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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Complex Noun Phrases Containing GerundsThese complex noun phrases contain gerunds. In these examples,

they are also followed by gerunds.

One of the most difficult aspects of working abroad is being far away from my family.The most rewarding thing about helping them is learning from their years of experience.One of the rewards of working with them is experiencing their youthful energy.

They are made up of three parts:a)A noun phrase b)A prepositionc)A gerund *the bold section is the subject of each sentence noun phrase preposition gerundOne of the most difficult aspects of working abroad is being far away from my family.

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Antonyms (opposites)

Adaptable Compassionate Courageos Cynical Dependent Intensitive Resourceful Rigid Self-sufficient Timid Unimaginative Upbeat

Jobs-Psychologist-Camp counselor-Firefighter

What do you think is the biggest

challenge of each job

Which job do you prefer to do? Why?

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Accomplish and goalsAccomplish with the present perfect or simple pastTalking about past accomplishments1. The present perfect (have+past participle)What have you accomplished in the last five years? I´ve managed to get good grades. I´ve been able to accomplish a lot in college.

2. The simple pastWhat did you accomplished in the last five years? I managed to get a good job two years ago. I learned /was a able to play the piano last year/ in


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Goals with the the future perfect or would like to have + past participle Talking about possible future accomplishments

3. the future perfect will like to have + past participle

What do you hope you´ll have achieved in the next five years?

I hope(that) I´ll have taken a trip to Europe.

4. would like to have + past participle What would you like to have accomplished in the next

five years I´d like to have made a good start on my career. I´d like to have bought my own home I´d like to have seen/made…