ufo_time.doc [.pdf]  · web viewthe bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby...

archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/UFO_Time.doc (also …UFO_Time.pdf) => doc pdf URL -doc URL - pdf similar articles are on the /UFO.htm page at doc pdf URL note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1233389/pg1 on April 10, 2020. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site UFO - Time Anomalies 1. karl12 posted on March 3, 2019 @ 08:04 AM Plenty of opinions out there when it comes to UFO origin involving extraterrestrials, metaterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, cryptoterrestrials, etc. But this speculative 'woo' thread attempts to deal with the 'UFO/Time' subject and some of the more completely bizarre reports involving temporal distortion/manipulation anomalies. It also attempts to explore the connection between UFOs and time travel (if there is one). Dr Hynek apparently once quipped to Jacques Vallee that "UFOs may originate from a universe fifteen minutes into our future". And while it's thought he was only joking, I did find it pretty surprising just how much research has already been conducted (and literature written) on the 'UFO/Time' subject. Below are some relevant videos, interviews, articles, and documents and also a really interesting quote from Norio that kicked off the idea for the thread in the first place. "The UFO phenomenon appears to me as a temporary paraphysical intrusion into our physical dimension by an unknown intelligence or unknown sentient entitities paraphysically materializing themselves to a “pre-selected” observer (or a group of observers) and presenting to the observer as a physical extraterrestrial phenomenon and visitation." --Norio Hayakawa 1

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Page 1: UFO_Time.doc [.pdf]  · Web viewThe bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over

archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/UFO_Time.doc (also …UFO_Time.pdf) => doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf

similar articles are on the /UFO.htm page at doc pdf URL

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1233389/pg1 on April 10, 2020. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site

UFO - Time Anomalies1. karl12 posted on March 3, 2019 @ 08:04 AM

Plenty of opinions out there when it comes to UFO origin involving extraterrestrials, metaterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, cryptoterrestrials, etc. But this speculative 'woo' thread attempts to deal with the 'UFO/Time' subject and some of the more completely bizarre reports involving temporal distortion/manipulation anomalies. It also attempts to explore the connection between UFOs and time travel (if there is one).

Dr Hynek apparently once quipped to Jacques Vallee that "UFOs may originate from a universe fifteen minutes into our future". And while it's thought he was only joking, I did find it pretty surprising just how much research has already been conducted (and literature written) on the 'UFO/Time' subject. Below are some relevant videos, interviews, articles, and documents and also a really interesting quote from Norio that kicked off the idea for the thread in the first place.

"The UFO phenomenon appears to me as a temporary paraphysical intrusion into our physical dimension by an unknown intelligence or unknown sentient entitities paraphysically materializing themselves to a “pre-selected” observer (or a group of observers) and presenting to the observer as a physical extraterrestrial phenomenon and visitation." --Norio Hayakawa

I thought Tim Swartz's article below was a good intro and brought up a few very intriguing points about the subject. There's also further reading found at the link concerning the Oz factor and vehicle E-M interference cases.

For most people, spotting a UFO would be considered extremely unusual. But for two Ohio women, seeing a UFO was the least surprising part of their experience.

In June 2001, sisters Angie Whitmeyer and Deborah Simmons were returning from a day of shopping in Dayton, Ohio when a strange light in the sky caught their attention.

“We were heading home to Kingman, Ohio on State Road 73,” Deborah recalled. “It was a beautiful evening around 8:30 p.m. The air was warm and the sky crystal clear. Angie was driving and I was watching the scenery go by when I noticed a bright light in the western sky.”


Page 2: UFO_Time.doc [.pdf]  · Web viewThe bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over

Deborah watched in amazement as the light grew in intensity and flew towards the car at an incredible speed.

“Deborah asked me what that weird light was,” said Angie. “But we were close to Caesar Creek Lake and the road was pretty dark so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to it. But then it flew right in front of us so I couldn’t miss it.”

The bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over onto the side of the road so that they could get a better look at the unusual object.

Deborah was shocked by how large and close the UFO was to them. “The light was so bright and white that you couldn’t see any shape behind it. But we could tell it was pretty Big. At least as big as a house. The funny thing was that I couldn’t hear any sort of engine like you would normally hear with an airplane or helicopter. It was completely silent.”

Suddenly, another identical bright light swooped down from the sky and hovered a

short distance away . The two sisters decided the situation was becoming too strange and tried to drive away.

“That’s when I discovered that the car had stopped and I couldn’t restart it,” Angie said. “Nothing worked. The lights, the radio ... it was completely dead.”

The two women also noticed an odd silence had descended over the area accompanied by a strange feeling of isolation. Angie remembered that it seemed as if they were the only people in the World.

“I don’t remember seeing another car come by during the entire time we were there. Which is really weird because at that time of an evening there’s always traffic on that road. And it was just dead silent outside, no birds, nothing. It was as if we were in another world.”

Uncertain what to do next, Angie and her sister continued to watch the strange pair of lights when unexpectedly, both objects shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky. The area was plunged into darkness and, oddly enough, the normal sounds of the night came back almost as if <switched on>.

“As soon as the lights flew away,” Deborah said, “the car started running again all by itself. The lights and radio were on just as they were before everything happened.”

According to their watches, the strange encounter had lasted more than 20 minutes. However when they arrived home, Deborah’s husband seemed unconcerned about what they thought was a late arrival. That’s when they discovered that instead of being after 9:00 p.m. as their wristwatches indicated, it was only 8:35 p.m.

“It was as if the entire time we spent looking at those lights had never happened,” Angie said. “But it did happen. Our watches both showed we had been stuck out there for over 20 minutes. But somehow we gained that time back with a few minutes to spare. Normally we should have been home at around 10 to 9:00. But somehow despite what had happened, we got there early.”


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Distortions in Time and Space

One of the strangest aspects of some UFO encounters is the apparent distortion of time when a UFO is nearby. Researchers and writers have tried for years to understand and to interpret what happens before, during, and after a close contact with a UFO. But many reports of time anomalies have been kept off some UFO databases because such events fall outside of the preconceived notions of what a UFO sighting should entail.

Like the two Ohio sisters, others who have experienced a close contact with a UFO have reported apparent time distortions like the failure of car engines, a strange feeling of isolation (to the point where it is observed that no other vehicles or people are seen during the sighting), unusual silence, spatial changes, altered states of consciousness, and distortions in the flow of Time.

Generally, these anomalies disappear along with the UFO. Occasionally, however, the witnesses will suffer from unexpected relapses weeks and even years after the initial experience.

These anomalous events have created more headaches than answers for researchers who have attempted to find scientific validation for unusual UFO encounters. On the surface, some of the reported anomalies seem to be explainable using modern Science. However, upon closer analysis, strange things tend to become even stranger.

-- As Time Goes By

Sourced by Easynow, this rare 'Sightings' clip about Michio Kaku's time-travel theories also features the late Marc Davenport who makes some mighty interesting comments about the UFO subject taken from his book Visitors from Time.

My hypothesis is that these people who operate these ships. Their technology is so advanced that actually figured out a way to artificially warp space-time the way a black hole does naturally.

And if that's true, it could mean that they could be coming here not only from other planets but from other star systems, other galaxies, other dimensions that coexist with ours, parallel universes, even our own Future or our own Past.

We have the occupants of these craft are continually telling people ... They ask them questions like what time is it, what is time, what is your time, what is age, what is a year. And they say 'You are caught in time and we're not. Our 'time' is different from yours'.

Time is distorted in the vicinity of these craft and inside these craft. A lot of time, people's watches will stop. We have people who say that their voices are distorted when they're near these craft like when they breathe helium or something. So we have all sorts of indications that these things are in some kind of a field that warps space and time.

Not to be outdone, tenured Professor of Anthropology Dr Michael P Masters also argues in his book Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon that "a time-travel explanation is preferable to a space travel explanation" and makes some curious observations


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about topics as varied as time-related UFO occupant bipedalism and UFO colour change right through to rotating UFOs bending light cones.

Dr. Michael P. Masters is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech in Butte, Montana. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Ohio State University in 2009 where he specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology, and bio-medicine. Over the years, Dr. Masters has developed a broad academic background which began studying physics and astronomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio with further undergraduate and graduate coursework in astrobiology, astronomy and physics along with a perennial review of developments in classical and quantum physics regarding our ever-evolving understanding of Time and time-travel.

In his forthcoming book Identified Flying Objects, Dr. Masters cautiously examines the premise that “UFOs” and “Aliens” are possibly Us... But from where???

But what of the Real World? Are time-travelers really among us? Is there a direct connection between the world of time-travel and that of UFOs?

Why is it that our “aliens” conveniently speak our languages? How is it that with no trouble at all, they can they breathe our atmosphere? Why do they abduct us and use us in bizarre genetic experiments? Surely we are not physically and genetically compatible with creatures from faraway solar-systems. They assure us that we are indeed compatible.

It all sounds far too convenient and carefully stage-managed. Maybe that’s because they are not from faraway worlds, after all. Perhaps they are from right here on Earth. Not our Earth (so to speak) but the Earth of the Future (the distant future). An Earth that is in ruins and at a time when the Human Race is perilously close to extinction...

Aliens: Us From A Future Time?

Humanoid extraterrestrial visitation can seem even more far-fetched than chrononaut theories involving the stretch of time-travel. Especially after wrestling with the incomprehensible difficulty of the mingling of our genes with those of a genuinely unrelated extraterrestrial as suggested in hybrid scenarios...

Chrononauts - An Evolutionary Angle by Jeff Barris

For the last 8 years, I’ve tried to sift through all my knowledge on UFOs and the minimal knowledge that I have of the physics of time-travel to support my hypothesis and cast doubt on the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

And over the years, I’ve come up with some interesting conclusions...Humans... Among us! by Clayton Rumley

Our legends and folklore are filled with stories about UFO sightings and contacts with aliens from other worlds... Is it possible that these stories are not about time-travelers from a distant world... but instead... that they are time travelers from our own Future!


Page 5: UFO_Time.doc [.pdf]  · Web viewThe bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over

In these alien sightings, the creatures have many human characteristics... Is it possible that they are time travelers from our own Planet... visiting us from thousands-of-years in the Future?!

History is filled with many stories and legends about visitors from Time and also of experiments in Time.

Time Travelers from the Future by David Anderson, Ph.D.

As well as those already mentioned, I think it's fair to say there's also been other consistent (and global) UFO characteristics reported over the years like appearing out of nowhere. Changing shape; separating and merging together (link); and (although it sounds completely bonkers) Tim Swartz also engages in some interesting speculation below about internal time frames and artificial space-time.

UFOs and Time

Scientists brave (or foolhardy) enough to try and conduct proper research on the nature of UFOs have been unable to find satisfactory answers as to why UFOs seem to cause time distortions. Past interpretations of Einstein’s physics leave little room for localized time anomalies unless influenced by a gravitationally massive object such as a black hole.

However, the new kids on the physics block (i.e., quantum and string theories) may show that Time and Space are easier to influence than was previously thought. Some physicists believe that it is possible to engineer space-time itself and to surround a spaceship with a local space-time in such a way that locally, the light barrier remains intact while from the outside the ship is moving at faster-than-light velocity. UFOs that seem to rapidly accelerate, change direction, or even disappear are actually operating conservatively from the viewpoint of their own internal time rates.

If someone or something came close enough to a ship that was creating its own space-time, normal time and space as they know it would cease to exist for them and they would come under the influence of the artificial space-time.

This could explain some of the stranger aspects of UFO encounters such as environmental sounds disappearing, isolation, the freezing of motors and electronic devices, and the feeling of time slowing down, stretching out, and losing all meaning.

The UFO is literally creating an alteration in the local state of space-time, thus generating a major distortion effect that is experienced by the witness. Within this time anomaly, the perceived forward motion of time could even disappear allowing for the Past, Present, and Future to intrude upon one another...

Michio Kaku also pops up again in this Telegraph time-travel article and describes Stephen Hawking's reversal of opinion on the subject. Also relevant is Hawking's 'Cosmology Protection Conjecture' where he initially denied the possibility of time travel because "We have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future". It's a bit of a stretch but considering all the many different UFO shapes (and occupant flavours) reported over the years. Couldn't he just be describing the UFO subject?


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The embarrassing thing, however, was that no matter how hard physicists tried, they could not find a law to prevent time-travel. Apparently, time-travel seems to be consistent with the known laws of Physics. Unable to find any physical law that makes time travel impossible, Hawking recently changed his mind. He made headlines when he said that 'Time-travel may be possible. But it is not practical..."

Prof Michio Kaku on the science behind UFOs and time travel

Also an interesting footnote found in the article below where Government documents state that famed theoretical physicist and time aficionado John Archibald Wheeler (coiner of the terms 'black hole' and 'wormhole') was actively petitioned by the CIA way back in 1953 to "attack the flying saucer problem"..

<Video Link>

How anybody can still deny the existence of UFOs when the World’s brightest minds have been actively studying the phenomenon and the evidence available for decades is a mystery. Indeed, intelligence agencies like the CIA are recruiting the World’s top scientists to do so.

For example, a declassified secret document discovered in the CIA’s own electronic reading room titled a “Telephone Conversation With Dr. John A. Wheeler” shows how the Agency was trying to recruit him to look into a “CIA attack on the flying saucer problem.”

CIA Document Shows The Agency Recruited Legendary American Physicist John Wheeler To Study UFOs

Document: CIA Reading Room

It does seem something incredibly strange is going on when it comes to UFOs and time though. And I am also pretty sure there are plenty of other case examples out there. There's a fair few on this thread involving policemen, rally car drivers, and members of the public. But if you (or anyone else) knows of any other examples, then please post.

This case only involves one witness. But I did find it quite compelling as a retired 'UFO sceptic' Police Officer was fishing on a river in the UK and witnessed a daylight close-range metallic saucer-shaped object sucking up water. Some strange temporal goings on reported. And apparently during the sighting, his bait maggots pupated into casters (which should have taken 2 days). After being questioned by the MOD, he also started receiving threatening phone calls [see 2:50:00].

"This is the first of a ground-breaking new series compiled by former Police Officer John Hanson and his partner Dawn Holloway together with David Sankey, a veteran UFO researcher and artist. The multi-part series covers British UFO sightings from 1940 to the present day.

"This first volume deals with UFO reports from 1940-1959. 19 tumultuous years during which Britain won a war, lost an empire, buried a king, crowned a queen, and saw a new breed of consumer prosperity rise from the ashes of post-war austerity.


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"People who have followed the UFO subject in any depth will not be surprised to discover that the UFOs encountered during these 2 decades follow the socio-political changes of the people who witnessed them to a remarkable degree. Haunted Skies is the most ambitious series of books ever attempted in the history of ufology and will, no doubt, provide a new benchmark in the quality of such publications."

-- <link>

2. shawmanfromny posted on March 3, 2019 @ 09:22 AM Excellent thread! I've always believed that the only way a highly advanced extraterrestrial

civilization could travel throughout the Universe was by manipulating Space and Time. It's the only theory that makes sense.

What's really intriguing is the fact that the US Department of Defense funded a series of studies on advanced aerospace technologies including warp drives and the manipulation of extra dimensions back in 2010.The question is did the DOD do this based on the desire to come up with ways for Man to travel throughout our Universe or because of the many years of reverse-engineering seized extraterrestrial craft?

INTERESTING READ:Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions Page Count: 34 pages Date: April 2, 2010 Restriction: For Official Use Only Originating Organization: Defense Intelligence Agency


3. ausername posted on March 3, 2019 @ 09:53 AM a reply to shawmanfromny:

Then it shouldn't require a huge leap to believe in the possibility that highly-evolved engineered advanced humans from a distant Future have not only developed the ability to travel to and colonize other worlds but also to travel through Time.

Exploring the Galaxy and other worlds would be great. But imagine having virtually all of Time within reach? Especially if your origins are here on Earth!

4. ChaoticOrder posted on March 3, 2019 @ 10:12 AM You also have to ask why they almost never walk out of a craft and reveal themselves. And why

would our governments also work so hard to keep it a secret assuming UFO's are intelligently-controlled.

If this theory is true, I think it helps explain both those problems. That's one of the main reasons I don't dismiss this idea as totally crazy. I assume you've seen my threads on the topic. But if not, check the 'Aliens' link in my signature. It's also interesting how often the subject of time manipulation and talk about the Future comes up when you dig deep into abduction reports and UFO sightings.

For example, the binary code from the famous Rendlesham Forest case contains text such as "exploration of humanity" and "origin year 8100". The message in the famous Crabwood crop circle said "much pain but still time" as if to imply the future is known. The Australian Skies 2 doco which


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came out last year contains footage of a regression session where the abductee recalls a conversation with the abductors who claimed to be from a future Earth.

In my threads on this topic, I cover many more examples, most of which I have found in books about abduction. You'd be surprised how often the patients bring up time/future subjects under regression.

5. crayzeed posted on March 3, 2019 @ 12:32 PM I have answered a number of times about UFOs and aliens that my thoughts on the subject came

down to aliens being far far in advance of our technology. Especially faster-than-light travel.

But I am fast becoming enamored of the parallel universes. I come to this to explain the disappearances like put forward by David Paulides, the happening of the Skinwalker Ranch, cattle and human mutilations. All of these lend them to being instantaneous events (i.e., a "portal" opening and closing). Therefore there needs to be no travelling to-or-from the Earth with the aliens having control of the mechanism for manipulating these portals.

6. BASSPLYR posted on March 3, 2019 @ 03:35 PM <a reply to: shawmanfromny>

There has been no back-engineered alien, extradimensional or time-traveling craft. Period! It's all human.

Regarding Davies et al and the oft linked report he did for the Military. Ever think that they paid him to do a report since he's not in on it and is in the public sector, to see what the public sector's level of understanding or knowledge is regarding how these things work. That they then read the report and went "Oh, good. The public still haven't got a clue and are grasping at straws and unfeasible concepts. Yay our technological secrets can enjoy the security of at least another decade of not being chanced upon by public institutions."

Ever considered that the UFO propulsion fields as a biproduct also affect the way brains function leading to discrepancies in the perception of time, cognitive thinking, potential motor function paralysis, and even hallucinations to a degree. And that when coupled with strong time gradients (also a biproduct), you do experience a combo of the above along with mild time distortion. They aren't traveling through Time although Time may be different inside the drive field.

Also, would be interesting if much of the above effects are nearly nonexistent in close range observers these days. As if what caused it, like say a component in the drive core, has been upgraded with newer technology that does the same function but doesn't have the side effects.

7. penroc3 posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 04:01 PM <a reply to BASSPLYR>Interesting theory. Like interference patterns ala the double slit experiment?

ETA: their field interacting with the natural surrounding amplifying the effects of the craft's distortion.


Page 9: UFO_Time.doc [.pdf]  · Web viewThe bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over

As far as the U.S. or whoever else back-engineering so called ET/IDT/UT craft, I find very very dubious. If they are truly ET or interdimensionals, I don't think they are flying around in what we would recognize as an air- or space-craft.

I'll use that Pascagoula abduction as an example. The 2 men were led into a light where everything was made of light (how they made it sound). The only solid objects were the creatures/robots they encountered.

I imagine if an ET race could get here, then they are VERY far removed from us as far as understanding of the Universe and the forces in it.

Ships seem like a very clunky way of getting around. They would require such vast amounts of power. It would be easier to just open a doorway and walk through it or move the portal around like a camera to look around.

Maybe some of the Orbs that people see are such creations. There are reports of sighting at night where a UFO will disappear thru a portal and the observer will see a sunny sky on the other side.

8. BASSPLYR posted on March 3, 2019 @ 07:16 PM <a reply to: penroc3>

It can interact with its surrounding in a bad way. But the environment doesn't amplify anything. The distortion is inherent to the fields extremities regardless. Just that these days, the fields don't extend as far from the craft due to new hardware and methodologies used to create said field. The trick doesn't require tons of power. Or at least with one of the drive types. (That's my opinion.)

9. ConfusedBrit posted on March 3, 2019 @ 08:05 PM If there is one constant among many UFO encounters, it's the feeling of being separated from natural

time progression (before even realizing they have experienced "lost time" or noticing their watches are slow, etc) combined with an unnatural sense of silence in the area of activity. Many also sense static electricity affecting their skin, hair, etc.

(As mentioned earlier, the Rendlesham Forest case dramatically features such details although not in the original statements or memo, of course. Are they embellishments over time [sic] for UFOtainment? Or a reality that was toned down in official documentation?)

10. karl12 posted on March 5, 2019 @ 02:16 PM For folks interested in further reading, there's a pretty far out catalogue here about the Time subject

with some mindboggling articles from scientists like Kaku involving Göedel and Kerr and rotating singularities.

I also had a thought that the truncated UFO Light Beam reports found in the solid light case thread may have something to do with time fields around an object (all healthy speculation of course).


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SOLID LIGHTS & the neglected UFO SCIENCE legacy

"Surprisingly, these 2 light beams of light were not as we normally see light beams as has been according to the distance and spread but as two light-emitting entities sticking out from the bottom of the UFO ending on a certain length.

-- UFO Light Beam Cases

There's also quite a number of instances where UFOs have interfered with avionic systems, motors, headlights, houselights, alarm systems, oil pumping machinery, compasses, radios, weapon systems, televisions, etc. If all the reports are true, then something must be causing it (and I suppose 'time-fields' are as good a supposition as any).

James McCampbell / Ufology - Chapter 5

11. BASSPLYR posted on March 5, 2019 @ 07:37 PM <a reply to: karl 12>

Excellent post with the link. Göedel is a good read and Kerr's body of work is very pertinent to some modern-day applications that I can think of. The link to the light beam thread you provided should be checked out by everybody. It's a good read.

Regarding the truncated light beam, it works the same way the drive field does. (Well, similar.)

Keep in mind that light's wavelength gets bigger while frequency does not under certain circumstances. That light in the truncated beam is not usually visible at that wavelength seen (because its redshifted) except under the influence of what's going on in the beam. And what's going on in the beam is what causes the light. And no, it's not plasma or bremsstrahlung or ionized air.

And depending on what you're doing with said beam or introducing into it, it can have multiple functions such as tractor-like effects, electrical interference, paralysis, to even irradiation. [StealthSkater note: Could this be somehow related to UNITEL's proposal of using a quantum laser lens to interact with the ZPE field or dark-matter/energy to create a StarTrek "reversed" tractor beam => doc pdf URL ?]

12. gort51 posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 01:55 AM As we all know, many of us here on ATS have postulated the "Future Humans" theory for many

years. Interesting about time distortion and E-M effects, though.

I have always questioned so-called witnesses descriptions that their motor vehicle, lights, etc. turned off in the presence of the anomaly. But when the anomaly disappeared, the vehicle lights and engine are once again running (as per the quotes you featured). They mention the vehicles "running" (not starting up).

This perplexes me. I wonder if the manipulation of Time and time distortion is not only for their method of transport but also has an immediate effect on the near surroundings. To clarify, perhaps the Earth-Humans making the observation are somehow caught into that time distortion and are, in fact, also part of the time loop of the craft being observed.

So they may be in between the "ticks of Time" and perhaps the lights and engine have not stopped because of the E-M field. But possibly, the Humans are in the craft's time differential/loop/field


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whatever, and the motor vehicle is actually still running, etc. But to the humans caught in the "Time Distortion Field", it appears they have stopped.

Hence, why the lights and engine appear to be "Running" when they are past the experience are because, perhaps, they were running all the time in our "real" Now time and never stopped.

As we know, a vehicle internal combustion engine cannot just start by itself. It needs the ignition to be turned to the start mode, the starter relay to engage, and the starter motor to turn the engine over. If the E-M field of the anomaly stopped the engine, it would NOT spontaneously start by itself after the anomaly left without someone turning the key.

That may also explain the absence of other vehicles going past and the deadly silence. The humans are caught in the Time distortion and effectively Time has stopped for them in the influence of the craft.

Similar to that Star Trek episode where other humans live in a super-fast time dimension compared to "normal" humans, effectively meaning that Time had almost stopped compared to the humans of the fast dimension.

13. penroc3 posted on March 6, 2019 @ 03:15 AM The problem with time manipulation is the creation of paradoxes. The idea that Time is an ever-

forward force of Nature seems to be true (i.e., the Arror-of-Time). So the ability to go back in Time seems very dubious.

The old television series "Sliders" seems more probable scenario for 'time travel'. In our timeline, we make 'ripples' that collide with other 'ripples'. And the more you go back, the more unchangeable/untangleable the timeline becomes.

That being said, I think it is 100% probable we live in a sea of potential and other universes/timelines and 'time travel' is the ability to hop your own track to another one. The Universe as a whole having unlimited potentials and timelines when you jump it could appear to you that you went back in Time but in fact are in a whole other universe on a wholly separate 'track'.

It would most likely be a one-way trip. I don't think you could ever get back to your 'home base' outside of true random chance. It might explain why some 'abductors' seem so cold and callous because to them, there are an infinite number of you to experiment on. So what difference does it make?

14. IMSAM posted on March 6, 2019 @ 09:30 AM I would like to add the many cases in folklore regarding fairies which are similar to UFO cases and

in my opinion is the same phenomenon with different terminology. Lots of missing time associated with fairy cases. Wish I had some to post. But alas, my archive is old school (papers upon papers with handwritten notes)

That said, I would add the recent case of Armando Valdes, a corporal with the Chilean Army, excerpt follows:

"Then, the violet light began to move in the air in front of them. A red light was visible at each end of the mysterious glow. There was, however, no sound whatsoever. In fact, as the men began to scan their surroundings again, the absolute silence became


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almost audible. To say a wave of terror was creeping through the group would be an understatement."

Valdes would order his men to remain where they were with their weapons at the ready. He then approached the mysterious object alone. He would demand that the object identify itself before moving forward at a steady pace. Then he disappeared.

A full 15 minutes passed before Valdes returned to the group. The men, already spooked, became even more so when their corporal simply “reappeared” in front of them. They were perhaps further alarmed when Valdes stumbling and unsteady on his feet offered: “You don’t know who we are or where we come from. But we will be back soon”. He then lost consciousness.

His men ran forward to attend to their leader. They would carry Valdes to their camp base. As they did, several of them noticed how he had “beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving”. All agreed he, like always, was almost clean-shaven at the time of the disappearance.

As they settled their unconscious corporal down, they noticed the strange lights begin to ascend and vanish into the early morning sky.

Valdes finally awoke around 7:00 am that morning. He was confused, stating the last thing he remembered was moving forward towards the lights. He would state: “Get ready to leave. It’s 4:30 am”. It was then he would find it was after 7:00 am.

Even stranger, though, was when Valdes checked his watch. Instead of the date declaring it to be the 25th, his watch claimed it to be the 30th April. Combined with the beard growth, it would appear wherever Valdes had been, to him 5 days had passed."

-- Source: https://www.ufoinsight.com/the-lost-five-days-of-corporal-armando-valdes/

Another article that has some info on missing time among other things: ufoscoop.com...

Another case from Jacques Vallees' Forbidden Science II:

"I've spent a good part of Thursday with Colonel Floryan's Peruvian friend Manuel, a consultant in organizational psychology. He claims his experiences began in July 1961 when he heard a voice ordering him to go away from his companions. He saw a craft on the ground, went inside, and was transported into the jungle. He spent 3 hours there before a “teaching machine.” Curiously, he doesn't recall any beings. When he returned to civilization, 18 days had elapsed. For the first 6 months afterwards, he slept over 12 hours a day. Now he only needs 2 hours of sleep."

15. chris_stibrany posted on March 6, 2019 @ 12:47 PM The fact that Time appears to stand still during a true (i.e., nonhuman) UFO experience leads me to

believe that they may be related or come from the same realm you go to when you astrally project/ go out-of-body as there is no time in that state as well. [StealthSkater note: Out-of-Body Experiences, Near-Death Experiences, Lucid Dreaming => doc pdf URL ]


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16. karl12 posted on March 6, 2019 @ 11:13 PM Some very interesting ideas floating about, though. Professor Swords; charts some of the

speculative history about 'Time UFOs' (or UFOs as 4th dimensional objects) in the blog post below.

Of course, most sensible UFO scholars already knew that. People like Michel and Vallee and even looser thinkers like Fontes and Ribera were trying to find a path in mathematical approaches. NICAP, APRO, the slowly-evolving Hynek, and non-US researchers like Gosta Rehn in Sweden and David Wightman [the editor of Uranus] in England felt that the amassing of piles of individually-strong cases was still the way [and so good case investigation was paramount]. 1963'FSR showed awareness of some of all of that.

A somewhat novel presentation of a clever theory was presented by Austrian scholar, Luis Schoenherr. This was the speculation that UFOnauts were travelers from the Future...

-- link

* Don't know if you've read it. but J.W. Dunne's Experiment With Time is a pretty crazy book.

Lost count of how many times these unknown objects have been reported to have 'some kind of field' (or bizarre fog) around them. [StealthSkater note: sounds similar to the Philadelphia Experiment doc pdf URL or Bermuda Triangle doc pdf URL incidents.] Also keep finding accounts of how the UFO witness's watch stopped buried in the reports. A good example being the waterstealing Rosedale UFO case which I completely overlooked first time round on the thread.

The witness experienced an unusual recurring headache for 7-to-8 days. Vomiting and diarrhea also persisted for the same period of time. For 3 days after the incident, the witness's watch refused to work when he tried to wear it. Before and after this period. it worked without any problems.

A Catalogue of Australian Physical Trace Cases compiled by Keith Basterfield & Bill Chalker

17. InTheLight posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 06:00 AM I just wanted to share with you and your readers another way to think about how aliens may be able

to manipulate/move through Time or dimensions.

“I found myself on one of their huge craft that was the size of an entire neighborhood. There was an elevated catwalk I walked upwards onto. Once at the level area, I stood about one-half story above the other people. I looked across the craft about 20 feet from me and saw into a room with a clear wall. It had among other devices two large container-like objects. They were domed shaped at the top and I could see through them.

Inside was that ‘alien blue’ energy I’ve seen from time-to-time. As the blue energy moved inside the large domed shaped objects, I saw thousands-and-thousands of small cylindrical-shaped devices. They seemed to be about one inch tall and a half inch in diameter.

As the energy increased, the little devices began to vibrate and shake and move closer together. When the energy reached a certain level, the little devices began to float upward and move very close together to one another. When this occurred, I heard a telepathic voice say ‘Exciting the bots creates lift.’


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“It was amazing to witness this. I knew it was a part of their propulsion system and this is how they were able to move their craft. I was seeing at least part of the engine compartment of the enormous craft we on. I was so taken with what I was seeing I turned around to some of the other people around me and told them ‘You’ve got to watch this! This is the coolest thing you’ll ever see in your life!’

“The ET propulsion system contained little ‘bots’ that were inside small 1-inch cylinders. When they were excited, they moved upward and merged with each other and created lift.”

-- hybridsrising.com...

Now comparing that to this:

2018 Update on Large Hadron Collider: “What’s really happening in LHC collisions is that especially excited excitations of a field (the energetic protons) are vibrating together and transferring their energy to adjacent fields forming new excitations that we see as new particles such as Higgs bosons.

... Thinking in fields can also better explain how the Higgs works. Higgs bosons themselves do not give other particles mass by, say, sticking to them in clumps. Instead, the Higgs field interacts with other fields giving them – and, by extension, their particles – mass.” Source


Time dilation also comes into play where speed is concerned. If we were to, say, travel at 95% of the speed-of-light, time would slow down dramatically. So again, thousands of Earth-years could pass by in what the traveler experiences as just a few moments. And this is just the beginning as there are a number of different ways in which we could make time travel into a reality.

Scientists from various disciplines are investigating different methods for us to make more dramatic jumps through Time like using circulating light beams which can be created through the use of gamma and magnetic fields to twist Space and cause Time to be twisted. Other methods include quantum tunneling and hypothetical cosmic strings.

-- futurism.com...

18. karl12 posted on March 8, 2019 @ 12:21 AM There's an extremely relevant example from Port Jarvis, New York found in this presentation

(around 15:55) and also some scientific research on the car afterwards.

This 1977 Sandy Kauffman UFO tale is also a pretty freaky one.

19. BASSPLYR posted on March 10, 2019 @ 04:10 PM There's no "between the ticks of the clock" or StarTrek-style time distortions. Time has not stopped

in the presence of the field. Electrical items failing or malfunctioning are byproducts of what the field


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itself does when its altering certain metrics. Increasing one thing will alter permeability and permittivity of the E-M force.

Time gradients within the field are a byproduct, too. The distortions are similar to how a clock runs at a different speed if it's in orbit and further from Earth's gravity then on the surface except exaggerated. The time gradient is only dangerous at the perimeter of the field where it sharply contrasts with the external time gradient. Shearing forces can potentially happen there.

However, modern designs don't have this issue nor as much of an issue with E-M effecting things far from the vehicle. Technological advances have minimized that.

20. karl12 posted on March 12, 2019 @ 01:25 PM I never heard of the Amanda Valdes account before. It seems that (along with other South American

countries) Chile really does have its fair share of freakishly strange UFO reports. I also thought that John Schuessler made some very interesting points in the link you provided.

As you allude to in your post, the field of folklore is positively littered with bizarre time anomaly accounts (sometimes involving what we would regard as UFOs). The temporal antics of those cheeky fairy folk also really make a person wonder what-on-earth is going on (especially when they're abducting people to ' castles in the sky'). I know you'll have probably read them. But for those that haven't, there are two relevant PDF files below:

The Celtic Alien Fairy Faith In The UFO Era (PDF)Passport To Magonia (PDF File)

Also, I already posted this one on another thread but certainly an intriguing potential UFO time anomaly case recounted from John Winthrop's diary on March 1st, 1639.

The governor wrote that when the strange apparition finally faded away, the 3 Puritans in the boat were stunned to find themselves 1 mile upstream as if the light had transported them there. The men had no memory of their rowing against the tide although it’s possible they could have been carried by the wind or a reverse tidal flow.

-- link[StealthSkater note: Pilot Bruce Gernon reported that based on his fuel tank gauges, he arrived at

his destination much faster than he had done so previously => doc pdf URL .]

There really has been some pretty far out abductee accounts describing the inside of UFOs (some of which do tally with other global reports) and Preston Dennet describes some rather incredible ones in the interview below. Space-Time manipulating UFOs are mentioned (as are shrinking or 'deopulating' ones) and there's also a very intriguing Arizona account of a group of about 30 ranchers visiting stores in their hometown after a UFO sighting and all realizing they've lost 3 days (see 49:10).

Also, not so much to do with UFOs but Tim Swartz discusses more woo time anomalies in this vid.

More very strange British UFO cases being described including a witness being hypnotically regressed, a beam of light entering the room, and all video cameras and clocks in the house stopping working (apparently witnessed by UFO sceptic) => <link> .


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21. penroc3 posted on May 30, 2019 @ 02:34 PM In this video, Jacques Vallee he talks about the dangers of getting to close due to light and even

pulsed microwave dangers as well as ionizing radiation.

Whatever the UFOs are (i.e., not our secret aircraft but the real ones), they appear to be able to transform themselves at will from solid to light and back. Just the way they move would require a TON of energy. Even hovering would take a ton of power.

On high power, RF and microwave communication transmitters have all sorts or warnings to not get close when they are 'on'. And that's in the 1000's of watt range. Imagine what some of these UFO would emit. [StealthSkater note: microwave and radar emissions can burn tissue and bone (4 th

and 5th degree burns) ]

22. karl12 posted on May 30, 2019 @ 03:01 PM Thread here about that interview and some of the comments also touch upon the 'Out of This World'

effects on UFO witnesses. Also interesting are Jacques Vallee's comments about Dr Claude Poyer:

"The phenomenon seems to be real... The general coherence of sighting reports worldwide should not leave researchers indifferent. One does not conceive objective arguments to justify an attitude that would avoid at all cost these observations... The risk is, at worst, to confirm the existence of unknown vehicles appearing erratically into our atmosphere. A hypothesis that seems to explain nearly all reported aspects of the phenomenon and could be linked to the current (1970) exobiology branch of space research." (1971 Statistical Study prepared for the CNES and French officials.)

Dr. Claude Poher, expert on aeronautics, astronomy and astronautics, engineer at the French Space Agency (CNES) for 30 years - link

Strange goings on from Nha Trang. Korea, June, 1966 (Haines catalogue contains other similar accounts)

"Then it went up. And I mean UP. It went straight up and completely out of sight in about 2-3 seconds. Everybody is still talking about it.

"That really shook everyone is that it stopped. Or maybe it didn't. But anyway, our generator stopped and everything was black. At the Air Force Base about one half-mile from here, all generators stopped.

"The engines on 2 planes that were the runway ready to take off stopped. There wasn't a car, truck, plane or anything that ran for about 4 minutes. In addition, the 8 bulldozers working on nearby hills also ceased operating according to the witness.

"A whole plane load of big-shots from Washington got here this afternoon to investigate. It's on the radio over here. Is it at home? I swear if somebody says they saw a little green man, I won't argue with them."

-- link


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When it comes to the "Oz factor", there's a pretty good article below from Jenny Randles who coined the term. I have also heard almost identical descriptions from other witnesses of cryptid/paranormal shenanigans.

Witnesses would tell me that they felt a strange sensation prior to the encounter. A sort of mental tingling as if they were aware that something was about to happen. They would even tell me they just had to look up and see what was there as if it had called to them silently. Then I would be told that during the experience, Time seemed to disappear and lose all meaning. It was as if the encounter were happening in a timeless magical void.

Further clues kept popping up the more that I tabulated these cases. For instance, there were claims that at the onset of the episode all ambient sounds faded away c bird song, the wind in the trees, distant train noises, et cetera. All of these clues pointed towards an isolation factor at work as if the witness were being singled out and put into a cocoon whereby he-or-she could experience the UFO, whereas anyone outside of it could not.

As I started to work out the statistics for the cases I had gathered, this sense of isolation became very obvious. What I call “medium definition cases” (where a clear object with structured shape was seen), there were about 2.6 witnesses per case on average. And they rarely relied on just the testimony of one person. If you canvassed the area, backup witnesses would frequently appear...

"Essay on the Oz Factor and the Strange Sensations of Altered Reality ; Reported by UFO Witnesses" by Jenny Randles

'Ripples In Time' - a great old British program exploring some lesser known time slip cases (including Jung's 1930 experience in Italy).

Recent interview where Dr Masters expands on his time-travel UFO theories with Georgio Knapp.

I have been looking a bit more into the 'Oz Factor' experienced by UFO witnesses and there's a good breakdown on this page:

● Presence of a slight haze or haze.

● The object is often perceived as a mass. cloud, compact but soft-edged or solid metallic but surrounded by nebulosity.

● Body tingling.

● Perception of an electromagnetic field or electrostatic charge control body perceived by elevated body hairs. Alteration in electrical appliances, motor paralysis, blackouts (local or wide), headlights off, deviation light rays, interference in communications (radio and radar) among others.

● At first perception of low temperature and then gradually increased until it became intense heat.


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● Presence of lights of various colors. Always predominantly red, yellow, or orange.

● Perception mild low frequency hum like the hum produced by a honeycomb or the purring produced by the operation of an electrical transformer or motor.

● Sense of timelessness (temporary anomaly) or alteration of real time (spatiotemporal dislocation).

● Geographical and temporal Transport.

● Feeling pressure.

● Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur.

● Sometimes mild skin rashes which becomes red on the affected area produced.

23. stealthskater posted on April 13, 2020 @ 05:47 AM Dan Sherman (of Project Preserve Destiny fame) in his book Above Black :

"... ... Sherman learned that 'time' (as we humans know it) does not have the same meaning for "them". They still age as we do but are not bound by the physics of Time as we currently are. Their means of travel across vast distances is heavily-dependent on the manipulation of time. But not as we perceive it. [note: this might corroborate Oberth's observations that the Roswell craft behaved more as a "time machine"]

Sherman asked if they can travel through Time (e.g., can they go backward-or-forward in Time). He was told that it was not possible to witness a reality that occurred in some other time but the Present. In order to go back in Time, one must assume that there exists a reference point from which to measure backward or forward. This is an impossibility. Essentially, they weren't able to travel through Time but around Time and from Time. Sherman never really understood what this meant.

Their mode of propulsion was somehow they used "Time" and electromagnetic energy. Also they said that our Sun was very unique. And that someday we would understand how it really worked and how we could utilize the same methods that they themselves use but on a smaller scale. ... ... ..."

More on the PPD/Sherman story is archived at doc pdf URL .

And at the risk of discrediting my post, I might add that any "real" time-related research related to the fabled Project Looking Glass ( doc pdf URL ) or even (dare I say it?) the Montauk Project ( doc pdf URL ) would be interesting reading to see if any truths would be applicable here.


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