ui framework for distributed fitting service

UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service Paul Kienzle Wenwu Chen, Ziwen Fu Reflectometry Group, NIST

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UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service. Paul Kienzle Wenwu Chen, Ziwen Fu Reflectometry Group, NIST. View Developer (UI). Reduce Service Developer (Reduce). Service. Service. Service. Service. Scientist (Application). Data simulation. Theory Developer (Map). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service

UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service

Paul KienzleWenwu Chen, Ziwen Fu

Reflectometry Group,NIST

Page 2: UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service

Software Infrastructure of PARK: the distributed fitting service

Job Server



Working Nodes

User Interface

Scientist (Application)

View Developer (UI)Reduce Service Developer (Reduce)

Data reduction

Theory Developer (Map)

Data simulation

Data presentation

Model buildingData View

Page 3: UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service

Distributed Computing Environmentloose coupled server/client pattern (map/reduce)

Service ServerMaster Node



Working Nodes




User User User User

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UI Overview

• High Level– Job Work flow– Job History, Redo, Undo– ……

• Low level (UI/GUI*)– Model building (dataset, reduction, model)– Job request– Viewer of Job reply

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Data Structure & UI for Fitting(1)


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Data Structure & UI for Fitting(2)



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Developed GUI for Fitting Service

• TraitsUI– Easy for simple applications– Less-controllable of the widgets– Compatible, complexity, speed

• wx AUI + matplotlib– Dataset orientated (works now, version 0.3)– Job orientated (in developing, version 0.4)– wx.plot now, changed to matplotlib later

• Future?

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GUI Framework





Dataset event

Dataset event

Model event

Model event Model events:1. The whole model is updated2. The parameter value is changed


Network event

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• Dataset UI

– DatasetViewer : FittingDatasetViewer– DatasetEditor : FittingDatasetEditor– DatasetMetadataViewer : FittingDatasetMetaViewer

Data Structure– Dataset : XmlDataset (data reduction)– Data : XmlData (read/write data)– MetaData : XmlMetaData (read/write data)– Parameter : XmlParameter (parameters for model)

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• ModelBuilder UI

– ModelPage : FittingModelPage– ModelBuilder : FittingModelBuilder– ModelResultViewer: FittingViewer (optional)– ModelParameterViewer:

FittingParameterViewer (optional)

Theory– ModelTheory: Theory

Available Models: Gaussian Fitting, Reflectometry for NCNR and SNS~/park/parkClient/builder/gauss, NCNRRefl, refl

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Examples: Gaussian Fitting

• Theory (Theory developer)– GaussTheory

• Data structure (Theory & UI developer)– GaussXmlDataset, GaussXmlData– GaussParameter

• Dataset (UI developer)– GaussDatasetViewer, GaussDatasetEditor– GaussDatasetMeta, GaussDatasetPanel

• Model Builder (UI developer)– GaussModelPage, GaussModelBuilder

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Examples: SNS Refl Fitting

• Theory – ReflTheory*

• Data structure – ReflSNSDataset, ReflSNSData– ReflParameter*

• Dataset – reflDatasetViewer, reflDatasetEditor– reflDatasetMeta, reflDatasetPanel

• Model Builder – ReflModelPage, ReflModelBuilder

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Examples: NCNR Refl Fitting

• Theory – ReflTheory*

• Data structure – NCNRDataset, NCNRData– ReflParameter*

• Dataset – NCNRDatasetViewer, NCNRDatasetEditor– NCNRDatasetMeta, NCNRDatasetPanel

• Model Builder – ReflModelPage, ReflModelBuilder

Shared with SNS Refl Fitting

Page 14: UI Framework for Distributed Fitting Service

Download PARK

Source code:

svn co svn://[email protected]/park

Windows executable files:

http://chemnuc-20.umd.edu/~DANSE/ download/index.html

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Data Structure & UI for Fitting(1)


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Data Structure & UI for Fitting(2)

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Fitting• doFitting()

– Return the object representing the fitting results• getOptimizer()

– Return a real optimizer object• getXmlOptimizer()

– return the object that is the xml representation of the optimizer• setXmlOptimizer(optimizer)

– set the object that is the xml representation of the optimizer• getXmlMultiplexor()

– get the object that is the xml representation of the multiplexor• setXmlMultiplexor(xor)

– set the object that is the xml representation of the multiplexor

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• getVariables() – Return a list of variable definitions– Variable attributes:

• Name: read only, model_name.parameter_name.attribute_name• Flag: ‘optimized’ | ‘fixed’ | ‘constrains’• Value: initial value• Range: [value0, value1]

• getConstrains()– Return a list of variable constrains– Constrain attributes:

• Target: model_name.parameter_name.attribute_name• Constrain expression: string representation of constrain• evaluate(): evaluate and set the parameter’s value

• getModels() – Return a list of models

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• getDataSet()– Return the data set object representing the experimental

data and meta data

• getWeight() / setWeight(weight)– Get/set the weight

• getTheory() / setTheoryName(string name)– Return /set the theory object to calculate the theoretical


• getParameters() / addParameter()– Return the parameters representing the model

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Dataset• addData(data)

– Add a data• removeData(data)

– Remove a data• getData()

– Return a list of data• getReductionData()

– Return the joined experimental data in order of (x, y, dy)*– x, y, dy are data objects

• setTheoryData(data)– Set the theoretical data associated with the dataset

• getTheoryData()– Return the theory data associated with the dataset

• getDataSourceType()– Return the data source type

• setDataSourceType(dstype)– Set the data source type

– XML format for dataset<dataset>

<data> … </data>* <reduction> [<array> array_data </array> <matrix> </matrix> <narray> </narray>]* reduction_data</reduction> <theory> [<array> array_data </array> <matrix> </matrix> <narray> </narray>]* theory_data </theory>


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Data• getReductionData() / getRawData()

– Return the reduction/raw data in order of(x, y, dy)*

• getMetaData()– Return the meta data associated with this data

• getDataSourceType()– Return the data source type

• setDataSourceType(dstype)– Set the data source type

• _readData ()– Read the data from the data source

• _writeData ()– Write the data to the data source

DataSourceType:– ‘Local’, ‘Imbed’, ‘Reply’, ‘URL’, ‘USER’

MetaData / Parametermetadata.para_name = para_valueparameter.attr_name = attr_value

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Theory• getDataset() / setDataset(dataset)

– Return the dataset / set the dataset object• getParameters()

– Return a list of parameters• getTheoryData()

– Return the theoretical data object• getObjectiveFx()

– Return the objective function for optimizer• has1stDerivate / has2ndDerivate (parameter_name) /

– Return the true if the given parameter has the 1st or 2nd derivative


optimizer.para_name = para_value

Optimize()do the optimization

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<fitting> <multiplexor> <model modelType="gauss" name="M0“

theory="gaussTheory.GaussTheory" weight="1.0"> <dataset classname="gaussXmlDataSource.GaussXmlDataset" srctype="local"> <data classname="gaussXmlDataSource.GaussXmlData“ file="C:\ gauss\gauss1.dat" srctype="local"> <gauss scale="0.500000015926"/> </data>

<data classname="gaussXmlDataSource.GaussXmlData" file="C:\gauss\gauss1.dat" srctype="local"> <gauss scale="0.500000015926"/> </data> </dataset> <param a0="39.0" name="g0" sigma="1.0" x0="0.0"/> </model> <optimizer classname=‘scipy.sciopt‘ funcname=‘fmin’

xtol='1e-005' ftol='1e-005' maxiter='1000'/> </multiplexor></fitting>

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<fitting> <multiplexor> <model name='M0' theory=‘reflTheory' weight='1.0'>

<dataset classname=‘NCNRReflDataset.NCNRDataset' name='Dataset1' srctype='local'>

<data srctype='local' classname='shannonDataset.ShannonData' file='C:\Documents and Settings\UMCP\park-0.3.8\du53.dat'>

<NCNR wavelength='14.85' scale='1.0' divergence='10' offset2='2.0'

offset='2.0' wavelengthdivergence='0.021' angulardivergence='0.007' background='1e-010'/>

</data> </dataset> <profile> … </profile></model><constrains></constrains><variables></variables></multiplexor><optimizer classname='boxmin' xtol='1e-005' ftol='1e-005' maxiter='1000'/></fitting>

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<profile script='profile.py'>from parseReflModelNb import *M1 = ReflModel("M1", file="inline", magnetic=False)M1.incident('Air', phi=0)M1.interface(8)M1.layer('dPS', depth=[80,90], rho=[5, 6, 9], mu=0)M1.interface(5)M1.layer('P2VP', depth=[10, 30], rho=[1, 1.8, 3], mu=0)M1.interface(5)M1.layer('SiOx', depth=[14, 20.4], rho=3.80, mu=0)M1.interface(5)M1.substrate('Si', rho=2.07, mu=0 )fit = ParkFit([M1])
