ufo files from the uk government; defe 24/2049

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  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    (c) 'C ro wn c o py r i g ' , h tw - r-

  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    RESTRICTED/UNCLASSIFIED MOD Form 3290(Revised 8/00)

    PPQ = 100MINISTRY OF DEFENCEAttenti9n is drawnto t l: lE~'notes onthe inside flap.


    II I-----------~-----------l-----------I II I

    MiniEnel Referred toeferred to Referred to Date Date

  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Registered File Disposal Form MOD Form 262F(Revised 9/01)Reference:c(3\~~o\~\~\~

    Date of last enclosure: Date closed:

    PART 1. DISPOSAL SCHEDULE RECOMMENDATION(To be completed when the fi le i s closed)

    Destroy after yearst o !D

    Forward to INFO(EXP)-R after __ years DReviewer's Reviewer'sSignature: Signature: _o recommendation D

    PART 2. BRANCH REVIEW(To be ful ly completed at t ime of f ile c losure)(De le te as app rop ri a te ) Va. Of no further administrative value and n orthy of permanent preservation. DESTROY IMMEDIATELY (Remembe hat TOP SECRET Dand Codeword material cannot be des a local ly and must be forwarded to INFO(EXP)-R.

    LEGALt o !D

    b. (i) To be retained ttntITthe end of the year for the following reason(s):


    PPQ = 10 0 (Continued overleaf)

  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    (ii) K ey e nc lo su re s w hic h su pp or t th e re co mm en da tio n a re :

    DestroyedC on sid ere d b y D R fo rpe rmanen t p rese rva ti on

    P AR T 3 . BR i va lent )

    O f n o fu rth er a dm in is tr at iv e v alu e b ut w o rth y o f c on sid er at io n b y IN FO(E XP )- R fo r p erma ne nt p re se rv atio n,




    Name: (Block Capitals) \Grade/Rank:~ ' " ' 1 - . Date: a . . . S \0,,\67B ra n ch T it le a nd Fu ll A d dr es s:\",,--00'0f\'\\ \~' ~\.\-D \_~\ _ S ) \ \ - ~'\E\\~\.__ ;;L.O~DP.

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    Grade/Rank: ----_--,.L/':_"_" Date: _,/'W itn es se d b y (T OP S EC FjE t" a nd S EC RE T o nly)S ignature : _ :/_' _



    (B lock Capi ta ls)Grade/Rank: _ Date: _"(F OR D R U SE O NLY )

    Astron, J0217876, 11/04

  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Dear~I am writing concerning your request for released information, on UFOs and UFO sightings.Your requests have been passed to this Department as we are the focal point within theMinistry of Defence for correspondence regarding UFOs.MOD files on UFOs were routinely destroyed after 5 years until 1967 when they weregenerally preserved for The National Archives. A few have survived from 1967 and thesetogether with records up to 1977 are now available for viewing. The National Archives can becontacted at Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or telephone, 02088763444.The National Archives also have a website giving information about the records they hold andhow to access them. They can be found on the internet at http://www.nationalarchives.qo.uk.In addition,The Ministry of Defence Freedom of Information Publication Scheme also containsdocuments relating to well known events in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk in 1980 and the finalreport of the Flying Saucer Working Party in 1951. These can be accessed via the internet athttp://www.foLmod.uk. A search in the Scheme under 'UFO' will take you to this information.We are looking to see if further information can be made available to the public and we arecurrently compiling a database of reports which we intend to publish in the MOD Freedom ofInformation Publication Scheme at the end of June 2005.I hope this will be helpful.Yours sincerely-

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    AIT Main - Resume Ownership - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2 . .

    Workflow OptionsAIT MainViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAssign Wi th in My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Received: 25 Jan05Expiry Date: _CI5i!'Status: Open

    Edi ting the request details will in it ia te a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the exist ing save search results.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle: Other:

    *Surname:irst Name:Organisation:Applicant Type: Not Specified Other:Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Line!: -=====:JAddress Line2:Address Line3:Town/City:Postcode: Country:Email:Telephone: Fax:

    http://aitportalI_Layouts/ AITIOftLineResponse.aspx?sn=CN3 RKNT 193,3849,258 31/ 01/ 2005

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    AIT Main - Resume Ownership - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2 . .

    GxAITESTPTCDI31 January 05

    Workflow OptionsAI T MainViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Within My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Received:Expiry Date:Status:Edi ting the request detai ls wil l init iate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: 1 . . : 1 e:.;.,;le::,:c::,::t:.,;:ro:;,:_n:.;.:ic=--..J Language Requested Welsh

    Please could you send me the informat ion that you have released on UFO and UFO sightings meny than

    http://aitportal/_Layouts/AIT/OftLineResponse.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,3849,258 3110112005

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    MOD files on UFOs were routinely destroyed after 5 years until 1967 when they weregenerally preserved for The National Archives. A few have survived before 1967 and thesetogether with records up to 1977 are now available for viewing. The National Archives can becontacted at Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or telephone, 02088763444.The National Archives also have a website giving information about the records they hold andhow to access them. This can be found on the internet at http://www.nationalarchives.go.uk.I hope this will be helpful.Yours sincerely

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  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2

    GxAITESTPTCDI16 February 05

    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Within My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Internal TransferEdit ing the request detai ls wil l ini tiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the exist ing save search results.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle: Other:First Name: ~IBirmingham Evening M~

    *Surname:Organisation:Applicant Type: Media and Journalists Other:Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Linel: !o..:..P..;::O;_:B::..;O::;,:,X:...,7;..;8::.,__Address Line2: Iweaman StreetAddress Line3: !Bi rminghamTown/City:Postcode:Email:


    Telephone: Fax:

    http://aitportal/_Layouts/AIT/InternaITransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,6437,68 16 102/ 2005

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  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Dear~I am writing concerning your request for information about "recently released files relating toUFOs held by S-4". Your message has been passed to this Department as we are the focalpoint within the Ministry of Defence for correspondence about UFOs.I believe you are referring to records that were released at The National Archives in January2005 which include UFO sighting reports and correspondence sent to the predecessor of thisbranch (S4(Air) ) in the mid 1970s. These records are no longer held by the Ministry ofDefence, but details of how to access records atThe National Archives and for their on line catalogue, please go towww.nationalarchives.gov.uk .I hope this is helpful.

    Ministry of DefenceDirectorate of Air ~m of Information5th Floor, Zone H, 40Main BuildingWhitehallLONDONSW1A2HBe-mail:[email protected] March 2005

    http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/mailto:e-mail:[email protected]:e-mail:[email protected]://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
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    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page I of2

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    GxAITESTPTCDI23 February 05

    Internal TransferEdit ing the request deta ils wi ll ini tiate a new search.The new search resul ts wil l be saved and wi ll replace the existing save search resul ts.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle: Other:

    *Surname:irst Name:Organisation: ITOYOTA: : = : : : = = = = = = = -pplicant Type: Businesses~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other:Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Linel:Address Line2:Address Line3:Town/City:Postcode: Country:Email:Telephone: Fax:

    http://aitportal/_Layouts/AIT/IntemalTransfer/IntemalTransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,6733,112 23/02/2005

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    _ _

    I nt er na lT r a n sf er - R e ci p ie nt A c ce p ta nc e - Ed it R equ es t D e ta il s Page I of2

    GxAITESTPTCD!23 February 05

    Days Left:Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search ResultContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAssignWithin My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentCloseCaseTake Ownership

    Editing the request details will initiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: L: e : . ! . : l e ~ c : . ! : . t r ~ o = . : . n : : . : i c = - - _J Language Requested Welsh

    recently released files relating to UFO's held by 5-4

    h tt : // ai t o r ta l/ La ou ts /A IT /I n temaITrans fe r /I n te rna ITrans fe rAcce t an ce. as x? sn=CN3RKNT193, 6733, 112 23/0212005

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    I am writing concerning your request for information about the alleged UFO incident inRendlesham Forest, Suffolk in 1980. Your message has been passed to me as this office isthe focal point within the Ministry of Defence for correspondence about UFOs.All the documents the Ministry of Defence holds on the events at Rendlesham Forest havealready been released to the public and can be seen on the MOD Freedom of InformationPublication Scheme at www.foLmod.uk. A search under "Rendlesham Foresf' will take youdirectly to these documents. Alternatively if you wish to see all the classes of information onUFOs in the Scheme, please search on "UFO". There is also further released informationavailable at The National Archives and details can be found on their websitewww.nationalarchives.gov.uk .I hope this is helpful.

    ~nceDirectorate of Air SiilledOrr of Information5th Floor, Zone H, __ 40JMain BuildingWhitehallLONDONSW1A2HBe-mail:[email protected] March 2005

    http://www.folmod.uk./http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/mailto:e-mail:[email protected]:e-mail:[email protected]://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/http://www.folmod.uk./
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    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2

    Days Left:Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments logSaved Search ResultContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAssign Within My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    GxAITESTPTCDJ07 March 05

    Edi ting the request detai ls will ini tiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the exist ing save search results.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle:


    First Name:Organisation:Applicant Type: Not Specified Other:Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Linel:Address Line2:Address Line3: 1 . . .:1 G:;.:.la:.;s=.;;9z.;:o:.,:.w:.,__.....JTown/City:Postcode:Email:

    United Kingdomountry:

    Telephone: Fax:

    http://aitportal/_Layouts/AIT/IntemalTransfer/IntemaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,8675,68 07/03/2005

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    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page 1of2 . .

    GxAITESTPTCDI07 March 05

    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Wi th in My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Edit ing the request detai ls wi ll ini tiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the exist ing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: .:1 e::.;le:::;:c:.::_tr:_:o:.:_n::,;:ic=--I Language Requested Welsh

    Iam looking to study the subject of UFO's. Iam looking to request al l f iles/reports on the Rendelsham Forrest incidentof December 1980.

    email held with info access helpdesk

    htto:llaitoortall_Lavouts/AIT/IntemalTransferlIntemalTransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,8675,68 07/03/2005

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  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2

    GxAITESTPTCDi07 March 05


    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Within My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Edi ting the request detai ls wil l in it ia te a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle:First Name:Organisation:Applicant Type:


    Other:Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Linel:Address Line2:Address Line3:Town/City:Postcode:Email:Telephone:

    IUnited Kingdom http://aitportal/_Layouts/AIT/IntemaITransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT194,8413,120 07/03/2005

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    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2_eGxAITESTPTCDI07 March 05


    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAssign Wi thin My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Internal TransferEdi ting the request detai ls wil l init ia te a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: Language Requested Welshelectronic

    hi, i recently watched a documentary about UFO's and paranormal act ivity, at the end of which it said that the ministrywas releasing several f iles under the freedom of information act. i have searched for quite a while but with no results.please if i could have the addres for these files, i would great ly appreciate it .your kind regars

    emai l held with info access helpdesk

    http:// aitportall _Layoutsl AITIInternalTransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3 RKNTI94,8413, 120 07/03/2005

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  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Dear~I am writing concerning your request for information about 'UFO incidents' in the BerwynMountains in Wales, and Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk. Your request has been passed to thisDepartment because we are the focal point within the Ministry of Defence for correspondenceabout UFOs.The alleged events at the Berwyn Mountains took place on 24 January 1974 and the Ministryof Defence UFO records for this period are now open for public viewing at The NationalArchives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU. Details of how to access information at TheNational Archives can be found on their website at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk. A quicklook at the archives catalogue (PROCAT) has revealed two files for this period that might holdrelevant information. These are AIR 2/18873 (Unidentified Flying Objects 1973-74) and AIR2/18874 (Unidentified Flying Objects 1974-75).All of the Ministry of Defence records about the Rendlesham Forest Incident have beenincluded in the MOD Freedom of Information Publication Scheme and can be viewed atwww.foLmod.uk. A search under "Rendlesham Foresf' will take you directly to scannedimages of these records.I hope this is helpful.

    ~nceDirectorate of Air Staff - Freedom of Information5th Floor, Zone H,~ 40 IMain BuildingWhitehallLONDONSW1A2HBe-mail:[email protected] March 2005

    http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk./http://www.folmod.uk./mailto:e-mail:[email protected]:e-mail:[email protected]://www.folmod.uk./http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk./
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    I nt er na lT r a ns fe r - R ec ip ie nt A c ce p ta nc e - Ed it R equ es t D e ta il s Page 1 of2

    GxAITESTPTCD!01 February 05

    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Wi th in My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Internal TransferEditing the request details will initiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Date request received:Applicant Details


    Title: Other:First Name: *Surname:

    Applicant Type:

    Contact Details (Mailing or email address required)

    Address Line1:Address Line2:Address Line3:Town/City:Postcode: Country: United KingdomEmail:Telephone: Fax:

    http: //aitportal/_Layouts l AITIIntemalTransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT I93 ,4459,68 01/02/2005

  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Internal Transfer - Recipient Acceptance - Edit Request Details Page I of2 ,

    GxAITESTPTCDI01 February 05


    Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Wi th in My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdit Request DetailsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Internal TransferEdit ing the request deta ils will in it ia te a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: 1 .: .1 h!:::a:.!.:rd~c:!:o:t!p:.z.y _ Language Requested Welsh*Enter the request for information:I wish for any current and updated information into the two following incidents which occurred and where classedas 'UFO incidents'. These are the Berwyin Mountain Crash in Wales. I am not sure of exact date. The second one ison the Rendlesham Forest incident in Dec/Jan 1980/1981.

    Record storage location of Applicant request (or upload document) .Emai l held with Info Access Helpdesk

    hrtp:llaitportal/_Layouts/AIT/IntemalTransfer/IntemalTransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNTI93,4459,68 01/ 02/ 2005

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    I am writing concerning your request for information about 'unidentified flying objects'. Yourrequest has been passed to this department because we are the focal point within theMinistry of Defence for correspondence about UFOs. I will answer your questions / requestsin the same order as your message.

    e D e a r j S S U i 2 i i 1 0 1

    (1 & 2). The link to The Independent articles mentioned in your message is not working, but Iam aware that the newspaper has produced two articles concerning the release of UFOinformation. The first of these refers to the incidents you mention in paragraph 1 and 2 ofyour message and was written following the release of information at The National Archives inJanuary. This information is no longer held by the MOD as it is now open for public viewing atThe National Archives. Details of how to access information at The National Archives can befound on their website at www.nationalarchives.gov.uk.(3). The second article in The Independent followed a Freedom of Information request for alist of UFO reports received by the MOD. I attach a copy of the information given to thenewspaper which you may find useful. Personal details about the people who made thesereports was withheld in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. With regard to yourrequest for all the paperwork about these reports, I should inform you that this information isnot held electronically, but these basic details were extracted from paper files in order toanswer this request. Before copies of these reports could be released, they would have to becopied and all personal data would have to be removed in accordance with the DataProtection Act 1998. We estimate that to conduct this exercise for all of the reports listedhere would exceed the permitted 600 limit set for compliance with the Freedom ofInformation Act and as provided by Section 12 of the Act, the Ministry of Defence is notobliged to comply with your request. If however, you wish to be more specific about theinformation you are seeking we may be able to assist you further. In the meantime you maywish to be aware that we are compiling a database of all the UFO reports we hold and weintend to publish it at the end of June in the MOD Freedom of Information Publication Scheme,which can be found at www.foLmod.uk.(4 to 6). The MOD does not have any expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer'matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial lifeforms, aboutwhich it remains totally open-minded. I should add that to date the MOD knows of noevidence which substantiates the existence of these alleged phenomena.(7). As you will see from the attached list, the UFO sighting reports we receive describeobjects of various shapes and colours.(8). This is a hypothetical question as the MOD knows of no evidence of the existence ofsuch phenomena.I hope this is helpful. If this information does not address your requirements or you wish tocomplain about any aspect of the handling of this request, then you should contact thisdepartment in the first instance. Should you remain dissatisfied, then you may apply for aninternal review by contacting the Director of Information Exploitation, 6th Floor, MOD MainBuilding, Whitehall, SW1A 2HB.If you are still unhappy following an internal review, you may take your complaint to theInformation Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of InformationAct. Please note that the Information Commissioner will not investigate your case until theMOD internal review process has been completed. Further details of the role and powers ofthe Information Commissioner can be found on the Commissioner's website,http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk.Yours sincerely,

    Ministry of Defence

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    Directorate of Air ~om of Information51h Floor, Zone H, 0Main BuildingWhitehallLondonSW1A2HBe-mail:[email protected]


    mailto:e-mail:[email protected]:e-mail:[email protected]
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    ** TO BE GIVEN A HIGH PRIORITY DAS1 b 2 N o " . . . . -2 5 J A N 2 0 0 5IE-MAIL

    TREAT OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCETo :bf\c; ( l : - . f \ ) 'r0p

    cc,TO Ref No J - Z _ ~

    -2-) -/2005

    Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -The Prime Minister/SofS/Min(AF)lMin(DP)IUSofS/MOD* has received the attachedcorrespondence from a member of the public, which this office has neither retained noracknowledged. Please send a reply on behalf of the PM/Minister/Department".Ministers attach great importance to correspondence being answered promptly, and your replyshould be sent within 15 working days of the above date. If, exceptionally, this should proveimpossible, an interim reply should be sent within the same timescale. You should be aware thatNo 10 periodically calls for a sample of letters sent by officials on the PM's behalf for hisperusal.Most correspondence involves some form of request for information - even if it is only a requestfor clarification of Government policy - and is therefore covered by the Freedom of InformationAct (FOIA) from January 2005. In general, if you meet the deadline for responding tocorrespondence, and comply with any requests for information, there is no need to do anythingdifferently as this will meet the requirements of the Act. However, if the correspondencerequests information which is not already in the public domain, and which might need to bewithheld, then you should treat it as a FOIA request, track it using the Access to Informationtoolkit, and comply with the separate FOI guidance from DG Info (seehttp://aitportalldefault.aspx for details). However, the deadline for responding to correspondencewill still apply. If you are in any doubt as to whether a piece of correspondence should be treatedas an FOIA request, you should ask your FOI Focal Point or refer to the guidance produced byDGInfo.It is vital that branches ensure they have simple systems to record and track correspondencereceived from members of the public. This information should be regularly monitored andreviewed against the targets for answering correspondence published in the Spending Review2000 Service Delivery Agreement for the Ministry of Defence.As part of our monitoring procedure, random spot checks on the accuracy of your branchrecords on correspondence will be performed throughout the year.

    Ministerial Correspondence UnitFloor 5, . A 2HBf: OIl: [email protected].

    Detailed guidance on handling TO Correspondence can be found on the Defence Intranet at http://main.de!ence.mod.uklmin_parI/ParlBrchITOGuid.htmIf you do not have access to the Intranet, please inform the Ministerial Correspondence Unit.

    ** TO BE GIVEN A HIGH PRIORITY ** Delete as appropriate.


    Revised January 2005

    http://aitportalldefault.aspx/mailto:[email protected]://main.de%21ence.mod.uklmin_pari/ParlBrchITOGuid.htmhttp://main.de%21ence.mod.uklmin_pari/ParlBrchITOGuid.htmmailto:[email protected]://aitportalldefault.aspx/
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    ----------------------- 1 > 1- 61- 2.00S - l t ~Z4S'"- 0 i(J&~t} ..v(2( ~~.

    behalf of MinistersSent:To:Subject:24 January 2005 12:41DAS-FOIFW: Freedom of Information Request

    Advance Treat Official CorrespondenceThe MCU has received the message below, which obviously requires urgent attention. We will nowallocate it a number, log it on to our database, and send it to you in hard copy. But in the meantime,we thought you might wish to start work on preparing an answer now.Regards,Ministerial Correspondence Unit5th Floor, Zone AMain Buildinge: [email protected]

    FromSent: anuary 2005 11 :49To: [email protected]: Freedom of Information RequestFreedom of Information OfficerMinistry of DefenceDear Sir/Madam,I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled underthe freedom of information act. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query asspecifically as possible. If however this request is too wide or too unclear, I would be grateful if youcould contact me as I understand that under the act, you are required to advise and assist requesters.http://news. independent. co. uk/u k/pol ttlcs/story .jsp?story=6034 701. Please could I have all paperwork regarding the most credible reports of a possible visit byextraterrestrial life-forms is one made by an RAF pilot and two NCOs at RAF Boulmer inNorthumberland.2. Please could I have all paperwork regarding a British Airways Tri-Star on a return flight fromPortugal in July 1976 was involved in an incident which led to the scrambling of fighter jets. (Pleasesee the Independent's article) 3. Please could I have all paperwork regarding all details in theIndepedent article - http://news.independent.co. uk/uk/pollttcs/stcrv .jsp?story=6034704. Is there any evidence that MOD or the Government making any contacts with any UFOs in past 100years?5. Has UFOs been in any form of communication to the Government / MOD? Any evidence that UFOshas been existed?6. Has MOD / Government enter any agreements with the UFOs?7. Is there any type of UFOs or are any reports are regarding to the same type of the UFOs?8. If UFOs are existed, then would the Government allow the citizens to know the information or wouldthey put that as strictly withheld from the public?I understand that under the act, I should be entitled to a response within 20 working days. I would begrateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request. I look forward to hearingfrom you in the near future.Yours,


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://news.independent.co./http://news.independent.co./mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com


  • 8/7/2019 UFO files from the UK government; DEFE 24/2049


    Fax froll!

    Source: The IndependentS.:MainDate: Saturday. January 22, 2005Edition:Early Page: 17Gire:260,259 Area:573.02sq. em

    Client: MINISTRY OF DEFENCEBrief: MOO Northwood

    24/81/85 1&:53 Pg: 2

    Uncovered at last: th e sigh tings of strangeflying objects found in Brita in 's 'X -Files'B Y R OB ER T Y 'ER K.\IKTHJ!:YCONTAINBritain's very It adds: "Two contacts wereow n X-Files: thousands of clas- noted on radar, both T84 andsified do cument s d e ta il in g cred- T85, at RA F B ou bn er. TheyibJeobservationsofunidenti6ed were also seen on the Staxtonflying objects reported by RAF Wold radar pidure which ispersouneI ,Brit ishAirwayspilo ts relayed to West Drayton. .. Onand senior potiee oIl'ieers. seeing the objects on radar theNow under the Freedom of duty eontrvller c h ec ke d w it b theInionnation laws, files previ- SRO at RAF West Drayton asously held by the Ministry of to whether he eouk1 See the ob-Def en ce 's s pe eia l U FO d ep ar t- jeets on radar s up pl ie d f romment, known as SF4, are being RAF Staxlon Wold"released to the pubJic. , \ 1 . Th is aeCOUDtwas deemed soAmong the most credible sensitive to the national interestreports of a po ss ib l e visit by ex - that tbe MoD had delayed it s re -traterrestri.al l if e -fo rms i s one lease for an ex ir a three years.made by an RAF pilot and tw o But under the Freedom of In-NCOs at RAF BoWmer in formation Act.whieh came intoNorthumberland. CoreeOb 1January, the IDehasInJuly 1977FI t LtA M W OOd been reviewed an d declassified.reported "bright o Q i e c t s hang- Some oftMotherreports areing

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    Fax fron24/81/85 1,:53 Pg: 3

    Souroe:Thelndepe~S.:Matn: Saturday. January 22. 2005'Edition: Early Page:42eire: 260,259 Area: 72.1 sq. em

    Client: MINISTRY OF DEfENCEBrief: MOD Northwood

    - -. J ! " . . ' ; ' . . . . . ~ J p . t , ' . 1 o J !'fI:llI!B:'"~~"":t.~

    /" 1Dubious encounters of the British k ind


    BRlTAlN'S "X-FILES" are open at lasl 'I1IeIndependent. with help from th e new Freedom ofIDformation Act, has 3 . C O i I 8 8 e d documents whichhitherto Ja y bidden deep within theMinistfyofDe-fence's spectal UFOdepartment, Jmown as SF4.'!'be le$timooies froJn threedemde5 ago arems-c :in at in gb ut , ~ b ar ely en ou gh to IIl8 ke evm th emost credulous con..~theorisfsmouth\Wtet:Consider the details of this sigbtiDguear Newcast le-Wlder.Lyme in J u z y . 1977: IfBright,.. objects bang-ing over the sea. Wminous,round-ctfourto fivetilnes larger than aWbidwind heIieopt.ef.>t It's Dot

    exactly Cl.os~ Encounters O f the 17I.ird Kind.But there is enougb there tor tho se w ho cling tothe idea that aIieil1ife.fonns have wisited us fromouter space. After a D , fall the popmJarity of LSDin the 197Os, the witnesses are sober fuJk suc :h a sRAFpetSOODeland seriiorflQliee ofIicers. Sowe c:yn.ies illtbe'lllellia should pot8side ou r seeptidsln andaccept that ETmay have niade a trip to chedt outthe denizens 0( staffurdsh.ire..We demand a aaek team ofMulder and ScuUysto~to~~m~~~~~~t il es . A f te r all the truth isou t there.

    EXltacled by Xtreme News. This elCttacl i$ a c;opyriaht wortc. and may not be ~ Of otherwise reproduced (even for il'ltemalpu~s) or reSQldwithout the prior pelTTlissionOflhe publisher. delails of whOm are obtainable from XtTerne News. ErrQrs andomISSIOnS exeapted. 9 of 121 1 page article. Page 1 of 1.

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    Fax fron 24/81/85 1&:53 Pg: 4

    Source: The IndependentSAn: MainWte: Saturday, JanuaIY 22, 2005Edition:Early Page:17Cire:260,259 Area: 573.02 sq. emClient: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE-+-Brief: MOD Northwood

    ~ ~ . , ..'.

    ExtnIcted by XtrerflE: News. 1 11 is e xtra ct is a c olM ic :lh t w tIJk a nd may noI be qopied or otherwise re~ (even for inCamal~) or resold Without the prior pennlssIoO anhe publisher. d8lails or whOm are obtainable frOm Xlreme News. Errors ando IOns eXf;:eJ)ted. 8 of 121 2 page art icle. Page 2 of 2.

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    Fax fro.,. 24/81/85 16:53 Pg: 1

    Source: Mall on Sundaysan: Main'We: Sunday.January23, 2005Ed~ ~ n:Ea~ y Page:12eire: 2,394,503 Area:250.94 sq. emClient MINISTRY OF DEFENCEBrief: Ministry of Defence

    OUTOFTH IS WORLD : B ut areUFOssimply the work of c le ve r hoaxe rs?By G l e n OwenSECRE"f police details of one of man at the base. that he bad turned a phenomena over southern Hngl811dBritain's most celebrated 'close battered Atnerican police c a r into a duriDgthe night'. ._., '..a.. UFO 'spacecraft' bysticldng red andgteen The follOwing day,the desk receivedenC OW lte.l.i:JW l.....a h ave been leDse$ on it.an d driWig round in cIr- a s ec ond r ep or t from offICers at thereleased .under new Freedom of cles inthe log with a PAIou.dspeakerscene .wbo ' found a place wbere aInformation measures. going arid the 6ahts fJasbiDg. craft of some sort seems to haveSuffolk police have placed on the .He saidhe was bored and wanted to landed .tbere were three marksinternet all their iDtemal m e m o s play a practical joke on a friend in a which did not fOllow a set. pattern',relating to the 4Unusual Ughts' sentryoox. ButUFOentbusiasts c I a l m Ina ~ move, theMmistry ofincident inRendlesham Forest on he isTetrospectivety trying to write Dere!l~e bas released, tho~sands .ofBoxing Day; 1980 which has since himself into the story", classifIed 4 o c u m e n 1 : S from itS Specialbeen ~ to ~ a hoax. Suffo lk C o ns _t ab ula ry b as put the ~~lude t.knoWD a5datedSF4...,A ri i R F W.....d documents on lts webSIte, 1IDder the ......s.me an acoount. ,.me can a rmen at A ~ Freedom'of Information "-_ hieb lfJT7 from FIt Lt AMWood. a pilot atbndge reponed a strange 'metallic. _~ ..w RAF'BoWm bo 'b"':~ld-ObW-t..aaft' witIi Jda-l~" li.....s and 'biero- came JJI~ effect thismonth. ..__ . er,W th ~ ;.~clcl inger- ...&A''~ 6-" They Include a message from the lI....gmg OVer e :ooca. 10 U an~ypbic marltings'. The next day, land-- airbase to the C O I l S t a b u J a r Y s command object whicb_wal! 'lummo'ls, roundJOgmarks were allegc.-dly found 00the desk reportin$ a 'sighting of some and four to five times larger than aground, burns seen,on nearby trees unusual lights m the sky... rwe) bave beHCGPtet. .an~ ~tion t r a c : e s _ r e c : o n ! e d - . sent some unarmed troQps tomvesti- ,:!"heUFOs w~re said to be threeCOD!'Jprracytheorists msist that It gate, we are terming it 88 a UFO at miles out at a height of S,OOOft..rem~l~ a mystery - c;JesPltethe ~ present ... reports received of aerialfession m 200.1 by Kevm Conde, an air- _ ..

    Extraded by XIrane NEIWS_ This ext.rad.1s a I X I D Y r i a h t work and may not be ~ or 0IheMise ~oduced (even for irltemalJ)UIJI06eS) or resold wiIhOut the prior perrnlssioil bflhe publisher. d81ai Is of whOm are obtainable frOm Xtrerne News. Ermm andemissIonS excepted. 20of 183 1page articIe- Page 1of1.

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    ~ - - - I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o - n - b - e - h - a - l f - o - f - M - i - n - i s - t e - r - s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .Sent: ~To: DAS-FOISubject: FW: Freedom of Information Request

    Advance Treat Official CorrespondenceThe MCU has received the message below, which obviously requires urgent attention. Wewill now allocate it a number, log it on to our database, and send it to you in hardcopy. But in the meantime, we thought you might wish to start work on preparing ananswer now.Regards,Ministerial Correspondence Unit5th Floor, Zone AMain Buildinge: [email protected]

    From:Sen t: '4-".-"""",,,,,,.-',To: [email protected]: Freedom of Information RequestFreedom of Information OfficerMinistry of DefenceDear Sir/Madam ,I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I amentitled under the freedom of information act. In order to assist you with thisrequest, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible. If however this requestis too wide or too unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as Iunderstand that under the act, you are required to advise and assist requesters.http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=6034701. Please could I have all paperwork regarding the most credible reports of a possiblevisit by extraterrestrial life-forms is one made by an RAF pilot and two NCOs at RAFBoulmer in Northumberland.2. Please could I have all paperwork regarding a British Airways Tri-Star on a returnflight from Portugal in July 1976 was involved in an incident which led to thescrambling of fighter jets. (Please see the Independent's article) 3. Please could Ihave all paperwork regarding all details in the Indepedent article -http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=6034704. Is there any evidence that MOD or the Government making any contacts with any UFOsin past 100 years?5. Has UFOs been in any form of communication to the Government / MOD? Any evidencethat UFOs has been existed?6. Has MOD / Government enter any agreements with the UFOs?7. Is there any type of UFOs or are any reports are regarding to the same type of theUFOs?8. If UFOs are existed, then would the Government allow the citizens to know theinformation or would they put that as strictly withheld from the public?I understand that under the act, I should be entitled to a response within 20 workingdays. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received thisrequest. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.Yours,


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=603470http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=603470http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=603470http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/story.jsp?story=603470mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Islingtof.tLondon, 40,= = .ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com


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    Dear~I am writing concerning your request for information for "Unidentified Flying Objects reportedby the Flying Saucer Working Party". Your request has been passed to this Department aswe are the focal point within the Ministry of Defence for correspondence about UFOs.

    The Flying Saucer Working Party was set up in August 1950 and dissolved in June 1951. Allthe surviving papers are now open to the public at The National Archives.You can contact The National Archives at Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU,by telephone on +4420887634444 or via their website www.nationalarchives.gov.uk. Thefinal report of the Flying Saucer Working Party has also been included in the Ministry ofDefence Freedom of Information Publication Scheme and can be viewed on the internet atwww.foLmod.uk. Please search under 'UFO' and then use the link for 'Reports' which willallow you to view an image of the document.I hope this is helpful.

    _nceDirectorate of Air ~m of Informations" Floor, Zone H, ~Main BuildingWhitehallLondonSW1A2HBe-mail:[email protected] March 2005

    http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk./http://www.folmod.uk./mailto:e-mail:[email protected]:e-mail:[email protected]://www.folmod.uk./http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk./
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    I nt er na lT r a ns fe r - R e ci p ie n t A c ce p ta nc e - Ed it R equ es t D e ta il s Pa ge 1 of2

    Days Left:Workflow OptionsInternal TransferViewAudit TrailComments LogSaved Search Resul tContact DetailsDocumentsActionsAss ign Wi thin My GroupChange Alert SettingsEdi t Request Detai lsUpload DocumentClose CaseTake Ownership

    Di26 January 05

    Received: 24 Jan 05~~~~~:Date: ~~~~~ansfer

    Editing the request details will initiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Date request received:Applicant DetailsTitle:First Name:Organisation:Applicant Type:


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    Address Line1:Address Line2:Address Line3:Town/City:Postcode:Email:Telephone:

    Country: IKorea, Republic of (Sout


    http: / /aitportal/_Layouts /AIT/IntemalTransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKNT193,3845,68 26/0112005

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    Internal Transfer - Recip ient Accep tance - Edit Request Details Page 1 of2

    GxAITESTPTCDI26 January 05

    _ 24-01-2005-091905-00219

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    Internal TransferEditing the request details will initiate a new search.The new search results will be saved and will replace the existing save search results.Request DetailsResponse Format Requested: e ; _ ;. : l e ;; ; _ ;c ; ; , ; ; ; , t r ; _ ;; o ;. ; _ n; , ; . ; i c ; ; ; _ _ _ ' Language Requested Welsh

    Title: Unidentified Flying ObjectsReported by the "Flying Saucer" Working Party

    Email held with Info AccessHelpdesk

    http: / /aitportal/_Layouts /AIT/IntemalTransfer/InternaITransferAcceptance.aspx?sn=CN3RKN T193,3845,68 26/01/2005

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    Applicant: Legal Affairs Correspondent, The IndependentCase Number: 04-01-2005-095844-003 Expiry: 2 February 2005The Applicant has made the following request for information:Original request was fr?a full list of unexplained sightings of UnidentifiedFlying Objects in this country. The request was then refined to a two yearperiod of the most recent UFO.documents.Since his last has also requested details about the peoplemaking the reports, (sex, occupation and age), the circumstances in which thesighting was made and what the MOD said about the alleged sighting.Case for release of informationThe requested information for 2005 and 2004 was sent t~on31 January 2005. The records for 2003 had to be retrieved from the TNTarchives so there has been a~mpleting this request. This has nowbeen compiled for release t~ in a similar manner to the informationpreviously released. Personal data about those making the reports has notbeen included in accordance with the Data ProtectionAct 1998.With regard to rther enquiries, the MOD does not ask peoplefor their sex, age or occu when they make a report. Although it may beobvious from their name, what sex they are, no statistics are kept on this andcould only be compiled by examining ~ again. Occupations' aresometimes given and where available_ has been informed of thosefor the period covered by his request. Witnesses very rarely give their ageand again no statistics are held. In answer to question about thecircumstances inwhich sightings are made MOD has said aboutthem, he has been informed of the MOD's limited interest, how reports arehandled and that none have been considered of defence concern.A draft response to _is attached.

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    . .

    AuthorisationI hereby give authorisation for the release of the aforementioned informationto the Applicant.

    Grade/Rank: ~ ? : - : Name: .Authorisation Reference Number: DAS-FOI 15/05 .Date: ~ ~ .{. ~. {.~ s . .

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    Dear_Further to my e-mail message of 1 February, please find attached the remaininginformation which you requested concerning UFO sighting reports the MOD receivedfor sightings in 2003. I apologise for the delay in sending this information.With regard to your subsequent e-mail in which you requested further details aboutthose who made these reports, I should inform you that we do not request informationabout the sex, occupation or age of those reporting these sightings. Often it is obviouswhat sex the witness is by their name, but we do not keep statistics on how manyreports are received from men and how many from women. Some people will givedetails of their occupation if they think it may be relevant and where these have beensupplied for the reports made in 2003, I have included them in the attached table. Forthose reports supplied with my last e-mail, only one gave their occupation and thatwas for 19 July 2004 from Wellford, Berkshire which was supplied by staff workingfor a Newspaper. With regard to the ages of witnesses, it is very unusual for people togive their age when making a report.You also asked about the circumstances in which the sightings were made and whatthe MOD said about them. Itmay be helpful if I explain that the MOD does not haveany expertise or role in respect of 'UFO/flying saucer' matters or to the question of theexistence or otherwise of extraterrestriallifeforms, about which it remains totallyopen-minded. I should add that to date the MOD knows of no evidence whichsubstantiates the existence of these alleged phenomena. Reports of 'UFO' sightingswe receive are examined solely to establish whether what was seen might have somedefence significance; namely, whether there is any evidence that the UnitedKingdom's airspace might have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised airactivity. Unless there is evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom from anexternal source, we do not attempt to identify the precise nature of each reportedsighting. We believe it is possible that rational explanations, such as aircraft lights ornatural phenomena, could be found for them, but it is not the function of the MOD toprovide this kind of aerial identification service. We could not justify expenditure ofpublic funds on investigations which go beyond our specific defence remit. None ofthe reports received during the period of your request for information have beenconsidered to be of defence concern.I hope this is helpful. If this information does not address your requirements or youwish to complain about any aspect of the handling of this request, then you shouldcontact this office in the first instance. Should you remain dissatisfied, then you mayapply for an internal review by contacting the Director ofInformation Exploitation,6th Floor, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London SWIA 2HB.

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    If you are still unhappy following an internal review, you may take your complaint tothe Information Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom ofInformation Act. Please note that the Information Commissioner will not investigateyour case until the MOD internal review process has been completed. Further detailsof the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can be found on theCommissioner's website, http://www .informationcommissioner. gov.uk.Yours sincerely,

    Directorate of Air Staff - Freedom of Information5th Floor, Zone 40Main [email protected] February 2005

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Date Time Town I Village County Brief Description of sighting Occupation04-Jan-03 21:15 St Clares, Nr Carmarthen Dyfed White object with vivid flashing green, blue and red lights.One object with a very bright l ight like an aircraft's landing04-Jan-03 19:20 Nr Benbecula Airport light, with a smaller dimmer light on top of the bright light. Senior Air Traf fic ControllerThree silver or white bal ls in the sky, jo ined by another two.06-Jan-03 15:00 Huddersfield West Yorkshire Quite large. Travel ling in a l ine.One bright white object, hovering at f irst , then moving07-Jan-03 21:26 Blackpool Lancashire quickly.Changing shape. Strong blue, green and red l ights08-Jan-03 22:00 Coaltown of Balgonie Fife pulsating l ights. Jumbo Jet sized.Looked l ike a satel lite re-entering, moving across the sky,10-Jan-03 03:00 Brighton Sussex then shot off l ike a shooting star.Two aircraft type objects f ly ing next to each other. Both had10-Jan-03 Stirling Scotland vapour trails.L ights, that were formed in a worm shape, wriggl ing around10-Jan-03 01:00 East Dulwich London inthe sky.Oblong in shape wi th three vertica l f lashing lights, red,11-Jan-03 23:45 Bridgnorth Salop yel low and green, a ll f lashing at the same time.Distant object moving from side to side. Bright l ight, brighter13-Jan-03 07:40 Dunkeld Tayside than any s tar. Went dim from t ime to time.A large round disc, s light ly smaller than the moon. Creamy15-Jan-03 22:10 Cowbridge South Glamorgan white then changed green.19-Jan-03 18:03 Stonehaven Grampian Three bright l ights forming a triangle. Hovering not moving.25-Jan-03 19:08 Chester Cheshire Twelve bright l ights moving from side to side.Two triangular shaped objects, flying in perfectsyncronisat ion. Low humming noise - not l ike a normal29-Jan-03 18:15 Wolverhampton West Midlands commercial airliner. RAF PersonnelBright l ight l it up the curta ins, and for a spl it secondappeared to be heading for the window. Followed by a loud03-Feb-03 Leyland Lancashire bang.16-Feb-03 17:20 Birmingham West Midlands Object seen. Static.19-Feb-03 18:30 Huntingdon Cambridgeshire Like a shooting star fal ling to the ground.A circular bright l ight - three arms on the object, (not21-Feb-03 10:30 Penryn Cornwall rotat ing), in the middle of it was a red light.

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    25-Feb-03 23:00 Southfields London Object, not a plane, not on f liQht path and not a star.Two large white objects, c lose together, looked l ike jets or01-Mar-03 Northampton Northamptonshire refuell ing planes. Going at jet speed.02-Mar-03 15:54 Pontypridd Mid-Glamoraan Stranqe object, s ilver and shaped l ike a dart.11-Mar-03 21:50 Wellingborough Northamptonshire An object high up in the sky.A very large delta shaped formation of steady red lights - no30-Mar-03 20:00 Aldershot Hampshire noise.30-Mar-03 Glastonbury Somerset Lights in the sky.Two silver objects that were stationary in the sky. One31-Mar-03 09:20 London seemed to be closer than the other.Massive object, about the size of two football pi tches,05-Apr-03 03:58 triangular shape. Took off very fast.One craft wi th three yellow l ights on ports ide and three redl ights on starboard side. Shape was between circular and07-Apr-03 02:30 Falmouth Cornwall triangular or Delta wing size. A Captain & a First Officer11-Apr-03 22:21 Stansted Airport Essex A ball of fire, very bright, with no colour. of a civilian aircraft.A ball of l ight, wi th no colour, passed under an aircraft, f ront23-Apr-03 18:15 Heathrow Airport London to back, very fast.24-Apr-03 Shepherds Bush London Crafts coming down from behind the clouds.Saw a black triangle f ly ing qui te fast and silent ly, through05-May-03 18:30 the sky in a single direction.13-May-03 17:45 Belfast Northern Ireland Two objects that looked l ike stars.

    Sandyford The object was high and bright and had no anti-co ll is ion25-May-03 23:00 Lanarkshire lights.25-May-03 23:05 Kilmacolm Strathclyde Large bnoht l iqht,Huge whi te ball that was glowing. Looked l ike a f ly ing25-May-03 23:20 St. Leonards East Kilbride jellYfish.28-May-03 07:50 Great Yarmouth Norfolk The object was saucer shaped.30-May-03 23:25 Kingston-upon-Hull Humberside A bright light in the sky.31-May-03 21:00 Gateshead Tyne and Wear Black orb with five or six tassels underneath it.08-Jun-03 17:00 WellinQborough Northamptonshi re White cylindr ical object movinq very fast up into the sky.

    Silver object as bright as a s tar, changed f rom a cylinder to09-Jun-03 06:40 Isleworth London a crescent moon shape, with red and silver str ipes.

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    14-Jun-03 21:35 Llandrindod Wells Powys Very big red light balls hovering. One red light hung smallerand then dropped out.Cyl inder shaped object, with faint stars around i t. Thought it14-Jun-03 15:39 Waltham stow London was metal, as light was shining off of it.14-Jun-03 06:00 Girton Cambridqeshlre Small circular object. Blue and white translucent.20-Jun-03 08:35 Kent A string of two sets of two lights.A doughnut shaped object was spotted moving from left tor ight, s ide to side. One side was shiny and ref lective, and21-Jun-03 16:43 Richmond London the other black.Just said something was seen for three seconds. (Didn' t21-Jun-03 12:32 Wimbledon London specify).The object was a silvery whi te colour and non ref lect ive in26-Jun-03 16:28 Melksham Wiltshire the sunshine.Orange l ights moving as a group in a circular motion.28-Jun-03 23:22 Glastonbury Somerset Moved slowly along.A stationary triangular object was seen. The object08-Jul-03 20:00 Hereford Herefordshire remained stationary for about 30 minutes at quite a height. MOD PoliceTwo round objects with legs, which were black and12-Jul-03 22:05 Rhonda Mid-GlamorQan spinninQ.

    13-Jul-03 Wellingborough Northants Saw a ball of light in the sky.13-Jul-03 20:30 Winterley Cheshire Appeared like a star, possibly a balloon.

    Saw the biggest whi te l ight that the witness had ever seen14-Jul-03 21:30 Northamptonshi re before. I tshot off across the sky and then disappeared.Assumed object to be a shoot ing star at first. No t rail15-Jul-03 03:25 Bermondsey London behind.Disc l ike object, moving in the sky slowly, poised once and15-Jul-03 21:40 Galston on Sea Norfolk headed in a NE direction.

    15-Jul-03 00:30 Malvern Worcestershire One light was seen. Erratic movement and stationary.Bright white star l ike l ight. Moved from side to side, up and20-Jul-03 23:05 Bridlinqton East Yorkshire down and in circles.22-Jul-03 Bridlington East Yorkshire Silver or white object. Moved at an unbelievable speed.

    Silver ball up in the sky for about an hour. Disappeared and27-Jul-03 18:00 Gravesend Kent then returned aaaln about an hour later.04-Aug-03 21:00 WellingborouQh Northants A brilliant orange ball of light seen 2000ft up in the sky.08-AuQ-03 22:35 West Kilbride Ayrshire A star shaped object. Witness watched for a f ew minutes,

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    then it dropped f rom the sky like a bomb.10-Aug-03 23:15 West Kilbride Ayrshire Could see a few round spheres.

    Round football shaped. Flashing l ights-multi coloured. The13-Aug-03 22:55 Maesteg Mid-Glamorgan lights were on top then moved around the object.Unusual object, with flashing l ights but not l ike aircraft14-Aug-03 18:00 Southfleet Kent l ights, more l ike ref lect ions from the sun. No tra il .Very bright whi te l ight, b igger than a star, but quickly14-Aug-03 23:57 Worcester Worcestershire diminishing in size until it completely disappeared.14-Aug-03 23:09 Newport Gwent Orange circular object seen. Stayed stationary.16-Aug-03 21:00 Amesbury Wiltshire Flying saucer shaped object.17-Aug-03 23:45 Bonnybridge Central Just a sighting. No details given.Object with two white lights with one red and one orange in19-Aug-03 23:30 St Seithins Perthshire the middle, both flashing.Cigar shaped, grey in colour with domed ends, was silent21-Aug-03 14:00 Lincoln Lincolnshire and very slow.A helium type balloon, size of a moon, wi th f lashing blueand red lights, moving north along the line of the A38 over27-Aug-03 23:00 Worcester Worcestershire the area south of Worcester.03-Sep-03 21:35 Wellingborough Northamptonshire An orange ball seen about 2000f t up in the sky.Six lights that spl it , a t one point becoming eight l ights.04-Sep-03 23:40 Todmorden West Yorkshire Orange and red in colour.Two circular objects, about half the apparent size of the Senior Curator/Royal13-Sep-03 21:40 Heckmondwike West Yorkshire moon. Very dull yellow. Armouries Museum

    Greater13-Sep-03 22:40 Manchester Manchester Round, white lights in the sky.Bright as Mars. White light. Dim. Moved in a South East13-Sep-03 20:15 Great Yarmouth Norfolk direction.Two smal l, star s ize objects, much darker orange or rust17-Sep-03 20:45 Northam pton Northamptonshire colour, fol lowed by another two doing manoeuvres.One object. White bri ll iant l ight, flickering yellow and red.Extremely brighter than other stars around i t. Moving from17-Sep-03 21:00 Northolt London side to side.Triangular object, copper coloured. Hovered over the house18-Sep-03 03:00 Wimbledon London for about a minute then disappeared.

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    19-5ep-03 22:30 Ashby De La Launde, Nr Lincolnshire A object spinning above a house.Digby22-Sep-03 Hove East Sussex A red unidentified flying object, definitely not an aeroplane.An unusual object, fal ling from a cloud, l ike it was burning,24-Sep-03 19:25 Barry South Glamorgan Very fast. Was viewed for f ive minutes.Two pairs of objects that were not recognisable as aircraft24-Sep-03 20:45 Northampton Northamptonshire and were purple in colour.14-0ct-03 06:56 Whitney Oxfordshire Very large object with flashing l ights.Two objects travell ing side by side overhead. Dull red in26-0ct-03 21:06 North Wirral Merseyside colour. Assistant Secretary/RAF05-Nov-03 16:30 Southbound on the A 11 Two bright lights in the sky. Dependants FundThere were 20-30 red flashing lights in the sky Police Officers/Police17-Nov-03 02:25 Bromley Kent accompanied by a whirring noise. helicopter crew25-Nov-03 14:25 Wem Shropshire A strange bright orange/red l ight in the sky.01-Dec-03 Woodbridge Suffolk An unusual aircraft, but with strange lights.

    Nothing was seen, but a loud noise was heard, like a02-Dec-03 01:20 Aylesbury Buckinghamshire balloon letting out air.A loud noise like a hot air balloon was heard, but nothing02-Dec-03 01:30 Thame Oxfordshire was seen. Newspaper EditorThe object was black/dark with lights along the side and aweird strobe light. Was about 60 f t across. Very high in the17-Dec-03 19:15 Wokingham Berkshire sky.A steady bright light in the sky resembling the front of a29-Dec-03 01:50 Nr Barnton Park Edinburgh helicopter.(Seen for six weeks - Feb/March 2003). Two strange l ightsAshburton Devon inthe sky.(Seen for three weeks in Feb 2003). Very bright whi te lightwi th f ive other l ights around i t, that were moving. LookedWellingborough Northam ptonshire like a barrage balloon from World War 2.(Seen 2003). 17 spaceships. V shaped, oblong, wings anddifferent colours. Could see green aliens with creamWigan Lancashire coloured bellies.

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    From: ~ndependent.co.ukSent: 01 February 200511 :51To:Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Request

    Dea~he reports from before 1977 now held at the national archive give much more detail. Forexam~ve more detailabout the person making the report ( sex, occupation and age) thecirumstances in which the sighting was made and what the MOD have said about the alleged sighting. I belivethe MOD's S4F department have fuller inofrmation. If there is a resource issue concerning this information Iwould only require further details of sightings for this year and if possible 2004 .

    Thank you for yourThis email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.com/email


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    I am writing concerning your Freedom of Information request about UFO sighting reportsreceived by the Ministry of Defence. Thank you for refining your request to a two year periodof the most recent sightings.Please see attached details of UFO sightings received for 2004 and those received to date in2005, as requested. Personal data about the people who reported these sightings has notbeen included in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We have recalled our filesfrom Archives which contain the reports for 2003 and I will send you similar details as soon asthese arrive.I hope this information is helpful. I will write to you again as soon as possible with theoutstanding information.Yours sincerely,

    Directorate of Air .. om of Informations" Floor, Zone H,Main [email protected] February 2005

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    UFO sighting reports received by the MOD2005

    Date Time Town I Village County Brief Description of Sighting14-Jan-05 00:24 Leeds West Yorkshire Two bright lights, round, and orange in colour.A bright l ight was seen heading towards the earth through the14-Jan-05 St Clements Cornwall clouds.15-Jan-05 23:15 Stoke-on- Trent Staffordshire Just said i twas a f ly ing saucer.Chatteris Cambridgeshire Just said that i twas a sight ing.

    Whitstable Kent Strange l ights were seen in the sky.

    2004Date Time Town I Village County Brief Description of Sighting

    02-Jan-04 04:30 Ayr Strathclyde A square red object, p inkish at the front.One large black triangular ai rcraft with three br ight l ights in a09-Jan-04 14:00 Market Harborough Leicestershire triangle formation. There was a rumbllnq sound.09-Jan-04 22:30 Thaxted Essex Stranoe I iQhtthat was watched for one and a half hours.12-Jan-04 16:30 Huddersfield West Yorkshire Round object with white lights all around it.27-Jan-04 21:00 Peterborough Cambrldceshlre Four dul l red l iQhtsabove the house, travelling fast and low.27-Jan-04 23:08 Retford NottinQhamshire One object seen over Retford Town Hall .28-Jan-04 18:30 Peterborough Cambridgeshire Flashing green lights 1000-5000ft up inthe sky.28-Jan-04 18.15 BillinQsley Shropshire LiQhts in the nloht sky flyinQ in formation.Object appeared to be a soundless pai r of l ights, one yel low, the04-Feb-04 06:15 Grosmont North Yorkshire other white. No discernable shape.08-Feb-04 21:45 Ely Cambridgeshire Four l ights, one briohter than the others, sometimes fadinQ.Two objects, described as a fast pair of speeding lights - very11-Feb-04 21:05 Holbeach Lincolnshire fast briqht l ight.

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    18-Feb-04 16:02 Rhyl Clwyd Large black object over Rhyl.Yel low l ight in a circular formation. The f lash shot across the sky01-Mar-04 20:00 Lowestoft Suffolk and the l ights went out.17-Mar-04 20:20 Edinburgh Lothian Fast moving bright l ight.

    Large ball of l ight. Looked like a rocket. No sound general ly, but25-Mar-04 22:10 Leig_htonBuzzard Bedfordshire at times, a slight whirrinq sound.Saw the object at 17:30 Sri Lankan t ime. The object looked l ikea ring doughnut and was orange and had other rings of colour27-Mar-04 Sri Lanka surrounding it too.02-Apr-04 12:30 West Kilbride Ayrshire One sphere.09-Apr-04 17:57 Greater Chesterford Essex 60ft long symmetrical object.

    Just said it was an object . That it was flying over very fast and09-Apr-04 19:30 Dimchurch Kent then disappeared.Saw a UFO, with a cluster of four bright lights in a ring shape oni t. Three beams of whi te light shone upwards and then11-Apr-04 20:43 Seaforth Merseyside disappeared.14-Apr-04 10:30 Wellingborough Northants A round object was f ly ing overhead at a very fast speed.

    Looked l ike a Jel lyfish f ly ing in the sky. May have had two bright14-Apr-04 20:27 Honlev West Yorkshire l ights on the side of the object.15-Apr-04 22:20 West Kilbride Ayrshire Yellow sphere. Very bright.16-Apr-04 22:40 West Kilbride Ayrshire Yellow sphere.16-Apr-04 22:55 West Kilbride Ayrshire Yellow sphere.

    Two objects travell ing together. They climbed at an incredible19-Apr-04 22:10 Filey North Yorkshire speed, and headed south down the coast.The object looked like a boomerang and was stationary over a22-Apr-04 16:30 Goole East Yorkshire power station. An aircraft was clrclinq the object.

    22-Apr-04 Queensbury West Yorkshire Just said an object.25-Apr-04 08:50 Primrose Hill London The object was a rectangle shape with a white light.Four bright l ights, p lus the outer circle of the round object, had29-Apr-04 22:30 Derby Derbyshire eight liQhts QoinQ round in a clockwise direction.05-May-04 23:10 Kings Lynn Norfolk A bright, pulsing-spider looking object.10-May-04 22:45 Storth Cumbria Looked like a bright star and was moving around like a kite.

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    10-May-04 22:47 West Kilbride Ayrshire Two yellow spheres, going at a tremendous speed.14-May-04 03:10 Leeds West Yorkshire A very br ight l ight and also saw strobe lights near the br ight l ight.15-May-04 West Kilbride Ayrshire Two spheres.17-May-04 West Kilbride Ayrshire One sphere.19-May-04 23:20 West Kilbride Ayrshire Large bright sphere.

    The witness had seen the object so clear ly, that grooves and20-May-04 09:43 Surrey windows could be seen and no room for humans to fit within it.20-May-04 11:15 Nelson Lancashire The object was white in colour and 'chewy mint' shaped.20-May-04 13:30 Skipton North Yorkshire Looked like a light, transparent ring.Two objects were both an orange colour and were disc shaped.22-May-04 23:50 They looked like aircraft without wings and were very silent.25-May-04 17:00 Paignton Devon Long single, b lack cyl inder type object about 200ft long.25-May-04 West Kilbride Ayrshire One sphere.30-May-04 12:15 West Kilbride Ayrshire Five bright spheres flying beside each other.

    The object was a bright light and it was flashing and making01-Jun-04 00:00 Hamilton Lanarkshire engine noises.One object with a br ight, whi te f lashing l ight, and was making02-Jun-04 00:35 Hamilton Lanarkshire engine noises.Object looked like a comet at f irst, was quite bright and got02-Jun-04 01:00 Hayes Middlesex l ighter as it grew bigger.

    04-Jun-04 21:07 Coventry West Midlands One long, black, cigar shaped object.05-Jun-04 Wellingborough Northants A black 'UFO' was seen fly ing over a Methodist Church.14-Jun-04 09:30 Rushden Northants A 'UFO' was following an airliner.

    One object, about 70ft long, with bri ll iant bright l ights. The object14-Jun-04 23:15 Bridgend changed shape, just before the sight was lost.21-Jun-04 17:55 Oldham Greater Manchester One long, black, cigar shaped object.Object was extremely large, complete ly circular and the l ights on13-Jul-04 01:00 Winchmore Hill London it were pulsating different colours.

    Bright yel low l ight, low level , appeared from nowhere for about14-Jul-04 23:10 Corby Northants ten seconds.Ball o f f lames wi th a sol id underneath, the f lames went out and19-Jul-04 22:20 Wellford Berkshire came on again, and then plummeted to earth.

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    2S-Ju l-04 Lyn ton n r E xmoor Devon The ob jec t looks like a b igwhite tr iangle on the ho rizon .T hr ee v er y s tr an ge , b rig ht o ra ng e o bje ct s, w h ic h w e re q uit e31-Jul-04 2 2:45 S he pto n M alle t Somerset la rg e a nd g oin g in a n u pw a rd d ir ec tio n .S tr an ge lo o kin g o bje ct, b ig ge r t ha n a n a ir cr aft , it h ad m es ha ro un d it a nd r ed , b lu e, g re en a nd y ello w lig hts a ro un d th e07-Aug-04 0 4:3 0 C hin gfo rd London outside.07-Aug-04 Greenside Newcastle upon Tvne On ly repo rted as a lien sloh tlnqs above the house.16-Aug-04 23:35 Wes t K i lb r ide Ayrsh ire Five spheres spo tted, flying together.29-Aug-04 03:05 Louohton Essex The ob jec t w as w hite, hazy and r ound, a nd there was no no ise.01-Sep-04 15:55 G lossop Derbysh ire S i lv e r d is c .T he o bje ct w as v ery b rig ht a nd w as o f la rg e p ro po rtio ns. L arg e02-Sep-04 23:50 Deal Ken t in ve loc ity .T he o bje ct w as a b la ck c ylin de r r ec ta ng le sh ap e a nd w as th esize o f a ho use. O ne m in ute th e co lo ur w as b lac k an d then04-Sep-04 14:30 White H ill E ast Hampshire c ha ng ed to a s ilv er c olo ur .A n o bje ct w as see n the size o f a ten pen ce p iec e. It h ad a05-Sep-04 10:24 Birmingham W est M id lands domed top and bo ttom . W as metallic in appearance.T he o bje ct w as a b rig ht lig ht a t fir st a nd th en lo ok ed like a b ox05-Sep-04 15:20 Barry South G lam organ kite. There w as no sound, w ings or fuselage.T w o s ilv er y o bje cts , t he y w e re p ullin g a pa rt a nd m o vin g t og et he r07-Sep-04 11:30 Holywel l Flintshire a nd th ey le ft va po ur tr ails a s th ey w er e m ov in g.L ar ge fla sh o f lig ht w h ic h t ur ne d in to a g re y o bje ct d es ce nd in gOS-Sep-04 20:15 Card iff South G larno rqan over Cardiff bay, w ith trailing smoke behind it.09-Sep-04 23:20 Dum fries Dum fries & G alloway Spo tted strange lights over the town.T he o bje ct lo ok ed lik e a g re at b rig ht lig ht a nd w as re ally in te nse ,16-Sep-04 03:50 Iw erne M inster Somerset like a big ball o f f ire, rap idly moving towards the ground.20-Sep-04 22:00 Lutte rw orth Leicestersh i re Flash ing lights.L oo ke d like a b ig b all o f f ire co min g d ow n fro m the sky w ith a tail24-Sep-04 06:30 Devizes W iltshire and sparks com ing off of the end o f it.24-Sep-04 06:30 Newport Dyfed/South Wales One object tha t looked like a d isc , w ith a t a il and was sh iny.S aw a b ig o ran ge d isc go in g fro m E ast to W est. S aid th e o bjec tw a s t ot ally s ile nt a nd m o vin g q uite s lo w ly .24-Sep-04 Sw indon W iltshire

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    30-Sep-04 21 :10 Porchester Hampshire Just mentioned a sighting.The object looked like a wide test tube shape, that moved f rom10-0ct-04 10:15 Strath Bongo/Glasgow Strathclyde the South East.Bright orange/red colour object, rapidly and randomly changing10-0ct-04 22:15 Colchester Essex direction, from East to West.The object was a round sphere like the moon and it had green11-0ct-04 02:35 Preston Lancashire and red f lashing l ights and was very noisy.12-0ct-04 20:07 Dumfries Dumfries & Galloway Strange lights over the town.18-0ct-04 Wimbledon London A few objects.06-Nov-04 21:25 Driffield East Yorkshire The object had three to four different colour lights.The object was very bright like the sun, and it looked like thesize of a space hopper! Had flames coming off of it, so it could09-Nov-04 Warmington Northants have been a meteori te ! Now says probably was!The objec t was the size of a round beach ball and black. Lookeddisc shaped when it became stat ionary in the sky. Had no11-Nov-04 14:15 lIford Essex wings.The objec t was a silver disc, with solar panels, but turned out to19-Nov-04 08:02 Douglas Isle of Man be an ATR 42 - twin propel ler, Euromanx aeroplane.Wi tnessed at least 25 yel low spheres, f ly ing in groups of f ive,26-Nov-04 21:00 West Kilbride Ayrshire flying North over West Kilbride.A group of lights were seen and then a buzzing noise was29-Nov-04 17:15 Wellingborough Northants heard.Ball of f ire, with a tail five to seven times the diameter of the ball.10-Dec-04 17:25 Broxburn/Edinburgh Lothian Bright orange with a weaker orange tai l. Meteorite?15-Dec-04 08:30 Lisburn/Belfast County Antrim Three bright l ights moving in the sky.27-Dec-04 17:15 Wellingborough Northants A 'UFO' was seen, and then it changed into a bright light .

    Three to four discs, that looked oval shape when the discsmoved to the side. Moved in a triangular formation across theLeicester Leicestersh i re sky.Two objects f ly ing around the sky for about two hours, and thatLetchworth Bedfordshire they were going quite slow. (Seen in December '04).

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    AUTHORISATION FOR THE RELEASE OF INFORMATIONApplicant: Legal Affairs Correspondent, The IndependentCase Number: 04-01-2005-095844-003 Expiry: 2 February 2005

    The Applicant has made the following request for information:Please publish a full list of unexplained sightings of Unidentified FlyingObjects in this country.

    The request was refined to the following:A two year period of the most recent UFO documents.

    Case for release of informationwas informed that we are compiling a database for publication inJune 2005. We have finished the database for 2004 and made entries to datein 2005. We can supply this information immediately. Personal data about thepeople who reported these sightings has not been included in accordancewith the Data Protection Act 1998. The records for 2003 are contained in filesat TNT. We have requested that these be returned to us urgently and willsupply similar information for 2003 as soon as they arrive.

    AuthorisationI hereby give authorisation for the release of the aforementioned informationto the Applicant.

    Grade/Rank: $.~ Name: ..Authorisation Reference Number: DAS-FOI07/05 .Date: ?l./.!.l.?? .

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    Page 1 of2

    28 January 2005 11:29ent:To:Subject: Re: Freedom of Information Request

    Dea~Thank you for your response to my FOI request and helping me to understand the cost implications of such awide inquiry. Therefore may I take your advice to refine my request to a two year period of the most recentUFO documents. Please don't hesitate to offer more guidance on how my new request could be made moremanageable.

    To: ~ependent.co.uk>cc:Subject: Freedom of Information Request8/01/05 08:33 am

    Dear~Reference: 04-01-2005-095844-003I am writing concerning your Freedom of Information request for a full list of unexplained sightings of UFOs inthis country. Your request has been passed to this department as we are the focal point within the Ministry ofDefence for correspondence about UFOs.This department holds details of UFO sightings reported to the MOD and public correspondence about UFOs(some of which also contains sighting reports) spanning a 25 year period. These records are not heldelectronically, but are filed on paper files in the order in which they were received. In order to gather theinformation you are seeking a manual search of the whole 25 year period of records would be required. It hasbeen assessed that the cost of such an exercise would exceed the permitted 600 limit set for compliancewith the Freedom of Information Act and as provided by Section 12 of the Act, the Ministry of Defence is notobliged to comply with your request.You may wish to be aware, however, that in order to assist members of the public with enquiries about UFOsightings reported to the MOD, this department is currently compiling a database of reports which we intend topublish in the MOD Freedom of Information Publication Scheme at the end of June 2005. The Scheme can befound on the internet at http://www.foLmod.uk. You may wish to wait until this is published as this wouldanswer your enquiry in full. In the meantime, we could assist you with the information you are seeking if youreduce or refine your request to allow a limited search of records and to bring the cost of compliance with theFreedom of Information Act under the permitted limit. I suggest this would equate to records spanning a oneor two year period. Please contact me if you require further advice and assistance on refining your request. If Ido not hear from you by 28 February 2005 I will assume that you do not wish to pursue this request further.If you are dissatisfied with this decision or wish to complain about any aspect of the handling of this request,then you should contact the undersigned in the first instance. Should you remain dissatisfied, then you mayapply for an internal review by contacting the Director of Information Exploitation, 6th Floor,


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    Page 2 of2_ 0 0 Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1 A 2HB.If you are still unhappy following an internal review, you may take your complaint to the InformationCommissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act. Please note that theInformation Commissioner will not investigate your case until the MOD internal review process has beencompleted. Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can be found on theCommissioner's website, http://w.ww..Jnforrnatiol}commissioner.gQV.uk.Yours sincerely,

    Ministry of DefenceDirectorate of Air Staff - Freedom of Information5th Floor, Zone H,I_olMain BuildingWhitehallLondonSW1A2HB

    [email protected] January 2005

    This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.comlemail

    This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.comlemail


    mailto:[email protected]://www.messagelabs.comlemail/http://www.messagelabs.comlemail/http://www.messagelabs.comlemail/http://www.messagelabs.comlemail/mailto:[email protected]
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    FMINISTRY OF DEFENCEDirectorate of Air Staff - Freedom of Information5th Floor, Zone H,Main Building, WhitehallLONDON SWIA 2HB

    Telephone: (Direct(Swi~89000(Fax_DII address: DAS-FOIE-Mail:FAX MESSAGE

    TO: URGENT REQUEST FOR FILESSUBJECT: Freedom of Information Request for InformationDATE: 28th January 2005NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER: 2

    The following files are required for urgent return to this office in order toanswer a Freedom of Information Request for Information.D/DAS/64/2 Part 0 (2002-2003) - UFO ReportsD/DAS/64/3 Part Z (2002-2003) - UFOs Public Correspondence &Requests for Information.D/DAS/64/3 Part AA (2003) - UFOs Public Correspondence &Requests for Information.These files were sent to Hayes on 28/6/2004.Our UIN number is F6208A.

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    Please telephone me to confirm that you have received this request.Please also let me know immediately if there is any problem or delayswith retrieving these files.

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    SID "unber Date 2 8- 81- 85 12 :13


    Durat.D ia ll e d nu nb er

    8'38"Hode "ORHALPages 2Status Correct

    Di re ct or at e o f Air Staff- F~5 '" F lo o r, Z o n e II, n 40Main Bu i ld ing ,LONDON SWIA 2HB

    FAXMESSAGETO: URGENT REQUJ!ST FOR FILJ!SSUBJECT: Freedom oflnformation Request for IuformationDATE: 28'" January 2005NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING mrs COVER: 2

    The following files ... required for urgent retum to this oIIlce In order toanswer a F r eedom of Information Requeat for Information.DlDAS16412 Part 0 (2002-2003) - UF O ReportsDIOAS16413 Part Z (2 00 2- 20 03 ) - U FO s P ub lic C orr es po nd en ce ..Requests for Information.D IOAS/6413 Part AA (2003) - UFOs PubliC Cor re8pOndenC8 . .R~ for Information.TheM files _ e sent to Hayes on 28I6l2004.Our UIN number isF6208A.

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    DearReference: 04-01-2005-095844-003I am writing concerning your Freedom of Information request for a full list of unexplainedsightings of UFOs in this country. Your request has been passed to this department as we arethe focal point within the Ministry of Defence for correspondence about UFOs.This department holds details of UFO sightings reported to the MOD and publiccorrespondence about UFOs (some of which also contains sighting reports) spanning a 25year period. These records are not held electronically, but are filed on paper files in the orderin which they were received. In order to gather the information you are seeking a manualsearch of the whole 25 year period of records would be required. It has been assessed thatthe cost of such an exercise would exceed the permitted 600 limit set for compliance withthe Freedom of Information Act and as provided by Section 12 of the Act, the Ministry ofDefence is not obliged to comply with your request.You may wish to be aware, however, that in order to assist members of the public withenquiries about UFO sightings reported to the MOD, this department is currently compiling adatabase of reports which we intend to publish in the MOD Freedom of InformationPublication Scheme at the end of June 2005. The Scheme can be found on the internet athttp://www.foLmod.uk. You may wish to wait until this is published as this would answer yourenquiry in full. In the meantime, we could assist you with the information you are seeking ifyou reduce or refine your request to allow a limited search of records and to bring the cost ofcompliance with the Freedom of Information Act under the permitted limit. I suggest this wouldequate to records spanning a one or two year period. Please contact me if you require furtheradvice and assistance on refining your request. If I do not hear from you by 28 February 2005I will assume that you do not wish to pursue this request further.If you are dissatisfied with this decision or wish to complain about any aspect of the handlingof this request, then you should contact the undersigned in the first instance. Should youremain dissatisfied, then you may apply for an internal review by contacting the Director ofInformation Exploitation, s" Floor,MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB.If you are still unhappy following an internal review, you may take your complaint to theInformation Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of InformationAct. Please note that the Information Commissioner will not investigate your case until theMOD internal review process has been completed. Further details of the role and powers ofthe Information Commissioner can be found on the Commissioner's website,http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk.Yours sincerely,

    ~nce . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . edom of InformationMain [email protected]'h January 2005

    http://www.folmod.uk./http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk./mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk./http://www.folmod.uk./
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    Page 1 of 1

    Sent: 04 January 2005 10:08To:Subject: FW: freeedom of information request

    ~~Ol request I had from the Independent journalist that I just called about. I have logged it on theAll and internally transferred it to DAS on the All system, in case that doesn't work here's the originalrequest.~ 2 2 l i o n 401.uk [mailto:~dependent.co.uk]

    Please publish a full list of unexplained sightings of Unidentified FlyingObjects in this country.Please relpy to above email address.the Independent.

    Legal Affairs Correspondent,

    This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.For more information please visit http://www.messagelabs.comlemail


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    From:MINISTRY OF DEFENCEDirectorate of Air Staff-5th Floor, Zone H,Main Building, WhitehallLONDON SWlA 2HB

    FAX MESSAGETO:FAO ~rchive ServicesSUBJECT: Request for retrieval ofan archived meDATE:9February 2005NUMBEROF PAGES INCLUDINGTHIS COVER: 1

    Please could you arrange for the following file to be returne