uds business plan presentation final

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  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    What is business?

    What is Plan?

    What is a Business Plan

    Purpose/Uses of a Business plan

    Types of Business PlanOutline/Format of a Business Plan

    Cover Sheet

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    What is Business? Any entity by a person(s) for a return viz, profit,

    employment, community and social development .

    What is a Plan? It is a description of business goals and how to actualize

    those goals.

    Businesses that fail to plan, plan to fail.

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    What is a Business Plan It is a roadmap the chart the course of ones business.

    It is a formal statement of a set of business goals, thereason why they are believed to be attainable and a plan

    for reaching those goals.

    It is a written document that describes ones businessfuture i.e what you plan to do and how you plan to do it.

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Uses of a Business plan

    To help raise money or access capital.

    To attract talented employees

    Guide to business lifespan

    Demonstrate to suppliers of ones worthiness

    A selling tool in dealing with important relationships includinglenders, investors and banks.

    Provides tools to analyze business and implement change

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Types of Business Plan1. Mini Plan

    Should be 1-10 pages

    Business concept, Financing Need, Market Plan

    Financial statement- Income statement, Cashflow and Balance Sheet

    2. Working /Operational Plan

    1. Tool for business operation

    2. Detail long but presentation short

    3. Acceptable degree of informality

    3. Presentation Plan

    Good for bankers, investors and others outside the business

    Information on competitive threats and risk

    Printed with a high quality printer and properly bound

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Outline/Format of a Business Plan Cover Sheet

    Mission Statement

    Executive Summary

    Organizational Plan

    Market Strategies

    Financial Factor or Plan

    Supporting Documents-Appendix

    Table of content

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Cover Sheet Just like cover of a book. Cover sheet needs to be

    very attractive and should contain vital information.

    Content of cover Sheet

    Business Name

    Business Address Business phone numbers

    Business Logo if available

    Details of Owners or Corporate Officers-Name,

    address, phone numbers Month and year in which plan was issued

    Number of the copy

    Name of preparer

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Sample of Cover Sheet


    P. O. Box AF 548

    Adenta-AccraTel: 0302504160


    Solomon Freeman Aduachie (Chairman)

    P.O. Box AF 548, Adenta

    Tel: 0244385233

    Nellie Adwoa Aduachie (MD)

    P.O. Box AF 548, Adenta

    Tel: 0244385233

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Mission Statement or Statement of

    purpose It is the thesis statement of you business plan. It should be concise and


    Mission statement should be formulated around the following

    Key words

    What - Business nature, legal structure, product, loan effect and collateral available

    Where - Location of business

    Why - Purpose of facility(To expand operations)

    How -Amount needed, usage (to purchase cars) and repayment source

    When - Business ccommencement, facility time and Repayment commencement period.

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Investors interest Name and nature of business

    The legal structure

    Amount and purpose of facility requested.

    Repayment statement or source

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Mission Statement SACB Associates is a private limited company

    established in 2002, a used car dealer who importsmostly from Europe and America for a garage in

    Adenta Accra. The company is seeking growth oradditional capital GH5.0M to extent its import base

    to Asia for an identified market in Nigeria. The targetmarket in Nigeria has placed an order for regularmonthly demand of ten cars since import duty in theircountry is unfavorable. The facility will result in35%increase in sales and for that matter30% increase

    monthly profit. Repayment of principal and interestcan begin promptly within 10 days of receipt of funds.The facility will be secured with a building propertylocated in Tamale UDS CAMPUS valued in 2010 with acapital value of GH10.0M.

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Users of a Business Plan Start Ups- Entrepreneur seeking funds to start a new business

    Established firms Funds for growth and to convey the mission andprospects of the business to clients orprospective investors

    NGOs/Philanthropist- Well endowed person(s) or organization withthe desire to assist the needy

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Executive Summary This follows the title page.

    Tell the reader what you want.

    It should be short and businesslike

    Half a page is acceptable

    Should be the last write-up

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Key elements of an Executive Plan

    Business Concept -product or service, market and industry Financial Features- Income Statement, Cashflow and Investment returns

    Financial Need - Capital needed, usage, equity and collateral.

    Current business position-Legal position, formation date, principal

    owners and key personnel.

    Major Achievement- Patent, results from testing market and locationof a facility

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Organizational PlanThis includes Information about the industry in general and business in particular. Business Description - History, present status and future projections

    Product or Service - Type, source and alternatives

    Management and PersonnelCapacity, degree of skill and experience

    Legal StructureSole proprietor, Partnership or a Company

    Location - Market or Raw Material

    Insurance - Risk

    Security - Theft and leakages

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Marketing Strategies Target Market - Potential clients

    Competition -Direct and Indirect

    Distribution method -Directto customers or courier Promotion -Advertisement of unique qualities

    Pricing - Price of products

    Product Design -AttractivePackaging

    Timing of Market Entry- Right time and right place Location -Market/Product driven

    Industry Trend -Abreast with time

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Financial Plan/Statement Financial information shows record of past, present

    and projected financial performance.

    Provide accurate picture about the companys current


    Financial statements are always at the back of the business plan

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    1. Summary of Financial Needs- Initial capital required

    Its usage or purpose

    How much control to relinquish

    When should investors expect return on their

    investment2. Projected Income Statement Revenue from sales

    Operating/Overhead expenses Profit/Loss

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    3. Projected Cash Flow statement-

    Inflows Cash sales, receivables collected, investmentinterest and sale of assets.

    Outflows- Rent, Rates, salaries, utilities, taxes

    Net Cash flow- Positive or negative

    Financing need- Loan or Overdraft

    4. Balance Sheet- Assets - Current or Fixed

    Liabilities - Current or Long Term Net worth/Equity/Shareholders Funds

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Financial Statement AnalysisLiquidity ratios

    Profitability ratios

    Gearing/Debt Equity

    Interest cover

    Turnover ratiosFinancial statement analysis greatly informslending decision.

  • 7/28/2019 Uds Business Plan Presentation Final


    Writing a solid business plan canhelp

    one obtain funding to make that

    business idea a reality.



    References;1. Pinson & Jinnett 1996: Business Plans for SmallCompanies, Chartered Institute of Bankers UK Edition

    2. http://www.entrepreneur.com/start inga


    3. http://www.myownbusiness.org
