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Table of Contents ACT OF GETTING PARADISE WAJIB ON ONESELF ........................................................................... 4

My Heart’s Account ...................................................................................................................................... 4

How I Came Across ‘The Priceless Treasure’ ................................................................................................ 6

People who benefitted from dars ................................................................................................................. 7

Companion of the Prophet (PBUH) and Golden Rules of Spending Life ....................................................... 8

How Did I get the Visa of Dubai? You Can Also Get It! ................................................................................. 9

Bright Principles for Grooming of Children ................................................................................................. 10

Prescription for Opening the Blocked Arteries of the Heart ...................................................................... 11

Astonishing Incidents of the Wise Sage ...................................................................................................... 12

The Circle of Kashaf Al-Mahjoob ................................................................................................................. 13

Wonderful Secrets of Rose Extract ............................................................................................................. 14

Precious Tips for Travellers Towards The Snowy Areas: ............................................................................. 16

Ziqa’d, the month to convince Allah for acceptance of prayers ................................................................. 17

Monthly spiritual gathering: ....................................................................................................................... 18

Beneficiary of spiritual gathering: ............................................................................................................... 18

Tested practices of Khawaja Habib Ajmi (may Allah bless him) ................................................................. 19

Treatment of worldly diseases with a heavenly fruit! (Farhat Afzaa)......................................................... 21

Treatment with meditation ........................................................................................................................ 22

Beneficiary of meditation: .......................................................................................................................... 22

EFFECTIVE TREATMENT OF PHYSICAL AILMENTS and MEDICAL SUGGESTIONS ........................................ 23

Patients selected Diet Chart ....................................................................................................................... 25

Readers’ Distinctive and Tested Stories: ..................................................................................................... 26

Secrets of making good relations with in laws ........................................................................................... 29

Read the astounding advantages of yogurt; NOW! .................................................................................... 31

Brave old woman and clever thief .............................................................................................................. 31

Make your home a paradise by bringing flexibility in your attitude........................................................... 33

Soft, silky, clear and shiny skin with Turmeric ............................................................................................ 35

Court of Realization .................................................................................................................................... 36

Spiritual remedy of spiritual diseases ......................................................................................................... 37

Secret to Health in four days ...................................................................................................................... 41







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Shiny Hair; Excellent Skin; Cheap Tip .......................................................................................................... 43

UBQARI ANSWERS LETTERS FROM DISTRESSED HOUSEHOLDS. ................................................................ 45

To be successful in exams ........................................................................................................................... 47

Encyclopaedia of family matters ................................................................................................................. 47

Mischievous Squirrel and Coping With sneezing ........................................................................................ 49

Pleasant Meetings with the Fairy that Came From Koh-e-Qaaf ................................................................. 51

4 Priceless Pearl and Priceless hadith ......................................................................................................... 52

The Story of the Rich Woman Who Used to beg on the Shrine ................................................................. 53

Questions of readers and answers of readers ............................................................................................ 55

Manasik Sahaba (R.A) and Ahle Bait (PBUH): .................................................................................... 55

Your dream and bright interpretation: ....................................................................................................... 57

Charity saved from arrest: (Irfan Zahid) ...................................................................................................... 59

Miracles of YA SALAMO ......................................................................................................................... 59

Charity saved from arrest: (Irfan Zahid) ...................................................................................................... 61

THOSE WHO CRITICISE ALLAM LAHOTI AND SPIRITUALITY ; MUST READ THIS ......................................... 63

Islam and Courtesy ...................................................................................................................................... 75

NATAL FRIEND OF THE JINNS ...................................................................................................................... 76

Excitement of Celebration Among the Walls .............................................................................................. 79

Women Inquire?? ....................................................................................................................................... 80

STRANGE EXCELLENCE OF DAROOD SHARIF IN LIFE ................................................................................... 82

HOW TO GET COMFORTABLE AND PEACEFUL SLEEP ................................................................................. 84







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Maintaining honor on a journey: Whoever recites Ya Mo'izzo 1000 times while leaving for a journey and recites it

whenever he remembers it, INSHA ALLAH he shall return with intact honor

ACT OF GETTING PARADISE WAJIB ON ONESELF Hazrat Umro Bin Malik Kashiri RA narrates that I heard the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying: „The man

who shared his meals with such an orphan whose parents were Muslims, meaning took him under his

guardianship till the time Allah makes the child independent (from their guardianship) meaning he starts

fulfilling his needs himself. Paradise becomes wajib for such a man. (Masand Ahmed; Tibrani; Majma Al-


My Heart’s Account How Many More Hajj Do You Plan On Doing?



Throughout life we desire for 1 thing that I wish…. I could circumambulate BaitUllah, wear Ihraam and call

labbaik along with the other hajis. Then there are people who save each penny and go for Haj. The Hajj

of poor and rich can never be the same. How can the value of a Haji who saves each penny can be the

same as of that a rich Haji? But on reaching there, the main thing is to make your time precious. The

thing which has repeatedly come in my observation is that very few people make their time precious on

reaching there otherwise majority walk around with the crowd during the 5 days of Hajj. They spend rest

of the time in destruction, politics, poetry, trips to market, window shopping and then comes the day when

their luggage is being weighed at the Jeddah Airport. I myself witnessed a man distributing dates. On

inquiring it was revealed that he has done some shopping of China goods. Now his luggage is

overweight. Instead of leaving back the China goods, he left back the dates and then started distributing

them. During tawaf, a woman asked the other that at what rate did you bought the cloth. On hearing the

rate, she exclaimed with sadness that O! I was robbed!

Readers! Hajj is obligatory only once. How many Hajj shall we do…. We will do as many as are in our

fate but each Hajj should be done like your last one. I have constantly observed few things which a haji

should take care of. Allah takes me for Hajj with His power and ability. Hopefully my experience shall

benefit you. Pack along few things and do not take a shopping list. The goods which China is exporting to

Saudia Arab, the same goods are available in China as well. A friend from Lahore went with me for Hajj.

There he bought 3 mobile sets and all 3 did not work. When he went to return them, the shopkeeper

refused saying that how can we pay the heavy rent of their shop located right outside the Haram. Do not

go for Hajj with the intention of rest and peace. If you find rest then thank Allah and if you don‟t then do

not complain, fight, quarrel, debate or argue. Take care of your gaze and take care of the

feelings/emotions of your heart. It hurts to see that proper veiled women quit pardah there and when

asked, reply that we all our brothers and sisters. Hajj are the days of extra care and worship. Extra care

should be taken of pardah. Remember! If due to an unveiled woman, Hajj gets spoiled of numerous hajis

then how many hajis would she be answerable on the Day of Judgment and the hajis shall claim that O

Allah! This woman did not take care of her modesty and kept catching our gaze and she robbed us of the

noor which we acquired due to the Manasik-e-Hajj. I remember that few years back the Government of

Saudia placed huge posters outside each Pakistani building and the government kept on giving abayas

(cloaks). On the posters it was written that from the hajis of the whole world, Pakistani women maintain

lowest modesty. Thus, Pakistani women should maintain their modesty as well as her awra (satar). I

regretted and was embarrassed on reading this ad as the hujjaj from the whole world are in Saudia; this







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ad demeaned us in front of everyone. It was not informative but was rather an insult. Another precaution

which is necessary for us on Hajj is not to use anyone‟s belongings without their permission, do not spend

lavishly, but when it comes to spending on food and accommodation, do spend there. Frankness,

laughing, collectively standing of men and women; avoid all these things. A man inquired a pious man

that in olden days, the hajis used to change from top to toe; why don‟t they improve now? He replied that

firstly they do not make an intention. Their intention is of tourism and shopping. Secondly, they do not

make efforts of working on their own self. Thirdly, evil (batil) have made shopping malls outside Haram.

One becomes so tired after being lost in the malls that we do not get the chance of worshipping and

cleansing ourselves in the Haram. While travelling, a Haji from Lahore became my room-mate. He was

very old and desired for Hajj throughout his life. His mobile rang and that happened often. His ringing tone

was a song and it rang on the highest level and rang for a long time as he slept very soundly. Either he

answered it himself or someone else had to nudge him. I requested him to change the tone. He said my

son has assigned it and I do not know how to change it. I took his permission and asked my companion to

change it and assign a simple tone. He did it. The same song rang after 2-3 days. I asked, “Haji Sahab!

Dint the ringtone change?” He replied that I only like this one and thus have changed it again. I became


Readers! You do not go for Hajj often and even if you do then how many Hajj will you do? My request to

you is to make your Hajj precious and each moment of your Hajj should be such that Allah should pity you

and have mercy on you and our life should change and people should feel that this is a haji. Do not write,

call, request or force others to add haji before your name. If anyone writes or calls you haji, negate him

sweetly that this is not my name. If he asks that haven‟t you performed Hajj? Then clearly tell him that I

dint perform it to be called a haji. I have performed Hajj to receive reward from Allah. Otherwise Allah

might say on the Day of Judgment that you performed Hajj to be labeled a haji; take the reward from

those people from whom you took the label of haji. Therefore, free yourself from the word Haji and Al-








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The begging of beggar and refusing his need rather than dying in debt and being surrounded by creditors is much

better. Muhammad Naveed

Preaching of peace and harmony

How I Came Across ‘The Priceless Treasure’ Extract from weekly preaching’s

By sheikh ul wazaif hakim tariq majzoobi chughjtai

Call of Tasbeeh khana: By the grace of God it is the agenda of tasbeeh khana and voice of it that when we will follow the deeds of Prophet Muhammad PBUH then our life and hereafter will be corrected. We will come out of failures and follow the path to success. Circumstances have told us; situations have taught us that there are thousands of such observations. I was reading my mail as usual and this thing came to my mind that if 100 people read ubqari then only a quarter of half of it write for it. Many people don‟t write but for those who do write, I am astonished to read that such humanity is benefitting. That‟s why the crowd is increasing every day in tasbeeh khana. We get dozens of mails in which people‟s view and expressions are written which makes it evident that in today‟s world where people of God have shortcomings and mistakes are present according to different traits and personalities. In spite of that, we are benefitting people not from money but from good procedures that bring us close to Allah. So how will people of God not benefit. The advantages of revelation (wahi): Revelation is revelation after all. Its advantages will remain with us till the Day of Judgment. How can its benefits be vanished. But yes! If we lose the blessings and advantages of it due to our sins then it is our bad luck and misfortune. But the blessings of wahi are obvious to us. Quran is wahi and the sayings of Prophet are wahi .Quran says that MY Prophet PBUH doesn‟t speak till he is indicated with wehi.

ی حوای ح واالو ىی انوون ال عسقنم و

Prophet Muhammad PBUH doesn‟t speak till GOD Almighty blesses him with Wehi. That‟s why Prophets PBUH anger is also truth and His kindness is also truth; Love for Him is also truth; His saying is also truth; His dreams are also truth and His viewings also Truth. Prophet Muhammad‟s PBUH every portion of life is also truth and clearly evident. That‟s why only that life will succeed which will be according to the sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and

whoever will direct his life according to the Will of God will be successful. In today‟s world where science predicts the future and their predictions fail. There the sayings of God almighty and sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH enlightens and keeps on showing that behold you said it will be like this in the future and it wasn‟t. Come on our path; the right path. Disappointed people, tense people, tense from life, pessimist about life - when they follow the path to God then Allah shows by doing it. God says look! it is the way. ANMOL KHAZANA: In 1984 I got a treasure in the form of ANMOL KHAZANA from my spiritual guide Hazarat Khawaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajveri (RA) which I named ANMOL KHAZANA. My spiritual guide always used to emphasize to recite it after every prayer. Once I said Hazrat! It has so many advantages as if it is a treasure. Instantly Hazrat (RA) said excellent! It is a brilliant name. Then the conversation moved on to some other topic. I thought when hazrat had said that it is a brilliant name then why shouldn‟t I name it like that. ANMOL KHAZANA has five verses from the Quran; one is the prayer of my beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Believe me! It has so much power and effect in it that you can‟t believe. . By the grace of God, I have been reciting it 1984 and I have been also a source of recitation for alot of people. The people of God have benefitted from it and their problems have been solved. Allah has told from his uncountable blessings and power that O people if you want to solve the problems of today‟ s life then there is no other path than the path to God. The things in which God has kept blessings you should adopt them and keep them dear and near to yourself. Then the ways to progress and success will start to open and time has told us that if God has kept any success in life, it is in good deeds. I have never met a person who recited ANMOL KHAZANA with complete devotion and dedication and didn‟t succeed in life. Allah turned impossible into possible I can‟t recall any such person who dint gain. Let me tell you that







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all the recitation and deeds that I tell you, I receive the most experiences, incidences, observations, power and impact of ANMOL KHAZANA Long time back we traveled beyond Ghotki, Sindh. Then we walked and reached a village. There the water was bitter. It was saline and barren everywhere. We reached a place and there was a very poor and under privileged man. By the twist of fate, we became his guest. He didn‟t have food in his own house and we were 3 people. When I saw his circumstances, I said this is not right. My friend told me the man‟s circumstances. There was poverty and shortage in his house how could he attend us? Anyways whatever he had, he kept it in front of us. We ate with a lot of hesitation thinking wondering whether anything was left for his children. There was too much scarcity in his house. (To be continued…)

People who benefitted from dars Respected Hakeem Sahib; Assalam-o-Alaikum. I shared my problems with you and you asked me to attend the weekly dars regularly. There is a change in me that now I say my 5 time prayers with zeal and enjoyment and regularly offer tahajjud. Now i love to make long supplication but then I hear the Fajr azan. Meaning when I am enjoying asking from Allah, then I hear the Fajr azan. Some time it happens in mosque that I feel like crying loudly while prostrating. But people might feel that I am pretending that‟s why I don‟t do it. But this condition is rare. The spiritual dars and preaching has totally changed my life. It feels good to talk to Allah. I feel like talking with God for hours to acquire peace. [Maqbool Ahmed; Lahore] For getting access to unique spiritual wazaif and secrets, study Khutbaat –e-Ubqari Volume 1 2 and 3







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In order to remove hiccups take little bit of white zeera, blend it in one spoon of ghee, cook it on coal or hot stove

and taking inhaling its smoke is extremely beneficial.

Companion of the Prophet (PBUH) and Golden Rules of Spending Life

[Abu Labeeb Shaazli]

Do not get involved in useless activities. Stay away from your enemy. Be careful with your friend, but the one who is

honest. Because there is nothing like an honest friend. And do not become befriend an immoral person, because he

will teach you sins too. And do not share your secrets with him. And take advice about your affairs from those

people who fear Allah.

Working at the House of an Old Woman: Yahya bin Abdlullah Ozaai (RA) has described that hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) went out in the darkness of the night. Hazrat Talha (RA) saw him. Hazrat Umar (RA) went inside a house and then in another. In the morning Hazrat Talha (RA) went inside the house and saw that an old woman is sitting. He asked him that why does that person come to her? She said that he used to come to her since long time and that he used to come to her to work and takes away filth and discomforting things. Hazrat Talha (RA) said, O Talha! May your mother cry, you find faults with Hazrat Umar (RA)?

This is Your World: Hazrat Hassan Basri (RA) says Hazrat Umar (RA) was passing by filth and he stopped there. His companions started becoming uncomfortable and he said is this your world on which you take pride/ on which you talk.

To bear Hardships for Mankind: It is reported by hazrat Anas (RA) that in the year of famine Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) used to eat olives and he had forbidden ghee/butter on him. And your stomach used to make noise. You (RA) stuck a finger in your stomach and said make noise as much as you can but I do not have anything for you till the time people become affluent.

Letter to the Governor: It is reported by Hazrat Aamir Shabi (RA) that Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) wrote a letter to Hazrat abu Musa Ashari (RA): „Whose intention is pure, Allah helps him in his affairs with other people. And the one who adorns his appearance for the people, Allah makes his heart dirty. Thus, what do you think about the sustenance of this world and the treasures of his mercy and their rewards. Wassalaam.

Greed is Dependence: Hazrat Hashaam bin arwa copies from his father that hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) said in his sermon, do you know that greed is dependence? Hopelessness is carelessness. And when a man becomes hopeless about something, he resigns from it.

Hardness and Softness of the Heart: Hazrat Amir Shabi (RA) says that hazrat Umar (RA) said that I swear upon Allah that my heart has become soft in the matter of Allah so much so that it is softer than butter, and my heart has become hard in the matter of Allah so much so that it is harder than the stone.

Prescription to soften the heart: Hazrat Aun bin Abdullah (RA) says that hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) said,”sit in the gathering of people who repent because they are the ones who are softest of the heart.”

Winters is a Blessing for Worshippers: It is reported by Hazrat Abu Usman Alhindi (RA) that hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) said that winters is a blessing for the worshippers. Moaning of Hazrat Umar (RA): Hazrat Abdullah bin Isa (RA) says that two dark lines had formed on the face of Hazrat Umar (RA) due to crying. Crying after Recitation: Hazrat Hashaam bin Al-Hassan says that Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) used to recite a verse of Quran-e-kareem in his daily routine and would go in a static state. He would start crying severely. So much so that he would fall down. Then he used to stay in his house so much so that people used to start considering him as a patient and visited him. The Voice of Crying till Three Rows: Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (RA) says that I prayed behind Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) and I heard the voice of his crying till three rows behind. Sense of Responsibility: Hazrat Dawood bin Ali (RA) says Hazrat Umar bin Al-Khattaab (RA)







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said that if a goat should die without any reason, on the bank of river Faraat, I think that Allah will ask me about that on the day of judgment. Golden Rule for Life: Hazrat Muhammad Shahaab (RA) says that hazrat Umar bin Al-Khattaab (RA) said, do not get involved in various affairs. Stay away from your enemy; be careful about your friend but who is honest because there is nothing better than an honest friend. And do not befriend an immoral person because he would teach you sins too. And do not tell your secrets to him and in your affairs take suggestions from those people who fear Allah.

How Did I get the Visa of Dubai?

You Can Also Get It!

I worked in Saudi-Arabia for 27 years. During this time I could not find anyone sincere. I worked as a laborer my whole life. At last I came back to Pakistan after losing hope. I remained unemployed here for a very long time. I found a person; he asked why don‟t you work? I said I am not able to do anything in Pakistan. And I do not have any way of going abroad. He said that a person is required for job in sunrise technical company in Dubai. You should contact there.

They are very sincere people. There is no fraud in it. I called the company on their number and they listened to me calmly and asked me to send the passport. I sent the passport with fear that I may be defrauded again and prayed to Allah, that O Allah! It is the last hour of life and that problems should not become my destiny. After a short time the visa came and I reached there. When I reached there I found many sincere people. They gave me a job. They gave me a good salary. And they treat their employees well. Employees are very happy with them. So this thing was a source of satisfaction for me. And I started working there. Today three years have passed and Alhamdolillah till today I have had no shortage of salary. I send money home regularly every month. My age now is more than 50 years. This is a record company in Dubai. I read Ubqari with keen interest. And Ubqari is becoming a source of blessing for many people. I tell about my experience to people as a duty so that people who are keen about going to Dubai should reach the right company. Yes! To reach to this company I recited durood sharif excessively. And it is due to its blessing that I reached this company.

(Sunrise technical group of companies: 00971502876016, 0300-6824539, 0305-6440002)







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Any person who wants to become sahib-e-kashaf (knower of the unseen) should recite the word Allah openly with

imagination for one hour in the morning and one hour at night. It is better to recite with a low voice.

Bright Principles for Grooming of Children

Selection: Mehvish Naz, Gujranwala.

When something better is revealed by the child, encourage him/her. Love him/her. Rather give him her some money,

so that he/she gets encouraged. And when you see something bad about him/her, try to correct him/her when you are

alone that see! It is a bad thing; what would the people who see it would think about it. And who ever would know it

what would he/she say.

The Procedure for the Grooming of Children: There is an important procedure written below for the grooming of children. The good or bad habit that perpetuates during childhood does not go away for the whole life. That is why these things are discussed from childhood to attain youth in complete detail and sequentially. Feed with the milk of a well-bred, religious woman. Milk has a very profound effect. Set a time for her to feed and take care of the child so that he/she remains healthy. It is a habit of women that they scare the kids with the police sometimes and sometimes with something horrible or scary. This is bad; this weakens the heart of the child. Keep him clean, because this keeps him healthy. Do not worry too much about his outlook. If he is a boy then do not let his hair grow too long. If she is a girl do not let her wear ornaments unless she reaches a proper age. On one hand, it threatens her life and on the other hand the interest of wearing ornaments from a small age is not good for her. Develop a habit among the children to distribute food, clothes and other things to the poor with their own hands. Similarly, distribute things like food among their siblings so that they develop the habit of generosity. But remember this that you do not distribute their own things with their hands, meaning the things that belong to them. Discourage him/her from becoming gluttonous. If he is a boy, try to develop affection for white dress in his heart. And if she is a girl, do not develop the habit of wearing too formal clothes. Do not fulfill all of his/her demands; this develops a bad attitude in the child. Stop him/her from screaming while talking; especially if she is a girl otherwise the same habit will become perpetual when she will grow up. The children who have bad habits or the ones who run away from studies or who like to wear extravagant clothes, stop them from getting around with them. Keep on developing hatred in their hearts about that. Anger, lying, becoming

jealous of someone or of becoming spiteful, stealing, backbiting, to persuade others to agree with them all the time, talking in vein, laughing in vein or too much, cheating others, not thinking about the good things, and when some of these things happen, stop him/her immediately. If he/she breaks something or beats someone, punish him/her immediately so that he/she does not do the same things again. Love and affection in such matters spoils the children. Do not let them sleep too early, develop a habit of getting up early. Never give any concessions about going to the school. As much as possible, try to get them educated by a religious teacher. On some days tell them stories of pious people. Do not give them such books that have romantic love stories or that have essays against shariah and obscene poems and stories etc. Have them read such books which have things about religion in them and mentions of pious people of this world. After coming back from school give him/her permission to play for a while so as to cure boredom. But the sport should be such in which there is no sin and there is little chance of telling a lie. Do not give them money to buy fireworks/crackers or other trivia such as horns etc. Do not develop a habit of going outdoors too much. Definitely teach the children some skill by which they can earn money for themselves and their children in the time of need. Develop a habit among the children that they do their chores themselves so that they do not become handicapped and lazy. Tell them to spread their mattresses at night themselves. Tell them to wake up early in the morning and fold it and put it aside. Take care of their clothes themselves. To sew themselves what is torn. Whether the clothes are dirty or clean, put them in a place that is clean. They should count them and give them to the washer-man themselves and count them while taking them back. Advise the girls to count the jewelry they are wearing before going to bed at night and getting up in the morning. Monitor carefully the tasks







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you assign the girls about cooking or sewing. Then see it with keen interest that how is it happening. If they have done it well, praise them well accordingly. And if it is wrong then try to explain it to them with love. When the kid says something good or shows any quality, praise him well. Love him/her. Rather give him/her some reward for encouragement. And when you see something wrong, try to explain it to him/her while alone. That this is a bad thing, what would the people who see it would say? And that whoever would learn about it, what would he/she think? Never do it again. Good children do not do such things. And if he/she does the same thing give a slight punishment accordingly. The mother should keep on scaring the child from the father.

Never let the child do anything in secrecy. Whether it is sport or diet or anything else, whatever he/she tries to do in secrecy, understand that he considers it bad. So if it is bad try for him/her to get rid of it. And if it is good like eating or drinking, ask him to eat in front of everyone. Assign activities that require effort to

him/her so that he/she remains healthy and strong. So that he/she does not become sluggish. For example, for boys a slight exercise; to walk for a mile or a half or to run. And for girls to arrange for slight exercise in the house. While walking, instruct not walk too fast and that the gaze should be kept low. Develop a habit of humility and modesty in them. She should not show off with the tongue or with her walk. So much so that when she sits with her age fellows, she should not praise her house or family or book or even her pen, ink, or slate. Give her some money sometimes so that she can spend that according to her wishes. But inculcate this habit in her that she should not hide anything from you. Teach her manners for sitting in the gathering. It is hoped that the family will find this essay enough for guiding their children. The parents should read the above mentioned instructions at least 3 times. Groom your children according to Islam and develop your life and the hereafter accordingly.

Prescription for Opening the

Blocked Arteries of the Heart Ho AlShaafi: 250 ml of desi ginger‟s water, 250 ml

of desi garlic‟s water, 250 ml of desi lemon‟s water.

Sieve them all well and mix 250 ml of apple

vinegar. Cook all of them on a low flame in a steel

utensil and keep on stirring it with a spoon. When

750 ml is left, take it off and put half kilo of small

bees honey in it. Take two tablespoons at night. Do

not drink water after that. Drink two 2 spoons

before breakfast. Breakfast has to be done 2 hours

after that. It is a 41 days course. By the will of Allah

Almighty, Allah will restore health. (Man of Allah,

Wah Cantt)







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If you have not become powerful in 30 years and wise in 40 years then you can never become powerful and wise

(Khawaja Baa-Yazeed Bastaami (RA)

Astonishing Incidents of the Wise


[Bint-e-Jamshed Chughtai]

A person passed in front of the shop of hakeem sahib

on foot. That person was not wearing any shoes.

When hakeem sahib saw his the sign of his foot

on sand, he sent one of his disciple at once and said

that a guest has arrived in the house of someone in

the village. Tell him not to give him beef to eat.

Our father had a lot of labor. One of them was from Dera-Ismail Khan who was very aged. Once upon a time he had himself checked up by the doctor and said that the doctors of today conduct so many expensive tests and even then they are not able to diagnose the illness well. Hakeems of olden times were well. They could understand the problem as soon as they held the pulse. Then he told the stories of the sages of his own area. These are specially presented for the readers of Ubqari magazine.

Only the Real Mother Can be The True Mother: He said that once upon a time when we were children, a mischief came to our mind that everyone says that our hakeem is wiser so let‟s go and see. They were friends with me too. Hakeem sahib used to pass by our house after offering the prayers. The time was of after the prayers. We friends tied a thread with the leg of a buffalo and stood out of the house. Because the woman who did not go in front of hakeem sahib due to veil, he used to say that tie a thread with her wrist and bring her to me. And he would understand her pulse through the thread and give her medicine. So we friends tied a thread with the hoof of the buffalo and stood outside. When hakeem sahib passed we said that our mother is not feeling well. He said give me the thread. After holding the thread for a while he said, son only one‟s own mother is true mother. With whose wrist you have tied the thread, give her more grass and food and she will give more milk. All of us got extremely ashamed and we also acknowledged that hakeem sahib is indeed true hakeem and we repented from doing such a bad thing again.

Do Not Feed You Guest With Beef, Otherwise...!!!: Once upon a time a person passed on foot from in front of hakeem sahib‟s shop. That person was not wearing shoes. When hakeem sahib‟s eye went on his footprint, he sent one of his pupils at once to the village to say that in whoever‟s house in the village a guest has arrived, do not feed him with beef and bring that person to me. The poor pupil knocked on the door of a house and kept on asking whether they had any guest? At last resident of a house said that yes we had a guest in our house. The pupil then asked that where he is? They said, he is sleeping. Then the boy asked if they had given him food. The people said yes. The boy asked as what they had given him to eat? The people said that they had given him fried beef. Then the boy said that go and see the guest if he is alright because hakeem sahib had said not to give him beef. And when they saw him he had died.

Strange Cure for the Illness of Lordess: Just like this, the wife of a lord of a village was sick. She was not getting well from anywhere. Someone told about the hakeem sahib. When the servants brought her, the lord said that her wife was extremely punctual about veil and that she would not come in front. Hakeem sahib said, never mind! Spread cold ash in the room. Ask the lady to pass through the ash and go in the other room. When the ash was spread the servant came out. The lady came out of the room and passed over the ash and went to the other room.

Hakeem sahib saw the signs of the feet on the ash. After a while he came out of the room and said to the maiden to ask the lady to go back like this in the same way. Meaning to go back while placing the feet on the impressions. When the lordess passed through them she screamed at once. The lord became anxious and the hakeem sahib said that in her foot impressions where there were places about illness, I had struck needles there. Some infected blood was a reason for the illness. Due to striking the needle the dirty blood removed. Now the lady is absolutely healthy. And he gave some medicine with it too and in reality the lady became perfectly healthy in a short time.







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The Special Edition of January, 2014

The issue of January, 2014 would be adorned with experiences and secrets about health, beauty and fitness. In this, secrets would be told about how to have a beautiful and a healthy and fit body. Readers should start sending their writings on this topic from now so that they can be published on time. (Organization)

The Circle of Kashaf Al-Mahjoob

Hakeem sahib teaches from the renowned book

kashaf-al-mahjoob which is adorned by Tawhid and

prophecy. A large number of readers participate in

this gathering. A summary of two hours of its lesson

is presented for your perusal.

I want to say you something that where the invisible knowledge is bestowed, chests are their utensils. And this invisible knowledge is not attained without effort. A lot of hard work and efforts need to be done for them; meaning as much is the effort, as much is the observation. The thing for which you will work hard, you will achieve more knowledge and observation about it. I give you a big example about it. I have a friend who does business of watermelons. Once upon a time I went to him. And I said to him, give me a red watermelon. He knocked a few watermelons and said about one of the

watermelons that it is ripe and red. And indeed when it was cut it turned out to be red from inside. The ability of this observation was attained by him after a lot of hard work and efforts. Similarly, as much as you and me would get involved in spirituality and work hard for it, so much so the world of observation starts revealing upon us. And after the achievement of observation the human forgets the hardships of efforts.

But remember one thing in this. That the people who are true seekers of the love of Allah, they do not make attainment of kashaf, knowledge, miracles and effective spiritual powers their core objective. Rather they make the attainment of the love of Allah, the lord of the worlds, and the love of His beloved prophet (may peace be upon him) their sole objective. And they grind themselves in the mill of efforts to attain this in their heart. The seeker and disciple who start seeking kashaf, knowledge and miracles, he can never reach his destination. Their example is such that parents give toys to their children that the child may play with it. Similarly, disciples are sometimes bestowed with such things. But that time is of extreme care and prudence. Because the disciple may assume these things to be his/her objective and get deprived from his/her true destination. And if with the love and affection of Allah these things are attained then it is fine, otherwise, following them can be very dangerous.







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Cure for Itch: In case of itch it is beneficial to cook and eat mustard leaves and applying mustard oil is also beneficial.

Wonderful Secrets of Rose Extract

Shakeela Izhar

Constipation heals by drinking rose extract. And this cleans the intestines from germs. Rose extract is such an

example of beauty and health in which Allah has put healing power for human beings. Apart from the skin diseases

it has a value of a useful medicine for other organs of human body too.

In our area people normally depend on various industrial products for beauty and looks due to which the face contracts various problems after showing a few signs of attractiveness. Because these cosmetics that are used for beauty are manufactured with various chemicals. That is why they are normally substandard. And the face becomes home to various illnesses.

The reality is that two to three decades before, there was no trend for such industrial products. Women used to use natural products for attractiveness of face. And due to using the things made of natural products and herbs their face used to remain clean and fresh. The women who used to use rose extract and lemon syrup for beauty and specially to stay safe from skin diseases, they will gain satisfaction by learning that after that modern medicine has endorsed both of these things for attractiveness and better skin health.

A Priceless Gem for the Skin: Rose extract is a priceless gem for the human skin. And the dermatologists use them in various illnesses. Rose extract is very useful for enhancing immune system in the skin. It is also useful for maintaining proper water balance in the skin due to which the skin becomes soft, bright and smooth. During winter, often white and rough spots develop on the skins of children. It is considered that they happen due to lack of calcium. Although this concept is altogether wrong. These spots are called Pityriasis Alpa which is a skin disease. Due to persistent use of rose extract not only their cure is possible. Rather, for stopping this illness this medicine is natural and most effective. Rose extract stops the needless release of water from the skin. Normally in the days of summer who suffer from needless perspiration, for them the use of rose extract not only stops the excess perspiration, but also from the foul odour too.

Rose extract is very beneficial for many illnesses of the skin. Whether you want to remove the wrinkles of the skin or to brighten the color of the skin, then normally various commercial creams are used. But the experts of skin diseases prefer rose extract. Moreover, it is a suggestion of these experts that to save the skin from dryness and wrinkles and to restore the complexion if rose extract is used by blending it with glycerin and lemon syrup, desired results can be achieved. Household women whose fingers have become rough and torn due to the use of washing powders, detergents and vim and they develop sores in them, if they use rose extract with glycerin three times in a day their problem can ameliorate.

If rose extract is mixed with olive and honey then this solves various problems related to stomach and secures it. Specially, by taking rose extract only, constipation improves. And this cleans intestine from germs. Thus, rose extract is such a thing for health and beauty in which Allah Almighty has kept health for the mankind. Other than skin diseases, rose extract is beneficial for various other organs of the human body too. Modern medicine has called rose extract as the light for the eyes. And in today‟s environmental pollution, its use is considered indispensable.

Wonders of Rose Extract in Ailments of the Eye: Doctors say that for the safety of the eyes, medicine is important. Doctors completely agree on this too that to save oneself from the injurious effects of dust and smoke, putting a few drops of rose extract in the eye completely cleans the eyes. Whereas, hakeems say that rose extract is the most useful thing as a dropper. Because this keeps the eyes cleans and saves them from germs. To get rid of a horrible disease such as aashob-e-chashm (an illness of the eyes in which water flows out of the eyes) a few drops of rose extract can prove to be effective. Rose extract has turned out to be such a guardian for the eyes which not only improves vision but also







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develops a magical brightness in the eyes. And the paleness of the eyes goes away forever. The people who work in front of laser or computer should put a few drops of rose extract in their eyes daily. This will save their eyes from harmful effects of the laser.

Rose Extract is a Powerful Medicine for Heart and the Brain: Rose extract is a powerful and exhilarating medicine for the heart and the brain. This strengthens and sharpens the weak heart and the brain. People often use antidepressants and relaxants due to depression and nervous tension. This has altogether changed their lifestyles. These people have become so much detached from the natural way of living that their lives have become victims of lack of peace of mind and harmony. The people suffering from this fast paced life should make rose extract, honey and ispaghol as part of their diet. This can save them from all of the related problems. They should stop living an artificial lifestyle. And living will become easier for them. Because these natural diets have miraculous effects in them. People suffering from mental stress can benefit a lot from these medicines. But our tragedy is that we abandon these natural medicines and start using artificial and injurious medicines. Although rose extract, honey and ispaghul are far more beneficial than them. The hakeems have said that the people who do mental and physical efforts should definitely use them. If these people make them a part of their diet, they will never become ill.

Curing illnesses with aroma is becoming very popular in the world these days. Although artificial fragrances are being developed for this, but mostly fragrances are being developed by

collecting extracts of natural herbs and flowers. Because science has proven that where various medicines fail, there fragrance play their role in an elegant way. At present most of the fragrance is being collected by rose extract.







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Recite Surah Fatiha once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times after every prayer and donate the blessings to Souls of Muslims

for effortless life

Precious Tips for Travellers Towards The Snowy Areas: [Muhammad Zain; Lahore]

In northern mountainous areas, as soon as winter winds start, people start to migrate along with their animals. Tourists going there, often see the scene of evacuating of villages. People going towards those areas are advised to save themselves from cold. This might not be a serious problem for tourists going there by car but can it be a severe problem strolling there or can prove to be a fatal activity. The way the heat-wave is dangerous for people of non-hilly areas similarly a decline in temperature can cause decline in body temperature brings the message of death. Rather people who sleep in open in the plain areas can also die. It is a common observation that the tourism companies also tell people to bring warm clothes even in summer. The temperature fall can be bore in day however for the night; people should arrange warm beds, drinks and warm clothes. According to both old and latest research, even September is a rainy season like August. Even though its effect is much lighter as compared to other months but it can be wet weather at different times. That is why the fever that it creates can increase which is due to the effect of weather. Along with that bile, black bile, phlegm and heat in blood is created. This mucus supersedes and can cause dangerous and heavy fever. And because of these horrible circumstances patient becomes helpless and tense. Teeth start to chatter and even though it‟s not winter, patient has to cover in 2 to 3 quilts. These are the signs that mucus is more in blood and is taking over. According to latest research and physicians, this fever is due to noflees mosquito bites. Its bite causes the poison to move into the blood and it paralyses the white cells. And due to that coldness and shivering starts in the whole body. This starts when the temperature in body drops significantly and the person starts to shiver. He can‟t talk properly and shivers and suffers from memory loss. Connection and link among various parts and muscles of the body can stop. This if continued can cause unconsciousness and even death. There can be a couple of

reasons for drop in temperature of body such as fog, dew, cold weather. Cold winds weaken body so people fond of walking in colder areas and who go there to witness snowfall should be careful. The way to protect drop in body temperature is through healthy body and warm clothes. It is ultimate necessary that along with warm clothes a coat should be worn which can stop external cold meaning cold wind and body getting wet from it and coldness caused from it. Also even if no hunger is felt even then proper food should be used as food is an appropriate source of heat for the body. In colder areas only the arrival of night is not the source of severe cold weather but if it becomes cloudy during day then it can also cause a drop in temperature during day also. People fond of travelling should bring light, water & wind proof tents because it becomes essential at night, fog or in rain. Such adventure loving teams should coordinate with each other and make wise decisions. This way they can save themselves from weakness and tiredness which causes it and can save them from winter. It is also essential that body should remain active as staying stagnant can also cause drop in body heat. To save the muscles from cramp or getting sore they should be kept active. Even in camp while lying or sitting, parts of body should be moved. If any partner can‟t walk properly or can‟t talk appropriately then he should be given hot tea or coffee with excessive sugar. If possible try to make him warm through a hot water bottle. If clothes are wet then dry clothes should be worn and make arrangements to lit a fire; carefully. Travelling stoves can be helpful in this regard. All folks should circle him and try to make him warm through their own body heat. If he is getting unconscious, then along with warm drinks, cubes of chicken etc. and their stew should be given to him. Also chocolates candies and honey should be fed to him a lot as sweet things cause instant energy in body. Alcoholic products are not suitable as it turns the direction of the cold blood of the upper layer towards the inner body causing more drop in body temperature. Such explorers should carry jaggery (gurr) with them of good quality.







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After all the struggle and devotion , we must contemplate upon His grace for reward but not upon our deeds as we

know nothing about the sincerity and acceptance of our deeds.

(Extracted by Maria, Lahore)

Ziqa’d, the month to convince

Allah for acceptance of prayers Anyone who offers hundred nawafil prayer with the

intention of two raka‟hs each and recites Surah Ikhlas ten

times in each raka‟h after reciting Surah Fateha on every

Thursday night in the month of Ziqa‟d, with the grace of

Allah will be given great reward.

Ziqa‟d is the eleventh month of Islamic year.

This month is very auspicious and sacred; the

Arabs would abandon fight and used to stay

home in this month. Prophet Muhammad (peace

be upon him) said that Ziqa‟d is very honorable

month and worshipping Allah in this month is of

great value.

The moon of Ziqa’d: Recite the following

prayer while sighting the moon of Ziqa‟d:

“Allahuma Hazash Shahru Awwaluhu Min

Shahril Haraami Wa Ausatuhu Min Shuhuril

Hajji Baitikal Haraami Faghfirlana Jameeal

Maa’si Walaasaami Wala Tuaakhiznaa

Bilnawasi Walaqdaami Ya Zaljalaali Wal



جحر الوه ذ منہسدو اام ورحر اله ذ منہلاو ارهاا الذذ هامهاللا

ناخذ و تلم وث ال وری

صم العمي جنلطرغم ػارح التكيب

امرؽ الل ولجاالذام دؼ ال وواری

ا بلن

First night: In first night of this month, recite

thirty raka‟h Nafal prayer with the intention of

two raka‟hs each, recite Surah Zalzaal in each

raka‟h after reciting Surah Fateha and after

finishing each two nawafil recite Surah Amma

Yatasa’loon only one time.

In addition to this, if someone recites four raka‟h

nawafil after Isha prayer in the first night of this

month (with the intention of two raka‟hs each) in

such a manner that, in each raka‟h recites

Surah Ikhlas twenty three times after reciting

Surah Fateha and after the prayer asks Allah

for the forgiveness of his sins with great

concentration and focus and repents sincerely

over his sins, Insha‟Allah, his repentance would

be accepted and Allah will forgive him.

Voluntary fast: If anyone keeps voluntary fast

on any day in the month of Ziqa‟d, with the grace

of Allah he would be granted with the reward

equal to Umrah and if someone keeps fast on

Monday, will be granted with great reward.

Friday nawafil: In the month of Ziqa‟d, every

Friday after the Friday prayer; recite four raka‟hs

nawafil (with the intention of two raka‟hs each) in

such manner that in each raka‟h recite Surah

Ikhlas twenty one times after reciting Surah

Fateha Insha‟Allah will be blessed with the

reward equal to Hajj and Umrah.

Two raka’hs nawafil: In the month of Ziqa‟d,

every night after Isha prayer offer two raka‟hs

prayer and in each raka‟h, after reciting Surah

Fateha recite Surah Ikhlas three times. Pray to

Allah after finishing the prayer, Insha‟Allah will

be blessed every night with the reward equal to


For elevation of rank: If someone wants to

elevate his rank in front of Allah and that Allah

blesses him with His special mercy and favors,

he should recite on the night of nine Ziqa‟d after

Isha prayer, two raka‟hs nawafil prayer in such

manner that in each raka‟h recites Surah

Muzammil one time after reciting Surah Fateha

and recites Surah Yasin three times after

finishing the prayer.

Thursday night: Anyone who offers hundred

nawafil prayer with the intention of two raka‟hs

each and recites Surah Ikhlas ten times in each

raka‟h after reciting Surah Fateha on every

Thursday night in the month of Ziqa‟d, with the

grace of Allah will be given great reward.

Last day: On the last date of Ziqa‟d, at the time

of Chaasht prayer if anyone offers two raka‟hs







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nawafil and after reciting Surah Fateha recites

Surah Qadr three hundred times in each

Raka‟h. After finishing the prayer, recites the

following Durud Sharif eleven times:

“Allahumma Sall e Alaa Sayyedina wa

Maulana Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aali

Sayyedina wa Maulana Muhammadin

Maa’danil Judi Walkarami wa As haabihi wa

Barik Wasallam”

د امح منول م ودنايل دی ال عاد وامح منلو م ودنايی دل عال رامهاللا

ببہ وحرام ورعالد ووجن الدص۔م

مالد ورك

And after this recites Surah Fateha fifteen

times, prostrates and prays to Allah, Insha‟Allah

every admissible prayer will be accepted.

A special prescription to prevent obesity

I‟m twenty-eight years old. I was gaining wait

due to keep on sitting for long hours; especially

my belly start bulging out. A sincere friend told

me to take some ginger and garlic in equal

quantity, dry and grind it and make tablets. Take

only one tablet every morning on empty

stomach. I‟m following this prescription for some

time ago Alhamdulillah my obesity is controlled

to a great extent.

(Abdur Rehman Qureshi, Raiwind)

Monthly spiritual gathering: Spiritual gathering is not held collectively at the

Center for Peace and Spirituality; everyone should

participate staying at his/her own place.

Spiritual gathering for this month will be held on

Tuesday 10th September from 10:23am

till11:57am, Saturday 21st September from Assar

till Maghreb prayer, Sunday 29th September

from 3:7pm till 4: 29pm. Recite “Ya Azizu, Ya

Khaliqu, Ya Raufu”;



رفئو recite it with sincerity,

distress, attention and with the belief that Allah

is listening to your cry for help and will surely

redress you. Keep a glass of water in front and

recite with the imagination that dim yellow light

from the sky is showering upon your heart and

your heart is gaining peace, your problems are

solving quickly. After completing the time, pray

with your heart and soul for the ummah, Islamic

world and imaan for the non-Muslims, for peace

everywhere in the world and also pray for

yourself and your relatives. Pray with strong

belief, it is with Allah to accept the right prayer.

After the prayer, blow three times on the water,

drink it yourself and your family can have it as


After every spiritual gathering give 11 rupees to


(Note): If it is time for prayer during the

gathering, first say the prayer and then complete

the remaining time. It is allowed to perform the

practice at a fixed time daily; you may also make

it your routine. Recitation for every month is

different and is fixed with specific time. Many

people‟s desires were granted, the impossible

was made possible and people wrote letter

about the fulfillment of their desire, you also

write when your desire is fulfilled.

Beneficiary of spiritual

gathering: Respected Hakim Sahib! As Salam Alaikum,

I‟m participating in Spiritual gathering

continuously for last two years. Before this I was

unable to recite the Holy Quran, whenever I

opened the Quran to recite; I used to feel dizzy

and could hardly recite two or three pages but

when I participated in Spiritual gathering for the

first time, I finished Quran in just a few days and

surprisingly learnt the last ten Surahs with great

ease. In addition to this if I have any








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Those people who vomit just after eating food; if given four ratti (a weight equal to eight barley corns) powdered

clove three to four times a day along with water would feel better.

Tested practices of Khawaja Habib Ajmi (may Allah bless him)

To get rid of inferiority complex, do ablution & recite “Ya Qavioo” ی و

اق times with Durud Sharif eleven times 360 ی

before and after. Insha‟Allah with the blessing of this practice heart and brain will strengthen and by performing

this practice continuously, one will get rid of inferiority complex.

Cure for family diseases and obstructions in


Sometimes it happens that our home becomes

an abode of illness; if one person recovers the

other fell ill. And due to obstructions we suffer

unemployment, the debt increases day by day

and we lose peace and comfort at home. For

such condition this practice is very effective and

useful. After Fajar prayers (in ablution) recite

Durud Sharif three times and then recite Surah

Yasin one time, after this recite Surah

Muzammil three times. In the end recite Durud

Sharif three times again and pray to get rid of

problems and diseases. Also pray to clear the

obstructions in employment. With the blessing of

this practices, Insha‟Allah the problems will be

removed, health and prosperity will prevail at

home and business will improve.Along with this

it‟s better to perform the following practice:On

sighting the moon, start this practice by first

Thursday and keep three continuous fasts

(Thursday, Friday, Saturday). Before iftar, recite

“Allahu Latifum Be ibadihi Yarzuqu

Mainyy’ashau Wahual Qavi ul Aziz” (Alshura

19) 125 times

فسي لہلل ا

ءذا ن مقزردہ بص

ز زص الاویظ الو و﴿و

﴾۹۱الذوری . Blow it

on a glass of water and break the fast with this

water. Drink milk or tea after Maghreb prayer (do

not eat anything). After Isha prayer, perform

ablution and stand facing the Qibla in complete

loneliness for almost two hours and recite

Durud Sharif eleven times, after this recite

Surah Falaq 313 times and recite Durud Sharif

eleven times again in the end. Prostrate and

pray to Allah (the master of all honors) to get rid

of your domestic problems. This practice should

be performed for three days only, Insha‟Allah

Taala in just a few days, domestic problems will

be solved, provision will increase and business

will prosper.

To get rid of inferiority complex: Sometimes

we fall a prey to inferiority complex because of

which neither can we talk properly with others

nor can we see anyone and we become

isolated. To get rid of this inferiority complex in

ablution, recite “Ya Qavioo” ی و

اق times with 360 ی

Durud Sharif eleven times before and after.

Insha‟Allah with the blessing of this practice

heart and brain will strengthen and by

performing this practice continuously, one will

get rid of inferiority complex.

For protection of life and property: If

somebody feels fear for his life and property, he

should abandon eating flesh and avoid being

wrathful, along with this recite “Ya Azizu” ز زع

10,000 times. From Allah (the supplier of all

needs) angels will be appointed to guard him

and protect his life and property and miracles

will continuously appear. Abandonment of flesh

includes all kinds of meat, milk, yogurt and milk

from others house, kheer (rice cooked in milk),

mash pulse, attending funerals, leather shoes,

water taken out from well with leather bucket or

water in the leather bucket, food laid upon

leather sheet, sitting or offering prayer on leather

sheet, going to maternity place, food fried in

butter or oil, masoor pulse, carrot, radish,

eggplant. It is necessary to avoid all these


During this practice one must make safety

enclosure and strictly avoid using or having any

concern with the above mentioned things

otherwise he would have to suffer loss instead of

profit.How to make safety enclosure:

Recite Ayat-al- kursi one time, Surah Kafiroon,

Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falak and Surah Naas one







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time each, blow on your hands and spread over

the whole body; also blow around your four

sides, blow on a knife and draw a line around

yourself with this knife. The line should not be

broken from anywhere.

To get rid of the trouble close at hand: If a

person (or many people) is in fear of being

murdered or devastated, or he is in danger of

some tyrant to create troubles for him, he should

get a well-conditioned (thick and fresh) ram

which should be free from all defects just like the

sacrificial animal and sacrifice it in some lonely

place facing towards Qibla, “Bismillahe Allah u


رؽ اہللم اہلل ا

after sacrificing it, recite the following بد

prayer “Allahuma Haaza Laka Wa Minka

Haaza Fidaai Fataqabbal hu Minni” كا لذ ىامواللا

۔یا منہلاظت ػايیا ػدذ ىكمن but before sacrifice must و

dig a hole to throw the blood of that ram into that

hole and close it properly with mud. Take off the

skin of the ram and give it in charity. Divide its

meat into sixty parts and distribute it among sixty

poor people but he must not eat it himself or any

one from his family or relatives. In Shaa Allah

with the blessing of this practice he would get rid

of the trouble close at hand. The sacrificial ram

should be of one year in age, but six month‟s

ram is also able to be sacrificed if it is so healthy

that it looks like of one year and does not look

younger if standing among the rams of one year.

Similarly the animal should not be blind or one-

eyed. If one-third or more of its ear or tail is cut

or if an animal is lame and it walks with three

legs, it cannot be sacrificed. If the animal is very

weak, lean or near to death and the animal

which has no teeth, offering its sacrifice is also

not valid.

To save the crops from mice: Sometimes a

large number of mice destroy the entire crop

field. To drive off the mice and save the fields

the following practice is very effective and

useful. With the blessing of this practice the

mice will run away from the fields. Recite Surah

Yasin three times (in ablution) and blow it on

one kilo gram sand. Sprinkle a little bit of this

sand everywhere around the field In Shaa Allah

the mice will run away.The second practice to

drive off the mice is this: Take pot full of water,

recite the following ayah (in ablution) and blow it

on the water. Spread this water everywhere in

the fields In Shaa Allah all the mice will run

away.“Falamma Tajalla Rabbuhu Liljabali

Jaa’lahu Dakkaun’ Wa Kharra Musa Saeqa”.

(Al Aaraf 143) دو مار خا واؽہ دلصل ججہ للابی رالج تاملی ػ

صظ ر

For the readers of Ubqari at Thatha (Sindh)

Hazrat Hakim Sahib occasionally visits Thatha

(Sindh, Makli); the people there who are

associated with Ubqari Magazine are requested

to send their complete address and mobile








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For convenience in every difficult matter: If someone makes a routine to recite “Ya Fattahu” 1100 یافتاح times

daily in the morning or night before going to bed all his difficult matters will be automatically solved.

Treatment of worldly diseases with a heavenly fruit! (Farhat Afzaa) Sour or sweet both types of pomegranate seeds are effective for the treatment of stones. Grind its seeds well and give

to the patient with gram broth three times a day.

We have heard since childhood that

pomegranate is a heavenly fruit; one of its

diamonds like seeds is from heaven. So we

should be careful while peeling, cutting and

eating it so that we are able to attain this holy

seed. Along with apparent beauty, this fruit is full

of taste and possesses immense healing

qualities. Allah has created it as a special gift

after the rainy season; it means it is a cure for all

the diseases of this season.

Diarrhea: Pomegranate is a special treatment

for diarrhea; the patient would recover if 50ml of

pomegranate juice is given to him intermittently.

Pomegranate milk shake is also effective in

diarrhea, if you don‟t like to make milkshake

then mix pomegranate juice with yogurt, add salt

and black pepper instead of sugar and give it to

the patient. It‟s not just a medicine but a

complete diet. Sauce of pomegranate bud is

also given to small children three to four times a

day which gives instant relief.

For stomach ache: Take almost 100gram

seeds of sour or sweet pomegranate, sprinkle

salt and pepper on them and eat, In Shaa Allah

any kind of stomach ache would be cured. In

this context, the medicine Anaareen of any

authentic pharmacy is also very effective.

Dysentery: To the patient of dysentery give little

bit of pomegranate juice two to three times a day

or give him pomegranate to eat, In Shaa Allah

he would recover.

An antidote for croton ( a purgative nut ):

Pomegranate is an antidote for croton (purgative

nut). If the patient is tired and exhausted due to

constant diarrhea which is not stopping, give him

a handful of pomegranate seeds or a sip of

pomegranate juice after every ten minutes, he

would get better and if blood is also coming with

the motions, it would stop as well.

Jaundice: Take five tola (a weight equal to12

mashas) pomegranate juice and put a clean

piece of iron in it for the whole night, in the

morning take out the iron piece, add some

sugar-candy and water and give to the patient

daily. The patient would recover from jaundice

just in Just in a few days, his liver would start

producing clean blood and his complexion would

become pleasantly red and beautiful.

Diarrhea (an irregular state of the bowels):

Pomegranate juice is also for the treatment this


Fever: Pomegranate juice is also fever-


Stomach worms: For this disease coffee made

with pomegranate bark is very effective.

Following is the recipe: take two tola (a weight

equal to 12 mashas) pomegranate bark,

hammer it well and add 16 times more water

than its quantity now boil let it boil slowly on low

heat. Take it off from the fire when quarter part

of the water is left and stain when it gets cold,

add a pinch of black salt and give to the patient.

In Shaa Allah the patient would recover within

one week.

To increase the appetite: There is none

parallel to pomegranate for digestive health and

increasing the appetite. Add this fruit in your

daily diet; it will keep your stomach healthy and

active, when the stomach will be fine it will keep

you healthy. In summer season, drinking

pomegranate juice by adding four times more







Ubqari.org Page 22 of 85 September 2013

water and sugar keeps the heat away from the


To remove the stones from kidneys and

bladder: Sour or sweet both types of

pomegranate seeds are effective for the

treatment of stones. Grind its seeds well and

give to the patient with gram broth three times a

day, it dissolves the stones in kidney and


For teeth and gums diseases: If dried bark

powder of pomegranate with black pepper and

salt is used as dentifrice, it helps to get rid of

many teeth and gum diseases. Its regular use

strengthens the gums, stops bleeding and

removes the risk of Peoria, the teeth shine like


Treatment with meditation When the miracles of meditation open to you, it

would surprise you with a unique and astonishing

world and complete solution for all problems.

For centuries meditation has been

acknowledged for its pivotal role in the world of

spirituality, today even modern science

recognizes it as a cure for a lot many problems:

a solution to great mysteries. After many

experiments, Ubqari presents treatment with

meditation for its readers.

At the time of sleeping in the night, preferably in

cleanliness and ablution while sitting on your

bed recite “Ya Qadiru Ya Samadu” in countless

number only for 10 minutes (with Durud Sharif

three times before and after) and then lay down.

Keep the disease or problem you want to get rid

of and imagine that golden light from the sky is

entering in your whole body through your head

which is removing your disease and easing your

complications and that with the blessing of this

practice you are completely out of your

uncertainties, keep repeating this until you fell

asleep. In the beginning this might hard to

imagine but continuity in this would open the

miracles of meditation to you, it would surprise

you with a unique and astonishing world and

complete solution for all problems.

Do write us the benefits and your unique

experiences with regard to meditation.

Beneficiary of meditation: Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum!

My interest in reading and knowing about

meditation is very old and this interest increased

when I read about meditation in my favorite

Ubqari magazine. Initially I could not concentrate

when I meditation but I didn‟t give up and started

meditating regularly for two hours. Slowly and

gradually established the connection and I met

many noble personalities in meditation.

Hakim Sahib, last month I experienced a

wonderful state that whenever I meditated after

saying prayer, I used to reach Khana Kaba

instantly and offered my prayer over there, every

part of the prayer was clearly right in front of

Khana Kaba. I cannot forget this feeling even


(Muhammad Saleem Anwar, Jahaniyan)

The simplest practice for marriage

One day my daughter met her friend by

chance; she gave Ubqari magazine to my

daughter and told her to recite Surah

Almumtehna and Surah Walzuha seven

times each after Isha prayer for marriage.

Since that day our whole family is reciting

these Surahs continuously. Alhamdulillah

now we are getting proposals for our

daughters‟ marriages. (Muhammad Arif,








Ubqari.org Page 23 of 85 September 2013

To acquire closeness to ALLAH, become blind, deaf and dumb. Meaning do not look towards haram, do not listen

to backbiting and foul talk, do not back-bite or utter foul talk.



Pimples appear on my skin quiet often,

sometimes blackheads and freckles appear.

Abscess also appear on my skin. Because of all

this my face looks ugly. I am going through this

problem for the the last 7 years. Apart from this

my hand palms have become rough and they

feel itchy when I wash clothes or utensils, after

this the pimples start appearing on them and

skin is peeled off for several weeks. Most of

these pimples appear between fingers and at

the edge of hand palm, these pimples are very

small and red in color, they are not watery but

they cause lot of itching. I have gone through

many treatments but of no avail. I am very


SUGGESTION: Grind Azadirachta indica

(NEEM FLOWER) in order to take out their

juice. They are easily available from any grocery

shop but make sure that they are fresh. Extract

one bottle of their juice and take one tablespoon

one hour before every meal. INSH ALLAH it will

be beneficial for you. Use diet no. 1


I feel extremely cold. I have to wear vest and

sweater in the weather where others wear only a

shirt. I develop flu and cold right in the start of

winter. I have gone through many treatments but

of no avail. I remain sick in entire winter season

in the name of cough, cold and fever.


chick pea size after every hour, put it in your

mouth and suck it. Take SHIFA-E-HERAT syrup

by adding in lukewarm water in the morning

before eating anything. It will not only protect

you from flu and cold but will provide protection

against many other ailments. Take it for few

months regularly. You can buy both these

medicines from agency of your city. Address of

agency is written on page no.42. Take good

quality of cooked beef and use diet no.2.


My teeth start bleeding these days even though I

brush at night and in the morning regularly and

use good quality of toothpaste. I have never

used any sub standard product on my teeth

because I am very particular about their

cleanliness and sensitivity. But these days my

teeth suddenly start bleeding. When I spit blood

comes out from my mouth and it continuous till I

gaggle my mouth for several minutes. I have

visited a dentist who gave me medicine and

toothpaste. I have been following his

prescription for 15 to 20 days but of no avail.

According to dentist there is no problem with my

teeth, it is due to stomach disorder but my

stomach is perfectly fine. I have no problem

related to digestion or acidity.

SUGGESTION: Change your brush. Keep one

thing in mind that if once a brush is used on

teeth, many microscopic germs got stuck to it

and when it is kept only by washing with normal

water then in next 24 hours these germs multiply

and become millions in number. They continue

to multiply in the same fashion daily. After using

once on teeth if you see brush under

microscope you wont be able to put it in your

mouth next time. Its only solution is to change

your brush after few days. If brush is used for

longer time than it can pose threat to health of

teeth and can cause many ailments. It looks like

your brush have become old and is not fit for

further use because it is causing diseases rather

than cleanliness. Apart from this use MISVAAK

by keeping an intention of SUNNAH of HAZRAT

MUHAMMAD (SAW) in mind before every

SALAH. PEELU MISVAAK is easily available in

market, use it. MISVAAK has even cured mouth

cancers of many people, it has spiritual power in







Ubqari.org Page 24 of 85 September 2013

it. Use it and pray for us. Use diet no.2.


My mother looks very healthy and apparently

fine but there is something which bites her in

stomach. She has gone through many

ultrasounds and X-rays but nothing is revealed

in them. Now doctors say that they cannot

understand this disease. My mother is extremely

worried. She feels that something is biting her

and is trying to come out. She spend 2,2 hours

in toilet for this purpose. Her stomach expands

and it looks like it is about to burst. Our family

system is all shattered because of my mothers

disease. It is effecting our studies, we are middle

class people. We are 8 siblings and all our

studying. Whatever my father earns from doing

a job in factory is all spent on my mother‟s


SUGGESTION: Take one teaspoon of

ISAPGHOL and mix in one cup of water, after


in it and drink it. Take JOHAR SHIFAI MADINA,


months regularly. Use diet no.1.


When I was 12 years old I used to develop flu

and cold off and on for which I had gone through

medical treatment. After 2 years I developed

black mark on left side near lips. Doctors said

that I will vanish away itself and is normal. Apart

from this I developed pain in my left arm, my

mother used to massage me and doctors gave

me some pain killers. Then my teeth start

decaying, doctors even plucked one of my tooth

out. Doctors said that impure blood is

accumulated in gums due to which this black

mark appeared and is also the cause of tooth

decay. I was very worried, you gave me the

suggestion of using lemon after which I started

drinking water by adding one lemon in one glass

due to which black mark disappeared, pain in

left arm also vanished and tooth decay also

stopped. Now the condition is that a small black

mark is visible near lips, mucus is dripped in

throat. Due to weakness I feel pain in arm

whenever I do extra work. Left side of the body

is entirely affected. My age is 22 years please

suggest me something.


JOHAR SHIFAI MADINA for 2 to 3 months

regularly according to method written on

brochure. Insh ALLAH you will notice health

signs in few weeks. Eat well cooked mutton with

CHAPAATI. Eat omelet of DESI egg by adding

green chilies in it. Abstain from eating cold thing,

yogurt, milk and rice. Use diet no. 2.


My stomach is not fine. Doctors told me that you

have eaten wheat in fever due to which problem

occurred in your stomach. Whenever I eat and

cold thing like orange etc I immediately develop

flu and cold. I cant eat any fruit. By eating warm

things excretion increases, my blood is also not

fine. By eating warm things itching starts on

entire body. Sometimes I develop wound on my

feet and they become rigid. This situation

becomes worse in rainy season. Yellow liquid

oozes out of wound and pimples, saliva come

out while sleeping and I also face difficulty while




months regularly. Mix NEEM in water and drink

it after filtering daily. Boil NEEM leaves in water

and wash your feet with this water after filtering.

Gram flour is beneficial for you. Do not eat rice,

fish, yogurt, egg, milk and beef. Use fruits like

oranges, place them in lukewarm water and then

suck them. You can eat peas, mustard spinach,

gram gravy and pulses. Use diet no.1.


Before drinking anything i.e. tea, coffee, juice,

water etc , recite داد دمظي ماررب الػیذ

Blow it and then drink it. INSHALLAH ALLAH

will grant health. Patients is required to give 5

rupees in alms regularly.







Ubqari.org Page 25 of 85 September 2013

Patients selected Diet Chart Diet#1: Pumpkin, zucchini, round gourd, barley porridge, wheat porridge, sabudana, khichri, bun, rusk, bread, cucumber, cucumber curry, thin curry of green gram, bread of non-sieved flour, mutton curry, desi chicken with curry, saag of kharfa, sweet yogurt, bran bread, salad, guava, sugar cane slices, pomegranate, water melon, cantaloupe, sarda, kharbooza (melons), halwakadu, papaya, banana, ispaghol husk, jam of aamla, jam of hareer, jam of carrots, halwa of paitha, khameeragaaozabaan, extract of gaaozabaan, extract of fennel seeds, extract of mint, milk soda, peach, grapes, honey water, sugar, spinach, petha, goat milk.

Diet# 2: Mutton, plain chapatti, meat of desi chicken, vegetables of all types, desi eggs, omelet, meat of birds, hareesa,nihari, paaye, green gram, choori of desi ghee, milk or dairy products, fresh dates, chohaare, olive extract, figs, honey, baked chickpeas, kebab, onion salad, coconut shell (naariyalmanqi), olive oil paratha, almonds, pistachio, pine nuts, cashew, fish, halva of carrots, halwa of paitha, halva of lentil, clove oil, onions seeds,dry apricot, jams of all types, sattu of barley, camel meat, raisins, grapes, mango, rose-petal jam mixed in milk.

Diet# 3:Porridge of barley, porridge of wheat, sabudaana, khichri, honey water, cake-rusk with tea, bread, bun, bran bread banana shake, carrot juice, fresh juice of sugar cane, boiled water, boiled rice, salted porridge, stock of desi chicken, pomegranate, grapes, sweet lime, meetha, lychee, guava, cucumber, chach pumpkin, coconut water.

For Patients of Diabetes: Zucchini, pumpkin, round gourd, lamb meat, karailay, green gram, meat of desi chicken, meat of birds, bread of non-sieved flour, barley porridge, sabudana, hareesa, khichri, extract of fennel seeds, extract of mint, small quantity of fig, bread, bran bread, rusk, fenugreek, saag of kharfa, paaye, nihaari, omelet, Peshawari tea, onion seeds, dry apricot in small quantity, dry fruit, un-sweetened milk, roasted chick peas, olives, desiegg‟s yolk, mutton brain







Ubqari.org Page 26 of 85 September 2013

For getting knowledge of religion: Who so ever feels difficulty in getting knowledge of religion, should recite Ya

Aleemo most of the time.

Readers’ Distinctive and Tested Stories: Readers! You can break the tradition of niggardliness by sharing your incidents, tested remedies of spiritual or physical nature

and the benefits you got from those remedies. The pages of Ubqari are here for you, do not feel that your experiences are less

valued as even a small effort can resolve any one‟s issue and become Sadqa-e-Jaria for you. Write in any way you can, we will

edit the material.

Some childhood tested remedies:(Nuzhat


I was very fond of collecting small remedies,

prescriptions and getting their benefits since

young age. In fact, since childhood, whenever I

see any one in distress, I get disturbed. I had

very good relations with my father and before

sleeping at night, he used to take interest in my

all day stories which I shared with great interest.

One day I asked him that I feel bad whenever

any fruit seller is sitting alone and no one is

buying his fruits, even today I remember the

answer of my father that “Allah Almighty will

open doors of his blessings on you for taking

care and feeling for the poor”. With this care and

feeling, I was grown up. One of very old Hakim

of India; I can recall the name of Hakim Abdullah

but cannot remember name of his book. I bought

few books of Free Treatment and Kanaz Al

Mufardaat and studied them day and night. I

used to prepare easily available prescriptions

and distributed them among the needy for free.

Neither I had enough sense nor resources, but

still I was doing it as a hobby at a limited level.

Then I got married and this activity was stopped.

Around 2 years ago, I got Ubqari and after

reading it, those feelings and care of childhood

once again revived. I heard in dars that what

Allah Almighty will give in return of serving ailing

humanity and people and distress. Then I met

Hakeem Sahab and he asked me to write. Some

of my childhood tested remedies are here.

For motions of kids:

Take eight to ten pieces of Munaqqa, wash them

and dry after taking out the seeds, crushed

seeds of 5-6 green cardamoms to be mixed with

Munaqa and crushed. Give it to kids in size of a

grain of masoor pulse and adults in size of a

chick pea three to four times. Results will come

soon. The prescription can be prepared and

stored in fridge for long time in a small box.

Matchless prescription for safe pregnancy:

Take Rasoont Maswa, clean its dust and soak in

some water after breaking it in pieces, overnight.

In morning, it will be like kneaded flour then

make small tablets of chick pea size. Take one

tablet from first day to last day of pregnancy on

an empty stomach in morning. Allah Almighty

has given specialty to Rassont that me, my

sister in law and two of my nieces have used it

for nine months in our pregnancy. All of us were

very slim and weak but Allah Almighty blessed

us with healthy babies.

If pregnancy is not continuing:

Break a Jaiffel and take out the almond from it,

grind it and make seven small packets of the

powder. After the end of periods take one small

packet empty stomach in morning. If not in one

month, pregnancy will be conceived in the

second month. Use Jaiffel again in second


Home remedy for making antidote for


While cooking vegetable of reddish, do not

waste its water, often people throw water of

reddish after crushing it. Store this water in a

bottle and write “Reddish water” on the bottle.

When it will become older, will work as antidote

for poison. Use this water on the affected part of

any poisonous insect bite like mosquito, snake,

scorpion or any other insect.

Keep it away from the reach of children and do

not touch with finger, use any stick for touching








Ubqari.org Page 27 of 85 September 2013

Spiritual treatment of any kind of magic or

disease:(Saba, Lahore)

Assalam-o-Alaikum Respected Hakeem Sahab!

I am a regular attendant of your Dars and get

useful learning from them. Once you said those

getting benefit from something should promote

that thing to others for benefiting the humanity,

so I am writing. There was an verse published in

your Magazine “Wa Bilhaqii Anzalnaahu

wabilhaqqi Nazala” (bani Israel 105). I recited

this Ayat 41 times with Durood Sharif Ibrahimi

before and after the Wazifa and blow on those

having spiritual or physical diseases. With the

blessings of Allah Almighty, everyone got

benefit. It is a very quick and an effective Amal

which is tested and proved as beneficial.

My mother was having soars on tongue due to

stomach infections and we tested many medical

treatments for her but doctors use to say that

there is no treatment for such disease. My

mother was unable to eat any spices.

At last, I practiced this Amal day and night and

with the blessings of Allah Almighty, her tongue

started getting better within 21 days and after

that she started eating spices and doctors kept

wondering on her early recovery.

Then I read in Ubqari that for relief of evil eye,

magic etc recite Durood Sharif Ibrahimi before

and after and recite three times Surah Fateha,

three times Ayat Al Kursi, three times Surah

Ikhlaas, three times Surah Falaq and three times

Surah Ikhlaas and blow. I recited this for my

auntie who was affected by witchcraft due to

which she was in constant pain of backache for

over a month with marks on affected part. She

took many medical treatments but all in vain.

When she discussed this matter with me then I

recited this after every half hour in a day three

times with Ayat 105 of Surah Bani Israel. With

the blessing of Allah, her pain turned into relief

90 % on the same day and she was completely

fine when I did dam for her on phone.

Both of these Wazaif are effective for magic,

demons, spiritual or physical diseases and, evil

eye, depression and tensions. Remember me in

your prayers. I got all this respect and honor due

to Wazaif of Hakeem sahab that these wazaif

are working by me.







Ubqari.org Page 28 of 85 September 2013

He is most weak who has no control over his desires and he is most strong who has control over him (Abu bin Daud RH)

Pain in the body due to Paralysis or facial

palsy.(Ashiq Hussain Butt,Rawalpindi)

For physical ailments like Breathing problems, mucus

problems, pain in the body parts due to paralysis and

facial palsy, leg pains or muscle contraction pain, and

for spleen and kidney pain the cure is: take a knife

and rub it in a descending motion on the affected part

while reciting Surat Al Naas and when u reach the

word Naas repeat tit three times as it will come 6

times in Surat Al Naas and repeat it every time.

Afterwards place the knife on the ground or anything

made of wood and blow on the affected body part. Do

this process three times a day and in case of stone in

spleen and kidney do this three times consecutively.

The patient is advised to donate 5 rupees and Allah

will cure him.

Wazeefa for time management.(Abuzar Iqtedar)

This wazeefa is very important and effective for time

management. By doing this Allah will bless your work

and things you often complete in 3 days would be

done in one day with the blessings of this wazeefa.

After Morning Prayer recite 4 nawafil of chasht and

seek god‟s help for the daily tasks. In a hadis it is

written that O Son of Adam you offered four nawafil

before starting your day so I take the responsibility of

your day‟s tasks (TIRMAZI). The time span of chasht

nawafil starts from one hour after the sun rise and

lasts for 1 hour. His holiness the Prophet Muhammad

PBUH saw advised a follower to perform nawafil of

chasht, isha‟s witar and three fasts every month till


Wazeefa for every desire

I read this wazeefa in Ubqari and it was very

beneficial. After fajar namaz on Friday recite ya hoo

ya allah, on Saturday: ya rahman o ya raheem, on

Sunday: ya wahid o ya ahad o ya samado, on

Monday: ya zuljalal e wal ikraam,on Tuesday: ya

hayyo ya qayyum,on Wednesday: ya hannan o ya

mannan, on Thursday recite ya malik al mulko ya

zuljillal e wal ikram.

For house and country’s safety.(Amir Haneef,


Dear Hakeem sahib; Assalam o alaikum. I am a new

reader of Ubqari. When I first read this magazine I

liked it and showed it to my father; he also praised it

due to the presence of many organic and spiritual

prescriptions. After reading this magazine, I bought

many of your books and gained a lot of knowledge

which I never knew. I also wanted to share a wazeefa

in Ubqari; here it is:

After darood in the beginning recite ayatul kursi and

„aman ar rasoolo‟ and then recite this dua “O Allah!

secure Pakistan from heaven to earth and from east

to west and bless it with prosperity”. Recite darood in

the end. This is a very effective wazeefa.

For relief in sorrow. (Amir haneef, Islamabad)

Dear hakeem sahib my cousin Jameel was suffering

with Hepatitis C and the family used to travel from

Hyderabad to Peshawar for the treatment which was

very expensive. When doctors declared him incurable

he recited this wazeefa and god blessed him with

good health. Start the wazeefa after 2 rakat nawafil

and recite this darood 110 times “ allahuma sale alaa

mohammad in iftaah e rahmate wa nusrate wal

jinnate wa barik wassalam, and 110 times this ayat “

nasrun minallahe wa fathun qareeb wa bashirel

momineen. And then recite bismillah 1lac 30

thousand times. Complete this wazeefa in one day

and then pray to Allah.

Cure for urination problem.(Syeda Mrs Asim


Dear hakeen sahib assalamo alaikum: eighteen years

ago my son Muhammad Rabeeh bin Asim had

urination problems. I took him to a hakeem sahib of

our town and he gave him the extracted water of

cardamom and Aniseed for twelve days and advised

to take milk-soda after every four hours. This

treatment cured him in a very effective manner.

For Ziyarat of Holy Prophet PBUH:

I had a passion of seeing the Holy Prophet PBUH and

I used to recite darood 500 times after every prayer

and 1000 times after Fajr prayer. God blessed me

with the Ziyarat of Holly Prophet PBUH and now I

recite darood after each prayer many times.







Ubqari.org Page 29 of 85 September 2013

If half chitank of butter and one chitank of date taken in breakfast, then heart and muscles will gain matchless strength.

Secrets of making good relations with in laws By Shoaib Ahmed, Multan

It is often witnessed that parents show more affection towards their daughter than their son in law who feels himself as stranger

between wife and her parents

He was a poor man and used to work at a farm.

Fortunately, he got married to a girl of rich

family. The mother of girl used to dislike him due

to poor standard and showed her hate openly for

her son in law. The man was unable to manage

a separate home for their daughter due to which

he was compelled to live in his wife‟s home for

30 to 32 years. After that the couple went to

Kansas city and from there the destiny of the

man took a turn and he became resident of

White House. This poor man was Harry Trumen,

President of United States, but his mother in law

did not stop chasing him here too. She used to

rule him here too as once his daughter narrated

the condition of his father in the hand of her

grandmother saying “it was a huge burden on

my father but he faced it with patience only due

to his love for my mother.”

Popular politician and Prime Minister of England

Winston Churchill is known to everyone. When

he got married, soon after the honey moon, his

wife knew that she was not only married to

Churchill but she was also married to his

dominating mother because without the will of

his mother, it was not possible to even decorate

the house. The couple faced the wars of in laws

with lots of patience.

We are living mostly in joint family system which

is considered as a way of increasing love and

affection with the family but if the situation is

reviewed today 90 percent of marital life issues

are not related to couple only but they are due to

interruption of in laws in their personal matters.

It is a fact that our society is based on different

classe; lower class, middle class and upper

class. Every class has their jealousies, conflicts

and difficult natures connected to in-laws that

continue throughout their life even after their

death. Even husband and wife do not get a

chance to understand each other mentally and

spiritually throughout their life. For having their

generation, they share physical relations but still

they live far from each other mentally. They are

strangers even after having the status of life


Both of them have their own sympathies,

interests and affiliations with their families that

remains hovering over their relations.

It is often witnessed that parents show more

affection towards their daughter than their son in

law who feels himself as stranger between wife

and her parents. He feels about their attitude

and that results in affecting the relationship

between husband and wife. Parents should think

that their daughter is their daughter and instead

of paying attention towards her, they should also

think about their son in law who will then

consider them as his own relatives. Wife can

also take effective steps for resolving this

tension of her husband by telling her parents

about their attitude and ways to improve it for

ultimately improving their relationship.

Sometimes, wife belongs to settled family and

her parents give her different types of gifts but

ignore her husband and sometimes, if wife offers

something to her husband from those gifts, then

they also mind it. Such kind of one sided attitude

also creates trouble in relationship of husband

and wife.

Parents should think that if they want to send

gifts to their daughter, then they should send

gifts to both of them to create a balance

between them and in case of sending gifts to

only their daughter, the wife should not accept

the gifts.

Sometimes, the mother in law keeps a strict eye

on purchasing of her daughter in law and pass







Ubqari.org Page 30 of 85 September 2013

comments on her that creates trouble in

relationship of husband and wife. For dealing

with this issue, the daughter-in-law should

admire her mother-in-law on her purchasing and

show her that she is perfect in doing every kind

of work, due to which the mother in law will stay

pleased with her daughter in law and stop undue

commenting on her.

Some couples prefer to live with their in laws for

taking care of their children and stay busy in

their business. Remember, both of these steps

will create nuisance in your personal lives.

For creating better relations with in laws, try to

make good relations with them before marriage

and set the names for calling them with love and

care. Try to understand and know about your in-

laws before marriage to avoid the insults after


Getting rid of diseases after 40 years of


A healthy man when reaches to the age of 40

years, he/she get rid of the following

diseases, Leprosy, madness. (Principal R.

Ghulam Qadir Haraaj)







Ubqari.org Page 31 of 85 September 2013

For protection against magic and genies: A person who after fajr prayer and before sleep will recite YA QABIZO


اق he will ی

never be effected from the wrath of magic and will always remain in protection of GOD. (Zavia basheer Lahore)

Read the astounding advantages of yogurt; NOW! If clean and fresh yogurt is used then it is better. In sour yogurt the effect of nutrition is changed. But if that is used as mask or

used for skin then it has best of use. Or maybe if its mixed with honey then it suits best.

Amongst us, who is not scared of the name of bacteria but yogurt is such a probiotic which resolves the problems of health. Unhealthy foods, less use of water and always living in a state of depression or due to a long disease the disturbance of stomach are such feeling and states which affects a lot of people. But they don‟t care about these problems. When some anti-biotic becomes necessary for treatment of some disease then usually the mouth gets dry and the color of the skin becomes pale. Then they increase the use of fresh juices of fruit or water. This technique is not wrong but if they add fresh yogurt to their diet then they feel an amazing change. Most of the diseases are due to malfunctioning of stomach. Eating less or eating a lot both becomes troublesome for the stomach. In our diet and especially our food, yogurt is used. Eastern people use yogurt in raita or chatni or finish their meal with sweet yogurt. In this way it creates a balance of good and bad bacteria in the stomach. If for many days we don‟t eat yogurt then it means that the health destroying bacteria will strengthen their existence in our stomach. The bad effects of antibiotics destroy the good bacteria and due to that the whole color of body skin and face are affected. Various acidic reactions enter into the stomach which creates new problems which result in problems such as constipation, cholera and diarrhea. To balance the defensive system of body the usage of yogurt should be increased. To end acidity in stomach and to have a feeling of coolness, yogurt is an efficient probiotic. It ends diarrhe and finishes the sensitivity produced by taking milk or other dairy products. Usually in loose motion if we use yogurt it brings unbelievable results. This is the efficient use of energy. Skin problems and usage of yogurt: Women can be victim of sensitivity due to pregnancy. Infants can have indigestion in stomach. Similarly, formation of ulcer due to taking different powerful drugs or nutrition with harmful effects can be removed. Medical scientist say that for external use, medicines can

be used but if we are more careful about our nutrition that is if we use yogurt then we can quickly get rid of pain. In children the skin itching or small acne and ATOPIC ECZEA can be taken rid of by using yogurt. Yogurt promises to improve the complexion of face. Young girls can have a problem of acne, pimples or change in color of face. According to researchers, in 50 % of cases, yogurt balances the system of hormones and helped to get rid of these problems for which acne lotions were being used. According to dietician yogurt usage everyday gives better advantages. If clean and fresh yogurt is used then it is better. In sour yogurt the effect of nutrition is changed. But if that is used as mask or used for skin then it has best of use. Or maybe if its mixed with honey then it suits best.

Brave old woman and clever thief [Chauhdry Farooq Ahmed; Bahawalpur]

The thief thought that when this woman will sleep I will

steal the goods. When the women had done AFTARI he

stood up to say her prayer

Once upon a time there lived an old woman in City of Baghdad. She used to fast a lot and was busy in saying her prayers. She had only one son who used to do business of gold and was always busy in drinking or time wasting games. Son used to stay busy all day on the shop and at night used to give his mom bag which was

For asthma TB and ulcer BHAKAIRA BANSA leaves - one spoon should be boiled in one quarter of water along with honey should be taken according to the mood three times a day and is useful for fever of TB For ulcer

For ulcer the leaves of mint should be taken after

boiling and QIST SHEREN should be powdered

one half spoon twice a day should be used.

(Khalid Mehmood Raza; Wah Cantt)







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always fill with money and jewelry and spent the night at his friend‟s house. A thief used to see this entire incidence and he made a plan to steal the bag and entered the house. The boy didn‟t find out and the thief hid in the house. The boy gave the bag to his mother and went out of the house. The old woman put the bag in a steel cupboard in one of the rooms and sat on the door and placed the food in front of her for AFTARI. The thief thought that when this woman will go to sleep he will steal the bag. . When the women had done AFTARI she stood up to say her prayers and the prayer prolonged and half the night passed away. Now the thief got scared and thought that dawn might occur. He roamed around in the house and found some perfume and pair of shorts. He put on the perfume and wore the shorts and in a loud and heavy voice he spoke up to scare the old woman. The woman was brave and understood that it is a thief. The thief said I am Gabriel angel and GOD has sent me to advise that your son

as he is a big sinner. The woman showed as if she is shivering and is getting unconsciousness. She requested to exempt her son and not to kill her. The thief said I just want to make him grief by taking away the bag. If he repents I will return the bag. The women said do it then. The thief entered and woman slightly slipped out and closed the door and bolted out. Now the thief could see death in his eyes. When he couldn‟t find any way out he asked the woman to open the door. The woman replied: O Gabriel it shouldn‟t be difficult for you. As you can go out through the roof window or break the wall and go out. Now the thief understood that the woman is clever and brave. He started to do flattery and requested the woman and started to repent. The woman started her fasting and started to say her prayer. And the thief kept on requesting her till the sun came out and her son returned. The old woman told the whole incidence to her son and he went out and fetched the inspector. They opened the door and captured the thief.







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The best house amongst you is the one in which an orphan is treated well. (Hadith)

Make your home a paradise by bringing flexibility in your attitude [Nasreen Ghias]

Gradually our rooms got separated. Both were stubborn and no one wanted to step forward for reconciliation. Hatred started

showing up. Situation can be under control if there is woman‟s patients and man‟s love. If situations get out of control, then no

scheme can change your fate.

They say that Adolescence is out of control.

Every young Guy and a girl have a wish of

getting married and settling down in life. When

this wishes changes into craze, then no one is

bothered about the outcome. Zarqa was also

one of them who were always lost in the

imagination of fantasy world. She would feel

hopeless when any of her friends would get

married while she would be still waiting for this

time. She lost her interest in every work. Her

attitude changed to a very sensitive person

where any minor thing would make her feel bad.

Her day and night would pass just by cursing

every single moment. Many proposals would

come and leave her hopeless. A couple of times

she was got engaged but every time her

engagement ended. All her day-dreams broke

into pieces. Time passed; time never waits for

anyone. Time would never stop for anyone. It

keeps on moving on its own pace. Sometimes it

would just pass quietly but at times this would

pass like a storm. It brings smile on the face of

crying people and at times it would bring

sadness to them. This is the reality of time which

will remain till the end of the world.

Time changed, and Jabbar came into her life.

Zarqa got married to Jabbar finally and left her

parents home to live forever with her husband.

Fate plays its own games. We never get what

we want. Zarqa was dressed in red bridal wear

sitting and waiting for her prince. The time was

passing like that. She felt herself trapped in a

narrow place, where she was unable to escape.

The morning star was giving her the sign of dark

future. Life had taken a new turn. She had to

save herself from the questioning eyes of the

society. She made all her wishes and desire rest

forever. Now this was the reality of rough ways,

and deserted area around her where she had to

start her life. One who was supposed to take

charge of all love and affection had already left

the Taj Mahal. He was a life partner but his ways

and thought were different. Life starting

revolving hopelessly. She kept managing the

marriage with the thirst of love. She was also

blessed with two kids who she considered a gift

and sometimes a curse on her. If a father

becomes hard hearted, then mother would also

move herself away from her children. She

started living her life with all these problems.

Gradually their rooms got separated. Both were

stubborn and no one wanted to step forward for

reconciliation. Hatred started showing up.

Situation can be under control if there is

woman‟s patience and man‟s love. If situations

get out of control, then no scheme can change

your fate.

The children were growing and were become

adults. The situation and environment had a

great effect on their minds. They would watch a

big gap between them and their father. He would

see his sons‟ silence. The effect of bad attitude

would never allow them to say anything. His

health was leaving him with passage of time.

Now he wanted to see his children caring for

him. The time never comes back. He was

missing the attention of wife and care of children

now. Sometimes the pressure of relatives would

change the condition and make them better. But

the suspiciousness would again rise and would

separate the routes. Jabbar gave up in life. This

is the custom of this world that they keep

searching such stories.







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The remedy to treat Mucous and phlegm

Respected Hakim Sahab, Assalam Alaikum!

I am a regular reader of Ubqari since many years. I highly appreciate and recommend it. I am Hakeem by

profession. I have given this remedy to many people and it is very beneficial.

Flax seed 9 parts, candy sugar should be boiled in one cup water and sieve it. Drink at morning and

evening. This will help to get rid of Mucous.

(Master Mohammad Shabbir, Toba Tek Singh)







Ubqari.org Page 35 of 85 September 2013

Extremely easy treatment for Whooping Cough: Fresh extract of Garlic 10 drops, Honey 3 parts, Water 3 parts

mixed well. Have it four times a day

Soft, silky, clear and shiny skin with Turmeric [Rana Muhammad Yasin; Sanghar]

Natural Cleanser

Add a pinch of turmeric to unboiled milk and

apply on your face and lips. This mixture acts

like a natural cleanser and cures chapped lips

and make them smooth and pink

Marks on Stomach

Pregnant women should apply the mixture of

Turmeric powder and yogurt on their stomach

daily. By applying this mixture the stretch marks

vanishes from the skin.

Cracked Heels

Make a paste of 3 spoon of turmeric with 1

spoon of coconut oil or castor oil. Apply this

mixture on your cracked heels. This is not only

good for your heels but also cures the pain

caused due to the cracks. This mixture is also

good for the infection that develops between the

fingers. This remedy can be used until your

cracked heels have not cured completely.

Wrinkles around the eyes

The use of turmeric not only cures the freckles

around the eyes but is also good for removal of

dark circles. Add little turmeric to sugar cane

juice and make a paste. Apply on the affected

area. It is very good remedy for freckles. You

may also add turmeric to Lassi and make a

paste and apply it on around the eyes and leave

it for 20 minutes. Wash your face after that. You

may use this remedy twice a week for best


Turmeric for Dry skin

For dry skin, make a paste of Egg white, 2 drops

of Olive oil, 1 fresh lemon, little rose water and a

pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture on face,

arms, elbows and knees. Wash when it dries off.

The skin lightens and will no longer be dry with

the regular use of this remedy

Turmeric for Oily skin

To remove excess oil from face add two spoon

of milk, two drops of lemon, 2 spoons of sandal

powder, and a pinch of turmeric. Make a paste

from the mixture and apply on your face. Wash it

with Luke warm water once it dries.

Turmeric Pack

Add one table spoon of Turmeric in half cup of

sour yogurt and make it a paste. Now massage

this on your hands, arms and legs. Wash them

with cold water later but do not use soap. You

may also use wheat powder instead of yogurt as

well. This amazing pack will make your skin

smooth and silky. It also lightens the skin color

For unwanted hairs

Turmeric was used in olden days for getting rid

of unwanted hair. Add few drops of warm

coconut oil in turmeric paste and use this paste.

This will reduce the unwanted hair and makes

your skin smooth and silky.

For shiny skin

Add a pinch of turmeric and few drops of

cooking oil in sandal wood powder. Make a

paste. Apply this paste on face and leave it for

15 minutes. Wash it with water. The skin will


For hair dandruff

Add little turmeric to olive oil and apply it on your

scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash with

a good shampoo.

For Freckles

Apply the mixture of Lemon and turmeric on the

affected area of the face and leave it for 20


For dead skin

Add half spoon of turmeric in some wheat flour.

Make a paste by adding water. Apply this on

your body and scrub slowly. Use this paste while







Ubqari.org Page 36 of 85 September 2013

taking shower. Regular use of this paste will

remove the dead skin.

Court of Realization [Muhammad Bashir Jumma; Karachi]

This is the court where a one person evaluates

his or her wills, understand the reality, and

evaluate his past and concentrates on present.

It seldom happens in one‟s life that he has to

evaluate his own self. He himself is the convict,

place a case against him, and provide clearance

himself on different aspects of the blame. He

himself is the Judge, and himself decides the

conviction and sometime set himself free as

well. This is the court of Realization.

A person rarely comes to this court as one

requires a lot of courage and some moments of

isolation. This is the court where one person

evaluates his or her wills, understand the reality,

and evaluate his past and concentrates on

present and plan for future. The court is

developed in reaction of some incidents or often

occurs due to internal, emotional situations. This

court does not need any physical structure.

Whatever result a person gets in this court,

whether punishment or reward, is called an

Achievement. Which means that self evaluation

is something that results in achievement. This

court can also be developed on bed before

sleeping. This only needs few moments. The

next morning coming would bring 24 hours of

day and night that is a platform for you to

practice. You keep you aims and move ahead

in this platform and eventually succeed.

This morning comes for every, rich, poor, elder,

younger, man, woman, in fact for everyone.

Similarly everyone get the moments at night. In

short, everyone get the productive morning and

evaluating night. A person gets 1424 minutes in

a day and night. In fact this is the real wealth

and resource that every living person equally

gets. Let step forward. Tomorrow two and day

after tomorrow four and in a month you will

notice how fast who will move forward. One

should always try hard, achievement is given by

Allah always







Ubqari.org Page 37 of 85 September 2013

Remedy of evil eye: if a child gets affected by evil eye then write ممیت times on a paper and use it in neck as amulet, Insha 5 یا

Allah he will be fine.

Strange letters about

black magic and

authentic remedy

Spiritual remedy of spiritual diseases Kindly don‟t send money in envelopes. Do send extra envelope for reply of

important matters. Write briefly only on one side of page. Do not put any

pins, gum and scotch tape because it tears the letters. We will keep your

privacy. Do write your name, address on replying envelope. Your letter

will not be replied if address is incomplete.


stories of

black magic

I want to get engaged soon

I like a boy and I want my engagement to be

done as soon as possible. My mother has

agreed, but the family of boy has not agreed. My

mother is worried about the final decision. She is

facing the pressure of family. Do tell any Allah‟s

Name to solve problems in this way. (Kousar

Jabeen, Lahore)

Answer: Daily before sleeping recite 100 times

عدر ب

يخ بل ي

جص العد ب , do for 40 days and

firm your believe in Allah that whatever he will

do, He will do Good for you, and pray for your


Sacrificed desire

I married within my relative family some time

ago, It was my parents choice, I sacrificed my

choice for my parents‟ choice, but my sacrifice is

not respected anywhere. My wife does not obey

me, mostly. She does not give me value even

after I say something again and again. I told my

parents many times but situation is still same.

They only say things to make me feel good but

in practical I have no importance. I feel stressed

and dubious. I want to get rid of these thoughts;

I don‟t want to do something which may hurt my


Answer: Accept the suggestion and act as I

say, as you sacrificed your desire for your

parents now extend the circle of this sacrifice,

this will not only make Allah happy but

atmosphere of your house will become good. Do

not put pressure on your family about your

decision. If your parents and wife accepts your

decisions and they give value then its good but if

they don‟t do so, you leave it and keep on

sacrificing. Secondly doubts are based on ill

thoughts and it leads towards difficulties.

When you will try to act as I say and decide to

stay happy then your problems will come to an

end soon. After the prayer of Fajar and Isha

recite 41 times حمين

ا الر حمرا blow it on your

hands and spread your hands on face like

Mas‟sah, and pray.

Contradictory results

Circumstances always oppose my thinking and

what I do. I face hurdles in everything and same

is the situation with financial matters. I have tried

in every way but situation is still same. (Majid,


Answer: After Isha and Fajar recite One

Tasbee of موايظ الایحالو ىا الہال ل ,and then pray اہلل

do it for 90 days.

Nourishment of Mental abilities

I stitch clothes; despite of hard work result does

not comes good, mind stops workings and I do

not feel doing more work, sometimes I feel I

cannot stitch. Dresses remains in front of my

eyes and I only watch them, tell me anything for

the growth of my abilities.(Saira, Gujrat)

Answer: After fajar Namaz recite one tasbee یا



blow on your hands and spread like خ

Mas‟sah on your face, at night, at any time

recite ر اد

اب times and blow it on your 41 ر

chest, Insha‟Allah soon you will feel a difference.

Quit the Amal:







Ubqari.org Page 38 of 85 September 2013

I wrote about a skin disease and you replied to

see word ل"” written for 10 minutes in morning

and in evening. Thanks to Allah that disease has

finished but scars are still there, I am doing it

since three months. What should I do now? Tell

me something about spots. (Kousar Noreen,


Answer: Quit doing it after 3 months; do eat

juicy fruits and vegetables. Do eat fenugreek

and dill. Use Husn-o-Jamal cream on spots; they

will disappear with time.

Lizard and my fear

I am very scared of lizard, I check walls again

and again, if I see any lizard it makes me run

from there, it becomes difficult for me to stay in

house. My family is very disappointed because

of my fear but I fail to control it.(Hafeezaan,


Answer: Before sleeping recite 11 times Sora

Kousar and blow on your heart. After that say

your name and repeat this sentence, “lizard is a

harmless animal; quit being scared”. Keep

repeating until you drift to sleep. Keep doing this

daily, until fear disappears from your mind.







Ubqari.org Page 39 of 85 September 2013

Don’t be happy over others destruction or Allah will bless him and put you in trail.(Hazrat Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

Ulcer in Stomach:

Since 5 to 6 years, I am suffering from

abdominal pain. Some doctors say I have

wounds in my stomach. Carelessly if I eat

sometimes forbidden food, it hurts badly and I

suffer for 2 days. I have two kids; because of

this problem I cannot give them attention


Answer: Consult any good doctor for the

treatment but symptoms are signaling that you

have stomach wounds. Don‟t be careless in food

matters. It will create problems in future. Before

sleeping at night, with closed eyes imagine that

colorful rays are coming from sky and spreading

on you and keep reciting, ءما الدن ملزن اذیاالوى

until you sleep, Insha‟Allah doctors مء

treatment and this action will give positive


Negative effect of many wazaif at same time:

Since two to three years I had been reciting

different Names of Allah, ، ، حطيظ

ز اہلل، عز

,and I used to recite Surah Yaseen لشيف

Muzammil, and dua-e-ganj‟al Arsh a lot, and I

recited whatever anyone told me. My desire has

not fulfilled but some other problems have

occurred. I am mentally upset now; weird and ill

thoughts disturb me. Sometimes I see those

thoughts. I had a great interest in praying and

ibadat, but know I hardly offer namaz. I feel

wilderness while making du‟a. I am dubious

now. My family mocks my state of mind.

Sometimes I cry. (Sultana Begum, Karachi)

Answer: Wazaif without someone‟s permission

can be destructive because when we recite any

name of Allah repeatedly, its light becomes

active. If your brain in not powerful enough to

endure that light, then destruction of cells starts.

And if your desire are not good then those light

of goodness becomes full of rage. And result is

destruction. Remedy of your problem is to stop

doing all wazaif and amal. In morning eat dates

and almonds of good quality. Insha‟Allah you

shall become normal soon.

Accidents and accidents

I suffer from accidents and pains very often.

Sometime ago a hard ball hit my face. I was

suffering from that pain when my feet‟s bone

fractured in an injury. And after, I fell somewhere

and fractured my arm; the injury was so severe

that it took a long time to heal. And after that I

feel pain on the upper part of leg and this pain

travelled to the back bone. I feel stress while

walking after sitting. I cannot walk fast. Pain is

increasing day by day, I have tried many

treatments, I don‟t know what is happening with

me? (Sajid Shahbaz, GujarKahn )

Answer: Do consult an authentic doctor. There

can be many reasons for this type of pain. For

example it can be sciatica, or it can be the

problem of back bone joints. Only tests can tell

the truth. And proper treatment will make your

recovery possible; don‟t think anything else. Be

aware of your surroundings because

senselessness will make you unaware of your

surroundings, and it increases the possibilities of

accidents. For all these things:

اہلل محي ر ظطي ح اہللم حيان الرمحام الر

recite 100 بد

times in morning and blow on water then drink it;

it will be useful.

Behavior of people

People make fun of me; I am not physically well.

I am tall and very thin; skeleton-like. My eyesight

is weak. I remain away from people now and I

have no friends. I have no respect. I think

loneliness make me dubious. I feel my future is

very bleak. (Muhammad Javed Karachi)

Answer: You can lose mind power along with

your health because of these types of thoughts.

In this world people are of many kinds. If you

take them seriously you will never able to live

fully. Live happily don‟t bother anybody.

Insha‟Allah when you will be mentally peaceful,







Ubqari.org Page 40 of 85 September 2013

your physical condition will improve. Futile

thoughts and disappointments make you alone.

Offer prayer regularly and after Fajar and Isha

fix your eyes on the place of Sajdh‟a and recite

موايظ الایحالو ىا الہ ال ل .for 10 minutes الم اہلل

Charming personality

My neighbor had a charming personality; she

has died and I am affected with this incident a

lot. I remember her talks and I weep. I just

cannot get rid of it.

Answer: Sleep in the state of ablution and keep

reciting Surah Kousar before sleeping until you

sleep. Within some weeks these memories will


Traveler of eternity Sayed Inaam Ali Raza Shaftar, father of Ubqari‟s page (makafa-te-amal), writer and helper of magazine, Sayed Wajid Husain Bukhari advocate have died of heart attack. He was the writer of 4 books. He was an excellent poet and engineer and he was a keen helper and reader of Magazine. May Allah give patience to Syed Wajid Husain Bukhari and his siblings in this tough time and give them good substitute in this world and in hereafter. Team of Ubqari is with them in this sorrow. Haji Khadim Hussain who donated the land of Masjid Abdeen has died after little weakness. He donated that place with loyalty, and he was pious he used to keep fasts and he regularly used to offer prayers. May Allah bless him and give patience to his family. Famous student leader Aijaz Goga‟s Mother has expired; she was a pious lady. She used to keep fasts and used to offer prayers regularly. We request readers to pray for their peace and high ranks.







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Ear-ache among children: Soften an onion by burying in hot ashes (bhubhal) then squeeze out its juice. Heat it

slightly and drip 2-3 drops in each ear. Pain shall vanish immediately.

Secret to Health in four days [Naseer Ahmad; Abbotabad]

I had a friend police inspector with whom I used

to meet occasionally. We used to discuss

religious topics and health related topics. Once

he went to hospital and doctors advised him for

the surgery and after that operation he was

shifted to home in few days. I went to ask after

him and he moved from bed to meet me. He

signaled me to sit as he couldn‟t speak. He was

slobbering as I asked what happened, he replied

that there is a pain in tongue and he is taking

medicine along with milk only. I told his home

mates that you should have consulted the doctor

before getting him discharged; if he couldn‟t eat

properly then how he would survive. Apart from

this, these medicines cannot be taken with

empty stomach. Doctors prescribe a long list of

medicines and a patient can only drink a quarter

of milk.

They told me that doctor has given a cream

which is rubbed on the tongue but he is not

getting relieve. I was so worried. The ill person

had an idea that I use to meet hakeems often

and have something for cure from them. There

was an old aged Hakeem from Punjab with

whom I met often and he advised us medicines

for many diseases. Some time ago, he told us

that if there are mouth blisters then you may

take leaves of henna (mehndi), boil them and

take spoonful after small intervals. I bought

henna leaves from the market and boiled them

well and then gave those to that patient. I

advised them to include some honey in it and

use it with intervals for mouth problem. Many of

his house mates forbid to use this medicine as

they thought after surgery it may be harmful.

But the patient used it and later he came to my

home and thanked me for this as he said if you

had not given me this medicine I would have

died due to hunger and sleeplessness. I became

healthy with this medicine in just 4 days; with

time I will be 100 % healthy. The Hakeem

sahab which I mentioned earlier was too old and

I used to talk to him on phone every 10 days. I

was unable to understand him due to his age

factor; I used to all about his well-being and

hanged up. I pray that he may get great place in


Hopeless Patients Should Try This


(Wilayat Butt; Rawalpindi)

Respected Hakeem Sahab; Assalam-0-Alaikum!

I thank Ubqari due to which I got rid of 2.5 points

glasses. I read the December 2011 magazine in

which I read fish soup for eye weakness. I used

the same and I found it very helpful. Your

magazine is very good and I buy it from Kallar

Sayyadan every month. I have no words to pay

gratitude as you are a doing great work for the

mankind. I am 80 years old and I have come

across many troubled people in my life. I try to

give them solutions for their problems. Here are

some prescriptions for Ubqari; all are tested.

Dry and wet itching: Take in equal sized and

grinded gandhak amla, neela thotha, heraksis

and mardar sang. Mix it with mustard oil and

massage on the effected part and then take a

sunbath for one hour. After it take a bath with

semi warm water. This was given by one old

person in 1947.

Body pain: Grind in equal proportion the Aqar

qarha, nirkachor, mosli sufaid, rattan jot, kamar

kas. Take 1 tsp along with tea on an empty

stomach. Avoid gastric (baadi) food items.

For Obesity: Grind laakh dana, kala zeer and

kalonji in equal proportion and make a capsule.

Dosage: Take this capsule in morning after


For pain: Take yolks of four desi eggs, 1.25

chitank clove, one dodha dry dhatura, one pao

mustard oil. Put all this in tin of ghee on the

stove. When froth of all this disappears then

take it off and filter itwith a cloth. Rub it on the







Ubqari.org Page 42 of 85 September 2013

effected part on daily basis in night and cover it

with a warm bandage. Open the bandage in the

morning. Use it till relief.

Muscular Rheumatism: Grind the meethray,

onion seeds (kalonji) and carom (ajwain) in

equal proportions and use it (1/4th spoon) with

water after meal

Jaundice: Rub three drops of aak‟s milk on one

palm and rub it on another palm the next day.

Jaundice will go away.

For digestion: Grind kalonji, ajwain, takham e

karafs, white cumin, black pepper, fennel, black

salt in equal proportion. Take ½ spoon a hour

prior to meal OR an hour after the meal.

Cure of excess urine: Grind equally the black

falfal, pipli (maghan), sonth, kharfa, cinnamon,

kholanjan (jarpaan). Use it two masha with water

three times a day.

Cure of gastric pain: Grind the kalonji and take

½ spoons with honey in bight before sleep.

Stomach rumbling (maror): Take honey 3 to 4

times a day. Do this 3-4 times a day. InshaAllah,

you will get relief from the rumbling.







Ubqari.org Page 43 of 85 September 2013

WAZIFA TO ACQUIRE MERCY: The recitation of YA-RAHMAN ارحمنی is efficacious for the acquisition of mercy.

Whosoever shall recite it 1100 times, morning or evening, Allah shall open the doors of mercy on him.

Shiny Hair; Excellent Skin; Cheap Tip Readers! I pick precious pearls for you and do not conceal. Be generous and do write.

[Editor Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai]

A man said that I was fed-up with all the medicines. Now I do not want to pay attention towards any medicine. But

since I have started using this oil, I am surprised myself that it is not an oil but a heavenly blessing which Allah has

gifted us.

Recently, an experience was printed in Ubqari in

which it was written that if you want excellent

hair, silky skin and growing hair, want to end

hair-fall, treat baldness, strengthen such roots

which are hollow/dead. People whose hair are

turning white want black hair and want their skin

clear from white marks. Men/women who use

fake wig want their hair to re-grow and grow

wonderfully; touching heights of beauty. For all

this, a very cheap tip was printed. Take pure

Banola oil. Shred the leaves of radish (mooli)

and burn them in this oil by adding gradually.

Both ingredients should be in equal proportion.

When all the leaves have burnt then strain the

oil and preserve it. Apply it to the hair-roots

daily. Pure Banola Oil is available in the market

as well as from Banola Oil Mills easily.

Once a doctor told me that he had eruplons

(phansiyan) on his head as well as extreme

itching and hair-fall. A successful experienced

person asked him to take the khal of Banola and

soak it in a GHARA overnight. Wash your hair

with its strained water in the morning. There is

some amount of oil left in the khal of Banola.

Our requirement is that strained oil. When the oil

is accessible directly then why bear the

elaborated pain of the khal….???

This experience was published in Ubqari and

numerous people tried it. I am sharing with you

the observations and experiences of my as well

as few other people:

A well-wisher from Peshawar, Riaz made this

oil. There were so many people suffering from

hair loss whose forehead had become wider,

head bald, split-ends in hair, weak hair-roots etc.

When they were given this oil, astonishing

results were observed. Not one but many people

benefitted and gained from the marvels of this

oil. Whoever used this oil for few days, few

weeks, and few months – he got astonishing


A man said that I was fed-up with all the

medicines. Now I do not want to pay attention

towards any medicine. But since I have started

using this oil, I am surprised myself that it is not

an oil but a heavenly blessing which Allah has

gifted us. A woman wrote a letter. She says: „I

made this oil and everyone in my house used it.

Now the situation is such that on seeing our hair,

our neighbors ask whether I have got our

shampoo or oil from abroad. The word shampoo

seems like an „abuse‟ to me; irrespective of high

quality. I was very fond of using shampoos but

my hair started falling excessively and I started

getting bald. Plus, shampoo dries those cells of

our brain which contains oil. Then these

shampoos become the source of headache,

anger, huffiness, boredom, tension and

discontentment. I have cautioned numerous

women to avoid shampoos as it finishes that

part of the skin where there are hairs and makes

the hair-roots hollow. A unique experience is

that unnecessary hair growth starts where we do

not need hair. Thus, I hate shampoos and it is

like an abuse to me. I use a simple soap. My

skin stays healthy as well as my hair and I use

this oil regularly. I share about this with my

inquisitive neighbors as well.

Readers! These are only a few experiences

which I have presented in front of you. I have

plenty more incidences which I have tried myself







Ubqari.org Page 44 of 85 September 2013

as well as told by people. Whoever tried it,

acquired benefit and gain. This oil is priceless

for physical weakness as well as mental

weakness. It is the best thing for the care of hair,

its roots and its ends. Thus, make this oil

regularly and use it.







Ubqari.org Page 45 of 85 September 2013

Always forget both such events where someone does injustice to you or you do a kind deed for someone. (Aristo)

UBQARI ANSWERS LETTERS FROM DISTRESSED HOUSEHOLDS. Psychological household tensions and tested solutions for it.

(Provide a reply-envelope to receive answer)

Everyone is moody.

I love my kids very much. Of course every

mother does. But my condition is such that I

cannot begin to imagine living without them. My

daughter is 25 years old now and my sister

referred to me a proposal for her, but I keep

rejecting the family because the guy lives in a

foreign country and might decide to get settled

too in that place. My rejection for this very

reason annoys my husband. Also recently I

stopped my son from going abroad to England

too where he wanted to pursue higher studies

and earn more after having completed MBBS.

He works in a government hospital and earn

minimal but even then I cannot control myself

and have pressurized him to let go of this idea.it

is because of these reasons that everyone is

moody these days. (Alia Qureshi, Lahore)

Answer: Every mother must realize that one

day or other, her kids will grow up and would

want to leave their home out of necessity. For

daughters, this is a common occurrence and if

the proposal that you have received comes from

a good family then you should not raise

objections just because she might live very far

away. The fear of travelling over long distances

might scare you but you must not allow this to

overpower you. Try getting out of your comfort

zone to experience travelling over shorter

distances and eventually you will get over your

phobia. Hence you must not restrict your family

and allow them the freedom because only your

approving attitude will help solve the household


Facing embarrassment

A lot of kids come to our house every day for

tuition; this leads to our house being not very

tidy and has shoes and books scattered around

it daily. Recently some people came with a

proposal for my sister but they did not come to

visit a second time, after seeing the sad state of

our house. This really embarrasses me since my

sister is a true gem in terms of her attitude, looks

and mannerisms. I wonder if I should stop

teaching so that our house can look presentable

too but that doesn‟t help really because we need

that source of income.

Answer: A person must not condemn himself

altogether for a fault even more when there is

nothing to blame. Teaching is a wonderful

profession; something to take pride in and not

resent. To help your situation, one can advise

you to keep a portion of your house clean to

entertain guests and also to keep the books and

shoes in order whenever possible. If the people

that came to visit you are truly worth your

attention then they will not let such a minor issue

thwart their intentions. So you must not worry; a

proposal that suits you entirely will come up for

your sister.

Fear of parents’ disapproval.

My parents want me to become a doctor but I

want to be an engineer or one can say „wanted

to become an engineer‟. My parents are pretty

adamant to see me as a doctor. Also I have a

female friend who has made me realize that I

must not waste time studying medical otherwise

time for admission in engineering colleges will

run out too. I agree with her but I fear my

parent‟s rejection.

Answer: Before you get yourself admitted in a

medical college, talk to your parents. If you

make them understand that you will be wasting

time and will not have an interest whatsoever to

study medical properly then surely they will think

about something else. You should do this so that

you don‟t waste their money. You might have

made them aware of your interest but do this

again with full honesty and good intention. Try to

gain the confidence of your mother first then talk







Ubqari.org Page 46 of 85 September 2013

to your father. Parents must realise that they

should not impose their wishes upon their

children and allow them space to make

decisions on their own.

Fraud by using the name of Hakim Sahib

We have received this information numerous

times now that people use deception to make

everyone believe that they are connected to

Respected Hakim Sahib Muhammad Tariq

Mehmood Majzoobi Chugtai or Respected

Allama Lahoti Parasari or Ubqari. These people

exploit innocents and make them a part of an

illegitimate process. Keep yourself away from

scams such as these.

Visit only:



Office: Ubqari, institute of peace and

spirituality 78/3, Ubqari street, near Qurtaba

Masjid, Mzang chungi ,lahore

Phone: 37552384, 04237597605

To contact hakim Sahib on mobile (for

foreigners only) every Saturday evening 7-9








Ubqari.org Page 47 of 85 September 2013

For Children suffering from pain in eyes, take water of onions one quarter and rose water 2 quarters and pour one

drop day and night for cure.

To be successful in exams Mrs Naveed Ahmed Qureshi, Laki Marwat

Respected hakim sahib Asalam o Alaikum. I am

an avid reader of monthly Ubqari. I am a

professional woman but still take out time for this

beloved magazine. I have sent some of my

personally experienced spiritual methods/tips

and hope that people benefit from them as I

have. I am an Alama myself and every Sunday

teach some people the laws of sharia too. I truly

hope that every woman recognizes her role and

responsibilities and also that their salat prayer is

corrected upon. I pray that this magazine reach

thousands more in every corner of the world and

they benefit from it. Our prayers are with you. I

also have provided this magazine to other

people at work and have received such good

response from them.

My personally experienced spiritual tips are


Treatment of massay on face and back:

often people have skin projecting in such a

manner that it appears quite

unseemly.(masay)some people try to cut these

projections from the root which is very painful

and involves a lot of bleeding leading to

infection.one can get rid of „ masay‟ without

suffering from any pain by using the spiritual

technique that I have mentioned below.

Take the new plastic ropes that are used to

make steel beds. Tie knots within the rope, of

the same number as the number of masay on

the patient‟s body. While tying the knot the

patient should place his first finger on the

projections or „masay‟ and the other person

should recite

)النصمنذام الوظ الابر دسعظ54ػ

No need to blow on the projections. Just keep

tying the knots and reciting. After that, put the

rope under some sort of soil covering. And don„t

dig out the ropes for at least two weeks. After 3-

4 days the masay themselves would start to

shed. I got this tested technique from my elders.

Success in exams:

After fajr prayer, recite YA ALEEMO 211 times


ام ی


and while doing the exam, keep reciting

this attribute of Allah without count. Also before

the exam, recite Surah Noor and Surah Qalm.

Insha Allah, you will be successful.

To make someone come towards religion:

For one week, recite Istigfar on behalf of him,

one lakh and quarter lakh times and soon you

will find the other person paying attention to


To excrete urine without difficulty (for both

humans and animals)

Write the following verses on two pages. Use

one to dip it in water and then drink the water

and use the other and wear it in your neck.

Inshah Allah the problem will be solved.

ۃ اہلل و

يذ خن ا مع ادرتا مذصہ ختارال لی جل عنارظا الذ هنلزناول

نوراعطت مهالصس لا للنهب رز نلثم الك۔﴾۱۹الحذر﴿تل

Encyclopaedia of family matters To get rid of traffic jams and obstructions


Respected hakim sahib, Asalam o Alaikum, this spiritual

technique has helped all those to whom I have shared it

with. After being free from specific monthly days, give

Sadqah/charity. Recite surah Taubah one time,

beginning and ending with Durud Shareef.

After every salat prayer, recite the following tasbeeh:

نرثيو الري ختن ااا ودر﴾۸۱النيئ﴿ػ

Take three almonds (not broken) recite YA JABBAR

راج after Isha prayer, 30 tasbeeh and blow on the

almonds. Make your husband eat two of them and eat

one of it yourself. Do this for 11 days. There is no

restriction of intercourse while attempting this. Allah will

surely bless you the next month or the next and even if

not then definitely in the month after it.







Ubqari.org Page 48 of 85 September 2013

Years ago, I read in a magazine that to clear

your path out of a traffic jam, recite surah Alm

Nashrah 3 times. After reading this I thought to

try it while travelling on one of the busiest lanes

in Lahore. Along with reciting prayer for safe

travel, I also read surah Alm Nashrah and I was

truly amazed when after 5 minutes of my

recitation the road was completely isolated. It

looked as if some giant snake had swallowed

away everything.

Also one encounters obstructions too when

shopping in markets like anarkali or azam

market but after having seen the power of

Allah‟s verses, I did not hesitate to try it again

and was amazed yet again to find the shops

where I had to go to be free of unnecessary

people. By reciting surah Alm Nashrah

countlessly I was able to gain access to all those

places that I wanted to visit and was pretty

comfortable too while doing this.

I used to visit another store too where a lot of

women came to shop but after reciting surah

Alm Nashrah I never found a problem in getting

my own things. However upon leaving when I

looked back I could see others struggling to

shop properly. I thank Allah for this

blessing.(paragraph no.6)

Obtain pearls from older issues of Ubqari.

To get rid of household tensions, financial

constraints and any other pressures, you can

now acquire all old issues of Ubqari combined

together in book form. Just for RS 500

(exclusive of delivery charges) this can prove

quite beneficial for you and your future








Ubqari.org Page 49 of 85 September 2013

Cure from Headache: The person who has headache should write Bismillah-e-Rehman-i-Raheem and tie it in his

neck or head. By the will of Allah almighty, the head-ache will cure.

Mischievous Squirrel and Coping With sneezing

Many birds were sticking to the old man like honey bees; on hands, legs and the head. The old man could not be

seen. And time and again his voice could be heard that the small pieces of bread have finished. Now go and do not

disturb me. And in a particular loving style he would scold them away. [Muhammad Wardoon, Lahore]

There used to be a squirrel and she had a baby. The name of the baby was gulu. Although gulu was very mischievous, he was not as naughty so as to hurt someone. And if he ever did such a thing he used to ask for forgiveness. The nest of Gulu was built on a Rosewood tree. A canal used to flow through it too. The people going from the village to the city used to drink cold water and move ahead.

One day Gulu was playing hide and seek with his friends on the tree. His eye fell upon the road coming from the city. A man was coming on his cycle with a big bag on it. Gulu and his partners quit playing and started looking at the man because they had never seen that man before on that road. That man was coming slowly from the city. Who can he be? Gulu thought. I know who he is, Said Gulu‟s friend. He is a hawker who sells and comes to the village from the city to sell his things. The friend told. But how do you know that? asked Gulu. The friend said, I know that because the box that is normally lying on his bicycle has many interesting things in it. Yesterday a peanut fell from his box which I tasted. That was very delicious. Ok! so his box has things to be eaten in it. We shall search again today. Gulu said happily. The day was very warm. Upon reaching the canal the man parked his bicycle under the rosewood tree and went to the canal to drink water. Gulu was already in search of a chance. At once he jumped from one branch to another and ran down. His friends were a little coward. They kept on sitting.

At once Gulu‟s foot slipped and instead of falling on the ground he ended up in the box that was lying on the bicycle. He was happy that he will find peanuts, walnuts, and other things to eat for free. But what was that? The shopkeeper had only brought red chilly from the city. Aa, choo! Gulu sneezed hard and fell out of the box. Aa choo... Aa choo... Gulu kept on sneezing. He was unable to understand that what was

happening. He used to sneeze by opening his mouth and would fall 2 feet behind. Seeing his plight, his friends, who were sitting on the tree, started laughing loudly and they laughed so much that they lost control and fell from the tree right into the box, just like Gulu. Now everywhere on the road, Aachoo aachoo was happening. Seven squirrels were sneezing on the road. When the hawker came back after drinking water he started laughing after seeing so many squirrels sneezing on the road. He found this show of squirrels quite interesting. By laughing he developed a pain in his stomach. While laughing at once his foot slipped and he stumbled into the box. Chilies went into his nose too. Now the hawker was also sneezing along with the squirrels. Aachoo... Aachoo... aachoo. Many friends had stopped on the road and were seeing their show. By listening to their sneezing many animals of the jungle hung their heads out of trees to see their show. And they were laughing. It seemed as if there was a competition of sneezing going on the road.

Astonishing, But Love is an Important Factor Aziz-ur-Rehman Aziz, Peshawar

Today I want to share an incident of such a man that will definitely astonish you once you read it. And it is indeed an astonishing thing. Dear Children! The person about whom I am going to talk to you about, I might tell you about him in the end too.... This person loved children of every age. And as a result, children used to express a lot of joy when they used to see him. And whenever the children used to see him, they used to express their joy by jumping around him and clapping. By seeing them happy people used to understand at once that the old man has arrived. He used to pat every child one by one and did not use to get tired of doing so. And yes, other than children, keeping hens was his favorite hobby. Whenever, he used to call the hens, they used to come to him wherever they were. They used to run madly towards him by







Ubqari.org Page 50 of 85 September 2013

spreading their wings in a dumbfounding manner. It used to look as if these hens are being chased by jackals or grey hounds.

Indeed, it was a very astonishing thing that children, cats and pet birds were attracted towards him. But before I tell you about the real thing, I will tell you about one or two incidents about how cats developed affection with him. It was winter. A small kitten came to him and hugged him and wrapped around his body. When he saw it, he sat down and started caressing the cat with his hand. On touching, he realized that there were many mites in the body of the cat. He at once sprayed a pesticide (DDT) on the body of the kitten. Only some time had passed that the kitten starting swaying like a drug addict. She started lurching here and there and then fell down and became unconscious. We asked that what he had done. It would die. He stood up at once. He warmed some water. Folded a sack and placed it under sun. He bathed the kitten under the sun with soap. And he had the kitten lie down on the sack. After a short while the kitten regained consciousness. Initially, it raised his head. Then it stood up and started walking straight. Now the most astonishing thing for you for which you are anxiously waiting: one day when I came home to have my lunch, I asked my mother as to where

is the old man (my father). And then his voice attracted me towards him and then I started moving towards his voice towards the stairs. I did not know who he was talking to. But he was scolding them in a very loving way. And he used to say that just go and do not disturb me. Get lost! But when I was on the last step of the balcony, i went back at once. And was very anxious that what is happening. A large number of birds were stuck to his body like honey bees; on hands, thighs and on the head. Baba jee could not be seen at all. And again and again his voice was coming that the small pieces of bread had finished. Do not disturb me. And he would scold them in a peculiar loving way. Children! Isn‟t this very astonishing story? That birds get attracted to someone like this too. And if they get affiliated, they do so with love only. You should also love the birds around you too. And arrange for their water and grains on your roof. Like this they would get attached to you too. And they will reply to your love with love only.

The people who backbite against us correct us and they pay us tribute and they convert their good deeds to our good deeds. (Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani)







Ubqari.org Page 51 of 85 September 2013

The people who backbite against us correct us and they pay us tribute and they convert their good deeds to our good

deeds. (Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani)

Pleasant Meetings with the Fairy that Came From Koh-e-Qaaf

I recited the sermon of nikkah and had it accepted by the same fairy that came from koh-e-qaaf directly. And I wrote

a note on which first that fairy signed according to her language. And then the two jinns, Amaan-ullah and Raheem-

ullah came and signed it as witnesses.

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalalm-o-alaikum! There are always two jinns with my wife. Due to which she gets a lot of pain. The name of one of them is Amaan-ullah and the other one is Raheem-ullah. They throw my wife down at once. They scream and also talk. One day a strange incident happened. That is that one night I was busy talking to my wife when at once the complexion of my wife brightened up and became beautiful. And she became extremely beautiful at once. And she also started talking very politely and softly. She started saying that her name was Mehnaz bibi. And that I am a fairy. Do not worry. And she reassured us a lot. And along with that she told me a method to make dum and said that only make dum on your wife. And do not get involved in making dum on other people. The method is to take a knife and recite Bismillah shareef three times. By making dum on the knife draw a line around the patient. Then take a tasbih in the hand and put your hand on the head of the patient recite surah fateha 3 times and surah Ikhlaas 5 times. Keep on blowing on the patient. Then recite Salaam-un-Qolam-mir-rabb-e-raheem 100 times and keep on blowing on the patient and then recite Bismillah Shareef. Make dum on the knife and keep on revolving around the patient and the jinns would go away.

So, I kept on doing this deed due to which a lot of benefit is achieved for the time being. The discussed fairy Mehnaz bibi started visiting us regularly. She normally used to come at a time when I used to be alone with my wife. I said to that fairy that it should not come at that time because you would also become sinful. And that I would also become sinful. Because I feel your presence. On this the fairy proposed that I should get married with her. So I said how I can marry you while I cannot even see you. On this the fairy said that If I come in front of you, then spending your life would become difficult for you. Anyway, in order to save myself from sin I got married to that fairy. That was like that I recited

the sermon of nikah and had it accepted by that fairy directly. And I wrote a note on which the fairy signed in her own language. And then those two jinns, Amaan-ullah and Raheem-ullah came and signed it as witnesses. That note is still with me.

Time kept on passing for a few days happily. One day the above mentioned fairy came and started crying. I asked about what had happened? She said in a crying manner, that someone had cast a spell on me. And my parents have also come to know about that. And the jinns would not leave me alone that why I have come in your nikkah. I tried to reassure her a lot. After that that fairy started visiting less. And for quite a few years she has not arrived. But my wife has a relative. And he is quite aged. And he is a practitioner of jinns. He used to tell me again and again that there is a fairy with my wife. And that she has a relationship with me. But that she is with my wife. And the jinns do not leave her. The style and polite accent of that fairy and beauty still wander in my mind. And I sense an unknown fragrance. And that fragrance is also quite strange and strong. I still yearn for that smell. (Anonymous)

Health from the Prescription Published in Ubqari

My son Muhammad used to remain sick since the time of

his birth. Every day he used to contract cough and flue.

We took him to doctors. They said that he had allergy.

And that he would become healthy when he would

become 10 years old. So you should keep the medicine

for allergy permanently at home. And give this medicine

permanently. This prescription came in Ubqari for tonsils.

Qast-e-sheereen, 100 grams and honey 300 grams.

Blend them and give 1 spoon in the morning and one

spoon in the evening. I made that and gave that to my son

for one month. Since that day, he roams around in the

winter, plays and eats ice. He is completely fit and by the

grace of Allah his immune system has improved too.

(Umar Habib Baloch, Gujranwala)







Ubqari.org Page 52 of 85 September 2013

4 Priceless Pearl and Priceless


Shoaib, Islamabad

There, renowned scholar of hadith Hazrat Suleman

Amash (RA) used to give lessons of hadith. He started

going to them and and acquired a lot of ahaadith

Allama Ibn-ul-Barr has quoted an incident of hazrat Ghaalib bin Qataan (RA) with his authority. Hazrat Ghalib bin Qattan (RA) was a merchant of bread. For the purpose of trade he once went to Koofa. The journey was purely of business orientation. But he thought that he should also benefit from the scholars of hadith there too. In those times, the renowned scholar of hadith Hazrat Suleman Amash used to give lessons of hadith. During his stay, he kept visiting him and acquired many ahaadith. At last the work of trade came to an end and he had to return to Basra. He spent his last night at the place of Aamish. During the last hour of the night Aamish (RA) stood for tahajjud and he recited this verse. Shahidalla-u-anna-hu-laa-ilaa-ha-illa-lahu..... (surah Al-Imran, 18)

ہ ال

ہ ل

ان ا


هد ذ

يمم ؼصلوا الول ا وۃىعلمال وو وال عمران اال


81) . Hazrat Aamish said a few other words

with recitation also. Due to this Hazrat Ghalib bin Qattaan (RA) thought he probably knows any hadith relevant to this verse. He said, Hazrat I am with you for the past one year and I have not heard any hadith from you about this verse. It slipped out of the mouth of Hazrat Imam Aamish (RA) that I will not tell you the relevant hadith for another year. Ghalib bin Qattaan (RA) says that I stopped there and wrote that day‟s date on the door of hazrat Imam Aamish (RA). When the whole year passed, I said, Abu-Muhammad whole year has passed. On this Imam Aamish (RA) quoted the hadith. ”Hazrat Abu-Waail (RA) quoted to me on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Masood (RA), Rasool-e-Akram (may Allah‟s peace be upon him said) the person who recites the above mentioned verse, when he would be brought to the throne of Allah Almighty on the judgment day, Allah Almighty would say, my slave made a promise with me and I am the most deserving to fulfill the promise. My slave should be entered into the heaven.” (Ibn-abdul-Birr Jaamai-Bayaan-ul-ilm-o-fazeela).







Ubqari.org Page 53 of 85 September 2013

10 minutes before eating food eat 1 or 2 apples of good quality that are not peeled. In a few days weakness of the

mind will ameliorate.

The Story of the Rich Woman Who Used to beg on the Shrine

The maid that used to work in that house used to tell that her boss used to earn so much money that those husband

and wife could not even count it. He used to bring money and she used to keep that in a locker. I developed a lot of

curiosity about that woman that how and why did that happen?

(Mumtaz Abdul-Majeed, Karachi)

Respected hakeem sahib! I want to present an extremely important incident to Ubqari. This woman was sitting on a shrine and she was begging. My tailor told me that she was a very respectable woman. She had her own house, car, servants. The servant who used to work in that house used to tell that her husband used to earn so much money that both husband and wife could not count it. The husband used to bring money and she used to put that in the locker. I developed a lot of curiosity about that that how and why did this happen? After a long time that woman was discussed and one of our women relatives told us that that in the past, that woman was very arrogant. She did not even used to reply to everyone‟s greetings.

Due to this arrogance and pride, Allah held her so strongly that she lost everything; everything was destroyed. She lost her house. She became half-mad. And today she begs in front of shrines. And she is dwelling into the darkness of poverty day by day. O God! I also used to think that my God is extremely beneficent. Why did he make her so poor at once? Today I read in a book of tassawuf; when the governor of Baghdad, Abu Bakar Shibli (RA) requested the prince of sufis, Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) to add him in the ranks of sufis, hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) said, would you be able to fulfill the requirements of sufism. Abu Bakar Shibli said, I am ready for that. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) said because you were the governor of Baghdad and the pride of that governorship remains in you, till the time this pride goes away you cannot learn the knowledge of tasawwuf. And the first lesson to get rid of this pride is that you will have to beg for money in the streets of Baghdad. And then the people of Baghdad saw that Shibli begged in the streets of Baghdad. May Allah save us from polytheism, envy, arrogance, and lying. Today these malice have destroyed our whole society. These lying, backbiting,

slandering, jealousy and arrogance have finished the peace of our heart. For the sake of Allah! Stay safe from these grave sins - yourself and your family too. It is mentioned in the hadith that whosoever shall have an iota of pride in his heart shall not be able to enter paradise. Today we should do our self-accountability that where are we headed to. Towards heaven or....

The Story of a Tormented Mother

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I am going to present a deep pain of my life to you. One of my hyperbolic statements has shown me this bad day. Hakeem sahib when my elder son was 7 years old, I made a comparison with my brother‟s son. I said very proudly and arrogantly that he will remain uneducated whereas I will make my son a commissioner. Thus, after that day I started memorizing Quran-e-shareef to my son. After the 23rd section he stopped reciting. After much effort I made him complete Quran-e-kareem. But since that day till now he has not even opened Quran-e-kareem. Neither did he pay any attention to modern education. He failed in his matriculation examination three times. Hakeem sahib, my 17 years old son‟s state on insolence is such that he says that my mother has died. He uses obscene language against me. He smokes. He is a drug addict. He stays out of the house whole night. His father holds me responsible for this; even though I have never given a spare penny to my son. His every legitimate need has been fulfilled by his father. I went to a relative of mine and I found monthly Ubqari there. After that day I found peace of mind in my heart that I can write my problem in detail. Respected hakeem sahib! Just right now my son has bad mouthed me and he has gone out. And I am crying. And I am writing this letter. I am extremely depressed. I had read in you Ubqari magazine that the biggest of the wrestlers can be defeated by their







Ubqari.org Page 54 of 85 September 2013

children. And that children are enough for that. The words that I had said 10 years ago arrogantly still echo in my mind. And I become lost. I request all the mothers never to utter hyperbolic statements. So that like my child some other child‟s life gets ruined too.

Never Underestimate Anyone

There was a wedding within our relatives. The newly wed lady that came used to consider herself very beautiful and intelligent. To not give importance to anyone was her temperament. She used to find some fault with everyone. And such a person can never be happy. Anyway, that lady had gone to her family. The people who used to live in her neighborhood were poor. Their kids were mentally weak. But they used to walk and play normally. They were just a slightly

retarded. One day those kids were playing on their roof. This woman was in the lawn of her house. She at once saw those kids. She addressed them very arrogantly and said that is there someone in your house who is normal or whether everyone is retarded? This woman only had to say this and it brought news of her destruction. Those children came down and went off. But the nature‟s mechanism came into process. That woman had a daughter after a short while. She was absolutely abnormal. She could neither stand up nor could she move or walk. Today that girl is 15 years old. And she is just like that. That is why it is said that never underestimate anyone. And use your tongue thoughtfully.

An Unanswerable and Tested Deed for Security

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I recite a wazifa. I have had a lot of benefits due to this. I wish that other people benefit from this too. If this has not been published in Ubqari before then please publish it.Bismillah-e- Al-khaaliq-il-Akbare-hirzam-mimma-akhaaf-o-

daaiman..... يما دفخ اا ممزار حرؽ لق ال

خم اہلل ال


ہوجوت النع وقد عم حصصيولق ؽ

خ العق مولخم للۃردؼل

موايظ الایح لل

منص و اہلل

ندط ح

مل ظلم حن مبخدؼو

۔لؽيو The method for reciting it is that initially ال

11 time durood shareef should be read. And then 11 times istighfaar. And then the above mentioned prayer in the middle for 7 times and then in the end the sequence is such that now first istighfaar should be read 11 times and 11 times durood shareef. Benefit: Allah Almighty saves from the mischief and fear of every enemy. Allah Almighty protects the respect and dignity and makes them graceful in their eyes.

Deed for Security: Recite complete surah fatiha

7 times. But when you reach iyyaka-naabo-do-

wa-iyyaka-nastaeen. Recite it 10 times كاا

ودص ن

نصيتد نكاا . Whoever you fear or are

scared of, keep them in mind. (Abu-Saeed

Muhammad Azhar Shaheen, Islamabad).







Ubqari.org Page 55 of 85 September 2013

To be favorite of everyone: recitation of “ya reaheemo” daily 500 time after Fajr Prayer makes you everyone‟s

favorite. Every person you meet will greet you with love.

Questions of readers and answers of readers Answers of August:

1. Take fresh Aloe Vera and rub it on face

in morning and evening, one hour after it

do not wash your face, avoid soap and

market creams. If Aloe Vera is not

available take gram flour (بیسن) and

Heena (یمہند) equal weight and soak it in

water for half hour, after it put it on your

face. Keep it on your face for half hour

then wash your face with water mixed

rose water of equal weight. For hairs

first of all check that you don‟t have

mucus (بلغن) if you have any then treat it

first of all. If you don‟t have mucus then

make your sleep sufficient and take

nutrient food. Also avoid shampoo and


2. Your brother should read this verse with

full faith and concentration. INSHALLAH

he will be victorious. بولض میا انابر

)الظمرررتن ,Muhammad Shoaib) .(ػ


recite it after every namaz - رب زدنی علما .3

21 times by keep hand on your heart

with 7 time Darood Shareef in beginning

and end. ALLAH will open your heart for

knowledge. (Beigum Zubair, Peshawar)

ii- الن نشرح لک صدرک recite one tasbeeh in

morning and evening with full

concentration and faith. Refrain from

sins specially avoid TV and films. It

decreases Noor of heart and makes chest narrow, it is a very tremendous act

if someone do it with concentration and

continuity. (Sajid, Multan)

4. Sister after every one hour hold your

breath and say these words 11 times

“Firaoun Gark Shudh” after it make

mark of X on your head with your figure,

do this act atleast 3-5 months with

continuity. This act seems to be small

but if done regularly you will soon see its

benefits. (Alliah,Karachi)

ii- 6 times a day use Johr Shifae Madina

and Thandi Murad half spoon every

time. Use Five packets with continuity.

Questions of September:

1. Since a long time I am suffering from

physical diseases. Every time in my

mind feel different noises of Shaen

Shaen and some other noises.

Sometime it is so much that I can‟t

understand anything specially at night.

Got medical treatment but all in vein.

Blood pressure is also normal. It is

requested to all readers that kindly

suggest me some spiritual and physical

treatment from Herbal medicine.

(Muhammad Yaqoob Khan, Peshawar)

2. Dear readers Aslam O Alikum! There

are effects of magic in our home. Even

we found nails from pocket of our four

year old child. Also there are hurdles in

marriage of our one child. Readers!

kindly tell me some brief act to remove

this magic. (Kashif Bukhari)

3. Respected readers Aslam O Alikum! If

someone knows anything to reduce

hunger kindly write it as soon as

possible. Especially for less hunger in

winters. Due to hunger I eat a lot and I

am gaining weight. Please! Tell me

solution to this problem………(P,S)

Manasik Sahaba (R.A) and Ahle Bait (PBUH):

Selection Kammi Ahmad Puri

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas Razi Allah Anha

narrated that that Prophet PBUH said: o people!

Shouldn‟t I give information about those who are

better than their elders? Shouldn‟t I tell you

about those who are better than their uncle and

aunties? Shouldn‟t I tell you about those who are

better than their parents? Those are Hassan and

Hussain (Razi Allah Anham Agmaeen). Their







Ubqari.org Page 56 of 85 September 2013

grandfather Prophet (PBUH) of ALLAH, their

grandmother Khadija Bint e Kholeed, their

mother Fatimah Bint e rasool Allah, their father

Ali bin Abi Talib, their uncle Jaffar bin Abi Talib,

their aunt Umme Hani bint e Abi Talib, their

uncle Qasim Bin Rasool (PBUH) ALLAH and

their aunts are daughters of Rasool (PBUH)

ALLAH Zainab, Rukaya and Umme Kalsoom.

Their grandfather, father, mother, uncles and

aunts (all) will be in Jannat and both (Hasnain

Kareemain) of them will also be in Jannat.


Hazrat Zar (bin Habash) Razi ALLAH anha

narrated that Hazrat ali Razi Allah anha said: I

swear to the God who cracked the grain (and

grew cereals and mineral form it) and he who

gave birth to living beings, Hazoor Nabi PBUH

promised me that only Momin will love me and

only hypocrite will hate me. (Muslim, Nisai, Ibne


Mother of all believers Hazrat Ayesha R.A

narrated that Rasool Allah PBUH said (in Jinnah

after my death) that wife will meet earliest whose

hands will be long, Hazart Ayesha R.A said that

after it all of us started measuring our hands but

longest hands were of Hazrat Zainab R.A

because she used her hands to do work and

spent for Allah and did charity. (Imam Muslim)

How to control termite….???

It is requested by editor Ubqari that if anyone

has any act, wazifa, procedure or any

experience to control termite, please write it. It

will be your sadqa jarea. Do not delay; write

your experiences as soon as possible.







Ubqari.org Page 57 of 85 September 2013

If you have wasted your time during young age, then make up for it during old age so that your end is good. (Hazrat

Ali R.A.)

Your dream and bright interpretation: Extreme Fear,

Dream: I saw this dream at last moment of

night. I saw that there is a dense jungle and I am

passing by it. When I reach the center of jungle I

got so much scared that I start returning. On the

way two dogs surround me. I am trying to get rid

of them but they are coming behind me

constantly. I threw stone at them, one ran away

but other kept following me. Then nearby I see

bone of dead animal. I smashed that bone on

dog‟s head; he got unconscious and I ran away.

On the way man asks me where you are going?

I said I am going to college he replies that

college is this way. I start walking towards that

direction and then I woke up. (Abdul Majid.


Interpretation: according to your dream you will

stuck in some problem. Do good deeds and get

instructions from pious people to set course.

INSHALLAH you will get out of every trouble.

Divine help

Dream: one day I was cleaning water channel of

my colony. I was alone and I was cleaning from

home till water channel. Suddenly my father

came who has died. There was another man

with him and both of them helped me a lot in my

work. (Rashid, Peshawar)

Interpretation: according to your dream you will

get Divine help and INSHALLAH you will repent

on your sins. Read Astagfar at least 10 times

after every prayer.

News of success

Dream: Nowadays after Fajar prayer I recite

Sura Maryam. One day after recitation while

asleep I saw that all of us are in hospital. I have

my new born baby in my lap. Beside me there is

a women standing of elderly age. (I consider her

as my mother in law where as I am unmarried

girl) that women took baby from me and place

him in a glass box to give him warm water bath.

Behind me there are some other family

members also standing but I don‟t know who

they are. After bath that women wrap that baby

in towel and I take baby in my lap and say he is

a boy. From behind I hear voice of Thanks to

ALLAH. (I thought that voice is of my husband)

that baby opens his eyes and sees me and

smile. I became very happy. Baby seems to be

very naughty. I say that this baby will be very

intelligent. After it may be my father take him in

his lap. After few moment baby was with me. He

says that he want to urinate, I get surprisingly

happy and tell me sister that see this small baby

can speak, after it I take him to washroom for his

need and then I give to my younger sister.

(Rabia, Ghotki)

Interpretation: according to your dream you will

get extreme success in some matter for which

you are waiting. After every prayer say YA

BADEOO 21 times یابدیع and make dua.

Mother flies airplane

Dream: I see that I and my mother are in a

journey. In the corridor of a building I am going

down from stairs (two or four) and asking

someone that which is the direction of Saudi

Arabia or Makah? I have my personal airplane

but I am forced to land on the way because I

don‟t know direction. Then I saw that person

pointed towards West and said that way

because sun is setting in that direction. Then I

saw that my mother is flying airplane. We are

flying 5-6 feet above ground infect we are flying

over the heads of people, suddenly I saw a long

man in our way and I ask my mother to move

steering upwards. Then airplane moves upwards

speedily. Then I wake up. (Majid, Khanewal)

Interpretation: according to your dream, you

have been told that you are struck in matters of

this world. If you spend some time for ALLAH







Ubqari.org Page 58 of 85 September 2013

then INSHALLAH you will gain success. Recite

Astaghfar abundantly.

Two Holy Kabah

Dream: I see that I am on Hajj with my family.

With few people I am standing on the upper floor

of Masjid Haram. Then we came down from

there. Scene changes then I am in a garden and

there is another Bait Ullah. Due to unknown

reason Real Kabah is also in my sight. Then

from above someone does something that Bait

Ullah of garden disappears. Here I want to

mention that people were offering prayer beside

both Holy Kabbahs. (Muhammad Waheed,


Interpretation: according to your dream people

who have made this world their center, at last

this world will disappear but ALLAH‟s home will

be there. It is better that you link yourself with

some spiritual saint for your correction till then

keep on reading your books and books written

by pious people.







Ubqari.org Page 59 of 85 September 2013

If child cries while sleeping then he must be seeing dreams due to indigestion, give him honey for few days and his

indigestion problem will be solved.

Charity saved from arrest: (Irfan

Zahid) I had routine that daily I read Dua Hazb ul Bahr

due to which I got a small job. After time passed

whenever thought of something while closing

eyes I got clear indication about that thing and it

happened in reality. I had danger from one

person. I continuously read Dua Hazb ul Bahr

again and again while thinking of him. He had

one of my cheques due to which I had danger of

going to jail because there is no bail in cheque

case. Later I will discuss about it. He dint

contacted me since 2-3 year and I became

relaxed that ALLAH has soften his heart.(but it

dint happen)

Another person gave application against me in

FIA, he also had money problem, I started

reading Dua Hazb ul Bahr for him also, their

relative was a director in FIA but ALLAH saved

me. He suspended the person ho released me

and restared the inquiry again. Again ALLAH

made such conditions that I got relieved.

Salvation due to charity: one day from

somewhere it came into my heart that I should

read Dua of returning debit ن علكل بحطنی اؽامواللا

اك دونام علك

ز بطننیغا وامك

ر I did so for few ح

days but nothing happen. Then I started reading

in this mannaer Darud sharif, above mentioned

Dua and in last again Darud sharif. I started

reading in this manner countless time. One day

while reading I experienced severe anxiety.

Second day it increased. I went to Bhatti chowk

to drop a friend and don‟t know what happened

that I bought a Dixie (دیگ) and distributed it

among poor. This was first time in my life that I

gave food to poor people. Same night I saw in

dream that I have 2 blisters in my head, I ended

one with my nail but the other one was still

giving pain. Next day I got phone call from a

police inspector. He dint tell me anything but told

me name of plaintiff; he was same person about

which I discussed earlier for whom I read Dua

Hazb ul Bahr. I was very upset because it was in

front what I was avoiding. It was very hard to

survive this because I did not have money. I

went to a friend who had good relations within

police station but he refused and started

avoiding me. Time before Magrib settled, while

going I thought of retired inspector who was

father of my wife‟s friend, I had met him once

(mother married me twice) I was hopeless but

ALLAH softened his heart. He accompanied me

to the police station, I contacted the inspector on

phone and he said wait for 5-10 minutes; I am

coming. Suddenly the retired inspector‟s very

close friend inspector came and they met very

warmly. He discussed my problem and then the

inspector called the concerned inspector. He

told him that I was now wanted; don‟t let me go

outside the police station. Retired inspector got

angry after listening this and said I brought him

here and I will take him with me. He took my

mobile from me and made me run from police

station. I was saved from arrest by only one

minute otherwise I would have been in jail. This

was only due to the charity of food. Later matter

got settled. I gave some money and rest was

promised to be given in installments. When

inquired about case we came to know that the

case was registered 3 years back but plaintiff

was not pursuing. Actually, when I started

reading Dua Hazb ul Bahr for him he registered

case within those days but afterwards he got

stuck himself, some people got after him due to

which he became a fugitive and in FIR (Police

report) it was my name but, home address was

not written in it due to which police kept on

looking for the complainant for 2-3 years. Then

some policemen traced my address through

bank and case moved ahead. The day, police

got my address from the bank, same day I did

charity because of which I was saved from being


Miracles of YA SALAMO

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslam O Alikum!

May Allah bless you with all blessing of this

world and after world and may HE give you long







Ubqari.org Page 60 of 85 September 2013

life with health. AAMEEN. Ubqari Magazine is

going really well. Every article is better than the

other. “Natal Friend of JINNAT” is number one. It

has played a vital role in the progress of your

magazine. I like it the most. I repeat all its

episodes like it is a lesson. Every episode has

unique secrets of spirituality and universe. One

benefit of it is that it reveals world of Jinnat.

Infect AMAAL are also very useful. Respected

Hakeem Sahib! There is an AMMAL of YA

SALAMO یاسلام told by an old Jinn in Natal Friend

of JINNAT episode number 27 November issue.

I am doing this AMMAL and getting great

benefits. I blow YA SALAMO 21 time یاسلام on

everything I eat or drink even on plain water.

Thanks to ALLAH; my face is now glowing which

was withered due to diseases. Also blow in

medicine and before starting any work I read it in

defined manner. I can see blessings. MASHA

ALLAH. That AMMAL is:-

Read YA SALAMO 21 times یاسلام on medicine,

on meal, before starting journey, or before

starting any work. That medicine will become

cure and soon you will be fully cured, and there

will be no hurdles in any matter and you will be

successful, if read during home fights it will get

solve. Above mentioned Wazifa has made my

life very successful.







Ubqari.org Page 61 of 85 September 2013

If child cries while sleeping then he must be seeing dreams due to indigestion, give him honey for few days and his

indigestion problem will be solved.

Charity saved from arrest: (Irfan Zahid) I had routine that daily I read Dua Hazb ul Bahr

due to which I got a small job. After time passed

whenever thought of something while closing

eyes I got clear indication about that thing and it

happened in reality. I had danger from one

person. I continuously read Dua Hazb ul Bahr

again and again while thinking of him. He had

one of my cheques due to which I had danger of

going to jail because there is no bail in cheque

case. Later I will discuss about it. He dint

contacted me since 2-3 year and I became

relaxed that ALLAH has soften his heart.(but it

dint happen)

Another person gave application against me in

FIA, he also had money problem, I started

reading Dua Hazb ul Bahr for him also, their

relative was a director in FIA but ALLAH saved

me. He suspended the person ho released me

and restared the inquiry again. Again ALLAH

made such conditions that I got relieved.

Salvation due to charity: one day from

somewhere it came into my heart that I should

read Dua of returning debit, ن علكل بحطنی اؽاموالل ا

اك دونام علك

ز بطننیغا وامك

ر I did so for few ح

days but nothing happen. Then I started reading

in this mannaer Darud sharif, above mentioned

Dua and in last again Darud sharif. I started

reading in this manner countless time. One day

while reading I experienced severe anxiety.

Second day it increased. I went to Bhatti chowk

to drop a friend and don‟t know what happened

that I bought a Dixie (دیگ) and distributed it

among poor. This was first time in my life that I

gave food to poor people. Same night I saw in

dream that I have 2 blisters in my head, I ended

one with my nail but the other one was still

giving pain. Next day I got phone call from a

police inspector. He dint tell me anything but told

me name of plaintiff; he was same person about

which I discussed earlier for whom I read Dua

Hazb ul Bahr. I was very upset because it was in

front what I was avoiding. It was very hard to

survive this because I did not have money. I

went to a friend who had good relations within

police station but he refused and started

avoiding me. Time before Magrib settled, while

going I thought of retired inspector who was

father of my wife‟s friend, I had met him once

(mother married me twice) I was hopeless but

ALLAH softened his heart. He accompanied me

to the police station, I contacted the inspector on

phone and he said wait for 5-10 minutes; I am

coming. Suddenly the retired inspector‟s very

close friend inspector came and they met very

warmly. He discussed my problem and then the

inspector called the concerned inspector. He

told him that I was now wanted; don‟t let me go

outside the police station. Retired inspector got

angry after listening this and said I brought him

here and I will take him with me. He took my

mobile from me and made me run from police

station. I was saved from arrest by only one

minute otherwise I would have been in jail. This

was only due to the charity of food. Later matter

got settled. I gave some money and rest was

promised to be given in installments. When

inquired about case we came to know that the

case was registered 3 years back but plaintiff

was not pursuing. Actually, when I started

reading Dua Hazb ul Bahr for him he registered

case within those days but afterwards he got

stuck himself, some people got after him due to

which he became a fugitive and in FIR (Police

report) it was my name but, home address was

not written in it due to which police kept on

looking for the complainant for 2-3 years. Then

some policemen traced my address through

bank and case moved ahead. The day, police

got my address from the bank, same day I did

charity because of which I was saved from being








Ubqari.org Page 62 of 85 September 2013

Miracles of YA SALAMO


Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslam O Alikum!

May Allah bless you with all blessing of this

world and after world and may HE give you long

life with health. AAMEEN. Ubqari Magazine is

going really well. Every article is better than the

other. “Natal Friend of JINNAT” is number one. It

has played a vital role in the progress of your

magazine. I like it the most. I repeat all its

episodes like it is a lesson. Every episode has

unique secrets of spirituality and universe. One

benefit of it is that it reveals world of Jinnat.

Infect AMAAL are also very useful. Respected

Hakeem Sahib! There is an AMMAL of YA

SALAMO ملد told by an old Jinn in Natal

Friend of JINNAT episode number 27 November

issue. I am doing this AMMAL and getting great

benefits. I blow YA SALAMO 21 time ملد on

everything I eat or drink even on plain water.

Thanks to ALLAH; my face is now glowing which

was withered due to diseases. Also blow in

medicine and before starting any work I read it in

defined manner. I can see blessings. MASHA

ALLAH. That AMMAL is:-

Read YA SALAMO 21 times ملد on

medicine, on meal, before starting journey, or

before starting any work. That medicine will

become cure and soon you will be fully cured,

and there will be no hurdles in any matter and

you will be successful, if read during home fights

it will get solve. Above mentioned Wazifa has

made my life very successful.







Ubqari.org Page 63 of 85 September 2013

Wealth, honour and predominance: To attain wealth alongwith honour and predominance, recite 10000

times every day and complete 10 million.



“Research book „Mawara‟ has been written by renowned Nuclear scientist, Engineer Sultan Bashir Mahmood,

Sitara-e-Imtiaz, ex- Director General of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. See what benefits science is attaining

from spirituality whereas we have not been able to get out of the circle of criticism and making fun of it. The

research under consideration has been compiled by the gentleman after great efforts spread over many years. We

hope that the readers will read it with concentration and interest. This might eliminate undue criticism and


Power of imagination and CIA’a amazing spying system PSYCHIC WARRIOR by Major Morehouse, USA (CIA‟s Paranormal Espionage Department) Introduction: Telepathy or influencing with the minds of other people and communicating by the power of imagination is a supernatural phenomenon. Hypnotism is also a game of power of imagination. In the days of Communist USSR, proper telepathy stations were established for messaging between Siberia and Moscow and many successful experiments were carried out. Also in Europe and America, numerous scientific experiments have proved that some people have natural distinction in this regard. In other words, this is a human quality which exists at different levels in different people. In addition, several experiments were conducted in USA and USSR to free the soul or spirit from a living body. Such experiments helped in messaging, superseding others and controlling of minds. Minor things like inquiring about thefts and locating lost things were also carried out with the help of spirits. Until 1970, these things were the domain of only parapsychologists and those interested in spirituality. But ever since CIA started to utilize the same for spying on enemies, controlling of minds and espionage, these human traits have become a serious knowledge with which psy-war is fought. Till 1996 probably nobody had a clue in this regard as to what was happening in the largest secret service of the world. This might have never come to light if this secret was not revealed by CIA‟s own retired officer Major Morehouse. Following article is a summary of his book „the Psychic Warrior‟.

Espionage through Jinns, Ghosts and Spirits: Two things are proved from the book of Major Morehouse. Firstly, the American Government which is a super power in the scientific advancement, not only officially acknowledges existence of supernatural beings like souls, Jinns, ghosts and spirits etc. but also carries out research to utilize them for top secret espionage purposes. In the preface, the author of the book, David Morehouse claims this is a true account of CIA‟s espionage through supernatural forces. He expresses this in these words: “A true story of the CIA‟s paranormal espionage.” The author has served the CIA as an officer for a long time. He explains about himself in his book which is summarized as follows: The angel said: You become just, stop atrocity: David Morehouse got commission on 16 April 1979 in the Infantry Corps of the US Army and after 16 years of service he was retired as a Major in 1995. His father was also a soldier and whose career was also brilliant. When he was commissioned, he had already earned several medals of honors as a cadet. Due to his courage, intelligence and hard work, he was assigned important appointments in the Army. In August 1986, he was deputed with the 260

th Platoon Command in Jordan for the

training of the Jordanian Army, where his life was revolutionized. In the spring of 1987, they were conducting a military exercise in a mountainous valley in Jordan, which is known as the „Waadi-e-Musa‟ (Valley of Moses). This is the place where Allah Almighty had miraculously blessed the followers







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of Hazrat Musa Alaihe Assalam with 12 water springs. As a tribute, today there is a mosque on that spot and which is known as Masjid e Musa Alaihe Assalam and where one of the springs still continues to flow. Suddenly Morehouse was hit by a bullet which got stuck in his helmet or else it could have crossed his skull. Later his head got swollen as that point which shows that the trauma must have had effects till deep inside the mind. He immediately got up but then fainted. While unconscious, he witnessed that the atmosphere is foggy and there are about 8-10 people dressed in lose Arabic attire. One of them came forward and said: „You should become just. Stop atrocities and work for peace. Teach the people about peace.‟ One who gave him this message said that he is David‟s guard angel and that he will look after him. With this the fog diminished and he came to consciousness.

Encounter and conversation with the guard angel: He presumed this incident as a dream or vagary. But after a few days, the same angel met him in his consciousness and who delivered the same message. Now Major Morehouse had no doubt that this was not a fallacy but a reality. But how and why, was beyond his apprehension. The Jordanian Commanding Officer had already briefed them that Jinns and spirits live in this valley but the American soldiers took it as a joke. The encounter and conversation with his guard angel left a deep impact on Major Morehouse. But he did not mention it to anybody due to the fear that people who talk about such things are not liked in the Army. Nevertheless, after this incident his mind was occupied with strange thoughts and he occasionally saw dreams that came true. He could feel that he can see things that will happen in future. About his condition, he writes:







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A person who possesses knowledge and does not act on it, he a sick man who has the medicine but does not carry

out the treatment. (Hakeem Aqleedas)

“It was an odd feelings, humming mind, eyes open all the time, I began referring to it as the television in my head.” (page-42)

CIA’s spiritual espionage department: Upon completion of the assignment in Jordan, he returned back home in 1987. But the series of encounters with the spiritual being did not stop. In fact his worries increased. He thought about going to a psychologist, but for the sake of his career in the Army he did not do so. Upon return, he was appointed in the Intelligence department of the Army where he met a psychologist who was a Ph.D in parapsychology. Where Morehouse told him about his experiences, he said that this is no ailment. It is rather a gift from nature and which is a very useful thing. Due to this encouragement, Morehouse told him some more of his experiences. Upon this the parapsychologist gave him some top secret folder to study. These contained information about people who could see beyond the limitation of time and location. These people were termed as “Spiritual Telescopic Viewers”. The Dr. told Morehouse that actually his natural gift is a step in the same direction and strictly instructed not to discuss it with anybody. One of the folders had an account for an American who was kidnapped in July 1978. Instead of names, the people were mentioned by numbers. In his book, Morehouse writes that a Spiritual Telescopic Viewer‟s soul left his body and went in the past to locate the person. His soul reaches the house of the abducted where the kidnappers are assembled. From their conversation it was revealed there that they did not want to kill the abducted person but to make a deal. A new power from nature: The second incident was no lesser astonishing. This was about a Spiritual Telescopic Viewer who spiritually travelled in several cities and countries to locate a person and ultimately succeeded. Upon going through these incidents, Morehouse writes: “I realized that my condition is not due to any ailment but actually nature was blessing me with a new power. After a few days, I received orders for my appointment to a different place. It was a top secret department about which I had never heard earlier. Dr. Barter took me there where I met the Department‟s manager Mr. Levy. I came

to know that Mr. Levy already knew a lot about me. He congratulated me as only a few lucky people are selected for this department out of thousands.” Training for going into past and future: Now I came to know that this is a very special department of the CIA where espionage is conducted in enemy countries through the spiritual forces. People who join this department are trained to psychologically travel in time and space and in the past and future. But for this training it is essential that the trainees are already blessed with these natural gifts. Some people are born with supernatural powers while others are blessed by nature with the same later on. But in any case, it is given by nature. The code name of this department was Sun Streak/Star Gate. Having this opportunity, Morehouse was extremely happy. He writes: “Think of it: I can be trained to traverse in time and space, to see and experience anything and everything.” (page- 77) “I will travel to other worlds, see things that happened long time ago, and learn to see things that have not even happened yet.” (page-88) Morehouse started receiving training for spiritual espionage. Regular lectures were given. The training school was crammed up with high tech machines and equipment. At the beginning of the training, the Chief Instructor Mr. Levy told him: “This training will change you for the rest of your life. Neither you nor your family will be the same.” In this training he was informed about time travel in the present, past and future. He writes: “In this lecture Mil handed out the historical evidence of time travel and out of body travel from ancient Egyptian heriographics to scriptures. Man, Mil argued, is more than his physical self.” (page-94)







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Laboratories for spiritual espionage: Initially he was given some papers to study after which the formal training was to commence. During this several types of tests were also taken. After a few weeks the training started. Prior training, Mr. Levy took him around in the laboratory. Detail of the same revealed that spiritual espionage has been made a proper science by the CIA. The training institutes are not the camps of saints, hermits or monks but are

modern technical laboratories outfitted with latest scientific equipment. Some salient points described by Morehouse are reproduced in his own words as follows: “He (Mr. Riley the senior instructor) said; Let me introduce you to world beyond. This is the monitoring room.







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Easiest treatment for upset stomach: For people who suffer from frequent upsetting of stomach, consuming ripe

grapes is very beneficial for them.

This is where they monitor your body signs, respiration‟s pulse, and temperature. This is your lifeline back to reality. If you ever get into trouble there in the Ether, they will know it in here and they will break the session to get you back home. The joystick let the monitor control the cameras in the viewing rooms. They can zoom in you to see what you‟re writing, or you are doing on RV (Remote Viewing) and ERV (Extended Remote Viewing).” Another equipment is explained as: “On this little gimmick here we will monitor your brain waves during your first month of training. When we are certain that you can achieve the desired frequency in the appropriate amount of time, you don‟t have to wear the electrodes anymore.” About another room, he was told: “This is the ERV room number-I and the other is number-II, This is ERV chair you sit in it like this” Riley jumped into the seat and began pulling wires and belts on position. “ There are light and volume controls, here where on this console, you wear these headphones.” It was astonishing for Morehouse that everything in the laboratory was light grey. Curtains, walls, floor, machines, equipment, chairs and tables, as such everything were gray in colour. Why was it so? When he inquired, he was replied:

“To avoid mental noise, we correct information in the signal in transfer. It is kind of TV interference. Something happens in your head. If there is a lot of colour, light or noise in the room where viewer is working, the chances are high that it will interfere with the session. By eliminating all that mental noise, we can keep the chances of pure session fairly high.” In the next room of the laboratory he was told: “This is the dowsing room. It is where you will be trained to find a moving target on the map. This is CRV (Coordinate Remote Viewing) room. It is bigger than the ERV room, with a narrow table, eight feet long in the middle. A row of track lights was centred over table and a control panel set next to the place viewer worked from. Everything was gray. Just like the others. This CRV chair had all the hookups the other ones did, plus it adjusts to whatever height you want to be comfortable.” At the end of the laboratory‟s tour, Chief Instructor Mr. Levy told him that conquering time and space is not an easy task. He said: “When you are training to conquer time and space, you will be troubled by dreams, hallucinations because there are parallel worlds that touch and intersect with us constantly and there is world of deceivers. You are dealing with them all ….. you have long way to go.: (page-91-95)







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Treatment for Obtuseness: Early morning make fresh bread (roti) and write 7 times on it and make the obtuse

child eat it. Continue this practice for 21 days. Insha Allah the child‟s mind will become intelligent.

Resistance from enemy spiritual forces: Levy told that during the travel in time and space, several types of spiritual hurdles will be faced. Secondly supernatural beings like Jinns and souls will also come across. He specially told that there are many deceivers there who will try to distract and they are to be particularly avoided from. (This is just like it is famous here with us that those involved in spiritual practices are initially frightened by supernatural beings like Jinns etc. But when the learner does not get worried due to the strength of his personality, these forces becomes his subservient) Methodology of spiritual training: Morehouse further writes that after this informative tour of the laboratories, he visited the class rooms. The following two months passed listening to lectures. Regular exams were conducted and he was continuously graded. After 3 months of theoretical training, the practical part of the training commenced. This training was arranged under the supervision of a master trainer. If such training is conducted without a master trainer, it can even endanger ones life. During the training session, student‟s blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, emissions from the brain, respiration and condition of various body organs is monitored. The training is rigorous. In a training session, a person‟s spirit leaves his body and travels in the given time and space. During this, the connection between body and spirit is only through a thin imaginary wire which if broken, the person can never come back. Going into the details of the training, Morehouse says that whatever happens to the spirit, the body feels it. For example if it goes near fire, the body feels the heat, if it is at a cold place, the body will feel cold and if in space, the body will suffocate. Tiring of spirit also tires the body. Thus the training programme is exhaustive and necessitates hours of rest after wards. About his training he says that the training continued for almost 6 months. Every session comprised of a real incident of the past. Like an incident was chosen on his own request. One of his friends was a pilot who while flying his plane was lost in some island in the Pacific Ocean. To see this accident happening, Morehouse went

on a journey in the past. During this training visit, he looked in all the islands one by one. Most of the areas comprised of thick forest and mountainous regions. Ultimately, he found his friend at a place and enquired about the details of the accident. The pilot told him that our plane was at a low altitude and collided with a mountain peak. The debris were scattered in the forest. All the eight crewmen died in the accident and I was the last one to die. He told that after death many times I appeared in your dreams and also visited home. He thanked me and my wife for taking care of his children. He also gave a message for his wife that she may get married to a person she is now interested in. Going into the details of travel in time and space, Morehouse writes about the method of collecting information. He says that whatever I was observing, I was continuously noting it down and also drawing a sketch for details. After the training session, when I showed these papers to my manager Levy, he brought a file from his office and showed it to me. I was surprised as it contained a picture and details of the accident which were almost exactly the same which I had gathered. Levy told me that they had investigated this accident . People of the island had taken away the debris alongwith the dead bodies of the air crew which were in bad shapes. On our information, government sent a team for field investigation which concurred with our information. (page 11-12) Practical plans of spiritual espionage: Morehouse states that after successful training, he was made incharge of the ERV (Extended Remote Viewing). During this assignment, he and his colleagues carried out many worthwhile espionage missions, details of which are given in his book. Amongst the same is the investigation of the famous air crash of Pan Am flight 103 at Loch in Scotland. The query was that whether the accident was a result of terrorism or was there some other reason for its happening. Along with field investigation, the task was also assigned to Streak. They also witnessed that accident was a result of an act of terrorism which was accomplished by an Irani woman on suicide mission. The woman entered the plane with bomb on her body. She had a







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remote controller to trigger the bomb. In addition, in her hand she was also carrying explosive concealed in form of a chocolate bar. Morehouse reached that place where this act was planned. He saw the people who formulated the details of this plan. (page155-156) Similarly, they were assigned the task to find the details of the Korean aircraft shot by a Russian missile. As the matter was also politically sensitive, Mr. Levy and Morehouse investigated it separately. Morehouse writes that he spiritually embarked the aircraft. He saw the pilot flying the plan away from its prescribed track and sitting casually in the cockpit. He went around the plane and saw extraordinary equipment which he considered to be a special type of camera which works with the emissions of a radar. Its purpose is to carry out aerial

photography of ground objects. During flight, the plane went in the Rusian airspace and was subsequently targeted with a missile. From this finding, Morehouse says that he was mentally disturbed a lot as the American government‟s stance was totally opposite to the reality. USSR was blamed that it responsible for killing of 350 innocent people whereas actually Americans were themselves responsible for their deaths as they used a civilian plane for spying purpose. They instructed the pilot to deviate from the prescribed route for the purpose of spying and had fitted the spying equipment themselves. Apprehending drug mafia with spiritual powers: He writes that amongst his achievements, one very important task was utility of spiritual viewing to apprehend the

Relief from High Blood Pressure: Take equal quantity of Coza Misri, Turmeric, and cardamom seeds and grind them. Take a spoonful in the morning and afternoon. Insha Allah blood pressure will be controlled. Coza Misri is easily available at herbal stores. Those who were suffering from uncontrollable blood pressure used this formula for some time and Allah Almighty solved their problem. (Muhammad Sadiq, Sukkur)







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Victory over desires: The greatest victory of life is control over desires. If desires take over heart, consider the heart

as dead. (Shahid Hayat)

drug mafia. They were given the task to apprehend the drug carriers arriving America and their boats on which these drugs were smuggled. This job started a few months before Iraq Kuwait war and was a success. The anti narcotics department of the CIA wrote letter s of commendation to the Streak Sun. During war this work stopped for a while but when it commenced again, our spiritual spies showed extra ordinary performance. (pages 154-155). Morehouse states that it is also an interesting thing that in addition to field spying, collectively CIA and NASA also use spiritual espionage for space research. Following incidents are the summary of the same: Reached Mars within 20 minutes: In one of these travels, he spiritually went to Mars. He brought such important information about its atmosphere, mountains and valleys which the people from NASA gather through their machines. Furthermore, NASA‟s satellites reach there in months, whereas a person reached there and returned back within 20 minutes. Earth like planet and people: Second travel was for the search of aliens in which, he travelled to another universe far away from our own solar system. He writes that the planet was similar to our earth and the people also had resemblance with us. When he reached a gathering, it appeared like a religious assembly or a ruler‟s court. The leader‟s build was comparatively larger than other people and many people were silently and respectfully sitting around him. Their dresses were similar to the ancient Egyptian rulers. (page 143-144) Dangers and mutiny: The job of spiritual viewing was so interesting for Morehouse that he did not have time even for his family. They were scared of his supernatural powers and presumed him to be a being of some other world. Furthermore, his life was also endangered now. Just like there are friends and foes in the material world, they also exist in the spiritual world. In addition, CIA is not the only agency involved in such practices but some other departments, countries and private groups are also engaged in spiritual espionage and try to let down each other. Also the supernatural

beings, angels and Jinns etc. were also after Morehouse. In short, enemy spiritual forces were always ready to harm him. Many a times it happened that when he reached home and in the evening him spiritual enemies attacked him. His wife and children used to be much disturbed finding him unconscious in the morning. Similar happenings led him to unpleasant relations with his wife and children, whose ultimate result was separation and for which he was very grieved. Spiritual espionage of Kuwait Iraq war: He further writes: “In those days of disturbance, America sent its 300,000 soldiers in the Kuwait Iraq war. Immediately after the war, his unit was tasked to spiritually inspect entire Iraq for any unusual thing pertaining to military. Therefore Morehouse and another colleague Spiritual Telescopic Viewer were assigned separate missions. Morehouse says that when his spirit reached there, it witnessed that oil wells were on fire everywhere. The atmosphere was filled with petrol‟s smoke. Then he concentrated on the adjacent land and saw that alongside Kuwait Iraq motorway, there were a number of steel canisters lying on the desert‟s sand with their top towards the road. These canisters were similar to those used as containers for material for preparation of chemical and biological bombs. These were given by America to Saddam Hussain during the Iran Iraq war. This information was horrifying that Iraq has used such weapons on the allied forces and our government has not even made a mention of it. Reason for the same was clear as doing so would have gone against political reconciliation. American army which claimed its victory there would have been exposed for its failure. Rather they had only returned after dropping millions of tons of bombs and thousands of innocent Americans have come back home carrying the effects of chemical and biological weapons (which USA has itself supplied to Iraq). US government is keeping the matter secret so as nobody even claims for compensation. Beginning of bad luck: Morehouse says that he views this as a great fraud by the higher command of American army with the American people. According to him and Major Levy who was working there for the last 20 years, this was







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an unacceptable crime. They felt it for the first time that the American government is guilty and it is using them for this crime. He firmly decided that he will reveal the matter to the American people and from here his bad luck commenced. (page 167-173) He narrates that it was not at all acceptable for the CIA that its great secret is revealed and they were ready to do anything for stopping this to happen. In his book he says that first of all he was expelled from the Paranormal Espionage Department and he was charged with disclosure

of official secrets. They prepared for his court martial for treason. At this difficult time, his wife and old parents came forward to help him. They got him admitted to a civilian hospital to get rid of the military. But soon the CIA people took him to some military hospital located far off. Under such circumstances, the most discouraging thing was that military had forgotten his 15 years of service and was all out to prove him as a criminal. They had even disregarded his father‟s 40 years of meritorious service who himself was also a military officer. Was this the reward of all the

Proven practice for acceptance of prayers: Respected Hakim Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum. I am sending a proven Amal (practice) for the readers. Offer 4 Nafil prayers with one Salam. In each Rakat recite this verse 50 times:

After Salam, recite Durood Sharif and then pray for what you earnestly desire. Allah Almighty will accept the prayer. Especially, after Isha or Tahajjud, if this Amal is practiced, it is very effective. Insha Allah Almighty will send his angels from heavens and the prayer will be approved. I have experienced this Wazifa a number of times and who so ever I told about it, practiced it and Allah Almighty fulfilled their needs. (Muhammad Ashfaq, Faisalabad)







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An excellent formula for mucus cough: Grind and strain equal quantities of Rab Alsoos and peppercorn and

sugar. Make small tablets of this mixture and suck them frequently.

sufferings which his wife and children had undergone? Now he correctly realized about the family values. About his mental state at that time, he states: “On this release from the nightmare very rebirth was inside myself. Aside from the symbolic death of my spirit, the only ingredient I required, I already had the pure home of my family. And of course, I almost found the reason for all my troubles, to get the message out that we are more than just the body. We are spirits loosely tethered to earth, and there are elements and worlds far beyond what we know here. This is more than we have dreamed of but none of that matters if we cannot grasp the significance of this life” “You can spend a life time tapping into Ether to explore other realms, but you have to come home sooner or later…….” “What we do here in support of others in where true happiness lies. I found that out the hard way” Use of spiritual powers for good cayses: After his release, as per the instruction of his guard angel, Morehouse decided come what may, he will use his spiritual powers for the betterment of people and peace in the world. He will also spread the knowledge of these spiritual powers amongst the people so as taking their advantage, crime is eliminated, treatment for diseases like AIDS and cancer is known, space world is explored and distressed are helped. He also decided that he will reveal the anti human intentions of the CIA. Therefore in the end of his book he writes:

“At this point of my life all I want is to tell the story of remote viewing to anyone who will listen, not because it is amazing or controversial but it carries a message for all mankind. There are other worlds out there, other dimension, with civilizations, intelligences, love, hatred, success and feelings, everything we experience here in our world. There are also benevolent as well as evil energies out there. Some have the express purpose of destroying or hindering our progress here, and they have spent millennia practicing their craft”. (page 240-242)

Further views about spiritual espionage and CIA: On page 249-250, he writes about CIA:

“When I was young captain in the Army, I learned an invisible lesson during a conversation with the Army. Deputy Chief of the Army Staff of Intelligence, the highest ranking intelligence officer in the Army, he told me and other two officers present. “The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing unless own interests are severed. They are the biggest assembly of liars and thieves the country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination” Now those are his words not mine, but ……… If what he said is true, then in serving its interests, CIA presents only what it thinks the average American Citizen needs to hear, or what it believes. Butchers will steer the public to the CIA‟s desired conclusions”…….. CIA is in the business of manipulating the belief systems of entire nations…….. within CIA also only a select few know the real story……..” (page 249-250)

Quick and effective practice for all needs One day, a lady arrived in the Madarsah and said that all of her children are very sick. Some pious person has told her this Amal (practice). She made 30 of our female students to fast, arranged for their Sehri and Iftaar. With this practice Almighty Allah blessed her children with health. This practice can be adopted for all other needs as well. Family members can also be asked to fast. (A daughter, Bannun)







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Monthly Ubqari 87, Restoration of job etc.: If promotion of any person is stopped or he is fired from his job then

“Ya Azizo” ز زع should be recited 7000 times daily for 21 days:

Future of spiritual spying by CIA:

He writes about future of spiritual spying in CIA

that Government was already spending a lot on

it but after revelation of the secret of streak

project. It has become very careful:

“I believe that remote viewing for intelligence

purposes remain now very fully financed; much

hidden and much protected and is now very

deadly. I don‟t think government intends to make

the same mistake it did with the Star gate/Sun


When he was working on the streak project, he

believed that CIA was operating other similar

projects also besides this one but they are kept


“We had always suspected that there was

another program, more secret even more

powerful than ours…. The word on the street is

that remote influence is all the rage in

intelligence. I believe that the CIA is heavily

involved in this insidious technique. If they could

influence someone to kill from a distance of

thousands of miles and remote influence has

this potential. They would hold an extremely

valuable weapon” (Page 251)

Human is not only body:

Towards end of his book, he writes that “I am

convinced that very soon spiritual far-

sightedness qualities of human beings will be

used for the betterment of mankind and man

would come to know that he is not only a body.

Rather, in his personality, body is only a vehicle

and the actual being is his spirit which will

always stay alive and which is not restricted to

time and place, rather he can conquer them.

Now it is an established scientific fact, and the

biggest proof and witness is the world‟s powerful

and biggest military and scientific power USA

and its most dangerous and powerful

department CIA. On page 257 of his book, he

writes that: "I could write volumes more on what

I have seen or by countless other military trained

remote viewers. It was common place for us to

have spiritual experiences, We knew and

intercepted the reality of those things as easily

as we did the existence of wiggles silos, or

Soviet submarines or concaine shipments

hidden in the bowels of freighters"

"It proves there is much more around us than

our physical senses see. The gift of remote

viewing is a precious and wonderfull tool"........

" I can say with equal conviction, that, like thing

placed in mortal hands, this gift can be

transported into a carriage that will plague

mankind rather than serve, protect and advance


"The secret is out, remote viewing exitsts, it

works, it has been tested, proven and used in

intelligence for ever two decades. The recent

govt, admissions (The washington Posts, article

about the CIA's involvement in Psychic Warfare,

Internet story in fall 1995), concerning the use of

psychic warfare are crucial irrefutable testimony

that what I have said here is the truth"

"The goverment of the most powerfull nation on

the face of the earth has admitted that it knows

humans can transcend time and space to view

distant persons, places, things, and events, and

inormation thus gathered can be brought back. I

hope you comprehend the significance of that

information" (page 257) ( Ref: "Psychic Warrior"

by "David More House")







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Definition for Faqir (God fearing person): Faqir is a person whose silence is with thinking and whose speech is with

remembrance of Allah/Zikar (selection: Mehvish):

War usage is extremely delicate and important

which cannot be denied, this means whatever I

said over here is true (for explanation see

Washington post newspaper article the topic of

which is “joining of CIA in spiritual war” a story

published on internet in 1995).

Governments of powerful countries

acknowledge and know that humans can go

beyond time and place. He can see the

happenings in far-fetched places, in faraway

period of times, can collect information and

observations. I hope that you can fully

understand the importance of such information

(page 257 “spiritual war” author David Moor


You have read various parts of history by ex-

Major ® David Moor house. Actually this is a

strange story of utilization of spiritual means by

America‟s spy agency CIA, but, for us its

importance is that this is a proof of human

beings with mystic powers and existence of spirit

etc. Western world with its peculiar mentality has

started using these mystic powers for material

and worldly benefits whereas actually it should

be utilized for peaceful and happy eternal life

after death and its only solution is to lead life as

prescribed by Islam.

What else can one do

Story of CIA‟s Major David Moor house is an

important lesson for our spiritual people and

„Aamils‟ that even, we have innumerous people

whom Allah (SWT) has blessed with many

spiritual powers. But, traditionally they do not

take it as knowledge and take it merely as a

special gift and then few amongst them use

these powers to impress people. That is why

spiritual world is considered to be just a thought

or magic. Therefore, over here its knowledge

and benefits have reduced to a negligible level.

It is so required, that our spiritual elders whom

Allah (SWT) has blessed with mystic powers

and power to communicate with mystic beings

take it as a proper science and educate people

and instead of keeping it a secret, do more

research work so that all of this can be utilized

for the benefit of mankind. To deal with coming

disasters, treating diseases and bringing people

from ignorance to enlightenment of Hadayat so

that their eternal life is peaceful

Besides this, it is very important that important

personalities can be protected from spiritual

attacks by enemy like you have read in the

previous article of Major Moorhouse that now a

days spy agencies of powerful countries are

involved in it. This was done in previous times

also for example when Muslims were governing

India, Hindu jogies use to attack the Muslim

rulers with their psychic powers, use to throw

psychic missiles on them. They use to do this

through magic, ghosts and other stannic powers

but Muslim spiritual elders use to block these

attacks in midway. This was also a reason that

in the Kingdom of Delhi, Muslim spiritual elders

always had an elevated and respected status.

Nowadays situation is more dangerous than

previous times that is why our spiritual elders

should come forward and protect our

responsible people and should try to stop the

psychic missiles thrown towards them. Thus, in

today‟s psychic war they should play their

spiritual role otherwise, we will be left behind

even on mystic powers front as we have been

left behind in the material world.

Success in Examination with Barakat (Blessings) of Dars

Respected Hakeem Sir, Assalam-o-Alaikum, thanks Allah I am good in my studies since beginning, and have been a position holder in

my school life but, this time during preparation for F.Sc (like O‟levels) I was extremely unwell due to which I was quite upset that how will

I prepare for examination. Still, I was trying to do some preparation. After examination I was worried about my result. I read Ubqari

magazine with interest and heard your Dars every Thursday on net, luckily holy month of Ramazan arrived and I went to

“Tasbeehkhana” (where respected Hakeem sir delivers his Dars Sermons) to spend the month of Ramazan in Lahore. After Taraweeh

prayers (early night prayers) use to attend the Dars and then would pray before Allah (SWT) for my result. Allah (SWT) answered my

prayers and I got through with an excellent result. (Zaheer Ali, Karachi)







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Islam and Courtesy

Ibn-e-Zaib Bagger

Episode No. 87

Treatment of Prophet (SAW) of Islam with Non-


As Muslims we are followers of an extremely

courteous Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and you

have read in previous episodes about his

exemplary behavior with non-Muslims, now read

about the enlightened life of his followers. Think!

Decision lies with you.

Abu Abdullah Khiyat (R.A) use to stitch clothes

in a shop, one fire worshipper who was jealous

of him, use to get his clothes stitched from him

and would pay invalid currency coins. One day

he came to the shop to pay the bill; he found

that his assistant was sitting in the shop instead

of him. When the fire-worshipper as usual paid

invalid currency and demanded his clothes, the

assistant returned the money and refused to

give the stitched clothes. Abu Abdullah came

and assistant told him about the happening, he

said you did a bad thing. This fire worshipper is

dealing with me in the same manner since one

year and I just accept invalid currency and throw

it into a well so that he may not cheat some

other Muslim.

Signs of Courteous Behaviour: Yousaf Ibn-e-

Asbat (R.A) says that there are 10 signs of

courteous behavior. Less opposition, doing

justice, not taking revenge, hating sins,

accepting apologies, concentrating on

shortcomings of himself instead of others,

treating young and elders with courtesy and

speaking courteously with ordinary and

privileged .

Somebody asked Sohail Tastari (R.A) what is

courteous behavior. He (R.A) said that its lower

level is not to take revenge, tolerating torture,

mercy on oppressor and praying for his








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Page 40: Patients suffering through „gas‟ should eat 3-11 dates for breakfast & follow it by water, milk or tea. Insha

Allah they shall get rid of this disease

Page 41: Take mustard oil and recite YA-JABBAR 1900 times on it for 7 days. Then massage it on the child who is

emaciated / skinny.

NATAL FRIEND OF THE JINNS Autobiography of one who been in supervision of genies and spends days and night with them. On the insistence of

readers these true and astounding stories which are interesting as well are being published episode wise but to

understand this, lot of patience and courage is required/

What is in this recitation (Wird)

I approached the jinn that was left behind

among them and enquired from him that what

was the matter? The jinn said that a very

powerful magician casted a strong spell upon

the king. Had his magic succeeded the king

would have died, his bones would have turned

into powder and his flesh into water. But it

seems that the king does some recitation or

something is under his strong observation that

has failed the spell of such a strong magic. I was

curious and I decided to observe the king as I

have happened to serve him personally. He

would wake up at mid night and would take a

bath or at times would do ablution only. I

observed that he offered his 12 – Rakah(t)

Tahajud prayer and sat down for his further

prayers. I went near to listen to what he was

reciting; I figured out that he was reciting

“”Subhoon Qudooson Rabanna Wa Rab eil

Malikati War Roohee””. سبوح قدوس ربنا ورب الملائکۃ

He continues with his recitation and as he والروح

intensified I saw a white cloud between him and

the sky. I realized that this is the blessing of

Allah Almighty. My curiosity grew even stronger

about the powers of the recitation of the King.

The secret of the king not getting murdered

I went to an elderly jinn and narrated him the

whole happening. He smiled and replied that

whatever you have seen is correct. He told that

it was the spell of black magic and a group of

Jinn were sent to kill the king. They tried their

level best, but miserably failed. It was because

of that very recitation that the king does

regularly. The elderly jinn told me that he has

been doing the same recitation since centuries,

that anyone who would do it regularly; all the

worldly powers would stand still for him. With

concentration and dedication a recitation from

the heart (not with the tongue, tongue to be kept

still or under the teeth) would give astonishing


Astonishing results of the recitation

A continuous recitation of this would open new

worlds for him. He will be surrounded by a

spiritual light and wall. There would be an ocean

of spiritual light around him. No magic or jinn will

be able to hurt him. His body, mind and soul will

be calm and would be in peace. He would be

able to read the hearts of others; he will be able

to understand the language of dead, the

recitation of earth and stones. He will be able

understand the languages of animals and birds.

The treasures hidden underneath will be visible

to him. He will be able to get to know about the

secrets of universe. The elderly jinn told me that

he has divulged this secret to a very few people.

A trip to the secrets treasures of the oceans

The saintly jinn told me that he also started the

recitation with concentration. After few months

the first secret of the universe that divulged was

that I started to see the hidden treasures

beneath (the earth). Once the saintly jinni was

reciting the recitation sitting on the sea shore;

He noticed that the sea has turned into glass.

That he was able to see the aqua life till the

bottom of the sea. Hence he decided to enter

the sea. But then he thought that what if he

assumes the form of a human and enters the

sea water? So he assumed the human form and







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enters the sea. He noticed that sea water would

not wet him and he would walk fearlessly without

drowning. He said that he saw the hidden

treasures of the ocean.

Recitation (Wazifah) to keep the heart alive

all the time

Then I recalled a very saintly human being that

resides in a mosque. I thought that why not to

share this secret with him. I assumed the human

form and went to him. He was having his mid-

day rest. After his rest I introduced myself to him

and narrated him the experience with the king

and the elderly jinn and his sea experience. The

human saint told me that he has his own

experiences with the recitation of Subhoon

Qudooson Rabanna Wa Rab eil Malikati War

Rooh””. والروحسبوح قدوس ربنا ورب الملائکۃ He told me

that one experience is that the heart never dies.

Those who wish spiritual heights must recite

The human saint said that just like this recitation

has saved the king from all the black magic

without even getting him know, the same way

this recitation saves one from the Black world

and black deeds. That a person reciting the

mentioned Wird will be saved from doing the

wrong acts and will lead pious and a clean life.

He also said that during his life he has observed

that those who want to attain the spiritual

heights must do this recitation. Those who want

to reach the height of piousness and are reciting

this already; they must concentrate more on this.

Get wellness through meditation

The saint told about such people that could not

give up sinful life despite their best efforts. He

said that he told them about this Wazifah and

advised them to put in their best efforts of

meditation. Once done with effort and

concentration the results were astonishing. He

further told about a person that was close to him

and the views of the treasures of the world were

open to him. He further told about him that once

there was a time that, the same person was

leading a sinful life. He would be drunk all day

long and then the transformation took place. And

now, all the time he is in a continuous Wird. That

his health is great and treasures of the world are

always before his eyes. He further told that if

someone wants to attain good health he must

wear a nice fragrance, select a place and time

and start his Wird in meditation. But it must

come straight from the heart. If time and place is

not manageable then he can recite it otherwise


Divine healing, health and wellness

The human saint further told that whosoever has

recited the Wird in meditation and otherwise has

got the healing, wellness and good health. So

many patients who have been declared

untreatable when started this recitation they

achieved good health and wellness. Their

healing rendered everyone speechless.

Would ask Hadith from whomever he wants


The human saint further told one more amazing

fact about the recitation that if one starts the

recitation and after few months the effect of the

recitation starts building up. Then if one go to a

grave of any person and does this recitation at

his grave; he would be able to communicate with

the person of the grave. The human saint told

me that once a scholar came to him and said

that award me a recitation that can help me

being taught Hadith from a person that had the

authentic knowledge of the Hadith but is dead. I

told him to do the same recitation with

concentration. The scholar consistently did that,

and now he is able to confirm and ask the

Hadith from the knowledgeable people that are


Right on target

The human saint also told me that couple of

days ago a person came to see him. He told him

that his father was a great expert at the repairs

and making of miniatures. But he never paid any

attention and never bothered to learn any skills

from his father. But now he wants to learn these

skills of (and from) his father. The human saint

said that he told him about this recitation and







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also told him the method of doing. He went on to

do this. But after few months he came back to

him and complained that the recitation did not

work, the saint told him that there must be some

effort that was missing as this recitation never

fails. That person went on and came back twice,

complaining that the recitation does not work.

The human saint repeated the same and

advised him to put more effort. Finally he got to

talk to his father and learnt his skills. Those skills

that his father took ninety years to master his

son got them at the age of thirty five. With

continuous effort and great concentration he

was able to communicate with the people of the


Strange secrets and tales of the universe

I was listening to the spiritual jinn with

concentration and astonishment. I realized that

there are many secrets of the universe that have

not reach to us, but since jinns roam around the

universe and live a very long life and among

these jinns some live longer than the normal life

span of their counterparts, hence they have a lot

of knowledge about various disciplines and

subjects to which we humans have no access;

and for the humans, these disciplines and

subjects now no longer exist. I have gathered

much of the information about the jinns and

among this information few are so strange that

they are beyond human mind‟s capacity to

believe. This, so strange information about the

universe has never been heard by the humans,

but they are with the jinns. (To be continued…)







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Useless conversation is a sign of vice and being astray. (Hazrat Maroof Karkhi R.A.)

Excitement of Celebration Among the Walls Preacher Maulana Muhammad Kaleem sadeeqi madzlhe

Hazarat maoulana barkat tehem al aihum is a great preacher of Islam and his book the wind of righteous path (naseem hadaya

ke jhonkey) is worth reading

After he took bath he wore new clothes. He then

came to preacher Hammad Salma who was eight to

nine years old. He then said to Hammad Salma to

convert him to Islam as since last night he scared him

so much and could not sleep. He said to Hammad

that he remained worried last night that what if he

dies, and then he has to burn in hell fury for eternity.

He also told that last night he read his Ammanat three

times. Little Hammad recited him the Kalma and said

to him that “Brother Ashok! Now I change your name

to Muhmmad Aashiq as my maternal uncle give

names in the same manner”. Now Hammad took the

new follower of Prophet Muhmmad (P.B.U.H) to his

father. He introduced to his father and said that this is

Brother Ashok and since last one week he was trying

to convince him, that he also gave his father‟s

Ammanat to Muhmmad Ashiq. That he would also

pray for him daily and today Allah Almighty has

answered his prayers and he Ashok has converted to

Islam. Daai Hammad said that today he has named

Brother Ashok as Muhmmad Aashiq. On hearing this

Daai Hammad‟s father Qammar-ul-Islam embraced

Aashiq and expressed his astonishment that since

last one week he was wondering that why Hammad is

so attached to him. Now he understands that he was

trying to guide him to the right path. Qammar-ul-Islam

said to Aashiq that Allah Almighty wanted to bestow

his benevolence upon you. Hence HE attached young

Daai Hammad with you. Aashiq said that after

entering into the circle of Islam he feels secure and

satisfied. He said to Qammar-ul-Islam to teach him

how to offer prayers and the requirements that needs

to be fulfilled to become a good Muslim.

Alhumdolillah, Ashok is now Muhmmad Aashiq and

with each passing day his relation with religion Islam

is strengthening. Qammar-ul-Islam offered 2-Rak’at

prayers and greeted me on the phone. He narrated to

me about the efforts of Daai Hammad about

Muhmmad Aashiq. Qammar-ul-Islam also told me that

before Ashok, he was trying to convince his school

bus conductor. Efforts of Daai Hammad raised my

courage too. I realized that in a country like Hindustan

there are numerous opportunities for those who wish

to work for the betterment and spread of Islam. Only

the people here need to show courage and

humbleness. A very responsible Hindu wrote and said

that the relation of our countrymen with their religion

Hinduism is only cultural. Number of sensible Hindus

is very less in our country and a sensible Hindu

cannot remain a Hindu. From among thousands of

Hindus very few make an effort to see the Hindu Holy

Book “Vedas”. And among millions of Hindus there

are very few that makes a conscious effort to read

Holy “Vedas”. And among those millions there would

only be a few hundred that would understand “Holy

Vedas” and this makes one in one hundred million

that would understand “Holy Vedas”. This is also a

fact that our countrymen are eager to sacrifice their

lives in the name of their religion. Sacrifice in the

name of religion is always given to please God. If

people are told and made to understand that the

sacrifice that they are giving will not please God

rather it will invite the divine wrath then there is no

doubt that, that person will not enter the folds of

Islam. All what is required, is to make this nation

understand few concepts with respect to the Day of

Judgment with all sincerity. People with the mind set

of “Doctrine of Necessity” are not required rather

people that can raise the slogan of “”Qulu La Elahha

illa allaha ho Tuflehoa””. اولحط ت اہلل

ا الہالا لولو I wish if we ؼ

could pay the debt of our countrymen by

understanding their temperament and nature. On the

other hand the effort of young preacher gives us the

food for thought.







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For virility, have a pinch of powdered seeds of horse reddish with water or milk.

Women Inquire?? This page is donated to the diurnal familial and personal problems of women. Women should definitely write about

their daily observations and experiences. Moreover write clearly and completely on one side of the page; even if it is


What is your opinion?(Sofia, Lahore)

Everybody has engaged themselves in different

types of natural treatments nowadays. People

earn a lot by treating the ailment by nutrition,

needles and by massage therapy. Kindly let me

know what do you think about it?

ADVICE: Natural treatments are really very

common these days, which consist of different

methods and different breathing techniques. In

this people are treated by mud, by slime and by

light also.

They give massage to the vertebral column in a

particular way. In olden days people used to

apply leech for bleeding phlebotomy.

In Britain, they give their people special training

for nature therapy. But here in Pakistan, we

have inexperienced doctors for this, and their

motive is to earn money only. You must surely

concern a well-experienced and authorized

doctor for this.

How will I get rid of this? (Sawera, Islamabad)

My voice becomes heavy after every 2 - 3

months, for which I conculted many doctors but

all in vain. Kindly tell me how can I get rid of it?

Advice: Mix powdered black pepper and lump of

sugar in equal proportion. Take it with a spoon

of honey whenever it happens, it will cover sore

throat also.Also boil some mint leaves and

gargle with that water.

Oh! This bad odour (Noshaba)

I have a cutting board in my kitchen, which I

usually use for vegetables; it is now stinking

since few days. I washed it properly with soap

but no use. How will I get rid of this?

Advice: kindly wash it after every use, because

usually the ladies do not wash it all the time.

Make a mixture of baking soda in water and

apply it on the board, wash it properly after

some time, you will inshallah get rid of that

smell. And remember; be careful next time as

dirty things are unhygienic. Also keep some

baking soda in your refrigerator to avoid its

particular smell/odour. Always keep the things

covered in your refrigerators.

Pears - for anaemic patients (Baigum saif


I like pear but its digestion is very slow. Can I

know its healthy points/advantages?

Advice: there are many types of pears. For

example sour pears, sweet pears and wild

pears. Most of the people like pears of

Peshawar. Its digestion is very slow but it helps

in digesting other things. Have pears without

peeling it, is very beneficial for heart,

constipation and for quenching of thirst.

Once a girl visited me who was underweight.

After going through her blood examination, I was

surprised to see that her haemoglobin was near

4 - 5. I don‟t know how she could stand in that.

I asked her to have full intake of pears for few

days, which really worked and she started

getting better and better. Having pears with

sprinkled white cumin, black pepper and salt will

help in increasing ones appetite.

For backache (Ayesha, Karachi)

Two years ago I had an injury. Since that time I

am suffering from backache. It has become

better by the passage of time with medication,

but now sometimes a throb of pain attacks me.







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Kindly tell me a good and an easy remedy for


Advice: there are several reasons for backache.

For example it‟s due to low appetite, depression,

stress, injuries or high heels. Your backache is

due to an injury, which sometimes appears by

the seasonal changes also.Always remember

that having turmeric milk after any injury really


Get some tamarind and wax from a druggist. Mix

both ingredients in equal proportion. Heat its

mixture for a while and apply it on the affected

area. The mixture should be Luke warm, cover it

with a soft bandage and leave it till

morning.Repeat this for 7 - 8 days.

Also take turmeric milk for a few days. You can

even fill turmeric in capsules if difficult to


Wisdom of our old people (A, Peshawar)

I spent my life in house hold works. Now also I

keep myself busy in doing a bit of my job. My

husband also supports me. My daughter in law

and my grandchildren lives with us but they have

no time for me. My daughter in law feels bad

when she has to give time to my guests and

gossips a lot. I just want to know is that true that

mind of old people also become old?

Advice: I had always experienced that old

people always think in the right way. They also

give the best of their advices. It‟s very

depressing that oldies are not given importance

anymore. We should all realise that age always

increase ones wisdom and dignity. If any part of

their brain stops working due to any reason then

other nearby cells start to work. This ability is not

in young brains. This is a research finding; after

this benefit was gained from the old people.

Don‟t bother and let your daughter-in-law say

whatever she wants to. Try to keep yourself

busy and divert your attention towards reading,

and gardening with the help of your husband.

Also try to visit any hospital or organization once

a week which will really comfort you.

Is there any shifa in the water of rivulet

(nehar)? (Saleem ullah soomro, kand yaro)

There was a jobless man of our society since a

long time. Whenever his wife used to tell him

about the illness of their children, he used to

bring water from rivulet in a bottle, as they had

no money for their medicines, you will be

surprised to know that it used to work within a








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Youngsters! If you shall waste your energy in unfutile tasks then you shall regret forever (Khuwaja Moin-Ud-Din Chishti RA)


Strange Blessings of Darood Sharif:

Hazrat Ahmad Bin Sabit Maghrabi (R.A) said

that I have seen many blessings of Darud Sharif,

one of which is; I saw a dream that there is a

barren field and there is pulpit (rostrum) in it. I

started to climb and climbed up some steps.

When I saw towards ground I came to know that

the pulpit is in the air and flying upward and

raised up high from the ground. I thought I

should climb on the upper steps up to the point

where Allah will lead me, even though there

didn‟t seem a way to come back.

When I reached on more height and saw

beneath, the underneath steps had disappeared,

then I looked at right and left, there was wind

everywhere. I prayed to Almighty Allah, O Allah!

Guide me to the peaceful path by the blessings

of Darood Pak.

After that I saw a thin thread which is stretched

in darkness as if it is Pul e Siraat (The Righteous

Bridge). I saw this view and said to myself,

“Alas! You reached on Pul e Siraat (The

Righteous Bridge) but you don‟t have any virtue

except the mercy of Allah and Darood Pak…….

Suddenly, I heard the voice of an angel saying,

O Ahmad! If you cross the Pul e Siraat (The

Righteous Bridge) you will see the Holy Prophet

(PBUH) and (his companions) Sahaba (R.A). I

became happy and I prayed by the reference of

Darood Pak. I saw that a cloud of light appeared

and it helped me cross the Pul e Siraat (The

Righteous Bridge) and presented me in the

respect of Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy

Prophet PBUH is present and Hazrat Abu Bakar

(R.A) is on the right side, Hazrat Umar (R.A) is

on the left side, Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) is on

the back side and the Lion of Allah - Hazrat Ali

(R.A) is sitting on the front. I requested, O

Allah‟s Messenger (PBUH)! Be my guarantor.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “I am your

guarantor and you will die in the state of Eman

(belief).” I requested for pray, he (PBUH) said,

“you are obliged for the immense recitation of

Darood Sharif and avoid the playing (lehv).”

Then I turned my attention towards Hazrat Ali

(R.A) and requested him to pray. The Lion of

God, Hazrat Ali (R.A) gripped my shoulder and

jerked it and I woke up with the effect of this jerk

and my shoulder pained for a while.

Then I considered what that „lehv’ was? After

that I came to know that there was a quarrel of

relatives in which I was involved and thus

deprived of Holy Prophet‟s (PBUH) sight for one

year. Then I repented to Allah and requested

Him with the reference of Darood Pak that bless

me with the sight of your habib; the Holy Prophet


I saw for the second time in dream‟s world that I

am in the court of Allah Almighty, an angel said,

why did you involve in the useless things and

quarrels of world and I kept on requesting, O

Allah! (I beg) Your Mercy, O Allah! (I beg) Your

kindness, O Allah! (I beg) Your blessings. But

the voice (of angel) was persistent. I afraid to

think that I might be Hellish but suddenly I

remembered how I can be Hellish, the Holy

Prophet (PBUH) is my guarantor. So I requested

in the court of Almighty Allah, O Allah! I recite

Darood Pak on your prophet (PBUH) and he is

my guarantor, as I said this I found the Holy

Prophet (PBUH) present and saying, “I am the

man of favor, I am the man of Entreaty, I am the

man of reference.” Then I listened someone

saying is he (me) is Hellish? Allah said, “No, he

is in peace from hell.” And I woke up.

I hope from Almighty Allah that He will bless us

and will not defame us on the day of

resurrection. (SAAD TUD DARRAIN, PAGE #








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Sir Abu Bakar Muhammad Jubair (R.A) narrated

from Hazrat Anas Bin Maalik (R.A), by reciting

the Darood Sharif Allah forgives the sins of a

person equal to the foam of sea before the

standing of the person if he is sitting and before

the sitting of the person if he is standing. Darood

Sharif is as follows; (FAZAIL E DAROOD


لہااد وامح مدنايی دل عال رامواللہ ا


ی حل ع ای اہلل

ال رمالدلہ و

ااد وامح م

مالد و



The most sweet and delicious quality of Darood

Sharif is sight of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in dream.

By immense recitation of Darood Sharif this

wealth is blessed and some daroods have been

experienced by the saints.

Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhadis Dehlvi (R.A) has

written in his book “Targheeb Ahl As Saadat”

that if a person offers rak‟at of Nafal prayer on

Friday night and recites Ayat Ul Kursi 11 times

and Surah Ikhlas 11 times and after Salam he

recites Darood Sharif 100 times, In Sha Allah he

will be blessed by the sight of the Holy Prophet

(PBUH) within three Fridays. Darood Sharif is as


مالدبہ وحرالہ وا وایام ی الا

ادن الن

امحی مل عال راموالل ا

Moreover, Shaikh has written that a person who

offers two rak‟at of prayer and recites 25 times

Surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha in each cycle

and after Salam he recites Darood Sharif 1000

times, he will be blessed by the wealth of sight

of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Darood Sharif is as


۔ایام الای ای النل عی اہلل

ال ر



Respected Hakim Sahb Assalam u alaikum! A

few days back I went to the village of my friend. I

stayed there for some time. There lives a

Christian in his village whose name is Talib.

When I had gone there few months earlier, he

was so much ill that he could not get up from the

bed, I gave him the Spiritual Powder. When I

went again in the village, he came to meet me at

my friend‟s home on his foot himself and

thanked me and requested for more Spiritual

Powder and told me that this Spiritual Powder

has some Spiritual Power. I got my treatment

from various places but all in vain, but as I

started to use Spiritual Powder, I felt a new life

in my body. I gave him more Spiritual Powder

and asked him to use the Spiritual Water

(Recited Water). (Hassan Ullah Hashmi)

If you like a proposal but the answer from the

other party isn‟t positive then recite YA-

MUTAKABBIR 11,000 times for 3 days in

isolation. Insha Allah it will be a yes.







Ubqari.org Page 84 of 85 September 2013


Though the experts have not succeeded to know

the importance of sleep for human body but all

are agreed on the point that less sleep or

irregular sleep affect the mental and physical

working severely. Good sleep maintain the

human power of defense (against diseases) and

help the muscular and nervous system to work

properly. Whole night comfortable sleep speeds

the learning process in children and is

necessary for the nourishment of cells. How

much sleep is required for the mental and

physical activeness?.

It depends on many factors e.g. nature of work

etc. Infant suckling children can sleep up to 16

hours a day. Nine hours sleep for young children

and 7 hours to 8 hours sleep is enough for

adults. Though old people need as much sleep

as an adolescent but normally they sleep for

short intervals and do not sleep soundly for long.

50% of old people having age more than 65

years suffer from a disease of sleep.

Diseases due to shortness or disturbance in

sleep are classified in three groups; shortness in

sleeping time, continued disturbance in sleep

and restlessness during sleep etc.

Insomnia: Insomnia is a matter by which a large

number of people are affected. Its common

reasons are irregularity in eating or drinking e.g.

(Excessive use of caffeine or alcohol), mental

and emotional stress etc. Sometimes, a physical

disease or pain also cause the short duration of

sleep. What so ever, this is a condition which

disturbs the routine life as well as increases the

mental and physical tiredness. Another condition

which resembles to insomnia is caused due to

incomplete sleeping hours. Such (diseased)

persons not only suffers lack of sleep but also

due to many factors they can not get their

required sleep. This lack of sleep leads to weak

decision power, weak memory and weak

harmony in the movement of hands and eyes.

And it also weakens the defense power.

Restlessness during sleep: Due to irregularity

in breathing during sleep, disturbances occur in

sleep resulting in snoring problem. Actually the

main victims of this disease are the people who

snore. The condition may affect anyone but fat

people are big target of it. As compared to

women this problem is mostly found in men. On

the other hand as compared to men most of

women are diseased insomnia. The men and

women who sleep in day for long time may face

disturbance during sleep. Walking during sleep,

talking and walking due to fear shows the

irregularities in sleeping system. Specially,

walking during sleep may be dangerous. To

avoid any incident, timely cure is a must for such




The specialists of sleep recommend some

suggestions for such patients who are suffering

from different sleep disorders:

Assign your time table; sleep and wake up as per this time table. Even at weekends follow this.

Exercise daily but don‟t do it before sleeping. The best time for exercise is morning and afternoon. However, a light walk after dinner decreases stomach burden.

Don‟t use tea, coffee, cigarette and alcohol. The things in which caffeine is present should be used six hours before sleep, so that their effects may be finished from blood circulation system.

To comfort yourself, make some routines before sleeping which could help to get sleep. E.g. taking bath with warm water or reading a good book may be useful.

Make the bed room comfortable. Excessive cold or hot room also disturbs sleep.

Don‟t keep TV or Computer in bed room. When you feel asleep don‟t wake up forcefully.







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Make your self habitual of waking up in light. By removing the curtains and blinds of room, after getting up, the timer clock sets itself according to this light and as darkness appears it starts sending sleeping signals to brain.

Use of herbs or perfume may also help in the cure of insomnia patients. The night is created for sleeping by the nature. Sleeping at the time of sleeping and getting up early in the morning is necessary for mental & physical activeness. Don‟t ignore the nature. Don‟t let this natural system to rebel by uselessly waking at nights. Otherwise you may be in those people who cannot sleep the whole night.


By massaging poppy seed oil on temporal (Kanpatti), you will get sleepy soon.

If you don‟t get sleep, cut a red tomato and sprinkle some sugar and eat it. By this sleeplessness gets away.

By eating fruit salad restlessness goes away, provided that your hormones are not increased and you don‟t have sensitive nature.

Sometime you don‟t get sleep due to dryness in head. Massaging the head is useful in this case. By massaging you will feel comfort and have asleep.

Not only at night but even during day minimize the use of tea and coffee. Instead use fruits and milk more and more.

By mixing some salt in warm water and putting your feet in it for a while before sleeping you will get comfort and have asleep.

By eating the mixture of white sugar crystals (Misri) and 6g seed marrow of pumpkin, sleeplessness gets away. By eating green coriander the vapors of stomach going to the brain get vanished and you get comfortable sleep.





