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NEW IHK SOCIETY Rainier-Burrill Wedding in St, Bartholomew's To-day. RECEPTION AT THE GOTHAM flics Helen Converse Clark. Daughter of Prof. J. B. Clark, Will Be a June Bride. gaton Burrlll, daughter rif(] t.» ¦'¦¦¦ »dine Ratal« r, «-..i. ..* Rali flu«, after hiircii. Tue ceptlon Brill he ilcolm «'lark and f.d the .1 Malcolm «'lurk. Allan « » '.. Thotnaa ntard and R | Van ¿ tar of v 111 I»«- ma"- i.-,i n. Jo» oi Battu .;..-. May 31, Kum- jjnn. N - 1 S lu» n Will take f. will he followed by a '"roft. home «if M: Pronl \ \1 a ] || .eve fl ay. The MISS Dfl ..f Floahta : and. to Arthur Herbert Htsgetneyer. of l'iaee «m \\ edi Bfj eg will h. hei f honor, and be his brother «. be«1! a ¡n be ii"» ard C Bro ¿¿v,-, i yard Halatesd George .larvi» Julian V*. Whlpple, of New York; v \\ «on I»rake. of Warrenton. ¦ R «¦. W. Meredith Dickinson, of Tren ten. X. J. Ml«» Helofl COavsiSO «Tlark. daughter ihn Bates Clark, of Coium« erslty, and Mrs '"ark. will ba -or Henry t'arrington torsi < 'ollegi. on June Manhattan Congregational street 'i ba gar, Henry A. Stimaon. who officiât*»»! at gaj wt m of bsi p»aronta forty-two »¦«ara ago, w-il! perform tha OSremony. if R1 limond. Va, Mr I.Hti ¿i«-te-. will act of honor, and the bridesmaids, «i;i I»«-- . and «Clover T«->«id. Florea**! Ri ea, Anno Moore, of New fork, ant. Miss Qlsdys M J, Mauri. » «'¡ark, a s bride, »« . : rnan. and th« ushers »«. ill Include William C Lancaste:. of Montreal, and I'ai.ti'v I of Richmond, broth«-«-- «»f the m; Professor «Charles W f Clarean E. Arslrei and Profetssor William E. Ilaoa *.» :- MlSS «'lark will her bridal «.ttendants on June :h«son, and Professor Lsncsster »r dlanei on Tha twin dauj-hti"-« of Ml ; Mi t foui m ni . .- ten«*d yesterday at the home <.? lid street. The R»v Herbert Shtnman ofti.-iat« «i. They the names «.: May Glad .'via Kennedy. The Sponsore for the 1~mrr were Misa T!l:zabe:n Royl and FbWler as godiii-ithets and Howard Willed BS gOdfgtber, and for i) ajla and Mum Mad- . mothers and ITIldreth the t »ndfather of the tolas, sa s father. Mra Wllleta was Uli» i", Bloodgood. «Vrchlhald P. White gave a danre ¡a«« i -rta for mi*« Helen v. t-iK-a' dancing In th<» » i h supp« r followa/1 nuin- r- BBd Mi«-« I.ota R b- taaon ara apemllng a f< si tha Marlr»«- «n Atlantic «"ity. r ce a hrld-r«- t- :nv Matoa. her BOUntry ajio ,,,.. Gaf*d«Btl | T-lRT«! fee kg m sabot R»sn«*olph o\ i*n. o' '. S I '" Will be to'- basf to whoh a larc" . SSt SVB been in¬ gas! kr. a--, Mr* Erneato C Fnhbrl are du»- to arriva »». {torn York to-inorrww on the l kr» Byai Kerby f»h*«-rvena haa cl<*a»ed ¦kg bous« ¦;¦. ii ra»f 7Rth atreet, and t a for a BhSli ata- k*ft>r» e »a« a, guni H-rni it Lei Mr. arid Mrs Montalgs i-* ktentagne »no i«pr, . , .,,. ..,,, araajig are booked «all f . ...rro--/. »On th« Ir »SBBJB ' kr» n house at «"edar- ¦>*¦.*.». 1. . _-f_ i,a Montagu»! *»» Mk irde Jurgsnsan. Aml»a«»sador and Mm»« «*» 0s»»»-: a R r,,r 7;,.rep,» to.lav krs. Haaiilton McK, Tweaably win e o«. Pltth avenue, on May 29 *>¦««. »i«h i a- lugkter Miss Rasa Tw>m- «w »r ." to Newport to spend the sum- Oar .*'¦. and Mrs William H Page have ar r,u< I- ihi .¦«,,. utjany and ara ai «be St J R!rR«h.M. w, i>¡k»>. who la sailing fot brisad -fa«.« ¦ small dinner last "bai at the Bt ttag- ;Mr ».'! Un .1 Hall Mc«"ullough will 1! ¦»*¦ Prance on June Ô. ** Jame« A Blair, who spent the win- .».Ihi- i-.ar ;, gone to her piar«» at '. a aa»»-- w *'*r Ba« for th» summer. ka ad Duchess of Richelieu ere da«, Bi-lsrcllff, N. i » »hr.rt r»r »nd Mr« Wlllism K. I,amherf w < IS ¿* ."' ¦' md of Mr. a.-.'l ". A-'- «J Aidale». in!' *** Mr" ""s'!fV Wataaa save s ^*T la'» nlKht hi the St Re(?ia. Tbiir "?»«» ft um he red t. r »nd Mrf) Willie» H. Tew will ar»en«l ,,J*nm«rat Westbury, Long island. ** a IN THE BERK8HIRES. IS] *l-_rt¡,l, t«, Tlia Tribuna ¦M.-. II. Misa Clementina « *¦**. H having an addition built at DR. I>\\ ID SI \Kk JORDAN*. Who has resigned the active presidency of Lcland Stanford Junior I niversity to devote his tune t«. promoting world-wide peace. Edgeromb vilia, which wir be completed! i-t <«f the month, by whli tinie Htaa 1'urniss will arrive here « ,v,,n. Ml« Kati ,n y ami Ml M i >.¦ day all end Mrs. Herbert P Mi l I In : ur« are pn Ing I. ipy theli Mr. and Mr NeWbold Morris arrived to-night t|,. Brookhurdt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dlsey and »Rosamond Di«a y en 'r..in Boi WASHINGTON. *"' B At the White Houae. N,: " ¦ llson wore nt t.oon in the dr.i «Vhlte Uou>« of Oouchi l lowing the r<-. i,.. j\r\t Louise A. Wilil,... Inter ' .,, (he m room. Mi' s 1.o ano: '. Unit.- .. ¡,, thla morning Mis.-- Hall, M M,«... |, III Of I in« hi. Mis M cl »Oí aid, Misi Btadelman and ' who have I ... ami of the pawl The Cabinet. Mrs. Brysi ¡to 1 «T H v .«. k 01 "' . t hieb she and t: tl are build tun Loin. Mrs has made i ¦ . tin- next te;, days, but tl 9 of State has several Import gagementa Mr- Redfh ,.i \«. in leave Washing! Thursday, ata: 29 foi ... dt t" Brooklyn Montreal. »She « l . ap- it.o th" last of .Jun« In Washington Society. Sir feeii Bprlng-Rtce the Ambassador Britain, t a large dinm r i I Ight bj Mi Mis »Philip Henrj Rear Admiral ¡n <! Mr« lohn Magowan d their Washington Will sail friim New » ork tin-, «"k to Kp< nd the aummer In ifiuropi The Vice-Presiden! and Mra Marshall will be the guests "f honor si a dlnnei to morrow nüght b] the Italian Ambaasalor, and 01 »Saturday nlgbl Rep ¦. antal . Flood »give a large din her nt ths < bevy ''has* >C*lul In their h«.rior. AT NEWPORT. [Rv T"i«-«r«f.h toThi Tribune. 1 Newport. May 1?. Reginald C Vnmler- btlt, aecompanl'd by Presión Gibson, o' Washington, made an Inspection of Bandy l'oint Farm Portamoutii ¦.«).< Mr, y*anderblll »jsve " stsg luncheon at the farm doling the after n«.on and ret urn..1 to New York this evening. James J Van Alen pai.i a slcrt visit here to-day He inspe« t"«l Ilia ««-tat.. \\ akehurst. arid letUTBed to New York to-nitfht. Mrs. i Towneend »Binden snd Miss Hür¬ den have arnv.h ;.' Fairlewn Ml. ami Mrs Royal II«.,' SITOH ha e returtieil to New Vmk Mr. m,,i " les M Oebrlshs sn s of tlolr daughter. Mr«,. U'onar.l M. Thomas, in N'eu Tort ZOOLOGISTS MAKE MERRY Members of New York Society Hold Annual Celebration. There WSS no lack "f eniertainineti' ffl three bundrod or mon member* ol New votk Kootagtaal »Socletj jreeterda: attcr.'ionti. when members' «in« was oel« »arated at th* New York Eoolofflcal »Piarl There was a concert by tlie lid Reg!« ment band on '-tie lawn In »froal of the adiiiinlstratieii hull IliiK ami a mi* amusement WSS «afforded in tlie different haunts Of tbe MltlKle folk The *|l still tOO "'id Baldy and Ills erudite giniian »supporters to go through theh mlaetrel "stunt." l'rtneess. the original "hunger striker «among pythons, who has not taken B »Sits In almost two years, according t" her keeper, was an Object Oi interest. Among those preeent were Profi Henry i'airfield »Oshorn. Liapensrd Blew- art U «Casimir do Rhsm, Madison Grant, William White NUea Trac R Pyni , , -, R '.rimi'll. «1"V eland II I'«"I«" '*''" ¦ M ** INI.. I- Krank K Slurgla I.ewis Rutherfurd Mor. riH I'm i «on McMillin. Wataoa R. UiCk- otinaii and Mortimei !.. .Schiff. "Uff LIÏTLE FIND" Oscar Straus's Musical Comedy at the New Amsterdam. Uttle It ¦¦. lorn ty music in new i noth¬ ing the , S Will. Han to en« uunt« in a with Its v< .'.¦.« It Is not Im« noblei . sed i b atid the f. «.«... ...i iii.t even knn la that at tin w< ml lelegraiT «1", nil role t «pari In the « the Count i. In until the »nd of Thei «¿active father** it, la,«, are plunsrd Iniu Hie midst bohemia) artists, stu dents, lltti plot to I" man's love foi I h««m tie | phlla d< h.I.'- ink« «i .-«. thai . tl I ' « f.'l tn« re are ihr«e< isson (Juanita leteher) becomtns the "If«- «if the Egyptologiat witii wh4*m ahi is In .\il t>.i «ta!^ material to «work with, it m fa ¦. ii ¦¦"in«.!« is thi« musical omedj s irt Amone the prin la, o addltloi i«> those already raen- tion. d, ne Ki nt. as the Count's and Leila Hughes, aa his unsuapsct« ed »daughter-in-lkw; Rebe Dali a the girl who helped to hoodwink th« taro [atb«sra and Charlea Angelo, a h«*i poet- lover ntse fut.., ¦!, all of whom aang well and dan teú S4weptably, and Hart« Maedonough, »s a comli family nt. «h«. had one rood opportunity in the se4*ond act Among the aonga me] be mentioned "When i Was foung," in the ¦prologue; "With All Your Kauii " 1,'ive Yon Still." "No Journej 'a Too Loi i for a Lover," "Never Take a Btep TOO Far" and "Mv Uttle l"ri«'tid." tn thl .i i and a "Bprins Bong- and "Love the World Over Is Mud. the Sam«-." in op.I if "MV 1.1': '-I« Count ii«-;. rv ArtsS li-d U niton . rautanl . William P Mr... .Kdlth HI .¡.m. .I until t « Fiel on .Rebe Dal« rblllne . U , , In .fhsrle* \ngein liar m . ,. !>¦ US l'l»'ir.I fen. Ha "H. L. P. S." SENDS GIFT FOR BOY. Bympetto for the case of a crippled l.ov who ha.«- lost one of his '«-- h,i brOUghl into th" office of Th« Tuf un«- a letter signed "H '- !' s.. containing t -,. Th* aendei "i th< letter auk- thai the tiioii..' i-i- applied t" the purchase of an artiflclal leg 'or the boy. K* the wnter has not apeidlled, however, the rular Individual foi \>i«.m the »glfl waa lit« ndi d Thi Trlbuni would h i, p .«- to '¦«¦ nmunii ite more fully in- or her deairea sa to the disposition .¦t the monej WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. j r. - H'li.i.- lm< ¦.¦ ''m ef Natal il v " tt '¦. ef Ar'. New. Y ,i I. Van ftortlai Dinner of the Sort* CSaraltaa ¦aaatty of Msw To.k. Hotel Kalil . HMtk .... .,-. tMoeiattan of w.it.ien Teacher«, lletroprtltan Bui Win«, s p m - . n! 111. ..n.niifer. Jfluifi. i. HU"«, b.'HUI) n, STANFORD HM KIES Dr. David Starr Jordan Resigns as University President. i WILLBEMADECHANCELLOR -New Office Created for Him, and He Will Work in Behalf of World Peace. ..... tit] ¦'"I'ian. |,n«id. nt Of I.«la 'I ford Junior inn. rail resigned to¬ da* t. IheofBo icellor.v hlch will sated roi his ape« Isl benel .-, resident of the univ« rsPy, trill i..i ..in«, preaioeni Pr< si lent Jordan's retiren*« .... raity art! sav« o trot i" time t.. wot h n '¦¦¦ '- ii. arlll ¦.> .-... the in a. -, ¦'"ii. .'»l Stillman, of the il. IIHSt! "i "i ¦- »r. Jordan bas atioii of Btanford i nlv« i bal if aus larg« I* to hli high Ideals bis br« adth of » ke« Bad athy." Ball graduate ..f Slant..!.i || ano « .. Ilfeloog ti lea i of Dr Joi dan B fore thai t araa at various time the Indians ¦..-¦.. i Indiana and «n the ¦..-nt a* David -'. .1 .roan the ' »f Bts nfoi «l Junior file. \. Y .I.M «..n of mmm si i Huida 11-'»** K .1 bi ought up on a In "A -. 'ii> liai nter -d '"m. ni» la «apaniné si salon In I III, and having privately pun »tudie« m botany araa appointed, in 187«\ an instructor of that . uni a. He held that until 1872, when he was graduated. "Master of hetan i The following yesr Dr. Jordan wa« pro- iiiv in Lombard « ¡ollega burg, in. .-.: I in th« a. tant in the lates oi gon, under the Of AS. .' (Imi barn.-a of Um forei Ichthyologists In the world. In 1171 he - orgia nu«! thoee In the rictntty of Reaufort, N. C Then f..r threi ad the Mod N rth *m ?gy at Butler ' the latter year va« ilr at soology at the inn-«»rsitv of Indiana, of wht« h hi -ame ¦ r-pa la' agent « 'eaaua in UTI 1*11. mad« a ort f great i lue sa the f tha Pi leant. Wht .! '.eland lunlor I nlV<**rsUy, In IMt David stair Jord tvai '«.amended bj 4a i> White a.« a »-apable man to fill -, and he wa« ae- cd a BOrpa of pro- II part« of the world, ea.-h . tltul »n wa« int. .¦:¦¦« «-.'.¦'¦ fat the -.. .... ., inned srtth « . number of students fron Mount t ma si known throughout the world Jordan hai rae of books Including »nlmala <<t I I rth«*rn i it< Ital « ea Bket« Bl North and Middle Ann llatl I .. ¦¦ -i» "' 'ooti '. ¦id '«iltur/ ' Mei "The Innumsvable . ompnny" and ***! i lame Piahe of Sorti He and ib, of Ban i>..-I'-i«..-,, it Jordan it hi mermen! of tloB at rament , srfl h the Ja Ifl «ha f«»d. could settle the entire question by dtpto- to prove thai the n«>wer of American .«. di a elided from «»¦ I ;. - woman" known t*. blal laa belle of ' a*ho existí d In th* "titurv. hut hi* r B01 favora i " pt»sd I »r. .Ionian want to Honolulu la«=t A«i- l . and Iseturad on ''International r. .,«¦< " P.efore ttint he caused s Si «,' |.-.ha 'ought t" abolish base¬ ball la bts iiniver |ty beeauae of ita tematie muckerlam." He also «-onsldersd football toe brutal to '¦. i- yed bj .«tu il« nt" I»r .lordan l'a« been twi"e marrlad III« first wife wa-« Hunan Hov.cn Ml.« e< e«n,i| vna .léanle I.. Knight, of WofCBBtST. Mam MISS CARROLL A »TUNE BRIDF, Her Engagement to Major John P. Hill aAnnounced. P- Tal. «-1-apB In Tha 1 ribuna 1 Rents- ira, May H Mr« J how.ii i ar¬ row announced to-day the engagement Sf her only daughter, Ruzatina, to Major Joba Philip mu, t'nited Kiat.»« attorney for Maryland The «hlins; »»ill take place In June and will be of bltsrSBt BOi only to lta'.tlmore and New York soi'lety. but also to many people Is Barops, where Ml»«s «arroll Spent her «rirllioi.d Mis'» «arroll la a granddaughter of Mrs Tucker «Carroll, with whom «he baa made her home In New "i ork City the la o f.w winters. She in also a grcat-gre.it -grande» daughtar of «Charlea Canon of Carroll ton. a Blgnar of the Declaration of ln«l«' !.. ndence Major Hill Is a graduate of Harvard, « member of the MaBBsehiiBattB Society of ih.» Cincinnati, the Mar» land Club and th« Metropolitan Club, of Washington EISHOPS BODY LIES IN STATE Placed in Cathedral After Prayers at Doane Home. v ... \l;iv || I'lothed In the robe« of the office he had filled, the body of William < roawell I'.»una. r.|«.hop of the g*plr*eapal Dlsa**ea sf Albany, lay la state in All Saints' «'athedral to-dn». Travers were «»aid at the H.shop's hoii«-e at I" o'clock tktS morning, after whuh th« hod- vas borne by porters to the J cathedral, where It was placed 1n the i«baneal A evutslfar, dressed in white, stood nt the head of the coftln. The funeral will be held at the rathe- dral to-mor-ow afternoon _ ... DREW AGAIN HEADS PLAYERS.: The Player»-' «'luh at its annual meeting last night in Ita eluhrooms. QrSfMTCy I'ark, r. alSStSd th>» f«illo\»mg ofli'crs: I..I.1, I«rew, pre.ld«'it. JoaSPb F I'.'l- vl'-e-president Hamilton Bell, secretary. and Jainea !.. Iaaidlav», treasurer. OBITUARY. THEODORE F. MILLER. Theodore lY'iimrhuvsen Miller, presi« dent of the Brooklyn Tr Company« died yesterdaj morning, after a brief ni¬ ât his home. No. |M Willow street. »Brooklyn He «as born in New York graduated In from the « 'ollegi . Itj "'' New V..rk in tl ith the late Kdward '-' admitted to Um sr ,ri 1171, be was aa- :. Kan« her until l-:«:, u hen he I etary of the Henri c impan] '.''i- I .,f lin- law ii- waa a trustsi "f tiie »Brook ¦- II".Khts ..¦¦¦mu ,r «.I the U>ng i- i: soklyn ¦1 ni.. |:. Brooklyn Cltj »Railroad tompany, .. :. loi III the Teli phom 'ompanj. the New Title Ina \. m an) Bank, ami he om¬ it .moni cluba in Brooklyn of ' 18 I ili. Hani isrookl Montauk, Klding and ». ing, !-.:.. 1 '. '. Re¬ ino n,..i HORACE GREF.LEY BURT. ....¦ Ma U Horace lIreeley formi . Union Pa [tneer for on of < 'oran amoki ¦¦ «>->'k i ago hi ,ited «in for a malignant growth, and complicationa « i.i- o folio« id caused bis death. H..¦¦:¦:¦ Bui waa born In Jana- IM9 and aa a «civil < II. of Michigan begai oad work in ii ni engineer In ting to thi rank of division [| |M ht hei-ame ,t North« UN third VI«-«- . ¦. hi we* pr.-si- ol the L'i fie »Ral road in ivelled aro obe study« tllroad a) items -.- FRANCIS ALBRECHT. Manhattan, »us home No. 187 I 'rankl:n Piare I i-: w.is sis« ty-il i old Mi AH- .-.i In Fit 'sine veil! i tei of s cen« turv ol ., if ... loi ,. and < ee di I will church al whl hi THE REV. JOHN A. SAVAGE. The Rev lohi v Ba sga pastor of the rirst «Pariah Unitarian »Church of Medfleld, Mass., from live in the civil of that pari ''f his borne h N J vest !'. wifl WILLIAM. W. ST. JOHN. William W, Bt John, a news) iper man I In »bringing | tO the from New N V up a N hen ill -el him St .lohn II .,,r the .<«*. was ; ROBERT PYNE. Hartford ont Ma] II H " Pyaa for mai are of g to 1 he ¦ turn- on ««f the tías in hla room He was I til.- ivii War i ir a tin v I..- publlahed 'The Weekly Examiner." lated a it Ii ..!." a - GEORGE WILLIAM GALLIE. Montclalr, N J May IS George Is* Halbe, of No -"" North Mountain avenu« died to-day after an lUnesa ol ontha Mr, <¡aihe was forty- He wss an Insun t roki Ith oil '.¦¦ -. Bi \. « ., ork i !. of Moni ears Hi v«. i:.. .h .j aia cblM WiLLIAM. A. SMITHSON. ,m a Banlthson, a dvll anglneei i... formerly i've«i In Phllad«alphla« 11« i hla home, No M 'ook ave i m,'.m al i «. ith waa en Ml Suit «'ii «an Rl old He l< av«ea a a Ife and two CHARLES MORTIMER MORTON. Mi- || barias hlortl« mer Morion, «-"i. "i' the late Samuel (. Morton, "f Philadelphia, d'.«d In Atlantic i|.\ toda 111 MOrtOn «Alts boni III Philadelphia In Ml He never »inerci any buslm tnalnlj di voted l >>'-.. i "i u.iiiis In the IVnii- ñyii ania lloapltal Hi wai at one time aj Ivanla Prlaon .So¬ ciety. Mi Morton leaves a sister, Ml >. Thomae h Montgomi rj. NATHAN A. METZGER. .bea CUff,'Long Island, May 19 Nathan A Mstsger, Maty-live rears of ape. a e«eaith) retired dealer la sntlguss, of No. IS Best .4th etraet, Manhattan, died in his summer home here thla afternoon. Mr Metiger, who had been a aummer rest« (i,.nt here tor more than thirt) «¦. ira I orn .i i ¦' i"-«' He lea v. ;. a wife and thr«-e childr« n SUNDAY TOURISTS KEPT OUT Women Defeat Plan to Leave Mount Vcrnon Open. Washington. May Mi.Mount Veraoo, borne of Poorgo Washington, wOl remain rlooed to Völlers on Sundays as hereto« !«.re, as the re'ult of resolutions sdopted «. the council of regenta of the Mount \eiin.n Ladh Ai ¦¦ itloa« now In sa« liual ,-csstoii. .«.n was In response to a recent formal mojui at from the rhamher of I'om- passes of Washington, »pointing out thai if open un Buadays Mount VTernon would visited annually by thOUBBadS unabl«; to do as s .¦. kdai i m LIVELY SHOW AT THE COLUMBIA. An «Aldtlme favorite with lOVOTS of bur- the Bowerj Burleequers, with "Bddte" l'it/.C' ialil."J.o k" ijuiiiii. Mal.« ii« Mot«.tn Mínale Lea sad Bdaa Orees as! the leedura dehghted s larjre aafjenw at the Columbia last evening. There ¦. a lot of familiar aoi .. ,i in new « ,i i s and some new to the burlesque! told. anu.ii« them two by Mi-ci Morgan, who la »billed sa "th«- beautiful Austra ¦Otis I'li'l Süd did u««rk tar above th«« burlesque k v. The auffragette ond t'.ut of tic- i.'ir'i'-tta, was enough to induce almoet .m« loneaomi man t.. In arraeted, tor tbe pouce force look«ed anything bul danger¬ ous, sad there waa an enticing warden tic peraon ol Nan Can*, "nie whole show is «bright and witty, and waa well I received. I M Mit HOUSES ¡Bills at the Varieties for the Current Week. MAGIC AND ILLUSIONS Musical Comedy, Return Visits of Old Favorites and Good Novelties. A rwripfefe musical comedy in a vaude- theatre; etaboeate spectacular niu- Hding, however, a verv r«»al and Ihai-daome lion; the return of Chlng Ling 1 ¦'"". '»". « tun"-.» raai lai m [ntyre and and Marie Dr« rager and the sp¬ in* Rsssta »Yvnt. are among tha so of this woek*i tha variety bou .mplet«. nv¡s| a' .niri-.iy, "Props." I .ni,|i|..»d at the New RrightOO Th.»,i- ton Bant h. eaterday afatsrnooii snd evei lag, with Billy B. Van an I the Bisters b* the leading p and a cnni>any ..r twentj -Are I " tes, *-i'ro; s" la a "f t.be mcldenta of Its eeur back c IS of a vai, atre on a Mon- afternoon. I*erforiu«Mri snd stage at¬ tachés are lntrodu» fed in an entertaln'ng .ray, Billy If Van being the -.rotiert» man, Who Is far more In evidence than aras even his CMneea colkagua in "The The fun Is fa M and i- rad to hag, and the» prodl dim. not forgetting the i of the chorus. Another hit of the Brighton progrsmma la Datro, who renders mu le on the piano a«**cordaoa all the «ray from OPBTB to ragtime. There la thing in dan-ing that the Eight Berlin do, SI d MlM lÂOtno and Jeannette are two graceful and skilful young acroi The great Lalla Mbtnl presents at the T nlon Sr>i:are Tksatre this week her elab¬ orate «fiectacular Illusiona. which require for the performance a large company of players, a Hon and a horse. The me- Ica] darices are Ingenious and work well. Th«*Sbe«-t act of this young woman's programme Is "The Lion's Bride,'' with its dex«*eroua substitution at the last la the role o«* the -. for the lion tn the CSgS InttS which the young girl he wouid wed to he t use ahe refuses to renounce htm, the Sultan» 80n. This Hot.'» bride !«. not the one of the well known picture« but a girl o* the Arabian Night«-, the ¦ l gaining much from its Orients! getting after the man- of tha Ruaalan ballets. Another ln- genloua Uluaioi It iitlon of a livtag v»..man for a Clay figure- "The Bathing Beaul i ; lenly *aUr**ounded ¦proutlng tountalna and flowers ¦.».her.« a moment before there eras nothing on the stage ex and a model's a third III lalon is that of "The «ai Pire Drama,'' with it«- ellBaaa of a tire engine In full career, horses geJiop- m hissing and smoke UlUag the a versatile Isdy la Mme 1 Ibtal, I ¦) .-¦ do« other . sb, hm hei lUta- stuns are wall i ich s It' the 1 1 I > 1'iare this week. funnier than Wyni ha* and strengthened bl «->..¦ .. -fa it« n i ¦ si I a bit of entertainment of Its kind as can he fotU d. - A playlet, dealine witi: tl 0 present pop- U ir subject of crooks. In wlilh a thinly «relied «mbodtment of a man whose nam- .!y on every one's lias, Ii of th.» m«»st prominent characters, !a principal offering ai Hainmsrsti rin There is much merit i i th»» .. which entitled 1 ha fc item, of Tsylor IraB -. »»ho plays 'be peri of the crook -n I an enter! manner. He is ablj -. d t v Lain i PI« f-pom. »vho playa and Intelligence and been ai p«*eclatlon or the biimor« rtaln Bttusl iiffoi sal Im- n of the grafting t<-<-tiv... who greateat crook < ist U M'-Intvr« and Heath, in their familiar droller :ct worn. ... er, and |.«.!-;.. Bated i thai hit the mark Pia loath, a " ru irkahly pretty and vivacious g aroman, made s distinct hit, with Harry Lsvan, In some noi land ..« \ novel act of Hanlon and CUffc v. o a -. ompllshed tha striking feats Of strenglh and hair." and eertataty. Martin Brown and Roa BClka Dol - tad a dancing set :. both were extremel) gra ¦>.'n nnd ¦ d EJdwards v»cr«> aaccassful in a different ia - Dr Carl ii rman, th« ''tamer o«- .>-tr'city," ami .won Comsd) Four were also en the programma Marie Pressler, sylphlike and silver»- i. beads the bOJ al th« I this week in an act thing from grand otters to ¦make dancing Not sat- With making the BUdienCS laugh Bl hard as they did during the entire per- I formsnoa, aha wrung sobs from tue tan« .!. r hearted with a touching little reclta- tion of the hab\ s-£on.-»\ uat w lll-mother- do now variety. Ralph Herí', another Iheadllnar on the bill thta week, sings a few songs la bis well known *jrhtina.«*al ¡ma nur. One Of them. "If Totti STlfe Sa» s it's Black." was vary weii .¡one. and hears a rsasmhlanra to hi.« old "Could Tom Do It?" which be made popular eotne yasra age. Bthel Oreen, the charm¬ ing little, comédienne. Singa one or tare good things anil wears some stunning gowns Fraakljm Ardall and Man»» Wal¬ ten appear in S rat lier good sketch, "The SnfTranettc" Tom Dingle and the I-:.--j ni.-r.ilil.i sisters are a »ei». good trio of I dan«.:«. Tom Mingles iSOSB llmbsd ca-j ».«.rtiiig. sonii'Wliat after the fashion of' 1'rc.l Stone. proving very amusing. Among the others are BalflBB Hraatz. the lady who piggies all sit« of things ;n- j eluding soap bubbles, «'liarles and Pan-1 nie Van. in a stage sketch, and M and ....ein. »vith tin Ir humorous dla-1 logue nnd dsaosa At the Palace Theatre. which ha« he»n playing to «¡ajMrit* audlenoea ever since tha beginning of Mme lh-niliarilts en- gag«nviit, the varlet] bill Includes 1». s-l W ) nri. in the best of her ponular tori of soi go; Hilly Q«tMdd and Helle A«ah- Ivn; «»wen MeOtveney« hl "Bill Sikes," Ms »er-ion of "«»liver Twist." In which laya ave ekassjeteri sa set seen her«. before, but ri'talniiig all Its popular!!»-; Italian mustclaní and ràlagsrs; an aate*> tainmg irav.sty. ¦¦Travelling." present»'d by Monroe Hopkins sad Lais Axteii, and atatoary pases i>>- Robbte thotûaaut, The bill at the Fifth Avenue tbls week Is an CSeepUonslly good ore. and has tot eadlu.er CbfaSg Ung Too and his company of OriiMltala Besides th« bâter- Ile exhibition (¿¡ven by ih.se '.nie oiig men snd me feats of !. gerd« m.in- rforinad by "Mng Ling F himself,. 1: tie Miss Chee Toy, who is an- noun<-«-<1 on the programme as the msly Chinese i-omedienne In the world, «!n«s one or tar. typical rajftime sonps In a truly charttiinp manner. Her slight Hyp iti preweunelag bobs of the ""awsoary« ookume" only BSTVeS to make the BSBSM more attractive. ChM Sal«' has a really good vOlage i-choolroom act. In whteh be takes- several different characters« from a schoolboy consumed with embarra-«« ment ano BtaaMMftBg »through S "I1'«* to tha deacon, with his red-topped boots and turk«'>-n.-the-straw breakdown. Mr :, Webb sad Ids oompany m- treri '.¦"iiahlr the o:i"-a"t |la" ".Mr friend," winch f:i:> a genuine thrifl in the fina) sene. |. a Shlrl«>. the Httle lady with the Nk voice, smes pla«aMngly sad has n «K-o.'d partner, ai Wohlaaaa« a barytone, win reopomla her so -. tt\ i un.- oi t! He a rata t a songa ¦ .1 | hv Misa S'.ü!«" Phlna and her ratl.er full blown ¡.iekar.inn;«'- do s,. songs an 1 dances, and the daivln«* clever. B.-rtisk, the Strong trat some enough to awks the feminine of th<- au.ii'Tic« quits Indifferent to th- |fael that he is hjggHa| two hundr.d pound weights. THEATRICAL NOTES. The I'.ivton Stock ( ompanv opened tin« Park Theatre last nipht With a performance of "A Butterfly or the Wheel. At the Manhattan Opera Hous« ,,r of atocl waa sun » ith "A Jimmy Valentin« William C lie Milles "The Woman.'' ¦one of the successes of the season. «Ill he offered at the Harlem Opera Hon?«- next week, with Florence Malone and Loweii «Sherman In the cast. The Mount Morris Theatre, at tilth street and Fifth avenue, opened Its don«--« for the first time last nlpht, presenting \ Butterfly «m the Wheel" with a new st... k company headed by Wilson Mi and Nance Groya. »tain Smith of the British ronvlet shin Success has ehal>npe<i IToudlm wi o Bays that he can escape from M the old ship, no matter how r.led, to attempt the teat. Willis P, fr-'weatnam is announced to ¡Appear In a new comedy by Rupart I Indies under the direction of Henry W. Bavaga early next fall. Marparet Anplin has accepted an Invi¬ tation to appear at th* Oreek Theetv« In I'altfornia la the latter part of August. Florence Martin and Inez Bauer «4r.ll appear In "Mlle Modiste" at the Glob« on Monday nlpht. Klaw & Erlanger and Charles W. Bom- era have bepun arrangements for the buil'line of i> hippodrome In Milwaukee on the site of the Plankineton Hotel. "The Bpy of the Olen," a five-act drr.ma. will be produced at the Waldorf- Astoria on Weilnesdav evenln«?. May 2'. v the etud«*nta of the .fll Hallowa Co.- leglate institute. . The enpapement of "DamajreiS Good.«" at the Fulton Theatre has been extended Indefinitely at the ri«fl,iii"«f of many prom- Ini I. Of tlie city ONE-WEEK THEATRES. I st'.ck comnanv at Keith's Ha-'c-m f'pera House produced last n'aht "Th«. Master of tlie House." a drama of tr.i taken divorce, by Bdgar Jam-s This piece has much more t! an average matiL merit, and If wa«; very I rlly interpreted. I «oweII Sherman took part of Frederick Hoffman, the more than middle as«^«l captain of Industry, who is led into a serióse blundei In ting off old ties for new. and took It skill Martha Oatman. as hla first wife; lone McGraM, as his daughter, and Florence Melons, as the eocond I [Hoffman, were also most commend The bouse was «rowd.d «end highly preefatlvc «Setereen the a«cta II Auk gave I Impersonations and Ho: Levoj sang som. sentimental songs. I«eo Dltrlchstein in "The Womai the offering at the West »Sad Th Lira ! week This will I..- Mr I'ltr Ins», anpe.ir.inces in this delicious en'' ¡of the SUSPOCtlbUity of genius ar: cure bv a (leer w ,:e "The f.iack Paul' and her eeaapany «if colored playera snd lingers opened fOI tl week last nicht at the '1 <>ren lions« in " 'aptaln Jasper." Tn t company Is "Happy" Jullua Qleaa, PALISADES PARK. T » eaudeetlle b:ii I «Ml .," seeele] Palisades Amusement Pur... opposite the West >j||b street ferry, are ost elaborate and verted i «ollar Troup-s, In hl bllng, bead the «programme on tbi hii'i'iiiironi. stage win a aensal .i r. hatte thriller Is trap« at.ee of tl:,- Two Will« lamsee The Glentiale Troupe, three men er a aatlng Mitch" I on S revolving lad- daring 11 ;,....: etartlii -lo airship He is ., topllner In lis dangerous profesi and was t."- some aaoo4aat«*d Lincoln >3«eacbey. There n'a mar," n«v. ¡eitles for the entertainment of visitors Tío Sch.'t'.ck brothers have manare,! P«i- park non foi aeveral reara »lin a MARRIED. I'LN'-TBE.'.nV't'.U, At F"lu«v!rij. V. 1 Uoeósmt, Ma) IS ISIS, hv rj . Ha ¦.Francis rraaek Lit i i,. 1 let«.» » No curd«, Notice« nt msrrinite«, and death« «mtist ha SSI oni pan led by full name and addre««. DIED Brooknan Jn'.r. 0 T*7. Emit» L B. llun/i. Kme.t. Jackson, WlUtan V. .'. Miller, ThaoOer« W, ci,««. TvoojmJ. Monon. Charlee M. Dutcher, KimcS. BlfiOKMAN tl tVeot Ptt% \\,r 17, ¡j'.i. .n.hn r Brookman, ..¦¦» W ira >»r-,i.» s íesid.ce, Warnt Park, May 30, at 8 1 Burial it Greenwood, V.» Ji, at 11;!.Y I Monday. May 1? I>neet Bun. red buabead et 'arrie, «ire, '..¦ r«-«i.Jen> e. No. I ,. . 0:1 V. '.. at one o'e'e k «ii ITFIEI D Ent. r- d Ii to re.. Heart f lam CbaUleliX May l". ISO m bla ¦ ot funeral beieafter, RAS m.iv la Tvaaaa .lonepinn» Croe tnta 4a rieh«), beloved » If« of n 3«. feats. Funeral from We 31 K'kMIi a.\r Thur» no«.:, HER Sua teniv en Monrtaj ISIS, i:ri"«n l»uiclier Nuti.« of (u faï-jih MaaaMjr, Mar ''¦ Ue\ at liaaafenl! o'.n In Ulneo». Kriiio ;<.i,i». Bostwlck la wM li« ¡11 K l-'rtv Inonder «ni Elisabeth .-^ofieiri Uom» k h'un.-ril notice will be uivin JAi'KSON.Sn.llenh, at jfewaik, N I. en M iv 17, ISM, \\'üllatn riMllliliii Jaekaea, »on of the la'' W Woloott «n«l Nan i'i«. \>e Jackaon, In the ISUi year of Is ag< Pumral servi:«- at tin« late home. No <A4 Hlgb at, on i ix >'¦ el " 3" K.-Utlve« and fr.^rnlii h re In-. ire.J to at'en Iri.-rinent at Mount I'l«^s««an; MII.LKR-Theoilore F Mlllrr. at hi» re«|r|en«e, N" IM Willo» »t M'.tvtay moniin«. May 1». tn the «¿31 year of hi» a««\ I'm.. Ann» i'hurch. «Clinton an-t LiVtagBtas at-, Kl\n. Tluir*!n. May B, at 10:30 a Interment at convenlen«« of family. Kindly Omit flower«. MORTON.Al Atlantie r|tv, *t. j, «n PuneU-.. Mai 1-. charle» MortlMOi Morton, son «>' I., i.- r>r, si.imuel Qearga Morton. In th« feu of tit» age. Service* will hel.l at .'hrlat Memorial r hur, h. «d and Cheetnut »i».. rhlladelphia. on Wednesday afttrn May :i. at 3 o'clock. (KM ETERIES. THE \V04H1I..\MN CTCMETEnT :.;.".l s; By Hnrl.m Train and br TrolUy. Office. M K.iüt '.'".«l »t.. n. T. IMÏERTAKKR«» ».R\NK r.. ChMS.11, M1 *1 W»«« tU H< < hapel». Privât» Ho«.m», l'nvate Amba- lancea. Tel. 132* ChaUca.

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Page 1: Uff LIÏTLE FIND - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1913-05-20/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · Kum-jjnn. N-1 Slu» n Will take f. ... it.o th" last of .Jun « In Washington

NEW IHK SOCIETYRainier-Burrill Wedding in St,

Bartholomew's To-day.


flics Helen Converse Clark.Daughter of Prof. J. B. Clark,

Will Be a June Bride.gaton Burrlll, daughter

rif(] t.» ¦'¦¦¦ »dine Ratal« r, «-..i. ..*Rali flu«, after

hiircii. TueceptlonBrill he

ilcolm «'lark and

f.d the.1 Malcolm «'lurk. Allan

« » '.. Thotnaantard and R |

Van ¿

tar of v111 I»«- ma"- i.-,i n. Jo»oi Battu .;..-. May 31,

Kum-jjnn. N - 1 S lu» n Will take

f. will he followed by a

'"roft.home «if M: Pronl

\ \1 a ] ||.eve fl ay.

The MISS Dfl

..f Floahta :

and. to Arthur Herbert Htsgetneyer. ofl'iaee «m \\ edi

Bfj eg will h. heif honor, andbe his brother «. be«1!a ¡n be ii"» ard C Bro

¿¿v,-, i yard Halatesd George .larvi»Julian V*. Whlpple, of New

York; v \\ «on I»rake. of Warrenton.¦

R «¦. W. Meredith Dickinson, of Trenten. X. J.

Ml«» Helofl COavsiSO «Tlark. daughterihn Bates Clark, of Coium«

erslty, and Mrs '"ark. will ba-or Henry t'arringtontorsi < 'ollegi. on June

Manhattan Congregationalstreet 'i ba

gar, Henry A. Stimaon. who officiât*»»! at

gaj wt m of bsi p»aronta forty-two»¦«ara ago, w-il! perform tha OSremony.

if R1 limond. Va,Mr I.Hti ¿i«-te-. will act

of honor, and the bridesmaids,«i;i I»«-- . and «Clover T«->«id.

Florea**! Ri ea, AnnoMoore, of New fork, ant. Miss Qlsdys

M J, Mauri. » «'¡ark, a

s bride, »« . : rnan.and th« ushers »«. ill Include William CLancaste:. of Montreal, and I'ai.ti'v I

of Richmond, broth«-«-- «»f them; Professor «Charles W

f Clarean E. Arslreiand Profetssor William E.

Ilaoa *.» :- MlSS «'lark willher bridal «.ttendants on June

:h«son, and Professor Lsncsster»r dlanei on

Tha twin dauj-hti"-« of Ml ; Mit foui m ni

. .- ten«*d yesterday at the home <.?lid street. The

R»v Herbert Shtnman ofti.-iat« «i. Theythe names «.: May Glad

.'via Kennedy. The Sponsore for the1~mrr were Misa T!l:zabe:n Royl and

FbWler as godiii-ithets andHoward Willed BS gOdfgtber, and for

i) ajla and Mum Mad-. mothers and ITIldreththe t »ndfather of the

tolas, sa s father. Mra Wllleta wasUli» i", Bloodgood.

«Vrchlhald P. White gave a danre ¡a««i -rta for mi*«

Helenv. t-iK-a' dancingIn th<» » i h supp« r

followa/1 nuin-

r- BBd Mi«-« I.ota R b-taaon ara apemllng a f< si thaMarlr»«- «n Atlantic «"ity.

r ce a hrld-r«-t- :nv p» Matoa. her BOUntryajio ,,,.. Gaf*d«Btl | T-lRT«! feekg m sabot R»sn«*olph o\i*n. o' '. S I '" Will be to'-basf to whoh a larc"

. SSt SVB been in¬


kr. a--, Mr* Erneato C Fnhbrl are du»-to arriva »». {torn York to-inorrww on the


kr» Byai Kerby f»h*«-rvena haa cl<*a»ed¦kg bous« ¦;¦. ii ra»f 7Rth atreet, andI« S« t a for a BhSli ata-k*ft>r» e .¦ »a« a, guniH-rni it Lei

Mr. arid Mrs Montalgs i-* ktentagne»no i«pr, . , .,,. ..,,, araajig are booked*» «all f . ...rro--/. »On th« Ir»SBBJB ' kr» n house at «"edar-¦>*¦.*.». 1. . _-f_ i,a Montagu»!*»» Mk irde Jurgsnsan.

Aml»a«»sador and Mm»««*» 0s»»»-: a R r,,r 7;,.rep,» to.lav

krs. Haaiilton McK, Tweaably win e o«.

Pltth avenue, on May 29*>¦««. »i«h i a- lugkter Miss Rasa Tw>m-«w »r ." to Newport to spend the sum-Oar

.*'¦. and Mrs William H Page have arr,u< I- ihi .¦«,,. utjany and ara ai«be St J

R!rR«h.M. w, i>¡k»>. who la sailing fotbrisad -fa«.« ¦ small dinner last"bai at the Bt ttag-

;Mr ».'! Un .1 Hall Mc«"ullough will1! ¦»*¦ Prance on June Ô.

** Jame« A Blair, who spent the win-.».Ihi- i-.ar ;, gone to her piar«» at

'.a aa»»-- w

*'*r Ba« for th» summer.

ka ad Duchess of Richelieu ere

da«, Bi-lsrcllff, N. i» »hr.rt

r»r »nd Mr« Wlllism K. I,amherf w < IS¿* ."' ¦' md of Mr. a.-.'l

". A-'- «J a» Aidale».

in!' *** Mr" ""s'!fV Wataaa save s

^*T la'» nlKht hi the St Re(?ia. Tbiir"?»«» ftum hered t.

r »nd Mrf) Willie» H. Tew will ar»en«l,,J*nm«rat Westbury, Long island.

** aIN THE BERK8HIRES.IS] *l-_rt¡,l, t«, Tlia Tribuna

¦M.-. II. Misa Clementina« *¦**. H having an addition built at

DR. I>\\ ID SI \Kk JORDAN*.Who has resigned the active presidency of Lcland Stanford Junior

I niversity to devote his tune t«. promoting world-wide peace.

Edgeromb vilia, which wir be completed!i-t <«f the month, by whli tinie Htaa

1'urniss will arrive here « ,v,,n.

Ml« Kati ,n y ami Ml M i >.¦

dayall end Mrs. Herbert P Mi

l I In i« "¦ : ur« are pnIng I. ipy theli .¦

Mr. and Mr NeWbold Morris arrivedto-night t|,.

BrookhurdtMr. and Mrs. Richard Dlsey and

»Rosamond Di«a y en'r..in Boi


At the White Houae.N,: " ¦ llson

wore ntt.oon in the dr.i «VhlteUou>«

of Oouchi llowing the r<-. i,.. j\r\tLouise A. Wilil,...

Inter' .,, (he m .¦

room.Mi' s 1.o ano: '.

Unit.- .. ¡,,thla morning

Mis.-- Hall, M M,«... |,

III Of I in« hi. Mis M cl »Oíaid, Misi Btadelman and '

who have I...

ami of the pawl

The Cabinet.Mrs. Brysi ¡to

1 «T H v .«. k 01"' . t hieb

she and t: tl are buildtun Loin. Mrs

has made i ¦.

tin- next te;, days, but tl 9 of

State has several Import gagementaMr- Redfh ,.i \«. in leave Washing!

Thursday, ata: 29 foi ... dt t" BrooklynMontreal. »She « l . ap-

it.o th" last of .Jun«

In Washington Society.Sir feeii Bprlng-Rtce the Ambassador oí

Britain, ta large dinm r i I Ight bj MiMis »Philip HenrjRear Admiral ¡n <! Mr« lohn Magowan

d their WashingtonWill sail friim New » ork tin-, «"k to

Kp< nd the aummer In ifiuropiThe Vice-Presiden! and Mra Marshall

will be the guests "f honor si a dlnneito morrow nüght b] the Italian

Ambaasalor, and 01 »Saturday nlgbl Rep¦. antal . Flood »give a large dinher nt ths < bevy ''has* >C*lul In theirh«.rior.

AT NEWPORT.[Rv T"i«-«r«f.h toThi Tribune. 1

Newport. May 1?. Reginald C Vnmler-

btlt, aecompanl'd by Presión Gibson, o'

Washington, made an Inspection of Bandyl'oint Farm Portamoutii ¦.«).< Mr,y*anderblll »jsve " stsg luncheon at thefarm doling the after n«.on and ret urn..1

to New York this evening.James J Van Alen pai.i a slcrt visit

here to-day He inspe« t"«l Ilia ««-tat..

\\ akehurst. arid letUTBed to New York

to-nitfht.Mrs. i Towneend »Binden snd Miss Hür¬

den have arnv.h ;.' FairlewnMl. ami Mrs Royal II«.,' SITOH ha e

returtieil to New VmkMr. m,,i

" les M Oebrlshs sn

s of tlolr daughter. Mr«,. U'onar.l

M. Thomas, in N'eu Tort


Members of New York Society HoldAnnual Celebration.

There WSS no lack "f eniertainineti' ffl

three bundrod or mon member* ol

New votk Kootagtaal »Socletj jreeterda:attcr.'ionti. when members' «in« was oel«

»arated at th* New York Eoolofflcal »PiarlThere was a concert by tlie lid Reg!«ment band on '-tie lawn In »froal of the

adiiiinlstratieii hull IliiK ami a mi*amusement WSS «afforded in tlie different

haunts Of tbe MltlKle folk The *|lstill tOO "'id f« Baldy and Ills erudite

giniian »supporters to go through theh

mlaetrel "stunt."l'rtneess. the original "hunger striker

«among pythons, who has not taken B

»Sits In almost two years, according t"

her keeper, was an Object Oi interest.Among those preeent were Profi

Henry i'airfield »Oshorn. Liapensrd Blew-

art U «Casimir do Rhsm, Madison Grant,William White NUea Trac R Pyni, , -, R '.rimi'll. «1"V eland II I'«"I«"'*''" ¦ M ** INI.. I-

Krank K Slurgla I.ewis Rutherfurd Mor.

riH I'm i «on McMillin. Wataoa R. UiCk-otinaii and Mortimei !.. .Schiff.

"Uff LIÏTLE FIND"Oscar Straus's Musical Comedy

at the New Amsterdam.

Uttle It¦¦.

lorn ty music innewi noth¬



S Will.


to en« uunt«


a with Its v<.'.¦.« It Is not


. sed i

b atid

the f. «.«...

...i iii.t even knnla that at tin w< ml


«1", nil

rolet «pari

In the « the Count


In until the »nd of

Thei «¿active father**it, la,«, are plunsrd Iniu Hie midstbohemia) artists, students, llttiplot to I"

man's love foi I h««m tie

|phlla d<h.I.'- ink« «i .-«. thai

. tl I ' « f.'l tn« re are

ihr«e< isson

(Juanita leteher) becomtns the "If«- «if

the Egyptologiat witii wh4*m ahi is In

.\il t>.i «ta!^ material to «work

with, itm fa ¦. ii ¦¦"in«.!« is thi« musicalomedj s .¦ irt Amone the prin

la, o addltloi i«> those already raen-

tion. d, ne Ki nt. as the Count'sand Leila Hughes, aa his unsuapsct«

ed »daughter-in-lkw; Rebe Dali a the

girl who helped to hoodwink th« taro[atb«sra and Charlea Angelo, a h«*i poet-lover ntse fut.., ¦!, all of whomaang well and dan teú S4weptably, andHart« Maedonough, »s a comli family

nt. «h«. had one rood opportunityin the se4*ond act Among the aonga me]be mentioned "When i Was foung," in

the ¦prologue; "With All Your Kauii "

1,'ive Yon Still." "No Journej 'a Too Loi ifor a Lover," "Never Take a Btep TOOFar" and "Mv Uttle l"ri«'tid." tn thl

.i i and a "Bprins Bong- and "Lovethe World Over Is Mud. the Sam«-." in

op.Iif "MV 1.1': '-I«

Count ii«-;. rv ArtsS li-d U niton. rautanl. William P

Mr... .Kdlth HI.¡.m. .I until t « Fiel

on .Rebe Dal«rblllne . U , ,

In .fhsrle* \ngeinliar m . ,.

!>¦ US l'l»'ir.I fen. Ha

"H. L. P. S." SENDS GIFT FOR BOY.Bympetto for the case of a crippled

l.ov who ha.«- lost one of his '«-- h,i

brOUghl into th" office of Th« Tuf un«- a

letter signed "H '- !' s.. containingt -,. Th* aendei "i th< letter auk- thaithe tiioii..' i-i- applied t" the purchase ofan artiflclal leg 'or the boy. K* thewnter has not apeidlled, however, the

rular Individual foi \>i«.m the »glflwaa lit« ndi d Thi Trlbuni wouldh i, p .«- to '¦«¦ nmunii ite more fully

in- or her deairea sa to the disposition.¦t the monej

WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.j r. - H'li.i.- lm< M¦ ¦.¦ ''m ef

Natal il v " tt '¦. ef

Ar'. New. Y ,i I. '¦ Van

ftortlaiDinner of the Sort* CSaraltaa ¦aaatty of Msw

To.k. Hotel Kalil . "¦

HMtk .... .,-. tMoeiattan of

w.it.ien Teacher«, lletroprtltan BuiWin«, s

p m


. n! 111...n.niifer. Jfluifi. i. HU"«, b.'HUI) n,

STANFORD HM KIESDr. David Starr Jordan Resigns

as University President.i


-New Office Created for Him, andHe Will Work in Behalf of

World Peace...... tit]¦'"I'ian. |,n«id. nt Of I.«la 'I

ford Junior inn. rail resigned to¬da* t. IheofBo icellor.v hlchwill sated

roi his ape« Isl benel.-,

resident of the univ« rsPy,trill i..i ..in«, preaioeni

Pr< si lent Jordan's retiren*«.... raity art! sav« o trot

i" d«time t.. wot h n '¦¦¦ '-

ii. arlll ¦.> .-... the

in a. -,

¦'"ii. .'»l Stillman, of theil. IIHSt!"i "i ¦- »r. Jordan bas

atioii of Btanford i nlv« i

t» bal if i« i« aus larg« I* to hlihigh Ideals bis br« adth of » ke« Bad

athy."Ball graduate

..f Slant..!.i || ano

« .. Ilfeloog ti lea i of Dr Joi dan Bfore thai t araa at various time

the Indians¦..-¦.. i Indiana and «n the

¦..-nt a*

David -'. .1 .roan the '

»f L« Bts nfoi «l Juniorfile. \. Y .I.M

«..n of mmm si i Huida11-'»** K .1 bi ought up on a

In "A -.'ii> liai nter -d

'"m. ni» la «apaniné si salonIn IIII, and having privately pun»tudie« m botany araa appointed, in 187«\an instructor of that . uni a. He held that

until 1872, when he was graduated."Master of hetan iThe following yesr Dr. Jordan wa« pro-

iiiv in Lombard « ¡ollegaburg, in. .-.: I in th« a.

tant in the latesoi gon, under the

Of AS. .' (Imi

barn.-a of Um foreiIchthyologists In the world. In 1171 he

- orgia nu«! thoeeIn the rictntty of Reaufort, N. C Thenf..r threi ad the Mod

N rth *m a«

?gy at Butler '

the latter year va«

ilr at soology at theinn-«»rsitv of Indiana, of wht« h hi b»-ame

¦ r-pa la' agent« 'eaaua in UTI 1*11.

mad« a r« ort f great i lue sa thef tha Pi leant.

Wht .! '.elandlunlor I nlV<**rsUy, In IMt David

stair Jord tvai '«.amended bj 4ai> White a.« a »-apable man to fill

-, and he wa« ae-

cd a BOrpa of pro-II part« of the world, ea.-h


tltul »n wa« int. .¦:¦¦« «-.'.¦'¦ fat the-.. .... .,

inned srtth « .

number of students fronMount t ma si

known throughout the worldJordan hai rae

of books Including»nlmala <<t I I rth«*rn

i it< Ital « ea Bket«Bl North and Middle Ann

llatl I .. ¦¦ -i» "' 'ooti '.

¦id '«iltur/ ' Mei "TheInnumsvable . ompnny" and ***! i

lame Piahe of Sorti Heand

ib, of Ban i>..-I'-i«..-,,it Jordan it hi

mermen! of 1« tloB at

rament ,srfl h the Ja

Ifl «ha f«»d.

could settle the entire question by dtpto-

to prove thai the n«>wer of American.«. di a elided from «»¦ I

;. - woman" known t*. blal laabelle of ' a*ho existí d In th*

"titurv. hut hi* r B01

favora i " pt»sdI »r. .Ionian want to Honolulu la«=t A«i-

l . and Iseturad on ''Internationalr. .,«¦< " P.efore ttint he caused s Si«,' |.-.ha 'ought t" abolish base¬ball la bts iiniver |ty beeauae of itatematie muckerlam." He also «-onsldersdfootball toe brutal to '¦. i- yed bj .«tu

il« nt"

I»r .lordan l'a« been twi"e marrlad III«

first wife wa-« Hunan Hov.cn Ml.« e< e«n,i|

vna .léanle I.. Knight, of WofCBBtST.Mam


Her Engagement to Major John P.Hill aAnnounced.

P- Tal. «-1-apB In Tha 1 ribuna 1Rents- ira, May H Mr« J how.ii i ar¬

row announced to-day the engagement Sfher only daughter, Ruzatina, to MajorJoba Philip mu, t'nited Kiat.»« attorneyfor Maryland The w« «hlins; »»ill take

place In June and will be of bltsrSBt BOionly to lta'.tlmore and New York soi'lety.but also to many people Is Barops, whereMl»«s «arroll Spent her «rirllioi.d

Mis'» «arroll la a granddaughter of Mrs

Tucker «Carroll, with whom «he baa madeher home In New "i ork City the la o f.w

winters. She in also a grcat-gre.it -grande»daughtar of «Charlea Canon of Carrollton. a Blgnar of the Declaration of ln«l«'

!.. ndenceMajor Hill Is a graduate of Harvard, «

member of the MaBBsehiiBattB Society ofih.» Cincinnati, the Mar» land Club and

th« Metropolitan Club, of Washington


Placed in Cathedral After Prayers atDoane Home.

v ... \l;iv || I'lothed In the robe«

of the office he had filled, the body of

William < roawell I'.»una. r.|«.hop of the

g*plr*eapal Dlsa**ea sf Albany, lay la state

in All Saints' «'athedral to-dn».

Travers were «»aid at the H.shop's hoii«-e

at I" o'clock tktS morning, after whuh

th« hod- vas borne by porters to the Jcathedral, where It was placed 1n the

i«baneal A evutslfar, dressed in white,

stood nt the head of the coftln.The funeral will be held at the rathe-

dral to-mor-ow afternoon_ ...

DREW AGAIN HEADS PLAYERS.:The Player»-' «'luh at its annual meeting

last night in Ita eluhrooms. QrSfMTCyI'ark, r. alSStSd th>» f«illo\»mg ofli'crs:I..I.1, I«rew, pre.ld«'it. JoaSPb F I'.'l-vl'-e-president Hamilton Bell, secretary.and Jainea !.. Iaaidlav», treasurer.


Theodore lY'iimrhuvsen Miller, presi«dent of the Brooklyn Tr Company«died yesterdaj morning, after a brief ni¬

ât his home. No. |M Willow street.

»Brooklyn He «as born in New Yorkgraduated In

from the « 'ollegi . Itj "'' NewV..rk in tl ith the late Kdward'-'

admitted to Um sr ,ri 1171, be was aa-:. Kan« her

until l-:«:, u hen he I etary ofthe Henri c impan]

'.''i- I .,f lin- law

ii- waa a trustsi "f tiie »Brook ¦-

II".Khts ..¦¦¦mu ,r «.I the U>ngi- i: soklyn

¦1 ni.. |:.

Brooklyn Cltj »Railroad tompany,.. :. loi III the

Teli phom 'ompanj. the NewTitle Ina \. m

an)Bank, ami he

om¬it.moni cluba in Brooklyn of

' 18 I ili. Haniisrookl Montauk,

Klding and ». ing, !-.:..

1 '. '.



HORACE GREF.LEY BURT..¦....¦ Ma U Horace lIreeley

formi . Union Pa[tneer

for on of < 'oranamoki


«>->'k i ago hi ,ited «in for amalignant growth, and complicationa« i.i- o folio« id caused bis death.H..¦¦:¦:¦ Bui waa born In Jana-

IM9 and aa a «civil <II. of Michigan

begai oad work inii ni engineer In

ting to thi rank of division[| |M ht hei-ame

,t North«UN third VI«-«-

. ¦. hi we* pr.-si-ol the L'i fie »Ral road in

ivelled aro obe study«tllroad a) items



Manhattan,»us home No. 187

I 'rankl:n Piare I i-: w.is sis«ty-il i old Mi AH-

.-.i In Fit'sine veil! i

tei of s cen«turv ol .,

if ... loi,.

and < ee di I willchurch al whl hi

THE REV. JOHN A. SAVAGE.The Rev lohi v Ba sga

pastor of the rirst «Pariah Unitarian»Church of Medfleld, Mass., from

live in the civilof that pari ''fhis borne h N J vest!'. wifl

WILLIAM. W. ST. JOHN.William W, Bt John, a news) iper man

I In »bringing|

tO the from NewN V

up o« aN hen ill -el him

St .lohn II.,,r the

.<«*. was;

ROBERT PYNE.Hartford ont Ma] II H " Pyaa

for maiare of

g to 1 he ¦ turn-on ««f the tías in hla room He was

I til.-ivii War i ir a tinv

I..- publlahed 'The Weekly Examiner."lated

a it Ii ..!."a -


Is* Halbe, of No -"" North Mountainavenu« died to-day after an lUnesa ol

ontha Mr, <¡aihe was forty-He wss an Insun

t roki '¦ Ith oil '.¦¦ -. Bi\. « ., ork i !.

of Moniears Hi

v«. i:.. .h .j aia cblMWiLLIAM. A. SMITHSON.,m a Banlthson, a dvll anglneei

i... formerly i've«i In Phllad«alphla« 11« i

hla home, No M 'ook avei m,'.m al i «. ith waa en

Ml Suit «'ii «an Rlold He l< av«ea a a Ife and two

CHARLES MORTIMER MORTON.Mi- || barias hlortl«

mer Morion, «-"i. "i' the late Samuel (.

Morton, "f Philadelphia, d'.«d In Atlantici|.\ toda 111 MOrtOn «Alts boni III

Philadelphia In Ml He never »inerciany buslm tnalnlj divoted l >>'-.. i "i

u.iiiis In the IVnii-ñyii ania lloapltal Hi wai at one time

aj Ivanla Prlaon .So¬ciety. Mi Morton leaves a sister, Ml >.

Thomae h Montgomi rj.


.bea CUff,'Long Island, May 19 Nathan

A Mstsger, Maty-live rears of ape. a

e«eaith) retired dealer la sntlguss, of No.

IS Best .4th etraet, Manhattan, died in hissummer home here thla afternoon. MrMetiger, who had been a aummer rest«(i,.nt here tor more than thirt) «¦. ira

I orn .i i ¦' i"-«' He lea v. ;. a wifeand thr«-e childr« n

SUNDAY TOURISTS KEPT OUTWomen Defeat Plan to Leave

Mount Vcrnon Open.Washington. May Mi.Mount Veraoo,

borne of Poorgo Washington, wOl remain

rlooed to Völlers on Sundays as hereto«!«.re, as the re'ult of resolutions sdopted

«. the council of regenta of the Mount\eiin.n Ladh Ai ¦¦ itloa« now In sa«liual ,-csstoii.

.«.n was In response to a recent

formal mojui at from the rhamher of I'om-

passes of Washington, »pointing out thaiif open un Buadays Mount VTernon wouldb« visited annually by thOUBBadS unabl«;to do as s .¦. kdai i


LIVELY SHOW AT THE COLUMBIA.An «Aldtlme favorite with lOVOTS of bur-

the Bowerj Burleequers, with"Bddte" l'it/.C' ialil."J.o k" ijuiiiii. Mal.« ii«

Mot«.tn Mínale Lea sad Bdaa Orees as!the leedura dehghted s larjre aafjenwat the Columbia last evening. There ¦.

a lot of familiar aoi .. ,i in new« ,i i s and some new to the burlesque!told. anu.ii« them two by Mi-ci Morgan,who la »billed sa "th«- beautiful Austra¦Otis I'li'l Süd did u««rk tar above th««

burlesque k v. The auffragetteond t'.ut of tic-

i.'ir'i'-tta, was enough to induce almoet.m« loneaomi man t.. In arraeted, tor tbepouce force look«ed anything bul danger¬ous, sad there waa an enticing warden

tic peraon ol Nan Can*, "nie wholeshow is «bright and witty, and waa well Ireceived. I

M Mit HOUSES¡Bills at the Varieties for the

Current Week.


Musical Comedy, Return Visitsof Old Favorites and

Good Novelties.A rwripfefe musical comedy in a vaude-

theatre; etaboeate spectacular niu-Hding, however, a verv r«»al and

Ihai-daome lion; the return of Chlng Ling1 ¦'"". '»". « tun"-.» raai lai m [ntyre and

and Marie Dr« rager and the sp¬in* Rsssta »Yvnt. are among tha

so of this woek*itha variety bou

.mplet«. nv¡s| a' .niri-.iy, "Props."I .ni,|i|..»d at the New RrightOO Th.»,i-

ton Bant h. eaterday afatsrnooiisnd evei lag, with Billy B. Van an I the

Bisters b* the leading pand a cnni>any ..r twentj -Are I

" tes, *-i'ro; s" la a"f t.be mcldenta of Its

eeur back c

IS of a vai, atre on a Mon-afternoon. I*erforiu«Mri snd stage at¬

tachés are lntrodu» fed in an entertaln'ng.ray, Billy If Van being the -.rotiert»man, Who Is far more In evidence thanaras even his CMneea colkagua in "The

The fun Is faM and i-

rad to hag, and the» prodl dim.

not forgetting thei of the chorus. Another hit of theBrighton progrsmma la Datro, who

renders mu le on the piano a«**cordaoa allthe «ray from OPBTB to ragtime. There la

thing in dan-ing that the Eight Berlindo, SI d MlM lÂOtno and

Jeannette are two graceful and skilfulyoung acroi

The great Lalla Mbtnl presents at theT nlon Sr>i:are Tksatre this week her elab¬orate «fiectacular Illusiona. which requirefor the performance a large company ofplayers, a Hon and a horse. The me-

Ica] darices are Ingenious and workwell. Th«*Sbe«-t act of this young woman's

programme Is "The Lion's Bride,''with its dex«*eroua substitution at the last

la the role o«* the-. for the lion tn the CSgS InttS

which the young girl he wouid wed1« to he t use ahe refusesto renounce htm, the Sultan» 80n.

This Hot.'» bride !«. not the one of the

well known picture« but a girl o* the

Arabian Night«-, the ¦ l gaining muchfrom its Orients! getting after the man-

of tha Ruaalan ballets. Another ln-

genloua Uluaioi It iitlon of a

livtag v»..man for a Clay figure- "TheBathing Beaul i ; lenly *aUr**ounded

¦proutlng tountalna and flowers ¦.».her.«

a moment before there eras nothingon the stage ex .» and a model's

a third III lalon is that of "The«ai Pire Drama,'' with it«- ellBaaa of

a tire engine In full career, horses geJiop-m hissing and smoke UlUag the

a versatile Isdy la Mme 1 Ibtal,I ¦) .-¦ do« -¦ other . sb, hm hei lUta-stuns are wall

i ich s

It' the 1 1 I > 1'iare this week.

funnier than Wyni ha*

t« and strengthened bl «->..¦

.. -fa J« it« n i ¦ si

I a bit of entertainment of Its kind as

can he fotU d.-

A playlet, dealine witi: tl 0 present pop-

U ir subject of crooks. In wlilh a thinly«relied «mbodtment of a man whose nam-

.!y on every one's lias, Iiof th.» m«»st prominent characters, !a

principal offering ai Hainmsrstirin There is much merit i i th»»

.. which i« entitled 1 ha fc item,of Tsylor IraB

-. »»ho plays 'be peri of the crook -n

I an enter! manner. He is ablj-. d t v Lain i PI« f-pom. »vho playa

and Intelligence andbeen ai p«*eclatlon or the biimor«

rtaln Bttusliiffoi sal Im-

n of the grafting d« t<-<-tiv... who

greateat crook < ist UM'-Intvr« and Heath, in

their familiar droller :ct worn.

... er, and |.«.!-;.. Bated i

thai hit the mark Pialoath, a " ru irkahly pretty and vivacious

g aroman, made s distinct hit, withHarry Lsvan, In some noi land

..« \ novel act of Hanlonand CUffc v. o a -. ompllshed thastriking feats Of strenglh and hair."

and eertataty. Martin Brown and RoaBClka Dol - tad a dancing set

:. both were extremel) gra ¦>.'n nnd¦ d EJdwards v»cr«> aaccassful

in a different ia - Dr Carlii rman, th« ''tamer o«- .>-tr'city," ami

.won Comsd) Four were also en the

programmaMarie Pressler, sylphlike and silver»-

i. beads the bOJ al th« I thisweek in an act thing fromgrand otters to ¦make dancing Not sat-

With making the BUdienCS laugh Bl

hard as they did during the entire per-I formsnoa, aha wrung sobs from tue tan«

.!. r hearted with a touching little reclta-tion of the hab\ s-£on.-»\ uat w lll-mother-do now variety. Ralph Herí', another

Iheadllnar on the bill thta week, sings a

few songs la bis well known *jrhtina.«*al¡ma nur. One Of them. "If Totti STlfe Sa» s

it's Black." was vary weii .¡one. and

hears a rsasmhlanra to hi.« old "CouldTom Do It?" which be made populareotne yasra age. Bthel Oreen, the charm¬

ing little, comédienne. Singa one or taregood things anil wears some stunning

gowns Fraakljm Ardall and Man»» Wal¬ten appear in S rat lier good sketch, "TheSnfTranettc" Tom Dingle and the I-:.--jni.-r.ilil.i sisters are a »ei». good trio of Idan«.:«. Tom Mingles iSOSB llmbsd ca-j».«.rtiiig. sonii'Wliat after the fashion of'

1'rc.l Stone. proving very amusing.

Among the others are BalflBB Hraatz. the

lady who piggies all sit« of things ;n- jeluding soap bubbles, «'liarles and Pan-1nie Van. in a stage sketch, and M

and ....ein. »vith tin Ir humorous dla-1logue nnd dsaosa

At the Palace Theatre. which ha« he»n

playing to «¡ajMrit* audlenoea ever since

tha beginning of Mme lh-niliarilts en-

gag«nviit, the varlet] bill Includes 1». s-l

W ) nri. in the best of her ponular r»

tori of soi go; Hilly Q«tMdd and Helle A«ah-Ivn; «»wen MeOtveney« hl "Bill Sikes,"Ms »er-ion of "«»liver Twist." In which

laya ave ekassjeteri sa set seen her«.

before, but ri'talniiig all Its popular!!»-;Italian mustclaní and ràlagsrs; an aate*>tainmg irav.sty. ¦¦Travelling." present»'dby Monroe Hopkins sad Lais Axteii, and

atatoary pases i>>- Robbte thotûaaut,

The bill at the Fifth Avenue tbls week

Is an CSeepUonslly good ore. and has toteadlu.er CbfaSg Ung Too and his

company of OriiMltala Besides th« bâter-Ile exhibition (¿¡ven by ih.se

'.nie oiig men snd me feats of!. gerd« m.in- rforinad by "Mng Ling Fhimself,. 1: tie Miss Chee Toy, who is an-

noun<-«-<1 on the programme as the mslyChinese i-omedienne In the world, «!n«sone or tar. typical rajftime sonps In a

truly charttiinp manner. Her slight Hypiti preweunelag bobs of the ""awsoary«ookume" only BSTVeS to make the BSBSMmore attractive. ChM Sal«' has a reallygood vOlage i-choolroom act. In whteh betakes- several different characters« froma schoolboy consumed with embarra-««ment ano BtaaMMftBg »through S "I1'«*to tha deacon, with his red-topped bootsand turk«'>-n.-the-straw breakdown. Mr

:, Webb sad Ids oompany m-

treri '.¦"iiahlr the o:i"-a"t |la" ".Mr

friend," winch f:i:> a genuine thrifl in

the fina) sene. |. a Shlrl«>. the Httlelady with the Nk voice, smes pla«aMnglysad has n «K-o.'d partner, ai Wohlaaaa« a

barytone, win reopomla her so -. tt\ iun.- oi t! He a rata t a songa¦ .1 | hv Misa S'.ü!«" Phlna and herratl.er full blown ¡.iekar.inn;«'- do s,.

songs an 1 dances, and the daivln«*clever. B.-rtisk, the Strong trat

some enough to awks the feminineof th<- au.ii'Tic« quits Indifferent to th-

|fael that he is hjggHa| two hundr.dpound weights.

THEATRICAL NOTES.The I'.ivton Stock ( ompanv

opened tin« Park Theatre last nipht Witha performance of "A Butterfly or theWheel. At the Manhattan Opera Hous«

,,r of atocl waa sun » ith "AJimmy Valentin«William C lie Milles "The Woman.''

¦one of the successes of the season. «Illhe offered at the Harlem Opera Hon?«-next week, with Florence Malone andLoweii «Sherman In the cast.

The Mount Morris Theatre, at tilthstreet and Fifth avenue, opened Its don«--«for the first time last nlpht, presenting

\ Butterfly «m the Wheel" with a newst... k company headed by Wilson Mi

and Nance Groya.»tain Smith of the British ronvlet

shin Success has ehal>npe<i IToudlmwi o Bays that he can escape from M

the old ship, no matter howr.led, to attempt the teat.

Willis P, fr-'weatnam is announced to

¡Appear In a new comedy by RupartI Indies under the direction of Henry W.Bavaga early next fall.

Marparet Anplin has accepted an Invi¬tation to appear at th* Oreek Theetv«In I'altfornia la the latter part of August.Florence Martin and Inez Bauer «4r.ll

appear In "Mlle Modiste" at the Glob«on Monday nlpht.Klaw & Erlanger and Charles W. Bom-

era have bepun arrangements for thebuil'line of i> hippodrome In Milwaukeeon the site of the Plankineton Hotel."The Bpy of the Olen," a five-act

drr.ma. will be produced at the Waldorf-Astoria on Weilnesdav evenln«?. May 2'.v the etud«*nta of the .fll Hallowa Co.-

leglate institute. .

The enpapement of "DamajreiS Good.«"at the Fulton Theatre has been extendedIndefinitely at the ri«fl,iii"«f of many prom-IniI. Of tlie city

ONE-WEEK THEATRES.I st'.ck comnanv at Keith's Ha-'c-m

f'pera House produced last n'aht "Th«.Master of tlie House." a drama of tr.i

taken divorce, by Bdgar Jam-s Thispiece has much more t! an averagematiL merit, and If wa«; very I

rlly interpreted. I «oweII Sherman took

part of Frederick Hoffman, the morethan middle as«^«l captain of Industry,who is led into a serióse blundei Inting off old ties for new. and took It

skill Martha Oatman. as hla firstwife; lone McGraM, as his daughter,and Florence Melons, as the eocond I[Hoffman, were also most commendThe bouse was «rowd.d «end highlypreefatlvc «Setereen the a«cta IIAuk gave

I Impersonations and Ho: Levoj sang som.sentimental songs.

I«eo Dltrlchstein in "The Womaithe offering at the West »Sad Th Lira !week This will I..- Mr I'ltrIns», anpe.ir.inces in this delicious en''

¡of the SUSPOCtlbUity of genius ar:cure bv a (leer w ,:e

"The f.iack Paul' and her eeaapany«if colored playera snd lingers openedfOI tl .¦ week last nicht at the '1

<>ren lions« in " 'aptaln Jasper." Tn tcompany Is "Happy" Jullua Qleaa,

PALISADES PARK.T » eaudeetlle b:ii n» I «Ml .," seeele]

Palisades Amusement Pur...opposite the West >j||b street ferry, are

ost elaborate and verted

i «ollar Troup-s, In hlbllng, bead the «programme on tbihii'i'iiiironi. stage win a aensal .i

r. hatte thriller Istrap« at.ee of tl:,- Two Will«

lamsee The Glentiale Troupe, three mener a aatlng

Mitch" I on S revolving lad-daring

11 ;,....: etartlii-lo airship He

is ., topllner In lis dangerous profesiand was t."- some aaoo4aat«*dLincoln >3«eacbey. There n'a mar," n«v.

¡eitles for the entertainment of visitorsTío Sch.'t'.ck brothers have manare,! P«i-

park non foi aeveral reara »lin


MARRIED.I'LN'-TBE.'.nV't'.U, At F"lu«v!rij. V.

1 Uoeósmt, Ma) IS ISIS, hv rj . Ha¦.Francis rraaek Lit i

i,. 1 a« let«.» » Nocurd«,

Notice« nt msrrinite«, and death« «mtist haSSI oni pan led by full name and addre««.

DIEDBrooknan Jn'.r. 0 T*7. Emit» L B.llun/i. Kme.t. Jackson, WlUtan V.

.'. Miller, ThaoOer« W,ci,««. TvoojmJ. Monon. Charlee M.Dutcher, KimcS.

BlfiOKMAN tl tVeot Ptt% \\,r 17, ¡j'.i..n.hn r Brookman, ..¦¦» W ira >»r-,i.»s íesid.ce, Warnt Park, May 30, at 8 1Burial it Greenwood, V.» Ji,at 11;!.Y

I Monday. May 1? I>neet Bun.red buabead et 'arrie,

«ire, '..¦r«-«i.Jen> e. No. I ,. . 0:1 V.

'.. at one o'e'e k«ii ITFIEI D Ent. r- d Ii to re.. Heart f

lam CbaUleliX May l". ISO m bla¦ ot funeral beieafter,

RAS m.iv la Tvaaaa .lonepinn» Croe tnta4a rieh«), beloved » If« of n3«. feats. Funeral from

We 31 K'kMIi a.\r Thur»no«.:,

HER Sua teniv en MonrtajISIS, i:ri"«n l»uiclier Nuti.« of (u

faï-jih MaaaMjr, Mar ''¦ Ue\ at liaaafenl!o'.n In

Ulneo». Kriiio ;<.i,i». Bostwlck la wMli« ¡11 K l-'rtvInonder «ni Elisabeth .-^ofieiri Uom» k

h'un.-ril notice will be uivinJAi'KSON.Sn.llenh, at jfewaik, N I. en

M iv 17, ISM, \\'üllatn riMllliliiiJaekaea, »on of the la'' W Woloott «n«l Nani'i«. \>e Jackaon, In the ISUi year of Is ag<Pumral servi:«- at tin« late home. No <A4Hlgb at, on i ix >'¦ el " 3"K.-Utlve« and fr.^rnlii h re In-. ire.J to at'enIri.-rinent at Mount I'l«^s««an;

MII.LKR-Theoilore F Mlllrr. at hi» re«|r|en«e,N" IM Willo» »t M'.tvtay moniin«. May 1».tn the «¿31 year of hi» a««\ I'm..Ann» i'hurch. «Clinton an-t LiVtagBtas at-,

Kl\n. Tluir*!n. May B, at 10:30 aInterment at convenlen«« of family. KindlyOmit flower«.

MORTON.Al Atlantie r|tv, *t. j, «n PuneU-..Mai 1-. charle» MortlMOi Morton, son «>'I., i.- r>r, si.imuel Qearga Morton. In th«feu of tit» age. Service* will b« hel.l at.'hrlat Memorial r hur, h. «d and Cheetnut»i».. rhlladelphia. on Wednesday afttrnMay :i. at 3 o'clock.


THE \V04H1I..\MN CTCMETEnT:.;.".l s; By Hnrl.m Train and br TrolUy.

Office. M K.iüt '.'".«l »t.. n. T.


».R\NK r.. ChMS.11, M1 *1 W»«« tUH< < hapel». Privât» Ho«.m», l'nvate Amba-lancea. Tel. 132* ChaUca.