». most of which are

M ike e*tihlisiied quality of Die J. T. lmporudiou, ,0 uprising gip-••' •*, Bulivai,oi.':is,ims»-s'aiid fbikliaa'l

• alalogdes atiitsamulestbedav previous. FRIDAY, Fcfi. 17, at 12 o'clock, at Ihe Exchanee,

Stock ot the X. American Cut", Conr,nmy—11 shares of the ».b»»e : si- •k,tbe|iarvaluel)eirr'«25 per shire. It isro.isidr.red to bt-a ris-

i- '-snilitimroviiigpropt-rty. Saleper.-mptory, lorlos-aconcertL

BI JOl iX HONK ,v at).VS. „ a**" '"rntr "I " ' " ' ead 1'earl Hreett.

THURSDAY, Fe 1. 2, at — uetoca, ut t;«- auniou rtmm, rwhtgr ide .—200 packages BRITISH DRY GOODS, incluj-

i.' everv description ol Senmnabk Articles. rite, 1 0 0 packages COTTt»N Jv. WOOLLEN GOODS, of Do-

an stic .Manufacture. FBI DAT, 3.1 Feb. at — o'ciock, at the auction room.

ro-rncA CfaMk->100 raJ"'"' "I French Goods, rec.ived by recent innvals.

B V H i C H s , LA W VkKMi)E At CO. WereAa. IM PHrtMPPk

SATFRDAY, Feb. Kb, at Jl oelock, at tue auction room, • PACKAGE SAI.E.-20O poraagw tsaajaaakai LiiY GOODS.

I'ai'tieulais and sampler th-i nay previous.

flf CORLALS, HAYDOCK «V CO. Stert A«. IS] ywrl-ttrcd.

MONDAY, Feb. ti. at it' o'clock, at the auction room, PACKAGE S-.VLE.~tfOO pvekage*seasonable liiitishmulAme-

rkaa DRY oooi-a. Catalogues ami lautpfos v, ,'.l be ready on Saturday previous.

.11 e i t ivs nt ssi .E. \ general assortment of Drtm-si ,e Gooas— bleached ii brown sheei-

it-i s aad . hirtint's; 7-8 air.l 1- i Ire»l tii-ks; J-3,7-3, AA and and il-8 imli-; 1.1.0, and checks; red Canton flKMNl twilled jeans; blue k black

. . . . fancy mixt satinets; red nut greei: liatniels, colored cauibrica an,: bsdaga onve fa«iian»; ladige stripes.

Also, ii cases tit doien each French, white and gold vase form tea cups and sf-itcers, just land,Horn the last .lavre t ;p;.ets; 1 bale scar-It 1 pelisse cloth, emilled toiUle-nture.

1 Y AOEE, TUtPBOSJ & CO, .Stoic St. 169 Prar'-rtrert.

FRIDAY, Feb.3, nt |ooelock, at the auction room, PACKAGE SALE—200 packages fresh impoite-,British, Irish,

W ,-tchand Atnericau DRY tl(lOD>. CPPtofWH will la- ready, and the samples prepared forexamina

ti ,n, OIK- day previdus to the U;.v of sab-. AT PBIVAffl HALE.

Ml bales brown slieetiitgs; indigo blue tickings; plain and twilled 'Iripes; super indiiro checks; dark d», safer it men cassinwivs; 3-4 4. I , mm pMhMj apron ami furniture checks) printing clotlis; sutinots cloths, &.e.

Also. 1 cases bleached ami brown (anion Flannel.

B l BOGGS, SAMi'SOX «v 1 HOAll'SOX. _ .SVoi-t A.,, inn Pturld/ctt.

Tins DAY, TI'ESD \Y, ai .1 aktnek, at the auction room.

A general assortment , f Brhidiand AmecicaaOttY GOODS. AT PKIVATE *Al.r..

t'ightImksworsteds in I'm carpets, 10 and 12;4 links sujwrfine laid.'srps-twetts.

wv"SIIOT\; E L L , ROX A ct». Start St. 172 /'mrJ-ifne:.

^ . „ _ _ _ _ . _ . .

TC'CBDAY, at 11 o'eU.ck. at the auction room, Damaged fkw'n I'aderlbtl iii-pertion of the wardens af the port,

t rcash, leasts jiA'eiline uooileii cnsMiieis; 5 til do Irish linens,in ,v hole and demi pieces ti do nun's mid women's assorted eta'on hose; . do silk and cotton ui.sLirellas; 1 <!•, searkt worsted shawls; 1 do bea-, trtoaaaj l da lunanei rss^ri iaeed from ihe Ueeega Ctotototoj, and • ild on account af the umViv.liters.

TI'ESDAY, Feb. 7, a* — o'clock, at ihe auction room. PACKAOE SAL!; . -aO0 .'ockiiges seasouaMeDRY GOODS. Catttlosruesami WiaejlinBll' icady the day prsvious.

B Y A . B , X O . V i S A CO7. , „ .s'foi-r ,Wi. 1-3 ft alt •-it>ett,n,mr uf Pine strttt.

T U B BAY. TI" ESDAY, at 9 o'clock, at the au-tion roim,

A geue-al as«,rtincit of British and Dame-tic DRY GOODS. At I o'clo.!., pM dozen imitation back combs; 300 d,» side tlo; 250

1! ressinjj e-'.t-.l lorg do, RY P I K E A \7A.W A X T W J K R P .

Mere So. 132 Irater sanwr af /'.it '-ttrttt. TO-MtBtROW.

WEDXESDAY, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room, DanvgitlHunh'-.rt.—I nder iusporiinnof ihe watdensof tp.e port,

for account of the iiiidfr.vrlu-r, for cash, 43 packages assorted hard-.v are; sad irons, horse nails, sind stone*, frying pans, eaftiia, 4.C .taiii •get! by the Oeorge Gauniag.

Cntalogues will he re i,!y early on the mornin* of the sale. ExU-.nive Stock of Hardware.

TIH RSDAY. Feb. 9, at 10 o'clock, al \ o . MM Pearl-st. neurFul t.m, by order of executors, the entire stark ot Messrs. Judah k Cal-lender, conqiri-iiig an excellent assortment of seasoiu-bk ;,-(Hids.

CiiWlogu-s will lie ready, and the goods prepared lor examination, threv slays previous to tlw" sale.

Terms—Approved endorsed notes, ntfimonths. FRIDAY, Il th Feb., al 12 o'clock, at the Exchange,

The tv.osiory brick House and Lot No. 211 Woos.er, between lifeeeker and Ainiiy streets, 2iifet I 6 inches front tint! rear, by WI feet deep, withslniie steps ami Itaaeim-iit ami iron railing. The house is vvell built,hard finislied aalLs.and containing 10 raoaP. For |sartieu-lars, enquire of J. Cleavelaml, 199 Front st.; Win. U. Malt, 39ti Hud-,on-st., assignees of F. ( ooky.

TI'ESDAY, Feb. 11, at 10 o'clock, at the auction room, Package Sale of Hardware—2o0 packag-.-s, comprising a handsome

assortment, of Itiiinin^iim and Shetlivld ll.i id ware, mostly nivv tronds. ™

(alakgues will be ready, and the goods prepared foreianiinatier. ihr dsy pret ions. Terms D months.

AT P I l l V A T E S A I . E . One case Knives, 3lo2fl blades, on cards,entitled to debenture. Tliirtv rases fancy Soap.

B M l T U f c B E L L , Storr .5«. 92 Brotuii-.ug.

||yWi c IfcgUff» __ Vii^Ift &alf% BY W I L L I A M * P . P E L L A COW



T O MORROW, W E D N E S D A Y , at II 'o'eJock,in froat of the stare,

' ir cask* Marseil' eePort w,ne; 45n tal* I . . 1 • .!» »„ l i l t

. . . . , , - uaakcii ido; 150 ur. casks do Madeira do er, Ulkd ta dels... ure • ™-

2<5oi\»s Pimemo: !,*» <*rm V*"*' , h t ' MM u ' Rt parcel; fjObagf damatre-2 Sumac. , _ .

Tobareo-inhhd*. UafTohr.ce*. SA'ii RDAY" 4th.at II o'eloek. infrr.nt of ihe n*ire.

Drops' IbspiMtlAl MllH'Mf fresh bitteralnmnds; j 4 i ,b u _ , . Pemiaii Berri s; 2 narfc#ge» sup n, r Turaey Idmbai-.r, i d , O U ol-BtoMI II dot.uinSlu-Hae. . . . .„

2«i bags fresh TriAie S.paac; •* l»»Jc» Sarsaparilla.

R E A L l ^ T A T E .

WEDXESDAY. Fefx l.atl .'o'ciock. at the Exchaiige, Hmuc t» r W d WRreesir-st.- -The House ami Lolun the south­

east corner of Varirk and iiroeme, tlr.ets. 21 feel front and rt ar ai i 60 fen dee^ The house U a good oa •,»ith a brick tret;!, aial» a firil rale stand for a gr-irer

MONDAY,etb. at 12 o'cloi k. at the Exchange. The fialowing Harlem Lots, kn.«wnbv the billowing numbers

on th* Harkm Oinunon* mar>-|tits Im.ween Tliird and F-airth ave-uue, ami w B„a >-!(, , in . r t l rroiiiitiL' <n Fourth aarpto Was 4-'L*to, •b'Si, iT, 403, i .j, 4it)i 4n_thl wthrtri 1.17». 177-hu 1«-on85th st lots IM, 159, In-, |ii|. i.j, |(j( j,;) H;^ 0n Blith street; kts 222, 223, a t , 22'HOII Kill ar.su j lot, o, • -(.j oj>,.f •jm,f on Itkth MretH ; lot* 3lf7, Xii, XX JM, Ml, S3.!, 3*1, :t>4, SJS, S*. MB, on 8tah street; lot* 380, ML 3H2, M!. BR, l a , Mt, 39«., 3'U, %<:, 3»J, on tMh street; kts ll«, 110. 011 Fifth avenue; lot. :jv 351, 35.', ff'i, 354, en 89th street; kit* Ml. 412, Mf, 444, Hi, •fi. 447, MA MB, MB, 4M, 4.';2,4Svl, 454. oa »lsl sin-el; has .502, 5«, on »j,i Mreet: kt* 278, 279. J", a l , a2 , 283, MA 233, 28li. 2117, :*i\ Pja, &«., **» w j a l tk% >**, 207, Ma, 2», on FifUi avenue ; In, 417, .IJK, 419, ^ 4;^ 422, 423, and 424, mi 1 Oath Mrert. See advertbemeut sl rued Das id Codwiae, master in ' chancer*.

AT PklVlTf SALE. Brandy.-23casks Clianquigiie Brandy, 10 yeatt old, entitled to de- 1

bentiire. I tons Italian Hen.p. 6 .-a»es Mauilia ludifo; 15 bales Penian Brrrie* Bordeaux Brandy, in kind. I jObaksKeuturkv Tobacco.

U Y >I. lIOFFAli AX A SiJXs.

the anespiretl term af Ike lease aflat, IN in next, free trom grout ! rew^kwaftew indeTI • rearafadjoiiig Mt, 14 bj M ar t'aere i ut., f(.r,..„ .,'„-, j . in rear. r

Alwi, uou*r and two k O o f ground situated in Harlem twran "hi and 4th avei •:«•*. Hh-iH by l i i ' o r l k rea'.m't

Als». the two-story fra. te house nil l»t asrtig,.., ...nth...-HBHLa«i/raMreM) "in rear of |„t w,in l ; w „ r i l | , ,

l: ground rent at > a, pV, , uma . j , _ x ; f (


THIS DAi . TI'ESDAY. at II o'clock, in front of the store.

Almond*—fin *ak» sunerior »ol'l shtik I iiiu ,-. Sugar—15 brULaap Suirar.

TO MORROW, WEDNESDAY,r.t llo'ckck. iniroi'lol'storeXo. t l |

under wanleas iie^tetiou.a quantity of dassppef Hriap. Uides-A (.uantitv of Hidm; partlv damaged.

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 8, nt 12o'clock, at the Exchanee, Two Lot, of Ground, with a valnabk Bakery an,: a tkteeatory

brick front House thvnsm, sit,iai.l No. l8:»Oraaeis.st. withtk-ati joining lot, each lot is 25 feat i inches front ou Ora:,ge-st. and 1(0 p p <h-p. The above property i* in an improved jwrtof the citv, mar Ma-TAsMN Market; and will rent for $550 p rauiium. $3000 may r e main onliond and mortgage.

_ AT I'KIVATE SALE. 50 casks Smyrna Raisins; 5 casks Ihson Skin Tea. Mlkees fre.h eround Ginytr.

BY R. R. MIXTL R N A CO. Start So. 63 Mpg gltot

T11IS DAY, ... „ T l ESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store, »laret Bottks-20 hampers Claret Bottles. Jamaica Rum—I hhds, Jamaica Rum. Raisitis-yiKi lion., bunru Huhiw, slightly damaged. Ohves-OOn ,ars fresh 5»v ilk Olive*. * Sugar—3 bbls. loaf sugar. Pa|ier-500 remtis Wrapping Paper. Musurd-Also, under the inspection of the wardens of the port for

account Of whom it may concern, 31 boxe, EngUsh Miuiara, saved Iron.ship George ('mining.

„.. r ... M .-''';l'>ck at tie Exchange. IhefHst saili'i('lirigLANysiOX,fiyrarsol(l,137to:isorl300liarrrls \

liurthen;ligiit draft of water; is well found in tails mid ri-ging; has 1 I efeato ca.iles. I-ivei.torv is lull anil may IH- st-cn at the auction I room. Lies at Kiephant wharf. Terms at sale

SATIdtDAY at 12>clock, at the Exchange. Twelve years Lease af * * House J a Deb ncv-st. corner of WUIet-

strcet, with a two-storyJJaaae and brkkBtatae in the rear, frontinr' I tmWillet.*t.aver)elifribksta.'Hlior the grocery and feed businclts ! Perms at sale

MY A. ». GLASS A G R R A R D N .

.'.hr.': . 1 . .

\, , .... r

• fV • r ir

it.. 1

I "!



, ' -

Sinn n iafriPat THiSDAV.

TI'ESDAY, at ll-i'clo-k, in Irontof their store, Tobacco~30 reroon, St. Domingo Tobacco.

Cotton and Rope. TI'ESDAY. at 12 oUloek.at Pine-street wharf, akntrs'de the shin

Florida; from X. Oneans, l-i.> liaks eut Haling Rope: '/oak* Cotton At 12 o'cliek. at the Kxcban^e,

House ia Dcy-st—The U.oston KPPB X'i. 30 l>ev-»t. 23 hr Tffeet- | by Iff1 feet. iu»e 22 by 42 front an I Ma r, oflirkk, replete witli tvervlonvenil 7. Also.the house and lot Xa. Ill house

ence fsr ageideel fan.ily. In ihe yurd is abrick cistern, nns: a privy, with a alone sink. The lurders aiul grass pkt an- enclosed with curb slone.aml walks laitl with brira. The premises may be viewed any tiaiebefore the sak, between the hours of lo and 2. Terms—10 tier rem on ihe day of sale, thereiiii ii.der tm the first day of .May, when possessiou and a warratitee deed w ili tw {>'tv en.

MONDAY. i;t\i, al 12 o'ciock, ai tiie Exchange. f.recuto:! Sale of LnateWd Vrtptrty— Fourteen years unexpired

lease of the bouse aad lot Xo. 18 Park Row, kiow u as tlie Sink and fpfda House, .idjoinitig the ?ark Theatre. The lower Mere of ihe house, the refectory ben. at !i. the ft 11 jail allev in the rear, and the ex­treme ba*k yard, being under a lease lor a te.m of three years from from the first day el .May next at a rent of ttl30 dollars per annun., payable quarterly in advancv.and the second and third story and giirrvi, (foMprtsfurfaralarge parlors on the second rloor. and 13 kMgtogroeuta on tin- tiiird story and garret) the kilchr-h ia the rear, ami the backyard b t t e a d a g 10 it, Ix ing under a lease until the 1st ot .May pelt ; al a rent of $SM pet aunirm. T h e ground rent is $1000 per year. _ T h - premises extend from Park Row to within about JO i'eet of Theatre Alley. The purchaser lo receive the rents from the 1st ol reiiruary n, it'. Terms cash. For further information apple toW. II. Chitteiiiic::,Esq. agent for the Executor, No. 144 Nassau Mreet;ar to tin- miction store.

Three Lois of Ground on the Bowery, lietsyeen Twelfth and Thir­teenth-*!, each Si by 100 fret, ou one of which i t a good two storv frame li - use, 20 feet liv 41 fort.

Also, one Lot on T'welltlr-st. adjoining the above, l'Hiv 71 feel; 1 Lot adjoining the n!-tove—diuvnsions of the whole of which mav be seen on the ni.p at the auetionfers'. Two-lhirds of tlw? purchase mo­ney may remain on mortgage, at li per cent per annum.

AT I'RIV.ttE SALE. Segar*.—27 M. Havana Segars, r* whole, Lalf and quarter boxes,

viRtitTed td debenture. Tobacco—150 ceroons Culia Toharvo,entitled todelH?nlure. Lifts in Pearl-st to I.et-The2d, 3d and 4lh lofts of Stor.- Na. 246

Pearl-st. to kt from 1st .May aext, at present occupied by Thomas V\ alker k Sons. The id iofl having ibe windows lo tlie floor, would be suitable for a jobbing store. Apply m-xtdoor, at 241 l'earl-st up stairs.

17 X O T I C E . - T H O S . FRANKLIH »i SOX, will lor thetu-tyre, inaduiiion to their out-door sales, rl rert tlieir attention to the disposing of Real Estate, either at public or private sale; and,also, personal attention will IK- give.-, to those families who may wish to Lave their Furniture sold on the premises.

„ion-*tree*, iVet; ! « 2 5


BY THOMAS F R A X K L I X A SOX. Start So. t Tontin- Coffer-Ihux.



sorted S e t and we igku , for sak bv * SOL ,N J. ISAACS,

Wnrehoase of the Soho CojuserWorks, 92 Water st.


king, sale

T A T E OF XE\V YOUR, **.—i«I'iwtvru.—Inpursu-; ofChancerr, wi"



fb aoee"if adecreul order of the Ceart of Chancery, will be sold at pnhik auction at tli" Vlrr-hants' ExcNan*e,in theeity of Xew-\*orli oa Saturday, the twenty-fifth »laj of Febnrrynext, at iwehrecr'elork at BOOB, by • uwkr the din-Baa of t: • sulncriber, one id :he Mas tew ol" tins CMPt—" All >'••'« " 'in 1 *L piece or tarcel of gTOUiKL sitaa'f. Ivir-g and Iieiix' in th- l.kvemh Ward of the city of New-York ka-iw n and distinguished >»n a certain map attached to a certain dean 'executed by Noah s,-.ve!l a,*l David P. Half, conveying the preiw*ei bareN "wtended M aa MMMPOB with ether prapertr Ui the »pans ot ihe second {lai't, as kt n-tmlwr seventeen, which sakl

aad'map are recorded ia Ihe Office aftbe Regi-lerin ami for the riv anal rountv of New -York, in Liber Xo. 19. ol conveyaaees, ami puretay •waastod • •.rtk-ilv. in front, bv Tenth-street; sootherlv. in S t rear bv kt number foil • -»L'ht: westerly, onone.ide,by kt num-tver uxieen; aad tsasierh.- t Ihr other sak. by lot number eighteen C mainiie-In bremlth ia'froni am! rear,twenty-fi*efeet.ami inkngth. mm each sitie, oinets-twofcet threv inches, a* ou reference to the saul aaanwill more fulls uptww. Ami al*a, all that certain othrr lo»,nkr». or ntrrrlof rr, •!»!. silwate. tsi..? aivl b*inj in the city of N'ew-Vork, k*^waadMliu*tinsut-lMstlon'l,ie*aii! mipaslot number one bunitml sod •eseiitern. siiuaie on t!w» n>rth-rlv side <»f Ninth-street, betw«vn paapH C and D.: Rounded soathertv. i-J front, by Ninth-street: nonbrrh. in the r««r. I,T NJI namberone binw,re4 mod twelve; caster. Eaaa ow *»*e. bsr lot mtmber one humlre.1 and sixteen: m>>t westerly. on ib<- «0WT side'. »« U»t non.ber u«e l,u-.i.Ired and eijrhleen—coni inl­ine in breadth, in fmn* »nd rear. t-A«istv-fi»e ftset. and in [enfftb. on earn shk. illness-tw > test thn* iaches, as on reiVrencj MMtoasytol map will 11101 e full, aporar." rilO'S. ADDIS ».>l>ttET.

JSI tawJwitk* Master in t'hancersN •MTATE OP MRW TiMUBU mr-miVMmmcmmi^& S^ aunaaRerafatta.-rrtalcraer.it' ttiat'jurt of t-ha«rry, will ha •PB »t »«bli<-au-tW>n. at'.he Mer.hants' Exchaage. in ttaeeuy af New York, on f*attusfa», the twenty-fifth day of Februar* nwxt al twrOru'eiaefc. a i n n * . kg or iinrter the .^rti-lion of the subscriiier, one of Uar Masters ai thi* t asset, " All thai eertsin lo*. pieee ar |«r,-,i uf |T«*«sd, utuatr. i>tn? ami tieintr ia th» rh'tenth war,! at rhe. ii.. of New ¥«rk, km-.* iou tltstiiiBuisbeU lis m certain snap aii.o-h'-d t» a certain areclevru«r4 bv Noan stemed and tSas-sl P. Halt,conveying tb* areirn.es berirbs miemtest to bntooveyea with other property t« the inid party af the teeoad ^aru a, k>l ou,»l»t-r thirty-one, which whl deril »n.i raw/ are re»n-dr<J in the office of the Register, in ami for tJb* "fy and e»u">ty«f New York. inli'T. Ma 1 !M of conveyaisrrt, awl «a»ee Ml baaatM|ayaMaatj >a front 00 avenue ('. we.seriy in tha rear E lot awmbrr tweaty-aifht. norllarrn on one side by lot nntitbei IBBMjr, and southerly <in tha ether side !>Y Ira number thirtv-two, :on-laini'»siobr*»iitbialrn«lantl rear twenty-three feet, am) in length on earl ,i I* aine*y-*hrre f, et.a* on refeiraer 10 the *aiit map will Kaore fell, apt ear. And a!*<t a£ that einar Ut. (kre ar tasravt of rrooiMl ..tual..lsin« am! tain;; in Ihr sail citv aisd knawnand tlislin-frua.(sn'' .-i ihesai'l map as lot wukl er fans, situate on the northerly •Me of Ninth aire**, betwecnavenrct- B. k 1".; init »'e.| snulhrrly in f rant t • N1 tub sixeet, northerly ia the rear by lot nuinlwr tw -nt* -fit e. raateuv <m one .ate bs lot nu liber thirty-nine, ami weataris aa* the atap Muebv i"t nunibar dety-uoe. ami cn.nairiaa.ia br-*>ith'in frant a**d r«art»ent,-nvefe«t, aaatia knpthan each snie nin-tv It.., feat three u:>ctns», a*,» rekreoce tt> ibe stalnoj-, wili umre fully appear.

THitS. ADDI-s KJIHI. t'T. Masterinl tianrerv. raaad New York. Jan. 31. i«Ji__ _ _ J3» 2»w3w.kdt*

El I TORS' SOLE OF REAL EhTATkV "J T<» RE siOI.D AT PI IIL1C Al CTltlN.un Tw««fa,, th* vjik

daw*/ toarrk. » , t , « | stotaek, aax on ih*>remises. A KARYI. be-taaafW so the , state nf the lale Benry knurr. tMMMMB, on ihe vsuth *..i" to s>ti»rss-s 1.;, jj.,,;, ibe road i.-wl iiur from, •_- vtuaraiitim a, Mekaaaaat, eoiaatmnt; ajisaat 7laere*—Mof waieb are taikble kml, the r«u*indrr w ..tuad ami salt ueadtiw. The Usmi a* as ftxitl a* kit, in the aaakrhftaarhrsnd, ami ha* . >i Isesri) over w. rkeit in p- mt ,.f Muaaioa inarpaii « by few on (he I.Ural. It i* * units* Irooi the I *a&r-

Rkhaaoad. the t'ountv T„*«. 1 here are km 11 abosil t imlm of ttar stis prentk.

IM... ;. Slur,.!.« • mat HaptisL Stage-. ich.iaMKl. nm»» the door saveral tinie*

a daf a,>i"u:ie the !*|iri:ii,ir. SMjnmaer and Autunaa. There are on the pnrajiar* » Bw.lBiic Htaaae, with a•*rcr-failiag Well of XSater near Uar ttoar. a rasrn anil -Kit 11,1. w-, ami < Xrhanl of bemhii?apple tree*. .41M, frm h. Pear, Plain, »...;;•„ ami Cherry trees. A Gardea wed aaseadi *nk currant aad giKnebenrv bu»he5, straw tjerrj and rm»l*rrj *tiB%afPBra«w bed, te .

A fapAer des'-riplkin 1* the prrttaise* t» unarre*aanr, aa il k prr-aawaed Ui*t m oeraou will rnrehaae wiuamt first ftawutr tbein.

The Fi aaor*, b«-k*iji ae t>< the *ud far<B, wid be a4*1 at the tar.» nam *» 1 t'>lMF, setsanie from the Karm.

TerWiis of sale, li per rt. fasp. MMka day of *ak, ««# half of the re-AaBaaej of the Darda, and liar halaa.ee at aut

FISH. GMXXF.LL k CO. MB Fronl-st

P O R B A L R * F R E I G H T O R C H A R ­TE IL—The fast sniitMs? coppered brig SI'SAN. J. Noses, master, a superior ves el, carries about lioo brls. andean ,lw promptly despatched. A .pry on laiard, at Dover street

wharf, or ta . J. F.DKLAPLAIX'F. .k CO. 1..7 South atraat, Whamlrrforsale. lamting from the Susan fra.» Wo Grande. 4i5f>

IBdea, partheavv. for the Furopeaa market, lbWO fresh larire Ox Hnrrts. iweolls Hair, part long. Ji4 dtf

— -jpQR PTJTRIGUT o n CHARTER, live psliV ^*" M '" n f SB'P MAUYS, Ronnie, ttiaster,copoer MaaMpd J? k* „ f | fovifured, lias made iuione voyaee, hurtliea Jjo Wn«,

• + • t obi*, will he ready lo take in a cargo in a few days. Appiv to the * apiain on board, at Flephant w barf, or to

!i2i FISH, GRINXELLi CO. lit Front-st

" F R E I G H T F O R P R O V T O E X C E , R. I. Any (nod V KSSELmay have from Iwt tu )'2u tons heavy •mull for Ihe ahive port, bv applving to J23 B. AYMArt t CO. U South-street

POR F R E I G H T OR CHARTF.R.-fhe fast sailin;.scho<>ner LAL'KEL, Cupt B a r n * * ; 8.50 bar­rel* burthen; now reads to take in carfa. Aai-lv to J2« k t f CAaMTT .V. BERTv^DY. l l f F i o n t - s t

~ F O R PIBEiGHT r OR (TlARTEIi-Tke . uew copoer fcsteaeti br igD. FRANKLIN. Capt. Chase, P 171 tons,'will carry 13toMM) barrels, awl sa i l sver fast—

%MWU AfllCel<

' a i - = . A , t ' i - . to J13 kef

WOOD i . T R I M B L E . 157 Maiden-lam-.

. l i * . I w

antra*- aad I aaUca bnaa Rirhoi fuur place* of pahbe wwrdkio apt e*. *n e-faaajsaptoaa, baaraop M, aoo I'ran the Q »r»„tine t» Rj

CABOT t HF.RTODY. 117 Front-street. ~~\\ \ X T ED—Several giaid Vessels of 600 to 8«> bar­rets burthen, to aroceed tr. F redericksburgh, Mrginia, for return cargoes. Aprils to JSI fit

W A X T E D TO C H A R T E R r - A low *kcked BRIG or SCHOONER of 110 a ldOtons. for 3or S months. Into, l o MANSON k CO.

lj*i 49 Wallst

W A N T K B T O G M U * T B ^ R > ^ j * « i Vrtari of from J f ft to !Wi barrels, to load at ihe Island of ( u U , for l!w mirth of Europe. Apply to

KAPELYE, XVtjTHERSPOON Jt CO. Bnikeis, o3 Wall-strret.

W A V i E D f l ) C i i - A K T i f R . a cossd Ve»-•el, «f aJamt *»x) barrels, far a VO-T»£TC ta the north of Europe from this pan. .%:>!*• to

UAPKLYE, We»THF.r.SP<K>N& CO. Bribers, .53 Wall-stivet.

W A I T E D T O C M L A R T K A - ^ jtoap I S P or 2'snt, m »«* tKirn U. lo toad for IjsijJoiKlaTry. The

' car^obeing reailr, despatch will be eiven. Appfv to SB si KKI.I. £ t (st. or ALEX. THO-MPSftX, 38ftoa«t

» « w LOJsmkj . P H i i v i D c x c E fc B O S ­TON, AT S fit LOCK, P. M.

Pas age frtm New Vork ta New London. $•> CO Dtx fi-Jia New Louden In Pros i.'enee. 2 OH lia. from Providence Iu fta-tan, 1 50

The spier,iid low *re**ttre steam boat JOHN JAY. Cape Charles Davison, will „ •> KiMt Itiver st- amhoat place, foot ef Beekma-st.l..rN*w'L,>ndon, ihi* ITues day! aftfrnoau, Jan. aist. at S o'clock.

gk R1CILYRDS. ll*SoUth-.t.*s F V t l i K S M l G C L K R S a Tale, n, tueauihor „f »Taies by

M me trtlara ratiulv he Demsuncett." kc. in lvi,l« t .m» fumiieg N«t. 17 ami 13 oi the Librarv of S'-ket Novell just iinbli»h-

E. BLLS*. i l l Btiapppj. cor. TricityjCUureh Y nix'.

C" * O R P O R A T I O N N O T I C E . Ku.iic aottta7m\ nereby / given, That the ass.-asr.ient t,w pav in/ the Blmuttiuprtiale Root:

fr»ao lihh lo il*l .Ireets, is compkted aval drpesiied iu ihe Stree" Ci».uJs»'.oner'» offict;. 6>r exaaiinalaon by all persons eaaaanpp, vintil Mondav the Wh d^§ t i February next—Aral make is hereby furiher (risen. That if any persofc,* object 10 the ronnrtnalioo of the above named aeseswment. taey are tle^irit 10 prrarat thesauie in writing, at tha Street C,i,un»is#i«iier*s ,.tlic.-, tm „i liefore that ,.:• v.

UKNJ. aKIGHT, Street Conuniitkoer. -.ire, t C. <:i...i-.;o:-r's Office, Jan. *.«. irai J31

I L L I A M - K T R E E T . PubbV isotic*. i* hereby givea, Thai application *v petitka has ta-'-n mule 11 the <nainion

( ii,. "u to w ir, n William-street, between Pine ami Wall streets, by a tine runninj; front the \resent easterly riuruee of line ami WilUam street* to the present aouibrrly corner -.(Wall ami William streets, s t a l l wilt mid about citrht feet to the present width of the Mreet; M which application, all person* co .enveU are hereby ikairctl to take ootiee. and if Hut*' have any objeetions theieto. to pre- „ the U P hj wriliuff, al'th* Street ('rai.-iir-yoBcr's ot'Siee. on ur v..tore Hobday- ibe (ith day uf l> rbruarv next.

Be NJ. WKIUHT. Street Cununt-sioocr. Mreet Coomiis.rf.eer'- Office, Jan. at, |iij2. J^l

BV ardee afihe H,,n>rar4e ^aaMtrA~ii7^aiW~rk*i Judge oi Monroe County CcaarSa, Notice it hereby given, That an at-

tarhnvnt bus haued ., gainst the eipji- of Samuel Atrbinson, nuw or Uteof ih>i*»nuf Papasx, in the epJMa of Monroe, an abseoodint.' or euacwakd uebfjoe, 0*1 da* pyiof matte to tea* JadPe aeeortiini; 10 the pestaktoaa of the Merited Staime* eaaeerninc atlaebna wi vgakiM aliejeadtna, row aaase w-ill be ssdd *W fh» rt Atahimam appuar law, within three nawtth*

BY J . J . I I E ¥ M L R A R I C H ' D C R A W F O R D . if>iIT Ao. 14:> I hiunam ji/uan.

— T H J S DAx'7 At 10 o'clock, at their store, a Uirge and general assortment ofpiew

aad second hand UeuseboM and Kitchen Furniture—Consisting of cohtmn i plain bureaus; dining, kreakfast Jt tea tabks; high ami low post bedsteads work tobies; «aue k rush sect chairs; wimlsarda; gill aad niahoge-nv fraire liwking glasses; wash stands: Venetian window blinds; Use g e e s , feather beds; bair, moss k cattail do; carpets; andi­rons; shovels & longs: castors; trays; knives i. forks, Britanuia ware; table it tea spoons, bellows, Lc.

Also, a general assortment of reasonable wearing-appparel, with au invoke of watches, jewelry. Lc.

*0VL" wTWETMttRB A SOX\ CJ" W. W. WETMoilE & se.N\resr>ectfulljlniurm their friends

and the public, that they have entered into an arrangement by which any business sent them to tr-iostat in the auction line, will be'punctu ally attended to.

1 1 PEABLEE A COWPERTHWAIT. i'uiioiair.ii Smks Roemt, An. 107 Bitmdtiay. Tl! BSBAY, April A

TENTH NEW.YORK TRADE SALK.-Tbe whseiilier* res­pectfully give liolke lo Booksellers and Publishers, that their Spring sale to the Traee, will couimenee on Tuesday the ,lti April next, and he itontinuetl froiu day to tiny until all 'he gt«ds are solo.

From the numlier of invoices already received, yve have reason to expect our Catalogue will contain a larger asaorflheiit of valinbk siss-k than usuaJ, and that the sale will be fully attended by uooksvl-kr« from all quarters of the I'nion.

To obviate tho dinicultics hitherto experknbed, in receiving and despair;,,ngour Trade Sak Goads, we intend hiring a large fire proof pare for the purpose, in which all the go** Is to t-e sold will he pkcid-. not an article will be offered unl.-ss actually in possession, or hills of lading received. Cut, ibuiors will oolige us he making their shipments as early as possiMe, ami tkise who topi ur.lVnund stock w ill srreatly I'arilitate the cfaetoaj of accounts bv having their booka tied au in snch parcels its tbev are intc.idcd to be snld. Contributors are Jlso reiiuested to U- j+ar.icul r in dewribiug thuir books, and suit inr the terruson wbiih they wish then. suld. *

It ut intended to make the sale 0,1 a credit of jour month*, w iabout legarU to imiividual invoice*, exc» pi those that are ordered tube eato for cash. The sales made on a credit will be gtuu-anteed for one tier cent.

Consignments of Books. Stereotvee Plates, Bookbintier's Leather itc. are respectfully -.-li, i-rr*.

V. 1». S H A T T I C K . Start So. 27 Confiam-itrert.

THIS DAY, At 91 o'clock, at 27 Chatham-st. a general assortment of Dry Goods,

consisting of trow 11 ami bleached shirtings and sheetings bltie,black, brown and olive broadcloths and apPHPNp seatiags llag, -ilk ami band..ana hdkfr; blk Italian cvatppj kdies'aml men's cotton hoseamt half-hose; calicoes; furniiure chintz; while muslin cravats; cambric muslins awl imitation cambric; fine Irish linen h li-.ien damask; nap­kins and table cloths nierim>,cashntere anv- Cyprus shawls and bslkf fancy silk jtnV gaute hdkl's; sewing silk ami cotton; stispeHdcrs, rib­bons tapes: needles; 800 dor. bark and side roinhs, i » ; Ready-made Clothing, consisutig of dress and frock coup; of various colors, aim drilling pantaloons; velvet, Valencia and laiMBMM'a tests; silk,round­abouts; linen colkrs, Ike.

AC 12o'clock. Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods— Consrting ot gold and silver watches, some of which are very fart gold, pearl ami paste ear rines and breast pins; fancy boxes; combs; latlks' work nun perfumers-boxes; knives; razors; s. "ds; chains; kevs; bracelets; pen cils; hair and cloth brushes, Jv«.

Al 12* o'clock, a lanre lot of German Tovs ami other Fancy Comb B ¥ GEORGE \ V . L O R O A CO.

Om So. 151 asrtoppaji The Auction ami CapatPMMa bustoes 1 heretofore conducted bv tin

subscriber under the firm of Thomas Fitch k Co. will be cowiu'cK hereafter under the iirni of BBOJK5B W. LOUD k, CO. ljiarorti wav.

BY W M . J . B K O W N . *to,e Aa. 137 lf'utcr-$t,ttt.

e<! ami for JM

I by


•ml that the pay mem of 1 aa W

flfliliiaB debsori, and that the

.s asent of hkdeaea, anle** the said Samu-' ar«> .ath. attaehnieiit __aeeoxii ii.e s»

firtt M a f anv d e tip, a nd 1 i l a k e f au i • tu aa d

torn at thi* delivery ot any

AT estivA-rr. *AI .E, Htirdvarc. faii'erj) and fanctf tineob—Amoag which w i l be found,

Britannia table and l c . spoons: table and desert knivc* and forks, ivo­ry and back tiar.itie set* at £•• pieces; matrnumbonum,old Kutrlisb ami oilo-r razors h»«k, side ivory-dresainir eotnh*: fanrv shaving saap in boxes transporent printed, Jackson ehrystnUzed am! medallion snuff boxes; tmxwoad, with u: rltor - and inlaitl v.. ill shell, snui,' and totiarro tsoies; polished steel and brass snuffers ami trays; silvered and silver and brass thimbles: shaving boxes; pen, pocket ami pruning kuives: 6ne peart. she-Hand ivory b-.j;,lb,l ..nives. on cards; gilt studs; i>earl shirt buttons-. brn«*nn<i steel barrel percussion ami & lock -islnU; carvintr knive*ami forks essorted kuives :wd forts: atrt ilass K-»,ls; ntsrklaces; tKixwoort pii>tu-h»>»s: dominav boxe* ^itt ami japannet! coat and vest buttons; shavin» bni.sh--S larje shear*: jews hww; h«As ami eves; fanes- ami b'-trk silk stocks 1 Vt nests of fail-y Iwes; tea bells, as-one,! size*; bracelet*; Isni'tintr pins; gold, silver, sire! „...,| silk sru;ir< chains; silver iv*l plated «|>eeaa<fes; auverpenri;*; neeiilr*-. rssum) and pack pins eoht ami jrobl plated breast pina; rold plated fti: ;-ee rings; gold and gilt ear (1m. s wt mt combs; eottr.n ball,: sun giasv-e»: wafer* in boxes; brass and sdve-•' - ! •—-"-•-•' t>ru.*he», & c-

v er J bited , »".(Ue ticks. and tint

Also. Wi -etsbras* shovels netl tenf*. Also, bo set tea travs. 3 to 4i» vt . Aka. 200 Britannia tan arid roflee »et*: M ilnrer! eily made brhlks Also. lflO*.'oienivorvandi-aekhar.dle kniyt-iitnd fork*.^

BY P E A R S O N 4 C C R L E T . Mm Fur*- Lon s ROOM, !C3 Itrmtmrny. •tfw.'itt Atfiidca Utm.

BATt'RDAV KYJkNXNs.. * a Spkndid Oil Pnialin^t- A consienr.tent of two ease* of Splendid

Oil Paimings, rrv-entlv imported; the productions of ItuW m. SHorke. Maa*. Breughel. !>e lirrrn, Torrtorjrh, X'allekeas, Teni»r«. Albano, naadalrhino, flols-in. ilrmiuet; <.-aido,OsCule, PiHiissin, Brovsei-,ac. v-e- IhePamiiiijr, will In,exhibited on friJay evenbtgand an Sat-«. vtrday. w itti catalogue*.

- Credit Sale of Boot*. Stationary. Jtc. THI RSDAY, Feb. ft. at I a'clostk P. M. will commenee the »ak of

*J'nuc* of 4'ouk*, SrUtiiniary, lie. beiag several - n*i;rnmem» rervw «l fr-jni tb; aohtb and east ' The ratakgin-- will he f.««n<l 10 embrace us elcgam collection »f the m»t -«,-.*-k tlesiraWe to ihe Trade. The tatalogue will be ready on the 1st February. A credit of tsn d*v» PP 1* mven to thaw who i,crcha«e to the anouut of $ 100, for ap­proved pppa

T I M n , vA CAIID.-Tbirteenih »ale to the Trwle.

11 r-SDAY, March 27.-Tk-*uli*criIsers ro^pectftilly r k e motiee P Bookaelkr*, aad aMpa* that their Thineemh Sak of Baoks, Sta-""5*.1>i!?.r!B,^i,I* Pbt*e*,eu!. will take place on Tueaday. March .Tib.

some ViiKtes oi terge, tuitributions have already beea received Irqen

of the must ex lea. -ve ,iot>lkher. In the «.«ntrv. ami we *h*ll be MatMtoPaae the >TM catalogue on the I Kb Fetu-imry. aatoppe

^ 2 ? Jaftfr ''•''••dspad IbrnaTglaeuJ the Caton. The Auctif«aeers wish it djpinctry Il lWid that kwaetea mutt be lorwarded be «•—

ry of any ( « w r t y ;=*b Fskruery. Cuatrta.i«, lrr. r ^ S ^ ^ f c a v e ' — ^ ^ • T

and the trawier 14 1 ;-ut up in tnu laat a>rs want them ~id?»itpieto1 oh.

TRADE SALE. THIRSDAY. Mr.:ch »ih, at So'elock. A. M. »* ill eomiiseriee tk-

idleol Books, Stationery, Stereotype Pktes, I'rktiiig and liindim materials, k r . i c in-luamitiest* the Trade. The first eatakigu* vv ill be put to k'rcss on die ISth February, invokes tor which must I, handed in bv roe l'.ih. Many nhtohk invoices have alreavlv br«n rectivtd from the Philadelphia,Baltimore, Hartfortl and Boston pub llshers.

As this will prok'Wy be W far the largest snL- we have had, in M d.r to secure a favorabk tnseriiou, contributors will please forwai u their invokes early, as those'firs, received will he entitled to their ehoiee ef abate in the catakgiie.

To obviate the delay in di liveritig and closing bilk; no goods w ill he sold whi-e are rm acntally in petotMMa on Uie day of sale. A de* vktiost, in some eases. Bap tl.ls necessary rule, hating caused pre." trouble nt the last sale MM therefore, purchasers may rest aasured a 1 laaahiaj «*! their goods without delay. Contributors will furtin r facilitate the closing of acoountss. by having all fnldud, or sheet sto* done up in ru«h jurreis us they are ttrtended^ooSe-sold^M, and in uti cases should the jlates t* done up with the looV*.

Contributors w ill please be particular in the descriptions of thnr book*, aad also as to the terms w hich thev v. ith thin sold on. The salrslor rrs,l!t»ill be ^-unrnnteed; ami the cash advanced ifrenui, etl. All invoices notstiecially diracted to be sold fur cash, will b e e n sitlered as sold on a eredit, and the usual guarantee charged.

Literal advance* are made w hen ri ou• red. on the receipt of *toc k

B Y \ V . M ' L A C G H L l l v T -

a*ea A'o. ltit r\!tf,n-*trtrt.

Ti'.I:RSDAY, at II o'clock, at the auction room, A great variety of impressions of siedais, ancient and modern,

consisting in parldi hetuta of eminent warriors, statesmen, philoso­phers, pacts, ItCJ groups of figures, views of ancient buildings,ar. rhite.tui-iil remains and devices. Jvc. a

Also, a set of impressions nf medals struck in honor of Napoleon's victories, i r .

Also. CHIPMre collection of cameos, heads of distinguished Ameri­cans, ai". eral medallions, kc.

The originals k-ing vrv rare in Knrope, renders this colli etkn verv valunbk, and w iirthv ihe atteniion ol amateurs.

Ape, about 500 r.ioulds, worthy the atteniion of amalevrs and art­ists. Sale peremptory. m,

N. B. Lilieral advances r_ejji on all consignmenls. w

I ; Out door sales atteuoed to w hit punctuality aud despatch.

R¥ CUARLLB P A P E L Y E r Ojp.rt U aPMeer strttt, oiipositt tht Pott Vjfitx.

TI'ESDAY, Feb. Tth7, nt 12 o'clm-k, at the Exchange, A new two story brick from House and Lot (in fee) No. 15 Morton-

street, on the ninth side, near Bkerker-sL; lot 25x30; house 21 Xo0, finished in good style, with a kilcheu adjoining in the rear, and a good stable in the yard, communicating with the street by au eight loot carriage wav."

A well built brick front House, filled in, No. 2 Reuwick-st next to the HaPer ef Sm ing-st.; kt aWH| house 22x2b, wilh a three foot al­ky-wav; lot on lease from Trinity Church, 12 years unexpired from 2J1I Feb. 1SJ2. at *40 per annum.

Also,a well built two storv brick front House No. 656 Greonwich-slreet, at the northwest corner of Morton-st, 2ox«8, with an addition of 14 HctMpiaie in the rear, a stable iu the rear 16x25, fronting ou Morton-st.

Also, a one story frame House No. 93 Morton-st, 20x25, well finish­ed and well adapted for a small family. The above are on a lot ttsx 102feet, 18years uneqpired leuse from" Trinity Church, at |50 ground rent, ar.d will be soid together,

AT PRIVATE SALE. • That pleasantly located and highly cultivated Farm of about fifty

five acres, situated on the turnpike road kiading from Brookly to Heinpstrnd, four miles below the village of Jamttira, formerly known as the resilience of J. J. Cossart, and new owned and occupied by An drew Ten Evik.

Also, a Farm of about 1(17 acres, situate nn the Hudson river, about 22 miks from the city of New York; the buildings are a comfortable farai house ami frame barn,Itc ia tolerable repair; it Is w itliin a short distance of steamboat ami market kiuiing. and will be sold in two dif­ferent parts or together, as may suit the wishes of the purchasers:-. For furiher partieulars applv to" the auctioneer.

Two of the two slory houses in ihe block recently creeled in Harrow late Fifth strsel, near the Washington Parade Ground, and known as Nos. 54 aud 56. The houses are each 22 fu t front and rear by 40 feet deep; lots 22 feet bv 07 each; the houses are finished iu modern styk, a ith folding doors and |-antries. niarlde nnxatels ami grates; piUastcr-ed, hard finished waUs and handsomely corniced; good slap roofs.— Then' is lart.e vault in the rear of each"; the varus taslelully kid out, w ith flagged walks, grass plats and flower beers; also, a large cutora and pump— the wkile combining ekfrmu i, with every convenience for a genteel family. A map of I he property may be seen at the onice of the auctioneer

BY W M . G. laCLL A CO. _ Store I W I I K Vofftt Mm*, Wall-ttrttt.

AT PRIVATE KALE. Houses ami Lot—The two 2-story brick houses and lots Na. 90 Es

sex-street The bouse* were built two years ago, and are ia excel lent o n k r . Lot 25 by 1 0 feet

Hvson Skin Tba. M chests Hvson Skin Tea , Pacific's cargo, enti-tlea'to delienture; tm chests das l-'aniiy and Pacific's cargo,

HvsotL—150chrsu Coinpmy's retail Hyson Tea, very superior. Kail Road Irea. a t IMP Rail Koad Iron, (at cast) after pattern of

Canvas White, Es.|. ordi-rtti for a rail read since given up; entitled to drawback. ' . . . . . . . . .

riankeenf—SS,««pkce* Couipany yellow "-L*nkeenst entitled to de­benture, via London.

YV'hie*.—I butt Sherrv Wine; C pipes Madeira Wine, a private Moek whirl, has made two vo;. ages, e.mi remained in China several years.

Glue.—12casks I:lue, jast laimieg, entitled to itebenttire. Paper.—100 reams Letter Pai er. Seears.—10* M. Caa-.i eachr Se^ar*. entitled to debentttre. YVmil.—5 bale, super i;ualitv Kn(;lish Wool, for worsted yarns.

THIS DAY, TI'ESDAY, at IN o'.lock, in fnmtof the store,

Damaged H,-.;dware—I'nder the inspection of the wardens of the port, for araotint of underwriters, 2 casks cait steel tackles,damaged on board the George Canning.

Stoves—2 stoves lor burning ccal. Indin Uuhber Shoe*.

f ESDAY, at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr. Joseph Howard, No. 9lr'ront-stt;)clo*eac«ncern, U8 eas.-. India riabuer shm-s. le-ing the balance of the cargo of the KJfcT • ashmgton'.s Barge, trdin Para.

t Tiiev are represented as a remarkably prime lot, and s-oBsideied so I perior to any thai have •eenofferixl this season. Catalogues will be

ready for delivery on Monday, when the shoes nmy ne examined. Terms—1 a 6 nionths, approved tndorsed notes.

TO-MOBROW. WEDNESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store,

Chocolate—159 boxes Rhodes' No. 1 chocolate, received direct from the manufactory ut Boston.

Pii-oa—PA mixes short Pipes O h " ekMs j.nr" Holland Gin IHrjw lauerep Rice Salltm—1 bbls. pickh-d Salmon.

Leather, Boots, Shaes, k c WEDNESDAY. Ft*. 8, at in o'clock, al the stores of Austin Mel-

vtn, No. 5 Furry-street— 15(Kl sid.-s sole leather; 150 doz. wax calf skins p-0 black ami colored morocco; 200 binding skins 50 binaing; 20n sides wtix ami groin leather

100 cases b.vots ami shoes; ' 1 do India rubber shoes—with a variety of other articles in the line.

SATURCAV, lliii, at a] o'clock, at the Exchange. Chancery SaU-—I'nder ihe direction of John M. Macdonald, mas­

ter in chancery, six houses and lots of ground belonginiothe estate of John lirown, (ale of the city of New York, deceased, and known and distinguished by the following numbers, viz. Nos. 169, 171 and 17J in Chatham st, abd Nos 2, 4 and fi in James st

WEDNESDAY, 15th, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, In Chancery—I'nder the direction of .KbnM. Macdasald, Master

in ( liai-cery, the vnexpired term of ten years from the 1st nf May, 18.9, uf n lot of land situated in ihe 9th ward, oa the westerly side of the Bowery, between Greai-Jones and Fourth streets, hounded east­erly in front bv the Bowery; northerly by iynd of Jesse Bkrkfan and fanil of fleorge Tavkir, jr."; WPPpJk- in the rear by land of Cornelia V'aldron; and southerly by land of "Mary Waldron—being 19 feet in from, 18 feel in rear, ami Mi feet i 1 length on each side, as described in said dweree, and ahd the lease of ibe said premises, and appurtenan­ces.

TlinRSDAY, Feb. lfith, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, In Chance ry—All those two certain Lots of Iiar.d, situate, lying and

bch-.g in the 9th ward of the city of New-York, be-ing two of four lots, all of the same dimensions which formerly belonged lo Thomas H. Smith, nov deceased. For further particulars, see New-York Courier and Einpiirer.

AT V-RIVATK SALE, The two story frame House a?d Lot HI Franklin-st; lot It feet 2

inches front anal rear, and 57 feet deep. The bouse is iu good repair, having 4 rooms wi,'h fire places, fr.nl and Hark kitchen; there are five lied rooms. The pi emisc* have rented lor $210. Tenus—$1,100 may remain on bond anil mortgage, and the balance on delivery of the deed.

Lea.*eiwW Property on (Mirystie-street—13 scars unexpired kase of lot No. 143 Chrvstte lietween Broome and Delaacey streets; the lot is 22 feet 8 inches in width, and 108 feet deeji. Ground rent f80 per annum. On tlie lot are 2 good brick cisterns, 3 frame buildings well finished, a kakerv hi tlie basement of tlie front house. The buddings mav be removed'at tho cxpiratka of the lease. ~ " B Y " J . H . S T t R T E V A X T .

C'jRe* corner of Wed) met affctw jtrcrt*. to the Tontint CofftfHenut. THIS DAY.

TUESDAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of the store, On account of a former purchaser, 1 qr. cask Wine; 2 half qr. do;

3 kegs Raisins; 1 box of Cb.otxdate. At 111 o'clock. iH front of the store,

Yn emigrant travelling wagon, 12fc»tlong, in pood order, with a seat and top,-lately bioii|.»ht from Fronce: it would suit a farnteror a market n.un. Also, a set of lu nit ss. Sale positive.

Assignees Sale.-An elegant ».lg. 'early new, with complete set of harness,; one cart ia good order vv ilh harness complete-sold by order af an assignee, ta ihe highest bhii'er.

The above sak of carriages is postponed on acc't of the weather. AT PKIVATE SALE,

A lot of Grocery Fixtures, such as M M casks, kegs, counters, scales ami weights , oil cans, canisters, barrels, boxes, k c Apply ta tlie austioneer. . .

Bf BPROLL ^ ^ , T E S £ | t Z stor* Be. MNaspaatrpaMpRPk

AT P R I V A T E S A L E . Just received the ckle* of the Literary Souvenirs for all the yea,..

Als», the Keepsake luuMrations for the years 1828,29,30 k CI, for ss ie at a low a rice.

A Notarial Prs-s. in omplete order—it will lie sold kw. t r Regii|s.r sales of Hors.s, \V ajjon*. Carts, fcc. every Wed r e

and Saturtiav afternoon, at the Hor^e Markjt, foot of Thirteenth-, t. between avenues B k B , near the Ka»: Kiver.

Regular sale* of Books ami Matiouery every Moattay, Wedneit. v, and Ssatitrday even.nes.

BV i . T . DOUGHTY A CO. tore iVo. 1J8 Bromdumy.

wua DAV". TI'ESDAY'. at 101 o'.ioek, at the auction room

YVithotit reserve to the hie best bttt.'er. KJ gpal ami silver watches, m-.uong which are several first rate gobl dial >.sd full iewelle,'. aaa t irver watches-, (.Iain secern! hand goto and stiver and b-pines, tt.g*tlier with a variety of faimy arax Irs, kc.

THIS EYKMNG, New Boohs—Just rrceived, a ran c ,,..,„,„ of New- Book*, imen.1-

af l topasapa 11 moor which are, the London Kesu «'• e. Anui.t. Forget..Me Mot, fce.; also, the Token, Attmlir Kenvenir, Tidisii 1. Affeetmn's Gift. The Paari, a.c; also, (irigg's lienu il'ul ediiioi.. of tlvroB, Milton, Y'oung, I owrer, TNtrrpMir., liiofed^e si|»>llv, K« is. Siott, Jinnee, linger* aud other British Poets, in superb eaifbimlo t': eke, .pkiaa'ui Kanuiy M P s , end a verier, of boo.s In eh-°wni 1, :->ag; al*., vary forge eon-i-nmayt* of be* stamtanl work*. *uil» le 'or librane., ami a aetanUiy af arhocl hoots and 5 eases exceb^i.i btaajh kaiVs. to be sold ir. kts lo suit country BMrchacU and dealars. 1 he stuck BOW bi hand is of the best quajitv'.aad v. iti be sold without r«erve.

AT P K I V A T E S A L E . X an/v of Or- Ree*i Cyekpardia lair hou-ul ia Kossia, whh P.i> ia

.oraers, ia 47 volume* quartoceirplete. I T Person* br.aiing up house keeping and wi«kia» their rur>it<irr

scld on the precise*, are respectfully bjtoraed that I. T. DOLl'H-TV wi!l atimtl persoahllv to «ach *al«*. All artier* left at the aa an stare,_l2« Broadxyy. will be proe.piiy atteiwied w.

I T B B M O T A L r - T h e auharriher ha* rensasrd from 11 to 119 W nter-«l. w here tea opening a large ami general arsortmei • nf Hardware. Caakry and Fancy i.waia, rceeived direct from Biro g-hani awl HlaerTh 'd.per the k>( frrisakvwhrh he offers for sak si re rv low prkas for cash or appro', ed rxwdtt

1 7 J . C A D I will continue the Aaatitm 11m! Comnisaion 1 p p . Merrill k Ctv, earner of V. dl

Libera) ul. .'ance*

B V ui:o. C. L I M B . Stor* Aa 119 Afeadm

»H., at the sioee ktelv oc.upied by • . McerOl i_ Ctv, «* and Wr.ter Mieet*, uialer the firm e l J. CADY k CO. vaoces aiade oa all kimls of aamhaadite.

" " B Y «f. CJUBT_ACO. tooretlT JreStr, c eerner Pef/.jrreei

f w i ? A V / ^ ' l i t teeajea, at Ike atore, 9M pattern cards of Cntkry, and a variety of Hardware,

ea e*eoV* P a foreign boa*-. toU 4d

THrRSOAY, Feb. 9,at In o'clock, at the auction room, Pc Icmic Salt of On Ovtdt.— IBM package* British and Domestic

Sieasonable DRY GOODS. p a p a ami Catalogues ready for examination day previous.

AT P R I V A T E S A L E . The folkiwing articles, which are offered by the pa.kage at cost of

importation, s iz.—File*, brass candlesticks, iron squares, tobacco box es and spectacle cases, Britannia and plated s]iuons, tinned iron do, i-oj w rout bt yarn darners, single and double tea tray *, pegging awls, lire irons, bras.- brackets, trunk, rbest, till. cut hoard and rim loeks, nniiolk latches, curry <•• mSs. Inn'oury r.isl plate locks, east butt* and lio»ks ami hinges,escutrbi-011 pins, snufl'er trays, trunk handles, stair reds, rod eyes stump joints, gVn locks, thimbles, cork *crews, Caroli­na l.'.es, trace chains, coinmede knobs, brr.ss cock*, wood screw,, p',.-il™*t«, Kr.elish and American fhovels, ditching shovel*, coCee kiii'« ^ ^ ^

B Y L E W I S fc JAY . Strrt A*. 193 CaerteMsevasre.

TlllM DAY—In euntinualion. Pawnbroker** Sale—Bv ortler nf Jacob Abrahams, LkvusaAPawn-

broker, Xo. 74 Catheriu -si. Iy-wis k Jay vviH su.ll at public aifnkn en Monday, Sih Jan., aad following day. a"Urge and valuable tolle.tin of itnissueeived pletlges. ktvingreinaj-..i..l one year, consisting of sil­ver tea ami coffee s-is; tabk, tea. grnvv, Salt I mustara (poer.s; jaiach e.rd .oi-.p k-itiev supar tongs; milk |-o«s- goblet:; goW ami *ilver M> tent Gsers, chroueimeters, reoeatiag, dnplex, kpiuc and comrooa watches; cfoeks; go!,', chain*, seals kevs, ear and finger ruvg«: fine gold neck chains; watch guards and books; diamond aa.! pearl breast pins; gold laieklev; hroecbes; bra. .-let.: gold and siiver *|i»ctacles; eve classes. silver *aufr and musical t«oxe«t: plated and brass sanrlksticLs; coral, atn'-er and other liead.*; coat*, ve.- s, panlabmm, round Jackets; linen, iiiiM-ii and rlteck shirts; crape, >4ik and calico gowns k frockr, clotl^ *at.n, can.bkt ami tartan pkid etoaks, c«n els ftak, atrrioe, eashmere ana silk shan Is and scarfs. <-tcr M its: shell coinbs: Leghorn end other hats; beds; hkukess; threts; romf01 tables: Marseille* ami other quilt*; lied and «iTsrltsv curtail"; blind*; j.kr and looking glasses; picture*: Hrt-.-i h red iugrain lor.-ets stair aid entry carpeting; brass stair rod*-, aadkoaai shovels iina longs; glarkra* dianvomit; VMairau Bute*: guitar, tnifi'.cs; cbrionets: Pre-.-eh horns; gun*; rilks: double aad sin-gk be.rrelktl fowtitig pieces; pistols: swore.s; IMMIU It sluie*; Bibksand other books: silk ami enttun ur,!ire,'• s and parasok; plana and tank rovers: leather 'ravelling trucks: s alise*; 1 ortajbk writing decks; din. ingand card teble.; rli'iirp Mnmis: bureaus; *of%*; bedsteads; rem-•MM* ot cloth, ras.simer.-, vesting*, kvre.. boo.tiadiu linen aad tonne!, roctwr and iron kettle* ami racs; <At\ eiitei -' took, he.

Also a quantity of plain cards, suitauk for primers Bndothera. JACOB ABRAHAM*. 74 CatkertoeM.

TO-MORROW, At 10 o'eloek, at tlieir auctkn 1 mini, age serai —MMMM ef near

and seeona h*ml HuOM-twihi ami K trhea Pdrnitaire. AJ*->, a varktt of rtethkg. Hrs Oood*. Matehes, Hardware, be.

TO MORROW. WEDNESDAY, Feb. l.at 12o'clock, BJ tlie Exchange,

The three story I rich. House and Lot No. 81 Sullivan-st. The lot is 25 feet front by 100 feet deep. The house U 25 feet from by 38 feet deep centatoing 6 Urge rooms wkh fire places andti bed rooms.— T here is a kitchen ad .oining 14 feet w ide l>y 21 deep.

Also, the house and lot No. lwi Spriug-strtet; liw lot 2.) by 60; the house finished in modern style.

Also, a lot on Ihe northeast corner of Fomth-st ami 2d Avenue, 31:7 by b 0.'

Also, the House and l p | No. 222 Orange-st.; 2 stores in front base-meiu aiKl 25finished rooms, oi-c ol" which U a bakery; kt 22 bf 1(0 Sat,

Alse, the brick front noils'? and Lot No. 211 20th-slrert,wuh 11 fiuisbed rooms beside* basement lot 25 by 92.

Also, the P P M ami I/it No. 1-' 21st-street, slated roof, brick front, 12 finished rooms and liasetntnt; Jot 25 by ICO feet Immediate pus session will be g ives .

Pawnbroker's Sak. T H U R S D A Y , at 10 o'clock, at No. 25 Clialliam-street.willbe sold

bv order of W. Stevenson, Licensed Pawnbroker, a large quantity of wearing apparel, kc . the same havsng been pkd'dupwardsaf \2KM.

At 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, , Chancery S a k - l U order of D. Cod wise. Esq., Master in Clianer-

rv, a L>t of Land situate ir. ihe 12th ward, pMroel of the lands of Hie Mavor, AUernn 1 ,1 id < ominonaltv of tla- city of New I ork, and lale the'prom-rtv ef Lo.irad f i l l er , deceased. St e advertisement in the ( o u r k r , signed D. Cudwise, Ma.ter in Chancery. A map of the alsnve pro|>erty, surveyed into lots can be seen al the auctianeerf office.

N . B . T h e above property is surveyed int.* 3^ k t s , a map of which ean be seen at theomee ol the auctiaiiesrrs..

To Butcliers. WKDXKSDAY. Feb. 15, at 12 o'cloch, at the City Hall, will be

rented, for one year fromibe first of May next, by order of (he Mar­ket Committee. 12 Butcher's Stalis. via:—Nos. 17, IS, 13 and 20 in the Centre Market: 11 and 12 in Ihe Essen Market; S and a in Tompkins Market; 27 in Catharine Market; 27 in Washington Market; Bin Fat-ton Market; 5 iu t.raml-st. Market.

AT P R I V A T E S A L E , A Lot 24 hr 80 feet in Frankfort-st. neat to the earner of Pearl-st.

_ B Y R I C H A R D K H A K 1 B O N A A . I a K V Y . .Stare M JtriaPioa.

THIS KVF.N1NG, Valuable Oil Paint intr«—At Gi oelock, 2 eases valuahle paintings,

just reeeived from Antwerp, containing many fine originals, also, 25 paintings from Italy, beautiful copies from Raphael, Corregk, L. Da Vinci, Sc.bedone, rwrm*?eaatn. Gaido, k c Can be seen wkh cata­logue.

MONDAY, 14th March, at 12 oelock, at the Exchange, Erceu/or'j Safe • / Fofaaolc Prcpcrtt;.—By order of the Executors

of the late Mr*. Reyna Moses, 86 lot* of land, situate about 34 mites Irom the citv, between the Eighth aad Tenth Avenues, and adjoia-intribepro|iertvnf Dr. Watkitu.and Ueargv Rapelye, Enp ThekU (iluate as follow* :

in ti-om-mg on the 8th Avenue, beta era SSd ana 34th Mreet*. 12 do 9th do' do 3Sd and 34th do 45 do acatherly skit-of 34th MreeL 24 do aoetherlv tm .Wlh street.

Oa thi* land i* a targe and eoanamlious dp eiliirg bouse, stooe kit. h-en, and other accommodations, replete with ihr laic* an rj convenien­ces far a larpe faatily.

T >.e *ak win be positive. Teem*, 10 per rent aa the day of sak. k the residue on the Urst dav of Ajsril.wlien the deeds wiB I* ready for delivery. The t!lk lo this load iv umiuctinualile, aad will lie eansev. ed to ibe pulrbaser* Irr an executors deed, in the usual form. For fur-her information apply to M. L. Moses, S2 Wall street, a here a map of the premises may he' seen.

A T P R I V A T E S A L E . •toeof Notf«patent small sired Stoves, to aawetleat order, eaa be

seen at No. 12 Mjpap.pl.

Mr st. RAYMiaa. __ _ _ ,*'»,-e 191 CaerAeai

B Y PABCCRL, r IHLLIFsi *V CO. St. Mt a*sssa*aa> State .

THIS DAY, , , -At 10 o'clock, at the auctian room, a general orsortasent *>r Rowse-

hobl anil kitclien Funiitnre. vis: Bureaus; mah.gany dmbig and tea Tables; fancy and Windsor Chain; ingrain < airetsjeilt awl maho­gany Looking Gton.es: Venitien blind-; feather bed.: bolster, and pOkrwsi bedtdng; field and kw ro*l bedstenito r„ts; andirae.: shovel* and tongs; knives ami forks; plated and brats cardlrsticks; wash stands: watches; clothing; caroenters* tnoU; n»ntel clocks; crockery ,r«l glass ware, kc 1

B Y BWIPFEN A A » T E K . Sf.re A*. inrmtrUttrmL

aaaaasssaa am leewinir.anal washing their Farni -

THIS DAY', Tl ESDAY'. at to o'ciock. at the .

SmerbT* rtok.-rlv order of the ShetjB.aaspnlitr ef eas etotbfk ea'dnieres: vesaine*: araaBas. rrady made ekXaing afaU BBtaaaaJPas

BY W I L L I A M MeDONVJCLL. _ . 'a .sr j fe . g CTafaes*

N. B. Persona has avg Banks so' ttianose af, as well a* Staxkaarv, riH please p send liar m to the Mare Ka. • Cbatbaw at before I e of eB „ Yfidissssday of every weak, as that a gtw **M IM asawoprtotad for

Dii-ine-*treet: lot '••> I roar, by 100 feet deep, pans, 0.1 \-f s. Rents fir s ,75 per; 1 km

k. Also, fW a*k»»AapBBrCrw—|»p>lp tUk, Tat ttawp baaseb kt NaW Aiithony--trefl,o-.t'.enor'!i side. 100 fset fnpp Bra: »ay- ; ; c PUsMfptliyabom TO feet moroorless Renlsfor *,:, •„•;• >-".

9. AI*o,t)ie house am) lot soctliwest corner o>' Woottore '.o I aartk> streeis, facing WH-'inigton Square; borne 14x&.'i; lot al«oul 6C I'L deet; house built in modem style.

10. Also. r. I it of grounu on the westerly side efMa*VPPB t . saap I mc in breadth in front ami mar atenche.nl '.'< fret a:d i.i i,rfth ... each side*! fee: moreorkss. See advenisement tinned GeoreeB. Sntth.

11. Also lot of ground No. 1 St Snhiu Ure.7.r; feel ttcrtli of the n p> rter of Bench st.: 21 fed front, with the building thereon. Sal. res­tive, todiv'dea c (atrera

12 Also, the tw 11-tory house and lo-, Xo. 10 Lisper.ard- -tree:, 20 feet front and rear, and a Kiut 7u fest deep.

i a Also; the house and lol No; S3 Bowery, with theadioining Vu Nos. 2«7and 235; the 'ots rre 25x!2o fert; |K»ssessioii 1st V.ay.

11. TheO-storv bouse and lot No.:3 Front street; lot M feel front, 35 feel rear, and 100 feet deep; house iti let t from and rear, and t i ft. deep finished in modern style, kc.

THI RSDAY, kt 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, 1. Also, the bePB and lot No. 137 Imirens street: the lot:*. MOkf 15

feet front am! rear. I lie front l-eiise Mj fret by SO Bp tie, j—and a frame building in the m f H by 22 feet.

2. Also; the home and lot No. 529 flowery, ea t side, between Klv-iington ar.d Stanton-streels: lot 25xb 0; heii«e 25-15.

3. Ako, the two story brick front house and kt Xo. Ml S;;l!iv •> tt -•'..; k 12i bv 100.

5. Also, the3-storv brick house and ktX'o. 25 Green-*t.; kt :<x!00 feet; house | MB

6. Also, the two story brick house and lot on Orange street, 25 feet fronL

Also, Ihe frame building and lot in the re.\rof the above, fi- initr en Cro*by St., 2S feet front.

61. Also, the brick house end !|0 years lease of Me lol X'n. —, on P> N E. corner of Hntbon and \cstry sts.: house 20 by 31 li f>et; i»t 20 by fin frt, nf ground rent.

Als*. the house and S3 years kase of lot No. B Ctprihm«». 7. Al-o, t h e n 0 stors Iirick front house and lot Xo. 4t,3 (Vrccnrich

St., west side, near I anal; kt 25 by UO fret ALso, thetwosto-v brick front house and lot No. 120 Narsetist., o|v

posite ihe BiliK Scs-iety hetise, the lot is80 feet d s r s c a p p side, and 73 feet I ineht s on t!;e other; in fruit ill feel If j inches, in tl.c retr M feet 74 inches—more or lees.

Also, the two sHry brick front limtseandlot of ground Ka. U7 Xar-saust, in fee; tlie title iitoisputable; lot 18 If j inrbss in front, aad 1 n the north easterly side 71 4 inches.

8. Also, 1 lot on I5th-«treut. 125 feet from 5th Avenue, 2'xiO feet ; inches. - Also, 1 lot situated in the rear of tin-above, on l-Sth street; 125 feet from5th avenue; 25x103 feet 3 inchos; thij street is Irr fact >v i.;e. The above nroperty is situpted within the vicinity of Unlaw Matt-, rendering them a very desirable investment.

10. Alse, theG two-story dwelling houses in .lay-street, con r.t rui ij at the comer of .Nassau street, Brooklyn, linisheil in III.HUTO S;, K-.

FRIDAY, nl 12 o'clock, nt the F.xe:>ar.*re, 1. Also, 3 lots on 14th-street, beMBBPI £tb ami !th Aveitttt«: ea* '.: 2^

feet by I OS feet 11 inches; aJso.S loU in rear of the ahovt on Btbet. cf the same diniensinns.

C. Alse, the I-storyl-.rirk house No. 80 Morton-'irref, ami 17 yco»* lease of die let; ground rent f 10 yer annum; kt i-'xliofeet

4. A frasce house and lot of irrou-..d on south rittto: I7lii-st. la tv. ten 7th aad »lh rvenue: lot 2'x*Ki fret.

5. Also, a three-storv frame hou*»ar,d kt on l*th street; 25" feet from Rth Avenue,'.'5 feet front and rear, cc feet di e4i on one tide, aris 62 feet I inches on the ofher.

5. Also, the siijorior it-story In-icl: honse and store v ith grtrite front No. 19 Sixth Avenue, CornhillRow lot 17 feel It, by-tofeet— Sale positive.

Also, eight 2 slo^y frame honsesand lots on WiDet-street, aetvvnn Stanton at-d Nortli-street; tach ka ia frit 9 inches bv US fret.

8. Also, the hou«e and lot Xo. 17 lileerker street; lot 19 by about P$ feet house 2 stories high, built in modern stvk, and fmK'.ti iu t te best manner.

SATFRDAY. 4lh. et 1? o'clock, at the Kxcharee. ?. AU., tbctwo-.to-y briek house and 14 year* leasept lot a* coircr

Cherry and Montgoitierv-st:gitmndrent 8G-> perannmn. Ako. the 2 story brick baaee adjoining on Cheiry st ami Myears !•?*•- of Ut MSOper-annum. Al*o.2-'tory brick house ami 13 yaar* hasp ol lot corner of Water ard Montgon-erj-t. et IBtpPr aiit-um Rvsend r-nt. Ako,'>story brick house ad i<*'n:n<r on W;:ter-street, and PS -irs |t;.fc of lot at !k.'-o"per annum—ali the aliove house* are nearly net..

3. Abo. the 2-story brick house i lot Xo. (18 Essex-s'tree', Ippapp Grandand Broomc-slreets;lot 2.tx'("0. The prmlses in con.i k'.e re. pair, built by the pres: ;it m-citjtaiit for his ovv 11 u<e.

4. Also, tlie two-store brick front house filled in with brrfc No. J, Harrison-street; lot'25 feet by tTi feet Cinches; house 22 bj . f t a n alky of 3 fret on one side. "Alsf),lhelarge*.«torv brick ftoot boPR No."2R Clark-street,-. ith 19 years lease of the lot at a grout, i rent uf $75 per annum; 25 by 9) fr .t" Alut, theS-s'.ory frame ho;;-'- and kt N i. 7 Harrison-street corner of Staple street; home 23 bv -J fret; I 1 23bv.X,fect6ir,chks.

Also, the eonven'tent 2 nory brick house and lot No. * Spple-etn et, in the rear of the abaapj k t i i feet I inck-s on ts'ta; le 'trert E .1 it h. deep. The alxive property has been ihorougbly repaired it.d is in good otder.

5. Also, 2 lots of ground aa nnrthwes corner of 2fith-*treet at-d 2d avenue, with a story brick front house, i:4bv 32 feet: lot :'•". hr i f .

6. Alse, the tvto-sldrvbrirk kott'.eNo. 128 Madnon-vtt.-1; !• -..ieti Pike ami Market-streets-, house liuill in 1822; lot MaNO pet, under kase at %\Vi per annum trronnd renL

7. Also, the hamlsome 2-story Iirick bouse ami lot Xo.81 JWytb, street near Grand-street; loti'-xlW) feet.

8. Also, a tot of ground No. 102 Barr.j.y-sL near Blet.- tkar sreet; on the premi.-es in front is a good two-story frame dvvillimr bewe, atid a two-storv frante i a ellinr/ heap in tlie rear Ihe lo: is ii i't*t front and rearliy ii", feet on each c ik .

9. Al-o, 2 frank houses and laPMaekpeal corner orv/ork an.' c'.ia-pel-streets; kts f2on Chi) eL and M on York, and alwul M fret in the rear; tlie corner is an exce'.knt stand for a -.'locery ste-re.

10. Aka, 5 houses ami kts on Carmine; on the earner ot Varick-sts, Nos. 70.72,74.741, and 78 Carmine-street; the corner No. 7P if it p p I inches on Varirk. 19 feet on Carmine, ,v.J feetfi inches retr. IM -; • I •' on the easterly side, the remaining 4 are 20 lis Co feet bou*es*2i) bv 40. The comer house is ti:9 on Varick. 19 on Carmine 43 in the rear k loon the eesterly side, withrtabk fronting on Y'arickabout 1 ttM ft Map at the auction roo'r

MONDAY, rtb at 12 o'clock, at the Exc|;Bnre. 2. AlMt,twohousesX"o.47and 1-13Delai-.cev-streei: lBtotHPWb)rMB

each; with a frame building in the rear of, aeh; hoiu> * 25y?2 deep. S. Also, the valuable d-story brick house tied lot No, 39 P.n. .d-ucet.

easterly skle, neerExchanjrePkre. (formerly Garden street) Hie let. is 30 feet 9j inches front, o9 ft etc inches in the rear, aud 117 feel 2 in­ches deep.

4. Also, the moderti liuill three-story al welling house No. 5 Mt'rrj>v. strs et: house JS by 50 feet; lot 25 by p il feet: H gtiml brick cistern in il e yaid.kc. For particulars see adverlisetr.ent in Mercantile Acvertisi r.

5. Also, the tvvo-sto'v In ick bouse and lot No 132 Prince st. betweeu Wooster and ijturens: lot 2)xl00feet;house 44 feet deep, finished in the best manner.

6. Also. Ibe 2-stisry brick bouse and lot No. 27 W alker-.treei.tb I lot is 25 feet by UK feet deep; br-ese 25 feet front kM feet dee|: with vsuits front and rear. The house contains eleven rootus, eight of which have fire places.

7. Also, thelotofgreundandtco i-".nr\- Wrirkbui'idin-'krown es Nos. inti atidlOSi'et-hinan-sireet, adjoininjthe .uiltilnt' st the corner of Beekm m-strct and Pearl. The ImiWinr* sre tnL'ether 'A ten I inches front and rear, am! alsnut 2fi fret in depth mon or less.

9. Also, the three story briek house atsd lot Xo .til liiee '-f-r-.trret. loi a by iOO, house a by 53 feet For |«rtknlsrs, see t-itra in th*i paper.

In. Also, the two story modern iHiilt brick dweilier house Xo. Sij Carmine-street, with two rooms an afloor, foHimrdoor*. grates, msr-bkehiinr.ey pieces, end even couvenitr.ee for a lamilv; in ti'e van! is acistern, coach house and vanH. wi t .a food fence »111 has no the lot, which is Ksi feet deep, and tweatv-five feel front and r«-ar: Venetian blinds to.all the window*front and roar, and a Veaatxaa blimlooor.-Tit'eiiKlisptiUbk.fariofthe purchase monev mav remain on mort­gage.

11 Also, the frame house corner of North street anil AvcnueC. AA so,ibetwo-»tnr* brick front house adjoiaing ihe above, rn-l :ii -ea.-s kase oftmlotson which thev stand,'from Ue 1st .".la; n»xt" a! a ground re m of $50 each

12. Also, bmtse k '.« Vo. 2; FtaaBIa aBi t , | aap j r MfclpPB 55 m H feet, built bv c iyt .vork; saul; iu front, ami the vaid laid eut w ith fruit trees.

a Abo, the well built three-story brirk house and kt of ground No 38Cannine-itreet. situate between" ll!w< ker end Bet'for 11-preep — Tk- house is fiulslit i btthe be-t manner, the lower part WpJ ctlcu-laied for a store.and the w b«'o in mod order. For further p»rtiru-kr«, enquire at Xo. .7 MerchanU Exchange, when a map i f li., ;.r>-perty mav be seen. *

TfJBpRAY, 7th. at II o'clock, at the Tx .laere. ?. Also, the two-stcrybrick fnntbiust awl lot No 4. Siillivan-sL

facing Wults-street; lot 21 feel by ai, bouse LuMt in tlie mo,; sukdeii. tial n anner, a wcrksnnp in (lie ppr,

4 Also, the thn-r-story brick lion." nrnerof Sullivan t-aj W'atta-Mreeu26feii5;ioti Viatl's, Vifes-i 10 inch-s on rapBeWB, M f laaMM rear, and.S] fret 1:' inches on Ihe an d i l l , aide. AT-o. the BdlatastorSt-etory bri-khon-eon Watt»-«tiT*t:i!:li in front. 00 VVat'^saatoataf an chesonthe easterly tide: 15:5 on the rear, andeboct t"iit< t. nil.,-,*,. Iv side.

BY ( I L O K u K M . M O B R 1 L L . Wa ffrtcr-sfrrrf, .fttx uf ttairt.

A T r m V A T E S A L E . Cigar*.—m.onn .rlinc Srai.isl.; I0,«c second qualitv: ScrfKi ejrv

uule Simtii.il. in be - In -oil purchaser*. **i steam press W rapt ing Taper. Also, JO doien basnboo » ah.inr- canes. suilaMe for ftutl-er,: 1 We,

India market. BY JOHN F . A M R ! A N C R .

^cu- York Ouilery. Kai Brtci.h-ay. TOMOUROYVI

WEDNESDAY', at 10 a'clock.al tlw aticiion ro---1. The remaimbTof the invoice of Fancy Artirles. ron.i-linpef U-

dies'werkls.xes: ^entlemeu'* wiiltng <f,- ,s, sonic of ttr-m i.i! .'„t with bohl: luii's" work laiilea, inlaid whh l.ubl; tir«rtr5!;t- t.f Pstrars-ni;isors bell pull*: far:*; netting cases: t-.bhts, silver t: 111 :.- . I v-lao'i goal intauuesl chess men and b.».rds: neetile bm,:.'. .1 s'ddns; seal,; vignette-.; mors;shaving cases: reaniug t,.,.,k.. w!.i-i <- .1.1 u ••; pal er rus'-s; eupjecg l-efiui:., n-», kc.

Also. Plated XVaie. Glass -.sire, China, kc. eonsistir • ,.f clock*: mantel ornaments, cOtefcas — : c-„n,:i«-t:ri,;castors:t "li M I ! . - . , -ami forks: dir.m-r sets-, tea a * britr.m;i« » an -. fire in : s: (erut, r-, kc.

Al~i. an asaurline.t of new and setoial heial Farmteir.each es » ,diMBh buni us. sofas.pi.rudiks. pillar ami claw br-ifis* c.d • ininp lisble*. re, hogesy. fancy rnd w i,:dsor chairs, c...-; _ts, glasses,f, .-.HUT beds, wash steads, i r. Mtvkc

«-u_ - - J . A T PKIVATE SALE. The patent Merarror, ho: i, Alkvialur. a newtv irverii'-i P'-.-.tee^.

'•rthe u-eofrt^fcnrd Itoraredreraaaa Tbi, tiati«ii»!,! iv He it.«« 'tH'fulartickt'erinventedfortneusei f invalids, es it cor t Inr* r " rfie advamajas of a cmonxc-A hi-h ans! low pod bmlstrad.e fiaUtaa bed ami an easy ci n-r.ar,,! is «o -implc inil«eni!rtrtiril<»n »i 'I •-::-»• in itsaoplicatk-.i, ll..-.t : child id's tears of aye ran vri'b the • ret»iest ease apptjr it loeavof i-s j nr;s,««. am) t'it, 10 thepnfieri ai;. rh • -•• e of inelinati. n. W.iwirt a sittinp- and rsiag down anaMaa, Pi p -irtos fen-any citv. .oures', rr stain in tn: I'alau, al1l»*t*Utseaed cf — The mode', which is reailv for use, mav be epMaPPl at MB/ liiti, «t ibe acetkn room.

Ako. 1 elegant (iernma eksakr.l stove, suitable fur a churrfc, ball, or eaanting Louse.

Sir Oxst 3e*r sek* attended tn with ptmetuality and c'e-r«f- :•_ 8TP Lilieral otlsapaaj irat'e on all roeiWirrment*.

B Y B. Bl. ISA A« Kk. _ ''J*?.*'-u ajMapA

KT Out danr pnblie sale* pnaclually attriKkd to, ar*! < •. 1 • <i • c, in lionof ii-errhanclize, boeght <T whl atprivsee saleee ce.no.-;.*ioB_ CuM,as house ausinrs* e-|»nde») to a* u«ual at Nr, 51 Ys *!'-.;«—!

""BY J . f . 6 l R L A V . ~ ~ i'ti.™ St. t r'aatAa.i.-.-t. tn.

T H I S EYE.VING. TStatrt!

ar, i^of ho,.ks,e.re.,e>. whi-' eneN'iii.Ki.,.„-, ft . erg aeon's A«mii*»ir«- ItiCha:'!-* V. 2: *.rt,-i»a« J • .

ferns, firr.ntt Html Qitrtm rate Cletlnr. At C o'eloek. a

; enter* Uui<>: ioar,t:lx<dli'i% IbsnUtoxote. 4; Chlklren ot the AILev; H-ouii Csskf*. Sj Aielnan Kigbt*: Thrw Spaniard*. I1 teiaPT of ihe * *• stpai


[way, i t . ' -

B Y J A M E S B L K F ^ C K i ^ t N O : j > , OjitxSt. !f7 1/rr. ':a ^ A.'c«eajr.

IT^The»fWall*iM^fceTof property advertrsed by rV willlie anM in the oirler in which "tlw y have Qprneitieft books,ami which is in conformity m the arrorge; <;il oi ibe •>••.. tisrments published in this paper.—with tk? C.rcp'.'on of late. Chancery, w hich lake precede:.,,? of »,| others.


THIS DAY, TI'ESDAY, 3!*t, at 12 oh lock, at the Eschar-re.

1. The i story brick house*red lob >.'o '.... rod ;ri iire-n.-ar Maidrn IJine, with a tire-proof building in tk- If r: k er in front J2l"ett 7 it'chts, oi frello i.seht s rear aaual . . . . ; '-1 ., inches deep.

2, Also, ibe C-*tnrx brick front boose fdletl •« vvtth l-iht. No. -.1 Hainmo;i,|.st. between Eectory ned A«yltmi-slieet,ojf.( ',!••.' *-ing baajJtbeaapjiM le the City I'ank a:-d Bank oil .x, v '. ! . . ,h 'I'Hsaf ground each a be »5 tret; ion llanimomt ai.< two oultrrt . S ^ w l x b a t w o atorji m a p luiiding, stable, . \c berae prxifi tty lonmriv owned bv BlVtieirr Bmreil, Ewj. Tin* | u,,t. • a I a so.il iu t> nifsr*- |c.rce!t. Terms easv ^ * jMMk Ma PnaappMPs tpaaa Ma. » Green-.vi'hstr, rt | I t p •ixiti bn;. w Kb a„ r , . , ; U M , | . lntt$ ;,, r , , n ar.

*. A.SO, (hat kreepiece ,r parcel of romtd eatbe c* • ear .-r • f ..'f10'"','"."'" •'"sbv-s:riet.,,„ntaiaii-: IlJeret I in, In, a '. • 1 tea, r,l lit" in miles on Cr,K»v.6irc«i; iti feet . 011 ihr et.,1 1 ie.ai d . . ' t.

aaamPMbewaxaE 4. AI«o, the i t!ir,v-si, ry i.rirk boo-e* N'os. I i, W\ ami •., '" : h

inglon-steit't.kta.citorcbu t ; l < | k;obms.,i, -'re. 1- ' b i •• -s least of the. i-m:;,.; |r<„„ m May mxt. Grout-; rent s . .

Alio. W f t r e e storv brirk bouse prf loKurtie.- P • BME Man. ton-streei; I pabe lo ipe t

Ako. the two-.i„rv bri'» fr„ri ho, se No. 171 E=st B r c m u -'., v. a h 8 year* lease uf the l„i at Mtpet ai-nu «

Also, tb" two story brkh froai bpwe Ke -to Ve»m-s ' . t e . . ther a itn • W • * . 1 : ' ' e

. t • . e

v::.. - . be .

of < r

I "

-ih ,

1(4 from 1 t of May P thereabouts

5. Awe, l'.e modern tv o-sp.ry brick house pal 1 , ' ,. -, St. south side near Chi;li!l-sl.-eel: 1*1 ENJJI. t!;i km 1 i-complete order, with foldi ,gd*ir» ai I rratp ii-.,..- b > ailo

7. Alwi. thr«f yean base af baap ami | p oa , .0 -, Broadway and lab street. .

8. Also, the frame house ami lo*on kase No. sSYVm,,, .<,r sidebPweeaCbajpland Greeiwich-streets: kt . ' ly '. . lease frotti Trinit' < buf-h, from Is: May, it i ' . v rth '.'• < .-, 21 years each, aseratrin-.' el'S'i r»-r aaa. ptaanp , • t • onlv Mav next I V house can reiiutin ar. the I, •; ,

B Ai'oithe ePtoxrj MttAtruat baaaeaai im Ko. Ill 1..,.., tween Spritiir and Prince; lol 25 by 1U tctt. bouse v t ,i 1 > in ffiHHt order.

10. Also (be 2-«ton- brick h«u-e Xo. 13 Moitrm-str,. t v of iTyrars tuiex; tred.of the lol t •! '-.Tnurr: MMfNt ;<r at, PeewaUe li»r toyeaex.

1!. Also,the inofkru builttwo-stary brick hru<e r ' '. I Spring-sttx-elmar Thompson-street;lot 2ofeet 6 it r!«. Bi by pate than UK)feet in • epth: lioimr lt'.fll in tl.e I e t R ;.:.: 1

12. Also, 2 hous.-t and lot iu Warren-,' r.cxttolBpeaewri street;om-ol these houses fronts in Martea strut, tl.e Ml rear of the above—tiiev a ere built about 1 years there, ate i n n v r m the W a«hin:.(on-l:otise": lot M feet front ami it ar, Bad 'fi fei l i il <!« a in depth—ii,.. whole vv ill be sold tvgetlier.

Also, the tvo valuable lotion the north side of H!e<c',er-ctr( r!,No«. IfTlanil l-i\ a sknt distance below thohxte ekt-ant in tn- . - • r' — the kts are each _•', lay r fept there is a large and wt•!: fit i-l» . c v. '.-liltgllierenij.'aiiv^ifrtt.

Also, the hariisnii.e. -.i.-rvboioeai-d lot No. 20 Beach-'.Ueet, i i John's S(|Uire; lol g) ft etb inches bf 100 feet

14. The kmseand lo- |7i fireea s t ; lol 24 bv 100 feet, will; larpe back building an,l -ta'.le tor 4 horses

AI«o. h'lu-.eaiitl lot 2"2 Green st. 251*'100 frel wttl; 'Uble in Cf! repj- for 1 horse*.

Also, the excellent two storv brick hoasr No. 121 Canal i t , dimen­sions at sak.

15. Ak". the well buili2-stor\ house No. -*!1 fMUlrtllii MllPi l l l l l l a witheonvienien-.s. Ham's itite 1 arlmns with parhle tPstdtb ajd tolding doors; vaults from and rear. Terpa a sale.

TO-MOBROvV, WEDNESDAY, at IJacVwA. at the Exeht.nge.

I Also,thesae.tn'l',t Kt\IYIMate>*ti et.l-e w-.-en Brooc e k f r r k e streets; Bfeatae 14feet, utttier aaeeaVi p < i,atecry.

2. Also, the twostory brirk trap house Xo 114 laiiiens-t.ee!, !c-tween Spring ami Pr;r.c» street-: k-u«e 2 frei t-y 2",: kt .5 b-, l i t with ppafheaar ard aiPBar,kc in tk- vani.

3. Also. tUtee lots of grotins' on farpry atttet, corner el'Ar.c«-*t each lot 21 let t 1 inch fro-.tt ami rear.by :;i (tyi ap a

4. Also, the three story Incse.u, I lot'Xo. "M Ilea 111 iliap. bMWPra Washington and West streets. The bouse i- a erejd eoanm ,i:,.-.ts .ret su'« -lantial building, witha vault iu front; lot Sfcet I, ktf •: be tha same p a n or less.

5. Also, the two-storv brirk house Xo. loDeac'a-sireet; l,,i fnicst s 80 feali hou«e 20 feetl* 41 fret.

fi. Also, the three-story brick house ard kt No. 13 Fivi: hetr. een tb-.- Bowery anil CbrLsiie-strerts; house 251 y j ;

Fiiem*- Oil Pies, •; A A aritidi,' Z aweeiiarrs ofUve •vlfleBra. Prayer and |*eala)saaks,with agri-at variele; also, aar*. _._^-^.^- . . - 1 - . . ^ |T -1-.—MBtoaaM teaai ia

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