u• :j - parliament of victoria · the boleot committee appot-.ted on frlda7 the 21st in order t...

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. IN the Legisl.tive Council yesterday, Mr. Fa- asked a questi.•n r' specting the M tps of Colony; and Dr. Greeves gave notice of a motion respecting the means necessary for extinguishing fires. The Report of the Committee on the Ttmporary Residence oftheFutureGover nor . taken into It aF· pearli that great difficulty has been found in getting a house at all suitable in point either ( f size or situation. It was recon:- mcnded that one should be for two years, at. a cost of £20,000 for rent and furniture. Captain Dane thought that it would be more economical to purchase one. Captain Cole was of the &arne optmon. But the recommendation of the Committee . as agreed to, though the sum was admitted to be very large for temrorary accoromouation. Council haa taken care that His shall be eaved the inconvenience to which new chums are generally subjected in this Colony. The consideration of the Estimates was resumed in committee. Bef6re going into details Mr. Strachan was desirous tLat some fixed princi.,le should be rocognised in the appropriation of al:owance?. Several points of discussion were raised, and comiderable d•fference cf opinion existed as to '11 he(her the salaries and allowances should be voted in a consolidated shape, or separately;. and if the latter, w hetl>,er as allowanC'Ca for rent or in lieu of house;;. Mr Miller thought that in the one caae the sums would require to be really so expended ; and as ·this wu not meant to be inquired into, he eonsidertd that it would ee better to say nothing about rent, but to vo•e the supplementary sums as •' contingent :..llowances." Mr. Campbell objected to the word "contingent," and Mr. voting the various items with commendable patience and proptiety. :Numerous amend· mente were proposed, but they were inva· ri;lbly set aside by the steady ministerilll majvrity now at the sen ice of the Govern- ment. In tkelle circumstances we question the of keeping up a straggling fire upon the firm front of the official phalanx· Representative members seem to take great credit to themselves for .econo.my and patriotism, but to observers it presents ll very ridiculo us aspect. If they would take the trouble to master the questions on which expend their eloquence, and mbke an dfvrt to act in con· cert; If, in short, they could form a party, and organise a respectable opposition, t8king care to ascertaiR their strength and chance of success before they venture to propose a definite amendment, they would at least command respectf and have a claim upon the public gratitude; but the only result of thdr present mode of action is to strengchen the. Government, weaken their own influence, and bring the Council into contempt. Whether right or wrong, the Esti- mates are voted as they stand, and opposition is useless. lVhen a salary is challenged as being too large for an old bachelor sitting rent free, the prir:- ciple is that the salary is <'ttached to the oflicn, not to the man. But when it is challenged as being roo large for the (\tli.ce, some charitub pater familias rises 1:1p and states that the respected individ·ual who ·holds the· situa- tion ha·s a large family and does his work exceedingly well,- and is, as every one knows who bas the pleasure of h1s acquawtance, a good fellow-a really deserving man- who:e salary is wel earned,-the only ground of com- plaint eeing that it is too- sma 1-not the half of what he is worth , and not a tithe of what he could m&lte if he could be prevailed upon to give . up his patriotism, and devote himself' to his own interests ! This is not a caric.1ture, bnt a simple report of the plausible way in which the GGvernment manages its share of the business. This system of gu lifica- tion was carried out rather extensively yesterday, and gener ally with a c&rresponding to the effrcnt'.:ry whiah it was done. The common argu- ment for high sahrie3 in Melbourne was, of oourse, the ·high rate of li'"ing in tl!e city, it being understood that in rural di£- tricts, such a high scale would not be But the very next rural salary that come& under discussion, is dc, fended on the ground that gentlemen wh'O are for- tunate enoagh to h::.Ye their in : the metropolis, have no idea how much more expensive it is to live in the country; ! -that At Portland, for example; huU3l- f rents :md provisions are so much higher :j than in Melbourne, that, the small increase : of salary p7oposed is totally insufficient to 1 save its unfortunate recipient from starva- !I tion. Perhaps this statement t p-: pear exagg€'rated to those \lho were I not present; but honorable members t ·themselves will remember the 'I ery C1lse ! 1 to which we allude, and will the. : truth of our representation. these remarks we have passed no opinion as to the justice of the Estimates, but only as to the mode in which they are defended,. on. the one hand, and ass Hed on tae. other_ We report the results of our personat observation, and we giYe it as our opinioa that the supporters of shoulcL that ar of quackery which converts offi,!al Sl!,laries into p:mper aPowances; and that, on the other hand, the financial rdormers should not p.3ce .in the I·itiable position of higgling. fllr one eum and then for another, while never succeeding in gaining ckher. h would be a wiser course to hid the Go\lernment "good night,'' and go home, as was done by Mr. F .>wkner; or to imitate- the hon. member for Grant, Mr. Haines. and find "more useful employmen t" on Estima•e :han going through th2 farce whi c:lt. we ha \'e described. IN br of Qi th Miilcr defended it Mr. Campbell was right. It was intended that the allowances voted sho•1ld bE< absolute for one year' at least; but if contingent, they would have been conditional. And an illustration of this wa' soon affo, ded; for the fir. t item was the allowance to tha Governor's pri- vate s, cretary, and the question being put whether, in the event of his being in tht> Governor's house, the allowance would be given to him, the Auditor-Gen- eral replied it not-that it w:s LEGISLATIVE aome temporary meaaurea ablllll4 te ._ ror obtain- ugathed, and t.he orllia&L mo&loa of t.he Cc.leaL.I a..; lng a ,apply of water tor the p11rpcae ot e:diDCD!abiJIB outary aarllld te. · drea. Tbe Bouse tl1c resWIIod, lolld the Chair- cf TEMPORARY RESIDENCE JOB THE FUTURE Oommiitell hav!Dg repo111d tile ttaolalion h .f:be GOVEB.NOK. Oouu, · Onlht mot!oll of till COLON I U. 8BCIUI:T.ARY Oo the motion Of the OoloDlal leoreiAJT1 the ftlola. the Howe went ln!o oommilteo for the OOIIIIderatton tloD wr.a adopted. of the rep<»t of t.he aelect oommltteo appelnteol to 000 _ BSTIIII:A TE8 FOR 18U, , ,...._ alder what ortepa ahoald be Ill ken to SHl:ro a aultable Tho House ag 11111 went Into oommitlte t111 tile temporary nsldnoe for the future Governor of Vlo- alderatlGn of lbftt · · t.o>ia. Oo the vote U013 $>r the llf'tlie otthe dtpllta:ent The COLONIAL 8ECBETARY t.he!l aald that be Of Ria Ex•ellenoy t.he beHerd It waa well ll:noWil to bon. member• that Mr . FA 'I KNEll mo'hd that the lleJil).,n 'hlr VoM Hla ExceUetoy the Lieutenant. Governor had, tendere.l be takm seriatim. In the 8ydll6J Eatlm.tea be f"llllt bla realgnttliNI, wbloh bad been _,ted by Her Ya- that tho aum 11t dewn for the cepiUtJnent of the jHty, and tha\ bla suocesaor might ve;y sborUy be eJ:- G<vernor-Gener•l of all tl:e Aua£rallan Colonial waa : aoted to arrive Ia tbe It wu, te telleved, only £1024 61, 3d., wbi!Er here the eatlmate for tbe the oase In the Btllllb oJio:ain \tu.t a ault&ble rea!- dopa• t"-eLt the Lleulenant.Govoroor wu ttOlZ, donee • u pronded for Her Majnty'a NpresenhtlTe In He therefore wlahed to 1ee Ia what itema lbe d fi&t11011 the c>lony, and it w s the iHtentloa of tile Goverument too \l ty < nt plaLB for the erectioa of aauttr.ble buUd!J!g The AUDirOR-GENERAL bad no o'jcotUm k!-co · for a Government Boaae; but 1\ would In I h. me!oll thrcuJb tbelt•ma. Wltb te the lfdniiJ Bsll- · time be neeesaar;y to moll:e aome temporar; arruge- he would tel to point te tho t.ou. member moot fo• tho aceomm .dation of Hil Exeelle:cy. He the faet tha\ the revecn:e of thlA cclODy wu U 000 004 (the ColonhJ Bo:.re ary) did aot think that :be Exe.u- ..,hile that of New South WaiH wu on:7 llve G,, er. ment would ll&VO' bee a right In carry! "I of • mlll,on. n would also be f uod In the Mew lotdh out arrangement with t bo.tvlew, whloh would hue Wales EsLimate,·thatthe whole tf the cf the ln<n "tocl a couiderable ex, eO.:itll. e of mon•y, wlthoul <'eiartment &f the wen act lno:uded fir•t con•llltlng the L >illlallve ConnoU, • nd tbere'oro ln the aura n;ent•oned by the bon, membe,, but there ·\bey h•d adopted tho eo ur.e <f mov;ag for" tommlttee were ot•er Item• tbrou:fbout tbe wbloh to !Lquire Into tho bet I? bw tt.ken for eff.otlng to bh deputment, which w. 1 1:ot :b<fCIIaiD the <•b jeot Tbat commit!., bad been appolroted ax.d the estimAte now before t.h• Douc e. hai !' •reel to 11 raport, wblon b8' would take tho C•pt. D • ME :tt.OTflll tba$ tile llem or £109 for tha of reaaing to the Hvuse. It WA& .. fo'. of HiS Excellenry'a private secretary te :- pone", wltb the vi<w of Ita btl g lncreaaei to tloort, The Boleot Committee appot-.ted on Frlda 7 the 2 1st In order t at the £3il0 •year now paid to \bat Gntle. day cf Ootober, 1S53, "to conalt!.erwba\ a • bould man •• a·member of the Centr8l Bead. Boud m!cht be hl!en to se:rure a ault lble Temporary Realdence be atruok <ff from toat derarhmnt. for the' future G"vernor of Viator!•," have honor Mr. srRACHAll '"oW wah t.h8'10mmittee to COII!F to tep > rt tJ your Ho:wr. ble Howe- to some d•fi•lte eonclualou u to disposing of the of ma•es, iu order to &Told a debete arl olng ru OVtllJ' aext hru yeAra auftiolent time wtille •ffJr<ei 1> bold lt•m. Bo thought It would be well to t.dbGio to the a Government Howe worthy , t lltla lm- salAries fixei llat year, wLh a oertaln per-centage of portant ; but that In tho - ut: meltis neceta.ry lacreuo. As a general rule, be thourb' 5belncrease to secure a temporaTy t&ilde!lte for the reception 01 of per cont. would apply to the solatles from £3Ct Hie ExoelJer. oy the fa l ure Lieuteuant..Guve,nor. up to £1000. Be shoulol mote thai lbea<l&ty of t.he Your commlttu ex. mined tbe tenders of howes prlv .te secretery should be t7001 and the howe.r811l Which h•v• made tD the Gvverllme!lt for ttris •• It •tood In the estlmatea. 7 purpo,., co. alder that no•e of the :u are f,ee :rom The A UDI !'OR. GENERAL wlalled to ll:oC>w wile- all o jecilon either u to size or situailon. I her it wa.a tbe wiall < f the ho11. member to plellge the Your committee find th>t ve:y few houaea In tho Honae to t.he &alarleJ of hal year, w1t.h 51lJ er cent. ifll;x:e1U.te vicinity of Molbourno aff ••d aufticier .t ac- lrcre·ae; cr whether he me;ely •labed to eat blith tht oommodt.tion. geural prlnClfle, that wheD 1 be Bonae baa a 11Your committee, judgl<g from the rent• d :man 'e:l f ··r lor y t would add to tlu.t aal&ey a certain fixed rate hcu•es of the fi:st cla" s, IIIld fr< 111 the bl•h el!arges m1 de c.llowaue ror htwe-rent.; tor fur iture, aro of opinion th•t a sum of LOt leBS than . The t mencUznjnt of Ctptaill Dae wu alld ::cp. twenty thousud pout ols (six pounds at lt!8t tlve<L beln; ne, e•ary to provi"e furniture) w1U !>II l'fqul orl I Dr. .. ld tht as the ealirnaw 'W'ere pre- to csrry out the cbject snbm:tt.d to our a·mm!t!ee, p&red, allowing_ 10 mu 1h for aalary !IIld so arcch· for and that aueb sum of bon'y thourand 1 onnda should Louse-r< ... t, Ihe lil< uae were Ddoptlni 1ho be left at the d!apclal of the Gnvernment. the Governmellf w•re to provide quuten for all tt elr Your comm'' toetherefore recommond . h tan Address otlioers, He thoutbt the test way would he, 13 vo:e· be presont•d tq lhe R ia one sum u aal!'ry to Efticer, and not 11 ce.ta!n eum Ex .e\loncy to cz.wa to be pit ced o'l ' bo Ed m>tea for .., aai!>ry an•l uother sum tis an allowaaee for bcae- the yeor 1851, tbe aum of twe ty th>UI&t d t ounds for t.ho purpose of p ovid ug temporary The A UDIT0R-GENERAL thcusht tl.ere were for tho future Gonrnor of v•ry 1erious ohjectlona to pu:tlng the whole In one· (Blgne') JOHN FOSTER, G;oirmrut, amonrt as 'l'be otject lndlvldlcgt.he aalary It ml,;ht be ttongbt t hat t e commltt:e we 1 8'aaklng frcm allowMce for houS11-rent wn, Ia ordtr (Ill tte.· for a very l.&rge 'um for tba accommoaatlon of Bla year the e bei tg a mo•t matvelloua state of Excelle·•cy for tw J yea·s, but •ccordin, to their col. u. thin&!, and t he prloe of hoUl'e-ront ha'flng risen In an l&t'ons it would coat 17,0001 . and 18,0001, ao.d exfrA(•rdlna•y m•nner) to provide for that exceptional they thou.ht !I better to ask for t he >uJn of 20,9<01. to state of tb: •.s. It wos ve:y proba'-le tl!at tbat parllou- prcvido for any contlr·genoles wbloh mlgbt •rlae. Of l ar lttm of ex1'"dUnre might be nduced, and it "ollld thin RlllD , 60001. would be exponded In fur:. !lure, which thou b• muob eaoler to alter the amount of allowuce might be su'sequcntly lrat•fe.red to tho pe m•n·e,t fer b vW<e->ent tbon to alter Lil the aalarlea of tl.e residence His Excelleiloy. Alth Uib the committee GoYfl. "..,,t ctlicen. lud not, In the report, um<d IUlY p&rtloo!ar house, · r. II! ILLER w•slled 13 be p;ut to llh;ther tbey were u'anlmou; i.l tbelr opl·ion ot what house It the Government <tliaezs were to Wll<S mozt •ultable, and they bad mecortained that that h.ve n for house. rent luring tte present howe mi;.ht be procured fer tho sum namei Ia we l'>or.,sed rite ofrents, or wbether II wu illtonded that report. The committee ba1 thought it w.uld m re whether h use-rent rv£e or fell the allowance for bouse. p·o;1' rly rest ,.t:b tho Exeoutlvo Government tb•n ront was still to be c 1r.tL Bethought tho upeDIO w;th tl>,c,msolve• . to determine upon the pr•ohe J·ou•e, of llvbg In the colony did net jusl!fy a fOtmiUlent .nd o,ry propo.ed to put tho Government 11 a po llio" lncre .se (If fifty rer cer.t. on the sliarles. If to tn the m .. ,t r, by p\&,ciD! this su::n theic a•towf\ 1 Ge we ·e merely to cover t he e.xpnse f hovae. po•a', Ha <on:d tb r < fo'" "That this reltl; be would lli.tlmate to the Hou!e th··t bouse-zents aonaldor it <xpedient that a•> a' to presel:ed to "ere very rapidly falling, atd by the con.mencement tho L'eutenat t.G venor, rraylng Bls Exooll•ncy to> of ye.r h&llad no that would have .. usc to be place! on the E•tlma';ts f r the year 1SH, fallen fifty cent. the •um of 20,000!, for the purpoa• of providh>g z Mr. 8PLAT1' thought there w,s lu the suitsb'e t'mpor6.ty r<s'dente for the fature Governor of presor t arnng<m&lll, as, if rent& shauld fell, it would Viocori@., thtm to reduce the prof:OSed GlloYauce, which Mr. F ·• WK ER said, tb:-.t it op:.x-arel tl'at the they could not so re\<lllj do if tho allowance was in- cutlvo lm,rov<J<l; fotlt a?pe&Hd thai t ey clld t l,ko corpo•ated with It e now rod :nto a1 txp nse f £20,000 bout firstc•,n- J.::r. O·SHANASS1t ocservod that If the allowatco of aultin the upon tte "U joat, oltrou<"h they h<l.d 60 por cent. wa• tco .m11oh, them redu e it to 38 per very rooe ·t!y ,iv n e:taml'IQ th•t they w<r> qui'e c, nt. them Olitor Into no arr..ngeme:<t w41ch 1\ble to rpond a very mu .. b larc er aum than iat with, u• •hould look teyond the yeor. E'eh yeu'a ooming·tJ C unol11>t 11 1. I h d bea·, at t•. a.lar ie' should .te <' ealt with according to tl.e clrclllll- tte C. >lo• 1•1 S;c' t".ry, that £6000 wonl.i "•ut!iela. t of the oountry at t•,e period, alid according to sum for fur i'u o, and il hal ooze:! out <ls•whor• tli ·t '"" senerd estlma·ea of the pu llo exptnditure for the £10 ,ooo w'u'd be ruffi•··· nt f<>r a botse for two year. tee tf,; e ho thou ht 1.16,000 wou'd lie a suffia'o:.t ,,.,;. Mr. AN NAND the al:owauce wu In Ueu cf a to meet tho. of tb. 0 '"· A vory . hort t me bouse; whe'ber a Y uug m,n lived in a how& or ;iaoe, £lO,OOO boenaskod forInt· e Hou;e ,0 be 0 ·•t hls own or In the hcute of bis f•ther, the 16,000 pe",i'k, :md to iJiOJO uthe be>ltb of tba town •llould te tive:l If be w.a worth h!a sa!My t) t.he go er.r.ll, ; 3 gru.t stand w.u made by the Gover ,_ Government. u ent i:t oppcslcg tb t £rant. And yet, now th.t A !eng and eesulto:y converaot:on llll3ued as to Go 10rr.or wa:.s out. who wl'uld have rlenty the •hap> >:hloh the proposed vote for of pttronage at his dlaposal those Gentlemen wha sb•uld hke, 1n the cou <se tf wbloh wlsl tn to lhe rislng'aun, mait con:e rd. ward ll{r, MILL'!ilU n:pressod hla bellsf th•t the form cf &!d vote £"0,000 frat mp<;ruy reside• ce f r 0 e ;u. the estimate, u pre,.nted by tile Goierament, could I. Bo thought, th.t •y v. ttng £10 COJ for t .ro r e improved an. He tl!ough', hvwover, that lr.- house, aod taooo for furi ituro, t) ey be goi"': stoa.d of c"\ling i an "allowAnce for It the ex!r,mo length they on;.bt to go; •nd ther·fore bs sb•uld be named moved :b't thHum sboull be .rduc•i t , £16,'03, tar. J. THOMPSON m: ved that tho aliowr.nces The COLONIAL SEGRETAFY aid uw;r<> sbe. uld be Cllled lh•t lO,OOG/ wou'd b} r<quirod fvr the hon•c. r.e b' _ t.r. SPLA rT ol j 'cteil to lhe word "oontinge-:. t." Jievcd •.IJ.o OOr.<mlttte bad bee11 In tre ty for to pla<e, did not expl'ess what WaG mea\.t to toe c<>.veyed by 10td tJ·ey fo•md tb•t tho pur,h se of the w ·cU the allowuce. co&' 10·60.i, and th?::l there w ul:l be a snm roqui•el Mr. MI LER el'pll\l<ed that h!s maadrg of the f r the e•ectlo·' t·f guard .. .•nd otcer tt>fnga n<ces- wora "con\logent·• was, should t'e circl!lllatancea.cfthe nryt?fitt oplacofortl:era•.iderceo'HisE:rceUen y. colony r<m•in In the ptsi!lon t.hoy new Kr. O•BR 'E tb 6000/ wu 11 very large mm we· e, to be •te<t In furniture He bcl'evel that 4000!. w uld £ r. f.1TRACEIAN ult'mately withdrew b!a &mend- be fou ,d autli :lent, and 1harerore ""oved the redrct:oa mont, B!l<l or sum to 14,000/. 'Iho votes 1rere proc,<>'ei wlth Mr. GOOD:\! 'N sJd it laJ been p>cveu ce"'ro DE?ARTl!IENT OF THE LIEUTENAN'l:'- tho th•t •o suit ble honss e.uld be rrocu·od GOVERNOR. f: .r a le<a £u 11 t'au that In the 1 e, o:t. He On the vote £700 U.!BrY, >.nd £350 hcu!e.Yent allow. tbou·•H th•t h n. n:emte"S •ho otjected to t he.!: 1 um anc& lor tho Lieuttnant-Gov·rno.'s rr v"to sea etary, should be prepued to shew "au! table ree:de·ce M:.O'SIIANARBY b:qulndlf the fatnre Licutonaut- c u'd te fr cur<d f r Gov-.r:.or abcuH provide ap&rlmen'• fer bls private Capt.oln DANE thou.ht a house se· retell'• would this 1\:lOlUJlte of £350 be gr,...\ed to PU"Ohue:l at muoh less I• ss to the. pub i: that r en'lem•n 1 fltds thanTou'd arls, fr·m tho pro;or.ed arr . Jli&mellt. The AUDI'l'0R-GENERAL: It In t;:.t It ap· lh t tho whic'' l!.tod be:n rcf,:,r, el to the allo,.anee w•s c, <.tingent. cou1d o ly be hod for two yoHs, a1ld ho drubted "he. Mr. • NNAND mcvod, \bat tho re- tber tle perm r cnt r s4!enee w; a:d be oc .·mpleted in dcJ<> !(> £150, that t 1me. It fl honse c u'd be purchased e e.. at The •rmmH(ee divlde.1; 60,0001 he thou ht It woald he a s•.vi,.g to ihe co·o,;r l•• Ayes the ted, for tile i·cre.s&l v .\us of ln. the Ncea 3 nclgbtorhood ef llelbourne wruld te so greet ll:l the oou se t"'' or thret ye ra, wheu the ptzm nent res de: tc wes fi·,lsh<d t;e temporary re<ldeaee mi&ltt Je s old, tl.e >nbUa ba g1!: era by the trau !rbe amondmant of Mr. 0' B.lisn, roducial tbe all ou,,t t > 14,000!. hMln; lleen neg:.tlnd without uiv 1 s'ot, tte ame dment proposed by 11iir Fawk·:. r, fix:rg tho 3U!D 16,COOI. Wts rut, lol'.d tl:o c, U.:tll div:ded- Aye ... viz, M>·rs s• Fawkn&r, 0'!:.ri-ea,and Anna::.d.h 3 Nce1... 31 M j>rlty 28 The amend :l ent was accordlc. ly lo··t. Mr. ANNAN I) thea mov d thot tho In 18,CCCI. II 'I, howc-rer, tho ght the better pla·l would h >.ve been have VJtod ' sum cf 5000Z. "'yon fo' h(use.rent for His ExcoHer,;:, y, and Jet 1 im e:r.retd It ia the w1y te 'lj ught bos; when he &'rive<l. The Connell divided on Mr. Anruwd'& t- Ayes 4 No•a 30 26 Tho amon(mo t therefo'" lost. DANE tb•n moved tb. t lito praent motl'u be wltbdrawr, wl!b & 'iew of reques His Excel!o!l•y to place upon the Et;timates f r 1854, a sum of 60,0COl. for the pu"poso of rurobaalng a hous<> for tho futu •o Governor of the colony; ll!ld •loo a aum of 6000Z for tho purcb ee cf furnitnre. He w'• quito !11<\'sfiel that teat would be tho mc•t eoonom'cal c. u·so for !Ito colony. lllr. FAWKNEI\ th<ugbt it woub bo far to put a sum oo the Est'lll.l>tes sr for poylng o'e yen's a .d the pn·D)I· so cf furr!ture & d als? a •nm tonrds the lui . ing o( a ,bousa. wl:en the pp,rs and miners c<me out · ith a oom .,. _ gineer :>t nd, they o:u'd be ret to the :;"ousn; ancl,'It w·u'.!l tl:en, he IJ;.ou;ht, b.e , done very much obv,&por !ban if tho Govunmeot pro. ce1l!!ed In the ""1' they ll,d dox:e 1 lhly with the •ubHc lmUdlngs. Dr. GREEV!i:S wis::Oed t.) remicd ll:e Honse r at t•· e select c muo,i:tee h•d. beu app lnted to enquire into the btst n:ear.a c.f provldlog at' m;ot:lty reside • for His &rod he tbou;:bt that rl.;bt 0 ;,. r;.e for the lion. m. mbet fur South B urke ( CaJ•t to puiSne w,, u d be to refer t'e subject of •he p11rr.hos o f a hoU!!e t) them for conKldere·ion, ratb,r tha.:: brln< ing forward bla mation In ita present sha: e He (or 31 !bJrity 3l amendme!lt w&s accordingly Jest, ana the vote wu agreed to, es &loo wtre the t thcr item ,m,k'rgthe vote •ho \'ot• for lrcludinC pu ' · ateJ of f dder, orderlle•, &c., WtB alllo •greed to, mal<ing toe whole ezt'=te fot the Lleu- deparfmor.t1 £4.013. LEG!!>L , TIVD CO UNCI!.. On tte YOto 2000Z. sal,ry for tho sre.kor, ' ·. (.'BRIEN lAOVed tll&t the te !200&. flit. STRACHAN movel !llatlt be 1500/., and Mr. MYLE3 mond, ra a thlrd.Dmo..dmant, tbret the t. hry be lOU l. Kr, O'BHANASBY lt i· jud!olous of lhe Cnunoll tllua to tutdown the only In wt.i.lh they exercised •t Y P•tron· ce. Sll'!log th11t lMfe were lo te tlven to th• c fti:en of the Executivo, be did not tbl· k th•t they ab· uld redHce below the atl.ndarll •cc·:in\sd t' them, ttl" Bllary gtve!l to the tee.d of'tbit colcny, ThG several • mond:nonts were then put f,rom tile ohai , aa1 tbose propo•ilog 10001. and 12001. ra1pcc.: tively were nojfatlvoi 'lrito.out dlvition. On the t meli d.- ent 15fi0i. tho cornm:ttee Ayes ])lees, !'ajo !ty ... '2 13 ... 11 T.10 'a':!'ondm was tharefore :ost, tmd the original Y.rte of wu "greed to. On the vote SOc I, eala1y of the of m!tte.;>s, Caphl:' DANE bo.reluoe!l to 6001. Mr. F. MURPHY e:rplaln<d u h.vlog expe- ' h'msolf ,.f the du:l•s of the Cba,rmaa <f Com- m'·tce, h·.t the'e !l.•otiel tool!: up ell the time of t who J>Oh".'led •. du· ln!thaday a:tdtl:e eren'nll throughout tbe session, so as to preve"t his de- voting himself the pursuit ol prlva 'e t u•lness during the se;a!on; t':lty mu ·t ace that if au)T prl-r·ts busiress .-ere lt.ld ••Ide for half the year, It oou1d not bq 1 csumed at will du· ing the toer W.ll. Tte mod was l!egitived without a and the vote was to. 1'l!s votes £800 Ld £600, wEb ti..eir allow. r.tc;s of 59 ;:er ro'it. iff the salaries of tl:e olorll: ck k oft e Ccunell, were, o:> then etten of the SPj;;AKE:R, ro· 'po•rd, wlt'la v'ew to tholr fnrl.ter consl'ora ion for !ncre'il'e, ••• actO rd\rg to the bon. goc t'am, n, tb<y were som9 of tbe very !ow fallrie! whlob "orar ollncre sed upon lut ou'a SQ.\! e. o. uld ":ell ap. reJ'Ate the feelln.gs of del' cloy Wh10h bad OOOiiSoOlled the of ,be mc·ti. no hOI!. me.ilber W;I·'S L&.-J (C&p:. C,•l•)roi tive IVed•esdav, 16th Nottmber t, the {Urchase of the resldenPe of Hll proaent Excel- The Spea}(er tout chrr.lr d:;;y five minutes Ieney; eltbougb he Wa! of cp!d n t'JT.t it 0 11 the Item, t264, for additional £hOttt and wr'ter du, lng :he se,!IJn, a desalt 'lY sa'.lon toolc I Ill e, in tho cQurao of wh:ch eeve.al mei:Jb<rs e:}rcsted a w'sb that an extens!Dn of t'e shorthand.writ'ng ao- C'm'llo at!nn at pre•e·t pns!essed by the CouacU th uld bt m•de, nit oftn W.I>rened lb.t ton. &elll- on comf'l<ttees tad t take ,be no!es of tho prll- oeedlnts thelll':elvea, pilst · o'cicck. would have klghl:r oonduclv, the publlc :ntar- est If the mot!on had b, en fully tefvre t e N01'1CES OF UJTION, &o. Htuae, as he Wall persullOel that sooner or J ator tho fr. ILLER, the requ st of Mr. l!!evc'·',oo. tlli .td of AbsO! ce ror lbatgentltma'l for o!ty, to the · 2 rorerty h wh'o!l that m(t;on re. dt:ss ferl'<!d, a··d he thought tb"'t at no larger oull•y than The Item was p stp?r•d. on the motlo'l of llr. ll0Dl80N 1 f·•rfurthe conslJoratlo,, The whole vote vlz,, £?036, with a'lowatooa, £1275, minul tbl1ltem cf was then to. a voted contingently. With thb exception, the allow:mces meant to be not con. e- tingent but temporary, IIowever, without Gettling either this ,s verbal or the more im- :··r. i'AWKNER ros t? that on Frid . .,. would reault :fr,,m tbe step rQ4omm•ndod by tho c m. ue%t he ask I he Colonial !lectotary whetb' r 'ny mit tee ;;rem 'set might h .• va been made rultsble m•p f the oolon'es ba<! been lateiyaent home from th• for. the tompor;,ry realdeuce of ILe future G. ver. Survey Offioo t·. be etgraveil ; Ud If wi..ether any n'. r. Tho seloet committee btd enqul,el into tho l:t'J,Ies h!d! e'n fa tlshell ror the uae of the colonr. question of U:e purllb.se of a houu, rs well u 'rho woud to,ly to the tb&tor and had roportelilba\ the test qu stl?n t• o co. About fifteen monthe ago, a map of wou;d b• tl hou.o in the of 61 <le Qt> ony bad btell sent home tll Arrowsmith to bo as there.,. .. no ed:tloa sultall'e forth> Proofs bad bee'! aent out, "hloh purpose In the marll:tt for ia'e. He n:uat tbero·oro corru.ed up to a '.ory recent date, and relutned hon;e, oproae thQ amondment cf the member (Carta'n o., the vote of f.:r conllrcencles, ;, b·olts and l'fol"'rl for the Ll'r!ry, brotbln4111!'• fuel, &c,, Mr. M LLER n:pusa d a l:ope th&t soma effort would be made to l'ep1:ca the "1 ubbilh" lu tte Ll .rary by beoh and WI rir of acme real 'llliue. T' e v. te W'1ls agtoed to. portant point of recognising a fixed printiple of procedure, the details of were entered into, and bon, 1 ; memben w_oJl\ Ul{OU!h. of l a -:.d he had no dcu lt the eugrav<d plu' would bQ oom. Dane). Yory shortly. Captain COLE auppottea the amendmer,t, hoause r. D•. GREEVES ga.ve notice that to-morrow (this be thcatlt It would be f&r mere to tte 1 48 d&:r) be should aubmit a l'eloluUou to tho Bonn ex- oo!ony that a pnrcbue shculd be made, tbsn tbal 167 prualng an opinion that, pendlq tbe COIIItructlon of iarce aum of money ahould be expeudocl for a leue. 13 tho wator:11'0tk1 Jli, lltlboarae1 thlll l Dll!! WM aa,a pu' COLONIAl. SECliETARY'S. DEPARTMENT. The vote of uooo a&!ary, and £100 allowance tor howe-rent, t.he Colonial Secretary, wu •greed to wltheut diiiOUIIIon. u btlq now o'olook 1 oo111mi«et adJ for 1111 hOllr! · - -- · 16 November 1853

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Page 1: u• :j - Parliament of Victoria · The Boleot Committee appot-.ted on Frlda7 the 21st In order t at the £3il0 •year now paid to \bat Gntle. day cf Ootober, 1S53, "to conalt!.erwba\

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. IN the Legisl.tive Council yesterday, Mr. Fa- kn~r asked a questi.•n r' specting the M tps of th~ Colony; and Dr. Greeves gave notice of a motion respecting the means necessary for extinguishing fires.

The Report of the Committee on the Ttmporary Residence oftheFutureGover nor . .-~s taken into considera~ion. It aF· pearli that great difficulty has been found in getting a house at all suitable in point either ( f size or situation. It was recon:-mcnded that one should be l~ased for two years, at. a cost of £20,000 for rent and furniture. Captain Dane thought that it would be more economical to purchase one. Captain Cole was of the &arne optmon. But the recommendation of the Committee . as agreed to, though the sum was admitted to be very large for m~rely temrorary accoromouation. ~he Council haa taken care that His ~xcellenoy shall be eaved the inconvenience to which new chums are generally subjected in this Colony.

The consideration of the Estimates was resumed in committee. Bef6re going into details Mr. Strachan was desirous tLat some

· fixed princi.,le should be rocognised in the appropriation of al:owance?. Several points of discussion were raised, and comiderable d•fference cf opinion existed as to '11 he(her the salaries and allowances should be voted in a consolidated shape, or separately;. and if the latter, w hetl>,er as allowanC'Ca for rent or in lieu of house;;. Mr Miller thought that in the one caae the sums would require to be really so expended ; and as ·this wu not meant to be inquired into, he eonsidertd that it would ee better to say nothing about rent, but to vo•e the supplementary sums as •' contingent :..llowances." Mr. Campbell

• objected to the word "contingent," and Mr.

voting the various items with commendable patience and proptiety. :Numerous amend· mente were proposed, but they were inva· ri;lbly set aside by the steady ministerilll majvrity now at the sen ice of the Govern­ment. In tkelle circumstances we question the p~lioy of keeping up a straggling fire upon the firm front of the official phalanx· Representative members seem to take great credit to themselves for .econo.my and patriotism, but to observers it presents ll

very ridiculous aspect. If they would take the trouble to master the questions on which th~y expend their eloquence, and m bke an dfvrt to act in con· cert; If, in short, they could form a party, and organise a respectable opposition, t8king care to ascertaiR their strength and chance of success before they venture to propose a definite amendment, they would at least command respectf and have a claim upon the public gratitude; but the only result of thdr present mode of action is to strengchen the. Government, weaken their own influence, and bring the Council into contempt.

Whether right or wrong, the Esti­mates are voted as they stand, and opposition is useless. lVhen a salary is challenged as being too large for an old bachelor sitting rent free, the prir:­ciple is adv~nced that the salary is <'ttached to the oflicn, not to the man. But when it is challenged as being roo large for the (\tli.ce, some charitub ~ pater familias rises 1:1p and states that the respected individ·ual who ·holds the· situa­tion ha·s a large family and does his work exceedingly well,- and is, as every one knows who bas the pleasure of h1s acquawtance, a thorough~y good fellow-a really deserving man- who:e salary is wel earned,-the only ground of com­plaint eeing that it is too- sma 1-not the half of what he is worth , and not a tithe of what he could m&lte if he could be prevailed upon to give . up his patriotism, and devote himself' to his own interests !

This is not a caric.1ture, bnt a simple report of the plausible way in which the GGvernment manages its share of the business. This system of gu lifica­tion was carried out rather extensively yesterday, and generally with a succe~s

c&rresponding to the effrcnt'.:ry ~ith

whiah it was done. The common argu­ment for high sahrie3 in Melbourne was, of oourse, the ·high rate of li'"ing in tl!e city, it being understood that in rural di£­tricts, such a high scale would not be Iequi~ite. But the very next rural salary that come& under discussion, is dc,fended on the ground that gentlemen wh'O are for­tunate enoagh to h::.Ye their residen~e in : the metropolis, have no idea how much more expensive it is to live in the country; ! -that At Portland, for example; huU3l- f rents :md provisions are so much higher :j than in Melbourne, that, the small increase : of salary p7oposed is totally insufficient to 1

save its unfortunate recipient from starva- !I tion. Perhaps this statement ~ill t p-: pear exagg€'rated to those \lho were I not present; but honorable members t

·themselves will remember the 'I ery C1lse ! 1

to which we allude, and will re~ognise the. : truth of our representation. Ir.~ these remarks we have passed no opinion as to the justice of the Estimates, but only as to the mode in which they are defended,. on.

the one hand, and ass Hed on tae. other_ We report the results of our personat

observation, and we giYe it as our opinioa that the supporters of C~vernment shoulcL av~id that ar of quackery which converts offi,!al Sl!,laries into p:mper aPowances; and that, on the other hand, the financial rdormers should not p.3ce th~m3elves .in the I·itiable position of higgling. fir~t fllr one eum and then for another, while never succeeding in gaining ckher. h would be a wiser course to hid the Go\lernment "good night,'' and go home, as was done by Mr. F .>wkner; or to imitate- the hon. member for Grant, Mr. Haines. and find "more useful employment" on Estima•e night~, :han going through th2 farce whic:lt. we ha \'e described.

IN br of Qi th n~



Miilcr defended it Mr. Campbell was right. It was intended that the allowances voted sho•1ld bE< absolute for one year' at least; but if contingent, they would have been conditional. And an illustration of this wa' soon affo, ded; for the fir. t item was the allowance to tha Governor's pri­vate s, cretary, and the question being put whether, in the event of his being bo~rded in tht> Governor's house, the allowance would be given to him, the Auditor-Gen­eral replied th:~.t it WliU~d not-that it w:s


aome temporary meaaurea ablllll4 te ._ ror obtain- ugathed, and t.he orllia&L mo&loa of t.he Cc.leaL.I a..; lng a ,apply of water tor the p11rpcae ot e:diDCD!abiJIB outary aarllld te. · drea. Tbe Bouse tl1c resWIIod, lolld the Chair- cf TEMPORARY RESIDENCE JOB THE FUTURE Oommiitell hav!Dg repo111d tile ttaolalion h .f:be

GOVEB.NOK. Oouu, · Onlht mot!oll of till COLON I U. 8BCIUI:T.ARY Oo the motion Of the OoloDlal leoreiAJT1 the ftlola.

the Howe went ln!o oommilteo for the OOIIIIderatton tloD wr.a adopted. of the rep<»t of t.he aelect oommltteo appelnteol to 000_ BSTIIII:A TE8 FOR 18U, , ,...._ alder what ortepa ahoald be Ill ken to SHl:ro a aultable Tho House ag 11111 went Into oommitlte t111 tile ~~~~~~ . temporary nsldnoe for the future Governor of Vlo- alderatlGn of lbftt ••~lmlltet, • · · t.o>ia. Oo the vote U013 $>r the llf'tlie otthe dtpllta:ent

The COLONIAL 8ECBETARY t.he!l aald that be Of Ria Ex•ellenoy t.he Lleaoteaant.GoYarac~ beHerd It waa well ll:noWil to bon. member• that Mr. FA 'I KNEll mo'hd that the lleJil).,n 'hlr VoM Hla ExceUetoy the Lieutenant. Governor had, tendere.l be takm seriatim. In the 8ydll6J Eatlm.tea be f"llllt bla realgnttliNI, wbloh bad been _,ted by Her Ya- that tho aum t~re 11t dewn for the cepiUtJnent of the jHty, and tha\ bla suocesaor might ve;y sborUy be eJ:- G<vernor-Gener•l of all tl:e Aua£rallan Colonial waa : aoted to arrive Ia tbe co'o~y. It wu, te telleved, only £1024 61, 3d., wbi!Er here the eatlmate for tbe the oase In ~ll the Btllllb oJio:ain \tu.t a ault&ble rea!- dopa• t"-eLt ~f the Lleulenant.Govoroor wu ttOlZ, donee • u pronded for Her Majnty'a NpresenhtlTe In He therefore wlahed to 1ee Ia what itema lbe d fi&t11011 the c>lony, and it w s the iHtentloa of tile Goverument oa~o's'ed. too\l ty <nt plaLB for the erectioa of aauttr.ble buUd!J!g The AUDirOR-GENERAL bad no o'jcotUm k!-co · for a Government Boaae; but 1\ would In I h. me!oll thrcuJb tbelt•ma. Wltb relatl~n te the lfdniiJ Bsll- · time be neeesaar;y to moll:e aome temporar; arruge- m~tca, he would tel to point ~ut te tho t.ou. member moot fo• tho aceomm .dation of Hil Exeelle:cy. He the faet tha\ the revecn:e of thlA cclODy wu U 000 004 (the ColonhJ Bo:.re ary) did aot think that :be Exe.u- ..,hile that of New South WaiH wu on:7 lbree.~wte.; llve G,, er. ment would ll&VO' bee a right In carry! "I of • mlll,on. n would also be f uod In the Mew lotdh out a~y arrangement with tbo.tvlew, whloh would hue Wales EsLimate,·thatthe whole tf the expe~llll cf the ln<n"tocl a couiderable ex, eO.:itll. e of mon•y, wlthoul <'eiartment &f the O.vernor.Ge~eral wen act lno:uded fir•t con•llltlng the L>illlallve ConnoU, • nd tbere'oro ln the aura n;ent•oned by the bon, membe,, but there ·\bey h•d adopted tho eour.e <f mov;ag for" tommlttee were ot•er Item• tbrou:fbout tbe eatlmt~tea wbloh to !Lquire Into tho bet ste~ I? bw tt.ken for eff.otlng rel~oted to bh deputment, which w. 1 1:ot :b<fCIIaiD the <•bjeot Tbat commit!., bad been appolroted ax.d the estimAte now before t.h• Douce. hai !' •reel to 11 raport, wblon b8' would take tho C•pt. D • ME :tt.OTflll tba$ tile llem or £109 for tha op~or·uhity of reaaing to the Hvuse. It WA& .. fo'. S 'i~ry of HiS Excellenry'a private secretary te poe~ J~w• :- pone", wltb the vi<w of Ita btl g lncreaaei to tloort, The Boleot Committee appot-.ted on Frlda7 the 21st In order t at the £3il0 •year now paid to \bat Gntle.

day cf Ootober, 1S53, "to conalt!.erwba\ ate~ a •bould man •• a·member of the Centr8l Bead. Boud m!cht be hl!en to se:rure a aultlble Temporary Realdence be atruok <ff from toat derarhmnt. for the' future G"vernor of Viator!•," have ~.e honor Mr. srRACHAll '"oW wah t.h8'10mmittee to COII!F to tep>rt tJ your Ho:wr. ble Howe- to some d•fi•lte eonclualou u to disposing of the eat!~ Th•ty~urcommlt:ea.o of opllon ~hatdrrlngtbe ma•es, iu order to &Told a debete arlolng ru OVtllJ'

aext hru yeAra auftiolent time wtille •ffJr<ei 1> bold lt•m. Bo thought It would be well to t.dbGio to the a perm~nent Government Howe worthy , t lltla lm- salAries fixei llat year, wLh a oertaln per-centage of portant <olo~y ; but that In tho - ut:meltis neceta.ry lacreuo. As a general rule, be thourb' 5belncrease to secure a temporaTy t&ilde!lte for the reception 01 of ~0 per cont. would apply to the solatles from £3Ct Hie ExoelJer.oy the fa lure Lieuteuant..Guve,nor. up to £1000. Be shoulol mote thai lbea<l&ty of t.he

Your commlttu b~ve ex. mined tbe tenders of howes prlv.te secretery should be t7001 and the howe.r811l Which h•v• bee~ made tD the Gvverllme!lt for ttris £3~0, • • It •tood In the estlmatea. 7 purpo,., a~d co. alder that no•e of the:u are f,ee :rom The A UDI !'OR. GENERAL wlalled to ll:oC>w wile-all o jecilon either u to size or situailon. I her it wa.a tbe wiall < f the ho11. member to plellge the

Your committee find th>t ve:y few houaea In tho Honae to t.he &alarleJ of hal year, w1t.h 51lJ er cent. ifll;x:e1U.te vicinity of Molbourno aff ••d aufticier.t ac - lrcre·ae; cr whether he me;ely •labed•to eat blith tht oommodt.tion. geural prlnClfle, that wheD 1 be Bonae baa v~ted a 11•

Your committee, judgl<g from the rent• d :man 'e:l f ··r lory t would add to tlu.t aal&ey a certain fixed rate ~f hcu•es of the fi:st cla"s, IIIld fr< 111 the bl•h el!arges m1 de c.llowaue ror htwe-rent.; tor fur iture, aro of opinion th•t a sum of LOt leBS than . The t mencUznjnt of Ctptaill Dae wu pa~ alld ::cp. twenty thousud pout ols (six th >~BanJ pounds at lt!8t tlve<L beln; ne, e•ary to provi"e furniture) w1U !>II l'fqul orl I Dr. GREEVE~ .. ld tht as the ealirnaw 'W'ere pre­to csrry out the cbject snbm:tt.d to • our a·mm!t!ee, p&red, allowing_ 10 mu1h for aalary !IIld so arcch· for and that aueb sum of bon'y thourand 1 onnda should Louse-r< ... t, I he lil< uae were Ddoptlni 1ho prlnc!p~o-that;; be left at t he d!apclal of the Execut~ve Gnvernment. the Governmellf w•re to provide quuten for all ttelr

Your comm''toetherefore recommond . h tan Address otlioers, He thoutbt the test way would he, 13 vo:e· be presont•d tq lhe L'euter!IIlt-Gove·~or, puyl~g R ia one sum u aal!'ry to eo~ Efticer, and not 11 ce. ta!n eum Ex.e\loncy to cz.wa to be pit ced o'l ' bo Ed m>tea for .., aai!>ry an•l uother sum tis an allowaaee for bcae­the yeor 1851, tbe aum of twe ty th>UI&t d t ounds for re~<t. t.ho purpose of p ovid ug aanita~le temporary re>id~noe The A UDIT0R-GENERAL thcusht tl.ere were for tho future Gonrnor of Vio.~ria. v•ry 1erious ohjectlona to pu:tlng the whole In one·

(Blgne') JOHN FOSTER, G;oirmrut, amonrt as s~lary, 'l'be otject lndlvldlcgt.he aalary It ml,;ht be ttongbt t hat t e commltt: e we18'aaklng frcm th~ allowMce for houS11-rent wn, Ia ordtr (Ill tte.·

for a very l.&rge 'um for tba accommoaatlon of Bla pr.se~t year the e beitg a mo•t matvelloua state of Excelle·•cy for tw J yea·s, but •ccordin, to their col. u. thin&!, and the prloe of hoUl'e-ront ha'flng risen In an l&t'ons it would coat bet~een 17,0001. and 18,0001, ao.d exfrA(•rdlna•y m•nner) to provide for that exceptional they thou.ht !I better to ask for t he >uJn of 20,9<01. to state of tb: •.s. It wos ve:y proba'-le tl!at tbat parllou­prcvido for any contlr·genoles wbloh mlgbt •rlae. Of lar lttm of ex1'"dUnre might be nduced, and it "ollld thin RlllD, 60001. would be exponded In fur:. !lure, which thou b• muob eaoler to alter the amount of allowuce might be su'sequcntly lrat•fe.red to tho pe m•n·e,t fer bvW<e->ent tbon to alter Lil the aalarlea of tl.e residence ~f His Excelleiloy. Alth Uib the committee GoYfl. "..,,t ctlicen. lud not, In the report, um<d IUlY p&rtloo!ar house, · r. II! ILLER w•slled 13 be p;ut right~~ to llh;ther tbey were u'anlmou; i.l tbelr opl·ion ot what house It wosl•!e,~el tb~t the Government <tliaezs were to Wll<S mozt •ultable, and they bad mecortained that that h.ve n allow~noe for house.rent luring tte present howe mi;.ht be procured fer tho sum namei Ia we l'>or.,sed rite ofrents, or wbether II wu illtonded that report. The committee ba1 thought it w.uld m re whether h use-rent rv£e or fell the allowance for bouse. p·o;1' rly rest ,.t :b tho Exeoutlvo Government tb•n ront was still to be c1r.tL u~d. Bethought tho upeDIO w;th tl>,c,msolve• . to determine upon the pr•ohe J·ou•e, of llvbg In the colony did net jusl!fy a fOtmiUlent .nd o,ry propo.ed to put tho Government 11 a po llio" lncre .se (If fifty rer cer.t. on the sliarles. If tb~ to !ttJ~ tn the m .. ,t r, by p\&,ciD! this su::n a~ theic dts~ a•towf\1 Ge we ·e merely to cover the e.xpnse ~ f hovae. po•a', Ha <on:d tb r<fo'" "'~ve "That this CO!Mnitte~ reltl; be would lli.tlmate to the Hou!e th··t bouse-zents aonaldor it <xpedient that a•> a' dr~n to presel:ed to "ere very rapidly falling, atd by the con.mencement tho L'eutenat t.G venor, rraylng Bls Exooll•ncy to> of n~xi ye.r h&llad no ~oubt that re~ts would have .. usc to be place! on the E•tlma';ts f r the year 1SH, fallen fifty ~er cent. the •um of 20,000!, for the purpoa• of providh>g z Mr. 8PLAT1' thought there w,s ana<:vanta~e lu the suitsb'e t'mpor6.ty r<s'dente for the fature Governor of presor t arnng<m&lll, as, if rent& shauld fell, it would Viocori@., on~b!e thtm to reduce the prof:OSed GlloYauce, which

Mr. F ·• WK ER said, tb:-.t it op:.x-arel tl'at the E~c- they could not so re\<lllj do if tho allowance was in­cutlvo lm,rov<J<l; fotlt a?pe&Hd thai t ey clld n· t l,ko corpo•ated with It e sJU&ry.~ now t~ rod :nto a1 txp nse f £20,000 ~I bout firstc•,n- J.::r. O·SHANASS1t ocservod that If the allowatco of aultin the ··~cusa upon tte "U joat, oltrou<"h they h<l.d 60 por cent. wa• tco .m11oh, le~ them redu e it to 38 per very rooe ·t!y ,iv n a~ e:taml'IQ th•t they w<r> qui'e c, nt. Bulle~ them Olitor Into no arr..ngeme:<t w41ch 1\ble to rpond a very mu .. b larc er aum than iat with, u• •hould look teyond the pre~ent yeor. E'eh yeu'a ooming·tJ t~o C unol11>t 111. I h d bea·, at t•. ~Y a.larie' should .te <'ealt with according to tl.e clrclllll­tte C.>lo• 1•1 S;c' t".ry, that £6000 wonl.i b~ "•ut!iela.t stan~ol of the oountry at t •,e period, alid according to sum for fur i'u o, and il hal ooze:! out <ls•whor• tli ·t '"" senerd estlma·ea of the pu llo exptnditure for the £10 ,ooo w'u'd be ruffi•··· nt f<>r a botse for two ye~r• . year. tee tf,; e ho thou ht 1.16,000 wou'd lie a suffia'o:.t ,,.,;. Mr. AN NAND s~ld the al:owauce wu In Ueu cf a to meet tho. e~e:sitles of tb. 0 '"· A vory . hort t me bouse; •~El whe'ber a Y uug m,n lived in a how& or ;iaoe, £lO,OOO h~d boenaskod forInt· e Hou;e ,0 be 0 ·•t hls own or In the hcute of bis f•ther, the e.~lowaace 16,000 pe",i'k, :md to iJiOJO uthe be>ltb of tba town •llould te tive:l If be w.a worth h!a sa!My t) t.he go er.r.ll, ; ~n. 3 gru.t stand w.u made by the Gover ,_ Government. u ent i:t oppcslcg tb t £rant. And yet, now th.t t,·1~ A !eng and eesulto:y converaot:on llll3ued as to ~•" Go 10rr.or wa:.s o·m'n~ out. who wl'uld have rlenty the •hap> >:hloh the proposed vote for IUI~wtnc;s of pttronage at his dlaposal those Gentlemen wha sb•uld hke, 1n the cou<se tf wbloh wlsl e~ tn ho~ to lhe rislng'aun, mait con:e rd. ward ll{r, MILL'!ilU n:pressod hla bellsf th•t the form cf &!d vote £"0,000 frat mp<;ruy reside• ce f r 0 e ;u. the estimate, u pre,.nted by tile Goierament, could dln•~u I. Bo thought, th.t •y v. ttng £10 COJ for t .ro ~ot re improved an. He tl!ough', hvwover, that lr.­house, aod taooo for furi ituro, t) ey ~liould be goi"': stoa.d of c"\ling i ~ an "allowAnce for home-~enl," It the ex!r,mo length they on;.bt to go; •nd ther·fore bs sb•uld be named "ocntit~;e:.t ~Uowance." moved :b't thHum sboull be .rduc•i t , £16,'03, tar. J. THOMPSON m: ved that tho aliowr.nces

The COLONIAL SEGRETAFY aid tha~ uw;r<> sbe.uld be Cllled "t.d~itions." lh•t lO,OOG/ wou'd b} r<quirod fvr the hon•c. r.e b' _ t.r. SPLA rT ol j 'cteil to lhe word "oontinge-:.t." Jievcd •.IJ.o OOr.<mlttte bad bee11 In tre ty for to pla<e, I· did not expl'ess what WaG mea\.t to toe c<>.veyed by 10td tJ·ey fo•md tb•t tho pur,h se of the ~e>Se w ·cU the allowuce. co&' 10·60.i, and th?::l there w ul:l be a snm roqui•el Mr. MI LER el'pll\l<ed that h!s maadrg of the f r the e•ectlo·' t·f guard .. bou~ea .•nd otcer tt>fnga n<ces- wora "con\logent·• was, should t'e circl!lllatancea.cfthe nryt?fitt oplacofortl:era•.iderceo'HisE:rceUen y. colony r<m•in In the sa~e ptsi!lon ~~ t.hoy new

Kr. O•BR 'E ~ tb u~bt 6000/ wu 11 very large mm we· e, to be •te<t In furniture He bcl'evel that 4000!. w uld £ r. f.1TRACEIAN ult'mately withdrew b!a &mend-be fou ,d autli :lent, and 1harerore ""oved the redrct:oa mont, B!l<l or lb~ sum to 14,000/. 'Iho votes 1rere proc,<>'ei wlth Slriatim~

Mr. GOOD:\! 'N sJd tha~ it laJ been p>cveu ce"'ro DE?ARTl!IENT OF THE LIEUTENAN'l:'-tho oomm~t'ee th•t •o suit ble honss e. uld be rrocu·od GOVERNOR. f: .r a le<a £u 11 t'au that n~~mol In the 1 e, o:t. He On the vote £700 U.!BrY, >.nd £350 hcu!e.Yent allow. tbou·•H th•t h n. n:emte"S •ho otjected to the.!: 1 um anc& lor tho Lieuttnant-Gov·rno.'s rr v"to sea etary, should be prepued to shew t~at "au! table ree:de·ce M:.O'SIIANARBY b:qulndlf the fatnre Licutonaut-c u'd te fr cur<d f r Jes~. Gov-.r:.or abcuH provide ap&rlmen'• fer bls private

Capt.oln DANE thou.ht t!.r.~ a house migo~ se· retell'• would this 1\:lOlUJlte of £350 be gr,...\ed to b~ PU"Ohue:l at muoh less I• ss to the. pub i: that r en'lem•n 1 fltds thanTou'd arls, fr·m tho pro;or.ed arr. Jli&mellt. The AUDI'l'0R-GENERAL: It WJuldno~ In t;:.t It ap· •~rod lh t tho b~u:e whic'' l!.tod be:n rcf,:,r, el to o~so the allo,.anee w•s c, <.tingent. cou1d o ly be hod for two yoHs, a1ld ho drubted "he. Mr. • NNAND mcvod, \bat tho aroovau~& ~e re-tber tle perm r cnt r s4!enee w;a:d be oc.·mpleted in dcJ<> !(> £150, that t1me. It fl honse c u'd be purchased e e.. at The •rmmH(ee divlde.1; 60,0001 he thou ht It woald he a s•.vi,.g to ihe co·o,;r l•• Ayes the ted, for tile i·cre.s&l v .\us of prl'r..er~y ln. the Ncea


nclgbtorhood ef llelbourne wruld te so greet ll:l the oou se o~ t"'' or thret ye ra, tt.a~ wheu the ptzm nent res de: tc wes fi·,lsh<d t;e temporary re<ldeaee mi&ltt Je sold, a~d tl.e >nbUa ba g1!: era by the trau o·i~n.

!rbe amondmant of Mr. 0' B.lisn, roducial tbe all ou,,t t > 14,000!. hMln; lleen neg:.tlnd without uiv1s'ot, tte ame dment proposed by 11iir Fawk·:. r, fix:rg tho 3U!D ~t 16,COOI. Wts rut, lol'.d tl:o c, U.:tll div:ded-

Aye ... viz, M>·rs s• Fawkn&r, 0'!:.ri-ea,and Anna::.d.h 3

Nce1... 31

M j>rlty 28

The amend :lent was accordlc. ly lo··t. Mr. ANNAN I) thea mov d thot tho tum~ fi,~e In

18,CCCI. II 'I, howc-rer, tho ght tb~t the better pla·l would h >.ve been t~ have VJtod ' sum cf 5000Z. "'yon fo' h(use.rent for His ExcoHer,;:,y, and Jet 1 im e:r.retd It ia the w1y te 'lj ught bos; when he &'rive<l.

The Connell divided on Mr. Anruwd'& ~me~em<>;~ t-Ayes 4 No•a 30

ll11jori~y 26

Tho amon(mo t ~~ras therefo'" lost. Capt~in DANE tb•n moved tb. t lito praent motl'u

be wltbdrawr, wl!b & 'iew of reques ~ing His Excel!o!l•y to place upon the Et;timates f r 1854, a sum of 60,0COl. for the pu"poso of rurobaalng a hous<> for tho futu •o Governor of the colony; ll!ld •loo a aum of 6000Z for tho purcb ee cf furnitnre. He w'• quito !11<\'sfiel that teat would be tho mc•t eoonom'cal c. u·so for !Ito colony.

lllr. FAWKNEI\ th<ugbt it woub bo far bet~or to put a sum oo the Est'lll.l>tes sr fftcl~llt for poylng o'e yen's :e~t a .d the pn·D)I· so cf furr!ture & d als? a •nm tonrds the lui .ing o( a ,bousa. A~! wl:en the s ·pp,rs and miners c<me out · ith a oom oten~ .,. _ gineer :>t tb~ir h· nd, they o:u'd be ret to bu:J~ the Govornm~nt :;"ousn; ancl,'It w·u'.!l tl:en, he IJ;.ou;ht, b.e

, done very much obv,&por !ban if tho Govunmeot pro. ce1l!!ed In the ""1' they ll,d dox:e 1lhly with the •ubHc lmUdlngs. •

Dr. GREEV!i:S wis::Oed t.) remicd ll:e Honse r at t•· e select c muo,i:tee h•d. beu app lnted to enquire into the btst n:ear.a c.f provldlog at' m;ot:lty reside • for His Ex~.leoc7 ; &rod he tbou;:bt that t~e rl.;bt 0 ;,. r;.e for the lion. m. mbet fur South B urke ( CaJ•t Da~e) to puiSne w,,u d be to refer t'e subject of •he p11rr.hos o f a hoU!!e t) them for conKldere·ion, ratb,r tha.:: brln<ing forward bla mation In ita present sha: e He (or


!bJrity 3l

Tb~ amendme!lt w&s accordingly Jest, ana the vote wu agreed to, es &loo wtre the t thcr item ,m,k'rgthe vote £58.~2. £11~0, •ho \'ot• for cont!ngcc~ie·, lrcludinC pu ' · ateJ of b~r!es f dder, orderlle•, &c., WtB alllo •greed to, mal<ing toe whole ezt'=te fot the Lleu­\cxu~u~Governf.r's deparfmor.t1 £4.013.

LEG!!>L , TIVD CO UNCI!.. On tte YOto 2000Z. sal,ry for tho sre.kor,

' ·. (.'BRIEN lAOVed tll&t the ~a!ary te !200&. flit . STRACHAN movel !llatlt be 1500/., and Mr. MYLE3 mond, ra a thlrd.Dmo .. dmant, tbret the

t. hry be lOU l. Kr, O'BHANASBY cc~aidered lt i· jud!olous of lhe

Cnunoll tllua to tutdown the only ~alary In wt.i.lh they exercised •t Y P•tron· ce. Sll'!log th11t lMfe aal~ries were lo te tlven to th• c fti:en of the Executivo, be did not tbl· k th•t they ab· uld redHce below the atl.ndarll •cc·:in\sd t' them, ttl" Bllary gtve!l to the tee.d of'tbit l<a~ing lnstiktlonofth~ colcny,

ThG several • mond:nonts were then put f,rom tile ohai , aa1 tbose propo•ilog 10001. and 12001. ra1pcc.: tively were nojfatlvoi 'lrito.out dlvition.

On the t melid.- ent !'f~P"SinJ 15fi0i. tho cornm:ttee ~i~7de:-'.

Ayes ])lees,

!'ajo !ty

... '2 13

... 11

T.10 'a':!'ondm n~ was tharefore :ost, tmd the original Y.rte of ~:ooz. wu "greed to.

On the vote SOc I, eala1y of the Clulrm~n of Com~ m!tte.;>s,

Caphl:' DANE movellha~lt bo.reluoe!l to 6001. Mr. F. MURPHY e:rplaln<d u h.vlog h~d expe­

' i~nce h'msolf ,.f the du:l•s of the Cba,rmaa <f Com­m'·tce, h·.t the'e !l.•otiel tool!: up ell the time of t~gel!­t em~ who J>Oh".'led th~!!' •. b~th du·ln!thaday a:tdtl:e eren'nll throughout tbe session, so as to preve"t his de­voting himself t~ the pursuit ol prlva' e t u•lness during the se;a!on; a~d t':lty mu ·t ~II ace that if au)T prl-r·ts busiress .-ere lt.ld ••Ide for half the year, It oou1d not bq 1 csumed at will du· ing the toer W.ll.

Tte ame~. mod was l!egitived without a dlvla!o~, and the vote was a,~•ced to.

1'l!s votes £800 Ld £600, wEb ti..eir reapecti~e allow. r.tc;s of 59 ;:er ro'it. iff the salaries of tl:e olorll: a~d aslis.l>n~ ck k oft e Ccunell, were, o:> then etten of the SPj;;AKE:R, ro· 'po•rd, wlt'la v'ew to tholr fnrl.ter consl'ora ion for !ncre'il'e, ••• actO rd\rg to the bon. goc t'am, n, tb<y were som9 of tbe very !ow fallrie! whlob "orarollncre sed upon lut ~ ou'a SQ.\! e.

Gt~vet) o. uld ":ell ap. reJ'Ate the feelln.gs of del' cloy Wh10h bad OOOiiSoOlled the Witbt~r.wal of ,be mc·ti. no t~e hOI!. me.ilber f~r W;I·'S L&.-J (C&p:. C,•l•)roi tive

IVed•esdav, 16th Nottmber t, the {Urchase of the resldenPe of Hll proaent Excel-The Spea}(er tout t~e chrr.lr ~ d:;;y a~ five minutes Ieney; eltbougb he Wa! d~,-d?dly of cp!d n t'JT.t it

0 11 the Item, t264, for additional £hOttt and wr'ter du, lng :he se,!IJn, a desalt 'lY CJn~e· sa'.lon toolc I Ill e, in tho cQurao of wh:ch eeve.al t~a. mei:Jb<rs e:}rcsted a w'sb that an extens!Dn of t'e shorthand.writ'ng ao­C'm'llo at!nn at pre•e·t pns!essed by the CouacU th uld bt m•de, nit oftn W.I>rened lb.t ton. &elll­b~n on comf'l<ttees tad t take ,be no!es of tho prll­oeedlnts thelll':elvea,

pilst · hre~ o'cicck. would have bee~ klghl:r oonduclv, t~ the publlc :ntar­est If the mot!on had b, en rl~ed fully tefvre t e

N01'1CES OF UJTION, &o. Htuae, as he Wall persullOel that sooner or Jator tho fr. • ILLER, ~t the requ st of Mr. l!!evc'·',oo. colo~ywoudfeelltselfeiille\•pO.D, rortbeuka<ft~o

tlli.td !e~ve of AbsO! ce ror lbatgentltma'l for four.e~.'l o!ty, to pnr~haae the ·2rorerty h wh'o!l that m(t;on re. dt:ss ferl'<!d, a··d he thought tb"'t at no larger oull•y than The Item was p stp?r•d. on the motlo'l of llr.

ll0Dl80N1 f·•rfurthe conslJoratlo,, The whole vote vlz,, £?036, with a'lowatooa, £1275,

minul tbl1ltem cf tle~. was then agree~ to. oa voted contingently. With thb exception, ~~ the allow:mces we~e meant to be not con. de- tingent but temporary,

IIowever, without Gettling either this s-,s

verbal controv~sy or the more im-

:··r. i'AWKNER ros t? tiven~tlce that on Frid . .,. would reault :fr,,m tbe step rQ4omm•ndod by tho c m. ue%t he w~u1d ask I he Colonial !lectotary whetb' r 'ny mit tee ~bOlo ;;rem 'set might h .• va been made rultsble m•p f the oolon'es ba<! been lateiyaent home from th• for. the tompor;,ry realdeuce of ILe future G.ver. Survey Offioo t·. be etgraveil ; Ud If ~o, wi..ether any n'. r. Tho seloet committee btd enqul,el into tho l:t'J,Ies h!d! e'n fa tlshell ror the uae of the colonr. question of U:e purllb.se of a houu, rs well u

'rho SURV~YOR.GENERAL woud to,ly to the tb&tor !e~stng, and had roportelilba\ the test m&.~e qu stl?n t• o co. About fifteen monthe ago, a map of wou;d b• tl Io~re ~ hou.o in the ne!gh~o'h~"d of

61 <le Qt> ony bad btell sent home tll Arrowsmith to bo M&b<ur.:~e, as there.,. .. no ed:tloa sultall'e forth> ~ la!;ra~~d. Proofs bad bee'! aent out, "hloh ba·~ bee~ purpose In the marll:tt for ia'e. He n:uat tbero·oro

corru.ed up to a '.ory recent date, and relutned hon;e, oproae thQ amondment cf the h~n. member (Carta'n

o., the vote of £;9~0 f.:r conllrcencles, ;, c~ud\Jig b·olts and l'fol"'rl for the Ll'r!ry, brotbln4111!'• fuel, &c,,

Mr. M LLER n:pusa d a l:ope th&t soma effort would be made to l'ep1:ca the p~es~nt "1 ubbilh" lu tte Ll .rary by beoh and WI rir of acme real 'llliue.

T' e v. te W'1ls agtoed to. portant point of recognising a fixed printiple of procedure, the details of

f,· ~xpenditure were entered into, and bon,

1;; memben w_oJl\ Ul{OU!h. ~. o~reJV.on7 of la-:.d he had no dcu lt the eugrav<d plu' would bQ oom. Dane). pl.t.~ Yory shortly. Captain COLE auppottea the amendmer,t, hoause

r. D•. GREEVES ga.ve notice that to-morrow (this be thcatlt It would be f&r mere ~.enoddal to tte 148 d&:r) be should aubmit a l'eloluUou to tho Bonn ex- oo!ony that a pnrcbue shculd be made, tbsn tbal • 167 prualng an opinion that, pendlq tbe COIIItructlon of iarce aum of money ahould be expeudocl for a leue. 13 tho wator:11'0tk1 Jli, lltlboarae1 it~ D!~lr7 thlll l ~h~ 1111e~~ment ~t Cap'~ Dll!! WM aa,a pu' ~·

COLONIAl. SECliETARY'S. DEPARTMENT. The vote of uooo a&!ary, and £100 allowance tor

howe-rent, f~r t.he Colonial Secretary , wu •greed to wltheut diiiOUIIIon.

u btlq now ·~ o'olook1 t~• oo111mi«et adJ 'arll~ for 1111 hOllr! · - -- ·

16 November 1853

Page 2: u• :j - Parliament of Victoria · The Boleot Committee appot-.ted on Frlda7 the 21st In order t at the £3il0 •year now paid to \bat Gntle. day cf Ootober, 1S53, "to conalt!.erwba\

Tbe Hoae rM'IIDlt1lb 1lttlop ID 00111111l&ln at men ll'olook.

On Ule Item or £1200 for llllarf and allow- &o tiM Aulthnt ColCIIIIal Seorebrf,

Jlr, BIOH&T r mored the pfldponement of thtt item, with lht'flew of lao..U.g lhe talary &o £1000, !Dde­perdonlly of the allonaae for h"UJe.reaL

Th• ~oLOI!lUL SECREl'ABY ali that U.e lahry had t. .. hed by t~e Governa:ent who were the belt judgea ofwbat It oqht to be, end be dld not think It neoeuary to !Dor eaae the pnbllo ex per! H.

Tile ~otto~ tor postponemo. t h•viag been withdraw.o, Ult v. te wM agread to,

'The l:ll•owb•g vo!ea f>r the ColoDial Beore&aey•a aepartme>t were thea agreed to, v~z.,- I

Thirly-aix oler.U 13.725 Tbtee meliODilrl ••• 11110 Hoaick88per 80 ArldiUonal clerical asatrtauce

tor OllmpWng retnru re­qwred b., the Leglslatlve Cqunol\ . . • 8(0

Collt!ng8'-cles 880 The AUDITOR-GI:NERAL srJd tba.t In conatquence

of the oommlt~ ~ow &ittlng upon the Bllo!.lk o( Vlc­torla IIIOOrport tlon Blll, he wialrM h pottpoae Ule vote tor the Colonial Troaau:er•a department.

On th6 v~te for £30i:O for the salary a.ad allowanoes to lhe 'Aaditor-General that bon, gentlemen bavlng retired from the Couucil Chamber, Csp~lll DANE moved the pcntponement of this

item, with a view t ' ita be!ng increa~ed by the sum of £500, whleh would pu' his salary upon a par wi•h that of the C , lonlal l!eo·etary. He thoqM the <ffieeof the Aadjtor- Gest ral 'II'U 11 very lmporlnt cne, and involvod a . real deal of labor.

The COLONIAL SECRETARY said that it was raiher an invld!oas tut on t he part of tbe Governmen: to oppQJe an iacrease of their own a.Uarles. The •tlm•t~a had been p:cpared wllh ve•y groat <a ·e by the Govel'llment; and unleaa the House lnaislei upo n It, he would much :rather so on wUil the otttmates, u tlley hsi be' n fr.;.mei. Wltll regard to the m gestlou of Ule bon. me.nber, that th ' sahry of the .-\ndltor­Oenerahh< u'.d be put <n a pAr witht~atofthe C~lonlal

Seoretlol'Y, ·he did not at .tl wish to say that tao AuditJr .. OeLer6l's offioe w.a Dot am. at lmpotbul OLe, bl\_t he .rould merely rem;ull that the offi .e of Colon!al lleJret..,y w ... ge~er&ily oersldered t> boa higher one inranlr, a"d u~leas s ·.me better reu ·n th!Ul that of equs!ialliS 1he tJI'O ollioes were glvoo, he lrualed the Bouso "WVuld pau the vote as It was.

The &'lllendmont was then put and ne.;attved. Mr. BTR A.CHAN movoa that the sa1aey of t~ e

Auditor.Goneral :..o fixed at £1200, wllloh waa the amflunt 'VOted last year, and !600 for Ule allowance for bouse-rent, mating In til !18~0.

The CJtt•.oll dlvido:t, when th111e appeared-Fer the ame. dme: t 3 A11al41.t it 2t

lbjority 21

The amendment was aoeozdlngly lest, and the o;lg!D·lv~te Lf £2000 w . a then agreed to.

On the v<ote of 12001. for lhe E .nmlner ln the Audit Offiot, • I' Tne AUDITOR-GENERAL nid th.t this was r. new ofli:ewhloh Ubad ·teaa fouud ni oesury to li.Si tute inooll8· quenoe o• the amount cf l usineas which h•d aoorueri iuth1 office.

C•pt.in DANE looked upon this 11 In fact the appolntme tofa De,uty Auditor-General, HI ahcu d thertf re move th t tl.is Item be at ruot out.

Mr. F. MURP3 Y said that the A.niito . Oe·eral's offioa illvo'ved two d·Jl'eront duties, viz., the ox. mira. tion of aco-lunts and the keeping o: ,he public aooounts, and it bad bee~ f uad a10olu ely "'senti , J th .t these depnrime"'• of t he AuJit Office shou\.1 be se;arat ed.

The AUDITOR G •!JERAL s >h\ that he th>ugllt Ule st..lf o hi8 de~>Srtme t was Ml amc.ll a.s could r.t all sa~Lfaoto ily pe:fo;m t1e duties of tho office. In A me ic~, where there w.-s a pu' l!o expe dlt ill'e of £5,000,000, there were five .ludlto·a, thrt eC >mptr llers alld a 'freasu er, ud a toto! number of olcru in the TreAsury cf bet eea 130 a•d 143. In comp,rison with the l&t >blia' ments at home, the Audit Offi>e In thh colony per!Qrmed a large portioll of the utin tf the Loxds of the Treasu·y, the entiradaties of the C >mp­troller. cf .be Exolteque•, a oo .ald••··bla part of tbe dutle~ of the P Jym~,te· Ge 1eral, •nd the whole duty of the c,mm:asi•>mers of Audit. He tb.oaghtwhen tbia was bflrllo In min~, hon. members w.uld not think that the r111mter Lf i$G:>tlem ln in the esta~l!ah.ne;>t waa to~ large.

llr .MILLER eDq•1i:ed how the aoaou t1 of the colony were tinY!y audited, and where tllelr ultim eta des• inatlon was ?

TheA.UDlTOR GENERAL nil that tko &O<lon ts were flrP.t o.u 'Ued L tho AuJI, Offi,e; and, · fter they were rea -lved baok fr.:.m tl.e T•easury, wore re.audlted a~ d preserved in the Audit Offi '"• and were comprls :d Ill. tbaooo u..-.t la'd upo1 the tr.blo r f tho Ho\lle ev<ry yo~r. The a·ra•go;nent had been pr. posed by his (the .Audl'or-Ge eral'a) prod·. oessor ill offio~,tb~tt· e &coflu ts Lh)uld be cu ited •y the CJI!Dciii·aalf; but, in his ( tho Au-Jitor-G' ' er•i's) oplni~r ,snob a~ &ttdlt by a c'mmit­tee of t ' e Counotl, would not really be satlllfaoto•y. He though; a sys!e'!l somewhat similar tQ th:.t s.dopbd In G.ea~ Blit&in, viz,, th .t thoro s'ou'd bo a ~peciat depadment with p&. ulil>r powe:s, and t J a c;rt.!n ' e gree lnder.eildent of t 1e Goverament, for tho and \t of the aooou.:.ts, won d be very adnnt.\geoua ; an~, be believed, s~me suoh ugge,tion wosld be mede in f:. m'n:; tho Ee.r Couc~ tu'lon. He th' Dght It very desirable rh.t llie Fill~. ce OfliJer of t Ge Gover•ment 1hoald not b• m:de tho fi~~l audltlr of tho public :o.coou!lts.

Mr. S l'RACEIA.N m,VJd th~t the salary C·f the Enm!no.· in tha Aut\1\ Ofli~e sh u1d ba firei at t600 with an•llowoneec.f taoo,

Tho 6me~·~me!lt of CApt&in Due, propoaing to -strike out theltem altogether, wa; put and ne.;a1ivoJ.

The Cou lei! then dividod nfon Mr. St.acl!a.,•s mo­i!on, v.-he t there appeued­

For tho mot!O!l Against it ...

The amendmeo\ ,..~, aooo!din&IJ loat,

13 18

Mr. MOL•.UON then moved th•t the saiLry r.nd allowauce ahou!;l be fi ·od at !1050, wtio 1 w • s ag' ee.i tJ. ·

Tile follow! •g iter>:s of ext:e 1di!ure fot the i.ep~xt. moat of the Au~it >r Ge~•- .1 were then agretd to, v~z.:-

Chief Clerc, £900 : 'wenty sevou oier'c~, £11.550. Tw > mi s !8'llgers and h W!e~.-;eper 1 £.730. Co!ltlnge .ci<>, :£770. 0.1 ttte vote <of £1 ~00 lor a.~lary atd allonnce to the

Clerk of. the Exacut ve C unoll, M:. IJ'rRACH' N moved t!lat it te redu~ei to £600,

hs uhr.r . oflasl ;ca-, a01d r.aoo ~llowanco. T]!e COLONHL SECRETARY slid thai the Clerk

of the Encut:ve C, unoil pe, t •rmed his du ·:es moet effioie tiy, and he (tu Colonia!Sooretary) did uot think that the sala-y proposed by the Gover.,melit wu at &il CXOES:l1VO,

The a.meodmant was thell rut a•:d negatived, a d the orl&lual •nm of 11&01. wos &';reed to, u was a: so the vo!9 ~f 3701. for the oont'ngenaies in the depu:­me.t of tho Exe~u:.i•e Council.

On the vo·e 33,01, f r sa:&ry 11 d alb..,ance to tho Cbiel Ju tioe, I ~ Mr. MILLER enquired nn<ler "«h~t a-ravgem'llt this aalary , as ao ... paid, the Chiol Just:ce tel g a·.£ent from tho '!OIO'>., ?

Tho ATrORNEY GENER ,L taid th•.t tho Chief J usttco lu.vlng sel'V:cd the col "Y rc.r mr.ny yellrs, had ob~lno:l. 18' ve of •b•e•;~e to reorult l!s he>llh Ee wo111tl ntt receive the i11or tacd allow•nce until his ro!u to the colony.

The \'Oto wa, t'.e1 ligraed to, a. aho were the f !­lowing lt<ms in connec~lon w!th t ' e department f the jud.;es : -

Two Pulsno Jud,es Tbl'ec Ju1 es Aaaociat•s 'rhra;:, ¥es!Jengors Co. tin ·onoie•

... £6,000 1,360

600 ~.150

The voto of !5310 f>r the d•pMtme· t ot toe La.w Offi nra of the Crown, wa, then agroed to.

Oa the v te < f t3960 for the deputment of the l!:fas­hr In Equi y,

Mr. MYLES i quirod wha~ p·ovlo!Gn was made for holding au I .. ,ol:ont CJ!Irt at G:el-1ng 1

Mr. STRACHAN sai~ t'· ro\ tLere w&s no need or au Insolvent Cnurt at ~elnng,ls helel!eye;l In tho lut twelve months the.e ha.d OOell on!y ono case of las 1. veno; ttere.

tfDIIIIOIU Of lba Protb~l dapartlllen,_tlp'Md to wiU.onl ditouulon.

On Ule tote 6960l. for lalar!ea, aUowanae1, and con. tlarenofet for the deparkaeat of tbe Bherltr 01 llel. toarr.e,

Mr. STR&CBAN moved u an amendment, that o 17001 for lalar7 and aHowuoe to tbe Bberltr be reduced to 11001.

Mr. O'SRI.tv ABBY objeoted to the redno'lon. Tbe Sherif had to give heavy ae; urlty for the oischarge of the dut:ea of hla clftce, and n1 &lao liable to aotloa if he fll!led to pe form those datle!. The sa.larJ therefore of thst cffieer at ova all othe,. ought not to be reduoel, It lhowd te also auffiolel!.t to maintain hi.s raat and jloslt!on.

Tbe vote wn then agreed to. Tbe vote t1880 salaries, allowanoea, and oontlngen­

oles of the department cC the Deruty She tift' Qf Gee· It.na, wu agreed to withoat dlaoliiSion, e.a alao weze the following :-

!1000 Depnty Shariff'& liepartment at Portland. £2084 !OJ. De,ut7 SherUh depariment at Cadle·

maine. !1881 to•. Depn'y Sber!Jf's department at Sr.ndhunt

(Berd!go). On the wte £1884 lOs, Deputy Sheriff at Heathcote

{M'lvm ) . . Mr. 0'.9 HA.NA9SY objaotei to 1he ap:<'olntmont

ofaaher!Jf In this l~callty, a! u · oslled tor, on aooonnt of the pr~xim!ty of t be p!aee to the ot• er g ·>ld-fiolds, where Undet Sheriff• were ahtloned already, He moved that the vote be struck out.

The oommlttee divided­Ayes Ncea

Majority The vote wat aco>rdlogly struck out.

16 u


Tll~ vote £1884 lOs., forDepu'y Sbetilf'• depar:ment at Beedt<ro tb was agreed to.

The vole t soa tor Pollee Magistrate& acting ae De,.uty Sheriffs at var!ou5 places, was postpoa,d.

'T h• vots £838S, s.Wies,llllow.u~oes, r.nd oonttngen. oiea of the cffioers ~f General Besslona and Coun!f C urts of tho lfe!ropnlltr.n D;atrlot 'll'&i a ; reed to.

On the vote f6495 for the Courtt of Benlolls and Cou•,ty Coort of the Wet!ern District,

Mr. O'SBANASSY moved to atrllr:e out thelhm or £376 for clerk of the peaoe, a~d £200 for ballilf at the Gra.•ge.

Tbe committee dlvlied : Ayes .. . Noes .. .


10 21


The amendment wu aooordlnaly l est, and the vole was ag1 eed to.

Oil the vote £8321 for the Conrt1 of Sesalona aDd Coun y Court ln the Northern Dlatrlot,

llrlr. O'SIIANASSY moved that the Item f~r Heath­cote, v!z. £846, be thrown olft.

The .6.Tf0R.NEY-GENERAL deprecated auy such proceeding, It would In etfeot - <lint tfl a deoi•l Of jnstlceto tho dlgt ert In that 1 oalitlf.

Tile committee devided. Ayes ... Noea .. ,


5 26

The amendmeat was thus lost, and tbe vote was agreed to.

Th• House then resumed, Tae Chairman reportrid progrest, and OJtained lea.-. to ait aga.ln to-m>rrow (thla day) • .

HtRBOB REGULATIONS AT Gi ELONO. lllr. COWIE moved; Taot au Add,.,es be preser.t•d

to His E tcelle .Qy the L\eutenant G•v<rnor, pu:ying that he would oatin to be l~ld O'l the table of this House a list of all fh t I! fornntinns l •ld un 'or the Harbor Ro.ulations at the Pollee Ofllce, Geelong,f.om the fi rst day of Ootober ultimo to this d~te, dlattn­gt lsh!ng thore o .ees u;Oll whioh co . vi tlons have 'o!­' owed from th011• dl~m·ssed, tnd the amount of tln•s !mp sed in eaoh o~se. Also a copy or coplea of auob !Iatb r R•gul ·t ions as c·ay have been issueo! or been in force with!n ~he huilet (Gee! ng) duriaz the s~me parlod.

r, was, lie said, with a view to r.mend tkase regu. latlono th•t te wlalted thls 1 form•tlon to be fur.Ullhad, ani the r •sulotlola to be l•id before the Hcuse.

The COLONIA.L SECRETARY intlma!ei th>' there was no olj ;oUon 1<h1tever on the part of the Goverement to fumbhlag thote retul'lls tl far 6li pea. aible.

The motion was then agreed to, On t ile motion of Xr. Hod&"sOn, the retlilon of Chrts.

o. her Thomas Peters, pre•entod by him oil' the 15tb in t., w"s ordored b te referrod to tile C lllmlttee oa the Diso~very l'f G.>ld, r.ow slttior.

The Hcuee thon •dj u:t>.cd at five mlnntes to ten 6'oleok. NO rlCE.il Ol1' MOTION ANlil ORDERS OF THE

D ,y, Thursday, 17th No•ember.

Govsa~MBNT BusiNESs- ORDER OF THE DAY. 1. Esl'.m:.tes for l 864, a· d Sup;>lemeutary Esttm~tes

for 1863,- To bo fUIIa•r Olru!ldertd In commHtee. GENI~RAL Bu,IMEss-NorroRs or <-TION.

1. Mr. W. NIC i0L10~: To •sk the Colonial Secretary, Whether any steps h~ve been hken with regard to" brid,;e <·V6r "'" Y .. rra l'arro, at R!ohmond 1

2. Mr. 0'3EI.;.NASSY: T<> mo~e, Tn .. t ihe B;ll entitled "The Melbourne Ship Canal and Doc's Com• pa :y'• Bill," he now rea.t a first time,

3. Dr. GREEVES: ·To move, That the Hou·e ro· solve it.seif int> a oom:dt'ee c.f the wholo, too •mslder th• prop-l .. ty cf presontLg ~~~ aJdrrs' tJ His Exocl­lonc1 ttle Lbu!ena\lt-Govern• r, axpressiu!l tho opl io11 of the Cou• ollth tit Is neoeasary for t!,.o a.fety ~fIfo and pr• perty "ituin th' city of Melbourne, t' tale Immediate •!eps to previae, tendi.;g tho con~truot:on of tho oomple.e w .r ks undorteten by the Sewerage C >mmisdoners, Bil , d•q •ate $u;•p'y ot -..11ter t.r :1,c p 11pose .f 1 x in~, u·sb!Da Jira,

Ill EETI;.ros OF SELBOr COMMITTEES, Tbu.,day, 17th November.

Gold Ditcovery- s!_ll o'o!ook, In!emperacce-at 11 ~·olock. Elec.iocs aad Qualfio•tions- at ha~f-put 2 <o'clock.

The ATTORNEY GE"!i!ERAL !meted the:e wou'd be no ne,eulty for h?ld'ng nn !!•solvent C uro at Gee. " 11 long, wh~h would lavolv4 1 very great, and he thought tf uue:eJJary, oxpens~. fe

Tae vAe was then •g:eed to. On t!ia vo!e of !3a60, tor t'ce dep rtment c f th

Orown Solicitor, Capt. In DANE olojeo'eu t' the aal.lry of £1500 for

tl:e Cr•,wn Soilolt<lr, he being r.lso all(.wed to prac &I tile priva•.ei~; 0111d propo;ed lt.s r .duotioa to 12001, bl

Mr. 9 .I.'.RACHAN a.l! Ill t the sum paid to tbe ·~ Attortey. Gener lwu o ly £20CO, &nd he th u~bt th t t!&OO was too bigb. a remunera·iion for the Crowl! &ollcltof.

Tho AT:;'ORNEY GENERAL w!a of cpl'!lon t!l~t the Cro"a-So.ioltor woa not Gvarp~':l. Very r.w me!l WO•ld be fJlllld 11 ho W< ali dJtObar~o the euties <.f t : e r flioe !n &! "'t'sfacto•y a maacer as !be present Crown Solicitor d'd . lie (the Altornoy GJneral) was por­aua.dod th.t If that ge:-.t~em n co fi ·ej hil attentloa h his printe practice, he mllhl mate an lnocmc c Jn . . sldorab'y i.· fxGc?s of the amou,t proposed to be paid him.

The 3me·rdme'>t WM theo. pnt and negatived, 1 nd the criglnol vote agre<d to.

On th• vote of !t363 fJr the Departmellt of lha Ragiatrar of the Suprtme C u-t,

Dr. GREEVES t~olliht tha~ ~ pro.,.r plaeoof security o•~M t9 be provide I f· r the d~poelt of the pub!io ~ ocu­IQt;;ts p'aced with t'e Reg!atrar-Gantral.

Mr. MILLE'\ s ld that tho gene?al cpinlon abrold •u, that the Re_Jis'ry CtaGO waa a ue.;leoled depart­me~t. He telieved ihe fact was tbat the aooommo. dation i•, the 1 flhe wu very deiofent.

'Ihe ATTOB.NEY.QENER L said tht.t Ute accom­~odat!on In the B.egla:ry Offioe wu now amply &uffi. Dlent, as 1.1la office had bean removed from the Supreme Coart, where the aCIOOmmfldatlen had certainly been defletent, to a reparate building, where ilion wat ample room t vr trana.aotlnr the b1lllll81l of the otll ~e. Tbe DQ!y desideratum new wu a large fire-proof room for &i.e r-ptlnn of doo1111ent1. :.!he •ott ~~ 1'301! f~ ~1011 ~·'!~ an4 0011·