ugc projectreport

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  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University,


    Introduction :

    A Society in the name of Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research (PAHER) was founded in

    1995 y !rominent educationists" !hi#anthro!ists and Socia# wor$ers to !ro#iferate the %ua#ity education

    in the emerging area of &anagement" &edicines" Pharmacy" Engineering" 'ommerce and Education

    he Society started its first *nstitute in the year 199+ y the name Pacific *nstitute of &anagement

    #ater on Pacific ,enta# 'o##ege and Hos!ita# (2---). Pacific 'o##ege of eachers Education (2--5).

    Pacific 'o##ege of Pharmacy. Pacific *nstitute of echno#ogy (2--/). Pacific *nstitute of Hote#

    &anagement (2--/) and Pacific *nstitute of &anagement and echno#ogy (2--/) were esta#ished to

    im!art %ua#ity education" !romote research" achie0e academic ece##ence" incu#cate the s$i##s to induce

    se#fem!#oyment and to focus an o0era## !ersona#ity de0e#o!ment of students hese *nstitutes of theSociety !roduced ece##ent resu#t in their res!ecti0e fie#ds

    o further e!and the cause of higher education in this !art of the Raasthan" the 4o0ernment of

    Raasthan !assed an Act in the State egis#ati0e Assem#y ca##ed 6he Pacific Academy of Higher

    Education and Research 7ni0ersity" 7dai!ur Act2-1- (Act no 1- of 2-1-)8

    his Act a##ows the Society to uti#ie the infrastructure a0ai#a#e with it for incor!oration as a

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport




    NE* 'E+HI --. ../

    Performa for sumission of information y State Pri0ate 7ni0ersities for ascertaining their norms and standards

    A0 +ega1 Status

    11 :ame and Address of the 7ni0ersity

    Pacific Academy of Higher Education 2 Research

    University" 6Pacific Hi##s8 Prata! :agar Etn" Air!ortRoad" 7dai!ur (Raasthan)

    12 Head%uarters of the 7ni0ersity 7dai!ur (Raasthan)


    *nformation aout 7ni0ersity

    a =esite > ????????

    Emai# > ????????

    c Phone :o ???????

    d @a :o ????????

    *nformation aout Authorities of the 7ni0ersity

    a0 Ph (inc#uding moi#e)" @a :os and emai# of

    a =esite > htt!>;;!acificuni0ersityacin

    Emai# > registrarC!acificuni0ersityacin

    c Phone :o > -29

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    21=hether 7nitary in nature (as !er the 74'


    22 erritoria# Iurisdiction of the 7ni0ersity as !er the Act State of Raasthan

    23,etai#s of the constituent units of the 7ni0ersity" if any"

    as mentioned in the Act

    S:o :ame of @acu#ty

    1 @acu#ty of ,enta# Science

    2 @acu#ty of &anagement


    3 @acu#ty of Engineering

    < @acu#ty of 'om!uter A!!#ication5 @acu#ty of Pharmacy

    D @acu#ty of Education

    + @acu#ty of Hote# &anagement

    / @acu#ty of Science

    9 @acu#ty of Socia# Sciences and


    1- @acu#ty of @ire and Safety


    11 @acu#ty of @ashion echno#ogy

    =hether any offcam!us centre(s) esta#ishedG *f yes"

    !#ease gi0e detai#s of the a!!ro0a# granted y the State

    4o0ernment and 74' in the fo##owing format>

    a P#ace of the offcam!usJJJJJJJJ

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    of com!etent authority)


    =hether the 7ni0ersity has esta#ished study centre(sKG

    *f yes" !#ease !ro0ide detai#s and whether these study

    centres are a!!ro0ed y the com!etent authority of the

    7ni0ersity and 74'G

    (,etai#s to e !ro0ided in Appendi9VII5

    (P#ease enc#ose attested co!y of the a!!ro0a# from the

    com!etent authority)


    #0 Academic Activities 'escription

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport



    =hether a!!ro0a#s of re#e0ant statutory counci#(s) such

    as A#'E" F'*" ,E'" ,'#" *:'" &'*" :'E" P'*" etc

    ha0e een ta$en to> a Start new courses

    o increase inta$e

    *f yes !#ease enc#ose co!y of a!!ro0a# and gi0e course

    wise detai#s in the fo##owing format>

    :ame of thecourse


    =hethera!!ro0a# ta$en

    (,etai#s to e !ro0ided in Appendi9=)

    he PAHER 7ni0ersity is regu#ar#y otaining the

    a!!ro0a# from the A*'E" ,'* and :'E fortheir re#e0ant courses

    :ame of the





    a!!ro0a# ta$en

    F,S &,S ,'* es

    &FA A*'E es

    P4,& A*'E es

    Fech A*'E es

    FEd :'E es

    FPharma A*'E" P'* es

    FH&' A*'E esPo#ytechnic A*'E es

    'o!ies of A!!ro0a# #etters of the ao0e statutoryodies are enc#osed at Appendi9=


    (A) A itt i tit t d th P id t

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport




    Se#f A!!raisa# E0a#uation Peer Re0iew Students e0a#uation

    Bthers (s!ecify)


    //*nstitutionwise and ,e!artmentwise teacher student ratio (on#y

    fu## time facu#ty)1 > 15


    =hether the 7ni0ersity is !ro0iding 74' Pay Sca#es to the

    Permanent @acu#tyG *f yes" !#ease !ro0ide the fo##owing


    95Sports )aci1ities

    (,etai#s to e !ro0ided in Appendi9=VI)Appendi9=VI

    a)B!en P#ay 4round(s) for outdoor s!orts (Ath#etics" @oota##"

    Hoc$ey" 'ric$et" etc)


    ) rac$ for Ath#etics es

    Fas$eta## courts es

    S%uash ; ennis 'ourts es

    Swimming Poo# (Sie) es

    *ndoor S!orts @aci#ities inc#uding 4ymnasium es

    Any other

    9D,oes the 7ni0ersity has !ro0ision for Residentia#

    Accommodation inc#uding hoste#s (oys gir#s se!arate#y)es

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport



    Any other (!# S!ecify)


    S:o 'ourse =hetherAccredited

    Period ofAccreditation


    153 Bther Accreditations" if any :o

    15 arious #oc$s on the cam!us

    are connected through internet ac$one

    Present#y the 7ni0ersity has 15-

    com!uters A## P's in com!uter #as are

    networ$ed and other P's with facu#ties

    and other officia#s are connected through

    #i i

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    7ni0ersity irary> A## o!eration of

    #irary are com!uteried through ERP

    irary &odu#e" a irary &anagement


    Luite ade%uate research faci#ities #i$e

    com!uters" #a" #irary etc are a0ai#a#e

    and !ro0ided the teachers and students

    for their research wor$

    A numer of facu#ty memers in 0arious

    suects are !resent#y doing their Ph,

    research wor$ in PAHER 7ni0ersity A##

    these facu#ty memers and research

    scho#ars are fu##y a0ai#ing the eisting

    research faci#ity of the 7ni0ersity

    @inancia# su!!ort is a#so !ro0ided to

    facu#ty; research scho#ars for research


    @acu#ty is moti0ated to !artici!ate in

    :ationa#; *nternationa# Seminars;

    Sym!osiums; 'onferences

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    -@0 Strength and *eaDnesses of the University


    Strengths of the 7ni0ersity

    7dai!ur Uone is situated in ria# e#t of

    South Raathan where the PAHER

    7ni0ersity is wor$ing he academic

    acti0ities of the 7ni0ersity inc#uding

    #iraries and as are 0ery sound

    1D2 =ea$nesses of the 7ni0ersity :o


    his is to certify that a## the information !ro0ided ao0e is true to the est of my $now#edge and e#ief he

    7ni0ersity wi## adhere to the ru#es" regu#ations and guide#ines of the 74'" 'entra# 4o0ernment and re#e0ant

    Statutory 'ounci#(s) and aide y a## the !ro0isions under the 74' Regu#ation

    he ao0e information is a#so !osted on the wesite of the 7ni0ersity www!acificuni0ersityacin

    Signed and Sea#ed y the Head of the 7ni0ersity

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University,

    UdaipurUniversity "rants #ommission

    IN'E= of Appendi9es





    ,escri!tion Page


    1 * 'om!osition of the Society; rust 1

    2 ** *nformation aout &emers of the Society; rust 23 *** *nformation aout !romoting Societies; rusts 3

    < * *nformation aout !romoting Societies; rusts O Bther


    &$AR' $) %ANA"E%ENS0 No0 Name Profession )u11 Posta1 Address

    'ate of


    1 Shri FRAgrawa#'hair!erson" PAHER


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    :a0!ada" hane (=est) &umai

    13 Shri Ani# Fa!na 'A 2" esha0!ath" :ear Ahinsa 'irc#e" '

    Sheme" Iai!ur1-52-1-

    1< 'ommissioner 'o##ege Education 4o0ernment Bfficer 4o0t of Raasthan" Iai!ur 1-52-1-

    15 ,rFPSharma Professor &anagementStudies 3F" :ew @ateh!ura" 7dai!ur 1-52-1-

    1D ,rHarishta Shrima#iProfessor &anagement

    Studies3+2" Hiran &agri Sector 11" 7dai!ur


    1+ Shri Sharad othari Registrar" PAHER 7ni0ersity9" othari Fhawan" :ear Shastri 'irc#e"

    Fhu!a#!ura" 7dai!ur 1-52-1-


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University, UdaipurUniversity "rants #ommission

    Appendi9 =VII

    Information a3out the composition of the statutory 3odies of the UniversitySe!arate#y for 4o0erning Foard" Eecuti0e 'ounci#" Foard of &anagement" Academic 'ounci#" @inance 'ommittee" Foard of Studies" Bthers >

    A#A'E%I# #$UN#I+

    S0 No0 Name Profession )u11 Posta1 Address 'ate of #onstitution

    1ProfAFhagwan ,as Rai President" PAHER 7ni0ersity

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    &anagement" PAHER 7ni0ersity &ayar 0an 'o#ony" H&Sector 5" 7dai!ur

    1- ,r&ahima Fir#a Professor &anagement Studies 1-3" Asho$ :agar" Road :o+" 7dai!ur 2--52-1-

    11&rSharad othari Registrar" PAHER 7ni0ersity 9" othari Fhawan" :ear Shastri 'irc#e"

    Fhu!a#!ura" 7dai!ur


    12ProfHimanshu &ehta Professor &anagement Studies 2-3" Fha0na A!artment" 139" Asho$ :agar"

    Road :o+" 7dai!ur


    13 ProfSSharma Professor" @acu#ty of Engineering D2" idhya :agar" H&Sector

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport



    No0Name 'esignation Age Fua1ification Sca1e of pay

    'ate of


    1 DEVANDER JAIN FINANCE MANAGER 44 M.CM As !er State Go"t. #$$#

    # SEEMA K%&ARI ACC'N%S FFICER (( MBA As !er State Go"t. #$$$

    ( S'NI) SAMRI*A ACADEMIC INC&ARGE 4# BSC SCIENCE As !er State Go"t. #$$$

    4 KIS&AN G'JJARACADEM* %e+hni+a,

    Assistant#- 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    NARENDER S'RANA SR. ACC'N%AN% BSC/ M.CM As !er State Go"t. #$$0



    ACC'N%S %e+hni+a,

    Assistant#0 MBA As !er State Go"t. #$$

    3 KA)NA G'%AACADEMIC %e+hni+a,

    Assistant#3 MBA As !er State Go"t. Ma5611

    0 &EMENDRA S&ARMA &R #0 M&RM As !er State Go"t. J')* #$1$



    RANA &R E7EC'%IVE #

    GDCS/ MA./ 'RS'ING

    ))B. Ist *EAR As !er State Go"t. J')* #$$0

    1$ M.&.8'RES&I &R E7EC'%IVE #- BA As !er State Go"t. A9:6$

    11 MADAN )&AR )DC (#


    CM'%ER ; SE)ES


    As !er State Go"t. #$$#

    1#&EERA )A)

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    1 ME%&A )A) %e+hni+a, Assistant (1DEN%A) MEC&NIC

    C'RSEAs !er State Go"t. #$$#

    13 B&A2ANA S&ARMA %e+hni+a, Assistant. ( 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    10 KAI)AS& A%E) %e+hni+a, Assistant. #( 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    1- JAN') ABEDIN %e+hni+a, Assistant. #4 BA As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    #$ RAJES& MEG&2A) %e+hni+a, Assistant. # 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    #1 VIRENDRA SING& %e+hni+a, Assistant. # 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    ## B&AG2A% SING& %e+hni+a, Assistant. (BA/ REDI GRA&*

    DE)MAAs !er State Go"t. #$$

    #( KIS&AN DANGI %e+hni+a, Assistant. ($BA/ REDI GRA&*

    DE)MAAs !er State Go"t. #$$#

    #4 )GER )A) %e+hni+a, Assistant 4$ 1$%& As !er State Go"t. Se!6$3

    # &ARI SING& %e+hni+a, Assistant # 0%& As !er State Go"t. Se!6$4

    # &EERA )A) %AI)R %e+hni+a, Assistant 4$ 0%& As !er State Go"t. J9n6$

    #3 S&AMB&' SING& I %e+hni+a, Assistant #4 0%& As !er State Go"t. J9,6$4

    #0 S&AMB&' SING& II %e+hni+a, Assistant # 0%& As !er State Go"t. A!r6$

    #- JAVED K&AN %e+hni+a, Assistant # 1$%& As !er State Go"t. J9,6$3

    ($ K&EM SING& %e+hni+a, Assistant #4 0%& As !er State Go"t. J9n6$0

    (1 RAMA%e+hni+a, Assistant

    )'MBER(0 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    (# *GES& K'MAR A%%ENDAN% #3 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    (( )A) SING& A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    (4 VIND MEG&2A) A%%ENDAN% #0 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    ( RAKAS& MEG&2A) A%%ENDAN% #( 1#%& As !er State Go"t. Mar61$

    ( MA&ENDRA SING& A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. Ma561$(3 AN SING& A%%ENDAN% # 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    (0 B&AN2AR SING& A%%ENDAN% ($ BA As !er State Go"t. #$11

    (- RAMD J&A A%%ENDAN% 4# 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    4$ D')A% SING& A%%ENDAN% 40 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    41 RAI SING& A%%ENDAN% (0 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    4# AMBA )A) A%%ENDAN% 4# 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    4( JAGDIS& MEG&A2A) A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    44 JAGA% SING& A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    4 ARJ'N SING& A%%ENDAN% # 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    4 S'RES& DANGI A%%ENDAN% # 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    43 M%I )A) A%%ENDAN% 40 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    40 *AS&2AN% SING& A%%ENDAN% #3 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    4- B&'ENDER SING& A%%ENDAN% ($ 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    $ RS&AN MEG&2A) A%%ENDAN% # BA As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    1 'DAI)A) A%%ENDAN% 4$ 3%& As !er State Go"t. Jan61$

    # DI)I MEG&A2A) A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. Mar6$0

    ( DA)A% SING& A%%ENDAN% (3 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    4 S&AMB' SING& A%%ENDAN% 4$ 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    %EK C&AND A%%ENDAN% ($ 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    )A7MAN MEG&2A) A%%ENDAN% #4 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    3 'S&A S'%&AR A%%ENDAN% (0 %& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    0 %INCA) RA A%%ENDAN% ( 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    - MD SING& A%%ENDAN% #( 1$%& As !er State Go"t. J9,6$3

    $ S&AR'K& K&AN A%%ENDAN% #4 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1 MAD&' SING& < B.C. A%%ENDAN% # -%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    # KARAN SING& A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    ( RA%AN )A) 6II A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    4 B&ER' )A) GAME%I A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11 S&IV )A) MEG&A2A) A%%ENDAN% # %& As !er State Go"t. #$$-


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    0 RA%AN )A) MEG2A) A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    - ADAM SING& A%%ENDAN% #( %& As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    3$ DA)A% SING& A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    31 D&ARMENDRA A%%ENDAN% # 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    3# ARJ'N SING& A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    3( KISAN )A) A%%ENDAN% # 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    34 S&ANKER )A) A%%ENDAN% #3 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$11

    3 R SING& DRIVER #- 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    3 KA)' SING&

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    - MANGI )A) DANGI E)EC%RICIAN #0 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    -3 GAMER SING& E)EC%RICIAN ($ 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    -0 RA%AN SING& E)EC%RICIAN ($ 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    -- RAJES& S&ARMA E)EC%RICIAN 4$ 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    1$$ %AK&A% SING& E)EC%RICIAN #0 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$3

    1$1 BAB' SING& E)EC%RICIAN ( I%I As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    1$# &IRA )A) DANGI E)EC%RICIAN #0 1#%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    1$( RA GARDNER (# 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1$4 K&EMRAJ GARDNER (3 %& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1$ KAJDMA) GARDNER #0 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1$ RDI )A) GARDNER #- 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    1$3 KA)' )A) GARDNER ($ 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    1$0 INDER )A) GAME%I GARDNER 4$ 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    1$-)A7MAN SING&

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    1#1 M%I SING&

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    140 RAJ S&REE S&ARMA RECE%INIS% (4 BA As !er State Go"t. J9,6$4

    14- NEE)AM S'K&2A) RECE%INIS% # B.CM As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    1$ MEENA S'K&2A) RECE%INIS% ($ BA As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    11 C&ANDA K&ERNA RECE%INIS% #4 MA As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    1# 'S&KER RAJ S%RE # BA As !er State Go"t. #$1$

    1( BANSI B&I) S%RE %e+hni+a, Assistant (# 1$%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    14 'MES& A)I2A) S%RE INC&ARGE ($ BA As !er State Go"t. #$$

    1 D'RGA SAFAI 2A)A ( %& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1 DINES& K'MAR SAFAI 2A)A ( 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    13 INK* SAFAI 2A)A (( 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$4

    10 MANGI BAI 6 II SAFAI 2A)A 4$ %& As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    1- RAKES& &ARI@AN SAFAI 2A)A 4$ 3th As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    1$ RAMES& GAR' SAFAI 2A)A ( 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$$(

    11 MANJ' SAFAI 2A)A (# 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    1# %ARA MEG&2A) SAFAI 2A)A 4$ %& As !er State Go"t. #$$0

    1( MANGI BAI SAFAI 2A)A 4$ %& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    14 KAM)A BAI SAFAI 2A)A 4$ %& As !er State Go"t. #$$-

    1 %ARA GAR' SAFAI 2A)A ( 3%& As !er State Go"t. #$$#

    1 S'RES& GAR' SAFAI 2A)A #3 3%& As !er State Go"t. A!r6$3

    13 KAISER BAI )&AR SAFAI 2A)A ( %& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    10 S'RAJMA) SAFAI 2A)A #4 0%& As !er State Go"t. #$$

    )A#U+! $) %ANA"E%EN 4%&A PR$"RA%%E5

    'etai1s of Noneaching Staff


    'ate of

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    S0No0 Name 'esignation Age Fua1ification Sca1e of pay'ate of


    1 &r Ram 'handra Singha# Accounts Bfficer 15519

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    S:o :ame ,esignation Age 4!r05 Lua#ification Sca#e of !ay,ate of


    1 &s Finduodha irarian 32 &A" & i" Ph , Persuing As !er State 4o0t 1D;+;2--/

    2 &r Sha$ti ,hwa Singh Admin Bfficer 29 FA" F'A As !er State 4o0t 2-;/;2--/

    3 &r 'hetanaishna0 Bffice Asst 21 FA" F i! As !er State 4o0t 1D;1;2--9

    < &r Surya Fhan Singh 'om! a Asst 23 FE" P,4*A As !er State 4o0t 11;

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    Assistant Registrar

    2 P* &ain Bffice&r Raee0 Sen

    1/-919+< & A As !er State 4o0t 1;+;2--/Sr PA

    3 P* &ain Bffice,r Iogendra Singhhangarot

    251119/- Ph , As !er State 4o0t 1;

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    echnica# Assistant

    1- E'E a&r Ra0i =adhwa

    1-;1-;19/-,i!#oma in (E'E)

    EngineeringAs !er State 4o0t 1

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    1+ 'hemistry a&r Shyam Sunder Ioshi


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport



    25 E'E a &r Iawan Singh Peon 1;1;19/< *** fai# As !er State 4o0t 131-2--/

    2D 'SE a&r Pan Singh

    2--D19++ *** !ass As !er State 4o0t 1/-/2--/Peon

    2+ &ain Bffice&r &aher &uar$

    11;9;19// V c#ass As !er State 4o0t 1/-/2--/Peon

    2/ ,ri0er ,irector ehic#e&r Bm Pra$ash a$


  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    'etai1s of Noneaching Staff

    S:o :ame ,esignation Age Lua#ification Sca#e of !ay,ate of


    1 &s Sariya Arya irayan 2+ &i! As !er State 4o0t D;D;2--9

    2 &r ,ee!a$ Iain Bffice Asstt 2D FA &FA Pur As !er State 4o0t /;1+;2--9

    3 &r &ano umar a Asstt 23 ,i!#oma in 'S As !er State 4o0t 9;15;2-1-

    < &r Ahsaan A#i Bffice Asstt 31 FA P4,'A As !er State 4o0t 2;1;2-12

    5 &r :arayan &a#i Peon 3< 1-th As !er State 4o0t +;1D;2--9

    )A#U+! $) PHAR%A#!

    'etai1s of Noneaching Staff

    S0No Name 'esignation Age 4!r05 Fua1ifications "ross pay'ate of


    1 &r Rais han Bff Su!erintendant 35 FA"&A As !er State 4o0t -/-32--/

    2 &r S So#an$i 7,' +5 FA As !er State 4o0t -/-+2--/

    3 &r aman Singh ,e0ra ,' 32 FA"FEd As !er State 4o0t -1-+2--D

    < &rs usum arun irarian 3- &i As !er State 4o0t -1-/2--+


    5 &r ' Fhati a Assistant D+ & A & 'om As !er State 4o0t -1 1- 2--D

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    5 &r ' Fhati a Assistant D+ &A"&'om As !er State 4o0t -11-2--D

    D &r Fhatnagar a Assistant

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    1 &rSuresh 'handra Iat Bffice Su!dt 3- FA" &A" FPEd" S' As !er State 4o0t /;+;2--D

    2 &srishna &aheshwari irarian

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport


    5 ,harma 4ameti Bffice Attendant 22 FA As !er State 4o0t 1;12;2--/

    D Amar Singh irary Attendant 23 1- As !er State 4o0t 1;12;2--/

    + &ahendra Singh Restaurent Attendant 23 1- As !er State 4o0t 1;12;2--/

    / :arendra Singh itchen Attendant 2- 12 As !er State 4o0t 1;3;2-11

    )A#U+! $) S#IEN#E

    'etai1s of Noneaching Staff

    S:o :ame ,esignation Age Lua#ification Sca#e of !ay,ate of


    1 &rIitendra Singh 'haran irarian 31 &i As !er State 4o0t 5;+;2-1-

    2 &sReena Rathore aechnician 2+ &Sc As !er State 4o0t 22;9;2-12

    3 &sRin$u Fairagi aechnician 2D &Sc As !er State 4o0t 2;9;2-11


    &r Surya Pra$ash

  • 8/13/2019 UGC projectreport
