u0084 hp ntblliilli^wombw ihlaaiiiisc-tessisaa · 2017. 12. 25. · bolter jr., as trustees, for...

9 I BTE.\MBOATS. loiy]©OilKJ ne^ POINTS m ISiyi© li Wl NErV ENGLAND •FED/S" WAR CLOUDS LONG ISLAND SOUNIk ROUTES FALL RIVKRLINE Via Newport and Fall River. L.v Pier 10. N. R.. ft. Warren St. Daily. 5:30 P. M. Mrs. COMMON- WEALTH an.l PItISCILLA. Orchestra en each. NORWICH LINK Via Stonlniton. Lv. Pier 40. N. R.. ft ciarkson .-r week days. 5:00 P. M. pier 7». E. R.. ft E. 2M Bt.. tt:3O P. M. Btrs 'HK>TKK W. CHAPIN an.l NEW HAMPSHIRE. NEW HAVEN' LINE For New Hav-a. Hartford, gprlngneld and N -rth w»»k days unly. Lv. Pier 29. E R. i:4S P. M. : ft. East 22d St . SOO I. V. Str. CITY OK LOWELL- Tlckets. staterooms snd Information st City Ticket Oflloe, 171 Bl i<lwaj near Cortlandt St. Telephone 5121 Cortlandt. Also at N. T. Transfer and Toun»t OCScea and at Piers. Founded 1723. cBJ Furs stared at home are found flat and lustreless in Autumn, with a clinging odor of the preservatives necessary to keep out moth. The high temperature dries out part of the natural oil of the pelt and shortens its life more than a winter of wear. Furs placed »n our DRY COLD STORAGE come out fresh and odorless with all their original lustre. They have been thoroughly cleaned and are ready for immediate wear. The cost is a small percentage on owner's valuation. Call 3761 38th. Nineteen West Thirty-fourth Street. I'LBLIt NOIHES. ITBI.It NOTICES. GfIQUGDgGDK) SDVLEK PEOPLES Pteamers leave Pl»r T TV13" 32. N. R-. foot Canal ,- ,r* , .... St.. at 6P. M. la:./ New ork-Alban\ isun'iays e«cssiss> CITIZENS nisaaists leave ii-r IIVI , 4«. N. R.. foot of L.I.NE I West 10th St.. at 3 New York-Troy jf- M - <»•»?, lSatur " ' I day excepted). Sunday steamer touches at Albany. New Palatial Steamer TROJAN In service. Splendid accommodations. Cuisine unsur- passed. Direct rail connection at Alhany or Troy to points North. East and West. The Express Turbine Steel Steamships me b m All-the— Way-by- Fp\ /Wv /W\ •-• r-> /7T\ nn Water between I fnl 1! 1 nv\ II I ' 1 1 jK' I NEW YORK and Lti'Vii'Vii' U Vy/ll\J Leave New Tork. week day and -un- days. Pier 4.1. North River r«*r \u25a0•-<• Christopher Street. 5 r M Leave India Wharf. Boston, -am* hour. <l'ir either city 8 o'clock n«xt morning-. Through tickets to all points. An unbroken nlshts rest from City to City. Most fastinatlns; salt water trip la th- World. Ask frr tickets via Metropolitan Line. On sale a' Wharf, also at N T. Transfer Co. and Tourist Of- fices througtmut the City. E3CPRESS BERVICE FOR PASSENGKRS. rREIGHT, ACTOMOHILES. & HORSES. For Cats'.lll. Hudson. Coxsackie. and Intermediate .int.- From New York dally. 6 \u25a0>. M., Pier 43. N. R.. foot Chrtstophe: Si Frela I received dally. 1-Cii nlra I.:m v sci n^L i n FOR NEWIIIRfIH. POIGHKEEPSIE & KINGSTON, frr.m rier 2*. N. R. Week- days. 4:00 P M. For Newtmrsh. Weekdars, S^)O P. M. Sundays 9:0<) t^U.^o A M JUHUayS W e«t 11-Oth Ft.. 9.30 A. M. X VII.KOADH. BALTIMORE I OHIO R. R. ROYAL BLL'E UNE TRAINS. "Every Other Hour on th« Eves Hour." TO BAL,TIM"RI: AND WASHINGTON- DIKECT CONNECTION IN SEW l"NION STATION WASHINGTON. WITH ALX, LINES SOI.'TH. Leave New York Dally. 22d St. Lib'y St. Washlnjton. Sleeper*... 11.50 pm 1.Tit am Washlnßton. Mn--. Parlor 7.* am ;*.t»>am WashingtMn. l>lner. I'ar'or !•s<) am Ik.oo am Wa?hln»etrvn, Diner. Parlor. ll.SO am 12.00 n'n Washington. Parlor ... 1.50 pm U.i)o p^n Parlor C»r. New Y'.rk to Richmond. Va. "Royal Ltd.." Plner.l'ar!.>r S..V> pm 4.00 pm Washlnrton. Dtner, Parlor B.SO R.tx>pm Washington. Buffet, Parlor »< '<> r:n T.OOpm Throuch Daily Trains to the West. Chicago, rittsbunr 750 am S.no am Chicago, Columbus 1! .V> am non'n Plttsl Cleveland. .: . .. 3 ,V> pm 4On p.-n "Plttsl urg Limited" .... BJOpm 7.00 pm Cln., Pt. I*. Louisville... ll. ,V>pm 1.30am Cln >t L.. Lou!svl!l<>. .. pSO am ll>'»lam Cln.. Ft. L.. Louisville... S.Wpm R.O"> pm Offices'. 345 134. 13'1<) Hra-iw^y 6 Astor H aim 229 ">th aye.. New Y.>rk: 34-T Fulton St.. Bronkl>D; West 234 st. and Liberty st. After « P. M. Sleeping Car reservations an.l full information resjardlas trains, etc.. ran obtalne-J at Bureau of Information, n. ,v O. r. R.. 23d -\u25a0• Ter. Phes 3144— rhrlsea. SPHING Tours, tinder escort! I iriri^f*>' and independent; 3 to VACA.lI^r< l.» days. All expenses; '_ _ ' included. WASHING- fTOV. P.ICHMOSP. ATL-\NTIC I CITY. BOSTON. ALBANY. MAG IAHA FALUS, Et« Best serrte*. ! I.owe.«f rate*. f»>nj for details to j Marsters Tours. 31 West 30th St.. \u25a0\u25a0 j New York. j DESKS AMI OFFICK HUMTIRs. ROLL TOP ill 7 OFFICE rUHNITCRE In fT*A-. va- riety of style and price. T.O.SELXJTW 111 Fulton tit. I . , I ! Bays »rui Sells I I OFFICE FIRMTfKE<-i! FIXTCTUM j I 47-19 CENTRE ST. T*l. 37TS Worth, j I ____«_____—. BOAKD AM» KOOIIS i MADISON AYE. «T3. «>4. K!»5. corr-er 61»t * gi llack parlor: other tar*- »n! single roor.ig: frl>»f t* J^. ex. el'ent t'-.-ur.l Il K\I»llr \u25a0 sMwaW TO LET. ! \u25a0 - WEST ML) ST. between r.t!i ar:<l f.xh \u25a0 a\-e«. «»e<xl room»; quiet house, ail con- i venlen<*». telei>h<.ne; moderate. 'cLEXN comfurtable, well ll)tht«'I h^ir^.m ui..j i.ir|.»i : $1 t'> ?S l>" week. llro*er. i 77d i.»x!iit»n uve.. ne»r «nth. ! WAYWMUFI PLACE. 109. Pesutifully furnlsbeJ; oi« room, with private batb. Jlu per week. CITATIONS. THE PEOPLE OF TUB BTATE OF NEW York, by the lirai-e uf Ocl fre« an.l inJe- uen4en To Albert . W Terry. An.lrew Jackson Terry. I..»ura <;rant Kairl.rother. Muanda M Th..mixon. L.visa «;rant Mi tllin-r. Tharles V. Terry. V Milton Terr>. M«rv Terry Crantham. l)a\i.l «". Terr>. faiiiuel I> Terry. Kratiklln I^-e Terry iar» infant over the' S| uf fourteen >e»r»>. Margai I>. Teiry laa In.'jnt i.ur the sge of f, mtcrn >ears>. Elizabeth lla>b*«*. t'arollne Ttnsman. William II Fur:*r. Al- r«rt llaybecii. Annie C lJ»nco. <-»rolln-» f ii ,m»i Catharine i ilaun iather:n« I^nti. EniM WeUer. Oliver P. M Oi»:m. Heorae \V »'usttn, Kranklln Custln. I*ur* M \Vi«>d. Her.ry J. H.nner. Kllas C. Ih-n- ii—- Frank 17. Uenner. OntnxSa V K..rre»t. Marj I- Tste, tjeorge W. T. P'nner. Al- l.eooa M. Henrier. Th.>«ias K. Benner. Al- berl '>' T»rry. Jr. Frank 1.. Terry, l'avlt J. Terry. WUiar-l II J. Terry. r>!.Vr M. Knrt Jennie V. Ueaumont. Apolliml* H lX.itet Helena X letter. Mart- J. l^.tter. \nnette Ih.tter. John M. r»>tter, iiu't«v« Hotter. Lily A. Uorvn ualled 'Ully Vo- ren" It tba will ref.rre-1 to below). Ken- neth IJonel Mjtintrer tan Infant over the age of fourteen ears i L»-e Stayley My- linger tan infant over " \u25a0\u25a0 ajce ot fourteen yearsi, Chai T. Patter and Charles T. bolter Jr., as trustees, for rYanklln L«*« Terry aii<i Trustees lev Margaret D. Terr>- under the Will referral to r*-iow; un.t t-. all [isienaa tntere»t«,l in the Estate of Marraret Terry. Ute of the County of New Tor*, deceasi as creditors. »'ees. i*^\i of kin or otherwise. i*n.lcreeling-: Tou and each et >"U are hereby rlted ar..l r^iulrerl personally to &• and arr**'' before our Surrogate ai tho County of .Near Tork. at th- Surrosates' Court of sal 4 Count held at the Hall of RSCOdls In th« County of Nen York, on the l«»h day of June ' 10<»» at half-past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that clay. th»n »n.| tken to attend a Judicial settlement i.f th» account of proceedings of Charles T- r>rtTer ,*" Charles T. 1' itt<r Jr.. as K*e<-utop. of th» Ij».«t Will an,l Te*tamfnt of said ea»«J: an.l such of you as are hereby rlte.l as are un>!»"r the a^ce of twenty-one years are re- quired to appear by your guardian, ir you have one. or If you hmv« none. tr> >;T-ar and apply tor one »•• be apc^ti I or In th« event ol your neglect or failure to lo ... a suardlan "rill b* apolntrd by th^ r-,icat<> t.< represent anJ act for you In the r»roee«Hlln<j. , In testlmnat whereof. »• have c:u»ed the Saal of the Surrogate!.' C,«jrt cf the said County of New York to fl- S 1 hereunto afT.*"l. Viitni.i» HON. AIINKR C THOMAS, a Eurroßate of cur iratd County, at the County of New Tork.° the JBtli 'Iny of April tn th« year of our L^rd on- th..u«an.i nine hundred \u25a0**«yST PANIKI. J I.^I'NKY rierk of the Surrogate*' Cnurt. FRrn. W * alfred r. hinrichs. Attomev. for Kxeoutors. T'', William Ft- (Manhattan). New York '"\u25a0 CURTAINS IN COUNTRY HOUSES. "The windows of country bouses,' saja a Fifth avenue decorator, "should !"\u25a0 treated very simply. Iso dotted Swisses, dimities or washable silks for th.- half-curtain, the banging vt which is \u25a0 most ini]H>rtfint point. The half-curtain should have a hem at the bottom one and one-half Inches wide. At the tcj. form h double boa pleat, leaving a head- ing to correspond with the hem. The ririKs ar.' attached back of this heading, which conceals iin- red, if tbe material is very sheer use a strip of stiffening: to support the rin^s. For those who lik<- figured curtains, th^ best shops carry dimities and other thin materials made after wal! paper patterns, s trifle more ex- pensive than th<* plain sniffs, i . -. 111 1 verj attractive. They cum !«• had to match the wall paper, which is a harmonious treatment "To get tlie proper hang of the box pleat, pin the curtain when making it l" a table or other Oat surface and see that it Is laid just right." On* of the old Sultan's sisters was of th<- Young; Turk party, and, according to Refeka llammni. she Joined because she hated bar brother— "the usurper," she always called him -so much. After- ward, when she had studied the movement, she became deeply absorbed In it. "After gaining her," paid Refeka Hanoum, "we began to have mure ad- herents in the Padiah&h'a very harem. We have Jbc~n able to <ritwi; him and his suspicions. H.- only smiles when he bean that a man of his en- tourage lias \i.siip.i a woman's boudoir, when the consorting together of men would pul him at once or. his guard." said Refeka. Hanoum, "to change lovers as the year changes month*. Yet," she continued, "I know there is not a woman living purer than she. She had to sacrifice her reputation to the cause, and If we had sainta in our religion she would be can- onized after her death. All the difficult tasks in the palace are intrusted t'> her. ... perhaps some day th? usurper will find out thp truth. Then, if he still has the power, ehe will die suddenly." One wonders what the fate of the beautiful Cir- cassian was if she escaped to her friends when the upheaval came, or If she fell \lctim to the old Suitan. Mrs. McLeans Same on Program tne a Casus Belli. tr*''." of tne name of Mrs. Donald Mc- Th ** the procr*mo»« of the spring convention lis^ ('( '- City Federation of Women's Clubs, which <•• j^ja at the Hotel Astor on Friday, has *^J**f-el to the flamea now raping la that un- s£^ a te bodT- ........ be considered B***^^. natural thing in the world that an ex- ** 'V •j.-jericn-l of the l>aughters of the American Sriotiflß shouM l>e asked to address a body of **"?_ oa a patriotic subject, but in the present wor */s/ s declared to be a matter of rie.p and de- "f* jicnirlcance. for the animosities engendered <*'* c recent election cf the Rhters in "Wash- _ , La have become as involved with those of the fc -*tto lhat U ls lmrossible to disentangle them. *^ r^. i ji; sr; c«mmin« gtory. who led the fight on BBiaMbMa In Waal lastoau is one of the leaders rftiat party in tV;e federation which Is opposing president. Mrs. Belle I>e Rivera, and against tlcii'sbe »i-l a]>;>eal on Friday to the house. Mrs. re Rvera. on the oth«r hand, went to Washington j^-e the Daughter* congress, and is credited 2hhsv:T.g exerted considtrable influence in be- v^f cf the McLean party. Hence the appearance of jjrs- McLean's name on the programme is con- ,-jued as ar. ?-ffro:;t to Mrs. Story by her party. •\u25a0Se I>« Ri»'fa P«rtjr say that the arranapra vtTt nade long l«fore Mrs. Story was nominated \u2666or the rrefidency cf the I'augbters, and that Mrs. vjXieaa was invited to address the convention as tie juyor or any other person holding a high po- j£aa jr.lght .be. merely as a r:atter of courtesy. To offset t!::s ai>ged demonstration of the enemy tie Story party >s holdiug what is said to be a m"-uS tO-iJaj at tji<j Cr.l Re»rim*":it Armory. Mrs. k-otj- has „! raised i!^ protKttiriH' for women's day st itif ri '>' I'lariT.ing ar.d Municipal Art Ex- kltition. arA it la T:naerst^od that while invitations fcjvf l-ecn BeW to the presidents of ail tbe women's •Sks '\u25a0' t"* 1 ci ' v Federation the president of the ieifraUoii ijis h"^n omitted. ; Th« Str.ry p;irty. however, strenuously denies that poi-'.ics has anythiiig to do with Die women's day programme. They are on.li- going tj talk aboul I I LMTIOIMKNT AC.KNCIES riANOfl \M> OKGAN& RfIRPET QIEfIMSIMG I.ursi-M in the World. Every detail. 39 yearn' experience. THE THOS. J. STEWART CO. IVwuy nn<l 4<Hh St., New York. I'hone 770 ISryant. Frie and Jth Sts.. Jersaj City, STORAOE WAREHOUSE ANI> JIQVINQ VANS. Write or telephone for Interesting booklet. VDVERTISEMENTS A.NIi SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR Th? Tribune recelvM al their Uptown Office. No. i:.i.l Broadwa) between 3rtth ft. an<\ MTih m., until o'clock r* ni. Advertisements received at th» following lran<-h ofrWn at regular nrrio- rates until - o'clock p. m.. vts. : 2»'.4 Bth eve i a cor S3d st. . 188 «th aye. \u25a0 t. most fre- quently, at the cost of h»r reputation. < in.' beautl- B lltan'S pcL'i.'*- w;,s !•\u25a0; It was as slaves in the lmrems that the women who were emissaries of the Young. Turks reached the. men. "Wl sell them aa slaves," Refeka Hanoum explained to Mrs. Brown, "iirirl when their work js done ws buy them back again. Sometimes these slavr-s are •:.,- wires and daughters of rich ar.d I rwerful men who are no longer in their youth. ... There was one of the h»»Hds of the army who seemed unapproachable. He considered the Sultan sacred. \\> sold one of our clever wom«-n into his harem. She studied all the In- mates ard reported that hi worshipped his young- est daughter. It took us v year to uin her; two more to tit her for our work; and not until five years had passed had she won her lather to our cause." Hoic Women Have Helped in Downfall of Sultan. Few people, reading about the Young Turks movement. imagine that women have had anything to do with 11. F.iit. according to Demetra Kenneth Brown, who lately visited in Turkey, women helped not a little in spreading the discontent which finally unseated the old Sultan. In "The Atlantic Month- ly" f..r May Mrs. Brown describes an Interview with Ref^ka Hanoum. a Turkish woman of middle as:*, who was born with such a strong mind tliat at eiplit^Ti she announced to her father, Klamil racha, that she would not marry, but would study and work to uplift the women of her race. Her father was a man of liberal views, and allowed her to follow her l»-nt She became a teacher in a girls' school In Stamboul. II is said ik;it she was the rir>t woman to Join the Youns Turk move- ment. "The Young Turks," says Mrs. Brown, "soon learned that much of their propaganda could better be carried on Jiy women than by men. Thus it was that Kefeka Hanoum was approached. The pact between them was this: She was t<> prepare women to help on the great cause, ar.'i they, when the cause should be won. were, to help her to ameliorate the lot of women in the. new-born country.*' AIDS TO YOUNG TURKS. BOMaWnC MUATIONS WANTKD. DOMESTIC SITIATinvs WAKTKO. AT CAKPENTER'S ttnplcyroent House. 1»» ri a«. BstabUahed IMT. We ha»» Iwst aousmen. frardeoers, grooms, married ,uiii--t tarm Jor«m«j. farm bands. aU t i:ln&s. t.l rgecnaroended- Male. FtTLKR —By Swiss. »: titumuahly un- <l-rstan.!s his duties: with or wUh.»:t sec- ond man; will g^anywnere; l>est city rer erences. Butler. 100 East 2*>th St.. launOo. BUPREMB COURT, aPPELLATB Dl- ' vision First Department. In the matter of the application of the rublic Pervlce Commission for the Fir* District, for the r.ppolnlrm-ni of three commissioners to de- teirnlne and report whether a rawld transit railway or railways for the con«yanc« and tranaportatlon of P*r»ona and property, rs etermlned by the Oommlaalon, ought tn bi constructed and operated. Canal street n °Puhllc notice is hereby given that the undersigned Sumnt-r Gerard, Thomas a. Janvier and James B. Kilburn. having by an ordtr Of in. kppeilat. Lilvisiou MUM Rupi \u25a0 Court in and for the First - 1 " 1111 Department, entered In the above entitled Lcoceedlne on the SBth day of April, 100«. bearing date the 28th day of April. 10J». leen ippoir.ted commissioners to determine and report fter due public h-aring whether a railway or rallwayg mentioned in the petition <".f (he Public Service Commission for the First District, present** to the said Appellate Division on or about the ..th aay ..f March. 1000, snd filed In tt,« office of the ,-:,., r.f sail court on pi about the same day .'Uglit to li» constructed and operated, do' hereby ajr..>im Monday, th- lOt) day of Maj '.!'.".> at thr. 'clock In the afternoon nf thHt day, at th, Offlee <>f the Ounoel to the Public Servlei ('\u25a0immit'.xlon for the I irst I>;.s!rict Tribune Building, 154 Nassau Street, in th-r BoTOUxh »f Manhattai ( ity cf Now York, as t>- time ar,<l plnce for the ftrst -ittinK nr.l that at SUCh sitting an<l jit such ndjournei sittln K s as may r* there- attt-r held tney will hear ull persons i.i terest ».! ir tile said matter. I>at«-I. New York. \;:11 '.'I. 1908 -' MNER GERARD. TJK'MAS A. JANVIER. JAMEd B. KII.HI'KN. Commissioners. GEORGE s COLEMAN. Counsel to the Public \u25a0 rvice Commission for the Urst District, |34 Kuvsau stre.-t, Uorough of Manhattan city uf N»-w Y'>rk. N. \. I.IXT- BANKBOOKS, HELF VJANTtD. BUTLER and VALET.— Spe*k« several language*, has fr!<-ni uejeful; undwstanas hoTffH. cows, jilaln gardening an.i auto moblies Morrows Pureau. 721 Lexington aye.. c^r. r.Mh. Tel. ir»2S-P!am. Mate. J KaDE BSO.WO lr. five years in tne -r:a : .l trier sadness: l-egan with $S; any one tir ftirt a mail order tnadosos at n«me. tcJ (sr free bo:k>t. Tells how. Heaco. k, lit.Vx*7"n. >'- Y. WANTED. A n:an to take charge of a Dua— 44 acr<rs— in WextdMater County; me bdl particulars. er.J pay asked. C W.. B"x 3". Triburs» Office. GARDENER (HEAD).— Scotch. 88 mar- ried; on prlrate. estate, where thoroughly practical, reliable man is required goo.l references H. M.. 3 Willow st.. Brooklyn. Male. GARDENER (Head. ITorklng) Bngllsh : exi>eri<-nce<! thoroughly un.ler sla».« and general management of private place: re- llaKJ* and trustworthy. . Iresa Lamur, 124 idhurst aye. OARDEKEI young Spaniard: single; fine vegetable sr.'»»r; hothouae. (risya frames, f r:;l flowers, genera work: g">d reference. carpentei Bureau. 1.".4 6th aye. GARPENKn (or assistant*.— Mldd a*e-1 man: state wa^es; no cards. Beler, II" Oreanwtch "t BUTLER an.l VAI.KT Bng lah; excellent persona! and written references; last <-m ployer can be e«n; go anywhere. _ >"*\u25a0 Mart---- Smith's Hureau. l^J W«l 4.th St. Ph'ine 3039 Bryant. . Irt-TLER.— CHAMBERMAID and f.AM BTRESB.— French couplt; 880; P"o.i ref- erences. Mme. Auguste. 32 Bth aye. Tel. "171 Hryant. nniEK IViH' VAI^ET Toting Frenchman; spoat fair English; r"»st refercrres from titled Euro rean family. Ramonda l«4 East SM -• WATTKR, *•• Man and wife; m<\n w«l«er. mwful. ears for hors". cow, lawn Porter's Pur»nn. 142 West 13.H st. Tel !W—Morn lugalils \u25a0 French: make himself ._\u25a0*,.'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .. - t ellent r- f-r \u25a0 Am< r Tel XW3 s»tn Valr. - | CARETAKERfi.— Man anJ wife, want to take care of gentleman's houfe for UIT: mr-r city or couiitry: no family; honest, resfeclabl- ana capable; sev»-n years , rer- ence Adcre«s Caretaker. Box SO, TTiouna I'ptnwn Olßce, 13<"<4 Jiroadwa>. DOMESTIC BITTATJONS WAXTBO. I AGGREbSiVK. resajuroeful. amWtloos st.- I ti-inaii. 28, p< exec«.iive ability. lrij>ert lK)Cikk<-e^r ar.J correspondent. s«-eks i,. speatav w^ih ai concern. Executive, rlribune OSce. CAFKIEK, r-.ar.af^r of lunch room or any pc«l'.!on ;«-rtd:ul;iE to same; by man. 30. Aiiress E Kjch. 5d2 garden St.. llouoktn. X 1- CARETAKERS.- Man and wife woul.l llk» to have th^ care ot a private residence durins the owner's absence road or out of town for the £umm»r months; »n ar- rante to tak* charis- fron now on; War- fuphly eOßspetent anl reliable; poo-i refer- ences fro:n \veU known families. Address I. \V.. Bos 16. Tribune I'ptown Ufflce, MB4 Broadway. CARPENTER— CAHINETMAKER, 23. Is ir.:i:r.E to work; var.ts KTearty w^rk. city cr cotntrr. Stevan Schmtizer. 113 East an-J-, st.. 'box 6. I^Milllblnl $k IStfulblnl 237 Kiu-t »3 ! stn ).. York I* West 125th Street \ hCW I 0 Inspection invli Write for '»'•\u25a0\u25a0 logue «i : full description. Easy terms If desired. Liberal al- lowance for old flam*. Al Tills fum^us Plan-., equipped with the mori marvellous self playing attach- ment yet Ised. PLAYER-nANO lately rul drlv- ir coun- ;r; ; aa kars r -.\u25a0\u25a0 Wast -\u25a0*\u25a0-\u25a0 *•\u25a0 CARETAKER—Man and \u25a0 II \u25a0_ M -iim- brance; take .-are of r rl\-at.» house; un.lT- stand all kir.-ls of housework, long exi-erl- eni-e md peraoaal leJsrsnce Frank. 140 iI«Ht 43d st. COOK. Experienced Bwejdiah woman: cooks lunch, dinner; cay or week: or c »untry with family, tak* charge of kitchen; ref- erence: wages *ti«.> Anderson, 349 East 65th st. DBEHHMAKINa \M» MII.IINKHV. COACHMAN or GROOM.— By neat. tidy. smooth fa. Ed Irishman; careful. reliable; willi/« usffui at anything needed; excellent lefereoce. Canier.ters ltureau, UM Oth aye. IHIMIoIIC Mfl\lln\s WVNIIII tiU'F'r'V ' er; any \u25a0 -' CHAr PI - \u25a0 \u25a0 : -• - August - COACHMAN.— By young man. 27. temrer- ate. in country, as coacn:i;an or sccoaa man on carriage or automobile: best refer- .n-es es abiJ'.tr and character: a- \u25a0»; t anything reasonable. J. Ljnch. _1. t-aji l"7th st. 1 . er St.. I .- » - \u25a0 j \u25a0 »-ar in 124 th r'.. rOBI < 1 «»>! XX RALF.S jEßM3rratH-COACHM>N.— dasta: »ot#r. [holies- tarrfu! driver; d.«-s own repair te. firs* c^iss refticnc*. Y. L.. 247 East HAMBERMAID and WAITirESS. —No r>b jection to the country; best reference from last family: *'-•<• t< j«-Jl> Ontial Bureau. 888 Bth \u25a0\u25a0 - Tel 3SM—SSth. CHAMBERMAID »nd WAITRESS -Neat, young Swedish, gin; very t>est reference*; no objection to country. Call Weld's Ru- reaii. .4 Kunbus aye. Te; 77.v.> Biver- stde. P-enialr. ATTF.NTiANT NURSES -Two young girls; t>anatorium "r hospital: have hoi experi- ence in taklr.g care of mental cases; ko-,,-1 reference, city or country. M and R . Miss FitzfJeiaki's Itureau. »".(.I3 sth aye.. cor. 42. J. CHAMHEP.MAII' <>r WAITRESS —Young Irish Protestant; neat, Ihoi lugh willing worker: good w«rr. B . Hofmavei - Bu- reau. IBS WeM 2."1 st. T-l. i*'V4 Chelsea CHAMBKRMAIH and SEAMSTI North of IreUrri Protestnnt. l«;ely lari.l - ed, sferenoe. Martin. 230 Jth st.. Colon Hill. N. j. CHAMBERMAID and wait on lady or as- sist butler; experienced: willing an*l oblig- big ten yearn with i. reset, t employer; ima private family. r>9 E»st 2T»th nt. CHAMBERMAID. Young. eir*r!en,-e»] girl, willing t.. asxtiit In w-nlt;t.K; good •ewer; best refer* n •«. clt> or country; »ac<>!». $2fV $".'• Call at I.ang * Boechcrer Co Bureau. 43 45 47 \\'< -\u25a0 .T3.! ft. CHAMBERMAID ar.d FEAMPTRESS First class; neat Swedish Klrl; s»v»ral years In last riar«»; best ro-r-mimen.tntlon'*: wuses. *.:. Osierberg's Bureau, 716 Iy>\- Ington o\e.. s~th-S6tfa ets. Tel. ICCk* Plaza CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS COOK nn*l LAUKDREPS.— Two jlrto; will g<> togetljer: $20 and $2.">; very h-st rcferen^.-s; dty or country. Mm*. Augi^ste's Hureau, CS2 f.th aye. Tel. 3171 Hr>nnt. riETECTIVE sraats work nhadowir.c and invest isaiion; Hi mill ar.rj bonded; strict- Jy c-nftdertial ;JcrTnerlv of NVw York Po- i*"* Iflii-.7r.enl Beaa. 3.C Torr.;<ki:ie aye.. «s. J-S*!i-r,n. I'.rooklyn fOACHMAK and GROOM.— Colored; ex- ;»rl«rneed; un-lerKtaixis nsee an.] fine carriages- v«ry obJiKir.R. irr. .\u25a0proachahm r «.»er^ n^ s j. Stockly. care of B Hanilin. 20 We«t ;»»th St. COACHMAN <-lv- or country; re?ernnres as to r;dlns; or driving Kunn. XI \\>st 6.lth st. COACHMAN as t GARDENER. Clean. «ood io.*klng Frenchman: speaks Bngllah; private family; t2T, best refeieueeo. Mrrie. August- H Cth aye Tel 3171— Bryant. COACHMAX.— Kngie, elderly; first -J-'.ass rrooni: careful city, country driver; cat*, lawn, be gen-rally useful; sober an.i reli- able; pood refen-rsces. Coachman. 14"J Har- rison st.. Brooklyn. COACHMAK-CKOOM.— Single; thorouchly understands care of hors.s. harness, <ir- riacs; competrnt. sober. r r' J.\'[-. good !-!<!.>.- ,ni driver; Al personal «r it... ref- erences, coachman, •-•:•_". We* l'.Hh .t. COACHMAN.-Hlngle; thoroughly under- Mands care fine horses, carrtates. her- Besa. lawns: careful driver: sota-r. *<™"}- willing, ot.ltglnc; .... references J. Mc- Mahon. 23S l'^st 55th st. _- COACHMAN and GROOM. -Single. 3... thorough hr.ts.-man: expert rider and driver;cltv or country: t»-mr«-r»l.-- ' "£; M. M. I>.. Trlhune i"i wn On* a, 13»^4 Hroadway. CHAM HKHM AII>- PARLORMAID. Young Srotch Protestant gill; In laaaaachuaetts; uti'lerstanfla waiting; generailv useful: e.\- ceilent reference from present emDloy.-r. E M.. Mlks FltzGeraJd's Buramu. LOS Flith a\« . cor. 42d »t. CHAMRERMAID.— CapabIe vnung jrirl; ex- ri-:|i-n; rWeretu*: will ai.sl«t In .lining ro.,m an.l be generally useful willgi lo mv city or \u25a0 untry m s.. Ml»s FitsGer ald'ii Bureau. BBt Fifth aye.. cor. 4- : »t. CHAMBERMAID »r WAITRESS Toung Finnish girl; several raarf sxperlenoe has t.>-«t reference. Jusslla Bur su. f ' s " Lexington aye. Tel. 44'>3 Plaza. CT>OK ar 1 I.AI'XriRKSS. First clnss Bwedlah Kiri; very beat of references; city or country. Weld's Bureau. 324 Co lumbus aye. Tel. 77.'.!' Rl\e:sirte. ! ';,l driver sonai reference; seen Addregi r r \u25a0 ]s»t emj.loyer can -* seen. Addrtss t. X.. 5."2 •.mbus aye. [XXSINEFR . I'nlfrßtar..is wasMr.g. A. | E.. 2C3 '.\>Et tBQt st. pUMCESS and COLLAR MAKER—Oen- i*ral hsn4. ir stable; city or country. Jrfas ZsTacki. 2^4 Avenue <\ XIGHT VATCBMAX.— Beat reference frcni last resit-lever. Addrers J.. care or \u25a0tic- J. Lee. 4^» W. 12T!h St. .EALISMAX.— Sjr »-xji»r!enc<>-j yrrcrig man; »'- r'»s-r;t with a too) and supply house. F. G p.. 137 west 24th et. RjOeOCaAPUEB aii.l TTPEWRITER.- ! Ten \«arii' experience; best reference?: («l»rr fix j j. Fairbanks. West i cl« trt. j^ATCKUAN May).— JJMdle a ed rr.an; or i or eoQectlac rf-nts. looking jl.lfr 11,11, .... \u0084< a *s reference; old f f,™ 1 !'' 111 "'- Tliomas 11. <.<u!rk. 157 sth \u25a0 LADY'S MAllV— Competent. German. hall <*.rfn-rr. drmunriaker, \<a> ker an.l traveller; speaks French; hei-t references; w:i»;<i« $:><•. Call at 1..1M.; ,v il.-e. lierer Co. "a liurtuu, 43-49 47 West S3d st. , I.AI'V MAII Swedish; first clans In every reside*: neat; good »t-ar;istre»M; ex- cellei city references; wagea ?:it>. Oster tx-iK's rt'..re;i!i. Tl«; I^-xinKt.>n B\e . .*7th and s«ith. Tel. '' Plasa. I.AIMiKKS- First da.«s city references; willing •\u25a0\u25a0 go short ,il»:an.« In country. MtFK Margai \u25a0 Smith 1 ! HutcßU. 25 \v--«: 4'Jd st. Phone 30S&- Bryant LAtTNDRESS. First class; has two frl-n'lH. w»ltre»s an<! parlcmnH: other chambermaid: excellent j.eHm*tre*!< : to- gether or separate; rltv or out; ha« t.r.itlin-r •.ireful mnn Tel. 11)23—Plaza Morrcw's Bureau 721 Lexington aye.. cor. R.'th. LAITXDREBB.— FIr«t-cla*«; Carman; mid dlo -agM woman; In largo jirhat" house: hlho to children; lett.-rs only. Address B. H, Trlb me Uptown Office, 1364 Broadway. LAT'NDRESS.— Flrsi class; Finnish: capa - Me; very heal referei a Juasila Hiir.au. 0S« I^exington aye. UNDRESS. Weekly m^hlnir done for 50 CENTS, delivrrrd •' 24 houra, half •Jrl'd. res<l> to iron. Weatwaah. -".1" East 91th st. 'I-hon- ITM TBth LAUNDRY t chamber w6nc; by colored w..mun, jilaln »*.:<•: In famil i»at f«-!!er; wages not leu* than $.*• pel week <;. M. Johnson, 474 Seventh aye. INFAN \u25a0 - 48 IT " LADIES' MAIIV or aitenjant on Invalid; referenres. Adiire!ia A., s Kitng »t . We.st Orange, N J. I cmiile HorsuK i :.!•! r Ani' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 < . i rsi i tan aye COACHMAN— Siarrle.i: jirivcle J am "': w-illlnc and oblUipg; Rood rider "i drher: \^l rt-errnce*. Hughes. b43 Co- lurr.bus aye ' n ssssfni AM» i\u25a0> iumm COOK— Ifld i \u25a0• aged woman; ProteaUnt; useful; can sn \u25a0:• \u25a0 or pounty; alf"> ynuriK woman, latr-i- landed. Mi> Cooper* 1 .Bureau. «137 *lth aye.. near 3^th st. COOK and CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESS Two Finninh girls: willing to it" ln the country; have very he«t references. Jus- aila Rureau. «s>-0 I/exing!on aye. COOK—First laaa; cook with kltchsn- mald; cltv or countrjr hlghr'st i.frr>nr- Jus«lla Bureau, 890 Lexington aye. Tel. 4453 Plaza. COACHMAN GARDENER- Z^^gJ^S'; X man. hignest r '^n r '' Vltown Ortlre. 1304 Itroadway. COTCHMAN and HAI-FFEC^-^lngl^ pMent: rellai In every r P ,i,!en rtrdrS. 'l*ofj\: Srlfe general houseworker: M ;«r. »»\u25a0 O««W« Bu- reau. 710 I.ci!n»tor, aye., UJUI 88111 sts. Tel. l"' Plaza. __ M KTRi>S. hou»e>- motliir or chaperon, by woiiiHii »f thoroiigli exi^rlenc- an I lilpti \u25a0 out rrferencea Write or Ul. Mrs. H Ingram, 109 &S1 22d si NITRSERY or nursery irbverneaa; r»nn«l Kortn German cirl: roo<l sewer; rlt> or countrj best referrncrf^; wages, *'j:. fan. Call ht I^ang * Boech< rer c.'s Bureau, 4.V4.V47 Wesi 33d »t. * ( *Y' «* 3f - -'•\u25a0 a' anythimt. or learn *.—\u25a0«•; y. 0 Wem:ich. '.Vl7 Helmont St. TOVXG MAN. M. wTurg^T'erTucaticn. IL ,"' n k: « " f T\i'-'S ::i cai,a.:ty where his iST' tSbr ""'' I-J * h ' thoul( l "\u2666\u25a0ad to •-a st-xrk <-;erk: reliable r*f.r.-r.^cs. Wi!l- '< _ :_ vu * t-h«n.t -h«n. 4'»fi Kast l"th s'. *2£ S* 31^***« Stz'trmmt l«arn JsalmsiluA, eUer. »inthiti« In enslne or f.^3 T" m - .'" r <:-r -luniV^r an-1 s'mh- Sr-f h * !p<>r ** *»»*\u25a0 A. P.. -.- Ma'! T *i?i? MAX •— ro«ses»es exceptional abll- *«? 5 l«Wnrj;. »k<-t.-hir: X rarlcature arfl - t«S!s»:t «S!s»: l-tvrir:« prrfern-.1. would llk« *-S°"- n:tv * lth advfri^ir.e -,n<-rr. - ™* i-"-h^- I)OI -" Tr ii, une office. COOK. Very gooil; t'l •. neat swedi«h Klrl: uillins. obllrinir: t»-s: rcfeientea; «ojj-- *2.">; friend <-hamherma!<l. -litres". «22. rvterberg*s Bureau. 71« i^xinxton avr.. tWhsMUI sts. Tel. 1055— I'laza. COOK.— Flrai class nf-at Bwedie* clrl; ex- oell'-nt cook: very best city references; frieri'l Kitchrninai<!. wages $22. Oat«rberg's Hureiiu. 71<! I-oxington ava . f.7ih 58th sts. Tel. 1056 -I'laz* ' Th* Ant{rne Furniture EizZizgz* 13 13 W. SIB ST. nr. B"*T- Th« tr*«»ur« h->u»«» w-s»r»ln t" flrr! the i^irramc cb. «-;iion» of '- t Artist* Brfl O^sn»'!n* pr*v- dudloiw of r»l!»M» Art:»«n» «f rlFS«urrs. Suit»» «n1 «wl<i p!»f»» cfftrf! on rrmlul'n b.»»t» «t comparatively n.-miral price*. r*«»M.e» «f avt. Pf-x-'ff to nr-r r.%RP»:r U\>i^«. NI'RSK for delicate or nervous <-hlld: thrc- ra reference from lasi nable of teaching elementary br r, r luntry. F \ , Miss FlUGerald - B reau. [KM 6th ai-e.. cor 4LM MTRSI2, E!xp*ri«nced: Infant »r grown; Blsn i-ouns girl, houseworker. good rook nrd laundress: . Itv or ountn Morrow's Bni-eau. T2l 1-exinßt.m aye.. c it. 58th. T.I. IflSJl Plaza. COOK, feunn, neat; (t.-..1 rook: gimd mnn ng»r. $:.'.. K. Hofmavei s Bureau, I"'; West Bd st. T»] is« - Chelaea. . i«iK By a yoang woman; experienced; for dinners »n\ luncheona; well recoai- niended Jacquln's Bureau, (X>2 \u2666;• h ave. ,iear .",.'.th st COACHMAN -Thoroughly eratands the care of horws and carriages el^en wears' first class nferenre from la* em- i.kner: city or intry; nge 18. rlel'i. »s Pern- st. . COOK <ma!e).— Thorough culinary »rtlst: good stioppir; salary moderate. Kris- mey.-r. Commerce St.. New Haven. Conn. COCK. First olas« young woman; i.ent re f er«>nre; city or country. 213 W. 10th st. NI'RSE Can take entin charge ..r ItifnTii excell< nt written ;in-l erencr« Mi^-Margaret Smith's Bureau, 25 v. Si ' 1 ; i,..n. SO3Q Brj-ant. Nl'RrFE.—Scotch testanl for Infant; hospital tralnine: j.*r«onal <it- references; cltv or country- $.10. Call Industrial Ann of America. Basi <M st Tel. 2003—3Sth. COOK.— First class; private family, small hotel; city or Country: \ery I*st refer- ences, <"a!! Central Bureau, <!3i) Gth aye. Tel. 3204— 3* th. COCPLE. Farmer or useful man: cook or bouseworker; young; no iren. excel- lent reference. Onrpentafs Dui«»u. IS4 Oth aye. _______ Nt'i:~K. Capable woman will es \u25a0 children from two yean: speaks I" K-icli-'l-. Spanish; excellent u- eood reference. M O Mikk FKsGerald's nureau. 808 sth aye., coi 4: r .i FARMKR-GARHENER Sma.l faITli 'L' caretaker, with cottage; experience In -ri.via'<l» flowers, horses, cows. poultry; pood In all hranche*; neraonal rfferenoa. Ttlmpe. 108 East U2th st COOK (uelorad) FIrX -lass; hotel, hoard- ing house: \u25a0 \u25a0 11\ ..r country : hOUBWWortt- Bureau. 142 West lH.id St. Tel. M Morn- lngside. FAnMER or CARITNER (superintendent). -By American; thoroughly (juallSed to take en* lre charge and produce results: no he!? boarded: i^st of city references. George c. Woolson. 11111 Crest. Purchas'. N. t. ' TeTeph^niMri.Tal VA IMI-J*n. C.H. BROWN Co. Carpet & Ruz CLEANSING Dust and Dirt B!nwn Out. N*t rrorn _ »»>- face Only. *mt Throu«h<mt th* Fabric. 35 \ ears' experience m Kia* «'arv*fs A Eva 209 L 211 E. 3Tti St. Renovating. Pcouring. T*klng fp. Vtesv ing. Kelay'ng. Packing and Storage. ST&lA'l. HVfLLIAMS. 11 i h 1 1T1 n SS SS WAITRESS and CHAMBERMAID.-- Tming Swedish clrl: very best reference*; ItJ or count ry Cull AVd.l'J Itureau. :t-4 Columbus aye. Tel. 77.-.:' Riverside. COOK. Swedish; Just atsengagwli; X'»"-' caterer and manager: excellent refer.-n.-' . Miss MHoear.-t Smith's Bureau, 23 West 42j st. "Phone Bryant. N.T. FARMER or \u25a0HARDENER— Hy German: married; thro* children: good vejtetaole grower- understands poultry. Incubator; five «*ar-' reference. Caiuan«sr*a Dureau, I^4 flth aye WAITRKSS.- May 1: excellent reference*; can earvst! makes all salads: first class referom-es. Miss Maru-aret Smith's Bureau. 23 West 42<i st. Phone M.:-.t Ilryant. COOK. First class; l.»*t rrfTsafiee alsc clinn.l-ri ar;d \valt-«-»s: separately or togeth?r; city or country. Lind's Employ- ment lUirf-nu. 4t3 Columbus ay».. nenr t2d st.. nn.i 125 th st. and Madison aye. J>^I_J*OKK WANTED. | t3t3 one or two ladies travel- B»j3L •"*?* -"' tse MTum-r. l-v a Frer.ch 2U5. PitUßtid. Mass. *$S*£2SX—X-m* Fr«rt W ~2X pia,J~*' u ' com.jinlon; tptak l.Jth lan- sSii^VT' Nellie U*? DE3:ONFTRATOH.~good figure. «*• Oa"i" Urn:rrr litjtel «- A - IK. Trllr- GOVepvpc^ T t*ti ~ North Ormaa: take one or •^ ><-'\u25a0'„ -t!l : ' h'"""lf^'y eowpetent: very CiM in* ; ***** *•"•«; city w ountry. Ct m »->» -> •• !-ait tGovSTr^ I lai l : l : \u25a0 ~ Jrem-h Protestant, sp-ak- *gjs™*= -o!!'-it- j.rei^ratlon. •;• r BssksZ- 10 . 'ravmr;. kindergmrten; j;r«".<«-nt Cg"*^* * da ""- p O; !*"* -T-''. ii.i.i.v «-."' : FreccJi and German; nur- n T ra ' tMS - matrons. ho'.ii*k<r;)er». «IS^J *" natitialitus; r-Jnnlsh cooks. SfcJTv. £?»">b«»naids\, etc. iVlnthn -^J^awrtt 3.vttl »t. Tel. lOSI2—3Mh. FIRST i I.ASS butlers, second and useful \u25a0sea. *lth heft of cltv references, always on hand. Osterherg's Hun-au, 710 Lexing- ton aye. Tel lON>—Plaza. COOK. First class; Qn nisa, French and American cooking; also kitchenmald. who is an excellent iaundrras: hotel, .lub or hoardlns house. Marrow's Hur»au. 721 1-exlngton aye. Tel. 102S -Plaza. DAY'S 'WORK. JTaai'in laiils colore.l wom- sn first clasn farr.ll-. Ironer; stendy posi- tion- da\'.« work any kind. Anderson, *i \Ves> t'Oth St. HAIG S. ISKITAN. Vt«it»l tng «•!!!\u25a0» II >f r»p»!rtrc. »»*s!aj. r«o*. «:lr« U1 alonnc '! Eut RXh «- T.I niIJBMI •». CAKCFVU CARPET «.t£»XISa CO.— (V tM by nm;nw*]«lr. »tr«ra. h«n4 or on floor. 1354 Brc»<l»«t. 4K E»W *SU» St. COE 4 BRANDT. T>l 13J— 3Sf». PROPO«AI.« WAITREBB-PAHLORMAIP - Very neat, nice Swe<llsh girl: beei ref<T»>n<-fs; wages $2.'>. Ostr»rberK'i« Bureau. 716 Ix"xlnfftonare. T<-i. II '\u25a0"\u25a0 Plaza. WAITRESS and CHAMBERMAII>. - <~apa - hie Irish Protestant: In Connecticut : do entire work of boose for one la family; four y.ais" reforenre from leading New Tork family. E. B , Miss FltzGeraids Dureau. 508 sth aye.. .-.rner 42d «t. GAUrj::NEß— Married; experienced In gi enbmwe* »n<l outside; on private pla.-« . Otto Greuter. 5S Dry st. GAnDENER— HOt'SEWORSC .'no wa*h- tn. c> _,-,,„ r |e. wages JS.V best references. S«»ne. Auguste"* Bureau. fl»2 Cth aye. Tel. 3171— Bryant. GOVERNESS?, nurw or trav«||ing compan- ion". exi«rlenced. refined middle nged S"rth lierrnan. speaking French and Eng- llsh fluent iv; neat sewer: reference* A. M 15rt East fi<>th st. GARDENKK.- Hollander, graduate n^ysl Botanical C.ardens. Enirland. w i«he» '-harre tt gentlemnn'n r>lace; landscal* gardener: tind»rstan<*.s flowers. 'r*»-> shrubs, veg- f-t.Thles. erf-nhouiM-. etc.: •!!f-nt refer en.f^ V. 11. Ml« IHtsOcrald s BSieH. ri^n r.ri aye.. cor. 42.1. ROOFING AND LEADKKS. TYrEWBITING \u25a0*\u25a0 rvrewßiTsm*. TYp^W^rTrnT^ATITAINS rUmIn r™»- ' VrMir... rn^erwoo-ij. «oa.-antee«. *15 up; bought, cold. -psureA. AUaatla Exchange. 243 Broadway- VItTOR nQBLS Nacsan St.: «rat»- ln _.. free* all make» taken itirt p«r- menT bargaint la a 4erw J oa-.«e B y ß# rs. SuJltna. SEALED BIDS will b* received by th* Roard of Water Supply. In R~wn 850. 299 nroadway N*w Tork. tintll I r> m. on May 17 1!"**. tor fVntra I E. for printing. »nd then iniWlclv r»ne>l and rea.l. Pamph- lets containing Information .-•- nbtalne-l at Room 1510 by depositing S3 for caen JOHN A- nKSSKI. Presl<l»Titr f^IARI.KS N CHADWirK. r-HARLES A. SHAW, c-onimis»l<>ntrs of the Hoard of Wster Supply. J W\Lr>O SMITH rWSf Engineer. THOMAS HASSETT. Secretary. LANE SYJSTEM-HANOING LEADERS away from wal! by lane's patent pipe hangers saves leader, wall. Circu- lars mailed. Ira G. Lane. 207 £\u25a0 S4to st ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Th* TriiMine received at thair Uptown Offlce. No. 1564 Broadway, between 3tith and 37th sts.. until 0 l, .-10.-k p. m. Ad- vertisements received at the following hranch otDcas at regular cfflre. rates untli 3 o'clock p- m.. vis. : 2t'>4 Sth aye.. s. c. cor. -'\u25a0<! St.: 153 (Ith »><•.. cor. I2Ui -: . ItN Kust 14th st : 257 West 4.d St.. between 7th and Sthaves.; 2!>3 West 12.'.th St.; 1033 Hit a\e. : l»«r. '<\u25a0• »v<. r^ir ''i«! •' \u25a0 I7«rt I*t aye.. near PBth St.; IS7 Rast 123 th st ; 756 Tremont aye.: CiO 3d aye. SITRBHtS COURT, COUNTT NEW TORK.— John " Haker. I'lulutiff. against Charle* Bergan ami another, Defendants. ln pui?uance of a Judgment of fi.revlosure „,,. Mit duly nia.iß and entered In th« above -ntltle.! action an.l bearing <l«te Oio Ist day of May, r.x'l*. I, the undersigned. the Referee In sail Ju^ment nanie.l. will s 11 at public auction, at the Baehange S:.lesr....:n \u25a0 m. i* Veaey t-treet. In the j;.,roUjc!i of Manhattan, i Ity of New York, on 'the 271h day "f May. IMB al 12 oVI-x-k noon on that .lay. by Joseph I\ Day. Auc- tioneer the prernl«e« directed ,y said I'i'iß ment to Le soM, and therein di-sorlbe.l as follows: All thoe rtaln lots, pieces or iiarc-Wa of land tuate. lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the Borough of Man- hattan. City •\u25a0: New Vor!.. bounded an.l ."...-... lilt. l a^ folloxvs: egtnnlng at a point on the northerly sl«i« of West One Hundred an<l Sixty ninth Street, distant eighty l») f«-.-t ami eighty-one one-hundredths 181- lOUths) of n foot isti rlj from the corner formed by the Intersection of the northerly i-!.'- of One llunlrcl an.i Slxtj ninth Street wltn the easterly aide of Kort Washington &venue aw established by the l\Hnml«slon- ers ai>|<x>intri| undei Chapter 114 of the Laws of 18t»2; running thence northerly an.l on a line drawn al right anj.-l'-s wltn tli.- northerly --i'lt- of one Hundred uivi Sixty-ninth Street. eighty-HilX «KH) feet an.l tlfty-niiic on.- hundredth! ir.!t-l«>ths) of a foot; thence running easterly ami on s lln- drawn parallel with th« northerly side or n e llun.lre.l and Blxt) ninth Street forty- llv.- i4.'>i feet: th nee running itoutherly and HK"i" on a line drawn at right ansles with the northerly sl.ir of One Hun.lr«-.| an.l sixty Inth Street . Ightj ill (H«) reel and fifty nine one hundredth! <:>!\u25a0> lOOtl s) of a foot to the northerly si.le of One lluivlre.l an.l Sixty ninth Btreet. fortj Bye (4.'D feet, to the i.olnl or place of beginning BaM lots , in- Known as lots tiunu.ere.l thirty- two i 32) and thirty three 133) on a certain map or plan of sale known v "Map of property belonging to tha hoir» of Susan 11 Ward deceased, at Kori Washington, Sew York, mad< by John G. Van Home, Clt\ Hurveyor." bearing ilute thr 17th day of November, 1896 and riled In the offlce of tbe Clerk of th Buprem< Court of New York Count) on November isth. ls-.xt. In an action tween Oeorfs Barclar Ward an.i otluis. and Bevi : \u25a0 Ward an.l others. be nal.i dimensions un.l .llatances more or Tiuti-u New York. May Sd, 1000. (ROE PARR. Ucferre. MASTKN .<\u25a0 NICHOLS, Attorneys foi Plain - tiff 4!> Wall Sire t. Borough of Mil!'. hattan. New York City. The following li a diagram of the |>rop- —..,• m |\u0084» sol.l: it Ims in- street number: The approximate amount of the lien or rnarxe to satiafy which the above-dc- ! \u25a0crlbi-d property Is to be laid, Is three thousand eißht hundred, seventy 47-l<»> hY.iius (*:« .-74.47). with int«re»t th.-r*..n from the 30th daj Of April. IWP, togeth«r «ith i-osts and «lli>»Mnc uinountlnK t<» two hundn iueniy-n-ven .r.7-K»t. r .7-K»t <>227.57) dol \u25a0 lar" with Inter** from May 1, 1000, to-; \u25a0tether ... |ti th expenses of the sale The ; MDDroxlmate amount of the taxes, assess- I metits and water rates, or other lien*. - which are to t>e allowed to the purchaaer j out of the pu-chase money, "r paid by the Referee, Is $1.07!»!> and inUrast Dated New York, May 3d. Vj«o QEOUGS PARR. Referee. ADVEKTISEMENT:? and suDscrlptlcns for Tlie Tribune received at their Uptowr Hast 14tli st.: i">7 West 42d St.. betweei Otflce No. 1384 Hroadway. between 36th | anil :t7th sts., until U o'clock p. m. Ad- j vertleaments rec»l\ .-d at the following [ branch ortites at regular office rates until 8. o'clurk p. in., viz.: 2ti4 Sth avi.. s. c. I cor 2:id St.; 153 Bth aye.. cor. 12th .«t.. 1(M j 7th and Bth ayes.; 2!i3 W«st 12Sth St.: 1035 j 8d aye. \u25a0 162fl 3d aye.. near 61st »'\u25a0 : 1709 I 1»t «ye.. near BMb at : 157 Cast ICJCi St.; 756 Tremuct aye.; 650 3d aye. nnESSMAKER. experienced euttar an.l rm, r would like work m tlrst class f am - Illea by .Uy week or m..nth. Mlsi Dahl. ; c.r.'orilri'Aii.l'iTin, _. MAKINO. rteslrnlrg. embroidery ot a'l kin.ls- 0 1l and water color paintings; art slttci will call at reafdesKa; n.od- e-ate j.rlc-!.. rel. 447ti-Chels«». Itoyce. , 240 West Isih St.. Apartment 1. PIHST CLA ' »aJnsT; «••" nlng* tall, street, wedding dresses, latest ! novelties; re-.noueUinc. K2S xS;'.a".'n avt.. i resrf4t'ist. . IXtsT _Banklook No. •»*.•«• of Dr Deck Havings stltutli n. Atiy person ha\lng claims upon ,«uM bwk Is cal>d urmn to prweot the same to the l.ar.i. within thirty Says or the sni.l t-.ok will be declared cancelled nnd pxtinKulshcl an.i •\u25a0 new one Issued In lleii then-of. w>ST r>K J-TOl.K.N.—nankbook No. M3 .r.sa of the tlcrtnan .^avin K s Ilank In the City of \r» York corner 4'h n-vt " aI "l 14tn Ht Isatled to Marie Halpnn All |*r*misire cautioned against negotiating the same ir not rvturne.l to the l-an'K on the 25th aaj of May. IS"" I .*, a duplicate will kssuea BAXKmXiK 5... Wl.3* of the l.'nlon Dlrne .Savings Institution missing. Any per- ,> n having a ctaim to ••-••! called utvn 'o nr»!"-nt the khiii* within ten urns of "übmlt to havln. SaM r ass»«vik can- c<^l>.i nnd a ... onr Issued. *ixi^T»r STOLEN - Bankbook N«v ::'!.^l7, of »he Rtniirmiti Indottrial l««vlngs Bank Payment stopped. riease return book t" bank. No M '-hambeis *t. *IjO<:^or STOLEN .--Hnnkhook No. 4«2 2«7. of 'tt- Emigrant Infiui-trial .-avtngs Hank. Fayment st"pp<-!. Plea»e return book to bank. N<». M Champera »t. '10.-JT or STOLEN- Bankbook No. r/)2.fi.V<. of the i>rman Bavlnßi i: in> in the City of \>w York ...rner 4th ay*. ani 14th St.. Issued tr, Kmlt Wledner. All reons ar- cautioned acalnst negotiating the .-«i!n«. If rot r.turne.l to the l.ank on the- lTth day Of May. I.M. a duplicate will he lasued LOST.— llankbofk No. .•4- •_\u25a0;\u25a0 nunk for Bavings, 2<«> 4th aye .. NVw lork. Pay- ment »topp«d. rieas? return N>ik to bank. LOST"-Hank»-ook No. W4.500 Hank for Bavtnga. 2^* 4th aye.. New "i ork. Pay- ment stopped. riea»e ref-irn bi«.k t\u25a0< bank , "'\u25a0'• Xr ' ! - v TENr»!-:NT. cbaperoii or \u25a0intj.L J ""\u25a0'? lessons In muslr and mSsa« Atf.lres* I£xi<>rUnce. 70S Co- »*r^wr^^~o^* t ' llA TOn -.Four '\u25a0 <\u25a0*?*' *•» StTi^i tut » Wan. Mif« Gabriel. rr^^h st.. The Qrvnx. V"?SS AI * HE R- »ci<Ur) comrmnlon. •""•iian- -«• gradaate: nsorttaol reader. \u25a0**4i<*« iJL m.m '. 11 trs-. hlrh«-*t references. •— Jgg "2. UVstwood. N. J. Tt : iR I *-2, XX PWITfI!I'.OARD OPEIU- IT- «m fun,i J t tr "' c *l*r>n«*: rapM »ork- ~ rn !* h »*rt «f inferences. M. E. J _ ; _'< t*uUJwc-i| ace.. Th« ':MinJ U»h g.,-*}'?- MtMw. upeaklng Eng- \u25a0••ii! \u25a0"'• '•\u25a0 and K.vnch. desires tlty j .\t V. G, car* of re«an, 804 INFANTS Nt'R.T. F.xperienoed ; thor- oughly competrnt . persoasl reference. B. N.. Tribune Uptown Office. 1364 Broadway. LACKDUM First ,-lass. neat German; very good laundress; l- -st references. Os- terberg's Bureau. Tl« Lexington svt., BTth and CStn sts. Tel. 1035—I'lasa. <;aIU'KNKR rnderstands care of vege- tables, lawns, etc P. B-. care of S. Med- hursu Na 18 West st.. New Terk. HP vl NTBlliilli^ 0 WOMBW NEW YORa. SUPREME! COURT. 8d Judicial District. ASiIOKAN RESERVOIR. Section No. 18. ULSTER COUNTT. Notice of Application for tbe Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that It la tha Intention of the Corporation Coun- j »el or The L'ity of New York to make ap- plication to the Supreme Court of the Slate j of New York for the appointment of Com- j missioners of Appraisal under Chapter 724 of the Law» of 1005. ne amended. Such application- will be mado to the Stt- i preme Court at a Special Term thereof to f be held In and for the Third Judicial .Dis- trict. AT THE CITY HALLIN THE CITT I OK ALBANY. ALBANY COUNTY. N. V.. ON THK 22D DAY OF MAY. l»'>f>. AT 10 O'CLOCK In the forenoon of that day. or j as si>on thereafter aii Counsel can be heard. : Tlie ohject of such application Is to obtain an order of the Court appointing; three dis- interested and competent freerajlders, one ; of whom shall reside In the County of New York, and at least one of whom sball re- ; side In the County »here ti.s real estate hereinafter dfsrrlr.e.l situated, to act as ! Ccf.inlt'sicnc'S of Appraisal und'r said act an<* iltr-haryi all the duties conferred by the aald ace and the acts amen.latory ' | thereof, upon such Commienloners of Ap- i praisal. for the purpose of providing an i ', aclfiltU.nrjl supply of pure and wholesorn* : water f.,! The City of N-w Tors. The real estate sought to be taken or af- fecitd Is situated In the Town of Hurley. County of Ulster and state of New Tork. T'e fnllnwlr.r is a riptlon '.I the real ' estate to be acquired In fee, together with a reference, to trie dute and placo of nllnf j the neap. All thoee rertaln rleces or parcels of real estate situated In the Town of Hurley. j County of Ulster .md -State of New York, '\u25a0 i shown on a 'nap entitled "Reservoir D«- partinent. Section No. U. Board of Water i Suj.ply of The City of New York. Mao of real estate situated In the Town or Hurley, : I County of rimer and Sti.te of New York, to be acquired by The City cf New York under the provisions of chapter T24 of the j Laws of 11>O5. as amended, for the con- i > structlon of Ash->kao Hrservolr and ap- : purtenances. In the v.elr.Hy of West Hur- j |ry," which map was filed In the f.fTVe of : the County Clerk of the County of Ulster. at Klngfcton. New York, on the 4th day of . M»rrh. ISO*, which parcels ar« bounded and described ful'.ows. ' H»(flmilng- at tne south-east corner of parcel So 871. said point r>»ir.e als \u25a0 tka south-west currier of real estate section 17. . Res«rvolr department, (the map of whl-h \u25a0 se>-tl<in was rl'ed In the office of rhe County \u25a0 \u25a0]<rk of the C"untr nf Ulster, at Kin>;ston. , N. V.. on March 4th. I Ma), and r.inn!n« thenc? alnrtjf th» southerly lines rf said parcel ati.l parcel No. 572. the followln« j iourse», distances and cuivm: p. f>f>* Ss' *>» W. 849 4 f—f. oa a curve of .V?i feet : radius to »h* ri|:ht, 625.6 ft>»t, N B2* 54C W. 424.1 feet, on a cur- c of 2ti". feet I radius to «he left. 326. f»*t. S. 07" 12' W. i 22U.2 f*et ai.l on a --uj-ve of 4.13 feet ! radius tv the right, 133. feet to a point la '< the center of a road Icadlns; from Lapla to West Hurley, at the semh corner j of panel N- nS: thence ai^n,{ the south- erly l!n«s of saM »r< «•! and parcels Nos. j 874 and MS, and partly along the southerly \ and ainnic the SUIIIIj lints of parrel No. j i 7«.i 7«. th? follow!r;({ curves, courts and dis- tances: on a curve of 43.1. feet radius to j the rlfsht.' 1.8 fret. ;*. B»« 4»V W. 10002 feet, on a t-urv« i t 453 f'"»t radl'is tv the rl«ht. SSXf f*«t. N. 88* 27' W. 234 2 feet, on a curve of 4*>1.8 feet radius to tne left. \u25a0 H1.7 feet. S. 70* 65" W. 2<O.S feet, on a curve of -.'iO feet radius to the right. 40rt.3 feet, cro»sing a roaj leading fioni Stona Church to West Hurley. N. 15' r>B' W. 115 feft. on a curve of fi.V>. feet radius to the right. 207.1 feet, and N. 6* 37' B. estate srctlon 15. Reservoir department, <lh» n ar of whi<-h section was flier) In tfee rfflce of the County Clerk of the County of Ulster, at Kin (jut. ->n. N. V.. on March 4th. r.MU> and running thcnc« partly alone tha easterly line of said section, continuing \u25a0 long the westerly line of parcel So. K7B. and running partly along the northerly line of parcel No tH, N. 84" J4' E. 1243 i feet and N. 47* OS' E. 442.1 feet to trie rood Kiutherly point of real estate section ; I 18. Iteaerrof* department, (the map of 1 which s.-. tu,n was filed In the otfee of tha i Count* Cler;-. cf the County of lster. at Kingston, N. V.. on March 4th. 19O9); j thence partly along said southerly section | . line, continuing along the northerly line of I I parcel No. 875. and running [»rt!> along \u25a0 ! the ra.oterly line of naid parcel. N 18* I<Y i X ICMW.2 feet and B. 32 r 03' E. 327. f et t.> the most westerly point of parcel No. I MB, In the center of a road leading from j ; Ptone Church to West Hurley; thenc* along j Ithe center line of said road and partly Ml r.r the we»t»rly line of said parcel. N. 17" 33' E. 1.«2 7 feet snd N. 37' 17 E. 137.9 I feet to the south-west iorn«r of parcel No. >>7'>. In the center of a roo.l leud!; from Ashton te Klncsti>n: thence al«ng tb« west- , : erly and BOrtherlj linen of sa.il parcel, th» ' \u25a0 northerly lines of parcels Nos. 1»35. W.4. 033. i IKI2 an'J U3O. the easterly l!n-> of said parcel ;Nn 930, partly ulone; loa easterly lln*of ; I before mentt.-.ned parcel No. 032. and con- j Itlnulng alons the southerly line of section I I 1«. N 12* 12' W. 132 4 fa t. N. W Vf I j E. I 06& fe«t an.i S. 30' 42' R 3.10.3 feetl ' to the north-west corner of parcel No. 899. *! ' In the center of the before mentioned road j | leading from Ashtcn to Kingston: thence { alon»: the c«nter line of «ald road an<i th«» : northerly lines of said arcel N.» v.i'.t and ; parcel N.; li'Kt. J»'. «9 # 65' E. 1}>9.4 feet to! I the south-west corner of parcel No. U29; i ; thence alung the westerly lines of said par- . I <\u25a0<\u25a0! and parcel No. 920, and continuing ! i alnnit the southerly line of s»r! \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 V \ 18* 6H W. 367 fS feet. K. IS* 4S' W. 254 1 1 feet and N. 34* 28' E. M 4 feet to a point | I In the westerly line qf the before mentioned ; i southerly portion of section 17; thence part- | ; ly alon< said westerly line, an.! running \u25a0 ; along the easterly lines of said parcel \u25a0 l -" ) . ! and before mentlone'l parcel N.i. t>2B. : \u25a0 lartl* along the easterly line of parcel No.. '. 627 ai.d along the easterly line of parcel > . No. 92«. S. 24* (*>' E. 779. feet to the j ! south-<ast corner <if said parcel No, 92r>. la i I the r. -rtherly line of parcel No. MS, in tr.» ! i center of the before mentioned road leading ' j from Ashton to Kingston: thence along the !center line of said road, and partly along the i.n-therly lines of parcels Nua. 603 an.l 904. N. H!)" .'*• X 120.8 feet to the south- ! ' Mest corner •}'. parcel No. >'".">: thence along : the westerly and n.ntln-rly lines of said ' : parcel the westerly lln» of parcel No. t»23. j j the westerly and northerly lines of parcel : No. U22, partly along the westerly, alone the northerly and partly alinK the easterly j lines of parcel No. U2l. alor- the northerly | :llr.b of parcel No. fujt «>artlv alonar the ; I westerly line "f rHrcel No in:>. alonr the , n. rtherly lines of said parcel No. SMO and ' I parcel No. <JIH. and continuing along said j IWesterly line of the southerly portion "f : \ section 17. the following courses and dis- , i tanced: N. 28* 2V W. 142. feet, N W 27' ' i E l».l feet, rf. 24* 65' W. 110.2 feet. I 1 N <'.•;' 44 K. 140. f*et. S. 20* 57' W 07 .3 \ I feet. N. rtii* 08' E. 20. feet. 8. JD* CT" \u25a0 E. 93.5 feet. N. 78' 41' E. 120.3 feet, N. I 5* B.V E. 25.3 feet. N. M* 11" B. 141.9 feet j and S. 72* 16' E. 67.7 feet to the north- I east corr.er of said parcel No. 91 S. In the i center of a. rwd leading from Woodstock \ to West Hurley; then.-c ol.inic the center ; line of said road 'and the production thereof | '\u25a0 and the easterly lines of said l*rce« and | uarcels Nos. Ul7 and 913, > \u25a0* 04 W. l&M ' feet and S. 1«* 48' W. 14I». feet to th» \u25a0oath-east corner of said oarcel No. 913. in the northerly lln« ot parcel No. 911, In the center of the before inentlor.eil road leadln< from Ashton to Kingston; thenco along the "enter line of said road, partly aloaa said I northerly lin- of parcel N%. »11. along th« : northerly Une "f parcel .-o. 012. partly I 1 alunK the n.»rtherl> lines of parcels Noa. , ; •113 and 914. and continuing along the west- j erlv lino of the southerly porti.n of section ; ' Vl s "<•• 49' X 103.8 feet and S. 66* 30' E. ! ili) teet thence continuing along the Inortherly Une of parcel No. 914 and run- ini partly «lonK the easterly llr.e of said < "reel N 12* 2*' K. B3 feet. 8. SO" 4»' E Mil. feet . 12* 40' W. 29.2 feet and M 3*' 06' W. 473 feet, recrosslng the road leading from Ashton to Kingston, to a "nt In the southerly line thereof: thence continuing along the eaaterly Une of parcel j No UI4. runnta* partly along th« easterly line of before mentlonea parcel No - ?. 71- and still continuing along the westerly line f.MlovTln ourse. P^tlon of section 11* the I iniinu'inr courses and distances: t«. II 3v W. »S5 feet B. 13- 04' W 156.7 feet. | \u0084...„ W"508.4 feet. S. *>* 31 W 2«3. fret 6. "0* W E 303.5 feet. S. 21 3«' \u25a0 •;<.«<•, ft-et. S 41* 11 E. 447.1 fe.t and j S *.v SO' B. 4040 feet to th« point or | "'^.^"'""'^•cqmrea by Th. City of ! N,.« York in all the real estate parceU , No£ t>7O to 938. both Inclusive, contained in the above description. . \u0084 Peferenca Is hereby made" to the said , map Bled as nfore.ald In the office of the County Clerk of the County of Ulster, for j a more detailed description of the real .state to be taken In fee. ai above de- , \u25a0 "liwase any real estate hereinbefore de- < 1 -crlbed^s used for highway or other public : o.>rDosU such use shall continue until such time aw 'The City cf New York shall •» quire the right to change the same lmtt-'-i Aorll M. 1909. FRANCIS KEY PENDLETOX. Corporatlen Counsel. Offict and Post Offlee Address. Ha. : of Reo. ords. Corner of Chambers and Centr. Streets, Borcugh of Manhattan. New I York Cltr- STEAMER*. IHlAaiiiisc-tessisAa London— ParS^—Haroburc S. S. PRBSILEST LISCCLT* \u0084 „„,, SAILING MAT S. 4 P 11. l«.0O<» TONS. tfli FT I/iN'l (.oetaina very deairabi* \u25a0ecummci*tS na> p U::«-oln..May 6. * »m*H. «irant Mjh B!u«cher...Majr 12. lo «.m| tKal*rrtn..Ma» -* \u2666Amenta «„„ w 2 \u0084m F »j v%a - la ,j U . Sif.' l i"* nd -May C»am; li«uUc3laad.Jt *\u25a0* TKlu-t'arlton a la Cart* restaurant. •>.«• P.- !ft it \V/ V ' A *zoiies -oiun.il— 8.3. HAMnVRO.ICMay 11. !> m Ju~* 1 «.» HaTaVla...Mut» a. a. nv.; Jul" I"* b..«. MOI.TKE. •IJuna H>. 10 a. n. ; Jul/ 23 "Gibraltar. tV-i;>• »n.l fJenom TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. HAJIH AMERICAN U.Nfc. 45 Broad- *.. V. T. I From Pirr» M-S2-51. North River. QUEKNSTOWN— LIVERPOOL— LONDON—PAH IS. M'retanla Mar.'., trtam: Lslt nt.vU'VH in s:n Csrcnln May «. loam Car'nania-ilay^.lOani r»mp - nlail3.vl2.loam U'rttankMay urt.li>ani Mauretaala 1 L»r*;..«r. Fine* * Fa«"-«t I Steamship, afloat- *eJI LCSitiaia Wednesdays. Caronia J These 1 usurious stea:n»h!?»i uaron.a j^ 6ave ntatmmt th 9u^ Canniiiii ; trpool servlc*. sailm* IfiATLKDAYa- fort3: 8 Ctly. HUNGARIAN-AMERICAN SERVICE. TO FIUME VIA GIPRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE. Pannonla..May. 13. noon. July 1. A .*\u25a0 •Carr.athia.Mav It), coon. July >: $\u2666;«- Slavonia...Jun« 4. n on. July . S'k*- ld •Ai*. .-a:.* at \u25a0;-:.-\u25a0* Travellers' Checks tssu»«t— Good e\er>»her« THE CUNAtII) STEAMSHIP CO.. rtx. 21-24 State St . opposite the Batter*. I AMERICAN LIKE S^WA?*- 1 PLYMOUTH -CHEIIBTr-SOLTHAIIITO"* Philadelphia. .May «.N<-w York....May -2 St Paul May !.'» -?t L»u!s May _rf SEI> STA?. LINE From ,t !< l V "" NEW TORK -DOVRP - ANTWKRP Zeeland. Mar Lapland m»w> May?3 Kroonlanj. ..May 13 Vaderland. ...May WrJT£ S'iAr. LITiS iri-Ta -NEW Y RK - < <IL-.NSTOWN-LlvkßP<-'Ot. ' 'VT . May *• noon; Baltic.May 22. root* IM.Y.M 1S" - P"> AraßH- M«y 2». 2 en» Maj»atlr.Ma>s.o :»>amiTruf>n;,Ma; !:>:> :s'«m <>< >*v: X - l&xv 12.11 am .Vlriattr.Ma'v SVI2 »'« NEW YORK AND BOSTON TO ITALT. Vim Ax>res. Madrlra ar..! Stealth*. Canoplc. . May «. 13:30 p. u .Tune ;:,j';'r 24 Cretic...May I*. 2 PM., Jur 2»: Aug. T Kocnaßjc.Matj rj. IJ :a> I'M; jjiv .i: A0c.21 Hn.an.l June 5, l^ r.ncn; J^:-. M 23 PASSENGER OFFICE. » BP.OADWAT. Kofl¥li3Ml LLQm Kast Express Service PLTMOUT I— CHEREOURG— BREMEN. K.i!w Wm. 11. May 4 <>ci:!«> . M»v M K'prlnz Wm..Jlay UK. Vl'm. d Gr.May 23 i Twin-Screw Pns?»nj-r Stvuv PLYMOUTH-CHEP.BOT;i>r,_ BP.EMES. P. Frtod. Wm.May« p. Alice Miv 27 F'drict: .1. (ir.MayIS Bremen taom 3 M»-fUtiTran«*an Scrvire. C:BRAI.TA R— NAPLES— GENO.%. failln* at 11 A. M. Rarbarcssa.. May S K. I.ulj- Vjv 23 Terlin m«w>.May is P. Irena Ii:n» 5 N. G. LI-OYD TRAVKLI.KFt.S- CHECK& OKLJUCHS i CO.. No. 5 Bfjadtwajr. N. Y. : ilfineA ®ifc First Class Round Trip. - - Sl2 EXSiSililiai AL.L BXFESSEa PAID. ltloera includes: Koun.j Trip fare, berth and meals. » cas » at t!i« rnas-.— _ _ nll!--ent ST. GEURCE HOTKL, fiy ! OJ |C and an rntlr»! »ts< >>f »;?h'-S"jrj) jjl •eeing. carriage Urive* anJ^' ,^Z !aur."-h trip.*, ail for ( -^- STEAMER dAIU-i EVERY WKDXW3DXT. MAY IS THE MOST DSUUUTTCIi MONTH IN BERMfDA. A patntUaa on earth with its «x-;uiai:e coiors. Bathe la the clearest of tur.ju.i.^e »at-r. Every o-at- (!"nr rscrratlon. Firlls of ra:» anl beauti- ful Rowan in K'j.-seuus bloom Less than tivr> days from N>w Yr>rk by the sup-rb knot twin screw o< ran ri.er "PKINCE GEORGE" (»Ti!:>p^-1 with i»:r»t«ss>. THE FASTEST AND MOST COMFORTABLE STEAMER TO BEKMUDA. XttoMOT) aa-t t.ovk:et cf BBRMtH>A-ATXJ»KTI^ R S- LO.. 24 state St.. N. T. aiLtLaKi poati riontreal to Liverpool THE ST. LAWRLN'E Ri'iUTE. j P>mrt-"sr. Bmeothast, Most Plctmesuu* NEW. FAST TURBINE STtAJtERA | rrin.-li'AN ...May 7. Jur:e 4. July 2. July ! VIH«;i.\l AN.M.ty 14. June 11. July », At»« !T:\NISIANMav 21. .Itine I>. J-i'.y IK Au(.i:; i VICTORIAN. May 2S.Jun<- 23.July 2C.Au? 2U j Saloon I'assasf. STi'.LK'. Jxi t»> anl $>T. 3". S*ec'nd sakx-m. «»".\u25a0•: upward. !THOS. »XK>K * >N". 24.\ !2<»» Bw»y. X v. i Ff'STKU DKr:nVi>lsE. Flatiron HMe-.V-T. ! EDWIN H LOU'S Ag»r:cy.ll2:t I*ajy.N.l. Or H. A A. AIXAN JlontrraJ. RETI TRIP 115 TD $33 BY I-AR'-.KST \NDKASTKS'I" rTE.VMLto f.EST I:«x>MS R<i!Nt> TFftf « \u25a0\u25a0• M*v «th an I 2»'trs from N»w Tork. 10 I A M. 45 hour*, twin s-r-w s s "n-r- mudlan" «S ."-»» TOXSk ft 3 »*t *•*" 8 » ! T.n.\\A." May irtth. 1O A. M. $13 to $.H». K. .r ill'J." primp. >:\u25a0«. rajsa^irs, etir.. «rtt» !a. c octbrSwdoi: * <". ,^» y.i»- y.0..- *~ «'.v. UiL, HT"i(!wi/. N. V.. Arthur A?i»rn. SaO. Q^:e^ec. or THOS i'.»>K & .-"N. :t. 8.-"*.!»ar. 12W Hroa!*a>. 'Ul» Mailison avr.. 3.13 F:rth a^fc Holland-America Line TWIN S.KF.W PA«SFNCf:r>. FERVWTB i KEW TORK n.->TTKr.I>AM-VIA BoL- i I.OONE N Arr.^'-Jarr. SU» 4.l<>a^< Nw!am May !* I SLj-^jn, Mar 11: R"'!am- n* \u25a0» iK.ui' 1 New Glarit BoTTERr»-*M. ?»iu:j MAT fi. Laailflia :».>-ia| Ha!:». Paim Court. T;a*» EaetaMd rrurnrnaJ» I>ck. cjtn Air \u25a0 HOLLA NI> A MCr.li'A UNK.3n.viv '• Y. ]{ED "D" LINK FOB <=\N JfVN. P H. I-\ CCATSJk. i-Tf> ••MSKI.LO CCBACAO AND MARACXItO VIA ' ! I: y AC c-s I-hi:sielpbU...- <!af4rclay. M«y •. r*vf» aS i-a'a.as Satur-Uv. Umf S, n - -i roR la <;r.»Tr.A. ccbacao ani> r MAiM-vrc- SS Maracalrxi .•afuHay. Mar tS. r«fT« <S Za'a . -\u25a0 - .SatUrrtaT. May 2l». no"3 Pt^r II aij-'ir.lu* Wall St. F«rr>. Brooklyn. The** steamer* h»v« su?*rtir ae-.tKnmoOa- llr-ni f'-r ra*»»rir<"r* BOTTX.TOX. BUM * I v * rT J; : T7k. Cental Mar.ax^rt "2 1 ' »»• '"jEIROUND THE CRUXSS | (p\ By S 8. AR\RT''. If rrrt Tnni'. Ort. t«. SrtoO »«^ "> 30 TOURS TC EUROPE UTO U? rank C Clarl«.T!me» UulMlng.New Tor* COOK* 7" TOCI» TO EUP.OPB. All »»p»riiKfS Inoluile-I. r«-ok><»- ! THOS CCV-.K * SON. 24.'. 12-' » »•?. | MftMadlsxn avr. \u25a0 l "'.-l 9th S*» TT ' f «- XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1909 rcns. I | _, FC_R3._^ _\u0084

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    loiy]©OilKJ ne^POINTS mISiyi© liWl NErV ENGLAND


    LONG ISLAND SOUNIk ROUTESFALLRIVKRLINE ViaNewport andFall River. L.v Pier 10. N. R.. ft. WarrenSt. Daily. 5:30 P. M. Mrs. COMMON-WEALTH an.l PItISCILLA. Orchestra eneach.NORWICH LINK Via Stonlniton. Lv.Pier 40. N. R.. ft ciarkson .-r weekdays. 5:00 P. M. pier 7». E. R.. ft E.2M Bt.. tt:3O P. M. Btrs 'HK>TKK W.CHAPIN an.l NEW HAMPSHIRE.

    NEW HAVEN' LINE For New Hav-a.Hartford, gprlngneld and N -rth w»»kdays unly. Lv. Pier 29. E R. i:4S P. M.:ft. East 22d St. SOO I.V. Str. CITYOKLOWELL-

    Tlckets. staterooms snd Information stCity Ticket Oflloe, 171 Bl i. M., Pier 43. N. R..foot Chrtstophe: Si Frela Ireceived dally.

    1-Ciinlra I.:m v scin^LinFOR NEWIIIRfIH. POIGHKEEPSIE &KINGSTON, frr.m rier 2*. N. R. Week-days. 4:00 P M.

    For Newtmrsh. Weekdars, S^)O P. M.Sundays 9:0r S..V> pm 4.00 pmWashlnrton. Dtner, Parlor B.SO R.tx>pmWashington. Buffet, Parlor »< ' r:n T.OOpm

    Throuch Daily Trains to the West.Chicago, rittsbunr 750 am S.no amChicago, Columbus 1! .V> am non'nPlttsl Cleveland. .:...3 ,V> pm 4On p.-n"Plttsl urg Limited" .... BJOpm 7.00 pmCln., Pt. I*.Louisville... ll.,V>pm 1.30amCln >t L.. Lou!svl!l... pSO am ll>'»lamCln.. Ft. L.. Louisville... S.Wpm R.O"> pm

    Offices'. 345 134. 13'1rtfint point. The half-curtain should have ahem at the bottom one and one-half Inches wide.At the tcj. form h double boa pleat, leaving a head-ing to correspond with the hem. The ririKs ar.'attached back of this heading, which conceals iin-red, if tbe material is very sheer use a strip ofstiffening: to support the rin^s.

    For those who likth St.. launOo.

    BUPREMB COURT, aPPELLATB Dl-'vision First Department. In the


    of the application of the rublic PervlceCommission for the Fir* District, for


    r.ppolnlrm-ni of three commissioners to de-teirnlne and report whether a rawld transitrailway or railways for the


    and tranaportatlon of P*r»ona and property,rs etermlned by the Oommlaalon, ought tnbi constructed and operated. Canal streetn°Puhllc notice is hereby given that theundersigned Sumnt-r Gerard, Thomas a.Janvier and James B. Kilburn. havingby an ordtr Of in. kppeilat. Lilvisiou MUMRupi \u25a0 Court inand for the First


    Department, entered In the above entitledLcoceedlne on the SBth day of April, 100«.bearing date the 28th day of April. 10J».leen ippoir.ted commissioners to determineand report fter due public h-aring whethera railway or rallwayg mentioned in thepetition at thr. 'clock In the afternoonnf thHt day, at th, Offlee f the Ounoel tothe Public Servlei ('\u25a0immit'.xlon for the IirstI>;.s!rict Tribune Building, 154 NassauStreet, in th-r BoTOUxh »f Manhattai ( itycf Now York, as t>- time ar,rk. N. \.


    HELF VJANTtD.BUTLER and VALET.—Spe*k« several

    language*, has fr!t. Tells how. Heaco. k,

    lit.Vx*7"n. >'- Y.


    A n:an to take charge of aDua—44 acrerigeneral management of private place: re-llaKJ* and trustworthy. . Iresa Lamur,124 idhurst aye.

    OARDEKEI young Spaniard: single;fine vegetable sr.'»»r; hothouae. (risya

    frames, fr:;l flowers, genera work: g">dreference. carpentei Bureau. 1.".4 6th aye.

    GARPENKn (or assistant*.— Mldd a*e-1man: state wa^es; no cards. Beler, II"

    Oreanwtch "t

    BUTLER an.l VAI.KT Bng lah; excellentpersona! and written references; last "*\u25a0Mart---- Smith's Hureau. l^J W«l 4.th St.Ph'ine 3039

    —Bryant. .

    Irt-TLER.—CHAMBERMAID and f.AMBTRESB.— French couplt; 880; P"o.i ref-

    erences. Mme. Auguste. 32 Bth aye. Tel."171 Hryant.

    nniEK IViH'


    Toting Frenchman; spoat fairEnglish; r"»st refercrres from titled Euro

    rean family. Ramonda l«4 East SM -•

    WATTKR, *••—Man and wife; mert lK)Cikk Anderson, 349 East65th st.


    smooth fa.Ed Irishman; careful. reliable;willi/« usffui at anything needed; excellentlefereoce. Canier.ters ltureau, UM Oth aye.

    IHIMIoIIC Mfl\lln\s WVNIIIItiU'F'r'V


    er; any\u25a0 -'

    CHAr PI -\u25a0 \u25a0

    : -• - August-

    COACHMAN.—By young man. 27. temrer-ate. in country, as coacn:i;an or sccoaa

    man on carriage or automobile: best refer-.n-es es abiJ'.tr and character: a- \u25a0»; tanything reasonable. J. Ljnch. _1. t-ajil"7th st.

    1 .er St..


    .- » - \u25a0j \u25a0 »-ar in

    124 th r'.. rOBI< 1«»>! XX RALF.SjEßM3rratH-COACHM>N.— dasta: »ot#r.[holies- tarrfu! driver; d.«-s own repairte. firs* c^iss refticnc*. Y. L.. 247 East

    HAMBERMAIDand WAITirESS. —No r>bjection to the country; best reference from

    last family: *'-• Ontial Bureau.888 Bth \u25a0\u25a0

    -Tel 3SM—SSth.

    CHAMBERMAID »nd WAITRESS -Neat,young Swedish, gin; very t>est reference*;

    no objection to country. Call Weld's Ru-reaii. .4 Kunbus aye. Te; 77.v.> Biver-stde.

    P-enialr.ATTF.NTiANT NURSES -Two young girls;

    t>anatorium "r hospital: have hoi experi-ence in taklr.g care of mental cases; ko-,,-1reference, city or country. M and R. MissFitzfJeiaki's Itureau. »".(.I3 sth aye.. cor. 42.J.CHAMHEP.MAII' r WAITRESS —Young

    Irish Protestant; neat, Ihoi lugh willingworker: good w«rr. B . Hofmavei - Bu-reau. IBS WeM 2."1 st. T-l. i*'V4



    North of IreUrri Protestnnt. l«;ely lari.l-ed, sferenoe. Martin. 230 Jth st.. ColonHill.N. j.

    CHAMBERMAID and wait on lady or as-sist butler; experienced: willingan*l oblig-

    big ten yearn with i.reset, t employer; imaprivate family. r>9 E»st 2T»th nt.


    Young. eir*r!en,-e»]girl, willing t.. asxtiit In w-nlt;t.K; good

    •ewer; best refer* n •«. clt> or country;»ac!». $2fV $".'• Call at I.ang * BoechcrerCo Bureau. 43 45 47 \\'< -\u25a0 .T3.! ft.


    First class; neat Swedish Klrl; s»v»ralyears In last riar«»; best ro-r-mimen.tntlon'*:wuses. *.:. Osierberg's Bureau, 716 Iy>\-Ington o\e.. s~th-S6tfa ets. Tel. ICCk*


    CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS COOKnn*l LAUKDREPS.—Two jlrto; will g

    togetljer: $20 and $2.">; very h-st rcferen^.-s;dty or country. Mm*. Augi^ste's Hureau,CS2 f.th aye. Tel. 3171 Hr>nnt.

    riETECTIVE sraats work nhadowir.c andinvest isaiion; Himillar.rj bonded; strict-Jy c-nftdertial ;JcrTnerlv of NVw York Po-

    i*"*Iflii-.7r.enl Beaa. 3.C Torr.;

    COACHMAN and GROOM. -Single. 3...thorough hr.ts.-man: expert rider and

    driver;cltv or country: t»-mr«-r»l.--'"£;

    M. M. I>.. Trlhune i"i• wn On* a, 13»^4


    CHAMHKHMAII>-PARLORMAID. YoungSrotch Protestant gill; In laaaaachuaetts;

    uti'lerstanfla waiting; generailv useful: e.\-ceilent reference from present emDloy.-r.E M.. Mlks FltzGeraJd's Buramu. LOS Flitha\«. cor. 42d »t.CHAMRERMAID.—CapabIe vnung jrirl;ex-

    ri-:|i-n; rWeretu*: will ai.sl«t In .liningro.,m an.l be generally useful willgi lomv city or \u25a0 untry m s.. Ml»s FitsGerald'ii Bureau. BBt Fifth aye.. cor. 4- : »t.CHAMBERMAID »r WAITRESS Toung

    Finnish girl; several raarf sxperlenoehas t.>-«t reference. Jusslla Bur su. f's

    "Lexington aye. Tel. 44'>3


    CT>OK ar 1 I.AI'XriRKSS.—

    First clnssBwedlah Kiri; very beat of references;

    city or country. Weld's Bureau. 324 Columbus aye. Tel. 77.'.!' Rl\e:sirte.!';,l driver

    sonai reference;>« seen Addregi r r \u25a0]s»t emj.loyer can -* seen. Addrtss t. X..

    5."2 •.mbus aye.

    [XXSINEFR.—I'nlfrßtar..is wasMr.g. A.| E.. 2C3 '.\>Et tBQt st.pUMCESS and COLLAR MAKER—Oen-i*ral hsn4. ir stable; city or country.Jrfas ZsTacki. 2^4 Avenue . Ostertx-iK's rt'..re;i!i. Tl«; I^-xinKt.>n B\e..*7th ands«ith. Tel.

    ' ' Plasa.


    First da.«s city references;willing •\u25a0\u25a0 go short ,il»:an.« In country.

    MtFK Margai \u25a0 Smith 1!HutcßU. 25 \v--«:4'Jd st. Phone 30S&- Bryant

    LAtTNDRESS. First class; has twofrl-n'lH. w»ltre»s an

    chambermaid: excellent j.eHm*tre*!nr-

    Jus«lla Bureau, 890 Lexington aye. Tel.4453


    COACHMAN GARDENER- Z^^gJ^S';X man. hignest r'^nr''

    Vltown Ortlre. 1304 Itroadway.

    COTCHMAN and HAI-FFEC^-^lngl^pMent: rellai In every r P ,i,!en

    rtrdrS. 'l*ofj\:Srlfe general houseworker:M;«r. »»\u25a0 O««W« Bu-

    reau. 710 I.ci!n»tor, aye., UJUI 88111 sts.Tel. l"' Plaza.


    M KTRi>S. hou»e>- motliir or chaperon, bywoiiiHii»f thoroiigli exi^rlenc- an I lilpti\u25a0

    out rrferencea Write or Ul. Mrs. HIngram, 109 &S1 22d si

    NITRSERY or nursery irbverneaa; r»nn«lKortn German cirl: roo or

    countrj• best referrncrf^; wages, *'j:. fan.

    Call ht I^ang * Boech< rer c.'s Bureau,4.V4.V47 Wesi 33d »t.

    *(*Y'«*3f- -'•\u25a0 a' anythimt. or learn*.—\u25a0«•; y. 0 Wem:ich. '.Vl7 Helmont St.TOVXG MAN. M. wTurg^T'erTucaticn.IL,"'

    n k:« "fT\i'-'S ::icai,a.:ty where hisiST' tSbr


    *h 'thoul(l "\u2666\u25a0ad to•-a st-xrk

    Th* Ant{rne Furniture EizZizgz*13 13 W. SIB ST. nr. B"*T-Th« tr*«»ur« h->u»«» w-s»r»ln t"flrr! the i^irramccb. «-;iion» of'- t Artist* Brfl O^sn»'!n* pr*v-

    dudloiw of r»l!»M» Art:»«n» «f

    rlFS«urrs. Suit»» «n1 «wli^«.

    NI'RSK for delicate or nervous

    Miss MHoear.-t Smith's Bureau, 23 West 42jst. "Phone

    —Bryant. N.T.

    FARMER or \u25a0HARDENER— Hy German:married; thro* children: good vejtetaolegrower- understands poultry. Incubator;five «*ar-' reference. Caiuan«sr*a Dureau,I^4 flth aye

    WAITRKSS.- May 1: excellentreference*; can earvst! makes all salads:

    first class referom-es. Miss Maru-aretSmith's Bureau. 23 West 42 shrubs, veg-f-t.Thles. erf-nhouiM-. etc.: •!!f-nt referen.f^ V. 11. Ml« IHtsOcrald s BSieH.ri^n r.ri aye.. cor. 42.1.


    TYrEWBITING \u25a0*\u25a0 rvrewßiTsm*.TYp^W^rTrnT^ATITAINS


    VrMir... rn^erwoo-ij. «oa.-antee«.*15 up; bought, cold.

    -psureA. AUaatlaExchange. 243 Broadway-

    VItTOR nQBLS 7» Nacsan St.: «rat»-ln_.. free* all make» taken itirt p«r-menT bargaint la a4erw Joa-.«e Byß#rs. SuJltna.

    SEALED BIDS will b* received by th*Roard of Water Supply. In R~wn 850. 299

    nroadway N*w Tork. tintll Ir> m. onMay 17 1!"**. tor fVntra I E. for printing.»nd then iniWlclv r»ne>l and rea.l. Pamph-lets containing Information .-•- h« nbtalne-lat Room 1510 by depositing S3 for caen

    JOHN A- nKSSKI. PreslO SMITH rWSf Engineer.THOMAS HASSETT. Secretary.

    LANE SYJSTEM-HANOING LEADERSaway from wal! by lane's patent pipe

    hangers saves leader, wall. Circu-lars mailed. Ira G. Lane. 207 £\u25a0 S4to st

    ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions forTh* TriiMine received at thair Uptown

    Offlce. No. 1564 Broadway, between 3tithand 37th sts.. until 0 l,.-10.-k p. m. Ad-vertisements received at the followinghranch otDcas at regular cfflre. rates untli 3o'clock p- m.. vis.:2t'>4 Sth aye.. s. c.cor. -'\u25a03 West 12.'.th St.; 1033Hit a\e.:l»«r. 'i feet: th nee running itoutherly andHK"i" on a line drawn at right ansles withthe northerly sl.ir of One Hun.lr«-.| an.lsixty Inth Street . Ightj ill (H«) reel andfifty nine one hundredth! !\u25a0>

    •lOOtl s) of afoot to the northerly si.le of One lluivlre.lan.l Sixty ninth Btreet. fortj Bye (4.'D feet,to the i.olnl or place of beginning BaMlots

    ,in- Known as lots tiunu.ere.l thirty-

    two i32) and thirty three 133) on a certainmap or plan of sale known v "Map ofproperty belonging to tha hoir» of Susan11 Ward deceased, at Kori Washington,Sew York, mad< by John G. Van Home,Clt\ Hurveyor." bearing ilute thr 17th dayof November, 1896 and riled In the offlceof tbe Clerk of th Buprem< Court of NewYork Count) on November isth. ls-.xt. Inan action tween Oeorfs Barclar Wardan.i otluis. and Bevi : \u25a0 Ward an.l others.be nal.i dimensions un.l .llatances more or

    Tiuti-u New York. May Sd, 1000.(ROE PARR. Ucferre.

    MASTKN . Wall Sire t. Borough of Mil!'.hattan. New York City.

    The following li a diagram of the |>rop-—..,• m |\u0084» sol.l: it Ims in- street number:

    The approximate amount of the lien or

    rnarxe to satiafy which the above-dc- !\u25a0crlbi-d property Is to be laid, Is threethousand eißht hundred, seventy 47-lhY.iius (*:« .-74.47). with int«re»t th.-r*..nfrom the 30th daj Of April. IWP, togeth«r«ith i-osts and «lli>»Mnc uinountlnK t and inUrast

    Dated New York, May 3d. Vj«o•QEOUGS PARR. Referee.

    ADVEKTISEMENT:? and suDscrlptlcns forTlie Tribune received at their Uptowr

    Hast 14tli st.: i">7 West 42d St.. betweeiOtflce No. 1384 Hroadway. between 36th |anil :t7th sts., until U o'clock p. m. Ad- jvertleaments rec»l\ .-d at the following [branch ortites at regular office rates until 8.o'clurk p. in., viz.: 2ti4 Sth avi.. s. c. Icor 2:id St.; 153 Bth aye.. cor. 12th .«t.. 1(M j7th and Bth ayes.; 2!i3 W«st 12Sth St.: 1035 j8d aye. \u25a0 162fl 3d aye.. near 61st »'\u25a0 : 1709 I1»t «ye.. near BMb at : 157 Cast ICJCi St.;756 Tremuct aye.; 650 3d aye.

    nnESSMAKER. experienced euttar an.lrm, r would like work m tlrst class fam

    -Illea by .Uy week or m..nth. Mlsi Dahl. ;c.r.'orilri'Aii.l'iTin,


    MAKINO. rteslrnlrg. embroidery ot•

    a'l kin.ls- 01l and water color paintings;

    art slttci willcall at reafdesKa; n.od-e-ate j.rlc-!.. rel. 447ti-Chels«».

    Itoyce. ,240 West Isih St.. Apartment 1.

    PIHST CLA' »aJnsT; «••"

    nlng* tall, street, wedding dresses, latest !novelties; re-.noueUinc. K2S xS;'.a".'n avt.. iresrf4t'ist. .

    IXtsT _Banklook No. •»*.•«• of Dr DeckHavings • stltutli n. Atiy person ha\lng

    claims upon ,«uM bwk Is cal>d urmn toprweot the same to the l.ar.i. within thirtySays or the sni.l t-.ok will be declaredcancelled nnd pxtinKulshcl an.i •\u25a0 new oneIssued In lleii then-of.

    w>ST r>K J-TOl.K.N.—nankbook No. M3.r.saof the tlcrtnan .^avinKs Ilank In the City

    of \r» York corner 4'h n-vt" aI"l 14tn Ht •

    Isatled to Marie Halpnn All |*r*misirecautioned against negotiating the same irnot rvturne.l to the l-an'K on the 25th aajof May. IS""I.*, a duplicate will N» kssuea

    BAXKmXiK 5... Wl.3* of the l.'nlon Dlrne.Savings Institution l» missing. Any per-

    ,>n having a ctaim to ••-••! calledutvn 'o nr»!"-nt the khiii*within ten urnsof "übmlt to havln. SaM rass»«vik can-c.i nnd a ... onr Issued.*ixi^T»r STOLEN - Bankbook N«v ::'!.^l7,

    of »he Rtniirmiti Indottrial l««vlngs BankPayment stopped. riease return book t"bank. No M '-hambeis *t.

    *IjO in

    the City

    of \>w York ...rner 4th ay*. ani 14th St..Issued tr, Kmlt Wledner. All reons ar-cautioned acalnst negotiating the .-«i!n«. Ifrot r.turne.l to the l.ank on the- lTth day

    Of May. I.M. a duplicate willhe lasued

    LOST.—llankbofk No. .•4- •_\u25a0;\u25a0 nunk forBavings, 2 4th aye.. NVw lork. Pay-ment »topp«d. rieas? return N>ik to bank.

    LOST"-Hank»-ook No. W4.500 Hank forBavtnga. 2^* 4th aye.. New "iork. Pay-

    ment stopped. riea»e ref-irn bi«.k t\u25a0< bank

    , "'\u25a0'• Xr'!-v TENr»!-:NT. cbaperoii or\u25a0intj.L J ""\u25a0'? lessons In muslr andmSsa« Atf.lres* I£xirUnce. 70S Co-»*r^wr^^~o^*t'llATOn -.Four '\u25a0 O5. as amended, for the con- i> structlon of Ash->kao Hrservolr and ap-:purtenances. In the v.elr.Hy of West Hur-j|ry," which map was filed In the f.fTVe of:the County Clerk of the County of Ulster.at Klngfcton. New York, on the 4th day of.M»rrh. ISO*, which parcels ar« boundedand described a» ful'.ows.

    'H»(flmilng- at tne south-east corner of

    parcel So 871. said point r>»ir.e als \u25a0 tkasouth-west currier of real estate section 17. .Res«rvolr department, (the map of whl-h\u25a0se>-tl»W. 849 4 f—f. oa a curve of .V?i feet :radius to »h* ri|:ht, 625.6 ft>»t, N B2* 54CW. 424.1 feet, on a cur- c of 2ti". feet Iradius to «he left. 326. f»*t. S. 07" 12' W. i22U.2 f*et ai.l on a --uj-ve of 4.13 feet !radius tv the right, 133. feet to a point la '<the center of a road Icadlns; from Laplato West Hurley, at the semh corner jof panel N- nS: thence ai^n,{ the south-erly l!n«s of saM »r< «•! and parcels Nos. j874 and MS, and partly along the southerly \and ainnic the SUIIIIj lints of parrel No. ji7«.i7«. th? follow!r;({ curves, courts and dis-

    tances: on a curve of 43.1. feet radius to jthe rlfsht.' 1.8 fret. ;*. B»« 4»V W. 10002feet, on a t-urv« it 453 f'"»t radl'is tv therl«ht. SSXf f*«t. N. 88* 27' W. 234 2 feet,on a curve of 4*>1.8 feet radius to tne left. \u25a0H1.7 feet. S. 70* 65" W. 2B' W.115 l» feft. on a curve of fi.V>. feet radiusto the right. 207.1 feet, and N. 6* 37' B.

    estate srctlon 15. Reservoir department, and running thcnc« partly alone thaeasterly line of said section, continuing

    \u25a0long the westerly line of parcel So. K7B.and running partly along the northerly lineof parcel No tH, N. 84" J4' E. 1243 ifeet and N. 47* OS' E. 442.1 feet to trierood Kiutherly point of real estate section ;

    I18. Iteaerrof* department, (the map of1 which s.-. tu,n was filed In the otfee of thai Count* Cler;-. cf the County of lster. at

    Kingston, N. V.. on March 4th. 19O9); jthence partly along said southerly section |. line, continuing along the northerly line ofI

    Iparcel No. 875. and running [»rt!> along \u25a0! the ra.oterly line of naid parcel. N 18* I. In the center of a roo.l leud!; fromAshton te Klncsti>n: thence al«ng tb« west- ,: erly and BOrtherlj linen of sa.il parcel, th»

    '\u25a0 northerly lines of parcels Nos. 1»35. W.4. 033. iIKI2 an'J U3O. the easterly l!n-> of said parcel;Nn 930, partly ulone; loa easterly lln*of;Ibefore mentt.-.ned parcel No. 032. and con- jItlnulng alons the southerly line of section II 1«. N 12* 12' W. 132 4 fa t. N. W VfIj E. I06& fe«t an.i S. 30' 42' R 3.10.3 feetl'to the north-west corner of parcel No. 899. *!' In the center of the before mentioned road j

    | leading from Ashtcn to Kingston: thence {alon»: the c«nter line of «ald road an9.4 feet to!

    Ithe south-west corner of parcel No. U29;i;thence alung the westerly lines of said par- .I : thence along :the westerly and n.ntln-rly lines of said '

    :parcel the westerly lln» of parcel No. t»23. jj the westerly and northerly lines of parcel :No. U22, partly along the westerly, alonethe northerly and partly alinK the easterly jlines of parcel No. U2l. alor- the northerly |

    :llr.b of parcel No. fujt «>artlv alonar the ;Iwesterly line "f rHrcel No in:>. alonr the ,n. rtherly lines of said parcel No. SMO and


    Iparcel No. * 31 W 2«3.

    fret 6. "0* W E 303.5 feet. S. 21• 3«' \u25a0

    •; • m Ju~* 1«.» HaTaVla...Mut» a. 1» a. nv.; Jul" I"*b..«. MOI.TKE. •IJuna H>. 10 a. n.;Jul/ 23

    "Gibraltar. tV-i;>• »n.l fJenomTRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED.

    Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere.HAJIH AMERICAN U.Nfc. 45 Broad-

    *.. V. T.

    IFrom Pirr» M-S2-51. North River.


    M'retanla Mar.'., trtam: Lslt nt.vU'VHin s:nCsrcnln May «. loam Car'nania-ilay^.lOanir»mp

    -nlail3.vl2.loam U'rttankMay urt.li>ani

    Mauretaala 1 L»r*;..«r.Fine**Fa«"-«tI Steamship, afloat- *eJI

    LCSitiaia Wednesdays.Caronia J These 1usurious stea:n»h!?»iuaron.a j^ 6ave ntatmmt th9u^Canniiiii ; trpool servlc*. sailm*IfiATLKDAYa-fort3:8Ctly.


    GIPRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE.Pannonla..May. 13. noon. July 1. A .*\u25a0 I»•Carr.athia.Mav It), coon. July >: $\u2666;«-

    •Slavonia...Jun« 4. n on. July

    —. S'k*- ld•Ai*..-a:.* at \u25a0;-:.-\u25a0*

    Travellers' Checks tssu»«t— Good e\er>»her«THE CUNAtII) STEAMSHIP CO.. rtx.

    21-24 State St. opposite the Batter*.IAMERICAN LIKES^WA?*-1 PLYMOUTH-CHEIIBTr-SOLTHAIIITO"*Philadelphia. .May «.N*v:X-

    l&xv12.11am .Vlriattr.Ma'v SVI2 »'«NEW YORK AND BOSTON TO ITALT.Vim Ax>res. Madrlra ar..! Stealth*.Canoplc. .May «. 13:30 p.u .Tune ;:,j';'r24Cretic...May I*. 2 PM., Jur 2»: Aug. TKocnaßjc.Matj rj. IJ:a> I'M;jjiv.i: A0c.21Hn.an.l June 5, l^r.ncn; J^:-. H» M 23


    Kofl¥li3Ml LLQmKast Express Service

    PLTMOUTI—CHEREOURG— BREMEN.K.i!w Wm. 11. May4 ci:!«> . M»v MK'prlnz Wm..Jlay UK. Vl'm. d Gr.May 23i Twin-Screw Pns?»nj-r Stvuv

    PLYMOUTH-CHEP.BOT;i>r,_ BP.EMES.P. Frtod. Wm.May« p. Alice Miv 27F'drict: .1. (ir.MayIS Bremen taom 3

    M»-fUtiTran«*an Scrvire.C:BRAI.TAR—NAPLES— GENO.%.

    failln* at 11 A. M.Rarbarcssa.. May S K. I.ulj- Vjv 23Terlin m«w>.May is P. Irena Ii:n» 5N. G. LI-OYD TRAVKLI.KFt.S- CHECK&OKLJUCHS iCO.. No. 5 Bfjadtwajr. N. Y.

    :ilfineA ®ifcFirst Class Round Trip.

    - -Sl2 EXSiSililiai

    AL.L BXFESSEa PAID.ltloera includes: Koun.j Trip fare, berth

    and meals. » cas » at t!i« rnas-.—_ _

    nll!--ent ST. GEURCE HOTKL,fiy!OJ |Cand an rntlr»! »ts< >>f »;?h'-S"jrj) jjl•eeing. carriage Urive* anJ^' ,^Z!aur."-h trip.*, ail for (-^-

    STEAMER dAIU-i EVERY WKDXW3DXT.MAY IS THE MOST DSUUUTTCIiMONTH IN BERMfDA. A patntUaa onearth with its «x-;uiai:e coiors. Bathe lathe clearest of tur.ju.i.^e »at-r. Every o-at-(!"nr rscrratlon. Firlls of ra:» anl beauti-ful Rowan in K'j.-seuus bloom Less thantivr> days from N>w Yr>rk by the sup-rb U»knot twin screw o< ran ri.er "PKINCEGEORGE" (»Ti!:>p^-1 with i»:r»t«ss>. THEFASTEST AND MOST COMFORTABLESTEAMER TO BEKMUDA. XttoMOT) aa-tt.ovk:et cf

    BBRMtH>A-ATXJ»KTI^ R S- LO..24 state St.. N. T.

    aiLtLaKi poatiriontreal to Liverpool

    THE ST. LAWRLN'E Ri'iUTE.j P>mrt-"sr. Bmeothast, Most Plctmesuu*

    NEW. FAST TURBINE STtAJtERA| rrin.-li'AN...May 7. Jur:e 4. July 2. July!VIH«;i.\lAN.M.ty14. June 11. July », At»«!T:\NISIANMav 21. .Itine I>. J-i'.y IK Au(.i:;i VICTORIAN. May 2S.Jun-ia| Ha!:». Paim Court.T;a*» EaetaMd rrurnrnaJ» I>ck. cjtn Air


    HOLLANI> A MCr.li'AUNK.3n.viv'• Y.


    '!I: y AC

    c-s I-hi:sielpbU...-

    BOTTX.TOX. BUM * Iv* rTJ;:T7k.Cental Mar.ax^rt "2

    1'»»•'"jEIROUND THE CRUXSS| (p\ By S 8. AR\RT''.

    If rrrt Tnni'. Ort. t«. SrtoO »«^ ">30 TOURS TC EUROPE UTOU?

    rank C Clarl«.T!me» UulMlng.New Tor*

    COOK* 7" TOCI» TO EUP.OPB.All »»p»riiKfS Inoluile-I. r«-ok>