ugro experience

uGRO Experience Cassie Reed, NWACC

Upload: evonne

Post on 24-Feb-2016




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uGRO Experience. Cassie Reed, NWACC. Trip to Nicaragua - volcanoes. Friends in Nicaragua. Nicaraguan Terrain – setting up field equipment. Trimble GPS units - tetrapods. Getting in touch with the outside world? . Geology of Arkansas Field Trip. Soggy discussions of Arkansas Geology. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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uGRO ExperienceCassie Reed, NWACC

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Trip to Nicaragua - volcanoes

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Friends in Nicaragua

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Nicaraguan Terrain – setting up field equipment

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Trimble GPS units - tetrapods

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Getting in touch with the outside world?

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Geology of Arkansas Field Trip

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Soggy discussions of Arkansas Geology

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Crystal Springs and Quartz hunting

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Arkansas Terrain

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What did I gain from this experience