u/4.1. lp# ** «hh. ..iu«i i'l l in.i i .iiiii.'...

LP# f 5 U/4.1. *1 *" *- ^"'-Lii^r^^:' b if * :# fffe*» fmterHtiac ftudfset off Hmpptmiagt Gathered by Our City Reporter* ** «HH. ..IU«I I'll in.i i .iiiii.' Cathedral. At a meeting of the committee, held last Sunday was decided to mast- pone the Inangcural Week celebration until Feb. Ifth, Dinner will, be sensed from 11:30 to *;• supper from 5 to 7; meal tickets are on' sale at 25, cents. A shower will be given at Mass Sheridan's, Campbell St., Tuesday evening. A social at the Misses Flaherty's, 40 Lime St., Wednesday evening- Bishop Thomas P. Hfckey will give a leetnre on '•Europe" Thursday evening in Sodality Hall. A musicale by the pupils of the Ninth Grade in Sodality Hall will be given Friday evening, Feb. 14tb. A cooked food sale will be held on Saturday evening. Immaculate Conception. The members of the Young JUldies Sodality passed a very deligh'tful evening on Tuesday of this week ja£ their annual banquet. The musiepd part o f the programme was excellent. The toasts were delivered , In an in- teresting way and were 'highly en- Joyed by all present. On the whole, the evening was one of enjoyment and pleasure. Mrs, John Davln of 418 Plymouth Avenue died on last Sunday. Her f uneral mass was celebrated In this church on Wednesday morning at S o'clock. The remains were taken to Avon. Confessions were heard on Thurs- day afternoon and evening of this week in preparation for the FlrsJ Friday. The Stations of the Cross and, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament were held on First Friday. The Holy Name Society will hold memorial services on next Sunday evening. The Converts' League will hold a banquet on Thursday evening, Febru ary 11th. About two hundred and fifty are expected. Next Sunday will be Communion Sunday for the Children of Mary. 8T. BONIFACE. The corrected pew diagram for the first quarter will Ae distributed next Sunday. Boniface J., Infant son of Boniface and Veronica Sippel, died last Sun- day at the family home, 11 MeCon nell PI. St. Herman's penevolent Society gave their members a smoker last Wednesday evening, at the school ball. Everybody had a pleasant time Requiem Masses were said this week for J. Rltz, Jr., and deceased members of the family; C. Flnnlgan, by request of the Rosary Society; Frank Frank and C. and V. Schwal- bach. v Father Rauber announced last Sun day that the young men of the parlsn cleared 9273 at the pedro party, which was held recently. The amount was placed in the new school hall fund. St. Boniface Society will meet next Tuesday evening. TheC. M. (B. A. will hold their next regular meeting next Thursday even' lng in the school hall. will body fit. Michael's. The ifoumg ladies' Sodality receive Jffolw Communion In a Sunday morning at 7:30 MSBS. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Poor Society will have their meeting. The Reo,ufcem Masses tox this week were for Stephen ainckliticta, Mrs. Sybllle Haulier. Mla» Catherine Beck, Mr. Jacob Schwlmd and Mr. X Koerner. The first quarter pew rent diagram will he placed in tfate vestibule of the church for verlflcatton. Sunday afternoon after Vespers the Rosary Society will iiave their regular meeting. Corpus Christ!. A talgh Mass of Requiem was cele- brated on Tuesday morning at 8 •o'clock for Lillian Keogh. The Mass was at the request of the Victorian Circle. Branch 139, <C. M. B. A., will hold evening at 8 o'clock, their regular meeting on Tuesday The Rosary Society meeting was postponed from last Sunday to this Sunday at 4 o'clock. A High Mass of Requiem was cele- brated on Wednesday morning for James Nolan, Sunday is communion Sunday for the boys of the school, be distributed to the congregation on Sunday at all the Masses. A Requiem High Mass was csie brated on Thursday morning for Lil Han Keogli. The Young Ladies' Sodality will hold their monthly meeting on Sun- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. A Retreat will be opened Sunday evening witich will continue during the entire week. Short instructions will be given at both the Booming and evening services by Rev. Father Burke, who will conduct the Retreat. Father Burke conducted the Mission >rt the church about four years ago, which was very successful." St. Mary's. _ •• The Confraternity of Mary will present "Our Private Secretary," a farcial eoanedy iaa three acts, Monday evening, Feb. IT, 1908, at St. Mary's Hall, Souitb St., with the following cast; Mr. Jlarsland Fred, Warner Harry M&arsland (bis nephew). Harry Taylor Mr. Catersnale Bdw. Conway Douglass Cjtternaale (nis nephew^ , - . J. Henry Carey, B. E>. 8. Rev. itobt- Spaulding.. Jas. Segerson Mr. Sydney Gibson (tailor of Bond St.).. . .Walter J. Murray John (a servant) .... .Chas. Ratigan Knox (a writ server).. .R. J. Brown Edith Mar-stand (daughter of Mr. "Marsland. -Katbryn M. Brandt Era Webster (her friend and companion) Lillian A. Phelan Mrs. Stead (Douglass* landlady) ....... Ella T. Bowling Miss Ajfcfcsrd .... Mary JLoulae Maloy Feb. 3d,, % being the sixth anniver- sary of Renr. Ww~ Gleeson as «pattor of St. Mary's tCfaurch^ the Confra ternity of atary celebrated tie event by an *0!de Time Social." Practical- ly every period and nation were rep- resented and the grotesque costumes afforded rooch amusement. A mu- sical and literary program was ren dered hy the members of the So- slety. The Jiall and tables were pret- tily decorated and refreshments were served by a bevy of twentieth century 9m A* *»** .;fH wWCh T§* dlagras.. foe »• school «1,• iMttM «»d vut *4t iftti- W jcendy for ^fliryection Sa»««y, Tfe» «oSeetfOB for the poor of «ie »arlssh*witt b* taken tip &mm*?* SS. Pet*r «»d Faal. A HJgh Mass was celehr*|6d on Monday 'Blase, Women' A meeting- m St, -frstt^ Sociiti uttll hfe held'Stoad*^ «*e»inf, ***&, lotto, at & p . m, ' The ; <S. B, and B, A, wiiliaeil on Tiursdiwr.eve.nftMf, f ^ . t ^ t t , . ' , ^ m. •, " .- - v . . . The banquet of «he Adv^ory'sjin- *te wja take p^we 9a Tharaday^. Feb, i?th, at tlNr PinriaeJe JReoremipn <8ab al 8 p. to. Mr, and Mrs. TaiefttiiCMs tifafat at Bronson Ave. are both CGa$i»a in jfee house with taie fajhfonabje dliwai^ la grippe. •Mrs. Peter \*«y entertauned the Has !*o Equal Club Thursday of last wwk at her home oh 'Maple St. :\Sf N According to jths report*of Mjrf; maldena, attired In the style affeetedJEulott Braver, the secretary^feeid* by their great grandmothers. Thejciety furnished to ^--ittfth^aiqil, prise for thte quaiatest costume was awarded' tc» (Mlsg Mary" Dougherty. At the close of the entertainment the Confraternity presented Father Glee- son with a china cabinet. the-Fourth Grade, <ljed last Monday at his home of diphtheria. Last Wednesday evening the young men of th» <X Y. Hf. A. had a social In their meeting rooms and all pres- ent spent an enjoyable evening. Mrs, Mary A. jtoth of Branch 104, has been elected president^ of Central Council of L. O.'iB. A*. Installation of officers takes place February 24tn. Charles Miller died, aged 86 years, Thursday, at the horne^ of bis daugh- ter, Mrs. tfrank aftbergefijjjj?*:'-%fo ; nue A. He leaves to znourn hraloss two daughters, Mr8. €harles Wbhr- ten, Mfs.,Fraiak Heb«erger, and three sons, Charles. Leoiaard and JTohn Miller. Funeral Monday morning ai 8.30 o'clock from tiie house and 9 o'clock fepm St. Michael's Ohurcjh. St. Bridget's. At ,the meeting of the Rosary So^ c wu , 0 v i ^ 0 awx^w.. ciety last SunSay, the retiring ^res^^,,,^ . > , ._ The flttbseriptton list for 1907 -wfll«w^'l*t»"mE% i: lwleyr^'1i®wfia& Vmtfify-k^^m^^^SBSuL St. Josepji's. A Washington tea will be feeld in St. Joseph's Hall, Franklin BK Feb, •ZMx, 21st, 22d, under the auspice» of Ladies' Auxiliary, The hall will be handsomely dee- orated. Tea will be served to all visitors by the members of tne or- ganization. The ladies wllj be in^costume. Tfety endeayoring as f»r as posslbk *o reproduce « t e a of Colonial times. ed with a handsome, brass clock en. cased In glass. Miss Foley also re celveS a gold badge for having gained the greater nuanber ( c»f new member^ during the past year. Blessing of the thrwats (Mondaty at 8 a. m.,* 3:30 and 7:45 p«.nt, A High Mass. was celebrated Mon- day at 7t30 m. -ior^kjB jh|Sjnbe»! of the-jRoaary Society. ' Tlis InaerJIl of MJr«j H a n n a h ii&# lace took place at $ a* m. Wednet day. A daugrater, Miss Wallace, died only a few month* ligo. Our sympathy is extended to Miss Emma, the only remaining member of the family. Mm, Wallace was a mem- ber of Branch 27, L. Cf» B. A. The usual ftrst Friday Jievofeioiis took place tali* weeit* llai^rweiee celebrated Friday afe 5:30 and 7 j30 a. m. i Branch 27, I* 0. fit .A., met Fri- day- evening, Miss May Sttapp has gone to New York on a two weeks* wislt. The banquet of the Advisory Sen* ate, L, C. B. &.., wilt be Mid next Thursday erenlntg at Pfcnnacle Recrea- tion Club, " OTOI S A D ^ OF VICTORY. A refined vaudeviiie show, under tbe management of the Players* <aub, f^r the benefit of the Young Men's Library* will be given at French Hall in Pleasant St, Thursday evening, Feb. 27th. Bmybody is tttftifd to come and enjoy tfcwMaelve* Tickets can be-nad from members of the par- ish or at the rectory. ** Jack in Ac aWx n {A tm* Irish; «i*m World, m* %>m »* mm*$,»*f||Ws# ^f^^m^rtr PERPETUAI, HELP SOCIETY. Work Accomplished it Aid ot M. Mary's HospitaL The Perpetual Heh? Society of St, Mary's hospital, w*ioh fjt*r fe**s- teen years has accompliihed much, in supplying necessities of that Institu tion, held its annual meeting at the hospital Wednej^y'iitttrii'ooh. Since the list session the society's mem bershlp has been Increased by twelve membe.rs, the present membership being about 150. 110 sheets, *?0 pillow "«MJOI, ;V .^ towles And on« table^lc^, pdna- tions w^re received as follows; |fr*. W. C. Barry, |10; Mrs^^rkondol^- |5; Mrs. E. (^oggen, |5", and Mrs, W. B. Moors,-|Ei, ;''"•''-. ':•.' The repprt of %nl. ^ tt* ^iwbert, the treasurir, aliof*.<• -tKtt ^»< *os cjetyhtd <t|JM^'-<» ha*4%t ^*1be glnningvof ttiev yf %tf : '^MM#&**< delved since thenviiakinf 4rto>lV*f 9S8C.tf;f. expehdituriii,.if UiA&i B*^ ance. in 'the treasury : $it<J5,*|*j .'••'"'• [,.-; The following were elected offlcers; President, Mrs. %m. <0,'•', IBsirry; flrft vice-president, Mrs. Wm, Klem; seer odd vice-president, Mrs/ Wm, Con- way; third vice-pre«ldent> Mri, d. % Berna; aecret»xr* Mrs. -RUlofct Brav- er; treasurer, Mrs. Jf. St, 3Lan»ber|r- •Board of directresses—Mrs. & car* roll, Mrs. Michael Kolb, Mrs. a. C. Madden, Mrs.. L. W. Maier, Mrs. B , Master Bi^ar Milhan, a pupil of Cramer, Miss Julia Cox, Mrs. Kathe- rlne Bowling, Mrs. Edw. Ooggln. Purchasing commlttee-r-Mrs. L. W. Maler, Mrs, W", % ailoore. Miss K. JC, O'Brien, Mrs.**',.A,,.Jfy»es. "- , j-,.. ' : ,"'•,; Work' <^mmptM0^HrMrXAW',Ml^ Sweeney, ;Mr*t .Wni. 'Trimble, Iftff Minnie Rogers', |aCra,-b. •&'Qiiti($s* i & Btirlng .thcyfar •th* •fdcl^-nl»t^ eighteen' sessions. It lost three niehi- bers, Mrs. *.lSfan«e^'^.'i;;'#i)nilJ^ serand^rs/Jofiii'Rattpfrr"' f - tv# ; " '* ^ ' JL. C. Bt. ArBmqnet »bd'Ped|0; **rf *.?. ' branch 5i$ : ,.$* ; ^<j|i, ^.|teldij|iir first banauet, ; '«b .T^jtflfs lA»fc>3Monct»/^ night. The branch.' Was M0'mtytij*. septed and -toasts were responded t«S .urto-M*iu«l ^ r.i wm f*^ ^stance «1ft r '6n afe IspS^ n^t «he um^MMP-^m ^«w«M4i^*w^>wiw. *nd w«a» into / « - I j d IAtJ^« m$ + >Tj£%J2k* , % * %i of' Waterford to have.a "goo^d time." , fjt\ .^t|fcy0rii>i, AM m*i ^.ft»|h:^jiat*i'^iie $m < »«sn v ^ f t r toSSMNl 'Hf * ii it am m% j^ip^rf#.,#« "^.*miim*9iwti4 *^ f #* of lute Ipe, - ,. ^ ? . .^ '._:-? a%gre|^tl4*fe"<!^yo^Mf ^ ^ l ! B # ^ , *llo ,f*p'ropj^s f»€$$^)&&m were sing and dsnee, -tyb&tiljfi fm i j ^ ^ t few ^ rioted, mm #^*mm-mvm$wpw~mhm^^ v<**# among osiers*,.th»><$taftMn !**»," y&fc'tffotoat* ^tMf>lN*N' M Ws favoriw, Thr refrea»n>eft|t be* jsagHifcr c^Jn^aim^ ^ l qmm% gan to te»on,moj m&M &% mt&mn£*mk>?m^t^M^^ ! & ] r and .sleepy and wouM ip,^.^ vktwdm i»,4W , M^# mm M tahlishment whose. rept«*t<ai |pr m fa f^it^ mi mm tt k*rf*" honesty was. not high, t . . mo m $*&!*&»* ^ ^ | O n t $ Hew he was dragged, rohbed, and! <te0o«J* v »¥ wlft bH ' " ' *" M % new autt o| clothes that fi* wo», Oordon "^r^iri* t exper was taken from hftn, an* tn m* con> jtfttWttutMfc yty **ar»*ail dition he ws# carried tQ *U J«W la loans in. nntc^Ae iwDiliwa^s a neighboring gutter. .. famous state peofts^ ^ M j ^ r ' Sarly tne next m&btoiffa "dead bifprotiS»ft^«t«^^l*l»>iJi.i w«goa J ' pwitogby picksd ,«» tta|«ia^idM»if^tlleft«i«»,¥lH supposed ficiiin pf cholera and heoomsdy acxobaU ^ was taken to the morgue whare hewackand Joaas, was hastily jprenarad,for -th.e.'|*at tad will har* -ttiflriitw^iMlsi'^l^ 1 files,, and in a ^short ^tinw" -after w tograph w^Ma^w "Wt luMdt Ml one of these same wa«ofes/wai *e»d- twnt/ " ?^rt»" 4 - lng his way t» m i*wr#»ej*i^nte. ^in Wt W* tfifc*! ^*fw| tery-'-witfa-' a load, -mmlti* s* «»* Opera House ail next w^ek wlta^U^ epidemic., •mailu|f» * r ' ^ Whta a mil^ ouMdt the city tha " * r. ^1 ^^f S Sf'/0 «PH» Z^^-tfi •'WM^^j i^um •«-«& driver was mrprlsed and terrWed to B*k<* TV***, 8e«&* noise in oat of tke .^ttjw. inrlht t M e hetiwtlai Urnta* The noise ccnttnutd sometime Mttl ersnlng, ^ t u a ^ tm»^ *£*&* |h.e driver, who wat abon* to run Ki»««a»M' |««ltWd|y the most *». away* pmA-a^nma••*&&* «t a mou» irtay ot tk. ~*#f wfll-k »r* #ong, the iast sUnia, ot,th|> ^(j|aakMtt duced by 1h» ^litowt^^WBtr J»%« p*ym.» The song that CaiijiwIP was company* StMl Way aaa jHWi* Hr*» sjnslni whe«>* was ov#rco*»» hy tha f lake's greattat Success and enldysd . "W*«ts«rj^in*d^smiPWlm * Jwndrea ntga**, itaca i 4 f j U t . After^ew .but happy y*m, ?. -- pTgJijnirfiiaajffi^^ .Attd-teUi m^nv<lniif.4ias:'«tfttttp. : -* |h«* wim»fr':W#--*b-1tl* I'll say to#mm : $***l '. ^^aflilfeilMlaV^I^*^ 1 i*;. m ,r iS*-%s Jan M K 4J/B For old*B«o<aius gavff : p*3&t*t*'; Tb%a?»*notoef'4rai1:ten,'L4wi t ; •To have- ano&er-^rtikfai- .fcawii A motueiit later tlia Ud n>f o u t ' ^ ^neco|fin^.wjp:-?Al»e4^''Wd"'^*'*driwr beheld a juan la thf, pri|«*.»f life oliadohly; i% |r*t'e. clothe, vhul^ttfaK wlsi> ^ejy^nUk'ea. &$&<'&$$% t^ej|jt"ih;:his. Wntn;,rii1>ped *>» iyes- atid mx *;-«,6ni«MtiirJ#ei $& scene; hefortf 'him i ;*»d ,/ ]theh;--wiji|ai sayln^/a r wcr4- mAde";*'#a-lij|e ; ,io|i aaighbci-int: lirmiir^t- %^t», «t/««t<ai heo&dfdtfii. S~-*•:•-/:•, v:-V'''*--'>; ^^lo^-'Oie^dtfeMive^iili^luli made ior: t^e occasion Xn tttf^ftti; ha- wcuid ktrhecn'b%}»d % ati^;M4 .h3i';|riejnii a|4. rel|jtl?ii^6ftid:'^ er'h)iw.heard,httfat^':,^. r. ;*'' flfreifc- In \m--)$ti&t'i& In RochMtsr, and it aiade now*only-tkr«|i^ip««ial ^ro]tt>1^riKiWiai^ 'ajiMi w In t a m e s t .r»<i«|.fit.e< inovsaa' _ kto^b'-yMifc •>»>#;.. ''ai«jk* a1rirttl«|f''' 'fa'--jj&iwiim&i Kleschna" l s < p w t r f a l sessing. trtwekdod* *a* audlsnces with W, w ' tJM^-'^il^ytl**; : tapai«^Nlf There will be a ' a>i«a In ''Bunco is Arlsoaai; tiwal tb« la^halfc<atart ^s.dt* : %.^:;i#if|r*tti- it ^ ^rall^aWf^ :4/## " " sobrl<iuet.,ne wa«- a t t e r w a m t ' ^ i d ; ret.iirii«d > --.to k\$ *m***-Ji&it$ti>t^{ ways *nd ih^' » S t o| : li|*^1^^-$g by the mostrtalls*ls "" a^|<^3CnJ|i«|h : 1iif^ r - ^ e i y ^ i a ^ ^ * - - « a i l n^p|ik : ini0rn!n*i i ln. : .l^,|ait.' ffli^-m$jfi •--»-'-'-•'—- !S#^t#p,|l*fttch^'#i)fv#'#^ b^ii^^sirtf^i^rayi^^j^ • ta -*" bentln^erytat prayer before <Jod'sj altar in the i'Chapel Jn th* Mn» « Hoiieoye. by the'foHowin* sisters:^ 1 « * S ^ ^ # ^ ^ #* It,'|t^fi^ifi#' van, A, Wfehef, S. Rogers,. A, B«nk> ^ » « ^ a ^ ^ f t d ^ e j r ignpat|y3g|| a. Sullivan, :M. ^on^gha*,. : | f ^ » * « » ^ J » a « M » «***-^i*«*»a*te'-RA^- Marthage^ C,..!*flejpSiK--.' n Fedrb< WJas->in order, for. # i e balance of. She eveningWyie^llJftew, ^(astelf f « 6 | ^ ! i ^ and p^tes were.wonbyi»/»nni& Sg!^l fe -^M""^^*P^^^''"^''" A letter of..inability . * o - * t t t h d / ;; wis|Wf^ G i^% 1 ^l^| t fi^ read from oW'...«ftientB4''j Senator, BErs.^"^/littoililing^.-^^^,^..^^.,.. r ,-. ..- ^-~-,- a -- wr ~r*,.?- ^arry. >Th:fr *sister*,|illAdpe.-lo .h£v« M «i#i«|i|#;ilt|M|piMC»ptlon frop itfa ihe ban«itteft. ^ a n n u a l ^ i r ? . w « h v | m0m^^^^mmffpsl^ * "- fag. renre|e|^ail6ttyi|i & '^m^^^^MW^^^^^^^^^ -*>•*« Caaandalgaa. ^r^-O •rWliniTinTifrW _PrayersTor'*Ml»st . of ^arne«i%-1%^-»nof^Sel M S ^ jrcsephine^jf o!an ^ 'ias£ Suhdiy;'- V ' '••;-. J*""-' ; ;, ,. Th# tftfarieri^' ccmnnui|dn'''.bf tn% ! Holy Name next ISiJndalv - :"* ^'-^^^M-JA^^^^^ State Friday - -service^ ;«tW- week p W ' ' f e f | e 'Mm0'ilu securing J»BB jaa^s#s^i|j|$tigjM $»^ $m$M ''iih^.a«l«SM&r^ series;.ror^ei^#-'|f0Jifec|^ r ^"~"'"" "" *•*** - ^ tion-wtll *e%*i»-'f^l#^-^i|r '" %;Jtast coM..of •plasleie^tii%(|Mi^^to «hti«^ « 0 r A i % ^ M rectory- Isjdrffttig'and t h e * n i a s o n t ^ pedt 'fo a t i r t 'the'->#cbhir' r CoW 5 week* '• '- ' ' ' ^^••'^^y^'^'"'^'*^ ^3is " Both-^he Binary'-a«d#&|l»tr-4ii ot 'c^tdJBaiae^. |h#.,4*#f|P#^ "" Masses this week for Mrs. Hogan, Monday^.-• Bridget,. Prend#r| gast, Wednesday and "** -^'" ~ spongier*, -m^mmmmm r " ,' ?: .-•(..•-".''^pnT*. ^yjpeejii^j s^) *fA**fc ( J n e f ^ f ^ s f ^ . : . . ^ . . ^ I i t e a - « a d d % p ^ W&mi <,j)iedged-the' fm»-' ri|»p|f|g ^'^jil;'tS#r ; -p^operiy?- fhiMlirli sfesfe* iSV^As-t .i^K/** *• '•^flHH^VX*,'- ,aet da.' LSW S^^i^gp^ i? #%'^''^' L One of the most ansttlotal iieturtsaat scene* can bt *- - - " " tht rwadfag oper s works The Rocklas art j» (i|ti r»*ilf of iadieace the camp Shw are |mld the forttt trees With- __ ikln taptss lnterspewtajfc paiatarw^t leroglyphios of todlatf- lofw The Indians art at oat of thtii" wflrd ctrsintfbttl their chief «rri rlth Bunco sad Dfck as captlvta, ahd Iney are bound to the trees • to b* scalped and bnrned •"''»- : v^(^,:ti Mii« ••• J •0 .^n1B^*roJf 7 W*)wrm«i f It Mr. Naracon's barber shop. 3wn Hall and the po»tofflc«; The 'lit unJcttown iat pi «•%&, *> «,* pMnact Sd^tf Wiatar Wt matt rsdo« our stock MJ„ •elUng all owtrtounedbats at Hall ( regular prtoss. Mrs. tf Sllllfil eilf« S88 Main 8*M# Mart MRS. SMALINa IIMoGofiaMllwa tMJ •^*'"sg" l '^ fc . J- itfwii>-W(iri''!T,*ni!^illi>l|)^''''i n f r- i^^i#»s&Htts

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Page 1: U/4.1. LP# ** «HH. ..IU«I I'l l in.i i .iiiii.' rlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · Avon. Confessions were heard on Thurs day afternoon and evening


f 5 U/4.1.

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*- ^"'-Lii^r^^:'

b if *

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fmterHtiac ftudfset off Hmpptmiagt

• Gathered b y Our City Reporter* ** « H H . . . I U « I I'll in.i i .iiiii.'

Cathedral. At a meeting of the committee,

held last Sunday was decided to mast-pone the Inangcural Week celebration until Feb. Ifth, Dinner will, be sensed from 11:30 to *;• supper from 5 to 7; meal tickets are on' sale at 25, cents.

A shower will be given at Mass Sheridan's, Campbell St., Tuesday evening.

A social at the Misses Flaherty's, 40 Lime St., Wednesday evening-

Bishop Thomas P. Hfckey will give a leetnre on '•Europe" Thursday evening in Sodality Hall.

A musicale by the pupils of the Ninth Grade in Sodality Hall will be given Friday evening, Feb. 14tb.

A cooked food sale will be held on Saturday evening.

Immaculate Conception. The members of the Young JUldies

Sodality passed a very deligh'tful evening on Tuesday of this week ja£ their annual banquet. The musiepd part o f the programme was excellent. The toasts were delivered ,In an in­teresting way and were 'highly en-Joyed by all present. On the whole, the evening was one of enjoyment and pleasure.

Mrs, John Davln of 418 Plymouth Avenue died on last Sunday. Her f uneral mass was celebrated In this church on Wednesday morning at S o'clock. The remains were taken to Avon.

Confessions were heard on Thurs­day afternoon and evening of this week in preparation for the FlrsJ Friday.

The Stations of the Cross and, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament were held on First Friday.

The Holy Name Society will hold memorial services on next Sunday evening.

The Converts' League will hold a banquet on Thursday evening, Febru ary 11th. About two hundred and fifty are expected.

Next Sunday will be Communion Sunday for the Children of Mary.

8T. BONIFACE. The corrected pew diagram for the

first quarter will Ae distributed next Sunday.

Boniface J., Infant son of Boniface and Veronica Sippel, died last Sun­day at the family home, 11 MeCon nell PI.

St. Herman's penevolent Society gave their members a smoker last Wednesday evening, at the school ball. Everybody had a pleasant time

Requiem Masses were said this week for J. Rltz, Jr., and deceased members of the family; C. Flnnlgan, by request of the Rosary Society; Frank Frank and C. and V. Schwal-bach. v

Father Rauber announced last Sun day that the young men of the parlsn cleared 9273 at the pedro party, which was held recently. The amount was placed in the new school hall fund.

St. Boniface Society will meet next Tuesday evening.

TheC. M. (B. A. will hold their next regular meeting next Thursday even' lng in the school hall.

will body

fit. Michael's. The ifoumg ladies ' Sodality

receive Jffolw Communion In a Sunday morning at 7:30 MSBS.

Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Poor Society will have their meeting.

The Reo,ufcem Masses tox this week were for Stephen ainckliticta, Mrs. Sybllle Haulier. Mla» Catherine Beck, Mr. Jacob Schwlmd and Mr. X Koerner.

The first quarter pew rent diagram will he placed in tfate vestibule of the church for verlflcatton.

Sunday afternoon after Vespers the Rosary Society will iiave their regular meeting.

Corpus Christ!. A talgh Mass of Requiem was cele­

brated on Tuesday morning at 8 •o'clock for Lillian Keogh. The Mass was at the request of the Victorian Circle.

Branch 139, <C. M. B. A., will hold evening a t 8 o'clock, their regular meeting on Tuesday

The Rosary Society meeting was postponed from last Sunday to this Sunday at 4 o'clock.

A High Mass of Requiem was cele­brated on Wednesday morning for James Nolan,

Sunday is communion Sunday for the boys of the school,

be distributed to the congregation on Sunday at all the Masses.

A Requiem High Mass was csie brated on Thursday morning for Lil Han Keogli.

The Young Ladies' Sodality will hold their monthly meeting on Sun­day afternoon at 4 o'clock.

A Retreat will be opened Sunday evening witich will continue during the entire week. Short instructions will be given a t both the Booming and evening services by Rev. Father Burke, who will conduct the Retreat. Father Burke conducted the Mission >rt the church about four years ago, which was very successful."

St. Mary's. _ •• The Confraternity of Mary will

present "Our Private Secretary," a farcial eoanedy iaa three acts, Monday evening, Feb. IT, 1908, at St . Mary's Hall, Souitb St., with the following cast; Mr. Jlarsland Fred, Warner Harry M&arsland (bis nephew).

Harry Taylor Mr. Catersnale Bdw. Conway Douglass Cjtternaale (nis nephew^

, - . J. Henry Carey, B. E>. 8. Rev. itobt- Spaulding.. Jas. Segerson Mr. Sydney Gibson (tailor of

Bond S t . ) . . . .Walter J . Murray John (a servant) . . . . .Chas. Ratigan Knox (a writ server) . . .R. J. Brown Edith Mar-stand (daughter of

Mr. "Marsland. -Katbryn M. Brandt Era Webster (her friend and

companion) Lillian A. Phelan Mrs. Stead (Douglass* landlady)

. . . . . . . Ella T. Bowling Miss Ajfcfcsrd.... Mary JLoulae Maloy

Feb. 3d,,% being the sixth anniver­sary of Renr. Ww~ Gleeson a s «pattor of St. Mary's tCfaurch^ the Confra ternity of atary celebrated t i e event by an *0!de Time Social." Practical­ly every period and nation were rep­resented and the grotesque costumes afforded rooch amusement. A mu­sical and literary program was ren dered hy the members of the So-slety. The Jiall and tables were pret­tily decorated and refreshments were served by a bevy of twentieth century


A *

*»** . ; f H


T § * dlagras.. foe » • school « 1 , • iMttM «»d vut * 4 t iftti- W jcendy for ^fliryection Sa»««y,

Tfe» «oSeetfOB for the poor of «ie »arlssh*witt b* taken tip &mm*?*

• SS. Pet*r «»d Faal. A HJgh Mass was celehr*|6d on

Monday 'Blase, Women'

A meeting- m St, - f r s t t ^ Soci i t i uttll hfe held'Stoad*^ «*e»inf, ***&, lotto, at & p . m, '

The;<S. B, and B, A, w i i l i a e i l on Tiursdiwr.eve.nftMf, f ^ . t ^ t t , . ' , ^ , § p» m . • • , " .- - v . . .

The banquet of «he Adv^ory'sjin-*te wja take p^we 9 a Tharaday^. Feb, i?th, at tlNr PinriaeJe JReoremipn <8ab a l 8 p. to.

Mr, and Mrs. TaiefttiiCMs tifafat at Bronson Ave. are both CGa$i»a in jfee house with taie fajhfonabje dliwai^ la grippe.

•Mrs. Peter \*«y entertauned the Has !*o Equal Club Thursday of last wwk at her home oh 'Maple St.


According to jths report*of Mjrf; maldena, attired In the style affeetedJEulott Braver, the secretary^ fee id* by their great grandmothers. Thejciety furnished to ^--ittfth^aiqil, prise for thte quaiatest costume was awarded' tc» (Mlsg Mary" Dougherty. At the close of the entertainment the Confraternity presented Father Glee-son with a china cabinet.

the-Fourth Grade, <ljed last Monday at his home of diphtheria.

Last Wednesday evening the young men of th» <X Y. Hf. A. had a social In their meeting rooms and all pres­ent spent an enjoyable evening.

Mrs, Mary A. jtoth of Branch 104, has been elected president^ of Central Council of L. O.'iB. A*.

Installation of officers takes place February 24tn.

Charles Miller died, aged 86 years, Thursday, at the horne^ of b is daugh­ter, Mrs. tfrank aftbergefijjjj?*:'-%fo; nue A. He leaves t o znourn hraloss two daughters, Mr8. €harles Wbhr-ten, Mfs.,Fraiak Heb«erger, and three sons, Charles. Leoiaard and JTohn Miller. Funeral Monday morning ai 8.30 o'clock from tiie house and 9 o'clock fepm St. Michael's Ohurcjh.

St. Bridget's. At ,the meeting of the Rosary So^

c wu ,0 v i ^ 0 awx w.. ciety last SunSay, the retiring ^res^^,, ,^ . > , ._ The flttbseriptton list for 1907 -wfll«w^'l*t»"mE% i :lwleyr^'1i®wfia& Vmtfify-k^^m^^^SBSuL

St. Josepji's. A Washington tea will be feeld in

St. Joseph's Hall, Franklin BK Feb, •ZMx, 21st, 22d, under the auspice» of Ladies' Auxiliary,

The hall will be handsomely dee-orated. Tea will be served to all visitors by the members of tne or­ganization.

The ladies wllj be in^costume. Tfety endeayoring as f»r as posslbk

*o reproduce « t e a of Colonial times.

ed with a handsome, brass clock en. cased In glass. Miss Foley also re celveS a gold badge for having gained the greater nuanber (c»f new member^ during the past year.

Blessing of the thrwats (Mondaty at 8 a. m.,* 3:30 and 7:45 p«.nt,

A High Mass. was celebrated Mon­day at 7t30 a« m. -ior^kjB jh|Sjnbe»! of the-jRoaary Society. '

Tlis InaerJIl of MJr«j Hannah i i&# lace took place at $ a* m. Wednet day. A daugrater, Miss Wallace, died only a few month* ligo. Our sympathy is extended t o Miss Emma, the only remaining member of the family. Mm, Wallace was a mem­ber of Branch 27, L. Cf» B. A.

The usual ftrst Friday Jievofeioiis took place tali* weeit* l l a i ^ r w e i e e celebrated Friday afe 5:30 and 7 j30 a. m. i

Branch 27, I * 0. fit .A., met Fri­day- evening,

Miss May Sttapp h a s gone to New York on a two weeks* wislt.

The banquet of the Advisory Sen* ate, L, C. B. &.., wilt be Mid next Thursday erenlntg at Pfcnnacle Recrea­tion Club, "


A refined vaudeviiie show, under tbe management of the Players* <aub, f^r the benefit of the Young Men's Library* will be given at French Hall in Pleasant S t , Thursday evening, Feb. 27th. Bmybody i s tttftifd to come and enjoy tfcwMaelve* Tickets can be-nad from members of the par­ish or a t the rectory.

** Jack in Ac aWxn

{A t m * Irish;

«i*m World, m* %>m »* mm*$,»*f||Ws# ^f^^m^rtr


Work Accomplished i t Aid o t M. Mary's HospitaL

The Perpetual Heh? Society of St, Mary's hospital, w*ioh fjt*r fe**s-teen years has accompliihed much, in supplying necessities of that Institu tion, held its annual meeting at the hospital Wednej^y'iitttrii'ooh. Since the l i s t session the society's mem bershlp has been Increased b y twelve membe.rs, the present membership being about 150.

110 sheets, *?0 pillow "«MJOI,;V.^ towles And on« table^lc^, pdna-tions w^re received a s follows; |fr*. W. C. Barry, | 1 0 ; Mrs^^rkondol^-| 5 ; Mrs. E. (^oggen, |5", and Mrs, W. B. Moors,-|Ei, ;''"•''-. ':•.'

The repprt o f %nl. ^ tt* ^iwbert, the treasurir, aliof *.<• -tKtt ^»< *os cjetyhtd <t|JM^'-<» ha*4%t ^*1be glnningvof ttiev yf%tf :'^MM#&**< delved since thenviiakinf 4rto>lV*f 9S8C.tf;f. expehdituriii,.ifUiA&i B*^ ance. in 'the treasury :$it<J5,*|*j .'••'"'• [,.-;

The following were elected offlcers; President, Mrs. %m. <0,'•', IBsirry; flrft vice-president, Mrs. Wm, Klem; seer odd vice-president, Mrs/ Wm, Con­way; third vice-pre«ldent> Mri, d . % Berna; aecret»xr* Mrs. -RUlofct Brav­er; treasurer, Mrs. Jf. St, 3Lan»ber|r-

•Board of directresses—Mrs. & car* roll, Mrs. Michael Kolb, Mrs. a . C. Madden, Mrs.. L. W. Maier, Mrs. B ,

Master Bi^ar Milhan, a pupil of Cramer, Miss Julia Cox, Mrs. Kathe-rlne Bowling, Mrs. Edw. Ooggln.

Purchasing commlttee-r-Mrs. L. W. Maler, Mrs, W", % ailoore. Miss K. JC, O'Brien, Mrs.**',.A,,.Jfy»es. "-, j-,.. ': ,"'•,;

Work' <^mmptM0^HrMrXAW',Ml^ Sweeney,;Mr*t .Wni. 'Trimble, Iftff Minnie Rogers', |aCra,-b. •&'Qiiti($s*i&

Btirlng . thcy far •th* •fdcl^-nl»t^ eighteen' sessions. I t lost three niehi-bers, Mrs. *. lSfan«e^'^.' i;; '#i)nilJ^ serand^rs/Jofiii'Rattpfrr"' f- tv# ;"

'* ' JL. C. Bt. ArBmqnet »bd'Ped|0; **rf *.?.

' branch 5i$:,.$*;^<j|i, ^ . | t e l d i j | i i r first banauet,;'«b .T^jtflfs lA»fc>3Monct»/ night. The branch.' Was M0'mtytij*. septed and -toasts were responded t«S

.urto-M*iu«l ^




^stance 1» «1ftr'6n afe IspS^

n t «he um^MMP-^m ^«w«M4i^*w^>wiw. *nd w«a» into / « - I j d IAtJ^« m$ + >Tj£%J2k* ,%* %i of' Waterford to have.a "goo d time." , fjt\ .^t|fcy0rii>i, AM m*i . ft»|h:^jiat*i'^iie $m < »«snv f t r toSSMNl 'Hf *

ii it am m% j^ip^rf#.,#« "^.*miim*9iwti4 *^ f#* of lute Ipe, - ,. ^?. . '._:-? a%gre| tl4*fe"<! yo Mf ^^l!B#^ ,*llo

,f*p'ropj^s f»€$$^)&&m were sing and dsnee, -tyb&tiljfi f m i j ^ ^ t f e w ^

rioted, mm #^*mm-mvm$wpw~mhm^^ v<**# among osiers*,.th»><$taftMn !**»," y&fc'tffotoat* ^tMf>lN*N' M Ws favoriw, • Thr refrea»n>eft|t be* jsagHifcr c^Jn^aim^ ^lqmm%

gan to te»on,moj m&M &% mt&mn£*mk>?m^t^M^^!&]

rand .sleepy and wouM i p , ^ . ^ vktwdm i » , 4 W , M ^ # mm M tahlishment whose. rept«*t<ai |pr mfa f^it^ mi mm t t k*rf*" honesty was. not high, t . . m o m $*&!*&»* ^ ^ | O n t $

Hew he was dragged, rohbed, and! <te0o«J*v»¥ wlft bH ' " ' *" M %

new autt o | clothes that fi* wo», Oordon "^r^iri* t exper was taken from hftn, an* tn m* con> jtfttWttutMfc yty **ar»*ail dition he ws# carried tQ *U J«W la loans in. nntc^Ae iwDiliwa^s a neighboring gutter. .. famous state peofts^ ^ M j ^ r ' Sarly tne next m&btoiffa "dead bifprotiS»ft^«t«^^l*l»>iJi.i

w«goaJ' pwitogby picksd ,«» t ta |« ia^idM»if^t l le f t« i«» ,¥ lH supposed ficiiin pf cholera and heoomsdy acxobaU ^ was taken to the morgue whare hewackand Joaas, was hastily jprenarad,for -th.e.'|*at tad will har* -ttiflriitw^iMlsi'^l^1

files,, and in a short tinw" -after w tograph w^Ma^w "Wt luMdt M l one of these same wa«ofes/wai *e»d- twnt/ " ? ^ r t » " 4 -lng his way t» m i*wr#»ej*i^nte. ^ i n Wt W * tfifc*! ^ * f w | tery-'-witfa-' a load, -mmlti* s* «»* Opera House ail next w^ek wlta^U^ epidemic., •mailu|f» * r ' ^

Whta a mil^ ouMdt the city tha " * r. ^1


« P H »




•«-«& driver was mrprlsed and terrWed to B*k<* TV***, 8e«&* noise in oat of tke .^ttjw. i n r l h t t M e hetiwtlai Urnta* The noise ccnttnutd sometime Mttl ersnlng, ^ t u a ^ t m » ^ *£*&* |h.e driver, who wat abon* to run Ki»««a»M' |««ltWd|y the most *». away* pmA-a^nma••*&&* «t a mou» irtay ot tk. ~*#f wf l l -k »r* #ong, the iast sUnia, ot,th|> ^(j|aakMtt duced by 1h» ^litowt^^WBtr J»%« p*ym.» The song that CaiijiwIP was company* StMl Way aaa jHWi* Hr*» sjnslni whe«>* was ov#rco*»» hy tha f lake's greattat Success and enldysd .

"W*«ts«rj^in*d^smiPWlm * Jwndrea ntga**, itaca i 4 f j U t . After^ew .but happy y*m, ?. - - pTgJijnirfiiaajffi^^ .Attd-teUi m^nv<lniif.4ias:'«tfttttp.: -* |h«* wim»fr':W#--*b-1tl* I'll say to#mm:$***l '. • ^ ^ a f l i l f e i l M l a V ^ I ^ * ^ 1

€ i*;. m ,r iS*-%s

Jan M K 4 J / B

For old*B«o<aius gavff:p*3&t*t*'; Tb%a?»*notoef'4rai1:ten,'L4wit; •To have- ano&er-^rtikfai- .fcawii A motueiit later tlia Ud n>f out '^

^neco|fin .wjp:-?Al»e4 ''Wd"' *'*driwr beheld a juan la thf, pri|«*.»f life oliadohly; i% |r*t'e. clothe, vhul^ttfaK wlsi> ejy^nUk'ea. &$&<'&$$%

t^ej|jt"ih;:his. Wntn;,rii1>ped *>» iyes- atid mx *;-«,6ni«MtiirJ#ei $& scene; hefortf 'himi;*»d,/]theh;--wiji|ai sayln^/a rwcr4- mAde";*'#a-lij|e;,io|i aaighbci-int: lirmiir^t- %^t», «t/««t<ai heo&dfdtfii. S~-*•:•-/:•, v:-V'''*--'>;


made ior: t^e occasion Xn tttf^ftti; ha- wcuid ktrhecn'b%}»d%ati^;M4 .h3i';|riejnii a|4. rel|jtl?ii^6ftid:'^ er'h)iw.heard,httfat^':,^. r. ;*''

flfreifc- In \m--)$ti&t'i&

In RochMtsr, and i t aiade now*only-tkr«|i^ip««ial ^ro]tt>1^riKiWiai^ 'ajiMi w In t a m e s t .r»<i«|.fit.e< inovsaa' _ kto^b'-yMifc •>»>#;.. ''ai«jk* a1rirttl«|f''' 'fa'--jj&iwiim&i Kleschna" l s < p w t r f a l sessing. trtwekdod* *a*

audlsnces with W, w ' tJM^-' il ytl**; :tapai«^Nlf There will be a ' a>i«a

In ''Bunco is Arlsoaai; tiwal tb« la^halfc<atart

^s.dt*:%.^:;i#if|r*tti- i t ^ ^rall^aWf^ : 4 / # # ""

sobrl<iuet.,ne wa«- atterwamt'^id; ret.iirii«d>--.to k\$ *m***-Ji&it$ti>t^{

ways *nd ih^' » S t o | : l i | * ^ 1 ^ ^ - $ g by the mostrtalls*ls "" a^|<^3CnJ|i«|h:1iif^ r - ^ e i y ^ i a ^ ^ * - - « a i l n ^ p | i k :

ini0rn!n*iiln.:.l^,|ait.' ffli^-m$jfi •--»-'-'-•'—- — !S#^t#p,|l*fttch^'#i)fv#'#^

b ^ i i ^ ^ s i r t f ^ i ^ r a y i ^ ^ j ^ •ta-*" bentln^erytat prayer before <Jod'sj altar in the i'Chapel Jn th* Mn»



by the'foHowin* sisters:^ 1 « * S ^ ^ # ^ ^ # * I t , ' | t ^ f i ^ i f i # ' van, A, Wfehef, S. Rogers,. A, B«nk> ^ » « ^ a ^ ^ f t d ^ e j r ignpat|y3g|| a. Sullivan, :M. ^on^gha*,. : | f^»*«»^J»a«M» «***-^i*«*»a*te'-RA^-Marthage^ C,..!*flejpSiK--.'nFedrb< WJas->in order, for. # i e balance of. She even ingWyie^ l lJ f t ew, ^(astelf f « 6 | ^ ! i ^ and p^tes were.wonbyi»/»nni& S g ! ^ l f e - ^ M " " ^ ^ * P ^ ^ ^ ' ' " ^ ' ' "

A letter of..inability . * o - * t t t h d / ; ; w i s | W f ^ G i ^ % 1 ^ l ^ | t f i ^ read from oW'...«ftientB4''j Senator, BErs.^"^/littoililing^.-^^^,^..^^.,.. r ,-. ..- ^-~-,-a--wr~r*,.?-

^arry. >Th:fr *sister*,|illAdpe.-lo .h£v« M « i # i « | i | # ; i l t | M | p i M C » p t l o n frop itfa ihe ban«itteft. annua l ^ i r ? . w « h v | m0m^^^^mmffpsl^ * "-fag. renre|e|^ail6ttyi|i& '^m^^^^MW^^^^^^^^^

- * > • * «

Caaandalgaa. ^r^-O


_PrayersTor'*Ml»st . of ^arne«i%-1%^-»nof Sel M S ^

jrcsephine^jfo!an^ 'ias£ Suhdiy;'-V' '••;-. J*""-' ;;, ,. Th# tftfarieri^' ccmnnui|dn'''.bf tn%!

Holy Name next ISiJndalv - :"* ^ ' - ^ ^ ^ M - J A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ State Friday - -service^ ;«tW- week p W ' ' f e f | e 'Mm0'ilu securing

J»BB jaa^s#s^i|j|$tigjM $»^ $m$M ''iih^.a«l«SM&r^ series;.ror^ei^#-'|f0Jifec|^ i» r^"~"'"" "" *•*** - ^ tion-wtll * e % * i » - ' f ^ l # ^ - ^ i | r '" %;Jtast coM..of • • p l a s l e i e ^ t i i % ( | M i ^ ^ t o «ht i«^ « 0 r A i % ^ M rectory- Isjdrffttig'and the*niasont^ pedt 'fo atirt 'the'->#cbhir'rCoW5

week* '• '- ' ' ' • ^^••'^^y^'^'"'^'*^ ^3is " Both- he Binary'-a«d#&|l»tr-4ii ot 'c^tdJBaiae^. |h#.,4*#f|P#^ ""

Masses this week for Mrs. Hogan, Monday^.-• Bridget,. Prend#r| gast, Wednesday and "** -^'" ~

spongier*, -m^mmmmm r " ,' ?: .-•(..•-".' '^pnT*.

^yjpeejii^j s^) *fA**fc ( J n e f ^ f ^ s f ^ . : . . ^ . . ^ I i tea -«add%p^

W&mi <,j)iedged-the' fm»-' r i | »p | f |g ^'^jil;'tS#r; -p operiy?- • fhiMlirl i


iSV^As-t .i^K/** *•


,aet da.' LSW

S^^i^gp^ i ? #%'^ ' '^ '

L One of the most anst t lota l iieturtsaat scene* can bt *- - - " " tht

rwadfag oper s works The Rocklas art j» (i|ti r»*ilf of

iadieace the camp Shw are |mld the forttt trees With- __ ikln taptss lnterspewtajfc paiatarw^t

leroglyphios of todlatf- lofw The Indians art at oat of thtii"

wflrd ctrsintfbttl their chief «rri rlth Bunco sad Dfck as captlvta, ahd Iney are bound to the trees • to b* scalped and bnrned


Mii« f» •••


•0 .^n1B^*roJf7W*)wrm«i f It Mr. Naracon's barber shop. 3wn Hall and the po»tofflc«; The

'lit unJcttown iat pi


*> «,*

pMnact Sd^tf Wiatar Wt matt r sdo« our stock M J „

•elUng all owtrtounedbats at Hall ( regular prtoss.

Mrs. tf Sllllfil eilf« S88 Main 8*M# Mart


t M J

•^*'"sg" l'^fc. J-

itfwii>-W(iri''!T,*ni!^illi>l|)^''''i n f r-
