uds 1-2 reviewed

UNITED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME UDS. United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 PROPOSAL FOR UNITED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. PREPARED BY: TEAM MEMBERS P.O BOX 73680 K’la Uganda. Tel: +256414 575584, Cel: +256776 986755.

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




PREPARED BY: TEAM MEMBERS P.O BOX 73680 K’la Uganda. Tel: +256414 575584, Cel: +256776 986755.

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Declaration Acknowledgment Project Background Problem and Needs SWOT Analysis Justification for the Project Goals of the Project Benefits and Beneficiaries Outputs for the Project Major Activities of the Project Budget Breakdown at UNIDIS LTD 2013/2014 Project Work Plan Organizational Chart Project Profile Time Frame Project Analysis Conclusion

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


VISION STATEMENT. United for positive development in fighting ignorance & poverty for a collective

common goal.

MISSION STATEMENT Inspiring economic development through social economic initiatives and

training in research works.

SLOGAN: United we develop.

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


DECLARATION. Members of UNITED DEVELOPMENT SCHEME, “UDS”, decided to form this

organization to equip marginalized persons, women, the youth, those infected

with HIV/AIDS, CANCER with business knowledge in tailoring, bricklaying,

carpentry, plumbing & metal fabrication skills, manufacturing of basic needs, and

empowering them with good morals with the purpose of improving social

standards of living for our clients and other affiliated beneficiaries in order to

eradicate poverty to best fit in the entire community.

It’s however of great importance for each of all members to read through this project

proposal for further assimilation and conceptualization of the content for a cohesive

and development oriented group to enable minimizing further disputes. Signed by……………………..

Komoli Eddy Regional Rep. UNIDIS LTD Tel: +256414 575584, Cell: +256 712/702 986754, Posta Ug. No. 73680, Queens Clock Tower, K'la - Ug. Email: [email protected] Community works: www.facebook.com/uds.eastafrica Business/products: www.facebook.com/unidis.co

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ACKNOLEDGEMENT. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire members of

“UDS” for the tireless effort they contributed during preparation of this project proposal

especially Family members, the then Community Development Officer Mr. Peter wambwa,

Mrs Bweri & family, Late John Komoli & family, my father Mr. George Wateya & family,

Village members and the community at large who have always been there for me and

laboured to maintain our core purpose in keeping the community reminded for a united front

to bring about the required social economic development to meet our basic needs for


At most with high regard, I thank God for these people, RIP Joyce Kakayi, Ms Rosy

Gilani, Mr. Harry Toews Wiebe for causing turning points in my life, I would not have

met the above personalities without my parents, Mr. George wateya and his ex - girl

friend Alice M., my little brothers and sisters, my wife Jacque K and children for the

comfort, friends and people who have always stood with us in all our endeavors in

business including those about to join and support this noble cause. We believe unity is the source of power for social economic development as a

common goal.

PROJECT BACKGROUND Thanks for offering your time and audience as I share my opinion for the first time. I

am by the name Eddie Komoli, A Self declared community worker as well Business

oriented by profession.

I was born in Mbale district, Bunandutu village in a dysfunctional family where my

parents separated while I was 10yrs due to harsh economic situation. I was raised by

my paternal grandparents RIP Francis Namutaali and his wife Mrs. Clementine. My

foster parents could not adequately foot my school bills so this kept me in and out of

school but I always ensured that I sat end of term exams which by surprise I kept

passing. I was one of the many children who faced these challenges needless to say

that this is still going on prompting continuous illiteracy and persistent poverty levels in

the area.

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While I was in ordinary level at Mbale s.s, I kept doing small businesses of selling candies, pan cakes opposite Ashock cinema in Mbale, cooking oil and other groceries in the local market near a bus park to raise school facilitation and personal needs, great thanks for Late Aunt Joyce Kakayi & the family for sheltering me.

Around mid 1992, I witnessed six of our village members being killed at a go, one after

the other in mob justice for just stealing chicken. This did not solve the problem instead

it strained their children after selling their land to meet clearance bills for permission

from police before burial could take place, one wonders who is taking care of those

children...! Let’s go back to What is "culture?" Culture is defined as the shared traditions, beliefs, customs, history, folklore, and

institutions of a group of people. Culture is shared by people of the same ethnicity,

language, nationality, or religion. It's a system of rules that are the base of what we

are and affect how we express ourselves as part of a group and as individuals. We all develop in some type of culture. Our environment determines what we learn, how we

learn it, and the rules for living with others. These rules are transmitted from one generation

to the next and are often adapted to the times and locale. The rules are absorbed by

children as they develop, whether through word-of-mouth or just "osmosis." In traditional society among most Africans our children were brought up with the help of

all the relatives, including other wives, aunties and elders in the village, with the result

that the values children received were largely the result of distilled wisdom. Today that

community of the village is no more; this is not to say there are no villages, but the

traditional culture of the elders has largely disintegrated and been replaced by an LC

system which has become highly politicized. Of course there is still the church, with the

ethics and values it espouses, but scratch below the surface and you find a mishmash

and confusion of values – traditional and modern.

We are supposed to have replaced the traditional village approach by the modern nuclear

family with two parents imputing a strong value system to their children, but instead of

nuclear families, we have single parents and absent fathers, with mothers struggling simply

survive, while the traditional village culture has disappeared.

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Children are now being brought up by society itself and by this I do not mean there is a

welfare state which takes care of them, but that children are left to absorb any values

and standards which they see around them. This means that if our society is corrupt they

take corruption as normal, if thieving is the norm that is what they will adopt as a way of

life. If informal polygamy and multiple partners is norm that is what they will adopt, if

single parents are the norm that is what they are likely to become, if witchcraft is

common then they accept it. If decisions and reasoning based on gossip and rumor are

normal, while scientific fact is questioned, then that is the rationale and reasoning they

will adopt. The end result is we have children who are a product of all that is worst in our

society and vice-versa. These are just symptoms of poverty and ignorance in social economic activities as they

can no longer sustain themselves with traditional farming to cope up with the rapid

population growth, this kept haunting me, I can imagine the trauma caused in that

nuclear family and others who have faced such barbaric injustices.

A saying goes “It takes a village to raise a child”.

After "O" level, I could not foot my school requirements when the market had been

demolished with a lot of our merchandise that had been stocked was looted and

destroyed. I tried other small business dealing in audio tapes with the help of my

friend Vicent with whom we were classmates but I could not meet school bills. In the following year, I decided to go to Nairobi, Kenya to hunt for my father where he

had lived since 1978. While I was with him, I discovered that he was earning just

peanuts categorized with informal disciplines of employment that could not meet the

requirements I needed to push on with studies.

However, I have to thank him for serving his employers diligently to impress their

daughter Rosy Gilani who came to my rescue again for my "A" level studies at Mbale

s.s and through College of professional Management (CPM) based in Britain, that

opened a gate in the civilized society for me when I got employed at Prime executive


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www.primeexecutiveapartments.com westlands in 1998, Nairobi - Kenya , I served

in different capacities ranging from compound maintenance, apartments polishing

& maintenance, administrative assistance to Business management until in 2000.

While I was still serving in the above said Company, I was again blessed with an

offer for studying computer applications at the Institute of Advance Technologies

(I.A.T) at Loita H'se in Nairobi from one of our company client who turned out to be

my friend Mr. Harry Wiebe, a principal at www.greatvillage.com, this again opened

my access to the cyber world hence accessibility to information and worldwide

connections. With all these, I was compelled to look back at my little brothers,

family members and the community that have not made it through primary studies,

I could evidently understand how the world can get closed on you when you have

no access to the ability to read and understand in search for knowledge. We have been having free Universal primary and secondary education since President

Museveni's second term tenure of office but still due to lack of some basic needs like

food & clothing, people are having a single meal a day sometimes not enough to

satisfy the entire family (recent report from 2014 census in Uganda launched on

31st.march.2016 carried by Uganda Bureau of statistics - UBOS puts the figure at 4

million rural people and 4 million in urban areas), this has affected concentration of

pupils and students leading to high numbers of school dropouts, early marriages,

alcoholism, drug addiction and continued family land conflicts leading to deaths among


It’s to these scenarios that I proposed united development scheme - UDS as a

community organization platform aimed at fighting poverty and ignorance through

social economic initiatives to address some of the said issues. In 2000, I engaged a

community to highlight on the said areas and suggested the idea which was received

with high anticipation.

In April 2001, we registered UDS in the Office of community development at

Mbale,NGO/CBO. Reg. No. 0094 www.facebook.com/uds.eastafrica. We have been

engaged in a number of activities beginning with growing vegetables, handling

functional adult literacy classes twice in a week, do small scale production of baking,

pottery practices, drama activities and singing to sensitize on development activities.

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By 2002, we realized that we could not meet our objectives easily as anticipated, I

moved to Kampala city center of the country to explore my business profession and got

short time employment in a private cosmetic industry that I represented country wide in

marketing with establishing regional distributors for the company products, and later

after assimilating myself with the country business world, I slowed down to concentrate

on incorporating a private firm that can aid to explore business avenues from which we

can generate funds to facilitate our mother body UDS. In Nov.2003 through our lawyers Musamali & Co. Advocates, United Development

Investment scheme - UNIDIS Ltd. was legally registered Ref: Ug.No. 61430.


With my knowledge of business background, we researched on business and found

that most people were into building modern houses with tiled floors and walls. We

opted for Tile adhesive & Grout a binding product/s which was being imported from

Middle East & Asia; we registered success in developing this product as the first

Ugandans to manufacture it locally along with a lot of financial challenges and trade

barriers a way back in 2002.

We supported young business companies around Kampala to grow their capital by

supplying to them goods on credit for a lengthy grace period and now they are among

big stores around the city.

In 2004 to 2005, we put together some funds and hired 10 acres of land 10km away

from our UDS ground to demonstrate commercial farming in Mbale at Bukhumeka

village in Bungokho County 5km from Mbale to Tororo road.

Success was registered for food security, farming skills obtained, selection of seeds for

members and the society around for the next season was preserved – the purpose for

which culture had granaries, the hosting area benefited from us putting up a tap stand

for clean water, we promoted a girl child for further studies at Nkumba University and

boosted the grain milling system, although it remained expensive to hire land, tractors

and fueling by the members to continue. Though, I know many of these trained farmers

are always hired to work in most western Ugandan districts of Kabale, Hoima, Kiboga

etc, working on Agribusiness commercial farms, since that region still has a lot of vast

land and fertile making it a basket of food for the country.

However, this remains unreliable to being employed on those farms as most farmers are

shifting to hiring tractors since their farms are now cleared from trees and forests.

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In 2006, we raised funds and acquired a plot of land at the country side and started

a building expected to have four floors (find pinned video clip here

www.facebook.com/uds.eastafrica) to serve as both a vocational institute and as a

pilot project for industrial training.

However, a team of our members broke off to involve in the same business as at

UNIDIS and many others after acquiring skills, we have seen a number of their

brands all over signaling their economic attainment and market share, hence their

family improved economic status & employment, this had an impact on our cash

inflows not sufficient enough to facilitate the building project at Mbale and other

development programs like buying land in the central to put up a permanent

structure for UNIDIS at national level to reduce on ever increasing rental fees.

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Phase II: Our other major development program, after registering a successful research on

manufacturing process of ordinary Portland cement - OPC since it’s our primary material in

the Adhesive business, we need to reduce the cost of production, we found out that there

are only two local firms in the entire nation, this would be a major boost to our running


The area in Mbale is rich with natural resources since it lies under slopes of mt.

Nkokonjeru locally known as Mt. Wanale 2348m, there is plenty of volcanic ash and

limestone important for cement, this can as well create value for largely wasted

coffee and rice husks found to be rich in silica as well as fuel for the process.

We had embarked on fabricating a rotary Kiln (pls check fabrication & welding works

album at www.facebook.com/uds.eastafrica) but with limited resources we have not

been able to raise adequate funds for acquiring requirements to complete this Kiln


We had suggested our product to be called Elgon cement, a name known for the

famous Mt. Elgon, please find a specimen product on the above website, the

community around would benefit in many areas through supplying of raw materials,

Labour force, on job technical training, business development, management and above

all provision of permanent shelters to the community and members, hence an improved

standard of living.

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At community level, we discovered again that certain remnants especially the elderly

have an immense influence on society under traditional folklore, these are approached

through a cultural review program since 2005, this cultural review program engages the

elders, clan leaders, all stake holders to discuss matters of concern that keep arising

from time to time and aims at proper interpretation of some norms or practices in view

of redefining them for moral fitness and health practices, all these encompasses all

stakeholders. check events at www.facebook.com/uds.eastafrica, this has led to

another forum


The interim committee was set on 26th.Jan. 2013 to oversee and explore avenues for

developing the institution with focus at advancing historical sites for Social gatherings

into museums, social skills development centers for recreation activities, sports and

social ceremonies.

Through this cultural window, we discovered in every festive season, three hundred

young men are initiated and most of whom are school dropouts and entirely relying on

traditional dependence.

Among others, promoting two children from each clan for further studies for every

dedicated leader/s is intended to promote education as a means to strengthen

culture and ensure future development of the Institution for sustainability.

Certificates have been developed to be awarded to different stages in our rites of

passage like marriages, male circumcision and acknowledgments for social

contributions by members, friends, well wishers and other Bodies at large.

Appointed committee members include Mr. E Komoli as Interim Chairperson, Mr. S.

peter Wambwa as a Vice Chairperson, Professor G. Masilili Mwarisi as a General

Secretary, Mr. Christopher Mukhooli as a Coordinator, Mr. Martin Musamali as a legal

adviser, Mr. Gabriel Walusati as a committee member, Mr. Emannuel Mukari committee

member, Mr. Godfrey Musimbi as a mobilizer, Mr. Lazaro Wamaungo as a committee

member and Mr. Martin Khabeli for youth.

Members are urged for Teamwork that people will try to cooperate, using their

individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite of any personal conflicts

between individuals.

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This will promote harmony and unity among people for a collective development for all.

We are arranging a women's forum to appoint Members that will oversee women

activities and involvement of their human resource for development programs in

all spheres including culture and business.

The primary attempt was first to fence Shilindwa Masaaba as our historical site that

was estimated to cost about Ushs. 10Millions for thirty thousand 30,000 bricks, Iron

bars, two hundred bags of cement 200, Sand, labour etc. as we look forward to

developing it into a magnificent museum to generate an income for the development

of Masaaba cultural Institution henceforth will be attracting Tourism Industry.

However, in the next phase, plans are underway for acquiring Land to construct on

an Administrative building for purposes of day to day running, keeping and

protecting intellectual properties, Records, conferences, Meetings and others. These suggestions are aimed at transforming the entire society into a strong

vibrant community and yet economically self reliant.

We have remained open to all members encouraging you to propose all possible ideas

from all spheres to which we can always brainstorm for a business investment.

It has almost become a norm in many bodies that whoever suggests or brings up

an idea automatically takes the lead in that direction of venture presupposed to be

having some experience or better revelation, though this should not cause any

member to withhold a suggestion due to fear of being tasked for the said.

Ideas and suggestions shall always be developed at the central management forums

and better analysis be reached before being assigned to the appropriate personnel

basing on what will be needed and required competence to champion that lead. We should endeavor to give a neutral ground for all members to unleash their talents,

strength, and capacity, abilities without fear of being criticized or taking it personal

without looking at the core value of the idea.

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Positive criticism is great to help members explore pros and cons of a venture

although these have to be done in a skillful manner not to cause negative biasness.

PROBLEM AND NEEDS. This project is aimed at eradicating poverty; creating employment, empowering the

community economically, transform the moral conduct of vulnerable persons and

creating rights awareness. Our target is to train vulnerable people, sensitize on

HIV/AIDS and Cancer , train the youths and people in social economic activities e.g

Tailoring, Bricklaying, Carpentry, Plumbing, Metal Fabrication, Soap making and

continued research in Business Skills as well as transforming their morals which will

help them improve their standards of living. Because of unemployment, ignorance,

immoral behaviors and rights unawareness, we need to have various activities which

will guarantee income, improve morals for creating civilized conducts of people and

strengthen human rights awareness. This will help eradicate poverty, improve lives of

the sick and provide a shelter for their valuable properties. If this project is in place, it

will overcome these entire grievances common in our society.

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Skilled Manufacturing of building materials. No enough funding to implement the

Affordable labour force. projects.

Skilled Manpower in Tailoring, Design,

Business, Civil & Mechanical Engineering,

Finance & Accounting.

Ongoing ready market/Need for our services High transport costs for Long

in all sections. distances to the Place of Work.

Churches and Mosques. Unemployed members & lack of

economic empowerment.

Good Community Roads. Poor community Roads in deep


No Funders/Donors

The population lacks practical skills

Lack of Land for expansion


-Current Technology Increases Sales and -High rental fees or lacking funds to

customer opportunities Acquire land.

-Good political Environment/Leaders -Lack of Transport and


-Government and institution in favour of -bureaucratic tendencies.

such projects.

-Rampant National and International -Job Corruption for prolonged stay of

Unemployment. the old guards in public offices.

-Have a number of well wishers -Political Interference

-Availability of Partially learnt population -Sabotage by Bad wishers

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JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT. This project is opened in Mbale District in Uganda, in Busano Sub/county. If it is set up, it will

uplift the standards of living and also support the on-going wealth creation programme and

community driven development.

It will also improve the welfare of the community in and around Mbale as well as at UNIDIS

operating areas at National level to the regional level. The project will help its clients get

market for the products of any kind and we shall generate income after selling our products.

This will enable us to look after our project and families for sustainability.

GOALS OF THE PROJECT (i). create skilled labour force and employment. (ii)To uplift the standard of living for vulnerable people, school dropouts,

unemployed and for well being of the community.

(iii). To reduce causes of poverty among the community at large. (iv). To uplift moral conduct of HIV/AIDS and Cancer Victims in the society. (v). To Establish socioeconomic development.

BENEFITS AND BENEFICIARIES. (i). Members will benefit by being best identified under their respective gender categories

and be highly represented in all other developmental activities.

(ii). Members will also benefit by attending meetings, seminars and other workshops to

acquire skills from developmental activities and government programmes on modern

global market strategy.

(iii). Members will benefit by getting knowledge and the skill of how to do business

without regret in their communities.

(iv). When this project is set up, the group member will eradicate poverty in their

households, get income and shall improve their expenditure, saving and investment

manners as well as supporting the government programmes like wealth creation.

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OUTPUTS FOR THE PROECT Phase 1: In the year 2016/2017, about 80 members would be formed, trained in tailoring,

metal fabrication, Carpentry, Plumbing, Bricklaying, business Knowledge in manufacturing,

management, and morally transformed.

Be able to guide, counsel and control the conduct and economic lifestyle of the vulnerable thereby expanding on their Life Expectancy within the year 2016/2017.

Members at United development Scheme “UDS” will generate income by lobbing from

the Government, NGOs, Donors, Companies and well wishers to fund the project by

2016/2017, Shs.547.703 Millions/. This money will be used to purchase more training

equipments for each section, Salary Payment and progress facilitation.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT. (a). Train members in Tailoring, Metal fabrication, Soap making, Bricklaying, Carpentry,

Plumbing, Manufacturing, Business Knowledge and moral transformation. (b). To lobby government, NGOs and Companies to extent financial help to “UDS”

group members through the Sub-County CDO Grants, NGOs and others. (c). Formulation of roles and guidelines to be followed by the group members. (d). Project progress will be indicated during the implementation process.

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1 Welding machines 5 @1,500,000 7,500,000

2 Grinding machine(Makita) 2 @450,000 900,000

3 Drilling Machine(Makita) 2 @300,000 600,000

4 Hacksaw (Frame) 20 @10,000 200,000

5 Hacksaw(Blades) 5bundles @40,000 200,000

6 Squares 10pieces @4,000 40,000

7 Tape Measure Oxford(5miters) 20pieces @4,000 80,000

8 Brush 10 @2,000 20,000

9 Compressure machine 1 @500,000 500,000

10 Chipping Hummer 5 @10,000 50,000

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11 Welding helmet 15 @60,000 900,000

12 Chisel 15pieces @5,000 75,000

13 Cutting disc 20pieces @100,000 2,000,000

14 Grinding disc 20pieces @12,000 240,000

15 Paint 5Tins @35,000 175,000

16 Body Filler 5Tins @70,000 350,000

17 Training material @1,000,000 1,000,000

18 Rivet gun 2pieces @50,000 100,000

SUB-TOTAL Shs.14,930,000


1 Drum(200litres) 1 @50,000 50,000

2 80 Litre Bucket 5 @25,000 125,000

3 A 20 Litre Bucket 5 @10,000 50,000

4 A 10 Litre Bucket 5 @5,000 25,000

5 Mixing paddle

1 ½ meters 1piece @5,000 5,000

800mm 10pieces @3,000 30,000

6 Materials @500,000 500,000

7 Gloves(Rubber) 10pieces @5,000 50,000

8 Funnel 10pieces @2,000 20,000

9 Sieves 10pieces @2,000 20,000

SUB-TOTAL Shs.875,000


1 Ordinary stitching 10 @240,000 2,400,000


2 20U Professional Designing 4 @1,500,000 6,000,000


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3 Over locking machines:

• Ordinary 4 @260,000 1,040,000

• Industrial 2 @1,300,000 2,600,000

4 Ordinary Zigzag Machines 2 @340,000 680,000

5 Button Punching Machines

• Pin punching machine 2 @50,000 100,000

• Ring punching machine 2 @200,000 400,000

• Cloth hold punching 2 @200,000 400,000


6 Pressure flat iron

• Industrial 1 @250,000 250,000

• Ordinary 1 @70,000 70,000

7 Flat iron (Electrical) 2 @70,000 140,000

8 Tape Measures 20 @300,000 6,000,000

9 Spray gun 2 @50,000 100,000

10 Chain Stitch Embroidery 2 @2,000,000 4,000,000


11 Pair of Scissors 20 @12,000 240,000

12 Furniture

• Stool 15 @15,000 225,000

• Cutting Table(Big size) 2 @80,000 160,000

13 Sewing Training materials

• Clothes

• Kaki 2rolls @150,000 300,000

• Poplin White 2rolls @54,000 108,000

• 2nd hand @300,000 300,000


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• Needles 20packets @40,000 800,000

• Stiff

• Hard 1roll @45,000 45,000

• Medium 1roll @30,000 30,000

• Soft 1roll @30,000 30,000

• Court 1roll @80,000 80,000

• Pins 20Cards @500 10,000

• Ordinary flat iron 2 @20,000 40,000


• Ordinary threads(Big 20Corns @35,000 700,000


• Embroidery threads 10pieces @18,000 180,000

• Chain stitch threads 4rolls @18,000 72,000

(Kangaroo Big size)

• Zipper Foot 3 @5,000 15,000

• Wooden Rings

• Small 1 @3,000 3,000

• Medium 1 @45,000 45,000

• Large 1 @6,000 6,000

Hand needle clips 5packet @15,000 75,000

SUB-TOTAL 27,644,000


1 Brick making Machine 2 @11,000,00 22,000,000


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2 Lime 10bags @30,000 300,000

A Tipper of muram soil 16tons @500,000 500,000

SUB-TOTAL 22800000


1 Box files 10 @80,000 800,000

Office Cabinet 1 @ 600,000 600,000

2nd hand flat screen computer 2 @400,000 800,000

Printer 1 @300,000 300,000

Office carpet 2 @100,000 200,000

Window curtains 2 @ 50,000 100,000

Office Table(Big size) 4 @ 600,000 2,400,000

Fans 2 @150,000 300,000

Staff chairs 6 @40,000 240,000

Office chairs 3 @40,000 120,000

Office desk 2 @75,000 150,000

Refrigerator(Small Size) 1 @600,000 600,000

Office Telephone 1 @100,000 100,000

Office tray 1 Set @50,000 50,000

Punching machine 2 @10,000 20,000

Stapling Machine 2 @15,000 30,000

Record books: 200,000

Receipt Books

Invoice books

Payment books

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Delivery note books

Goods Received note books

Visitors book

Cheque books

Total 7,010,000


Purchase of Equipment and of materials Shs. 73, 239,000

Administration cost (per year) Shs. 12, 280,000

Allowance (Lunch and Transport-Per year) Shs. 4,564,000

Rental fee (per year) Shs. 6,000,000

30Acres of land (6,820 Dollars per acre) Shs. 450,120,000

Miscellaneous Shs. 1,500,000

Total Shs. 547,703,000 Exchange rate = Ush.3,400/ US$1

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1.Starting Educating -Funds, -The - Two 6436000

the project & equipment chairperson Sensitization weeks

in Mbale Sensitizing & of “UDS” of to a

District, the Local materials -The members& month

Busano leaders& -Human project Community

Road The Resource Executives


2.Project Sensitization --Office UDS -Project one 7830000

formed and space

Administrative approved month

Mobilization -Store

n of project -Office members

Formation Attendant. and

- steering

registration committee.



3. Lobby Soliciting -Internet -UDS -Increment one 4064000

government funds from access Executive in funds thus month

, NGO’s government, address Members efficient

Donors. NGO’s; -Office running of

Friends to Donors, phone the project

fund the Friends and -Transport -Project

project well wishers stability and

its going

concern of

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


the project

4.Purchase -Buying and Store, Project -An one 73239000


• Project Name: United Development Scheme - UDS.

• Sector: Social economic development.

• Project status: Long-term and ongoing project.

• Location: Mbale - Uganda and affiliated organizations including UNIDIS operating areas and districts.

• Background information: to address the extreme poverty and promotion of civic

rights to the community, sensitizing on HIV/AIDS and Cancer Victims through

imparting them with skills in Business, Tailoring, metal fabrication as well as

soap making; liaising with government to mainstream the human rights of people

and the sick.

• Objectives: (a) To uplift moral and civic rights of the members

(b) To increase per capita income of members

(c) To encourage members to work as a team

7. Identification process. – Group meetings, mobilization and sensitization

8. Benefits. – Members earn better living

- Members improve better standard of living

-People get business technical skill and

knowledge -members become aware of the civil


9. Beneficiaries - Members -



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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Start time 2016/2017

End time Continuous

Source of fund Group members, CDO, Donors, any well wisher

Estimated cost Shs.547,703,000

Secured Fund Shs. 17, 500,000

Funding gap Shs.530,203,000

Project supervisor Chairperson

Maintenance cost will be made by group members

Annual operational cost Shs. 1,000,000

Annual maintenance cost Shs. 500,000 Currency conversion $1 = Ushs. 3,400.

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


PROJECT ANALYSIS (1). SECTOR ANALYSIS In this sector, the vulnerable (Women, HIV patients & elderly) as well as the youths

lack skills; they are highly illiterate, and ignorant about their civic rights, opportunities

and entitlement as well as information about their health.

(ii). POVERTY There is persistent poverty, unemployment mostly among the youths and women, other

calamities include high dependence rates, limited factors of production, education

system that produces job seekers and lack of employment opportunities. The overall

objective of UDS is to create employment and eradicate poverty through imparting skills

in Tailoring, Metal fabrication, Bricklaying, manufacturing building materials & soap

making as well as equipping the vulnerable with business knowledge.

(ii). LIVELYHOOD ANALYSIS. The analysis is from different social categories and access to productive resources. The majority of alcoholics & petty thieving persons have lost their own resources into

fines and penalties.

The widows and orphans’ properties are grabbed by their relatives due to ignorance for their rights.

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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Children under the age of 18years neither own nor have access to productive

resources leading to domestic violence and land disputes.

The alcoholics and Aids patients are stigmatized in society limiting their employment


The sick always do not value their lives. They recklessly involve themselves in

alcoholism propelling unplanned sexual activities; hence leading to unwanted

pregnancies and wide spread of STDs.

Other cultural illusions like for women subservience to male authority has had a

negative social economic impact on families.

In conclusion, all of the above is done and composed for the good of our country

and God as our guidance in everything we intend to do in this project, The united development scheme - UDS.



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United for positive development in fighting ignorance and poverty thru sustainable training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________