uchicago football media guide 2014

Campus and Student Life Physical Education and Athletics MAROONS VS. BELOIT COLLEGE 6 PM SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 FOOTBALL

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UChicago Football Media Guide 2014


Page 1: UChicago Football Media Guide 2014

Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. BELoIT CoLLEgE 6 PM



Page 2: UChicago Football Media Guide 2014

Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. ConCordIa ChICago 6 PM

SEPTEMBER 13, 2014


Page 3: UChicago Football Media Guide 2014

Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. PaCIfIC unIvErsITy 12 PM

SEPTEMBER 27, 2014


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Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. rhodEs CoLLEgE 12 PM

ocToBER 4, 2014


Page 5: UChicago Football Media Guide 2014

Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. washIngTon-sT. LouIs 1:30 PM

ocToBER 25, 2014


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Campus and Student LifePhysical Education and Athletics

Maroons vs. CarnEgIE MELLon 12 PM

NovEMBER 8, 2014


Page 7: UChicago Football Media Guide 2014

General Information

UChicago Football 2014 1

Table of Contents

General Information Stagg Field 1 Football Traditions 2 The University Athletic Association 3 The University of Chicago 4 Athletics at UChicago 5

2014 Chicago Maroons Schedule 1 Head Coach Chris Wilkerson 6 Assistant Coaches 6-7 Player Profiles 8-17

2013 Season Review Game by Game Scores 18 Statistics 18-19 UAA Standings 20 UAA Postseason Honors 20

History – Early Era (1892-1939) Year by Year and Coaching Records 21 Amos Alonzo Stagg 21 Chronological History 22-23 Jay Berwanger 24 Honor Roll 24

History – Modern Era (since 1969) Year by Year and Coaching Records 25 Return of Varsity Football 25 Honor Roll 26 Individual & Team Records 27-28 Career & Season Leaders 29-30 Opponent Series Records 31

Date Opponent Site TimeSept. 6 Beloit Home 6 PMSept. 13 Concordia Chicago Home 6 PMSept. 20 at Elmhurst Elmhurst, Ill. 6 PMSept. 27 Pacific (Ore.) Home 12 PMOct. 4 Rhodes Home 12 PMOct. 11 at Trinity (Texas) San Antonio, Texas 1:30 PMOct. 18 at Bethel (Minn.) St. Paul, Minn. 1 PMOct. 25 Washington-St. Louis * Home 1:30 PM (Homecoming)Nov. 8 Carnegie Mellon * Home 12 PMNov. 15 at Case * Cleveland, Ohio 12 PM (ET)

* UAA gameHome games in MAROON

SportsmanshipThe University of Chicago and the members of the University Athletic Association are commit-ted to principles of good sportsmanship. We believe that all student-athletes, coaches, and spectators should strive to represent the very best spirit and tradition of intercollegiate athletics. We request your cooperation by supporting the participants and officials in a positive manner. Intimidating actions directed at officials, student-athletes, coaches, or team representatives will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the site of competition. Also, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

ConcessionsRefreshments are available at the brick building at the south end of the stadium.

Rest RoomsRest rooms are located in the building at the stadium’s south end.

Lost & FoundItems found may be turned in to the press box. Those items may be retrieved either at the press box after the game or at the athletics office during regular business hours.

Press BoxThe press box is open only to media, staff, and coaches. Spectators will be admitted only to report an emergency or a vehicle with lights left on, or to turn in or pick up a lost item.

2014 Schedule

Welcome to Stagg Field

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Chicago Football Traditions

2 UChicago Football 2014

1892 1893 1894-96 1897 1898––

The Founders Cup Awarded annually to the winner of the Chi-cago/Washington-St. Louis game since 1987, the Founders Cup commemorates the first football game played between two UAA schools during the league’s initial year of existence. Washington holds a 20-7 all-time advantage in Founders Cup battles.

Year Winner Score Site1987 Washington 17-15 St. Louis1988 Washington 27-24 Chicago1989 Washington 25-14 St. Louis1990 Washington 27-7 Chicago1991 Washington 25-7 St. Louis1992 Chicago 24-23 Chicago1993 Chicago 20-17 St. Louis1994 Washington 13-7 Chicago1995 Washington 28-14 St. Louis1996 Washington 41-0 Chicago1997 Washington 55-26 St. Louis1998 Chicago 16-6 Chicago1999 Washington 20-3 St. Louis2000 Chicago 12-9 Chicago2001 Washington 21-17 St. Louis2002 Washington 38-17 Chicago2003 Washington 28-0 St. Louis2004 Washington 24-16 Chicago2005 Chicago 27-0 St. Louis2006 Washington 26-7 Chicago2007 Washington 31-10 St. Louis2008 Chicago 17-14 Chicago2009 Washington 44-37 St. Louis2010 Chicago 13-10 Chicago2011 Washington 38-20 St. Louis2012 Washington 23-7 Chicago2013 Washington 17-7 St. Louis

The “C” Logo The University of Chicago athletics emblem un-

derwent several changes during the institution’s early years.

Thefirstfootballteamin1892sportednorecogniz-ableemblemonitsuniforms.Inanefforttoprovidetheteam with an identity, the letters “UC” were cut out of

brownpaperandpastedontheplayers’uniforms. Inthespringof1893,theemblemwasmodifiedintotheformofamonogramthatthebaseballteamincorporatedonitsuniforms. Asingleletterwasusedforthefirsttimein1894whenthefootballandtracksquadsdisplayedanoblong“C”ontheiruniforms.Thatemblemremainedinexistenceuntil1897whenitwasreplacedbya“C”inlarge,roundtype. Thenin1898,MaroonteamsadoptedtheChicago“C”emblem,whichhasbeenworntothepresentday.

Maroon, Maroons & The Phoenix Maroon and “Maroons” became theUniversity of

Chicago’s official color andnickname, respectively, at ameetingofstudentsandfacultyonMay5,1894.



“The yellow ran, soiled easily, and had a regrettable symbolismwhichouropponentsmightnotbeabovecom-mentingupon,”saidStagginhisautobiography,Touchdown!

Because maroon was not already in use by any major schoolintheMidwest,StaggandhisassociateJ.E.Raycroftbroughtaselectionofmaroonshadestothe1894meetingofstudentsandfaculty.Themeetingat-tendeesmadeachoicefromthoseribbons,andthebaseballteamappearedinthatcolorduringitsfinalgamesofthe1894season. OnJuly21,1894,thefirstmentionofaUniversityofChicagoathleticteamas“Maroons”appearedintheChicago Tribune in an article about the baseball team. ThePhoenix–whichisfeaturedaspartoftheUniversity’sofficialcoatofarms, or shield – serves as the school’s mascot. The University of Chicago Board ofTrusteesadoptedtheshieldin1910.

Wave the Flag After each home victory, theMaroons


Wave the flag of old Chicago, Maroon the color grand.Ever shall her team be victors, Known throughout the land.

With the grand old man to lead them, Without a peer they’ll stand. Wave again the dear old banner, For they’re heroes, every man!

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UAA & NCAA Division III

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TheUniversityofChicagohascompetedattheNCAADivisionIIIlevelsinceitwasestablishedin1973. ThelargestofthethreeNCAADivisions,DivisionIIIcountedasmembers446institutions(20percentpublic,80percentprivate)in2012-13.

What is the NCAA Division III? •DivisionIIIfeaturesstudent-athleteswhoaresubjecttothesame admission standards, academic standards, housing, and supportservicesasthegeneralstudentbody.DivisionIIIstudent-athletesarenotpermittedtoreceiveathletically-relatedfinancialaid.



•DivisionIIIathleticsprovidesawell-roundedcollegiateexpe-riencethatinvolvesabalanceofrigorousacademics,competitiveathletics, and theopportunity topursue themultitudeofotherco-curricularandextra-curricularopportunities.


•DivisionIIIplayingseasonandeligibilitystandardsminimizeconflictsbetweenathleticsandacademics,allowingstudent-athletesto focuson their academicprogramsand the achievementof adegree.

•DivisionIIIathleticsdepartmentsarededicatedtoofferingbroad-basedprogramswith ahighnumber andwide rangeofathleticsparticipationopportunitiesforbothmenandwomen.



The UAA in Theory• Academic excellence and athletic excellence are not mutually exclusive.

• The academic enterprise is the primary element.

• Athletic excellence properly relates to the caliber of experience offered to students.

• Athletic programs should reflect the quality of the academic environ-ment within which they exist.

• A consistent and challenging level of athletic competition should be provided for both women and men.

The UAA in Practice• In 2013-14, 35 student-athletes from UAA institutions were recog-nized as CoSIDA Academic All-Americans and 13 were named NCAA Postgraduate Scholars.

• 169 UAA student-athletes received All-America honors with eight garnering individual national championships.

• In 2013-14 NCAA championship competition, 20 UAA teams fin-ished in the top 10 in their national championships, while another 12 finished in the top 20.

In1987,Chicagobecamea charter member of a new anduniqueNCAADivi-sion III conference, the University Athletic As-sociation. Comprised ofsome of the nation’s lead-ing research institutions, UAA members include

BrandeisUniversity,CarnegieMellonUniversity,CaseWesternReserveUniversity,EmoryUniversity,NewYorkUniversity,theUniversityofRochester,andWashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis. Sinceitsfounding,theUAA has continued to serve as a bold statementofthevisionofitsfounders—thatthepursuitofaca-demicandathleticexcellencearecomplementarygoalsandcanbeachievedwithoutthecompromiseofonebytheother.Implicitinthisvisionarethreeassumptions: •Theacademicenterpriseistheprimaryelement.Student-athletesarejustthat—studentsfirstandathletessecond. •Athleticexcellenceisnottobeconfusedwithawin-at-all-costsattitude.Itproperlyrelatestothecaliberofexperienceofferedtostudentswhoparticipateinintercollegiateathletics. •Athleticsshouldnotonlycomplementtheacademicexperi-ence,butshouldalsoreflectthequalityoftheacademicenviron-mentwithinwhichtheyexist.DivisionIIIisanapproachtoathletics— not a synonym for third-rate. Since joining the UAA, Chicago teams have captured 50conferencechampionships,made66NCAAtournamentappear-ances,andpostedninenationaltop-fourfinishes.Inaddition,theMaroonshaveclaimed15NCAAindividualtitlesandthreehavebeenselectedasthenationalplayeroftheyear.

The University Athletic Association NCAA Division III

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The University of Chicago

4 UChicago Football 2014

The University of Chicago is one of the world’s great intellectual communities and centers of learning. It has achievedparticulardistinc-tioninfacultyscholarship,thetrainingofgraduate students, and for its renowned undergraduateeducationthatemphasizescritical thinking, intellectualdepth, andcultural breadth. Founded in1890by JohnD.Rock-efeller, theUniversityopened itsdoorsfor classes onOctober 1, 1892,with anenrollment of 594 students. PresidentWilliamRaineyHarperpresidedoverafacultyof103,whichincludedeightformercollegepresidents. Today,theUniversityfeaturesatotalenrollmentofapproximately15,149students—includingmorethan5,027undergraduates—anda2,211-memberfaculty. TheUniversityisprivate,nondenominational,andcoeducational,anditincludestheundergradu-ateCollege,fourgraduatedivisions,sixgraduateprofessionalschools,thelibrary,theGrahamCenterofGeneralStudies,andtheUniversityofChicagoPress. TheUniversityalsofeaturesseveralculturalresources,includingtheOrientalInstituteMuseum,CourtTheatre,RenaissanceSociety,andtheSmartMuseumofArt. Extendingalongbothsidesof theMidwayPlaisance,whichwasdesignedbyFrederickLawOlmstedandusedfortheWorld’sColumbianExpositionof1893,theUniversityoccupiesa190-acrecampus. TheEnglishcollegiateGothicstylesetthegeneraltoneforthedesignanddevelopmentofthecampus. Aroundaseriesoftree-shadedquadrangles,imposingbuildingsofgraylimestonewithred-tileroofs,anddeep-setrectangularwindowsshowoffelaborateornamentation,gargoylesandchimeras,and decorated towers. ThesequadranglesaredominatedbyRockefellerMemorialChapel,withits207-foottower,andbytheJosephRegensteinLibrary,oneofthelargestacademiclibrariesintheUnitedStates. Manycampusstructureshavebeendesignatednationalhistoriclandmarks,includingFrankLloydWright’sRobieHouseandthesiteofthefirstcontrolled,self-sustainingnuclearreactionmarkedbytheHenryMooresculptureNuclearEnergy. ChicagohashadamajorimpactonAmericanhighereducation—inventingthefour-quartersys-tem,developingextensioncoursesandprogramsintheliberalartsforadults,establishingacoherentprogramofgeneraleducationforundergraduates,andinitiatingafull-timemedicalschoolteachingfaculty. Chicagoalsopioneeredorientationweekandgivesthenation’soldestteachingawards.SincetheUniversity’sfounding,morethan80recipientsoftheNobelPrizehavebeenstudents,researchers,or faculty. TheUniversityislocatedintheHydeParkneighborhoodofChicago,oneoftheworld’smostexcitingandvibrantcities.About65percentoftheUniversity’sfacultyandtheirfamiliesandnearlyallofitsstudentsliveintheHydeParkneighborhood. OneofChicago’sbiggesttouristattractions,theMuseumofScienceandIndustry,islocatedhere,aswellastheDuSableMuseumofAfrican-AmericanHistoryandtheWeissMuseumofJudaica. Just15minutesnorthofHydeParkistheChicagoLoop,wherestudentsandfaculty regularly attend an array of the-ater, movies, art exhibits, museums, and restaurants. Some ofChicago’smain culturalattractionsaretheArtInstitute,theLyricOpera,theChicagoSymphony,theGood-manTheatre,andtheMuseumofContem-poraryArt.Scoresofotherprofessionaland community theater, dance, and visual artsorganizationsareactiveinthecity. Architecturally, Chicago is the home ofmanymajor developments in 20th-century architecture and urban design. Oneof thenation’sgreatest sports cities,Chicago is thehomeof twoMajorLeagueBaseballteams–theWhiteSoxandtheCubs–aswellastheNationalBasketballAssociationBulls,theNationalFootballLeagueBears,theNationalHockeyLeagueBlackhawks,theMajorLeagueSoccerFire,andtheWomen’sNationalBasketballAssociationSky.

University PresidentRobert J. Zimmer

On July 1, 2006, Robert J. Zimmer be-came the 13th President of the University of Chi-cago. Prior to his ap-pointment as President, Zimmer was a University of Chicago faculty mem-ber and administrator for more than two decades

specializing in the mathematical fields of geom-etry, particularly ergodic theory, Lie groups, and differential geometry. As a University of Chicago administrator, Zimmer served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department, Deputy Provost, and Vice President for Research and for Argonne National Laboratory. He also served as Provost at Brown University from 2002-2006, returning to Chicago in 2006 to become President of the University. As President of the University, he serves as Chair of the Board of Governors of Argonne National Laboratory and Chair of the Board of Directors of Fermi Research Alliance LLC, the op-erator of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Among other boards, he is chairman of the Board of Directors of the Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He serves on the President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science, and is on the execu-tive committee of the Council on Competitiveness. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. President Zimmer is the author of two books, Ergodic Theory and Semisimple Groups (1984) and Essential Results of Functional Analysis (1990), and more than 80 mathematical research articles. The recipient of an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow-ship, he served on the Board of Mathematical Sci-ences of the National Research Council from 1992 to 1995, and was on the executive committee from 1993 to 1995. Zimmer held the title of Max Mason Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics at Chicago before leaving for Brown, where he was the Ford Foundation Professor of Mathematics in addition to being Provost. President Zimmer earned his A.B., summa cum laude, from Brandeis University in 1968 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Harvard University in 1975. He joined the Chicago faculty as an L.E. Dickson Instructor of Mathematics in 1977. He was also on the faculty of the U.S. Naval Academy from 1975 to 1977. He has held visiting positions at Harvard University and at institutions in Israel, France, Australia, Switzerland, and Italy. President Zimmer and his wife Terese have three sons, David, Benjamin, and Alex.

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Athletics at UChicago

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TheUniversityofChicagoAthleticsprogramcomplementstheinstitution’scoremission,helpingtoenrichthelivesofourstudentsandcontributingtoavibrant,collective,anddiversecampuscommunitythatinspiresexcellence. Athletics and recreation are critical ways in which the University builds com-munityandenhancesopportunitiesforstudentskilldevelopmentandengagement.ParticipationinAthleticsattheUniversityofChicagoencouragesstudentstodevelopcoreinterpersonalandcommunicationskills,improvetheiranalyticalandstrategicthinking,andengagewithotherswithhumilityandconfidence.Italsohelpsstudentstoformandstrengthenbondswiththeirpeersandwithmembersoftheuniversityandalumni communities.

The UAA UChicago,whichsponsors19intercollegiatesports,isachartermemberoftheUniversityAthleticAssociation,anNCAADivisionIIIconferenceformedin1986asabold statement of what college athletics can and should be — that it is highly desirable andpossibleforagroupofcommittedinstitutionstoseekexcellenceinathleticswhileholding the student-athlete and the institution’s academic mission as the center of focus. TheeightmembersoftheUAAincludeBrandeisUniversity,CarnegieMellon

University,CaseWesternReserveUniversity,EmoryUniversity,NewYorkUniversity,theUniversityofChicago,theUniversityofRochester,andWashingtonUniversityinSt.Louis. WithitsmembershipintheUAA,UChicagooffersitsstudent-athletestheopportunitytocompeteagainstathletesandteamsfromamongthetopresearchinstitutionsinthecountry,aswellastravelopportunitiescomparabletothoseofferedbymembersofmajorDivisionIconferences. UChicagohasplayedamajorroleinhelpingtheUAAattainitsgoalofachievingtheproperbalancebetweenathleticsandacademics.In Reclaiming the Game: College Sports and Education Values,authorWilliamBowen––presidentoftheMellonFoundation––posedthequestion,“HowhastheUAAmanagedtomountwhatis,byallsigns,asuccessfulintercollegiateprogramwithoutpayingtheacademicpricethatissoevidentinothersimilarcollegeathleticsconferences?”Bowencontinued,“TheactiveinvolvementoftheUniversityofChicago,withitsemphasisoncoreacademicvalues,haswithoutquestionbeenahelpinachievingandmaintainingthispolicy.”

Success on the Playing Field In2013-14,UChicagofinished16thinthenationamong326NCAADivisionIIIinstitutionsinthefinalstandingsfortheLearfieldSportsDirec-tors’Cup,whichrecognizesthetopoverallathleticprogramsinthecountry.UChicagoteamsnotchednationaltop-10finishesinwomen’scrosscoun-try(4th),men’sswimminganddiving(10th)andwomen’sswimminganddiving(10th).TheMaroonsalsowonUAAChampionshipsinvolleyball,women’scrosscountryandwomen’sindoortrackandfield. Thatsameyear,theMaroonsalsofeatured29All-Americans,37nationalqualifiers,13all-regionselections,fourUAAMVPsand128All-UAAperformers. Athletes & Academic Excellence TheintercollegiateprogramattheUniversityofChicagodirectlysupportstheCollege’scommitmenttoexcellence,andhelpstoproducescholar-athleteswhoseprimaryfocusisontheiracademicachievements.TheUniversityofChicagohasalonghistoryofoutstandingstudent-athleteswhohave distinguished themselves in the classroom. DuringtheUniversityofChicago’searlyyearsasamemberoftheBigTenConference,theathleticsprogramcountednumerousdistinguishedscholar-athletesamongitsranks,including1910RhodesScholarEdwinHubble,abasketballplayerwholaterbecameadistinguishedscientistforwhomtheHubbleSpaceTelescopeisnamed. UChicagohasfurtheredthattraditioninrecentyearsasitsstudent-athleteshavecontinuedtocompileanextraordinaryrecordofacademicandathleticaccomplishment,highlightedbyfourRhodesScholarssince1996,and265UAAAll-AcademicRecognitionAwardrecipientsin2013-14.

Award-Winning Facility Inthefallof2003,ChicagoAthleticsenteredanewerawiththeopeningofthe$51millionGeraldRatnerAthleticsCenter.DesignedbyfamedarchitectCesarPelli,the150,000-square-footfacilityincludesa1,658-seatcompetitiongymnasiumwhichishometotheChicagobasketball,volleyball,andwrestlingteams. Inadditiontothecompetitiongymnasium,thefacilityfeaturesthe50-meterMyers-McLorainePool,theBernardJ.DelGiornoFitnessCenter,adanceroom,classrooms,theAthleticsHallofFame,lockerrooms,offices,andsaunas.

Inshort,theUniversityofChicagoprovidesstudent-athleteswithwhatmightbethebestbalanceinhighereducation:anextraordinarycommitmenttoacademicexcellencerecognizedallovertheworld,ahigh-qualityintercollegiateathleticsprogramconsistentwithitsacademicmission,uniqueconferencetravelandcompetition,andoutstandingathleticsand recreational facilities.

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Luke CutkompCo-Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers LukeCutkompbeginshisfirstseasonwith theMaroons football staff in 2014.His coaching duties include Co-Defen-siveCoordinatorandLinebackersCoach. Cutkomppreviouslyspentnineyearsat Aurora University, serving as defen-sive coordinator, defensive line coach

andspecialteamscoordinatorinhistenure.HewasafinalistfortheMuscleMilk/Footballscoop.comDivisionIIICoordinatoroftheYearinhisfirstseasonasdefensivecoordinatorin2008.TheSpartansrankedfirst inDivisionIII intakeaways, interceptionsand turnover margin, third in total defense and fourth in rush defenseandopponentfirstdownsallowed. Under his direction as coordinator, Aurora’s defense totaled 28All-Conference selections, eight all-region players, fourAll-AmericansandoneNACCDefensivePlayeroftheYear. CutkompwasagraduateassistantcoachonthedefensivelineatCarrollUniversity(Wis.)from2003-04.HewasalsoastudentassistantcoachatWartburgCollege. CutkompplayedtightendforWartburgandgraduatedwitha bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2003. He laterreceivedhismaster’sdegreeineducationfromCarroll(Wis.)in2007.

Coaching Staff

6 UChicago Football 2014

ChrisWilkersonentershis secondseasonatUChicagoafterbeingnamedHeadFoot-ballCoachinJuly2013.Inhisdebutcampaign,theMaroonsposteda6-4markandwereamongstthenation’sleadersinscoringdefense(15th),totaldefense(22nd),turnovermargin(17th),puntreturns(20th)andfewestpenaltiespergame(15th). Wilkersonbeginshis20thyearasacollegiatefootballcoach.HepreviouslyservedonDartmouthCollege’scoachingstafffrom2005-13andwasnamedAssociateHeadCoachin2007.DuringhistenureatDartmouth,Wilkerson’sbroadrangeofresponsibilitiesincludeddefensivecoordinator, special teamscoordinator, runningbackscoach, linebackerscoachand recruiting coordinator. Dartmouth’sspecialteamsandrunningbacksexcelledinrecentyearsunderWilkerson’stutelage.Theteamwasrankedinthetop10nationallyinanumberofcategories,includingpuntreturnaverage,blockedkicks,individualrushingaverageandfewestfumbleslost.Hisstand-outplayersfeaturedapairofAll-Americans–Dartmouth’sall-timeleadingrusherNick Schweiger and punt returner ShawnAbuhoff. As theDefensive Coordinator from2005-08,Wilkerson’shighlightsincludedapassdefensethatranked14thinthecountryinhis debut season.

PriortohistimeatDartmouth,WilkersoncoachedthedefenseandspecialteamsatSanJoseStateUniversityfrom2002-04.In2003,hewasanomineefortheBroylesAward,givenannuallytothenation’stopassistantcoach. WilkersonbeganhiscoachingcareerathisalmamaterEasternIllinoisUniversity,servingfrom1995-2001.Heledthespecialteamsunitallsevenyearsandalsohadstintsasdefensivecoordinator,linebackerscoachanddefensivelinecoach.ThePanthersreachedtheNCAADivisionI-AAplayoffsfourtimesandwonapairofconferencechampionshipsduringhistenure.Wilkerson’sdefensesandspecialteamswereregularlyrankedinthenationaltop20innumerouscategories. Wilkersonearnedhisbachelor’sdegreeinphysicaleducationfromEasternIllinoisUniversity.Chrisandhiswife,Sharna,havethreechildren–Isabella,PeytonandCharlotte.

Head Coach Chris Wilkerson

Craig KnocheOffensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks/Tight Ends Craig Knoche enters his sixth year at UniversityofChicagoin2014. Knoche is in his fourth season as the offensive coordinator and coaches the quarterbacks and tight ends. His addi-tional roles include recruiting coordina-tor, video coordinator and strength and

conditioningdirectorfortheteam.Heworkedwiththequarter-backsandreceiversduringthe2011and2012seasons.Priortobe-ingpromoted tooffensive coordinator in the springof 2011,hewasanassistantcoachfortheMaroons,coachingrunningbacksin2009andreceiversforthe2010UAAChampionshipteam. Prior to his arrival at UChicago, Knoche was a graduate assis-tant at theUniversity ofWisconsin (2007-08)where heworkedwiththeoffensiveline,quarterbacksandreceivers.Hespentthe2006seasonasastaffassistantatStanfordUniversityandworkedwith the offensive line. Knoche began his coaching career as the receiverscoachatNorthParkUniversity(2004-05). Knochewon threevarsity letters at IllinoisWesleyanUniver-sity,fromwhichheearneddegreesinmathematicsandSpanishin2002.The2000and2001IWUfootballteamswereCollegeConfer-enceofIllinoisandWisconsinchampions.Knocheearnedamas-ter’sdegreeinpuremathematicsfromtheUniversityofIllinoisin2006.HeisrecognizedasaCertifiedStrengthandConditioningSpecialistbytheNationalStrengthandConditioningAssociation.

Assistant Coaches

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Bo FlowersCo-Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Backs BoFlowersisinhisfirstseasonontheUChicagofootballcoachingstaffin2014.HeservesastheCo-DefensiveCoordina-tor and Defensive Backs Coach for theMaroons. Previously,FlowerswasthedefensivegraduateassistantcoachatEasternMich-

iganUniversityfortwoyears.FlowersplayedcollegiatefootballattheUniversityofIllinois(2007-09)andIllinoisStateUniversity(2010).HewasnamedtotheMissouriValleyFootballConferenceAll-NewcomerTeamwhileatIllinoisState. Additionally,Flowerswasastand-outbaseballplayerwhowasdraftedinthefifthroundoftheMajorLeagueBaseballdraftbytheDetroitTigers.Heplayedforfouryearsintheminorleaguesystems of the Tigers and the Chicago Cubs. FlowerswasanIllinoisAll-Stateselectioninfootballandbase-ballasaprepandwasnamedtheChicagoSun-TimesMaleAth-leteoftheYearin2002.

Sam Fioroni Offensive Assistant The 2014 season marks the first forSam Fioroni as offensive assistant withthe UChicago football team. Fioroniwasafour-year letterwinnerinfootballatDenisonUniversity.Hewasalso a team captain as a senior. FioronicollectedAll-RegionstatusfromD3Foot-ball.comin2012andwasathree-timeAll-

Conferencerecipientaswell. FioronigraduatedfromDenisonwithadegreeineconomics.

Rob Tulcin Defensive Assistant Rob Tulcin begins his first year atUChicago as defensive assistant for the Maroonsfootballteamin2014. Asacollegiatefootballplayer,Tulcinplayed linebacker for LehighUniversityfrom 2007-10. Hewas amember of the2010 team that won the Patriot Leaguechampionship. He was on the Patriot

LeagueAcademicHonorRoll in2009-10andwasalsoa seven-timescholar-athleteacademicachievementawardrecipient. TulcingraduatedfromLehighwithabachelor’sdegreeinac-counting.

John KropkeDefensive Line John Kropke enters his third seasonwiththeMaroonsin2014. Kropkeplayedhiscollegeballat Illi-noisStateUniversitywhereheearnedadegreeinpoliticalscienceandwasanAPAll-AmericanHonorableMentionrecipi-entin1987.HespentnineseasonsintheCanadianFootballLeagueasadefensive


John LizakOffensive Line John Lizak begins his fifth season atUniversityofChicagoin2014. Prior to coming to Chicago, LizakservedasoffensivelinecoachatElmhurstCollege for nine years, where he devel-oped four All-CCIW selections and onehonorable mention All-American. Lizak graduated from North Central

College in 1995with a degree in finance and earnedAll-CCIWhonorsasanoffensivelinemanin1994.Heisalsotheolderbroth-erofformerUChicagodefensivelinemanEdLizak.

Coaching Staff

UChicago Football 2014 7

Assistant Coaches

Thomas Pack Offensive Assistant Thomas Pack is in his first season on the Maroons footballcoachingstaffin2014,servingasoffensiveassistant. PackplayedfortheUChicagofootballteamin2008-09.HehasalsoservedasanassistantfootballcoachforMountCarmelHighSchoolsince2011,andwaspartofthestaffthatwonstatechampi-onshipsin2012and2013. PackgraduatedfromUChicagowithabachelor’sdegreeinlin-guistics.Hewentontoreceivehismaster’sdegreeineducationfromNorthwesternUniversity.

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Player Profiles

8 UChicago Football 2014

2014 Captains

Scott Mainquist #73DL • SeniorSan Diego, Calif. (Torrey Pines)

2013: HonorableMentionAll-UAAselection...Col-lected37tackles,5.5tacklesforaloss,4.5sacks,oneforced fumbleandoneblockedkickon the season...MadefourtackleswithtwosacksandoneforcedfumbleatConcordiaChicago...Talliedfourtackleswithtwosacksand3.0tacklesforalossatWashing-ton-St.Louis...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.



Vincent Beltrano #21DB • JuniorWood Dale, Ill. (Addison Trail)

2013: Third Team All-North Region selection byD3Football.com...UAACo-SpecialTeamsPlayeroftheYear,FirstTeamAll-UAAondefenseandspe-cial teams ... Led the teamwithfive interceptions,ninepassesdefended,threefumblesrecoveredandtwo fumbles forced ... Totaled 42 tackles and 4.0tacklesfora loss ...Alsoreturned16puntsfor170yards (10.6 per return) and 25 kicks for 468 yards

(18.7 per return) ... Collected two interceptions, six tackles, one fumbleforced,onefumblerecoveredandcaughta23-yardtouchdownpassver-susCarnegieMellon...Madeaseason-high10tackleswith1.0tackleforaloss,onefumbleforcedandonefumblerecoveredagainstKalamazoo...UAAAthleteoftheWeek(9/30)...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.

2012: UAA Rookie of the Year and Second TeamAll-UAA selection ...Pickedoffateam-highthreeinterceptionsandalsomade44tackles,brokeup four passes and blocked a kick ...Also returned 10 kickoffs for 198yardsalongwithsevenpuntsfor40yardsontheseason...Madeaseason-highninetackleswithoneforcedfumbleversusAllegheny...Totaledtwointerceptions and returned twokickoffs for 85 yards againstConcordiaChicago...Returnedablockedpunt10yardsforatouchdownatCarnegieMellon...Namedtheteam’sDefensiveRookieoftheYear.

Schuyler Montefalco #34LB • SeniorIndianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral)

2013: FirstTeamAll-UAAselection...Ledtheteamwith86tackleswhileadding11.0tacklesforaloss,2.0 sacks and one forced fumble on the season ...Talliedaseason-high14tacklesand1.0tacklesfora loss versus CarnegieMellon ... Totaled 13 tack-leswith2.0tacklesforalossagainstKalamazoo...Made4.0 tackles fora lossamongsthisnine tack-lesversusMacalester ...UAAAthleteof theWeek


2012:SecondTeamAll-UAA...Playedinall10games...Endedupsecondontheteamintackleswith70,whichincludedeighttacklesforaloss,onesackandthreepassbreakups...Alsoreturnedthreekickoffsfor82yardsontheyear...Recordedonesackand13tackles(12solo)atCarnegieMel-lon (11/3) ...Madeeight tackles in threedifferentgames ...Tallied twotacklesforalossonthreeseparateoccasions.

2011:Appearedinall10games,startingsixgamesatoutsidelinebacker…All-UAASecondTeam selection…NamedMaroons’ top rookie ondefense…Rankedthirdonteamwith63totaltacklesandsecondwith9.0tackles-for-loss…Recordedasackinthreeconsecutivegamesfrom10/1to10/22…Returnedaninterception51yardsagainstCase.

Jake Winkel #66OL • SeniorBatavia, Ill. (Marmion Academy)

2013: Honorable Mention All-UAA selection ...Played inninegames,primarilyasa starteratof-fensivetackle.

2012:HonorableMentionAll-UAA...Playedinsev-engamesatrighttackle,becomingaprimarystarterin the second-half of the season.


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Brandon Bolock #56DL • SeniorNaples, Fla. (Gulf Coast)

2013:HonorableMentionAll-UAAselection...Ledthe teamwith11.5 tackles for a loss and5.5 sackswhileadding58tacklesandtwofumblerecoveries...Talliedseventackles,4.0tacklesforalossandonesackatBeloit ...Collectedeight tackles,3.0 tacklesfor a loss and 2.0 sacks at Concordia Chicago ...MadeninetacklesandblockedakickatCaseWest-ernReserve...UAAAthleteoftheWeek(9/9).

2012:HonorableMentionAll-UAA...Playedineightgames...Compiledateam-best9.5tacklesforalossamonghis40totaltackles,alongwith3.5sacks,threepassbreakupsandtwoforcedfumbles....MadethreetacklesforalosswithonesackandeighttotaltacklesatHiram(10/20)...BrokeupthreepassesandmadesixtacklesagainstAllegheny(10/6)...Collectednine tacklesandone sack in season-finaleagainstWashington-St.Louis(11/10).


Ben Cheaney #84K/P • SeniorShelby, N.C. (Shelby)

2013:Booted34puntsfor1,163yards(34.2yardsperpunt), includingaseason-highpuntof55yards ...Produced three kickoffs for 147 yards (49.0 yardsperkickoff)...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.

2012: Played in all 10 games ...Made two tacklesfortheseason...Kickedoff31timesfor1,614yards(52.1yardsperkick)...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.


Miguel Maseda #35RB • SeniorMiami, Fla. (Belen Jesuit)

2013: Played in all 10 games ... Caught six passesfor43yards(7.2yardspercatch)andrushedthreetimes for seven yards on the season ... Also made eight tackleson theyear ...Hauled in threepassesfor19yardsversusElmhurst.

2012:Playedinall10games...Averaged4.9yardsper carry (148 yards on 30 carries) overall ... Also



Tom O’Neill #80WR • SeniorNaperville, Ill. (Culver Academy)

2013: Playedineightgames...Caughtsevenpassesfor74yards(10.6yardspercatch)ontheseason...Alsomadetwotackles.

2012:Playedinninegames...Averaged11.3yardsper catch (12 catches for 136yards) on theyear ...Grabbedtworeceptionsfor30yardsversusWash-ington-St.Louis(11/10)...Madethreecatchesfor18yardsversusConcordia-Chicago(9/8).


Zak Ross-Nash #47RB • SeniorAllendale, N.J. (Northern Highlands)

2013:SecondTeamAll-UAAselection ...Playedinall10games...Ledtheteamwith705yardsrushingand three touchdowns while adding nine catches for78yards (8.7yardsper catch)on the season ...Rushedforacareer-high180yardswithonetouch-downandcaughtonepassfor18yardsatConcor-diaChicago...Tallied104yardsrushingatBeloit...UAAAthleteoftheWeek(9/9).


2011:Playedinall10games…NamedMaroons’toprookieonoffense…Gainedteam-leading473yardson95carries (5.0yardsperrush),alongwithtwoTDs…Returnedfivekickoffsforanaverage19.8yards…Re-cordedfirst100-yardrushinggamein38-23winatDenison(10/8),andaddedareception…RankedfifthinUAA-onlygameswith163yardson39rushes.

Patrick Ryan #16QB • SeniorFort Wayne, Ind. (Bishop Dwenger)




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Isaac Stern #68OL • SeniorFt. Lauderdale, Fla. (University)

2013:SecondTeamAll-UAAselection ...Played ineightgames,servingastheprimarystarteratoffen-sivetackle.

2012: Played in nine games ... UAAAll-AcademicTeam...Blockedfortwo100-yardrushers.


Tom Sutrinaitis #87TE • SeniorMt. Prospect, Ill. (Hersey)


2012: Played in four games ... Credited with onetackle against Beloit (9/1) ... UAA All-AcademicTeam.


Bryan Tisdale #89TE • SeniorEl Paso, Texas (Chapin)




Brock Appenzeller #74OL • JuniorMesquite, Texas (John Horn)

2013: SecondTeamAll-UAAselection ...Played inall10games,primarilyasastarteratcenter.


Spencer Byrne #25DB • JuniorDes Peres, Mo. (Chaminade)

2013:Didnotappearinavarsitygame...UAAAll-Academic Team.


Ben Clark #40RB • JuniorNewton, Mass. (Lawrenceville, N.J.)

2013: Played in all 10 games ... Totaled 14 tackleswith1.5sacks,oneforcedfumble,onefumblerecov-eryandoneblockedkick...Alsoreturnedthreekicksfor25yards...TalliedthreetacklesandonesackatPacific...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.

2012:Played inninegamesandblocked twokicksoverthecourseoftheseason...Rushed12timesfor31yards(2.6yardspercarry)ontheyear...Alsore-

turned twokicks for27yardsand twopunts for32yards...Ran for16yards on four carries versus Beloit.

Colton Clark #31LB • JuniorArlington, Texas (Oakridge)



Sam Coleman #5WR • JuniorWetumpka, Ala. (Edgewood Academy)

2013: Honorable Mention All-UAA selection ...Playedin10games...Caught29passesforateam-high475yards(16.4yardspercatch)andfivetouch-downsontheseason ...Totaledsixcatches for139yardsandtwotouchdownsatRhodes...Hauledintwo touchdowns at Beloit.


Paul Comet #33DB • JuniorChampaign, Ill. (St. Thomas More)




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Nathan Massey #49TE • JuniorBartlett, Ill. (Bartlett)

2013:Playedinall10games...Caughtfivepassesfor69yards(13.8yardspercatch)andtwotouchdownson the season ... Recorded a 27-yard touchdowncatch at Concordia Chicago ... Tallied a one-yard touchdownreceptionversusKalamazoo.

2012:Playedinsixgamesandrushedtheballtwicefor six total yards.

Ryan Oros #41DL • JuniorFreehold, N.J. (Colts Neck)

2013:Playedinsixgames ...Totaled19tackles,2.5tacklesforalossand1.5sacksontheseason...Tal-liedaseason-highseventacklesandonetackleforalossversusKalamazoo...MadefivetacklesandonesackatBeloit...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.


Nick Pielech #22LB • JuniorHouston, Texas (Strake Jesuit)

2013:Playedinall10games...Collectedeighttack-les on the season, including a season-high three at Rhodes...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.

2012: Played in eight games and made four totaltackles.

Jacob Romeo #2DB • JuniorLake Orion, Mich. (Notre Dame)



Christopher Dengler #24DB • JuniorHaddonfield, N.J. (Haddonfield)

2013:SecondTeamAll-UAAselection...Totaled48tackles, three interceptions, ninepassesdefended,onefumblerecoveredand0.5tacklesforalossontheseason...Made11tacklesandreturnedafum-ble32yards fora touchdownversusKalamazo ...Tallied eight tackleswith 0.5 tackles for a loss atRhodes...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.

2012: Sawaction infive games andmadeone as-sistedtackleatWittenberg.

Joe Eroyan #57DL • JuniorNovi, Mich. (St. Mary’s Prep)

2013: Played in two games ... UAAAll-AcademicTeam.


Eric Kim #58OL • JuniorPlano, Texas (Plano)



Karol Kurzydlowski #39K/P • JuniorSouth Barrington, Ill. (Loyola Academy)

2013: SecondTeamAll-UAAselection...Playedinall10games...Converted7of10fieldgoals,includ-ingaseason-longof42yards...Booted36kickoffsfor1,916yards(53.2yardsperkick)...Went2-for-2onfield goals versusMacalester ...UAAAll-Aca-demic Team.


Colin Macri #11WR • JuniorAsbury, N.J. (North Hunterdon)

2013:Playedinninegames...Caught16passesfor172 yards (10.8 yards per catch) and two touch-downsontheseason...Hauledinsevenpassesfor60yardsatPacific ...Recorded twocatches for32yards and a touchdown versus Elmhurst ... UAAAll-Academic Team.


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Sergio Ruffolo #15LB • JuniorWebster, N.Y. (Webster Thomas)


2012: Played in eight games andmade three totaltackles,includingtwotacklesversusConcordiaChi-cago.

Greg Thome #26DB • JuniorValparaiso, Ind. (Valparaiso)

2013: Honorable Mention All-UAA selection ...Played inall10games ...Collected45 tackles, fourinterceptions, two fumble recoveries, one blockedkickand0.5tacklesforalossontheseason...TalliedoneinterceptionandseventacklesatCaseWesternReserve...Recordedaseason-higheighttackleswith0.5tacklesforalossatRhodes...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.


Cole Thoms #88WR • JuniorRound Rock, Texas (Round Rock)

2013: Honorable Mention All-UAA selection ...Played in all 10 games ... Led the team with 42catchesfor390yards(9.3yardspercatch)andfourtouchdownsontheseason ...Tallied10catches for97yardsandtwotouchdownsatRhodes...Collectedsixcatchesfor42yardsandtwotouchdownsversusMacalester...UAAAll-AcademicTeam.


Justin Waney #42RB • JuniorSan Diego, Calif. (Clairemont)

2013:Played inall10games ...Rushedthree timesfor12yardsontheseason.


Player Profiles

12 UChicago Football 2014

Juniors Sophomores

Davis Bitton #27DB • SophomoreBoise, Idaho (Borah)


Joseph Bramson #29DB • SophomoreDover, Mass. (Dexter School)


Rhodwin Chungag #32RB • SophomoreSouthfield, Mich. (Detroit Country Day)


Jackson Garrey #4LB • SophomoreMurphy, Texas (Plano East)


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Player Profiles

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Eddie Giannina #53DL • SophomoreGlendale, Ariz. (Mountain Ridge)


John Gormley #8WR • SophomoreAustin, Texas (Liberal Arts & Science Academy)


Joseph Greene #78OL • SophomoreBedford, N.Y. (Byram Hills)2013:Appearedinfourgames.

Robert Hall #64OL • SophomoreChicago, Ill. (Marist)


Hayden Harrow #36LB • SophomorePalm Beach Gardens, Fla. (William T. Dwyer)


Chris Kessling #28DB • SophomoreCincinnati, Ohio (Moeller)

2013:Playedinfourgames...Madetwotacklesonthe season.

Andrew Maneval #67OL • SophomoreSan Diego, Calif. (Torrey Pines)


Greg Marshall #52DL • SophomoreBeaverton, Ore. (Beaverton)


Chris Mason #6WR • SophomoreZionsville, Ind. (Zionsville Community)


Steven McGugan #55DL • SophomoreHomer Glen, Ill. (Marist)


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Alec Miller #69DL • SophomoreEvergreen, Colo. (Mullen)


Burke Moser #19QB • SophomoreSewickley, Pa. (Quaker Valley)


Tyler Pierce #95WR • SophomoreChicago, Ill. (Lane Tech)


Syd Reynolds #18WR • SophomoreAliso Viejo, Calif. (San Clemente)

2013: Played in nine games ... Caught four passesfor101yards(25.2yardspercatch)withonetouch-downontheseason...Hauledintwocatchesfor88yards, including an 83-yard touchdown reception,atRhodes.

Max Schumann #79OL • SophomoreOld Saybrook, Conn. (Xavier)


Tim Veselik #9LB • SophomoreHinsdale, Ill. (Benet)


Brian Welch #85TE • SophomoreWheaton, Ill. (Wheaton-Warrenville South)


Nick Zimmerman #72OL • SophomoreElgin, Ill. (South Elgin)


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Christian Anderson #75DL • FreshmanMountain Brook, Ala. (Mountain Brook)

Raphael Bargues #48DB • FreshmanPalo Alto, Calif. (Palo Alto)

Andrew Beytagh #14DB • FreshmanDallas, Texas (Cistercian Prep)

Grant Byrne #20WR • FreshmanDes Peres, Mo. (Chaminade College Prep)

Will Capitani #90DL • FreshmanDover, Vt. (Northfield Mount Hermon, Mass.)

Chandler Carroll #10RB • FreshmanAlexandria, Ind. (Yorktown)

Player Profiles

UChicago Football 2014 15


Peter Casey #99DL • FreshmanChicago, Ill. (Whitney Young)

Thomas Coates #17RB • FreshmanWellington, Fla. (Suncoast Community)

Rashad Crosby #37DB • FreshmanLisle, Ill. (Naperville North)

Sharad Crosby #38RB • FreshmanLisle, Ill. (Naperville North)

Erik Dammen-Brower #94LB • FreshmanWeston, Conn. (Weston)

Patrick Eighmy #97K/P • FreshmanBethlehem, Pa. (Liberty)

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Nick Ferraro #83K/P • FreshmanElburn, Ill. (Marmion Academy)

Robert Fuentes #91K/P • FreshmanCommack, N.Y. (St. Anthony)

Jacob Gajdzik #60OL • FreshmanRochester, Mich. (Stoney Creek)

Matt Galloway #46RB • FreshmanLake Zurich, Ill. (Notre Dame Prep)

Tanner Houghton #54LB • FreshmanDallas, Texas (Highland Park)

Mitchell Hufnagel #98K/P • FreshmanOwosso, Mich. (Owosso)

Dylan Kanaan #30DB • FreshmanBirmingham, Mich. (Birmingham Seaholm)

Chris Karamanos #3DB • FreshmanLos Gatos, Calif. (Lake Forest Academy)

David Kerr #63OL • FreshmanRochester Hills, Mich. (Stoney Creek)

Dominex Kovacs #93LB • FreshmanLivermore, Calif. (Granada)

Vlad Krobokin #65OL • FreshmanCarlsbad, Calif. (Carlsbad)

Kyle Lee #12RB • FreshmanSeattle, Wash. (Lakeside)

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Marco Martin #50DL • FreshmanNovato, Calif. (Marin Catholic)

Owen Moore #70OL • FreshmanBidwell, Ohio (Gallia Academy)

Hayden Mortimer #81WR • FreshmanCarlsbad, Calif. (Carlsbad)

Luke Mueller #86TE • FreshmanChicago, Ill. (Brother Rice)

Floyd Pitts III #43RB • FreshmanLee’s Summit, Mo. (Rockhurst)

Jamie Rieger #82WR • FreshmanCincinnati, Ohio (Moeller)

Matthew Ringer #45RB • FreshmanModesto, Calif. (Central Catholic)

Will Scolinos #23DB • FreshmanRancho Palos Verdes, Calif. (Palos Verdes)

Shelby Spence #7QB • FreshmanChicago, Ill. (De La Salle)

Guy Stockwell #13DB • FreshmanEagle, Idaho (Eagle)

Erik Wong #44TE • FreshmanMahwah, N.J. (Mahwah)

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2013 Season Review

UChicago Football 2014 18

Game by Game Results

Overall: 6-4 • UAA: 1-2 • Home: 4-0 • Away: 2-4

Date Opponent W/L ScoreSept. 7 at Beloit W 17-0Sept. 14 at Concordia Chicago W 23-13Sept. 21 ELMHURST W 10-0Sept. 28 KALAMAZOO W 31-17Oct. 5 at Rhodes L 34-41Oct. 19 MACALESTER W 26-7Oct. 26 at Pacific (Ore.) L 6-21Nov. 2 at Case Western Reserve* L 3-16Nov. 9 CARNEGIE MELLON* W 14-12Nov. 16 at Washington-St. Louis* L 7-17

* UAA game

UC OPPSCORING 171 144 Points Per Game 17.1 14.4

FIRST DOWNS 155 158 Rushing 71 68 Passing 68 81 Penalty 16 9

RUSHING YARDAGE 1120 1223 Rushing Attempts 411 349 Average Per Rush 2.7 3.5 Average Per Game 112.0 122.3 TDs Rushing 4 7

PASSING YARDAGE 1509 1633 Comp-Att-Int 132-257-8 162-297-15 Average Per Pass 5.9 5.5 Average Per Catch 11.4 10.1 Average Per Game 150.9 163.3 TDs Passing 16 11

TOTAL OFFENSE 2629 2856 Total Plays 668 646 Average Per Play 3.9 4.4 Average Per Game 262.9 285.6


FUMBLES-LOST 11-6 12-11

PENALTIES-Yards 43-416 73-690 Average Per Game 41.6 69.0

PUNTS-Yards 53-1668 50-1664 Average Per Punt 31.5 33.3 Net punt average 22.1 27.2

TIME OF POSSESSION/Game 33:13 26:443RD-DOWN Conversions 58/163 53/146 3rd-Down Pct 36% 36%4TH-DOWN Conversions 13/30 12/23 4th-Down Pct 43% 52%

SACKS BY-Yards 21-138 16-84

SCORE BY QUARTERS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th TotalChicago 46 36 47 42 171Opponents 34 33 30 47 144

Passing Effic Comp-Att-Int Pct Yds TD Lng

Cortina, Vincent 114.9 131-256-8 51.2 1504 16 83

Gaines, Ian 142.0 1-1-0 100.0 5 0 5

Total 115.0 132-257-8 51.4 1509 16 83

Opponents 102.9 162-297-15 54.5 1633 11 38

Rushing Att Yds Avg TD Long

Ross-Nash, Zak 219 705 3.2 3 22

Gaines, Ian 117 400 3.4 0 17

Cortina, Vincent 42 54 1.3 1 42

Brutofsky, Tom 10 30 3.0 0 7

Waney, Justin 3 12 4.0 0 7

All Others 20 -71 -3.5 0 6

Total 411 1120 2.7 4 42

Opponents 349 1223 3.5 7 62

Receiving Rec Yds Avg TD Long

Thoms, Cole 42 390 9.3 4 27

Coleman, Sam 29 475 16.4 5 41

Macri, Colin 16 172 10.8 2 36

Ross-Nash, Zak 9 78 8.7 0 18

O’Neill, Tom 7 74 10.6 0 30

Maseda, Miguel 6 43 7.2 0 14

Massey, Nathan 5 69 13.8 2 27

Bemenderfer, Tom 5 38 7.6 0 11

Reynolds, Syd 4 101 25.2 1 83

Waney, Justin 3 13 4.3 0 6

Beltrano, Vincent 2 34 17.0 1 23

All Others 4 22 5.5 1 9

Total 132 1509 11.4 16 83

Opponents 162 1633 10.1 11 38

Punt Returns No Yds Avg TD Long

Beltrano, Vincent 16 170 10.6 0 40

All Others 4 84 21.0 1 35

Total 20 254 12.7 1 40

Opponents 20 298 14.9 2 51

Kickoff Returns No Yds Avg TD Long

Beltrano, Vincent 25 468 18.7 0 39

Clark, Ben 3 25 8.3 0 16

Coleman, Sam 1 17 17.0 0 17

Massey, Nathan 1 5 5.0 0 5

Total 30 515 17.2 0 39

Opponents 36 558 15.5 0 39

Team Statistics

Individual Statistics

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2013 Season Review

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Field Goals Total 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Lg

Kurzydlowski,Karol 7-10 0-0 5-5 1-3 1-2 0-0 42

Total 7-10 0-0 5-5 1-3 1-2 0-0 42

Opponents 3-8 0-0 1-1 2-4 0-1 0-2 32

Punting No Yds Avg Long TB FC I20

Cheaney, Ben 34 1163 34.2 55 6 2 5

Cortina, Vincent 15 471 31.4 53 2 0 5

Team 4 34 8.5 34 0 0 1

Total 53 1668 31.5 55 8 2 11

Opponents 50 1664 33.3 49 2 7 13

Defense Solo Ast Tkl TFL Sack Int PD FR FF Blk

Montefalco, Schuyler 48 38 86 11 2 . . . 1 .

Wade, Ben 43 38 81 0.5 . 1 4 . 1 .

Duffy, Brian 30 35 65 0.5 . 1 4 . . .

Bolock, Brandon 26 32 58 11.5 5.5 . . 2 1 1

Dengler, Christopher 27 21 48 0.5 . 3 9 1 . .

Thome, Greg 22 23 45 0.5 . 4 5 2 . 1

Cifor, Michael 20 24 44 6.5 4 . 2 . . 1

Beltrano, Vincent 30 12 42 4 . 5 9 3 2 .

Romeo, Jacob 20 19 39 2.5 . . 4 1 . 1

Mainquist, Scott 18 19 37 5.5 4.5 . 1 . 1 1

Gilliam, Mychael 8 18 26 0.5 . . 1 . . .

Garrey, Jackson 12 13 25 . . . . . . .

Oros, Ryan 8 11 19 2.5 1.5 . . . . .

Giannina, Eddie 2 12 14 1 0.5 . 1 . . .

Clark, Ben 8 6 14 1.5 1.5 . . 1 1 1

McGugan, Steven 4 9 13 2.5 1.5 1 2 . . 1

Pielech, Nick 1 7 8 . . . . . . .

Maseda, Miguel 4 4 8 . . . . 1 . .

Marshall, John 1 6 7 1 . . . . . .

Schmidt, Richard . 3 3 . . . . . . .

DeMayo, Francesco 2 1 3 . . . . . . .

Von Ahnen, Zach 1 2 3 . . . . . . .

All Others 12 3 15 . . . 1 . . .

Total 347 356 703 52 21 15 43 11 32 7

Interceptions No Yds Avg TD Long

Beltrano, Vincent 5 72 14.4 0 21

Thome, Greg 4 29 7.2 0 21

Dengler, Christopher 3 42 14.0 0 41

All Others 3 0 0.0 0 0

Total 15 146 9.7 0 41

Opponents 8 42 5.2 0 22

Scoring TD FGs XP1 XP2 DXP Pts

Kurzydlowski,Karol 0 7-10 14-19 0-0 0 35

Coleman, Sam 5 0-0 0-0 0 0 30

Thoms, Cole 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 26

Ross-Nash, Zak 3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 18

Massey, Nathan 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 14

Macri, Colin 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 12

All Others 6 0-0 0-1 2-2 0 36

Total 22 7-10 14-20 2-2 0 171

Opponents 20 3-8 15-19 0-1 0 144

All-Purpose Yards Rush Rec PR KOR IR Tot Avg/G

Ross-Nash, Zak 705 78 0 0 0 783 78.3

Beltrano, Vincent 0 34 170 468 72 744 74.4

Coleman, Sam 0 475 0 17 0 492 49.2

Gaines, Ian 400 9 6 0 0 415 41.5

Thoms, Cole 0 390 0 0 0 390 39.0

Macri, Colin 0 172 0 0 0 172 19.1

Reynolds, Syd 6 101 0 0 0 107 11.9

O’Neill, Tom 0 74 0 0 0 74 9.2

Massey, Nathan 0 69 0 5 0 74 7.4

Cortina, Vincent 54 5 0 0 0 59 5.9

Maseda, Miguel 7 43 0 0 0 50 5.0

Thome, Greg 0 0 20 0 29 49 4.9

Dengler, Christopher 0 0 0 0 42 42 4.2

Bemenderfer, Tom 0 38 0 0 0 38 4.2

Cifor, Michael 0 0 35 0 0 35 3.5

Brutofsky, Tom 30 0 0 0 0 30 3.8

Waney, Justin 12 13 0 0 3 28 2.8

Clark, Ben 0 0 0 25 0 25 2.5

Murphy, Nick 0 0 17 0 0 17 2.1

Duffy, Brian 0 0 6 0 0 6 0.7

Tisdale, Bryan 0 4 0 0 0 4 0.6

Ryan, Patrick 0 4 0 0 0 4 0.4

All Others -94 0 0 0 0 -94 -9.4

Total 1120 1509 254 515 146 3544 354.4

Opponents 1223 1633 298 558 42 3754 375.4

Individual Statistics

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2013 Season Review

UChicago Football 2014 20

OffenseName School Pos. Yr.Jake Abbott Case Western Reserve OG Sr.Tim Bartholomew Washington-St. Louis WR Jr.Francesco DeMayo Chicago OG Sr.Garrett Hartig Case Western Reserve OT Sr.Rob Kalkstein Carnegie Mellon QB Sr. Tim Kikta Carnegie Mellon WR Sr.Jacob Krause Carnegie Mellon OG Sr.Jon Levin Washington-St. Louis C Sr.Mitch McMahon Washington-St. Louis TE So.Connor Meneough Washington-St. Louis OT Jr.Cody Ratermann Washington-St. Louis RB So.Kenny Riordan Case Western Reserve RB Sr.Tim Swanson Carnegie Mellon WR Jr.Colin Webb Washington-St. Louis FB Sr.

DefenseName School Pos. Yr.Ryan Bednar Washington-St. Louis S Jr.Vincent Beltrano Chicago CB So.Tate Byers Washington-St. Louis S Sr.Vince Demarchi Carnegie Mellon CB So.Ryan Jok Carnegie Mellon DL Sr.Peter Lowery Washington-St. Louis ILB Sr.Quincy Marting Washington-St. Louis CB So.Schuyler Montefalco Chicago OLB Jr.Nelson Nwumeh Washington-St. Louis DL Sr.Fade Oluokun Washington-St. Louis OLB Jr.Eric Rolfes Carnegie Mellon ILB Sr.Gavin Sandidge Case Western Reserve ILB So.Seth Wight Washington-St. Louis DL Sr.Justin Williams Case Western Reserve DL So.

Special TeamsName School Pos. Yr.Vincent Beltrano Chicago KR/PR So.Alex Hallwachs Washington-St. Louis K So.Sean Lapcevic Case Western Reserve PR Jr.Alec Stanke Washington-St. Louis P So.

Offensive Player(s) of the Year: Eric Daginella, Washington-St. LouisDefensive Player of the Year: Nelson Nwumeh, Washington-St. LouisSpecial Teams Players of the Year: Vincent Beltrano, Chicago / Sean Lapcevic, CaseRookie of the Year: Hank Childs, Washington-St. LouisCoaching Staff of the Year: WashU (Head Coach Larry Kindbom)

UAA Final Standings UAA Top Individual Awards

Overall UAA W L Pct. W L Pct.Washington-St. Louis 8 3 .727 3 0 1.000Case Western Reserve 5 4 .556 2 1 .667Chicago 6 4 .600 1 2 .333Carnegie Mellon 3 7 .300 0 3 .000

All-UAA First TeamOffenseName School Pos. Yr.Brock Appenzeller Chicago OL So.Nathan Cheek Carnegie Mellon OG Sr.Sean Lapcevic Case Western Reserve WR So.John Mangelluzzi Case Western Reserve WR Fr.Erik Olson Case Western Reserve QB Sr.Bryce Pardoe Carnegie Mellon TE Sr.Zak Ross-Nash Chicago RB Jr.Isaac Stern Chicago OL Jr.Will Thompson Washington-St. Louis OL Jr.Troy Witt Carnegie Mellon RB So.

DefenseName School Pos. Yr.Michael Cifor Chicago DL Sr.Alexander D’Angelo Carnegie Mellon OLB Jr.Christopher Dengler Chicago CB So.Everett Dishong Case Western Reserve OLB So.Brian Duffy Chicago ILB Sr.Malcolm Guya Carnegie Mellon S So.Danny Nowak Washington-St. Louis DL Fr.Andrew Skalman Washington-St. Louis CB Sr.Dayton Snyder Case Western Reserve DL So.Jeff Stoecker Washington-St. Louis DL Sr.Scott Suren Case Western Reserve S So.Ben Wade Chicago ILB Sr.Aaron Weisberg Case Western Reserve ILB So.

Special TeamsName School Pos. Yr.Karol Kurzydlowski Chicago K Jr.Tucker Smith Carnegie Mellon P Sr.

All-UAA Second Team

UAA Special Teams Player of the Year Vincent Beltrano Schuyler Montefalco

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Early Era History

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Amos Alonzo Stagg One of the great innovators in the develop-ment of college football, Amos Alonzo Stagg served as head football coach at Chicago from 1892 to 1932. Stagg compiled a record of 224-112-27 and led the Maroons to seven Big Ten Conference titles (1899, 1905, 1907, 1908, 1913, 1922, 1924). Under Stagg’s guidance, Chicago emerged as one of the nation’s most formidable football powers during the first quarter of the 20th century. Stagg’s impact on the game of football began during his college playing days at Yale, where he was named to the first-ever All-America team as an end in 1889. Stagg began his coaching career the next year at the Springfield, Massa-chusetts, YMCA, now Springfield College. Stagg formed the school’s first football team, and among his players was James Naismith, the inventor of basketball. William Rainey Harper, who was Stagg’s divinity professor at Yale, was ap-pointed the first president of the University of Chicago and in 1892 named Stagg head football coach and director of the depart-ment of physical culture, a post Stagg would retain for 41 years. In addition to his football duties, Stagg coached track for 32 years, baseball for 19 years, and basketball for one sea-son. He also helped to organize the Big Ten Conference, then known as the Western Conference. Among the innovations credited to Stagg are the tackling dummy, the huddle, the reverse and man-in-motion plays, the lateral pass, uniform numbers, and varsity letters. After retiring from Chicago in 1932, Stagg served as head coach at Pacific from 1932 to 1946, then served as an assistant coach to his son at Susquehanna until 1952. He passed away in 1965 at the age of 102. Stagg was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1951 as both a player and coach. The NCAA recognized Stagg’s contributions by designating the Division III championship game the Stagg Bowl. Legendary Notre Dame coach Knute Rockne said of Stagg, “All football comes from Stagg.”

Independent (1892-95)Year W L T Coach1892 1 4 2 Amos Alonzo Stagg1893 6 4 2 Amos Alonzo Stagg1894 11 7 1 Amos Alonzo Stagg1895 7 3 0 Amos Alonzo Stagg

Big Ten Conference (1896-1939) Overall Big 10Year W L T W L T Place Coach1896 11 2 1 3 2 0 4th Amos Alonzo Stagg1897 8 1 0 3 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1898 9 2 0 3 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1899 12 0 2 4 0 0 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1900 7 5 1 2 3 1 6th Amos Alonzo Stagg1901 5 5 2 0 4 1 9th Amos Alonzo Stagg1902 11 1 0 5 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1903 10 2 1 4 1 1 4th Amos Alonzo Stagg1904 8 1 1 5 1 1 3rd Amos Alonzo Stagg1905 10 0 0 7 0 0 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1906 4 1 0 3 1 0 4th Amos Alonzo Stagg1907 4 1 0 4 0 0 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1908 5 0 1 5 0 0 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1909 4 1 2 4 1 1 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1910 2 5 0 2 4 0 7th Amos Alonzo Stagg1911 6 1 0 5 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1912 6 1 0 6 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1913 7 0 0 7 0 0 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1914 4 2 1 4 2 1 3rd Amos Alonzo Stagg1915 5 2 0 4 2 0 3rd Amos Alonzo Stagg1916 3 4 0 3 3 0 5th Amos Alonzo Stagg1917 3 2 1 2 2 1 5th Amos Alonzo Stagg1918 0 6 0 0 5 0 10th Amos Alonzo Stagg1919 5 2 0 4 2 0 3rd Amos Alonzo Stagg1920 3 4 0 2 4 0 8th Amos Alonzo Stagg1921 6 1 0 4 1 0 2nd Amos Alonzo Stagg1922 5 1 1 4 0 1 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1923 7 1 0 5 1 0 3rd Amos Alonzo Stagg1924 4 1 3 3 0 3 1st Amos Alonzo Stagg1925 3 4 1 2 2 1 7th Amos Alonzo Stagg1926 2 6 0 0 5 0 10th Amos Alonzo Stagg1927 4 4 0 3 3 0 5th Amos Alonzo Stagg1928 2 7 0 0 5 0 10th Amos Alonzo Stagg1929 7 3 0 1 3 0 7th Amos Alonzo Stagg1930 2 5 2 0 4 0 10th Amos Alonzo Stagg1931 2 6 1 1 4 0 8th Amos Alonzo Stagg1932 3 4 1 1 4 0 8th Amos Alonzo Stagg1933 3 3 2 0 3 2 8th Clark Shaughnessy1934 4 4 0 2 4 0 7th Clark Shaughnessy1935 4 4 0 2 3 0 6th Clark Shaughnessy1936 2 5 1 1 4 0 7th Clark Shaughnessy1937 1 6 0 0 4 0 9th Clark Shaughnessy1938 1 6 1 0 4 0 10th Clark Shaughnessy1939 2 6 0 0 3 0 9th Clark Shaughnessy

Maroons at Marshall Field (later Stagg Field) in 1895

Year by Year Records

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1890William Rainey Harper, the University of Chicago’s first president, appoints Amos Alonzo Stagg the school’s first head football coach. Stagg would serve in that role for 41 years, during which time he would revolutionize college football.

1892Chicago begins its initial year of intercollegiate football competition ... In their first game against a collegiate foe, the Maroons battle Northwestern to a scoreless tie ... Chicago defeats Illinois 10-4 to mark its first win against a major college opponent.

1893Chicago merchant Marshall Field donates the use of campus land for home football games. Initially named Marshall Field, it would eventually become Stagg Field ... Chicago plays on Thanksgiving Day for the first time, losing to Michigan 28-10.

1894Stagg adopts maroon as Chicago’s official color ... Chicago embarks on an unprecedented 6,200-mile tour of the Pacific Coast, during which it splits a pair of games with Stanford. After defeating the Car-dinal 24-4 on Christmas Day, the Maroons fall 12-0 in Los Angeles just four days later. Many college football historians consider the Dec. 29 contest to be the genesis of the modern-day college bowl game.

1895Chicago becomes a charter member of the Western Conference, which would later be known as the Big Ten Conference.

1896In its inaugural Big Ten campaign, Chicago posts a 3-2 mark against conference rivals.

1898Clarence Herschberger becomes Chicago’s first consensus All-American.

1899Chicago wins its first Big Ten title with a 4-0 mark in league play and records its first unbeaten season with a record of 12-0-2.


1902Chicago re-emerges as a regional power as the Maroons win 11 of 12 games.

1903During its 10-2-1 season, Chicago wins its first seven contests by an astounding 284-0 margin.

1905Chicago records its first perfect record with a 10-0 mark en route to its second Big Ten title ... In their final Thanksgiving Day game, the Maroons defeat Michigan 2-0, marking Chicago’s emergence as the top football school in the West.

1905-06Football at Chicago survives an attempt by the University Senate to discontinue the program. Serious injuries – including deaths – as well as concerns about the eroding of the amateur player ideal lead to major rule changes throughout the country.

1906In a dramatic reduction in schedule, Chicago finishes the season with a 4-1 record ... Walter Eckersall named a consensus All-American for the third straight year.

1907Chicago sweeps its four Big Ten contests to capture its third conference championship.

1908With a 5-0 record in conference play, Chicago collects its fourth Big Ten title and its second in as many years.

The 1892 Chicago Maroons(Stagg holding ball)

Amos Alonzo Stagg

Walter Eckersall (with ball) in 1906

Maroons vs. Michigan, Thanksgiving 1905

Chronological History

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1910At 2-5, Chicago suffers its first losing season since its initial year of competition in 1892.

1913Chicago finishes 7-0, all against Big Ten foes, to capture its fifth league championship ... With its seating capacity increased to approximately 32,000 by the addition of a crenelated grandstand, Marshall Field is renamed Stagg Field ... Paul Des Jardien is named a consensus All-American.

1918At 0-6, the Maroons suffer their only winless season under Stagg.


1921Chicago defeats Princeton 9-0, marking the first victory by a Western team over one of the “Big Three” of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. According to many sports historians, the Chicago/Princeton game sparked nationwide interest in college football.

1922For the first time, one of the “Big Three” (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) visits the Midway, as Princeton defeats the Maroons 21-18. Chicago receives more than 100,000 ticket requests for the game.

1924With a 3-0-3 mark in conference play, Chicago wins its seventh and last Big Ten championship ... Chicago battles heavily-favored Illinois – featuring All-American “Red” Grange – to a 21-21 tie at Stagg Field.

1926Stagg Field’s seating capacity is increased for the second time in 13 years, this time to more than 50,000.

1927Center Ken Rouse becomes the first Chicago player to be selected as the Big Ten Most Valuable Player.

1929With a 7-3 record, Chicago enjoys its last winning season of the early era.


1932Amos Alonzo Stagg completes his 41st and final year on the Midway with a 3-4-1 finish. During his career, Stagg compiles an overall record of 224-112-27. He later becomes head coach at Pacific.

1933Clark Shaughnessy replaces Stagg as head coach.

1935Jay Berwanger wins the first-ever Heisman Trophy. In the spring of 1936, Jay Berwagner is the first player selected in the inaugural NFL Draft. He is chosen by Philadelphia and traded to the Chicago Bears, but decides against playing professional football.

1936Chicago posts its last Big Ten victory in a 7-6 win over Wisconsin.

1938Stagg’s Pacific squad defeats Chicago 32-0 at Stagg Field.

1939At 2-6, Chicago suffers its fourth straight losing season ... The Maroons lose their three Big Ten games by a combined score of 192-0 to fall to 1-15 in conference play over the past four years ... Following the dismal campaign, the University of Chicago discontinues intercollegiate football during the presidency of Robert Maynard Hutchins ... The program would remain dormant at the varsity level until 1969.

Chronological History

On Dec. 2, 1942, beneath the abandoned west stands of Stagg Field, Enrico Fermi and a team of scientists achieved

the first self-sustaining chain reaction, which led to the development of the atomic bomb. Today, the Joseph

Regenstein Library stands on the site of the original Stagg Field at 1100 East 57th Street.

Jay Berwanger carrying the ball against Michigan in 1933

Chicago vs. Michigan – Stagg Field 1927

Coach Clark Shaughnessy

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Honor Roll

College Football Hall of FameJay Berwanger Clarence Herschberger Amos Alonzo StaggPaul Des Jardien Bob Maxwell Walter SteffenWalter Eckersall Clark Shaughnessy Andy Wyant

Consensus All-AmericaJay Berwanger (1935) Franklin Gowdy (1924) Fred Speik (1904)Mark Catlin (1905) Clarence Herschberger (1898) Walter Steffen (1908)Paul Des Jardien (1913) Joseph Pondelik (1924) John Thomas (1922)Walter Eckersall (1904-06)

Big Ten Conference MVPJay Berwanger (1935) Ken Rouse (1927)

All-Big TenJay Berwanger (1934-35) Earl Huntington (1913) Charles Rademacher (1911)William Crawley (1909) Harold Iddings (1907-08) Lloyd Rohrke (1923)Herb “Fritz” Crisler (1921) Philbrick Jackson (1916) Ken Rouse (1927)Paul Des Jardien (1912-14) Ralph King (1922) Pete Russell (1913-15)Leo DeTray (1907) Austin McCarty (1925) Clark Sauer (1911)Walter Eckersall (1906) Charles McGuire (1920-21) Horace Scruby (1911)Franklin Gowdy (1924) Nelson Norgren (1913) Laurens Shull (1914-15)Fred Henderson (1925) Harlan “Pat” Page (1908-09) Walter Steffen (1906-08)Charles Higgins (1917-19) Ellmore Patterson (1934) Harry Thomas (1924)Arthur Hoffman (1908) Joseph Pondelik (1924)

Maroons in the ProsDuncan Annan Toledo Maroons (1922), Hammond Pros (1923-26), Akron Pros (1925), Akron Indians (1926)

Johnny Bryan Chicago Cardinals (1922), Chicago Bears (1923-27), Milwaukee Badgers (1925-26)

Stuart Cochran Milwaukee Badgers (1922)

Paul Des Jardien Chicago Cardinals (1920), Chicago Tigers (1920), Minneapolis Marines (1922)

Gene Francis Chicago Cardinals (1926)

Aubrey Goodman Chicago Bulls - AFL (1926), Chicago Cardinals (1927)

Dick Halladay Racine Legion (1923-24)

Lewis Hamity Chicago Bears (1941)

George Hartong Hammond Pros (1921), Racine Legion (1923), Chicago Cardinals (1924)

Fred Hobscheid Racine Tornadoes (1926), Chicago Bears (1927)

John Hurlburt Chicago Cardinals (1924-25)

Colville Jackson Evansville Giants (1921), Hammond Pros (1921)

Graham Kernwein Racine Tornadoes (1926)

Ralph King Racine Legion (1924), Chicago Bears (1925)

Paul Leatherman Hammond Pros (1922)

Milt Romney Racine Legion (1923-24), Chicago Bears (1925-29)

Saul Sherman Chicago Bears (1939-40)

Charles Weaver Chicago Cardinals (1930), Portsmouth Spartans (1930)

John Webster Racine Legion (1924)

Don Yeisley Chicago Cardinals (1928)

Jay BerwangerHeisman Trophy Winner 1935

In November 1935, University of Chicago senior Jay Berwanger received a telegram from Manhattan’s Downtown Athletic Club, informing him that he had won a trophy for being the “most valuable football player east of the Mississippi.” The prize, then known as the Downtown Athletic Club Trophy, was renamed the Heisman Trophy the following year. Renowned for his versatility, Berwanger played nearly every position on offense and defense. During the 1935 campaign, he rushed for 577 yards, passed for 405, returned kickoffs

for 359, scored six touchdowns, and added five PATs for 41 points. Following the 1935 season, the Chicago Tribune awarded Berwanger the Silver Football as the Most Valuable Player in the Big Ten. In a poll of 107 opposing players he faced during his senior year, 104 said the six-foot, 195-pound Berwanger was the best halfback they had ever seen. Berwanger was the only Heisman recipient tackled by a future United States president – Gerald Ford – during a 1934 game between Chicago and Michigan. “Jay was most deserving of his Heisman Trophy. He could do it all,” President Ford recalled. “He was an outstanding runner as well a passer and kicker. I remember him fondly as one of the greatest athletes I’ve known.” In addition to his distinction as the first-ever Heisman Trophy re-cipient, Berwanger was the first player chosen in the inaugural National Football League draft in 1936. He was selected by the Philadelphia Eagles, who traded his rights to the Chicago Bears. Berwanger turned down the opportunity to pursue a professional football career, citing low pay. During World War II, he enrolled in the United States Navy’s flight-training program and became a naval officer. After the war, he established a plastic and rubber manufacturing company in Chicago’s western suburbs. In 1954, Berwanger was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Then in 1989, he was included on Sports Illustrated’s 25-year anniversary All-America team, which honored players whose accomplish-ments extended beyond the football field. Berwanger died during the summer of 2002.

SteffenRouseDesJardien Herschberger

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Year by Year Records

Independent (1969-75)Year W L T Coach1969 2 4 0 Walter Hass1970 2 5 0 Walter Hass1971 3 4 0 Walter Hass1972 1 6 0 Walter Hass1973 0 6 1 Walter Hass1974 0 8 0 Walter Hass1975 1 7 0 Walter Hass

Midwest Conference (1976-86) Overall MWCYear W L T W L T Place Coach1976 4 4 0 1 3 0 10th Bob Lombardi1977 2 6 0 1 3 0 10th Bob Lombardi1978 3 5 0 1 3 0 9th Bob Lombardi1979 2 6 0 1 3 0 9th Tom Kurucz1980 1 8 0 1 7 0 9th Robert Larsen1981 2 6 1 2 6 0 8th Robert Larsen1982 0 9 0 0 4 0 10th Robert Larsen1983 2 7 0 0 4 0 11th Mick Ewing1984 3 6 0 1 6 0 11th Mick Ewing1985 5 4 0 3 4 0 5th Mick Ewing1986 3 6 0 2 5 0 9th Mick Ewing

Independent (1987-89)Year W L T Coach1987 5 3 0 Mick Ewing1988 3 6 0 Rich Parrinello1989 2 7 0 Greg Quick

UAA (1990-present) Overall UAAYear W L T W L T Place Coach1990 1 9 0 0 4 0 5th Greg Quick1991 0 10 0 0 4 0 5th Greg Quick1992 3 7 0 1 3 0 3rd Greg Quick1993 5 5 0 2 2 0 3rd Greg Quick1994 5 5 0 2 2 0 3rd Dick Maloney1995 8 2 0 2 2 0 3rd Dick Maloney1996 4 5 0 1 3 0 4th Dick Maloney1997 5 4 1 3 3rd Dick Maloney1998 7 2 4 0 1st Dick Maloney1999 5 4 1 3 4th Dick Maloney2000 7 2 4 0 1st Dick Maloney2001 6 3 1 3 3rd Dick Maloney2002 4 5 2 2 2nd Dick Maloney2003 2 7 1 3 4th Dick Maloney2004 3 6 0 3 4th Dick Maloney2005 5 4 3 0 1st Dick Maloney2006 4 5 0 3 4th Dick Maloney2007 4 5 0 3 4th Dick Maloney2008 3 6 1 2 2nd Dick Maloney2009 5 4 1 2 2nd Dick Maloney2010 8 2 3 0 1st Dick Maloney2011 5 5 0 3 4th Dick Maloney2012 4 6 0 3 4th Dick Maloney2013 6 4 1 2 3rd Chris Wilkerson

Return of Varsity Football – 1969

Thirty years after the University of Chicago discontin-ued intercollegiate football in 1939, the sport returned to varsity status at the NCAA Division III level. The genesis of the return of football occurred in 1956, when Walter Hass was appointed director of athletics A long-time college football coach, Hass initiated a football class as part of the physical education curriculum, which by 1960 evolved into a club program competing against other teams in the area. Prompted by Hass’s strident lobbying efforts as well as a student body petition, the University of Chicago el-evated football to varsity status beginning with the 1969 season. Hass, who guided the Maroons to a 2-4 record in 1969, continued coaching through 1975 and during that span con-tinued to upgrade the schedule with quality opponents. His efforts established the foundation for Division III football at Chicago. Hass was selected for induction into the University of Chicago Athletics Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2007. The Maroons celebrated the 40-year anniversary of the return of varsity football during the team’s 2009 Homecoming game against Denison University. Members of the 1969 squad, the first to play varsity football after it was eliminated 30 years earlier, served as honorary team captains for the pregame coin toss.

Coach Yrs. W L T Pct.Dick Maloney ‘94-12 94 82 0 .534Mick Ewing ‘83-87 18 26 0 .409Greg Quick ‘89-93 11 38 0 .224Bob Lombardi ‘76-78 9 15 0 .375Walter Hass ‘69-75 9 40 1 .190Chris Wilkerson ‘13-- 6 4 0 .600Rich Parrinello ‘88 3 6 0 .333Robert Larsen ‘80-82 3 23 1 .130Tom Kurucz ‘79 2 6 0 .250

Coaching Records

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Honor Roll

All-UAA 1st & 2nd Team (cont.)Chuck Little Running Back 2006Ed Lizak Defensive Line 1996-98Rick Lloyd Offensive Line 1999-01Jake Longtin Defensive Line 2009-10Scott Mainquist Defensive Line 2012Andrew Maloney Wide Receiver 2004Brian Mangan Linebacker 1998Jon Mardo Linebacker 1997-98Jeff Mathews Offensive Line 1995-96Jim McAnelly Offensive Line 2008Joseph McCoy Quarterback/Running Back 1990-93Wesley McGhee Offensive Line 1991-93 Jim McNamara Offensive Line 2000Brandon Meckelberg Tight End 2012Tom Miller Defensive Line 2005-06Stefan Mitrovic Offensive Line 2009Schuyler Montefalco Linebacker 2011-13Tucker Morrison Linebacker 1993Mike Morzenti Punter/Kicker 2003, 05Ryan Muldoon Safety 2000Roman Natoli Kicker 1998-01David Neils Offensive Line 2000Dan O’Brien Offensive Line 1993-95George O’Brien Linebacker 1992-94Vinny O’Leary Linebacker 2005Marshall Oium Quarterback 2009-10Sam Owens Running Back 2003Tommy Parks Running Back 2010Phil Pengiel Offensive Line 2004-05Stan Penkala Offensive Line 1990Dan Philips Linebacker 1997-00Danny Polaneczky Safety 2008-11Joe Polaneczky Wide Receiver 2000-03Mark Potocki Offensive Line 1994-95Ben Potts Offensive Line 2004-06T.J. Rajcevich Punt Returner 2004Jim Raptis Wide Receiver 2000-03Matt Rinklin Quarterback 2005-06Zak Ross-Nash Running Back 2011-13John Ryle Safety 2006Matt Sargent Defensive Line 2008, 10-11Jeff Sauer Punter/Kicker 2010-12Nick Schey Running Back 2005Brad Shimeall Offensive Line 1991Jason Slous Linebacker 1999-00Drew Syder Linebacker 1990Jeff Stanczak Cornerback 1990Isaac Stern Offensive Line 2013Jack Stockert Tight End 2004Jeff Stolte Punter 1990-91Joe Stoner Punt Returner 2008David Swanson Safety 1994-95John Tabash Offensive Line 2009-12Casey Talbot Linebacker 1994-96Rob Tamillow Defensive Line 2003-05Sandeep Tickoo Safety 1998Steve Tsilimos Cornerback 2010Michael Turner Safety/Cornerback 1997-99Mike Van Roten Offensive Line 2009-10Ben Wade Linebacker 2013Joe Wagner Wide Receiver 1990Austin Way Kick Returner 2006Brandon Way Tailback 1995-98Frank Walch Tight End 1995Jimmie Wells Defensive Line 1994-95Corey White Linebacker 2008Arlen Wiley Defensive Line 1998-01Nate Williams Offensive Line 2008-10Clay Wolff Wide Receiver/Kick Returner 2007-10Todd Young Safety 2005Marc Zera Quarterback 2004Bryan Zindrick Safety 2002Jared Zuniga Offensive Line 2002

All-Midwest ConferenceDave Baker Defensive Line 1986Steve Campbell Linebacker 1981Jim Coy Defensive Line 1982Mark Daniels Wide Receiver 1978Bob Dickey Running Back 1984Dale Friar Running Back 1977-78Scott Jensen Kicker 1978Kim Johnson Offensive Line 1978Jim Kapotas Offensive Line 1985-86Mark Kosminskas Linebacker 1979Mark Meier Quarterback 1979Bruce Montella Running Back 1985Joe Mullin Defensive Line 1980Joe Pierri Defensive Line 1978, 81Ted Repass Linebacker 1983-86Dennis Werner Defensive Back 1984

UAA Rookie of the YearFrancis Adarkwa Running Back 2008Vincent Beltrano Cornerback 2012Dee Brizzolara Wide Receiver/Kick Returner 2009Joshua Burandt Safety 2010Gaby Fernandez Linebacker 2004Justin Kaderabek Defensive Line 2007Todd Young Defensive Back 2005

All-UAA 1st & 2nd TeamFrancis Adarkwa Running Back 2008-11Mike Albian Wide Receiver 2005-07Erik Anderson Defensive Line 2003-04Brock Appenzeller Offensive Line 2013Matt Armbruster Linebacker 2003-04Frank Baker Fullback 1991-93Rich Bartolomei Offensive Line 2005Vincent Beltrano Cornerback 2012Eric Berndt Defensive Line 2001-02Matt Braun Defensive Line 1999Dee Brizzolara Wide Receiver/Kick Returner 2009-12Derrick Brooms Wide Receiver/Kick Returner 1994-95Frank Brown Running Back/Kick Returner 2001, 03-04Joe Bufalino Offensive Line 2005Joshua Burandt Safety 2010John Carey Offensive Line 1998Aaron Carlock Running Back 2001-02Colin Carrier Cornerback 2004-05Emmett Carrier Cornerback 2009-11Neal Cawi Defensive Line 1990-91Kyle Cepeda Running Back 2005Drew Christ Cornerback 1994-96Steve Chudik Cornerback 1990-91Michael Cifor Defensive Line 2011-13Jon Cotchen Linebacker 2008Dan Crookston Defensive Line 1994-95Bryan Cross Offensive Line 2001-02Adam Cushing Tight End 2000-01Ron Dawczak Quarterback 1995Micah Dawson Wide Receiver 2004-05Bryan Dedeker Offensive Line 2007-09Francesco DeMayo Offensive Line 2013Christopher Dengler Defensive Back 2013John Dierking Defensive Line 1990Sean Dillon Defensive Line 2000-02Peter Ditchman Safety 1993James Dowd Offensive Line 2001-03Tony Dragovich Wide Receiver 1995Brian Duffy Linebacker 2013George Dunn Punt Returner 2000Josh Dunn Quarterback 2000-01Phil Duszczyk Defensive Line 1996-97Alex Dzierbicki Linebacker 2009-12Mike Emerson Tight End 2009Tom Evans Offensive Line 1990Gaby Fernandez Linebacker 2004-05Matt Ficenec Fullback 1990David Franchi Offensive Line 2000Nick Freeman Safety 1998-00Leon Gordon Offensive Line 2005Joe Gorowski Wide Receiver 1997-98Cameron Grimes Linebacker 2009-10Brian Gutbrod Wide Receiver/Punt Returner 1999, 01Matt Hadsell Linebacker 2002-04Jake Hajer Offensive Line 2001Nick Hannigan Cornerback 1999-01Nate Harrell Cornerback 2002-03Mike Hawkins Offensive Line 2006Mike Healy Tight End 2002-03Mike Hettman Offensive Line 1998-99Scott Hettman Offensive Line 1994, 97Nate Hines Safety 2003-04Steve Holtzman Offensive Line 2006Tony Insalaco Linebacker 2007Jason Jagodzinski Offensive Line 2004Greg Jefson Running Back 1999Anthony Jernigan Offensive Line/Defensive Line 1991, 94Scott Johnson Safety 2006Kris Jones Running Back 2000Justin Kaderabek Defensive Line 2007-09Kris Kahle Wide Receiver 1997-98Jim Kienzle Offensive Line 1996John Kiernan Wide Receiver/Quarterback 2006, 08Kenny Kim Safety 1997Jesse Knapp Linebacker 1990Kevin Kohart Linebacker 1991Leo Kowalyk Defensive Line 1993Karol Kurzydlowski Kicker 2013Matt Lawton Fullback 1997Chris Leamy Cornerback 2007-08Matt Limegrover Offensive Line 1990

All-AmericaFrank Baker Fullback 1993Derrick Brooms Kick Returner 1995Colin Carrier Defensive Back 2005Neal Cawi Defensive End 1991Mike Healy Tight End 2002Bruce Montella Tailback 1985Phil Pengiel Center 2005Dan Philips Linebacker 1999-00Jeff Sauer Punter/Kicker 2011-12Jeff Stolte Punter 1991Rob Tamillow Defensive Line 2005

Academic All-AmericaFrank Baker Running Back 1992-93Steve Chudik Safety 1991Paul Haar Offensive Line 1987-88Bruce Montella Running Back 1985

Aztec Bowl ParticipantDan Philips Linebacker 2000Rob Tamillow Defensive Line 2005

NCAA Postgraduate ScholarFrank Baker Running Back 1994Paul Haar Offensive Line 1989Bruce Montella Running Back 1986Ben Potts Offensive Line 2006

UAA Offensive MVPFrank Baker Fullback 1993Dee Brizzolara Wide Receiver 2010-11Derrick Brooms Wide Receiver 1994-95Josh Dunn Quarterback 2000Brandon Way Tailback 1996, 98

UAA Defensive MVPMatt Armbruster Linebacker 2004Dan Philips Linebacker 2000Rob Tamillow Defensive Line 2005

UAA Special Teams MVPVincent Beltrano Punt/Kick returner 2013Jeff Sauer Punter/Kicker 2010

Two-Time UAA Offensive MVPDerrick Brooms

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Individual Records

RushingMost Yards•Career: 4,283 Frank Baker (1990-93)•Season: 1,606 Frank Baker (1993)•Game: 305 Bruce Montella (vs. Knox, 1985)•Long Run: 93 Dale Friar (vs. Loras, ‘77)

Most Attempts•Career: 855 Frank Baker (1990-93)•Season: 281 Frank Baker (1993)•Game: 51 Tony Lee (vs. Lake Forest, 1986)

Most Touchdowns•Career: 33 Brandon Way (1995-98)•Season: 16 Joseph McCoy (1993)•Game: 4 Francis Adarkwa (vs. Concordia Chi., 2010); Tommy Parks (vs. Lewis & Clark, 2007); Nick Schey (vs. Concordia Chicago, 2006); Brandon Way (vs. Kenyon, 1996); Dale Friar (vs. Loras, 1977)

Highest Average per Carry(min. 300 career attempts, 125 season attempts)

•Career: 5.1 Joseph McCoy (1990-93)•Season: 6.6 Joseph McCoy (1993)

PassingMost Yards•Career: 6,922 Josh Dunn (1999-02)•Season: 2,605 Marshall Oium (2009)•Game: 472 Marshall Oium (vs. Denison, 2009)•Long Pass: 94 Ron Dawczak (vs. Washington, 1995)

Most Completions•Career: 558 Josh Dunn (1999-02)•Season: 203 Josh Dunn (2002)•Game: 33 Marshall Oium (vs. Washington, 2009)

Most Attempts•Career: 1,068 Josh Dunn (1999-02)•Season: 373 Josh Dunn (2002)•Game: 63 Marc Zera (vs. Washington, 2004)

Most Touchdowns•Career: 48 Josh Dunn (1999-02)•Season: 21 Marshall Oium (2009); Josh Dunn (2001)•Game: 6 Marshall Oium (vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010)

Highest Completion Percentage(min. 350 career attempts, 150 season attempts)

•Career: .549 Matt Rinklin (2005-06)•Season: .580 Matt Rinklin (2005)

ReceivingMost Receptions•Career: 214 Jim Raptis (2000-03)•Season: 77 Jim Raptis (2002)•Game: 17 Jim Raptis (vs. Elmhurst, 2002)

Most Yards•Career: 3,352 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 1,028 Dee Brizzolara (2009)•Game: 270 Jim Raptis (vs. Elmhurst, 2002)•Long Catch: 94 Derrick Brooms (vs. Washington, 1995)

Most Touchdowns•Career: 39 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 13 Derrick Brooms (1995)•Game: 4 Derrick Brooms (vs. Kalamazoo, 1995)

Highest Average per Reception(min. 50 career receptions, 25 season receptions)

•Career: 18.1 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 21.3 Derrick Brooms (1995)

ScoringMost Points•Career: 270 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 96 Derrick Brooms (1995); Joseph McCoy (1993)•Game: 30 Dee Brizzolara (vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010)

Most Touchdowns•Career: 45 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12) •Season: 16 Derrick Brooms (1995); Joseph McCoy (1993)•Game: 5 Dee Brizzolara (vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010)

All-Purpose YardsMost All-Purpose Yards•Career: 6,019 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 1,982 Dee Brizzolara (2009)

Kickoff ReturnsHighest Average•Career: 25.2 Derrick Brooms (1992-95)•Season: 35.2 Derrick Brooms (1995)•Long Return: 97 Derrick Brooms (vs. Rochester, 1995); Matt Ficenec (vs. Trinity, Texas, 1989)

Most Yards•Career: 2,139 Dee Brizzolara (2009-12)•Season: 919 Dee Brizzolara (2009)

Punt ReturnsHighest Punt Return Average•Career: 12.7 Kris Kahle (1995-98)•Season: 16.1 Dee Brizzolara (2011)•Long Return: 86 Dee Brizzolara (vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010)

Most Punt Return Yards•Career: 495 Derrick Brooms (1992-95)•Season: 299 George Dunn (2000)

2000 UAA Offensive MVP Josh Dunn1985 NCAA Division III Rushing Leader

Bruce MontellaSeason Passing Yardage and TD Leader

Marshall Oium

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KickingMost Field Goals Made•Career: 38 Roman Natoli (1998-2001)•Season: 12 Jeff Sauer (2012)•Game: 4 Mike Morzenti (vs. North Park, 2002) Jeff Sauer (vs. Concordia Chicago, 2012)•Long FG: 50 Jim Bonebrake (vs. Monmouth, 1986)

Most PATs Made•Career: 105 Jeff Sauer (2009-12)•Season: 34 Jeff Sauer (2010)•Game: 8 Jeff Sauer (vs. Concordia Chicago, 2010)

Most Points Kicking•Career: 192 Jeff Sauer (2009-12)•Season: 53 Mike Morzenti (2002); Roman Natoli (2001)•Game: 15 Mike Morzenti (vs. North Park, 2002)


Punting Average•Career: 40.8 Jeff Sauer (2009-12)•Season: 42.5 Jeff Stolte (1991)•Long Punt: 76 Greg Schein (vs. Carnegie Mellon, 1989)

InterceptionsMost Interceptions•Career: 15 Colin Carrier (2002-05)•Season: 10 Colin Carrier (2005)•Game: 3 Gaby Fernandez (vs. Macalester, 2007); Colin Carrier (vs. Case, 2005)•Long Return: 100 Michael Turner (vs. Rose-Hulman, 1998)

Most Interception Return Yards•Career: 307 Michael Turner (1996-99)•Season: 159 Michael Turner (1999)

Sacks & TacklesMost Sacks•Career: 34 Dan Crookston (1992-95)•Season: 12 Rob Tamillow (2004, 2005)

Most Tackles•Career: 521 Ted Repass (1983-86)•Season: 147 Ted Repass (1985)

Most Tackles for Loss•Career: 56 Rob Tamillow (2002-05)•Season: 24 Rob Tamillow (2005)

Fumbles & Passes DefendedMost Forced Fumbles•Career: 6 Dan Philips (1997-2000); Jimmie Wells (1993-96)•Season: 4 Tony Insalaco (2006); Jimmie Wells (1994)

Most Fumble Recoveries•Career: 9 George O’Brien (1991-94)•Season: 4 George O’Brien (1993); Neal Cawi (1991)

Most Passes Defended•Career: 33 Nick Hannigan (1998-2001)•Season: 16 Drew Christ (1995)

Individual Records Team Records


Most Points•10-Game Season: 317 2010•9-Game Season: 263 2001•Game: 61 vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010

Most Touchdowns•Season: 45 2010, 1995•Game: 9 vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010

Fewest Points Allowed•10-Game Season: 144 2013•9-Game Season: 94 1998


Most Yards•Season: 3,248 1993•Game: 615 vs. Lawrence, 1992

Most Attempts•Season: 583 1993•Game: 79 vs. Kentucky Wesleyan, 1990

Most Touchdowns•Season: 29 1993•Game: 7 vs. Oberlin, 1995

Highest Average per Carry•Season: 5.6 1993


Most Yards•Season: 2,728 2002•Game: 472 vs. Denison, 2009

Most Completions•Season: 211 2002•Game: 33 vs. Washington, 2009

Most Attempts•Season: 391 2002•Game: 68 vs. Washington, 2004

Most Touchdowns•Season: 22 2010, 2009•Game: 6 vs. Carnegie Mellon, 2010

Highest Average per Completion•Season: 14.4 1995, 2005

Kickoff & Punt Returns

Kickoff Return Average•Season: 25.1 1995

Kickoff Return Touchdowns•Season: 4 1995

Punt Return Average•Season: 14.9 1998

Punt Return Touchdowns•Season: 6 2010

Most Blocked Punt Returns for Touchdowns•Season: 5 2010

PuntingPunting Average•Season: 41.4 2010•Game: 57.0 vs. Concordia Chicago, 2012

Most Punts•Season: 75 1982•Game: 10 5 times; last vs. Washington, ‘99

DefenseMost Interceptions•Season: 18 2005•Game: 6 vs. Lawrence, 1987

Most Sacks•Season: 40 2010•Game: 16 vs. Rose-Hulman, 1998

MiscellaneousMost Total Offense•Season: 3,833 2002•Game: 685 vs. Case, 2002

Most First Downs•Season: 219 2002•Game: 39 vs. Case, 2002

Most Shutouts•Season: 2 2013, 1999, 1995, 1969

Most Consecutive Games Without Being Shutout•Multiple years: 54 1997-2003

2005 NCAA Division III Interceptions LeaderColin Carrier

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Modern Era History

29 UChicago Football 2014

Career & Season Statistical Leaders

Rushing YardsCareer 4,283 Frank Baker 1990-93 3,253 Brandon Way 1995-98 2,842 Joseph McCoy 1990-93 2,415 Francis Adarkwa 2008-11 2,306 Dale Friar 1976-78 2,207 Brian Blitz 1986-89 1,809 Sam Owens 2000-03 1,699 Bruce Montella 1982-85 1,683 Zak Ross-Nash 2011-- 1,630 Tony Lee 1983-86

Season 1,606 Frank Baker 1993 1,372 Bruce Montella 1985 1,180 Frank Baker 1991 1,139 Frank Baker 1992 1,062 Joseph McCoy 1993 1,019 Brandon Way 1996 1,004 Dale Friar 1978 950 Bob Dickey 1984 889 Nick Schey 2005 857 Brian Blitz 1988

Rushing TouchdownsCareer 33 Brandon Way 1995-98 31 Joseph McCoy 1990-93 26 Frank Baker 1990-93 25 Francis Adarkwa 2008-11 22 Dale Friar 1976-78

Season 16 Joseph McCoy 1993 11 Brandon Way 1996 10 Bruce Montella 1985 10 Dale Friar 1978 9 Francis Adarkwa 2010 9 Tommy Parks 2007 9 Aaron Carlock 2002 9 Brandon Way 1997 9 Joseph McCoy 1992

Total TouchdownsCareer 45 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 35 Clay Wolff 2007-10 34 Brandon Way 1995-98 32 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 32 Joseph McCoy 1990-93

Season 16 Derrick Brooms 1995 16 Joseph McCoy 1993 14 Dee Brizzolara 2011 13 Dee Brizzolara 2010 12 Brandon Way 1996

Passing YardsCareer

6,922 Josh Dunn 1999-02 5,244 Marshall Oium 2007-10 3,732 Vincent Cortina 2010-13 3,660 Ron Dawczak 1993-96 3,364 Matt Rinklin 2005-06 2,279 Matt Schaefer 1983-86 2,115 Brian Judd 1995-97 2,094 Marc Zera 2003-06 1,997 John Kiernan 2005-08 1,684 Jim Tragos 1997-00 Season 2,605 Marshall Oium 2009 2,550 Josh Dunn 2002 2,466 Josh Dunn 2001 1,920 Matt Rinklin 2005 1,781 Marshall Oium 2010 1,764 Ron Dawczak 1995 1,708 Marc Zera 2004 1,668 Josh Dunn 2000 1,593 Brian Judd 1997 1,504 Vincent Cortina 2013

Pass CompletionsCareer 558 Josh Dunn 1999-02 403 Marshall Oium 2007-10 328 Vincent Cortina 2010-13 297 Ron Dawczak 1993-96 265 Matt Rinklin 2005-06 181 Marc Zera 2003-06 181 Brian Judd 1995-97 175 Jim Tragos 1997-00 169 Matt Schaefer 1983-86 163 John Kiernan 2005-08

Season 203 Josh Dunn 2002 200 Marshall Oium 2009 193 Josh Dunn 2001 151 Marc Zera 2004 143 Josh Dunn 2000 139 Brian Judd 1997 134 Matt Rinklin 2005 131 Vincent Cortina 2013 131 Matt Rinklin 2006 131 Ron Dawczak 1994

Passing TouchdownsCareer 48 Josh Dunn 1999-02 44 Marshall Oium 2007-10 35 Vincent Cortina 2010-13 29 Ron Dawczak 1993-96 24 Matt Rinklin 2005-06 19 Brian Judd 1995-97Season 21 Marshall Oium 2009 21 Josh Dunn 2001 19 Marshall Oium 2010 17 Matt Rinklin 2005 17 Ron Dawczak 1995

Receiving YardsCareer 3,352 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 2,715 Jim Raptis 2000-03 2,692 Clay Wolff 2007-10 2,081 Joe Polaneczky 2000-03 1,889 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 1,825 Eric Smith 1983-86 1,774 Micah Dawson 2004-05 1,721 Mike Albian 2004-07 1,272 Joe Gorowski 1995-98 1,173 Brian Gutbrod 1999-01

Season 1,028 Dee Brizzolara 2009 983 Jim Raptis 2002 956 Dee Brizzolara 2010 922 Derrick Brooms 1994 910 Micah Dawson 2004 896 Derrick Brooms 1995 864 Micah Dawson 2005 821 Clay Wolff 2010 777 Clay Wolff 2009 743 Dee Brizzolara 2011

ReceptionsCareer 214 Jim Raptis 2000-03 207 Clay Wolff 2007-10 158 Joe Polaneczky 2000-03 185 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 132 Mike Albian 2004-07 131 Eric Smith 1983-86 113 Joe Gorowski 1995-98 111 Micah Dawson 2004-05 109 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 97 Brian Gutbrod 1999-01

Season 77 Jim Raptis 2002 67 Micah Dawson 2004 66 Clay Wolff 2009 61 Brian Gutbrod 2001 60 Derrick Brooms 1994 56 Dee Brizzolara 2010 56 Joe Gorowski 1997 55 Jim Raptis 2003 53 Clay Wolff 2008 50 Dee Brizzolara 2009 50 Joe Gorowski 1998

Receiving TouchdownsCareer 39 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 30 Clay Wolff 2007-10 23 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 15 Mike Albian 2004-07 15 Micah Dawson 2004-05 15 Brian Gutbrod 1999-01

Season 13 Derrick Brooms 1995 11 Dee Brizzolara 2011 11 Dee Brizzolara 2010 11 Dee Brizzolara 2009 11 Brian Gutbrod 2001 10 Derrick Brooms 1994

1,000-Yard Rushers Joseph McCoy (#9) and Frank Baker (#35)

Individual TeamDee Brizzolara All-Purpose Yards (220.2/g) 2009 Rushing Defense (44.2/g) 2000

Colin Carrier Interceptions (1.1/g) 2005 Rushing (324.8/g) 1993

Derrick Brooms Kickoff Returns (35.2 avg) 1995

Jeff Stolte Punting (42.5 avg) 1991

Bruce Montella Rushing (152.4/g) 1985

NCAA Division III Statistical Champions

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Modern Era History

UChicago Football 2014 30

Career & Season Statistical Leaders

ScoringCareer 270 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 212 Clay Wolff 2007-10 208 Brandon Way 1995-98 196 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 194 Joseph McCoy 1990-93 178 Roman Natoli 1998-01 160 Mike Morzenti 2002-05 159 Frank Baker 1990-93 150 Francis Adarkwa 2008-11 136 Dale Friar 1976-78

Season 96 Derrick Brooms 1995 96 Joseph McCoy 1993 84 Dee Brizzolara 2011 78 Dee Brizzolara 2010 74 Brandon Way 1996 66 Dee Brizzolara 2009 66 Brian Gutbrod 2001 62 Derrick Brooms 1994 62 Bruce Montella 1985 62 Dale Friar 1978

All-Purpose YardsCareer 6,019 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 4,698 Frank Baker 1990-93 4,110 Derrick Brooms 1992-96 3,930 Brandon Way 1995-98 3,610 Dale Friar 1976-78 3,446 Clay Wolff 2007-10 3,311 Brian Blitz 1986-89 3,122 Joseph McCoy 1990-93 2,877 Francis Adarkwa 2008-11 2,733 Jim Raptis 2000-03

Season 1,982 Dee Brizzolara 2009 1,606 Frank Baker 1993 1,597 Dee Brizzolara 2010 1,544 Bruce Montella 1985 1,543 Dale Friar 1977 1,496 Derrick Brooms 1995 1,469 Frank Baker 1992 1,468 Brian Blitz 1989 1,444 Brandon Way 1996 1,406 Derrick Brooms 1994

Kickoff ReturnsCareer 25.2 Derrick Brooms 1992-95 22.6 Brian Blitz 1986-89 22.6 Larry Woodell 1969-72 22.1 Matt Ficenec 1987-90 21.4 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12

Season 35.2 Derrick Brooms 1995 26.8 Larry Woodell 1970 26.1 Kris Jones 2000 25.8 Derrick Brooms 1994 25.5 Dee Brizzolara 2009

Punt ReturnsCareer 12.7 John Hayek 1986-87 12.7 Kris Kahle 1995-98 12.3 Dee Brizzolara 2009-12 11.8 Dale Friar 1976-78 11.5 Derrick Brooms 1992-95

Season 16.1 Dee Brizzolara 2011 13.7 Derrick Brooms 1993 13.7 Kris Kahle 1998 13.3 Dee Brizzolara 2010 12.4 John Hayek 1987

PuntingCareer 40.8 Jeff Sauer 2009-12 39.6 Jeff Stolte 1990-92 38.2 Greg Schein 1989-90 37.6 Jim Bonebrake 1984-87 36.7 Larry Woodell 1969-72

Season 42.5 Jeff Stolte 1991 42.4 Jeff Sauer 2010 42.2 Jeff Sauer 2012 41.1 Jeff Sauer 2010 40.6 Scott Jansen 1978 40.2 Jim Bonebrake 1986

InterceptionsCareer 15 Colin Carrier 2002-05 12 Nick Hannigan 1998-01 10 Steve Tsilimos 2007-10 10 Michael Turner 1996-99 10 Peter Ditchman 1991-93 10 Steve Chmelik 1985-88

Season 10 Colin Carrier 2005 7 Nick Hannigan 1999 6 Steve Tsilimos 2010 6 Michael Turner 1999 6 Peter Ditchman 1993 6 Chris Leamy 2007

SacksCareer 34.0 Dan Crookston 1992-95 28.0 Rob Tamillow 2002-05 24.0 Arlen Wiley 1998-01 23.5 Matt Sargent 2008-11 18.0 Cary Starnal 1987-89

Season 12.0 Rob Tamillow 2005 12.0 Rob Tamillow 2004 11.0 Dan Crookston 1993 10.0 Brian Mangan 1998 9.5 Jake Longtin 2010

Tackles for LossCareer 56.0 Rob Tamillow 2002-05 43.0 Dan Crookston 1992-95 42.5 Justin Kaderabek 2007-10 40.0 Matt Sargent 2008-11 37.0 Gaby Fernandez 2004-07

Season 24.0 Rob Tamillow 2005 21.0 Rob Tamillow 2004 17.0 Matt Sargent 2010 17.0 Neal Cawi 1991 16.5 Justin Kaderabek 2007

TacklesCareer 521 Ted Repass 1983-86 442 Dave Baker 1983-86 432 Dan Philips 1997-00 338 George O’Brien 1991-94 321 Rob Williams 1985-88

Season 147 Ted Repass 1985 141 Dan Philips 1999 141 Dave Baker 1985 126 Ted Repass 1986 122 Edward Voorhees 1985

Two-Time All-American Dan PhilipsTwo-Time UAA Offensive MVP

Brandon Way2005 UAA Defensive Player of the Year

Rob Tamillow

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Modern Era History

31 UChicago Football 2014

Series Records vs. All Opponents

Opponent Early Era Modern Era OverallAllegheny 1-0 1-0Arkansas 0-0-1 0-0-1Armour Institute 4-0 4-0Army 0-1 0-1Aurora 0-2 0-2Beloit 8-1-1 7-13 15-14-1Benedictine (Ill.) 1-1 1-1Bethany (W. Va.) 6-0 6-0Blackburn 1-1 1-1Bradley 0-0-1 0-0-1Brown 2-1 2-1Butler 0-0-1 0-0-1Carleton 0-1 0-5 0-6Carlisle 0-1 0-1Carnegie Mellon 6-20 6-20Carroll 2-0 2-0Case Western Reserve 12-12 12-12Catholic 0-1 0-1Cincinnati 1-0 1-0Coe 0-2 0-2Colorado 1-0 1-0Colorado College 1-0 1-0Colorado State 1-0 1-0Concordia Chicago 11-5 11-5Concordia (Wis.) 0-1-1 0-1-1Cornell (Iowa) 4-0 0-2 4-2Cornell (N.Y.) 2-1-2 2-1-2Dartmouth 1-1 1-1Denison 3-1 3-1DePauw 1-0 1-8 2-8Dixon 2-0 2-0Drake 0-2 0-2Elmhurst 3-9 3-9Eureka 2-0 4-0 6-0Florida 1-1 1-1Georgia 1-0 1-0Grinnell 3-6 3-6Hahnemann Medical 1-0 1-0Harvard 0-2 0-2Haskell 2-0 2-0Hillsdale 1-1 1-1Hiram 1-0 1-0Illinois 18-22-3 18-22-3Illinois College 2-3 2-3Illinois Wesleyan 1-0 0-4 1-4Indiana 20-4-1 20-4-1Indiana State 1-0 1-0Iowa 9-3-2 9-3-2Iowa Wesleyan 1-1 1-1Kalamazoo 3-6 3-6Kenyon 5-1 5-1Kentucky 1-0 1-0Kentucky Wesleyan 2-2 2-2Knox 6-0 2-4 8-4Lake Forest 5-1-3 5-17 10-18-3Lawrence 4-0 7-10 11-10Lewis & Clark 1-0 1-0Lombard 5-0 5-0Loras 2-4 2-4Loyola (Ill.) 0-1 0-1Loyola Academy 1-0 1-0Macalester 5-0 5-0Marquette 6-1 6-1Maryland 1-0 1-0Michigan 7-19 7-19Michigan State 1-0 1-0Milton 0-5 0-5Milwaukee Medical 1-0 1-0Minnesota 5-12-1 5-12-1

Opponent Early Era Modern Era OverallMississippi 0-0-1 0-0-1 Missouri 1-1 1-1Monmouth (Ill.) 8-0 1-3 9-3Nebraska 1-1 1-1North Central 2-2 2-2North Park 3-1 3-1Northeastern Illinois 0-6 0-6Northwestern (Ill.) 26-8-3 26-8-3Northwestern (Minn.) 1-1 1-1Notre Dame 4-0 4-0Oberlin 3-1 5-4 8-5Ohio State 2-10-2 2-10-2Ohio Wesleyan 2-0 2-0Oklahoma 0-1 0-1Olivet 0-1 0-1Pacific 0-1 0-1Pacific (Ore.) 0-1 0-1Pennsylvania 1-6-1 1-6-1Pomona-Pitzer 0-2 0-2Princeton 2-2-1 2-2-1Principia 4-1 4-1Purdue 27-14-1 27-14-1Quincy 0-2 0-2Rhodes 0-1 0-1Ripon 2-0 4-6 6-6Rochester 6-10 6-10Rose-Hulman 7-3 7-3Rush Medical 4-0 4-0St. Ambrose 2-2 2-2St. Benedict 1-0 1-0St. Francis (Pa.) 0-1 0-1St. Norbert 1-3 1-3Sewanee 0-1 0-1South Carolina 0-1 0-1Stanford 1-1 1-1Texas 1-0 1-0Trinity (Texas) 1-4 1-4Vanderbilt 1-2 1-2Virginia 0-1 0-1Wabash 3-0 0-4 3-4Washington-St. Louis 1-0 10-21 11-21Washington, Univ. of 1-0 1-0Western Michigan 1-0 1-0Western Reserve 1-0 1-0Wheaton (Ill.) 1-0 1-0Wisconsin 16-19-5 16-19-5Wittenberg 0-1 0-1Wyoming 1-0 1-0Yale 0-1-1 0-1-1